Namma Kalvi 12th Physics Volume 2 Guide English Medium 215874 PDF

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Namma Kalvi

6. Optics  If is odd then, =

− 1 for objects
placed symmetrically,
1. What is reflection?
The bouncing back of light into the same medium 360
when it encounters a reflecting surface is called reflection  If is odd then, = for objects
of light. placed unsymmetrically.

2. State the law of reflection. 8. Tabulate the condition for nature of objects and
 The incident ray, reflected ray and normal to the images.
reflecting surface all are coplanar (i.e. lie in the Nature of
same plane). Condition
Real image Rays actually converge at the image
 The angle of incidence i is equal to the angle of
reflection r. Virtual image Rays appear to diverge from the image
Real object Rays actually diverge from the object
3. What is angle of deviation due to reflection?
Virtual object Rays appear to converge at the object
The angle between the incident and deviated
light ray in reflection is called angle of deviation due to

9. What is the height of the mirror needed to see the

image of a person fully on the mirror? Does the height
4. What are the two types of images?
of the mirror depend on the distance between the
 Real image.
person and the mirror?
 Virtual image.
 Let h1 be the distance between head H and eye E
and h2 be distance between his feet F and eye E.
5. What is real image?
The type of image which can be formed on the
screen but can also be seen with the eyes is called virtual

6. What is virtual image?

The type of image which cannot be formed on a
screen and can only be seen with the eyes is called real

7. Give the characteristics of the image formed by a

plane mirror?
 The image formed by a plane mirror is virtual,
erect, and laterally inverted.

 The size of the image is equal to the size of the

object.  The person’s total height h is, ℎ = ℎ + ℎ

 The image distance far behind the mirror is equal  By the law of reflection, the angle of incidence and
to the object distance in front of it. angle of reflection are the same in the two extreme
 If an object is placed between two plane mirrors
inclined at an angle θ, then the number of images  The normals are now the bisectors of angles
n formed is as, between incident and reflected rays in the two
 If is even then, = − 1 for objects
placed symmetrically or unsymmetrically,
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 By geometry, the height of the mirror needed is 18. What is focal plane?
only half of the height of the person. The plane through the focus and perpendicular to
ℎ + ℎ ℎ the principal axis is called the focal plane of the mirror.
. . =
2 2
19. What is paraxial rays?
 From the above equation, we conclude that the The rays travelling very close to the principal axis
height of the mirror does not depend on the and make small angles with it are called paraxial rays.
distance between the person and the mirror.

10. What is convex mirror?

If the reflection takes place at the convex surface,
it is called a convex mirror.

20. What is marginal rays?

The rays travelling far away from the principal
axis and fall on the mirror far away from the pole are
11. What is concave mirror? called as marginal rays.
If the reflection takes place at the concave
surface, it is called a concave mirror. 21. Discuss about the image formation in spherical
12. What is centre of curvature?  A ray parallel to the principal axis after reflection
The centre of the sphere of which the mirror is a will pass through or appear to pass through the
part is called the center of curvature (C) of the mirror. principal focus. (Figure (a))

13. What is radius of curvature?

The radius of the sphere of which the spherical
mirror is a part is called the radius of curvature (R) of the
14. What is pole?
The middle point on the spherical surface of the
mirror (or) the geometrical center of the mirror is called
pole (P) of the mirror.

15. What is principal axis or optical axis?

The line joining the pole and the centre of
curvature is called the principal axis of the mirror.
 A ray passing through or appear to pass through
the principal focus, after reflection will travel
parallel to the principal axis. (Figure (b))

 A ray passing through the centre of curvature

retraces its path after reflection as it is a case of
normal incidence.(Figure (c))

16. What is focus or focal point?  A ray falling on the pole will get reflected as per law
Light rays travelling parallel and close to the of reflection keeping principal axis as the normal.
principal axis when incident on a spherical mirror, (Figure (d))
converge at a point for concave mirror or appear to
diverge from a point for convex mirror on the principal 22. What are the Cartesian sign conventions for a
axis. This point is called the focus or focal point (F) of the spherical mirror?
mirror.  The Incident light is taken from left to right (i.e.
object on the left of mirror).
17. What is focal length?
The distance between the pole and the focus is  All the distances are measured from the pole of the
called the focal length (f) of the mirror. mirror (pole is taken as origin).

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 The distances measured to the right of pole along  In the same time, light can cover a greater distance
the principal axis are taken as positive. d' in vacuum as it travels with greater speed c in
vacuum as shown in figure. Then we have,

 As the time taken in both the cases is the same, we
 The distances measured to the left of pole along can equate the time t as,
the principal axis are taken as negative.
= =
 Heights measured in the upward perpendicular
direction to the principal axis are taken as positive. =

 Heights measured in the downward perpendicular  As = , the optical path d’ is,

direction to the principal axis, are taken as
negative. =
 As n is always greater than 1, the optical path d' of
23. What is mirror equation? the medium is always greater than d.
The equation which establishes a relation among
object distance u, image distance v and focal length f for 28. State the laws of refraction or State snell’s law.
a spherical mirror is called mirror equation.  The incident ray, refracted ray and normal to the
refracting surface are all coplanar (i.e. lie in the
24. Define lateral or transverse magnification. same plane).
The lateral or transverse magnification is defined
as the ratio of the height of the image to the height of the  The ratio of sine of angle of incident i in the first
object. medium to the sine of angle of reflection r in the
ℎ second medium is equal to the ratio of refractive
. . = index of the second medium n2 to that of the

refractive index of the first medium n1.
25. Define refractive index. sin
Refractive index of a transparent medium is =
defined as the ratio of speed of light in vacuum (or air) to
the speed of light in that medium. 29. What is angle of deviation due to refraction?
The angle between the incident and deviated
. . = light ray in refraction is called angle of deviation due to
26. Define optical path.
Optical path of a medium is defined as the
distance d’ travelled by the light in vacuum in the same
time it travels a distance d in the medium.

27. Obtain the equation for optical path of a medium of

thickness d and refractive index n.
 Let us consider a medium of refractive index n and = − ( )
thickness d. Light travels with a speed v through = − ( )
the medium in a time t. Then we can write,
30. What are the characteristics of refraction?
 When light passes from rarer medium to denser
medium it deviates towards normal in the denser
= medium.

 When light passes from denser medium to rarer

medium it deviates away from normal in the rarer

 In any refracting surface there will also be some

reflection taking place. Thus, the intensity of
refracted light will be lesser than the incident light.
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
31. What is simultaneous reflection or refraction? 38. What is total internal refraction?
The phenomenon in which a part of light from a When the angle of incidence is above the criticle
source undergoing reflection and another part of light angle(i.e. i > ic) , the entire light is reflected back into the
from same source undergoing refraction is known as denser medium itself. This phenomenon is called total
simultaneous reflection or simultaneous refraction. internal reflection.

32. What is principle of reversibility? 39. What are the two conditions for total internal
The principle of reversibility states that light will refraction?
follow exactly the same path if its direction of travel is  Light must travel from denser to rarer medium,
 The angle of incidence in the denser medium must
33. What is relative refractive index? be greater than critical angle (i.e. i > ic).
 The comparison ratio of refractive index of one
40. Explain the reason for glittering of diamond.
medium with respect to other medium is called
 The critical angle of diamond is about 24.40.
relative refractive index.
 In snell’s law, = is the relative refractive  A skilled diamond cutter makes use of this larger
index of the second medium with respect to first range of angle of incidence (24.40 to 900 inside the
medium. diamond), to ensure that light entering the diamond
is total internally reflected from the many cut faces
34. Write the relations of inverse rule and chain rule using before getting out.
relative refractive index.
 According to inverse rule,  This gives a sparkling effect for diamond.
1 1
= =

 According to chain rule,

= ×
= ×

35. Why do stars twinkle?

41. Write a short note on mirage.
The stars actually do not twinkle. They appear
 In hot places, when move from ground to a height,
twinkling because of the movement of the atmospheric
the density and hence the refractive index of the air
layers with varying refractive indices, which is clearly
increases due to temperature variation.
seen in the night sky.
 Such that the reflected light from the object travel
36. What is critical angle? towards the ground successively deviated above
The angle of incidence in the denser medium for and it gets total internal reflection near the ground
which the refracted ray graces the boundary(i.e. r = 900) where i > ic.
is called critical angle ic.
 This gives an illusion as if the light comes from
somewhere below the ground.

