Tugas Bahasa Inggris Long and Short Conversation

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1. Conversation at restaurant

 Liza: Excuse me, sir. I’m searching for a spot to eat. Can you let me know whether there
are any eateries in this shopping center?

 Lady at Information Booth: Sure. There are a few. What sort of nourishment would you
say you are supposing about?

 Liza: I’m not certain. Anything besides fast food.

 Lady: There is a decent Japanese eatery upstairs. It’s a bit pricey however the sustenance
is great.

 Liza: Oh. Sounds great, however I ate Japanese sustenance the previous evening. I’d rather
have a go at something else.

 Lady: Okay. What about Italian*? On the other hand perhaps Chinese?

 Liza: Italian sounds great, however so does Chinese. I just can’t choose. Are there any
American puts here?

 Lady: Yes, there’s a decent steak house ground floor, and you’ll discover TGI Friday’s**
over the parking garage. Shouldn’t something be said about both of those?

 Liza: I’m sorry to be such a trouble, however nothing strikes my extravagant. I figure I just
won’t eat anything for some time.

 Lady: Well, I’m unable to avoid the fact that’s all there is here in the shopping center.

 Liza: That’s too awful. I’m sorry about my uncertainty. I think about what, what I truly
need is a decent smorgasbord.

 Lady: Hmmm…. I recollect setting off to a smorgasbord not a long way from here. They
have nourishments from a few distinct nations. It’s around two squares away. It’s great, as

 Liza: That sounds awesome. Perhaps I ought to do that.

2. Conversation at Movie Theater

 Jono: Hey, Mira, how might you want to go see a motion picture this evening?

 Mira: Sounds awesome! What might you want to see?

 Jono: I don’t have the foggiest idea… what about that new blood and gore flick at the
Misbar Theater?

 Mira: Oh, I caught wind of that. It sounds somewhat unnerving to me. I’m more into
sentimental films. Then again perhaps a lighthearted comedy.

 Jono: No way! I despise that sort of stuff!

 Mira: Really? Well then, what sorts of motion pictures do you like?

 Jono: I figure I’m truly enthusiastically and experience kind of films.

 Mira: Oh definitely, well I figure they are OK, the length of they aren’t too wicked. I
likewise caught wind of this incredible new musical that just turned out. What do you think
about that?

 Jono: Musical? I don’t have a clue. That doesn’t sound excessively energizing. Is there
anything we can concede to?

 Mira: It doesn’t appear like it. Gracious, I recollect another motion picture that turned out
a week ago. It’s a puzzle and it had a little sentiment and some activity, as well. I heard its
really energizing in light of the fact that no one can think about who the executioner is and
it has a shock finishing. What do you think about that one?

 Jono: I figure that doesn’t sound too terrible. What time does it begin?
3. Conversation at Birthday Party

 Jane: Hey Tika, hold up! I’ve needed to have an opportunity to converse with you.

 Tika: Hi! What’s up?

 Jane: This weekend I’m hosting a birthday gathering for Ted. I’d like you to come.

 Tika: I’d love to. At the point when is it?

 Jane: We’re having it this Saturday at 8:00 at my home. We’re going to request a pizza and
play a few amusements. At that point whoever needs to stay longer can hang out and watch
a feature.

 Tika: It seems like a great deal of fun. Yet, now that I consider it, I guaranteed I would do
something with Nathan Saturday night.

 Jane: Well why not bring him along? It would be enjoyable. Ted would truly like that. I’m

 Tika: Really? That would be extraordinary. Alright, I’ll request that Nathan go along.
*What would I be able to bring?

 Jane: Nothing. Simply bring yourselves. No presents are vital and everything else has been
4. Contoh Percakapan Perkenalan
 Ulwan : Hello…

 Rafi : Hello…

 Ulwan : My name is Ulwan. What’s your name?

 Rafi : My name is Rafi. Nice to meet you.

 Ulwan : It’s a pleasure. This is a great event. Do you think so?

 Rafi : Yes, I do. By the way where are you from?

 Ulwan : I’m from Depok.

 Rafi : Ooh Depok. I come from Kediri. Do you know Kediri before?

 Ulwan : No, I don’t.

 Rafi : Kediri is about three hours from Surabaya.

