The Millerton News - January 16, 2020

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THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020

Covering Northeastern Dutchess County And Its Environs
Volume 88 Number 50 • 14 Pages in 1 Section


Community Mourns High School
The Passing Of A Renovation Means Poet Robert Burns Is
Beloved Webutuck Fewer Seats At Celebrated; Bolshoi Ballet’s
Milestones in Business A2-4
Teacher A6 Graduation A7 ‘Giselle’; And More A11-12
©2020 The Lakeville Journal Company, LLC Periodical Rate Postage Paid at Millerton, New York 12546 $1.25

Fatal accident leaves

Amenia resident dead
By JUDITH O’HARA BALFE fields, houses and horses dotting the
[email protected] countryside.
According to the state police re-
WASHINGTON — There are no port, the driver “went off the road-
flowers, candles or crosses at the side way for unknown reasons.”
of the town of Washington roadway Responding to the scene were
to mark the fatal accident that took the Amenia and the Millbrook fire
place on Wednesday, Jan. 8. Twenty departments, Northern Dutchess
year old Amenia resident Jeremy L. Paramedics (NDP) and the New York
Annis was pronounced dead at the State Police Troop K Collision and
scene by the Dutchess County Medi- Reconstruction Unit.
cal Examiner’s Office. Annis was the Investigators have not been able
passenger in a Toyota sedan driven to determine the cause of the acci- PHOTO BY KAITLIN LYLE
by his uncle, 28 year old James M. dent as of yet, but are continuing to Led by Stella Ren, an international student enrolled at The Hotchkiss School, a group of five young readers
Ruiz, also of Amenia. Ruiz was criti- look into the matter. engaged in the art of Chinese paper cutting in the NorthEast-Millerton Library on Thursday, Jan. 9.
cally injured in the accident and was Two separate Go Fund Me cam-
airlifted to Westchester Medical
Center in Valhalla by Life Net Air 2.
paigns have been set up for the vic-
tims’ families, one for the Annis fam-
Across cultures
Troopers responded to the scene ily, which as of Sunday night, Jan. 12, MILLERTON — The NorthEast- ed China and its culture, Stella Ren, food and the Americanized version of
at roughly 11:20 p.m. Wednesday had raised $5,365 to help with funer- Millerton Library invited young an international student enrolled at Chinese food.
night. The call reported a car had run al and other costs. The second cam- readers to explore the traditions of The Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, As a lunar New Year tradition, Ren
off the roadway, hit a tree and burst paign was set up for the Ruiz family; China through the library’s joint pro- Conn., was more than happy to share taught a lesson about the art of Chi-
into flames. The road was closed un- roughly $1,100 had been raised by gram with international students at stories from her country and talk nese paper cutting. It was also men-
til about 4:30 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. the 12th. Ruiz will be in intensive The Hotchkiss School on Thursday, with local children about the history tioned that 2020 is a Year of the Rat,
9. care for at least a week and will need Jan. 9. of the lunar New Year as well as the according to the Chinese zodiac.
The accident took place on the extensive rehabilitation before he As this month’s program spotlight- difference between authentic Chinese — Kaitlin Lyle
Shunpike, or State Road 57, in the can return to work, according to the
relatively straight stretch of road be- Go Fund Me page. Any money raised

New sign law submitted

tween Kennels Road and Route 44. will go to help with medical bills and
The Shunpike is rural, with farms, ongoing expenses.

Olivet developer penalized to North East Town Board

Dover Greens pays
By KAITLIN LYLE a meeting on Monday, Dec. 31, that members recommended, Arnason
[email protected] meeting was canceled due to icy road passed around copies of the revised
conditions. law as well as a memorandum to the
NORTH EAST — The North East On Thursday evening, Jan. 9, Town Board about the new law and

$575,000 in fines Town Board devoted part of its first

regular meeting of the year to re-
viewing amendments to the town’s
town Supervisor Chris Kennan in-
vited Solar, Wind and Sign Commit-
tee Chairman Jon Arnason to speak
a comparison of the existing sign
law with cross-references to the new

for asbestos violations

pending new sign law. about revisions made to the town’s Arnason said the changes were
Though the board originally in- 2009 sign law. Before presenting the
tended to discuss the new sign law at changes he and his fellow committee See NEW SIGN LAW, A10

By WHITNEY JOSEPH According to the suit, “Dover

[email protected] Greens violated the CAA and Asbes-

WINGDALE — Dover Greens, the

company behind the conversion of
tos NESHAP when it failed to take
the necessary precautions and follow
the proper protocols pertaining to
We say ‘see you soon’ to a beloved
the former Harlem Valley Psychiat-
ric Center into the now operational
Olivet University, has agreed to pay a
the removal, handling and disposal
of asbestos” during cleanup of the
Wingdale campus in 2013.
editor, who retires this week
$575,000 penalty to the United States Dover Greens objected to the By CYNTHIA HOCHSWENDER while he was in high school; he returned
Environmental Protection Agency charges, even in its admission and [email protected] after college and a few years working
(EPA) for “violating asbestos safety acceptance of responsibility, which in publishing in New York City and
rules,” as stated by the Manhattan were resolved through a consent de- Most simply stated, here’s what’s joined our newspaper as a reporter. He
U.S. Attorney’s office. cree agreement. In addition to the happening: Bernard A. Drew, who is was promoted to associate editor in
In a Jan. 7 press release, U.S. At- $575,000 fine, the U.S. Attorney’s The Lakeville Journal Company’s senior October 2017 and has worked closely
torney for the Southern District of Office imposed “injunctive relief, associate editor, retires as of this week, with Bernie since then.
New York Geoffrey S. Berman, and including a requirement that Dover on Tuesday, Jan. 14. Alex works on both The Lakev-
Regional Administrator for the EPA Greens provide medical monitoring He is doing so in advance of his 70th ille Journal and The Millerton News;
Peter Lopez, announced that “the to individuals potentially exposed to birthday, which will be today, Jan. 16.
United States has filed a civil lawsuit airborne asbestos fibers as a result of For the record, his birth date is nine See BERNARD DREW, A10
against Dover Greens, LLC, for viola- these violations.” days ahead of the birth date of his fa-
tions of the Clean Air Act [CAA] and The consent decree is subject to vorite poet, Robert Burns, known as the Senior Associate Editor Bernard
EPA’s National Emissions Standards court approval. Scottish national poet, who was born Drew will leave The Lakeville
for Asbestos [Asbestos NESHAP] Among the claims it admitted to, on Jan. 25, 1759. Journal Co. after 23 years on staff.
during renovation of the former Dover Greens acknowledged it failed Alexander Wilburn will step up as He plans to spend more time ex-
Harlem Valley Psychiatric Center in senior associate editor. Alex first came ploring the woods, writing books
Wingdale, N.Y.” See DOVER GREENS, A10 to The Lakeville Journal as an intern and traveling somewhere. PHOTO BY DONNA M. DREW

Millerton����������������������������������������������� A4 Millbrook��������������������������������������������� A8 OPINION

Obituaries������������������������������A5 & A6 Opinion�������������������������������������������������� A9
Amenia���������������������������������������������������� A6 Classifieds��������������������������������� A13-14 A Sign Of The Times;
Pine Plains/Sports����������������������� A7 The Best Regional News Site Columns; Letters A9

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A2 THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020

Celebrating Milestones
Milestones in Business
1875 - 2020 and Beyond
Congratulations on all the years of doing business in our communities

Milestones in Business Valentine Monument Works & Sandblast

Since 1875

anuary is traditionally It’s not a simple task to
the month during which start and run a business
business owners reflect anywhere, but it’s espe-
on the year that is past, and cially challenging in a rural
the year that is to come, try- area like ours. Thinking of
ing to get a good handle on starting up a small busi- Cemetery Monuments • On-Site Lettering • Bronze Veterans’ Plaques
Pet Markers • Cleaning & Repairs • Sand Blasting Service
the economic future. Small ness? Take inspiration from Bruce Valentine, owner • Tel: 518-789-9497
businesses are an extremely the businesses listed here,
129 Years of the
[email protected] • Park Avenue & Main Street, Millerton

important part of what whether they have been go-

makes the economy in the
Tri-state region work. So,
ing for more than 100 years,
one year or somewhere in
By Your Side for 116 Years! Strength of Relationships
we are focusing this month, between. Small businesses
as we have for years at this like these give character to HOME ASSISTANCE SERVICES
time, on the businesses in our region and offer an al-
our area that would like ternative to online shopping Reliable, high quality services
our readers to know when and big box stores, which for a healthy and independent
lifestyle - right at home. (860) 435-0816 (845) 677-5321
they were founded, or some get the job done, but not
other milestone they feel is with the fun of seeing your millbrook amenia pine plains standfordville
significant. They are mainly neighbors and getting an Serving the Communities of:
Canaan, Cornwall, Falls Village,BUYER
Goshen, Kent,
BEEBE Lakeville, mock-upsNorfolk, Salisbury, Sharon, Taconic,: WarrenDECKER

what the U.S. Small Business in-person second opinion,

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BUYER are a close representation to the final product. 1 PRINT INFORMATION & BEEBE Dig
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Administration defines as or “review.”

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“small” – but together they Support these businesses, Established 1907 Print Locations CHANGE


have real and very meaning- which employ many of us

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ful influence on the region’s and improve the quality of Ink Colors:

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fiscal health. life for all in the region. 3 PRINT INFORMATION

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THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020 A3

Celebrating Milestones in Business

1875 - 2020 and Beyond
Congratulations on all the years of doing business in our communities

CARLSON CARLSON For over 45 years

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A4 THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020

Milestones American Legion Post 178 proposes
in Business amendment to town’s new sign law
By KAITLIN LYLE the public to follow along. ate” in the policy, Klay said the mum illumination of 5,000 nits
[email protected] Klay said based on extensive Post strongly believes that the (referring to candelas per square
research, the Post determined inclusion of its proposal would meter) during daylight hours and
Black Rain Computer Services, LLC NORTH EAST — After de- the majority of cities, towns and be deemed “very appropriate and between dusk to dawn.
fending its decision to install a villages in Dutchess County cur- will ultimately prove beneficial “It’s clear that this represents
Since 2014 light-emitting diode (LED) sign
at its Route 44 Post home last
rently allow the same type of
sign it has at its headquarters. He
to the town.”
The Post is proposing that the
an enormous amount of work on
your part and research,” North
Local onsite tech support October, the Millerton Ameri- also noted that the majority of town include a section on LED East town Supervisor Chris Ken-
for desktop, mobile and server can Legion Post 178 approached Dutchess County municipalities community message boards, or nan said, “and it is definitely a lot
the North East Town Board on are involved with the Greenway “permanent ground-mounted for us to digest.”
845-366-8743 Thursday, Jan. 9, with a proposal Compact program. According to signs for use only by not-for- “Basically, it’s up to the town to include a section on LED com-, the Gre- profit organizations, schools, to decide whether it wants us
Microsoft and CompTia certified munity message boards in the enway Compact program is “a religious institutions or gov- to conform or not,” Klay said.
town’s new sign law. Currently, voluntary community planning ernment agencies,” in its new “There’s a lot of inherent flexibil-
such signs are not permitted in approach” that promotes inter- sign law. In outlining the re- ity… I think what we’re propos-
the Boulevard District, which is municipal cooperation through quirements for having an LED ing would be a healthy balance
where Post 178 is located. The five complementary goals, includ- display, Klay said the manner of and compromise.”
Legion installed the illegal sign ing economic development and the electronic message display When asked by a community
last year without a permit, and regional planning. would include no more than four member whether the public
SINCE 2016 has since been asking the town to
consider revising its law to make
Klay said there are no “explicit
restrictions or bans placed on
electronic messages (excluding
time and temperature informa-
could get a copy of the presen-
tation, Klay replied he would
the sign legal. any municipality to prohibit any tion) during a single 24-hour day make the presentation available
SUNDAY – THURSDAY 11AM – 9PM Led by Post Historian Sean style of sign within New York and that the minimum duration on the Post’s website at www.
FRIDAY & SATURDAY 11AM – 10PM Klay, there were six Legionnaires State, Dutchess County or any for each message will be no less, as well as on
present at the meeting. Stepping municipality or jurisdiction that than 15 seconds. The size of the its Facebook page.
518.592.1900 to the front of the room, Klay is a signatory to the Greenway sign shouldn’t exceed 36 square Commending the Post’s “im-
thanked the board for the chance Compact.” Klay also said there’s feet (which includes the structure pressive and thoughtful presen-
53 MAIN STREET MILLERTON NEW YORK 12546 to “come and address you on what some flexibility in the town’s sign the sign is mounted on) with a tation,” Millerton resident Tom
seems to be a very popular subject ordinances. For example, he said maximum height of 20 feet, in- Parrett asked the board what
matter.” As Klay passed around as a town policy, the town will cluding the structure. would happen next. Kennan
copies of the proposal to each amend current land use laws and Klay recommended that all replied that scheduling a pub-
board member to review, Post regulations or enact new ones ground-mounted signs be at a lic hearing on the new sign law
members propped an enlarged where they’re considered ap- minimum 5-foot setback from would be the next step.
version of the proposal and sup- propriate. Noting the inclusion the street right-of-way, and that For more on the new law, turn
e Canaan
porting research on display for of the phrase “where appropri- the signs don’t exceed a maxi- to Page A1.

