ConsignmentService - Specification 1.42

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ICS Australia

Consignment Web Service Specification

TNT Australia
Consignment Web Service
Version 1.4

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Consignment Web Service Specification


1 Introduction....................................................................................................................3
1.1 Service Actions........................................................................................................3
1.2 Supported TNT Express Services...........................................................................4
* please note the service code for both services is 717; when using Sensitive Express
you MUST also provide the commodity code “B” in the CommodityCode field in the
PackageLine object...........................................................................................................4
1.3 Validation.................................................................................................................4
2 Consignment Web Service............................................................................................5
2.1 System Overview....................................................................................................5
2.2 Service Details........................................................................................................5
2.3 Authentication.........................................................................................................6
3 API Functions and Parameters......................................................................................7
3.1 Process Consignment Request..............................................................................7
3.1.1 Process Consignment Request Example......................................................20
3.2 Process Consignment Response.........................................................................27
3.2.1 Routing Data Example...................................................................................29
3.2.2 Response Example (Routing)........................................................................31
3.3 Reprint Label Request..........................................................................................33
3.3.1 Reprint Label Request Example....................................................................34
3.4 Reprint Label Response.......................................................................................34
3.4.1 Response Example (Reprint).........................................................................36
3.5 Client side setting when using .net.......................................................................37
4 Error Handling..............................................................................................................37
4.1 Schema Validation Error.......................................................................................37
4.1.1 Scenario.........................................................................................................37
4.1.2 Schema Validation Error Example.................................................................37
4.2 Service Process Error...........................................................................................39
4.2.1 Possible Error Codes.....................................................................................39
4.2.2 Error Response Example...............................................................................41
5 Label Types.................................................................................................................42
5.1 Label Type A – Plain paper...................................................................................42
5.2 Label Type B – eCon Paper Stock........................................................................43

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Consignment Web Service Specification

1 Introduction
TNT’s Web Consignment Service is an XML based system which incorporates label creation, dynamic web
routing and manifest data transfer submission.
This service also provides a reprint label function for reprinting consignments labels that were submitted via
this service.
This document provides technical specifications as follows:

1.1 Service Actions

This service provides three possible actions:

Label Creation
This function provides the ability to return fully compliant TNT routing label/s based on shipment data
provided. The label is returned as a string of binary data and can be printed as a pdf once decoded. There
are three possible paper stocks:
1. Type A - A4 Plain Paper – This version prints a consignment note on one piece of paper and then
each of the address labels on a separate page according to the number of items being shipped.
2. Type B - TNT e-Con stationary – This version prints labels to suit TNT supplied e-Con A4 stationary
which provides two sticky labels and one consignment note per page. (* please note – if you have
more than 2 items the consignment note portion will only print on the first page)
3. Type C - Thermal Label stock – This prints only the address label element to suit TNT’s standard
CIT label format of 150mmx 101mm (6”x4”)

Dynamic Web Routing

This action returns the four routing elements TNT requires to be displayed on the label to ensure freight is
correctly routed and delivered.
 Origin Depot Code
 Gateway Depot Code
 Destination Depot Code
 Sort Bin Number

Data Submission
This provides a facility to present to TNT both interim (sortation), and final consignment data
The interim shipping data service allows you to send incremental consignment information throughout the
day to enable TNT to commence sortation and collection planning. Interim data is essential for sorting
freight that is collected prior to the end of day manifest process. This allows our auto-sortation systems to
accurately sort your freight.
* Please note that implementation of label creation, or dynamic web routing functions will also provide
interim data files. TNT creates interim manifest data from the information provided in the XML request.
To finalise each day’s shipments, an end of day request must be submitted with totals for all consignments
picked up that day.

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1.2 Supported TNT Express Services

The list of services supported by this product are:
Service Code Service Description

76 Road Express

75 Overnight Express

73 Overnight PAYU Satchel

712* 9:00 Express

EX10* 10:00 Express

EX12* 12:00 Express

718 Fashion Express

701 National Sameday

717 /B* Premium / Sensitive Express

* please note the service code for both services is 717; when using Sensitive Express you MUST also provide the commodity code
“B” in the CommodityCode field in the PackageLine object.

