SMU A S: Retail Marketing
SMU A S: Retail Marketing
SMU A S: Retail Marketing
ROLL NO:-520941253
Q.1 a. What is retailing? What is its importance?
Ans.: Retailing is not only an important aspect of the economic structure but very much a part of
our lies. Although trading of goods has been in existence since human civilization days, it is only
in the recent past that the buying and selling of goods have become more of a formal and brand
dominated activity. In fact, today retailing is evolving into a global, high-tech business.
Nevertheless, the traditional forms of independently owned small businesses co-exist along with
the organized retailers like department stores, specialty stores, shopping malls etc.
Organized retailing has emerged in a big way since 2000 onwards and with it; we are witnessing
the emergence of new forms of retailing. The retailers market can be segmented ion the basis of
various retail formats and led to the development of a very complex retail environment.
Importance of Retailing
The word RETAIL is derived from French word retailer, meaning „to cut a piece off‟ or „to break
Retail trade may be defined as, “A trade, which consist of selling to ultimate consumers of a
variety of products in small lots”. It is exactly and literally so and is meaningful that retail trade is
that cuts off smaller portions from large lump of goods. From the bulk of products procured by the
wholesaler, small lots are cut and distributed through retailers. Retailers are the last link in the
channel of distribution between the manufacture and the ultimate consumer. The retail shop is
one of the oldest and most widely used business establishments in any country.
Retailing is defined as a conclusive set of activities or steps used to sell a product or a service to
consumers for their personal or family use. It includes all activities directly and indirectly related to
the sale of goods or services to the ultimate consumer. Irrespective of who sells, the distinction of
retailing is normally made on the basis of to whom the products are sold. Retailing is subject to
constant and dramatic changes. Many forces like Social, Economical, Technological, Government
policies etc. influence it.
Following points highlights the importance of retailing.
• Warehousing:
Retailer is a safety valve for releasing the goods in quantities of different varieties and price
ranges according to the consumer needs. Warehousing makes possible holding the stocks to
match between the consumer demand and supply conditions.
• Selling:
The final aim of a retailer is to sell the products so bought and held by him. Retailer is rightly
called as the buying agent of consumers. He is the means
to dispose the goods to the consumers. Successful retailing needs good deal of salesmanship
• Risk-shouldering:
Risk shouldering is the basic responsibility of a retailer arising out of physical deteriorations and
changes in prices. These are unavoidable as he holds sufficient and variety of inventories from
the time they are bought till they sell.
• Financing:
In successful marketing, the contribution of retailers is really worth emphasizing with consumer
financing. His financing consists of credit granted on liberal terms to the consumers, investment in
stocks, salaries & wages and other trade expenses.
• Advertising:
Retailers are the best agents to advertise the products and ideas. In collaboration with the
wholesaler and producer, retailers do undertake shop display, distribution of sales literature,
introduction of new product etc.,
• Offer Opportunity:
Retailers give the manufacturers and producers the opportunity of presenting their products to the
consumers by providing the necessary vent and access.
• Big Relief:
Manufacturers and the wholesalers are really relieved of the head braking odd jub of retailing to
the individuals in pretty small quantities.
• Provision of Information:
Retailers do provide the wholesalers and manufactures the information about the latest consumer
movements and consumer demand. Produce the risks of loss, Being the spokesmen of
consumers, they warn the producers as to what goods to produce and in what quantity at what
price. This makes the wholesalers to stock only those goods needed by the consumers.
• Largest Choice:
Retailers assemble products of different varieties from good many producers enabling the
consumers to have largest choice as the cost, quality, and varieties and so on.
Ans.: Consumer buying behaviour refers to the buying behaviour of the ultimate consumer.
Consumer behaviour is the study of how consumers make decisions to use their respective
resources such as time, money and effort for buying, suing and disposing goods and services.
The behaviour of humans is very complex in nature. Marketers understanding of he drivers of
consumers buying behaviour will help them to serve their customers effectively and efficiently and
attract new customers.