Cantina + Restaurant
Role reversal
Village obtains
Open 7 days a week Monday - Saturday: 11am - 10pm
Ex-town Supervisor
$1,275,600 in grants
Lunch and Dinner Sunday: 11am-9pm

George Kaye named

Full liquor license Reservations suggested
Reservations suggested
499 Ashley Falls Road (Rt 7)
227 Main Street Lakeville, CT 06039 Canaan, CT 06018
By KAITLIN LYLE and install water meters in the

Free delivery Wednesdays
Our 2nd store in Canaan is now open!
Go to
for menu, reservations
new board member [email protected]

village that can be read from
the street.
Additionally, the board dis-
for schools $5 Margaritas! and meals to go
By KAITLN LYLE turned out to be a short meet- cussed the $600,000 match-
[email protected] ing, the Village Board took ing state grant the Eddie
Our 3rd restaurant NORTH EAST — Determined
care of village business and
evaluated two grants on Mon-
Collins Memorial Park Revi-
talization Committee received
coming soon in Chatham! to fill the vacant councilman seat
that was the result of town Super-
day, Jan. 6.
Gathering in the North-
from the New York State Of-
fice of Parks, Recreation and
visor Chris Kennan’s November East-Millerton Library An- Historic Preservation for the
election as quickly as possible, nex at 7 p.m., the board dealt first round of renovations at
the North East Town Board ap- with monthly vouchers and Eddie Collins Memorial Park.
Proudly serving Litchfield
County since 2017 pointed former town Supervisor talked about a few upcoming Park Revitalization Com-
George Kaye — who opted not to community projects it plans mittee member Jeanne
run for reelection in 2019 — to to discuss more in detail at Vanecko reported on a later
fill the vacancy. The appointment the meeting on Tuesday, Jan. date that this funding will
was made at the board’s monthly 21. The trustees also talked go toward constructing a
FREE In-Home Consultation meeting on Thursday, Jan. 9. Kaye about the requirements for new parking lot, develop-
Lutron, Hunter Douglas, will serve on the board until the the Water Infrastructure Im- ing the soccer field, making
Shutters, Blinds & More end of 2020. provement Act (WIIA) grant improvements to the Little
John & June KinsKy
860.619.2811 Budget Blinds of litchfield county After announcing the vacan- the village received from the League area and completing [email protected] cy on the town website, Kennan New York State Department some infrastructure work in
An Independently Owned & Operated Franchise reported that a number of indi- of Health. anticipation of the next round
viduals expressed an interest in With a total project cost es- of renovations. She added that
serving. After meeting with those PHOTO BY WHITNEY JOSEPH timated at $1,126,000, Trustee some of the funding will go
candidates, he said the town’s Per- With the North East Town Matthew Hartzog reported on toward repairing the park
sonnel Committee nominated Board’s unanimous vote of ap- a later date that the $675,600 playground, repairing and
Breakfast all Day & Lunch Kaye for the position. proval, former town Supervi- WIIA grant will be used to re- replacing playground equip-
“It’s a unique opportunity to sor George Kaye was appoint- paint the interior and exterior ment and installing two new
Now serving alcohol take advantage of George’s expe- ed to fill a vacant councilman of the village water tower and basketball courts in the park.
& Lunch Box Meals! rience,” Kennan said. “I’m grateful seat, effective Thursday, Jan. 9. to set up a temporary water However, before moving for-
for George’s willingness to serve. tank to hold the water inside ward with the first round of
Catering and Free Delivery I’m also grateful for other people’s an Lana Morrison before it was the tower. The grant will also renovations, Vanecko said the
willingness to serve.” unanimously approved by the be utilized to install shut off committee will need to raise
As the first to make a mo- rest of the board. After taking the valves on village fire hydrants funds to match the grant.
9 Sharon Road Lakeville Ct. • 860-596-4580 tion to elect Kaye to the board, Oath of Office, Kaye joined his Councilman Ralph Fedele said, colleagues at the board table for
“I’m honored to nominate George his first meeting of the new year.
Kaye for the vacant seat on the “I certainly appreciate the op-
board. George is an amazing guy portunity to once again be able to
Since 1897 and I’ve had the honor and privi- serve the community and I hope
lege of working with George.” my past experience will serve me
The Lakeville Journal Company The motion to appoint Kaye well in my new capacity,” Kaye
was seconded by Councilwom- said about the appointment.
and an
ATMOSPHERE OF OPEN COMMUNICATION Presents In Collaboration With FilmWorks Forum

Without a local media presence, there is much that would
go unnoticed and unrecorded, and a sense of cohesion in a
place like the Tri-state region could disappear.
We found out this year that our readers agree
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became contributors to the new membership model for
A film by Cheryl Horner McDonough
this company, and for that we thank you and continue
to welcome anyone who would like to support local
A documentary
journalism to become members.
tracing the journey
To become a member, send a check to The Lakeville
of students at
Journal Company, PO Box 1688, Lakeville, CT 06039; or go
Lakeville, Connecticut • 860-435-0578 Marjory Stoneman
online to and contribute there.
Douglas High School
To share ideas for coverage, send them to the
in Parkland, FL from
addresses below.
shooting victims to
We are here to serve our communities national activists
going forward into the future. against gun violence.


11:30 A.M.
860-435-9873 • [email protected] Q&A With The Filmmaker
P.O. Box 1688, Lakeville, CT 06039 Sanitation Service and Parkland Students Following


518-789-4401 • [email protected]
Quality Service For Refuse Removal
Recycling For The Future
The Moviehouse
48 Main St., Millerton, NY
Winsted Journal
P.O. Box 625, Millerton, NY 12546
1-800-522-7235 | 845-877-9354
THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020 A5

Dorothy (Brown) Bundschuh OBITUARIES David Arthur Matthews

CRARYVILLE, N.Y. — David Ohio, June Matthews and her
SALISBURY — Dorothy While John enjoyed gar- Arthur Matthews, 57, of Craryville husband, Danny, of Hudson, N.Y.,
(Brown) Bundschuh, 86, dening, building and
woodworking, Dorothy
Farley Frederick Churton passed away peacefully on Jan. 4, Sharon Kuhnow of Craryville,
of Rye, N.Y., and Mil- 2020, at home, surrounded by George Matthews and his wife,
lerton died Jan. 12, 2020, mostly enjoyed sitting his family. Jennie, of Tupper Lake, N.Y.,
at Noble Horizons in by the fire and taking a STANFORDVILLE — Farley woodchuck, a red-tailed hawk,
Frederick Churton, aka “Fud” a possum and a fawn. If Farley He was born on July 13, 1962, and Ralph Matthews of Hudson.
Salisbury. She was the break from raising six in Catskill, N.Y., to the late Naomi He will also be missed by Lynn’s
loving wife of the late children. was born to Robert and couldn’t be found it was
Susanna (Farley) Chur- because he was in the (Barnum) and John A. Matthews. family, Daniel Talarico and his
John J. Bundschuh Jr. Millerton was a place David’s passion in life was wife, Becky, Sophie Alger and
Dorothy was born of peace and quiet, ton on May 6, 1952, at woods and if he could
Sharon Hospital. Farley be found he was either working on cars or anything with her husband, Derek, and Lucinda
March 1, 1933, in New where her children bus- a motor. He also enjoyed garden- Talarico and her husband, Daniel.
York, the daughter of ied themselves with was the second born of at Uncle Sonny’s sip-
four sons. ping a “Silver Soda” or ing, fishing and sitting around the He is also survived by many nieces,
the late Lillian and Wal- board games, outdoor camp fire with family and friends. nephews and cousins.
ter Brown. She gradu- activities and home- He passed away on in his driveway leaning
Jan. 5, 2020, at 11:12 p.m. on the back of his truck His willingness to help others will In addition to his parents,
ated from the Ursuline School spun theater productions with- surely be missed by many. David was predeceased by his
in New Rochelle and then from out a television in the house for at Northern Dutchess drinking “a cold one”
Hospital in Rhinebeck, or a “silver bullet” as he He leaves behind his longtime sister, Louise Matthews; his
Trinity College. entertainment. companion, Lincolna “Lynn” Ta- brother-in-law, Charles Kuhnow;
Upon graduation, Dorothy be- Though Dorothy was never a N.Y. Farley was 67 years liked to call it. Farley’s
young at the time of his third love was an ice- larico; his stepchildren, Krystal and his mother-in-law, Elizabeth
came engaged to John Bundschuh country girl at heart, she came to (Carver) Cobbins, and Warren Talarico.
and was married on Feb. 11, 1956. love seeing the deer that dashed passing and had been “kicking cold Coors Light enjoyed with
cancer’s ass” for four years until good company. Carver Jr.; his six siblings and A funeral service will be held
They shipped off to Frankfurt across the yard in the morning and their spouses, John A. Matthews from 1 to 3 p.m. on Jan. 18 at the
in the Army Reserves almost im- found many friends in the area in he succumbed to his illness. Farley will be remembered
Farley was a lifelong resident as a man of good character. He Jr. and his wife, Peggy, of Falls Bates and Anderson – Redmond
mediately, an experience that both her later years. Village, Irene Schaeffer and her and Keeler Funeral Home in
reflected on as fun and formative She played bridge in Sharon of Stanfordville. He grew up in the prided himself on leaving people
Hamlet of Bangall with his par- in better shape than he found husband, Andy, of Cincinnati, Hudson.
in their young marriage. and sang in the choir at St. Mary’s
Dorothy was a model for Saks Church in Lakeville. ents and three brothers, Bobby, them. He could light up the room
Fifth Avenue after college and Dorothy’s faith and family were Stephen and Mark. with his smile and sense of humor
fashion was a lifelong interest. guiding lights throughout her life. Farley attended Stissing and bring the house down with a
She enjoyed joining voices in
song and sang in many chapters
She is survived by three sons,
Jack, Geoffrey and Stephen; three
Mountain Jr. Sr. High School,
where he played in a band with
good joke. He was really, really
funny and had a knack for im- Worship Services
of the Sweet Adelines barbershop daughters, Carmen, Lauren and friends, was part of the basketball personating and imitating people, Week of January 19, 2020
chorus throughout her life, a Betsy; and eight grandchildren, and football teams and where he especially when he was re-telling
group that performed competi- Jonathan, Kevin, Lis, Matt, John, met his high school sweetheart, a story. He seemed to sense when
Linda J. Haire. Farley graduated people needed a big ole hug and The Congregational All Saints of America
tively and once gave a concert in Grace, Augie and Jerome. Church of Salisbury, U.C.C. Orthodox Christian Church
Carnegie Hall. She was predeceased by a from high school in 1971 and went he gave out big hugs to cheer oth- 30 Main Street, Salisbury, CT 313 Twin Lakes Rd., Salisbury, CT
Dorothy and John lived in brother, Richard. on to marry Linda in September ers up or to make them feel loved Serving the Lord with Gladness Sat. Vespers at 5:00 p.m.

Westchester, and in 1966 — driven A funeral Mass will be held at 1971. liberally. He was a lovable, strong, We bid you warm welcome to come Sun. Liturgy at 9:30 a.m.
worship with us Sundays at 10 am. Rev. Fr. John J. Kreta
by John’s interest in all things St. Mary’s Church in Lakeville on He was drafted into the Army big teddy bear of a man with a All are welcome! 860-824-1340
agrarian — they bought a farm in Thursday, Jan. 16, at 10 a.m. The and briefly served the country pure and honest heart who always Moving music,and Christian fellowship
in a historic 19th C. Meeting House.
Millerton, which they enjoyed for Kenny Funeral Home in Sharon until he was honorably discharged wanted to “do the right thing” and Sunday School & Nursery Care Falls Village
close to 40 years. has care of arrangements. in 1972 due to an injury. most times, he did. The Rev. Dr. John A. Nelson Congregational Church
Farley will continue to live on (860) 435-2442
Farley had two daughters,
16 Beebe Hill Road, Falls Village
10:00 a.m. Family Worship
in the hearts and minds of every-
Peter Sherwood Susanna and Jessica Churton, out
of his marriage to Linda and he one who knew him and he will St. John's Episcopal Church
11:00 a.m. Coffee Hour
A Friendly Church with
a warm welcome to all!!
thought the world of them. He forever be missed by family and 12 Main Street, Salisbury, CT 860-824-0194
LAKEVILLE — Peter Sher- for fast cars and owned several was a kind and lovable father with friends, especially his daughters. Rev. Marilyn Anderson
wood, 70, of Lakeville passed away over the years. He had a green a quiet and gentle temperament; Rev. Paul Christopherson Christ Church Episcopal
Farley was predeceased by SUNDAY SERVICES
in Sharon
at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford thumb and took great pride in his daughters adored him. Farley his father, Robert Churton; his 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Rite I) Said
9 South Main, Sharon CT
on Jan. 4, 2020. growing plants. and Linda were later divorced. brother, Stephen Churton; his
10:00 a.m. Eucharist with music (Rite II)
Sunday Holy Eucharist at 9:00 AM
He was born in Bridgeport, Peter enjoyed entertaining Farley was a lifelong carpenter nephew, Isaac Churton; and sev- At Noon – with Eucharis
Rev. Dr. Martha Tucker
All welcome to join us
Conn., on Feb. 8, 1949. He was family and friends with loud and and contractor. He started his own eral aunts and uncles.
the son of the late George “Dutch” colorful booming displays in his carpentry business in Bangall, Those left to cherish his
and Dorothy (Larney) Sherwood. yard. Anyone who witnessed where he created beautiful pieces memory include his daughters, Greenwoods
North Canaan
Peter graduated in 1968 from the illumination will always re- of furniture. He was a master Jessica Churton and her partner, Congregational Church, UCC Community Church
Housatonic Valley Regional High member his infectious laugh as craftsman and his carpentry and Bill Strang of Stanfordville, and Joyfully opening our hearts 355 Clayton Road, Ashley Falls, MA
Sunday Service 10:30 AM
School, where he lettered in foot- he watched everyone’s enjoyment. remodeling work were sought out Susanna Churton and her partner,
and doors to all God's people
Kidz Konnection
Pastor Savage Frieze
ball and basketball. Peter is survived by his siblings, by many. He had an eye for detail David DeNardis, of Pine Plains; 172 Lower Rd/Rt. 44, East Canaan CT K-6th grade (during Sun. Service)
Nursery Care All Services
He was a decorated Vietnam Mary Smith and her husband, and accomplished perfection in his five wonderful grandchil-
Worship services Sundays at 10 am
Pastor Trip Weiler
Army veteran who served from Jim, John Sherwood and his wife, his work. dren, Haley and Zachary Strang 30 GRANITE AVE, CANAAN: 413-229-8560
1969 to 1971. Becky, of Lakeville and Katie Farley had many other accom- of Stanfordville and Malayna, FISHES & LOAVES Food Pantry and
Peter died of complications Wood and her husband, Jim, of plishments throughout his life as CLOSETS for clothing, Wednesdays 9-11
St. Thomas
Novalee and Blaze DeNardis
related to his exposure to Agent Salisbury; and several nieces and well. He was a second degree black northcanaancongregational Episcopal Church
of Pine Plains; his mother, Su- 40 Leedsville Road
Orange. nephews. belt in karate, tae kwon do style; sanna Churton of Pine Plains; his Amenia Union, NY
Peter retired from SNET after He was predeceased by his and he worked hard for several North East Baptist Church SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:30
brothers, Bobby Churton of Pine Historic Meeting House, followed by refreshments
30 years. After his retirement, parents; and two brothers, George years to achieve his black belts. Plains and Mark Churton and his Main & Maple Millerton, NY All ages welcome!
he obtained his pilot’s license and Robert “Bullet” Sherwood. In the 1980s he opened a karate partner, Rosemary Arsenault- God's word is always relevant! Rev. Dr. Robert D. Flanagan
A Warm Welcome Awaits You
and worked at Lindell’s in North A memorial service will be held school in Stanfordville, where Fazzina, of Elizaville, N.Y.; and SUNDAY SERVICES 845-373-9161
Canaan for several years. He was on Saturday, Feb. 8, at 11 a.m. in St. he taught many people from the several nieces, nephews, cousins Family Bible School - 9:30 AM
a member of the VFW in Lakeville Martin of Tours Parish, Church of community. He loved teaching Morning Worship - 11:00 Trinity Episcopal Church
and their partners. Evening Service - 6:00 PM 484 Lime Rock Rd., Lime Rock
and the Northwest Rod and Gun St. Mary, in Lakeville. karate and mentoring his young There will be no public services WEEKDAY MEETINGS Sun. 8 & 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Club in North Canaan. Memorial donations may students. He was a compassion- at this time. Farley wished to be
Weds. Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Nursery Care/Sunday School 10:20 a.m.
“Offering companionship along the way”
at Parsonage 33 S. Maple Ave.
Peter was an avid University of be sent either to the Lakeville ate and gentle teacher and it was cremated and his remains will be Sat. Bible Studies Rev. Heidi Truax
Connecticut women’s basketball VFW, 19 Brook St., Lakeville, important to him that his students kept in the care of his daughters. for Men & Women 3:00 PM (860) 435-2627
FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON [email protected]
fan and hardly missed a game. CT 06039; or to the Salisbury remained humble and did not use In the spring, the family intends First Sunday of each month
He enjoyed his yearly trips to Volunteer Ambulance Service, 8 karate inappropriately to injure to have a celebration of life with after AM services
Pastor Henry A. Prause Unitarian Fellowship
Maine with his brother, John, Undermountain Road, Salisbury, others. He strove in his teachings dates and time to be announced; 518-789-4840 of NW CT
and friends. CT 06068. to keep the honor and integrity all are encouraged and welcomed Cobble Living Room
For many years, he followed Arrangements are under the of the sport intact. Farley was to attend to celebrate the life of a The Sharon United Noble Horizons
car racing and traveled to Formula care of the Newkirk-Palmer admired by his students, who still wonderful father, son, brother, Methodist Church The next meeting will be
Sunday, February 9 at 10:30 a.m.
1 racing events. He had a passion Funeral Home in North Canaan. speak highly of him to this day. friend and human being.
112 Upper Main Steet,
Am I a humanist?
North End of Sharon Green
Farley was also an avid fisher- Cards and condolences can Touching Lives - Lifting Spirits All are Welcome

