27 Nov To 3 December 2010
27 Nov To 3 December 2010
27 Nov To 3 December 2010
Join for CSAT Rudraksha Consultancy OR Skill Plus Training Institute vehicle in the service station during warranty period. Adhere the traffic
rules while driving. Maintain the vehicle log book. Any other works as
Dolamundai, Cuttack, Ph.9861531250 / 9439619383 assigned by the authority from time to time.
(Civil Services Aptitude Test) Attendant, 01, 4200, 7th Std. passed, One year experience in the
ÆClasses on General Studies & Aptitude Test. relevant field. Preference will be given to the candidate having experi-
ÆExperienced & Highly Qualified Faculty. ence in Govt. Organization with 10th Standard pass or above., Assist
ÆLatest Study Materials. the Drive in the day-to-day work and also work in Blood Bank when the
vehicle is not moved. Ensure proper neat and clean of the vehicle. Any
ÆVSTs Series with Scientific feedback. other works as assigned by the authority from time to time.
Regular VST Series at Nominal Fees (a) Selection will be made in order of merit & preference. (b) In all the
cases the contract is for a period of one year initially & extendable
Su rya Vih ar, Lin k Ro ad ,C uttack - 12, basing on performance. (c) In all the cases, the maximum age limit
Ph. : 0 671-232 3545 / 943 85631 21 / 94391 64611 / 943 71035 45 is 45 as on 01.12.2010. (d) The candidates have the option to apply for
both the post if desired, for-which they can send separate application
œ çç¾
¾ ëëN
Nÿÿçç Ra jûAfûAUiþ forms. (e) The application received beyond the stipulated date and
time will be rejected. (f)T he application received through fax/e-mail or
† ç œÿçÿç þ æÓçA æ {s÷ œÿç ó {œÿB F ßë œÿç Aœÿú ÿ ¯ÿ¿æZÿ Aüÿú BƒçA æ beyond the stipulated date and time shall not be accepted. Further, the
L â ÀÀÿÿçÿ ç LLÿÿ æàÿ ¨’ ÿ application received after the stipulated date and time through Post or
H Ýç Éæ{Àÿ $# ¯ÿæÿæ Îç à ÿ H ¨æH´ æ Àÿ Courier shall not be accepted. (g)In case for the post of D river, the
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1640 candid ate will subm it eye testin g certificat e f ro m a re gistered
(100% placement) F B {à ÿL ÿ ú {s÷ æ œ ÿç O ÿ Opthalmologist, that no eyesight problems and can drive the vehicle. (h)
{¾æS¿†ÿæ- ITI/Diploma L {¨ö æ{ÀÿÓœÿ A AüAüÿú
üÿúÿú Bƒ Bƒç çA æ Attested photocopy of the Driving license will b e enclosed in the
à ç …..{Àÿ {Àÿ S æ÷ æf
S÷ f
fë ë Fsú
F sú application'form in case of Driver, (i)Only the qualified candidates shall be
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þæ--8000-12000+ À Ü ç ¯ÿæÿ æ BBqç
qç œœÿçÿç ßßÀÿç Àÿ ç {s÷ œœÿçÿç
Àÿç informed about the date and time of interview, (j) Attested copy of quali-
fying examination and experience certificate along with one number of
{¾ æS æ{¾æS
{¾æS æ{¾ æS Éí œÿÿ¿¨’ÿ
¿¨ ’ÿ : 122 self addressed envelop duly stamped with stamps worth Rs.25/- be
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¿æÓœÿÿæàÿú æàÿ ú BBœÿBœœÿÿúú Ó ë ¿ Àÿ
Àÿæœÿæœ ÿÛÛ enclosed with the application form, (k)Local candidates will be given
ISPT L ¸æœ
¸æœÿêÿêê àÿ
¸æœÿ àÿçç …. preference.
D/6, Industrial Estate, AæÝú
æÝú þ ú ç œÿçÿ ç{ ÎÎ÷÷ s ç µÿÿúú Aü
Aüÿÿçç Ó Àÿ APPLICATION FORM : Post applied for, Name, F ather's Name, Age,
Whether belong to SC/ST/OBC/GEN , Present Address, Permanent
Berham pur, Ganjam ¨¨’
’ ÓóQ ÓóQ¿æ:300
¿æ:300300 Address, Educational Qualification, Any Experience
Ph-9437374875/ Aœÿ¿æœÿ¿ ¯ÿçj樜ÿ œÿç þ{;ÿ œÿç¾ ëN ÿç LAST DAT E OF APPLICATION FORM : 04.12.2010.
9438603377, 9777703378 Q¯ÿÀÿÀÿ µÿç†ÿÀÿ ¨õÏæ {’ÿQ;ÿë Vice Chairman-cum-Superintendent
Odisha Red Cross Blood Bank, V.S.S. Medical College H ospital, Burla
(Approved by the Govt. of Orissa) ùK¦â I eûRý ieKûeu _âùZýK Ròfûä 72 RY @`òiò@ûfþ Áû`þ @ûagýK Keê@Qò Advertisement
Á ûUò Á ò K ûfþ , NAL CO , PWD, Zjiòf þ I A eò ùMi^
aòb ûMcû^uùe ajê iõLýK @cò^, Revenue Inspector, POST (AGE 18 - 28) QUALIFICATION EARN A/110 Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar
iùbð de, ùUâie, Wâû`Öi cýû^þ, Work Sarkar @ûagýK
Asst Manager A. Offic e
S. Keeper, Supervisor
+3 Pass
10th to +3
9000 to 12000
5500 to 9500 Ph.: 9132978495, 9338698164
ùjC[ôaûeê 8ceê B.A. ù~ûMýZû [ôaû _âû[ðú uê 45 \ò^ c¤ùe Receptionist, P.Incharge +2 & C. knowledge 4200 to 5600
ùUâ^òõ \ò@û~òa ö SC/STuê iêaò]û \ò@û~òa ö ùUâ^òõ _ùe PûKòeò
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Regional Institute Plot No. 298, Near Side of ijòZ 8\ò^ c¤ùe Interview \ò@«ê ö (10AM - 3PM) ÓÓ´æ׿
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Principal, Regional Institute,
Regional Institute (M),298, Baramunda,
298, Baramunda Fresher can apply for the Manager, Asst. Manager Chruch Lane, Similipada, Angul-759122
(Near sideofover
side Bridge,
o ver Bhubaneswar-3,
Brid ge) Bhu baneswar-3 and other various official posts. Salary: Rs.6000/- Ph:-9438012123, 9937033701
Mo b- 9776986218,9583470207
Ph-9238909941, 9583470207 to Rs.15000/- or above + Lodging free. Contact with
Or C.V. within 11 A.M. to 3 P.M.
Principal, RIMS, At/Po- Baniapat, Near Baitarani MA X WELL ê
Gramya Bank, D.D. College Road, Keonjhar-1 Madhupatna, (Near Samrat Cinema Hall) Cuttack-13,
Ph-9238943862, 9178838972 Phone: Cuttack :9583930232, Berhampur: 8093163241
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¨’ÿ{ä¨ œÿçAæ¾ç¯ > below under National Rural Health Mission, Orissa, for a contract period of 11 months subject
L ~ L À ç{¯ÿ : Üÿ{Îàÿ{Àÿ ÀÿÜÿë$#¯ ÿæ ÓþÖ ¨çàÿæþæœÿZÿÀÿ Óó¨í‚ ö ’ æßç†ÿ´ ¯ÿÜÿœÿ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ > Üÿ{Îàÿ{Àÿ ÀÿÜÿë$#¯ ÿæ ¨çàÿæþæœÿZÿÀÿ to renewal as per society norms.
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A{;ÿ¯ÿæÓçœÿê ÓÜÿç†ÿ ÀÿÜÿç{¯ÿ > ¨’ÿÀÿ œÿæþ-AæLÿæD+æ+, ¨’ÿ¯ÿê ÓóQ¿ææ-1, þæÓLÿë ¨æÀÿçÉ÷þçLÿ-4000/-, ¯ÿßÓ- 18-35, Multipurpose health work er (Female) at the approved Government Training centers/recog-
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from any 3 Govt. Nursing School of 3 Medical Colleges/ School of Nursing MCLTalcher/IGH
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Rourkela & Must have registered in the Orissa Nursing Council., Laboratory Technician, 5200/-
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,Must have complete DMLT Course from AICTE approved institution.
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ÓüÿæÓë†ÿëÀ ÿæÀÿÜÿç¯ ÿæ ÓÜÿ Fàÿú¨çfç ¯ÿ¿¯ÿÜÿæÀÿ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿë$#{¯ÿ > ÓæþßçLÿ ÉçäLÿ (S~ç†ÿ H ¯ÿçjæœÿ), 1, 3600/- ({s÷ƒ) 01 Bhadrak 34 0 2 03 Bargarh 0 12 3
3200/-(Aœÿú{s÷ƒ), 18-35, ¯ÿçFÓúÓç-¯ÿçB xÿç > ¾’ÿç D¨{ÀÿæNÿ {¾æS¿†ÿæ ¨÷æ$öêœÿê œÿþçÁ ; ç {†ÿ{¯ÿ ¯ÿçFÓúÓç {¾æS¿†ÿæ 02 Nuapada 6 5 0 04 Gajapati 3 5 0
¨÷æ$öê œÿêZÿ ’ÿÀÿQæÖ ¯ÿç`ÿæÀÿLÿë œÿçAæ¾ç¯ÿ > Lÿþçsç þæLÿöL ÿë ¯ÿç`ÿæÀÿLÿë œÿçAæ¾ç¯ÿ > ÓLÿæÁÿ 7.00-9.00 F¯ÿó Óó™¿æ 7.00-
9.00 ÓæþßçL ÉçäLÿ (BóàÿçÉ), 1, 3600/-({s÷ƒ) 3200/-(Aœÿú{s÷ƒ), 18-35, ¯ÿçF . ¯ÿçBxÿç > ¾’ÿç D¨{ÀÿæNÿ F or walk- in-l nterv iew the interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria men-
{¾æS¿†ÿæ ¨÷æ$öêœÿê œÿ þçÁÿ;ÿç {†ÿ{¯ÿ ¯ÿç. F BóàÿçÉ (AœÿÓö) L çºæ ¯ÿç.F{Àÿ 50 ¨÷† çɆÿ BóàÿçÉ{Àÿ $#¯ ÿæ ¨÷æ$öêœÿêZÿ ’ÿÀÿQæÖ tioned abov e are requested to report themselves between 10 A.M to 5 PM on 07/12/10, at
¯ ç`ÿæÀÿLÿë œÿçAæ¾ç¯ÿ > Lÿþçsç þæLÿöLÿë ¯ÿç`ÿæÀÿLÿë œÿçA æ¾ç¯ ÿ > ÓLÿæÁÿ 7.00-9.00 F¯ÿó Óó™¿æ 7.00-9.00 the offic e the c oncerned CDMOs . The authority reserves the right of accepting / rejec t-
ÓæþßçL ÉçäLÿ (ÓóÔÿõ†ÿ Üÿç¢ÿê), 1, 3600/-({s÷ƒ ). 3200(Aœÿ{s÷ƒ), 18-35, ¯ÿçF ÓÜÿ ÓóÔÿõ†ÿ F¯ÿó ÓæÜÿç†ÿ¿æ`ÿæ¾ö¿ ing, any applic ation on the bas is of above c ri teria. Candidates should come with the
L þçsç þæLÿöLÿë ¯ÿç`ÿæÀÿLÿë {œÿ{¯ÿ >, ÓLÿæÁÿ 7.00-9.00 F¯ÿó Óó™¿æ 7.00-900 application form/ and all documents, in original, in support of their eligibility as pres cribed
H´æ{xÿœÿ F¯ÿó AæLÿæD+æ+ ¨’ÿ¯ÿê Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ {Üÿ{àÿ þæœÿ¿¯ÿÀÿ {LÿæsöZÿ œÿç{”öÉ þë†ÿæ¯ÿLÿ ¨íÀ ~ L À æ¾æB¨æ{Àÿ> in the webs ite (www.nrhmorissa.gov.in). No.personal query will be entertained.
