RA 10644 (Go Negosyo Act) Flyer

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Salient Features of the Go Negosyo Act

• The law seeks to promote “job generation and

inclusive growth through the development of MSMEs”
in the country

• Establishment of “Negosyo Centers” in all provinces,

cities and municipalities to promote “ease of doing
business and facilitate access to services for MSMEs
within its jurisdiction”

• Technology Transfer, Production and Management

Training, and Marketing Assistance for MSMEs

• Establishment of a Philippine Business Registry

Databank under the Department of Trade and Industry
to serve as a database of all business enterprises in the

• Establishment of a Start-up Fund for MSMEs “to

provide financing for the development and promotion of
MSMEs in priority sectors of the economy to be sourced
from the MSME Development Fund and BMBE Fund

• Reconstitution of the MSME Development Council and

its additional functions

• Designation of DTI as sole agency to issue Certificate

of Authority for BMBE to avail of benefits and incentives
Republic Act No. 10644
under R.A. 9178: BMBE Act of 2002 “GO NEGOSYO Act”
Bringing government services closer to small
To know more about the law, read the full text at
www.dti.gov.ph on SME Laws and Incentives.
business through the establishment of Negosyo

Department of Trade and Industry Further boost assistance to micro, small and
Regional Operations Group
6F Trade & Industry Building medium enterprises (MSMEs) to grow and flourish.
361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City
Phone : (+632) 751.3334/751.4626/890.4898
Fax: (+632) 751.3335 Intensify the promotion of entrepreneurship in the
E-mail: [email protected]
Republic Act No. 10644, otherwise known as “Go Negosyo development;
Act”, seeks to strengthen micro, small and medium enterprises 5. What are the functions of the Negosyo Centers? v. Encourage government institutions that are related
(MSMEs) to create more job opportunities in the country. It to the business application process to help promulgate
was signed into law by Pres. Benigno S. Aquino III on July The Negosyo Centers will be responsible for promoting “ease information regarding the Negosyo Center;
15, 2014. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has of doing business and facilitating access to services for MSMEs vi. Coordinate with schools and related organizations on
issued Department Administrative Order No. 14-5 Series of within its jurisdiction”. The Centers shall have the following the development of youth entrepreneurship program;
2014: “Implementing Rules and Regulations for Republic Act functions: vii. Encourage women entrepreneurship through access
No. 10644.” to information, training, credit facilities, and other
forms of assistance.
a) Business Registration Assistance
FREQUENTLY ASKED i. Accept and facilitate all new registration and renewal
application of MSMEs, including application for
d) Monitoring and Evaluation
i. Monitor and recommend business-process
QUESTIONS (FAQs) Barangay Micro-Business Enterprise (BMBE); improvement for MSMEs;
ii.Coordinate with the respective local government ii. Establish a feedback mechanism among the MSMEs
units (LGUs) and liaise with concerned government in the respective jurisdiction of Negosyo Centers.
1. What is the basic policy of the “Go Negosyo Act”? agencies to process the duly accomplished forms
submitted by the MSMEs;
The basic policy of the “Go Negosyo Act” is to foster national iii. Implement a unified business registration process
development, promote inclusive growth, and reduce poverty preferably through automated systems such as the
by encouraging the establishment of MSMEs that facilitate Philippine Business Registry (PBR); 6. Who can avail of the services offered by the
local job creation, production and trade in the country. Negosyo Centers?
b) Business Advisory Services
2. Who should establish the Negosyo Centers in the i. Assist MSMEs in meeting regulatory requirements to
locality? start and sustain the business; Any person, natural or juridical, having the qualifications as
ii. Build local support networks and establish market defined in Section 3 a) of the Republic Act No. 9178 may
linkages for MSME development through the Micro, avail of the service, to wit: “ …refers to any business entity
The MSME Development (MSMED) Council shall encourage or enterprise engaged in the production, processing or
Small and Medium Enterprise Development (MSMED)
public-private partnerships in the establishment and manufacturing of products or commodities, including agro-
Council and DTI;
management of Negosyo Centers. Coordination and processing, trading and services, whose total assets including
iii. Facilitate access to grants and other forms of financial
collaboration with the Local Government Units (LGUs) and those arising from loans but exclusive of the land on which
assistance, shared service facilities and equipment,
other agencies and organizations are imperative to avoid the particular business entity’s office, plant and equipment
and other support for MSMEs through national
duplication of efforts and to foster coordinated action. are situated, shall not be more than Three Million Pesos (₱
government agencies (NGAs);
iv. Ensure management guidance, assistance and 3,000,000.00). The above definition shall be subject to review
3. Can an existing MSME Center or Business improvement of the working conditions of MSMEs; and upward adjustment by the SMED Council, as mandated
Assistance Center operate as a Negosyo Center? v. Co-organize with the local chambers of commerce, under Republic Act No. 6977, as amended by Republic Act
other business organizations and government No. 8289.
agencies, a mentoring program for prospective and
Yes, existing Centers may continue to operate as Negosyo
current entrepreneurs and investors;
Centers subject to the provisions of the “Go Negosyo Act” and
vi. Conduct other programs or projects for entrepreneurial
its Implementing Rules and Regulations. 7. Who are the members of the Micro, Small and
development in the country aligned with the MSMEs
development plan. Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED)
4. Who will supervise and man the Centers?
c) Business Information and Advocacy
i. Provide information and services in training, financing, The members of the Council are Department of Trade and
The MSMED Council, thru the Department of Trade and marketing and other areas as may be required by Industry (DTI), Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of
Industry, is the coordinating and supervising body for all MSMEs; the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and representatives
agencies involved in the establishment and operation of ii. Establish and maintain a databank which will support from the MSMEs and women sectors and Small Business
business information requirements of MSMEs; Corporation. There is an Advisory Unit whose members are
Negosyo Centers. It shall perform oversight functions
iii. Promote ease of doing business and access to government agencies, government and private financing
and shall assign personnel to fulfil the functions of the services for MSMEs within its jurisdiction;
Negosyo Centers. institutions, labor and academe representatives.
iv. Support private sector activities relating to MSMEs

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