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Pain Management Nursing 20 (2019) 54e61

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Pain Management Nursing

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Original Article

Oral Glucose and Listening to Lullaby to Decrease Pain in Preterm

Infants Supported with NCPAP: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Kadir Şerafettin Tekgündüz, MD *, Sevinç Polat, PhD, RN y, Ayşe Gürol, PhD, RN z,
Serap Ejder Apay, PhD x
Atatürk University, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Neonatology, Erzurum, Turkey
Department of Pediatric Nursing, Bozok University, School of Health, Yozgat, Turkey
Atatürk University, Health Services Vocational School, Erzurum, Turkey
Atatürk University, Faculty of Health Science, Erzurum, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Preterm infants spend the early days of their lives in neonatal intensive care units, where
Received 13 October 2016 they undergo many minor painful procedures. There are many nonpharmacologic methods that can
Received in revised form effectively reduce the pain response of neonates who undergo routine procedures.
18 February 2018
Aims: This study aimed to investigate whether oral glucose and listening to lullabies could bring pain
Accepted 4 April 2018
relief during the removal and reinsertion of the tracheal tube and also oronasopharyngeal suctioning in
premature infants to whom nasal continuous positive airway pressure was applied.
Design: A double-blind, randomized controlled trial.
Setting: This study was conducted in the neonatal intensive care unit in the tertiary setting between
November 2012 and September 2013.
Participants/Subjects: A total of 106 preterm infants were divided into three groups, including 37 infants
in the control group, 35 infants in the lullaby group, and 34 infants in the glucose group.
Methods: All preterm infants were randomly assigned to either the intervention groups or the control group.
Pain responses were assessed using the Neonatal Infant Pain Scale and the Premature Infant Pain Profile.
Results: An assessment of the pain severity of the preterm infants after the intervention indicated that
the preterm infants in the lullaby and glucose groups had lower pain, whereas the preterm infants in the
control group experienced more pain (p < .05).
Conclusion: The findings suggest that pain could be reduced significantly in preterm infants after the
suggested intervention, although further studies are required to identify the benefits of lullabies or
glucose in infants during other painful procedures.
© 2019 American Society for Pain Management Nursing. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Preterm infants spend the early days of their lives in the neonatal One such painful procedure that is often required in preterm
intensive care unit (NICU) (Ancora et al., 2013), where they are infants is nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP)
subjected to approximately 50 to 150 potentially painful procedures (SUPPORT Study Group, 2010; Weiner & Zaichkin, 2016), which is
every day (Morais et al., 2016), totaling around 750 procedures (Page, associated with complications as nasal trauma, pain, gastric
2004) throughout the period of hospitalization in the NICU. The most distention, and obstruction, imposing more burdens on health care
common procedures in clinical nursing practice are intubation, team and resulting in overall perceived patient discomfort (Abdel-
aspiration of the tracheal tube, collection of samples by arterial Hady, Shouman & Aly, 2011; Campbell, Shah, Shah, & Kelly, 2006;
puncture, and venous access (Morais et al., 2016), although this may Shoemaker, Pierce, Yoder, & DiGeronimo, 2007). Changing the
vary depending on the clinical status of the infant and the length of nasal cannula is one of the most common nursing procedures in
hospitalization (Morais et al., 2016; Standley & Swedberg, 2011). preterm infants who are supported with NCPAP (Cignacco et al.,
2008). The most common painful procedures include endotra-
cheal and nasopharyngeal suctioning (Simons et al., 2003).
Several studies have reported that the use of CPAP alone reduces
Address correspondence to Ayşe Gürol, Ph.D., R.N., Ataturk University Health
Services, Vocational School, Erzurum 25040, Turkey. the need for surfactants in premature infants (SUPPORT Study Group,
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Gürol). 2010; Weiner & Zaichkin, 2016). Manipulation of the CPAP prongs
1524-9042/© 2019 American Society for Pain Management Nursing. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K.Ş. Tekgündüz et al. / Pain Management Nursing 20 (2019) 54e61 55

