Commercial Dispatch Eedition 1-17-20

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Friday | January 17, 2020

Jeff Smith: West Lowndes in need of storm shelters

Only one small shelter built west of Tombigbee Inside Smith called on the county
n OUR VIEW: Storm shelters need- board of supervisors Wednes-
By Yue Stella Yu really safe,” Lowery said. ed for county residents. Page 4A day to explore ways to fund for
[email protected] Crawford Mayor Deane Par- storm shelters in west Lowndes
sons shares that concern. She re- County. He proposed to build a
Storms sweeping through “It’s not very big,” Burns said. storm shelter in the old Crawford
members the tornado from a few “It’ll fit 15 people or so. You could
Mississippi had Dalvia Lowery Elementary School gym, where
years ago that crushed a mobile maybe squeeze 20 in there.”
worried about the kids she helps renovation is now underway.
look after at Love and Learn Day home, killing the man living in- More than 4,000 mobile The county received $350,000
Care in downtown Crawford. side. Storms like that have seeded homes are spread across Lown- to revamp the gym in early Jan-
Parsons Smith
Because, she said, as storms fear in the community, she said. des County, 65 percent of which uary as part of a bond package
are hitting the area more often, “You don’t know what day or county officials. are located in the western com- the state Legislature passed last
there is no storm shelter in town hour one will actually touch down That one is a small concrete munities, District 4 Supervisor year, said Parks and Recreation
to protect those children, or any- in Crawford,” Parsons said. shelter at the District 5 county Jeff Smith said. Department Director Roger
body, from harm. It’s not just Crawford — road department barn off High- “With no designated locations Short. The project is estimated to
“It’s just a scary, uncertain there is only one storm shelter way 45 a few miles west of Co- for (storm shelters), it could be cost $300,000 and is expected to
time not really having a shelter, in Lowndes County west of the lumbus, Road Manager Ronnie an uncomfortable situation, at be completed by May, just in time
somewhere you can go and feel Tombigbee River, according to Burns said. best, in the community,” he said. See shelters, 6A

Some road projects ongoing, Corps

others about to begin of Engineers
pipes to drain
Oktibbeha lake
State of emergency
declared in county
[email protected]

Oktibbeha County
has asked the U.S.
Army Corps of En-
gineers for a set of
pipes to drain the Ok-
tibbeha County Lake
Dam to a few feet
above the bottom in
order to relieve pres- Campanella
sure on the levee, which started to
show early signs of breaching Tues-
day morning and prompted a warn-
ing and 24-hour monitoring from
county leaders.
The board of supervisors vot-
ed unanimously in a special-call
meeting Thursday to grant county
Emergency Management Agency
Director Kristen Campanella the
authority to submit the request to
Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff
the Mississippi EMA, which will
Construction of semi-roundabouts at Military Road and Highway 82 continues as traffic navigates the road barrels in the work then submit the request to the corps
area. Mississippi Department of Transportation has contracted with Gregory Construction on a combined $5 million project of engineers. Ryan Reves, the dam
for improvements at the Military and 18th Avenue intersections with 82. safety manager for the Vicksburg
district, said the county can use the
pipes as long as they are needed,
First downtown roundabout could be finished by year’s end but the corps first needs to deter-
mine how many pipes are available
and in what size, pick them up and
By Yue Stella Yu “Sixty percent of the accidents (along dor. “Plus, this is the DOT right-of-way, bring them to the county lake, so it
[email protected] the downtown corridor) that happened so they would have the funds and the is currently unknown how soon the
there were people hydroplaning off the ability to afford this project.” pipes will arrive.
The first of many road coming into town and out of town,” Additional roundabouts are planned “We’ll expedite that as quickly
roundabouts in down- Stafford said. at the Island Road, Third and Fourth as we can,” Reves told the board.
town Columbus could Roundabouts are effective in slowing street intersections along the corridor, Campanella told The Dispatch
be up and running by down the speeding traffic and allow pe- and pedestrian crossings will be added this morning that, while she had
the end of this year, City destrians a safer crossing, he said. to each improved intersection, Stafford submitted the requests for pumps
Engineer Kevin Stafford The funding for the Second and said. There’s too much traffic at Fifth and other assistance from the
told Columbus Exchange Main roundabout is already in place, and Main Street for a roundabout, he Corps of Engineers, authorities are
Club members at the Lion Stafford said. The city received about said, so the current signal will remain “still working on the logistics” for
Hills Center Thursday af- $800,000 from the Mississippi Depart- intact. There are traffic flow and pedes- those requests.
ternoon. ment of Transportation for the roughly trian safety measures planned for that The warning will upgrade to an
The roundabout at the intersection $900,000 project, and will bear the rest intersection as part of the overall proj- emergency and the recommenda-
of Second and Main streets next to Har- of the cost, he said. The city is still seek- ect. tion to evacuate will become a man-
vey’s restaurant is the first piece of a ing funding for planned projects along The city uses loop detectors at some date if water starts streaming out of
$4.5 million traffic improvement project the rest of the corridor. traffic signals to monitor the traffic flow the levee or if the mudslide in the
along the corridor that connects High- “There’s just not that kind of money and automatically adjust the signal wait seeping area of the levee reaches
ways 82 and 182 with downtown Colum- sitting around in the city,” Stafford said time accordingly, Stafford said. But the pavement on County Lake Road,
bus, Stafford said. of the cost to improve the entire corri- See Road Projects, 6A See Lake, 6A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 What funny gal’s 2014 bestseller Today meetings
n WE NEED YOUR features a chapter written by funny ■ UNCF Banquet: The Golden Triangle UNCF
Jan. 21: Colum-
HELP: We are running guy and ex-castmate Seth Meyers? bus City Council
2 What rock band brilliantly danced on (United Negro College Fund) Banquet begins
low on weather at 6:30 p.m. in the Hogarth Dining Center on
regular meeting,
drawings from area treadmills in the mega-viral video for 5 p.m., Munici-
“Here It Goes Again”? The W campus. Speaker is Judge Constance
children. Parents and/ 3 Which of these images appeared on Slaughter-Harvey. Donation is $30. For more pal Complex
or school teachers with the first jigsaw puzzle — a church, a information, contact Tavetia Hughes, 662- Jan. 27:
children interested in map of England or a windmill? 327-4538, or email [email protected]. Columbus-
coloring the weather 4 What Southern Hemisphere country ■ Voice Symposium: Opera soprano Indra Lowndes
may download a color is the world’s largest producer of
Thomas joins Mississippi State students for Convention and
form at http://tiny. wool?
5 What does TMZ stand for in TMZ. a 7:30 p.m. concert at First Baptist Church, Visitors Bureau
cc/8xa9hz or stop by com? 106 E. Lampkin St., Starkville. 662-325- Board regular
our office. Answers, 6B 3070 or [email protected]. meeting, 4 p.m.,
CVB office
Saturday Feb. 3: Lown-
Inside ■ Winds of Time: This Starkville-MSU Sym- des County
phony Orchestra concert at 7:30 p.m. in Lee Board of Super-
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 2A
Comics 4B Opinions 4A Hall’s Bettersworth Auditorium at Mississippi Zaria Johnson loves going to visors regular
Crossword 5B Religion 5B State features 19th- and 20th-century wind church and singing in the choir meeting, 9 a.m.,
140th Year, No. 264 Dear Abby 4B music. Free to the public. at South Side M.B. Church. Courthouse


2A FRIDAY, January 17, 2020 The Dispatch •

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH She is survived by ley K. McCrary offici- Vernon, Janice Brasfield
OBITUARY POLICY her sons, Rusty Mur- ating. Burial will follow of Fulton, Annette Hill
Obituaries with basic informa-
phree and Ray Mur- at Memorial Gardens and Mary Chandler,
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided free phree, both of Wren; Cemetery. Visitation both of Starkville, Patri-
of charge. Extended obituaries one grandchild; and two is from 1-6 p.m. today cia Mosely of Louisville,
with a photograph, detailed great-grandchildren. at Century-Hairston Christina Johnson and
biographical information and Pallbearers will be Funeral Home. Cen- Cynthia Johnson; broth-
other details families may wish Glenn Schmidt, Bailey tury Hairston Funeral ers, James Cunningham
to include, are available for a Haney, William Word, of Amory, Dennis Cun-
Home of Columbus is
fee. Obituaries must be sub-
mitted through funeral homes
Phil Burks, Derrick Ste- in charge of arrange- ningham and Tommy
unless the deceased’s body phens, Dale Langford, ments. Watkins, both of Colum-
has been donated to science. Bubba Young and Mike Mr. Morris was born bus, Glenn Watkins of
If the deceased’s body was Vandiver. Aug. 2, 1957, to the late Tennessee, Jim Gibson,
donated to science, the family Sylvester Morris and Melcin Gibson and
must provide official proof of
death. Please submit all obitu-
Katie Johnson Annie Pearl Davis Mor- Michael Gibson, all of
COLUMBUS — Ka- ris. He was formerly Starkville, Calvin Robin-
aries on the form provided by
The Commercial Dispatch. Free tie Mae Johnson, 71, employed with Midline son, Arthur Gibson and
notices must be submitted to died Jan. Barges in Shreveport. Ricky Gibson; and 12
the newspaper no later than 3 6, 2020, He is survived by his grandchildren.
p.m. the day prior for publica- at OCH son, Jermaine Latham
tion Tuesday through Friday;
no later than 4 p.m. Saturday
Regional of Columbus; and sis- David Box
Medical ters, Christine Conner, WEST POINT —
for the Sunday edition; and no
later than 7:30 a.m. for the Center in Gennette Robinson, Ella David Lee Box, 59, died
Monday edition. Incomplete no- Starkville. Mae Gordon and Ella Jan. 1, 2020, in West
tices must be received no later Services Louise Morris. Point.
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday will be at Services will be at 11
through Friday editions. Paid
notices must be finalized by 3
noon Satur- Margaret Johnson a.m. Saturday at Lake
day at Century Hairston STARKVILLE — Grove M.B. Church in
p.m. for inclusion the next day
Monday through Thursday; and
Funeral Home Chapel, Margaret Ann Johnson, Prairie, with the Rev.
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday with Andrew Green 52, died Jan. 14, 2020, in Calvin Chandler offici-
and Monday publication. For officiating. Burial will Starkville. ating. Burial will follow
more information, call 662- follow at Eupora Church Services will be at Chandler Grove M.B.
328-2471. Hill Cemetery in at 2 p.m. Saturday at Church Cemetery in
Eupora. Century-Hair- Redeemer Church, West Point. Visitation
Garland Colbert ston Funeral Home of with Charlie F. Barnes by register book signing
WEST POINT — Columbus is in charge officiating. Burial will is from 1-5 p.m. today
Garland Glen Colbert, of arrangements. follow at Oktoc Memo- at Carter’s Mortuary
83, died Jan. 15, 2020, at Mrs. Johnson was rial Gardens Ceme- Service Chapel. Carter’s
North Mississippi Medi- born Feb. 17, 1948, in tery. Visitation is from Mortuary Service of
cal Center in Tupelo. Maben, to the late Willie noon-5:30 p.m. today West Point is in charge
Services will be at 1 Givens and Virginia at Century Hairston of arrangements.
p.m. Saturday at Rob- Dean. Funeral Home. Century Mr. Box was born
inson Funeral Home She is survived by Hairston Funeral Home Sept. 24, 1960, in Clay
Chapel, with the Rev. her sisters, Pauline of Starkville is in charge County, to the late Fred
James Towery officiat- Givens Ivy of Mathis- of arrangements. Box Sr. and Bessie Mae
ing. Burial will follow ton and Shirley Givens Mrs. Johnson was Box.
at Memorial Gardens Smith Boyd of Gary, born Aug. 29, 1967, in He is survived by
Cemetery. Visitation will Indiana. Vernon, Alabama, to his wife, Emma Jean
be two hours prior to Betty Watkins and the Box; son, Roderick Box,
services at the funeral Darnell Morris late Donald Watkins. David Harris, LaKend-
home. Robinson Funeral SHREVEPORT, In addition to her rick Box and De’Aries
Home of West Point is in La. — Darnell Stinson mother, she is survived Box; daughters, Alexis
charge of arrangements. Morris, 62, by her husband, John Box and Tiffney Box;
Mr. Colbert was born died Jan. Johnson of Starkville; brothers, Elbert Box,
Oct. 14, 1936, in the 5, 2020, at daughters, Justina Davis Joe Box and L.C. Box;
Trebloc Community, Ochsner of Fulton, Alabama, and sisters, Diane Gates,
to the late Howard and LSU Medi- Lisa Jones of Biloxi; Linda Ward, Annie Mae
Helen Holloway Colbert. cal Center. son, Justin Davis of Montgomery and Lu-
He was a 1954 graduate Services Columbus; stepfather, cille Montgomery; nine
of Houston High School will be at Charles Cunningham; grandchildren; and one
and was a U.S. Army 11 a.m. mother, Clarice Johnson great-grandchild.
veteran, serving during Saturday at of Starkville; sisters, See Obituaries, 3A
the Korean War. He was Friendship M.B. Church Deanne Marcias and
formerly employed with in Columbus, with Stan- Judy Graham, both of
Bryan Foods.
In addition to his par-
ents, he was preceded in
death by three brothers
and one sister.
He is survived by his
wife, Glenda Colbert of
West Point; son, Grego-
ry Glen Colbert of West
Point; and one grand-
Pallbearers will be
Buddy Ware, Byron
Acker, Andy White,
Andy Riley, Brian Rives
and Leon Kelly.
Memorials may be
made to the Sally Kate
Winters Children’s
Home, P.O. Box 1233,
West Point, MS 39773 or
to the American Heart
Association, P.O. Box
16808, Jackson, MS

