NHW Upper Intermediate 4e Wordlist Hungarian

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New Headway Upper-Intermediate Hungarian wordlist

Unit 1 Home and away!


abroad  adv /əˈbrɔːd/ I sometimes travel abroad with my work. külföldön, külföldre
air conditioning  n /ˈeə ˌkəndɪʃnɪŋ/ I wish we had air conditioning and not just a fan. légkondicionáló
airport  n /ˈeəpɔːt/ I’m still at the airport, waiting for my flight. repülőtér
awesome  adj /ˈɔːsəm/ Pangani is an awesome beach with beautiful white sand. félelmetesen jó
barbecue  v /ˈbɑːbɪkju/ For lunch, we barbecued fish on the beach. roston süt
bath  n /bɑːθ/ I love having a bath, but a shower is quicker. fürdés
bathroom  n /ˈbɑːθruːm/ I’m going to the bathroom to have a shower. fürdőszoba
board  v /bɔːd/ It’s time to board the plane for London. beszáll (a repülőgépbe)
buddy  n /ˈbʌdi/ I’ve known my buddy Dave for ten years. haver
bumpy  adj /ˈbʌmpi/ I’m very careful, especially on the bumpy road to school. göröngyös
careful  adj /ˈkeəfl/ I’m a careful driver and have never been in an accident. óvatos
cheers  interj /tʃɪəz/ In England, ‘cheers’ means ‘thank you’. egészségére, itt: kösz(önöm)
coast  n /kəʊst/ We drove up the coast, stopping at different beaches. tengerpart
collection  n /kəˈlekʃn/ He has a large collection of baseball cards. gyűjtemény
crazy  adj /ˈkreɪzi/ I think it’s crazy how English people drive on the wrong őrült
side of the road.
dislikes  n pl /dɪsˈlaɪks/ What are some of her likes and dislikes about the place? ellenszenves dolgok
except  prep /ɪkˈsept/ Everyone went out except Marta, who wanted to stay in. kivéve
fabulous  adj /ˈfæbjələs/ She wore a fabulous new dress and looked amazing. mesés
famous  adj /ˈfeɪməs/ J.K. Rowling is a famous writer. híres
fans  n pl /fænz/ We had two fans, but we needed air conditioning. ventilátorok
flat  n /flæt/ We bought a two-bedroom flat in central London. lakás
forever  adv /fərˈevə(r)/ It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for this plane. mindörökké
formal  adj /ˈfɔːml/ A wedding is a formal event so you should wear a suit. hivatalos
fortnight  n /ˈfɔːtnaɪt/ A fortnight is two weeks. két hét
freak  v /friːk/ Don’t freak, Mum, but I bought a motorbike! kiakad
get it  idiom /ˈɡet ɪt/ She explained it to me twice, but I didn’t get it. megért, felfog
guy  n /ɡaɪ/ Tom is a really nice guy. fickó
hang out  v /ˌhæŋ ˈaʊt/ Dave and I are hanging out together today. időt együtt tölt vkivel
head  v /hed/ We decided to head up the coast to look for a nice beach. megy vmilyen irányba
holiday  n /ˈhɒlədeɪ/ We’re going on holiday to Mexico this summer. nyaralás, szabadság
hometown  n /ˈhəʊmtaʊn/ I live in Oxford, but my hometown is Dublin. szülőváros
host family  n /ˈhəʊst ˌfæməli/ I’m staying with a host family in London. vendéglátó család
incredible  adj /ɪnˈkredəbl/ Pangani is an awesome beach with incredible white sand. hihetetlen
informal  adj /ɪnˈfɔːml/ My work is informal, so we can wear jeans. kötetlen
kind of (weird)  idiom /ˈkaɪnd əv …/ It’s kind of weird how they have an apartment in a big elég (furcsa)
old house.
learn  v /lɜːn/ How long did it take you to learn English? (meg)tanul
likes  n pl /laɪks/ Tell me about your likes and dislikes. kedvelt dolgok
load of (something) /ˈləʊd əv …/ I was given a load of money for my eighteenth birthday! egy rakás (vmi)
mega  adv /ˈmeɡə/ I’m mega excited about our trip to California! rendkívül
mile  n /maɪl/ The nearest subway station is about a mile away. mérföld
Missing you.  /ˈmɪsɪŋ ju/ Missing you. Can’t wait to see you! Hiányzol.
motorbike  n /ˈməʊtəbaɪk/ Riding a motorbike can be dangerous. motorkerékpár
news  n /njuːz/ What’s the latest news from home? hírek
nice  adj /naɪs/ It was nice of him to give me a lift home. kedves
on business /ɒn ˈbɪznəs/ He’s going to Brazil on business, so he’ll be busy üzleti célból, hivatalos
with meetings. ügyben
on holiday /ɒn ˈhɒlədeɪ/ The best thing about being on holiday is swimming in vakáción, szabadságon
the sea.
pass  v /pɑːs/ A guy said ‘cheers’ to me for letting him pass. elmegy, elhalad
picnic  n /ˈpɪknɪk/ Let’s bring some food and have a picnic in the park. piknik
plays  n pl /pleɪz/ Shakespeare’s plays are very famous. színdarabok

© Oxford University Press New Headway Upper-Intermediate (fourth edition) Hungarian wordlist  1
raindrops  n pl /ˈreɪndrɒps/ When it rains, you can hear the raindrops falling on esőcseppek
the roof.
rubbish  adj /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ You shouldn’t watch that film – it’s rubbish. pocsék
sand  n /sænd/ It’s a beautiful beach with white sand and bright homok
blue water.
shelling  n /ˈʃelɪŋ/ Shelling, or collecting shells, is a popular hobby kagylóhéj gyűjtés
in Tanzania.
shells  n pl /ʃelz/ I found some pink and orange shells on the beach. kagylóhéjak
snowstorm  n /ˈsnəʊstɔːm/ The plane was delayed because of a big snowstorm. hóvihar
spectacular  adj /spekˈtækjələ(r)/ The sunsets here are very quick, but spectacular. látványos
spend (a year)  v /spend …/ I’m going to spend a year teaching English in Kenya. eltölt (egy évet)
strange  adj /streɪndʒ/ It’s strange how people drive on the left in England. furcsa
stuff  n /stʌf/ I like going to the cinema and stuff. dolog, ilyesmi
subway  n /ˈsʌbweɪ/ You can walk, cycle, or get the subway to work. földalatti
toasts  n pl /təʊsts/ I thought people only said ‘cheers’ for making toasts. pohárköszöntők
unbelievable  adj /ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbl/ The sunsets here are unbelievable – very quick, hihetetlen
but spectacular.
weird  adj /wɪəd/ It’s weird how she left without saying goodbye. furcsa, fura
wrong  adj /rɒŋ/ He was driving on the wrong side of the road. rossz, helytelen

accident  n /ˈæksɪdənt/ I hurt my neck in a traffic accident. baleset
hang on  v /hæŋ ˈɒn/ Hang on! I’ll be there in one minute! vár, kitart
hop in  v /hɒp ˈɪn/ Hop in the car. I’ll give you a lift. beugrik vhova
lesson  n /ˈlesn/ In our next English lesson we’re learning the past perfect. lecke, óra
lift (transport in a /lɪft/ I can give you a lift in my car if you don’t want to walk. fuvar (személyszállítás
vehicle)  n járművel)
serve  v /sɜːv/ We waited an hour for dinner to be served. felszolgál


barrier  n /ˈbæriə(r)/ The hardest thing about living abroad was the korlát
language barrier.
clear  adj /klɪə(r)/ Up there, the air is crisp and clear. tiszta
crisp  adj /krɪsp/ The air was crisp and clear and the sky was blue. friss, csípős
disappointment  n /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt/ I keep buying watermelons, but each one is csalódás
a disappointment.
expect  v /ɪkˈspekt/ In my job you’re expected to work long hours. elvár
move  v /muːv/ We’re moving to a bigger house just outside the city. költözik
opportunity  n /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ Moving abroad is a great opportunity to learn a lehetőség
new language.
salesman  n /ˈseɪlzmən/ I’m a salesman. I sell cars. ügynök (kereskedő)


accept  v /əkˈsept/ In the end, I had to accept that I was lost. elfogad
adopt  v /əˈdɒpt/ Saroo was adopted from an orphanage by an örökbe fogad
Australian family.
amazing  adj /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ Saroo’s amazing story is being made into a film. bámulatba ejtő
bang /bæŋ/ I zoomed down and bang – there was the waterfall where bumm
I used to play.
beg  v /beɡ/ Saroo started begging on the streets of Calcutta. koldul, kéreget
beggar  n /ˈbeɡə(r)/ He gave money to the beggar on the street. koldus
birth family  n /ˈbɜːθ ˌfæməli/ Saroo returned to India to find his birth family. biológiai család
childhood  n /ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/ He had a happy childhood in Tasmania. gyermekkor
clean  v /kliːn/ Saroo had a job cleaning the trains. tiszta
couple  n /ˈkʌpl/ Saroo was adopted by a couple from Tasmania. pár, házaspár
dead  adj /ded/ He’d been gone for 25 years so his mother thought he halott
was dead.
desire  n /dɪˈzaɪə(r)/ The desire to find his birth family became stronger vágy
with time.
determine  v /dɪˈtɜːmɪn/ That fateful nap would determine the rest of his life. meghatároz
difficult  adj /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ Playing the violin is difficult, so I practise a lot. nehéz
distance  n /ˈdɪstəns/ We travelled a distance of 100 kilometres. távolság
effective  adj /ɪˈfektɪv/ His strategy was effective, and he found his family. hatásos, hatékony

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fall asleep  v /fɔːl əˈsliːp/ I was tired, so it was hard not to fall asleep. elalszik
family home  n /ˌfæməli ˈhəʊm/ Our family home has four bedrooms. családi otthon
fateful  adj /ˈfeɪtfl/ That fateful nap would determine the rest of his life. sorsdöntő, végzetes
fear  v /fɪə/ His mother had long feared he was dead. fél vmitől
fend for himself  /ˌfend fə(r) hɪmˈself/ He had to fend for himself, so he started begging. gondoskodik magáról
forget  v /fəˈɡet/ I can’t read my emails because I’ve forgotten elfelejt
my password.
fortune teller  n /ˈfɔːtʃuːn ˌtelə(r)/ A fortune teller told her that she would see her son again. jós
foul play  n /ˌfaʊl ˈpleɪ/ She didn’t know if it was an accident or if foul play csalás, bűntett
was involved.
get the better of /ˌɡet ðə ˈbetə(r) əv I had forgotten that age would get the better of her. vmi eluralkodik vkin
(someone)  …/
Google Earth  n /ˌɡuːɡl ˈɜːθ/ He used Google Earth to search for his home town. Google Earth (virtuális
grab  v /ɡræb/ I was walking along the street when a man tried to grab megragad
my bag.
grant  v /ɡrɑːnt/ He’s so happy that his wish was granted. teljesít
grasp  v /ɡrɑːsp/ It was hard for her to grasp that her son had returned felfog
after 25 years.
grateful  adj /ˈɡreɪtfl/ I’m so grateful for all the help you’ve given me. hálás
heartbroken  adj /ˈhɑːtbrəʊkən/ I was heartbroken knowing my brother had died. vérző szívű
hit on (something)  v /ˈhɪt ɒn …/ Eventually he hit on a good strategy. véletlenül rátalál (vmire)
illiterate  adj /ɪˈlɪtərət/ In my job I teach illiterate children how to read. írástudatlan
lifelong  adj /ˈlaɪflɒŋ/ His lifelong wish was to see his birth mother again. egész életen át tartó
lost  adj /lɒst/ We didn’t have a map, so we got lost. eltévedt
memories  n pl /ˈmeməriz/ I have so many good memories of the house I grew up in. emlékek
nap  n /næp/ If you’re tired, you should have a nap. szunyókálás
network  n /ˈnetwɜːk/ India has a large network of trains. hálózat
notorious  adj /nəʊˈtɔːriəs/ Calcutta is notorious for its slums. hírhedt
originally  adv /əˈrɪdʒənəli/ I live in Germany, but I’m originally from Poland. eredetileg
orphanage  n /ˈɔːfənɪdʒ/ Before she was adopted, she lived in an orphanage. árvaház
pass away  v /pɑːs əˈweɪ/ My father is dead. He passed away six years ago. eltávozik az élők sorából
pretty  adj /ˈprɪti/ When she was younger, she was very pretty. csinos
promise  v /ˈprɒmɪs/ I promise I’ll write to you every day while I’m away. (meg)ígér
put up  v /pʊt ˈʌp/ He was taken to an orphanage and put up for adoption. felkínál (pl. örökbefogadásra,
radius  n /ˈreɪdiəs/ If you live within a five-mile radius of the restaurant, sugár, hatósugár
they’ll deliver to your house.
railway track  n /ˈreɪlweɪ træk/ Our train was delayed because a tree fell on the vasúti sín
railway track.
recognize  v /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ I hadn’t seen him for 20 years, so I didn’t recognize him felismer
at first.
rest of (something)  /ˈrest əv …/ I don’t like these two photographs, but the rest of them (vminek a) többi, maradék
are really nice. része
return  v /rɪˈtɜːn/ When will you return home from your holiday? visszatér
rough  adj /rʌf/ I came up with a rough distance, about 1,200 km. durva, megközelítőleges
scared  adj /skeəd/ I’m too scared to walk home alone at night. rémült
settle down  v /ˌsetl ˈdaʊn/ Saroo settled down well in his new home. beilleszkedik
shabby  adj /ˈʃæbi/ It looked old and shabby because nobody had lived there elhasznált, viseltes állapotú
for a long time.
shelter  n /ˈʃeltə(r)/ Homeless people need food and shelter. menedék
shock  n /ʃɒk/ It was a shock to see him after so many years. megdöbbentő, sokkoló
significance  n /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəns/ This house has a lot of significance for me because I grew jelentőség
up in it.
sleep rough  /ˌsliːp ˈrʌf/ He was homeless, and sleeping rough on the streets. fedél nélkül alszik
slums  n pl /slʌmz/ The slums of Calcutta are its poorest areas. nyomornegyedek
station  n /ˈsteɪʃn/ If you tell me what time your train arrives, I’ll meet you állomás
at the station.
strategy  n /ˈstrætədʒi/ It’s a difficult problem, so we need a good strategy. stratégia
strong  adj /strɒŋ/ I had a strong feeling that something was wrong. erős, határozott
strike gold  /straɪk ˈɡəʊld/ He struck gold with his latest book – it’s so popular. megüti a főnyereményt
suspicious  adj /səˈspɪʃəs/ The suspicious-looking man turned and disappeared gyanús
down the dark corridor.

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sweeper  n /ˈswiːpə(r)/ Saroo worked as a sweeper on India’s trains. takarító, utcaseprő
vivid  adj /ˈvɪvɪd/ The dream was so vivid, it felt like it had really happened. élénk
wander  v /ˈwɒndər/ He was wandering alone in the streets and train stations kóborol
of Calcutta.
waterfall  n /ˈwɔːtəfɔːl/ We walked for two hours to see the amazing waterfall. vízesés
wish  n /wɪʃ/ My biggest wish is to be a successful actor. kívánság
zoom down  v /ˈzuːm daʊn/ I zoomed down on the town and saw the waterfall where rázoomol, ráközelít
I used to play.


homecoming  n /ˈhəʊmkʌmɪŋ/ When she gets back, let’s give her a great party to celebrate hazatérés
her homecoming.
home-grown  adj /ˌhəʊm ˈɡrəʊn/ Home-grown vegetables taste better than vegetables from házi termelésű
the supermarket.
homeless  adj /ˈhəʊmləs/ Mike was a homeless beggar who slept on the streets. hajléktalan
home-made  adj /ˌhəʊm ˈmeɪd/ Is this cake home-made or did you buy it? házi készítésű
homepage  n /ˈhəʊmˌpeɪdʒ/ Please visit our homepage for more information. honlap
homesick  adj /ˈhəʊmsɪk/ When I was living abroad I sometimes felt homesick. hazavágyódó, honvágy gyötri
homework  n /ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ Our teacher gives us homework every day. házi feladat
house-bound  adj /ˈhaʊs baʊnd/ Her grandma’s sick and house-bound, so they have to go lakáshoz kötött
and help.
houseplant  n /ˈhaʊsplɑːnt/ This is a houseplant, so you should keep it indoors. szobanövény
house-proud  adj /ˈhaʊs praʊd/ They’re very house-proud and keep their home very clean lakására büszke, lakására sok
and tidy. gondot fordító
house-warming /ˈhaʊs ˌwɔːmɪŋ paːti/ I’ve just moved into a new house and I’m having a lakásavató buli
party  n house-warming party.
housewife  n /ˈhaʊswaɪf/ I’m a housewife with three kids, two dogs, and a cat! háziasszony
housework  n /ˈhaʊswɜːk/ My husband and I share the housework. házimunka
life expectancy  n /ˈlaɪf ɪkˌspektənsi/ It’s a dangerous country with a low life expectancy. várható élettartam
life insurance  n /ˈlaɪf inˌʃʊərəns/ If you take out life insurance, your family will receive életbiztosítás
money when you die.
life-size  adj /ˈlaɪf saɪz/ This Elvis statue isn’t life-size because he was taller életnagyságú
than this.
lifestyle  n /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ It was a big change in lifestyle when we moved to China. életstílus
tidy  adj /ˈtaɪdi/ Your house is lovely, and it’s so neat and tidy. rendben tartott, takaros

Everyday English
complain  v /kəmˈpleɪn/ If your food is cold, you should complain to the waiter. reklamál, panaszkodik
dessert  n /dɪˈzɜːt/ We’re having ice cream for dessert. desszert
drag  n /dræɡ/ Homework is such a drag! dögunalom
drop in  v /drɒp ˈɪn/ I was just passing and thought I’d drop in. beugrik
feel up to /fiːl ˈʌp tə …/ I don’t feel up to going for a run, so I’ll go for a van ereje, energiája vmihez
(something) walk instead.
flatmate  n /ˈflætmeɪt/ My flatmate never helps with the cleaning. lakótárs
have a lot on  /ˌhəv ə lɒt ˈɒn/ I have a lot on this week, so next week would be better. sok a teendője
Lucky you!  /ˌlʌki ˈju/ You’re going on holiday? Lucky you! De jó neked!
make a living  /meɪk ə ˈlɪvɪŋ/ I’m a travel agent so I make a living from tourists. megél vmiből
mousse  n /muːs/ I’ll have the chocolate mousse for dessert. hab
shame  n /ʃeɪm/ It’s a shame you can’t come to my party. kár, sajnálatos dolog
show  n /ʃəʊ/ We’re going to the theatre so see a show. előadás
somewhere  n /ˈsʌmweə(r)/ Excuse me, don’t I know you from somewhere? valahol
stressed out  /strest ˈaʊt/ I’m stressed out at work because my boss is away and I rendkívül feszült, leterhelt
have to do all her work.
swing it  /ˈswɪŋ ɪt/ Sharon managed to swing it for us and got us the last elintéz, összehoz
two tickets.
take it easy  /ˌteɪk ɪt ˈiːzi/ You look stressed – you should take it easy. nyugodj meg, lassan a testtel
tickets  n pl /ˈtɪkɪts/ My husband bought me tickets to the ballet. jegyek
tourists  n pl /ˈtʊərɪsts/ There are a lot of tourists, so the city is really busy. turisták
travel agent  n /ˈtrævl ˌeɪdʒənt/ I work as a travel agent and organize holidays for people. utazási ügynök

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UNIT 2 Been there, got the T-shirt!
boyfriend  n /ˈbɔɪfrend/ Jade’s new boyfriend is very friendly. udvarló, barátja/fiúja
discover  v /dɪˈskʌvə(r)/ When did Columbus discover America? felfedez
Ouch!  /aʊtʃ/ Ouch! That hurt! Jaj!


