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Action plan 1 For each question, quickly read the firs line. ‘What's the situation? Will you hear one person or two? Female or male? 2 Look at the direct question and stem (e.g. Who is the woman?) and underline the key words. 3 When you first hear the recording, try to think ‘of an answer to each question in your own words. Then choose (from A, B or ©) the option oem +e lieeaiia-my Listening Parti 4 Check your answer the second time you listen, making sure that you have not made a mistake speakers may use words connected with more than one option. 5 If you're still not sure which is the correct answer, ‘7035 out ary you are sure are wrong and guess. 6 When the recording has finished and you have ‘chosen your answer, forget about that question ‘most like your answer, and concentrate on the next one. £153 Follow the exam instructions, using the advice to help you. ipl Before you listen, think oF other expressions for the words in the question, 4. ‘What does he do?! — he works in..., his job is..., e's employed , ot. You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, ‘choose the best answer (A, B or C), Tip” Make sure you always know which question and situation you are listening to. What does she want? A adifferent kind of item B the same item but in a different size © her money back 2 You hear a weather forecast on the radio. ‘Tomorrow, the weather in the east of the country will be A. stormy in the morning, B sunny in the afternoon, © foggy in the evening 3 You hear an office worker talking about cycling to work ‘What does she enjoy most about it? A. getting some exercise each morning B_ avoiding the traffic into town thinking about the day ahead 1 You hear a customer talking to a shop assistant about a coat she bought. 41 Be careful with the: assistant’s suggestions. ™me ‘customer rejects tivo of these, .2 You need to listen for the ‘correct region, weather and time of day. 3 Listen for an activity sri {to one of those in A-C. 4 Don't be misled by numbers that seein (0 give the arrive. 4 You hear a radio announcer talking about a competition for writers of shot stories. The man says that one of the rules is that A you nave to be over sixteen to enter, B_ you can submit more than one entry. © your entry must be emailed Test 1 Exam practice Listening Part 4 Action plan 1 Quickly read the instructions. What kind of 4 Listen for expressions with similar or opposite recording is it? What's the topic? Who will you meanings to the key words you underlined. hear? «5 Think of an answer in your own words, Then 2 Before you listen, look at the first line of chogse the option mast like your answer. each item. What kind of information, e.g. 6 Check alll your answers on the second listen! somebody's opinion, do you need for each? 2” ee 3 Underline the key words in each item to help you focus on the information you need. 529 Follow the exam instructions, using the advice to help you. (Tel Meryounea me minute pause before the You will hear Leonie Steiner talking to an interviewer about her work as a ecuichacbaidia- ion thie music teacher in a school, For questions 24-30, choose the best answer time to fook through the (A, B or C). [You will need to play this recording twice.) questions, underlining the key words 24 Leonie first starting learning the piano A. witha relative B at primary school, 24 Listen careful to the eae ‘order in which she de things. © with a private teacher. 25 Don't be misied by reasons 25. Leonie started giving music lessons ‘other people have for teaching. A for the pleasure of seeing others learn. B_ because she needed some extra money, © to see if she was suited to teaching. 27 Take care with ideas she 28 Leonie most likes to teach students who Fou atten moe A have great natural talent at an early age. Which of A-€ does she reject? B_need good teaching to develop their talent. apie e © have previously been taught badly, onumuiiae, 27 Leonie thinks that schools should 34 Mens in ‘A employ far more music teachers, _nast conditional tel you ebout B buy good musical instruments. seeteniaiet © ensure that all their pupils pass music exams. 30 Focusing on the word ‘that’ can help you decide 28. Leonie thinks the problem with singing in schools is that ‘about two of A-C. ‘A many students are too embarrassed to sing, B__ few students want to learn how to sing, singing is not often taught in them nowadays. 28. Leonie believes her success as a music teacher is a result of A. choosing a particular age group of children to teach. B the training she received as a student teacher. C anatural ability to communicate with young people. 30. What decision did Leonie find difficult to make? A to turn down the offer of a job abroad B_ torefuse promotion in the school © tocontinue teaching when she felt tired 58 | Test4 Exam practice Ustening Part 4 em riiit@e Reading and Use of English Part 3 CE sh invormation Useful language: word formation 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals. Look carefully at the words before and after each gap and decide what part of speech you need, 1W1@5 -nsuenane When I heard | had won a holiday in Acapulco! DELIGHT 2. We've got nnn»... coming to our house later this evening. VISIT The nnn MOUNtAIN in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro, which HIGH 1s 5,895 metres. {In the mountains, it's much... totravel by horse than EASY by bicycle. Nowadays many people... travelling by plane and UKE prefer to take the train. ‘The old house is nearly falling down and it’s completely “There are restrictions on car use in @ s.——-ssu--nnn Humber OF cities. The MOSt eanenn-sins COUNtryside here is in the river valley. t's beautiful. Clothes are important in this nightclub and people are AIWAYS oo yonnnnn reseed, ‘The owner of that island is extremely 0. he’s worth & billion dollars. “2 was is followed hore by an 2 Correct the mistakes made by First candidates. hoe oan ‘nearly Thanks for the weekend, everything was wonderfull. een era Many students study Education and they can find a job easyly when they both pretxand suffix here graduate. | will need at least three days to help my family with the preparatives for this event. ‘The restaurant offers quality, nutritious food, and a variety menu. If we received a complainment from the Tourist. Board they would be given the sack immediately, Personally | would recommend this game to unexperienced players who like to solve mysteries, ‘The international airport of the capital city is the most impressing | have ever seen. If you are determinated and you focus on your aim, nothing will prevent you from achieving it. Secondly, when | tried to tell your waitress about the food she was rude and unpolite. Car accidents are mainly due to inappropriate speed and uncarefully driving. Remember always to check ‘your speling! Roading and Use of English Part 3

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