1.3 Validation
TNT validates data to ensure compliance. The two most common items that cause errors are:
 Suburb/Postcode validation. TNT Express’ routing is critical to the effective and efficient transport
of our customer’s freight and relies on accurate suburb and postcode combinations. Part of the
routing validation is to confirm that the supplied collection and delivery locations are correct.
Common areas for issues are:

o Abbreviations ie Mt instead of Mount, Crk instead of Creek etc…

o Town/Suburb descriptives - ie North Manly is correct Manly North is not. Though Manly
West is correct.

o P.O and G.P.O postcodes are not valid delivery or collection locations.

o Incorrect postcode and suburb combinations ie Sydney NSW 2010

(We suggest you use Australia Post’s suburb listing to validate)
 Time Definite service validation. TNT Express has three priority services that offer a time definite
delivery. They are 9:00, 10:00 and 12:00 Express. These services are limited to a set of collection
and delivery locations. The fall back service is TNT Express’ Overnight Express which is available
Australia wide.
If you intend to use TNT Express’ Time Definite Services it is suggested that you pre-validate your collection
and delivery locations are valid for your chosen service by using TNT Express’ Rated Transit Times (RTT)
service. RTT will provide a list of valid services between a collection and delivery set. (please discuss RTT
with you local CIT Coordinator)

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2 Consignment Web Service

This document describes the interface exposed by the Consignment Web Service API. It details the request
and response schema, the system error messages and business rules associated with the system.

2.1 System Overview

The Consignment Web Service provides an interface for TNT customers to submit request of consignment
action. The service has been designed for integration into the software or websites of TNT customers. The
system overview is presented in figure 1, the client application will make an HTTP POST request over SSL
and a SOAP-XML document will be returned.

Figure 1. Physical View

Figure 2. Logical View

2.2 Service Details
The Consignment Web Service is a WCF/SOAP based web service.
The service is compatible with and intended to be used by SOAP based clients.
Raw HTTP request examples are included for non SOAP based clients.

Test Web Service WSDL Location

Production Web Service WSDL Location

Testing is performed within TNT’s UAT environment and once tested and approved can be moved into the
production site.

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2.3 Authentication
You must be registered for TNT Online in order to access this API and the services will only be available for
registered TNT account numbers.
Once registered, you will be allocated a UserID which will be used in combination with your TNT Online
password to authenticate each Consignment Web Service request. The UserID comprises of the three
alpha CIT, followed by a unique 17 digit number, eg:


The password will be your TNT online password.

The following items are linked to your UserID:

 Account Number/s
 Sender Code and Prefix combinations.

The TNT CIT Service Desk can be contacted to set up the UserID. If you already have a TNT UserID you
use for other TNT APIs, your existing UserID will just need to be authorised to access this service.

The contact number for the CIT Service Desk is 1300 8151 131.

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3 API Functions and Parameters

The service implements the following functions
 ProcessConsignmentRequest
 ReprintLabelRequest

The function ProcessConsignmentRequest takes ConsignmentRequest object as input parameter.

The function ReprintLabelRequest takes ConsignmentReprintRequest object as input parameter.

3.1 Process Consignment Request

This function will return data based on request action.

Consignment Request Object

This is the top level request object for ProcessConsignmentRequest method
Name Data Type Required Description Example
ConsignmentProcessList List of Consignment Process Minimum 1
Objects object
Username String(20) Y The userid provided by CIT representative CIT00000000000001947
Password String(30) Y The password associated with the userid LetMeIn

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ConsignmentProcess Object
Name Data Type Required Description Example
Consignment Object Y
ConsignmentActionList List of Y Request the desired output  GETROUTINGDATA
Consignment Action Type  GETLABEL
Extraoptions List of N For future use of additional objects.
Extra option Object
SenderCode String(15) Y Sender Identification Code TNT assigned. ABCDE
Five character Site ID linked to
consignment prefix.
LabelType Enum Print Layout Type N Define what type of label layout to print. A – Plain A4 Paper
Object Refer to Section 5 B – eCon Stock
C – Thermal TNT Labels
Required when “GETLABEL” action is