ancient  adj /ˈeɪnʃənt/ He visited some ancient temples in Cambodia. régi, ókori
backpacker  n /ˈbækpækə(r)/ Jake is a backpacker travelling around Asia for hátizsákos utazó
nine months.
bike ride  n /ˈbaɪk raɪd/ Jake cycled from Saigon to Angkor Wat on a sponsored biciklitúra
bike ride.
blog  n /blɒɡ/ You can read about my travels on my blog. blog
brilliant  adj /ˈbrɪliənt/ I’ve been having a brilliant time on my travels. ragyogó, pompás
charity  n /ˈtʃærəti/ I’m running 5 km this weekend to raise money jótékonyság
for charity.
cheap  adj /tʃiːp/ He’s been staying in cheap hostels to save money. olcsó
diarrhoea  n /ˌdaɪəˈrɪə/ Be careful what you eat on holiday so you don’t hasmenés
get diarrhoea.
emperor  n /ˈempərə(r)/ Marco Polo met the emperor Kublai Khan. császár
engineering  n /ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ/ This bridge is a wonderful example of mérnöki munka, műszaki
modern engineering. tudomány
explorer  n /ɪkˈsplɔːrə(r)/ Marco Polo was a famous explorer. felfedező
extensively  adv /ɪkˈstensɪvli/ Marco Polo travelled extensively around China and the alaposan, széles körben, itt:
Far East. körbe(utazta), be(utazta)
fantastic  adj /fænˈtæstɪk/ I always eat here because the food is fantastic. fantasztikus
fortune  n /ˈfɔːtʃuːn/ Marco Polo left China with a fortune in gold vagyon
and jewellery.
gold  n /ɡəʊld/ Do you prefer gold or silver jewellery? arany
history  n /ˈhɪstri/ The history of China is long and fascinating. történelem
hostel  n /ˈhɒstl/ We’re staying in a hostel because the hotels are olcsó szálloda
too expensive.
jewellery  n /ˈdʒuːəlri/ We bought some gold jewellery – necklaces and earrings. ékszer
journey  n /ˈdʒɜːni/ The train journey was long and tiring. utazás, út
merchant  n /ˈmɜːtʃənt/ Marco Polo was born in Venice, the son of a merchant. kereskedő
mug  v /mʌɡ/ We called the police because my husband was mugged kirabol (utcán)
in Barcelona.
novel  n /ˈnɒvl/ I’m reading a Jane Austen novel at the moment. regény
overland  adv /ˈəʊvəlænd/ He travelled overland from Vietnam to Cambodia. szárazföldön
party  v /ˈpɑːti/ Instead of partying, he spent his holiday raising money bulizik
for charity.
raise  v /reɪz/ How much money did Jake raise on his sponsored összegyűjt, szerez (pénzt)
bike ride?
route  n /ruːt/ Shall we take the quickest route or the scenic route? útvonal
scenery  n /ˈsiːnəri/ You can see some beautiful scenery on the train ride up táj, látvány
to Edinburgh.
set off for /set ˈɒf fə(r) …/ When do you set off for Cambodia? indul (vhova)
sponsored  adj /ˈspɒnsəd/ Jake raised money for WaterAid by doing a sponsored támogatott
bike ride.
sting  v /stɪŋ/ He was stung by insects all over his body. (meg)csíp
temple  n /ˈtempl/ She visited a beautiful Buddhist temple in Thailand. szentély, templom
territory  n /ˈterətri/ When Marco Polo went to China, he was one of the first vidék, terület
Europeans to visit the territory.
tourist spots  n pl /ˈtʊərɪst spɒts/ When you go on holiday, do you like to see more than just turistahelyek
the tourist spots?
trade link  n /ˈtreɪd lɪŋk/ The Silk Road was the main trade link between China kereskedelmi útvonal
and the West.
travel  v /ˈtrævl/ One day I’d love to travel around India. utazik
travel bug  idiom /ˈtrævl bʌɡ/ Once you’ve got the travel bug, it’s hard to stay in the utazási szenvedély
same place for too long.
traveller  n /ˈtrævələ(r)/ I was the only traveller staying in the hostel. utazó, turista
worry  n /ˈwʌri/ His only worry is the insects. aggodalom

© Oxford University Press New Headway Upper-Intermediate (fourth edition) Hungarian wordlist  5
destination  n /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/ Greece is a popular holiday destination. célállomás
headache  n /ˈhedeɪk/ I have a bad headache, so I think I’ll stay in tonight. fejfájás
headquarters  n /ˌhedˈkwɔːtəz/ Apple’s headquarters are in California. székhely, főhadiszállás
offices  n pl /ˈɒfɪsɪz/ Our offices are in central London. iroda
outstanding  adj /aʊtˈstændɪŋ/ His performance was outstanding, and everyone clapped kiváló
and cheered.
problems  n pl /ˈprɒbləmz/ There are many environmental problems facing problémák
the planet.
publishing  n /ˈpʌblɪʃɪŋ/ Lonely Planet is a publishing success. (könyv)kiadás
report  n /rɪˈpɔːt/ Can you please have the report on my desk by the end of jelentés
the day?
success  n /səkˈses/ He enjoyed much success as an actor. siker
translate  v /trænzˈleɪt/ Can you translate this from English to German? lefordít
travel guides  n pl /ˈtrævl ɡaɪdz/ Travel guides tell you about all the must-see places. idegenvezetők


dolphin  n /ˈdɒlfɪn/ We saw a dolphin jump out of the sea. delfin
fighter plane  n /ˈfaɪtə pleɪn/ Some people said they wanted to fly in a fighter plane vadászrepülő
before they die.
fillers  n pl /ˈfɪləz/ Fillers are used when we speak to give us time to decide töltelékszavak
what to say next.
Formula 1 car  n /ˌfɔːmjələ ˈwʌn My dream is to drive a Formula 1 car. Forma 1-es autó
hot-air balloon  n /ˌhɒt ˈeə bəˌluːn/ She’s always wanted to fly in a hot-air balloon. hőlégballon
nervous  adj /ˈnɜːvəs/ I get really nervous when I have to speak in public. ideges
paradise island  n /ˌpærədaɪs ˈaɪlənd/ It’s a beautiful paradise island with white sandy beaches paradicsomi sziget
and palm trees.
poll  n /pəʊl/ We asked 20,000 people in a poll what they most wanted közvéleménykutatás
to do before they die.
safari  n /səˈfɑːri/ We’re going on safari in Kenya. szafari
scuba diving  n /ˈskuːbə ˌdaɪvɪŋ/ We saw lots of colourful fish when we went scuba diving. könnyűbúvárkodás
shark  n /ʃɑːk/ We saw a shark when we went scuba diving, but it wasn’t cápa
a dangerous one.
skydiving  n /ˈskaɪdaɪvɪŋ/ I enjoy adventure sports like skydiving. ejtőernyős ugrás
spoil  v /spɔɪl/ Don’t spoil the film for me by telling me how it ends! elront
surprise  v /səˈpraɪz/ They’re in love, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they got meglepetés
married soon.
uneventful  adj /ˌʌnɪˈventfl/ My day was uneventful so I don’t have any news. eseménytelen, zavartalan
whale-watching  n /ˈweɪl ˌwɒtʃɪŋ/ We went whale-watching in Alaska but didn’t bálnanézés
see anything.
white-water rafting  n /ˌwaɪt wɔːtə ˈrɑːftɪŋ/ We went white-water rafting on a river in New Zealand. vadvízi evezés


accumulation  n /əˌkjuːmjəˈleɪʃn/ The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is an accumulation of felhalmozódás
the world’s rubbish.
adventurer  n /ədˈventʃərə(r)/ Simon is an adventurer and he travels all over the world. kalandor
at stake  idiom /ət ˈsteɪk/ The future of our beaches, our seas, and the food chain is kockán forog
at stake.
ban  v /bæn/ The small town of Modbury has banned plastic bags. kitilt
biodegrade  v /ˌbaɪəʊdɪˈɡreɪd/ Plastic doesn’t biodegrade – it just breaks down into even természetes úton lebomlik
smaller pieces.
choke  v /tʃəʊk/ Plastic is ruining our beaches and choking the oceans. megfojt
clog  v /klɒɡ/ All of this plastic waste is clogging our oceans. eltöm, eldugaszol
coastlines  n pl /ˈkəʊstlaɪnz/ I loved the beach and used to play on beautiful coastlines partvidékek
in Devon.
combs  n pl /kəʊmz/ Old plastic toothbrushes, combs, and mouldings covered fésűk
the sand.
consequences  n pl /ˈkɒnsɪkwənsɪz/ The consequences of plastic litter are likely to be awful. következmények
conservationist  n /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃənɪst/ A conservationist works to protect the environment. környezetvédő
countless  adj /ˈkaʊntləs/ Countless TV series have been filmed in Hawaii. számtalan
culprit  n /ˈkʌlprɪt/ Plastic waste is the main culprit destroying our beaches bűnös
and oceans.

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debris  n /ˈdebriː/ The world’s plastic debris floats in the Pacific Ocean. hulladék
decade  n /ˈdekeɪd/ A decade is ten years. évtized
devastating  adj /ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ/ Plastics are having a devastating effect on our beaches pusztító
and oceans.
do away with /du əˈweɪ wɪð …/ I think we should do away with the monarchy because eltávolít (vmit), megszabadul
(something)  it’s expensive. (vmitől)
dump  v /dʌmp/ The world’s plastic waste is dumped into the oceans. lerak, beleönt
emergency  n /iˈmɜːdʒənsi/ Our beaches and seas are in a state of emergency. vészhelyzet
environmental /ɪnvaɪrənˌmentl The use and dumping of plastics is an környezetvédelmi
emergency  n iˈmɜːdʒənsi/ environmental emergency. vészhelyzet
factory  n /ˈfæktəri/ Every factory needs to reduce the amount of plastics gyár
it produces.
flecks  n pl /fleks/ His eyes are brown with little flecks of green. pettyek
fraction  n /ˈfrækʃn/ The plastic we see on beaches is just a fraction of the töredék
plastic waste in our oceans.
fragments  n pl /ˈfræɡments/ Fish eat tiny fragments of plastic because they look szilánkok, apró darabok
like food.
future  n /ˈfjuːtʃə(r)/ In the future, she’d like to study medicine and become jövő
a doctor.
global  adj /ˈɡləʊbl/ It affects everyone around the world because it is a globális
global problem.
gobble up  v /ˌɡɒbl ˈʌp/ Plastic is gobbled up by fish that think it’s food. felfal
guarantee  v /ˌɡærənˈtiː/ You can no longer guarantee finding paradise in Hawaii. garantál
helmets  n pl /ˈhelmɪts/ We always wear helmets when we cycle. sisakok
in common  idiom /ɪn ˈkɒmən/ We have lots of things in common, for example we both közös tulajdonság
love football.
infinite  adj /ˈɪnfɪnət/ An infinite number of plastic products fill our lives. végtelen
jute bag  n /ˈdʒuːt bæɡ/ In Bangladesh, you carry your shopping in a jute bag, not juta táska
a plastic bag.
lethal  adj /ˈliːθl/ Some snake bites can be lethal. halálos
litter  n /ˈlɪtə(r)/ Don’t throw litter on the streets – put it in a rubbish bin. szemét
mouldings  n pl /ˈməʊldɪŋz/ Old plastic toothbrushes, combs, and mouldings covered öntvények
the sand.
nurdle  n /ˈnɜːdl/ A nurdle is a small plastic pellet. műanyag granulátum
obscenity  n /əbˈsenəti/ Single-use water bottles are a wasteful obscenity. szemérmetlenség
out of control  /ˌaʊt əv kənˈtrəʊl/ The production and use of plastic is out of control. irányíthatatlan
overboard  adv /ˈəʊvəbɔːd/ Plastic containers are dumped overboard by ships. hajóról vízbe
packaging  n /ˈpækɪdʒɪŋ/ Plastic is often used to make food packaging. csomagolás
pellets  n pl /ˈpelɪts/ The beach was covered with millions of small golyócskák
plastic pellets.
plastic  n /ˈplæstɪk/ Everyone should try to use less plastic. műanyag
poison  v /ˈpɔɪzn/ Our planet is being poisoned by plastic. méreg
pollute  v /pəˈluːt/ Large factories pollute the air. szennyez
pristine  adj /ˈprɪstiːn/ The pristine sand was covered by plastic garbage. érintetlen
products  n pl /ˈprɒdʌkts/ Plastic products, such as bags and water bottles, should termékek
be avoided.
raw  adj /rɔː/ Nurdles are the raw material that factories use to make nyers
plastic products.
reduce  v /rɪˈdjuːs/ Factories should reduce the amount of plastics csökkent
they produce.
reject  v /riːˈdʒekt/ We need to spurn and reject plastics that damage elutasít
the environment.
rubbish  n /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ A lot of your rubbish can be recycled. hulladék
ruin  v /ruːɪn/ There are three major ways that plastic is ruining rongál, tönkretesz
our planet.
scale  n /skeɪl/ The scale of the problem is extraordinary. mérték
scandal  n /ˈskændl/ His political career ended after a scandal involving botrány
another woman.
slosh  v /slɒʃ/ There is a huge amount of rubbish sloshing around in úszik, lötykölődik
our seas.
soil  v /sɔɪl/ We are soiling our beaches and seas with all of szennyez
this rubbish.
spine  n /spaɪn/ A chill went down my spine when I realized how awful gerincoszlop
it all was.

© Oxford University Press New Headway Upper-Intermediate (fourth edition) Hungarian wordlist  7
spurn  v /spɜːn/ We need to spurn and reject plastic bags and eltaszít
water bottles.
staggered  adj /ˈstæɡəd/ I was staggered to discover beaches covered in megdöbbent
plastic rubbish.
swirl  v /swɜːl/ There are five garbage patches swirling in our oceans. örvénylik
throwaway society  n /ˌθrəʊəweɪ səˈsaɪəti/ We’re paying a price for our throwaway society. egyszer használatos
toothbrushes  n pl /ˈtuːθbrʌʃɪz/ Don’t forget to pack toothpaste and toothbrushes! fogkefék
transform  v /trænsˈfɔːm/ The sandy beach was being transformed into a átalakít
plastic beach.
tropical island  n /ˌtrɒpɪkl ˈaɪlənd/ Barbados is a tropical island in the Caribbean. trópusi sziget
turquoise  adj /ˈtɜːkwɔɪz/ The beaches are perfect and the sea is a beautiful shade türkiz
of turquoise.
typical  adj /ˈtɪpɪkl/ How many plastic products do you use in a typical day? átlagos
volunteers  n pl /ˌvɒlənˈtɪəz/ These people aren’t paid for their work – önkéntesek
they’re volunteers.
waste  n /weɪst/ We collected large pieces of waste from the beach. hulladék

antique  adj /ænˈtiːk/ The thieves stole jewellery and antique paintings. antik, régi
cancer  n /ˈkænsə(r)/ A lot of research has been done into the causes of cancer. rák (betegség)
command  v /kəˈmɑːnd/ She can command $20 million a movie. megkövetel
director  n /dɪˈrektə(r)/ Our company’s director is great and really gets results. igazgató
get down to business  /ɡet ˌdaʊn tə We should get down to business right away – we have so lényegre tér
ˈbɪznəs/ much to do.
honest  adj /ˈɒnɪst/ Please be honest – does this dress make me look fat? őszinte
interview  n /ˈɪntəvjuː/ When you go for a job interview, it’s important to make interjú
a good impression.
loss  n /lɒs/ If our business keeps making a loss we won’t be able veszteség
to continue.
make the big time  /ˌmeɪk ðə ˈbɪɡ taɪm/ Do you think she’s good enough to make the big time as sikeressé/híressé válik
an actress?
overtime  n /ˈəʊvətaɪm/ I’m working overtime today so I’ll be home late. túlóra
personal assistant  n /ˌpɜːsənl əˈsɪstənt/ My personal assistant organizes everything, so I could személyi asszisztens
never do without her.
profit  n /ˈprɒfɪt/ At first we didn’t make any money, but now we’re making nyereség
a good profit.
reliable  adj /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ He’s not very reliable and he’s often late for work. megbízható
results  n pl /rɪˈzʌlts/ He’s a hard-working, intelligent man and always gets eredmények
good results.
the monarchy  n /ðə ˈmɒnəki/ I think the monarchy brings a lot of tourists to a monarchia
our country.
thieves  n pl /θiːvz/ Some thieves stole our car. tolvajok

coastal  adj /ˈkəʊstl/ Our hotel is set in an area of coastal parkland, with part menti
access to a private beach.
complex  n /ˈkɒmpleks/ Our hotel complex is right on the beach. komplexum
corridor  n /ˈkɒrɪdɔː(r)/ To get to reception, go along the corridor and turn right. folyosó
edge  n /edʒ/ We saw a deer standing on the edge of the forest. széle vminek
GPS  n /ˌdʒiː piː ˈes/ We won’t get lost if we use the GPS. GPS
heart of (something)  /ˈhɑːt əv …/ They live in a beautiful house in the heart of (vminek a) szíve
the countryside.
luxury  adj /ˈlʌkʃəri/ Our luxury suites give 360-degree views of the luxus
surrounding area.
magnificent  adj /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ The ocean view from our hotel room is magnificent. pompás
massive  adj /ˈmæsɪv/ I saw a massive spider the size of my hand. hatalmas
maze  n /meɪz/ This place is a bit of a maze so it’s easy to get lost. labirintus
misleading  adj /ˌmɪsˈliːdɪŋ/ Some of the questions are misleading, so read félrevezető
them carefully.
must-see  adj /ˈmʌst siː/ The Great Wall of China is a must-see landmark. kötelező látnivaló
outskirts  n pl /ˈaʊtskɜːts/ I live on the outskirts of the city, so I catch a train külváros
to work.
parkland  n /ˈpɑːklænd/ You can go for a long walk in the surrounding parkland. ligetes vidék

© Oxford University Press New Headway Upper-Intermediate (fourth edition) Hungarian wordlist  8
pharaohs  n pl /ˈfeərəʊz/ Looking at the pyramids in Giza takes you back to the fáraók
time of the pharaohs.
private beach  n /ˌpraɪvət ˈbiːtʃ/ There’s a private beach that only hotel guests can use. magánstrand
quarter  n /ˈkwɔːtə(r)/ There are some great restaurants in the French quarter negyed
of the city.
reflections  n pl /rɪˈflekʃnz/ You can see wonderful reflections of the Taj Mahal in tükörképek, vissza-
the river. tükröződések
roadworks  n pl /ˈrəʊdwɜːks/ There’s a lot of traffic this morning because of útkarbantartás
the roadworks.
sat nav  n /ˈsæt næv/ I’m not sure where it is, so I’ll use the sat nav. GPS készülék
self-catering  adj /ˌself ˈkeɪtərɪŋ/ The apartments are self-catering, and you can buy food önellátó (étkezés)
at a nearby supermarket.
sightseeing  n /ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ/ We did a lot of sightseeing on holiday, which was városnézés
really tiring!
speed limit  n /ˈspiːd ˌlɪmɪt/ The speed limit on this road is 70 kilometres per hour. sebességkorlát
stroll  n /strəʊl/ Shall we go for an evening stroll along the beach? séta
structures  n pl /ˈstrʌktʃəz/ The pyramids are massive stone structures in Egypt. szerkezetek, építmények
suite  n /swiːt/ We stayed in a luxury suite with a bedroom, bathroom, lakosztály
and living room.
terrace  n /ˈterəs/ It was a sunny morning, so we ate breakfast outside on terasz
the terrace.
villa  n /ˈvɪlə/ We stayed in a beautiful villa in Crete. villa
wind turbines  n pl /ˈwɪnd ˌtɜːbaɪnz/ The wind turbines along the coast spoil the view. szélerőművek

