Study Notes Eng 03 04 18 PDF
Study Notes Eng 03 04 18 PDF
Study Notes Eng 03 04 18 PDF
(3) 15#L (4) 16#L Q.23. If ‘is’ means ‘s1’ which of the following
(5) None of these code for ‘Enjoy no good’ ?
(1) n3 o6 o2 (2) h3 o3 o2
(3) m4 o5 o3 (4) n3 o2 o2
(5) Cannot be determine
Q.24. What is the code for ‘how good thou
(1) o4 o2 h5 r3 (2) o4 r9 h5 r3
(3) o4 o2 h7 r3 (4) i6 o2 h5 m3
(5) Cannot be determine
Q.25-29. In a certain code language some
TYPE V : words are written in coded form which
Q.20-24. In a certain code language some are given below-
words are written in coded form which ‘Your mind a garden thoughts are’ is
are given below- coded as ‘b1 u12 u20 e11 h9 h23’.
‘o4 r3 h5’ means ‘how art thou,’ ‘The garden your mind home to seeds of
‘h5 o2 r3’ means ‘thou art good’ grow’ is coded as ‘o8 h23 a4 h9 g18 u12
n15 d1 k19’.
‘h5 o2 r9 a6’ means ‘try good thou
bad’. ‘The grow mind a modern flowers weed’
is coded as ‘o8 k19 h9 e11 a8 l4 v13’.
‘n3 h7 n5 i6’ means ‘and enjoy the
silence', ‘grow mind also known to remember’ is
coded as ‘k19 h9 h18 j14 j22 g18’.
Q.20. What may be the possible code for ‘try
moving’ ? ‘takes mind another flowers weed in the
garden’ is coded as ‘f12 h9 v23 l4 v13
(1) o2 a6 (2) o2 r9 w26 o8 h23’.
(3) h5 o2 (4) o2 n3
(5) Cannot be determine
Q.21. What is the code for ‘thou stay place’?
(1) t8 l3 h5 (2) h5 g8 l3
(3) h5 h7 n3 (4) n5 t8 l3
(5) h5 h7 o4
Q.22. Which word can be stand for ‘o6’ ?
(1) solve (2) some
(3) same (4) soni
(5) Either 1 or 2
Q.29. What is the code word for ‘another’? (2) 25h6 8r16 35r14
(1) l4 (2) v13 (3) 7a12 8s12 12s8
(3) k19 (4) a8 (4) 28h4 35r14 7a12
(5) Cannot be determined (5) 8h12 28h4 7a12
Q.32. What is the code for “should”? BLOCK, BUSTER, MOVIE, CHART is
(1) 12s8 (2) 23s12 written as 7, 4, 1, 5
Q.43. What is code for ‘‘5, 6, 7, 8’’? (1) *•*•* (2) **••*
(1) Ta, Na, Ma, Po (3)*••** (4) •****
(2) Ka, Na, Ma, Po (5) *•••*
(3) Ka, To, Ma, Po Q.46. Which of the following will represent
(4) Ka, Na, Ot, Po 20% of 45 in that code?
(5) None of these (1) **** (2) ***
Q.44. What does ‘‘At, Po’’ stands for? (3) *••* (4) **•*
(1) 1, 8 (2) 9, 7 (5) ***•
(3) 1, 7 (4) 9, 8 Q.47. Which of the following is code for 7 in
(5) None of these that code?
TYPE X : (1) ******* (2) *•*•*•*
Q.45-49. In a certain code, the symbol for (3) **• (4) *••*
zero is • and for 1 is *. There are no
(5) ***
other symbols for the numbers and the
numbers greater than 1 are to be written Q.48. If **• would be added in *•** then what
only by using the two symbols given will be total of that ?
above. The value of the symbol for 1
(1) ***** (2) *•••*
doubles itself every time it shifs one
place to the left. Study the following (3) **••* (4) *••**
(5) ***•*
0 is written as •
Q.49. Which of the following number is
1 is written as * written *•*• in the form of that code?
2 is written as* •
(1) 8080 (2) 202
3 is written as ** and so on
(3) 42 (4) 10
Q.45. If *** multiply by ** then what will be
product? (5) 9