Consignment Object
Name Data Type Required Description Example
ConsignmentNumber String(15) Y Standard consignment number format ABC123456789
comprises three alpha + nine numeric.
TNT assigns your three letter prefix the
following nine digits are provided by the
PayingAccount String(10) Y TNT account to be charged. Must be a 99999999
valid TNT account or freight costs will
revert to account held against
sendercode/prefix used.
Collection Address Object Y Refer to Address Object. Where the

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shipment is to be collected / picked up

ReceiverIndentiferCode String(15) N N/A
Delivery Address Object Y Refer to Address Object. Where the
shipment is to be delivered to.
ConsignmentDate String(8) Y Date in format DDMMCCYY 10112014
ServiceCode String(4) Y TNT assigned.
“701” – Sameday
“712” – 9:00 Express*
“X10” – 10:00 Express*
“X12” – 12:00 Express*
“73” – ONFC - Satchel
“75” – Overnight Express
“76” – Road Express
“718” – Fashion Express
““717” – Premium or Sensitive Express1
Commodity code “B” required for
Sensitive Express in Consignment Line
* specific origin/destination combinations
only! TNT’s Rated Transit Times web
service provides validation.
DangerousGoodsIndicator Enum of Indicator Type Y Refer to Indicator Type object Y/N
Payer Enum of Payer Type Y Refer to Payer Type object S/R/T
Foodindicator Enum of Indicator Type Y Refer to Indicator Type object Y/N

CancelIndicator Enum of Indicator Type Y Refer to Indicator Type object Y/N

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ExtendedWarrantyValue Int (8) N Enter amount of coverage required. Max

ExtendedWarrantyClass Enum Extended Warranty N “A”, “B” or “C”
Should only be populated where
Extended Warranty Value is not blank.
AdditionalServiceList List of N Refer to Additional Service Type object.
Additional Service Type Used for eReturns only. Use code RET.
HandRateAmount Decimal N Not used leave blank
OtherCharges Decimal N Not used leave blank
CustomerConsignmentRef String(30) N Optional except when one of Additional RET
Service 1-5 = “RET” in which case this
field must contain the Return Authority
ConsignmentFinaliseIndicator Enum of Indicator Type Y Signifies if consignment details are final or Y/N
Refer to Indicator Type object
ThirdParty Third Party Object N Refer to Third Party object
ConsignmentSpecialInstruction List of Consignment Special N Used to provide delivery or collection “Please deliver to reception”
List Instruction Object instructions
PackageLineList List of Y Refer to Package Line object
Package Line Minimum of 1
DangerousGoodsList List of Dangerous Goods N Refer to Dangerous Goods object
ItemIdentifierList List of Item Identifier N If using GetLabel action, item identifiers
will be generated by TNT.
If using SSCC item numbers. 20
character SSCC item numbers must be
supplied in this field. Refer to Item

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(please note only GetRoutingData and

Submit activities available when using
CustomerReferenceList List of Customer Reference N Required for Deliver on Date.
Refer to Customer Reference object
AlertAddressList List of Alert Address Object N Refer to Alert Address object
ConsignmentKeepInstore Consignment Keep In Store N Refer to Consignment Keep In Store
Object object
ConsignmentPickup Consignment Pickup Object N Refer to Consignment Pickup object
ConsignmentSpecialReference List of Consignment Special N Refer to Consignment Special Reference
List Reference object object

Address Object
Name Data Type Required Description Example
Name String(30) Y Company or Persons name ABC Company or Joe Citizen
Address1 String(30) Y First address line
Address2 String(30) N Second optional address line
Suburb String(30) Y Valid Australian suburb/town name
State String(3) Y “ACT”, “NSW”, “QLD”, “SA ”,“TAS”, “VIC”,
“WA ”, “NT ”
Postcode String(4) Y Valid matching postcode
ContactName String(20) N
Phone String(13) N