UNIT 3 News and views

injured  adj /ˈɪndʒəd/ She was badly injured in a car accident. sérült


avalanche  n /ˈævəlɑːnʃ/ He got hit by an avalanche while he was lavina
drift  n /drɪft/ It started snowing and his car became stuck in a drift. hófúvás, hótorlasz
elk  n /elk/ An elk is a large deer that can be found in some jávorszarvas
northern countries.
emaciated  adj /ɪˈmeɪsieɪtɪd/ The man was emaciated after being stuck in the snow for nagyon lesoványodott
60 days.
experts  n pl /ˈekspɜːts/ Experts think he went into a form of hibernation. szakértők
fuel  n /ˈfjuːəl/ I need to go to the petrol station because I don’t have üzemanyag
much fuel left.
handfuls  n pl /ˈhændfʊlz/ The man survived by eating handfuls of snow. maréknyi
headline  n /ˈhedlaɪn/ The news headline is about a man who was stuck in the főcím
snow for 60 days.
hibernation  n /ˌhaɪbəˈneɪʃn/ Some animals go into hibernation in winter. hibernálás
hypothermia  n /ˌhaɪpəʊˈθɜːmiə/ He has hypothermia because of the freezing temperatures. kihűlés
igloo  n /ˈɪɡluː/ The car was covered in snow and looked like an igloo. iglu
intensive care  n /ɪnˌtensɪv ˈkeə(r)/ The doctors kept her in intensive care for several hours. intenzív osztály
missing  adj /ˈmɪsɪŋ/ Why didn’t anyone report the man as missing? eltűnt
nature lover  n /ˈneɪtʃə ˌlʌvə(r)/ He was a nature lover and would often természetszerető
photograph wildlife.
notice  v /ˈnəʊtɪs/ I didn’t notice the car at first because I was busy cleaning észrevesz
the road.
nutrition  n /njuˈtrɪʃn/ Diet and nutrition are important for your health. táplálkozás
plunge  v /plʌndʒ/ Temperatures plunged to as low as -30°C. zuhan
poor state  n /ˈpɔː steɪt/ His health was in a poor state, and he was taken rossz állapot
to hospital.
professor  n /prəˈfesə(r)/ She’s a professor at Oxford University. professzor
recover  v /rɪˈkʌvə(r)/ It took me a few weeks to recover from the accident. felépül, felgyógyul
remote  adj /rɪˈməʊt/ We visited a remote village in the mountains. távoli, messzi
rescuer  n /ˈreskjuːə(r)/ She wrote a letter to thank her rescuer for saving her life. megmentő
sceptical  adj /ˈskeptɪkl/ I was sceptical at first, but now I love my Kindle. szkeptikus
scrape  v /skreɪp/ I stopped to scrape some snow from the windscreen. lekapar
ski  v /ski/ We’re going skiing in France this winter. síel
sleeping bag  n /ˈsliːpɪŋ bæɡ/ He used a sleeping bag to keep warm. hálózsák
snowdrifts  n pl /ˈsnəʊdrɪfts/ The man’s car became trapped in snowdrifts. hófúvások, hótorlaszok

© Oxford University Press New Headway Upper-Intermediate (fourth edition) Hungarian wordlist  9
snowmobile  n /ˈsnəʊməbiːl/ He was found by a worker driving a snowmobile. hómobil
stick  v /stɪk/ The man was stuck in the snow for 60 days. beszorul, beragad, ottragad
survive  v /səˈvaɪv/ The man tried to stay warm and ate snow to survive. túlél
treat  v /triːt/ The doctors had to treat him for hypothermia. kezel
windscreen  n /ˈwɪndskriːn/ The snow started falling on my windscreen and it was szélvédő
difficult to see.

competition  n /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ The author has won more than one writing competition. verseny
in connection with /ɪn kəˈnekʃn wɪð …/ Three men have been arrested in connection with vmivel kapcsolatban
(something)  the robbery.
masked  adj /mɑːskt/ I couldn’t see the robbers because they were masked. álarcos
newly-built  adj /ˌnjuːli ˈbɪlt/ The robbers broke into their newly-built home. újonnan épült
news bulletin  n /ˈnjuːz ˌbʊlətɪn/ I heard an interesting story on a radio news bulletin. hírösszefoglaló
property tycoon  n /ˌprɒpəti taɪˈkuːn/ He’s a millionaire property tycoon. ingatlanmágnás
repair  v /rɪˈpeə/ It’ll cost £1,000 to get my car repaired. megjavít
sack  v /sæk/ He was sacked from his job because he stole some money. elbocsát, kirúg
steal  v /stiːl/ I need a new phone because my old one was stolen. ellop
stuntman  n /ˈstʌntmæn/ You have to be very brave to be a stuntman. kaszkadőr
successful  adj /səkˈsesfl/ We worked really hard, but in the end our business sikeres
wasn’t successful.
tow  v /təʊ/ My car was towed away because I parked on a vontat
yellow line.
van  n /væn/ I have a van so I can help you move house. furgon


accuracy  n /ˈækjərəsi/ I’m not sure about the accuracy of this information – pontosság
some of it looks wrong.
award  v /əˈwɔːd/ The author of this book was awarded a prize. adományoz, ad
biography  n /baɪˈɒɡrəfi/ It’s a biography about Steve Jobs. önéletrajz
cautious  adj /ˈkɔːʃəs/ She’s a cautious woman and always locks her doors. elővigyázatos
charismatic  adj /ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk/ He’s charismatic and the people love him. karizmatikus
crafts  n pl /krɑːfts/ The author uses all her crafts to produce a real szakértelem
double  n /ˈdʌbl/ He’s your double – he looks just like you. dublőr
fiancé  n /fiˈɒnseɪ/ My fiancé and I are getting married next year. jegyes, vőlegény
happily ever after  /ˈhæpɪli ˌevə(r) In the end, they all live happily ever after. boldogan éltek, amíg meg
ˈɑːftə(r)/ nem haltak
haunt  v /hɔːnt/ It happened ten years ago, but I’m still haunted by kísért
the incident.
haunting  adj /ˈhɔːntɪŋ/ The book is a haunting psychological thriller. visszatérő, kísértő
incident  n /ˈɪnsɪdənt/ The incident happened one morning in June. eset, esemény, incidens
killer  n /ˈkɪlə(r)/ It’s a psychological thriller about the life of a killer. gyilkos
lay bare  /leɪ ˈbeə(r)/ The author manages to lay bare the thoughts of an felfed
insane man.
lure  v /ljʊə(r)/ A stranger tried to lure the little boy into his car. csalogat
manipulative  adj /məˈnɪpjələtɪv/ She’s quite manipulative and always knows what to say mesterkedő, manipulatív
to get what she wants.
maternal  adj /məˈtɜːnl/ Sometimes mothers are not maternal and reject anyai
their children.
modest  adj /ˈmɒdɪst/ He’s very modest and will never say how good he is. szerény
obsession  n /əbˈseʃn/ Peter’s attraction to Zoe became an unhealthy obsession. rögeszme
page-turner  n /ˈpeɪdʒ tɜːnə(r)/ This exciting novel is a real page-turner. lebilincselő mű
play (something) out  /pleɪ ... ˈaʊt/ How did the story play out? zajlik
possessiveness  n /pəˈzesɪvnəs/ His possessiveness ruined their relationship. birtoklási vágy
pound  v /paʊnd/ Her exciting novel makes the heart pound. lüktet, dobog
powers  n pl /ˈpaʊəz/ Ruth Rendell is a writer at the height of her powers. képességek
promise  n /ˈprɒmɪs/ He tried to get the boy into his car with the promise ígéret
of sweets.
psychiatrist  n /saɪˈkaɪətrɪst/ The book is about a killer and his psychiatrist. pszichiáter
psychological /saɪkəˌlɒdʒɪkl It’s a psychological thriller about a killer. lélektani krimi
thriller  n ˈθrɪlə(r)/

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risk  v /rɪsk/ I want to thank you for risking your life to save kockáztat
my daughter.
romance  n /rəʊˈmæns/ It’s a romance about a young man and woman who fall romantikus történet
in love.
roommate  n /ˈrʊmmeɪt/ My roommate is really messy, so he’s difficult to live with. szobatárs
sanity  n /ˈsænəti/ Peter becomes obsessed with Zoe and risks his sanity épelméjűség
for her.
security  n /sɪˈkjʊərəti/ Pet dogs are good for security because they bark when a biztonság
stranger comes near the house.
sensuous  adj /ˈsenʃuəs/ She was beautiful and sensuous and men would often fall érzéki
in love with her.
sinister  adj /ˈsɪnɪstə(r)/ Her roommate’s careless behaviour resulted in vészjósló, sötét
sinister consequences.
star  v /stɑː/ What was the name of that recent sci-fi movie that főszerepet játszik
starred Tom Cruise?
sublime  n /səˈblaɪm/ Her writing is sublime; she is a very talented author. fenséges, nagyszerű
suicide  n /ˈsuːɪsaɪd/ She used to be depressed and would often think öngyilkosság
about suicide.
thriller  n /ˈθrɪlə(r)/ This book is an exciting thriller full of action. krimi, rémregény
top of her class  /ˈtɒp əv hə ˈklɑːs/ Marie is doing really well at school. She’s top of her class. osztályelső
tragically  adv /ˈtrædʒɪkli/ Tragically, the woman died. sajnálatosan
transcend  v /trænˈsend/ Her books transcend the limits of the mystery genre. meghaladja vminek a
twisted  adj /ˈtwɪstɪd/ She successfully describes the twisted mind of a killer. beteges, őrült, gonosz
unbalanced  adj /ˌʌnˈbælənst/ She’s quite unbalanced, and is seeing a psychiatrist. kiegyensúlyozatlan
victim  n /ˈvɪktɪm/ He was the victim of a violent attack. áldozat
violent  adj /ˈvaɪələnt/ I don’t think children should be allowed to watch erőszakos
violent movies.


alert  v /əˈlɜːt/ He alerted the police and they arrived soon after. riaszt
alight  v /əˈlaɪt/ His sleepy gaze alighted on the figure of a girl hanging megakad vmin
from the building.
ambulance  n /ˈæmbjələns/ The girl was badly injured so we called an ambulance. mentő(autó)
anchorage  n /ˈæŋkərɪdʒ/ She held on to the anchorage of the balcony rail. rögzítés
bus stop  n /ˈbʌs stɒp/ You can catch the bus into town from the bus stop across buszmegálló
the street.
cameraman  n /ˈkæmrəmæn/ A cameraman filmed the incident. operatőr
cling  v /klɪŋ/ The girl was clinging to the railings of the balcony. kapaszkodik
clutch  v /klʌtʃ/ I watched the girl clutch the balcony rail. megragad, megszorít
constituent  n /kənˈstɪtjuənt/ Melodrama is a frequent constituent of real life. összetevő, alkotóelem
deserted  adj /dɪˈzɜːtɪd/ It was early in the morning and everywhere was deserted. elhagyatott
disbelief  n /ˌdɪsbɪˈliːf/ I couldn’t believe what was happening, and stared at the hitetlenség
woman in disbelief.
dully  adv /ˈdʌli/ ‘How long,’ she asked dully, ‘will you be gone?’ tompán, unottan
dummy  n /ˈdʌmi/ He thought that the girl was a dummy because she didn’t bábu
look real.
feebly  adv /ˈfiːbli/ The empty bottle of pills was still clutched feebly in gyengén, erőtlenül
her hand.
focus  n /ˈfəʊkəs/ She was the focus of gossip and speculation. gyújtópont, középpont
gaze  n /ɡeɪz/ His gaze moved from the blue sky to the hanging figure. tekintet
gossip  n /ˈɡɒsɪp/ There was a lot of gossip when Adam and Kate started pletyka
seeing each other.
limelight  n /ˈlaɪmlaɪt/ She’s modest so she doesn’t like the limelight. rivaldafény
melodrama  n /ˈmelədrɑːmə/ Melodrama is always unbelieveable, even though it érzelgős dráma
happens often.
nerve  n /nɜːv/ She wanted to kill herself, but lost her nerve and was bátorság
trying to stay alive.
novelty  n /ˈnɒvlti/ The novelty wore off, and people left him alone. újdonság
obviously  adv /ˈɒbviəsli/ The girl hanging from the building was obviously trying nyilvánvalóan
to kill herself.
overcoat  n /ˈəʊvəkəʊt/ He was just putting on his overcoat when the felöltő, nagykabát
doorbell rang.
overhead  adv /ˈəʊvəhed/ The aircraft was flying too low overhead. fej fölött
prediction  n /prɪˈdɪkʃn/ My prediction is that his new film will be very successful. jóslat

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safety precautions  /ˈseɪfti prɪˌkɔːʃnz/ If you are careful and follow the safety precautions, biztonsági óvintézkedések
n pl you’ll be fine.
speculation  n /ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn/ There was a lot of speculation about why Sarah left találgatás
her job.
stench  n /stentʃ/ The first thing he noticed when he got home was the kellemetlen szag, bűz
stench of gas.
stunt  n /stʌnt/ He thought it was a stunt because it didn’t seem real. kaszkadőrmutatvány
synopses  n pl /sɪˈnɒpsiːz/ I always read the synopses of books before I buy them. áttekintés, összefoglalás
tenants  n pl /ˈtenənts/ Four tenants live in this flat, and they share the cooking bérlők, lakók
and cleaning.
ultimate  adj /ˈʌltɪmət/ Then came the arrival of the police and the ultimate végső
rescue of the girl.
unwilling hero  /ʌnˌwɪlɪŋ ˈhɪərəʊ/ When he helped to rescue the girl he became an kelletlen hős
unwilling hero.
vanish  v /ˈvænɪʃ/ He looked at the bright vanishing arrow of the aircraft in eltűnik
the sky.


benefits  n pl /ˈbenɪfɪts/ One of the benefits of the Kindle is that you can have előnyök
your whole library in your handbag.
cons  n pl /kɒnz/ What are the pros and cons of living abroad? ellenérvek
download  v /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd/ I prefer downloading movies to going to the cinema. letölt
limitations  n pl /ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃnz/ What are the benefits and limitations of using a Kindle? korlátok
pros  n pl /prəʊz/ What are the pros and cons of going to the cinema? mellette szóló érvek
romantic  adj /rəʊˈmæntɪk/ My husband is quite romantic and often buys me flowers. romantikus
set  v /set/ My new book is a thriller set in Paris. vhova helyez (időben,
stream  v /striːm/ I like streaming movies because it’s cheaper than going to online lejátszik
the cinema.
switch  v /swɪtʃ/ I think I’ll switch to using a Kindle instead of átáll, vált
buying books.

apologize  v /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ I need to apologize for breaking your vase. elnézést kér vkitől vmiért
disgusting  adj /dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ/ I don’t eat mushrooms because I think they’re disgusting. undorító
traffic jam  n /ˈtræfɪk dʒæm/ I’ll be a bit late because I’m stuck in a traffic jam. forgalmi dugó
What a drag!  /wɒt ə ˈdræɡ/ I have so much homework to do. What a drag! Micsoda nyűg!

UNIT 4 The naked truth

jazz  n /dʒæz/ My favourite kind of music is jazz. dzsessz
like  v /laɪk/ What kind of music do you like? kedvel

hurt (somebody’s) /ˌhɜːt … ˈfiːlɪŋz/ She doesn’t love him, but she doesn’t want to hurt megbántja vkinek az érzéseit
feelings  his feelings.
it suits you  /ɪt ˈsjuːts ju/ You should buy that shirt because it suits you. illik hozzád
politician  n /ˌpɒləˈtɪʃn/ He’s a politician, but he’s very honest. politikus
urgent  adj /ˈɜːdʒənt/ I’m really busy, so I can only see him if it’s urgent. sürgős

anti-social  adj /ˌænti ˈsəʊʃl/ He’s anti-social. He’d rather play computer games than antiszociális, társaságkerülő
see his friends.
atheist  n /ˈeɪθiɪst/ She’s an atheist, so she doesn’t believe in God. ateista
dyslexic  adj /dɪsˈleksɪk/ He’s dyslexic, so he has trouble reading and writing. diszlexiás
give (somebody) a lift  /ɡɪv … ə ˈlɪft/ I can give you a lift to work if you’re too tired to walk. autóján elvisz (vkit)
insomniac  n /ɪnˈsɒmniæk/ He’s an insomniac, so how come he overslept? álmatlanságban szenvedő
naturist  n /ˈneɪtʃərɪst/ He’s a naturist and he hates wearing clothes. naturista, nudista
pacifist  n /ˈpæsɪfɪst/ I would never fight in a war because I’m a pacifist. pacifista, béke híve
pets  n pl /pets/ He hasn’t got any pets, but he’d like to get a dog. háziállatok
single  adj /ˈsɪŋɡl/ I think Dave will always be single because he hates being egyedülálló
in a relationship.
teetotaller  n /ˌtiːˈtəʊtlə(r)/ Mark won’t be drinking because he’s a teetotaller. antialkoholista, absztinens

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tiny  adj /ˈtaɪni/ He lives in a tiny one-roomed flat. apró, pici
unemployed  adj /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd/ I’m currently unemployed, but I have a job interview munkanélküli
next week.
vegan  n /ˈviːɡən/ He’s a vegan, so he doesn’t eat meat, eggs, or anything vegán
made with milk.
vegetarian  n /ˌvedʒəˈteəriən/ Laura’s a vegetarian, so you can’t cook chicken for vegetáriánus
her tonight.


diehard  adj /ˈdaɪhɑːd/ He’s a diehard Manchester United fan and never misses elkötelezett
a match.
footsteps  n pl /ˈfʊtsteps/ I thought I was alone, but then I heard lépések
someone’s footsteps.
guilty  adj /ˈɡɪlti/ He feels really guilty that he broke your phone. bűnös
judge  n /dʒʌdʒ/ He started working as a lawyer, and eventually became bíró
a judge.
justified  adj /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪd/ She felt justified in complaining because the food indokolt, igazolt
was terrible.
MP  n /ˌemˈpiː/ She became an MP and works in Parliament. parlamenti képviselő
noise  n /nɔɪz/ Stop making so much noise! I’m trying to sleep. zaj
scalding  adj /ˈskɔːldɪŋ/ The water is scalding, so wait for it to cool before you get forró, éget
in the bath.
scream  v /skriːm/ When she saw the spider, she started to scream. visít
secret  n /ˈsiːkrət/ Please don’t tell anyone – it’s a secret. titok
squash  v /skwɒʃ/ Four of us were squashed into the back of the car. összeprésel
strand  v /strænd/ My car broke down and I was stranded in the middle of kilátástalan helyzetben hagy
the countryside.
treasure  n /ˈtreʒə(r)/ Many explorers found treasure and became very rich. kincs
unsuspecting  adj /ˌʌnsəˈspektɪŋ/ The poor unsuspecting diners didn’t know I’d spat in gyanútlan, nem gyanakvó
their soup.
white lie  n /ˌwaɪt ˈlaɪ/ I couldn’t tell her the dress looked bad, so I told a kegyes hazugság
white lie.


appear  v /əˈpɪə(r)/ It didn’t take long for theories to appear on the Internet. megjelenik
arbitrary  adj /ˈɑːbɪtrəri/ His decisions were completely arbitrary so a lot of önkényes, zsarnoki,
people complained. tetszőleges
array  n /əˈreɪ/ On a clear night, you can see a beautiful array of stars in egy sor (vmi)
the sky.
bearable  adj /ˈbeərəbl/ Knowing that I’ll be on holiday next week makes work elviselhető
more bearable.
believable  adj /bɪˈliːvəbl/ I don’t think any of the theories are believable because hihető
they all sound ridiculous.
blissful  adj /ˈblɪsfl/ Our first few months together were blissful, but then we nagyon boldog, áldott
started arguing all the time.
breathtaking  adj /ˈbreθteɪkɪŋ/ The views from the top of the mountain lélegzetelállító
were breathtaking.
breed  v /briːd/ The Internet breeds conspiracy theories because it allows tenyészt
people to share their ideas.
breeze  n /briːz/ It was a hot day, but there was a breeze so it was szellő
quite comfortable.
conceal  v /kənˈsiːl/ Some people think NASA is trying to conceal evidence of eltitkol, elrejt
aliens from the public.
conspiracy theory  n /kənˈspɪrəsi ˌθɪəri/ Do you believe the conspiracy theory that Princess Diana összeesküvés elmélet
was murdered?
elaborate  adj /ɪˈlæbərət/ Nobody believed her elaborate story. részletekbe menő(en
fake  v /feɪk/ Maybe they faked their own deaths so they could live megrendez, színlel
peacefully for the rest of their lives.
farce  n /fɑːs/ The training was a farce and nobody could take bohózat, vicc
it seriously.
fed up  adj /ˌfed ˈʌp/ I’m fed up with cooking. Let’s eat out tonight! elege van vmiből
fiendish  adj /ˈfiːndɪʃ/ Some people think Princess Diana’s death was a fiendish ördögi, kegyetlen
murder plot.
flutter  v /ˈflʌtər/ Why was the US flag fluttering if there’s no wind on lobog
the Moon?