Virginia Murphree
WREN — Virginia
English “Gran” Mur-
phree, 99, died Jan. 15,
2020, at Shearer-Rich-
ardson in Okolona.
Services will be at
2 p.m. Sunday at Wren
Presbyterian Church,
with Staub Halbert,
Dennis Smithy and
Maurice McIntosh offi-
ciating. Burial will fol-
low at Wren Cemetery.
Visitation will be from
3-6 p.m. Saturday at the
church. Tisdale-Lann
Memorial Funeral
Home of Aberdeen is in
charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Murphree was
born Aug. 24, 1920, to
the late William Frank
English and Betty Mae
Allison English. She was
a graduate of Wren High
School and was for-
merly employed in the
garment industry, as a
librarian, and at Bill and
Jim’s Friendship House.
She was a member of
Wren Presbyterian
In addition to her
parents, she was pre-
ceded in death by her
husband, Felix “Snooks”
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, January 17, 2020 3A

Mississippi governor: Prison Two arrested

violence was a ‘catastrophe’ after chase with
Gov. Reeves is appointing Tommy Taylor, a former
state lawmaker with law enforcement experience,
narcotics officers cate evil, but we can do better than
Reeves said he is appointing an
interim commissioner of correc-
as interim commissioner of corrections tions. Tommy Taylor is mayor of
Two people were arrested
the small town of Boyle, and is a Wednesday after a chase with mem-
By EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS to the Mississippi State Peniten- former state lawmaker with expe-
The Associated Press bers of the Lowndes County and Co-
tiary at Parchman to uncover any rience in law enforcement. lumbus joint narcotics task force.
criminal activity connected to the The group searching for a long- The chase occurred at about 4
JACKSON — Mississippi’s new
violence. term commissioner will be led by p.m. when deputies attempted to stop
governor said Thursday that the
state will conduct a nationwide “As a husband, as a father and Vicksburg Mayor George Flaggs, a 2006 Chevrolet Impala at the inter-
search for a new commissioner to as governor, it is my duty to protect another former state lawmaker. At section of Fifth Street and 11th Ave-
lead a state prison system that’s your loved ones just as I would my different times, Flaggs and Taylor nue South. Rather than stop, the driv- Davis
reckoning with what he called a wife, Elee, and our three girls,” each served as chairman of the er led deputies to Ninth Street North
“catastrophe” — a recent outburst Reeves said at a news conference. state House committee with over- and Third Avenue North, where he
of deadly violence and longstand- “We have all seen the catastrophe sight of prisons. and another suspect abandoned the
ing problems with vacant jobs and that the current state of our pris- Others on the search group are vehicle and tried to escape on foot.
damaged facilities. on system has allowed for. There two district attorneys, a judge, a Deputies arrested them there.
Republican Gov. Tate Reeves will always be bad people in the former state Parole Board mem- The driver, Tiquan Deandre Da-
also said the Mississippi Bureau of world who wish to inflict pain on ber, a current sheriff and a retired vis, 34, of Third Avenue North, has
Investigation will assign an officer others. ... We will never fully eradi- sheriff. been charged with felony fleeing and
eluding a law enforcement officer. Edinburgh
The passenger, Braylin Christopher Edinburg, 19,
of Tabernacle Road, was charged with possession of
cocaine with intent to distribute.

Both Davis and Edinburg are in Lowndes Coun-
ty Adult Detention Center. Their bonds have not
been set.
Continued from Page 2A

Willie Harrison Marin and Dwayne Clara Weston, Sylvia wife, Murray Sherrod;
COLUMBUS — Wil- Martin, both of Mary- Jones, Cora Lee and son, Alcurtis Sherrod
lie James Harrison, 65, land; and eight grand- Andrew Lee. Jr.; and siblings, Alfred
died Jan.
13, 2020, at
Pallbearers will be
She is survived by
her children, Mable
Sherrod Jr., Dennis
Sherrod and Donald 12-year sentence for jail
his resi-
Benito Nash, Albert
Washington, Clarence
Young, Patricia Bryant,
Shirley Glass, Lisa
He is survived by phone is ‘failure,’ justice says
Services Bush, Marquez Martin, Frierson, Newton Glass his children, Satavia The Associated Press
will be Jeremy Martin and Jr., Wayne Glass and Williams, Rasherra
at noon Charlie Porter. Derek Glass Sr.; sister, Williams, Ricky Brew- JACKSON — The Mississippi Supreme Court’s
Saturday at Lue Ella Harris; 27 er, Andrew Sherrod, confirmation of a 12-year prison sentence for an
15th Street
Harrison Daisy Glass grandchildren; and 15 Terrell Williams, African American man who carried his mobile
Church COLUMBUS — Dai- great-grandchildren. Quashima Williams phone into a county jail cell is being slammed as a
Pallbearers will be and Quita Williams; brutal example of racial injustice.
of God in Christ, with sy Glass, 86, died Jan.
Jimmy Buckhalter, siblings, Willie Sher- Even one of the justices who joined in the unan-
Marion C. Bonner 12, 2020, at
Roscoe Stallins, Robert rod, Johnny Sherrod, imous ruling said that while the sentence is legal,
officiating. Burial will her resi- the prosecutor and trial judge could have avoided
follow at Union Ceme- dence. Brewer, Garland Rob- Bobby Sherrod, Deblin
Hayes, Sinter Sherrod punishing the man entirely.
tery. Visitation is from Services inson, Herbert Billups
and Gail Brennan, all of Justice Leslie King is currently the only Afri-
noon-6 p.m. today at will be at and Jeffery Alexander.
can American justice on the nine-member court.
Carter’s Funeral Ser- 11 a.m. Columbus, Rose Clark
He wrote that Willie Nash’s case “seems to demon-
vices Chapel. Carter’s Saturday Alcurtis Sherrod Sr. and Huncie Tate, both strate a failure of our criminal justice system on
Funeral Services of at Zion COLUMBUS — Al- of Brooksville; and 10 multiple levels” because it’s not clear whether
Glass grandchildren.
Columbus is in charge Gate M.B. curtis Sherrod Sr., 70, Nash was properly searched or told not to take his
of arrangements. Church, died Jan. 5, Pallbearers will phone into his cell when he was booked on a mis-
Mr. Harrison was with James A. Boyd 2020, at his be Jerry Hunter, RL demeanor charge.
born Oct. 19, 1954, in officiating. Burial will residence. Hunter, Willie Robison, Sentencing reform advocates have expressed
Columbus, to Rebecca follow at Union Cem- Services Dearius Hayes, Tavar- outrage, and Leonard Pitts, a nationally syndicat-
Harrison and the late etery. Visitation is will be at ius Sherrod and Jessie ed Miami Herald columnist, published Gov. Tate
Latt Martin. He was for- from 1-7 p.m. today at 2:30 p.m. Williams. Reeves’ phone number, urging readers to tell the
merly employed in the Carter’s Funeral Ser- Saturday See Obituaries, 5A newly inaugurated governor to “let my people go.”
transportation depart- vices. Carter’s Funeral at Pil-
Sherrod Sr.
ment with the Colum- Services of Columbus grim Rest
bus School District. is in charge of arrange- Church,
In addition to his ments. with the Rev. Sammie
mother, he is survived Mrs. Glass was Lyons officiating. Burial
by his wife, Sarah T. born Nov. 17, 1933, in will follow at th church
Harrison of Columbus; Columbus, to the late cemetery. Visitation is
children, Corey Collins Jake Lee and Minnie from noon-6 p.m. today
of Muskegon, Michi- Thompson Lee. She at Carter’s Funeral Ser-
gan, Nicole Martin of was formerly employed vices Chapel. Carter’s
San Antonio, Texas, as a cook with Colum- Funeral Services of
Kelvin Taylor of Mari- bus City Schools and Columbus is in charge
etta, Georgia, Andrae with Young’s Christian of arrangements. Mr.
Harrison and Erica Academy and was a Sherrod was born Nov.
Harrison, both of Co- member of Zion Gate 24, 1949, in Macon, to
lumbus; siblings, Janice M.B. Church. the late Alfred Sherrod
Evans of Shreveport, In addition to her Sr. and Arethea Sher-
Louisiana, Alma Sand- parents, she was pre- rod. He was a member
ers, Anthony Harrison, ceded in death by her of Pilgrim Rest M.B.
Larry Martin, Robert husband, Newton Glass Church.
Sanders, Melvin Martin Sr.; and siblings, Jake In addition to his
and Michael Martin, Lee Jr., Joe Lee, Tom- parents, he was pre-
all of Columbus, Laura mie Lee, Jimmie Lee, ceded in death by his

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Fri. Sun.
Major 6:58a 7:24p
Minor 1:23a 2:29a
Major ­— 7:50a
Minor 1:24p 2:02p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip: [email protected]
4A FRIDAY, January 17, 2020
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Our View
Storm shelters needed for county residents
he suggestion seemed Smith was told that the donia elementary school was to build the 11 shelters. grants, the county is in a
to come almost as an remaining funds would not built with a storm shelter. The idea of such smaller financial position to address
afterthought. cover the cost of the alter- This is an issue the county shelters dispersed around the this public safety issue.
During Wednesday’s ation. should consider a priority. outlying areas seems ideally It’s worth noting that for
Lowndes County Board of That idea may have been In Starkville, the city spent suited for the smaller commu- the past five years, supervi-
Supervisors meeting, Roger dismissed, but the issue almost $2 million to build a nities in the county. sors have used more than $4
Short, the county’s park direc- remains. large shelter, with most of To date, there have been no million in hospital trust funds
tor, presented an update on The lack of shelters those funds ($1.4 million) inquiries into the availability to pay for capital improve-
the progress of repairs and represents a public safety coming from a Federal Emer- of FEMA or MEMA grants ments, including building
renovations to the Crawford issue. Mississippi averages gency Management Authority that would defray the expense community centers and a
gym, which is being funded 21 tornadoes from January grant. of those shelters. Might those new E-911 Center, which was
by a $350,000 bond appropria- through April each year; last In Columbus, the city is funds be available? We don’t also constructed to serve as a
tion passed by the Legislature year though April the state using a matching grant from know. Perhaps we have not storm shelter.
in 2018. saw 83. the Mississippi Emergency because we ask not, as the Supervisors have also ear-
Noting the cost estimate There is currently only one Management Authority to saying goes. marked hospital funds for a
for the project is well short public storm shelter west of build 11 small storm shelters While it’s uncertain if the planned sports complex in the
of the money available — by the river, which is in the Dis- located near the city’s fire balance of the Crawford gym west part of the county.
about $50,000 — District 4 trict 5 road department barn. departments. The cost of the funds could be used for that We offer no criticism of
supervisor Jeff Smith asked if We note that for the most shelters is estimated at $6,000 purpose, the county should those projects, but we do
the project could be amended part, there are no county each, with MEMA providing pursue every available avenue believe that providing public
to retrofit the gym as a storm public storm shelters east of 75 percent of the funds. It will to provide storm shelters for storm shelters is good use of
shelter. the river either. The new Cale- cost the city less than $20,000 its residents. Even without those trust funds.

