Christina School District - Signed MOU

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Memorandum of Agreement Between Glasgow High School, Christina School District, Delaware Department of Education and ACCESS Project The Delaware Department of Education established a Standards-based IEP initiative and contracted with The University of Delaware, Center for Disabilitics Studies’ ACCESS Project and Delaware PBS to facilitate professional development based on Standards-based IEPs, behavior goals and data collection techniques. ‘The ACCESS Project W.RLT.ES. (Writing Rigorous IEPs to Teach Educational Standards) and Delaware PBS ABC’s of IEPs initiative will provide a professional development program to identified staff at Glasgow High School within Christina School District. This program will utilize group trainings, individual coaching, online collaboration, and a variety of methods necessary in order to successfully support these professionals in development and implementation of standards-based TEPs. I. Purpose of the Agreement This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) sets the terms by which DDOE, The A\ Project and Glasgow High School and the Christina Schoo! District will work together to implement professional development related to creating and implementing Standards: Based IEPs (SBIEPs). In addition, professional development for the ABCs of IEPs, related to writing appropriate behavioral goals, will be included. This agreement will remain in effect from January 2020 to June 2020. Amy Brown- Instructional Coach, U of D and Susan Veenema, DDOE Education “Associate, will be the key contacts for the ACCESS Project. Harold Ingram, Principal and Christine Getugi, Assistant Principal will be the lead contacts at Glasgow High School. Through this agreement, DOE and S Project agrees to provide on-going assistance to teachers, diagnosticians, coor cialists, and administrators for topics conceming the implementation, technical assistance, monitoring, and follow-up support which are associated with the W.R.LT.E.S. initiative, developing SBIEPs, and the ABCs of IEPs. IL. Detailed Description of Roles and Responsibilities Responsibilities of DDOE and the S Project 1. DDOE and ACCESS will provide group professional development trainings on creating and implementing SBIEPs. 2, DDOF and ACCESS will provide individualized coaching in order to give feedback and on-going staff development through face-to-face, email, video conferencing, phone and any other necessary modes of communication, 3. ACCESS will provide technical assistance as needed via telephone, email, fax, or site visits to Glasgow High School. Topics will include but are not limited to: Utilizing educational resources; using online discussion boards, conferencing technology, and websites; administering assessment tools; and troubleshooting other unforeseen difficulties. 4, ACCESS will conduct pre- and post-project surveys and data analysis of the participants and IEPs to determine the effectiveness of the professional development and coaching. Responsibilities of Glasgow High School administrators and participants. 1. Participants will complete pre- and post-project surveys in order for AC determine the goals and objectives of the professional development, as well as the success of implementation. 2. Glasgow High Schoo! administration will collaborate with the DDOE and ACCESS to coordinate professional development opportunities. Coordination may include but is not limited to: scheduled trainings, visits and coaching sessions, identification of participants for professional development and coaching, providing substitute coverage. 3. Participants will participate in a 6 hour in person training of professional development on January 7, 8 and/or 13, 2020, and, including but not limited to, individual coaching, group professional development and/or TA. 4, Participants will provide student information important to IEP development and implementation with DDOE and ACCESS staff. Sharing of information will be done in ways to ensure the child’s rights through HIPAA and FERPA. Methods of confidential IEP sharing may include secure email communication or access to student records via IEP Plus. 5. Participants will implement, to the best oftheir abilities, the standards and strategies set forth by DDOF and ACCESS. IV. Durs ion of the Agreement This agreement will be in effect from January 2020 to June 2020 to satisfy requirements within the Compliance Agreement between Glasgow High School, Christina School District and DDOE. V. Signature of Parties’ Administrators Please sign and date this agreement leer. ye 12/26/19 teytewren, Pip. we poustk faery Date ae ey Z 1/3/2020 Mary Ann Mieczkowskd, Director, ECR, DDOE Date (fe 1/3/2020 jusan Veenema, Education Associate, ECR, DDOE Bate? /) P [2/2020 Date Amy ‘ACCESS Project

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