© Oxford University Press New Headway Upper-Intermediate (fourth edition) Hungarian wordlist  13
geological analysis  n /dʒiːəˌlɒdʒɪkl The rocks taken from the Moon have gone through a lot geológiai elemzés
əˈnæləsɪs/ of geological analysis.
hard to believe /ˌhɑːd tə bəˈliːv/ We found it hard to believe that the school year was nehezen hihető
over already.
hatch  v /hætʃ/ They hatched a clever plot, but in the end it didn’t work. kitalál, kidolgoz
hoax  n /həʊks/ Some people think Princess Diana’s car crash was just megtévesztés, átverés
a hoax.
hypotheses  n pl /haɪˈpɒθəsiːz/ Some of the hypotheses about Diana’s death belong in a feltevések
James Bond film.
Internet  n /ˈɪntənet/ Nowadays, students use the Internet rather than the internet
library to do research.
intrusions  n pl /ɪnˈtruːʒnz/ Some celebrities find the intrusions into their private life betolakodások
difficult to deal with.
isolation  n /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃn/ They love the isolation of living in such a quiet place. elszigeteltség
media  n /ˈmiːdiə/ The media should leave celebrities alone. média
mundane  adj /mʌnˈdeɪn/ It is hard to believe that a princess was killed by banális, hétköznapi
something as mundane as a traffic accident.
NASA  n /ˈnæsə/ Do you think NASA has been trying to hide evidence of NASA (Nemzeti Repülési
alien life? és Űrhajózási Hivatal az
paranoia  n /ˌpærəˈnɔɪə/ All the conspiracy theories on the Internet increase üldözési mánia
global paranoia.
plausible  adj /ˈplɔːzəbl/ I don’t think any of the conspiracy theories are plausible. valószerű, hihető
private life  n /ˈpraɪvət laɪf/ She never wanted to be a celebrity because her private life magánélet
is very important to her.
rumours  n pl /ˈruːməz/ Did you hear the rumours that Katie has met pletykák
someone else?
satellite video /ˈsætəlaɪt ˌvɪdiəʊ They live on a tropical island, and they use satellite video műholdas videokonferencia
conferencing  n ˈkɒnfərənsɪŋ/ conferencing to communicate.
shadows  n pl /ˈʃædəʊz/ The sun was too bright, so there are shadows in árnyékok
the picture.
stunning  adj /ˈstʌnɪŋ/ She’s a model and she always looks stunning. bámulatos, elképesztő
tamper  v /ˈtæmpə/ Someone tampered with my bike and now the brakes babrál
don’t work.
tropical  adj /ˈtrɒpɪkl/ I would love to go on holiday somewhere tropical, like trópusi
the Caribbean.
UFO  n /ˌjuːefˈəʊ/ I saw something strange in the night sky and wondered if UFO
it was a UFO.
unanimously  adv /juˈnænɪməsli/ Scientists have unanimously agreed that the conspiracy egyhangúan, egyhangúlag
theorists are wrong.
widespread  adj /ˈwaɪdspred/ Some people think NASA found widespread evidence of széles körben elterjedt
alien life.

admit  v /ədˈmɪt/ Why can’t you admit that you are wrong? elismer, beismer
authentic  adj /ɔːˈθentɪk/ This watch isn’t a fake – it’s authentic. eredeti
brightest  adj /ˈbraɪtɪst/ She’s not the brightest of students, so she might not pass legokosabb
her exams.
bungee jumping  n /ˈbʌndʒi ˌdʒʌmpɪŋ/ I like adventure sports like bungee jumping kötélugrás
and skydiving.
credible  adj /ˈkredəbl/ I don’t find his theories credible because he hasn’t done hiteles
enough research.
encourage  v /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ Banks shouldn’t encourage people to borrow money. bátorít
fair  adj /feə(r)/ I couldn’t complain because his decision was fair. méltányos, igazságos
fake  adj /feɪk/ That looks like an expensive designer bag, but it’s hamis
actually fake.
generous  adj /ˈdʒenərəs/ It was very generous of you to give me such an bőkezű, nagylelkű
expensive gift.
genuine  adj /ˈdʒenjuɪn/ She seems friendly, but I’m not sure if her behaviour őszinte, nem színlelt
is genuine.
happiness  n /ˈhæpinəs/ For me, happiness is spending time with the people I love. boldogság
implausible  adj /ɪmˈplɔːzəbl/ Your theory is ridiculous and completely implausible. valószerűtlen
improve  v /ɪmˈpruːv/ If you practise the violin every day, you’ll improve. javul, fejlődik
kind  adj /kaɪnd/ She’s a kind person and is always helping others. kedves
legal  adj /ˈliːɡl/ In most US states, the legal driving age is 16. törvényes
light  adj /laɪt/ I prefer light blue to dark blue. világos

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live  adv /laɪv/ I love their CD, but they don’t sound so good when they élőben
play live.
loathe  v /ləʊð/ I loathe school and can’t wait to finish. gyűlöl
lousy  adj /ˈlaʊzi/ What lousy weather! I hope it will stop raining soon. ocsmány, pocsék
mature  adj /məˈtjʊə(r)/ Girls are often more mature than boys of the same age. érett
probable  adj /ˈprɒbəbl/ The probable explanation is that the car crash was valószínű
an accident.
real  adj /ˈriːəl/ He thought the dummy was a real girl. valós, igazi
responsible  adj /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ I don’t think I’m responsible enough to be a parent. felelősségteljes
ridiculous  adj /rɪˈdɪkjələs/ Some theories are plausible, but others are ridiculous. nevetséges
safe  adj /seɪf/ Bungee jumping is safe as long as you are careful. biztonságos
sincere  adj /sɪnˈsɪə(r)/ You can believe what she says because she’s sincere. őszinte
thick  adj /θɪk/ We have two dogs – one is clever but the other is a nehéz felfogású
bit thick!
tough  adj /tʌf/ I cooked the meat for too long so it’s a bit tough. kemény
useless  adj /ˈjuːsləs/ I need a new computer as my old one is hasznavehetetlen
completely useless.

Everyday English
Bon appetit!  /ˌbɒn æpeˈtiː/ Bon appetit! Enjoy your meal! Jó étvágyat!
polite  adj /pəˈlaɪt/ It’s important to be polite and say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. udvarias
roast  v /rəʊst/ I roasted the vegetables in the oven for 20 minutes. süt (sütőben)
sparkling  adj /ˈspɑːklɪŋ/ I decided to order a glass of sparkling water. szénsavas
still  adj /stɪl/ Do you prefer sparkling or still water? szénsavmentes

UNIT 5 Looking ahead

arrangement  n /əˈreɪndʒmənt/ We have an arrangement where we help each other megállapodás
to study.
decision  n /dɪˈsɪʒn/ It’s an important decision, so think about it carefully. döntés
grow up  v /ɡrəʊ ˈʌp/ I’m from Australia, but I didn’t grow up there. felnő, felnőtté válik
intention  n /ɪnˈtenʃn/ Why did you call if you have no intention of seeing me? szándék
racing driver  n /ˈreɪsɪŋ ˌdraɪvə(r)/ I’m going to be a racing driver when I grow up. autóversenyző
spontaneous  adj /spɒnˈteɪniəs/ We didn’t plan our trip – it was spontaneous. spontán
suggestion  n /səˈdʒestʃən/ Can I make a suggestion? You should have a break! javaslat
timetable  n /ˈtaɪmteɪbl/ Can you check the timetable to see what time the menetrend, órarend
train leaves?

How do you see your future?

ambition  n /æmˈbɪʃn/ His main ambition is to become a teacher. ambíció, célkitűzés
at the moment  /ət ðə ˈməʊmənt/ If you’re not busy at the moment, can you help me with pillanatnyilag, jelenleg,
my homework? éppen most
earn  v /ɜːn/ He’s earning much more money in his new job. keres (pénzt)
jam  n /dʒæm/ Would you like jam and butter with your toast? lekvár, dzsem
pack  v /pæk/ I go on holiday tomorrow so I’m packing my case összepakol, csomagol
right now.
sponge cake  n /ˈspʌndʒ keɪk/ I’m making a sponge cake with jam in it for piskótatorta
Lisa’s birthday.
supper  n /ˈsʌpə(r)/ We’re having spaghetti for supper tonight. vacsora

a good talking to  /ə ɡʊd ˈtɔːkɪŋ tə/ I gave her a good talking to as I was tired of her fejmosás, leszidás
lazy attitude.
assistance  n /əˈsɪstəns/ Please press the call button if you need assistance. segítségnyújtás
attitude  n /ˈætɪtjuːd/ The boss told him he didn’t like his lazy attitude. hozzáállás, attitűd
cabin crew  n /ˈkæbɪn kruː/ The cabin crew will serve dinner in ten minutes. utaskísérő
call button  n /ˈkɔːl ˌbʌtn/ Press the call button if you need assistance. hívás gomb
chilly  adj /ˈtʃɪli/ It’s chilly outside, so wear a jacket. hűvös
climate  n /ˈklaɪmət/ Singapore has a tropical climate. éghajlat
coach  n /kəʊtʃ/ The coach leaves at 3.00. távolsági autóbusz
crew  n /kruː/ I asked a member of the crew for a bottle of water. személyzet, csapat
cruising speed  n /ˈkruːzɪŋ spiːd/ The plane’s cruising speed is 575 miles per hour. utazósebesség

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cure  n /kjʊə(r)/ Doctors are trying to find a cure for the disease. gyógymód
dramatically  adv /drəˈmætɪkli/ The climate might change a little bit, but drasztikusan,
not dramatically. nagymértékben
duty-free shopping  n /ˌdjuːti ˈfriː ˌʃɒpɪŋ/ The best thing about airports is duty-free shopping. vámmentes vásárlás
enough of (something /ɪˈnʌf əv …/ I’ve had enough of her lazy attitude. elege van (vmiből vagy
or somebody)  vkiből)
fasten  v /ˈfɑːsn/ Please sit down and fasten your seatbelts. becsatol (biztonsági övet)
grandchildren  n pl /ˈɡræntʃɪldrən/ Her grandchildren visit her every week. unokák
hotel  n /həʊˈtel/ We saved money by staying in a hostel instead of a hotel. szálloda
landing card  n /ˈlændɪŋ kɑːd/ Remember to fill out your landing card before the plane leszállókártya
arrives in Boston.
lazy  adj /ˈleɪzi/ Stop being so lazy and help me clean the house! lusta
make a success of  /ˌmeɪk ə səkˈses əv/ We worked really hard to make a success of our sikerre visz vmit
new business.
millionaire  n /ˌmɪljəˈneə(r)/ Her business was highly successful and she became milliomos
a millionaire.
presentation  n /ˌpreznˈteɪʃn/ I’m really nervous about my presentation this afternoon. előadás
scared stiff  /skeəd ˈstɪf/ I was scared stiff after watching that horror movie. halálra rémült
seatbelt  n /ˈsiːtbelt/ Make sure everyone in the car is wearing their seatbelt. biztonsági öv
standstill  n /ˈstændstɪl/ Stay in your seats until the plane comes to a teljesen megáll, nyugalmi
complete standstill. állapot
(the) States  n /steɪts/ New York is my favourite city in the States. (az) Államok
temperature  n /ˈtemprətʃə(r)/ What’s the average temperature in Stockholm in hőmérséklet
the winter?
turbulence  n /ˈtɜːbjələns/ We’re having some turbulence, so please fasten légörvény
your seatbelts.
upright  adj /ˈʌpraɪt/ Please put your seats in an upright position. függőleges

Listening and speaking

access  n /ˈækses/ When you’re looking for a job it’s important to have hozzáférés
Internet access.
adviser  n /ədˈvaɪzə(r)/ I’m getting some help from a personal adviser. tanácsadó
annual  adj /ˈænjuəl/ The annual cost to the EU is €120bn. éves, évenkénti
average  n /ˈævərɪdʒ/ On average, we spend £75 a week on food. átlag
business  n /ˈbɪznəs/ I’ve got a good idea for a new business. vállalkozás
challenges  n pl /ˈtʃælɪndʒɪz/ What are some of the challenges facing young carers? kihívások
degree  n /dɪˈɡriː/ My degree is in history, but I work in business. végzettség
developed /dɪˌveləpt ɪˈkɒnəmiz/ The USA, Japan, and Germany are examples of fejlett gazdaságok
economies  n pl developed economies.
fur  n /fɜː(r)/ I love animals and would never wear fur. szőrme
grants  n pl /ɡrɑːnts/ There are some grants you can apply for that will help ösztöndíjak
you pay for university.
guarantee  n /ˌɡærənˈtiː/ A university degree is no longer a guarantee to a job. garancia
horse racing  n /ˈhɔːs ˌreɪsɪŋ/ Horse racing isn’t my kind of thing. lóverseny
mentor  v /ˈmentɔːr/ I’m mentoring a less experienced colleague. mentorál
military service  n /ˈmɪlətri ˌsɜːvɪs/ Greek men have to do military service. katonai szolgálat
rate  n /reɪt/ The rate of unemployment is increasing. mutató, ráta
reveal  v /rɪˈviːl/ The figures reveal that unemployment is a real problem felfed
in Europe.
set up  v /ˌset ˈʌp/ It takes about half an hour to set up the equipment. üzembe állít
similar  adj /ˈsɪmələ(r)/ When I first saw your sister I thought she was you hasonló
because you’re so similar.
training  n /ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ I’ve had a lot of in-company IT training. oktatás, képzés
turning point  n /ˈtɜːnɪŋ pɔɪnt/ The real turning point for me was when I got help from a fordulópont
careers adviser.

Reading and speaking

admire  v /ədˈmaɪə(r)/ I really admire Peter because he’s such a great singer. csodál
advertisement  n /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ Jake’s song was used in a TV advertisement for beer. hirdetés
against the odds  /əˌɡeɪnst ðə ˈɒdz/ Jake grew up in a council estate but, against the odds, minden valószínűség ellenére
made a success of his life.
ambitious  adj /æmˈbɪʃəs/ She’s ambitious, so I’m sure she’ll do very well. ambiciózus, nagyratörő
apps  n pl /æps/ Which apps do you have on your iPad? alkalmazások, applikációk
aspect  n /ˈæspekt/ The worst aspect of my job is the long hours. tulajdonság, vonatkozás

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aspirations  n pl /ˌæspəˈreɪʃnz/ He has a lot of aspirations, such as having a number törekvések, vágyakozások
one hit.
attention  n /əˈtenʃn/ Sarah has drawn attention to the needs of young carers. figyelem
audition  n /ɔːˈdɪʃn/ I went to an audition for a play, but I didn’t get a part. meghallgatás
autobiographical  adj /ˌɔːtəˌbaɪəˈɡræfɪkl/ His song is an autobiographical look at life on a önéletrajzi
council estate.
automatically  adv /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪkli/ Nick created an app that automatically automatikusan
summarizes webpages.
banker  n /ˈbæŋkə(r)/ I work as a banker and the hours are pretty long. bankár
browse  v /braʊz/ He browses the web to explore the artists he likes. böngész
burden  n /ˈbɜːdn/ Caring for my mum is hard, but it’s not a burden. teher
campaign  v /kæmˈpeɪn/ Sarah spends time campaigning for a charity called the kampányol
MS Society.
career  n /kəˈrɪə(r)/ I’m looking forward to finishing university and starting karrier, életpálya
my career.
carry on  v /ˈkæri ɒn/ I’ll carry on working until I’m 65. folytat
condition  n /kənˈdɪʃn/ My boots are in a really bad condition. I need a new pair! állapot
conscientious  adj /ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs/ He’s a conscientious student and his grades are excellent. lelkiismeretes
control  v /kənˈtrəʊl/ I’m obsessive about controlling every aspect of irányít
my product.
council estate  n /ˈkaʊnsl ɪˌsteɪt/ They don’t have much money and live on a önkormányzati ingatlan
council estate.
cricket  n /ˈkrɪkɪt/ Cricket is a popular sport in England. krikett
debut album  n /ˈdeɪbjuː ˌælbəm/ Our second album didn’t sell as well as our debut album. bemutatkozó album
downloads  n pl /ˈdaʊnləʊdz/ Nick’s app had 100,000 downloads in its first month. letöltések
draw attention to  v /drɔː əˈtenʃn tə/ She worked hard to draw attention to the needs of figyelem felhívása vmire
young carers.
eating disorder  n /ˈiːtɪŋ dɪsˌɔːdə(r)/ She has an eating disorder and is far too thin. étkezési zavar
entire  adj /ɪnˈtaɪə(r)/ The baby spent the entire journey crying. egész, teljes
entrepreneur  n /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)/ Nick is a young entrepreneur who sold his app to Yahoo vállalkozó
for $30m.
exploits  n pl /ˈeksplɔɪts/ We’ll be hearing about Nick’s exploits for many years hőstettek
to come.
extend  v /ɪkˈstend/ His musical tastes extend past the Top 40. túlnyúlik, túlmutat
fatigue  n /fəˈtiːɡ/ Her mum suffers from fatigue and can’t do much. fáradtság
festival  n /ˈfestɪvl/ Glastonbury is a big music festival in England. fesztivál
funding  n /ˈfʌndɪŋ/ I’m looking for funding for my new research project. pénzügyi támogatás
guitar  n /ɡɪˈtɑː(r)/ Jake started playing the guitar at age 12. gitár
hang about  v /hæŋ əˈbaʊt/ I’m going to hang about outside your room until you kószál, lődörög
decide to talk to me.
hard-working  adj /ˌhɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ You should give me the job because I’m hard-working szorgalmas
and reliable.
highlight  v /ˈhaɪlaɪt/ She made a video to highlight the challenges of being a kiemel
young carer.
hit  n /hɪt/ I’d love my new song to be a number one hit. sláger
idol  n /ˈaɪdl/ Steve Jobs is an idol of mine. bálvány
in progress  idiom /ɪn ˈprəʊɡres/ I haven’t finished my report yet, but it’s in progress. folyamatban van
influences  n pl /ˈɪnfluənsɪz/ My main musical influences are Jimi Hendrix and hatások
Don McLean.
injection  n /ɪnˈdʒekʃn/ I need to get an injection before I go to Vietnam. injekció
inspiration  n /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/ He’s an inspiration to young people who want to be példakép, inspiráció
computer programmers.
inspiring  adj /ɪnˈspaɪərɪŋ/ Her music is so inspiring, it makes me want to become a inspiráló, lelkesítő
singer too.
jamming session  n /ˈdʒæmɪŋ ˌseʃn/ I’d love to have a jamming session with Noel Gallagher örömzene, szabad zenélés
of Oasis.
keen  adj /kiːn/ I’m a keen fan of rugby and cricket. lelkes
lawyer  n /ˈlɔːjə(r)/ I’m getting a divorce and I need a good lawyer. ügyvéd
milestone  n /ˈmaɪlstəʊn/ Graduating from university was a big milestone for me. mérföldkő
mobile  adj /ˈməʊbaɪl/ Sarah’s mum is mobile but she falls over a lot. járóképes
mood  n /muːd/ I’m in a bad mood so I don’t want to talk to anyone hangulat
right now.
multiple sclerosis  n /ˌmʌltɪpl skləˈrəʊsɪs/ Sarah looks after her mother, who has multiple sclerosis. szklerózis multiplex
necessary  adj /ˈnesəsəri/ I will continue to look after my mum for as long szükséges
as necessary.