Other Editors
Taxpayers benefit
from city, county
resources on
career tech center
By now most eligible voters
have likely decided where they
stand on the Lee County School
District’s proposed $15 million
bond issue to construct a pro-
posed career and technical edu-
cation center. The only question
that remains is who will go out
and vote?
Of the bond issue total, an es-
timated $9.5 million will be used
to build the career and technical
center, with $2 million to be used
for security upgrades, and any
remaining funds used for infra-
structure improvements across
the district, as reported by Daily
Journal staff writer Blake Alsup.
If approved, the bond issue will
not increase tax rates.
We support the county schools
creating the facility, but hope to
eventually see the Lee County
School District and the Tupelo
Public School District work to-
gether to have one facility for all Campaign 2020
Businesses and industries,
locally and regionally, who invest
physical resources to a technical
Will Democrats choose safety or risk?
center would benefit by being hen the economy seems not to have dented “Medicare for All”; it’s “housing for
able to maximize their resources shows signs of the enthusiasm of the key all” and “college for all” and “fair
to participate at one location. weakness, Wall constituency in Democrat- banking for all” and “justice and
It is financially prudent to Street analysts expect to ic primaries. He claims safety for all.” Elizabeth Warren has
consolidate all resources, work- see what they call a “flight a steady 40% of African backed away only slightly from her
ing together to build our work- to safety.” Investors sell American support nation- endorsement of “Medicare for All.”
force. Technical center programs stocks and buy bonds or ally, and a whopping 51% in None of the candidates acknowledges
should not need companies to gold. The same phenom- South Carolina, according that the medical system they decry,
make a decision as to where they enon can sometimes be to the Monmouth Univer- when they cite high deductibles and
participate if their resources are found in politics. Under- sity poll. costly prescription drugs, is the
limited. standing that George W. Amy Klobuchar is a one a Democratic president, Barack
The Lee County School Bush was riding high in moderate who tells hard Obama, passed to solve those very
District’s proposed facility will 2004, after what was per- Mona Charen truths to the party’s problems. Their approach reminds
include pathway programs: Four ceived as a successful re- progressives. In the Jan. me of my husband’s solution to any
classroom-based: health science, sponse to the 9/11 attacks, 14 debate, she reminded household problem: “Apply force. If
teacher academy, information Democrats wagered that Vietnam Bernie Sanders that two-thirds of that doesn’t work, apply more force.”
technology and hospitality and veteran Sen. John Kerry would stand Senate Democrats don’t support A tiny dose of modesty about vast
tourism. The other four will be a better chance of victory than the “Medicare for All,” let alone Republi- government solutions to complex
shop-based: construction/carpen- candidate who most excited them, cans. Perhaps that’s one reason she problems would go a long way. Per-
try; transportation, distribution Vermont’s Howard Dean. A popular is among the final six. Klobuchar haps single-payer is, as Sanders and
and logistics; industrial mainte- lapel pin at the time captured the has struggled to make it into double Warren claim, the fairest, cheapest
nance and ag power equipment/ mood, “Dated Dean. Married Kerry.” digits in the polls, though she fulfills and most efficient way to deliver
ag and natural resources. The strategy — to neutralize many of the desiderata for 2020. She’s health care (though policy analysts
The proposed center will be Bush’s war advantage with Kerry’s from the Midwest, which is likely to across the political spectrum spit
located at the Hive, the Commu- war record — ran into difficulties. be key to the Electoral College again. out their coffee at Sanders’ claims
nity Development Foundation’s There was partisan wrangling over She’s neither too young nor too old. about how much the whole scheme
new industrial park located north whether Kerry deserved his Pur- She is experienced. She is a solid, would really cost). But let’s say he
of state Highway 76 in Tupelo and ple Hearts and other citations, but realistic, gradualist who wouldn’t and Warren are right. Apparently, a
to the west of Bissell Road. The most damaging was Kerry’s dubious scare away independents or disaffect- majority of voters in Oregon agree.
approximately 30,000 square foot makeover — transforming himself ed Republicans in November. Some Here’s a crazy idea: Before adopting
facility will be built on 20 acres of from prominent Vietnam War critic might say, well, actually some have such a sweeping overhaul of 18% of
land that the district has pur- into Vietnam War hero. The threads said, that she’s “boring.” But in an era our economy, let Oregon experiment
chased there. didn’t mesh, and Kerry found himself when politics has become a juvenile with it and let’s see in five years how
The district hopes to start tangled in contradictions. insult-fest, dull sounds soothing. Or it it worked out.
construction in spring 2020 with Arguably, one story of the Demo- might, if safety is your primary goal. One more safety candidate is wait-
a goal of having the yet-to-be- cratic primary race so far has been For at least 30% of the Democrat- ing in the wings. Mike Bloomberg
named center open and available the competition between two impuls- ic electorate, those who currently is skipping the early contests, but
for students to use beginning in es — the flight to safety versus the support Warren or Sanders, swinging hiring and advertising now. Has this
August 2021. urge to splurge. for the fences is the mood. They seem been tried before? Yes, another for-
The voters’ decision will make The first impulse holds Joe Biden to have taken Trump’s 2016 win as a mer New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani,
a direct impact in the lives of stu- aloft. Despite his age, some gobbledy- challenge: If Republicans went wild in skipped Iowa and New Hampshire in
dents who will soon become the gook in debates and on the trail, and 2016, choosing the least reasonable 2008. Of course, Giuliani (to his great
next generation of our region’s his past heresies (from the Democrat- candidate, Democrats deserve their regret) didn’t sit atop a $58 billion
workforce. We hope the school ic primary voters’ perspective) about turn in 2020. fortune.
districts will come together in criminal justice and the Iraq War, Joe Sanders and Warren are “funda- All eyes are on Biden, Sanders,
discussions and consider having Biden has maintained a steady lead. mental transformation” Democrats. Warren, and Buttigieg now, but pri-
one facility serving the county, His authorship of the 1994 crime bill, Consult Bernie’s website and you’ll maries bring surprises.
city and region. which some believe led to the over- find plans, or should I say ambitions, Mona Charen is a Senior Fellow at
(Tupelo) Daily Journal incarceration of African Americans, to transform everything. It isn’t just the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, January 17, 2020 5A

Continued from Page 3A

Carolyn Walker Mr. Grace was born Union Cemetery. Visita- Sulligent is in charge of In addition to his par- wife, Barbara Franks
ABERDEEN — Car- March 28, 1973, in tion is from noon-6 p.m. arrangements. ents, he was preceded Egger; daughter,
olyn Walker, 75, died Macon, to Betty Ann today at Carter’s Fu- Mr. Egger was born in death by his broth- Cynthia Whatley; son,
Jan. 16, 2020, at the Boothe Grace and neral Services. Carter’s Feb. 12, 1938, to the ers, Alfred Egger and David Egger; three
Care Center of Aber- the late Henry Lafay- Funeral Services of late Johnnie Vester Billy Egger; and sister, grandchildren; and
deen. Arrangements ette Grace II. He was Columbus is in charge Egger and Naomi Little Bernice Hooks. three great-grandchil-
are incomplete and self-employed as a of arrangements. Egger. He was a grad- He is survived by his dren.
will be announced by painter and contractor. Mrs. Weeks was uate of Sulligent High
Tisdale-Lann Memo- In addition to his born Jan. 2, 1951, in Co- School and was former-
rial Funeral Home of father, he was preceded lumbus, to the late Syl- ly employed as a truck
Aberdeen. in death by his brother, vester and Pearl Smith. driver with American
Henry Lafayette Grace She was formerly Freight.
III. employed as a machine
Jessie Bell Sr. In addition to his line operator at United
STARKVILLE — mother, he is survived Technologies and was
Jessie D. Bell Sr., 74, by his wife, Tanya Bai- a member of Northside
died Jan. 8, 2020, in ley; daughter, Amber M.B. Church.
Starkville. Marie Sutton; sons, In addition to her
Services will be at Jonathon Lee Thom-
11 a.m. Saturday at parents, she was
as and Zachary Seth preceded in death by
New Zion U.M. Church. Grace; sisters, Nancy
Burial will follow at her brothers, Charles
Anne Bryan, Katherine L. Smith and Sylvester

EW Price Jr.
Chapel Hill Cemetery. “Kathy” Louise Hes-
Visitation is from 1-6 J. Smith Jr.; and sister,
ter, Reta Faye Mackey Barbara J. Smith.
p.m. today at West Me-
and Betty Sue Newell; She is survived by
morial Funeral Home. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — EW Price
brothers, James Ed- her brothers, Aaron C.
West Memorial Funeral Jr., age 84, died Sunday, January
Home of Starkville is
ward Grace and David Smith of Cedarpark, Theo Burns 12, 2020.
Michael Grace; and five Graveside Services:
in charge of arrange- Texas, John E. Smith of Friday, Jan. 17 • 2 PM Visitation will be Saturday, Jan-
grandchildren. Chicago, Illinois, Carl Friendship Cemetery
ments. uary 18, 2020, from 1:00 PM-2:00
Pallbearers will be A. Smith and Dalton 2nd Ave. North Location
He is survived by PM at Memorial Gunter and Peel
Zachary Grace, Jona- Smith, both of Colum-
his children, Rosalind, E.W. Price Funeral Home, 716 2nd Avenue
Cynthia, Jessie Jr., thon Thomas, Kevin bus. North. A Celebration of Life Ser-
Mackey, Kevin Garri- Visitation:
Jackie and David and Saturday, Jan. 18 • 1-2 PM vice will begin at 2:00 PM, with
siblings, Beatrice Har- ott, James Grace, Jessie Lincoln Egger 2nd Ave. North Location Pastor Jason Browning officiat-
Homan, Tyler Sutton Services:
ris, James Bibbs and SULLIGENT, Ala. — Saturday, Jan. 18 • 2 PM ing. Memorial Gunter and Peel Funeral Home has
Willie Bell. and Shawn Peters. Lincoln Jackson Egger, 2nd Ave. North Chapel been entrusted with the arrangements.
81, died Jan 15, 2020. EW was born February 2, 1935, in Meridian, MS,
John Grace Diana Weeks Services are at 3 Kuydgalyn “Lynn” to EW Price Sr. and Hazel Brown Price. They moved
BUHL, Ala. — John COLUMBUS — Di- p.m. today at Otts McClusky to Columbus in 1936, to open Price Auto Supply
Celebration of Life: Store in downtown. EW “Sonny” graduated from S.
Earl Grace, 46, died ana Gale Weeks, 69, Funeral Home, with Sunday, Jan. 19 • 2 PM
Jan. 13, 2020, in Tusca- died Jan. the Rev. Nate French Living Faith Tabernacle D. Lee High School in 1952. He went on to attend
10, 2020, 2nd Ave. North Location Marion Military Institute in Marion, Ala. and Missis-
loosa, Alabama. and the Rev. Randy
Services will be at Noland Overstreet officiating. sippi State University in Starkville, Miss. EW has al-
at 2 p.m. Saturday Hospi- Burial will follow at ways been an avid Bulldog Fan. He loved basketball
at Skelton Funeral tal-DCH New Prospect Primitive and football.
Home Chapel. Burial in Tus- Baptist Church Ceme- He married Jane Garton in June of 1953. They
will follow at Union caloosa, tery. Visitation is one had a daughter, Susan, in 1954, followed by a son,
Hill Free Will Baptist Alabama. hour prior to services Wayne, in 1957. EW worked for the Commercial Dis-
Weeks patch and ran camera for WCBI-TV. He was a mem-
Church Cemetery. Services at the funeral home.
Visitation will be one will be at Otts Funeral Home of ber of the WCBI Bowling Team.
hour prior to service 11 a.m. Saturday at In 1956, EW and Jane became owners of The

Lynn McClusky
at the funeral home. Charity Full Gospel Plaza Motel by the old river bridge crossing the
Skelton Funeral Home Baptist Church, with Tombigbee River. They sold the motel in 1960 and
of Reform is in charge Aaron Smith officiat- opened Young Ages, a children’s shop across from
of arrangements. ing. Burial will follow at Kuydgalyn “Lynn” McClusky, age 54, passed away the Princess Theatre. They added a Junior Shop
Wednesday, January 8, 2020, at North Mississippi after a move 1 block closer to the center of town
Medical Center in Tupelo. in the basement of the store and called it The Cel-
A celebration of Lynn’s life will be held Sunday, lar. EW began a second career as a manufacturer’s
January 19, 2020, at 2:00 PM at Living Faith Taberna- representative. He enjoyed that for over 30 years.
cle Church, 218 Shelton Street, Columbus, MS, with carrying several children’s clothing lines. traveling
Minister Janet Brown officiating. the southeast. The Young Ages and The Cellar were
Lynn was born on January 4, 1966, in Columbus, sold in 1969.
to Melvin Norris and the late Mary John Demoville Also during that time, his son began swimming
Norris. She was a homemaker. with the Columbus Swim Association. EW was a
In addition to her mother, she was preceded in very supportive parent. He loved the water. Many a
death by her brother, James Edward West. Sunday afternoon, you would find the family at the
Survivors include her son, Brian “Scotty” Mc- Tombigbee River around Laws Shoals swimming
Clusky; husband, Mario Martinez; father, Melvin Nor- and skiing.
ris; sisters, Barbara Belhumeur, Libby Strickland and EW was a member of the Columbus Kiwanis Club
Melissa Holliday; brother, Larry West; and grandchil- and the Columbus Jaycees. He was an active mem-
dren, James McClusky and Rebecca McClusky. ber of First Christian Church serving as a Deacon.
In 1965, EW was elected to the Columbus City
Council. Mr. Price thought he could help so many
people by being on the Council. This council accom-
plished many things including: working with Lown-
Sign the online guest book at
des, Oktibbeha and Clay counties and Starkville
and West Point, to form the Golden Triangle, for the
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS purpose of building the Golden Triangle Regional
Airport, and he spearheaded the committee for The