In the retailing context, marketers are required to understand customers shopping behavior which
includes decision variables regarding among other things, brand selection, shopping timing, and
choice of retail format and store. Consumers shopping behaviour is understood by analyzing the
factors that affect behaviour. These factors could be demographic, psychological, environmental
or related to the lifestyle of the customer. It is equally important for the retailer to identify the
various stages in the consumer decision-making process and the major influences at each stage.
This would make possible an effective retail marketing strategy.
In the retail context, marketers would be specifically be more interested to know about the
consumers shopping behaviour, which involves an understanding of decision variables regarding
when, where and what to shop i.e. shopping timing, choice of retail format and store etc. such
decision variables are the factors to be considered by the retailer while taking decisions regarding
the understanding consumer behaviour.
For instance, in case of pickle, marketers will be interested in finding out the type of pickle
consumers intend to buy (single vegetable/fruit or mixed, spicy or not, oily or dry, veg. or non-
veg), the brand preference (national, private, generic), the reason for using (to add taste, for food
preparation, to eat along with snacks), the place of purchase (Super bazaar, convenience store,
vendors, home made), and frequency of purchase (weekly, fortnightly, monthly). On the basis of
various alternatives to consumer needs, marketers evolve the best possible marketing mix to
attract the target market. Therefore, shoppers‟ response to retail marketing mix has a great
impact on the forms success in the long run.
Individual consumers consider each element of retail marketing mix in relation to their culture,
attitude, previous learning and personal perception.
Many a times consumers patronize more than one retail outlet for the same product. The
consumer is influenced by both the intrinsic and extrinsic factors. With the understanding of these
elements retailers would be well placed to devise their retail marketing mix in accordance with
their respective target segments.
Q.2 a. Explain the types of store locations and the factors influencing the store location.
2. Cost factor:
Location decision on cost considerations alone is risky. Space cost is a combination of rent or
mortgage payment, utilities, leasehold improvements, general decoration, security, insurance and
all related costs of having a place to conduct business operations. Traditionally, the retail
community placed great importance on owning the place since this was considered prestigious in
the business community. With the emergence of new forms of retail formats such as franchising,
malls and department stores, the dependence on rent or lease is increasing.
3. Competitor’s location:
The type and number of competitors is another important factor. The presence of major retail
centers, industrial parks, franchisee chains, and department stores should be noted. Intense
competition in the area shows that new businesses will have to divide the market with existing
businesses. An excellent location may be next or close to parallel or complementary businesses
that will help to attract customers.
6. Market trends:
Evaluate the community from a broad, futuristic perspective. Local newspapers are a good
source of information. Discussions with business owners and officials in the area can also help.
7. Visibility:
Visibility has a varied impact on a store’s sales potential. It is important when a shopper is trying
to find the store for the first or second time. Once the shopper has become a regular customer,
visibility no longer matters. It follows that of a store cannot readily be seen, new residents of an
area probably will not choose it.
Based on experience of the retailer, the amount of space required can be determined to run the
expected level of operations. The amount of space will determine rent and other related
expenses. Many retailers need to rethink their space requirements when locating in a shopping
center. Rents are generally much higher and therefore, space must be used efficiently.
This is compounded by the consideration of certain specific issues such as:
21.Consumers’ choice or preference of a location: The consumer behaviour is most often
guided by their consideration of the ideal location to shop.
42.To gain competitive advantage: the decision on where to locate the retail outlet will be of
strategic importance because if they develop the best location, it will earn them a long-term
competitive advantage.
63.Understanding of structural and social changes or trends: any decision on location will
definitely have to take into consideration the exiting trends and likely social changes. For
instance, the importance of out-of-town shopping centers, the rise in multiple retailers and so on
is an eye opener for retailers to select an ideal location to match the consumer shopping trends.
84.High investment involving long-term financial implications: the retailer has to consider
the investment cost, lead times and long-term financial implications involved in the development
of a retail location and site.
105.Select the final property asset carefully: the retailing firm has to exercise care while
selecting the final property assets for its value can be very high almost as high s the firm’s annual
6.Government formalities: there could be many government policy decisions having a binding
on the development of new retail outlets. This implies there could be restrictions on selection of
new location sites for retailing purposes. The retailing firm has to consider the various dimensions
of location decision making right from planning the location site through to the financial analysis
and long term progress of the retailer. Location decisions and analysis involve examination of
different disciplines of strategic marketing, the geography of retailing, town planning, operations
research, consumer behaviour and economics.