Madeline ‘Ann’ (Cantele) Miller man, sportsman and outdoors-

man. He had a genuine love for the
be mailed to Susanna and Jessica
Churton, 54 Academy St., Pine
10:45 a.m. Worship Service, Nursery Care
No Sunday School in Summer
The Rev. Margaret Laemmel
For information call 860-435-2319

The Lakeville United

860-364-5634 Methodist Church
EAST CANAAN — Madeline “noni” to her two grandsons and outdoors and nature; he enjoyed Plains, NY, 12567. [email protected] 319 Main St., Lakeville, CT 06039
“Ann” (Cantele) Miller, 96, passed seven great-grandchildren. the solitude and peace of the forest Donations may be made to St. 9:30 a.m. Worship Service

In addition to her husband, and he lived for deer hunting. Far- Jude’s Children’s Hospital, 501 St. Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
away peacefully surrounded by Canaan United “Open Hearts - Open Minds - Open Doors”
family in the early morning of she leaves her daughter, Di- ley hunted his whole life; his love Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105; Methodist Church The Rev. Margaret Laemmel
anne Dunn and her husband, for it came only second to that for or the Pine Plains Rescue Squad, 2 Church St., Rte 44, Canaan, CT 860-435-9496
Jan. 2, 2020. She was the beloved 11 a.m. Worship Service [email protected]
wife of John E. Miller. Nardy; her grandsons, John his children and grandchildren. P.O. Box 100, Pine Plains, NY “Open Hearts – Open Minds – Open Doors”
Madeline was born on Sept. 21, Insert Listing House Ads - 1/16/20
Labbadia, Dino Labbadia and Deer season was Farley’s time of 12567 in Farley’s honor. Rev. Lee Gangaware
1923, in Salisbury, daughter of the his wife, Patricia; and several year and his favorite hobby. Like To sign the online register, go Immaculate Conception,
late Gabriel and Louisa Cantele. great-grandchildren, Cristina, many deer hunters, Farley was to [email protected] 4 North Street, Norfolk

She worked at the Clock Shop Nieko, Nicholas, Drew, Allysa, always in search of “the big buck,” St. Joseph, 4 Main Street, Canaan
Lakeville Journal 1x2 Millerton News 1x2 Promised Land St. Mary, 76 Sharon Road, Lakeville
in Winsted during the war, which Matthew and Anthony Labbadia; but he always hunted with respect Baptist Church
is where she met her loving life a nephew, Ron Segalla and his and consideration for the animal. 29 Granite Ave., Canaan, CT
Saturday Vigil 5 pm, St. Joseph Church
Sunday 9 am, Church of St. Mary
partner, John. After they got mar- wife, JoAnn. He thought the white-tailed deer Where you will find: A Warm Welcome! Sunday 11 am,
Madeline was predeceased by was incredibly beautiful and he
Helpful Bible Messages, A Place to Grow! Immaculate Conception Church
ried on Oct. 17, 1945, she worked Sunday School - 10am
part-time at the East Canaan Post her sister, Anita Segalla. loved the taste of venison. Sunday Worship - 11am
Wednesday 6pm
Office, although mainly she was A Mass of Christian Burial Farley loved animals and, Wednesday Bible Study St. Joseph Chapel or Church
and Prayer Meeting — 7PM
a homemaker. was held on Jan. 4. Memorial beginning when he was a teen- (860) 824-5685
Thursday 8am
Immaculate Conception Church
She enjoyed cooking for her donations may be sent to the Check them outand
ager, he rescued raised quite
inside. Check them out inside.
family and never failed to have a North Canaan Volunteer Ambu- a few baby animals including a Church of St. Mary
warm meal waiting on the table lance Corps, P.O. Box 178, North • Rite Aid • CVS The Chapel of All Saints, For information,
for John after he got home from Canaan, CT 06018. • CVS Cornwall
please call 860-824-7078

work. Aside from keeping her Arrangements were under • Ocean State Job Lot An intimate Episcopal service every UCC in CORNWALL
Sunday Congregational
house clean and family fed she the care of the Newkirk-Palmer
simply adored being “gram” or Funeral Home in North Canaan. In Loving Memory of 9:00am Holy Eucharist and sermon
Chapel at Trinity Conference Center
Worship Sunday, 10 am
Cornwall Village Meeting House
West Cornwall, CT

Another obituary can be found on page A6.

8 Bolton Hill Rd, Cornwall
Outstanding Church School (10 am)
Mission Opportunities
October 12, 1950 to January 11, 2019 SAINT KATERI Warm Fellowship following Worship
In Loving Memory of The Churches of
Rev. Micki Nunn-Miller, Minister
Welcoming all - including the
Time slips by and life goes on Sacred Heart, Kent

Jeffery Jay Petkovich St. Bernard, Sharon LGBTQ Community

But from our hearts you’re never gone. St. Bridget, Cornwall Bridge
MASS SCHEDULE Sharon Congregational
We think about you always, we talk about 9 AM – Sacred Heart Church
May 12, l968 to January 20, 1990 You too, we have so many memories but we Monday, Tuesday, 25 Main Street, Sharon, CT
Wednesday & First Friday Sunday Worship Service
Wish we still had you. SATURDAY VIGIL and Sunday School at 10:30 a.m.
4 PM - St. Bridget
Sadly missed along life’s way, SUNDAY MASSES
Bible Study (incl. a light supper)

Quietly remembered every day..... You are deeply loved: 8 AM - St. Bernard
every Thurs. 6-7:30 p.m.
10 AM - Sacred Heart 860-364-5002
No longer in our life to share, Phyllis, Jamie, Nonnie, [email protected]

But in our hearts, you’re always there. The Smithfield Millerton United
The Petkovich and Roosa Family Presbyterian Church Methodist Church
656 Smithfield Valley Rd. 6 Dutchess Avenue, P.O. Box 812
Route 83, Amenia, NY Millerton, NY 12546
You are loved deeply: Services every Sunday 10 a.m. Services on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of
21st Century Theology each month at 9:30 A.M.
Mom, Dad, Jamie, Nonnie in an Historic Building 518-789-3138
A6 THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020

Webutuck mourns teacher
Zbigniew Soltysiak’s passing
By KAITLIN LYLE He also taught economics at influence as a mentor and edu-
[email protected] Dutchess Community College. cator, Webutuck students deco-
A first generation immigrant rated his classroom door with
WEBUTUCK — The North from Poland, Soltysiak was one notes and tributes to honor his
East (Webutuck) Central School to appreciate the American memory.
District, its students, faculty Dream, according to his teacher Though the cause of
members and administrators, page on the Webutuck district Soltysiak’s death has not yet
were stunned to learn that Zbig- website. Outside of his work in been disclosed, Castellani said
niew “Pete” Soltysiak, a longtime the classroom, he made it his in his letter to Webutuck families
social studies teacher at Webu- mission to get to know his stu- that Solktysiak passed away in
tuck High School (WHS), passed dents, and to let them know his his sleep on Tuesday night, Jan.
away unexpectedly on Tuesday, door was open to them 7. Once they were informed of
Jan. 7. “He touched a lot of lives,” Soltysiak’s unexpected passing,
For more than 20 years, said Webutuck Superintendent Castellani said the district met
Soltysiak was hailed as a valued of Schools Raymond Castellani. with its faculty and students in
educator at Webutuck, where “He had an impact on a lot of grades eight through 12.
he taught a broad selection of students’ lives.” “Our thoughts and prayers are
courses, including U.S. History. As a testament to Soltysiak’s with his family,” Castellani said.

Tri-Town Coalition sets goals for With certificates in hand, Webutuck students were called to the front of the Webutuck High

2020, assembles town-based groups

School library, where they were recognized for demonstrating the values of the district’s PBIS

By KAITLIN LYLE what the coalition can do with around a list of suggested short-
Students spectacular
[email protected] the people and resources it cur- term and long-term projects. WEBUTUCK — At the start Positive Behaviors Interventions first marking period.
rently has. To “kick things off as a group,” of its meeting on Monday, Jan. and Support (PBIS) initiative. Next, students were invited
AMENIA — Setting the stage Seeing as they were already she recommended that the three 6, the Webutuck Board of Edu- For the Principal’s Honor to the front of the library to ac-
for 2020, the Tri-Town Coalition making great progress, Druback- groups take a few minutes to an- cation congratulated students Roll, High School Principal Katy cept certificates for exemplifying
assembled at Amenia Town Hall Celaya invited everyone to share swer four critical questions. who achieved placement on the McEnroe presented students with the values of the PBIS initiative,
on Monday, Jan. 6, to discuss its their 2020 goals for the coalition Examining the four ques- Webutuck High School Princi- certificates and congratulated such as respect, responsibility and
resolutions for the communities along with their personal resolu- tions, the groups were asked to pal’s Honor Roll as well as those them for achieving a grade point safety.
of Amenia, Millerton/North East tions as a fun icebreaker. Going consider the demographics of recognized by the school district’s average of 95 or above during the — Kaitlin Lyle
and Pine Plains and to convene around the circle, each attendee their communities; what they
into town-based groups for the stated their hometown, affilia- currently love about their com-
first time.
Hudson River Housing Di-
tion with the local communities,
personal resolutions and goals
munities; what the communi-
ties they want to achieve might
rector of Strategic Initiatives for the coming year. 2020 goals look like; and what factors may Firehouse breakfast Horse rescue training Forum on short
Elizabeth Druback-Celaya kicked for the coalition included keeping be preventing them from having AMENIA — The Amenia at Dover farm term rentals Jan. 28
off the first meeting of 2020 by vigilant and persistent in terms of the communities they envision. Fire Company will sponsor DOVER PLAINS — The AMENIA — The Tri-Town
outlining the coalition’s goals for installing municipal sewer sys- After discussing their ideas, the its monthly all you can eat Dutchess County Animal Re- Coalition will host its first
the meeting, such as making sure tems; focusing on meeting the groups reconvened. breakfast on Sunday, Jan. 19, sponse Team under the Medi- educational forum on short
everyone understood the coali- needs of senior citizens; coun- For the town of Pine Plains, from 7:30 to 11 a.m. at the cal Reserve Corps (MRC) of term rentals, presented by the
tion’s new structure and sched- tering the attitude that the town Druback-Celaya talked about the firehouse at 36 Mechanic St. Dutchess County will be practic- Dutchess County Planning De-
ule; reviewing the coalition’s past of Amenia is declining; and more. desire to see Pine Plains Town The cost for adults is $8; ing an exercise about horse rescue partment on Tuesday, Jan. 28,
activities; offering updates; and Before the coalition broke into Hall move to the center of town, children and seniors cost $7. on Thursday, Jan. 30, from 6:30 at 6 p.m. at the Amenia Town
convening as town teams and to town-based groups, Druback- as well as establishing a septic The menu consists of to 8:30 p.m. at Lucky Orphans Hall auditorium.
start setting goals. Celaya gave a recap of what was system. For the town of Amenia, pancakes, French toast, om- Horse Rescue. The event is free, but RS-
Grace Year Fellow Jordan accomplished in 2019, highlight- John Nowak reported the group elets, eggs (any style), hash The event is only open to VPs are requested by email to
Boudreau delivered an overview ing the group’s efforts to engage loves the town’s people, archi- browns, bacon, sausage and members of MRC and is free. jboudreau@hudsonriverhous-
of the changes made since the co- with community leaders. She tecture and library and wants beverages. MRC members can register by
alition’s December meeting, such also distributed copies of a list to make community outreach a contacting Joseph Ryan at jryan@ Amenia Town Hall is lo-
as shifting its meeting schedule of local properties that are cur- priority in order to recruit addi- or 845-486-2493. cated at 4988 Route 22.
from monthly meetings to town- rently under assessment in the tional representation at coalition
based meetings and quarterly tri-town region; a list of available meetings. For Millerton, Gregg
meetings. He also made note of capital grants for the coalition to Osofsky talked about the village’s

