DLL - Wek1 - LC33-35
DLL - Wek1 - LC33-35
DLL - Wek1 - LC33-35
II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled
in a week or two.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Think-Pair-Share
presenting the new lesson
Answer the
following with your
B. Establishing a purpose for the For personal password in Answer the following with
lesson a computer account, did your seatmate.
you know why a shorter Your task in this activity is
password is “weak” while to think on how many
the longer password is ways the following objects
“strong”? can be arranged.
Mr. Calix lost his ATM
card which can be opened
Give real-life situations with a 4-digit password.
where circular permutations Should he be worried
1. and permutations with overnight without
repeated elements. reporting the lost of his
card to the bank?
multiply the number of place in a row can be filled students
with n different things. r = 3 winners
ways each event can
The first place can be
occur. filled up by any one of ( )
Illustrative Example 1: these n things. So. Tthere ( )
Suppose that you secure are n ways of filling up the
your bike using a first place.
We are left with (n-1)
combination lock. Later, things. So, there are (n-1)
you forgot the 4- digit ways of filling the second There are 720 ways to
code. You can only place. select top three winners.
remember that the code
Now, we are left with
contains the digits 1, 3,
n-2 things. So there are n-
4, and 7. 2 ways of filling up the
a. List all possible codes third place.
out of the given digits. By the fundamental
principle of counting, the Given: n = 6
b. How many possible Solution: P = (n – 1)!
number of ways of filling up
codes are there? the first three places is = (6 – 1)!
c. Use the Fundamental n(n-1)(n-2). = 5!
counting principle to Continuing this = 120
manner, the rth place can There are 120 ways to
check if the number of arrange the side dishes and
be filled up with any of
permutations is correct. these n-(r-1) things. So desserts in a round table.
Answer: there are n-r+1 ways of
a. Possible codes filling up the rth place.
containing the four digits Thus, the total number
of ways is
7, 4, 3, 1: P(n,r) = n(n-1)(n-2)…(n-r+1)
(The list must be made =n(n-1)(n-2)…(n-r+1)((nr)…..3.2.1
systematically to ensure = n!
completeness.) (n-r)!
1347 3147 4137 7134
4 choices × 3 choices
× 2 choices × 1 choice
= 24
Illustrative Example 2:
In how many ways can
Aling Rosa arrange 6
potted plants in a row?
Using the Fundamental
Counting Principle
Let N = number of
possible arrangements of
the plants
N = (6) (5) (4) (3) (2)
D. Discussing new concepts and Complete the table Do you want to be a THINK-PAIR-SHARE
practicing new skills # 1 below: Millionaire? Let’s Play!
Permutation Millionaire! How many arrangements
can be made from the word
You have to answer every TAGAYTAY?
question for 10 seconds. Solution:
Every correct answer has a let T equals n1. THINK-PAIR-SHARE
corresponding point. The A equals n2
highest score a student G equals Analyze the given
can earn will be an n3 Y equals problem.
additional point to become n4
a millionaire. n= _ n1 = In how many ways can a
1. In how many ways can n2 = _ n3 = coach assign the starting
three runners line up on n4 = _ positions in a basketball
the starting line? game to nine equally
A. three B. Nine
C. Six D. Five qualified men?
3. In how many ways can a
scoop of chocolate, a
scoop of vanilla and one of
strawberry be arranged on
an ice cream cone?
A. Six B. Nine
C. Ten D. Three
E. Discussing new concepts and How did you determine 1. How did you find the
practicing new skills # 2 the different possibilities activity? 1. How did you find the
asked for in the given 2. What concepts of activity?
Using the numbered heads permutations did you use to
situations? 2. What concepts of
together answer the solve the problem?
What mathematics permutations did you use
concept or principle did 3. How did you apply the to solve the problem?
you use to determine the principles of permutation in
Find the number of
exact number of ways solving the problem? 3. How did you apply the
permutations of the letters
asked in each activity? 4. Can you cite other real-life principles of permutation
in the word PAPAYA .
How was the principle problems that can be solved in solving the problem?
applied? using permutation? 4. Can you cite other real-
life problems that can be
solved using permutation?
5 people arrange formula and concepts you be selected for
themselves in a row for learn from this lesson. 2. How many classroom officers if
picture taking? Give 3 arrangements can be there are 30 students
possible ways. 1. MALAYA made from the word in a class?
3. An apartment has 7 CALCULATOR? 2. How many ways can
different units. There are 10 students line up in
seven tenants waiting to 2. MAMAYA 3. Find the number of a food counter?
be assigned. In how different ways that a 3. In how many different
many ways can they be family of 6 can be ways can 5 bicycles
assigned to the different seated around a circular be parked if there are
units? Give 3 possible table with 6 chairs. 7 available parking
ways? spaces?
4. How many 4. In how many different
distinguishable ways can 12 people
permutations are occupy the 12 seats in
possible with all the a front row of a mini-
letters of the word theater?
the expression or circle, in which any place ()
may be regarded as the first where 0
nPr=n · (n - 1) · (n - 2) · … or last place, they form a ()
I. Evaluating learning Study the following Quiz Solve the following Solve the following
situations. Identify which Answer each permutation problems. problems.
situations illustrate problem completely.
permutation. Then give 1. In how many ways 1. A man flips ten coins 1. A store manager
an example of possible can 10 people line among his ten children. The wishes to display 8
arrangements. up at a ticket coins are two one-centavo different brands of
window of a coins, three five-centavo shampoo in a row.
1. Determining the top cinema hall? coins, and five twenty-five How many ways can
three winners in a 2. Seven students centavo coins. If each item this be done?
Mathematics Quiz Bee. are contesting is to get one coin, in how 2. Mar, Marlon, Marvin,
2. Choosing five group election for the many ways can the children Martin and Marco
mates for your president of the share the coins? decided to go to SM
Mathematics project. student union. In Dasmarinas. Each of
3. Three people posing how many ways 2. A bracelet needs 10 them has their own
for a picture. can their names chains of different colors. In motorcycle. Upon
4. Assigning 4 practice be listed on the how many ways can the arriving at the parking
teachers to 4 different ballot paper? chains be arranged or lot, there are 7
grade levels. 3. There are 3 blue joined to form a bracelet? available parking
5. Picking 2 questions balls, 4 red balls spaces. In how many
from a bowl. and 5 green balls. different ways can
In how many ways their motorcycle be
can they be parked?
arranged in a row?
be applied.
2. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What
else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when
you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other