How To Migrate SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services To Another Computer?
How To Migrate SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services To Another Computer?
How To Migrate SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services To Another Computer?
The migration process for Reporting Services includes manual and automated steps. The
following tasks are part of a report server migration:
If you are reusing an existing report server database that you created in a
previous installation, be aware that there are restrictions on the editions of
SQL Server you use to host the report server database.
You can include parameter reference in the data source connection string and allow the
user to choose a data source for the report. For example, with an expression-based
connection string, a user who is running a sales report can select a data source for a
particular county before running the report.
The following example illustrates the use of a data source expression in a SQL Server
connection string. The example assumes you have created a report parameter named
="Data Source=" & Parameters! ServerName.Value & "; initial
3. How to install a 32-bit version of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services on a computer
that is running a 64-bit version of Windows?
8. Reset IIS.
9. Configure the report server for local administration. To access the report
server and Report Manager locally, follow these steps:
10. This step lets you start Internet Explorer either to localhost or to the
network computer name of the server for both Report Server and Report
11. Open Report Manager in Internet Explorer without using the Run as
administrator option.
In some special cases, you may receive the following error when trying to
select the option execution from a report:
Usually, this error is caused by the user missing the "RSExecRole" role in the
Master and MSDB system databases.
Part II: SQL Server Reporting Services SharePoint Integrated Mode Topics
Logical page breaks are page breaks that you insert before or after report items or groups. Page breaks
help to determine how the content is fitted to a report page for optimal viewing when rendering or
exporting the report.
• Logical page breaks are ignored for report items that are constantly hidden and for report items
• Logical page breaks are applied on conditionally visible items if they are currently visible at the
• Space is preserved between the report item with the logical page break and its peer report items.
• Logical page breaks that are inserted before a report item push the report item down to the next
page. The report item is rendered at the top of the next page.
• Logical page breaks defined on items in table or matrix cells are not kept. This does not apply to
items in lists.
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;
6. Name few Endpoints exposed by SSRs 2008.
o Management Endpoints
o Execution Endpoint
7. How can you access the Code in You report. Describe the Static and
intance based method with example.
A> Static methods within a custom assembly are available globally within the report. You
can access static methods in expressions by namespace, class, and method name
The following example calls the method ToGBP, which converts the StandardCost field
value from dollar to pounds sterling:
Instance-based methods are available through a globally defined Code member. You
access these by referring to the Code member, and then the instance and method name.
The following example calls the instance method ToEUR which converts the StandardCost
field value from dollar to euro:
a. In References, click the add (...) button and then select or browse to the
assembly from the Add Reference dialog box.
b. In Classes, type name of the class and provide an instance name to use
within the report.
A> A linked report is a report server item that provides an access point to an existing
report. Conceptually, it is similar to a program shortcut that you use to run a program or
open a file.
10. What are different types of roles provided by SSRS?
1. Browser
2. Content Manager
3. My Reports
4. Publisher
5. Report Builder
Renders server reports that are processed on a SQL Server Reporting Services report
Create a data-driven subscription that uses the Null Delivery Provider. When you specify
the Null Delivery Provider as the method of delivery in the subscription, the report server
targets the report server database as the delivery destination and uses a specialized
rendering extension called the null rendering extension. In contrast with other delivery
extensions, the Null Delivery Provider does not have delivery settings that you can
configure through a subscription definition.
14. What are different option to deploy report from Dev to Prod.
ex.UserName, ex.Format, ex.TimeStart, cat.Name,
CONVERT(nvarchar(10), ex.TimeStart, 101) AS rundate
FROM ExecutionLog AS ex, Catalog AS cat
where ex.ReportID = cat.ItemID
ORDER BY ex.TimeStart DESC
17. How can you add a new report User to report manager.
18. How can you create the dynamaic Datasource. Can a Shared
Datasource be Dynamic?
21. have you ever used Rank, Dense Rank Ntile, CTE and Pivot..