(insertion/reinsertion) is the most prevalent procedure, accounting for nonpharmacologic pain prevention and relief interventions have
24.3% of the total 27 documented procedures. It has been reported been found to effectively reduce the pain response of neonates
that in preterm infants the removal and insertion of CPAP prongs is a undergoing routine procedures (American Academy of Pediatrics &
standard procedure after each change of the position of the neonate Fetus and Newborn Committee, 2006; Harrison et al., 2010b). These
and also for nasopharyngeal suctioning. The second most common interventions include the use of oral sucrose/glucose, breastfeed-
painful procedure is nasopharyngeal suctioning, followed by trans- ing, kangaroo care, and listening to music (Gabriel et al., 2013;
cutaneous O2 tape removal (Cignacco et al., 2009). Gradin, Eriksson, Holmqvist, Holstein, & Schollin, 2002; Hartling
Recent studies have indicated that painful procedures experi- et al., 2009; Johnston et al., 2014).
enced by newborns may lead to neurologic and behavioral changes Currently the administration of sweet solutions (in particular,
(Morais et al., 2016). Neonates experience acute measurable phys- sucrose and glucose) is widely recommended for routine use before
iologic, behavioral, metabolic, and hormonal responses to pain painful procedures in neonates (Deshmukh & Udani, 2002; Lindh,
(Witt, Coynor, Edwards, & Bradshaw, 2016), and among these, Wiklund, Blomquist, & Håkansson, 2003), although repeated use
physiologic responses to painful stimuli in preterm infants are of oral sweeteners may have side effects on preterm infants (Slater
manifested as acute increases in the heart rate, blood pressure, et al., 2010). The administration of glucose is the most commonly
heart rate variability, and intracranial pressure, as well as decreased investigated nonpharmacologic intervention for the relief of pro-
arterial oxygen saturation (Milazzo et al., 2011). Several studies that cedural pain among neonates (Cignacco et al., 2009). Kassab et al.
involved animals and neonates have reported that the responses of (2012) investigated glucose solution with sterile water before
infants to painful stimuli in repeated and prolonged episodes may vaccinations in healthy infants and found out that the mean full-
have long-term consequences, including adverse effects on lung crying time and mean total crying time were significantly
neurologic and behavioral development (Morais et al., 2016; Young, shorter in the glucose group (Kassab, Sheehy, King, Fowler, &
2005). This is associated with the fact that the pain occurs at a Foureur, 2012). In a study by Matar et al. (2016), neonates were
critical time of neurologic maturation (Witt et al., 2016). Grunau given 2 mL of 10% glucose solution 2 minutes before the procedure
(2013) presented evidence of long-term associations among (intervention group); researchers found that the mean Neonatal
repeated pain in the NICU and altered brain development, neuro- Pain Assessment Scale scores after venipuncture or nasopharyngeal
development, programming of stress systems, and later pain suctioning were significantly lower in the intervention group than
perception in preterm infants. Premature infants have a higher risk in the control group (Matar, Arabiat, & Foster, 2016). Kumari et al.
(50%) of developmental disabilities, the most common types of (2017), investigating pain response using the Premature Infant
which are cerebral palsy, hyperactivity, and specific learning dis- Pain Profile (PIPP) score at 30 seconds after heel lance in preterm
abilities (Standley & Swedberg, 2011). neonates, found no significant difference between the 25% glucose
Although there are many validated pain scoring systems, there is and 24% sucrose study groups with respect to PIPP scores, duration
no universal method for the assessment of pain in this population, of crying, and rate of adverse events (Kumari, Datta, & Rehan, 2017).
which could be problematic given the lack of ability of neonates to Glucose, which is more readily available in specific concentrations,
communicate verbally. Objective measurements, such as heart rate, has been suggested to have the same mode of action and similar
blood pressure, and salivary cortisol, can be used in an objective analgesic effects to sucrose, and so can be proposed as a simple and
assessment. However, most care providers usually rely on the cost-effective alternative to sucrose (Guala et al., 2001).
grimace, crying, and overall demeanor. Furthermore, there is a lack of Over the past decade, several studies have examined the effects
understanding of how neonates perceive pain and the resultant of music therapy on premature infants and have reported that
adverse sequelae that can occur when pain remains untreated (Witt music improves physiologic response (i.e., heart rate and oxygen
et al., 2016). In 2006 the American Academy of Pediatrics and the saturation) and behavior in infants and reduces their stress during
Canadian Paediatric Society published a policy stating that each painful procedures (Alipour, Eskandari, Tehran, Hossaini, & Sangi,
health care facility should establish a neonatal pain control program 2013; Garunkstiene, Buinauskiene, Uloziene, & Markuniene, 2014;
aimed at the routine assessment of pain, reduction in the number of Oh, Yang, Lee, Park, & Kim, 2013). To date, however, to our
painful procedures, and reduction and prevention of acute pain knowledge, there has been no study on the pain-relieving effects of
resulting from invasive procedures (American Academy of Pediatrics glucose and lullabies during the removal and reinsertion of tracheal
& Fetus and Newborn Committee, 2006). tubes and oronasopharyngeal suctioning. In the present study we
Strategies for stress reduction and systematic pain management investigated whether oral glucose and listening to lullabies had a
are the main issues in the NICU (Cignacco et al., 2007), in which pain-relieving effect during the removal and reinsertion of tracheal
pain management remains an interdisciplinary task (Cignacco et al., tubes and during oronasopharyngeal suctioning in premature in-
2007; Morais et al., 2016; Witt et al., 2016). Pain relief increases the fants to whom NCPAP is applied.
homeostasis and stability of neonates, and the care and support of
immature infants are essential, given the distress associated with Methods
neonatal intensive care (Gaspardo, Miyase, Chimello, Martinez, &
Linhares, 2008). National guidelines and experts both suggest This double-blind, randomized controlled trial was conducted to
that the pain assessment of neonates should be implemented evaluate the effects of recorded lullaby music and oral glucose on
routinely and that pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic methods pain in premature infants hospitalized in the NICU during
should be used to reduce pain to avoid its detrimental effects in interventions.
infants, particularly in preterm infants (American Academy of
Pediatrics & Fetus and Newborn Committee, 2006; Harrison, Sample and Setting
Yamada, & Stevens, 2010b). In particular, the use of non-
pharmacologic interventions is of great importance because they This study was conducted in the NICU at a university hospital in
are based on clinical pain assessments performed by nurses and can Turkey between November 2012 and September 2013. The mini-
be carried out by nursing staff (Cignacco et al., 2007). mum sample size was computed as 30 for each group at a power of
Nonpharmacologic interventions are used alone or in combi- 80% and a margin error of 5%. As recommended by the biostatis-
nation with pharmacologic treatment modalities in repeated tician of the study, the final group size was considered as a mini-
painful procedures among hospitalized neonates, and various mum of 30 preterm infants. During the study period, a total of 289
56 K.Ş. Tekgündüz et al. / Pain Management Nursing 20 (2019) 54e61