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Third Party Object

Name Data Type Required Description Example
ThirdPartyIdCode String(15) N Not Required.
ThirdPartyAddress Address Object Y* Refer to Address object. Must be supplied
if Payor Type = T

Consignment Special Instruction Object

Name Data Type Required Description Example
TextType Enum Special Instruction Text Y
TextLIne String(80) N

Package Line Object

Name Data Type Required Description Example
LineSequence Int Y Sequential number to ID package line.
Max items at both item and consignment
total is 99
LineCustomerReference String(15) N Package line customer reference
DescriptionOfGoods String(20) N Description of packaging CARTON
CommodityCode String(6) N Used in conjunction with service code to B
identify service. Only service 717
ItemQuantity Int (5) max items at both item Y Number of Items of this line
and consignment total is 99
LineWeight Decimal (9.3) Y The total weight of all items of this line
WeightMeasureUnit Enum of weight Type Y Weight unit kilos or grams KG / GR
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ItemLength Decimal (7.3) Y Length of largest dimension Item

Not validate
ItemWidth Decimal (7.3) Y Width of largest dimension Item
Not validate
ItemHeight Decimal (7.3) Y Height of largest dimension Item
Not validate
DimensionMeasureUnit Enum of DimensionType Y Refer to DimensionType
LineVolume Decimal (10.4) Y Total volume of all items in this line
Not validate
VolumeMeasureUnit Enum of Volume Type Y Refer to Volume Type cubic meters or CO (meters) or CC (centimetres)
cubic centimetres

Dangerous Goods Object - Optional

Name Data Type Required Description Example
LineSequence Int Y
ProductSequence Int Y
ProductWeight Double Y
WeightMeasureUnit Enum of Weight Type Y Refer to Enum of Weight Type object
HazardMaterialClassType String(1) Y
HazardMaterialClassCode String(4) Y
HazardMaterialClassName String(80) Y
PrincipleRiskClass String(10) Y
PackageGroupCode String(10) Y

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Item Identifiers Object

Name Data Type Required Description Example
ItemIdentifier String(20) Y Unique item identifier - If using
GetLabel action, item identifiers will be
generated by TNT.
Supply if using SSCC (only
GetRoutingData and Submit activities
available), 20 character SSCC item
numbers must be supplied in this field.

ItemReference String(30) N Item reference for corresponding item


Customer Reference Object

Name Data Type Required Description Example
Sequence Int Y Maximum 1.
CustomerReferenceTextType Enum Y Refer to Customer Reference Text Type DOD
CustomerReferenceTextLIne String(10) Y The customer reference text as defined 11082014
by text type.
DOD date format ddmmyyyy

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Alert Address Object

Name Data Type Required Description Example
AlertType Enum Y Refer to Alert Type object
AlertAddressType Enum Y Refer to Alert Address Type object
AlertAddress String(80) Y Detail of who/what to send the alert
message to. Depending on the value of
Address Type it will be an email
address, telephone number or GSM
mobile device number.

Consignment Keep In Store Object

Name Data Type Required Description Example
KeepUntilDow1 String(3) N “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”

KeepUntilDow2 String(3) N “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”

KeepUntilDow3 String(3) N “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”

KeepUntilDow4 String(3) N “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”

KeepUntilDow5 String(3) N “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”

Consignment Pickup Object

Name Data Type Required Description Example
BookingNumber String(15) N Booking or Reference number
FreightReadyTime String(4) N HHMM
PremisCloseTime String(4) N HHMM

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Consignment Special Reference Object

Name Data Type Required Description Example
SpecialRefText String(8) Y Customer’s special reference text. Eight
fields of eight characters. These do print
on the label.

