Logic Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines Semester Adopted: 1stSem.

AY 2019-2020
Western Mindanao State University Revision Status: 1st Draft
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Revision Date: __________________
Siay, Zamboanga Sibugay Recommended By: ____________________
Approved by: ________________________

1st Semester, Academic Year 2019-2020

Vision Institute of Comp uter Studies
The University of Choice for higher learning with strong research orientation that
produces professionals who are socially responsive to and responsible for human
development; ecological sustainability; and, peace and security within and beyond
the region. The institute shall provide academic excellence in the field of information and
Communication Technology, with emphasis of the following goals.
a. Produce quality, excellence and eco-friendly graduates imbued with gender
b. Achievement of highest level of accreditation and center of excellence imbued
with outcomes-based education.
c. Partner with national and international industries as an outlet for research
Mission development and extension.
The Western Mindanao State University, set in a culturally diverse environment, shall d. Support faculty members through faculty development programs to be
pursue a vibrant socio-economic agenda that include: competitive with the highest global standards.

• A relevant instruction paradigm in the education and training of competent and

responsive human resource for societal and industry needs;
• A home for intellectual formation that generates knowledge for people
empowerment, social transformation and sustainable development; and,
• A hub where science, technology and innovation flourish, enriched by the wisdom of
the Arts and Letters, and Philosophy.

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Program Objectives and its relationship to University Goals:
a b c d e f g
a). define the distinctiveness of the discipline, its sub fields and theories and methods.

b). develop a predisposition towards ethical political involvement and practice in various forms and on different levels of engagement.

c).respond to the current issues and problems based on a substantive understanding of the historical and contemporary developments in
the national and global context.
d). classify the major concepts in the discipline.
e). demonstrate written and oral presentation skills to produce and present analytical reports.

5. Course Description:

1. Course Code : Philosophy and Logic This course discusses the art of correct thinking by exposing the students to different
2. Course Title : Logic and Reasoning philosophical concepts and methods of philosophical reasoning. It aims to cultivate and
3. Pre-requisite : None develop the art of critical thinking which is necessary for the academic formation and for
4. Credit : 3 Units strengthening the faith.

6. Course Learning Outcomes and its Relationships to Program Educational Objectives

Program Objectives
Course Learning Outcomes
a b c d
At the end of the semester, the students are expected:
1. Learn and understand the life of Dr. Jose P. Rizal from his birth to his martyrdom.

2. Analyse the impact of Rizal’s life in relation to his contribution on the socio-political situation of the Philippines then and the present time.
3. Critically understand Rizal’s heroism and realize the significance of his ideas in the present time

4. Interpret the selected poem, essays and novels and its impact to socio-political situation during the past and present time.
7. Course Content

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Outcome-Based (OBA)
Evidence of Outcomes
Course Objectives, Topics, Time Desired Student Learning Activities Course Program
(Assessment of Learning Values Integration
Allotment Outcomes (Teaching & Learning Objectives Outcomes
Topic 1:WMSU VMGO, Classroom Policies, Course Overview, Course Requirements, Grading System (3 hours)
1. Discuss the VMGO of the University, 1.1 Student can be aware of
classroom policies, scope of the and appreciative of the Having them a dialogue They were able to
course, course requirements and University’s VMGO, conversation with their introduce themselves and
grading system. classroom policies, course partner. familiarize the VMGO a,b,c,d A,b,c,d Value of appreciation
overview, requirements and
grading system.

Outcome-Based (OBA)
Evidence of Outcomes
Course Objectives, Topics, Time Desired Student Learning Activities Course Program
(Assessment of Learning Values Integration
Allotment Outcomes (Teaching & Learning Objectives Outcomes
Topic 2: R.A. 1425: The Rizal Law ( 3 hours)

2.Discussthe historical 2. critically assess the Class activity 1:. Read the Writing exercise:
background and context of RA effectiveness of the Rizal’s Law.
1425; why study the life and Rizal Course Compare and contrast the
works of Rizal? 2.1 Explain the history of Class activity 2: views of those in favour
the Rizal law and its Think-Group-Share: and against RA 1425,
important provisions. Opening question will be considering the context
posted by the instructor.
of the 1950; would
Watch a video clip. How did
similar arguments still
you learn from the story?
Apply this experience to Rizal’s have force today? Value of appreciation
writings. Reflect individually
then discuss as a group.
Present results of group
discussion in class.

