SG Gods at War Wk1

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and even be our savior. Read Joshua 23:6-8.

What is Joshua instructing

to help keep us focused on the one true God?

OCT 20&21, 2018

GROUPS STUDY GUIDE 5. Read Joshua 24:16-18. The Israelites can appreciate what God has done
for them. What has God done for you in your life?

All sin springs from some sort of idol that we hold in our heart that isn’t Jesus. 6. Read Joshua 24:19-20. Putting God over your whole life is a big step.
Before Jesus, a holy God required nothing short of perfection from his
WORSHIP 5 MINUTES followers. While God is still perfect and holy, Jesus is now our mediator
This will be a different type of study but it has the potential to go really that allows us to be called children of God (1 John 3:1) and to no longer
deep  and be life-changing. If we are to receive what God is trying to be under the law but under grace (Romans 6:14). What are attributes of
show us, let’s first go to him and ask that we would have eyes to see God within the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that lead you to worship him?
and ears to hear what he wants to show us. Let’s take five minutes for 3
or 4 people to pray for our God to show us something new and for our
receptiveness to receive it.

7. Read Joshua 24:14-15. In the following weeks we’ll begin to dig deeper
into some specific idols and what it means to release their hold from our
lives. But for now, what would it look like in your family to put the one
1. Watch the first episode of Gods at War on RightNow Media. Feel free
true God first and foremost in your lives?
to take notes. (21 minutes long)


2. Before this study, what did you typically think of when you thought 1. Action Challenge: Read Joshua 24:23. Kyle Idleman gave us some
about idols? great questions to ask of ourselves to help identify potential false
idols in our hearts. We will all fall short, but we are called to invite
the Holy Spirit to transform us to be more like Christ. Take some
time this week to reflect over the questions below and ask yourself
if you have submitted every part of yourself to God:
3. Read Joshua 24:14-24. We have three categories of gods presented
in this passage: the gods of ancestors or forefathers (who our family • Where have you felt disappointment or been critical?
taught us to worship), the gods of the Amorites (the gods of the • For what do you sacrifice your time and your money?
culture around us), and the one true God. Have you ever thought of • What do you worry about?
the first two false gods/idols in this way? Thinking through this lens, • Where do you go for comfort?
what do you see about the gods/idols of your family or gods/idols of • What or who makes you mad?
our culture? • What do you dream of? What really gets you excited?
• Whose encouragement means the most to you?

2. Going Deeper: If you would like to go deeper on your own in this

4. Joshua is trying to help people make a distinction between the one study, we recommend two books. Gods at War by Kyle Idleman
true God and other idols that are tempting to worship, look to fulfill us, (entry level) and Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller (a little deeper).

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