37. Obtain the equation for critical angle.

 Let n1 and n2 be the refractive index of the denser
and rarer medium repectively and ic is the crtical
 According to Snell’s law,
= 90
= ; >
 Due to the shaky nature of air layers, it appears like
 If n2 = 1 for air medium and n1 = n,
1 1 pool water or wet surface reflection. This
= ( ) = phenomenon is called mirage.

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
42. Write a short note on looming. 45. Write a note on optical fibre.
 In cold places, when move from ground to a height,  Transmitting signals through optical fibres is
the density and hence the refractive index of the air possible due to the phenomenon of total internal
decreases due to temperature variation. reflection.

 Optical fibres consists of inner part called core and

outer part called cladding (or) sleeving.

 The refractive index of the material of the core must

be higher than that of the cladding for total internal
reflection to happen.

 Signal in the form of light is made to incident inside

 Such that the reflected light from the object travel
the core-cladding boundary at an angle greater
towards the sky successively deviated below and it
than the critical angle.
gets total internal reflection near the sky where
i > ic.
 Hence, it undergoes repeated total internal
 This gives the reverse effect of mirage. Hence, an reflections along the length of the fibre without
inverted image is formed little above the surface. undergoing any refraction.
This phenomenon is called looming.
 The light travels inside the core with no appreciable
43. Write a short notes on the prisms making use of total loss in the intensity of the light.
internal reflection.
 Prisms can be designed to reflect light by 900 or by 46. What is acceptance angle?
1800 by making use of total internal reflection as To ensure the critical angle incidence in the core-
shown in Figure(a) and (b). cladding boundary inside the optical fibre, the light should
be incident at a certain angle at the end of the optical fiber
while entering in to it. This angle is called acceptance

47. What is acceptance cone?

A cone, which has acceptance angle is called
acceptance cone.

48. Explain the working of an endoscope.

 An endoscope is an instrument used by doctors
which has a bundle of optical fibres that are used
to see inside a patient’s body.

 In these cases, the critical angle ic for the material

of the prism must be less than 450 (For both crown
 Endoscopes work on the phenomenon of total
glass and flint glass.
internal reflection.
 Prisms are also used to invert images without
 The optical fibres are inserted in to the body
changing their size as shown in Figure(c).
through mouth, nose or a special hole made in the
44. What is Snell’s window?
When light entering the water from outside is
 Even operations could be carried out with the
seen from inside the water, the view is restricted to a
endoscope cable, which has the necessary
particular angle equal to the critical angle ic. The restricted
instruments attached at their ends.
illuminated circular area is called Snell’s window

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
49. What are the assumptions made while considering 54. What is power of a lens? Give its unit.
refraction at spherical surfaces? Power of lens is the degree of deviation of
 The incident light is assumed to be monochromatic incident ray on a lens. It is defined as reciprocal of focal
(single colour) length of a lens. Its unit is diopter(D).
 The incident ray of light is very close to the principal . . =
axis (paraxial rays)
55. What is angle of deviation by a prism?
50. What is thin lens? The angle between the direction of the incident
A lens which is formed by a transparent material ray and the emergent ray is called the angle of
bounded between two spherical surfaces or one plane deviation(d) of a prism.
and another spherical surface is called thin lens. . . = + −

51. Define primary focus and secondary focus. 56. What are the factors affecting the angle of deviation
 The primary focus F1 is defined as a point where by a prism?
an object should be placed to give parallel  The angle of incidence(i)
emergent rays to the principal axis.  The angle of the prism(A)
 The material of the prism
 The wave length of the light()

57. What is angle of minimum deviation by a prism?

The minimum value of angle of deviation is called
angle of minimum deviation(D) of a prism.
 The secondary focus F2 is defined as a point where
all the parallel rays travelling close to the principal 58. What are all the conditions at angle of minimum
axis converge to form an image on the principal deviation by a prism?
axis.  The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
emergence (i.e. i1=i2).

 The angle of refraction at the face one and face two

are equal (i.e. r1=r2).

52. What are the sign conventions followed for lenses?  The incident ray and emergent ray are symmetrical
 The sign of focal length is not decided on the with respect to the prism.
direction of measurement of the focal length from
the pole of the lens as they have two focal lengths,  The refracted ray inside the prism is parallel to its
one to the left and another to the right (primary and base of the prism.
secondary focal lengths on either side of the lens).
59. What is dispersion?
 The focal length of the thin lens is taken as positive Dispersion is splitting of white light into its
for a converging lens and negative for a diverging constituent colours.
60. What is spectrum?
 The other sign conventions for object distance,
The band of colours of light is called spectrum.
image distance, radius of curvature, object height
and image height remain the same for thin lenses 61. What is angular dispersion?
as that of spherical mirrors. The angular separation between the two extreme
colours (violet and red) in the spectrum is called the
53. Arrive at lens equation from lens maker’s formula.
angular dispersion.
 According to lens maker’s formula,
1 1 1 . . − =( − )
= ( − 1) − −→ (1)
62. What are the factors affecting the angular dispersion?
 Angle of the prism
 From the general equation of spherical refraction,
 Nature of the material of the prism.
1 1 1 1
− = ( − 1) − −→ (2) 63. Define dispersive power.
Dispersive power is defined as the ratio of the
 Comparing the equations (1) and (2), we have, angular dispersion for the extreme colours to the
1 1 1 deviation for any mean colour.
− = −→ (3) −
 The equation(3) is called len’s equation.
. . = =
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
64. How are rainbows formed? 69. What is the reason for reddish appearance of sky
 When sunlight falls on the water drop suspended during sunset and sunrise?
in air , splits into its constituent seven colours. This  During sunrise and sunset, the light from sun
forms a rainbow. travels a greater distance through the atmosphere.

 Primary rainbow is formed when light entering the  Hence, the blue light which has shorter wavelength
drop undergoes one total internal reflection inside is scattered away and the less-scattered red light
the drop before coming out from the drop. The of longer wavelength manages to reach our eye.
angle of view for violet to red in primary rainbow is  This is the reason for the reddish appearance of
400 to 420. sky during sunrise and sunset.

70. Why do clouds appear white?

Usually clouds contains large amount of dust and
water droplets whose size a >> λ. Thus, in clouds all the
colours get equally scattered irrespective of wavelength.
This is the reason for the whitish appearance of cloud.
71. What are the salient features of corpuscular theory of
 A secondary rainbow appears outside of a primary  Light is emitted as tiny, massless (negligibly small
rainbow and develops when light entering a mass) and perfectly elastic particles called
raindrop undergoes two internal reflections. The corpuscles.
angle of view for red to violet in a secondary  As the corpuscles are very small, the source of light
rainbow is, 520 to 540. does not suffer appreciable loss of mass even if it
emits light for a long time.

 On account of high speed, they are unaffected by

the force of gravity and their path is a straight line
in a medium of uniform refractive index.
 The energy of light is the kinetic energy of these

65. What is scattering of light?  When these corpuscles impinge on the retina of the
When sunlight enters the atmosphere of the eye, the vision is produced.
earth, the atmospheric particles present in the
 The different size of the corpuscles is the reason
atmosphere change the direction of the light. This
for different colours of light.
process is known as scattering of light.
 When the corpuscles approach a surface between
66. What is Rayleigh’s scattering? two media, they are either attracted or repelled.
If the scattering of light is by atoms and
molecules which have size a very less than that of the  The reflection of light is due to the repulsion of the
wave length λ of light a<<λ, the scattering is called corpuscles by the medium and refraction of light is
Rayleigh’s scattering. due to the attraction of the corpuscles by the
67. State the law of Rayleigh’s scattering. 72. What are the demerits of corpuscular theory of light?
The intensity of Rayleigh’s scattering is inversely  This theory could not explain the reason why the
proportional to fourth power of wavelength. speed of light is lesser in denser medium than in
1 rarer medium.
. . ∝
 The phenomena like interference, diffraction and
polarisation could not be explained by this theory.
68. Why does sky appear blue?
 According to the law of Rayleigh’s scattering, violet 73. Explain about wave theory of light.
colour which has the shortest wavelength gets  Wave theory explains the propagation of light
much scattered during day time. through a medium.