Ans.: Electronic retailers: Many organizations that offer services to consumers such as banks,
hospitals, health spas, doctors, legal clinics, entertainment firms and universities traditionally
haven’t considered themselves as retailers. Due to increased competition, these organizations
are adopting retailing principles to attract customers and satisfy their needs. All retailers provide
goods and services for their customers. Some firms, such as dry cleaners primarily provide
services. Optical centers and restaurants lie somewhere in the middle of the
merchandise/services continuum. Supermarket and warehouse clubs primarily provide goods.
Q.3 How will you advice a retailer regarding different aspects considered in internal and
external store layout design? Do you think a good store layout and design will help in
gaining more customers?
The straight floor plan is an excellent store layout for most any type of retail store. It makes use of
the walls and fixtures to create small spaces within the retail store. The straight floor plan is one
of the most economical store designs.
2. Diagonal Floor plan:
The diagonal floor plan is a good store layout for self-service types of retail stores. It offers
excellent visibility for cashiers and customers. The diagonal floor plan invites movement and
traffic flow to the retail store.
3.Angular Floor plan:
The angular floor plan is best used for high-end specialty stores. The curves and angles of
fixtures and walls make for it a more expensive store design. However, the soft angles create
better traffic flow throughout the retail store.
The mixed floor plan incorporates the straight, diagonal and angular floor plans to create the most
functional store design. The layout moves traffic towards the walls and back of the store.
Store Design The store can be said to be a product in its won right. The type of planned store
layout can influence the customer’s product decisions. Typically the store should be designed to
facilitate the free movement of customers, create a planned store experience and also help to
make an optimum presentation of merchandise. The retailer’s goal while designing the store
should be on a proactive basis- reflecting the brand position of the store and also ensuring the
most effective usage of the space. The main objectives of a good store design should be:
1. It must complement the customers’ needs i.e. be consistent with the image and strategy.
2. It should act positively on consumer behaviour.
3. It must consider the costs associated versus the value received in terms of higher sales
and profits.
4. It should be flexible to adopt any changes in the merchandise with its store’s image.
Thus, a proactive planning and atmospherics used in the store layout can act upon the
emotional state of the customers and are more likely to influence them to enter and
purchase merchandise at the stores. Proactive planning is based upon the manipulation
of the in-store experience by acting upon and responding to the data on store layout in
order to influence the consumer’s shopping behaviour and experience. The consumers
are more likely to enter stores which are made attractive by use of space, color, walls,
pillars, floor coverings, lightings, music etc. this planned combination of physical
messages are known as Atmospherics. Atmospherics is referred to as a store’s physical
characteristics that are used to develop the retail unit image and draw customers. It
describes the physical elements inn a store’s design that appeals to consumers and
encourages them to buy. Atmospherics are created by the combination of a whole series
of cues and stimulus i.e. the type of merchandise offered and the way it is displayed can
produce the desired store ambience and emotional response from the target customers.
Retailers have realized that background music can be used as a new tool to reach out to
shoppers and encourage them to spend more. According to Adrian North, a psychology
professor at the University of Leicester, England, there is a quite a lot of evidence that
music can influence the speed with which people shop, their willingness to spend, their
perceptions of value and more”. In India also, retailers have realized that the right kind of
music at the right time.
Q.4 Advise Mr. Robin on how to evaluate and select a site for his retail store location.
Robin should consider what factors in making a final decision regarding the store
Based on experience of the retailer, the amount of space required can be determined to run the
expected level of operations. The amount of space will determine rent and other related
expenses. Many retailers need to rethink their space requirements when locating in a shopping
center. Rents are generally much higher and therefore, space must be used efficiently.
This is compounded by the consideration of certain specific issues such as:
111.Consumers’ choice or preference of a location: The consumer behaviour is most often
guided by their consideration of the ideal location to shop.
122.To gain competitive advantage: the decision on where to locate the retail outlet will be of
strategic importance because if they develop the best location, it will earn them a long-term
competitive advantage.
