Alternative To Practical Ig1

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Pre Board-2, March 2019

SUBJECT: Combined science(practical alternate) LEVEL : Core
TIME:- 1 hour Max. Marks: 40

Candidate Name: Invigilator Signature:

● Write your name in the box above.
● Do not open the paper until instructed to do so.

1. Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

2. Additional Materials: Insert attached to Question Paper
3. Answer all questions.
4. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

Answer sheets will be provided wherever required.


2 A student is finding the spring constant k of a spring. The spring constant of a spring is a measure
of the spring’s stiffness.

She sets up the apparatus as shown in Fig. 2.1.





Fig. 2.1

• She hangs a mass m of 0.20 kg on the spring.

• She pulls the 0.20 kg mass down a small distance and releases it.

• The mass oscillates up and down.

• The period T of the oscillations is the time taken for one oscillation. This is difficult to measure
accurately so she measures the time taken t for 20 oscillations.

• She enters this value in Table 2.1.

• She calculates the values of T and T and enters them in Table 2.1.

• She repeats this with masses m of 0.30 kg, 0.40 kg and 0.50 kg.

(a) Fig. 2.2 shows the stopwatches for the time taken for 20 oscillations when m = 0.30 kg and
0.40 kg.

Read the stopwatches and record the times, to the nearest second, in Table 2.1. [1]

m = 0.30 kg m = 0.40 kg

Fig. 2.2
(b) (i) Complete Table 2.1 by calculating T and T , for m = 0.30 kg and 0.40 kg to two decimal
places. [3]

Table 2.1

2 2
mass m / kg time for 20 period T / s T /s
oscillations t / s
0.20 11 0.55 0.30
0.50 18 0.90 0.81

(ii) On the grid provided, plot a graph of T against

m. Draw the best fit straight line through the origin.


T 2 / s2





0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
m / kg


(iii) Calculate the gradient of the line. Show clearly, on the graph, how you did this.

gradient = [2]

(iv) Use your value from (iii) to calculate the value of the spring constant k of the spring from
the equation


Give your answer to two significant figures.

k= N/m [2]

3 A student is given a solid, X, which is a mixture of three metal oxides A, B and C. She is told that
one of the oxides is soluble in water.

(a) She places some of the solid X into a beaker and adds some distilled water. She stirs the
mixture for 30 seconds and then filters it. She keeps the residue for use in (b).

She pours the filtrate into two test-tubes.

(i) To the first test-tube of filtrate she adds Universal Indicator (full range) solution. The
student concludes that the filtrate is alkaline.

Suggest the colour observed by the student and hence give the pH.


pH [1]

(ii) She bubbles carbon dioxide through the other test-tube of filtrate.

A white precipitate forms in the filtrate.

State the name of the filtrate and so deduce the name of one of the oxides present in
solid X. This is metal oxide A.

name of filtrate

name of metal oxide A [2]

(b) The student adds dilute nitric acid to the residue from part (a) and warms it gently until it
dissolves. She pours the resulting solution into two test-tubes until they are each one third

To the first test-tube the student adds aqueous sodium hydroxide until no further changes are

To the second test-tube she adds aqueous ammonia until no further changes are observed.

She concludes that the copper(II) ion is present in the solution and has come from metal
oxide B.

(i) Describe the observations that confirm the presence of copper(II) ions.

observations with aqueous sodium hydroxide

observations with aqueous ammonia


(ii) State the formula for the metal oxide B.

formula of metal oxide B [1]

(c) Metal oxide C is zinc oxide.

Starting with a pure sample of zinc oxide, describe how the student can confirm the presence
of zinc ions. Include any reagents she uses and the observations that she makes.

(b) Some students investigate the effect of physical activity on pulse rate.

• They record their pulse as the number of beats in 15 seconds.

• They each jog on a treadmill for 5 minutes and immediately record their pulse again as
the number of beats for 15 seconds.

The students’ results are shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1

average number of beats average heart rate

in 15 seconds in beats per minute
before jogging 17
after jogging 35

(i) Complete Table 4.1 by calculating the average pulse rates in beats per minute. [1]

(ii) Suggest why the pulse rate changes after jogging.


(iii) Explain why this method is more reliable than just one student using only their own pulse

5 (a) The teacher gives a student some lamps. The teacher says that some of the lamps do not
Outline a procedure the student can use to identify which lamps are working and which are
not. Include the names of the pieces of apparatus that the student must use. You should
include a diagram in your answer.


(b) The student finds five lamps are working.

Draw a circuit diagram using one lamp only to show how the student can find the current
passing through it and the potential difference across it.

(c) The student repeats the procedure in (b) for the other four lamps in turn.

Construct a table, with headings, the student can use to record the current and potential
difference for each lamp.

Remember to include units.


(d) Explain how the student can calculate the resistance of each lamp from the readings in the

6 (a) A student is investigating the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid.

He places a piece of magnesium ribbon 1 cm in length into a test-tube of hydrochloric acid.

He sees bubbles of gas given off.

Name the gas.

Describe a test for this gas, including the result which confirms its identity.

name of gas




(b) The student investigates how much gas is given off when all the magnesium reacts. He adds
hydrochloric acid to a piece of magnesium ribbon in a conical flask and quickly attaches
apparatus so he can measure the volume of gas given off.

Draw a labelled diagram of the complete apparatus he uses.


(c) The student adds a 2 cm length of magnesium ribbon to a fresh supply of hydrochloric acid.
He measures the total volume of gas collected every 30 seconds for 3 minutes.

He plots his results as shown in Fig. 6.1.


of gas 20
/ cm3



0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

time / min

Fig. 6.1

(i) Describe what happens to the rate of this reaction during the 3 minute period.


(ii) Suggest a reason for the rate of reaction between 2.5 and 3 minutes.


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