 The next scattered colour is blue. As our eyes are  According to it, light is a disturbance from a source
more sensitive to blue colour than violet colour the that travels as longitudinal mechanical waves
sky appears blue during day time through the ether medium that was presumed to
pervade all space as mechanical wave requires
medium for its propagation.
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
Demerits: 78. What is interference of light?
 The wave theory could successfully explain The phenomenon of addition or superposition of
phenomena of reflection, refraction, interference two light waves which produces increase in intensity at
and diffraction of light. some points and decrease in intensity at some other
points is called interference of light.
 Later, the existence of ether in all space was
proved to be wrong. Hence, this theory could not 79. What is constructive interference?
explain the propagation of light through vacuum. At points where the crest of one wave meets the
crest of the other wave or the trough of one wave meets
 The phenomenon of polarisation could not be the trough of the other wave, the waves are in-phase.
explained by this theory as it is the property of only Hence, the displacement is maximum and these points
transverse waves. appear bright. This type of interference is said to be
constructive interference..
74. Explain about electromagnetic wave theory of light.
 According to this theory, light is an electromagnetic 80. What is destructive interference?
wave, which is transverse in nature carrying At points where the crest of one wave meets the
electromagnetic energy. trough of the other wave and vice versa, the waves are
out-of-phase. Hence, the displacement is minimum and
 No medium is necessary for the propagation of these points appear dark. This type of interference is said
electromagnetic waves. All the phenomenon of to be destructive interference.
light could be successfully explained by this theory.
81. What is phase of a wave?
Demerits: Phase is the angular position of a vibration or
 Nevertheless, the interaction phenomenon of light wave.
with matter like photoelectric effect, Compton
effect could not be explained by this theory. 82. Obtain the relation between phase difference and
path difference.
75. Explain about quantum theory of light.  In the path of the wave, one wavelength λ
 Quantum theory endorsing the views of Max Plank corresponds to a phase of 2π as shown in Figure.
was able to explain photoelectric effect.

 In which light interacts with matter as photons to

eject the electrons.

 A photon is a discrete packet of energy. Each

photon has energy,
= ℎ  A path difference δ corresponds to a phase
Where, h is Plank’s constant (h = 6.625 X 10–34 J)
difference ϕ as given by the equation,
and ν is frequency of electromagnetic wave.
= ×
 As light has both wave as well as particle nature it 2
is said to have dual nature. Thus, it is concluded 2
= ×
that light propagates as a wave and interacts with
matter as a particle.
83. What are the conditions of constructive and
76. What is a wavefront? destructive interference?
A wavefront is the locus of points, which are in  For constructive interference, the phase difference
the same state or phase of vibration. should be, ϕ = 0, 2π, 4π . . . Hence, the path
difference must be, δ = 0, λ, 2λ . . . In general, the
77. State Huygen’s principle. integral multiples of λ.
 Each point of the wavefront is the source of = ℎ , = 0, 1, 2, 3 . ..
secondary wavelets emanating from these points
spreading out in all directions with the speed of the  For destructive interference, phase difference
wave. These are called as secondary wavelets. should be, ϕ = π, 3π, 5π . . . Hence, the path
difference must be, = , , …. In general, the half
 The common tangent, in other words the envelope
integral multiples of λ.
to all these wavelets gives the position and shape
of the new wavefront at a later time. = (2 − 1) ℎ , = 1, 2, 3 . ..

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
84. What are coherent sources? 87. How do source and images behave as coherent
Two light sources are said to be coherent if they sources?
produce waves which have same phase or constant  In this method a source and its image will act as a
phase difference, same frequency or wavelength set of coherent source, because the source and its
(monochromatic), same waveform and preferably same image will have waves in-phase or constant phase
amplitude. difference as shown in Figure.

85. What is intensity or amplitude division?

 If we allow light to pass through a partially silvered
mirror (beam splitter), both reflection and refraction
take place simultaneously. They will be either in-
phase or at constant phase difference as shown in

 The Instrument, Fresnel’s biprism uses two virtual

sources as two coherent sources and the
instrument, Lloyd’s mirror uses a source and its
virtual image as two coherent sources.

 As the two light beams are obtained from the same

light source, the two divided light beams will be
coherent beams. 88. What is bandwidth of interference pattern?
The bandwidth (β) is defined as the distance
 This method of producing coherent sources is between any two consecutive bright or dark fringes.
called intensity or amplitude division.
89. What are the conditions for obtaining clear and broad
86. How does wavefront division provide coherent interference bands?
sources?  The screen should be as far away from the source
 This is the most commonly used method for as possible.
producing two coherent sources.
 The wavelength of light used must be larger.
 We know a point source produces spherical  The two coherent sources (here S1 and S2) must
wavefronts. be as close as possible.

 All the points on the wavefront are at the same 90. What is diffraction?
phase. Diffraction is bending of waves around sharp
edges into the geometrically shadowed region.
 If two points are chosen on the wavefront by using
a double slit, the two points will act as coherent 91. Differentiate between Fresnel and Fraunhofer
sources as shown in Figure. diffraction.
S.No. Fresnel diffraction Fraunhofer diffraction
Spherical or cylindrical Plane wavefront
1. wavefront undergoes undergoes diffraction
Light wave is from a Light wave is from a
source at finite distance source at infinity
For laboratory conditions, In laboratory conditions,
3. convex lenses need not convex lenses are to be
be used used
Difficult to observe and Easy to observe and
analyse analyse

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
92. Discuss the special cases on first minimum in 96. What is a diffraction grating?
Fraunhofer diffraction. Grating is a plane sheet of transparent material
 Let us consider the condition for first minimum with on which opaque rulings are made with a fine diamond
(n = 1). a sin θ = λ pointer.

 The first minimum has an angular spread of, 97. What is grating element?
The combined width of a ruling and a slit is called
= grating element (e = a + b).
Special cases:
 When a < λ, the diffraction is not possible, because 98. What is corresponding points?
Points on successive slits separated by a
sinθ can never be greater than 1.
distance equal to the grating element are called
 When a ≥ λ, the diffraction is possible. corresponding points.
 For a = λ, sinθ = 1 (i.e, θ = 90 ), the central
99. What are resolution and resolving power?
maximum spreads fully in to the geometrically
 Resolution is the smallest seperated distance in
shadowed region leading to bending of the
the image of two points of the object which could
diffracted light to 900.
be seen clearly without the blur due to diffraction.
 For a >> λ, sinθ << 1 i.e, the first minimum will fall  The inverse of resolution is called resolving power.
within the width of the slit itself. The diffraction will
not be noticed at all. 100. What is Rayleigh’s criterion?
According to Rayleigh’s criterion, central
 When a > λ and also comparable, say a = 2λ, maximum of first image must coincide with minimum of
1 second image and vice versa. This criterion is said to be
= = = limit of resolution.
2 2
then  = 300 . These are practical cases where
101. What is polarisation?
diffraction could be observed effectively.
The phenomenon of restricting the vibrations of
93. What is Fresnel’s distance? light (electric or magnetic field vector) to a particular
Fresnel’s distance is the distance of diffracted direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of
ray upto which ray optics is obeyed and beyond which ray wave is called polarization of light.
optics is not obeyed but, wave optics becomes significant.
102. What is unpolarised light?
94. Obtain the equation for Fresnel’s distance. A transverse wave which has vibrations in all
 From the diffraction equation for first minimum, directions in a plane perpendicular to the direction of
propagation of wave is said to be unpolarised light.
= ; =
 From the definition of Fresnel’s distance,
2 = ;2 =
 Equating the above two equation gives,

