A Canteen Is A Place Where Food Is To Be Served and Eaten

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A canteen is a place where food is to be served and eaten, where different Snack and
drink products are sold. A College utilizes a canteen to meet the food and Nutritional needs of its
students in order for them to have the energy in to accomplish the task that they would do for the
day. A college canteen is a part of the college life. Students depend much on college canteen. It
is a part and parcel of a college life. It is the reliable source of taking foods. The canteen staff or
personnel are the people who run the canteen. They are the ones who interact with the students
and ask for their order. They are the ones who serve the students their meal. They are
responsible for keeping the facility in a proper shape so that the students are able to feel satisfied
about the environment. The products that are commonly sold in the canteen are junk foods,
biscuits, different kinds of beverages, and meals etc. Food plays a big role in a student’s daily
life. This is where the students get their energy to have the ability to work their body and minds
and overcome the challenges the school has to offer.
This study mainly focuses on the level of satisfaction of the College students of St.
Joseph’s College when it comes to the food and services of the college canteen. We have chosen
to study this topic because as students, we need a place where we are able to feel comfortable
and satisfied during break times. Therefore, we thought that studying the canteen’s food and
services is very relevant and beneficial to whomever may come across our research.

Does St. Joseph’s College canteen provides good nutrious food and services to the
students and whether the students are satisfied by the services and food provided by the college
canteen in all situations?

 The primary objectives are to study about the customer satisfaction towards the St.
Joseph’s canteen.
 To understood the quality and the services of the college canteen.
 To know whether the place is suitable with available ventilations and good environment.
 To create awareness about the health and hygiene of the food products.
 To give suggestion to improve their performance
 To improve the taste, choice and quantity of the food.
 To improve the sanitation of the performance.
 To identify how the employees are treating the customers.

Variables are usually the things you care about but can't affect directly, such as profitability,
customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The variables we used are

 Year
 Gender
 Father sector of employment

 The fair may be less than the outside canteen.
 The food that provides is 70% hygiene.
 The canteen may be increase in the environment.
 The services provided by the college canteen is may be increased to the next level by
developing the modern kitchen.
 Customers can expect the food can be better.
 Many people like students and staffs prefer lunch in the college canteen.
 Arrangements are sufficient for maintaining the population.
The descriptive method was used and gathered information through the use of a survey
questionnaire as an instrument. The descriptive method was used to assess the operations and
policies involved in the management of Canteen. The study was also conducted to determine the
effectiveness of the service and satisfaction on management of the canteen. The results were
analyzed to determine the observation of the respondents. Research data were encoded, analyzed
and presented in the table. We used SPSS software to interpret the data

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