 Ulwan : Ok. Now I already know Kediri from you. Thank you

 Rafi : You are welcome.

5. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Mengenalkan Orang Lain

 Anhar : Dilan. This is my good friend from Jakarta, Milea

 Dilan : Hai, Nice to meet you

 Milea : Nice to meet you.

 Anhar : She was my Junior High School Friend in Village. Now she take her Senior

High School in Jakarta

 Dilan : Oh, I see. Sometime when I go to Jakarta, can you accompany me to go around?

 Milea : With pleasure Dilan

6. Contoh dialog liburan
 Susanti : I’m very happy. It is finally weekend.

 Fizi : Me too. I have waited it for so long. It’s a long weekend. Three days in a row
because of red date on Friday.

 Susanti : So, what are you doing for the three days ahead?

 Fizi : Maybe I will spend all day for playing video game. How about you?

 Susanti : My family and me are going to visit grandpa and grandma in the village.There
we can play at the playing to the rice fields to enjoy the natural feel that I can not get

 Fizi : That sounds exciting! Unfortunately I don’t have family in village. Have a nice

 Susanti : Ok. Thank you Fizi.

7. Dialog Liburan 2
 Mei-Mei: Did you say you are going to take a vacation tomorrow?

 Saleh : Yes Mei-Mei. I’m going to Lombok for three days. I will stay at my friend’s
house and she will take me around some place in Lombok

 Mei-Mei: Wow, That’s great. I really envy to you. I wish someday I could go to Lombok.

 Saleh : Won’t you take a vacation this holiday?

 Mei-mei: No. I must stay at home because my mother is sick. So I must take care for her.

 Saleh : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I will bring you a something from Lombok. By the
way what do you want Mei-Mei?

 Mei-Mei: Really Saleh?

 Saleh : Of course. Then what do you want?

 Mei-Mei: You are so nice. Up to you Saleh. Many thanks for what will you bring for me.

 Saleh : Ok.
8. Dialog liburan 3
 Hana : Hello, how are you?

 Daniel: I’m good thanks. How are you?

 Hana : I’m good. So what are you going to do this weekend?

 Daniel: Well. On Saturday I think I’m going to go to the gym because I haven’t been
there for a while. And then I think I need to clean my house because I didn’t have time
during the week, and it is a bit messy now.And in the evening, I think I’m going to have
dinner with my friends.

 Hana : Are you going somewhere after dinner?

 Daniel : I don’t think so. I really want to spend this weekend in a really relaxed way, so I
don’t think I’m going anywhere after dinner.

 Hana : I see. How about Sunday?

 Daniel : Well, Sunday, I’m not going to do anything in the morning. I really want to take
-you know- a rest. And then I’m going to have lunch with my family cause I haven’t seen
them for a while. And in the afternoon, there’s this movie I really want to see. So I’m
going to the cinema with my friends.

9. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Kegiatan di Pagi hari

 Ani : Budi, tell me about your day. What time do you wake up?

 Budi: Well, let’s see. Every day I wake up before adzan subuh. Maybe about 4 o’clock.
The first time that I must do is prayer subuh in Masjid. I always start my day by praying
subuh. This is an obligation that should not be abandoned for me.

 Ani : Wow.

 Budi : Yeah. Wherever and whenever I sleep, I must wake up for praying subuh,
although sometimes I wake up late. Hmmm… How about you, Ani? When do you
usually wake up?

 Ani : Well. So I wake up everyday at 4 o’clock. After praying subuh, I usually

accompany my mother to go to the market to buy some ingredients for cooking in the

 Budi : Really?
 Ani : Yes. That is the women usually do.

10. Percakapan di siang dan malam hari

 Fizi: What time do you have a dinner? Do you always have a same dinner time
or different?

 Susanti: No. I almost always eat dinner around 6 o’clock. How about you? When do you
eat dinner?

 Fizi: My dinner time varies a lot just like my breakfast. Sometimes I eat dinner later than
most people. I think I would have dinner at 7:00 PM at the earliest. But sometimes, I will
have dinner as late as 9 o’clock at night.

 Susanti: Really?