Consignment Action Type Object

Name Data Type Required Description Example
ConsignmentActionType Enum Y Refer to Consignment Action Type GETROUTINGDATA

Extra Option Object

Name Data Type Required Description Example
OptionName String(20) Y Option name defined by TNT
OptionValue String(20) Y Option value defined by TNT

Section Break

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Indicator Type Enum Object

Value Description
N Defines No
Y Defines Yes

Extended Warranty Type Enum Object

Value Description
NONE Default value
(when element not provided)

Payer Type Enum Object

Value Description
S Paid by Sender (Default Value)
R Paid by Receiver
T Paid by Third Party

Consignment Action Type Enum Object

Value Description
GETROUTINGDATA Return Routing data for the consignment
GETLABEL Return byte array of label in pdf format
SUBMIT Submit data and only return status and error message
when error occurs

Print Layout Type Enum Object

Value Description

(when element not provided)
A A4 – for Blank paper
B A4 – for eCon stationary
C Thermal

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Weight Type Enum Object

Value Description
KG Kilograms (Default Value)
GR grams

Dimension Type Enum Object

Value Description
MR Metres (Default Value)
CM Centimetres

Volume Type Enum Object

Value Description
CO Cubic metres (Default Value)
CC Cubic centimetres

Customer Reference Text Type Enum Object

Value Description
(when element is not provided)
DOD Due On Delivery restriction

Special Instruction Text Type Enum Object

Value Description
UNSPECIFIED Default value
Special instruction text will be ignored
DELIVERY print text in delivery special instructions box on
consignment label /note
PICKUP print text in pickup special instructions box on pickup
labels/manifest for eReturns

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Alert Type Enum Object

Value Description
UNSPECIFIED Default value
(when element is not provided)
CP Collection Planning
DA delivery notification
FA e-Return futile notification
IP immediate pre-alert
OB onboard notification
OP overnight pre-alert
SA e-Return status notification
SD Sameday delivery notification
SP Sameday pickup notification

Alert Address Type Enum Object

Value Description
UNSPECIFIED Default value
(when element is not provided)
E Email address
P Telephone
S GSM mobile device (for SMS receipt)

Additional Service Type Enum Object

Value Description
UNSPECIFIED Default value
(when element is not provided)
RET Return Consignment

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3.1.1 Process Consignment Request Example

Below is a complete HTTP request including http headers.
Note the SoapAction header this is very important.

POST http://localhost:56257/ConsignmentService.svc HTTP/1.1

Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
SOAPAction: ""
Content-Length: 14080
Host: localhost:56257
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<con1:Name>collection name</con1:Name>
<con1:Address1>col street</con1:Address1>
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<con1:Name>Receiver Company</con1:Name>
<con1:Address1>test road</con1:Address1>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

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<con1:customerConsignmentRef>cust con ref</con1:customerConsignmentRef>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<con1:textLine>knock on door</con1:textLine>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

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<con1:lineCustomerReference>first sender re</con1:lineCustomerReference>
<con1:lineCustomerReference>SEC sender re</con1:lineCustomerReference>

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<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

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<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

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<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

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3.2 Process Consignment Response

The method ProcessConsignmentRequest in Consignment Web Service returns ConsignmentResponse

ConsignmentResponse Object
Name Data Type Description Example
ConsignmentProcessResultList List of Consignment List of process result for
Process Result Object each consignment
Error ErrorResponse Object Response status for the
main request

Status Enum of

Response status Object

Error Response Object

Name Data Type Description Example
Code String The error code 003
Message String The error message User Authentication

Consignment Process Result Object

Name Data Type Description Example
ConsignmentNumber String
ConsignmentActionList List of generic object
based on action type

Generic Object - Routing Response Object when actiontype = “GETROUTINGDATA”

Name Data Type Description Example
BinNumber String The routing bin number 20123
OriginDepot String The origin depot SYD
GatewayDepot String The gateway depot SYD
OnForwardingDepot String The routing on forwarding depot SYD
PostCode String The routing destination postcode REDFERN
Suburb String The routing destination suburb 2016
IsServiceSupported Boolean Is the service valid for this TRUE
collection/delivery combination
Status Enum of
Response status
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Errors List of Error

Response Object

Generic Object – Create Label Response Object when actiontype = “GETLABEL”

Name Data Type Description Example

LabelPDF Byte[] PDF data. Decode using Base64. 20123

Status Enum of
Response status
Errors List of Error
Response Object

Generic Object – Submit Data Response Object when actiontype = “SUBMIT”

Name Data Type Description Example

Status Enum of
Response status
Errors List of Error
Response Object

Response Status Enum Object

Name Description Example
SUCCESS Action process success
FAILURE Action process failed

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3.2.1 Routing Data Example

Please note only data is returned.

