EEPROM File System Design Notes

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EEPROM File System Design Notes

The EEPROM File System is a custom file system designed for data stored in EEPROM. The EEPROM File
System is a slot based file system where each slot is a fixed size contiguous region of memory allocated
for a single file. Note that each slot can be a different size. The size of each slot is determined when the
file system is created and is based on the size of the file to be stored in the slot. Additional free space
can be to the end of each slot to allow room for the file to grow in size if necessary and new files can be
created at runtime.

Design Goals
• Easy on-orbit maintenance. Since each file is located in a known fixed contiguous region of memory,
it is easy to patch or reload the file from the ground.
• Support for the standard file system api. Looks like any other file system to application software.
• Minimize the number of writes to EEPROM.
• Simple implementation.
• Low memory/system overhead.

• The EEFS shall store a single file in a fixed continuous region of memory. This is opposed to a block
device where a single file may be broken up into multiple non-continuous memory blocks
• The EEFS shall support a standard file system api.
• Patching
• Disadvantages to this approach vs a block device

Layered Architecture
The EEPROM File System is split into four layers. At the top most layer the EEPROM File System
supports the standard file system api, which makes it look like any other file system to application
software. Each implementation of the file system has an OS Specific Driver layer that maps the standard
file system api function calls to EEPROM File System specific function calls. The EEPROM File System
layer contains the low level EEPROM File System software, and finally the EEPROM Interface layer
includes functions that talk directly to the EEPROM hardware.

Standard File System API

Standalone Driver RTEMS Driver vxWorks Driver



File System Structure
The EEPROM File System structure is outlined below. The file system contains a File Allocation Table
followed by slots for each file in the file system. Each slot contains a File Header and File Data.

File Allocation

File Header
Slot 0
File Data

File Header

Slot 1
File Data

File Header

Slot N
File Data

File Allocation Table:

The File Allocation Table defines where in memory each slot starts as well as the maximum slot size for
each file. This table is a fixed size regardless of how many files actually reside in the file system and
never changes unless a new file is added to the file system using the EEFS_LibCreat() function or the
whole file system is reloaded. The maximum number of files that can be added to the file system is
determined at compile time by the EEFS_MAX_FILES define. It is important to choose this number
carefully since a code patch would be required to change it. The file offsets for each file defined in the
File Allocation Table are relative offsets from the beginning of the file system and point to the start of
the File Header. Since they are relative offsets the file system in not tied to any physical address. In fact
the exact same file system image can be burned into multiple locations of EEPROM and then mounted

as different volumes. The size of each slot is specified in bytes and does NOT include the File Header. So
each slot actually occupies (File Header Size + Slot Size) bytes of EEPROM.

typedef struct
uint32 Crc;
uint32 Magic;
uint32 Version;
uint32 FreeMemoryOffset;
uint32 FreeMemorySize;
uint32 NumberOfFiles;
} EEFS_FileAllocationTableHeader_t;

typedef struct
uint32 FileHeaderOffset;
uint32 MaxFileSize;
} EEFS_FileAllocationTableEntry_t ;

typedef struct
EEFS_FileAllocationTableHeader_t Header;
EEFS_FileAllocationTableEntry_t File[EEFS_MAX_FILES];
} EEFS_FileAllocationTable_t;

File Header:
Each slot in the file system starts with a File Header. The File Header contains information about the file
contained in the slot such as its filename. The File Header is initialized to all 0's if the slot is unused or
the file has been deleted.

typedef struct
uint32 Crc;
uint32 InUse; /* FALSE then the file has been deleted */
uint32 Attributes;
uint32 FileSize;
time_t ModificationDate;
time_t CreationDate;
} EEFS_FileHeader_t;

File Data:
File Data starts immediately following the File Header and may or may not use all of the available space
in the slot.