David S. Tilley
Columbus Zoo, which was placed in Propst Park. It
housed alligators, monkeys, llamas and many more
animals. His term was over in 1969, and the family
David S. Tilley, 80, of Ethelsville, AL, passed away moved to Slidell, LA on a bayou for a year.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020, at his residence. In 1973, EW moved to Birmingham, AL, to contin-
Visitation will be Saturday, January 18, 2020, from ue his traveling sales job of children’s clothing, be-
6:00-8:00 PM at Lowndes Funeral Home, Columbus, fore opening consignment shops and a tanning sa-
MS. A funeral service will be Sunday, January 19, lon. He was successful in all his business adventures
2020, at 2:00 PM at Lowndes Funeral Home Chapel, due to his love of people. He never met a stranger.
Columbus, MS, with Bro. Steve Lammons officiating. Everywhere he traveled he made friends for life.
Interment will be in Forest Cemetery, Ethelsville, AL, He bought a place on Lay Lake to enjoy his love of
with Lowndes Funeral Home directing. the water, boating, water skiing and being around
Mr. Tilley was born August 6, 1939, in Pickens people. EW was an active member of Metropol-
County, AL, to the late Willie Lee “Snookum” Gee itan Church of God in Birmingham, where he was
and Louis David Tilley. He graduated from Liberty an usher and a greeter. He loved God, and he loved
High School in 1957, and then received two Asso- people, and everyone loved him, even the children
ciates Degrees from Shelton State University. Mr. at church and in his neighborhood.
Tilley served 6 years in the Alabama National Guard He was adventurous and loved the outdoors. He
and 16 years at Gulf State Paper Corporation. Then, enjoyed water skiing, snow skiing, boating and real-
he worked at United Technologies as a Maintenace ly loved the beach. Travel should have been his mid-
Director for 22 years. He was a member of Mt. Zion dle name. He loved to travel with family and friends
Baptist Church. He loved to golf, travel in his motor- from the south, to Mexico, Hawaii, the Caribbean
home and stay active always fixing things. and even up north to find the snow.
In addition to his parents, Mr. Tilley is preceded in We are thankful for the kind staff at Columbiana
death by 3 infant children. Health and Rehabilitation, where he lived the last
Mr. Tilley is survived by his wife of 60 years, Bet- few years of his long and wonderful life.
ty Allen Tilley of Ethelsville, AL; sons, Randy (Vick- He is survived by his daughter, Susan Price Mack-
ie) Tilley and Scott (Rita) Tilley, both of Ethelsville, ay; his son, Edward Wayne (Paige) Price; grandson,
AL; daughter, Karen (Glen) Lindsey of Reform, AL; Eric (Ashley) Price; granddaughters, Alana (Mike)
grandchildren, Johnny (Denise) Egger, Shay (Kristi) Whitehead, Amanda Mackay Connors and Peyton
Knight, Dawn (Blake) Dillard, Tyler (Maginn) Dono- Cook: great-grandchildren, Ashley Allen, Sadie and
ho, Kristyn (Ryan) Junkin, Kaley Irvin, Kayla Lindsey Elijah Price, Dresden, Ryland and Millie Whitehead,
and Sean (Morgan) Turnipseed; 14 great-grandchil- Ella Foshee and Andrew Connors.
dren; brother, Vernice (Mildred) Tilley of Ethelsville, In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in EW’s
AL; sister, Melinda (Mark) McCrory of Amory, MS; name to the American Diabetes Association, 2451
and a host of nieces and nephews. Chrystal Drive, Suite 900, Arlington, VA 22202 or
Pallbearers will be Rex Warlick, Ryan Junkin, Tom-; the American Heart Association, 7272
my Rester, Gene Tilley, Jerry Tilley and Tyler Dono- Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 or; or
ho. Honorary Pallbearers will be the staff of Amedi- The Gideons International Processing Center, P. O.
sys Home Health and Hospice, John East, Joe Kesler, Box 97251, Washington, DC 20090-7251 or gideons.
Joe Atkins, Walter Bolton, John Hardy, Bill Willis. org.
Memorials may be made to Mt. Zion Baptist
Church Building Fund, 1791 Lake Lowndes Rd., Co-
lumbus, MS 39702 or to Columbus-Lowndes Hu-
mane Society, P.O. Box 85, 39703. Compliments of
Sign the online guest book at
Lowndes Funeral Home 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
6A FRIDAY, January 17, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
Campanella said Wednes- million. The county had vices can move citizens District 3 Supervisor
day. A breach could flood tried to minimize pres- in wheelchairs away from Marvell Howard lives just
17,500 acres of nearby sure on the levee by limit- their homes near the lake, behind the levee and has
land and force about 250 ing the amount of water in and each has moved one been monitoring it along-
people to evacuate at least the dam since 2016, when person since Tuesday, side authorities. He told
130 households. The dam a Mississippi Department Campanella said. The Dispatch he appreci-
has held steady for three of Environmental Quality The Red Cross-desig- ates the “beginning stag-
nights. inspection confirmed the nated overnight shelter at es” of a solution.
“Our risk level has not levee needed repairs, but the First Baptist Church “I’m glad we put a plan
changed, but you need to it is no longer possible to Outreach Center had 16 in place at this particular
understand keep the water at least guests Wednesday night, moment, but that does
that if we five feet below a normal and some of the same not alleviate any of the
get another level, Pritchard said. people stayed there again danger that’s there right
big rain this last night, volunteer Wan- now,” he said.
weekend da Webb said. Kristi Moore has lived
like they say
Emergency The Oktibbeha Coun- near the lake all 37 years
we’re going Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff preparedness ty Sheriff’s Office is on of her life and is raising
to get, our The mudslide on the east side of the levee at the The board unanimous- standby to alert the resi- her children there. They
risk level Pritchard Oktibbeha County Lake Dam showed early signs of ly voted to accept two dents near the lake if the would go to her sister’s
i ncreases,” breaching Tuesday morning and has been cordoned off proclamations of a state levee breaches, Sheriff home in Starkville if they
by authorities as they monitor it. If the slide reaches of emergency, one for
County Engineer Clyde the pavement at County Lake Road or if water starts Steve Gladney said. have to evacuate, she
Pritchard told the board. streaming from the levee, the county will order area Tuesday and a new one “If the call comes out at said.
After the water level residents to evacuate. for Saturday, since Cam- night, anytime, whenever, She shared some of
goes down, engineers will panella said the signs of we’re going to send ev- her neighbors’ frustra-
cut off the dam’s primary Road will close indefinite- The county has been breaching likely manifest- erybody we have through tions that the county did
spillway in order to keep ly as soon as the pipes ar- seeking federal and state ed because of Saturday’s all the neighborhoods not replace the levee be-
the water level low, he rive, but the public should funds to replace the levee, storms and flooding. and streets (in the area) fore danger became im-
said. avoid that stretch of road emergency spillway and Both OCH Regional with sirens and lights and minent.
The portion of County anyway to allow the coun- floodgate valve for the Medical Center and Mis- make as much racket as “They just need to get
Lake Road between Riv- ty to work on the levee, past several months, and sissippi State University we can to wake everybody everything fixed,” she
iera Road and Walter Bell Pritchard said. the project would cost $8 Parking and Transit Ser- up,” Gladney said. said.

Continued from Page 1A
for the summer day camp T h e
program to be held there, building is
he said. now about
When asked by super- 40 to 50
visors if there’s a pos- years old
sibility to build a storm and is pri-
shelter inside the gym, m a r i l y
Short said the money used as Merchant
left in the bond package a ware-
may be far from enough house, said
to cover the cost, espe- Harry Sanders, president
cially when compared to
of the Lowndes County
similar facilities built in
Board of Supervisors.
neighboring counties.
“I don’t know that the
“(The Starkville storm
shelter) is a $2 million roof has ever been re-
project for 9,000 square paired or replaced,” he
feet,” Short said. “Even said.
if we end up with $50,000 Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff Sanders said fix-
left over, I don’t think Lowndes County Coroner’s Office, housed in a de- ing the roof would be a
cades-old building largely used as a warehouse, is joint effort between the
it’s feasible to do it with experiencing roof leaks due to the aging building struc-
$50,000.” Columbus and county
ture and the recent heavy rainfall. County supervisors
Smith said the county say they will work with the city of Columbus to repair governments, since the
may have to look at other the jointly-owned building. building is jointly owned
options, such as building by the two entities. The
multiple smaller storm which is housed in a big “Right now, we are ex- cost would be split even-
shelters at a lesser price. office complex in East periencing some tremen- ly.
“I think we just need to Columbus. Coroner Greg dous leaks,” Merchant David Armstrong,
continue to do our home- Merchant told the super- said. “It’s going to get chief operating officer for
work to see what is going visors Wednesday that he worse,” he told The Dis- the city, said Merchant
to be the best approach, has found five roof leaks patch. has yet to bring the is-
feasibility-wise, to doing over the past weeks in his Merchant said the al- sue before the city coun-
this,” he said. 1,200-square-foot office ready aging roof further cil, but the city would be
Art happens.
Also suffering from area. The office has two eroded in the heavy rain. happy to work with the 328-ARTS
the recent rainfall is the full-time employees, he “I think it’s just lived county.
county coroner’s office, said. its life,” he said.

Road projects
Continued from Page 1A
loops are underground slowed down the process, construction crew is now
and dependent on road Stafford said. laying the groundwork
conditions, he said, and Also mentioned during for the 9,000-square-foot
no local contractors can the meeting were the ren- new community center,
fix the loops once they are ovation of Sim Scott Park, which will feature a large
broken. the city’s most used com- room for activities, two
To increase the efficien- munity center that was classrooms and a senior
cy, Stafford said the city destroyed in the February center in the back side
will start replacing broken tornado, and the ongoing of the building, Stafford
loop detectors with above- construction of the Sen. said. The city also voted
the-ground radars, which Terry Brown Amphithe- last week to hire two local
he said last longer and are
ater. contractors for entryway
easier to maintain.
Despite delays due to building and fencing at the
“One radar unit can de-
the recent storms, the amphitheater.
tect all the traffic on one
side of an intersection,” he
Stafford also updat-
ed the club members on
the interchange improve-
ments along Highway 82.
The two-part project, a $5
million package between
the state Department of
Transportation and Greg-
ory Construction, includes
two “semi-roundabouts”
on Military Road and a se-
ries of traffic upgrades on
18th Avenue.
Gregory Construction
could not be immediately
reached for comment on
the project.
Semi-roundabouts do
not allow drivers to take
a full circle around the
central island if they miss
their turns. Instead, those
who take the wrong exit
will have to make a U-turn
further down the road to
get back to the circle. The
roundabouts on Military
will be lit and paired with
flashing signs, Stafford
said, and the roadway be-
tween the two roundabouts
under the bridge will be
reduced to two lanes, with
one lane each way.
The project was origi-
nally scheduled to reach
completion by May, but the
recent rainfall may have


Mississippi State women down LSU in tight affair

Jim Lytle/Special to The Dispatch

Mississippi State’s Jordan Danberry (24) ties up the ball with Louisiana State’s Jailin Cherry (1) during the first half of their NCAA college basketball game Thursday in
By Ben Portnoy honest with you,” he said — for the majority of the an unexpected start from lineup on last season’s (win) I’m still going to be
[email protected] postgame. “Somebody night, sophomore center junior guard Andrea Es- Elite Eight team, Espi- happy with my team’s suc-
said, ‘Well you know your Jessika Carter played all pinoza-Hunter that pro- noza-Hunter finished the cess.”
STARKVILLE — Vic team has probably look- 40 minutes for the first vided an added spark for night with 10 points on 5 In the backcourt, se-
Schaefer scratched his ing ahead.’ If my team time in her career and Schaefer’s bunch. of 9 shooting in 37 min- nior guard Jordan Dan-
brow. has been looking ahead notched her sixth dou- With freshman for- utes of action — mark- berry — whose made free
After watching his I’ll wear that because you ble-double of the year ward Rickea Jackson bat- ing her first double-digit throw with 0.9 seconds
team lead by as many as can’t be looking ahead with an 13-point, 11-re- tling an injury over the scoring output since she remaining iced the win
20 in the third quarter, in this league. You look bound effort. past few days, Schaefer notched 12 against Loui- — also notched her ninth-
Schaefer meandered off ahead and something Carter’s block on LSU inserted Espinoza-Hunter siana Dec. 16 straight double-digit scor-
the court at Humphrey like what almost just hap- center Faustine Aifuwa into the starting lineup for “I just had a gut feel- ing output, scoring 16
Coliseum — white dress pened, will happen.” — her third of the night the first time since Dec. 8 ing about her tonight and points on 7 of 11 shooting.
shirt dripping with sweat Just days ahead of a — also gave MSU the against West Virginia. she played awfully well,” Now sitting at 4-0
— as Mississippi State Monday contest with No. game-sealing play it need- After sitting down Schaefer said. in SEC play, Schaefer’s
(16-2, 4-0) survived er- 1 South Carolina Monday, ed down the stretch to es- with Schaefer earlier in “It felt great to help my squad will practice Sun-
rant inbounds passes, a the Bulldogs needed a full cape a pesky Tigers team. the week to discuss her team win,” she added. “I day before heading to Co-
missed layup and three 40 minutes to handle 2019 “I knew it was going to role on the team and ex- know I went from being lumbia for Monday’s date
video reviews in the final All-SEC forward Ayana be a battle in the paint to- pectations going forward, a starter and I haven’t with the Gamecocks.
minute to outlast LSU Mitchell and a scrappy Ti- night,” she said. “And for the one-time Connecti- played as much but we’re “I’ve got to coach bet-
(13-4, 3-2) 64-60 Thurs- gers squad in Starkville. us to win I would have to cut transfer responded. still winning so I’m still ter and teach better at the
day. Battling Mitchell — handle my business and Flashing the inside-out happy. If I’m playing zero end of the day,” he said.
“Once we got up we who led all scorers with that’s what I did.” ability that made her a minutes or I’m playing 37 “Proud of my team — glad
got complacent, to be 22 points and 12 rebounds Beyond Carter, it was stalwart in the starting and we come out with the to get this win.”

