Vib Screen - Vib Analysis PDF
Vib Screen - Vib Analysis PDF
Vib Screen - Vib Analysis PDF
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Vibration analysis is a very powerful and cost effective tool. Put to good use, it can help save thousands of dollars in
unplanned downtime and unnecessary maintenance activities.
In most traditional applications of vibration analysis, data is collected on rotating elements, such as motors, pumps, fans,
compressors. This data shows the mechanical condition of the equipment. For example: bearing faults, gear faults,
misalignment, coupling problems, etc. More advanced uses could include buildings and other structures, where data
collected could detect certain design flaws and/or structural degradation.
These applications are certainly appropriate in the material handling industry. They are being implemented throughout the
industry and established programs are starting to realize the many benefits of a vibration analysis program. However,
there is a piece of equipment indigenous to this industry that escapes the more traditional analysts, the vibrating screen.
They are normally passed over on the initial sight assessment due to their large and seemingly violent motion. However,
the vibration analyzer is capable of providing a wealth of data that can help both maintenance and production get full
utilization out of their screen.
A vibrating screen is a piece of equipment that separates different size material. Separation of material is accomplished
by means of screening media, commonly referred to as decks, which act like a filter. The screen deck has certain size
opening in it. The smaller material falls through the opening while the larger material remains on top of the screen deck.
The entire screen can vibrate at up to 1000 cycles per minute and can have as many as three decks. The decks are
arranged above each other, usually with the larger opening screen deck being on top and the lower screens having
smaller opening respectively. As material is feed onto the top deck, the screen can vibrate at over 5 G’s. The material falls
through the openings and is separated. Each deck’s overflow is usually directed into a chute and the material that falls
completely through is sent to a chute.
The screen is supported on all four corners by either steel springs or rubber “donuts” , and it can either rest on the floor or
be suspended by rods or chain. The motion of the screen is provided by an eccentric shaft. This shaft is inside a housing
that serves as the mount for the bearing. Screens can have up to three shafts, each in their respective housing.
Signal Modulation
Signal modulation is a problem when trying to get a vibration signature on the drive mechanism. The screen is moving at
a speed of up to 1000 cpm and can be producing forces in excess of 5.0 G’s. Modulated data provides little useable
information about the condition of the bearings or gears in the drive mechanism.
Typical modulated data would only appear as a single peak at turning speed. To get usable information, the modulation
would have to be corrected for as it was collected. That means that the carrier frequency would be filtered out, leaving
only the higher frequency data (impacting) of the bearings and/or gears. A technique known as PeakVue® is used in the
following example.
The “good” spectrum does contain a once per revolution impact as indicated by the peak at Turning Speed. This is nor mal
in vibrating screens due to the eccentric shaft in the drive mechanism. The “bad” spectrum contains peaks that are non -
synchronous to turning speed. These peaks matched the inner race fault frequency of the bearing. Note the difference in
amplitudes of the two spectra.
A normal waveform usually shows peaks of over 1 G due to the eccentric shaft, so a peak alarm of 2 G’s is chosen as an
The traditional analysis of a screen’s motion, acceleration and angle is accomplished with a screen card or screen gauge.
A screen card is a rectangular, magnetic card that has several black circles of varying diameters on it. It also has several
straight lines all being at a different angles from the edge of the card. This card is placed squarely on the screen. While
the screen is running the circles will appear as an oval. The oval with the most solid center is the correct throw of the
screen. The straight line that is clearest is the proper angle of the screen. To get an idea of the orbital motion of the
screen a white sticker is applied to each corner of the screen. A pen or pencil, held firmly, lightly appl ied to the sticker,
allows the motion of the screen to be traced onto the sticker. The resulting “plot” is the motion of the screen, and the
length of the long axis of the oval is the screen’s “throw”.
The speed of the screen can be assessed with a contac t tachometer or strobe light.
HD - Heavy Duty: Deep bed depth. high % of nearsize particles in feed, plugging or blinding is a problem.
ND - Normal Duty: Nearly optimum bed depth, avg % of nearsize particles in feed, & minimal plugging or blinding.
Orbit Analysis On Vibrating Screens
Vibration data is collected at each corner of the screen. Each corner is designated by either Feed (F) or Discharge (D)
and Left (L) or (R) . So then FL would be Feed Left, etc.
The vibration data also tells us the speed of the screen. Notice in the top right hand corner of this spectrum we see the
RPM = 998. This is accomplished through the fact that for each complete rotation of the shaft the screen makes one
complete cycle up and down. Therefore by measuring the number of cycles per minute, we know the number of shaft
rotations per minute.
Knowing what a “good” screen should look like, we can look at others and deduce that there are problems.
For example:
It was mentioned earlier that the data needed to be collected in the vertical and horizontal planes at the same time. And to
accomplish this you would need a dual channel analyzer. This is because the data needs to be in phase to provide us with
the capability to do an Orbit Plot. An orbit plot is a plot of the relative motion between two transducers. Or in the case of a
vibrating screen it would be called the trace of the screen’s Strok e.
Why is that necessary, when we have the screens waveforms and spectra already? Because the pure waveforms and
spectra do not always alert us to everything we want to know about the motion of the screen. For example:
These 4 plots reflect what would be considered a normal screen, with nothing in the spectra or waveforms to alert a
However, if we were to plots the two waveforms simultaneously, we would see a different picture
The orbit plot can provide a wealth of data not seen in the spectra and waveforms.
It becomes easier to spot a screen with problems when we compare its orbit plot to that of a good one.
For example:
Knowing that makes it easy to spot a bad one when it looks like this:
Linking Traditional Inspections With Vibration Data
There is no doubt that linking the traditional inspections with the vibration data could provide an invaluable tool for
troubleshooting and “tuning” screen performance.
The collection of the vibration data in the vertical and horizontal planes at the same time provides us with val uable data.
The frequency of the up and down motion of the screen is the speed of the screen.
By graphing the screens vertical and horizontal vibration at the same time we get and actual trace of the motion of
the screen.
By treating the vertical and horizontal vibration at the speed of the screen as vectors in the x and y planes, we can
use the following equation to calculate the angle of throw of the screen.
By taking the acceleration of the resultant vector a in G’s (RMS) and converting it to displacement in Mils (Peak -
Peak)) at the speed of the screen, we can calculate the actual length of the stroke.
This equation is (G’s RMS 386.4 1.414) (2 (RPM/60))2 2 = Mils Peak - Peak
Full Example Of Screen Information
Derived From Vibration Signature
Installation Issues
Weak Column
Broken Welds
Weak Beams (Torsional Weakness)
Structural Resonance
Uneven Feed
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