DLL HE Week 10

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Teaching Date & Time January 13-17, 2020 | 7:10-8:00 | 8:00-8:50 Quarter Third Quarter

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

January 13 January 14 January 15 January 16 January 17
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in the basics of food preservation

B. Performance Standards Preserves food/s using appropriate tools and materials and applying the basics of food preservation

C. Learning Competencies/ 3.6 Markets preserved/processed 3.6.2 computes costs, sales, and gains with pride
food in varied/creative ways with 3.6.3 uses technology in advertising products
Objectives pride. 3.6.4 keeps record of production and sales
(Write the Code) 3.6.1. packages product for sale
creatively/artistically, prepares 3rd PERIODICAL TEST
creative package and uses
materials sourced locally,
packages products artistically, and
labels packaged products
II. Content Food Preservation (Marketing Preserved/ Processed Food)

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources https://books.google.com.ph/books http://www.packagingoftheworld.com https://www.google.com.ph/search?
?id=1Rro1lZaGxIC&pg=PA1&dq=p /2017/02/10-product-packaging-tips- q=online+advertising+definition&oq=
ackaging+for+marketing&hl=en&sa that-will.html Online+adver&aqs=chrome.3.0j69i5
=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuv7vD0oXUAh http://www.businessdictionary.com/d 7j0l4.6025j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie
UMkpQKHdKMAkYQ6AEILDAC#v efinition/advertising.html =UTF-8
=onepage&q=packaging%20for%2 http://smallbusiness.chron.com/8- http://businesstips.ph/how-to-
0marketing&f=false different-ways-advertise-products- compute-your-business-profit/
https://www.google.com.ph/search services-19274.html
Stewart, B. (1997). Packaging as
an effective marketing tool. Surrey:
Pira International.
IV. Procedures
A. Review previous lessons lesson or Recap of previous lesson Recap of previous lesson Recap of previous lesson
Last week the class learned how to Yesterday, the class learned about Yesterday, the class learned about
presenting the new lesson assess quality of the importance of packaging in the the factors that should be
preserved/processed foods. The marketing of a quality considered in packaging a product,
class also learned how to improve processed/preserved food. advertising as well as its types.
the quality of specific It was mentioned that the class will
preserved/processed food items. focus on online advertising.
B. Establishing purpose for the Now that the class learned about Today, the class will learn on tips in Online advertising was
coming up with a quality the packaging of products. demonstrated yesterday by ____.
Lesson preserved/processed food, it is Ask the learners: What do you think Based on his/her demonstration,
important that the items will also be determine whether a buyer will find what then is the definition of online
packaged creatively and artistically some item attractive or not? advertising?
for it to be attractive to the target Answer: Design
market. When a quality product comes in a
Quality food plus creative well-designed package, it
packaging equals to increased encourages sales.
sales and profit.
C. Presenting examples /instances Tell the learners: According to Ask the learners: What do you think Show examples of online
Stewart in his book, “Packaging as are the important factors to consider advertisement.
of the new lessons an Effective Marketing Tool”, the in packaging a product?
“pack” is the silent salesman. 1. Packaging should work in tandem
Ask the learners: “What do you with the product to create the best
think is the meaning of that impact. Make it clear what a
statement? Give examples. particular product is for and the
Generate ideas from the learners. brand information.
Process the response of the 2. Packaging should determine what
learners. sort of message the product is
Show photos of packaged sending to the consumers.
products. The photos should 3. Packaging should be honest by
include well-packaged products showcasing the item for what it
and not so well-packaged really is.
products. 4. Know your market or target
Ask the learners to comment on consumers.
the packaging of the products. Is it
possible to further improve the The teacher will provide examples
packaging of the product? for each factor that should be
considered in packaging a product.

D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will ask the class: Given that the class has completed The class learned about food
Based on the activities earlier, the preparation of the processed processing/food preservation,
practicing new skills #1. what do you think is the definition food/preserved food and packaging product design and packaging and
of packaging? of product, the class will be online advertisement.
Packaging is the presentation of a introduced to advertising their The class will assume that all of the
product in a particular way. products. products have been sold. How then
Show a video clip or photos of will the class know if they have
advertisements in newspapers, gained profit or gains.
magazines, billboards, social media, Today, the class will learn how to
online, radio etc. compute expenses, sales, and profit.
E. Discussing new concepts & Packaging plays an important role Ask the class: What is your idea of The simplest formula to compute for
in marketing products. advertising? Give examples. profit or gains:
practicing new skills #2 Packaging is a marketing tool. Process the response of the Total Income – Total Expenses =
Packaging can make an important learners. Net Profit
contribution to profits through the Ask the class: What then is the Total income – sales of goods
simulation of sales and improved definition of advertising? Total expenses - includes all costs
profits. Process the response of the related to the sale transactions such
Packaging is the materials in which learners. as production costs, marketing and
objects are wrapped before being Advertising is the activity or all other incidental expenses
sold. profession of producting information (transportation, utilities such as
Show a video clip on packaging of for promoting the sale or commercial water, electricity, LPG etc.)
products. products or services. The teacher will provide examples.
Advertising may be done in:
 television
 online (technology)
 radio
 newspaper
 word-of-mouth advertising
 event sponsorship
 door hanger
 flyers
F. Developing Mastery /Leads to Group activity: Ask volunteers from the class to The teacher will give a situation to
Group the class into five (5). demonstrate the eight (8) ways of the learners wherein the class will
Formative Assessment Mechanics: advertising. Give the volunteers five determine the net profit.
1. Choose a food product that will (5) minutes to prepare.
be preserved/processed by the
2. Give your product a brand
3. Package the product using local
4. Present to the class on
G. Finding Practical Applications of Demonstration of eight (8) class Remind the class the following items
volunteers. will be included in the presentation
concepts and skills tomorrow:
• Actual processed/preserved
• Brand name of the product
• Packaging design of the product
• Online advertisement of the
• Computation of profit

H. Making Generalizations and Remember, aside from a quality Remind the class the importance of
product, creative packaging is also creativity, honesty and clarity in the
abstractions about the lessons important to make it attractive to preparation of the design of the
the target market. package of the product.
Mention that there are different
types of advertising.
The class will focus on online
I. Evaluating Learning Ask the learners to comment: Group collaboration with Group collaboration with
“If the business or an individual has clarifications to be provided by the clarifications to be provided by the
a tight budget, there is no need to teacher. teacher.
package the processed/preserved By this time, the group should
product:. decide on the following:
The consumers buy products that  processed/preserved food
are visually appealing, and if some  design of the product package
product suffers from poor  identified the task/s for each
packaging, unimpressive and group member
shabby, chances are the consumer
will move on to a better-looking
 online advertising
J. Additional activities for Continue collaborating with Continue collaborating with Continue collaborating with
groupmates for class presentation groupmates for class presentation groupmates for class presentation
application or remediation on Thursday. on Thursday. tomorrow.

V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No.of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No.of learners who requires additional acts.for
remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.of learners
who caught up with the lessons
D. No.of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials
did I used/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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