 After rearranging, we get Fresnel’s distance z as,
103. What is polarised or plane polarised light?
= A transverse wave which has vibrations in only
one direction in a plane perpendicular to the direction of
95. Mention the differences between interference and propagation of wave is said to be polarised light.
S.No. Interference Diffraction 104. What is plane of vibration?
Superposition of two Bending of waves around The plane containing the vibrations of the electric
1. field vector is known as the plane of vibration.
waves edges
Superposition of waves Superposition of waves
from two coherent emitted from various
sources. points of the same
3. Equally spaced fringes. Unequally spaced fringes
Intensity of all the bright Intensity falls rapidly for
fringes is almost same higher orders
Large number of fringes Less number of fringes
are obtained are obtained
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
105. What is plane of polarisation? 111. State and obtain Malus’ law.
The plane perpendicular to the plane of vibration The light transmitted of intensity I from the
and containing the ray of light is known as the plane of analyser varies directly as the square of the cosine of the
polarisation. angle θ between the transmission axis of polariser and
106. What are the four methods of polarisation? =
 Polarisation by selective absorption
 Polarisation by reflection 112. List the uses of polaroids.
 Polarisation by double refraction  Polaroids are used in goggles and cameras to
 Polarisation by scattering. avoid glare of light.
107. Differentiate between polarised and unpolarised
light  Polaroids are useful in three dimensional motion
pictures i.e., in holography.
S.No. Polarised light Unpolarised light
Consists of waves Consists of waves having
 Polaroids are used to improve contrast in old oil
having their electric field their electric field
vibrations in a single vibrations equally
plane normal to the distributed in all directions  Polaroids are used in optical stress analysis.
direction of ray. normal to the direction of
ray.  Polaroids are used as window glasses to control
Asymmetrical about the Symmetrical about the the intensity of incoming light.
ray direction ray direction
It is obtained from Produced by  Polaroids are used to produce polarised laser
3. unpolarised light with the conventional light beam acts as needle to read/write in compact discs
help of polarisers sources. (CDs).
108. Discuss polarisation by selective absorption.
 Polaroids produce polarised lights to be used in
 Selective absorption is the property of a material
liquid crystal display (LCD).
which transmits waves whose electric fields vibrate
in a plane parallel to a certain direction of
113. State Brewster’s law.
orientation and absorbs all other waves.
The tangent of the polarising angle for a
 The polaroids or polarisers are thin commercial transparent medium is equal to its refractive index.
sheets which make use of the property of selective . . =
absorption to produce an intense beam of plane
polarised light. 114. What is polarising or Brewster’s angle?.
The angle of incidence at which a beam of
 Selective absorption is also called as dichroism.
unpolarised light falling on a transparent surface is
reflected as a beam of plane polarised light is called
109. What are polariser and analyser?
polarising angle or Brewster’s angle(iP).
 The Polaroid, which plane polarises the
unpolarisedlight passing through it is called a
115. What is double refraction or birefringence?
When a ray of unpolarised light is incident on a
 The polaroid, which is used to examine whether a calcite crystal, two refracted rays are produced. Hence,
beam of light is polarised or not is called an two images of a single object are formed. This
analyser. phenomenon is called double refraction or birefringence.

110. What are plane polarised, unpolarised and partially 116. Differentiate Ordinary and extraordinary ray.
polarised light? S.No. Ordinary ray Extraordinary ray
 If the intensity of light varies from maximum to zero It does not obey laws of
1. It obeys laws of refraction.
for every rotation of 900 of the analyser, the light is refraction.
said to be plane polarised. Inside a double refracting The extra ordinary ray
crystal the ordinary ray travels with different
 If the intensity of light does not vary for the rotation 2.
travels with same velocity velocities along different
of 90 of the analyser, the light is said to be in all directions. directions.
unpolarised. A point source inside a
A point source inside a
refracting crystal
 If the intensity of light varies between maximum refracting crystal
0 3. produces elliptical
and minimum for every rotation of 90 of the produces spherical
wavefront for
analyser, the light is said to be partially polarised wavefront for ordinary ray
extraordinary ray

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
117. What is optic axis?  Clearly, charges accelerating parallel do not
Inside the crystal, there is a particular direction in radiate energy towards this observer since their
which both ordinary and extraordinary ray travel with acceleration has no transverse component.
same velocity. This direction is called optic axis.
 Hence, the radiation from perpendicularly
118. Mention the types of optically active crystals with accelerated electron reaches the observer as
example. polarised light.
 Crystals like calcite, quartz, tourmaline and ice
having only one optic axis are called uniaxial 122. What are near point and normal focusing?
crystals. Near point focusing:
 The image is formed at near point, i.e. 25 cm for
 Crystals like mica, topaz, selenite and aragonite normal eye. This distance is also called as least
having two optic axes are called biaxial crystals. distance D of distinct vision. In this position, the eye
feels comfortable but there is little strain on the eye.
119. What are the uses of Nicol prism?
 It produces plane polarised light and functions as a Normal focusing:
polariser  The image is formed at infinity. In this position the
eye is most relaxed to view the image.
 It can also be used to analyse the plane polarised
light i.e used at an analyser.
123. What is simple microscope?
A simple microscope is a single magnifying
120. What are the drawbacks of Nicol prism?
(converging) lens of small focal length. It is to get an erect,
 Its cost is very high due to scarity of large and
magnified and virtual image of the object.
flawless calcite crystals.

 Due to extraordinary ray passing obliquely through 124. Why is oil immersed objective preferred in a
it, the emergent ray is always displaced a little to microscope?
one side. Oil immersed objective is preferred in a
microscope to further reduce the resolving distance dmin
 The effective field of view is quite limited. and thereby increasing the magnification.
 Light emerging out of it is not uniformly plane 125. What is an astronomical telescope?
polarised. An astronomical telescope is used to get the
magnification of distant astronomical objects like stars,
121. How is polarisation of light obtained by scattering of planets, moon etc. The image formed here is inverted.
 The light from a clear blue portion of the sky shows 126. What is terrestrial telescope?
a rise and fall of intensity when viewed through a A terrestrial telescope is used to see object at
polaroid which is rotated. long distance on the surface of earth. Hence, image
 This is because of sunlight, which has changed its should be erect.
direction (having been scattered) on encountering
the molecules of the earth’s atmosphere. 127. What is the use of an erecting lens in a terrestrial
 Under the influence of electric field of the incident A terrestrial telescope has an additional erecting
light, the electrons in the molecules acquire lens to make the final image erect.
components of motion in two directions.
 We have shown an observer looking at 900 to the 128. What is reflecting telescope?
direction of the sun. Telescopes with mirror objectives are called
reflecting telescopes.

129. What are the advantages and disadvantages of

using a reflecting telescope?
 Only one surface should be polished and

 Support can be given from the entire back of the

mirror rather than only at the rim for lens.

 Mirrors weigh much less compared to lens.

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
Disadvantages: 138. What type of lens is formed by a bubble inside
 The objective mirror would focus the light inside the water?
telescope tube. Biconvex lens is formed when an air bubble is
inside the water.
 One must have an eye piece inside obstructing
some light. 139. It is possible for two lenses to produce zero power?
Yes. It is possible when the combination of
130. What is spectrometer? Give their basic parts. convex and concave lenses of same focal length is used.
The spectrometer is an optical instrument used
to study the spectra of different sources of light and to 140. Why does sky look blue and clouds look white?
measure the refractive indices of materials.  The sky looks blue due to Rayleigh’s scattering
where shorter wavelegth like blue scattered more.
Basic parts:
(i) Collimator (ii) Prism table and (iii) Telescope.  The clouds look white due to normal scattering
where all wavelengths of light scattered equally.
131. What is the use of collimator?
The collimator is used to produce a parallel beam 141. Why is yellow light preferred during fog?
of light in spectrometer. When light pass through fog, Rayleigh’s
scattering happens where longer wavelength of light like
132. What are the uses of spectrometer? yellow, orange and red are scattered less than other
 It is used to study the spectra of different sources colours. Among these yellow is more sensitive to our
of light. eyes. Hence, the yellow light is preferred during fog.
 It is used to measure the refractive indices of 142. Two independent monochromatic sources cannot
materials. act as coherent sources, why?
Two independent monochromatic sources can
133. What is myopia? What is its remedy? never be coherent, because they may emit waves of
 Myopia or nearsightedness is the defectness of the same frequency and same amplitude, but not with same
eye in which cannot see distant objects clearly. phase.
 To overcome this problem, one should use the 143. Does diffraction take place at the Young’s double
concave lens of calculated focal length. slit?
Yes. Light waves diffracted at the slits produce
134. What is hypermetropia? What is its remedy? interference in the screen.
 Hypermetropia or hyperopia or farsightedness is
the defectness of the eye in which cannot see the 144. Is there any difference between coloured light
objects close to the eye. obtained from prism and colours of soap bubble?
Yes. The coloured light obtained from prism is
 To overcome this problem, one should use the due to refraction whereas colours of soap bubbles are
convex lens of calculated focal length. due to interference.