 Fizi: Yeah. I don’t mind it. By the way I really like cooking so. If I’m cooking a short
thing, I’ll have dinner earlier. But I don’t mind if it takes two hours to cook something
really good. I’ll eat later at night.

 Susanti: Wow. Can you tell me about your work routine? What time do you usually go to

 Fizi: My work schedule is different everyday. That’s why I wake up at a different time
everyday. For example, on monday until wednesday, I start work at 7:00. But on thursday
and friday, I start work at 20.00.

 Susanti: Ah. I see

 Fizi: How about you?

 Susanti: Well, right now, I’m on maternity leave. So I stay home and take care of my
new baby.

 Fizi: Oh, congratulations.

 Susanti: Thank you. I try to work at home a little bit everyday though. If the kid is
sleeping or playing quietly, I try to do some work. Maybe around 2 o’clock, I can usually
get some work done because the kid is sleeping.

 Fizi: What do you actually do every day?

 Susanti: I usually go to the grocery store. Sometimes I take the kid to the park around
10:00 in the morning. I often do the laundry or wash the dishes. And then as soon as the
dishes are ashed, it’s time to make lunch. So I’m busy all day.

 Fizi: I see. So that’s why your lunch time can change so much.

 Susanti: Yeah.

11. Contoh Percakapan Tentang Bahasa Inggris Keluarga

 Sarah: John. I’ve never met your family. Do you have a big family?

 John: Yeah, kind of. There are five people in my family, so it’s a medium family. I have
two brothers. So there are three boys in my family. And there’s my mother and my father.

 Sarah: How about your father? Do you look like him?

 John: Yes, I do. I do look like my father. When he was younger, he had blond hair like
me and he has glasses. So do I. My mother has glasses, too. I’m the same height as my
father. We are both 180 centimeters tall. My older brother is the same height as me and
my father. But my younger brother is shorter than us.

 Sarah: Ah.

 John: He has blond hair and glasses too, though.

 Sarah: Oh. How tall is your younger brother?

 John: He’s a bit shorter than us. I am not sure but I think he’s around 170 centimeters

 Sarah: Oh. How about your mom?

 John: My mom is short, too. She’s the same height as my younger brother.

 Sarah: Oh.

 John: My mom has red hair. Her hair is bright red. So my mother has different hair from
the rest of my family.There are four people with blond people with blond hair and one
person with red hair. But actually, all five of us wear glasses.

 Sarah: Oh really?

 John: Yeah.
 Sarah: So John, you’re thin. What about the rest of your family? Are they thin, too?

 John: Well. My mother is skinny, too, like me. But my brothers are more like my dad in
their body type. They are a little bit more muscular than me. They have big muscles and
they’re very strong. So they are heavier than me.

 Sarah: Oh, sounds like a good-looking family.

 John: Thank you.

12. Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2

 Sarah: So John, you told me about me about your family’s appearance. What about their

 John: Well. All five people in my family have different personalities.Yeah. My younger
brother is really fun. It’s great to spend time with him. For example, we usually play
video games together. He likes to play racing games or sports games. No matter what
we’re doing, he tells jokes and I love listening to him tell jokes . And he’s so cheerful and
bright. He’s always open to new people and new ideas. So I really like spending time
with him.

 Sarah: That’s great. How about your older brother?

 John: Well, my older brother, he’s a really good guy. He’s not so entertaining like my
younger brother but he’s very smart. He’s really serious. He likes to study and read. For
example, he likes reading the Greek philosophers. He likes reading about Plato and
Socrates. He’s always talking about philosophy. I like that stuff, too. I think it’s
interesting but he’s not very funny.

 Sarah: I see. How about your dad?

 John: My dad. Let’s see, what can I say about my dad’s personality? He’s a hard worker.
He’s very devoted to everything he tries. He was raised on a farm so he knows a lot about
animals. And now, he has a farm as a hobby. My dad raises horses and chickens. And
he’s a really smart guy. Maybe a bit serious at times. His sense of humor is maybe like
you can imagine from an old man.

 Sarah: I see. How about your mother? What’s she like?

 John: My mother loves to read horror novels.

 Sarah: Really?
 John: Yeah, horror books. So she knows a lot of stuff about crime or mysteries or police
dramas and lawyers. My mother is very interested in those kind of books and movies and
TV shows, too. So she’s kind of like a detective.