Oak Hill Academy promotes Bill Rosenthal to head football coach

By Theo DeRosa Throughout the hiring 2018, he never expect- years of coaching experi-
Emerick, Brown
[email protected]

Oak Hill Academy ath-

process — even before
he was interviewed —
Rosenthal’s name kept
ed to hold another head
coaching job. But when
the chance came, he
ence, as an assistant.
Grubbs had been
working part time as
to join coaching
staff at MSU
letic director Phil Fergu- popping up, and the Raid- couldn’t pass it up. the junior high coach at
son took it to the team. ers soon made their deci- “I had retired, and I Shannon. He coached
Looking to hire a new sion. was happy just being an Rosenthal’s son Tyler for
head football coach, Fer- On Thursday, it was assistant coach,” Rosen- seven years, so Rosen- By Ben Portnoy Texas Tech and an eight
guson asked many of the official: Rosenthal was thal said. “It’s a little thal can certainly attest [email protected] year run at Washington
Raiders’ players who they hired as Oak Hill’s new different being a head to his skills in the area.
thought of when they pic- State. He also oversaw
head football coach. coach. There’s a lot more “He knows football, STARKVILLE —
tured the position. recruiting efforts at Ar-
“We opened it up, responsibility.” but more importantly, he Mike Leach’s staff is
Every one of them, izona during the 2010
and the realization was Rosenthal knows knows kids,” Ferguson rounding into form.
without exception, and 2011 seasons. Emer-
pretty quick: Our best helming the Raiders will said. After it was revealed
agreed: defensive coordi- ick is a 2002 graduate
answer was right here on be a challenge. Oak Hill Tyler, currently on last week Steve Spurrier
nator Bill Rosenthal, who staff at Oak Hill, will be of Kentucky where he
campus,” Ferguson said. is a small school, and the Jr. would join Leach in
was in his first year as a one of his father’s assis- worked with the football
“We’re excited about Raiders will graduate 13 Starkville, former Wash-
full-time assistant and an tants, and so will other ington State coaches program as an intern
that, and our kids are ex- of their 25 players this
upper-level math teacher current assistants Cody Dave Emerick and Ty- during his undergradu-
cited about that.” year.
at Oak Hill. Allen and Thomas East- son Brown were official- ate years.
Rosenthal, who has “We’ve got a lot of
“What great respect spent more than 30 years hard work ahead of us to erling. ly announced as staff “Dave has been my
they have for him, and as a coach, teacher and get where we want to be,” Thursday, the elder additions by Mississippi chief of staff at both
that simply has to do principal around the Rosenthal said. Rosenthal laid out his ba- State Thursday. Washington State and
with his coaching abili- state, said Thursday he To help accomplish sic plan for the Raiders, Emerick will serve Texas Tech for close
ty but more importantly was excited, too. After that, Rosenthal is bring- who finished 2-8 in 2019 as the senior associate to 15 years, and he is
the ability he has to build retiring from Shannon ing in Dennis Grubbs, “It’s all cliches, but athletics director for a vital member of our
relationships with those High School, where he with whom he worked at the bottom line is don’t football following six staff,” Leach said in a
kids,” Ferguson said. was principal, in June Shannon and who has 42 See oak hill, 2B years on Leach’s staff at See msu, 2B
2B FRIDAY, January 17, 2020 The Dispatch •

New Mets manager Beltrán out amid sign-stealing scandal

The Associated Press Chief Operating Officer ference at Citi Field. catcher’s signs. Players
Jeff Wilpon met with “I’m grateful to them banged on a trash can to
NEW YORK — Carlos MLB deputy commis- for giving me the oppor- signal batters what kind
Beltrán, called out on a sioner Dan Halem and tunity, but we agreed this of pitch was coming, be-
curveball again. Bryan Seeley, who head- decision is in the best lieving it would improve
So for the second time ed the investigation, on interest of the team,” their chances of getting
since they last threw a Wednesday morning in Beltrán said in the Mets’ a hit.
pitch, the New York Mets New York, then with Bel- statement. “I couldn’t let Beltrán told the New
are in the market for a trán at the team’s spring myself be a distraction York Post in a text mes-
new manager. training complex in Flor- for the team.” sage he was “not aware of
Sign of the times. ida on Wednesday night Beltrán becomes the that camera.” He told The
Beltrán’s 2 1/2-month and Thursday morning. first manager to be let Athletic the Astros “took
tenure as Mets manager “Considering the cir- go without managing a a lot of pride” in studying
ended Thursday before cumstances, it became game since Wally Back- pitchers via computer be-
he spent a single game clear to all parties that it man, who was hired by fore games but insisted
on the bench, the latest was not in anyone’s best Arizona in November “that is the only technol-
fallout from the Hous- interest for Carlos to 2004 and fired four days ogy that I use.” He said
ton Astros’ sign-stealing move forward as manag- later after legal and fi- he didn’t consider his ac-
scandal that has rocked er of the New York Mets,” nancial problems were tions cheating.
Major League Baseball. Van Wagenen and Wil- revealed. At the general manag-
The Mets announced pon said in a statement. The Mets are one of ers’ meetings that week,
the decision in a news “We believe that Car- 10 teams to change man- Van Wagenen sound-
release, saying Beltrán los was honest and forth- agers since opening day ed confident the probe
and the team “agreed to coming with us. We are last year — and now they wouldn’t affect Beltrán’s
mutually part ways.” The confident that this will are doing it twice. status with the Mets.
move came two days af- not be the final chapter “Yes: there’s a lot of “Anything that hap-
ter Boston cut ties with in his baseball career.” craziness in the baseball pened, happened for an-
manager Alex Cora, who On a later confer- world right now,” tweeted other organization with
was Houston’s bench ence call, Wilpon said Mets first baseman Pete Houston,” Van Wagenen
coach in 2017 when Bel- the team had heard in Alonso, who led the ma- said then. “At this point, I
trán played for the As- advance “from sources” jors with 53 home runs don’t see any reason why
tros. that Beltrán wasn’t going and was the NL Rookie of this is a Mets situation.”
A day before that, to be suspended by MLB. the Year. There have been fur-
manager A J Hinch and “I think the change When they hired Bel- ther rumblings that As-
general manager Jeff was when the report did trán last fall, Van Wa- tros players wore small,
Luhnow were fired by come out, how prominent genen said: “We can trust electronic buzzers un-
Houston soon after they he was in it,” Wilpon said. Carlos, and that goes a der their uniforms that
were suspended for the The commissioner’s long way.” tipped them off to certain
2020 season by Commis- office did not pressure A nine-time All-Star pitches.
sioner Rob Manfred for the Mets to fire Beltrán, during his playing days, “MLB explored wear-
their roles in the cheat- Wilpon said, telling ex- Beltrán signed a $119 able devices during the
ing scheme. ecutives it was the club’s million, seven-year con- investigation but found
Next to fall was Bel- decision. tract with the Mets in no evidence to substan-
trán, the only Astros play- “This has been a diffi- January 2005 and helped tiate it,” the commission-
er mentioned by name cult week. Make no mis- them win the NL East in er’s office said in a state-
Monday when MLB is- take, it’s been difficult 2006. But the switch-hit- ment Thursday.
sued its findings from for everyone involved,” ting outfielder took a Beltrán played for the
an investigation into the Van Wagenen said. curveball for strike three Mets from 2005-11 be-
club’s conduct. No play- “When we met with with the bases loaded fore they traded him to
ers were disciplined, but Carlos, we had to make against Adam Wain- San Francisco. He fin-
the nine-page report said an assessment of, where wright that October, end- ished his career with a
Beltrán was among the do we go from here? And ing New York’s 3-1 loss .279 batting average, 435
group involved in the in Carlos’ thought pro- to St. Louis in Game 7 home runs, 1,587 RBIs
team’s illicit use of elec- cess as well as ours, we of the NL Championship and 312 stolen bases for
tronics to pilfer signs both agreed that it was Series. Kansas City, Houston,
during Houston’s run to going to be incredibly Beltrán played the last the Mets, San Francisco,
the 2017 World Series challenging and incred- of his 20 big league sea- St. Louis, the Yankees
championship. ibly difficult to do the sons with the Astros in and Texas. He inter-
“Over my 20 years in job in a way in which he 2017. Manfred said that viewed to become New
the game, I’ve always intended and the way in year Cora was “an active York Yankees manager
taken pride in being a which he could utilize participant” and devel- after the 2017 season,
leader and doing things the best of his abilities.” oped the sign-stealing when Aaron Boone was
the right way, and in this The Mets said they system used by the team, hired, and spent the 2019
situation, I failed,” Bel- will consider a number strongly hinting he will season as an adviser to
tran said in a statement of internal and external face severe penalties. Yankees general manag-
issued through agent candidates to be their Even though Cora was er Brian Cashman.
Dan Lozano. next manager, and they subsequently let go, the
“As a veteran player hope to choose one soon. Red Sox remain under
on the team, I should’ve With spring training investigation for stealing
recognized the severi- less than a month away, signs during Cora’s first
ty of the issue and truly there isn’t much time to season as manager in
regret the actions that pick a successor. Options 2018, when they won the
were taken. I am a man could include new bench World Series.
of faith and integrity coach Hensley Meulens In a Nov. 12 report by
and what took place did and ESPN analyst Edu- The Athletic, ex-Astros
not demonstrate those ardo Pérez, who inter- pitcher Mike Fiers, now
characteristics that are viewed for the job last with Oakland, went pub-
so very important to me fall. lic with allegations that
and my family. I’m very The 42-year-old Bel- Houston players used a
sorry. It’s not who I am trán, with no managerial camera to steal signs in
as a father, a husband, a experience, was hired 2017. The report said Bel-
teammate and as an ed- to replace Mickey Calla- trán played a “key role in
ucator. ... I hope that at way as Mets skipper on devising” the scheme.
some point in time, I’ll Nov. 1. The former New That prompted base-
have the opportunity to York slugger was given a ball’s investigation,
return to this game that three-year contract with which found the Astros
I love so much.” a club option for 2023 and used a video feed from
Mets general manager introduced three days center field to see and
Brodie Van Wagenen and later during a news con- decode the opposing

Oak Hill
Continued from Page 1B
turn the football over, senior math, Rosenthal substitute teacher, and he
don’t make penalties tutorted many of his ath- sought out his longtime
and be more physical,” letes whenever they were friend for the role.
Rosenthal said. “Most of struggling. That’s a huge “I just picked up the
the time, the team that component of the job, Fer- phone and called him, and
does those things win the guson said. he came the next day,”
football games. You hear “We want a strong Ferguson said.
it every time somebody sports program, but he Two years later, Rosen-
plays: ‘Well, it’s gonna also understands that the thal has a new title at the
come down to turnovers. most important thing that same school, and he’s
It’s gonna come down to goes on happens in that looking forward to what is
who’s more physical.’ It’s classroom,” Ferguson yet to come.
the truth, and that’s been said. “We were very fortu-
football ever since it’s Rosenthal was initial- nate to have him on staff
been created.” ly hired by Oak Hill in a already, and we’re excited
Instructing many of part-time role two years about the direction he’ll
his football players in Al- ago, when Ferguson take Oak Hill football,”
gebra I, Algebra II and needed an assistant and a Ferguson said.

Continued from Page 1B
news release. “He brings for two years ahead of a portunity to join Coach
a wealth of knowledge six-year stint at Wash- Leach in Starkville,” he
and experience that is ington State — the last said in a news release.
invaluable to our pro- two seasons of which “We are going to imple-
gram.” he worked as the head ment a plan and work
Brown joins the pro- strength and condition- extremely hard this off-
gram as the new head ing coach. Brown has season. We can’t wait to
strength and condition- also worked for South get to work with these
ing coach. Before MSU, Florida, Baylor and the great young men for
he served as an intern NFL’s Houston Texans. such a proud fan base in
strength and condition- “My family and I are the best conference in
ing coach at Washington so excited for the op- college football.”