Ó´æ/- fçàÿâæ¨æÁÿ †ÿ$æ Ašä, FÓú. FÓú. F, {|ÿZÿæœÿæÁÿ Mission Director, NRHM,Orissa
bêaù^gße , œ {µÿºÀÿ 27Àÿë xÿç{ÓºÀÿ 3, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar Nov. 27 to Dec.3, 2010 4
the persons with disabilities (equal opportunities protection of rights & full participation)Act, 1995, will be a follows :
OC,X,VI-X,HI-X . A the reservation for persons with disabilities (PWD) category candidates is on a horizontal
basis the selected candidates will be placed in the appropriate category to which they belong(viz.SC,ST,OBC and
reserved (General category) (b) Candidates belonging to and applying for a post under the reserved OBC
RECRUITMENT PROJECT-2010(CLERK) RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION category are required to submit a certificate regarding his/her community in the prescribed format i.e. FORM
Union Bank of India a leading pan-india listed Public Sector Bank, with Heads Office in Mumbai,
POST S UN DER T HE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (F ormat available on bank’s website along with this notifica-
invites applications for recruitment to fill in 1640 vacancies in the CLERICAL CADRE.INCLUDES tion) and the certificate should clearly contain the NON-CREAMY LAYER CLAUSE based on the income for the
THE SPECIAL RECRUITMENT DRIVE TO FILL UP THE BACKLOG RESERVED VACANCIES FOR Financial year ending 31.03.2010 or later. Candidates not producing the above certificate will not be considered
PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. [ PLEASE READ THIS NOTIFICATION CAREFULLY BEFORE SUB- under the OBC Category. (c) The number of vacancies indicated above and also the number of reserved
MITTING THE ON-LINE APPLICATION] {PAY APPLICATION FEES AT ANY UNION BANK OF INDIA vacancies is provisional and may vary according to the actual requirement of the bank. (d) In case of non-
availability of reerved candidates the bank reserves its right to inter change these categories as per Govern-
ment Directives. (e) It is clarified that it may not be possible to employ candidates belonging to PWD category
POST/COURIER/HAND) in all Offices/Branches of the bank and they will have to work in the post identified by the bank a suitable for
OPENING DATE for making ON-LINE Application after payment of fees :26.11.2010 them. Where the use of certain facilities (right, hearing peech, travel & movement) is impirative in the dicharge
LAST DATE FOR MAKING ON-LINE APPLICATION & ON-LINE :16.12.2010 of the duties to that post, candidate having impairement in these faculties may notbe suitable for appointment
SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORM :06.02.2011 to the post and hence need not apply.
TENTATIVE DATE OF WRITTEN EXAMINATION 4.RELAXATION IN UPPER AGE LIMIT: The candidate in the unreserved/general category should have com-
POST AGE(As on 01.11.2010) Emoluments pleted as on 01.11. 2010. the minimum & maximum age as indicated in para 1 above relaxation in the upper age
CLERK-CUM-CASHIER Minimm age:18 years & Basic pay in time scale of Rs. limit for reserved category posts which are indicated along with general category posts will be is available as
in the Clerical Cadre #Maximum age:28years 7200-Rs.19300 plus DA,HRA follow s: (i) scheduled C aste/Scheduled Tribe candidates by 5 years (ii) Other backward classes candidates by
CCA,Conveyance Allowance, 3 years (iii) Person with disability (PWD) by 10 years on cumlulative basis. The cumulative age relaxation for
PWD category candidate will therefre be (a) by 15 years (10+5) for SC/ST(b)by 13 years (10+3) for OBCs and
Gratuity, Pension, LFC, Medical
(c) by 10years (0+10) for general candidate subjects to such cumulative relaxation not taking the age of
Aid,Reimbursement of Hospitalization
candidates to beyond 50 years as on the date of his joining the service of the bank. (iv) Widows, divorced
& other expenses as also various facilities women & women judicially separated from their husbands, who have not remarried, by 9 years subject to a
under Staff Welfare schemes as per maximum age limit of 35 years for General/Unreserved category candidates, 38 years for OBC and 40 years
banks Rules for SC/ST category candidates. Age relaxations stipulated for other reserved category candidates would also be
(b)VACANCY POSIT ION available on cumulative basis. (v) T he Children/F amily Members of those who died in the 1984 riots by 5 years.
CODE STATE/ TOTAL SC ST OBC R(GEN) Persons eligible for age relaxation under this criteria must produce a certificate from the District Magistrate to
UNION T ERRIT ORY the effect that they are eligible for relief in terms of the Rehabilitation Package for 1984 Riot affected persons
11 And & Nic Island 02 00 00 00 02 sanctioned by the Government and communicated vide Ministry of F inance. Dept. of F inancial Services
12 Arunachal Pradesh 02 00 01 00 01 communication No. F.No. 9/21/2006-IR dated 27.07.2007) . (vi) Ex-servicemen w ho fulfill the revised definition
13 Andhra Pradesh 132 21 08 42 61 as laid down in Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Personnel & Administrative
14 Assam 14 00 02 05 07 reforms notification No. 36034/5/85/Estt.(SCT) dated 27.10.1986 as amended from time to time who have put
15 Bihar 36 07 00 12 17 in not less than 6 months continuous service in the Armed Forces shall be allowed the benefit of age relaxation
16 Chandigarh 08 01 00 03 04 by deducting the length of such service from his actual age and the resultant age should not exceed the
17 Chhatishgarh 28 00 13 01 14 Maximum Age limit prescribed for the which he/she seeks appointment by more than 3 years. The ex-
18 Delhi 64 01 06 25 32 serviceman status for the purpose of re-employment in Government of an Ex-serviceman ceases once he has
19 Goa 08 01 01 04 02 joined a government job on the civil side on re-employment after availing of the benefits given to him as ex-
20 Gujrat 112 01 18 42 51 servicemen maximum upper age limit after considering all relaxations would be 50years. 5.ELIGIBILITY
21 Haryana 32 03 00 13 16 CRITERIA (As on 01.11.2010)(i) National Citizenship-A candiddates must be either(ii)Applications from serving
22 Himachal Pradesh 08 00 00 02 06 employees. Subject to their fulfilling the eligibility criteria existing employees of union Bank of india may apply
online through proper channel. Such candidates, if selected shall resign from their present position in the bank
23 Jammu & Kashmir 08 01 01 03 03
and re-join the bank’s service afresh. (iii) Age-The minimum age and maximum age including the with relaxation
24 Jharkhand 36 07 10 04 15
will be reckoned as of 01.11.2010. (iv) Educational qualifications (as on 01.11.2010)(a) The candidate should
25 Karnataka 88 16 10 29 33 possess the following minimum qualification as on 01.11.2010. 1.(a) A first class pass (60% marks in the
26 Kerala 68 00 02 33 33 aggregate) in the higher secondary school (HSC) examination or standard XII under the 10+ 2+ 3 pattern or
27 Madhya Pradesh 124 22 29 22 51 standard XI under the 11+3 pattern or intermediate examination or pre-university (PUC) examination from a
28 Maharashtra 260 21 42 83 114 recognised educational board. OR (b) A pass class graduate degree from a UGC recognised reputed university
29 Mizoram 02 00 00 00 02 ex-servicemen who do not possess the above civil examination qualifications should have passed, while
30 Nagaland 04 00 01 00 03 serving in the Armed forces with aminimum of 60% marks, any of the following examinations recognised by the
31 Orissa 32 06 09 04 13 gove rnment as equivalent of the civil examination of HSC/ Pre university viz. (i)IAF educational test for
32 Punjab 56 08 00 20 28 promotion to the rank of corporal (ii)Passing out(Indian N avy) examination conducted by boys training establish-
33 Rajasthan 24 04 03 05 12 ment Visakhapatnam. (2)Computer awareness and Office automation course (computer basics DOS, MS office
34 Tamilnadu 110 20 02 35 53 internet & E-mail) from a computer training institute of a duration of minimum 60 hours. T he requirement of
35 Tripura 06 02 04 00 00 having completed the computer awareness & automation course will be waived in case of those graduate having
36 Uttar Pradesh 296 66 04 105 121 computer awareness & know ledge as part of the curriculam at the degree level. (3) Should know to read , write
37 Uttarakhand 32 06 01 09 16 & speak the language of the State/Union Territory for which he/she applies. When called for the personal
38 West Bengal 43 06 03 17 17 interview the candidate MUST ATTACH TO THE SYST EM GENERATED PRINTED ON-LINE APPLICAT ION
39 Sikkim 05 01 02 02 00 FOR M, PROOF by way of clear and legible photocopies of- (a)UNIVERSIT Y F INAL DEGREE PASSING
TOTAL 1640 221 172 520 727 SPECT OF EAC H OF T HE EXAMINATIONS PASSED from the concerned college & university , AND (c)
COMPUTER C OURSE PASSING CERT IF ICATE in support the stipulation of having completed the
of the total 1640 vacancies break-up of reserved vacancies for PWD & Ex-serviceman categories will be as
computer awareness & office automation course for duration of minimum 60 hours. The requirement of having
follow VC,HI,OC-& XS- The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies is provisional and
may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank. T he recruitment will be on STATE-WISE/UNION completed the computer awareness & automation course w ill be waived in case of those graduates having
computer awareness or knowledge as part of the curriculum at the degree level and this fact should be indicated
TERRIT ORY-WISE by indicated. A candidat e can make an application for ON LY ONE STAT E OF N ION
in the application form and also evidenced by an duly highlighted entry of the subject in the relevant
No change in the preference of the state/union of the Application Form. It is imperative that the candidate WRITT EN EXAMINAT ION. The percentage of marks stipulated for the educational qualification for each post is
for reserved/general category candidates. Candidates belonging to the reserved category (SC/ST/OBC /PWD)
should know to Read, Write & speak the language of the state/union Territory for which S/HE chooses to apply.
filling in vacancies reserved for the relevant category will be entitled to a relaxation of 5% marks in relation to
However,it may please be noted by the prospective candidates that most of the vacancies identified by the
bank are under the branches/offices failling under the following controlling offices. The allocations would be that stipulated for unreserved/general category candidates.Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD catego-
ries filling in general/unreserved vacancies w ill not be entitled to the above referred relaxation.(6)PROBAT ION
compratively less in the rest of the regions vis-a vis the region mentioned below.
PERIOD : The selected candidate will be on probation for a period of 6 months of active service from the date
#Maximum Age for U R, relaxation for reserved (SC/ST/OBC /PWD/EXSM) category as per para.4
NOT ES: MU LTIPLE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ALL MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS IF MAD E WILL of his/her joining the bank. (7)(a)SELECTION MET HODOLOGY:1. All applicants will be administered a written
test without verification of their age or qualification or category or any other eligibility criteria with relevance to
documents and will be on purely provisionally basis. On the strengs of the information provided by them in the
Candidates should ensure that they carefully fill in the On-Line Application Form and atisfy themselves that the
information filled in is correct before they have the information. on-line application. The candidates must, therefore, ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria, has in his/
her possession the requisite documents and ceritificates specified by the Bank, and that the particulars furnised
in the online application are true and correct in all respects. Mere admission to the written test and/or passing the
1.Category of Person. UR-(Unreserved -General), SC-scheduled Caste,ST Scheduled T ribe,OBC-Other Back-
ward Classes, XS-Ex-servicemen, PWD-person with disabilities (Physically challenged person) are persons who test and being invited by the bank for the personal interview shall not imply that te bank has been satisfied
beyond doubt about the candidates eligibility. Candidates who do not satisfy the eligibility criteria and who do not
are OC-Orthopaedically challenged HI-Hearing impaired VC- Visually challenged (Blind /Partially Blind/Low Vision)
produce the photocopies as well as te originals of all te documents required to be submitted and as advised in
2.An Orthopaedically challenged (OC) person is one having a minimum of 40% physically defect or deformity
which cases interference with the normal fnctioning of the bones, muscles and joint and is so certified by as the notification as w ell a the interview call letter, for any reason whatsoever, will not be permitted to participate
in the personal interview even through they may have passed the written examination and have been called for
Medical Board appointed by the state Government . Only those who fall in the following categories are eligible
the personal interview. (2) The short listing of the candidates for personal interview will be made on the basis of
to apply.s
BL-Both legs affected but not Arms, OA-One Arm affected (Right or Left)(a)Impaired Reach (b) Weaknes of the candidates performance in a written test spelt out in para-8 of this notification. (3) T he candidates shall be
required to qualify in each objective test spelt out in para 8 (I)(A)s of this notification, as per cut-off marks
Grip(c) Ataxia OL-One leg affected (Right or Left) MW-Muscular weaknes & limited physically endurance.,
determined on the basis of performance in each test, subject to a minimum 40% marks (35% marks for reserved
3.Visually Challenged (VC) (a) Only those persons who suffer from either of the following conditions (i) Total
absence of sight (ii) Visual Aculty lot exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses category) in the aggregate of 200marks. They shall also be required to obtain the minimum passing marks of
50% (45% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD category) in the objective test on computer knowledge spelt out in para 8 (I)(B).
or (iii) Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse and so certified by a Medical
Wrong answers given in the objective test will attract penalty by w ay of negative marks. Mere eligibility/pass
Board appointed by the state Government.