preterm infants were admitted to the NICU, 188 of the patients Patient Information Form
underwent CPAP treatment, and 106 of the patients met the in- The patient information form was prepared by the researchers
clusion criteria. These infants were divided into three groups, for the collection of data on the premature infants, including sex,
including 37 infants in the control group, 35 infants in the lullaby gestational age, birth weight, birth height, and birth head
group, and 34 infants in the glucose group. All preterm infants were circumference.
randomly assigned to either the intervention or control groups,
with randomization performed using a sealed envelope method to Intervention Follow-Up Form
assign the preterm infants to one of the three groups: no applica- The intervention follow-up form was prepared by the re-
tion, oral glucose solution, and listening to lullabies. searchers to obtain physiologic data (i.e., oxygen saturation and
The inclusion criteria were as follows: gestational age of 26- heart rate) on the premature infants, recorded before, during, and
37 weeks; postnatal age of younger than 1 day and older than 9 days; after the intervention.
Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration (APGAR)
scores >5 at 5 minutes after birth; and appropriate body weight for NIPS
gestational age. None of the infants received sedative drugs, such as The NIPS was developed for the evaluation of procedural pain or
phenobarbital, and none had intraventricular hemorrhage, sepsis, distress in a full-term or preterm infant (Lawrence et al., 1993; Lehr
acute lung disease, congenital defects, hypersensitivity to sound, et al., 2015; Mathew & Mathew, 2003). The behavioral response of
APGAR scores of 5 at 5 minutes after birth, neuromuscular neonates to pain is assessed and rated with six subscales: facial
dysfunction, or a history of maternal drug or alcohol abuse. The in- expression, cry, breathing patterns, arm position, leg position, and
fants in the lullaby and glucose groups who experienced any sig- state of arousal. Scores for behaviors in each subscale range from
nificant medical problem, including laryngotracheal stenosis or 0 (behaviors associated with no pain, such as the relaxed face, no
handling, during the intervention were excluded from this study. crying) to 1 (behaviors often associated with pain such as the facial
All participants met the inclusion criteria. Throughout the 9- grimace and flexed or extended arms or legs). The subscale of cry
month recruiting period, 106 (50 female; 56 male) preterm infants has three levels with scores of 0-2. The neonatal behavior score is
were included in the control (n ¼ 37), lullaby (n ¼ 35), and glucose reached by adding the scores of each of the subscales, meaning a
(n ¼ 34) groups. The mean gestational and postnatal age of the score range of 0-7 (Table 2). A score of 0-2 points indicates mild
preterm infants were 30.80 ± 3.41 weeks and 2.31 ± 2.00 days, pain; 3-4 indicates moderate pain; and >4 points indicates severe
respectively. The mean birth weight of the preterm infants was pain. The Cronbach a coefficients were found to be .95, .87, and .88
1603.25 ± 677.56 grams, and APGAR scores at 5 minutes ranged from before, during, and after the intervention, respectively, by Lawrence
5 to 10. The mean postnatal age was 2.49 ± 2.12 days in the control et al. (1993). In the present study the Cronbach a coefficients were
group, 2.00 ± 1.91 days in the lullaby group, and 2.44 ± 1.98 days in found to be .77, .76, and .79 before, during, and after the inter-
the glucose group. A total of 51.4% of the preterm infants in the vention, respectively.
control group were male (n ¼ 19), 51.4% of the preterm infants in the
lullaby group were male (n ¼ 18), and 55.9% of the preterm infants in PIPP
the glucose group were male (n ¼ 19). There was no statistically The PIPP is a seven-indicator composite measurement scale that
significant difference in the sex, gestational age, postnatal age, was developed at the University of Toronto and McGill University
APGAR scores at 5 minutes, birth weight, birth height, or birth head for the assessment of acute pain in preterm and term neonates
circumference among the groups (p > .05; Table 1). (Ballantyne, Stevens, McAllister, Dionne, & Jack, 1999; Stevens,
Johnston, Patrica, & Anna, 1996). The indicators include (1) gesta-
Data Collection Tools tional age, (2) behavioral state before painful stimuli, (3) altered
heart rate during stimuli, (4) altered oxygen saturation, (5) brow
A patient information form and an intervention follow-up form bulge during painful stimuli, (6) eye squeeze during stimuli, and (7)
were used to collect data for this study. Pain responses were nasolabial furrow during painful stimuli. The scores for each
assessed using the Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) and PIPP, both parameter range from 0 points to 3 points (Table 3). This tool also
of which are used routinely in the NICU of our institution. considers gestational age, and its validity and reliability were