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, January 17, 2020 3B

BRIEFLY Columbus DE Martin graduates mid-year, signs with Co-Lin

Prep Soccer By Theo DeRosa of the season. On the
MSMS girls soccer downs West Point 3-0 [email protected] latter, Pulphus said,
The Mississippi School for Math and Science girls
soccer team took care of business Thursday night, Columbus plans to im-
downing West Point 3-0. Mario Martin wasn’t prove — he wants at
Alexus Gillian scored two goals for MSMS, while what Joshua Pulphus least two or three next
Azariah Young scored the other (assisted by Gillian). expected when Pulphus year.
C’Asia Grayer and Shakyra Mullen combined for took over as the head
the shutout in goal. Grayer had 2 saves “That’s a blessing to
MSMS is back in action at 5:30 p.m. Friday at home
coach of the Columbus have him go out and be
against Nettleton on senior night. High School football enrolled and leave mid-
team this season.
College basketball Martin stands 6-foot-
year,” Pulphus said.
“This is something new
EMCC sweeps NWCC 3, but he’s a quiet guy here at Columbus that
The East Mississippi Community College
basketball teams swept NWCC Thursday night, with with a soft voice, Pul- we’re excited to have.
the women winning 71-62 and the men picking up a phus said. … He just set the bar,
68-62 victory. “In street clothes set the tone. We’re hap-
On the women’s side, Ja’Mia Hollings contributed and walking down the
her eighth double-double of the year with 17 points and py, we’re excited about
10 rebounds. Maddie Riley also had a double-double
hallway, you’ll think it, and we’re looking
with 10 points and 11 rebounds. EMCC moved to 13-2 he’s a 5-5 kid who’s forward to December of
and 4-0 in division play. been bullied and picked 2020 where we’ll have
Arecko Gibson led the men with 19 points, while on his whole life,” Pul- more players signing
Quamontae Monfort had his first career double-double
phus said. in the early signing pe-
with 11 points and 10 rebounds. EMCC moved to 11-4
overall and 4-0 in division play. But when the senior riod.”
EMCC is back in action Thursday against Itawam- defensive end is on the Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff Martin plans to start
ba Community College at home. football field, that shy- Surrounded by family, teammates and friends, Columbus senior defensive at Co-Lin on Monday,
Source: From Special Reports ness fades away. end Mario Martin signed his national letter of intent to play football at Co- and he’s already got
“On the field, he’s vi- piah-Lincoln Community College on Thursday. Seated in the front row with goals in mind for his
CALENDAR olent; he’s reckless; he’s Martin, from left, are his cousin Jasmine Toney, his mother Gina Toney hold- time in Wesson.
very passionate about ing his brother Landon, his grandmother Joyce Doughty and his cousin and “Next year we’re
Today the game,” Pulphus teammate Steven Cattledge.
bringing a ring home,”
Prep Girls Soccer
said. ue to mature as a young but for their track re- defensive line coach he said. “You have my
Itawamba Agricultural at Caledonia,
Those characteris- man. For Mario, this is cord of sending kids and defensive coordi- word on that. We’re
5:30 p.m.
tics served Martin well something that’s well to different Division I nator William J. Jones gonna bring a ring
Starkville at Germantown, 5:30 p.m.
during his time as a Fal- deserved and some- programs, I’m proud for III was instrumental in home. We’re going to
Prep Boys Soccer
con, which came to an thing that he needs.” Mario,” Pulphus said. “I recruiting Martin since the playoffs.”
Nettleton at Columbus, 7 p.m.
end Thursday. Martin Co-Lin sent off 18 was happy to see him that season, building a For Pulphus, there’s
New Hope at Grenada, 7 p.m.
Starkville at Germantown, 7 p.m.
graduated from Colum- players to Division I sign and be committed relationship that helped no doubt Martin can
Itawamba Agricultural at Caledonia,
bus after the fall semes- football programs this and be able to play at bring Martin to Wes- achieve that goal — or
7:15 p.m. ter — Thursday was his year, including four to Co-Lin.” son. any Martin sets his
Prep Girls Basketball last day on campus, he Mississippi State and Martin chose Co-Lin “It’s about being ded- mind to.
Columbus at New Hope, 6 p.m. said — and signed his three to Southern Miss. over Mississippi Gulf icated to the school that “Mario’s just a great
Pontotoc at Caledonia, 6 p.m. national letter of intent For Martin, whose Coast Community Col- I started off with, and kid,” Pulphus said.
Grenada at West Point, 6 p.m. to play football at Copi- dream is to play in the lege, which showed in- I know coach Jones is “Mario’s a very hungry
Noxubee County at Houston, 6 p.m. ah-Lincoln Community NFL, the school’s track terest early in the year, gonna stay loyal to me,” kid. Mario’s a kid who’s
Starkville at South Panola, 6 p.m. College. record helped him be- and East Mississippi Martin said. gonna do well at the
West Lowndes at Ethel, 6 p.m. “Mario’s a kid who lieve he could achieve Community College, In signing Thurs- next level. Mario’s gon-
East Rankin Academy at Heritage Acad- knows what it takes to that goal. which came on strong day, Martin became the na take hard work and
emy, 6:30 p.m. be successful,” Pulphus “I consider every late. first Falcon to sign in discipline to Co-Lin,
Starkville Academy at Leake Academy, said. “He’s going to a junior college a major Martin originally Pulphus’ time as head and this isn’t gonna be
6:30 p.m. place that’s gonna allow upgrade because you’re committed to Co-Lin coach and Columbus’ the last you hear about
Starkville Christian at Jackson HomeS- him to grow and contin- getting free education, in 10th grade — Co-Lin only mid-year signee him.”
chool, 6:30 p.m.
Central Holmes Christian at Oak Hill
Academy, 6:30 p.m.
Columbus Christian Academy at Mar-
shall Academy, 6:30 p.m.
Prep Boys Basketball Prep basketball
Columbus at New Hope, 7:30 p.m.
Pontotoc at Caledonia, 7:30 p.m. Studdard scores 39 as Columbus Christian Academy beats Hebron Christian
Grenada at West Point, 7:30 p.m.
By Theo DeRosa still had kind words for 16 points in the period, Eagles. She made a fast, and they’re a great
Noxubee County at Houston, 7:30 p.m. [email protected]
Starkville at South Panola, 7:30 p.m.
his senior star. going 6 of 9 from the layup to open the scor- team,” Hebron coach
West Lowndes at Ethel, 7:30 p.m.
“He’s playing with line in the quarter to ing, stole the inbounds Heather Parrish said.
STEENS — Matthew a lot of intensity,” Wil- send Columbus Chris- pass and set up another The Eagles, who
East Rankin Academy at Heritage Acad- Phillips spun around on
emy, 8 p.m. liams said. “He’s play- tian into the locker score, then recorded a don’t have a senior on
one foot in disgust after ing with self-confidence room up 47-24. steal a few seconds later the roster and have
Starkville Academy at Leake Academy, his attempt at a behind-
8 p.m. on both sides of the ball. The Rams let up a bit and zoomed to the hoop just one junior, strug-
the-back pass sailed out He’s playing with confi- on defense in the sec- for the layup. gled with ball security,
Starkville Christian at Jackson HomeS- of bounds near the Co-
chool, 8 p.m. dence underneath. He ond half, but they near- “It made me really throwing the ball into
lumbus Christian Acad- rebounded tonight, did ly kept up the offensive excited because I was the hands of Rams de-
Central Holmes Christian at Oak Hill emy bench.
Academy, 8 p.m. a lot of good things.” pace. just trying to energize fenders all night. He-
It was a mistake Phil- The coach credited Studdard scored 14 them and trying to help bron fell to 1-2 in dis-
Columbus Christian Academy at Mar-
lips and the Rams could his entire starting five points in the second them out as much as I trict play.
shall Academy, 8 p.m.
get away with. — Studdard, Jonathan half despite hardly could,” the junior said. “We are very young,
Saturday Up by more than Peal, Will Teague, Ty- playing in the fourth The quick 6-0 spurt and we’ve got a long
Prep Girls Soccer 20 points in the fourth ler Looney and Dakota quarter, and Columbus proved to be all the im- way to go,” Parrish said.
New Hope at Starkville, 2 p.m. quarter of Thursday’s Shaw — for their efforts Christian coasted to a petus the Rams needed With the win, Colum-
Prep Boys Soccer home rivalry game Thursday. win. to take down the Ea- bus Christian improved
New Hope at Starkville, 3:30 p.m. against Hebron Chris- Multiple technical “We played hard,” gles. to 3-0 in its district
Men’s College Basketball tian School, Columbus fouls were called during Williams said. “We “I think it’s really big ahead of Friday’s road
Georgia at Mississippi State, 7:30 p.m. Christian had plenty of
LSU at Ole Miss, 7 p.m.
the chippy rivalry con- have a lot of potential.” for us because it gets us matchup with Mar-
margin for error. test: Peal and Tanner The Rams will travel energized and makes shall Academy in Holly
MUW at Campbellsville University Som- Senior Lawson
erset, 3 p.m.
Dolan fouled out for to face Marshall Acad- us think, ‘We can do Springs.
Studdard poured in 39 the Rams, and after a emy on Friday in Holly this,’” Tipton said. “As “Those girls play re-
Prep Girls Basketball
points, the Rams’ de- hard foul in the second Springs. a team we can work to- ally, really hard,” Wil-
Columbus at Aberdeen Classic, TBA
fense locked in, and quarter, players from Hebron Christian gether and just go out liams said. “They’ve got
Starkville at Warren Central Red Carpet
Columbus Christian the two teams had to will travel to face Kem- there and win the game a good team chemistry.”
Classic, Vicksburg, TBA
took control with an 86- be separated. But even per Academy on Tues- together. Those small
Kosciusko at Noxubee County, 6 p.m.
50 win on Thursday in still, Columbus Chris- points can mean so
Prep Boys Basketball
Steens. tian kept its composure.
day in De Kalb.
much at the end.”
Pickens Academy
Columbus at Aberdeen Classic, TBA
“It feels great,” Stud- “Tonight, we really Emerson, the Rams’ boys 59, Russell
Starkville at Warren Central Red Carpet
dard said. “We’re on a just remained intense
Columbus Christian lone senior, contributed Christian Academy 38
Classic, Vicksburg, TBA
Kosciusko at Noxubee County, 7:30
good win streak right all game,” Williams Academy girls 42, 21 points for the Rams, The Pickens Acad-
p.m. now, so we’re just trying said. “It was a physical Hebron Christian 27 fighting through a nag- emy boys basketball
to keep it going.” game — probably a lit- STEENS — Taylor ging ankle injury to team earned a dominat-
on the air In the Rams’ three
most recent games —
tle bit too physical at
times — but our kids
Tipton provided an ear-
ly spark, Kylie Emerson
lead her team in scoring
ing 59-38 win over Rus-
sell Christian Academy
Today all wins — Studdard responded in a positive took over from there, But it was Columbus Thursday.
COLLEGE BASKETBALL (MEN’S) scored 35, 33 and 31 way.” and the Columbus Christian’s lockdown Seth Peeks had 14
6 p.m. — Dayton at St. Louis, ESPN2
6 p.m. — Furman at Wofford, ESPNU points, but he topped After taking a six- Christian girls handled defense that stole the points, while Hayden
6 p.m. — Wisconsin at Michigan State, it all Thursday as the point lead into the sec- Hebron 42-27 on Thurs- show Thursday, press- Dyer and Rafe Brown
FS1 Rams improved to 3-0 in ond quarter, the Rams day. ing all game and trap- each had 11.
8 p.m. — Michigan at Iowa, FS1 district play. Studdard stepped up big to create Tipton made a big ping the Eagles in the Pickens Academy
COLLEGE BASKETBALL (WOMEN’S) simply credited the impact within the first (9-5) will play at South
5:30 p.m. — Marquette at Butler, FS2 some breathing room backcourt numerous
7:30 p.m. — Utah at Colorado, PAC- team around him, but going into halftime. minute of the contest times. Choctaw Academy Fri-
12N coach Jason Williams Studdard exploded for to shock the visiting “They are extremely day.
9:30 p.m. — UCLA at Southern Califor-
nia, PAC-12N
6 p.m. — Florida at Missouri, SECN
7:30 p.m. — Auburn at Louisiana
State, SECN
ATLANTA HAWKS — Acquired G Treveon Gra- from the Los Angeles FC for $150,000 in 2020 EAST Tennessee St. 64, Morehead St. 48
8 p.m. — Oklahoma at Alabama, ham and Jeff Teague from Minnesota for G-F General Allocation Money (GAM) and $50,000 Army 79, Holy Cross 67 Texas St. 64, Louisiana-Monroe 63
ESPN2 Thursday’s moves Allen Crabbe. Recalled F Bruno Fernando from
College Park (NBAGL).
in 2021 Targeted Allocation Money (TAM).
NEW YORK CITY FC — Agreed to terms with F
Charlotte 77, Marshall 75 Texas-Arlington 81, Louisiana-Lafayette 65
UALR 71, Coastal Carolina 55
BASEBALL Drexel 63, Elon 41
COLLEGE HOCKEY (MEN’S) American League NBA G League Ismael Tajouri-Shradi on a multiyear contract. Farmingdale St. 92, St. Joseph’s (LI) 83 Union (Tenn.) 68, Delta St. 53
5 p.m. — Notre Dame at Ohio State, BOSTON RED SOX — Promoted Shawn COLLEGE PARK SKYHAWKS — Announced PHILADELPHIA UNION — Signed D Mark Manhattan 69, Quinnipiac 57 Valdosta St. 98, West Georgia 93
F Charlie Brown, Jr. was transferred to Atlanta McKenzie. W. Kentucky 71, Old Dominion 69
BTN Haviland and Chris Mears pitching coordina-
Mass. College 98, Salem St. 84
West Florida 75, Shorter 68
tors, performance. Named Reed Gragnani and Misericordia 76, Delaware Valley 64
5:30 p.m. — North Dakota at Miami Chris Stasio assistant hitting coordinators; FOOTBALL tián Gutiérrez Colo-Colo (Chile). Monmouth (NJ) 74, Marist 66 Winthrop 116, Hampton 95
(Ohio), CBSSN Jordan Elkary assistant, baseball development; National Football League
National Women’s Soccer League NJIT 75, Lipscomb 57 MIDWEST
WASHINGTON SPIRIT — Acquired the 2020 Ashland 76, Purdue-Northwest 74
8 p.m. — Michigan State at Wisconsin, and Jake Chaplin mental skills coach.
offensive coordinator. first- (No. 4), two 2020 second-round draft picks
New England Coll. 97, Lesley 81
Purchase 87, Merchant Marine 69 Austin Peay 84, SE Missouri 59
HOUSTON ASTROS — Agreed to terms with OF
ESPNU George Springer on a one-year contract.
CHICAGO BEARS— Named Bill Lazor offen- and the 2021 first-0round draft pick from Sky SUNY Maritime 80, Manhattanville 77 Bellarmine 65, Missouri-St. Louis 60
sive coordinator and John DeFilippo quarter-
NBA BASKETBALL National League
backs coach. Promoted Dave Ragone to pass
Blue FC for a player to be named.
Sarah Lawrence 63, Mount St. Mary 61 Cedarville 86, Tiffin 63
Chicago 64, S. Illinois 48
6 p.m. — Chicago at Philadelphia, ATLANTA BRAVES — Signed INF Adeiny
Hechavarría to a one-year contract.
game coordinator, Brian Ginn to assistant spe- BAYLOR — Named Dave Aranda football coach.
St. Joseph’s (NY) 66, Mount St. Vincemt 55
Westfield St. 88, Fitchburg St. 71 Davenport 76, Saginaw Valley St. 39
ESPN NEW YORK METS — Announced the team and
cial teams coach, Chris Jackson to assistant DEPAUL — Announced F D.J. Williams has William & Mary 77, Delaware 68 Detroit 90, Milwaukee 84
wide receivers and Shane Toub to defensive joined the men’s basketball program as a grad-
8:30 p.m. — Portland at Dallas, ESPN manager Carlos Beltrán have agreed to mutu- quality control. uate transfer.
Worcester St. 91, Framingham St. 89, OT Drake 84, Illinois St. 74
ally part ways. SOUTH Drury 76, Maryville (Mo.) 71
HOCKEY EAST CAROLINA — Renewed the contract of Ala.-Huntsville 65, West Alabama 61 E. Illinois 70, Jacksonville St. 69
National Hockey League
6:30 p.m. — Pittsburgh at Detroit, Avila, Kyle Barraclough, Miguel Diaz, Jerad DALLAS STARS — Recalled D Stephen Johns
Bob Trott defensive coordinator and safeties Appalachian St. 83, Arkansas St. 80, OT Ferris St. 61, N. Michigan 48
NHLN Eickhoff, Chih-Wei Hu, Chase Johnson and from Texas (AHL). EAST TENNESSEE STATE — Named Jay
Belmont 87, E. Kentucky 56 Findlay 80, Trevecca Nazarene 47
Grand Valley St. 62, Northwood (Mich.) 45
Jimmy Yacabonis; Cs Webster Rivas and Char- Charleston Southern 77, Campbell 62
Saturday lie Valerio; OFs Abraham Almonte, INFs Ivan
Castillo and Seth Mejias-Brean to minor league
Palmieri on injured reserve, retroactive to
Yelton women’s soccer coach.
MEMPHIS — Named Kyle Pope defensive line
FAU 97, Middle Tennessee 94, OT
FIU 93, UAB 68
Green Bay 73, Oakland 69
Hillsdale 72, Kentucky Wesleyan 60
January 11. Recalled F Michael McLeod from coach. Florida Gulf Coast 73, Kennesaw St. 51 Indianapolis 79, Lindenwood (Mo.) 67
Binghamton (AHL).
Noon — South Carolina at Texas A&M, SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Named Mark American Hockey League
NEBRASKA — Named Mike Dawson outside
linebackers coach.
Georgia Southern 82, Troy 66 Lake Erie 96, Ohio Dominican 78
SECN Hallberg and Alyssa Nakken assistant coaches. AHL — Suspended Charlotte F Max McCormick RUTGERS — Named Caitlin Schweihofer wom-
Georgia St. 72, South Alabama 63 Malone 80, Ohio Valley 77
McKendree 73, William Jewell 70
Frontier League High Point 68, UNC-Asheville 66
12:30 p.m. — Auburn at Florida, CBS GATEWAY GRIZZLIES — Signed RHP Lucas
one game for his actions in a Jan. 15 game
against Hershey.
en’s volleyball coach and Jay Butler director of
Hofstra 63, UNC-Wilmington 61 Michigan Tech 102, Lake Superior St. 81
sports performance for the football team.
2:30 p.m. — Missouri at Alabama, Lanphere to a contract extension. Signed RHP PROVIDENCE BRUINS — Signed G Martin SOUTHERN CAL — Announced the retirement
Lee 69, Montevallo 64 Missouri Southern 77, Lincoln (Mo.) 63
SECN Nick Kennedy. Ouellette for the remainder of the season. Louisiana Tech 72, Rice 56 Neb.-Kearney 79, Washburn 51
of Dave Salo men’s and women’s swimming
LAKE ERIE CRUSHERS — Traded RHP Dalton ECHL Memphis 60, Cincinnati 49 Oral Roberts 87, W. Illinois 70
3 p.m. — Kentucky at Arkansas, ESPN Geekie to the Southern Maryland Blue Crabs ECHL — Suspended Maine’s Mikael Robidoux
Mississippi College 78, Christian Brothers 73 Quincy 69, Lewis 68
SYRACUSE — Named Sterlin Gilbert offensive
5 p.m. — Tennessee at Vandberbilt, of the Atlantic League. Signed SS Emmanuel three games and Adirondack’s Robbie Payne coordinator and quarterbacks coach.
Murray St. 84, UT Martin 62 S. Indiana 70, Rockhurst 62
Marrero. N. Kentucky 88, Youngstown St. 63 Southwest Baptist 75, Missouri S&T 71
two games and fined them undisclosed amounts
for their actions in a Jan. 15 game. Suspended
YALE — Named Andrew Dickson assistant
North Florida 75, Jacksonville 68 Spalding 78, Eureka 69
7 p.m. — LSU at Ole Miss, ESPN2 Smartt to a contract extension. Toledo’s Michael Moffatt an additional game for
baseball coach.
North Texas 72, Southern Miss. 52 Tennessee Tech 72, SIU-Edwardsville 69
7:30 p.m. — Georgia at Mississippi NEW YORK BOULDERS — Signed OF Jordan his actions in a Jan. 11 game against Indy. Northeastern 79, Coll. of Charleston 76 Truman St. 74, Ill.-Springfield 61
State, SECN Wren.
National Basketball Association
Major League Soccer