133.Understanding of structural and social changes or trends: any decision on location will
definitely have to take into consideration the exiting trends and likely social changes. For
instance, the importance of out-of-town shopping centers, the rise in multiple retailers and so on
is an eye opener for retailers to select an ideal location to match the consumer shopping trends.
144.High investment involving long-term financial implications: the retailer has to consider
the investment cost, lead times and long-term financial implications involved in the development
of a retail location and site.
155.Select the final property asset carefully: the retailing firm has to exercise care while
selecting the final property assets for its value can be very high almost as high s the firm’s annual
6.Government formalities: there could be many government policy decisions having a binding
on the development of new retail outlets. This implies there could be restrictions on selection of
new location sites for retailing purposes. The retailing firm has to consider the various dimensions
of location decision making right from planning the location site through to the financial analysis
and long term progress of the retailer. Location decisions and analysis involve examination of
different disciplines of strategic marketing, the geography of retailing, town planning, operations
research, consumer behaviour and economics.
· Gap3: Service specifications versus service delivery: as a result of role ambiguity and
conflict, poor employee-job fit and poor technology-job fit, inappropriate supervisory control
systems, lack of perceived control and lack of teamwork.
· Gap5: The discrepancy between customer expectations and their perceptions of the
service delivered: as a result of the influences exerted from the customer side and the shortfalls
(gaps) on the part of the service provider. In this case, customer expectations are influenced by
the extent of personal needs, word of mouth recommendation and past service experiences.
ROLL NO:-520941253
Ans.: Role of Sales promotions: Through the years retailing has evolved, competition has
gotten stiff and therefore marketing has become more integral in the direct selling of wares. From
specialty mom-and-pop shop to mass-merchants, the methods by which stores are getting their
products into the hands of customers are evolving. Because customers have more choices,
stores have to reach them with advertising, entice them with promotions, and secure them with
branding—hence the ever growing need for marketing in retail outlets.
1.Advertising: There are two main functions of advertisements: to sell more products, and to
inform the customer. Through newspaper, TV, radio and Internet advertisements, retailers can
inform their customers of the sales, promotions and in-store events. Moreover, since the media is
flooded with advertisements, the ability to create a more eye-catching or attention-grabbing ad
directly influences sales. Stores that advertise--as opposed to those that don’t--are kept at the top
of their potential shoppers’ mind, which can produce sales in the short and long term.
2.In-Store Promotions: Stores use promotions to prompt impulse buying behavior. A shopper
may not intend to buy a product, but if there is a promotion, there is an incentive for immediate
action. For example, a shopper may not need another dress shirt, but might still buy one if it is on
sale. Additionally, promotions can prompt consumers to recall a product and thus instigate a
purchase. Retailers also use promotional periods-- corresponding with national holidays or well-
know sales times--to sell off the previous season’s merchandise. Promotional periods spike sales,
and are a way retailers can reduce the loss of unsold inventory
3.In-Store Atmosphere and Customer Relations: Store design and consumer relationship
marketing (CRM) directly affected the way customers purchase and retain goods. Things like the
atmosphere, music, and store layout, sales help, and post-purchase support can influence things
like shopping time (the longer they shop, the more likely they are to buy), and how gratified they
feel with their purchase. The more content a buyer is with their shopping experience, the more
likely they are to buy merchandise, and the less likely they are to return it.
4.Branding Retail Outlets: It is necessary for retailers to develop their brand in order to stand
out amongst the many other stores. With local boutiques, specialty stores, department stores,
mass-merchants and Internet stores, customers have more choices when it comes to buying.
There is competition within each category, and competition between categories. For example, a
local boutique selling dress shirts is competing with other local boutiques, and also with the mass
merchant who might be selling dress shirts at a cheaper price. It is therefore necessary for the
boutique to create a brand position that a customer can identify with, to keep them loyal.
5.Private Labeling: Solidifying a retail brand’s private label is the apex of the retail marketing
evolution--and the most recent trend in high-end retailing. This is not a new concept for low- to
mid-priced retail outlets, as everything from food to raincoats have been put under their brand's
name. But what are new are stores that build their brand to the point where they can sell
merchandise at a premium price. Doing so is more cost effective: they can reduce the costs
associated with buying other brand names, source cheaper goods from private manufacturers
and reap higher profits. As an added bonus, stores benefit from consumer loyalty to their stores
and their products.
b. What do you mean by brand rejuvenation?
