8DIO Studio Piano - User Manual

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8Dio Studio Grand / User Manual


All 8DIO libraries are watermarked with your

personal data and IP address using proprietary
watermarking techniques developed by 8DIO.

Download and install our download utility (found in the email you received from us). We offer both PC and MAC versions of
the download tool.

1. Enter the ENTIRE serial code (found in the email you received from us)

2. The download utility will automatically download and install your library.

3. The library can be found through the regular browser in Kontakt.


The download utility should generally work for all download purposes, however please use our manual download links if
you encounter any issues. The manual download links are generally slower downloads, but allows you to download the com-
pressed library files (.rar compression) through your browser. You can access the manual download links here:


Please use your purchasing email address and enter ENTIRE serial code.


This library does NOT use the “add library” function in Kontakt and all files must be access through the regular Kontakt brows-
er (upper left side of Kontakt). Please use the file browser in Kontakt and locate the program (.nki) files in the library to use it.

Please contact us at [email protected] - if you encounter any other unforeseen issues.

The extraordinary Studio Grand Piano library contains
thousands of samples and multiple unique microphone
positions. Everything was lovingly recorded & processed at
24bit / 96k at our famous British Studio through an extremely
special custom Neve desk before being carefully down
sampled to 48k for ease of streaming. We wanted to create a
realistic virtual instrument that pays homage to its real life
counter part. The incredibly versatile & studio defacto,
Yamaha C7. This piano is best described as incredibly
versatile, being fantastic for pop, rock, classical, and all
in-between. The sustain samples were carefully crafted
at both pedal up and pedal down positions. We also as an
added bonus, sampled staccato and staccatissimo notes
(w/round robin), so you have the correct attack for faster runs.
In addition the library gives you full control over the dynamic
response as well as mechanics and tonal qualities, so you can
dial in the perfect sound for your workflow. We also included
full control over resonance, room tone, signal chain noise,
non tonal key control & unique release triggers for hammer
action, string damping, and release triggers for our more
ambient microphones. Everything is right your finger tips.
entrance screen
The Splash Screen is the first thing you will see, from
here you can quickly and easily adjust articulation
settings, as well as enter our Main Screen by clicking
aywhere else on the interface.
MAIN screen
The Main Screen contains all the vital controls in
order to shape the core mechanics of the sound, from
envelopes & resonance, to velocity response and
natural room tone.

*NOTE - You can always reset a control to its default

value by simply using (CMD + Click).
The articulation menu can be shown or hidden by There are multiple ways to select any of the
clicking the menu title. When open you can select included articulations. Of course you can simply click
the playable articulation by simply clicking the on the name of the chosen articulation, or for realtime
articulation name. You can also alter the volume of adaption purposes, you can choose one of 3 control
each articulation using the available volume slider, methods for each articulation.
and of course load and un load articulations from KEY - Allows you to use a key switch to activate the
your system memory but clicking the small purge articulation.
button located to the left of each articulation name. CC - Allows you to use a MIDI CC control to activate
the articulation.
AUTO - Allows you to automatically activate an
articulation based upon your playing speed.
The options cog situated toward the top right of the AUTO - An animation indicates the current time in
Articulation Menu allows you to access the start the cycle. Adjust each slider to alter the time at which
options. each AUTO assigned articulation is activated.
From here you can access & alter the Auto Mode as
well as the trigger time for each articulation. KEY - By clicking and changing this number you can
This is also where you can determine the starting assign the first Key Switch to select the articulations
key for the Key Switches, and the controller number assigned to KEY in the options menu.
for the CC control.
CC - By clicking and changing this number you can
assign the master controller set to select the
articulations assigned to CC in the options menu.
The Auto Mode dropdown allows you to select how RESPONSE - The Response dial allows you to fine tune
the AUTO articulation start options will function. the responsiveness of your particular keyboard
By selecting “RELEASE LENGTH“ the automation will controller, adjusting the velocity curve applied to the
be defined by the time in-between notes or chords. entire instrument.
By selecting “NOTE LENGTH“ the automation will
be defined by the length of each previously played RESO. - The Resonance dial controls the volume of the
note. sympathetic resonance layered upon use of the
For live purposes, we would reccomened leaving sustain pedal.
this at the default “RELEASE LENGTH“ setting to
allow for more accurate realtime automation. *NOTE - The RESO. feature is in addition to the
naturally recorded sympathetic resonance.
KEYS - The Keys dial allows you to adjust the PEDALS - The Pedals dial controls the volume of the
volume of the key mechanisms. This includes a non pedal sounds triggered upon the use and release
tonal plucking of the String on each given attack of a pedal. The use of subtle acoustic characteritics
and the release of the Hammer upon any release. such as the pedal sounds can bridge the transition
between pedal up and pedal down increasing the
To turn on or off the String or Hammer mechanisms believeability of a performance.
simply click the arrow towards the right of the
“KEYS“ label and navigate through the dropdown

*Hammers are only adjustable when using Sustains.

RELEASE - The Release dial allows you to adjust the ADSR - The ADSR envelope controls allow you to quite
volume of the Release Triggers. At its most minimal drastically change the volume envelope of the piano.
value it will relieve some system resources. We would reccomend keeping these at their default
*This parameter is only applicable for Sustains. value for a realistic performance.
You can always reset any parameter to its default
NOISE - The Noise dial controls the volume of the value by simply using (CMD + Click).
captured microphone noise & room tone. Although
generally unwanted, subtle use of this control can RETURN - The small Return button located towards
help recreate the feeling of a live & non sterile re- the upper left of the user interface will take you back
cording. to the initial entrance screen.
MIC screen
The Microphone Screen gives you access to each in-
dividual microphone position available in the library.
Including a system friendly MIX position, which was
hand crafted using a purely analogue workflow and
is a great option for those looking for a great sound,
without the need for any tweaking.
Each Microphone Position has control over the You can turn each microphone on & off which will add
Volume, Pan, Stereo Spread, Loading, Routing, and or remove the associated position, saving valuable
of course Solo & Mute functions. system memory.
To switch between adjusting the Pan & Stereo To route any position to an individual stereo
Spread simply click the “PAN” or “STEREO“ label output within your workstation, simply click the
beneath the control dial. arrow beside the positions name and navigate the
dropdown menu.