Topic 3: Background on the socio-political situation of the Philippines during Rizal’s times.(6 hours)
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Pop Quiz:
3. Discuss the socio-political 3. Analyse the various Class Activity: Film viewing Graphic organizer/table
situation of the Philippines socio, political, of “Ganito Kami Noon, Paano mapping the changes in
during Rizal’s time. economic and cultural Kayo ngayon?” directed by the nineteenth-century
changes that occurred in Eddie Romero (1976) Philippines, categorizing
the nineteenth century. social, political,
3.1 Understand Jose Rizal economic, cultural
in the context of his times changes.
Topic 4 : Rizal, A Biological Sketch (3 hours)
Class Activity: Create a Students will write a short
4. Discuss the Rizal’s life: family 4. Evaluate the people timeline of Rizal’s childhood biological essay that
childhood, and early and events and their and early Education compare the student’s
education. influence on Rizal’s early early childhood with cooperation
life. Rizal’s own.

Outcome-Based (OBA)
Evidence of Outcomes
Course Objectives, Topics, Time Desired Student Learning Activities Course Program
(Assessment of Learning Values Integration
Allotment Outcomes (Teaching & Learning Objectives Outcomes
Topic 5: Rizal Educational background (6 hours)
Written document
5. Discuss the Rizal’s Life: 5.Explain the principle of Class Activity: Read Jose Rizal’s Analysis worksheet
Higher Education and Life assimilation advocated by Brindis speech
abroad. the Propaganda Movement.
5.1 Analyse Rizal’s growth as
a Propagandist and
disavowal of assimilation.
Topic 6: Struggles, trial and execution of Rizal.(6 hours)
6. Discuss the struggles, trial 6.analyze the factors that led Class activity 1: Read Rizal’s Reflection paper about
and execution of Rizal. to Rizal’s execution last letter to family members the film
6.1 Analyse the effects of and Blumentritt Guide questions:
Rizal’s execution on Spanish  Describe the life of
colonial rule and the Class Activity 2: read Theodora Jose Rizal as
Philippine Revolution Alonzo’s letter to Governor represented in the
General Polavieja and write a film.
similar letter persuading him  What is the main
to spare Rizal’s life.
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question that the
Film viewing: film seeks to
Jose Rizal, GMA films directed answer?
by Marilou Diaz Abaya.  What is your own
reflection based
on the film and
Topic 7: Novels “Noli Me Tangere” (6 hours)
7. Discuss the Rizal’s first 7. Appraise the important Write an essay with the
Novels the “Noli Me Tangere” characters in the novel aim of answering the
Class Activity 1: Present a skit
and what they represent. following:
showcasing a theme presented
7.1 Examine the present  What is freedom?
in the Noli (some examples:
Philippine situation  How is lack of
comparison of women in the
through the examples freedom
nineteenth century and in the
portrayed in the
mentioned in the Noli Me present; social change;
Tangere. colonization; church ministers;
social hierarchy; patriotism;  How is this
situation in the
social reform).
novel different
from today?

Outcome-Based (OBA)
Evidence of Outcomes
Course Objectives, Topics, Time Desired Student Learning Activities Course Program
(Assessment of Learning Values Integration
Allotment Outcomes (Teaching & Learning Objectives Outcomes
Topic 8: El Filibusterismo(6 hours)
8. Discuss the second Rizal’s Compare and contrast the Class activity 1: Read the Graphic organizer:
Novel the “El Filibusterismo” characters, plot, and theme dedication to GomBurZa Compare and contrast and
of the Noli and the El Fili show continuities and or
Class Activity 2: group changes in Rizal’s idea
discussion on the differences expressed in the Noli and
between the Noli and El Ell filibusterismo
Reflection paper about
select chapters discussing
the role of the youth in

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Topic 9: Jose Rizal and Philippine Nationalism-bayani and Kabayanihan(3 hours)
9. Discuss the changing forms 9. Interpret the views and Class activity 1: Read Ricardo
and definitions of bayani and opinions about bayani and Nolasco, “ ang Pinagmilan ng
kabayanihan from pre- kabayanihan in the Salitang Baynila” (2001) Group debate on the
colonial Philippines to views and opinions about
context of Philippine
present Group Activity 2: bayani and kabayanihan
history and society.
Each group will choose to their in the context of
9.1 Assess the concepts of Philippine history and
own bayani according to their
baniyi and Kabayanihan in standards and present to class. society.
context of Philipppinesine
Topic 10: Jose Rizal and Philippine Nationalism-National symbol(3 hours)
10. Discus the criteria for 10. Examine the values Class activity: create a cluster Essay writing or speech
national heroes as highlighted by the various diagram on the values about a particular value
determined by the National representations of Rizal as a highlighted by Rizal’s life. Rizal advocated.
Heroes Committee created by national symbol.
Executive order No. 75, 1993. 10.1 Advocate the values Present a photo exhibit of
Rizal’s life encapsulates. different Rizal
monuments in the
Philippines and abroad.
Write short descriptions
about the background and
interpretations on their
imaginary and
TOTAL: 45 hours

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Checked by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:


Unit Coordinator Dean of External Campus Vice president in Academic Affairs

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