Brain Teasers
the coalition’s interest in orga- consider; and information on the demographics, which currently
nizing educational forums and Landlord Ambassadors Program, feature farmers, senior citizens,
restructuring its outreach to the a program designed to provide fi- low-income residents and sec-
communities it serves. nancing and technical assistance ond-home owners among other
Meanwhile, Grace Year Pro- opportunities to help stabilize the groups. He also talked about the
gramming Director Abby Na- physical and financial health of group’s hope that Millerton could CLUES ACROSS
1. Recurring TV show
thanson sketched out group affordable multi-family proper- offer more economic opportuni- 7. Throws out
expectations for the coalition, ties. ties and a range of housing op- 13. Iberian Peninsula microstate
which included focusing on Druback-Celaya passed tions. 14. Gossip
16. Atomic #20
17. Ivy League institution
20. “He Is __!”: Scripture excerpt
22. Musical genre
23. Heavy cavalry sword
Jane Quintard Clark Byers 25. Ancient Olympic Site
26. Satisfies
28. Popular flower
NORFOLK — Jane Quintard Fortnightly and of the Garden her husband, Mac McCoy, of 29. Shared services center
Clark Byers, 94, of Hamden, Club of New Haven for over 75 Conway, Mass.; and four grand- 30. Drain
Conn., and Norfolk died Jan. 2, years. Long an enthusi- children. 31. A way to attack
2020, at Yale New Haven Hospital astic promoter of New There will be a gath- 33. Urban Transit Authority
34. Spiritual leader
after a brief illness. Haven, she wrote three ering of friends on May 36. Postponed
Mrs. Byers was born Dec. 19, editions of the success- 30 in Norfolk, where she 38. N. American plant with edible
1925, in Great Neck, Long Island, ful book “Enjoying will be buried. Memori- purple-black berries
N.Y., the daughter of the late New Haven,” with her al contributions may be 40. Gazes unpleasantly
41. Gets up
Cyrus Clark II and Jane Hayden friend, Ruth McClure. made to the New Haven 43. Capital of Ukraine
Quintard. She was a graduate of An avid and grace- Symphony Orchestra 44. Returned material
Great Neck High School, The ful tennis player, she (www.newhavensym- authorization (abbr.) 30. Type of flour 59. Six (Spanish)
Brearley School and Barnard Col- was also a member of or 45. Golf score 32. The Golden State (abbr.) 62. Read-only memory
47. Superhigh frequency 35. More (Spanish) 63. Chinese philosophical
lege, class of 1948. the New Haven Lawn 4 Hamilton St., New principle
48. Swiss river 37. Stinging, winged insect
Growing up, Jane spent many Club and the Norfolk Haven CT 06511) or to 51. Felons 38. The use of irony to mock 66. American conglomerate
summers at “Knollybrook,” the Country Club. The Evergreen Woods Scholar- 53. Succulent plants 39. Arsenals 68. Tin
summer house in Norfolk that Mrs. Byers is survived by her ship Committee (88 Notch Hill 55. Soluble ribonucleic acid 42. Pouch
belonged to her great uncle, Dr. three children, Jeannette Quin- Road, North Branford, CT 06471). 56. Deliberately setting fire to 43. 22nd letter of the Greek
58. Infamous singer Zadora alphabet Jan. 9 Solution
Edward Quintard. While in Nor- tard Byers of Hamden, Geb Byers Arrangements are with the 59. Anwar __, Egyptian statesman 46. Violent seizure of property
folk, she met G.E. “Ted” Byers Jr., III and his wife, Renée, of Bronx- Hawley Lincoln Memorial in 60. Influential sports mag 47. Restrict
whose family had a farm in Ca- ville, N.Y., and Mary C. Byers and New Haven. 61. Aromatic Mediterranean plant 49. Something comparable to
naan Valley. They married in 1948. 64. Sixth note of a major scale another
Successfully balancing work 65. Unit of explosive power 50. Punishment device made from
67. Large watertight chamber stems
and family, Jane served as assis- More obituaries appear on page A5. 69. Popular street 52. Soul and calypso songs
tant director of the International 70. A way of watering 54. Formerly OSS
Student Center of New Haven 55. Athabaskan language
for many years, and subsequently CLUES DOWN 57. __ bene: observe carefully
1. Mollusks
became a popular ESOL teacher 2. -__, denotes past
there. Her students, from all over 3. Anchor ropes Sudoku
the world, kept in touch with her 4. Large Middle Eastern country
for many years. The Best Regional News Site 5. To make a mistake
She served on the executive 6. Ancient governor
When you need to know what’s happening in your area, we’re there. 7. Extents
committees of the New Haven 8. Chinese surname
Symphony Orchestra, the Foote 9. NYC subway “residents”
School Board of Directors, ISIS, 10. Essential oil used as perfume Jan. 9 Solution
and as president of the Whitney 11. A way to treat injuries (abbr.)
Center, as well as being a mem- DR. DAVID STAMM* 12. Session
13. Units of land areas
ber of The North End Club, The & DR. FIONA CONNOLLY* 15. Goes over once more
18. Where wrestlers work
PODIATRIC MEDICINE & SURGERY 21. Italian islanders
Correcting Errors 24. Avenue
26. __ Adams, U.S. President
We are happy to correct 27. Rest with legs bent
errors in news stories when RELIEF FROM FOOT AND ANKLE PAIN
they are called promptly to
our attention. We are also retirement rehabilitation healthcare
happy to correct factual and/
or typographical errors in 28 Front St. 845-677-3363 860-435-9851
advertisements when such Millbrook, NY M-F 8:30a.m.-5:00 p.m. 17 Cobble Road, Salisbury, CT 06068
errors affect meaning.
*Board certified in foot surgery
THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020 A7

BOE gets down to business

Fewer seats at graduation, $20K for voting

machines and contract extension
By KAITLIN LYLE School auditorium during its members. After that, the district $12,000.
[email protected] renovation, the total number of would accommodate remaining At this point, Handler said
seats decreased from 790 to 570, guests in need of a seat in the the district has two choices: buy
PINE PLAINS — At the stroke which he accredited to a substan- Stissing Mountain cafeteria. its own optical scan voting ma-
of 7 p.m., the Pine Plains Central tial increase in leg room and the Given that New York state chines or implement the use of
School District Board of Edu- size of the seats. After talking has eliminated the use of lever paper ballots.
cation (BOE) was ready to get with Stissing Mountain Princi- voting machines in its school “We need to know, and it’s
down to business and discuss the pal Tara Grieb, Handler said he districts in favor of using optical going to be an item on the next
district’s future plans at its meet- felt the district should send out scan voting machines, Handler agenda,” Handler said. “If you
ing on Wednesday, Jan. 8. tickets and reserve seating for said the Pine Plains district is want to do the paper ballots, we
Superintendent of Schools this year’s graduation ceremony. now scrambling to find a solu- can make it happen.”
Martin Handler reported that Handler said Grieb has spoken tion before the state primary Already looking ahead to the
he received an email from Pine with the ticketing company Seat election in April and the annual next academic year, the BOE ex-
Plains town Supervisor Darrah Yourself, which has previously district budget vote in May. Un- tended Handler’s contract as su-
Cloud, who shared the town’s helped the district with its annual der this method of voting, an op- perintendent of schools through
intent to prepare a grant applica- spring musical productions, and tical scanner would be used to the 2021-22 school year. In a
tion for a central septic feasibility reported that it would be willing read the marked paper ballots press release to the community,
study. He said Cloud wanted to to help the district with seating and tally election results. BOE President Chip Couse not-
know if the application would and tickets for graduation. As the Pine Plains Central School ed the dramatic increase in the PHOTO BY KAITLIN LYLE
be something the school district district figures out how many District Personnel Assistant district’s academic performance, Following a satisfying potluck lunch, Douglas Kramer
would like to be involved with. of its students will be graduat- and District Clerk Julia Tomaine which he credited to Handler’s tucked into an ice cream sundae for dessert with his
The board did not make a deci- ing this June, Handler said Seat reported that the total cost of leadership, along with the dis- friends and neighbors.
sion regarding the application at Yourself would allow students purchasing two optical scan trict’s astute budgeting and debt-
its meeting.
Looking ahead to this year’s
to reserve seats for themselves
and their families. In the event
voting machines would come
to $20,000. Breaking down the
free financial status.
“The board also recognizes
Seniors socialize
graduation ceremony, Handler that there are seats remaining in cost, she said the regular opti- the innovative partnerships Dr. PINE PLAINS — With light snowfall in the forecast, Pine
reported that among some of the auditorium, Handler said the cal scan voting machine costs Handler has crafted with sur- Plains senior citizens headed to the Community Room above
the changes made to the Stissing seats would go into a pool that $8,000 and the handicapped rounding school districts to the Pine Plains Free Library for a potluck lunch on Wednesday,
Mountain Junior/Senior High would open up to other family accessible voting machine costs ensure financial responsibility Jan. 8.
on one hand while providing ex- Beginning at noon, the monthly potluck lunch offered a
Varsity basketball panding opportunities for our delicious spread for the attending seniors to enjoy with friends,
students that might, otherwise, followed by ice cream sundaes and other goodies for dessert.

Bombers defeated by Blazers

not be viable,” Couse stated. “We With their bows sailing across the strings of their instru-
believe our district has made ex- ments, the string quartet known as Strings Attached gave an
traordinary strides in the past enchanting live performance for the seniors.

in close game, 52-50

several years and we look for- — Kaitlin Lyle
ward to that continued trajectory
under Dr. Handler’s leadership.”

[email protected] Webutuck girls basketball team
PINE PLAINS — Following
a rigorous game in the Stissing scores first win of the year
Mountain High School gymna-
sium, the Pine Plains varsity boys By KAITLIN LYLE while Jaide Sweeney scored 10 As far as making improve-
basketball team met with defeat [email protected] points. In addition to scoring ments to the team’s performance,
at the hands of Millbrook High nine points, Olivia Farnham Sinon said the student athletes
School on Tuesday, Jan. 7. WEBUTUCK — Determined made nine rebounds for Webu- have been working hard during
Starting at 4:15 p.m., the two to claim a win, the Webutuck var- tuck. their practices to gain a higher
regional rivals faced off in front sity girls basketball team battled it “The girls had a lot of positive shooting percentage. He added
of a lively crowd of local fans. out on the court in a game against energy,” Webutuck Coach Mike that they’ve also been trying to
Known for their intensity on the Spackenkill on Tuesday, Jan. 7, Sinon remarked. “We’ve had work on a few defensive plays.
basketball court, the Pine Plains which resulted in the Lady War- some injuries and people out of Once he has all of his players to-
Bombers fought to stay ahead, riors’ first victory of the season. school, so it was nice to just get gether, Sinon said they’ll work
but had met their match in the The home game began at 5:30 the win.” hard at staying competitive.
Millbrook Blazers. p.m. At long last, Webutuck was de- As of Monday, Jan. 13, the Lady
By the second period, the Competing for Webutuck, clared the winner, scoring 34-19 Warriors had a record of 2 wins,
Blazers were ahead 45-25 with Kenzie Cortsen scored 12 points over Spackenkill. 5 losses.
the Bombers on their tail. Both
teams demonstrated excellent
teamwork as the players passed
the ball to one another and kept
shooting for the hoop.
Competing for the Bombers, Spring Lacrosse Club registration due Jan. 31 Dance! Dance!
Tyler Funk scored 22 points while MILLBROOK — The marked before Friday, Jan. 31. Dance! Jan. 18
Logan Lydon scored 13 points and Town of Washington Recre- The fee for residents is $175 and COPAKE — The Copake
Adam Funk scored 10 points. ation Department is taking it’s $200 for non-residents. Grange Dance Party will get
Competing for the Blazers, applications for a Spring La- For more information and to down with a DJ spinning mu-
Liam Flaherty scored 26 points. crosse Club for boys and girls register, go to www.towrecre- sic from the ‘60s through the
Isaiah Edmunds made a three- PHOTO BY KAITLIN LYLE in second through sixth grade It is also mandatory ‘90s on Saturday, Jan. 18, from
point shot in overtime that re- The Pine Plains Bombers faced off against the Millbrook Blaz- to run from April to June. that the participant be registered 7 to 10 p.m. The cover charge
sulted in Millbrook’s victory over ers in the Stissing Mountain High School gymnasium on Tues- Registration must be post- at is $10 per person at the door.
Pine Plains with a score of 52-50. day afternoon, Jan. 7. The Grange is located at
628 Empire Road.
African bird lecture For more information on
PINE PLAINS IN BRIEF Jan. 27 Send news items and story ideas
to [email protected]
the Grange, go to www.copak-
LAGRANGE — The Ralph
Women’s history T. Waterman Bird Club
Historical Society membership meeting continues its lecture se-
lecture Jan. 16 ries on Monday, Jan. 27, at
For centuries, women The Little Nine Partners His- Neil Murray, local history Fellowship Hall at Free-
have allowed themselves to be torical Society of Pine Plains teacher and re-enactor, who dom Plains Presbyterian Start the New Year
squeezed, twisted and squished will hold its Annual Member- will give a talk about the ma- NEW to Sharon
to conform to desired shapes. ship Meeting and Program on terial culture of a Civil War
Church at 1168 Route 55. with SELF CARE
Take a trip to the south-
The history of underwear Friday, Jan. 24, at 6:30 p.m. at the soldier, which will include ern hemisphere with South
reveals a lot about women’s Pine Plains Community Center items from Murray’s collec- Africa native Debbie van
changing roles in society. located above the Pine Plains tion.
Zyl and discover the feath-
History Unsanitized pre- Free Library, 7775 South Main The snow date is Friday, ered delights of South Af-
sentations explore the engross- St. (Route 82). Jan. 31, at the same date and
ing taboo subjects omitted The meeting is free and open location.
All are welcome. Toni Ivain | Licensed Massage Therapist
from history. Grounded Good- to the public. Refreshments will For more information,
wife, the mother-daughter be served. go to 914.456.5631 | 81 Main Street, Sharon, CT
duo of Velya Jancz-Urban and The featured speaker will be L9PHS.
Chris Urban, deliver a funny

A Good Mechanic Is Not Hard to Find!

and frank talk as they honor
our foremothers’ journeys. Writers’ Group invites new members
This event is free and open
to the public and will take place The Pine Plains Writers’ For more information,
at the Community Room over
the Pine Plains Free Library on
Group meets every Wednesday
night at 7 p.m. in the Commu-
email darrahcloud@gmail.
The library is located at Ask for a proven pro
Thursday, Jan. 16, at 7 p.m. nity Room over the Pine Plains 7775 South Main St. The li-
The library is located at
7775 South Church St. (Route
Free Library. All are welcome to
brary and Community Room
are handicap accessible.
An ASE Certified
Correcting Errors
We are happy to correct
errors in news stories when
they are called promptly to
our attention. We are also
happy to correct factual and/
or typographical errors in
advertisements when such
errors affect meaning. Notice
of such error must be given
to us after the first run of the
A8 THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020