Established brands are resilient, elastic and vital. However, continued good health is not a
guaranteed condition.
Commonly, when brands suffer, three key factors are to blame. They are especially lethal when
1.Declining emotional benefits: Customers seek meaning in their choices. They need their
brands to enable them to ‘sleep better at night' and to ‘broadcast something favourable' about
themselves. When emotional benefits are lacking, customers are forced to expand their
consideration set.
2.Reduced functional benefits: Customers seek relevancy in their choices. They need their
brands to solve a problem and/or to satisfy an immediate need. When the functional benefits are
missing, customers are forced to expand their consideration set.
Rejuvenating a declining brand often requires a cohesive "SWAT team" approach. The following
methodology provides a three-dimensional view of a brand's current equity and, if required, a
resuscitation strategy.
Ans.: Market segmentation is the process of dividing the heterogeneous total market into small
groups of customers who share a similar set of wants. Each of these small groups possesses
somewhat homogeneous characteristics. As in case of marketers in other businesses, marketers
in the business of retiling may also seek the benefits of market segmentation depending on his
unique market and business context. A retailer may divide women customers into two segments,
working woman and housewife. Segmentation is thus an aggregating process. A segment is a
relatively homogenous group and hence responds to a marketing mix in a similar way. Different
groups or segments require different promotional strategies and marketing mixes because they
have different wants and needs. A niche is a more narrowly defined group seeking a distinctive
mix of benefits. Retailers segment the market to identify specific groups of customers in their
trade area on whom their selling efforts can be concentrated. Such focused selling efforts are
aimed at making the retailer the preferred destination for such identified segments for the
products or services it deals in and to develop a dominant position in the target segments.
4.Merchandising decisions:
Segmentation helps a retailer in merchandising decisions. Merchandising is essentially the skill
that decides which items will go on the shelves. An understanding of preferences of target
segments is essential for successful merchandising program.
5. Promotional campaigns:
Segmentation helps the retailer on developing more effective and accurate promotional
6. Positioning:
Segmentation helps a retailer on positioning itself in the market. Thus, Shoppers‟ Stop has
targeted the upper income while Westside has targeted the larger base of middle and upper
middle consumers.
In order to achieve the above-mentioned benefits, a retailer can segment his total market on the
basis of the following criteria:
1 Geographic segmentation
2 Psychographics segmentation
3 Lifestyle
4 Demographic segmentation
Ans.: Relationship Marketing was first defined as a form of marketing developed from direct
response marketing campaigns which emphasizes customer retention and satisfaction, rather
than a dominant focus on sales transactions.
With the growth of the internet and mobile platforms, Relationship Marketing has continued to
evolve and move forward as technology opens more collaborative and social communication
channels. This includes tools for managing relationships with customers that goes beyond simple
demographic and customer service data. Relationship Marketing extends to include Inbound
Marketing efforts (a combination of search optimization and Strategic Content), PR, Social Media
and Application Development.
Q.3 Mr. Surya has a conservative business attitude. His son Chandrashekar wants to
adopt new styles in their family retail business. But, both of them are a little confused over
the topic of ethics. They would like to be educated on different issues such as ethical
codes, consumerism, profitability and unethical practices in retail business. How will you
help them?
Ans.: Business ethics is a form of the art of applied ethics that examines ethical principles and
moral or ethical problems that can arise in a business environment.
In the increasingly conscience-focused marketplaces of the 21st century, the demand for more
ethical business processes and actions (known as ethicism) is increasing. Simultaneously,
pressure is applied on industry to improve business ethics through new public initiatives and laws.
Business ethics can be both a normative and a descriptive discipline. As a corporate practice and
a career specialization, the field is primarily normative. In academia, descriptive approaches are
also taken. The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the degree to which
business is perceived to be at odds with non-economic social values. Historically, interest in
business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, both within major
corporations and within academia. For example, today most major corporate websites lay
emphasis on commitment to promoting non-economic social values under a variety of headings
(e.g. ethics codes, social responsibility charters). In some cases, corporations have redefined
their core values in the light of business ethical considerations (e.g. BP's "beyond petroleum"
environmental tilt).