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needs  n pl /niːdz/ She made a video about the needs of young carers. szükségletek, igények
obsessive  adj /əbˈsesɪv/ He’s obsessive when it comes to quality control. megszállott, mániákus
only child  n /ˌəʊnli ˈtʃɑɪld/ He’s an only child and would love to have a brother egyke
or sister.
overrun  v /ˌəʊvəˈrʌn/ The web is overrun with information. elönt, eláraszt
pills  n pl /pɪlz/ My mum is ill and has to take pills every day. pirulák, tabletták
pop releases  n pl /ˈpɒp rɪˌliːsɪz/ I prefer older music to the latest pop releases. könnyűzenei kiadványok
post  v /pəʊst/ Have you ever posted a video on YouTube? közzétesz
press  n /pres/ Today’s teenagers often get a bad press. hírverés, vminek vagy vkinek
a megítélése a sajtóban
primarily  adv /praɪˈmerəli/ She cares for both her parents, but primarily her mum. különösen, leginkább
prime minister  n /ˌpraɪm ˈmɪnɪstə(r)/ Tony Blair used to be prime minister of the UK. miniszterelnök
proud  adj /praʊd/ We were so proud when our daughter won the büszke
writing competition.
reconcile  v /ˈrekənsaɪl/ How does Nick reconcile his life as an entrepreneur with összeegyeztet
his other life of being a student?
rugby  n /ˈrʌɡbi/ I enjoy watching rugby at the weekends. rögbi
skim-read  v /ˈskɪm riːd/ Skim-read the text and tell me what you think it’s about. felületesen átfut, átolvas
stressed  adj /strest/ I’m really stressed because I have so much to do. feszült, ideges
student  n /ˈstjuːdnt/ I’m a history student at Harvard. diák
sulk  v /sʌlk/ Not all teenagers sulk in their bedrooms. duzzog
summarize  v /ˈsʌməraɪz/ Your report is rather long. Can you summarize it for me? összefoglal
tastes  n pl /teɪsts/ Our musical tastes are very different. ízlések
technology  n /tekˈnɒlədʒi/ Every year, technology gets more and more advanced. technológia
teenager  n /ˈtiːneɪdʒə(r)/ I was a bit moody when I was a teenager. tinédzser
timeline  n /ˈtaɪmlaɪn/ Clare posted a picture of us on my timeline. idővonal
torchbearer  n /ˈtɔːtʃˌbeərə(r)/ Sarah was a torchbearer in the London 2012 Olympics. fáklyavivő
vision  n /ˈvɪʒn/ Steve Jobs had a clear vision of his product. jövőkép
webpages  n pl /ˈwebpeɪdʒɪz/ How many new webpages are added to the Internet weblapok
every day?
wheelchair  n /ˈwiːltʃeə(r)/ He can’t walk so he has a wheelchair. kerekesszék
wonderful  adj /ˈwʌndəfl/ We had a wonderful time on holiday. csodálatos

advice  n /ədˈvaɪs/ You should take my advice and get lots of sleep before tanács
your exam.
calm down  v /kɑːm ˈdaʊn/ Don’t panic – try to calm down. megnyugszik
clients  n pl /ˈklaɪənts/ My business picked up after I got a few new clients. ügyfelek
complicated  adj /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/ The article is quite complicated, but I’ll try to summarize bonyolult
it for you.
diary  n /ˈdaɪəri/ I’ll check my diary to see if I’m free. (határidő) napló
fault  n /fɔːlt/ Don’t worry about it – it’s not your fault. hiba
liar  n /ˈlaɪə(r)/ That’s not true – you’re a liar! hazug
mess  n /mes/ Tidy your room! It’s a mess! rendetlenség
panic  v /ˈpænɪk/ Try not to panic about your exam tomorrow! pánikba esik
pride  n /praɪd/ She had too much pride to ask for help. büszkeség
put your foot in it  /ˌpʊt jə ˈfʊt ɪn ɪt/ You really put your foot in it when you asked Carla if she tapintatlan, rosszat szól
was pregnant.
qualifications  n pl /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃnz/ You need good qualifications to become a doctor. képzettség, végzettség
resign  v /rɪˈzaɪn/ I hate my job, so I might resign. lemond, visszavonul
standard  n /ˈstændəd/ I don’t think your work has been up to your színvonal
usual standard.
variety  n /vəˈraɪəti/ I listen to a variety of music, but my favourite is classical. különböző

customer services  n /ˌkʌstəmə ˈsɜːvɪsɪz/ I’ll call customer services to get help with my new TV. ügyfélszolgálat
department  n /dɪˈpɑːtmənt/ I work in the sales department. osztály
Give me a ring.  /ˌɡɪv mi ə ˈrɪŋ/ Give me a ring. I’d love to hear your news. Csörögj rám!
hold  v /həʊld/ Please hold and I’ll connect you to an operator. (kapcsolásra) vár, vonalban
My pleasure.  /maɪ ˈpleʒə(r)/ –Thank you for your help. –My pleasure. Szívesen.
What a shame!  /ˌwɒt ə ˈʃeɪm/ –I won’t be able to come to your party. –What a shame! Milyen kár!

© Oxford University Press New Headway Upper-Intermediate (fourth edition) Hungarian wordlist  18
UNIT 6 Hitting the big time
crimes  n pl /kraɪmz/ The police arrested him for his crimes. bűntettek
criminals  n pl /ˈkrɪmɪnlz/ There are too many criminals on the streets. bűnözők
cutlery  n /ˈkʌtləri/ My friends love it when the old glasses and cutlery evőeszközök
come out.
energy  n /ˈenədʒi/ I don’t have enough energy to go to the gym. energia
enthusiasm  n /ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm/ Jamie Oliver has so much enthusiasm for cooking. lelkesedés
fluids  n pl /ˈfluːɪdz/ It’s important to drink plenty of fluids. folyadék
herbs  n pl /hɜːbz/ Using herbs like basil and oregano will improve fűszernövények
the flavour.
hold-ups  n pl /ˈhəʊld ʌps/ There were a few hold-ups on the road this morning. forgalmi akadályok
hope  v /həʊp/ I hope the weather will be better tomorrow. remél
ingredients  n pl /ɪnˈɡriːdiənts/ What ingredients did you use to make this cake? hozzávalók
knives  n pl /naɪvz/ It’s important to buy a good set of knives if you’re going to kések
start cooking.
knowledge  n /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ My recipe for success is passion and knowledge. tudás
luck  n /lʌk/ My success was due to hard work and a lot of luck! szerencse
make it big  /ˌmeɪk ɪt ˈbɪɡ/ When did Jamie Oliver make it big? befut, ismertté válik
pollution  n /pəˈluːʃn/ There are a lot of factories and a lot of pollution. szennyezés
traffic  n /ˈtræfɪk/ We’re stuck in traffic at the moment. forgalom
unemployment  n /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ Unemployment is a real problem in Europe right now. munkanélküliség
violence  n /ˈvaɪələns/ There’s too much violence in films these days. erőszak


attract  v /əˈtrækt/ What kind of customers do you want to attract? vonz
broadcast  v /ˈbrɔːdkɑːst/ His cooking show is broadcast in several közvetít
different countries.
camera  n /ˈkæmərə/ He’s really comfortable in front of the camera. kamera
catering college  n /ˈkeɪtərɪŋ ˌkɒlɪdʒ/ I’m going to catering college because I want to be a chef. szakácsiskola
chefs  n pl /ʃefs/ I love watching TV chefs like Jamie Oliver. séfek
fame  n /feɪm/ Fame and fortune came quickly to Jamie Oliver. hírnév
former  adj /ˈfɔːmə(r)/ Jamie’s wife Jools is a former model. egykori
fresh  adj /freʃ/ Jamie Oliver’s recipes always use fresh ingredients. friss
media personality  n /ˌmiːdiə pɜːsəˈnæləti/ Jamie Oliver is a popular media personality. médiaszemélyiség
model  n /ˈmɒdl/ She works as a fashion model. modell
natural  adj /ˈnætʃrəl/ He was very natural in front of the camera. természetes
numerous  adj /ˈnjuːmərəs/ She has won numerous prizes for her work. számos
overnight success  /ˌəʊvənaɪt səkˈses/ Jamie Oliver became an overnight success. siker egyik napról a másikra
plenty  n /ˈplenti/ Jamie’s recipes use plenty of fresh ingredients and herbs. sok, rengeteg
pocket money  n /ˈpɒkɪt ˌmʌni/ We give our children pocket money every week. zsebpénz
pub  n /pʌb/ Let’s go to the pub for a drink. kocsma
recipe  n /ˈresəpi/ I’m not a great cook, but I can follow a recipe. (étel)recept
restaurateur  n /ˌrestərəˈtɜː(r)/ Jamie Oliver is a chef, writer, and restaurateur. vendéglős, étteremtulajdonos
rock and roll  n /ˌrɒk ən ˈrəʊl/ I love listening to pop and rock and roll. rock and roll
scooter  n /ˈskuːtə(r)/ Before I bought my car, I used to travel on a scooter. robogó
soundtrack  n /ˈsaʊndtræk/ That film has a beautiful soundtrack. filmzene
spot  v /spɒt/ Jamie Oliver was spotted by a TV producer. felfedez
swiftly  adv /ˈswɪftli/ His rise to fame and fortune came swiftly. nagyon gyorsan
techniques  n pl /tekˈniːks/ His recipes don’t use difficult cooking techniques. módszerek
unhealthy  adj /ʌnˈhelθi/ Try not to eat unhealthy food like crisps. egészségtelen
zip  v /zɪp/ His first programme showed him zipping about London suhan
on his scooter.

burgle  v /ˈbɜːɡl/ Our house was burgled and all our jewellery was taken. betör
church  n /tʃɜːtʃ/ We go to church every Sunday. templom
clubbing  n /ˈklʌbɪŋ/ Do you want to go clubbing this weekend? klubban szórakozni
fattening  adj /ˈfætnɪŋ/ I try not to eat too much cheese because it’s hizlaló
quite fattening.
fridge  n /frɪdʒ/ Can you please put the milk away in the fridge? hűtőszekrény

© Oxford University Press New Headway Upper-Intermediate (fourth edition) Hungarian wordlist  19
majority  n /məˈdʒɒrəti/ The majority of my friends own a car. többség
party  n /ˈpɑːti/ Everyone had a great time at your party. buli
waste  v /weɪst/ I’ve wasted too much time surfing the Internet. pazarol


ailing  adj /ˈeɪlɪŋ/ In 1996 Apple was ailing, but Steve Jobs saved gyengélkedik
the company.
anti-globalization  n /ˌænti Starbucks has been the target of globalizáció ellenes
ɡləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ anti-globalization protests.
appeal  n /əˈpiːl/ The appeal of Apple is their attention to design. vonzerő
bitterly  adv /ˈbɪtəli/ They didn’t get on well and would argue bitterly. elkeseredetten
blend  n /blend/ Its blend of comfy sofas and commercialism is a recipe keverék
for success.
brands  n pl /brændz/ Apple and Starbucks are both famous brands. márkák
capital  n /ˈkæpɪtl/ He sold his car to get capital for his new business. tőke
chains  n pl /tʃeɪnz/ Starbucks suffered from competition from other chains. üzletláncok
clones  n pl /kləʊnz/ A lot of Mac clones could use Windows software. klónok
coffeemaker  n /ˈkɒfimeɪkə(r)/ We bought a new coffeemaker that makes kávéfőző
amazing espresso.
co-founder  n /ˈkəʊ faʊndə(r)/ Steve Jobs was a co-founder of Apple. társalapító
comfy  adj /ˈkʌmfi/ This sofa is so comfy. kényelmes
commercialism  n /kəˈmɜːʃəlɪzəm/ Starbucks’ commercialism has affected its success. üzleti gondolkodásmód
compete  v /kəmˈpiːt/ It’s difficult for independent shops to compete with the versenyre kel
large chains.
cool  adj /kuːl/ Your new iPad is so cool! menő
criticism  n /ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm/ At first, Starbucks’ logo received a lot of criticism. kritika
data storage  n /ˈdeɪtə ˌstɔːrɪdʒ/ Apple’s iCloud is a data storage service. adattárolás
determination  n /dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃn/ Their determination helped their business to succeed. eltökéltség, elszántság,
devotion  n /dɪˈvəʊʃn/ Their devotion to the brand is almost religious. odaadás
dominance  n /ˈdɒmɪnəns/ In 1996, Apple was in trouble because of the dominance dominancia, meghatározó
of Windows software. szerep
drop out of  /ˌdrɒp ˈaʊt əv/ I wanted to drop out of university, but in the end I kimarad (iskolából),
finished my degree. abbahagyja (az iskolát)
employee welfare  n /ɪmˌplɔɪiː ˈwelfeə(r)/ I want to work for a company that has good alkalmazottak jóléte
employee welfare.
equipment  n /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ You need a lot of equipment to be a photographer. felszerelés
espresso  n /eˈspresəʊ/ I love having an espresso at the end of a meal. eszpresszó kávé
essential  adj /ɪˈsenʃl/ Getting enough sleep is essential for your health. alapvető, elengedhetetlen
extract  n /ˈekstrækt/ Starbucks makes an energy drink using green kivonat
coffee extract.
fair trade  n /feə ˈtreɪd/ Starbucks supports fair trade, which helps méltányos kereskedelem
developing countries.
fierce  adj /fɪəs/ Some stores were closed due to fierce competition. kegyetlen, ádáz
fine  adj /faɪn/ He really cared about fine coffee and tea. kiváló minőségű
founder members  /ˌfaʊndə ˈmembəz/ There were three founder members of Starbucks. alapító tagok
n pl
gadget guru  n /ˈɡædʒɪt ˌɡʊruː/ Steve Jobs was the gadget guru responsible for kütyü guru
Apple’s success.
genuinely  adv /ˈdʒenjuɪnli/ I’m genuinely sad that you are leaving. őszintén, igazán
grown-up  adj /ˌɡrəʊn ˈʌp/ Apple realized it had to become a more felnőtt
grown-up company.
hesitation  n /ˌhezɪˈteɪʃn/ She said yes without any hesitation. habozás, tétovázás
hire  v /ˈhaɪə(r)/ They decided to hire him to help with marketing. felbérel, alkalmaz
launch  v /lɔːntʃ/ When did Apple launch the first Mac computer? beindít, piacra dob
logo  n /ˈləʊɡəʊ/ Starbucks’ new logo didn’t have the words ‘Starbucks’ logó
or ‘coffee’.
lounge  n /laʊndʒ/ They’re watching TV in the lounge. nappali, váróterem
loyal  adj /ˈlɔɪəl/ Apple has a lot of loyal fans who will never buy hű(séges), törzs(vásárló)
anything else.
marketing  n /ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/ Clever marketing can really help to sell a product. marketing
multinational /ˌmʌltiˈnæʃnəl Some people avoid Starbucks because it’s a multinacionális vállalat
corporation  n ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn/ multinational corporation.
network  v /ˈnetwɜːk/ These computers are networked for easy file sharing. hálózatba köt

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out of curiosity  /ˈaʊt əv ˌkjʊəriˈɒsəti/ Out of curiousity, he travelled to Seattle to find out more. kíváncsiság okán
overwhelm  v /ˌəʊvəˈwelm/ Twitter was overwhelmed with posts when Steve eláraszt
Jobs died.
passionately  adv /ˈpæʃənətli/ He cared passionately about fine coffee and tea. szenvedélyesen
point and click /ˌpɔɪnt ən ˈklɪk Apple introduced point and click graphics to the world. mutat és kattint grafika
graphics  n pl ˌɡræfɪks/
policy  n /ˈpɒləsi/ Starbucks has a fair-trade policy. irányelv, (vállalati) politika
popular  adj /ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ Apple’s products are really popular. népszerű
possessions  n pl /pəˈzeʃnz/ My most valuable possessions are my car and my laptop. vagyontárgyak
power struggle  n /ˈpaʊə ˌstrʌɡl/ After a power struggle, Steve Jobs was forced to resign hatalmi harc
from Apple.
profitability  n /ˌprɒfɪtəˈbɪləti/ Apple was in trouble in 1996, but Steve Jobs returned the nyereségesség
company to profitability.
protests  n pl /ˈprəʊtests/ There have been lots of protests against Starbucks. tiltakozás
quality  adj /ˈkwɒləti/ We sell only quality coffee. minőségi
range  n /reɪndʒ/ We sell a range of coffees and teas. választék
recession  n /rɪˈseʃn/ A lot of shops closed down during the recession. gazdasági visszaesés,
religious  adj /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/ He’s very religious and goes to church every week. vallásos
reputation  n /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/ They have a reputation for producing cool products that hírnév, megítélés
everyone wants.
retailer  n /ˈriːteɪlə(r)/ Starbucks is the world’s leading coffee retailer. kiskereskedő
rivals  n pl /ˈraɪvlz/ Samsung and Apple are rivals. riválisok, versenytársak
roaster  n /ˈrəʊstə(r)/ Starbucks is a popular coffee roaster and retailer. pörkölő
scientific calculator  n /saɪənˌtɪfɪk I sold my scientific calculator when I finished school. tudományos számológép
sleek  adj /sliːk/ Their products are sleek and beautifully designed. elegáns vonalú
software  n /ˈsɒftweə(r)/ Their user-friendly software is simple to use. szoftver
speciality coffees  n pl /speʃiˌæləti ˈkɒfiz/ This café has a great range of speciality coffees. kávéspecialitások
stylish  adj /ˈstaɪlɪʃ/ She buys a lot of clothes and she always looks stylish. divatos, ízléses
synonymous  adj /sɪˈnɒnɪməs/ For many, computers have become synonymous with rokonértelmű
Windows and Bill Gates.
target  n /ˈtɑːɡɪt/ Our target is to become the biggest publisher in the world. cél, célkitűzés
tribute  n /ˈtrɪbjuːt/ Lots of people used Twitter to write a tribute to tisztelet, elismerés
Steve Jobs.
user-friendly  adj /ˌjuːzə ˈfrendli/ I don’t need any help with my new computer because it’s felhasználóbarát
so user-friendly.
utilitarian  adj /ˌjuːtɪlɪˈteəriən/ Thanks to Apple, computers are no longer ugly haszonelvű
and utilitarian.
valued  adj /ˈvæljuːd/ You are a valued member of this team, so it’s a shame megbecsült
you’re leaving.
vitally  adv /ˈvaɪtəli/ We think design is vitally important. életbevágóan, alapvetően
worldwide  adv /ˈwɜːldwaɪd/ Jamie Oliver is famous worldwide. világszerte


blood sports  n pl /ˈblʌd spɔːts/ There was a demonstration yesterday about blood sports. véres sportok
cheat  n /tʃiːt/ I’m not a cheat! I’m very honest. csaló
demonstration  n /ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn/ There was a demonstration yesterday about capitalism. tüntetés, demonstráció
dustman  n /ˈdʌstmən/ I work as a dustman, collecting rubbish. szemetes ember
export  n /ˈekspɔːt/ Scotland’s exports include oil, beef, and whisky. export
export  v /ɪkˈspɔːt/ How much wine does France export to other countries? exportál
import  n /ˈɪmpɔːt/ European oil is a major import in the UK. import
import  v /ɪmˈpɔːt/ We import a lot of our food from other countries. importál
insult  n /ˈɪnsʌlt/ I’m not a liar! What an insult! sértés
insult  v /ɪnˈsʌlt/ You insulted my brother yesterday. sérteget
permit  n /ˈpɜːmɪt/ You need to get a permit before you can learn to drive. engedély
permit  v /pəˈmɪt/ Will you permit me to enter the construction site? engedélyez
progress  n /ˈprəʊɡres/ Have you made much progress with your essay? haladás
refund  n /ˈriːfʌnd/ My new camera doesn’t work so I’ll ask for a refund. visszatérítés
refund  v /rɪˈfʌnd/ Please refund me the money owed. visszatérít
remote  n /rɪˈməʊt/ You can’t have the remote because I’m watching távirányító
something on TV.
transport  n /ˈtrænspɔːt/ What kind of transport do you use to get to work? közlekedés(i eszköz)

© Oxford University Press New Headway Upper-Intermediate (fourth edition) Hungarian wordlist  21
transport  v /trænˈspɔːt/ The sheep will be transported to the farm on Monday. szállít
whisky  n /ˈwɪski/ Not all whisky is made in Scotland – some is made szeszes ital, whisky
in Japan!

economy  n /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ We are going to increase taxes to help the economy. gazdaság
expand  v /ɪkˈspænd/ We opened our first shop in Chicago, then started to kibővül, terjeszkedik
expand all over the country.

attachment  n /əˈtætʃmənt/ I’ll email the file to you as an attachment. csatolmány
boom  v /buːm/ Things are good and business is booming. virágzik
offhand  adv /ˌɒfˈhænd/ I don’t know their number offhand, but I can look it up. kívülről, spontán, segítség
qualified  adj /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd/ I’m not going to apply for the job because I’m not képzett
qualified for it.