Inode Table
The Inode Table is a ram table that is used by the file system api to access the file system and is similar in
structure to the File Allocation Table. The Inode table is initialized when the function EEFS_LibInitFS() is
called and once the Inode table is initialized the File Allocation Table is no longer used. One important
difference between the File Allocation Table and the Inode Table is that the Inode Table contains
physical address pointers to the start of each file instead of relative offsets. Note also that the Inode
table does not cache any information about the file in ram. This means that the file could be patched or
reloaded to EEPROM without the need to patch the Inode Table, i.e. the file updates are available to the

file system immediately. A disadvantage to this approach is that each File Header must be read from
EEPROM when searching the file system for a specific file, for example when a file is opened.

typedef struct
void *FileHeaderPointer;
uint32 MaxFileSize;
} EEFS_InodeTableEntry_t;

typedef struct
uint32 BaseAddress;
void *FreeMemoryPointer;
uint32 FreeMemorySize;
uint32 NumberOfFiles;
EEFS_InodeTableEntry_t File[EEFS_MAX_FILES];
} EEFS_InodeTable_t;

File Descriptor Table

The File Descriptor Table manages all File Descriptors for the EEPROM File System. There is only one File
Descriptor Table that is shared by all EEPROM File System volumes. The maximum number of files that
can be open at one time is determined at compile time by the EEFS_MAX_OPEN_FILES define.

typedef struct
uint32 InUse;
uint32 Mode;
void *FileHeaderPointer;
void *FileDataPointer;
uint32 ByteOffset;
uint32 FileSize;
uint32 MaxFileSize;
EEFS_InodeTable_t *InodeTable;
uint32 InodeIndex;
} EEFS_FileDescriptor_t;

EEFS_FileDescriptor_t EEFS_FileDescriptorTable[EEFS_MAX_OPEN_FILES];

Directory Descriptor Table

The Directory Descriptor Table manages the Directory Descriptor for the EEPROM File System. There is
currently only one Directory Descriptor that is shared by all EEPROM File System volumes.

typedef struct
uint32 InUse;
uint32 InodeIndex;
EEFS_InodeTable_t *InodeTable;
} EEFS_DirectoryDescriptor_t;

typedef struct
uint32 InodeIndex;
uint32 InUse;
void *FileHeaderPointer;
uint32 MaxFileSize;
} EEFS_DirectoryEntry_t;

The EEPROM File System software never directly reads or writes to EEPROM, instead it uses
implementation specific EEPROM interface functions. Since not all EEPROM is memory mapped, some
EEPROM implementations may require implementation specific functions for accessing EEPROM. The
implementation specific EEPROM interface functions are defined as macros in the file eefs_macros.h. By
default these macros are defined to use memcpy. Note also that the EEPROM interface functions are
protected from shared access by the EEPROM File System however there is nothing that prevents other
processes from calling the EEPROM interface functions from outside of the EEPROM File System.

#define EEFS_LibEEPROMWrite(Dest, Src, Length) memcpy(Dest, Src, Length)

#define EEFS_LibEEPROMRead(Dest, Src, Length) memcpy(Dest, Src, Length)
#define EEFS_LibEEPROMFlush

EEPROM Write Protection

The EEPROM File System can be write protected. This feature is implemented through an
implementation specific interface function that returns the write protection state of the file system.
This interface function is defined as a macro in the file eefs_macros.h. If the file system is read-only
then the macro will be defined to TRUE. If the file system is always write enabled then the macro will be
defined to FALSE. If the eeprom has an external write protection interface then a custom function can
be called to determine the write protect status. By default this macro is defined to FALSE which means
that the file system is not write protected.

#define EEFS_LibIsWriteProtected EEPROM_IsWriteProtected(InodeTable->BaseAddress)

Mutual Exclusion
Mutual exclusion is implemented by the functions EEFS_LibLock and EEFS_LibUnlock. Since the EEPROM
File System is not intended to be used very often and to keep things simple it was decided to implement
a single locking mechanism that is shared by all EEPROM File System volumes. This locking mechanism
simply locks the shared resource at the start of each function and unlocks the shared resource at the
end of each function. It is recommended that semaphores be used as the locking mechanism vs
disabling interrupts. Note that since the shared resource is locked for all lower level functions, lower

level functions should not be called recursively. The implementation of the EEFS_LibLock and
EEFS_LibUnlock functions are defined as macros in the file eefs_macros.h.

#define EEFS_LIB_LOCK semTake(EEFS_semId, WAIT_FOREVER);

#define EEFS_LIB_UNLOCK semGive(EEFS_semId);

Time Stamps
Time Stamps are implemented by the function EEFS_LibTime. Time stamps are based on the standard
library time_t. The implementation of the EEFS_LibTime function is defined as a macro in the file
eefs_macros.h. By default this macro is defined to use the standard library time function.