Marketing ethics is the area of applied ethics, which deals with the moral principles behind the
operation, and regulation of marketing. Some areas of marketing ethics (ethics of advertising and
promotion) overlap with media ethics.
Some of the specific issues in marketing ethics are discussed in the following paragraphs:
Market research
Ethical danger points in market research include:
* Invasion of privacy: Invasion of privacy is a legal term essentially defined as a violation of the
right to be left alone. The right to privacy is the right to control property against search and
seizure, and to control information about oneself. The right to privacy refers to your right to be left
alone. There are several different ways a person's right to privacy can be invaded. The most
common privacy invasions recognized by law are as follows:
1 Intrusion of solitude – physical or electronic intrusion into one's private quarters.
2 Public disclosure of private facts – the dissemination of truthful private information which
a reasonable person would find objectionable
3 False light – the publication of facts, which place a person in a false light, even though
the facts themselves may not be defamatory.
4 Appropriation – the unauthorized use of a person's name or likeness to obtain some
* Stereotyping: Stereotyping occurs because any analysis of real populations needs to make
approximations and place individuals into groups. Stereotypes are seen by many as undesirable
beliefs imposed to justify the acts of discrimination and oppression. Other effects are:
Justification of ill-founded prejudices or ignorance
Unwillingness to rethink one's attitudes and behaviour towards stereotyped group
There's usually more than one stereotype for the same group. For example, according to
stereotypes about Black Americans, black men are generally supposed to be good musicians and
basketball players, but at the same time seen as aggressive, prone to lives of crime, and likely to
be on drugs. The effects of stereotypes can have positive and negative effects: In some market
research studies, students who were implicitly made aware of their gender behaved as the
stereotype suggested.
Asian-American women performed better in math tests when being aware of being Asian, and did
worse when being reminded of being women.
The media, showing an incorrect judgment of a culture or place, can also create stereotyping.
Target Market
Ethical danger points include:
* Targeting the vulnerable (e.g. children, the elderly) and
* Excluding potential customers from the market:
Selective marketing is used to discourage demand from undesirable market sectors or
disenfranchise them altogether.
Examples of unethical market exclusion or selective marketing are past industry attitudes to the
gay, ethnic minority and obese ("plus-size") markets. Contrary to the popular myth that ethics and
profits do not mix, the tapping of these markets has proved highly profitable. For example, 20% of
US clothing sales are now plus size. Another example is the selective marketing of health care,
so that unprofitable sectors (i.e. the elderly) will not attempt to take benefits to which they are
entitled. A further example of market exclusion is the pharmaceutical industry's exclusion of
developing countries from AIDS drugs.
In the case of children, the main products are unhealthy food, fashion ware and entertainment
goods. Children are a lucrative market; but are not capable of resisting or understanding
marketing tactics at younger ages. At older ages competitive feelings towards other children are
stronger than financial sense. The practice of extending children's marketing from television to the
school ground is also controversial.
Other vulnerable audiences include emerging markets in developing countries, where the public
may not be sufficiently aware of skilled marketing ploys transferred from developed countries, and
where, conversely, marketers may not be aware how excessively powerful their tactics may be.
For example nestle infant milk formula scandal, which discouraged breast-feeding.
Auto Dealers and Ethics: Not an oxymoron
Ethical behavior by auto dealers is increasingly important as consumers become more
knowledgeable due to information on the Web-and as auto retailing becomes a more popular
target of regulators and attorneys. Two ways for car dealers to instill ethical behavior among their
sales personnel involve rethinking sales force compensation and re-examining how car dealers
operate as business leaders.
Traditionally, many salespeople have been paid on the basis of the gross margin of each sale.
That encourages a salesperson to inflate the sales price to an unsuspecting consumer or to push
high-profit, dealer-installed options. Alternative methods are to place fixed prices on cars, to
provide bonuses to sales staff based on customer satisfaction scores, or to link bonuses to
referral and repeat business.