Washington talks assessments,

recreation and movie production
By JUDITH O’HARA BALFE mostly ice and rain events, and line registration for sports teams a result of the event.
[email protected] fewer than four inches of snow and clinics and hopes this will be Town Board liaison to the Rec-
have fallen. Rather than using a accomplished by Feb. 1. reation Department Steve Tur-
WASHINGTON — On Thurs- lot of salt the Highway Depart- Lois Petrone, bookkeeper to letes said that while Gingerbread
day, Jan. 9, the town of Washing- ment has used its graders. Spag- the town supervisor, reported House Workshop went well, the
ton held its first meeting of the nola has received 21 calls about that W2 and 1099 tax forms are Santa and Mrs. Claus event was
New Year. After having a moment road conditions, and said the going out. The Applicable Federal disappointing. The timing may
of silence in honor of Planning roads will be scraped again. He Rate for 2019 will be ready by the be changed next year. The de-
Board member Don Hanson, also reported that the new truck Feb. 28 deadline, she said, so she partment is hoping to have ev-
town Supervisor Gary Ciferri will be on the road as soon as the won’t need an extension. erything ready for the opening
called on Attorney for the Town plates are secured. Spagnola also Ciferri introduced Kelvin of the baseball season on April
Jeffrey Battistoni to swear in new- requested that Tom Coy be named Chan, founding general director 15. Basketball is resuming on Sat-
PHOTO BY JUDITH O’HARA BALFE ly re-elected officers: Town Clerk assistant supervisor, as he cur- of Vital Opera, and Joshua Groff- urdays in Guertin Gym at Village
Staff members at The Market at Mabbettsville Taylor Mary Alex and Councilmen Al rently doesn’t have an assistant. man, native of Millbrook and now Hall. More information can be
Spagnola, 19, left, and Faith Shultz, 17, stood before some DeBonis and Robert Audia. The The request was granted. a teacher in Pennsylvania and a found on the town website, www.
of the baked goods and fresh produce offered at the oath of office was the kickoff of Acting Assessor Lisa Evange- composer, performer and music
market-restaurant. the town’s reorganization meet- lista reported that she is working theorist. The pair has been work- Councilman Mike Murphy is
ing, which swiftly covered some hard to bring continuity to the ing with Ciferri over the past few researching other municipalities
town business before segueing Assessor’s Office, which is still years hoping to bring opera to to form ideas and rules for media
Fresh, fun food that’s into a general meeting.
A special meeting was set for
catching up on work from 2019.
The Assessor’s Office is going
Millbrook. They gave a perfor-
mance in the summer of 2017, an
operations in the town. He said
some towns have drafted local
Wednesday, Jan. 15, to interview road by road through the village opera set at the closing of Bennett laws to allow movie and television
also good for you candidates for a Planning Board
vacancy, and to address other
trying to bring consistency to
all assessments, and is acquiring
College. They are hoping to hold
a workshop, and then a finished
producers to work in the area.
He wants to draft a mission state-
possible business that may come new equipment such as cameras performance, in the near future ment and will work with Kevin
By JUDITH ferent items and dishes every before the board. and laser equipment to help it in in Millbrook. They presented McGrane, a village of Millbrook
O’HARA BALFE day,” said Giles. A resolution was made to ac- its work. The department is also their ideas to the board and the trustee, to do so and to set fees.
[email protected] For now, breakfast sand- cept the Bank of Millbrook’s bond hoping to tighten up regulations audience. Ciferri reported that Feigelson,
wiches, with farm-fresh eggs, rate of 2.05 for the purchase of a concerning Air BnB’s and will Ciferri brought up a request also a town magistrate, would like
MILLBROOK — Driv- cheese and bacon on fresh highway truck for $201,236, also also check on zoning. for cooperation from the East- to hold public speaking classes on
ers along Route 44 may have challah bread, or an inspired authorizing Ciferri to execute the Zoning Administrator Nancy ern Dutchess Road Runners Club, Saturdays at Town Hall, possibly
noticed a new sign outside peanut butter and jelly panini, necessary documents. Patrick reported that she is work- wishing to hold a marathon. The starting in March and running
of number 3809 — for The are available. For lunch, think Reports were then given. High- ing on permits for BnB’s, and is club has a route chosen and is re- for two or more months. It would
Market at Mabbettsville. The steaming hot soup, all made way Supervisor Joe Spagnola said conducting searches on proper- questing police services for the be for high school students, and
cheerful sign, with a perky with the very best fresh ingre- there were seven events so far, ties that may not be consistent event; the town is named in its maybe middle schoolers, with
rooster, reflects the sunny dients, a salad or a specialty with their permits. She said she insurance policy. The race will classes of no more than 25. Fei-
ambiance found inside, along sandwich. Fresh baked goods is comfortable going into homes start and finish in Washington on gelson said his wife would assist
with produce, baked goods for dessert provide the perfect and collecting information and June 7; no roads will be closed as him in giving the free classes.
and other goodies to enjoy.
It’s at the home of the former
finish to any meal.
Those who know the qual-
MILLBROOK data. She reports that in some
instances, permits and Certifi-
Mabbettsville Market. ity of meat from Walbridge cates of Occupancy (CO) can’t
The creation of Cheryl Farm, located on Route 343 be found, leaving no paper trail.
Giles, formerly of Walbridge in Millbrook, will be happy to Stories of days Searches currently cost $200.
Farm, the idea sparked last know that Giles will be using long gone Director of Recreation Chelsea The Best Regional News Site
summer, but Giles, who was Walbridge products as well as The Millbrook Histori- Edson reported that her depart- When you need to know what’s happening in your area, we’re there.
very pregnant at the time, other local products. cal Society archive receives ment has been working to get on-
worked slowly. Now baby “It’s all about quality,” said collections that represent
Eleanor is 4 months old. Giles. “It’s about fresh, but it’s the families and past lives
“We’re taking baby steps also about the best we can of-
here,” she said. “Everything
has to be perfect.” Giles is us-
fer: organic, tasty and clean.”
Aside from plenty of park-
in the town of Washington.
Recently the archives were LEGAL NOTICES
given a donation from the
ing local products, but only ing, the property will also Dunn Family, whose family Legal Notice occupancy charges, processing times: Monday, Tuesday, and
if they are the best products. allow Giles to open a beer farm was on the Shunpike. A meeting of lot owners and fees, cleaning and miscellaneous Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.;
“Local doesn’t always mean garden this summer and to A large portion of the gift Board of Directors of Evergreen services of the total reasonable Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
good, it just means locally use the space above the main included vintage postcards. Cemetery, Pine Plains, N.Y. will value agreed upon price now and 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.; and
produced.” floor for a variety of purposes, The public is invited be held on Feb. 8, 2020 at 10 a.m. due and owing and that a Saturdays during February 9:00
The produce on display, possibly offering music, art or to hear historian David at the Center Office, 50 North detailed statement of such a.m. - noon.
mostly fruits, look delectable, other pop-up venues. Greenwood as he shares Main St., Pine Plains, N.Y. charges, services and storage TAKE FURTHER NOTICE,
the breads and baked goods The Market at Mabbetts- the stories of local post- Douglas B. Coons with a statement of dates have that taxes may be paid on or
even more so. The market has ville is closed Tuesday and cards at the Millbrook Li- President been previously mailed to the before March 2, 2020 without
been open for shopping since Wednesday. The market is brary on Saturday, Jan. 18, 01-16-20 said accounts by certified letters, penalty. All taxes received after
just after the New Year, but open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the rest at 2 p.m. 01-23-20 the said accounts are further that date shall have an added
the restaurant portion just of the week, and from 9 a.m. The library is located at 01-30-20 notified that if said balance is interest of 2% for the month
opened the second week in to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Check 3 Friendly Lane. not paid by Monday, January 20, of March, 3% for the month of
January. its Facebook page for more REQUEST FOR 2020 at 12:00 p.m. The personal April, and 4% for the month
“The menu is small for information or call 845-605- Photography PROPOSALS property above described will of May.
now; we’re working on dif- 1996.
exhibit at library NOTICE be sold by United Country- After June 1st, all unpaid taxes
The Town of Amenia, Absolute Auction and Realty will be turned over to Dutchess
The Gallery at the Mill- New York, hereby invites the online at County Commissioner of
brook Library is showing submission of sealed proposals on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 Finance, 22 Market Street,
an exhibit of Lee Courtney for: Bid #RFP-TOA-02-20 as provided under the Lien Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. In

Millerton news
The photographs. Conservation & Law of the State of New York addition, after May 15th, a fee
The exhibit will run Digitalization of Town of and the Lien Law of the State of of $2.00 will be added for each
through the months of Amenia Historic Minute Books Connecticut. Please register to parcel. Dated: January 9, 2020. January and February. Proposals will be received bid under Gail Wheeler
until 2:00 p.m. on the 27th if you wish to participate. Town Clerk/Tax Collector
day of January 2020 at the 01-09-20 Town of North East
Town of Amenia, Town 01-16-20 01-16-20

Some lessons
Clerk & Tax Collector, 4988 01-23-20
Route 22, Amenia, NY 12501. Notice of Filing of Articles of
Specifications and proposal Organization in New York by REQUEST FOR

last a lifetime
forms may be obtained by a Limited Liability Company PROPOSALS
visiting the Empire State Name: 2712 Route 9, LLC. NOTICE
Purchasing Group’s Regional Articles of Organization filed The Town of Amenia,
Bid Notification System at www. with sec. of state of NY (SOS) New York, hereby invites the

I sabella lives in the moment. To her, on 11/25/2019. Office location: submission of sealed proposals
planning for her future means waiting to or, the Town Clerk’s Office, Dutchess County. SOS is for: Bid #RFP-TOA-01-20
located at 4988 Route 22, designated as agent of LLC for ENGINEERING SERVICES
see if that face peeks out of those hands again. Amenia, NY 12501. Kindly service of process. SOS shall FOR DOWNTOWN
But that won’t always be the case. Some note, Town offices hours are mail a copy of process to P.O. A M E N IA P E DE ST R IA N
day soon, with a little help, Isabella 9am-3pm Monday-Thursday, Box 491, Millerton, NY 12546. ACCESSIBILITY PROJECT:
will be learning to stand on and closed on Fridays. Copies Purpose: Any lawful act or SIDEWALK REMOVAL AND
of bidding documents obtained activity. REPLACEMENT
her own two feet. from any other source are not 12-05-19 Proposals will be received
considered official copies. For 12-12-19 until 2:00 p.m. on the 20th

I t’s a lesson we learn over

and again in life. And
the Bank of Millbrook will
additional information, call
(845) 373-8118.
Dawn Marie Klingner, RMC
day of February 2020 at the
Town of Amenia, Town
Clerk & Tax Collector, 4988
Amenia Town Clerk & 01-16-20 Route 22, Amenia, NY 12501.
be there to help, every step Court Clerk Specifications and proposal
of the way. 01-16-20 NOTICE OF RECEIPT forms may be obtained by
OF TAX BILLS AND visiting the Empire State
Legal Notice WARRANT Purchasing Group’s Regional
Isabella Susan Morin Notice is hereby given that TOWN OF NORTH EAST Bid Notification System at www.
Arnoff Moving & Storage, Inc. DUTCHESS COUNTY
Chief Executive Granddaughter
has a storage lien against the TAKE NOTICE, that I, or, the Town Clerk’s Office,
Customer since birth property owned by: Gail Wheeler, the undersigned located at 4988 Route 22,
Anthony DeBonis; Collector of Taxes for the Town Amenia, NY 12501. Kindly
Poughkeepsie, NY of North East in Dutchess note, Town offices hours are
Joseph Helmany; County, New York State have 9am-3pm Monday-Thursday,
Poughkeepsie, NY duly received the Tax Bills and closed on Fridays. Copies
Patricia Johnson; and Warrant for the collection of bidding documents obtained
Poughkeepsie, NY of property taxes within the from any other source are not
Kris Ruger; Poughkeepsie, Town of North East for fiscal considered official copies. For
NY year 2020. Collection of taxes additional information, call
3263 franklin avenue millbrook Peter Williamson; will begin with the receipt of (845) 373-8118.
5094 route 22 amenia Poughkeepsie, NY taxes through March 2, 2020 Dawn Marie Klingner, RMC
2971 church street pine plains All such properties will be at the Town Hall, 19 N. Maple Amenia Town Clerk &
11 hunns lake road stanfordville sold unless the lien is satisfied. Ave, Millerton, New York, Court Clerk
(845) 677-5321 MEMBER FDIC
Such liens are claimed for on the following days and 01-16-20
THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020 A9

75 years on
eferring back to “our
Founding Fathers” and A VIEW FROM
that perennial “the Con-
stitution” as a means to re-anchor
beliefs and morals as Americans
is not merely a catchy means to
Peter Riva
A sign of the times
eliminate opposite argument.
Those two phrases are critical hindsight of the Holocaust when
to understanding who we were, countries had turned a blind eye

S igns. They’re how we communicate to one another about who we should be and, in all to Hitler’s activities because it
a myriad of topics: business, weather, emergencies and likelihood, what we will have to didn’t fit their nationalistic needs.
emergency shelters, road closures, community events and fight for again and again. The Chicago journalist Syd-
activities, politics and so much more. In the town of North Similarly, the United States ney Harris said, “The difference
East and village of Millerton, they’ve become a hot-button and all our allies took a decision between patriotism and nation-
issue in the wake of complaints about signs installed by both 75 years ago, to unify state prin- alism is that a patriot is proud
the Millerton American Legion Post 178 and the North East ciples and get-together measures of his country for what it does,
Fire District. meant to promote peace and and the nationalist is proud of
The North East Town Board is trying to tackle the issue stability around the world. The his country no matter what it
head on. Last week, on Thursday, Jan. 9, it heard a presentation goal wasn’t to form an alternate does; the first attitude creates a
from Solar, Wind and Sign Committee Chairman Jon Arnason government but, much like our feeling of responsibility, but the
about revisions the committee has suggested for a new sign Declaration of Independence, second creates a blind arrogance
law. The town’s existing sign law dates to 2009, and does not to affirm basic tenets of life on that leads to war.”
address a few key issues, according to Arnason, including sign Earth, basic human values, we It was in that spirit of being
content. all should try and adhere to; proud of one’s country’s accom-
That’s a biggie. The Legion sign — an LED-lit, electronic, “these truths are self-evident.” It plishments and promotion,
animated message board that was illegally installed last year at is worth remembering that much especially of the American
the Post home on Route 44 in the town’s Boulevard District, of that decision was taken in values, that the United Nations
where such signs are not permitted — and the fire district’s was formed to avoid war. Signed
LED sign — which originally applied for a sign permit four in June 1945, the U.N. Charter
years ago and has since inspired complaints to the Millerton
Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) that the sign’s background and LETTER TO THE EDITOR promised to save future gen-
erations from the devastation
neon lighting have changed its character over time — have of war. It reaffirmed the equal
brought the issue to the fore. Though being dealt with by two rights of all people, respect for
separate municipalities: the town of North East and the village
of Millerton, the fact that two of the most prominent signs in Dear neighbors and friends national self-determination, the
need for peaceful settlement of
disputes and contained clear
town are being questioned proves the issue is real — and
immediate. We’re writing to thank you cramdale Presbyterian Church, emergency expenses such as rules governing the use of force.
Here, we’re focusing on the town’s push to update its sign for your generous, on-going the Regional NY Food Bank, moving costs, security deposits, Here we are 75 years later and
law. Though Arnason warned the changes are slight, he said support of Ancramdale Neigh- Rock Steady Farm, Chaseholm negotiating unpaid utility bills, it is America that seeks to weaken
the hope is they will better align with constitutional sign law bors Helping Neighbors Asso- Farm and others, our volunteers fixing a breadwinner’s car or those values and goals. America
doctrines. The committee shied away from addressing some ciation (ANHNA) and to ask for delivered more than 90,000 helping navigate social services is not alone is wanting to opt out
sign details like size and appearance in favor of letting the your continued support during pounds of fresh produce, meat, and healthcare applications. In of principles and portions of the
newly-adopted updated joint town/village Comprehensive 2020. This past year has been a dairy and other foodstuffs to addition, we offer a program Charter in favor of nationalism,
Plan set the terms of those details in the town’s zoning. time of transition and rededica- our community in 2019. We also with Copake Rapid Care to pro- but America is by far the most
That might be frustrating to some, like the Legion, hoping tion for ANHNA since the loss serve as a much needed local di- vide co-pay assistance for local important founding member
for relief. Post 178 has asked the town to legalize its sign; it of our board president, Adri- aper bank for the Ancram com- families in need. wanting or acting to do so.
appeared before the Town Board on Jan. 9 requesting a section enne Citrin, earlier this year. munity. We remain very grateful for The Secretary General of
on LED community message boards be allowed in the new Our board members and volun- Provide holiday boxes at the financial support we have the U.N., António Guterres,
sign law. The board has taken the request under review. teers have worked hard to ensure Thanksgiving and Christmas received from you and the com- is sounding the alarm: “These
At its meeting on Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019, Attorney to the that Neighbor’s local, grassroots and provide clothing and gifts munity and can assure you that principles are not favours or con-
Town Warren Replansky clearly stated that such an amend- charitable efforts have contin- for children through our holiday 100% of your donation goes cessions. They are the foundation
ment to the sign law is the only way to get the Legion sign ued with the same dedication Adopt-A-Family program. directly to these end purposes. of international relations. They
approved. Adrienne showed to those in Offer grants to college-bound Please consider making a tax are core to peace and interna-
The changes suggested for North East’s sign law are need in the Ancram community. or vocational training programs deductible donation again this tional law. They have saved lives,
interesting. They range from allowing one sign per residential Your donations will enable us to to Ancram township students to year to help us continue in these advanced economic and social
property, of a certain size and any kind of nature, to be maintain and expand efforts to help defray the costs of books, efforts. Together, we are making progress and, crucially, avoided a
allowed to expanding the number of flags property owners can help local families with the cost transportation, food and cloth- a meaningful difference in our descent into another world war,”
fly on their property — a sticky wicket when it comes to of food, clothing, shelter and ing.  We also supply grants to shared community. he said. “But when these princi-
regulating flag content. The recommendations for the new education during these difficult help adults in our community For more information or to ples have been flouted, put aside
sign law will soon be posted on the town’s website, www. financial times. needing occupational job re- make a donation, call 518-329- or applied selectively, the result Meanwhile, a public hearing on the We pledge to continue to: training. In addition, our annu- 7306 or send a check to An- has been catastrophic: conflict,
amendments is in the works. Originally toying with the idea of Provide abundant, weekly de- al school supplies drive collects cramdale Neighbors Helping chaos, death, disillusion and
holding the hearing on Thursday, Feb. 13, North East town liveries of fresh, healthy food to and distributes much needed Neighbors Association, Inc., PO mistrust. Our shared challenge
Supervisor Chris Kennan said that’s yet to be confirmed. local families and supply local supplies to local children and Box 97, Ancramdale, NY 12503. is to do far better in upholding
Kennan also stressed that last week’s presentation and food pantries in our area with their teachers. Jack L. Lindsey the Charter’s values and fulfilling
subsequent approval of a resolution to accept the law from the emergency food for their recip- Stand ready to help lo- Acting Board Chair its promise to succeeding gener-
Sign Committee in no way signifies final approval. That will ients.  Partnering with the An- cal families facing unforeseen Ancram  ations.”
come after much review and discussion. We suggest residents His message is perfectly in
concerned with how the town permits signs, and how those line with “founding fathers” and
signs look (think small town or big city), consider attending
the public hearing and other related meetings. All the while,
It’s all about the kids “The Constitution” reminders
of who we need to be. The USA
we’ll stay on top of the issue and publish meeting dates as they co-wrote the U.N. Charter with