UNIT 7 Getting along

cheque  n /tʃek/ Sorry, you can’t pay by cheque. Only cash or card. csekk
crossroads  n pl /ˈkrɒsrəʊdz/ Stop at the crossroads and check for cars. kereszteződés
rich  adj /rɪtʃ/ He’s rich, but he always makes me pay! gazdag


fit  adj /fɪt/ You’re a terrible driver and you’re not fit to be on alkalmas
the roads.
forget  v /fəˈɡet/ I might forgive him but I’ll never forget what he did. elfelejt
forgive  v /fəˈɡɪv/ Do you think she’ll ever forgive me for what I did? megbocsájt
sake of (somebody)  n /ˈseɪk əv …/ We’ll try to work it out for the sake of our children. (vkinek az) érdekében
swallow your pride  /ˌswɒləʊ jə ˈpraɪd/ You should swallow your pride and tell her you’re sorry. lenyeli a büszkeségét

bound  adj /baʊnd/ It’s bound to rain at the weekend. várhatóan, valószínűleg
capital cities  n pl /ˌkæpɪtl ˈsɪtiz/ Out of all the capital cities, Paris is my favourite. fővárosok
designated area  n /ˌdezɪɡneɪtɪd ˈeəriə/ You can only smoke in the designated area. kijelölt hely, terület
engaged  adj /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/ I tried to call you earlier, but the line was engaged. foglalt
exhausted  adj /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/ You must be exhausted after such a long journey. kimerült
grass  n /ɡrɑːs/ We sat down on the grass and had a picnic. fű
impressed  adj /ɪmˈprest/ The Park Director was impressed with Bob’s tree houses. jó benyomással lenni
kid  v /kɪd/ I didn’t mean that – I was just kidding. ugrat, heccel
overlook  v /ˌəʊvəˈlʊk/ Doesn’t the Ritz Carlton overlook Central Park? néz vmire, nyílik vmire
prize  n /praɪz/ First prize in the competition is $10,000. díj (elnyert)
puppy  n /ˈpʌpi/ I can’t have a puppy because I don’t have time to look kölyökkutya
after it.
refuse  v /rɪˈfjuːz/ I refuse to get a mortgage until I’m much older. visszautasít
serious  adj /ˈsɪəriəs/ Are you serious? I’d love to visit you in New York! komoly
smoking  n /ˈsməʊkɪŋ/ I stopped smoking when I had my first child. dohányzás
twin  n /twɪn/ My brother is my twin, so we look very similar. iker
visa  n /ˈviːzə/ You need a visa to work in Australia. vízum


arranged marriage  n /əˌreɪndʒd ˈmærɪdʒ/ I had an arranged marriage, so my father chose elrendezett házasság,
my husband. kényszerházasság
palace  n /ˈpæləs/ Their house was huge and looked like a palace. palota
weddings  n pl /ˈwedɪŋz/ Summer weddings are popular because people want to get esküvők
married in the sun.


anxious  adj /ˈæŋkʃəs/ Having too many choices can make us anxious nyugtalan
and depressed.
behaviour  n /bɪˈheɪvjə(r)/ The behaviour of young people has changed, with many viselkedés, magatartás
choosing to live with their parents.

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blame  v /bleɪm/ I blame the economy for my financial problems. hibáztat
cast my vote  v /ˌkɑːst maɪ ˈvəʊt/ I cast my vote when there is an election. szavazatot lead
choices  n pl /ˈtʃɔɪsɪz/ Having too many life choices can make people unhappy. választások, lehetőségek
commitments  n pl /kəˈmɪtmənts/ Some people find it hard to make commitments like elkötelezettségek
getting married.
cough  v /kɒf/ I hate it when people cough and don’t cover their mouth. köhög
cultural values  n pl /ˌkʌltʃərəl ˈvæljuːz/ We are scared of getting old because all of our cultural kulturális értékek
values are with youth.
debts  n pl /dets/ I have no savings, only debts! adósságok
denial  n /dɪˈnaɪəl/ I am in denial about my age and still act like I’m 21. tagadás
depressed  adj /dɪˈprest/ I was depressed after my boyfriend ended levert, lehangolt
our relationship.
expensive  adj /ɪkˈspensɪv/ I cannot afford to buy an expensive car. drága
fear  n /fɪə(r)/ I have a fear of commitment so I don’t know if I’ll ever félelem
settle down.
generation  n /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ My generation refuses to grow up. generáció
get married  v /get ˈmærid/ I want to get married and start a family. összeházasodik
grown up  n /ˈɡrəʊn ˌʌp/ In some ways, she’s a grown up because she works and felnőtt
pays taxes.
immortal  adj /ɪˈmɔːtl/ And then I said that immortal phrase, loved by teenagers: halhatatlan
‘I dunno’.
middle age  n /ˌmɪdl ˈeɪdʒ/ Some people would rather continue partying into középkorúság
middle age.
miraculously  adv /mɪˈrækjələsli/ Miraculously, nobody was injured in the car crash. csodával határos módon
mortgage  n /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ/ We’re taking out a mortgage to buy our first home. jelzálogkölcsön
mutter  v /ˈmʌtər/ He muttered something about having to leave and then motyog
walked out.
nervously  adv /ˈnɜːvəsli/ He coughed nervously and started asking me about my idegesen
plans for life.
paid-up  adj /ˈpeɪd ʌp/ I’m a paid-up member, so I don’t owe any more kifizetett, hátralék nélküli
membership fees.
pause  n /pɔːz/ There was a pause, and then I answered his question. szünet
pension  n /ˈpenʃn/ When you retire, you’ll get a pension. nyugdíj
phase  n /feɪz/ My teenage daughter is going through a moody phase. korszak
phenomenon  n /fəˈnɒmɪnən/ Sociologists have been studying the phenomenon of the jelenség
‘Peter Pan generation’.
postpone  v /pəˈspəʊn/ We postponed the barbecue because it was raining. elhalaszt
reality  n /riˈæləti/ Marriage is no closer to being a reality than when I valóság
was 23.
refusal  n /rɪˈfjuːzl/ Our refusal to grow up can be caused by fear. visszautasítás
rented  adj /ˈrentɪd/ I don’t own a house – I live in a rented flat with my sister. bérelt
root  n /ruːt/ Fear is the root of our refusal to grow up. gyökér
shoulders  n pl /ˈʃəʊldəz/ She’s really small – she only reaches up to my shoulders. vállak
shrug  v /ʃrʌɡ/ I shrugged my shoulders and said I didn’t know. megvon (vállakat)
sizeable  adj /ˈsaɪzəbl/ A sizeable number of people in their 30s are not married. jelentős, nagyszámú
society  n /səˈsaɪəti/ Fewer people in society are choosing to get married. társadalom
spoilt for choice  /ˌspɔɪlt fə ˈtʃɔɪs/ Young people today are spoilt for choice. They have so el van kényeztetve, rengeteg
many options. lehetőségből választhat
sweetly  adv /ˈswiːtli/ She smiled sweetly and kissed him on the cheek. édesen
taxes  n pl /ˈtæksɪz/ I have been paying my taxes since I started working. adók
youth  n /juːθ/ Youth of today have so many more options. ifjúság, fiatalság


age  v /eɪdʒ/ I’m turning 60, but I’m not scared of ageing. kor
get on well  /ˌɡet ɒn ˈwel/ My brother and I get on well and we don’t often argue. jól kijön valakivel
naughty  adj /ˈnɔːti/ I was a naughty child and was always getting rossz, csintalan (gyerek)
into trouble.
operation  n /ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn/ I’m going to hospital to have an operation on my knee. operáció

as thick as two short /əz ˌθɪk əz tuː ʃɔːt He always says stupid things. He’s as thick as two rendkívül buta
planks  ˈplæŋks/ short planks.
bright  adj /braɪt/ He’s a bright boy and he’s learning fast. okos

© Oxford University Press New Headway Upper-Intermediate (fourth edition) Hungarian wordlist  23
can’t stand /kɑːnt ˈstænd …/ I can’t stand football so I never watch it. ki nem állhat (vmit)
control  v /kənˈtrəʊl/ She was angry but she tried to control her feelings. szabályoz, megfékez
crash  v /kræʃ/ Yesterday I saw a car crash into a tree. ütközik
crazy about (somebody/ /ˈkreɪzi əˌbaʊt …/ I’m crazy about you. Let’s get married! megőrül (vkiért/vmiért)
do with something  /ˈduː wɪð ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ I could do with something to eat. jól esne vmi
die for  /ˈdaɪ fə(r)/ I’m so thirsty. I’m dying for a glass of water! eleped vmiért
exaggeration  n /ɪɡˌzædʒəˈreɪʃn/ That was an incredible story, but I think some of it was túlzás
an exaggeration.
fond  adj /fɒnd/ I’m really fond of her, but I don’t love her. kedvel vmit, vkit
hit the roof  /ˌhɪt ðə ˈruːf/ My dad hit the roof when I crashed his car. felhúzza magát, felrobban a
knackered  adj /ˈnækəd/ I’m knackered. Can we stop for a rest? rendkívül fáradt
loaded  adj /ˈləʊdɪd/ Have you seen how big their house is? They must tehetős, tele van pénzzel
be loaded.
madly in love  /ˌmædli ɪn ˈlʌv/ They’re madly in love and are always together. őrülten szerelmes
nationalities  n pl /ˌnæʃəˈnælətiz/ Which nationalities are passionate and spontaneous? nemzetiségek
not keen on /nɒt ˈkiːn ɒn …/ I was not keen on him at first, but I grew to love him. nem rajong (vkiért/vmiért)
out of breath  /ˌaʊt əv ˈbreθ/ I was out of breath after running for the bus. kifullad
out of order  /ˌaʊt əv ˈɔːdə(r)/ He was completely out of order to say that to you! nem megfelelően viselkedik
passionate  adj /ˈpæʃənət/ She’s passionate about food and cooking. szenvedélyes
reserved  adj /rɪˈzɜːvd/ British people can be reserved and don’t like visszafogott
showing emotion.
temperamental  adj /ˌtemprəˈmentl/ I never know what mood my flatmate will be in because heves, szeszélyes
she’s so temperamental.
understatement  n /ˈʌndəsteɪtmənt/ Saying I’m tired is an understatement. I’m exhausted! enyhe kifejezés, kevesebbet
well off  adj /wel ˈɒf/ His family were well off and he had a big house. jól el van eresztve
worship  v /ˈwɜːʃɪp/ I worship the ground you walk on. istenít

UNIT 8 How remarkable!

delighted  adj /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ We’re delighted that you’re going to visit us. örül vminek, boldog vmi
listed building  n /ˌlɪstɪd ˈbɪldɪŋ/ It was built in the sixteenth century, so it’s a védett műemlék
listed building.


adventurous  adj /ədˈventʃərəs/ She’s adventurous and travels to unusual countries. kalandvágyó
album  n /ˈælbəm/ Each album has been highly successful. album
arrogant  adj /ˈærəɡənt/ I thought he was arrogant at first, then realized he was arrogáns
just shy.
best-selling  adj /ˌbest ˈselɪŋ/ She is a successful singer, with three best-selling albums. listavezető
bullies  n pl /ˈbʊliz/ She had trouble with bullies at school because of her zaklató, erőszakoskodó
learning difficulties. iskolatársak
conceited  adj /kənˈsiːtɪd/ It’s conceited of you to think that your work is the best. beképzelt
diagnose  v /ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊz/ The doctor is not able to diagnose anything until more diagnosztizál
tests are done.
humble  adj /ˈhʌmbl/ She doesn’t like talking about her success because alázatos
she’s humble.
impression  n /ɪmˈpreʃn/ I hope I made a good impression at the job interview. benyomás
learning difficulties  /ˈlɜːnɪŋ ˌdɪfɪkəltiz/ She has learning difficulties so she’s getting extra help tanulási nehézségek
n pl at school.
miner  n /ˈmaɪnə(r)/ Her father worked as a gold miner. bányász
musical  n /ˈmjuːzɪkl/ It’s unusual for a musical to win best movie. musical
musical  adj /ˈmjuːzɪkl/ Both my parents were singers, so we were a zenész-
musical family.
ordinary  adj /ˈɔːdnri/ Susan Boyle is just an ordinary lady from Scotland. közönséges, hétköznapi
persuade  v /pəˈsweɪd/ People managed to persuade Susan Boyle to audition for meggyőz, rábeszél
the show.
plump  adj /plʌmp/ People were amazed when this plump, middle-aged telt
woman sang so beautifully.

© Oxford University Press New Headway Upper-Intermediate (fourth edition) Hungarian wordlist  24
pretentious  adj /prɪˈtenʃəs/ Stop being so pretentious – just be yourself. hencegő, kérkedő
production  n /prəˈdʌkʃn/ Our school is doing a production of a musical this year. produkció
sceptically  adv /ˈskeptɪkli/ Everyone looked at Susan Boyle sceptically before szkeptikusan
she sang.
self-important  adj /ˌself ɪmˈpɔːtənt/ You’re so self-important, but you’re no better than öntelt, önhitt
anyone else.
sensation  n /senˈseɪʃn/ Susan Boyle’s audition became a YouTube sensation. szenzáció
talent  n /ˈtælənt/ He has so much talent, I’m sure he’ll be famous one day. tehetség
top the charts  phrase /ˌtɒp ðə ˈtʃɑːts/ All of our singles have topped the charts. listák élén szerepel
worn  adj /wɔːn/ The carpets were old and worn. elkopott, elhasználódott

aim  n /eɪm/ My aim is to finish this report by the end of the day. cél
bald  adj /bɔːld/ The police are looking for a short, bald man. kopasz
boring  adj /ˈbɔːɪŋ/ My job is boring so I’m looking for something else. unalmas
burglar  n /ˈbɜːɡlə(r)/ A burglar broke into our house last night. betörő
challenging  adj /ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ The work is challenging, but I enjoy it. kihívást jelentő
coral reef  n /ˌkɒrəl ˈriːf/ The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in korallzátony
the world.
disappointing  adj /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ/ Our team lost, which was disappointing. kiábrándító
documentary  n /ˌdɒkjuˈmentri/ We watched a documentary on elephants. dokumentumfilm
driving test  n /ˈdraɪvɪŋ test/ I passed my driving test when I was 18. gépkocsivezetői vizsga
drums  n pl /drʌmz/ I play the guitar and Alex plays the drums. dobok
embarrassing  adj /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/ It was embarrassing when I fell over. kínos, kellemetlen
fascinating  adj /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ He’s a fascinating man who has lots of interesting stories elbűvölő
to tell.
goods  n pl /ɡʊdz/ Goods bought in the sales cannot be refunded. javak
graffiti  n /ɡrəˈfiːti/ On the wall was some graffiti written in big letters. graffiti
miserable  adj /ˈmɪzrəbl/ You look miserable. What’s wrong? nyomorult
relaxing  adj /rɪˈlæksɪŋ/ Did you have a relaxing break? megnyugtató
scene of the /ˌsiːn əv ðə ˈkraɪm/ Police are looking for a man seen running away from the bűntény helyszíne
crime  phrase scene of the crime.
shocking  adj /ˈʃɒkɪŋ/ It was shocking to see you shout at your wife like that. megdöbbentő
situated  adj /ˈsɪtʃueɪtɪd/ It is situated off the north-east coast of Australia. vhol elhelyezkedő
seek  v /siːk/ A man seen running away from the scene of the crime is keres
being sought by the police.
stuck indoors  phrase /ˌstʌk ɪnˈdɔːz/ It’s been raining all day so we’ve been stuck indoors. bent maradni kényszerül
wallet  n /ˈwɒlɪt/ A boy found a wallet on the metro. pénztárca


award  n /əˈwɔːd/ I am surprised and pleased to win this award. díj
awful  adj /ˈɔːfl/ How awful that your car was stolen! rettenetes
clever  adj /ˈklevə(r)/ The thief was too clever to be caught. okos
downpour  n /ˈdaʊnpɔː(r)/ We got caught in a downpour without an umbrella. felhőszakadás
dreadful  adj /ˈdredfl/ You shouldn’t watch that movie – it’s dreadful. félelmetes, szörnyű
enormous  adj /ɪˈnɔːməs/ They live in an enormous 12-bedroom house. óriási, hatalmas
excellent  adj /ˈeksələnt/ Thank you for the excellent meal. kiváló
excited  adj /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/ I’m so excited about going on holiday. izgatott
extraordinary  adj /ɪkˈstrɔːdnri/ ‘North West’ is an extraordinary name to give a child. rendkívüli
extreme  adj /ɪkˈstriːm/ You can use adjectives to make your writing extrém
more extreme.
gorgeous  adj /ˈɡɔːdʒəs/ Your new baby boy is absolutely gorgeous. gyönyörű
interesting  adj /ˈɪntrestɪŋ/ The documentary wasn’t very interesting, so I switched érdekes
it off.
last but not /ˌlɑːst bət nɒt ˈliːst/ Last but not least, I’d like to thank my wife. végül, de nem utolsó sorban
least  phrase
marvellous  adj /ˈmɑːvələs/ You’re having a baby? How marvellous! csodás
pleased  adj /pliːzd/ I’m so pleased you can come to my party. elégedett
predict  v /prɪˈdɪkt/ We didn’t predict how successful the film would be. jósol
priceless  adj /ˈpraɪsləs/ The museum has some priceless antiques. felbecsülhetetlen
really  adv /ˈrɪəli/ I’m really happy that it’s the weekend. tényleg, rendkívül
recommend  v /ˌrekəˈmend/ The film was a bit dull so I wouldn’t recommend it. javasol