As the leader-manager, the owner of a dealership should set an example for the practices of his
or her employees. The firm’s code of ethics needs to reflect what behavior is unacceptable,
including high-pressure tactics and misrepresentation of price or credit. Salespeople who
continually violate the ethical code should be terminated regardless of their profitability.
Consumerism: "Consumerism" is likely to dominate the Indian market in the current Millennium,
thanks to the economic reforms ushered in and the several agreements signed under the World
Trade Organisation. The transition is from a predominantly "sellers‟ market" to a "buyers‟
market" where the choice exercised by the consumer will be influenced by the level of consumer
awareness achieved. By "consumerism" we mean the process of realizing the rights of the
consumer as envisaged in the Consumer Protection Act (1986) and ensuring right standards for
the goods and services for which one makes a payment. This objective can be achieved in a
reasonable time frame only when all concerned act together and play their role. The players are
the consumers represented by different voluntary non-government consumer organizations, the
government, the regulatory authorities for goods and services in a competitive economy, the
consumer courts, Organisations representing trade, industry and service providers, the law-
makers and those in charge of implementation of the laws and rules.
Ans.: Pricing strategies and Practices A retailer’s pricing strategy has to reflect its overall goals
and be related to sales and profits. There must also be specific pricing goals to be achieved with
the integration of total retail mix. Following are the strategies and the most commonly applied
practices for retail pricing: Demand oriented pricing Cost oriented pricing Competition
oriented pricing.
1. Demand oriented pricing: Under this strategy a retailer sets prices based on consumer
desires. It determines the range of prices acceptable to the target market. Retailer use demand
oriented pricing to estimate the quantities that customers would buy at various prices. In this
method seller attempts to set price at a level intended and buyers willing to pay. This approach
studies customer interests and the psychological implication of pricing. Two aspects of
psychological pricing are the Price quality association and Prestige pricing. According to Price
quality association concept, many consumers feel high prices connote high quality and low prices
connote low quality. This association is especially important if competing firms or products are
hard to judge on the bases other than price, consumer experience, brand name etc. on the other
hand, Prestige pricing assumes that the consumers will not buy goods and services at prices
deemed too low. Consumers may feel too low price means low quality and status. For example,
Shoppers Stop does not keep any low-end items because their customers may feel they are
After having slashed fares when his competitors increased them, low-cost carrier Air Deccan’s
chief G R Gopinath said on Monday the airline would increase the number of flights instead of
fares to meet the passenger demand.
“Our pricing is not in relation to competition. If the demand is more, we will not increase the fares
but the number of flights.” He told a two-day conference on synergizing of air traffic control (ATC),
airports and airlines, organized by the ATC Guild (India).
He said the airline, which recently slashed fares when other carriers raised them were getting rich
dividends from operations on trunk routes where it dropped fares.
This was primarily due to the very high load factor, ranging between 90 and 100 per cent, on
most of the days, he said, adding such load factor had led to case positive results leading the
airline to report profits.
Gopinath made a strong case for urgent revamp and expansion of airport infrastructure in the
country saying, for low cost operations to succeed, a faster turnaround for each aircraft was
“WE need to turn around the aircraft from landing to take off with a quick span of 25 minutes” he
said while pointing out the unprecedented increase in passenger traffic in the next few years
would prove a disaster if speedy action was not taken to expand and improve airport and all
related infrastructure including moiré parking bays for aircraft and additional runways.
Another major initiative taken by Air Deccan was to introduce dedicated automated machines at
(Source: The Times of India, Bangalore, and 2nd November 2004)
The primary objective of Japanese or Indian economy is to reduce unemployment- the large
labour force that is available is employed by small labour intensive businesses. Secondly, the
population density in Japan and Europe is much higher than in US. Thus, these countries have
less low cost real estate available for development of large stores. Thirdly, the US market is the
largest in the world and is able to leverage on economies of scale. Indian is still a growing market
and has yet to develop a system as efficient as that of the US.
Store Design :
The store can be said to be a product in its won right. The type of planned store layout can
influence the customer’s product decisions. Typically the store should be designed to facilitate the
free movement of customers, create a planned store experience and also help to make an
optimum presentation of merchandise. The retailer’s goal while designing the store should be on
a proactive basis- reflecting the brand position of the store and also ensuring the most effective
usage of the space.