 Sarah: Wow. It sounds like an interesting family.

13. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Interview Kerja

 Interviewer: Tell me a little about yourself.

 Applicant: I went to the University of Brawijaya and majored in accounting department,

and I really enjoyed learning. Afterwards, I started my career as a staff of oil palm
company in Kalimantan . I’ve been there for 3 years now.

 Interviewer: What are your strenghts?

 Applicant: I’ve always been a great team player. I’m good at keeping a team together
and producing quality work in a team environment.

 Interviewer: What are your weaknesses?

 Applicant: I feel my English ability is my weakness trait. I know this is only a temporary
problem. I’m definitely studying hard to communicate more effectively.

 Interviewer: what are your short term goals?

 Applicant: My short term goal is to find a position where I can use the knowledge and
strengths that I have. I want to partake in the growth and success of the company I work

 Interviewer: What does success mean to you?

 Applicant: For me, success means to have a goal, plan the steps to achieve the goal,
implement the plan, and finally achieve the goal.

 Interviewer: What do you want to be doing five years from now?

 Applicant: In five years, I see myself as a valued employee of a company. I want to be

an expert at my position and start training to be a manager.
 Interviewer: Are you an organized person?

 Applicant: I believe I’m very organized. I like to organize my work by priority and
deadlines. I do this so I can produce thehighest quality work in the amount of time I have.

 Interviewer: What does failure mean to you?

 Applicant: Failure in my view is people who have goal and not to do anything about it.

 Interviewer: How do you handle change?

 Applicant: I handle changes smoothly. Whenever there’s a change of any sort, I analyze
the situation and I always try to find ways I can contribute to the change in positive way.

 Interviewer: Do you work well under pressure?

 Applicant: I work well under pressure because I am a calm person. I maintain self
control and work as efficiently as possible. In all my experiences, I did well and I always
enjoyed the experience.

 Interviewer: Why should I hire you?

 Applicant: I’m a perfect fit for this position. I have the experience and the traits you are
looking for. On top of that, I’m a great team player that gets a long with everyone.
14. Reservation On The Spot

 Receptionist: Good morning. Welcome to Osland Hotel. (Selamat pagi. Selamat datang di
Osland Hotel)

 Client: Good morning. I would like to make a reservation for next weekend. Do you have
any vacancies?

 Receptionist: Yes, we still have several rooms available for that. Let me know, is it the

 Client: Correct.

 Receptionist: How long will you be staying? (Berapa lama anda akan menginap?

 Clients: Two days.

 Receptionist: How many people is the reservation for?

 Client: Just one person.

 Receptionist: The room is three hundred and fifty dollars per night. And what name will
the reservation be listed under?

 Client: Eric Adams

 Receptionist: Is there a phone number where you can be contacted?

 Client: The number is 18008143

 Receptionist: Great. Now I’ll need your credit card information to reserve the room.
What type of card is it?

 Client: I’ll use cash.

 Receptionist: Alright, sir, your reservation has been made for the fifteenth of March.
Check-in is at 2 o’clock. Please do not hesitate to call us if you need any information.

 Client: Okay, thank you so much.

 Receptionist: My pleasure. We’ll see you next week. Have a nice day.
15. Percakapan Bahasa inggris Recepcionis 2

 Receptionist: Good afternoon, Sir. Welcome to Watson Hotel.

 Client: Hi, good afternoon. I’d like to book a room for March 15th. Do you have any
 Receptionist: Let me check it for you. Please wait a moment.

 Client: Okay

 Receptionist: Yes sir, there are several rooms available for that day. How long will you
be staying?

 Client: I will be staying for 3 days.

 Receptionist: And how many people is the reservation for?

 Client: There will only be two of us. What’s the rate for the room?

 Receptionist: Five hundred dollars per night, sir.

 Client: Is that your best rate? We won’t be at hotel much.

 Receptionist: That’s the price of a room with a view of the ocean, and with twin beds.
Would you like another type of room? We still have one on the lower floor, the rate is
300 hundred dollars.

 Client: I’ll take that. And I’d like a double bed, please.

 Receptionist: Yes, sir. Could you please fill in this form? And may I have your credit
card please?

 Client : Sure. Here it is.

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