135. What is presbyopia? 145. A small disc is placed in the path of the light from
The kind of farsightedness arising due to aging is distance source. Will the center of the shadow be
called presbyopia. bright or dark?
The center of the shadow will be bright because
136. What is astigmatism? What is its remedy? the light ray diffracted at the edge of the small disc
 Astigmatism is the defect arising due to different interfere constructively at the center of the shadow.
curvatures along different planes in the eye lens.
146. When a wave undergoes reflection at a denser
 Astigmatic person cannot see all the directions medium, what happens to its phase?
equally well. A wave undergoes reflection at a denser
medium, will get 1800 phase difference than the incident.
 Lenses with different curvatures in different plane
are used to rectify this defect.

Conceptual Questions:
137. Why are dish antennas curved?
The curved dish antennas act like concave
mirrors and are used to get focussed signals of
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
5 Marks Q & A:  We can apply the sign conventions for the various
1. Derive the mirror equation and the equation for lateral distances in the above equation.
magnification. =− , ’=− , =−
 The mirror equation establishes a relation among
object distance u, image distance v and focal  All the three distances are negative as per sign
length f for a spherical mirror. convention, because they are measured to the left
of the pole. Now, the equation (3) becomes,
 An object AB is considered on the principal axis of − − − (− )
a concave mirror beyond the center of curvature C. =
The image formation is shown in the figure. − −

 On further simplification,


= −1
 Let us consider three paraxial rays from point B on
the object. The first paraxial ray BD travelling
parallel to principal axis is incident on the concave  Dividing either side with v,
mirror at D, close to the pole P. 1 1 1
= −
 After reflection the ray passes through the focus F.
The second paraxial ray BP incidentat the pole P
 After rearranging,
is reflected along PB’.
1 1 1
+ = −→ (4)
 The third paraxial ray BC passing through centre of
curvature C, falls normally on the mirror at E is
reflected back along the same path.  The above equation(4) is called mirror equation.

 The three reflected rays intersect at the point A′ B′. Lateral magnification in spherical mirrors:
A perpendicular drawn as A′ B′ to the principal axis  The lateral or transverse magnification is defined
is the real, inverted image of the object AB. as,
ℎ ℎ (ℎ )
( )=
 As per law of reflection, the angle of incidence ℎ ℎ (ℎ)
∠BPA is equal to the angle of reflection ∠ B′PA′ . ℎ′
 The triangles ΔBPA and ΔB′PA′ are similar. Thus,

from the rule of similar triangles,  Applying proper sign conventions for equation (1),
′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′
= −→ (1) =

 The other set of similar triangles are, ΔDPF and  Here, A’B’=−h, AB=h, PA’=−v, PA=−u
Δ B′A′ F. (PD is almost a straight vertical line) −ℎ′ −
′ ′ ′ =
= ℎ −

 As, the distances PD = AB the above equation

becomes, ℎ
′ ′ ′
= −→ (2)  On simplifying we get,
= =−
 From equations (1) and (2) we can write, ℎ
′ ′
=  Using mirror equation(4), we can further write the
magnification as,
 As, A′ F=PA′ - PF , the above equation becomes,
ℎ′ −
= = =
′ − ℎ −
= −→ (3)
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
2. Describe the Fizeau’s method to determine speed of  Here, θ is the angle between the tooth and the slot
light. which is rotated by the toothed wheel within that
Apparatus: time t.
 The apparatus used by Fizeau for determining ℎ
speed of light in air is shown in figure. =
= =
 Substituting the θ value in the equation(2), we get,

= =

 Rewriting the above equation for t,

 The light from the source S was first allowed to fall
= −→ (3)
on a partially silvered glass plate G kept at an angle
of 450 to the incident light from the source.
 Substituting t from equation (3) in equation (1),
 The light then was allowed to pass through a 2
rotating toothed-wheel with N teeth and N cuts of =
equal widths whose speed of rotation could be
varied through an external mechanism.  After rearranging,
 The light passing through one cut in the wheel will =
get reflected by a mirror M kept at a long distance
d, about 8 km from the toothed wheel.  From this method, the speed of light in air was
determined as, v = 2.99792 X108 m s–1.
 If the toothed wheel was not rotating, the reflected
light from the mirror would again pass through the 3. Obtain lens maker’s formula and mention its
same cut and reach the eyes of the observer significance.
through the partially silvered glass plate.  Let us consider a thin lens made up of a medium
of refractive index n2 is placed in a medium of
Working: refractive index n1.
 The angular speed of rotation of the toothed wheel
was increased from zero to a value ω until light  Let R1 and R2 be the radii of curvature of two
passing through one cut would completely be spherical surfaces 1 and 2 respectively and P be
blocked by the adjacent tooth. the pole as shown in figure.

 This is ensured by the disappearance of light while

looking through the partially silvered glass plate.

Expression for speed of light:

 The speed of light in air v is equal to the ratio of the
distance the light travelled from the toothed wheel
to the mirror and back 2d to the time taken t.
= −→ (1)
 Consider a point object O on the principal axis. The
ray which falls very close to P, after refraction at
 The distance d is a known value from the the surface 1 forms image at I'.
 Before it does so, it is again refracted by the
 The time taken t for the light to travel the distance surface 2. Therefore the final image is formed at I.
to and fro is calculated from the angular speed ω
of the toothed wheel.  The general equation for the refraction at a
spherical surface is,
 The angular speed ω of the toothed wheel when −
the light disappeared for the first time is, − =

= −→ (2)
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 For the refracting surface 1, the light goes from n1  The angles of incidence and refraction at the first
to n2. face AB are i1 and r1.

− = −→ (1)  The path of the light inside the prism is QR. The

angle of incidence and refraction at the second
 For the refracting surface 2, the light goes from face AC is r2 and i2 respectively.
medium n2 to n1.
−  RS is the ray emerging from the second face.
− = −→ (2)
Angle i2 is also called angle of emergence.
 Adding the above two equations (1) and (2),  The angle between the direction of the incident ray
1 1 PQ and the emergent ray RS is called the angle of
− =( − ) −
deviation d.

 Further simplifying and rearranging,  The two normals drawn at the point of incidence Q
1 1 − 1 1 and emergence R are QN and RN.
− = −
1 1 1 1  They meet at point N. The incident ray and the
− = −1 − emergent ray meet at a point M.

 If the object is at infinity, the image is formed at the  The deviation d1 at the surface AB is,
focus of the lens. Thus, for u = ∞, v = f. Then the ∠ = = − −→ (1)
equation becomes.
1 1 1 1  The deviation d2 at the surface AC is,
− = −1 − ∠ = = − −→ (2)

1 1 1
= −1 − −→ (3)  Total angle of deviation d produced is,
= +
 If the refractive index of the lens is n2 and it is
placed in air, then n2 = n and n1 = 1. So the  Substituting for d1 and d2,
equation (3) becomes, =( − )+( − )
1 1 1
= ( − 1) − −→ (4)  After rearranging,
=( + )−( + )−→ (3)
 The above equation is called the lens maker’s
formula.  In the quadrilateral AQNR, two of the angles (at the
vertices Q and R) are right angles.
 This formula tells the lens manufactures what  Therefore, the sum of the other angles of the
curvature is needed to make a lens of desired focal quadrilateral is 1800.
length with a material of particular refractive index. ∠ +∠ = 180 −→ (4)
 This formula holds good also for a concave lens.
 From the triangle ΔQNR,
4. Derive the equation for angle of deviation produced by + +∠ = 180 −→ (5)
a prism and thus obtain the equation for refractive
index of material of the prism.  Comparing these two equations (4) and (5) we get,
 Let light ray PQ is incident on one of the refracting + = −→ (6)
faces of the prism as shown in figure.
 Substituting this in equation (3) for angle of
= + − −→ (7)

 Thus, the angle of deviation depends on the angle

of incidence angle of emergence and the angle for
the prism.