MINNESOTA UNITED — Acquired G Tyler Miller

College Basketball
Thursday’s scores
Presbyterian 74, Longwood 67
Radford 63, SC-Upstate 59
Stetson 54, North Alabama 49
Walsh 99, Alderson-Broaddus 72
Wis.-Parkside 76, Wayne St. (Mich.) 73, OT
Wright St. 75, Cleveland St. 62
4B FRIDAY, January 17, 2020 The Dispatch •

ESPN’s Mendoza: Fiers should have gone to MLB, not reporter

The Associated Press traded to Oakland — investigations happened,” ager Jeff Luhnow and the manner in which that genen said during a con-
Houston’s AL West rival she added. “But it came manager AJ Hinch, who was done,” Mendoza said ference call. He added that
ESPN analyst Jessica — later that season. from within. It was a play- were fired Monday. Bos- in the statement. “I credit he did not have a chance to
Mendoza says pitcher “Going public, yeah. er that was a part of it, that ton manager Alex Cora Mike Fiers for stepping speak with her yet.
Mike Fiers should have I get it, if you’re with the benefited from it during and Mets manager Carlos forward, yet I feel that When asked last year
gone to Major League Oakland A’s and you’re the regular season when Beltrán also lost their jobs going directly through about whether her dual
Baseball before he told a on another team, heck he was a part of that team. — Cora was Houston’s your team and/or MLB roles would cause friction,
journalist about his alle- yeah you better be telling That, when I first heard bench coach in 2017 and first could have been a Mendoza said during a
gation the Houston Astros your teammates, ‘Heads about it, it hits you like Beltrán a player. MLB’s better way to surface the conference call that she
had been using a camera up, if you hear some nois- any teammate would. It’s investigation implicated information. Reasonable considers herself an ana-
to steal signs. es while you’re pitching, something that you don’t both. minds can disagree.” lyst first.
Mendoza, a New York like, this is what’s going do. I totally get telling Mendoza tried to clari- Mendoza has been an “I hope they hired me
Mets adviser in addition on.’ For sure. But to go your future teammates, fy her remarks in a state- ESPN analyst since 2015 because of my honesty
to her media job, said public, yeah, it didn’t sit helping them win, let- ment posted to Twitter and part of the “Sunday and criticism, not just the
Thursday on ESPN’s well with me,” Mendoza ting people know, but to later Thursday, saying Night Baseball” booth good things,” she said.
“Golic and Wingo” that said on the broadcast. go public with it and call baseball will benefit from since 2016. She has been “On the air I would be the
Fiers should have kept “Honestly, it made me sad them out and start all of the sign stealing being an adviser to the Mets same even if I was in front
the information confined for the sport that that’s this, it’s hard to swallow.” uncovered and that appro- and general manger Bro- of them.”
to teammates and the how this all got found out. Fiers went public in priate action was taken. die Van Wagenen since The Los Angeles Dodg-
league. The right-hander “This wasn’t some- a report last November “The point I should last March. ers banned her from their
spent 2 1/2 seasons with thing MLB naturally in- by The Athletic. That have been much more “Jessica was speaking clubhouse once during the
the Astros, including vestigated or that even prompted baseball’s in- clear on was this: I be- as an ESPN analyst, not season and once during
their 2017 championship other teams complained vestigation, leading to lieve it’s very critical that as a spokesperson for the postseason because
season. He signed with about because they nat- one-season suspensions this news was made pub- the Mets when she made of her position with the
Detroit in 2018 and was urally heard about it and for Astros general man- lic; I simply disagree with her comments,” Van Wa- Mets, ESPN said.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: just having fun? rest of us siblings live out of
I have been Could I be a side town and shared none of the
dating my chick? — HAV- responsibility.
boyfriend for ING DOUBTS IN Our disabled sister passed
almost a year. I CALIFORNIA away recently, leaving an
love him, and we DEAR HAVING estate that is now in probate. I
have an undeni- DOUBTS: You are suggested to my other siblings
able connection asking intelligent that before the estate is
I have never had questions. You divided equally, we should set
with anyone else. have been sup- aside enough for Dana and her
The problem is, portive for quite husband to take a long-over-
he’s separat- some time now. due and well-deserved
ZITS ed but not yet
divorced from his
Have the two
of you actually
vacation. It’s something I know
Dana has been longing for, but
wife. discussed get- they won’t hear of it!
I have a hard ting married and I can’t believe my siblings
time moving starting a family? are acting this way. They say
forward in the
Dear Abby If you haven’t, Dana can take a vacation on
relationship and you should, so what she inherits, but that’s
meeting his family when he you have some idea of whether not the point. While we all had
hasn’t filed for divorce. He his separation is temporary free weekends and could take
says he’s going to file, and he and what a realistic time frame vacations, Dana was extremely
doesn’t seem to think it’s a big would be. Once you know what limited because our disabled
deal, but meeting his son and that is, it couldn’t hurt to meet sister couldn’t travel and
family members under these his son and his family, if only needed a caregiver. How do I
circumstances makes me to see how they react to you. change my siblings’ view? —
uncomfortable. It’s almost like As to whether you could DISAPPOINTED BROTHER
GARFIELD this is a test run to see if I’ll
fit the part before he finalizes
be this man’s side chick, it
depends upon how long you
sentiments are laudable, but
everything. plan to remain in a holding there is no way to force your
He and his wife have been pattern, waiting for him to do greedy siblings into doing any-
separated for only a year, and something concrete. Some thing for Dana. It appears your
I’m ready to start a family. Our women wait for years only to disabled sister died without a
timing seems off, but he treats have things not work out as will, which could have ensured
me so well it’s hard to let him they had hoped. that Dana was repaid for her
go. Should I put our relation- DEAR ABBY: My sister efforts. Your letter highlights
ship on hold until he finalizes “Dana” spent decades taking the importance of putting last
his divorce, or will he resent care of our disabled sister, wishes in writing, preferably
me because I’m not being sup- which meant Dana and her with the assistance of an
portive? What if his separation family sacrificing greatly to attorney. I cannot emphasize
is only temporary, and he’s provide for her care. The this strongly enough.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. time, you can never get it back. sense that this drama swirl just
17). Truly, this solar journey TAURUS (April 20-May isn’t worthy of your engage-
will be a wild ride. Competi- 20). The new deal you come ment. Also, there’s something
tion heats up for you. Though up with will be totally free of exciting on the horizon that
it seems counterintuitive to old baggage and will have the you’ll want to be ready for.
sportsmanship, you approach it best chance of blossoming into LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Com-
with compassion and a sincere results that satisfy all parties munication will be complicated.
desire to learn as much from and promote goodness in the It’s not so easy to express the
the game as possible, which en- world. emotions that come up — yet
hances your position and makes GEMINI (May 21-June 21). you’ll feel compelled to. This
possible so much more than To give someone what they could be the perfect storm from
BABY BLUES you dreamed. Libra and Gemini weren’t expecting and didn’t ask which comes great art.
adore you. Your lucky numbers for is a chance to blow some- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
are: 8, 20, 15, 37 and 9. one’s mind — or annoy them. You’re an expert, and this is
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Either way, it’s a risk that you just the beginning of what you’ll
You’ll consider carefully the ex- might just be daring (or bored) become. Here comes a scenario
penditure of investments in all enough to find worthwhile. you’re overqualified to deal with,
currencies, the least significant CANCER (June 22-July 22). and yet solutions elude you. It’s
being money. Money can be Honor the instinct to conserve an opportunity to cast your net
made, whereas once you spend your energy. Probably, you wider.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Sometimes you talk off of the
top of your head and it doesn’t
come out the way you want it
to. But most people hear your
intentions and your heart. Either
BEETLE BAILEY that or they hear what they want
to hear, which you can’t control
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Why bother integrating your
mind and body? Because any
division that exists here cuts
you off from your joy. Happiness
requires both your body’s vital
presence and your mind’s con-
21). To go for the short-term
gain will be a mistake in the
long run. The mature choice
MALLARD FILLMORE seems less appealing, but the
immature one will be embar-
rassing in retrospect.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). There is an island within
you where you can take refuge,
where peace, love and freedom
exist in perpetuity. You don’t
have to wait until things get
difficult to go there.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). We each carry indelible
marks of lineage, especially
our spiritual lineage. There’s no
need to worry about what hap-
FAMILY CIRCUS pened in a past life. This one
has been full of lessons. You’ll
apply one in particular today.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Your powers of concentra-
tion will be exceptional today.
Wield this well to digest weighty
and complex matters. You really
could come up with the world’s
most unique answer.