(b) A person with low vision means one with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment of standard in the w ritten test shall not vest any right a candidate for being called for personal interview. (4) While the status
of the Test of English language will be only for qualifying and the marks would not be included in the aggregate
refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task
marks for the purpose of Merit ranking, the cnadidate has to necessarily pass the thst scoring the minimum
with appropriate assistive device.
4.Deaf & Hearing Impaired (HI):(a) Deaf are those person in whom the sense of hearing is non-functional for passing marks or else he/she will be deemed to have failed and not qualified for the further selection process.
(5)In the case of objective tests on computer knowledge of 30 minutes duration carrying 50 marks eac, spelt out
ordinary purposes of life, i.e.with total loss of hearing in both ears. They do not hear and understand sound at
in 8 (I)(B), the minimum qualifying marks will be 50% (45% for reserved category of SC/ST/OBC/PWD). The
all-even with amplified speech.
b) Hearing impairment means loss of more than 60 decibles in the better ear in the conversational range of the marks obtained in the objective test will be added to the interview . Marks and any other test or group discussion,
if held for merit ranking. (6) Depending on the number of vacancies only those candidates who have secured
the minimum qualifying marks stipulated for written test and rank sufficiently high in the order of merit based
3.RESERVATION IN POSTS”(a) Reservation in posts for different categories of persons including backlog under
the respective reservation categories is as indicated in Para 1 against the respective vacancies . Candidates on the total marks scored in the written test shall be called for a personal interview in the ratio of 1:3 for general/
unreserved candidates and 1:5 in case of candidates belonging to the reserved categories. The Bank however
belonging to the Reserved category are free to apply for the reserved (General category) vacancies, but they
reserves its right to call for the interview candidates otherwise than in the above ratio at its sole discretion. (7)
will not be entitled to relaxation in terms of age, qalifications, and standards of selection and other parameters
available to the Reerved category segment and will complete on General category standards. where a post Candidates passing the written test and the personal interview will be ranked in a descending order on the basis
of the aggregate marks obtained in the written test. group discussion (where conducted) & personal interview
have been specifically em-marked for a particular category other than unreserved-general category candidates
under the respective SC/ST /OBC/GEN category. (8) Subject to the vacancies available under the respective
belonging to the other categorie are not permitted to apply. The Reservation for persons with disabilities (PWD)
in posts where the candidate will be in a position to discharge his duties required of the post as envisaged under category, only those candidates who pass both the written test as well as the personal interview will be short-
continued page-5
bêaù^gße , œ {µÿºÀÿ 27Àÿë xÿç{ÓºÀÿ 3, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar Nov. 27 to Dec.3, 2010 5
Unio n ban k.......con tin ued p age-4 SELECTION. HEREFORE, BEF ORE APPLYING ON -LINE FOR THE
listed for selection in the order of the merit rank obtained by them under POST T HE C ANDIDAT E SHOULD ENSURE THAT H E/SHE EACH OF
the respective category. (9) In case it is detected at any stage that the THE ELIGIBILIT Y CRITERIA AND OTHER NORMS INCLUDING POS-
candidate does not satisfy with the conditions stipulated or does not SESSING THE REQUISITE DOCUMENTS A MENTIONED IN THIS NO-
fulfill any of t he eligibilit y criteria and/or he/she has furnished any TIFICAT ION. (13) GENERAL INSTRUCTION:(A) CANDIDATES ARE RE-
incorrect information and/or has suppressed any material information/ QUIRED TO PAY THE APPLICATION FEE AT ANY UNION BANK OF
facts his/her candiadature will, stand cancelled. If any of these short- INDIA BR AN CH AN D THEREAFT ER APPLY ON-LINE ONLY FR OM
comings are detected even after appointment his/her services will be 26.11.2010 TO 16.12.2010 THROUGH THE LINK PROVIDED ON THIS
summarily terminated. (10) Appointment of the short-listed selected NOTIFICAT ION HOST ED ON THE BANKS WEBSITE WHICH WILL LEAD
candidate is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per the THEM TO THE ON-LINE APPLICAT ION FORM. T HE SYSTEM GENER-
requirement of the Bank. Such appoint ment and confirmation in the ATED PRINTED APPLICAT ION FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENT S ARE
services of the bank will also be subject to receiving satisfactory refer- NOT T O BE SEN T AT THE T IME OF APPLYING. THESE WILL BE RE-
ences from re spectable ref eress, police verification of anteced ents QUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED BY TH E CANDIATE ONLY WHEN INVITED
caste/ class verification, execution of service bond and other compli- FOR T HE PERSONAL INTERVIEW. TH E CANDIDATE SHOULD EN-
Sr.No. Nameofthe testpaper No.of questions&marks POST. A can did at e ca n su bmit ON LY ONE ON-LI NE
1 Testofreasoning 50 questinscarrying75marks APPLICATION.MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS WILL BE SUMMARILY RE-
2 Test ofNumerical Ability 50 questionscarrying75marks JECTED AND T HE APPLICATION FEE FORD EIT ED. Decision of the
3 Testofgeneral awareness 50 questionscarrying50marks Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at
4 Testofenglish language** **50questions carrying 50marks which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken the documents to be
Composite 95 minutes duration 200questionscarrying200marks produced for the purpose of the conduct of examination, interview, selec-
The candidate shall be required to qualifying in each objective test as per tion and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on
cut -off mark determined o n the basis of pe rformance in e ach te st, the candidate. In case it is detected at any stage of the recritment that a
subject to a minimum of 40% (35% for reserved category) in the aggre- candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/ or that he/she has
gate of 200 marks of the objective test. Candidates failling to obtain the furnished any incorrect/false information and/or that he/she has fur-
minimum qualifying marks will not be declared to have cleared the nished any incorrect /false information or has concealed or suppressed
objective test. **The test of english language is for qualifying purpose any material fact(s) his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of
only, Hence, though the candidate has also to pass in the test of english
these shortcomings is/are detected even after appointment his/her ser-
language the marks obtained in the test will not be reckoned in the
aggregate of 200 marks of the written examination for the purpose of vices are liable to be terminated. (b) Carefully fill in the details in the
merit ranking. (B) Objective test on computer knowledge -one paper -50 online application form and re-check every page before moving to the
marks (duration 30 minutes): In additional to the objective test assesing next page. After submitting the on-line application form, with the applica-
aptitude there will be one more objective test on computer knowledge tion fee details (whereever applicable) duly entered therein candidates are
comprising 50 marks consisting of compulsory questions to assess the required to obtain two(2) print -outs of the computerised system gener-
computer knowledge of the candidate. The minimum passing marks will ated application form. On one printout of the system generated printed
be 50% (45% for reserved category) the marks scored by the candidate application form firmly paste with ONE pasport size photograph, duly
will rank for merit ranking. THERE WILL BE PENALTY F OR WRONG signed across, at the appropriate place on the first page, and keep ready
ANSWERS MARKED IN THE OBJECTIVES TEST WHICH WILL RE- for submission to the bank along with one set of photocopies of the Fee
payment challan and the documents listed in (c) (d) (e) & (f) below ONLY
the total penalty for a test is in fraction, the marks obtained will be WHEN INVITED FOR THE PERSONAL INTERVIEW DO NOT SEND
rounded off to the nearest interger. (II)PERSONAL INTERVIEW :A per- THE APPLIC ATION FOR M TO THE BANK BY POST/C OURIER. The
sonal interview of 50 marks shall be conducted to asess the candidates second print out of the application form should be kept by the candidate
academic record p ower of expresion clarit y of th oughts qualities of for his/ her records. (c) The candidates should submit, when invited for
leadership extra curricular activities, hobbies general demeanour behaviour the personal interview, one set of photocopies of all the requisite docu-
communication skill etc. The minimum qualifying marks for the personal ments along with the system generated application form and the photo-
interview would be 50% marks (45% marks for reserved category candi- copy of the fee payment challan(whereever applicable) arranged chrono-
dates). NOT E: T he bank reserves the absolute right to decide as to logically in the order listed below in support of (1) his/her date of birth (2)
whether to hold all or any the modes of written test & or group discussion SSC & HSC examination passing certificate & marks sheets (3) the
&/or personal interview for selection of the candidates to the respective semester-wise marks sheets for each semester/year & (4) degree pass-
post. The bank also reserves the right to alter the structure of the written
examination depending upon factors like number of eligible applications ing certificate(s) (5) Computer awareness training (6) Work experience
etc. (9) WR IT TEN EXAMINATION/TEST CENTR ES & ISSUE OF CALL certificate if any. (d) Candidates claiming the benefit of reservations/age
LET TERS FOR THE WRIT TEN EXAMINATION/T EST:(m) T he written ex- relaxation under the category of persons with disabilities(i.e. physically
amination/test will be tentatively held on 6.2.2011 at the examination CANDIATES LIABLE TO PAY FEES ARE REQUIRED TO ATTACH ONE challenged persons) should also submit a clear and legible copy of the
centres indicated below. The full address of the examination venue at the PHOTOCOPY OF THE RECRUITMENT FEE PAYMENT CHALLAN TO disability/medical certificate issued on or after 01.04.2010 and as speci-
examination centre will be advised in the examination call letters. The THE EXAMINATION C ALL LETTER AND SUBMIT THE EXAMINATION fied in the persons with disabilities (Equals opportunities, protection of
examination call letter will be despatched to the prim-facie eligible candi- CALL LETTER FAILING TO ADHERE TO THESE INST RUCTIONS WILL rights & full participation) Act, 1995* in support of their disability issued
dates, based on the information provided in the On-Line Application, by NOT BE PERMITTED TO APPEAR FOR THE WRIT TEN EXAMINATION. by an authorised certifying authority (as indicated at para 14 (ii) clearly
post well in advances of the date of written examination to reach tenta- 10. PRE-EXAMINATION T RAINING (PET): T he bank intends, in conso- indicating the nature & quantum (percentage) of disability . The prescribed
tively by 01.02. 2011 at the corresponden ce add ress given by the nance with the guidelines issued by the government of india to impart free format of the disability certificate available on the banks website, which
candidate in the application form. CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO non-residential pre-examination training (PET ) of six working days to a if needed to be downloaded printed and made use of. (e)Candidates to
KEEP TRAC K OF THE STAT US OF THEIR CANDIDATURE BY VISIT- limited number of candidates belonging to scheduled castes/scheduled
ING THE BANKS WEBSITE F ROM TIME TO TIME INSTEAD OF WAIT- SC /ST /OBC category should submit a photocopy of their caste are
ING FOR ANY POSTAL COMMUNICAT ION AND NOT TO MAKE TELE- tribes/ minority communaties, who have not attend for a pre-examination issued by the competent autority in the format prescribed government of
PHONIC OR E-MAIL ENQUIRES WILL NOT BE ENT ERTAINED/RE- training at any time earlier. The PET will be held at centres located at india dept. of personnel & training No. 36012/6/88-Estt.(SCT)(SRD-III)
SPONDED TO. While every attempt will be made to ensure that the ahmedabad , bangalor, bhopal, bhubaneswar, delhi, ernakulam. lucknow & dated 24.04 1990 & No. 36036/8/98Estt.(Res.) dated 16.03.1999. The
intimation to the eligible candidates, short listed for attending the inter- mumbai. Selection for the PET from among the candidates will be made on prescribed format of the SC/ST caste certificate is available on the banks
view w ill be se nt by po st, sufficiently in advance so as to give the the priority of the date of payment and the date of receipt of application website which if needed may be downloaded printed and made use of.