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
Refractive index of material of the prism:  These are called interference fringes or bands.
 At minimum deviation, d = D , = = and Using an eyepiece the fringes can be seen directly.
= = . Now, the equation (7) becomes,
 At the center point O on the screen, waves from
=2 −
S1 and S2 travel equal distances and arrive in-
2  These two waves constructively interfere and
bright fringe is observed at O. This is called central
 From equation(6), bright fringe.
2 =
 The fringes disappear and there is uniform
= illumination on the screen when one of the slits is
 Substituting i and r in Snell’s law,
sin  This shows clearly that the bands are due to
= interference.
6. Obtain the equation for path difference and bandwidth
sin in Young’s double slit experiment.
= Equation for path difference :
sin  The schematic diagram of the experimental set up
is shown in figure.
 The above equation is used to find the refractive
index of the material of the prism. The angles A and
D can be measured experimentally.

5. Explain the Young’s double slit experimental setup.

 Thomas Young, a British Physicist used an opaque
screen with two small openings called double slit
S1 and S2 kept equidistance from a source S as
shown in figure.

 Let d be the distance between the double slits S1

and S2 which act as coherent sources of
wavelength λ.

 A screen is placed parallel to the double slit at a

distance D from it.

 The width of each slit is about 0.03 mm and they  The mid-point of S1 and S2 is C and the mid-point
are separated by a distance of about 0.3 mm. of the screen O is equidistant from S1 and S2. P is
any point at a distance y from O.
 As S1 and S2 are equidistant from S, the light
waves from S reach S1 and S2 in-phase.  The waves from S1 and S2 meet at P either in-
phase or out-of-phase depending upon the path
 So, S1 and S2 act as coherent sources which are difference between the two waves.
the requirement of obtaining interference pattern.
 The path difference δ between the light waves from
 Wavefronts from S1 and S2 spread out and S1 and S2 to the point P is,
overlapping takes place to the right side of double = –
 A perpendicular is dropped from the point S1 to the
 When a screen is placed at a distance of about line S2P at M to find the path difference more
1 meter from the slits, alternate bright and dark precisely.
fringes which are equally spaced appear on the = – =

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 The angular position of the point P from C is θ. Equation for bandwidth :
∠OCP = θ.  The bandwidth (β) is defined as the distance
between any two consecutive bright or dark
 From the geometry, the angles ∠OCP and ∠S2S1M fringes.
are equal. i.e. ∠OCP = ∠S2S1M = θ.
 The distance between (n+1)th and nth consecutive
 In right angle triangle ΔS1S2M, the path difference, bright fringes from O is given by,
S2M = d sin θ. So that,
= − = ( + 1) −
= −→ (1)

 From the right angle triangle ΔOCP, = −→ (8)

= −→ (2)  Similarly, the distance between (n+1)th and nth

consecutive dark fringes from O is given by,
 If the angle θ is small,
= − = [2( + 1) − 1] − (2 − 1)
≈ ≈ 2 2

 Therefore, = −→ (9)
(1), = −→ (3)
 Equations (8) and (9) show that the bright and dark
(2), = −→ (4) fringes are of same width equally spaced on either
side of central bright fringe.
 Substituting equation(4) in (3), we get,
7. State and prove Brewster’s law.
ℎ ℎ , = −→ (5)
Brewster’s law:
 The tangent of the polarising angle for a
 Based on the condition on the path difference, the transparent medium is equal to its refractive index.
point P may have a bright or dark fringe.
Condition for bright fringe (or) maxima:  At the incidence of polarising angle, the reflected
 The condition for the constructive interference or and transmitted rays are perpendicular to each
the point P to be have a bright fringe is, other.

ℎ , = ℎ , = 0, 1, 2, . ..
∴ =

∴ = = −→ (6)

 This is the condition for the point P to be a bright

fringe. The distance is the distance of the nth bright
fringe from the point O.

Condition for dark fringe (or) minima :

 The condition for the destructive interference or the  Suppose, ip is the polarising angle and rp is the
point P to be have a dark fringe is, corresponding angle of refraction. Then from

ℎ , = (2 − 1) ℎ , = 0, 1, 2, . ..
+ 90 + = 180
2 = 90 − −→ (1)
= (2 − 1)
2  From Snell’s law, the refractive index of the
transparent medium is,
∴ = = (2 − 1) −→ (7) sin
2 =
 This is the condition for the point P to be a dark
fringe. The distance yn is the distance of the nth Where n is the refractive index of the medium with
dark fringe from the point O. respect to air.

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 Substituting the value of rp from Equation(1),
sin(90 − )
tan =
 This relation is known as Brewster’s law.  It is cut into two halves along the diagonal so that
their face angles are 720 and 1080.
8. Discuss about pile of plates.
 The phenomenon of polarisation by reflection is  The two halves are joined together by a layer of
used in the construction of pile of plates. canada balsam, a transparent cement.

 It consists of a number of glass plates placed one  Let us consider a ray of unpolarised light from
over the other in a tube as shown in figure. monochromatic source such as a sodium vapour
lamp is incident on the face AC of the Nicol prism.

 Double refraction takes place and the ray is split

into ordinary and extraordinary rays. They travel
with different velocities.

 The refractive index of the crystal for the ordinary

ray (monochromatic sodium light) is 1.658 and for
extraordinary ray is 1.486. The refractive index of
 The plates are inclined at an angle of 33.70 to the canada balsam is 1.523. Canada balsam does not
axis of the tube. polarise light.

 A beam of unpolarised light is allowed to fall on the  The ordinary ray is total internally reflected at the
pile of plates along the axis of the tube. layer of canada balsam and is prevented from
emerging from the other face.
 So, the angle of incidence of light will be at 56.30
which is the polarising angle for glass.  The extraordinary ray alone is transmitted through
the crystal which is completely plane polarised.
 The vibrations perpendicular to the plane of
incidence are reflected at each surface and those
parallel to it are transmitted.

 The larger the number of surfaces, the greater is

the intensity of the reflected plane polarised light.

 The pile of plates is used as a polarizer and also

as an analyser.

9. Explain about Nicol prism.

 Nicol prism is an optical device incorporated in
optical instruments both for producing and
analysing plane polarised light.

 The construction of a Nicol prism is based on the

phenomenon of Double refraction.

 One of the most common forms of the Nicol prism

is made by taking a calcite crystal which is a
double refracting crystal with its length three times
its breadth.

 As shown in figure below, ABCD represents the

principal section of a calcite crystal.

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
7. Dual nature of radiation and matter 10.What is secondary emission?Give examples.
 When a beam of fast moving electrons strikes the
1. What is a particle and a wave? surface of the metal, the free electrons on the
 Particle is a material object which is considered as metal surface gain kinetic energy and come out
a tiny concentration of matter. from the surface. This is called secondary
 Wave is a broad distribution of energy.  Ex: Image intensifiers, photo multiplier tubes etc.