become available. ur military, vets and ticians, have failed. our patriotic principles firmly
first responders al- VETERAN’S These kids don’t want a in mind. António Guterres: “At

Thank you all, again ways stand shoulder to handout; they want a hand up this time when global fault-lines
shoulder in support of one an- CORNER and hope. Thank you, NYSSI, risk exploding, we must return to

other. for making a difference. fundamental principles; we must
hanks are being sent out again to the generous readers I have written a check to Larry Conklin For those interested in learn- return to the framework that has
who have supported The Lakeville Journal Company’s the New York State Sheriff’s ing more, go to the website, kept us together; we must come
membership model with their contributions. All who Institute (NYSSI) to support interaction giving these kids a home to the U.N. Charter.”
have stepped forward to help ensure the continuation of this its children’s summer camp in whole new perspective on life One more thing: This winter
local journalism project, 123 years old and counting, have upstate New York. I have done and their futures. They leave please watch over your elder- Peter Riva, a former resident
made their own difference in the life of our communities by this the past several years and camp different people, with dif- ly neighbors and do an act of of Amenia Union, now lives in
making their voices heard through their contributions. I’ll tell you why this is import- ferent goals in life: hopefully to kindness whenever possible. New Mexico.
It is clear to us at The Lakeville Journal Company that ant to me. This camp gives eco- improve their lives and in turn Thank you, patriotic readers.
our readers value our presence and wish to retain us in their nomically challenged, mostly their communities. God Bless. Stay warm and safe.
towns. The extremely supportive response to this initiative inner-city kids the opportunity This camp rotates hun- Millerton resident Larry Conk-
has given us the impetus, inspiration and means to continue to experience outdoor activ- dreds of children throughout lin is a Vietnam veteran, a mem- The letters deadline is 10 a.m.
pursuing local coverage of the towns in this region. ities in an unusual setting to the summer months in week- ber of Millerton American Legion each Monday.
Please do continue to keep in touch with both The Lakev- them — completely foreign to ly groups according to camp Post 178 and of VFW Post 6851 in
ille Journal and Millerton News editors and writers. We will most of these 9 to 12 year olds. accommodations. Counselors North Canaan, Conn.
be planning quarterly open houses at both offices to welcome They might never have had the are all volunteers and most-
readers who would like to communicate directly with our opportunity otherwise. ly law enforcement individu-
Each summer the activities als, spending their own hard- THE MILLERTON NEWS
staff and each other. Stay tuned to find out when they will (USPS 384600)
be happening, and come in to meet your local journalists are many and the end results earned vacations to improve An Independent New York Newspaper
Official Newspaper of the Village of Millerton, Town of North East, Town of Washington
and let them know what is important to you to find in our are astounding. The camp of- the quality of life for children Town of Amenia, Town of Pine Plains, North East (Webutuck) Central School District
publications. fers personal challenges and where others, mainly our poli- and Millbrook Central School District
Published Weekly by The Lakeville Journal Company, LLC
16 Century Blvd, P.O. Box 625, Millerton, NY 12546
Tel. (518) 789-4401 • [email protected]

Does perovskite-based solar have any advantages? Volume 88, Number 50

Mission Statement
Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Lakeville Journal Company, LLC, Publishers of

Dear EarthTalk: What is per- an imperative, given that our cur- The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News
can generate electricity using
Our goal is to report the news of our communities accurately and fairly,
ovskite-based solar all about, rent crop of silicon-based panels wavelengths of light that most fostering democracy and an atmosphere of open communication.
and how does it differ from top out at only 20% efficiency
silicon-based solar? Roddy Scheer in ideal conditions, and that’s
of our current commercially
available panels can’t harness. Whitney Joseph EDITORIAL STAFF: Kaitlin Lyle, staff reporter; Judith
Editor O’Hara Balfe, staff reporter; Bernard Drew, senior
— Mary W., Baltimore, Md.
& Doug Moss after decades of research and
development to optimize them.
Researchers envision a future
where perovskite panels are ac- Janet Manko
associate editor; Alexander Wilburn, associate editor;

Leila Hawken, copy editor.
o doubt, solar power has In 2009 when research in Publisher
tually fused into a layer on top of ADVERTISING SALES: Mary Wilbur, display sales;
been growing rapidly, perovskite-based solar was just traditional silicon panels. In this Libby Hall-Abeel Lyndee Stalter, classified advertising.
One answer might be per- Advertising Manager
with a 28-fold increase beginning, panels made with tandem application, perovskite FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION: Sandra L. Lang, controller;
ovskites. This calcium titanium
since 2009. This expansion has the crystal showed efficiencies of panels would capture part of James H. Clark Michelle Eisenman, financial assistant; Betty Abrams,
oxide crystal found in the Earth’s Production Coordinator office manager.
been driven mainly by a massive around 4%. By 2018, researchers the incoming light while the rest
mantle can be used instead of sil- COMPOSING DEPARTMENT: Caitlin Hanlon, graphic
reduction in the cost per kilowatt boosted this number to 24%. No shines through for the silicon In Memoriam
icon as a semiconductor driving A. Whitney Ellsworth designer; Olivia Montoya, graphic designer.
of solar-generated electricity. In other type of solar technology panels below.
the capture and transmission of 1936-2011 DRIVERS: Elias Bloxom Baker; Jon Garvey;
many regions, it’s more econom- has seen an efficiency jump of Daunting though these chal-
energy from solar rays to elec- Managing Partner Chris Palmer.
ical to set up solar arrays than it this magnitude in such a short lenges may be, many bright
tricity. There are many different Robert H. Estabrook THE LAKEVILLE JOURNAL COMPANY, LLC:
is to create a new coal or natural amount of time. minds are working to solve them. 1918-2011 Dale McDonald, chairman.
types of perovskites, but they all
gas plant. But how much further Several other properties add While solar power’s future is by Editor and William E. Little, Jr., chairman emeritus.
share the same general molecular
can we really take solar given to the appeal of perovskite-based no means certain, it is looking Publisher Emeritus
structure. Recently, materials
that we’re already maxing out solar cells. They are relatively easy increasingly like this powerful
scientists have been working
the efficiency of our panels and and cheap to produce, and are Subscription Rates - One Year:
on ways to harness their unique little crystal will play a major role $53.00 in Dutchess and Columbia Counties, $60.00 Outside Counties
many regions of the world are suitable for use in applications in bringing sun-derived energy
electrical and photovoltaic prop- Known Office of Publication: Lakeville, CT 06039-1688. Periodical Postage Rate
still too dark to take advantage that silicon-based panels aren’t. into the mainstream market.
erties to boost the efficiency of Paid at Millerton, NY 12546. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Lakeville
of them accordingly? Perhaps most important, they Journal Company, LLC, PO Box 1688, Lakeville, Connecticut 06039-1688.
solar collection. They see this as
A10 THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020

NEW SIGN LAW Continued from Page A1

limited and meant to look at with the amended law. season. fly or have on their property, been compliant with remov- law. Rather than making chang-
the ways the existing sign law Arnason went on to report As another major change to and he cited the arguments ing political signs immediately es to the existing sign law, Ken-
might conflict with various that initially, some sections of the law, Arnason said the com- that might arise in terms of flag after an election. Councilman nan explained the board plans
constitutional sign law doc- the law gave special consider- mittee added that one sign, “of content. John Midwood noted that if to approve a new sign law that
trines. Therefore, he said the ation to certain institutions, a certain size” and “any kind of Before concluding his pre- the town isn’t going to enforce essentially mirrors the former
committee didn’t look at any such as churches and civic in- a nature,” be allowed per resi- sentation, Arnason took the a provision for one sign per sign law while incorporating
issue relating to the nature, the stitutions. But he said the com- dential property in town. As time to acknowledge the con- residential property, it might be the committee’s changes.
size or the appearance of a sign mittee decided to strike those yard signs are used as a method tributions of his fellow So- best to remove it from the new “What we are doing today
or other related factors in the sections to stay within consti- of communication, he said this lar, Wind and Sign Commit- sign law. is simply acknowledging the
town. tutional parameters. change would “give the people tee members, including Julie Kennan confirmed there will receipt of this,” Kennan said
“It is contemplated in the The committee also included something” in order to commu- Schroeder, Lance Middle- be a public hearing on the new in reference to the draft of the
Comprehensive Plan that that a requirement in the new law nicate their views. He mused brook, Ralph Fedele and Gregg sign law, during which time he new sign law.
will be looked at, at some point that prohibits signs of any kind later that evening that he Osofsky. anticipates comments from the After the board unanimously
in conjunction with review of from being placed on town wouldn’t recommend that the In conclusion, he said, “This public. Signs have been a recent approved a resolution to accept
the zoning law in its entirety,” property. Additionally, Arnason board ask the town’s zoning en- law is going to need to be issue in town. American Legion the new sign law and begin the
Arnason said. said, a sign cannot be placed on forcement officer to go around looked at extensively when the Post 178 is fighting to get its il- process of its adoption, Ken-
Arnason explained the a town highway. He reported picking up political signs dur- town reviews the zoning law.” legal LED message sign legal- nan said it will be posted to the
changes were limited since the that the town of North East ing election season or issuing Attorney to the Town War- ized (see article on Page A4). town website, at www.townof-
2009 sign law contained very has at least four kinds of pub- warnings for sign content. ren Replansky agreed that the And, the North East Fire Dis-
few content restrictions. As an lic property, including the town “You’re likely to end up in issue of content discrimination trict is dealing with complaints A public hearing on the
example, in reviewing the 2009 property with the right of way litigation,” Arnason explained. on signs is ever-changing. about its electronic sign from new sign law was discussed for
sign law’s section on business of town roads; the village of Looking ahead, Arnason “It’s a very difficult area of the Millerton Zoning Board of Thursday, Feb. 13, but has not
signs, he said sign size and Millerton; and state and county said the board will need to the law,” he said, “and it’s going Appeals. been confirmed. The Millerton
location were discussed, but rights of way. For the most part, make some decisions on the to play itself out in the next few Addressing the audience, News will post notice once a
content was not. Arnason said Arnason said the signs that can law. As an example, he said the years.” Kennan said the goal of the eve- time, date and location are set.
restriction of content is an is- be viewed around town include committee decided to expand Councilman Ralph Fedele ning was for the board to re- For more on the new law, turn
sue the town will have to tackle political signs during election the number of flags people can remarked that the public has ceive the draft of the new sign to Page A4.