*NOTE - Upon loading the MIX position all other

microphone positions will be purged to avoid
VERB screen
The Reverb Screen is something quite special, for this
library we decided to not only give you access to great
sounding microphone stems and a painstakingly
crafted MIX option, but also 2 seperetly recorded
reverb chains. This allows you to blend in some of the
worlds most saught after reverb chains to any of our
included mics.

*NOTE - It is not recommended to use our verb system

with the MIX position, as this already contains a subtle
amount and could lead to phasing.
Each pedal offers you individual controls for Pan, You can also turn the pedal on & off which adds or
Volume & the stereo spread for the reverb. Allowing removes the associated reverb samples from your
you full control over the send. system memory.
To route a pedal to an individual stereo output
within your workstation, simply click the arrow beside
the pedals name and navigate the dropdown menu.
By downloading or installing any 8Dio sound library you accept the following product TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, 8DM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES
The license for this product is granted only to a single user. You may use this product on up to two MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, NEITHER 8DIO, ITS SUPPLIERS, DEALERS, DISTRIBUTORS,
(2) separate computers, which computers shall be owned and used by you exclusively. If you need NOR THE AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES OF THE FOREGOING WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSE-
more, special arrangements may be made on a case-by-case basis. All sounds and samples in this QUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OF ANY SORT, (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION,
product are licensed, but not sold, to you by 8Dio, Inc. for commercial and non-commercial use DAMAGES FOR LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR LOSS OF DATA ARISING OUT OF THE
in music, sound-effect, audio/video post-production, performance, broadcast or similar finished USE OF THE PRODUCT) WHETHER OR NOT SAME HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF
content-creation and production use. SUCH DAMAGES, OR OF ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY.

8Dio allows you to use any of the sounds and samples in the library / libraries you’ve purchased 5. TERMS
for commercial recordings without paying any additional license fees or providing source attri- This license agreement is effective from the moment the product is installed by any means. The
bution to 8Dio, Inc. This license is non-transferable and expressly forbids resale or lease of the license will remain in full effect until termination. The license is terminated if you break any of
product(s). the terms or conditions of this agreement. Upon termination you agree to destroy all copies and
contents of the product at your own expense. In the event of termination, the following sections
This license also expressly forbids any inclusion of content contained within this library, or any of this license will survive: 2, 3, 4 and 7.
other 8Dio library, into any other virtual instrument or library of any kind, without our express
written consent. This license forbids any re-distribution method of this product, or its sounds, 6. NFR (Not for Resale)/EDU (Educational) Sales:
through any means, including but not limited to, re-sampling, mixing, processing, isolating, or All 8dm libraries are subject to the terms of this license agreement, unless specified otherwise.
embedding into software or hardware of any kind, for the purpose of re-recording or reproduc- NFR and EDU copies are exempt from update or upgrades or additional discounts, sales or cou-
tion as part of any free or commercial library of musical and/or sound effect samples and/or ar- pons. Notwithstanding other sections of this license, any products provided to you for an EDU
ticulations, or any form of musical sample or sound effect sample playback system or device or purpose shall only be used by students or faculty, staff and administration attending or working
on a stand alone basis. in educational institutional facilities and must not be used for commercial purposes.


The product, including accompanying documentation, is protected by copyright laws and inter- (a). This license shall be governed by California law applicable to contracts fully negotiated, ex-
national copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. 8Dio retains ecuted and performed therein. Only the California courts (state and federal) shall have jurisdiction
full copyright privileges and complete ownership of all recorded sounds, instrument program- over controversies regarding this license; any proceeding involving such a controversy shall be
ming, documentation and musical performances included in this product. Any rights not specifi- brought in those courts, in Los Angeles County, and not elsewhere. In the event of any claim
cally granted herein are reserved by 8Dio. arising from the breach or alleged breach of the terms of this license, the prevailing party shall be
entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs.
Any unauthorized use, distribution or reproduction of the product shall not be permitted, and
shall constitute a violation of law, and shall entitle 8Dio to, in addition to any other remedy at (b) You agree that this license contains the complete agreement between the parties hereto, and
law or equity, injunctive relief. It is unlawful to deliberately circumvent, alter or delete technologi- supersedes all other communication, relating to the subject matter of the license.
cal measures of protection and information provided by 8Dio which identifies the products, its
owner and the terms and conditions for its use. Please note that the product has been imbedded (c) You acknowledge that you have read this license and understand it and agree to be bound by
with a digital watermark specific to the serial number you have been given for this product. If its terms and conditions.
the product ends up in other people’s music, you will be held legally responsible, so we ask you
to keep this product for yourself. You further agree to take all reasonable steps to protect this
product from unauthorized copying or use.

Downloaded libraries can’t be returned, so we can’t provide refunds.
Please choose your selection carefully.

Thank you so much for shopping with 8DIO

The production of our libraries are not only a product of our own vision, but also a product of
patience from friends, family and of course countless discussions with a variety of great composers
and producers.

A special thanks to Tawnia, Cam & John for keeping it together and dealing with my mad brain.

If you have any questions, concerns, love-letters or hate mail feel free to send it to [email protected]

the studio
Grand by
All programming, samples, images and text © 8Dio 2015. All Rights Reserved.
8Dio is a registered trademark of 8Dio, LLC.

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