Table 1
Comparison of the Control, Lullaby, and Glucose Groups According to the Information Characteristics of Premature Infants

Characteristics Lullaby Group (n ¼ 35) Glucose Group (n ¼ 34) Control Group (n ¼ 37) Total Test and p

n (%) n (%) n (%) N (%)

Gender (male)a 19 (51.4) 18 (51.4) 19 (55.9) 56 (52.8) c2 ¼ 0.187

p ¼ .911

mean ± SD mean ± SD mean ± SD mean ± SD

Gestational age (weeks) 31.57 ± 3.18 30.57 ± 3.47 30.26 ± 3.54 30.80 ± 3.41 F ¼ 1.417
p ¼ .247
Postnatal age (days) 2.00 ± 1.91 2.44 ± 1.98 2.49 ± 2.12 2.31 ± 2.00 F ¼ 0.629
p ¼ .535
5-minute APGAR score 8.31 ± 1.36 7.43 ± 1.42 7.83 ± 1.39 7.86 ± 1.42 F ¼ 2.860
p ¼ .063
Birth weight (g) 1774.14 ± 647.74 1582.50 ± 680.06 1460.67 ± 684.91 1603.25 ± 677.56 F ¼ 1.985
p ¼ .143
Birth height (cm) 40.78 ± 4.59 39.47 ± 4.88 38.26 ± 6.58 39.49 ± 5.49 F ¼ 1.904
p ¼ .154
Birth head circumference (cm) 29.61 ± 3.18 28.48 ± 3.77 28.26 ± 4.51 28.78 ± 3.87 F ¼ 1.231
p ¼ .296

SD ¼ standard deviation; APGAR ¼ Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration.

The percentage column is taken.
K.Ş. Tekgündüz et al. / Pain Management Nursing 20 (2019) 54e61 57