BERNARD DREW Continued from Page A1 DOVER GREENS Continued from Page A1

produces some of our company’s own local paper, The Berkshire and Janet Manko as publisher and to thoroughly inspect some facility. our workers, our residents, the
supplement issues such as Dis- Eagle. He and his wife, Donna, editor in chief. Whitney Joseph buildings for asbestos and to “By requiring Dover Greens public and the environment.”
cover Salisbury; and also writes have two daughters, Darcie and is editor of The Millerton News. properly strip, seal and dispose to pay a substantial penalty, we Affiliated with the San Fran-
for and helps edit the Compass Jessie, who were raised in Great Back in those early days, Ber- of the toxic material. It also re- have sent a strong message that cisco Christian college, Olivet
arts and entertainment section. Barrington and now live, respec- nie recalls, the pages were still leased a statement on Jan. 7. this conduct will not be toler- University, Dover Greens clear-
Joining the staff as associ- tively, in Maine and in Washing- laid out with hot wax and X-Acto “For over six years Do- ated,” continued Berman. ly intends to continue to devel-
ate editor is Courtney LeJeune ton state. knives. ver Greens has methodically Dover Greens’ response in- op and maintain the Wingdale
of Amenia, who will work here Jessie will be getting married “We had Compugraphic type- worked with the EPA and other dicates the organization is just campus.
part-time on both The Lakeville this year, so Bernie is of course setters back then, and they’d give agencies to settle environmen- looking to bring the matter to “Despite New York State be-
Journal and The Millerton News. planning a trip to the West Coast us long sheets of text that we’d tal issues that allegedly arose in a close. ing a difficult place for devel-
As Bernie Drew had done dur- to visit her. Also on the retirement have to cut to fit on the page.” October of 2013 as the cleanup “In the end, we decided to opment, we remain committed
ing his many years here, she will agenda is more writing. The newspaper is now laid work was performed in prepa- settle with the EPA because and look forward to bringing
be at the office on Mondays and “Last year, I wrote a book about out completely on the computer ration for an event … As we we philosophically agree with jobs and economic revitaliza-
Tuesdays. the estate that I grew up on, which and is shipped electronically to have stated throughout this the goals of all the agencies tion to the area and we will con-
Writer, historian, journalist was in Windsor, Mass.,” he said. our printer in Trumbull, Conn. journey, Dover Greens has al- we have dealt with. It has been tinue to do so with energy and
Working part-time has always “I’ll probably self-publish that this Back when Bernie started, we ways strived to ensure that all a core value of ours from the purpose and in compliance
suited Bernie. Being a newspaper year. And last fall, I began a short- still printed the newspaper in the of our workers, the public and beginning to invest further in with our obligations under the
editor is only one small piece of term project for the Great Bar- back print shop of our Lakeville the environment are fully pro- the safety and the protection of settlement.”
the many things he does. In addi- rington Historical Commission, office. We still took photos with tected against any unsafe or un-
tion to writing The Journal’s Na- surveying buildings and physical film cameras and printed them on healthful conditions.”
ture’s Notebook column twice a artifacts that have changed or deadline in our tiny darkroom. Dover Greens settled its dis-
month, he is also a writer of refer- moved. It is 174 pages long.” “Those were the days when pute with the U.S. Department
ence books and he is a respected He would like to travel, maybe you could smell the ink and watch of Labor following a citation Email news and photos to [email protected]
local historian (he’s especially to Scotland again. them make the papers in the print filed in 2014 by the Occupa-
interested in industrial lore and “I have other history projects shop.” tional Safety and Health Ad-
mechanical objects). already going on, and I expect to ‘To Sir, With Love’ ministration (OSHA). It agreed
Bernie has also authored ref- find more.” Bernie has been here in the to improve its safety protocol
erence books of writers in vari- While we here at The Journal newsroom since I first started and pay $700,000 in fines, a
ous genres, such as mysteries and
black authors. In all, he has pub-
can understand Bernie’s desire to
leave, we are certainly unhappy
as a Lakeville Journal reporter
in 1999. I’ve learned an immense
fraction of the original $2.3
million penalty. Dover Greens Enjoy free upcoming events:
lished 54 books since 1979. to lose him. amount from him, about how to addressed the former fine in its
Healthy Brains and Memory Screenings, January 23 at 11 am.
And he is an expert on civil “It’s time to let a new genera- write and how to edit and how Jan. 7 statement. Jennifer LaBrie from Hartford Healthcare’s Center for Healthy Aging
rights activist W.E.B. DuBois, who tion of people try their hand,” he to treat your co-workers (always “We must clearly state that offers tips, strategies and materials; free memory screenings by
spent his teen years in Great Bar- said last week. “It’s always been kindly, patiently and with respect we are disappointed with EPA appointment to follow.
rington (when he was known as a great bunch of people to work and dry humor). officials for discounting the
Department of Justice’s policy Housatonic Camera Club opening, January 24, 5-7pm. The exhibit
“Willie”). with here, and a nice opportunity When I think of my time
is open weekends 11am-4pm through February 23.
Bernie also lives in Great Bar- for me to get out of the house and with him, the title song from the against what is referred to as
rington, although he was born in interact with other people. Writ- film “To Sir, With Love,” comes ‘piling on,’” read the statement, Easy peasy Valentine’s Day desserts, February 1 at 11am. Cookbook
northern New Hampshire. ing can be solitary work.” to mind, sung so beautifully by explaining its concern that it author Jessie Sheehan prepares and offers samples of 3 delicious,
“And then my parents ended up A living history of the paper Lulu. He’s taken me and also our is being “held accountable to one bowl chocolate desserts. Guests receive a 10% off coupon from
in Massachusetts. My dad worked Bernie has lived through quite newspaper almost literally “from multiple regulatory bodies” Lakeville Wine & Spirits.
on a 3,000-acre private estate, so a few changes in his years here crayons to perfume,” or rather and “punished repeatedly for To register for these programs and to learn more about upcoming
I had woods to roam and cellar at the paper. When he began in from wax rollers to InDesign tem- the same violations that may programs, please call (860) 435-9851 or visit
holes to explore when I was grow- the fall of 1996, David Parker plates. There is no way to thank exceed what is necessary to
ing up,” he said. was The Journal’s editor, and the him for all he’s done. And there’s rectify the situation being ad-
All that exploration fed his love company had just been purchased no way to express how much we’ll dressed.”
of hiking and of digging for his- from Robert Hatch by a group of miss him, partly because it would The U.S. Attorney, however,
tory, to the benefit of Lakeville private investors from the area, embarrass him but also because it said Dover Greens “conducted
Journal readers who have enjoyed led by and including our former would just be too sad. renovations in flagrant viola-
Senior living • Rehabilitation • Nursing • Memory Care
his thoughtful, laconic articles editor and owner, the late Robert So, we’ll just note that he has tion of those regulations, risk-
over the years about things he’s Estabrook. many vigorous years ahead of him ing the health of members of A nonprofit organization • 17 Cobble Road, Salisbury, CT 06068
uncovered in the woods here- Dave Parker was followed by and we expect him to come back the public and workers at the (860) 435-9851 •
abouts and interesting hikes our Ruth Epstein, and then by the and write for us and visit with us
readers can take. team of myself as executive editor as often as he can.
Our readers might not know
how many other parts of the
newspaper Bernie writes. As
The Lakeville Journal Company
part of doing the layout for The The Lakeville Journal • The Millerton News •
Millerton news
Journal’s front page every week, The
as well as the letters page and
various other editorial pages, he Membership model: We seek your support
often writes pithy and amusing We started with a survey of our readers for three weeks
headlines and photo cutlines. in October. The information we gathered there gave
Above all, Bernie is a writer us the motivation to move forward with a membership Bear Mountain
and (the essential ingredient for $5,000 or more
campaign, publishing the four weeks of November,
writers) he is a deep thinker. He Lake Wononscopomuc
asking our readers to support The Lakeville Journal
is calm, thoughtful and observant. $2,500-$4,999
Company as we face a future that is uncertain for small
He finds almost everything to be
interesting. He uses interesting The Best Regional News Site community weekly publications not only here, but Brace Mountain
words; he taught me to use the When you need to know what’s happening in your area, we’re there. across the country. $1,000-$2,499
word “vigorous” in new ways, to Thank you to all our readers who have responded, and Housatonic River
describe for example opposition who believe in the mission of our newspapers, which $500 -$999
at a town meeting. publishes in the mastheads of The Lakeville Journal and Staying on track
He has worked as a journalist
and newspaper reporter and edi- Realtor® at Large Millerton News every week: Our goal is to report the
news of our communities accurately and fairly, fostering
Up to $499
No matter what level you choose
tor for most of his life, since he democracy and an atmosphere of open communication. for your donation, what you will
went away to college at North- On January 8th, CT Governor Lamont We want to be clear that we highly value and appreciate get is continued coverage of town
eastern University. announced that the state will be awarding
He also writes a column for his those who subscribe and advertise with us, and have in government and other events in the
over 9 million in grants to help purchase
lands that will be set aside as open space. many cases done so loyally for many years. Tri-state region. And of course, our
The state will be partnering with local land gratitude – but no other tangible
That support has given us 90% of what we have needed
trusts, like the Salisbury Association, Sharon benefits. Contributions are not tax
Land Trust and the Cornwall Conservation to survive every year. Now, it’s time to try to fill in that
deductible, as the company is not a
Trust, to jointly purchase and preserve other 10%. Even while doing that, we will constantly be
these parcels with conservation easements. nonprofit 501(c)3 at this time.
looking for savings wherever we can find them and will
The purpose of this is to protect wildlife
Correcting Errors habitats and provide outdoor recreational
opportunities for the public. The Northwest
strive to provide quality independent journalism to our
Call or email us with questions.
You can reach Manko or
We are happy to correct Corner is fortunate to have received three of
Hochswender at 860-435-9873
errors in news stories when the grants. In Salisbury, 79 acres abutting the
Associate Broker with Janet Manko, Publisher and Editor in Chief
they are called promptly to William Pitt Sotheby’s and by email at publisher@
Appalachian Trail, 70 acres in Sharon and Cynthia Hochswender,
our attention. We are also International Realty and
72 acres in Cornwall. Our local land trusts Executive Editor, The Lakeville Journal
happy to correct factual and/ are operated by volunteers committed to
Office: 19 Main Street, [email protected].
or typographical errors in preserving our heritage and deserve our Salisbury, CT 06068 Whitney Joseph, Editor, The Millerton News
advertisements when such Email: [email protected]
support. For more information, please go to:
errors affect meaning. Notice Cell: 860-921-7910 Checks may be made out to The Lakeville Journal Co. LLC,
Instagram: @johnharneyjr
of such error must be given News/Press-Releases/2020/01-2020/ and mailed to P.O. Box 1688, Lakeville, CT 06039.
to us after the first run of the Governor-Lamont-Announces-Plans-
advertisement. to-P rot e ct -24-Parc el s-of-L an d-in- If you would like to use a credit card,
Connecticut-as-Open-Space ADVERTISEMENT please go to
THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020 A11

Your Guide to Tri-State Events Jan. 16-22, 2020


Classic Films Can Help While

Away the Winter Months
here are those who
love to go outside in
the snow and cold Robert Burns will be celebrated Jan. 25.
and then there are those
who like to stay inside
with a hot beverage and a POETRY: BERNARD A. DREW
blanket and either read a
wonderful book or watch a
movie, preferably a classic.
Burns Night
Somewhere in between
those two extremes there In Cornwall:
Expect a Haggis
lies a winter alternative:
The intrepid, and those
who prefer not to watch

films on a television y credential if one can be persuad-
screen, alone, can leave for writing ed to attend.
their homes and head out this promo of Space is limited. The
to film screenings at two the Cornwall Library’s cost is $10 per person.
local venues. Robert Burns night is Attendees should be 21
The Cornwall Library in that I’m the only one or older. Reservations
Cornwall, Conn., will run in the Lakeville Journal and advance payment
films that run the gamut Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell and Peggy Roeder in “Groundhog Day.” newsroom who admits are required and may
from very silly to very seri- to having eaten haggis. be arranged by visiting
ous in January and Febru- somehow ends up running Komoko — and he finds in- Coming up on Thurs- Traditional (in Massa- the library.
ary. Admission is free. a revolution in a banana stead a town full of secrets day, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m. is the chusetts), venison (in A few years ago
Coming up on Saturday, republic. that no one wants revealed. artist sometimes known East Sussex, England) Drew family members
Jan. 18, at 4 p.m. is one of A fake war in Albania, Slapstick returns with as Prince’s “Purple Rain,” and vegetarian (in visited the Writers’
the most popular of all designed to distract the “The Mouse that Roared” which came out in 1984 Edinburgh), in fact. Museum just off Lawn-
the Marx brothers’ films, public from a presidential on Saturday, March 28, at and features some of his Here’s your oppor- market, at Lady Stair’s
“Duck Soup,” released in sex scandal, is the subject 4 p.m., another film about most popular songs, in- tunity. Close on the upper
1933 and set in the fic- of “Wag the Dog,” direct- a fictional nation in a state cluding “When Doves Cry,” A Scottish blood- part of the Royal Mile
tional land of Freedonia. ed by Barry Levinson and of revolution. This one was “Purple Rain” and “I Would line isn’t necessary in Edinburgh. I asked
Groucho, Harpo and Chico starring Robert de Niro released in 1959 and stars Die 4 U.” to attend the Burns the docents who was
run rings around each oth- and Dustin Hoffman. This Peter Sellers. On Sunday, Feb. 2, at 7 Night fest; my claim, the more popular of
er and Margaret Dumont. 1997 political satire will be Admission is free but a p.m. the featured film is, however, is through my their featured scribes:
Another slapstick film screened on Saturday, Feb. $5 donation is suggested. of course, Harold Ramis’s maternal grandfather, Robert Louis Steven-
about a fictional revolution 22, at 4 p.m. The Mahaiwe Theater “Groundhog Day” (1983), Charles A. Rose, Clan son, Sir Walter Scott
is Woody Allen’s “Bananas,” On March 14, the fea- in Great Barrington will starring Bill Murray as the Rose. or Burns. The first two,
which will be screened on tured film is “Bad Day at show classic films on its newscaster who can’t con- If Scotland has a came the answer. The
Saturday, Feb. 8, at 4 p.m. Black Rock,” released in big screen in January and tinue with his life until he national versifier, it’s docents said Burns
Allen tries to impress love 1955. Spencer Tracy arrives February. starts to get it right. Robert Burns — the was difficult to read
interest Louise Lasser with in a dusty Western town Tickets are $8 for adults “Moonstruck” starring Ploughman Poet. No and a challenge to
his radical politics and in search of a man named and $5 for children. Cher, Nicholas Cage, Olym- other is so widely quot- understand. All the
pia Dukakis, Danny Aiello, ed or admired for the more fun.
Vincent Gardenia and New beautiful sound of his Wrap your tongue
York City will be shown on language and his often around this opening
Friday, Feb. 14, at 7 p.m. gentle, at times biting, stanza of the famous
On Thursday, Feb. 20, at frequently humorous “Address”:
4 p.m., the Muppets travel rhymes. “Fair fa’ your honest,
to London to stop a jewel The balladeer’s sonsie face,
heist in “The Great Muppet birthday is celebrated “Great Chieftain o’
Caper” (1981). internationally each the Puddin-race!
And to acknowledge year, and in Cornwall “Aboon them a’ ye
that it is in fact winter, the the Friends of the Li- tak your place,
Mahaiwe will show War- brary will hold a Burns “Painch, tripe, or
ren Miller’s 2019 ski film Night on Saturday, Jan. thairm:
“Timeless,” on Saturday, 25, from 7:30 to 8:30 “Weel are ye worthy
Feb. 15, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets p.m. of a grace
are $15, with $10 tickets Organizers promise “As lang’s my arm.”
available to Mahaiwe mem- a wee dram of Scotch The Celebration of
bers and Ski Butternut and whisky, a bite of short- Roberts Burns’ Birth-
Catamount season pass bread and a taste of day is at the Cornwall
holders. haggis, best consumed Library, 30 Pine St.,
For information on during the traditional Cornwall, Conn., on
tickets for these and other recitation of “Address Saturday, Jan. 25, from
Mahaiwe events, go to to a Haggis.” Rendi- 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. For tions of other Burns more information, go to
ballads are promised; www.cornwalllibrary.
a bagpiper would only org/events or call 860-
add to the atmosphere, 672-6874.