Domestic Label Example

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3.2.2 Response Example (Routing)

Below is a complete HTTP Response (including headers)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 21:17:44 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
Content-Length: 3494
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<ProcessConsignmentRequestResponse xmlns="">
<ProcessConsignmentRequestResult xmlns:a=""
<b:anyType i:type="a:RoutingResponse">
<a:ConsignmentNumber i:nil="true"/>
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<a:Code i:nil="true"/>
<a:Message i:nil="true"/>

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3.3 Reprint Label Request

This function will return ConsignmentReprintResponse Object.

Consignment Reprint Request Object

This is the top level request object for ProcessConsignmentRequest method
Name Data Type Required Description Example
Username String(20) Y The userid provided by CIT representative CIT00000000000001947
Password String(30) Y The password associated with the userid LetMeIn
ConsignmentNumber String(15) Y The consignment is submitted via this
service in last 40 days
LabelType Enum Print Layout Type Y Define what type of label layout to print.

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3.3.1 Reprint Label Request Example

POST http://localhost:56665/ConsignmentService.svc HTTP/1.1

Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
SOAPAction: ""
Content-Length: 624
Host: localhost:56665
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""

3.4 Reprint Label Response

The method ReprintLabelRequest in Consignment Web Service returns ConsignmentReprintResponse

ConsignmentReprintResponse Object
Name Data Type Description Example
ConsignmentNumber string
ReprintActionResult IActionResult Object
Error ErrorResponse Object Response status for the
main request

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Status Enum of

Response status Object

IActionResult Object
Name Data Type Description Example
LabelPDF Byte[] PDF data. Decode 20123
using Base64.
Status Enum of
Response status Object
Errors List of Error Response

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3.4.1 Response Example (Reprint)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Encoding: gzip
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
X-SourceFiles: =?UTF-8?B?
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 04:25:47 GMT
Content-Length: 5274

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<ReprintLabelRequestResponse xmlns="">
<a:ReprintActionResult i:type="a:CreateLabelResponse">

<a:Code i:nil="true"/>
<a:Message i:nil="true"/>
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3.5 Client side setting when using .net

A PDF Label may be in large size. So the default value of maxReceivedMessageSize is not enough in
the .net client application. The value should be increased.
Below is the recommend value of maxReceivedMessageSize for calling this service.
<binding maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" name= . . .

4 Error Handling
The response object contains two different types of error:
1. Schema validation error
2. Error returns from service process.

4.1 Schema Validation Error

4.1.1 Scenario
When input data fail to pass the Consignment Web service request schema, this kind of error will be

4.1.2 Schema Validation Error Example

The schema validation includes xml deserialization and schema definition validation.

Deserialization Error Example

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<faultstring xml:lang="en-AU">The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize
the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'Invalid enum value '1233' cannot
be deserialized into type 'ConsignmentLibrary.SpecialIntructionTextType'. Ensure that the
necessary enum values are present and are marked with EnumMemberAttribute attribute if the
type has DataContractAttribute attribute.'. Please see InnerException for more
<ExceptionDetail xmlns=""
<HelpLink i:nil="true"/>
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<HelpLink i:nil="true"/>
<InnerException i:nil="true"/>
<Message>Invalid enum value '1233' cannot be deserialized into type
'ConsignmentLibrary.SpecialIntructionTextType'. Ensure that the necessary enum values are
present and are marked with EnumMemberAttribute attribute if the type has DataContractAttribute
System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumDataContract.ReadEnumValue(String value, Int32 index,
Int32 count)
at System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumDataContract.ReadEnumValue(XmlReaderDelegator
at System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumDataContract.ReadXmlValue(XmlReaderDelegator
xmlReader, XmlObj....
<Message>The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message:
There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The
InnerException message was 'Invalid enum value '1233' cannot be deserialized into type
'ConsignmentLibrary.SpecialIntructionTextType'. Ensure that the necessary enum values are
present and are marked with EnumMemberAttribute attribute if the type has DataContractAttribute
attribute.'. Please see InnerException for more details.</Message>
rPart(XmlDictionaryReader reader, PartInfo part, Boolean isRequest)
at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageRpc.Process(Boolean

