Set B

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a) Duration of the exam is 2 hours

b) Question paper contain 2 sections
c) Section A contain multiple choice based questions. Duration of Section A is 30 min
d) Section B contain hands on exercises. Duration of Section B is 90 min
e) All question are mandatory
f) You can use R/Rstudio

SECTION A (10 Marks)

MCQ based on programming in R

Q1: Suppose I have a vector x <- c(3, 5, 1, 10, 12, 6) and I want to set all elements of this vector that are
less than 6 to be equal to zero. What R code achieves this?

a) x[x < 6] == 0
b) x[x == 6] <- 0
c) x[x < 6] = 0
d) x[x == 0]

Q2: Identify the number of rows and columns we will get with the following command

Store %>% group_by(`Product Category`, State) %>% summarise(Tot.sales = sum(Sales), Tot.Profit =

sum(profit)) %>% arrange(-Tot.sales) %>% head(7)

a) 5 rows, 2 columns
b) 7 rows, 4 column
c) 9 rows, 6 column
d) 11 rows, 8 column

Q3: Which of the following extracts first four element from the following vector?

x <- c("a", "b", "c", "c", "d", "a")

a) x[0:4].
b) x[1:4].
c) x[0:3].
d) all of the mentioned

MCQ based on Predictive models

Q4: The individual P value from a multiple linear regression for an x is is 0.53. What is the inference?

a) The residual is normally distributed

b) The model is not linear
c) The x is insignificant
d) The x is significant

Q5: If two variables oppose each other than the correlation will be

a) Positive Correlation
b) Zero Correlation
c) Perfect Correlation
d) Negative Correlation

Q6: For the below confusion matrix, what is the accuracy?

Not 5 5
Not 5 53272 1307
5 1077 4344

a) 95%
b) 90%
c) 96%
d) 98%

MCQ based on Tableau

Q7: A sheet cannot be used within a story directly. Either sheets should be used within a dashboard, or a
dashboard should be used within a story.

a) True
b) False

Q8: Use Sample super store data set to answer this: How many customers (as identified by customer id)
made 8 or 9 separate orders?

a) 590
b) 121
c) 26
d) 8

Q9: Is it possible to deploy a URL action on a dashboard object to open a Web Page within a dashboard
rather than opening the system's web browser?

a) True, with the use of Tableau Server

b) True, with the use of a Web Page object
c) False, not possible
d) True, requires a plug-in
MCQ based on Python

Q10: What is the command to split the data in python?

a) test_train_break
b) test_train_split
c) train_test_break
d) train_test_split

----------------------------------------------------END OF SECTION A-----------------------------------------------------


NOTE: This section contain 3 question each of 10 marks. You may have to use different datasets to
answer this section.

Q1: USE R and You need to submit the R file for this question saved as “your name. R”

Problem Statement: Using the IPL data sets answer the following: Considering that a match score of
greater than 300 is treated as "High Scoring Match" and match score less than or equal to 300 is treated
as "Low scoring match", find the answer to below question

a. Which two season have equal percentage of High Scoring Matches (4 Marks)
b. Which season have the lowest percentage of High Scoring Matches (4 Marks)
c. Which season have 43% matches as High Scoring Matches. (2 Marks)

Q2: USE R and You need to submit the R file for this question saved as “your name. R”

Problem Statement: Using the bank data (bank – full):

1) Create a predicting model to predict y (term deposit subscription) using age and marital status.
(2 Marks)
2) Select the cut off value based on 0.12, comment on accuracy of the model. (3 Marks)
3) Using your model predict if below customers will subscribe for term deposit: (5 Marks)
Age Marital Status Term deposit subscription
32 Married ??
42 Married ??
55 Single ??
45 Single ??
28 Divorced ??

Q3: USE Tableau and You need to submit the tableau file for this question saved as “Your name.twb”

Problem Statement: Using the sample super store data:

a) Create a scatter plot between profit and Sales with different color for each product category?
(4 Marks)
b) Find the ratio of total number of shipments to total number of orders for each month (NOTE:
Please use order date to find the month)? (4 Marks)
c) Which month has maximum number of orders placed? (3 Marks)

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