2. What is surface barrier? 11.What is photoelectric effect?

The potential barrier which prevents free The ejection of electrons from a metal plate
electrons from leaving the metallic surface is called when illuminated by light or any other electromagnetic
surface barrier. radiation of suitable wavelength (or frequency) is called
photoelectric effect.
3. Why do metals have a large number of free
electrons? 12.What are photosensitive materials?
In metals, the electrons in the outer most shells The materials which eject photoelectrons upon
are loosely bound to the nucleus. So even at room irradiation of electromagnetic wave of suitable
temperature, there are a large number of free electrons wavelength are called photosensitive materials.
moving randomly inside the metal.
13.What are the factors affecting photoelectric current?
4. What is electron emission?  Intensity of incident light.
The liberation of electrons from any surface of a  The potential difference between the electrodes.
substance is called electron emission.  The nature of the material.
 Frequency of incident light.
5. What is work function?Give its unit.
The minimum energy needed for an electron to 14. How does photocurrent vary with the intensity of the
escape from the metal surface is called work function(0) incident light?
of that metal. Its unit is electron volt(eV). Photocurrent is directly proportional to the
[1 = 1.602 × 10 ] intensity of the incident light.

6. What are the types of electron emission? 15. Give the definition of intensity of light and its unit.
 Thermionic emission. Intensity(brightness) of light is defined as the rate
 Field emission. at which light energy is delivered to a unit of surface. Its
 Photo electric emission. unit is candela(Cd).
 Secondary emission.
16.What is stopping or cut-off potential?
7. What is thermionic emission?Give examples. The negative potential of the collecting electrode
 When a metal is heated to a high temperature, the at which photocurrent gets zero is called stopping or cut-
free electrons on the surface of the metal are off potential(V0) .
emitted due to thermal energy. This type of
emission is known as thermionic emission. 17.What is threshold frequency?
The minimum frequency above which the
 Ex: Cathode ray tubes, electron microscopes, emission of photoelectrons takes place for given surface
X-ray tubes, etc., is called the threshold frequency.
8. What is field emission?Give examples.
18.State laws of photoelectric effect.
 When strong electric field is applied across the
 For a given frequency of incident light, the number
metal, electron emission takesplace. This is called
of photoelectrons emitted is directly proportional to
field emission.
the intensity of the incident light. The saturation
 Ex: Field emission scanning electron current is also directly proportional to the intensity
microscopes, Field-emission display etc. of incident light.

9. What is photoelctric emission?Give examples.  Maximum kinetic energy of the photo electrons is
 When an electromagnetic radiation of suitable independent of intensity of the incident light.
frequency is incident on the surface of the metal,
electron emission takesplace. This is called photo  Maximum kinetic energy of the photo electrons
electric emission. from a given metal is directly proportional to the
 Ex: Photo diodes, photo electric cells etc. frequency of incident light.

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 For a given surface, the emission of 25.What are the applications of photo cells?
photoelectrons takes place only if the frequency of  It is used in switches and sensors.
incident light is greater than a certain minimum
frequency called the threshold frequency.  It is used to automatic on or off the street lights
during night and day respectively.
 There is no time lag between incidence of light and
ejection of photoelectrons.  It is used for reproduction of sound in motion
19.What are the characteristics of photons?
 The photons of light of frequency ν and  It is used as timers to measure the speeds of
wavelength λ will have energy, given by, athletes during a race.

=ℎ =  It is used in exposure meters to measure the
intensity of the given light and to calculate the
 The energy of a photon is determined by the exact time of exposure of light in photography.
frequency of the radiation and not by its intensity
and the intensity has no relation with the energy of 26. State de Broglie hypothesis or What is de Broglie or
the individual photons in the beam. matter waves?
According to de Broglie hypothesis, all matter
 The photons travel with the velocity of light and its particles like electrons, protons, neutrons in motion are
momentum is given by, associated with waves. These waves are called de
ℎ ℎ Broglie waves or matter waves.
= =
27.What is de Broglie wavelength?
 Since photons are electrically neutral, they are
This wavelength of the matter waves is known
unaffected by electric and magnetic fields.
as de Broglie wavelength. . . = =
 When a photon interacts with matter (photon-
electron collision), the total energy, total linear 28. Why we do not see the wave properties of a
momentum and angular momentum are baseball?
conserved. Since photon may be absorbed or a de Broglie wavelength is inversely proportional
new photon may be produced in such interactions, to the mass of the object for a given velocity. So, the
the number of photons may not be conserved. bigger objects like base ball do not show wave properties
20.What is photoelectric cell or photocell? Write its
principle. 29. Write the expression for the de Broglie wavelength
 Photo electric cell or photo cell is a device which associated with a charged particle of charge q and
converts light energy into electrical energy. mass m, when it is accelerated through a potential V.
ℎ ℎ
 Principle: Photoelectric effect. = =
21.Mention the types of photoelectric cells.
 Photo emissive cell. 30. A proton and an electron have same kinetic energy.
 Photo voltaic cell. Which one has greater de Broglie wavelength?
 Photo conductive cell. Justify.
de Broglie wavelength is inversely proportional
22.What is photo emissive cell? to the mass of the object for a given kinetic energy. Since
The photocell, which generates electrical energy the mass of the electron is very less compared to mass
by electron emission due to irradiation of light or other of the proton, de Broglie wavelength of electron is greater
radiations is called photo emissive cell. than proton.

23.What is photo voltaic cell? 31. Write the relationship of de Broglie wavelength λ
The photocell, which generates electrical energy associated with a particle of mass m in terms of its
when the intensity of light or other radiations incident on kinetic energy K.
the sensitive element made of semiconductor. ℎ ℎ ℎ
ℎ = = =
24.What is photo conductive cell?
The photocell, which generates electrical energy Where, h –Planck’s constant
when the resistance of the semiconductor changes in
accordance with the radiant energy incident on it.
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
32. Name an experiment, which shows wave nature of 5 Marks Q & A:
the electron. Which phenomenon was observed in 1. Obtain Einstein’s photoelectric equation with
this experiment using an electron beam? necessary explanation.
 Davisson – germer experiment.  When a photon of energy hν is incident on a metal
 Diffraction of electron beam. surface, it is completely absorbed by a single
electron and the electron is ejected.
33. An electron and an alpha particle have same kinetic
energy. How are the de Broglie wavelengths  In this process, a part of the photon energy is used
associated with them related? for the ejection of the electrons from the metal
de Broglie wavelength is inversely proportional surface (photoelectric work function ϕ0 ) and the
to the mass of the object for a given kinetic energy. Since remaining energy as the kinetic energy of the
the mass of the electron is very less compared to mass ejected electron.
of the alpha particle, de Broglie wavelength of electron is
greater than alpha particle.  From the law of conservation of energy,
ℎ = + −→ (1)
34.What are X-rays? 2
X-rays are electromagnetic waves of short Where m is the mass of the electron and υ its
wavelength ranging from 0.1 to 100Å. velocity.

35.What are the properties of X-rays?

 X-rays travel along straight lines with the velocity
of light.

 X-rays are not affected by electric and magnetic


 X-ray photons are highly energetic because of its

high frequency or short wavelength. Therefore,
they can pass through materials which are opaque
to visible light.
 If we reduce the frequency of the incident light, the
speed or kinetic energy of photo electrons is also
36.What are the applications of X-rays?
Medical diagnosis:
 X-rays can pass through flesh more easily than  At some frequency ν0 of incident radiation, the
through bones. Thus an X-ray radiograph photo electrons are ejected with almost zero
containing a deep shadow of the bones and a light kinetic energy (Figure above).
shadow of the flesh may be obtained.
 Then the equation (1) becomes,
 X-ray radiographs are used to detect fractures, ℎ =
foreign bodies, diseased organs etc. where ν0 is the threshold frequency.

Medical therapy:  By rewriting the equation (1), we get,

 Since X-rays can kill diseased tissues, they are 1
employed to cure skin diseases, malignant ℎ =ℎ + −→ (2)
tumours etc.
 The equation(2) is known as Einstein’s
photoelectric equation.
 X-rays are used to check for flaws in welded joints,
motor tyres, tennis balls and wood. At the custom
 If the electron does not lose energy by internal
post, they are used for detection of contraband
collisions, then it is emitted with maximum kinetic
energy Kmax. Then,
Scientific research:
 X-ray diffraction is important tool to study the 2
structure of the crystalline materials – that is, the Where υmax is the maximum velocity of the electron
arrangement of atoms and molecules in crystals. ejected.