File Attributes
The only File Attribute supported by the EEPROM File System is the Read Only file attribute. This
Attribute can be set on a per file basis when the file system is created or it can be changed at run time
by calling the function EEFS_LibSetFileAttributes(EEFS_InodeTable_t *InodeTable, char *Filename,
uint32 Attributes).

The EEPROM File System is a flat file system therefore it only supports a single top level directory and
does not support sub directories. If you want to group files separately then they should be placed in
different volumes. For example /EEFS0_Apps for apps, /EEFS0_Tables for tables etc...

The EEPROM File System includes a crc in the File Allocation Table and a crc in the File Header for each
file. Currently the crc included in the File Allocation Table is calculated across the entire file system,
including unused space (i.e. MaxEepromSize), and is currently only used by bootstrap code to verify the
integrity of the file system at boot time. This crc is NOT automatically updated by the file system when
files are modified, so this must be done manually. The crc included in each File Header is currently not
used by the file system.

Rewriting Existing Files

Existing files can be updated or completely rewritten simply by opening an existing file for write access.
The only restriction is that existing files are limited in size to the max file size for that slot. If the file
grows larger than the max file size then file write calls will return 0 bytes written.

Creating New Files

New files can be created at runtime by opening a file for write access that does not already exist with
the O_CREAT flag or by calling the creat function . When a new file is created a new slot is added to the
end of the file system that initially has a max file size equal to all available unused space in the file
system. This is done because we won’t know the final size of the file until it is closed. When the file is

closed the slot is resized to the actual size of the file plus a fixed amount of spare and the additional
unused space is returned to the file system. The fixed amount of spare is determined at compile time by
the EEFS_DEFAULT_CREAT_SPARE_BYTES define. New files can be added to the file system up to
EEFS_MAX_FILES or all available space in the file system is used. Note also that only one new file can be
created at a time.

Deleting Files
The file system supports deleting files however it is not recommended. Deleting a file renders the slot
containing the file unusable. Note that because of this design the file system will not reclaim space from
a deleted file.

Patching Files
Existing files can be easily patched outside of the file system api when necessary. In some cases only
the file data that is changing needs to be loaded, however if the file size or the file name is changing
then the file header will also have to be updated. File metadata is not cached in ram so file updates only
need to occur to eeprom, no other patches are necessary. The address of each slot can be found by
looking at the file system map file created by the geneepronfs tool. See the section on Building a File
System Image for more information.

Micro EEPROM File System

The Micro version of the EEPROM file system allows bootstrap code access to files in an EEPROM File
System. The full implementation of the EEPROM File System is too large to be used in bootstrap code so
a simple single function version was developed that returns the starting address of a file given its
filename. The bootstrap code can then boot the system from a kernel image that is contained in an
EEPROM File System. This software is designed to use very little memory, and is independent of the file
system size (i.e. maximum number of files). This means that the bootstrap image will NOT have to be
updated whenever the size of the EEPROM File System changes.

Building a File System Image

EEPROM File System images are created using the geneepromfs tool. This command line tool reads an
input file that describes the files that will be included in the file system and outputs an EEPROM File
System image ready to be burned into EEPROM.

Available Options

Build a EEPROM File System Image.

-e, --endian=big or little set the output encoding (big)
-s, --eeprom_size=SIZE set the size of the target eeprom (2 Mb)
-t, --time=TIME set the file timestamps to a fixed value
-f, --fill_eeprom fill unused eeprom with 0's
-v, --verbose print the name of each file added to the
file system
-m, --map=FILENAME output a file system memory map
-V, --version output version information and exit
-h, --help output usage information and exit

The INPUT_FILE is a formatted text file that specifies the files to be added
to the file system. Each entry in the INPUT_FILE contains the following
fields separated by a comma:
1. Input Filename: The path and name of the file to add to the file system
2. EEFS Filename: The name of the file in the eeprom file system. Note the
EEFS Filename can be different from the original Input Filename
3. Spare Bytes: The number of spare bytes to add to the end of the file.
Note also that the max size of the file is rounded up to the nearest
4 byte boundary.
4. Attributes: The file attributes, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE or EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY.
Each entry must end with a semicolon.
Comments can be added to the file by preceding the comment with an
exclamation point.