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silly  adj /ˈsɪli/ I thought she looked silly in that flowery hat. buta, ostoba
soaking  adj /ˈsəʊkɪŋ/ I forgot my umbrella and was soaking wet by the time I csuromvizes
got home.
thrilled  adj /θrɪld/ We’re absolutely thrilled that you’re getting married. felvillanyozott, izgatott
tired  adj /ˈtaɪəd/ I’m tired and I need to go to bed. fáradt
unusual  adj /ʌnˈjuːʒuəl/ It’s unusual for a musical to win best movie. szokatlan
valuable  adj /ˈvæljuəbl/ I’d like to thank my wife for her valuable support. értékes
vote  v /vəʊt/ I entered a photography competition. Please vote for me! szavaz


addicted  adj /əˈdɪktɪd/ I’m addicted to buying shoes. I have 100 pairs! függő
adjacent  adj /əˈdʒeɪsnt/ His tree house had a bridge leading to an adjacent tree. szomszédos
authorities  n pl /ɔːˈθɒrətiz/ The city authorities found a man living in the trees. hatóságok
behave  v /bɪˈheɪv/ His friends were told to behave well and stay quiet. viselkedik
beyond description  /bɪˌjɒnd dɪˈskrɪpʃn/ The view of the night sky is so amazing it’s leírhatatlan
beyond description.
branches  n pl /ˈbrɑːntʃɪz/ People saw him up in the branches of a tree. ágak
businessman  n /ˈbɪznəsmæn/ He’s a businessman, working in the city. üzletember
camouflage  v /ˈkæməflɑːʒ/ He hid his tree houses, camouflaging them with álcáz
green paint.
cement  n /sɪˈment/ This wall is made of stone and cement. cement
comforting  adj /ˈkʌmfətɪŋ/ I felt better after a comforting cup of tea. megnyugtató
competitive  adj /kəmˈpetətɪv/ Finance is a competitive industry. versengő, versenyezni akaró
conservancy  n /kənˈsɜːvənsi/ He now works for the Central Park conservancy. felügyelőség, gondnokság
countryside  n /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ Vietnam’s cities are polluted, but the countryside vidék
is wonderful.
detect  v /dɪˈtekt/ The authorities did not detect his houses at first. észlel
grandest  adj /ˈɡrændɪst/ His final house was the grandest of them all. legimpozánsabb,
handsome  adj /ˈhænsəm/ He’s tall and handsome, and he’s a nice person. jóképű
hectic  adj /ˈhektɪk/ After a hectic day, I sat down to have a rest. hektikus
jail  n /dʒeɪl/ Instead of sending him to jail, they gave him a job. börtön
land of /ˌlænd əv America is known as a land of opportunity. lehetőségek országa
opportunity  idiom ɒpəˈtjuːnəti/
legends  n pl /ˈledʒəndz/ There were legends about men who lived in the treetops. legendák
mournful  adj /ˈmɔːnfl/ A mournful Bob watched as his house was destroyed. gyászos, komor
neglected  adj /nɪˈɡlektɪd/ He used quiet, neglected corners of the park. elhanyagolt, elhagyatott
obey  v /əˈbeɪ/ You must obey the rules. engedelmeskedik
pains  n pl /peɪnz/ Redman went to great pains to hide his tree houses. fáradozás
perfect  adj /ˈpɜːfɪkt/ Being a model is the perfect job for me as I love fashion. tökéletes
periods  n pl /ˈpɪəriədz/ The houses were unnoticed for long periods of time. időszakok
praise  n /preɪz/ He was generous in his praise for the houses. dicséret
pruner  n /ˈpruːnə(r)/ Bob Redman now works as a pruner in Central Park. fanyeső
real estate agent  n /ˈrɪəl ɪˌsteɪt ˌeɪdʒənt/ The real estate agent is taking a long time to sell ingatlanügynök
our house.
skyline  n /ˈskaɪlaɪn/ The views of the city skyline are spectacular. város sziluettje
solitude  n /ˈsɒlɪtjuːd/ I love the solitude of going fishing alone. magány, egyedüllét
split level home  n /ˌsplɪt levl ˈhəʊm/ We live in a five-room split level home. kétszintes lakás
torches  n pl /ˈtɔːtʃɪz/ It was dark, so we used torches to see. zseblámpák, elemlámpák
touching  adj /ˈtʌtʃɪŋ/ It’s a touching tale of a man’s love of trees. megható
tree climber  n /ˈtriː ˌklaɪmə(r)/ Now he’s a professional tree climber and pruner. famászó
tree house  n /ˈtriː haʊs/ We built a tree house in the garden. fára épített ház
treetops  n pl /ˈtriːtɒps/ The park extends northwards until it is lost from sight in fák csúcsai
the treetops.
tribe  n /traɪb/ People heard the drums and thought there was a tribe törzs
living in the trees.
view  n /vjuː/ You get a brilliant view of Central Park from the kilátás, rálátás
hotel room.
workmanship  n /ˈwɜːkmənʃɪp/ They admired the workmanship of the tree houses. kidolgozás, kivitelezés

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afterthought  n /ˈɑːftəθɔːt/ She did thank me, but it was an afterthought. utólagos gondolat
anonymous  adj /əˈnɒnɪməs/ The landscape was anonymous. All the buildings looked névtelen, itt: jellegtelen
the same.
bonfire  n /ˈbɒnfaɪə(r)/ We lit a bonfire to keep warm. máglya
brain  n /breɪn/ I was so tired, my brain wasn’t working properly. agy
break down  v /breɪk ˈdaʊn/ The car was old, but it didn’t break down. lerobban (autó)
completely  adv /kəmˈpliːtli/ I can’t eat anymore. I’m completely full. teljesen
desert  n /ˈdezət/ It’s very hot in the desert. sivatag
exactly  adv /ɪɡˈzæktli/ You and your twin brother look exactly the same. pontosan
extremely  adv /ɪkˈstriːmli/ It was extremely hot and we were sweating. rendkívül
heat exhaustion  n /ˈhiːt ɪɡˌzɔːstʃən/ I suffered from heat exhaustion after walking in the hőkimerülés
hot sun.
joke  n /dʒəʊk/ That joke you told was really funny. vicc
landscape  n /ˈlændskeɪp/ The landscape is beautiful, with mountains and forests. táj, vidék, tájkép
laughing matter  n /ˌlɑːfɪŋ ˈmætə(r)/ It was no laughing matter when our car broke down. tréfadolog
night club  n /ˈnaɪt klʌb/ We were up all night, dancing in a night club. éjjeli mulatóhely, night club
nostrils  n pl /ˈnɒstrəlz/ It was so cold, my nostrils froze. orrlyukak
old lady  n /ˌəʊld ˈleɪdi/ I helped an old lady cross the street. öreg hölgy
profusely  adv /prəˈfjuːsli/ She apologized profusely for forgetting our meeting. terjengősen, bőven
properly  adv /ˈprɒpəli/ My brain wasn’t working properly. megfelelően
pyramids  n pl /ˈpɪrəmɪdz/ I want to go to Egypt to see the pyramids. piramisok
rehydration  adj /ˌriːhaɪˈdreɪʃn/ We were hot and exhausted, and needed rehidrálás
rehydration salts.
seriously  adv /ˈsɪəriəsli/ I work hard because I take my job seriously. komolyan
stupidly  adv /ˈstjuːpɪdli/ I stupidly left my phone at home, so I can’t call her. bután
sunrise  n /ˈsʌnraɪz/ We woke up at 5.00 a.m. to watch the sunrise. napfelkelte
taxi  n /ˈtæksi/ If I stay out late I always get a taxi home. taxi
tram  n /træm/ We rode on a tram in San Francisco. villamos

busy  adj /ˈbɪzi/ She’s always too busy to spend time with me. elfoglalt
delicious  adj /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ Mmm, this pizza is delicious! finom, ízletes
revise  v /rɪˈvaɪz/ I’m busy revising for my exams. átnéz, ismétel, gyakorol
thank goodness  /ˌθæŋk ˈɡʊdnəs/ Thank goodness you’re home! I was so worried. hála Istennek
triplets  n /ˈtrɪpləts/ We’re not having one baby, we’re having triplets! hármasikrek
What a relief!  /ˌwɒt ə rɪˈliːf/ –I passed my driving test. –What a relief! Micsoda megkönnyebbülés!

UNIT 9 The way we were

bedtime  n /ˈbedtaɪm/ My dad used to read me a story at bedtime. lefekvési idő, takarodó
big-headed  adj /ˌbɪɡ ˈhedɪd/ Big-headed people are always talking about themselves. öntelt, nagyképű
builder  n /ˈbɪldə(r)/ He’s used to working hard because he’s a builder. építész, építőmester
habit  n /ˈhæbɪt/ My worst habit is smoking. szokás
retired  adj /rɪˈtaɪəd/ He used to work hard but now he’s retired. nyugdíjazott, visszavonult
sigh  v /saɪ/ What’s wrong? You keep sighing. sóhajt
top hat  n /ˌtɒp ˈhæt/ He’s old-fashioned and wears a top hat. cilinder
Victorian  adj /vɪkˈtɔːriən/ In Victorian times men wore top hats. viktoriánus


apart  adv /əˈpɑːt/ The teacher made us sit apart because we talked szét, ketté, külön
too much.
blow up  v /ˌbləʊ ˈʌp/ Do you remember when we nearly blew up the felrobbant
science lab?
borrow  v /ˈbɒrəʊ/ Can I borrow your car today? kölcsönvesz
drop me a line  phrase /ˌdrɒp mi ə ˈlaɪn/ If you’d like to come, drop me a line. írj pár sort
factual  adj /ˈfæktʃuəl/ I like reading factual books because you actually tényszerű
learn something.
furious  adj /ˈfjʊəriəs/ Your mother was furious when we ate all the food in dühös
the fridge.
get in touch  phrase /ˌɡet ɪn ˈtʌtʃ/ I thought I would get in touch to see how you’re doing. felveszi a kapcsolatot

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giggle  v /ˈɡɪɡl/ What are you two giggling about? kuncog, kacarászik
hours on end  /ˌaʊəz ɒn ˈend/ We used to listen to music for hours on end. órák hosszat
lab  n /læb/ He’s a scientist and works in a lab. laboratórium
lose touch  /luːz ˈtʌtʃ/ It’s easy to lose touch with childhood friends. elveszíti a kapcsolatot
mad  adj /mæd/ Penny is still as mad as ever. őrült
meet up  v /miːt ˈʌp/ Are you free to meet up sometime? találkozik és beszélget
nostalgic  adj /nɒˈstældʒɪk/ I feel nostalgic when I look at old photographs. nosztalgikus
past  n /pɑːst/ I only keep in touch with a few friends from my past. múlt
school reunion  n /ˌskuːl riːˈjuːniən/ It’s my ten-year school reunion next month. osztálytalálkozó
schoolmate  n /ˈskuːlmeɪt/ He’s an old schoolmate of mine. iskolatárs

absent-minded  adj /ˌæbsənt ˈmaɪndɪd/ He’s so absent-minded. He’s always forgetting things. feledékeny
argumentative  adj /ˌɑːɡjuˈmentətɪv/ You’re so argumentative, you’d pick a fight vitatkozó, okoskodó
about anything!
bloke  n /bləʊk/ I remember that bloke Dave. pasas
clumsy  adj /ˈklʌmzi/ It was clumsy of me to walk into the table. ügyetlen
coolest  adj /ˈkuːlɪst/ Josh is the coolest guy I know. legmenőbb
easy-going  adj /ˌiːzi ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ He’s easy-going and never gets angry. laza (könnyen veszi a
gadgets  n pl /ˈɡædʒɪts/ My tablet and my laptop are my favourite gadgets. kütyük, ketyerék
insanely  adv /ɪnˈseɪnli/ I’m insanely jealous of your new iPad! őrülten
jealous  adj /ˈdʒeləs/ My girlfriend is jealous of my female friends. féltékeny
mean  adj /miːn/ He’s too mean to buy anyone a birthday present. fukar, smucig
nosy  adj /ˈnəʊzi/ It’s nosy to ask someone how much they earn. tolakodóan kíváncsi
rule  v /ruːl/ She’s ruled by her head, not her heart. irányít
sandcastles  n pl /ˈsændkɑːslz/ Our children love to build sandcastles on the beach. homokvárak
seaside  n /ˈsiːsaɪd/ When I was young we would often visit the seaside. tengerpart
self-obsessed  adj /ˌself əbˈsest/ She’s too self-obsessed to think about other people. önimádó
sensible  adj /ˈsensəbl/ It’s sensible to think carefully before you act. ésszerű, okos
sensitive  adj /ˈsensətɪv/ She’s sensitive and she cries really easily. érzékeny
stubborn  adj /ˈstʌbən/ He’s too stubborn to take my advice. makacs
sweet  adj /swiːt/ It was sweet of her to bake you a cake. édes, kedves
techno-geek  n /ˈteknəʊ ˌɡiːk/ Mike’s a techno-geek, so he can recommend which tablet technozseni
to buy.
treat  n /triːt/ My dad gave us chocolate as a treat. ajándék, jutalom
wasteful  adj /ˈweɪstfl/ It’s wasteful to buy a shirt and only wear it once. pazarló


boiling hot  /ˌbɔɪlɪŋ ˈhɒt/ The water’s boiling hot so be very careful. tűzforró
bored stiff  /bɔːd ˈstɪf/ Let’s do something! I’m bored stiff. halálra unja magát
brand new  /ˌbrænd ˈnjuː/ I got a brand new bike for my birthday. vadiúj
dead easy  /ˌded ˈiːzi/ The exam was dead easy, and I got 100%. rendkívül egyszerű
fast asleep  /ˌfaːst əˈsliːp/ The children are fast asleep in their beds. mélyen alszik
freezing cold  /ˌfriːzɪŋ ˈkəʊld/ I can’t shower because the water is freezing cold. jéghideg, dermesztő hideg
great big  /ɡreɪt ˈbɪɡ/ They live in a great big house in London. hatalmas
scald  v /skɔːld/ The soup is boiling hot – don’t scald yourself. leforráz
wide awake  /ˌwaɪd əˈweɪk/ I’m wide awake so I don’t want to go to bed. éber


antique fair  n /ænˌtiːk ˈfeə(r)/ We bought some old furniture at an antique fair. régiségvásár
auctions  n pl /ˈɒkʃnz/ Sometimes you get great deals at auctions. aukciók, árverések
blouse  n /blaʊz/ I wore a blouse and skirt for my interview. blúz
breadwinner  n /ˈbredwɪnə(r)/ My mum is the main breadwinner in our family. kenyérkereső
bygone era  n /ˈbaɪɡɒn ˌɪərə/ The 1950s is a bygone era. letűnt korszak
cabinet  n /ˈkæbɪnət/ I keep my glasses in the cabinet next to my bed. fiókos/polcos szekrény
car boot sales  n pl /ˌkɑː ˈbuːt seɪlz/ We save money by shopping at car boot sales. angol bolhapiac, ahol autó
csomagtartójából árulnak
central heating  n /ˌsentrəl ˈhiːtɪŋ/ I’m cold. Can I turn on the central heating? központi fűtés
cleverly  adv /ˈklevəli/ My mod cons are cleverly hidden around the house. okosan
colleagues  n pl /ˈkɒliːɡz/ I have a meeting with my colleagues after lunch. kollégák, munkatársak

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conveniences  n pl /kənˈviːniənsɪz/ My house has all the modern conveniences but kényelmi berendezések
looks Victorian.
cosy  adj /ˈkəʊzi/ The heating is on so the house is nice and cosy. kényelmes, lakályos,
cottage  n /ˈkɒtɪdʒ/ We live in a little cottage in the countryside. vidéki ház
council worker  n /ˈkaʊnsl ˌwɜːkə(r)/ Peter is a council worker from Nottingham. önkormányzati alkalmazott
courtship  n /ˈkɔːtʃɪp/ We had an old-fashioned courtship before we udvarlás
got married.
devote  v /dɪˈvəʊt/ Joanne devotes her life to her husband’s happiness. szentel vmit vminek
distressing  adj /dɪˈstresɪŋ/ She finds newspapers too distressing to read. kétségbeejtő
ecstatic  adj /ɪkˈstætɪk/ I was ecstatic to meet someone with the same passion. rendkívül izgatott
entertainment  n /ˌentəˈteɪnmənt/ We read and sing songs for entertainment. szórakozás, szórakoztatás
era  n /ˈɪərə/ Peter is obsessed with the Victorian era. korszak
fantasy world  n /ˈfæntəsi ˌwɜːld/ I live in a 1950s fantasy world. fantáziavilág
features  n pl /ˈfiːtʃəz/ Peter uses all the original cooking features in his kitchen. funkciók
feminine  adj /ˈfemənɪn/ I love feminine clothing like skirts and dresses. női
fireplace  n /ˈfaɪəpleɪs/ I stood by the fireplace to try to warm up. kandalló
fittings  n pl /ˈfɪtɪŋz/ My bathroom is Victorian style with antique fittings. szerelvények
flat cap  n /ˈflæt kæp/ He wears a flat cap on his head. lapos sapka, mici sapka
fridge freezer  n /ˌfrɪdʒ ˈfriːzə(r)/ Having a fridge freezer is very convenient. hűtő-fagyasztószekrény
go to a lot of trouble  /ˈɡəʊ tə ə ˌlɒt əv Peter has gone to a lot of trouble to make his house számos nehézséget vállal
ˈtrʌbl/ look Victorian.
graphic designer  n /ˌɡræfɪk dɪˈzaɪnə(r)/ He’s quite creative, and works as a graphic designer. grafikai tervező
halcyon time  n /ˈhælsiən taɪm/ Old movies represent a halcyon time when life boldog békeidők, idilli múlt
was simpler.
hand-picked  adj /ˌhænd ˈpɪkt/ Our furniture is hand-picked from car boot sales. saját kezűleg választott
haven  n /ˈheɪvn/ Peter turned his house into a Victorian haven. menedékhely
immaculate  adj /ɪˈmækjələt/ I look after the house well so it looks immaculate. makulátlan
lady  n /ˈleɪdi/ In our marriage, I am a lady and my husband is hölgy
the breadwinner.
like-minded  adj /ˌlaɪk ˈmaɪndɪd/ I met like-minded people at university. hasonló gondolkodású
loo  n /luː/ I’ll just go to the loo before we go out. WC, klotyó
mark time  /ˌmɑːk ˈtaɪm/ I was marking time until I met the right man. elüti az időt vhogy
members  n pl /ˈmembəz/ My other family members love music too. tagok
microwave oven  n /ˌmaɪkrəweɪv ˈʌvn/ I’ll heat up the dinner in the microwave oven. mikrohullámú sütő
mod cons (modern /ˌmɒd ˈkɒnz/ I have a few mod cons like a microwave and fridge. modern kényelmi
conveniences)  n pl berendezések
obsessed  adj /əbˈsest/ Peter is obsessed with the Victorian era. megszállott
ordeal  n /ɔːˈdiːl/ Joanne thinks shopping in supermarkets is an ordeal. megpróbáltatás, kín
original  adj /əˈrɪdʒənl/ The kitchen is an original ‘English Rose’ design. eredeti
pantry  n /ˈpæntri/ Can you get the bread out of the pantry, please? éléskamra
passion  n /ˈpæʃn/ He has a passion for food and cooking. szenvedély
patronize  v /ˈpætrənaɪz/ I don’t feel patronized spending my time caring for leereszkedően viselkedik
my husband.
pencil skirt  n /ˈpensl ˌskɜːt/ I love wearing a blouse and pencil skirt. ceruzaszoknya
petrol  n /ˈpetrəl/ I get my husband to put petrol in the car. benzin
pinny  n /ˈpɪni/ I wear a pinny when I cook. kötény
propose  v /prəˈpəʊz/ John proposed and I said yes! megkéri a kezét
protective  adj /prəˈtektɪv/ I like it when men are protective of women. védelmező, óvó
quaint  adj /kweɪnt/ It’s a quaint little village with pretty white houses. bájosan furcsa, régimódi
re-creation  n /ˌrekriˈeɪʃn/ We live in a re-creation of a 1950s home. vminek az újrateremtése
restore  v /rɪˈstɔː(r)/ We’re trying to restore an old house that we bought. helyreállít, visszaállít
retro  adj /ˈretrəʊ/ We hide our television in a retro cabinet. retro
revolve around  v /rɪˌvɒlv əˈraʊnd/ Our social life revolves around visiting valami körül forog
like-minded friends.
roles  n pl /rəʊlz/ We’re happy because we both know our roles. szerepek
running water  n /ˌrʌnɪŋ ˈwɔːtə(r)/ Most Victorians had running water, but not hot water. vezetékes víz
sing-song  n /ˈsɪŋsɒŋ/ The Victorians loved a sing-song around the piano. közös éneklés
sitting room  n /ˈsɪtɪŋ ˌruːm/ The children are watching TV in the sitting room. fogadószoba, nappali szoba
social life  n /ˈsəʊʃl ˌlaɪf/ I don’t have time for a social life now that I társasági élet
have children.
solely  adv /ˈsəʊlli/ Joanne devotes herself solely to Kevin’s happiness. kizárólag
source  v /sɔːs/ How does he source things for the house? beszerez