candidate adequate time to attend the interview, the bank will not be held form. Candidates belonging to the above categories w ho have not at- SC/ST/OBC candidates claiming reserved status, failling to submit the
responsible for delay in receiving the intimation by the candidate through tended any PET earlier and are now desirous of availing themselves of photocopies of the caste certificate in prescribed format issued by the
post for any reason whatsoever. REQUEST F OR CHANGE OF TH E such pre-examination training may indicate to that effect with the PET competent authority will not be considered for the posts under the respec-
EXAMINAT ION CENTRE F ROM THAT INDICATED BY THE CANDIDAT E centre in the application form. All expensess for attending the pre-exami- tive reserved categories and their candidature will be cancelled. Candi-
IN HIS/HER APPLICAT ION FORM HALL NOT BE PERMITT ED &/OR nation training (PET) programme at the concerned training centre relating to
ENT ERTAINED. A candidate who does not receive the examination call date should, therefore ensure that the caste certificate is in the proper
travel boarding loding etc. will have to be made and borne by the candidate. format. (f) The other backw ard class (OBC) certificate to be submitted by
letter by 31.01.2011 can download the call letter from the banks website
from 01.02.2011 to 05.02.2011 in case of any difficulty candidates may The Bank has discretion to add to or delete from the centres for PET OBC candidates at the time of the personal interview should be in the
contact from 11.30am t o 4.30 pm the concerned regional office of indicated above. (12) PAYMENT OF NON- REFUNDABLE APPLICATION format prescribed by the government of india vide government of india
UNION BANK OF IN DIA located at the examination centre he/she has FEE: 1. App lica nts a re first req uired t o g o t o th e b anks w ebsite Dept. of personnel & training office memo No. 36033/28/94-Estt.(Res.)
opted for at address given below . with a written application indicating (1) www.unionbankofindia.co.in and on the home page open the link careers. dated 02.07. 1997 entitled FORM OF CERTIFICAT E TO BE PRODUCED
his/her name (2) address (3) category (4)Registration Number and (5) (2) T hereafter open the recruitment notification ent itled UNION BAN K BY OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES APPLYING FOR APPOINTMENT T O
Details of application fee paid i.e payment T RANS ID allotted by the REC RUITMENT PROJECT-2009-CLERK (3) Take a print of the entire POST S UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA and shoulds invariably
application fee receiving Union Bank of India Branch, for issue of dupli- recruitment notification including the RECRUITMENT APPLICATION FEE contain the creamy/non creamy layer clause based on the income for
cate exam call letters. PAYMENT CHALLAN.(4)Fill in the recruitment application fee payment the financial years 2009-2010 ie as of 31.03.2010. The prescribed format
challan in a clear and legible handwriting in BLOCK LET TER S. (5) Go to the of the obc certificate with non-creamy layer class is available on the
nearest Union Bank of India Branch with the application fee challan and banks website. OBC CERTIFICATE NOT IN THE PRESCRIBED FOR-
pay, in cash the appropriate application fee as indicated below. MATS AND/OR NOT CONTAINING THE NON- CREAMY LAYER CLAUSE
Category of Applicant Amount of Fees BASED ON F INAN CIAL YEAR PRI OR T O 2009-2010 I.E. befo re
(6)Obtain the Applicants counterfoil copy of the application fee payment CANDIDATE HAVING APPLIED UNDER T HE RESERVED CATEGORY
challan duly receipted by the Bank with (a) Branch name (b)Branch SOL ID WILL BE DISQALIF IED AND WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PART ICI-
(c) 7 to 10 digit T RANS ID and (4) date of deposit filled in by the branch PATE UNDER THE GENERAL/UNRESRVED CATEGORY. IT IS THERE-
official.(7) You are now ready to apply on-line by revisiting the recruitment FORE IN T HE INTEREST OF T HE CAN DIDATE TO EN SURE THAT
notification on the banks website and going to the link entitled ON-LINE THEY GET THEIR OBC CERT IFICATES IN TH E PROPER FORMAT AND
2010 to open up the appropriate On-line application form format. (8) Care- SUED BY T HE COMPETENT AUTHORITIES AND FURNIH T HE SAME
fully fill in the details from the recruit ment applications fee payment WHEN INVITED FOR T HE PERSONAL INT ERVIEW. As the candidates
challan in the on-line application form at the appropriate place. (9)A photo- belonging to OBC category but coming in the a creamy layer ARE NOT
copy of the receipted application fee payment challan should be attached ENT ITLED to the benefits of OBC reservation, they should indicate their
to the written examination call letter to be submitted at the time of appear- category a GEN while filling in the On-Line application form. g) Candi-
ing for the written examination where applicable and also to the system
dates serving in Government / Public Sector Undertaking (in-
generated printed application form, to be submitted only at the time of the
personal interview. (10) Steps mentioned at serial nos (3) (4)(5) (6) & (9) will cluding Banks & Financial Institutions) should not forward the
not be applicable to SC/ST/persons with disability (PWD) Ex-servicemen Application Form through in their employers but should submit a
cand idat es as the y are exampted f rom payment o f application fe es. “No Objection Certificate” from the employer, only at the time of
THE ABOVE STATED MODE WILL NOT BE ACCEPT ED. INST RUMENT S h) Candidates claiming to have work experience should ensure
that they submit at the time of the personal interview, along with
BE ENCASHED BY THE BAN K AND SUCH INSTRUMENTS IF RECEIVED the Printed On-Line Application Form, documentary proof thereof
WILL NOT BE RETU RNED T O THE APPLICANTS. AN APPLICAT ION by way of Work Ex per ience Certi fi cates for the periods
ONCE MAD E WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE WIT HDRAWN AND T HE me nt ione d in th e A pp licatio n Form , f rom a ll th eir em plo yers,
FEES ON CE PAID WILL NOT BE REFUNDED ON ANY ACCOUNT NOR clearly st atin g t he pe rio d a nd na ture of em plo ymen t / d utie s,.
bêaù^gße , œ {µÿºÀÿ 27Àÿë xÿç{ÓºÀÿ 3, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar Nov. 27 to Dec.3, 2010 6
Electronics Corporation of India Limited 8. All qualifications should be from a recognized Indian University / Institute recognized by AICTE
/ Appropriate Statutory Authority in notified disciplines only.
A Government of India [DAE] Enterprise 9. The candidate has to download (print) two copies of hall ticket from our website and affix his
/her latest colour photo (4 X 3 cms size) on both copies as and when the same is provided on our
ECIL Post, Hyderabad-500062 website. One copy of the hall ticket should be submitted to the invigilator at Examination Centre
Electronics Corporation of India Limited is a leading Public Sector Company in the area of Strategic along with ECIL’s copy of SBI Pay-in-Slip towards the exam fee wherever applicable. The other
Electronics with thrust on innovation & indigenization. A technology leader and pioneer, engi- copy (hall ticket) can be retained by the candidate for future reference. Both the copies of hall
neers at ECIL have opportunities to work in some of the most exciting national and international tickets are to be attested (over the photo) by the invigilator. The candidates will not be allowed for
projects in Nuclear, Defence, Space, Security, Telecom, IT, Medical and e-governance sectors in written test, in case of non-submission of 2 sets of Hall Tickets, ECIL’s copy of SBI Pay-in-slip
the functional areas of Design & Development, Project execution, Engineering, Production, Test- wherever applicable to invigilator at examination centre.
ing & qualification, Marketing and maintenance. Core competencies include Automation & Control,
10. The details of candidates shortlisted from written test, will be kept on our website. The
Power Electronics & drives, SATCOM, DSP, Communication & networks, EW, Microwave & RF
engineering, Mechanical & Structural design, Inertial systems & navigation, Hybrids, ASICS, schedule of interview, date, time & venue will also be kept on our website for information of all
VHDL, FPGA, Sensors, Actuators & Detectors, Embedded electronics, Real-time software etc. concerned as and when decided.
ECIL has close collaboration with national R&D laboratories and is involved in national & interna- 11. The Management reserves right to limit the number of candidates to be called for written test/
tional projects incorporating cutting edge technology. ECIL is looking for dynamic and result- interview depending on the response and organizational needs. The candidates working in Govt.
oriented young engineers for its requirement at Headquarters and Zonal/Branch/Site Offices Departments /PSUs should route their application through proper channel or submit ‘No Objection
located across India for the following position: Certificate’ at the time of interview invariably; otherwise, the candidate will not be allowed for
Name & No. of Posts Upper age limit Qualification interview and no Travelling Allowance will be paid wherever applicable.
as on 31.10.2010 12. The application is liable for rejection at any stage of recruitment process in case submitted
First Class Engineering Degree
with minimum 65% marks in ag- without enc losing necess ary documents at the time of interv iew. Further, if any other
Graduate Engineer Trainee - 122 25 YEARS shortcoming(s ) is/are noticed (either at the instance of c andidate or otherwise) even after
gregate (55% for SC/STs) from
in the disciplines of
AICTE approved Colleges /Rec- appointment, his/her services are liable for termination forthwith.
ECE, EEE, E&I, CSE, CSIT, IT, CIVIL & ognized Indian Universities in the 13. For queries candidates may visit the website and go through the Frequently Asked Questions
MECHANICAL relevant discipline. (FAQ) section.
(SC-13, ST-07, OBC-30, UR-68 &
PH -04 (VH, HH & OH) 14. The candidate has to quote his/her system generated application number for all future corre-
Note: 1. Candidates having Post Graduation qualification in Engineering need not apply. spondenc e.
2. Candidates completed Engineering / Technology degree and whose results are declared only 15. The candidate has to visit our website frequently for information pertaining to (1) date of
need to apply. written test, (2) download of hall ticket for written test, (3) details of shortlisted candidates for
STIPEND: The selected candidates will undergo training for a period of one year on a consoli- interview etc.
dated stipend of Rs.23,800/- per month. They are also entitled for subsidized transport & canteen 16. All future correspondence would be through E-mail ID, furnished by the applicant in the on-line
facility, PF etc., as per rules of the Corporation. On successful completion of training, they will be application-form or by post.
appointed as Engineer (Contract) for a period of three years. On successful completion of 17. While applying on-line, the candidate has to exercise his/her choice of One Examination
contract appointment, they will be absorbed as Technical Officer in the scale of pay of Rs.16400- Centre only. No request for change of Examination Centre will be entertained. However, Manage-
3%-40500/-. Further, on completion of one year service as Technical Officer, they will be consid- ment reserves the right to s hift candidate from the examination centre selected to a nearby
ered for promotion to the post of Senior Technical Officer, in the scale of pay of Rs.20600-3% -
Examination Centre depending on the response.
46500/- depending on his/her performance and suitability. Method of Selection: The selection
18. ECIL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify the recruitment process, if need so
process will be through a written test and interview. All eligible candidates, who have secured
65% marks and above in aggregate for General & OBC and 55% and above marks in aggregate arises, without assigning any reason.
for SC/ST are eligible for consideration. However, Management reserves the right to decide the 19. Any Legal proceeding in respect of any matter/claim or dispute arising out of this
cut-off marks criteria of calling candidates for written test depending on the response and advertisement/selection, can be instituted only under the jurisdiction of Courts at Ranga Reddy
organisational needs. Written Test will be cov ering the s yallabus of Engineering degree of District, Andhra Pradesh.
respectiv e discipline(s). The written test will be organized at different Examination Centers 20. ECIL will not be responsible for any postal delay/loss in transit in submission of documents
spread all over India i.e. Hyderabad, Benguluru, Chennai, Trivandrum, Delhi, Chandigarh, Jaipur, within specified time. Candidates are advised to visit our website periodically for any information
Lucknow, Bhopal, Kolkata, Patna, Gauhati, Bubaneswar, Mumbai & Ahmedabad. The candidates in this regard.
are required to select any ONE Examination Centre only of their choice. The centre selected once 21. In case any ambiguity/dispute arises on account of interpretation in version other than English
is final and cannot be changed. Details with regard to date, time and venue of written test etc., language, English version will prevail.
will be kept on our website for information of all concerned. TA: No Travelling Allowance will be 22. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
paid for attending written test. 23. No Travelling Allowance will be paid for attending written test.