! Input Filename EEFS Filename Spare Bytes Attributes
/../images/cfe-core.slf, file1.slf, 100, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;

Sample Input File

! Input Filename EEFS Filename Spare Bytes Attributes

startupA.scr, startupA.scr, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
startupB.scr, startupB.scr, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cfe_es_startup.scr, cfe_es_startup.scr, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cfe-core.o, cfe-core.o, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cdh_lib.o.gz, cdh_lib.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cfs_lib.o.gz, cfs_lib.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw.o.gz, sw.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw_a_netwtbl.tbl, sw_a_netwtbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw_a_sca_rttbl.tbl, sw_a_sca_rttbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw_a_scb_rttbl.tbl, sw_a_scb_rttbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw_a_transtbl.tbl, sw_a_transtbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw_b_netwtbl.tbl, sw_b_netwtbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw_b_sca_rttbl.tbl, sw_b_sca_rttbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw_b_scb_rttbl.tbl, sw_b_scb_rttbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw_b_transtbl.tbl, sw_b_transtbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw_sbccnfgtbl.tbl, sw_sbccnfgtbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw_scommacfgtbl.tbl, sw_scommacfgtbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
sw_scommbcfgtbl.tbl, sw_scommbcfgtbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
xb.o.gz, xb.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
xb_cchntblin.tbl, xb_cchntblin.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
xb_cchntblsc.tbl, xb_cchntblsc.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
xb_cdsctblin.tbl, xb_cdsctblin.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
xb_cdsctblsc.tbl, xb_cdsctblsc.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
xb_ttbl.tbl, xb_ttbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
ci.o.gz, ci.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
ci_fec_keytbl.tbl, ci_fec_keytbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
gnc.o.gz, gnc.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cf.o.gz, cf.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cf_cfgtable.tbl, cf_cfgtable.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cs.o.gz, cs.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cs_eepromtbl.tbl, cs_eepromtbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg.o.gz, cg.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg_mtb_tbl.tbl, cg_mtb_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg_mtb_b_tbl.tbl, cg_mtb_b_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg_rw_tbl.tbl, cg_rw_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg_rw_f0_tbl.tbl, cg_rw_f0_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg_rw_f1_tbl.tbl, cg_rw_f1_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg_rw_f2_tbl.tbl, cg_rw_f2_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg_rw_f3_tbl.tbl, cg_rw_f3_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg_rw_f4_tbl.tbl, cg_rw_f4_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg_sa_tbl.tbl, cg_sa_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg_hga_tbl.tbl, cg_hga_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cg_prop_tbl.tbl, cg_prop_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl.o.gz, cl.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_rnmode_tbl.tbl, cl_rnmode_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_spmode_tbl.tbl, cl_spmode_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_gspmode_tbl.tbl, cl_gspmode_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_msmode_tbl.tbl, cl_msmode_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_slew_tbl.tbl, cl_slew_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_dhmode_tbl.tbl, cl_dhmode_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_dvmode_tbl.tbl, cl_dvmode_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_modemgr_tbl.tbl, cl_modemgr_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_hga_tbl.tbl, cl_hga_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_sa_tbl.tbl, cl_sa_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_system_tbl.tbl, cl_system_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
cl_target_tbl.tbl, cl_target_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
ds.o.gz, ds.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
ds_file_tbl.tbl, ds_file_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
DS_LEO_filter_tbl.tbl, DS_LEO_filter_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
DS_DV_filter_tbl.tbl, DS_DV_filter_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
DS_Nom_filter_tbl.tbl, DS_Nom_filter_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
DS_Safe_filter_tbl.tbl, DS_Safe_filter_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
di.o.gz, di.o.gz, 2048, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
di_mtb_b_tbl.tbl, di_mtb_b_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
di_css_tbl.tbl, di_css_tbl.tbl, 128, EEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;