The main objectives of a good store design should be:
11. It must complement the customers’ needs i.e. be consistent with the image and strategy.
22. It should act positively on consumer behaviour.
33. It must consider the costs associated versus the value received in terms of higher sales and
44. It should be flexible to adopt any changes in the merchandise with its store’s image.
Thus, a proactive planning and atmospherics used in the store layout can act upon the emotional
state of the customers and are more likely to influence them to enter and purchase merchandise
at the stores. Proactive planning is based upon the manipulation of the in-store experience by
acting upon and responding to the data on store layout in order to influence the consumer’s
shopping behaviour and experience. The consumers are more likely to enter stores which are
made attractive by use of space, color, walls, pillars, floor coverings, lightings, music etc. this
planned combination of physical messages are known as Atmospherics.
Atmospherics is referred to as a store’s physical characteristics that are used to develop the retail
unit image and draw customers. It describes the physical elements inn a store’s design that
appeals to consumers and encourages them to buy. Atmospherics are created by the
combination of a whole series of cues and stimulus i.e. the type of merchandise offered and the
way it is displayed can produce the desired store ambience and emotional response from the
target customers.
Retailers have realized that background music can be used as a new tool to reach out to
shoppers and encourage them to spend more. According to Adrian North, a psychology professor
at the University of Leicester, England, there is a quite a lot of evidence that music can influence
the speed with which people shop, their willingness to spend, their perceptions of value and
more”. In India also, retailers have realized that the right kind of music at the right time.
Several types of displays are described here. Most retailers use a combination of them. An
assortment display exhibits a wide range of merchandise. With an open assortment, the customer
is encouraged to feel, look at, and /or tries on products. Greeting cards, books magazines, and
apparel are the kinds of products for which retailers use open assortments. In addition, food
stores have expanded their open displays for fruit, vegetables, and some department stores have
opened up their cosmetics and perfume displays. With a closed assortment, the customer is
encouraged to look at merchandise but not touch it or try it on. Computer software and CDs are
pre-packaged items that cannot be opened before buying. Jewelry is usually kept in closed glass
cases that employees must unlock. A theme-setting display depicts a product offering in a
thematic manner and sets a specific mood. Retailers often vary their displays to reflect seasons
or special events; some even have employees dress for the occasion. All or part of a store may
be adapted to a theme, such as Columbus Day, Valentine’s Day, or another concept. Each
special theme seeks to attract attention and make shopping more fun. With an ensemble display,
a complete product bundle (ensemble) is presented-rather than showing merchandise in separate
categories (such as a shoe department, sock department, plants department, shirt department,
and sports jacket department). Thus, a mannequin may be dressed in a matching combination of
shoes, sock, pants shirt, and sports jacket, and these items would be available in one department
or adjacent departments. Customers like the ease of a purchase and envisioning an entire
product bundle. A rack display has a primarily functional use: to neatly hang or present products.
It is often used by apparel retailers; house wares retailers, and others this display must be
carefully maintained because it may lead to product cutter and shoppers‟ returning items to the
wrong place. Current technology enables retailers to use sliding, disconnecting, contracting/
expanding, lightweight, attractive rack displays. A case display exhibits heavier, bulkier items than
racks hold. Records, books, pre-packaged goods, and sweaters typically appear in case displays.
A cut case is an inexpensive display that leaves merchandise in the original carton. Supermarkets
and discount stores frequently use cut cases, which do not create a warm atmosphere. Neither
does a dump bin-a case that holds piles of sale clothing, marked-down books, or other products.
Dump bins have open assortments of roughly handled items. Both cut cases and dump bins
reduce display costs and project a low-price image. Poster, sign, and cards can dress up all types
of displays, including cut cases and dump bins. They provide information about product locations
and stimulate customers to shop. A mobile, a hanging display with parts that move in response to
air currents, serves the same purpose-but stands out more. Electronic displays are also widely
used today. They can be interactive, be tailored to individual stores, provide product
demonstrations, answer customer questions, and incorporate the latest in multi-media
capabilities. These displays are much easier to reprogram than traditional displays are to