Table 2 before the removal of the tracheal tube, and data, including oxygen
Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) saturation, heart rate, NIPS scores, and PIPP scores, were recorded.
NIPS 0 Point 1 Point 2 Points Other data, such as birth weight, birth height, birth head circum-
Facial expression Relaxed Contracted d
ference, gestational age, postnatal age, and APGAR score at 5 mi-
Cry Absent Mumbling Vigorous nutes, were garnered from the medical records. During each
Breathing Relaxed Different than basal d session, the infant was observed every 3 minutes before, during,
Arms Relaxed Flexed/stretched d and after the intervention.
Legs Relaxed Flexed/stretched d
After completing the intervention, the intervention follow-up
Alertness Sleeping/calm Uncomfortable d
form was filled out by the investigator. Gestational age, behav-
Maximal scores of 7 points, considering pain 4.
ioral state, heart rate, and oxygen saturation were assessed and
recorded at the bedside.
Heart rate and oxygen saturation were recorded from the digital
conducted by Akcan, Yigit, and Atici (2009). The total score is in the
display on the bedside cardiac monitor (Nihon Kohden 2501K)
0-21 point range, with higher scores indicate increased pain
connected to cardiac electrodes attached to the infant's chest ac-
(Stevens et al., 1996). Within the scale, a score of 0-6 points in-
cording to the manufacturer's instructions, and an oximeter probe
dicates mild pain, 7-12 points indicates moderate pain, and 13-21
was placed on the right or left foot of each infant in three groups
points indicates severe pain. The PIPP's Cronbach a coefficient was
before the intervention. Heart rate and oxygen saturation levels were
found to be .75 by Akcan et al. (2009), whereas the Cronbach a
monitored continuously throughout the intervention, and the peak
coefficient for the present study was found to be .73.
levels before, during, and after the intervention were recorded.
Facial actions were assessed, and the PIPP and NIPS scores were
Procedures calculated. The video recordings of the applications were evaluated
by four expert observers (a nurse specialized in child health and
This study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of diseases, two neonatology specialists, and a pediatric neurologist)
Faculty of Medicine at Ataturk University, and the study was con- who were blinded to the group assignment. The evaluations were
ducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of carried out independently from each other and in accordance with
Helsinki. The aim and procedure of this study were briefly the aforementioned criteria. For each evaluation, the observers
explained to the parents, and each parent then provided voluntary watched the videos of the infants and made PIPP and NIPS as-
formal written consent. The demographic characteristics of the sessments before, during, and after the intervention. In addition,
infants were garnered from hospital records, and neonatal medical these observers were blind to each other and did not talk about the
charts were reviewed to ensure the absence of any contraindication scores they gave. Scoring was made based on pain severity. The
to the intervention. coefficient of concordance among the observers was calculated and
All interventions were performed by a single nurse because was found to be at a good level (k value ¼ 0.67).
infants may perceive pain differently if the intervention is applied
by different individuals. The infants in the control, lullaby, and
glucose groups were placed in the supine position in an incubator. Intervention Groups
The tracheal tube was removed from the preterm infants to whom
NCPAP was applied from one nostril, and the aspiration procedure The Lullaby Group (n ¼ 35)
was carried out from mouth and nose. After aspiration in the oro- The preterm infants were made to listen to lullabies through a
nasopharyngeal area, a new tracheal tube was shortened, passed portable speaker located around 30 centimeters away from their
from a single nostril, and inserted into the pharynx, and the NCAP heads in the incubator. The thermal environment in the incubators
application was continued. The behavioral responses of the infants (GE Giraffe) was managed with an air servo control to maintain the
were recorded throughout the intervention with a video camera. infants' body temperature when the isolate portals were open. The
None of the infants had heart rates >200 beats per minute (beats/ CD of lullabies chosen for the application was inserted into the CD
min) or oxygen saturation <60%. player. During the reinsertion of the tracheal tube, the sound level of
Physiologic parameters were recorded by a nurse using a the CD player was modulated, and a lullaby was played in such a way
monitor, while another nurse pushed the tension-measuring but- that the sound level was 50-60 decibels in the incubator, in line with
ton at the same time as the removal and reinsertion of the tracheal the findings of previous studies that investigated music therapy
tube and oronasopharyngeal suctioning. To record the baseline methods in infants (Alipour et al., 2013; American Academy of
values, the video recording of the infant was started 3 minutes Pediatrics Committee on Environmental Health, 1997; Committee

Table 3
Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP)

Indicators 0 Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point

Gestational age 36 weeks 32-35 weeks and 6 days 28-31 weeks and 6 days <28 weeks
Behavioral state Active/awake Opened eyes Facial movements Quiet/awake Active/sleep Quiet/sleep
Opened eyes Closed eyes Closed eyes
No facial movements Facial movements No facial movements
Heart rate (maximum) 0-4 beats/min increase 5-14 beats/min increase 15-24 beats/min increase 25 beats/min or more increase
Oxygen saturation (minimum) 0%-2.4% decrease 2.5%-4.9% decrease 5.0%-7.4% decrease 7.5% or more decrease
Brow bulge None Minimum Moderate Maximum
Eyes squeezed None Minimum Moderate Maximum
Nasolabial furrow None Minimum Moderate Maximum

None is defined as 0%-9% of the observation time; minimum, 10%-39% of the time; moderate, 40%-69% of the time; and maximum as 70% or more of the observation time. In
this scale, scores vary from zero to 21 points. Scores 6 indicate absence of pain or minimal pain; scores >12 indicate the presence of moderate to severe pain (Stevens et al.,
beats/min ¼ beats per minute.
58 K.Ş. Tekgündüz et al. / Pain Management Nursing 20 (2019) 54e61

Table 4
Comparison of Lullaby, Glucose, and Control Groups Regarding Physiological Parameters before, During, and after the Procedure

Physiologic Parameters Lullaby Group Glucose Group Control Group Total F; p

Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD

Before Procedure
Oxygen saturation 90.68 ± 6.60 92.70 ± 5.39 92.86 ± 5.22 92.09 ± 5.79 1.565; .214
Peak heart rate 151.77 ± 17.50 155.58 ± 20.13 144.43 ± 26.45 150.43 ± 22.10 2.416; .094
During procedure
Oxygen saturation 82.91 ± 9.54 82.02 ± 9.31 82.56 ± 10.35 82.50 ± 9.67 0.072; .931
Peak heart rate 154.00 ± 23.02 152.02 ± 24.61 149.64 ± 23.14 151.84 ± 23.42 0.308; .736
After procedure
Oxygen saturation 85.11 ± 8.36 83.08 ± 9.85 83.43 ± 7.83 83.87 ± 8.66 0.542; .583
Peak heart rate 160.88 ± 16.74 157.61 ± 22.13 157.43 ± 20.42 158.63 ± 19.75 0.336; .715