1. Qualification: First Class with 65% in aggregate and above in Engineering Degree is relaxed to
Second Class with minimum 55% marks and above in aggregate for SC/ST Candidates. 1. Eligible candidates have to apply ‘ON-LINE’ through https://ecil.gov.in/ for getting connected to
2. Age: Upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC. In respect of PWD Advertisement details or they can use ECIL website http://www.ecil.co.in/ by selecting ‘Careers’
candidates, belonging to SC/ST the age relaxation is 15 years; OBC for 13 years and General for followed by ‘e-Recruitment’. The on-line application process will be operational from 22.11.2010
10 years. (1400 hrs.) to 04.12.2010 (2000 hrs.).
Electronics Corporation of India Limited 2. State Bank of India has been authorized to collect the non-refundable application fee on behalf
A Government of India [DAE] Enterprise of ECIL, in a specially opened Account Number 31102144119 available on our website from
ECIL Post, Hyderabad – 500 062 22.11.2010. Candidates have to download and print the Pay-in-slip and approach the nearby SBI
Upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State branch for remitting the non-refundable application fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only).
of Jammu & Kashmir from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989. Interview: Shortlisted candidates from The Pay-in-slip printed from the portal should only be used for depositing the fee for proper
written test only, will be called for interview at Hyderabad. They will be intimated separately with crediting of amount in the allocated Account. On receipt of the money, the Bank will allot a Journal
regard to date, time and venue of interview by mail / post. This information will also be kept on our
Number, Branch Name and Branch Code. This journal number, Branch Name and branch code are
website for information to the candidates. The shortlisted candidates from the written test have
to be filledin, by the candidate while applying on-line. ECIL will not be responsible, if the candidate
to bring the (1) on-line registered application form duly signed and with recent colour photo
affixed, (2) all original certificates in support of his / her date of birth, qualification, latest caste & deposit the fee in a wrong account. There will not be any other mode of payment of application fee.
disability (PWD) certificate along with a set of photo copies, (3) hall ticket which was attested by 3. The candidate can take a print out of the blank application proforma provided as a link on the
the invigilator at the time of written test & (4) interview call letter, while coming for the interview main page, fill up the required information (in Capital letters) as per proforma along with the
without fail. Otherwise, they will not be allowed for the interview and no TA will be paid in respect application fee details and apply through On-line, so that the data furnished is error-free.
of eligible candidates. Out-station candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD only will be allowed 2nd 4. After applying on-line, the candidate is required to take the print out of registered on-line
Class Rail Fare by shortest route from station mentioned in the address for correspondence application form with system generated application number. Please note down your application
given in the on-line application form (within India) to Hyderabad and back, only on production of number for future reference. The candidate can take re-print of his/her registered on-line
documentary proof. Bond: The selected candidates are required to execute a Surety & Indemnity application form before the last date for On-line registration. Write the system generated on-line
Bond on separate nonjudicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- each to serve for a period of 4 years (1 application number on the ECIL copy of the Pay-in-slip form.
year as Trainee + 3 years as Engineer -Contract). Rupees Two Lakhs, will have to be paid in 5. The candidate has to sign on print-out of on-line registered application form by affixing the
case of breach of terms of contract bond entered into by the Trainee.
recent colour passport size photograph of 4 X 3 cms., and enclose the photo copies of date of
1. Only Indian Nationals need apply. 2. Selected candidates are liable to work anywhere in India. birth, educational qualifications, experience if any, caste & Medical Certificate (applicable for
3. Before applying for the post, the candidate should read the complete advertisement carefully PWD candidates only). The candidates who are shortlisted from the written test are required to
and ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria and other norms/conditions specified in all submit the same at the time of interview. The candidate can retain a copy of the registered on-line
respects. Management decision on selection proceedings will be final and binding. application form and candidate’s copy of Pay-in-slip of application fee for future reference.
4. The candidate will lose his/her candidature/eligibility, in case of suppression of any factual IMPORTANT DATES:
information or furnishing of false/wrong data/non-payment of application fee wherever appli- a.Commencement of On-line Registration
cable etc. in on-line-application form and same is noticed by the Management, at any stage of of application by candidates 22.11.2010 1400 Hours
recruitment process. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. b.Last date for On-line Registration of
5. Only On-line registered application form will be accepted. application by candidates
6. A non-refundable Application Fee of Rs.200/- will be charged for General/OBC candidates. No 04.12.2010 2000 Hours
Application Fee is charged for SC / ST / PWD candidates. c. Interview date
7. Candidates claiming to belong to SC / ST / OBC / Persons with Disabilities (Physically Chal- Communication will be made available by
lenged) shall necessarily submit a photo copy of latest certificate, at the time of interview as mail/on our Website: www.ecil.co.in to all
prescribed by Govt. of India, as the case may be, from a Competent Authority. Candidates short listed candidates from the written test
belonging to OBC category, but coming under definition of “creamy layer” are not entitled to apply only.
against OBC category. Advt. No. 12/2010 SENIOR DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER(R)
bêaù^gße , œ {µÿºÀÿ 27Àÿë xÿç{ÓºÀÿ 3, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar Nov. 27 to Dec.3, 2010 7
Ph. No. 06861 -230277/230331 /
Advertisement forthe post of Local Fund Auditor(LFA)/Local Fund Auditor(G.P.)/Common CadreAuditor(CCA) (Ministry of shipping Govt. of India) 231543, E-mail: cdmomkg@gmail.com
Sale of OMR application form: 20.11.2010 Closing date: 20.12.2010 Gaighat, Patna-800007, Tel-0612-3244230 Applications are invited from the eligible
Applic ations are invited for recruitment to the post of Local F und Auditor/Loc al Fund ADMISSION NOTICE candidates for the following posts under
Auditor(G.P)/Common Cadre Auditor in the scale of pay of Rs.9, 300 to 34.800/- + Grade Pay (10TH PASS STUDENTS) the administrative control of the under-
Rs.4,200/-and allowances as admissible from time to time, so as to reach the Commission by signed for filling of the vacancies of con-
Rating Inductio n Course Deck/En gine for In lan d Vessles Name of the post:Staff Nurse, Eligibil-
2. Vacancy Position:-(I) Comm on Cadre Auditor Eligibility: 10th pass, Age limit-Between 17 1/2 to 25 ity :Candidates must have passed Gen-
Category No.of Vacancies reserved Vacancies reserved for years as on 7th February, 2011 (Relaxable upto 5 eral Nursing & Midwives Examination and
vacancies for women years for SC/ST candidates), Physical Standards: Medi- registered their names in the Orissa Nurs-
P.H. Ex-Serviceman. Sportsman cally fit., Eyesight should be 6/6 in both eyes and no ing Council., Contractual remuneration :
ST 12 4 Rs.5200/- per month, Number of posts
Orthopedically 1 1 colour blindness, Course Duration: Six months, Course :ST-07, UR-04,SC-02 & SEBC-05, Total-
SC 08 3 Handicapped-2 fee: Rs. 13,000/-(including Boarding and lodging). 18 Nos., Laboratory Technician (Malaria),
SEBC 14 5 Seat Reservation 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST & 27% Candidate muust have passed DMLT
for OBC Course from any 03 Medical Colleges of
UR 18. 6
Last date for Submission of bio data/application is 28 State or from the AICTE approved private
Total 52 18 2 1 1 institutions, Rs.5200/- per month, ST-01,
Dec. 2010. A qualifying test will be held on 09.01.2011.
II) Local Fund Auditor- For short listed candidates Psychometric test and In- UR-02,SC-01 & SEBC-02, Total-06 Nos.
terview will be held on the same day. A sample appli- Mode of selection : Selection will be
Category No.of Vacancies Reserved Vac ancies reserved for made according to their merit in General
v ac ancies for Women cation form may be downloaded from www.iwai.gov.in
Nursing & Midwives Examination/DMLT
P.H. Ex.Serviceman Sportsman or www.niniedu.com Eligible candidates should send course only. Age limit: Candidate must
ST 05 02 1 1 - their bio-data of application form with 10th pas sed not be below 18 years old and not more
SC 04 01 certificate, mark sheet, 2 photographs and self ad- than 32 years as on 7th December-2010.
dressed envelope with Rs. 10/- stamp to "The Princi- Upper age relaxation will be given 03 year
SEBC 06 02
pal, National Inland Navigation Institute Gaighat, Patna- for SEBC , 05 years for SC /ST and
UR 07 02 women candidates. Last date of re-
800 007." Bio-data with attachments may also be e-
Total 22 07 1 1 - ceipt of application is 7th Decem-
mailed to admission.nini @niniedu.com For more de-
III) Local Fund Auditor(G P.) tai ls on the c ourse and Institute vi si t us at ber-2010
Category No.of v acancies Vacancies Vacancies reserved for www.niniedu.c om. Chief District Medical Officer, CDMO,
P.H. Ex-Serviceman Sportsman
Name of the Post Post Code Abbr eviated form
ST 04 01 - 1 - Local Fund Auditor 07 LFA
SC 03 01
SEBC 05 02 Local Fund Auditor(G.P.) 76 AGP
UR 05 02 Co mmo n C adr e Au ditor 08 CCA
Total 17 06 - 1 - The candidates applying for the post may exercise their option/choice for the post and fill up. the
Grand Total column No.8 of OMR form in order of preference, and also darken the appropriate circle. How-
l-HI+Hh 91 31 ever, the decision of the Commission for allotting any post is final and binding.
11. Documents to be sent along with the Application, fo rm:
All the above vacancies are inclusiv e of 3(three) vacancies For Physically Handic apped and
(a) Original Treasury challan in support of deposit of Rs.75/ -(Rupees Seventy Five) only towards
3(three) for Ex-Serviceman and one for sports person.
Examination Fee except SC/ST candidates. (b) Self attested photocopy of Matric or equivalent
The vacancies reserved for Physically Handicapped, Sports Persons and Ex-Servicemen cat-
certificate. (c) Self attested photocopy of Degree certificate/qualifying educational certificate for
egories shall be filled up from the categories they belong to. The categories of disabled/P.H.
concerned pos t; (d) Self attes ted photocopy of c aste certific ate issued by the competent
suitable for the job of Auditors are PD(Partially deaf), OA(One arm affected), B.L(Both legs
authority; (e) One unsigned recent colour photograph (3.5X4.5 Cm size) to be pasted in the
affected)(MNR) and BA(Both arm affected).
space provided in the application form. Beside another photograph of the same size duly attested
The category wise reservation for the above posts are tentative and are subject to change as
by a Gazetted officer should be enclosed. (f) Postage stamp worth Rs.6/- to be affixed on the
per rules as would be in force at the time of short-listing/publication of result/issue of appointment
A.D.Card and Rs.5/-on the window envelope supplied with the application form. The candidate is
required to write his/her complete mailing address on A.D.Card with pin code.
3. Educational Qualification:
12. Plan of Examination and Selection Procedure:-
The candidate must be a Bachelors degree holder from a recognized University or equivalent and
must have passed Oriya equivalent to M.E. standard. (A) Preliminary Examination: 100marks(Qualifying)- 1 1/2 hours
The preliminary test (one paper) will be on General Awareness with multiple-choice questions
4.AgeLimit:- The candidates shall not be less than 21 years and more than 32 years as on
covering different fields of knowledge covering General Science, Indian Polity and Economy,
01.01.2003. The candidates who have completed 21 years as on 01.01.2010 can also apply for
Current events, Geography, History of India and fundamentals of English Grammar of graduation
the post. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST & women candidates and
standard etc. The answer script will be in OMR form. This examination will only be a screening
3 years in case of SEBC candidates, 10 years in case of Physically Handicapped , candidates
test to shortlist candidates for the main examination. Marks obtained in this examination will not be
and for Ex-servicemen, the period of entire admissible service rendered as per rules. The upper
counted for the final merit list. The number of candidates to be admitted to the main examination
age limit for SEBC candidates is relaxable by 5 years w.e.f. 07.02.2009.Only one type of relax-
will be about 30 times of the vacancies notified for the respective category/posts or as may be
ation in age is permissible. 5. Manner, Place and Date of Examination: The examination shall be
decided by the Commission. B. Main Examination:- 300 marks.
held in three stages as follows: (i) Preliminary Examination for short listing: On General Aware-
The main written examination will consist of four papers i.e. General English, Oriya language,
ness-100 Marks of 1 1/ 2 V, hours duration. Preliminary Examination can be dispensed with de-
General Studies & Mathematics. All the short listed candidates of the preliminary Examination will
pending on the number of candidates, (ii) Main Examination: 4 papers- 300 marks Out of which 2
'appear in the main examination.
papers i.e. General English & Oriya Language will carry 50 marks each of 1 hour duration each
13, Syllabus for the written test:
whereas rest papers on General Studies and Mathematics will carry 100 marks each with
Sub ject Duration Full Marks
duration of 1-1/2 hours each (iii) Viva-Voce Test-35 marks.
