G 8 - 3rd Pretest

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
General Santos City National Secondary School of Arts and Trades
General Santos City
3rd Pretest

Choose the letter of the correct answer:

1. What property is illustrated in; If A  B , B  C then  A   C.

a. Reflexive property c. symmetric property
b. Transitive property d. addition property
2. Using the distributive property, 4 (a + b) = ___________.
a. 4a + b b. 4a + 4b c. b + 4a d. 4 + a + b
3. Supply a valid conclusion for the given hypothesis: if OM bisects LON thru
a. LON  NOM c. LOM  LON
b. MON  NOL d. m LON = m LOM + m MON
4. Which of the following statement is true?
a. If  1 has a measure of 900, then  1 is obtuse.
b. If  1 has a measure of 1400, then  1 is acute.
c. If  1 has a measure of 1800, then  1 is right.
5. Which of the following statement is false?
a. Any four non-collinear points lie in a distinct plane.
b. A plane contains at least 3 non-collinear points.
c. Any two lines intersect a point.
d. Through two given points we can draw three lines.

6. Name the property which justifies the following conclusion.

Given: JB = 28
Conclusion: JB + 4 = 32
a. Addition property of equality
b. Distributive property of equality
c. Multiplication property of equality
d. Transitive property of equality

7. What is the missing reason in the following proof?

Given: m  1 = m  3, m  2 = m  3

Statement Reason
1. m  1 = m  3, m  2 = m  3 Given
2. m  1 = m  2 ____?____
a. transitive c. additive
b. reflexive d. symmetric
8. which of the following is NOT an undefined term?
a. Point b. circle c. plane d. line
9. How many non-collinear points does every plane should contain?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
10. Which triangle has no two congruent sides?
a. Scalene b. isosceles c. equilateral d. none of the above
11. Triangle ABC is congruent to triangle CDA.
Given: AB  CD , BC  DA , AC  C A .
Then:  D corresponds to:
a.  A b.  B c.  C d.  D
12. If you are going to prove triangle congruence by SAS, given two sides are congruent. What is the
needed part?
a. Included side c. adjacent angle
b. Included angle d. none of the above
13. Given PC  AB t its midpoint C
Prove: PA  PB

The midpoint of AB is C.
a. Given b. Def. of  c. def. of midpoint d. all right angles are 
14. In the figure below, corresponding congruent parts are similarly marked. Tell which congruence is to
be used.
a. ASA b. SAS

c. SSS d. none of the above


a. ASA b. SAS

c. SSS d. none of the above


a. SAS b. ASA

c. SSS d. none of the above

17. in MOR m M  45 , m O  65 , and m R  70 , which side of MOR is the longest?

a. b. OR c. RM d. MR
18. In WXY , WX = 55, XY = 30, and WY = 45, which angle of WXY is the smallest?
a. W b. X c. Y d. Z
19. A painter has 10 m ladder. How high up on the wall will the ladder reach if he places the bottom of
the ladder 8 m from the base of the building?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7

20. Which is the property of a congruent triangle?

a. The same size b. the same shape
c. the same size and shape d. similar
21. In the figure POG  SOR , what is the side corresponding to PO?
a. OS b. RD c. RS d. SO

22. Listed below are the six pairs of corresponding parts of congruent triangles. Name the congruent
triangles SA  JO D  Y AD  OY  A  O SD  JY S  J
a. ASD  JOY b. ADS  YJO
c. SAD  JOY d. SAD  JYO

23. In DOS , what side is included between D and O ?

a. DO b. DS c. SD d. SO

24. Name the corresponding congruent part as marked that will make each pair of triangles congruent
by SAS.
a. BY  NR , BOY  NOR , BO  NO
b. BO  NO , BOY  NOR , RO  YO
c. YO  OR , BO  ON , BOY  NOR
d.  B  N , BO  NO , OY  OR

25. If corresponding congruent parts are marked, how can you prove that BEC  BAC ?
a. ASA b. LL

c. SAS d. SSS

26. Identify the pairs of congruent right triangles and tell the congruence theorem used.
a. PMA  APS b. MAP  SPA

c. MPA  SPA d. AMP  PAS

27. GIV  SAV deduce a statement about point V.

a. V is in the interior of GIV
b. V is in the exterior of SAV
c. V is in the midpoint of GS
d. V is the collinear with G and I.

28. Is the statement “corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent” based on:
a. Definition b. theorem c. postulate d. Axiom
29. Use the marked triangles to write proper congruence statement.
a. LT  MS b. LT  SM
c. LT  MS d. TL  MS
30. What property of congruence is illustrated in the statement?
If AB  DE , EF  DE then AB  EF
a. Symmetric b. reflexive c. transitive d. multiplication
31. Hexagon CALDEZ has six congruent sides, CE, CD, CL are drawn on the hexagon forming four
triangles. Which triangles can you prove congruent?
a. CEZ  CDE
b. CEZ  CAL
c. CED  CEZ
d. CZE  CED
32. ABC  DEF , which segment is congruent to AB?
a. BC b. AC c. DE d. EB

33. SUM  PRO , which angle is congruent to M ?

a. S b.  P c.  R d. O
34. TIN  CAN , then NAC is congruent to ______?
a. ITN b. NIT c. TNI d. INT
35. Jansen knows that AB = XY and AC = XZ. What other information must he know to prove
ABC  XYZ by SAS postulate?
a.  B  Y b. C  Z c.  A  X d. C  X
36. Miguel knows that MIG and JAN , MI  JA, IG  AN , and MG  JN . Which postulate or
theorem can he use to prove the triangles congruent?
a. ASA b. AAS c. SAS d. SSS

37. In ABC , AB = AC. If mB  80 , find the measure of  A .

a. 20 b. 80 c. 100 d. 180

38. You are tasked to make a design of the flooring of a chapel using triangles. The available materials
are square tiles. How are you going to make the design?
a. Applying triangle congruence by ASA
b. Applying triangle congruence by SAS
c. Applying triangle congruence by SSS
d. Applying triangle congruence by AAS

For items 39-40

Complete the proof. Fill in the blank with the letter of the correct answer.

e.CO  CO b. ASA c. SAS d. BCO  ACO

In ABC , let O be a point in AB such that CO bisects ACB , if AC  BC . Prove that ACO 
Statements Reasons
1. AC  BC 1. Given
2. CO bisects ACB 2. Given
3. _____ (39)_____ 3. Definition of angle bisector
4. CO  CO 4. Reflexive property of congruence
5. ACD  BCO 5. _____(40)______

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