SD ¼ standard deviation.

to Establish Recommended Standards for Newborn ICU Design, indicating a statistically significant difference in the NIPS scores
2007; Dearn & Shoemark, 2014). Once the intervention was among the groups (p < .05; Table 5).
completed, the music was turned off. The intervention was made in Before the intervention, there was no statistically significant
the afternoon to reduce interference from environmental noise. difference in the PIPP scores among the groups, whereas the mean
PIPP scores of the premature infants in the control group during the
Glucose Group (n ¼ 34) intervention (11.40 ± 1.99) were significantly higher than those of
One milliliter of 30% glucose was injected by syringe into the the infants in the lullaby and glucose groups (11.11 ± 2.86 and
infant's mouth 1 minute before the intervention. 9.97 ± 2.63, respectively) (p < .05). The mean PIPP scores of the
premature infants in the control group after the intervention
Control Group (n ¼ 37) (8.35 ± 2.31) were significantly higher than the scores of the infants
No intervention was applied to the preterm infants in the con- in the lullaby and glucose groups (6.77 ± 2.18 and 6.82 ± 2.27,
trol group aside from the routine application. respectively) (p < .05) (Table 6). According to the mean PIPP scores of
the preterm infants after the intervention, the pain severity of the
Statistical Analysis preterm infants in the lullaby and glucose groups were found to be
lower, whereas the preterm infants in the control group experienced
The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Version 18.0 more pain. Before the intervention, no statistically significant dif-
software program (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), and descriptive data ference was identified in the NIPS scores among the groups. The
were expressed as the mean and standard deviation and percent- mean NIPS scores of the premature infants in the control group
age. The normality of the data distribution was assessed using the during the intervention (5.67 ± 0.81) were significantly higher than
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and an analysis of variance test was used those of the infants in the lullaby and glucose groups (5.17 ± 0.92 and
to compare the control and intervention groups. A c2 test and a 4.20 ± 1.82, respectively) (p < .05). Also, the premature infants in the
correlation in compatibility analysis between independent ob- control group after the intervention (1.48 ± 1.04) had significantly
servers were used to analyze the collected data. A p value < .05 was higher mean NIPS scores than the infants in the lullaby and glucose
considered statistically significant. groups (1.80 ± 1.38 and 0.58 ± 0.82, respectively) (p < .05) (Table 6). It
can be understood from the mean NIPS scores after the intervention
that the preterm infants in the glucose group had the least pain.

Before the intervention, no statistically significant difference Discussion

was identified in the mean peak heart rate and oxygen saturation
among the groups (p > .05). After the intervention, the mean ox- In this study we investigated the effects of oral glucose and
ygen saturation was 85.11 ± 8.36% in the lullaby group, lullabies on pain severity during the removal and reinsertion of a
83.08 ± 9.85% in the glucose group, and 83.43 ± 7.83% in the control tracheal tube and during oronasopharyngeal suctioning in prema-
group, which indicated no statistically significant difference ture infants to whom NCPAP was applied. The findings suggest that
(p > .05). The mean peak heart rate was 160.88 ± 16.74 beats/min in
the lullaby group, 157.61 ± 22.13 beats/min in the glucose group, Table 5
and 157.43 ± 20.42 beats/min in the control group, indicating no Comparison of Lullaby, Glucose, and Control Groups Regarding PIPP and NIPS Scores
statistically significant difference (p > .05; Table 4). Pain Level Lullaby Glucose Control Test; p
No severe pain was experienced in the lullaby group, whereas Group Group Group
40% had mild pain and 60% had moderate pain. A comparison of the n (%)a n (%)a n (%)a
pain severity of the infants in the glucose group indicated that
PIPP c2 ¼ 4.213;
35.3% had mild pain, 61.8% had moderate pain, and 2.9% had severe Mild: 0-6 points 14 (40) 12 (35.3) 10 (27) .378
pain after the intervention. In the control group, 27% had mild pain, Moderate: 7-12 points 21 (60) 21 (61.8) 24 (64.9)
64.9% had moderate pain, and 8.1% had severe pain. There was no Severe: 13-21 points d 1 (2.9) 3 (8.1)
statistically significant difference in the PIPP pain scores among the NIPS c2 ¼ 11.089;
Mild to no pain: 0-2 points 29 (82.9) 34 (100) 30 (81.1) .026
groups (p > .05; Table 5). A comparison of the pain severity of the
Mild to moderate pain: 4 (11.4) d 7 (18.9)
infants in the lullaby group indicated that 82.9% had mild pain, 3-4 points
11.4% had moderate pain, and 5.7% had severe pain after the Severe pain: >4 points 2 (5.7) d d
intervention. All infants (100%) in the glucose group had mild pain. Significant values are in bold.
In addition, none of the infants in the control group had severe PIPP ¼ Premature Infant Pain Profile; NIPP ¼ Neonatal Infant Pain Scale.
pain, whereas 81.1% had mild pain, and 18.9% had moderate pain, The percentage column is taken.
K.Ş. Tekgündüz et al. / Pain Management Nursing 20 (2019) 54e61 59