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Schema definition Validation Error Example

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<faultstring xml:lang="en-AU">The creator of this fault did not specify a
<a:Message>consignmentNumber must be between 0 and 15

4.2 Service Process Error

4.2.1 Possible Error Codes

Errors collection object return by the service process.
Each Errors object contains an error code and error description.

Error Code Error Message Description

001 Internal Error Internal service error not identified by
other error codes.
002 ConsignmentProcess Element is not Mandatory main element
provided “ConsignmentProcess” is not provided
003 User Authentication Failed User Authentication Failed
004 Consignment is not found Consignment not found for the
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consignment provided in reprint request.

005 Consignment yyyyy is not authorised to be Consignment is not created by the user
reprinted by user xxxx provided in the reprint request.

100 Mandatory Elements XXXX are not Mandatory elements in consignment

provided. object and sub objects are not provided.
(Sequence value must start from 1)

201 Authenticated failed for Sender Code Username is not set up with the sender
202 Paying account is not valid TNT account. Account is not established in TNT
203 Consignment Number is not valid to Consignment number must be 3+9 or 9
generate labels to call GETLABLE action
204 Total items are more than 999 of this Total items of the consignment are more
consignment than 999
205 Collection, Delivery, Third party State is not Third party validate only when payer is
valid “T”
206 Consignment Date is not valid Consignment date is not in ddMMyyyy
format with correct value.
207 Consignment Date is not in the defined Consignment Date must be in TNT
range which must be no more than X day in allowed range.
the future or older than Y days in the past.
208 External Warranty Value is greater than The external warranty value is greater
maximum limit of $$$. than maximum value
209 Consignment keep in store until dow text
must be one of “MON, TUE,WED,THU,FRI”
210 Freight Ready Time/PremisClose Time must Time should be in HHMM format
be in HHMM format.
211 Return Authority Number needs to be in When any of Additional service 1 -5 is
Customer Consignment Reference element RET, Return Authority Number should
when any Additional service is RET be provided in the Customer
Consignment Reference element.
212 Suburb: xxxx Postcode: yyyy is invalid The suburb, postcode combination is
not valid

300 Error occurs in generating label There is an error when generate byte
data of the label.

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4.2.2 Error Response Example

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<ProcessConsignmentRequestResponse xmlns="">
<ProcessConsignmentRequestResult xmlns:a=""
<a:Message>User Authentication Failed.</a:Message>

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5 Label Types

5.1 Label Type A – Plain paper

One A6 address label per packages printed on plain A4 paper, and a single A4 consignment note.
This is used for customers printing to plain A4 paper. The address label/s will have to be affixed to
each package, and the consignment note is used as a proof of collection and stays with the

Please note that regardless of how many packages / labels are printed, only the first consignment
note is printed; the consignment portion of the second and subsequent pages will be blank.

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5.2 Label Type B – eCon Paper Stock

This is printed on TNT supplied eCon stock.

Two A6 address labels on the top half of the paper stock and the contents of the eCon
consignment note.

Please note that the eCon paperwork has the consignment layout pre-printed. This version ONLY
prints the label and content of the consignment note. The consignment note is used as a proof of
collection and stays with the customer.

Please note that regardless of how many packages / labels are printed only the first consignment
note is printed; the consignment portion of the second and subsequent pages will be blank.

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5.3 Label Type C – Thermal Label only

This label type prints to TNT supplied address labels (A6) only, no consignment notes are
printed. This is meant for high volume customers who produce will produce a collection
paper manifest (x2) for the driver to sign.

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