The preliminary examination/test is likely to be held during the month of February'2011. The Main Gener al English 1 hour 50
examination will be held on the basis of result of preliminary examination, if held. The date, time Oriya Language 1 hour 50
and venue of the examination/test shall be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course. General Studies 1 1/2 hours 100
6. Application form:-Candidates should apply in the prescribed OMR application form available Mathem atics 1 1/2 hours 100
in all Collectorates/Office of the A.D.M. .Bhubaneswar, Rourkela and Sub-Collector, Berhampur The answer scripts for the General Studies & Mathematics paper shall be in OMR form,
and Jeypore on payment of Rs.30/-(Rupees thirty) only in shape of treasury chalan under the 1. General English : The pattern of questions on General English will broadly include (i) Compre-
Head of Account "0051-P.S.C.-104-UPSC/SSC-Examination Fees-0047-Fees collected for con- hension of a given passage, (ii) Precis writing (iii) Usages & vocabulary (iv) short essay writing
ducting examination- 02041- Examination fees". The treasury chalan in original shall be deposited (v) knowledge of grammar.
by the candidate at any of the above offices to obtain application form. 2. Oriya Language:- The questions will include;- (i) Comprehension of a given passage; (ii) Let-
7. Examination fee:- ter/Application/ Report writing; (iii) Usage and vocabulary, (iv) Short Essay; (v) Translation from
The candidates other than SC/ST are required to deposit Rs 75/- (Rupees Seventy-five) only English to Oriya.
through Treasury Chalan under Head of Account mentioned at Para 6 above. 8. General eligibility 3. General Studies: (Objective type with multiple choice answers):-
of the candidate: In order to be eligible for appearing in the examination a candidate must satisfy The questions will c over World & Indian Geography with special reference to Geography of
the following conditions: He/she (a) Shall be a citizen of India, (b) Shall possess requisite Orissa, Indian Polity & Economy, History, General Science, Current events, Arithmetic (HSC Stan-
qualification (educational and age eligibility)shown at para 3 & 4 above; dard) etc. 4. Mathematics: Questions will be of H.S.C. Standard.
(c) Must have passed M.E. with Oriya as a language subject or passed Matriculation or equiva- 14. Viva-Voce Test:- 35 marks : Candidates nearly 3 times the vacancies in each category for
lent examination with Oriya as medium of examination or passed a test in Oriya at M.E. School the post will be called to attend the viva-voce test on the basis of their performance in the Main
standard conducted by the School & Mass Education Department; (d) Must not have more than Written Examination.
one spouse living, if married. (e) Shall have good moral character; (f) Shall be of sound health 15. Select list-The select list shall be prepared on the basis of total marks secured by the
and free from any organic defect or bodily deformity; (g) Must not have been debarred from candidate in the main (written) examination and viva-voce test.
appearing in any other competitive examination or holding Government Service as ordered by 16.IMPORTANT NOTE
competent authority. (h) Must fulfill any other condition(s) as may be specified under relevant Candidates are advised to read the instructions given in the application form carefully before
recruitment rule/instruction. filling in the form. Applications complete in all respect should reach " The Secretary, Orissa Staff
9. Reservation:- Candidates claiming res ervation under any category as per Para 2 above Selection "Commission, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar-751054" by post or put in the box kept in Commission's
should furnish relevant certificate issued by the competent authority in support of their claims. In case office on or before 20.12.2010.The Commission shall not be res ponsible for non-receipt of
of Sports person, candidates must possess identity cards issued by Directorate of sports, Orissa application in time due to postal delay or any other reason. The application other than prescribed
10. Post Code: The post codes which should be written by the candidates at item No 8 of the OMR Form will not be accepted. The above information is also available on the Website:
application form are as follows:- www.oriss a.gov.i n. Secretary
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Introduction: Sanitary towel is a very common item used by people all over the world. Now-
A pplications ar e inv ited from the
eligible candidates for engagement N.T.T. {¾æS¿†ÿæ: +22 ¯ÿ¯ÿææ †ÿ’ÿ
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a-days sanitary towels are becoming more and more popular due to their easy handling of 07 nos. of Block Res ourc e
Teacher under inclusive Educ ation S.T.T. {¾æS¿†ÿæ:Ó§ ææ†ÿLÿ
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properties. Sanitary towels are us eful for c leaning purposes. They hav e hy gienic uses Intervention in s elected Blocks on
also. The demand for sanitary towels increases with the spread and increas e of health purely contractual basis with a con- Study Materials, Computer Hostel Facil ity for
services as well as rise in standard of liv ing of people. In our country they are extensively s olidated remuner ation of Ladies Candidates in
Rs .6,500/ - per month including Art & Craft, Spoken English nominal price
used in hospitals and ESI dispensaries. They are largely used by ladies. The raw material FTA of Rs . 500/- . The nature of
generally required for this industry are cotton staple yarn, absorbent cotton, cord, thread, job is to work in itinerant mode, i.e. Teacher’s Training {ä†ÿ÷ {ä †ÿ÷{ Àÿ HHÝçÝçÉ æÀÿ A
o d
æœÿ pen m i s s
card board boxes and craft paper. The sanitary towels can be manufactured on a small to visit sc hool to school and vil-
scale industry. The raw materials and plant & machinery required for this industry are
lage to village for providing re- FLÿ A¨ ÷ †ÿÿç ç ’’ÿ´ÿÿ´´ ¢¢ÿêÿÿêê H œÿç µ ÿÿö öÀ ÿÿ{{¾æ
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source support to CWSN. The can- 19 98 þÓ
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indigenously available. This industry is expected to have a bright future due to the increasing didates s hould not hav e any defi-
ciency to work in an itinerant (mo- tc 1 0 t
demand for its produc t. h h
Pr oper ties an d Characteristics
bile) mode & should be capable of
taking up ex tensive tours & field
Sanitary towels should be made of clean fibers which do not produce any unpleasant odour
when wet or dry. They should be highly absorbent. Sanitary towels should have sufficient
visits. The candidates have to fol-
low the following eligible criteria. 1) TEACHERS’ TRAINING COLLEGE
Minimum Qualification- Passed +2 (Regd. By Govt. of Orissa)
wet strength. with Diploma/ Degree In S pec ial
Uses and Application : Sanitary towels are extensively used in hospitals, dispensaries E duc ation, 2) Age: 18- 42 years. 23, Gautam Nagar, BBSR-14, Ph-2434818, 9438183366
and households for cleaning and hygienic purposes. P reference s hall be giv en to the For Form & Prospectus send Rs.100/- By M.O. or by hand.
candidates belonging to Boudh Dis-
Market Survey : Now-a-days sanitary towels are becoming more and more popular among trict. Eligible applic ants may ap-
people all over the world. They are extensively used for cleaning purposes. In a country like ply in the prescr ibed applic ation BE A PART OF AUTOMOBILE REVOLUTION
ours, with rapidly increasing population, the mass cons umption items like sanitary towels form available in the official website Autho rize d Spare Part s Distrib utor o f MARUTI SUZUKI re quires
www. boudh.nic.in and s ubmit with at Vija ya wad a. Ope ra tio ns Ma nage r : Ca pable of Hand ling Re -
are estimated to have a very good future demand. The demand for sanitary towels in- all relevant documents to DPC, gion al Distrib ution/C&F Operation s, Sales Execut ives / Co unte r
creas es with civilization as well as rise in standard of living of people. The demand for this S SA, Boudh through Speed /Reg- Executives Wit h expe rience in Autom obile Spare p arts Sales /
item increases with the spreading of health services. This produc t has a very good export istry P ost only by 30.11.2010. Ap-
plic ation rec eived after the Last Co unter Sale s an d Issue s EDP Incharge With Experience in Re -
potential too. date is summarily be rejected. The p ort in g & MI S Fu nc tio n s M a il you r CV at
This industry is expected to have a high profitability owing to the increas- " ing demand for authority r eserves the right to ac- ad va ncepa rts@gm ail. co m o r W alk in with prior app ointme nt
sanitary towels. cept or reject any application with- ADVANCE AUTO PARTS
out as signing any reason thereof.
Raw Materials Required : Cotton staple yarn, absorbent cotton, card board boxes and Collector-cum- PLOT NO. 1,100 FT ROAD, AUTONAGAR, VIJAYAWADA -
kraft paper. Plant and Machinery Requir ed :1. Knitting machine with needles 2 Nos. 2. Chairman, SS A, Boudh 520 007, Mob: 9133011055
Cutting table and scissors. Manufacturing Process : The manufacturing of sanitary Towel.1
involves the following steps: 1. Making of yarn fabric : Cotton staple yarn is knitted into loose ADVERTISEMENT
fabric tube with the help of a knitting machine. The fabric is then cut into pieces. Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the interested candidate for the post of
2. Wrapping of absorbent cotton : Required quantity of absorbent cotton inserted into Block Resource Teacher (BRT) on inclusive Education(IE) as per the criteria given below.
the tubes and both ends of the fabric are then stitc hed with thread. 3. Packing and 1.Qualification of the Resource Teachers
Mar keting
Minimum Qualification:Passed +2 with Diploma/ Degree in Special Education, Age- 18-42 years
The s anitary towel is then pac ked into card board boxes and then despatched to mark et. (As on 30.11.2010),Nature of Engagement : Contractual,Remuneration : Rs. 6500/- per month
including FTA of Rs. 500/-, No.of Teachers to be engaged in the district: 36, Place of posting
Cotton Staple yarn
confined to district only : Block Headquarters,Nature of Job: Work in itinerant mode i.e. to visit
school to School and village to village for providing Resource support to the CWSN. He/She
should not have any deficiency to work in an itinerant (mobile) mode & should be capable of
taking up extensive tours & filled visits.8.The selection will be made on the basis of mark s-
Knitting secured in the qualifying Examinations.9.Selection will be made at the district level under the
Absorbent Chairmanship of Collector-cum-Chairman, S.S.A.. Koraput.10. He/She must be permanent resi-
Cotton dent of Odisha State and must have passed at least VII standard in Oriya Language. 11. The
pres cribed applic ati on format can also be downloaded from the www.opepa.in and
Wrapping www.koraput.nic .in
12. The last date of for submission of application: 30.11.2010
The candidates can apply his/her application through Registered Post/Speed Post or can submit
the ealed app lication directly at the o ffice of Dist rict Project Coordinator. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
Packing &
Koraput. The a pplication shou ld reach t o the o ffice of the un dersigned on or befo re 30. 11.2 010 bv
Marketing 5. 00 P.M. Th e ap plica tion re ce ive d a fter th e du e d ate will not be ente rt ained . In co mplet e a ppli-
catio ns will su mma rily be rejecte d. The app lica tion shou ld supe rscribe as “APPL ICATION FOR
FIGURE 74 THE POST OF BLOCK RESOURCE TEACHER” on the top o f the envelope. Candidate s with out a
PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM FOR SANITARY TOWEL De gre e/Diploma in Sp ecial Edu ca tion need not a pply. The Collector-cum-Cha irman, SarvaSh iksha
Abh iyan , Koraput deserves every right to can ce l t he ad vertiseme nt/selection pro ce ss/te rm in al the
Basis: 100 Doz.,sanitary towels/day B.R.T.s any time withou t assig nin g any reason thereof.