Table 6 et al. (2013) also investigated the effects of music on response to

Comparison of Mean PIPP and NIPS Scores of Lullaby, Glucose, and Control Groups pain during injection and found that the music group had lower
Pain Level Lullaby Glucose Control F; p NIPS scores compared with the control group. The results of the
Group Group Group present study are consistent with previous findings (Dearn &
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Shoemark, 2014).
In the present study, 1 mL of 30% glucose reduced significantly the
Before the 5.28 ± 2.06 5.32 ± 2.26 5.83 ± 2.45 0.666; .516 immediate behavioral pain response rated with PIPP and NIPS scores
intervention compared with the control group (Table 6). McCullough et al. (2008)
During the 11.11 ± 2.86 9.97 ± 2.63 11.40 ± 1.99 3.174; .046 studied pain response in preterm infants during nasogastric tube
insertion and found out sucrose administered orally provided good
After the 6.77 ± 2.18 6.82 ± 2.27 8.35 ± 2.31 5.706; .004
intervention pain relief (McCullough, Halton, Mowbray, & Macfarlane, 2008).
NIPS Harrison et al. (2010a) supported this view, suggesting that sucrose
Before the 0.22 ± 0.54 0.70 ± 1.24 0.45 ± 0.76 2.455; .091 and glucose reduced pain in infants up to 12 months of age. In
intervention another study, during subcutaneous injection, very preterm infants
During the 5.17 ± 0.92 4.20 ± 1.82 5.67 ± 0.81 12.416; .000
(28 to <32 weeks) were orally administered 0.3 mL of 30% glucose,
After the 1.80 ± 1.38 0.58 ± 0.82 1.48 ± 1.04 11.048; .000 and another group was administered 0.3 mL water; researchers
intervention recorded lower pain scores in the glucose group than in the water
Bold values are the statistically significant (p < 0.05) values. group (Fernandes, Campbell-Yeo, & Johnston, 2011). In another
PIPP ¼ Premature Infant Pain Profile; NIPP ¼ Neonatal Infant Pain Scale; study, Kassab et al. (2012) suggested glucose as an effective analgesic
SD ¼ standard deviation. for the immunization of pain in infants. Bergomi et al. (2014) also
evaluated the effects of oral glucose and music during heel lance
among premature infants and found that both glucose and music
the oxygen saturation and peak heart rate were higher in the lul- were well tolerated and effective in limiting pain increase compared
laby group compared with the control group (Table 4). Previous with the standard procedure. Kumari et al. (2017) reported that the
studies have found that music therapy can have a significant clinical oral administration of 25% glucose affected pain in preterm infants
benefit for preterm infants in the NICU setting (Garunkstiene et al., during heel lance. Lima et al. (2017) also reported that neonates who
2014; Loewy et al., 2013). Garunkstiene et al. (2014) reported no received 25% glucose had lower NIPS scores than those in the non-
changes in the oxygen saturation levels of preterm neonates when nutritive sucking group. Similarly, the findings of the present study
subjected to live or recorded lullabies, although Loewy et al. (2013) support the previously reported effectiveness of oral glucose in
found out that music intervention improved physiologic measures, reducing pain. We recommend the use of a glucose solution as an
such as heart rate, respiration rate, oxygen saturation, and mean analgesic before painful procedures given the ability of glucose
arterial pressure. Amiri et al. (2009) found that the mean change in concentrations to reduce pain. The glucose concentration is highly
the oxygen saturation level increased significantly in the music effective in reducing pain. According to the PIPP scores, oral sweet
group, whereas Farhat et al. (2010) identified a significant differ- solutions (24%-30% sucrose and 25% glucose) provided higher anal-
ence in the oxygen saturation level during and after the interven- gesic effects, compared with heel lance, during gastric tube insertion
tion (Farhat, Amiri, Karbandi, Esmaily, & Mohammadzadeh, 2010). in newborn infants. The use of small volumes of oral sweet solutions
In another study, Jabraeili et al. (2016) reported a statistically sig- can therefore be recommended for use in clinical practice to
nificant increase in oxygen saturation in the lullaby group decrease neonatal discomfort during gastric tube insertions (Chen,
compared with the control group (Jabraeili, Sabet, Mustafa- Zhang, Xie, Wen, & Harrison, 2017).
Gharebaghi, Jafarabadi, & Ashadi, 2016). Taheri et al. (2017) re- In contrast to the findings of the present study, Vezyroglou et al.
ported that a recorded lullaby could increase oxygen saturation in (2015) investigated whether orally administered glucose reduced
neonates in the NICU, indicating that exposure to recorded lullabies pain response during oropharyngeal suctioning in preterm infants
can affect significantly oxygen saturation levels. Garunkstiene et al. while on NCPAP but could find no statistically significant difference
(2014) found that lullabies effectively reduced heart rates in pre- in a comparison of the treatment effects, although this may be
mature infants with a postpartum age of younger than 32 weeks. attributed to the gestational age of the study samples.
Wirth et al. (2016) found a significant decrease in heart and res-
piratory rates both during and after the intervention compared Implications for Nursing Research
with the control group.
In the present study the mean oxygen saturation and heart rates Further studies are needed to examine the target feasibility,
of preterm infants in the intervention groups were found to be clinical utility, effectiveness, and safety of long-term use in many
higher during and after the intervention compared with those in the nonpharmacologic pain management interventions, and re-
control group, but no statistically significant difference was identi- searchers may help health care professionals in promoting a stable
fied among the groups regarding the mean peak heart rate and ox- approach to pain management by guiding practice. A large body of
ygen saturation (p > .05). Uzelli and Yapucu Güneş (2015) also high-quality evidence supports the efficacy of glucose in the first
reported a lower mean oxygen saturation level in the control group month of life during commonly performed painful procedures. It
during and after the intervention, although the heart rate in the should be noted that neonates who suffer from prolonged or
control group was significantly higher than in the glucose group. In a persistent pain may not exhibit the usual behavioral signs of pain
similar study, an increase in the heart rate was identified with the (American Academy of Pediatrics & Fetus and Newborn Committee,
administration of 30% glucose (Eriksson, Gradin, & Schollin, 1999), 2006). Reducing the exposure of premature and sick infants to
whereas other authors found no significant difference in the heart painful procedures requires commitment, planning, and coordi-
rates of the glucose and comparators (Bauer, Ketteler, Hellwig, nation at many levels of an organization, which includes a careful
Laurenz, & Versmold, 2004; Gharehbaghi & Ali, 2007; Gradin, 2005). evaluation of the need for routine pathology testing, ensuring co-
Listening to lullabies was found to reduce the immediate ordination of diagnostic and treatment modalities, reducing the
behavioral pain response rated with PIPP and NIPS scores need for multiple episodes of blood sampling, and judicious
compared with the control group in the present study (Table 6). Oh assessment of the need for such routine procedures as airway
60 K.Ş. Tekgündüz et al. / Pain Management Nursing 20 (2019) 54e61