Sample Map File
Offset Size Section Slot Filename File Size Spare Max Size Crc Attributes
0 4120 FAT
4120 64 Header 0
4184 288 Data 0 startupA.scr 160 128 288 0xFFFF9818 0
4472 64 Header 1
4536 288 Data 1 startupB.scr 160 128 288 0xFFFF9888 0
4824 64 Header 2
4888 4112 Data 2 cfe_es_startup.scr 3984 128 4112 0x00005A51 0
9000 64 Header 3
9064 333056 Data 3 cfe-core.o 331007 2049 333056 0x0000713B 0
342120 64 Header 4
342184 26480 Data 4 cdh_lib.o.gz 24429 2051 26480 0xFFFFB9B0 0
368664 64 Header 5
368728 3580 Data 5 cfs_lib.o.gz 1529 2051 3580 0xFFFFB62B 0
372308 64 Header 6
372372 23256 Data 6 sw.o.gz 21206 2050 23256 0xFFFF8ACC 0
395628 64 Header 7
395692 308 Data 7 sw_a_netwtbl.tbl 180 128 308 0xFFFFF6E1 0
396000 64 Header 8
396064 396 Data 8 sw_a_sca_rttbl.tbl 266 130 396 0xFFFFD221 0
396460 64 Header 9
396524 396 Data 9 sw_a_scb_rttbl.tbl 266 130 396 0xFFFFB2E4 0
396920 64 Header 10
396984 724 Data 10 sw_a_transtbl.tbl 596 128 724 0x00002576 0
397708 64 Header 11
397772 308 Data 11 sw_b_netwtbl.tbl 180 128 308 0x0000659C 0
398080 64 Header 12
398144 396 Data 12 sw_b_sca_rttbl.tbl 266 130 396 0xFFFFAADB 0
398540 64 Header 13
398604 396 Data 13 sw_b_scb_rttbl.tbl 266 130 396 0xFFFFCA1E 0
399000 64 Header 14
399064 724 Data 14 sw_b_transtbl.tbl 596 128 724 0xFFFFABBD 0
399788 64 Header 15
399852 332 Data 15 sw_sbccnfgtbl.tbl 204 128 332 0x00002A7C 0
400184 64 Header 16
400248 332 Data 16 sw_scommacfgtbl.tbl 204 128 332 0xFFFFE74F 0
400580 64 Header 17
400644 332 Data 17 sw_scommbcfgtbl.tbl 204 128 332 0x0000398F 0
400976 64 Header 18
401040 30592 Data 18 xb.o.gz 28541 2051 30592 0xFFFFFDE1 0
431632 64 Header 19
431696 1284 Data 19 xb_cchntblin.tbl 1156 128 1284 0x00002737 0
432980 64 Header 20
433044 1284 Data 20 xb_cchntblsc.tbl 1156 128 1284 0xFFFFBADC 0
434328 64 Header 21
434392 844 Data 21 xb_cdsctblin.tbl 716 128 844 0x00003F3C 0
435236 64 Header 22
435300 844 Data 22 xb_cdsctblsc.tbl 716 128 844 0x000017C4 0
436144 64 Header 23
436208 1344 Data 23 xb_ttbl.tbl 1216 128 1344 0x00006318 0
437552 64 Header 24
437616 16496 Data 24 ci.o.gz 14447 2049 16496 0xFFFFC696 0
454112 64 Header 25
454176 8436 Data 25 ci_fec_keytbl.tbl 8308 128 8436 0x00003BA1 0
462612 64 Header 26
462676 5244 Data 26 gnc.o.gz 3196 2048 5244 0xFFFFB88C 0
467920 64 Header 27
467984 80340 Data 27 cf.o.gz 78290 2050 80340 0xFFFFC059 0
548324 64 Header 28
548388 4228 Data 28 cf_cfgtable.tbl 4100 128 4228 0x00002769 0
552616 64 Header 29
552680 22216 Data 29 cs.o.gz 20165 2051 22216 0x00002DFF 0
574896 64 Header 30
574960 436 Data 30 cs_eepromtbl.tbl 308 128 436 0xFFFFB43C 0
575396 64 Header 31
575460 29692 Data 31 cg.o.gz 27641 2051 29692 0xFFFFB484 0
605152 64 Header 32
605216 492 Data 32 cg_mtb_tbl.tbl 364 128 492 0x00007A7F 0


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