300,000 d oz. sanitary towels/annum District Project Coordinator Collector-cum-Chairman S.S.A., Koraput
S.S.A., Koraput
1. Total Land Area Required 150 sq.mts.
2. Covered Area Required 100 sq.mts. APPLICATION FORM FOR THE POST OF
Rs. in Lakhs 1. Name of the Applicant
4. Land and Building 1.30 2. Name of the Father/Mother/Husband
5. Plant and Machinery 0.50 3. Sex (Male/Female) Affix one colour
6. Other Fixed Assets 0.10 4. Marital Status (Married/Unmarried) passport size
7. Fixed Capital 1.90 5. Date of Birth (as record in Matriculation (certificate) photograph duly
6. Permanent Address attested.
8. Working Capital Required/Month 0.30
7. Present Address with Contact No.
9. Working Capital Required/3 Months 0.90
8. Academic Qualification
10. Margin Money for W/C Loan 0.23 S lN o. Qu alif icatio n Board/ University Y ear of Passina Full M arks %of Marks Division
11. Cost of Project 2.13
12. Total Capital Investment 2.80 1. H.S.C
13. Cost Production/Annum 4.30 2. +2 or Equivalent
14. Receipt/Annum 5.70 3 Degree(B.Sc./B.A./B.Com)
15. Profit/Annum 1.40 4. M.Sc./M.A./M.com
16. Profit/Sales Ratio 24.56% 5. Profeciency in Computer
17. Rate of Return 50.00% 6. Diploma/Degree in Special Education
18. Break Even Point 47.62% 7. Other Experience if any :
Rs. in Lakhs Attach the attested copies of all relevant certificates)
1. Term Loans from Financial Institutions 1.52 10. Religion
2. Bank Loans for 3 Months 0.67 11. Experience if anys
3. Self-Raised Finance 0.61 DECLARATION
Total 2.80 All the statements mad e in this applica tion fro m the true and if an y o f the p articulars furnished by
Practical Project Execution Know-How Report is available for those dynamic entrepreneurs me are foun d to be inco rrect o r suppressed , my cand ida ture is liable to be reject ed at any stage of
who are genuinely interested to implement this project. This report is prepared by a team of the se le ction pro ce ss, e ve n thou gh it is found my eng ageme nt as Block Resou rce Teache r (BRT)
engineers, and market research analysts supported by a panel of experts equipped with an that the particu lars furnished -by me are incorrect o r have b een suppressed, my services are liable
industrial computerised data bank. This report will help new entrepreneurs and industrialists to to be terminat ed withou t an y notice.
assess the exact market potential, investment decision making, getting various Govt. approv- Pla ce:
als such as D.G.T.D., registration, letter of intent, S.I.A., registratino, etc. Date : Full Sign ature of t he Ap plica nt
bêaù^gße , œÿ{µÿºÀÿ 27Àÿë xÿç{ÓºÀÿ 3, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar Nov. 27 to Dec.3, 2010 10
National Insurance Company Limited tude, English Language and Computer Operation related Awareness will be common for all the
candidates. The Test of Professional knowledge will be specific to each of the Group A to D as
( A Govt. of India Undertaking) may be applicable. Test papers (i), (ii), (iv), (v) and (vi) shall be both in English & Hindi.
Registered & Head Office: 3, Middleton Street, P.O.-Box No.9229, Kolkata-700071 Candidates will have to appear for the written examination at their own expenses on 30/01/2011.
( APPLICATION DULY COMPLETED IN ALL RESPECT TOGETHER WITH THE ENCLOSURES The company reserves the right not to call any candidate to appear at the written examination and
TO BE SENT TO POST BOX NO : 9418, PARK STREET POST OFFICE, KOLKATA. – 700016 interview. On the bas is of performanc e in written examination, candidates will be called for
AND SHOULD REACH ON OR BEFORE: 17TH DECEMBER 2010) interview. The final selection will be made on the basis of overall performance in written exami-
Fo r On-line application refer to NIC’s website www.nationalinsu ran ceind ia.com ‘Re- nation and interview. Outstation candidates called for the interview will be reimbursed to and fro
cr uitm en t’ sec ond-c lass rail fare/bus fare by the shortest route on production of evidence of having
undertaken journey. The candidates are advised to satisfy themselv es before they apply that
Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for the post of Administrative Offic er (Sc ale –I)
indicated herein below: they fulfill requirement as to age, qualification, (Final result for the qualification must have been
published on or before 31/10/2010) etc and if found ineligible, their candidature will be cancelled
(I) Total No. of Vacancies: 300 *
at any stage of recruitment. Appearing in the WRITTEN EXAMINATION & INTERVIEW will not
Total Posts / Vacancies Un - Reserved SC ST OBC Out of which Persons With Disability automatically confer any right of being selected for the said post.
OC HI VI (VI) Examination Center s:
(Specialist) 80 48 9 4 19 0 1 2 Competitive written examination will be held at 27 centers in India as given below. A candidate may
(Generalist) 220 109 35 15 61 2 2 2 choose any center. The center chosen by a candidate must be indicated in the application Form
Reservation for Persons with Disability (PWD) – Only persons with disabilities Orthopedically clearly. No change of the center will be allowed at a later date. Company reserves the right to
Challenged (OC)/ Visually Impaired (VI)/ Hearing Impaired (HI) having 40% or more disability, are direct candidates to appear at a center other than the one chosen by them for written examination
eligible to apply for the posts. The definitions of VI (B/LV), HI & OH are as prescribed in “The without monetary assistance. Company also reserves the right to hold the written examination at
Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act 1995. some and not all the examination centers listed below depending upon the number of candidates
As the reservation for PWD is on horizontal basis, the selected candidates will be placed in the and other relevant factors.
appropriate category (viz: SC, ST, OBC and General to which they belong) Note: PWD candidates Centre Code Centre Code
are advised to visit our company’s website ‘www.nationalinsuranceindia.com’ for guidelines on Ahmedabad 11 Kolkata 25
Persons with Disabilities. Bhubaneswar 13 Mumbai 27
The number may vary as per requirement of the Company. The candidates should apply for any
Date of Written Examination: 30/01/2011
one of the following Groups only: (II) Eligibility Conditions: (As on 31/10/2010 )
(VII) Pr obation:
(A) Educational Qualifications:
Selected candidates, if certified fit medically, may be appointed as Administrative Officers (Scale-
The qualifications of Specialists & Generalists are as under:
I) on probation for a period of one year, which may be extended by a further period upto six
Group Discipline Proposed Qualification months. The Company reserves the right to terminate service of the candidate if found unsuitable
number to be at any time during probationary period or the extended probationary period without any notice or
recruited assigning any reason thereof. During the probationary period, candidates may be required to
A Automobile Engineering 30 B.E/ B. Tech. in Engineering with undergo theoretical/practical training as may be prescribed/arranged for them.
Specialization in Automobile Engi (VIII) Guarantee Bond:
neering OR Graduate in Engineer Before joining as probationer, the selected candidates will be required to give an undertaking to
ing in any discipline with PG Diploma serve the Company for a minimum period of four years including probationary period. In the event
(at least one Year duration) in Auto of their resigning from the Company before the expiry of the bond period, they will be liable to pay
mobile Engineering liquidated damages equivalent to one year.s gross salary paid to them during the year of probation
B Legal 30 Graduate in Law which could be proportionately reduced depending on the length of service rendered. Besides,
C Medical 20 Graduate in Medical (MBBS). he/she will have to submit a stamped Bond duly executed by two sureties of sound financial
D Generalist 220 1. Minim um Qualification standing for an amount equivalent to one year.s gross salary. Candidates resigning from the
Graduate in Arts, Commerce or Sci Company during the probationary period shall be liable to pay the salary received by them during
ence, Engineering, Agricultural their entire service in the Company in addition to an amount of Rs.25,000/- towards partial cost of
Science,Veterinary Science. training. No lien/bond executed to retain a substantive post with present employer will be binding
2. Pr eferred Qualificatio n upon the Company and no leave Salary or Pension Contribution will be made.
Graduate in any discipline as per 1 (IX) Action against candidates found guilty of Misconduct:
above with any of the following post Candidate are warned that they s hould not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered/
graduate professional qualification/ fabricated or should not suppress any material information while filling up the application form.
s: M.B.A/ M.M.S / M.C.A /C.A./ I.C.W.A. At the time of written examination/interview, if a candidate is (or has been) found guilty of : (i)
Total 300 using unfair means during the examination or (ii) impersonating or procuring impersonation by any
person or (iii) misbehaving in the examination hall or taking away the question booklet (or any part
Note: Out of the 300 posts mentioned above atleast 60 posts are in the Offices under the control
thereof/answer sheet from the examination hall or (iv) resorting to any irregular or improper
of Mumbai & Pune Regions.(Details available on NIC’s website). Rest of the posts are in other than
Mumbai & Pune Regions. However, the number may vary as per requirement of the Company. means in connection with his/her candidature for selection or (v) obtaining support for his/her
candidature by any unfair means, such a candidate may, in addition to rendering himself/herself
A Candidate on s election can be pos ted any where in India. Keeping in view the number of
liable to criminal prosecution, be liable: a) to be disqualified from the examination for which he/she
vacancies in Offices under the control of Mumbai and Pune Regional Offices of the Company, the
candidate may indicate his preferred choice for the posts in the Application format. is a candidate. b) to be debarred either permanently or for a specified period, from any examina-
tion or rec ruitment conducted by NIC (c) for termination of service, if he/she has joined the
However, the above choice will not affect the Company’s right to post/transfer any candidate in Company.
any of the Offices of the Company anywhere in India.
(X) How to Apply & General Instructions:
Qualification : For all the Groups the minimum passing marks at Graduation level shall be 55% (
1) Applications should be on foolscap paper neatly typed or handwritten in CAPITAL LETTERS and
in case of SC/ST candidates – 50%).
in the prescribed format only. Applications submitted in any other format will not be accepted.
Experience : Preference will be given to the candidates having experience in their area of
spec ialization. Qualific ations mentioned abov e should be from any of the recognized Indian For On-line application refer to NIC’s website www.nationalinsuranceindia.com ‘Recruitment’
Universities duly approved by the UGC or any of the 2) Superscribe at the top of the envelope ‘NIC – AO, Scale-I (indicate the Group / Preferred Region
ie: Mumbai/Pune or Rest of India) and GEN/SC/ST/OBC or PWD (whichever applicable)’.
recognized Indian Institutes duly approved by AICTE.
3.1) Application Fee and Postage : (Non-Refundable)
(B) Age as on 31/10/2010
Sr.No. Category Amount
Age ( for both Generalist & Specialist) Minimum age - 21 years, Maximum age, General - 30 years
1. SC/ ST / PWD Rs. 50/- (Postal Charges only)
OBC - 33 years, SC/ST - 35 years, ECO/SSRCO - 33 years, Persons with Disabilities, General - 40
years, OBC - 43 years, SC/ST - 45 years. Resident of Assam State during the period from 01/01/ 2 All Male candidatesother than SC/ST/PWD Rs. 400/- (Application fees inclusive
1980 to 15/08/1985: 36 years. of postage charges)
(III) Em oluments & Benefits: 3 All Female candidates other than SC/ST/PWD Rs. 200/- (Application fees inclusive
Bas ic pay of Rs.17,240/- in the scale of Rs.17,240-840(14)-29,000-910(4)-32640 and other of postage charges)
admissible allowance as applicable. Total emoluments will be about Rs.26,600/- plus in Metropoli- Attach (i) Crossed Bank Draft for Rs.400 /Rs.200 /Rs.50 payable at Kolkata purchased from any
tan Centres. Other benefits are P.F., Pension under New Pension Scheme under PFRDA. Gratuity, Nationalised or Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of the „NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY
LTS, Medical Benefits, Group Personal Accident and Group Savings Linked Insurance Scheme LIMITED’ (No examination fee is required for confirmed employees of National Insurance Com-
(GSLI) etc. shall be as per rules. With Major Benefits beside the total emoluments, the CTC works pany). Candidates should write his/her name and address, Group on the reverse of the Demand
out to approximately to Rs.4.75 lacs per annum at Metro centers. Draft
(IV) Service Conditions: As applicable in the company from time to time. Selected candidates 3.2) Enclose attested copies of the following :
on appointment may be posted or transferred to any place in India as may be decided by the i) SSC certificate showing Date of Birth, ii) Degree Certificate and Mark Sheets iii) Certificate from
Company. the previous employer/s regarding experience iv) Caste Certificate issued by Competent Author-
(V) Selection Pro cedure: ity in the prescribed format, wherever applicable. v) Ex-Servicemen Release order, wherever
Candidates will be called for a written examination to be held on 30/01/2011 which would com- applicable. vi) Evidence of Domicile for the period from 01/01/1980 to 15/08/1985 in the case of
Assam State Residents (for age relaxation purpose). vii) Persons with Disability certificate issued
prise the following: Objective type of tests in (i) Reasoning Ability, (ii) Quantitative Aptitude, (iii)
English Language, (iv) Computer Operation related Awareness (v) Professional Knowledge – by Appropriate Authority.