suctioning (Harrison et al., 2010b). In the present study we noted glucose and listening to lullabies are recommended in other areas
that the combined use of music and glucose led to lower pain scores of premature infant care.
than other methods.
The use of nonpharmacologic interventions, including glucose,
lullabies, and breast milk, by nursing professionals before invasive Acknowledgments
procedures enhances the quality of care. Several studies have found
that the use of these measures is dependent on knowledge of This research was supported by Ataturk University Research
professionals about the effectiveness of these methods and, in Fund under project no. BAP 2012/404.
particular, the use of protocols in the institution (Morais et al.,
2016). Many studies have identified the ability of non-
pharmacologic interventions to reduce pain in preterm infants, and References
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First, this study was conducted in a single center in a tertiary setting
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cannot be generalized for all preterm infants. Second, only one Cignacco, E., Hamers, J. P., Stoffel, L., Lingen, R. A., Gessler, P., McDougall, J., &
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intervention (glucose, lullaby) was made in each infant, with each
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interventions were not tested on all infants. Thus the interpretation Cignacco, E., Hamers, J., van Lingen, R. A., Stoffel, L., Buchi, S., Muller, R., Schütz, N.,
of combined effects is precluded. Accordingly, further large-scale Zimmermann, L., & Nelle, M. (2009). Neonatal procedural pain exposure and
pain management in ventilated preterm infants during the first 14 days of life.
studies are required to assess the effects of glucose use and Swiss Medical Weekly, 139(15), 226.
listening to lullabies on other physiologic parameters, such as Cignacco, E., Hamers, J. P., van Lingen, R. A., Zimmermann, L. J., Müller, R., Gessler, P.,
crying time, through repeated measures. & Nelle, M. (2008). Pain relief in ventilated preterms during endotracheal
suctioning: A randomized controlled trial. Swiss Medical Weekly, 138(43-44),
Committee to Establish Recommended Standards for Newborn ICU Design. (2007).
Conclusions Recommended standards for newborn ICU design: Report of the Seventh Consensus
Conference on Newborn ICU Design. Retrieved January 15, 2014, from https://
The findings in this study indicate that pain could be signifi-
cantly reduced in preterm infants, as measured by the NIPS and Dearn, T., & Shoemark, H. (2014). The effect of maternal presence on premature
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Deshmukh, L. S., & Udani, R. H. (2002). Analgesic effect of oral glucose in preterm
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