 The equation (1) is rearranged as follows:

=ℎ − −→ (3)
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
2. Explain experimentally observed facts of  These electrons are attracted by anode and hence
photoelectric effect with the help of Einstein’s a current is produced which is measured by the
explanation. galvanometer.
 As each incident photon liberates one electron,
then the increase of intensity of the light increases  For a given cathode, the magnitude of the current
the number of electrons emitted thereby depends on,
increasing the photocurrent. The same has been  The intensity to incident radiation.
experimentally observed.  The potential difference between anode and
 From =ℎ − , it is evident that Kmax is
proportional to the frequency of the light and is 4. Derive an expression for de Broglie wavelength.
independent of intensity of the light.  The momentum of photon of frequency ν is given
 As given in equation (2), there must be minimum ℎ ℎ
energy (equal to the work function of the metal) for = = [∵ = ]
incident photons to liberate electrons from the
metal surface. Below which, emission of electrons  The wavelength of a photon in terms of its
is not possible. Correspondingly, there exists momentum is,
minimum frequency called threshold frequency ℎ
below which there is no photoelectric emission. = − −(1)
 According to quantum concept, the transfer of
photon energy to the electrons is instantaneous so  According to de Broglie, the above equation is
that there is no time lag between incidence of completely a general one and this is applicable to
photons and ejection of electrons. material particles as well.

3. Give the construction and working of photo emissive  Therefore, for a particle of mass m travelling with
cell. speed υ , the wavelength is given by,
Construction: ℎ ℎ
 It consists of an evacuated glass or quartz bulb in
= = −→ (2)
which two metallic electrodes – that is, a cathode
and an anode are fixed as shown in figure.  This wavelength of the matter waves is known as
de Broglie wavelength.

 This equation relates the wave character (the

wave length λ) and the particle character (the
momentum p) through Planck’s constant.

5. Derive an expression for de Broglie wavelength of

 An electron of mass m is accelerated through a
potential difference of V volt. The kinetic energy
acquired by the electron is given by,
 Therefore, the speed υ of the electron is,
 The cathode C is semi-cylindrical in shape and is
coated with a photo sensitive material. 2
= −→ (1)
 The anode A is a thin rod or wire kept along the
axis of the semi-cylindrical cathode.  The de Broglie wavelength of the electron is,
ℎ ℎ
 A potential difference is applied between the = =
anode and the cathode through a galvanometer G. √2
 Substituting the known values in the above
Working: equation, we get,
 When cathode is illuminated, electrons are
emitted from it.
6.626 × 10
√2 × 1.6 × 10 × 9.11 × 10
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
12.27 × 10

= Å

 Since the kinetic energy of the electron, K = eV,
then the de Broglie wavelength associated with
electron can be also written as,

√2  Above figure shows the variation of intensity of the
scattered electrons with the angle θ for the
6. Describe briefly Davisson – Germer experiment
accelerating voltage of 54V.
which demonstrated the wave nature of electrons.
 Figure below shows a schematic representation of
 For a given accelerating voltage V, the scattered
the apparatus for the experiment.
wave shows a peak or maximum at an angle of 500
to the incident electron beam.

 This peak in intensity is attributed to the

constructive interference of electrons diffracted
from various atomic layers of the target material.

 From the known value of interplanar spacing of

Nickel, the wavelength of the electron wave has
been experimentally calculated as 1.65 Å.

 The wavelength can also be calculated from de

Broglie relation for V = 54 V as,
12.27 12.27
= Å= = 1.67Å
√ √54
 This value agrees well with the experimentally
observed wavelength of 1.65 Å.

 The filament F is heated by a low tension (L.T.)  Thus, this experiment directly verifies de Broglie’s
battery. Electrons are emitted from the hot filament hypothesis of the wave nature of moving particles.
by thermionic emission.
7. Briefly explain the principle and working of electron
 They are then accelerated due to the potential microscope.
difference between the filament and the anode Principle:
aluminium cylinder by a high tension (H.T.)  Wave nature of an electron.
 Electron beam is collimated by using two thin  The resolving power of a microscope is inversely
aluminium diaphragms and is allowed to strike a proportional to the wavelength of the radiation
single crystal of Nickel. used for illuminating the object under study.

 The electrons scattered by Ni atoms in different  Higher magnification as well as higher resolving
directions are received by the electron detector power can be obtained by employing the waves of
which measures the intensity of scattered electron shorter wavelengths.
 De Broglie wavelength of electron is very much
 The detector is rotatable in the plane of the paper less than (a few thousands less) that of the visible
light being used in optical microscopes.
so that the angle θ between the incident beam and
the scattered beam can be changed at our will.
 As a result, the microscopes employing de Broglie
waves of electrons have very much higher
 The intensity of the scattered electron beam is
resolving power than optical microscope.
measured as a function of the angle θ.
Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 Electron microscopes giving magnification more 8. Explain the production of X-rays using discharge
than 2,00,000 times are common in research tube.
laboratories.  X-rays are produced in x-ray tube which is
essentially a discharge tube as shown in figure.
 The construction and working of an electron
microscope is similar to that of an optical
microscope except that in electron microscope
focussing of electron beam is done by the
electrostatic or magnetic lenses.

 The electron beam passing across a suitably

arranged either electric or magnetic fields
undergoes divergence or convergence thereby
focussing of the beam is done (Figure).  A tungsten filament F is heated to incandescence
by a battery. As a result, electrons are emitted
from it by thermionic emission.

 The electrons are accelerated to high speeds by

the voltage applied between the filament F and the

 The target materials like tungsten, molybdenum

are embedded in the face of the solid copper

 The face of the target is inclined at an angle with

respect to the electron beam so that x-rays can
leave the tube through its side.

 When high-speed electrons strike the target, they

are decelerated suddenly and lose their kinetic
energy. As a result, x-ray photons are produced.

 Since most of the kinetic energy of the bombarding

electrons gets converted into heat, targets made
of high-melting-point metals and a cooling system
are usually employed.

9. Explain about continuous X-ray spectra.

 When a fast moving electron penetrates and
approaches a target nucleus, the interaction
 The electrons emitted from the source are between the electron and the nucleus either
accelerated by high potentials. accelerates or decelerates it which results in a
change of path of the electron.
 The beam is made parallel by magnetic condenser
lens.  The radiation produced from such decelerating
electron is called Bremsstrahlung or braking
 When the beam passes through the sample radiation (Figure).
whose magnified image is needed, the beam
carries the image of the sample.

 With the help of magnetic objective lens and

magnetic projector lens system, the magnified
image is obtained on the screen.

Higher Secondary Second Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 The energy of the photon emitted is equal to the  From the figure, it is evident that K-series of lines
loss of kinetic energy of the electron. in the x-ray spectrum of an element arises due to
the electronic transitions from L, M, N, . . levels to
 Since an electron may lose part or all of its energy the K-level.
to the photon, the photons are emitted with all
possible energies (or frequencies).

 The continuous x-ray spectrum is due to such


 When an electron gives up all its energy, then the

photon is emitted with highest frequency ν0 (or
lowest wavelength λ0 ).

 The initial kinetic energy of an electron is given by

eV where V is the accelerating voltage. Therefore,
we have,
ℎ =


Where λ0 is the cut-off wavelength.

 Substituting the known values in the above

equation, we get,  Similarly, the longer wavelength L-series
12400 originates when an L-electron is knocked out of
= Å the atom and the corresponding vacancy is filled
by the electronic transitions from M, N, O,... and
 The above equation is known as the Duane – Hunt so on.

10.Explain about characteristic X-ray spectra.

 X – ray spectra show some narrow peaks at some
well – defined wavelengths when the target is hit
by fast electrons.

 The line spectrum showing these peaks is called

characteristic x – ray spectrum.

 This x – ray spectrum is due to the electronic

transitions within the atoms.
 When an energetic electron penetrates into the
target atom and removes some of the K-shell

 Then the electrons from outer orbits jump to fill up

the vacancy so created in the K-shell.

 During the downward transition, the energy

difference between the levels is given out in the
form of x– ray photon of definite wavelength.

 Such wavelengths, characteristic of the target,

constitute the line spectrum.

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