4) Caste Certificate in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates is to be obtained from the following
for the candidates belonging to Group A to C. (vi) A General Aptitude Test will be taken in lieu of
Professional Knowledge Test for the candidates belonging to Group D. The additional topics,
a) District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Deputy
which will be covered in this part, will be a) Data Sufficiency b) Analysis of Information/Analytical
Ability c) Data Interpretation. The first four tests i.e. Test of Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Apti- Collector/ First Class Stipendiary Magistrate/
Con tinu ed from page-11
bêaù^gße , œÿ{µÿºÀÿ 27Àÿë xÿç{ÓºÀÿ 3, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar Nov. 27 to Dec.3, 2010 11
Con tinu ation p age-10
Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner ADMISSION NOTIFICATION-JANUARY 2011 SESSION
(Not below the rank of First Class Stipendiary Magistrate). LAST DATE:30th November, 2010 (without Late fee) & upto 15th Dece mber, 2010
b) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate. with late fee of Rs.200/-
c) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar. Inv it es A pplic ations for Master ’s Degr ee in E nglis h, Hindi, Ec onomic s , Histor y, Librar y and I nformation
Sc ience, P ol. Sc ., Pub. A dmn., Soc iology, P syc hology, E duc ation,Rur al Development, Tourism Management,
d) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides. Soc ial Work , Dis tanc e Education, MCA, MB A(B anking & Financ e) , M.Com, M.Com in Financ e & Tax ation /
e) In so far as the Scheduled Tribes community of Tamil Nadu is concerned, the Certificate given Bus iness P olicy & Cor por ate Governance / Management Ac counting & Financial Str ategies , M.S c (Dietetics
& Food S er vice Management) Bachelor's Degree & Nursing, B.A.(Major & Pas s in Eng., Hindi, His tory, Pol.Sc.Pub.
by the Revenue Divisional Officer instead of Tehsildar would only be accepted. Admn.E conomic s, Sociology, Ps ychology, P hilos ophy, Math.), B .S c( Major & P assing Phy sic s, Chemis tr y, Math-
5) Candidates seeking reservation as OBC are required to submit a certificate regarding his/her emat ic s, Botany & Z oology ), B .Com, B. Com with Major in Ac countanc y & Finance / Cor porate affairs &
Administr ation /Financ ial and Cost A ccounting, Libr ary & Infor mation. s cience, computer applic ation (B CA),
“OBC Status & Non-Creamy Layer Status” issued by an authority mentioned in DOPT OM No. Tourism s tudies , social Work (B SW ), P ost Graduate Diploma in geriatr ic Medicine, Distance E ducation Higher
36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 15/11/1993. {Amended vide OM No. 36033/3/2004- Estt.(Res.) Education Librar y Automation and Network ing, Trans lation, Rural Development, Journalism & Mass Communica-
tion, Social Work and many more areas; and many mor e; Diploma in HIV and Family Educ ation, Creativ e Writing
dated 14/10/2008} Such candidates should also submit a declaration in addition to certificate in English, E ar ly Childhood, Nutr ition and HE alth E ducation, Nurs ing A dministration, etc. Post Graduate Certifi-
issued by the Competent Authority in the following format: cates in Cyber Law, P atent P ractice, Certificate P rogr ammes in information Technology, Food Nutrition, Human
Rights , Teaching of E nglis h, Teaching of Pr imary school mathematics B PP ( it is a bridge c ours e of six months
“I, ______ son/daughter of Shri ______ resident of Village/town/city ______ District ______ duration for those who do not have 10+2 qualification, but attained the age of 18 year s and seek ing admiss ion to
State ______ hereby declare that I belong to the IGNOU’s fir st degree B.A ./B .Com etc . under non-for mal str eam) : Non- Credit cours es in c omputer literac y,
awar enes s- cum-training packages in dis ability (V is ual impairment, mental r etar dation, hearing impair ment &
______ community which is recognised as a backward class by the Government of India for the Cerebral Pals y) round the y ear under walk- in and online admiss ion for january 2011 s ess ion. A pr ospec tive learner
purpose of reservation in services as per rules contained in Department of Personnel and can c ontact: Regional Director, IGNOU Regional Centre, C-1 Institutional Area, Bhubaneswar-751013, Phone-
0674-2301348, 2301250, website.ignou.ac.in for obtaining common. P rospectus and application for m.P rice of
Training Office Memorandum No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08/09/1993” {Amended vide OM common prospec tus Rs. 100/- (by cash). Note: Late fee is not applic able to the programmes whose admission
No. 36033/3/2004-Estt.(Res.) dated 14/10/2008}. Certificate should contain the “Non Creamy is bas ed on s election. Regional Direc tor
Layer Clause” based on the Income for the financial year 31/03/2010 or later.
6) Candidates serving in Govt./Quasi Govt./Public Sector Undertakings are required to send their DISTRICT PROJECT OFFICE, SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN, BARGARH
applications through proper channel. However, they may send an advance copy of the applica- Applications are invited in prescribed format from desirous candidates for engagement of 26
tion along with application fee so as to reach within the time stipulated. nos. of Block Resource Teachers (BRT) in Bargarh District with following terms and conditions.
7) Company reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview No. of Block: 12, No. of BRT required: 26 (HI-6, VI-10 & MR/CP-10), Terms & Conditions for
based on performance in the written ex amination and c ommensurate with the number of engagement of Block Resource Teachers (BRT), Nature of Engagement Contractual : Place of
vacancies. Posting:Block Headquarters, Remuneration: Rs.6,500/-(including Fixed travel allowance Rs.500/
8) NIC has offices throughout India and the Company shall have the prerogative to decide the -per month. Minimum qualification: +2 with Diploma/Degree in Special Education(HI; VI, MR.CP).,
posting of the selected candidates depending on the requirement and not at the candidate.s Age: Candidates should not be less than 18yrs and not above 42 years as on 1st November
choice and no requests in this regard would be entertained. 2010), Selection- Selection shall be made on the basis of marks secured in the qualifying
9) The Company takes no responsibility for any delay in receiving the application or for loss of examination. Selection shall be made by Dist. Level Selection Committee under the Chairmanship
application in transit. of Collector & Chairman, SSA; Bargarh.He/She must be permanent residence of Odisha State and
10) The decision of the Company will be final and binding in all matters. also passed in Oriya language at least 10th stand red. Preference shall be given to loc al
candidates s pecifically candidates hav ing qualification in spec ial education. How to Apply:
11) Application duly completed in all respect together with the enclosures mentioned in 3.1 and
Candidates shall submit their application with attested Copies of testimonials in person in office of
3.2 above should reach:
the District Projec t Coordinator, Sarva Shiksha Abhlyan, At/Po/Dist Bargarh, Pin-768028 or
Regd.Post/Speed Post on or before 30.11. 10., Nature of Job:Work in itinerant mode i.e. to visit
school to school & Village to village for providing resource support to CWSN. He/she should not
CANDIDATE. Candidates satisfying the eligibility conditions may send their applications in the
have any deficiency to work in an itinerant mode and should be capable for taking up extensive
format given below: All disputes are subject to the Jurisdiction of Courts at Kolkata.
tour and field visits.
(Indicate the Preferred Region ie: Mumbai/Pune or Rest of India) * Name of Applicant:
Last date for r eceipt of application: 17/12/2010 Name of Father/Mother/Husband
Date & Day of written examination: SUNDAY, 30 /01/2011 Age (as on 1st November 2010) Date of Birth :
Address for correspondence:
Permanent address:
*The above choice will not affect the Company’s right to post/transfer any candidate in any of Educational Qualification(attested copies to be enclosed) including Special Education
the Offices of the Company anywhere in India. Sl.No Examination Institution/Board Year of Full Marks % of Remarks
1. Group applied for: _______ Affix pas port passed University passing Marks secured Marks
Areas of Specialisation, if any __________ size photo- secured
2. Choice of Centre for Written examination: ________ Code No._____ graph
3. Name in full: Shri/Smt./Kum. : ____________________________________________________
(in block letters) First Name Middle Name Surname DECLARATION
Father.s/Husband.s Name: ______________________________ I do hereby declare that the information furnished above are true, complete and correct to the best
4. Address for correspondence: __________________________Pin Code: __________ of my knowledge and belief. I am fully aware that in the event of any information being found false
or incorrect at any stage of time my candidature engagement is liable to be cancelled/terminated
5. E-mail ID: _________ Tel. Nos./Mobile Nos. (i) ______ (ii) _________Fax No., if any _______
without any notice.
Nearest Railway Station: ____________________________ Place:
6. Permanent Address: _________________________________ ____ Pin Code: _________ Date: Full signature of applicant
7. Category: SC ( ) / ST ( ) / OBC ( ) / PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES/ ( ) / ECO/SSRCO ( ) / N.B.:The details c an also be downloaded from offic ial website www.bargarh.nic .in and
GENERAL ( ) Please tick whichever is applicable and attach a copy of the Caste Certificate/ www.opepa.i n
Release Certificate as may be applicable. Note: Candidates belonging to OBC but coming in the By order of Collector-cum-Chairman, SSA,Bargarh
“Creamy Layer” and thus not entitled to OBC reservation should tick their category as District Preoject Coordinator, SSA,Bargarh
8. Whether a resident of Assam, from 01/01/1980 to 15/08/1985 Previous Present
If yes, attach a copy of documentary evidence to that effect. A Name of the employer/s
9. Whether confirmed employee of GIC/ Public Sector General Insurance Company / TAC B Date of joining
If Yes, Emp. Number:__________ Designation:_________ C Posts held & Nature of job performed
Name of the Company: ______________ Place of posting: ___________ D Salary last drawn
Date of Confirmation: __________________ E No. of completed years of experience
10. Date of Birth __________Age in completed years: ___________(as on 31 /10 / 2010) F Date of leaving
11. Place of Birth: __________________ State of domicile: __________ G Reason for leaving
12. Marital Status: Married ( ) / Unmarried ( ) (please tick whichever is applicable) 15. Examination fee or Postage : Name of the Bank_________________Demand Draft No.
13. Qualifications: (as on 31 /10 / 2010) ______ Date: _____
Qualification Name of University/ Exam. Aggregate Specialization Complete address of issuing branch of the bank from where the bank draft is purchased. (No
examination fee is required for confirmed employees of GIC or other Public Sector General
Institution Passed/Year of (%)class/Division
Insurance Companies or TAC).
Passing / Exam.
I, hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best
1. Graduation of my knowledge and belief. I undertake that in the event of any information being found false
2.Post Graduation or incorrect, my candidature for the applied post is liable to be cancelled/rejected at any stage
3.Professional without notice to me.
4.Any other Date:
14. Particulars of previous and present employment/experience, if any. (attach separate sheet Place:
if necessary) (Signature of the Applicant)
bêaù^gße , œÿ{µÿºÀÿ 27Àÿë xÿç{ÓºÀÿ 3, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar Nov. 27 to Dec.3, 2010 12
Printed, Published & Owned by SATYAJ IT PANDA, Published at TS-3/193, Manche swar Indu st rial Estate, Bhuba neswa r-751 0 10, Printed at Ni jukti Khaba r Pra kas han , TS -3 /19 3, Ma nc he swa r I nd.Estate,
Bh ub a ne swa r-75 10 10 , Phone No.(0674) 258253 2, 2582533, 2 582534 FAX: 2582535, e- ma il : n iju kt ik ha b a r@g mail.c om Editor - SUDHIR KUMAR PANDA iµû\K - iê]úe Kêc ûe _Šû