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supermarkets  n pl /ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪts/ I prefer shopping in small shops rather élelmiszer áruházak
than supermarkets.
supportive  adj /səˈpɔːtɪv/ My wife is supportive of my decision. támogatólag viselkedik
tease  v /tiːz/ Kevin gets teased at work for having home-made cakes ugrat
and jam at lunch.
television  n /ˈtelɪvɪʒn/ We bought a new television with a big screen. televízió
twee  adj /twiː/ His house isn’t twee and has been restored in a giccses
genuine fashion.
unladylike  adj /ˈʌnleɪdilaɪk/ She thinks that putting petrol in the car is unladylike. hölgyhöz méltatlan
waistcoat  n /ˈweɪskəʊt/ He wore a three-piece suit: jacket, trousers, mellény
and waistcoat.

fast food  n /ˌfɑːst ˈfuːd/ I love fast food, especially cheeseburgers. gyorséttermi étel

UNIT 10 Over my dead body!

cancel  v /ˈkænsl/ You could have told me the lesson was cancelled. eltöröl
delay  v /dɪˈleɪ/ Our flight was delayed so we had to wait at the airport elhalaszt
for three hours.
drown  v /draʊn/ You could have drowned swimming in such rough sea! vízbe fullad
impossible  adj /ɪmˈpɒsəbl/ That exam was impossible! I couldn’t answer lehetetlen
any questions.
post office  n /ˈpəʊst ˌɒfɪs/ I’m going to the post office to buy stamps. postahivatal
postman  n /ˈpəʊstmən/ The postman delivered a letter for you. postás
split up  v /splɪt ˈʌp/ I’m not seeing Mike anymore – we split up. szétválik
unharmed  adj /ʌnˈhɑːmd/ They were lucky to get out of the car unharmed. sértetlen
vacuum cleaner  n /ˈvækjuəm ˌkliːnə(r)/ I fixed the vacuum cleaner so we don’t need a new one. porszívó

dominate  v /ˈdɒmɪneɪt/ She’s loud and always tries to dominate the conversation. ural
murder  n /ˈmɜːdə(r)/ We thought it was a suicide, but the police said it was gyilkosság
a murder.
solve  v /sɒlv/ Police are trying to solve the murder. megold


complex  adj /ˈkɒmpleks/ Viking culture was complex and fascinating. bonyolult
crops  n pl /krɒps/ The Vikings were farmers, growing crops and gabona
tending livestock.
culture  n /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ Studies of Viking culture show that they were more than kultúra
just violent raiders.
livestock  n /ˈlaɪvstɒk/ The Vikings grew vegetables and tended their livestock. jószág
raid  v /reɪd/ The Vikings did more than just raid and colonize. portyáz, kifoszt
religion  n /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ The Vikings had many gods in their religion. vallás
settlers  n pl /ˈsetləz/ The country was named Greenland to attract telepesek
new settlers.
trade  n /treɪd/ The Vikings used trade to get the goods they needed. kereskedelem


foible  n /ˈfɔɪbl/ Jim’s foible was running away whilst at the zoo. gyengeség
happy ending  n /ˌhæpi ˈendɪŋ/ Did the story have a happy ending? happy end
moral  n /ˈmɒrəl/ The moral of the story is to be kind to your neighbours. tanulság
nurse  n /nɜːs/ A nurse looks after sick people. ápolónő
zoo  n /zuː/ We saw lions and tigers at the zoo. állatkert

a sharp tongue  /ə ˌʃɑːp ˈtʌŋ/ She said some really nasty things. She’s got a éles a nyelve
sharp tongue.
courageous  adj /kəˈreɪdʒəs/ She’s in a lot of pain but is being very courageous. bátor

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emotions  n pl /ɪˈməʊʃnz/ I don’t like showing my emotions, so I try not to cry in érzelmek
front of people.
face the fact  /ˌfeɪs ðə ˈfækt/ You’d better face the fact that your computer is ancient. szembenéz a ténnyel
find my feet  /ˌfaɪnd maɪ ˈfiːt/ Uni is a big change, but I’m slowly finding my feet. hozzászokik új helyzethez
go to their head  /ˌɡəʊ tə ðeə ˈhed/ Success goes to their head and they think they’re better fejükbe száll
than others.
heart-to-heart  n /ˌhɑːt tə ˈhɑːt/ We had a heart-to-heart, and things are better now. őszinte, bizalmas beszélgetés
intelligence  n /ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns/ The brain is associated with intelligence. intelligencia
journalist  n /ˈdʒɜːnəlɪst/ I studied media and now I work as a journalist. újságíró
manual skills  n /ˌmænjuəl ˈskɪlz/ You need good manual skills to be a painter. kézügyesség
on its last legs  /ɒn ɪts ˌlɑːst ˈleɡz/ My laptop is six years old and on its last legs. utolsókat rúgja
pull your leg  /ˌpʊl jə ˈleɡ/ Don’t take him seriously – he was just pulling your leg. viccel
put a brave face  /ˌpʌt ə breɪv ˈfeɪs/ I’ve broken my arm, but I’m putting a brave face on. bátran viselkedik

UNIT 11 It’s all hypothetical!

hypothetical  adj /ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkl/ Can I ask you a hypothetical question? hipotetikus, feltételezett


regret  n /rɪˈɡret/ My biggest regret is never visiting Egypt. sajnálat, bánat

architect  n /ˈɑːkɪtekt/ We hired an architect to design our home. építész
bay  n /beɪ/ The house has wonderful views across the bay. öböl
cent  n /sent/ We didn’t have insurance, so we lost every cent. fillér
cliff  n /klɪf/ The house was on a cliff overlooking a bay. sziklaszirt
dream home  n /ˈdriːm həʊm/ My dream home would have a swimming pool and a álomotthon
home cinema.
earthquake  n /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ We lost our house in an earthquake. földrengés
fall in love  phrase /ˌfɔːl ɪn ˈlʌv/ What was so special about the house to make you fall in beleszeret
love with it?
fluently  adv /ˈfluːəntli/ I wish I spoke English fluently. folyékonyan
redesign  v /ˌriːdɪˈzaɪn/ An architect is going to redesign our home. áttervez
region  n /ˈriːdʒən/ It was the biggest earthquake that had ever hit the region. régió
shake  v /ʃeɪk/ The room was shaking – it was an earthquake. rázkódik


flexible  adj /ˈfleksəbl/ I work flexible hours so I can choose my starting time. rugalmas
grin and bear it  /ˌɡrɪn ən ˈbeər ɪt/ I don’t like it, but I’ll grin and bear it. mosolyogva eltűr
hairbands  n pl /ˈheəbændz/ I bought socks for Ben and hairbands for Jane. hajpántok
tolerate  v /ˈtɒləreɪt/ I don’t like her, but I can just about tolerate her. tolerál, elvisel


alignment  n /əˈlaɪnmənt/ The alignment of the Earth and Sun helped us to create egy vonalba állás
our modern calendar.
alimentary tract  n /ˌælɪmentəri ˈtrækt/ Most bacteria are found in the teeth, throat, and tápcsatorna
alimentary tract.
annoying  adj /əˈnɔɪɪŋ/ Do you have any annoying habits? idegesítő
auditory  adj /ˈɔːdətri/ The auditory areas of the brain process music. hallással kapcsolatos
bacteria  n pl /bækˈtɪəriə/ Bacteria are the smallest forms of life. baktériumok
cable  n /ˈkeɪbl/ Which cable is for the telephone? kábel
calendar  n /ˈkælɪndə(r)/ In the modern calendar, a leap year is every four years. naptár
collapse  v /kəˈlæps/ Do you think the Internet could ever collapse? összeomlik
criteria  n pl /kraɪˈtɪəriə/ The Gregorian calendar had more criteria than the kritériumok
Julian calendar.
data  n /ˈdɑːtə/ This USB can store 4 GB of data. adat
densely  adv /ˈdensli/ Hong Kong is a densely populated city. sűrűn
dependence  n /dɪˈpendəns/ Our dependence on the Internet is always increasing. függőség
devise  v /dɪˈvaɪz/ Why did monks devise the @ symbol? kitalál
earworm  n /ˈɪəwɜːm/ An earworm is a song that gets stuck in your head. fülbemászó dallam
excrete  v /ɪkˈskriːt/ Every day, billions of bacteria are excreted by the kiválaszt
human body.

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flesh  n /fleʃ/ There’s a parasite that lives on our flesh and eats hús
dead skin.
follicle mite  n /ˈfɒlɪkl ˌmaɪt/ A follicle mite eats dead skin cells. szőrtüszőatka
globe  n /ɡləʊb/ The Internet enables communication around the globe. földgolyó
harmful  adj /ˈhɑːmfl/ Some bacteria are very harmful to humans. ártalmas
harmless  adj /ˈhɑːmləs/ This spider looks dangerous, but it’s actually harmless. ártalmatlan
harmlessly  adv /ˈhɑːmləsli/ The follicle mite harmlessly eats dead skin cells. ártalmatlanul
host  n /həʊst/ Our bodies are host to various bacteria. gazda
in the wake of /ˌɪn ðə ˈweɪk əv …/ In the wake of a natural disaster, sections of the Internet vminek a nyomában
(something)  would go offline.
inhabit  v /ɪnˈhæbɪt/ About 200 species inhabit the human body. lakja, benépesíti
invade  v /ɪnˈveɪd/ One type of parasite can invade the human brain. betör
leap year  n /ˈliːp jɜː(r)/ A leap year happens every four years. szökőév
loops  n pl /luːps/ Songs play in your head in continuous loops. hurok, kör
mail server  n /ˈmeɪl ˌsɜːvə(r)/ Gmail is a popular mail server. e-mail szolgáltató
mindboggling  adj /ˈmaɪndˌbɒɡlɪŋ/ A mindboggling number of bacteria live on our bodies. felfoghatatlan
monks  n pl /mʌŋks/ Did you know that monks invented the @ symbol? szerzetesek
multiply  v /ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/ The parasite multiplies until the person dies. megsokszorozódik
munch  v /mʌntʃ/ I’d love to munch on some crisps right now. ropogtat
natural disaster  n /ˌnætʃrəl dɪˈzɑːstə(r)/ An earthquake is a kind of natural disaster. természeti katasztrófa
nuclear attack  n /ˈnjuːkliə(r) əˌtæk/ The Internet would be affected by a nuclear attack or nukleáris támadás
natural disaster.
offline  adj /ˌɒfˈlaɪn/ I tried to message you but you were offline. offline
origin  n /ˈɒrɪdʒɪn/ What is the origin of the @ symbol? eredet
painstakingly  adv /ˈpeɪnzteɪkɪŋli/ Every word had to be painstakingly written by hand. gondosan
parasites  n pl /ˈpærəsaɪts/ Some parasites are commonly found on the human body. paraziták
populate  v /ˈpɒpjuleɪt/ Some cities are densely populated. benépesít
printing press  n /ˈprɪntɪŋ ˌpres/ Before the invention of the printing press, everything had nyomdagép
to be written by hand.
puzzle over  v /ˌpʌzl ˈəʊvə(r)/ What questions do you puzzle over? töpreng (vmin)
resource  n /rɪˈzɔːs/ The Internet is a valuable communications resource. erőforrás
retain  v /rɪˈteɪn/ Musical information is retained in the brain. megőriz
revolutions  n pl /ˌrevəˈluːʃnz/ The calendar was based on the Earth’s revolutions keringés, forgás
around the Sun.
robust  adj /rəʊˈbʌst/ The Internet is robust, and will continue to be a robusztus
reliable resource.
satellites  n pl /ˈsætəlaɪts/ Connections go through space via satellites. műholdak
skin cells  n pl /ˈskɪn selz/ The parasite feeds on dead skin cells. bőrsejtek
space  n /speɪs/ Yuri Gagarin was the first man to journey into space. űr
span  v /spæn/ She hoped her career would span decades, but it was over átível
far too soon.
species  n /ˈspiːʃiːz/ How many species live on the human body? faj
square centimetre  n /ˌskweə The follicle mite is found on every square centimetre négyzetcentiméter
ˈsentɪmiːtə(r)/ of skin.
strokes  n pl /strəʊks/ The word ‘at’ is written with three strokes of the pen, but vonások
the @ symbol is written with one.
susceptible  adj /səˈseptəbl/ Some people are more susceptible to earworms érzékeny, fogékony
than others.
tedious  adj /ˈtiːdiəs/ Writing everything by hand was tedious work. unalmas, fárasztó
transcribe  v /trænˈskraɪb/ The monks transcribed every word by hand. átír
wonder  v /ˈwʌndə(r)/ My children wonder why our pet cat can’t talk. csodálkozik


coincidence  n /kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/ What a coincidence! I didn’t expect to see you here. véletlen egybeesés
dream  n /driːm/ Can you remember your dream from last night? álom
nightmares  n pl /ˈnaɪtmeəz/ My son often has nightmares about ghosts. rémálmok
soundscape  n /ˈsaʊndskeɪp/ Soundscape is a list of dream themes that you can hangkörnyezet
choose from.

bookcase  n /ˈbʊkkeɪs/ My bookcase is mostly filled with romantic novels. könyvszekrény
dishwasher  n /ˈdɪʃwɒʃə(r)/ You don’t need to wash up – we have a dishwasher. mosogatógép
flatpack  adj /ˈflætpæk/ This table is flatpack, so you have to build it at home. lapokból összeállítható

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genius  n /ˈdʒiːniəs/ If you can follow these complicated instructions, you’re zseni
a genius.
groans  n pl /ɡrəʊnz/ My grandfather always has moans and groans about his morgások, panaszok
ill health.
helpline  n /ˈhelplaɪn/ My new computer won’t work. I’ll phone the helpline. segélyvonal
instructions  n pl /ɪnˈstrʌkʃnz/ A recipe gives you instructions on how to cook a meal. utasítások
moans  n pl /məʊnz/ She always has moans and groans about her job – she nyögések, morgolódások
hates it!

UNIT 12 Time flies

captain  n /ˈkæptɪn/ They were married by the captain of the ship. kapitány (csapatban, hajón)
cruise  n /kruːz/ My grandfather went on a cruise around the world. tengeri körút
retire  v /rɪˈtaɪə/ He retired at the age of 65. nyugdíjba megy, visszavonul
sail  v /seɪl/ They sailed all around the world on their cruise. vitorlázik, hajózik
ship  n /ʃɪp/ We sailed around the Caribbean on a cruise ship. hajó
widow  n /ˈwɪdəʊ/ My grandfather met an attractive widow. özvegy


chat  n /tʃæt/ I’m going to phone my mum for a chat. csevegés
dress rehearsal  n /ˈdres rɪˌhɜːsl/ Life isn’t a dress rehearsal – it’s the real thing. jelmezes főpróba
enough  adj /ɪˈnʌf/ There’s not enough time to do everything. elég
frantic  adj /ˈfræntɪk/ I had a frantic day so I need a rest. dühös
hobbies  n pl /ˈhɒbiz/ I have few hobbies and little leisure time. kedvenc időtöltések
impolite  adj /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt/ It’s impolite not to say ‘please’ when you ask udvariatlan
for something.
inefficient  adj /ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃnt/ Being late is impolite and inefficient. nem hatékony
leisure time  n /ˈleʒə taɪm/ I work long hours so don’t have much leisure time. szabadidő
line  n /laɪn/ Read this line of text and tell me what it means. sor
minor  adj /ˈmaɪnə(r)/ I don’t get stressed about minor problems. kisebb
mobile phone  n /ˌməʊbaɪl ˈfəʊn/ I switch off my mobile phone when I’m in a meeting. mobiltelefon
pace  n /peɪs/ The pace of my life is slow and relaxing. tempó
patience  n /ˈpeɪʃns/ I have no patience for people who are late. türelem
peace and quiet  /ˌpiːs ən ˈkwaɪət/ I switch off my phone when I need peace and quiet. béke és nyugalom
philosophy  n /fəˈlɒsəfi/ My life philosophy is ‘grasp every moment’. filozófia
prioritize  v /praɪˈɒrətaɪz/ I prioritize the important tasks. fontossági sorrendet állít fel
punctual  adj /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/ It’s important to be punctual for a job interview. pontos, nem késik
punctuality  n /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti/ Punctuality is important because it’s rude to be late. pontosság
put off  v /pʊt ˈɒf/ I do the important things and put off the rest. későbbre halaszt
recharge (one’s) /ˌriːˈtʃɑːdʒ … I relax and recharge my batteries at the weekend. feltöltődik, kipiheni magát
batteries  idiom bætəriz/
relaxation  n /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃn/ For me, holidays are about relaxation. kikapcsolódás
sufficient  adj /səˈfɪʃnt/ Do you allow sufficient time for relaxation? elégséges

authority  n /ɔːˈθɒrəti/ Children don’t respect authority these days. hatóság
get me down  /ˌɡet mi ˈdaʊn/ This awful weather is really getting me down. lehervaszt
guest  n /ɡest/ We have a really rude guest staying in the hotel just now. vendég
pint  n /paɪnt/ Shall we go to the pub for a pint? korsó
respect  v /rɪˈspekt/ It’s important for children to respect their parents. tiszteletet tanúsít
strawberries  n pl /ˈstrɔːbəriz/ We eat a lot of strawberries in the summer. eper
vet  n /vet/ Our dog is ill so we’re taking him to the vet. állatorvos
vital  adj /ˈvaɪtl/ A love of animals is vital for a vet. életbevágó, alapvető


basics  n pl /ˈbeɪsɪks/ We’ve got all the basics like a bed, sofa, and chairs. alapvető dolgok
beautician  n /bjuːˈtɪʃn/ Time is a great healer, but a terrible beautician. kozmetikus
bits and pieces  /ˌbɪts ən ˈpiːsɪz/ I just want to get all our bits and pieces into the apróságok
new home.
break the ice  /ˌbreɪk ðə ˈaɪs/ Playing a game helped to break the ice. megtöri a jeget
follow in (somebody’s) /ˌfɒləʊ ɪn … My dad wants me to follow in his footsteps and become (vkinek a) lábnyomaiban jár
footsteps  ˈfʊtsteps/ a lawyer.

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follow my nose  /ˌfɒləʊ maɪ ˈnəʊz/ I like to just follow my nose around a city. az orrom után megyek
healer  n /ˈhiːlə(r)/ I know you’re upset now, but time is a great healer. gyógyító
I got the bug  /aɪ ˌɡɒt ðə ˈbʌɡ/ Then I got the bug, so I travelled around South America. a mániámmá vált
it hit me like a ton of /ɪt ˈhɪt mi laɪk ə ˌtʌn When I lost my job, it hit me like a ton of bricks. derült égből
bricks  əv ˈbrɪks/ villámcsapásként ért
primary school  n /ˈpraɪməri ˌskuːl/ I started primary school when I was five. általános iskola
stand on my own two /ˈstænd ɒn ˌmaɪ ˈəʊn I want to stand on my own two feet and get my own flat. megállok a saját lábamon
feet  ˌtuː ˈfiːt/
such a pain  /ˌsʌtʃ ə ˈpeɪn/ Working at the weekend is such a pain! olyan bosszantó


break  v /breɪk/ Her phone hasn’t stopped ringing since the news broke (hír) szárnyra kap
that she’s leaving.
inhabitants  n pl /ɪnˈhæbɪtənts/ This tiny island only has 35 inhabitants. lakosok
rare  adj /reə(r)/ This is a rare opportunity to live on a remote ritka
Scottish island.
secondary school  n /ˈsekəndri ˌskuːl/ I started secondary school when I was 12. középiskola

bonus  n /ˈbəʊnəs/ My boss said I’d get a bonus this year. jutalom
marriage  n /ˈmærɪdʒ/ Mark and Laura have a happy marriage. házasság


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