Now Showing
1/17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23


354 Main St. Winsted, CT 06098
1-860-379-5108 •
Doors open at 6 p.m. • 21 Years & Older
Movies Support coverage
of the arts in
your local media.

We’ve made it even

FRI 01/17 > THUR 01/23 518.789.0022 easier to Stay Informed.
Visit to
purchase a print or online subscription.

JAN. 25

+ Q&A with Anne Makepeace
The MillerTon news
1917 JAN. 26
Bolshoi Ballet: GISELLE

LITTLE WOMEN FilmWorks Forum/Salisbury Forum

Your Independent, Locally Owned,
Community Newspapers & Regional
News Website
A12 THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020


For a Cold Winter

Evening, a Chilling
New ‘Dracula’ on Netflix
s it possible to lose
money making a version
of “Dracula”? Mark Ga-
tiss and Steven Moffat (the
brains behind the recent
“Sherlock” series starring
Benedict Cumberbatch and
Martin Freeman) test the
proposition with a three-
part “Dracula,” now stream-
ing on Netflix.
In a nutshell, part one is
Daria Khokhlova and Alexei Putintsev dance in the Bolshoi Ballet’s new “Giselle.” a bit. And part three is just
Gatiss and Moffat pull
DANCE: CYNTHIA HOCHSWENDER off a pretty neat trick here,

Love, Ghosts and Broken

as they did with “Sherlock.”
They combine the viewers’
familiarity with the source
material with the ability

Hearts in ‘Giselle’ to do whatever they want

with it.
Which means that Drac-
Claes Bang is Dracula in a new Netflix series.

here’s something Ratmansky (now artist in Ballets in HD. ula spends a considerable cemetery. manner that should pre-
warm and cozy about residence at the American For modernists who are amount of time — more Danish actor Claes Bang vent a sequel. But you know
revisiting the classics Ballet Theatre). unfamiliar with it, “Giselle” than a century — at the plays Count Dracula mostly how that goes.
on a cold winter day. How The much-lauded new is a story of peasants and bottom of the ocean with for laughs. His bantering If you are a horror fan,
much better, then, to visit a production will be shown at nobles, of love and betray- no discernible damage to with Dolly Wells (who plays the Netflix “Dracula” is
classic that has been refined the Moviehouse in Millerton al, of death and the spirits his clothing. both Sister Agatha Van Hel- worth watching — for
and improved, as is the case and the Mahaiwe in Great known as the Wilis who It also means Dracula sing and the 21st-century the modern tweaks to the
with the Bolshoi Ballet’s Barrington on Sunday, Jan. haunt the living. learns to use the internet. descendant, Zoe Helsing) is venerable story, for the bat
“Giselle,” staged by former 26, at 1 p.m. as part of this For ticket information, These contemporary the most Sherlock-y part of attack and for the bit with
Bolshoi director Alexei year’s season of Bolshoi go to or flourishes are balanced out the show. the kissing of the formerly by some more tradition- There’s a decent amount beautiful girl (now undead
ally scary stuff such as an of gore but it’s not over- and somewhat singed from
The Lakeville Journal Company excellent bat/wolf attack done. Likewise the special the crematorium).
The Lakeville Journal • The Millerton News • at the convent and legions effects, which complement But if this sort of thing
Membership model The Best Regional News Site of the undead (who are not the story rather than driv- leaves you as cold as the
Thank you to all who have contributed and become members. particularly dexterous) in ing it. grave, you probably won’t
Your response has heartened us in continuing our mission to
When you need to know your friendly neighborhood The series wraps up in a like it.
serve our communities, as published every week in The Lakeville what’s happening in
Journal and Millerton News: Our goal is to report the news of our your area, we’re there.
communities accurately and fairly, fostering democracy and an
atmosphere of open communication.
No matter what level you choose for your donation, what you will We’ve made it even easier to
get is continued coverage of town government and other events Stay Informed.
in the Tri-state region. And of course, our gratitude – but no other
tangible benefits. Contributions are not tax deductible, as the
Visit to
purchase a print or online subscription.
Or contact us by phone,
DO BLONDES HAVE MORE Academy Building, 24 Main St.,
company is not a nonprofit 501(c)3 at this time.
Checks may be made out to The Lakeville Journal Co. LLC,
800-339-9873 ext. 303;
by email, [email protected]
FUN? FIND OUT JAN. 25 Salisbury, CT, 860-435-0566
“Wonders of Winter”
and mailed to P.O. Box 1688, Lakeville, CT 06039. exhibition through Jumpfest,
If you would like to use a credit card, please go to
The Sharon Playhouse
Feb. 9. hosts an evening with
Call or email us with questions at 860-435-9873 Paige Turner, who is Housatonic Camera Club at
The MillerTon news
and by email at [email protected] Noble Horizons, 17 Cobble one of the creators/ Road, Salisbury, CT
and [email protected].
producers of New York Housatonic Camera Club
City’s live drag reality New Year exhibit, through

Feb. 23. Opening reception
show, “So You Think Jan. 24 at 5 p.m.
You Can Drag?” She is
A Traditional Dance School and Active Lifestyle Creative Space a cast member on the The Parish House of the
United Church of Christ, 8
Accepting Registration Now! reality show “Shade: Bolton Hill Road, Cornwall, CT
Spring 2020 Session, children & adults Queens of NYC” and sions of an Un-Natural “The Silence of Peace and
Classes beginning mid-January 2020 a featured regular on Beauty,” mixed media artwork
Blonde,”with rapid-fire of Magaly Ohika through
Tap, Jazz, Acrobatics, Ballet, Pointe, Lyrical-Contemporary, Modern, “Watch What Happens comedy, live-sung paro- March 15. Opening reception
Hip-Hop, Musical Theatre, Parkour, All Boys classes and MORE!
Live with Andy Cohen.” dies, videos and more. Jan. 19 at 11:30 a.m.
On Saturday, Jan. 25, Cocktail hour is at 8 Wassaic Project, 37 Furnace
5916 North Elm Avenue Turner will answer the p.m., the performance Bank Road, Wassaic, NY, www.
Millerton, NY question “Do blondes begins at 9 p.m. Tickets “Heirlooms” and “Won’t
Artistic Director, Gina White have more fun?” in a are $35 for cash bar and You Call Me By My Name”
860-992-2799 | [email protected] show called “Confes- $55 for open bar. opening reception Jan. 18 at


inspiring The Congregational Church

of Salisbury Parish Hall, 30
Main St., Salisbury, CT
“Uprooting Addiction”

screening and Q&A, Jan. 19
at 4 p.m.

The Moviehouse, 48 Main St,

Millerton, NY, www.themoviehouse.
“A Thousand Pieces of Gold”
Q&A with screenwriter
Anne Makepeace, Jan. 25
at 7 p.m. Salisbury Forum
Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend presents “Parkland Rising”
with director Cheryl Horner
Programs: January 18 - 20 McDonough, Jan. 26 at 11:30
p.m. Free admission.
Virtual Reality
Every Saturday 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. TALKS
Hotchkiss Library of Sharon
at Sharon Town Hall, 63 Main
St., Sharon, CT
Astronomy presentation by
Roger Liddell, Jan. 26 at 4

Noble Horizons, 17 Cobble Road,

Salisbury, CT, www.noblehorizons.
org • Stockbridge, MA
“The Small Wonders of
413.298.4100 • KIDS & TEENS FREE! Africa” photo talk with John
Yuyi Morales, Migrantes, you and I. 2018. All rights reserved.
Photography: Norman Rockwell Museum ©All rights reserved
Landon, Jan. 21 at 7 p.m.
THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020 A13

To Place an Ad Call 860-435-9873 or visit


$12 for the first 15 words or less. 40¢ for each additional word.
Monday at 12 p.m. except holiday weeks when
Call us for our special 4-time rate. All line ads must be prepaid.
a special deadline is published in advance Discover, Mastercard, Visa, and American Express accepted.

The Lakeville Journal • The Millerton News • Compass •

Local established compa-
ny looking for carpenters.
GRAM: is looking for two
regular staff and an Assistant
Director to work Monday-Friday
Real Estate
Segalla’s TurnKey Housing, during our after school pro-
LLC. is looking for a few car- gram including half/no school REAL ESTATE APARTMENTS HOUSES Deeply Rooted in the Community for over 30 Years
penters with varying levels
of expertise to join an estab-
lished team. Please contact
days. Background in childcare
preferred. Please call 860-435-
9926 or email extrasprogram@
Housing Opportunity. All real
HOME FOR RENT: Sheffield, MA.
Elyse Harney Real Estate
us at [email protected] if you love working estate advertised in this news- MENT: 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 baths, Conveniently located minutes
or 860-824-0019. with kids and are interested in paper is subject to the Federal $1,200 a month + utilities. No to CT and Great Barrington,
joining our team! Fair Housing Act of 1966 re- smokers or animals. 860-364- MA. Newly renovated 3 bed-
CONSTRUCTION HELP NEED- vised March 12, 1989 which 5814. room one bath home. All new
ED: responsible Laborer/Car- ISABELLA FREEDMAN JEWISH makes it illegal to advertise bathroom, new floors, granite
penter to assist job-site Super- RETREAT CENTER: is a year- any preference, limitation, or SHARON: 1BR, 2nd floor apt in kitchen countertop, large deck,
visor. Quality person for quality round retreat facility located discrimination based on race, private home. Ideal for single large partially finished base-
Building Company. Contact in Falls Village, CT. We serve color, religion, sex, handicap person. Wood floors, skylights, ment, new washer dryer. Electric
[email protected]. 6,000 guests per year. We are or familial status or national bright and fresh. $1250/mo. heat. Utilities not included.
currently seeking: Cook (Full origin or intention to make any Laundry, utilities and wifi incl. First, last and security required.
DENTAL ASSISTANT: four days time), Dishwashers/Porters such preference, limitation or Close to town. Non-smokers,
a week for well-established $1800/mo includes lawn care,
(Full time and Part time). For discrimination. All residential no pets. Avail. Feb 1st. Call 860- plowing and garbage removal.
general practice in Sharon, Ct. more details please visit our property advertised in the State 921-1094.
Competitive salary and expe- Call 860-671-1888.
website at of Connecticut General Statutes
rience preferred. Fax resume about/jobs-internships/. Email 46a-64c which prohibit the
to 860-364-2600 or email sha- a copy of your resume to jobs@ making, printing or publishing HOUSES Don’t Miss
[email protected]. or causing to be made, printed FOR RENT Tri-Corner Real Estate
or published any notice, state-
BORER: The Village of Millerton SERVICES ment or advertisement with
respect to the sale or rental
in Ancram, NY. Taconic Hills 3,324 sqft • 12 acres • 3 BR • 3 BA
editions of
seeks a full- time, reliable, and
motivated highway department
OFFERED of a dwelling that indicates School District, 2 story old CANAAN, CT. Restored 1752 Home w/ Mtn. Views. Chef’s KIT, 3 FPs
any preference, limitation or Colonial farmhouse in private & bluestone wrap porch. 2 barns w/ horse stalls, chicken coop, green-
laborer. Must have valid CDL discrimination based on race, setting, secluded, 2 car garage. house, 5 garage bays. Gardens, orchards, & pastures. Cabin w/ 2000’ of
license. Applicant must be ex- A1 HOUSE CLEAN-OUTS: 518-929-3480 or 518-329-1321. The MillerTon news river frontage.
Items removed and trucked creed, color, national origin, Web# EH4279 Colleen Vigeant/Bill Melnick $875,000
perienced in heavy equipment ancestry, sex, marital status, age,
operation, have knowledge of away from homes, garages, SHARON HOUSE FOR RENT:
barns, etc. Call Bill 860 364- lawful source of income, familial
power tools and the ability to status, physical or mental dis- Small, charming, 3 bedrooms, SALISBURY, CT MILLERTON,
lift 50 lbs. The position includes 4653. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. No dog.
Your Independent, Locally Owned, Community
860-43S-2200 HARN EYRE.COM NY S18-789-8800
ability or an intention to make Newspapers & Regional News Website
NYS Retirement Benefits and any such preference, limitation No smokers. $1,500/mo plus
paid time off. Applications may or discrimination. utilities. 860-364-5814.
be obtained on the Village of
Millerton website. www.villa-
Robinson Leech Real Estate
Lakeville Office Space Distinctive Country Properties
Email your classified ad to Lyndee Stalter at Available March 1st.
[email protected] today! Move in time can be flexible.
LCSW looking for a mental health professional
to share peaceful 2 office suite in Lakeville,
CT with shared waiting room on 1st floor.
Referrals and supervision are possibilities.
A compound on 1.65 acres, set along a babbling brook. TWO living 2.5 acres, 1100 SFT, 3 bedrooms, Living room, eat-in kitchen,
units: A charming, quality main residence of 3 bedrooms, 1300 Summer season dining deck, fully usable, basement level for work
Conveniently located off Route 44. Well SFTLA, living room with fireplace, and other amenities. Added to shop or other purposes. Set along Reservoir road, for great walking
this is a 710 SFTLA, 2 BDRM guest house with kitchen and sitting and bike riding. OFFERED AT $295,000
managed professional building with plenty of room. Outside terraces, a raised garden, and a quiet location. Quality
construction is used throughout the house. OFFERED at $750,000.

The Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, CT parking. Selling properties in CT, Mass, and New York, since 1955
Call 860-248-5955 for more information. 318 Main Street • Lakeville, Connecticut • 860-435-9891
Registered Nurse

Benefit Eligible opportunity available

The Registered Nurse (RN) identifies and treats health
disorders among students and provides instruction
in the maintenance of good health and disease
prevention. The employee must evaluate the physical
conditions of students and refer students to appropriate
resources as needed. Decisions made by this employee
require discretionary judgment and analysis as well as
independent decision making. Nurses utilize computer
software to maintain proper record keeping and care
plan management. Primarily overnight scheduling
with some on-call duty. Must have a valid, current
RN license in the State of CT and nursing assessment
... as a school bus driver
skills as they relate to adolescent children. The RN
position follows the academic calendar, with potential
All locations
scheduling available during summer programs.
All towns hiring in
Apply online! Visit the Careers page
of our website, under Staff Opportunities:
hiring including REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT #1
The Hotchkiss School is an equal opportunity employer
and encourages applications from qualified
individuals of diverse backgrounds.
Cornwall/Kent/North Canaan
Apply at 40 Farnum Street in Lakeville
Falls Village/
Give the gift of … News! North PAID
Apply at 40 Farnum
Contact Sandra Lang
Phone: 860-435-9873 ext. 301 Lakeville
Email: [email protected]
Or go to 860-435-0352
and click on “Subscribe”
Please apply in person or online at:
•The MillerTon for more
news 177 Rowley Street
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Your Independent, Locally Owned, Community Norfolk/Colebrook
and our professional driver training classes.
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A14 THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, January 16, 2020

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