Abandon ship
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, January 17, 2020 5B

Religious briefs
Love Benefit/Appreciation MLK Celebration Celebrate Recovery
True Worship Holiness Church in Mt. Peiler M.B. Church, 840 Hwy. 389 The Assembly Church, 2201 Military
Bigbee Valley hosts a Love Benefit and in Starkville, hosts its Annual Dr. Martin Road, and Meadowview Church, 300
Appreciation program for Sis. Hattie Luther King Jr. Day Celebration at 11 a.m. Linden Circle in Starkville, host Celebrate
Hood Davis, at 6 p.m. Jan. 18. All Jan. 20. Special guest will be the Rev. Recovery at 6 p.m. every Sunday at The
ministers, choirs, groups solo singers Joseph Stone and the Second Baptist Assembly Church (next to Lowe’s) and
and the public are invited to attend. For M.B. Church family. The public is invited at 6 p.m. every Tuesday at Meadowview
more information, call Sis. Queen Harris, to attend. Church. Get help, healing and support
662-738-4204 or Min. Mary Silvers, 662- for any habit, hurt or hang-up using the
738-5910. MLK Celebration Christ-centered 12 steps.
Davidson Chapel C.M.E. Church, 136
Usher Ministry Program Martin Luther King Dr. in West Point, Divorce Recovery
New Zion Pilgrim M.B. Church, 5253 hosts its Annual Dr. Martin Luther King The DivorceCare Recovery support
New Hope Road, hosts its Usher Ministry Jr. Celebration on Jan. 20. The march will group meets from 4:30-6 p.m. each
Program at 2:30 p.m. Jan. 19. Guest assemble at East Half Mile Street and Dr. Sunday beginning Jan. 12-April 5 at
speaker will be the Rev. Bernard Henry of Martin Luther King Street, commencing at Meadowood Baptist Church, 1512 Hatley
Infant Baptist Church in Carrollton, Ala-
bama. The public is invited to attend. For
9 a.m. The program will begin at 9 a.m. at
Mary Holmes College Gymnasium. Guest
Road in Amory. Child care provided through
5th grade. Standalone seminar sessions

more information, call 662-327-5590. speaker will be the Rev. Robert James of
Stone County, President of the Mississip-
topics are “Facing My Anger”, “Facing My
Loneliness”, “New Relationships”, and “For-
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
a 9x9 gridis a several
num- 8 3 9 1 6 2 4 5 7
Pastor Anniversary pi NAACP. The theme is “Make It A Day giveness”. For more information, call Mead-
On, Not a Day Off”. The public is invited owood Baptist Church, 662-256-5616, or given numbers.puzzleThe object 1 6 7 5 3 4 9 2 8

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Sixth Avenue M.B. Church, 1519 6th
Ave. N., hosts its 4th Annual Anniversary to attend. For more information, call Anna email [email protected]. based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 4 5 2 8 9 7 6 1 3
Program for Pastor W.C. Talley at 11 a.m. Jones, 662-494-1024 or 662-494-1173, grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 6 9 1 2 8 5 3 7 4
and 2:30 p.m. Jan. 19. Guest speak- or Willie Davis, 662-295-3245. Prayer for Youth given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 3 4 8 7 1 6 2 9 5
ers will be Min. Roby and Pastor Leroy object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
Every 2nd and 3rd Saturday, Pleasant
numbers 2 7 5 9 4 3 8 6 1
Shelton of Greenfield Baptist Church Women’s Conference Ridge Faith Center hosts a prayer for the contains the1same to 9 number
5 8 3 6 7 9 1 4 2
in Brooksville. The public is invited to The Women’s Ministry of True Vine the empty spaces so
youth from 2-3 p.m. only once. The difficulty 9 2 4 3 5 1 7 8 6
attend. Baptist Church, 5808 Artesia Road, hosts that each row, each
level increases from
its Women’s Conference at 10 a.m. Jan. column and each 7 1 6 4 2 8 5 3 9
Appreciation Program 25. The guest speakers will be First Lady Prayer, Free Coffee Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 1/16

Lana Take Johnson of Sturgis, Evangelist Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, the same number only once. The difficulty level
Spring Hill M.B. Church, on Prairie increases from Monday to Sunday.
Roxanne Murry of Macon, and Minister 2221 14th Ave. N., hosts free coffee and
Point Road in Macon, hosts its 19th
Annual Pastor’s Appreciation program Stephanie Halbert of Crawford. The public a prayer community outreach service
for the Rev. Montrell Rucker and Sonja is invited to attend. For more information, from 8-9 a.m. every 5th Saturday. For
Rucker at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Jan. 19. call 662-341-1563. information, contact Jesse Slater, 662-
Guest speaker will be the Rev. Marcus 328-4979.
Lawrence and the Rev. Obadiah Clem- School of Ministry Enrollment
ons of Meridian. The public is invited to Mississippi State School of Ministry Radio Program
attend. is now taking applications for enrollment. Apostles Patrick Perkins invites the
Earn a certification, associates, bache- public to tune in to WTWG, radio 1050
Anointed Painting lor, master or doctoral degree in divinity. AM for Perfecting the Saints Broadcast,
Sis. Geraldine Mixon and the Joyce For more information, call Dr. Michael T. Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.
Clemmons Food Pantry hosts “Tools Boyd, 662-425-8443.
for an Anointed Painting, God’s Master-
piece” at 3 p.m. Jan. 19, at Friendship Forgive and Live Women Prayer, Worship Service
M.B. Church, 1102 12th Ave. S. Guest Church of the Eternal Word, 106 22nd
Forgive and Live meets from 6-7 p.m. St. S., holds a prayer and worship service
speakers will be Pastor Fredrick Shelton, every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
Pastor Annie Hines, Sis. Renee Sanders, every Thursday from 5-6 p.m. Call Marie
in the downtown YMCA Board Room. Nabors, 662-549-4322 or 662-329-1234,
Sis. Barbara Mattison, Bro. Joe Bald- Inquire and seek information to succeed
win Jr. and Pastor Stanley K. McCrary. for prayer requests.
spiritually, physically and financially and
Special guest artist is Lillian Murray. An be eager to be a blessing to the com-
artist and speaker meet and reception munity, churches and families through Prayer Ministry
will follow in the Fellowship Hall of the the Word of God. The public is invited New Beginning Everlasting Outreach
church. Colors are purple and gold. The to attend. For more information, call Pat Ministry invites the public to call in with
public is invited to attend. Fisher Douglas, 662-251-5899. their prayer requests at 662-327-9843.

MLK NAACP Unity Fellowship Fellowship Dinner, Youth Service Prayer Service
Peter’s Rock FWC, 223 Martin Luther Pleasant Ridge Faith Center, 923 Church of the Eternal Word, 106 22nd.
King Dr. in Starkville, hosts its NAACP Ridge Road, Columbus, hosts a fellow- St. S., Columbus, holds prayer service
Unity Fellowship from 5-8 p.m. Jan. 19. ship dinner and youth service every 3rd Thursday nights 5-6 p.m. Contact Marie
The public is invited to attend. Sunday. Nabors, 662-549-4322. Church service
times: Sunday school 10 a.m.; Sunday
MLK Luncheon Gospel Book Club worship 11:15 a.m.; Tuesday Bible study
St. James United Methodist Church, 7 p.m. For information, call Pastor District
Friendship M.B. Church, 1102 12th
722 Military Road, hosts its 3rd Annual Elder Lou Nabors, 662-329-1234.
Ave. S., invites the public to join its Com-
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Luncheon at 1 munity Gospel Book Club from 6-7 p.m.,
p.m. Jan. 20. Guest speaker will be Pas- on the fourth Friday of each month, to Fitness Transformations
tor Doran V, Johnson of Greater Mt. Zion study and share views of the Holy Bible. The Transformational Church, 2301
Church. The public is invited to attend. Open to all ages and ethnicities. For more Jess Lyons Road, hosts boxing lessons
For more information, call 662-327-5847. information, call Lillian Murray, 662-570- Mondays and Wednesday from 5-7 p.m.,
1974. weight-loss boot camp Tuesdays and
Youth Choir/Mime Team Thursdays 5-7 p.m. and both on Satur-
Interest Meeting Grief Support Group days 9-11 a.m.
Councilman Pierre Beard Sr. hosts an The Oil of Joy for Grief and Mourning
interest meeting for the City of Columbus offers a grief support group at 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship 1 Sir’s counter-
Youth Choir and Mime Team at 6 p.m. every 2nd Thursday of the month at The Transformational Church, 2301 part
Jan. 20 at Canaan Baptist Church, 2425 United Christian Baptist Church, 232 Jess Lyons Road, hosts Youth Fellowship 6 Print measures
Bell Ave. Sponsors and volunteers as Yorkville Road East. “Making your grieving from 7-8:30 p.m. every Tuesday. Games, 11 “Hello” singer
musicians, singers and choreographers journey easier.” For more information, call prayer, service, food, & more. Transpor- 12 Take as one’s
are needed. For more information, call 662-327-0604 or e-mail unitedchristian@ tation available. For information, call Iris own
Councilman Beard at 662-418-7329. Roberson, 662-295-7456. 13 Bridge costs
14 Raft pilot
15 S&L offering
16 Terrific
18 Original
19 Polite address

Trump boosts school prayer, faith 20 Unrefined

21 Seize
23 LBJ, for one

groups as he rallies base

25 Toddy ingre-
dient 44 Blissful spots 9 Early primate
27 Performed 45 Moves 10 Scatter
28 Arrange quickly 17 Funny fellow
‘We will not let anyone push God from think we’ve turned both of
them around very good.”
30 Corn Belt 46 Private’s boss 22 Except
state 24 Clock nu-
The Associated Press
the public square. We will uphold Public schools have
been barred from lead-
33 Simple card DOWN meral
In a bid to solidify his game 1 Winning at the 26 Wolverine
evangelical base, Pres-
religious liberty for all.’ ing students in classroom
prayer since 1962, when
34 Rickety boat board and Storm, e.g.
ident Donald Trump President Donald Trump 36 Sewer dweller 2 Worshipful one 28 Digestive aid
the Supreme Court said
on Thursday vowed to it violated a First Amend- 37 Cave raider of 3 Sight from 29 Place for a
protect prayer in public nine Cabinet departments has given them greater story
ment clause forbidding Philadelphia pint
schools and took new proposed separate rules attention in recent weeks
the establishment of a 39 Mamie’s mate 4 Maximum 31 Coming to
steps to give religious or- intended to remove bar- following a Christian
government religion. Lat- 40 “Separate amount 32 Relaxed
ganizations easier access riers for religious orga- magazine’s call for his re-
er decisions placed re- Tables” star 5 Buttes’ kin 33 Dwindled
to federal programs. nizations participating in moval from office.
strictions around prayer 41 Mother of 6 Did the walls 35 Hay bundles
Speaking at an Oval federal programs. Chief By rallying around
at graduation ceremonies Tiberius 7 Altar exchange 38 Crooked
Office event and joined among the changes is the school prayer, Trump is
and athletic events. 43 Calendar 8 Sight from 42 Writer Tarbell
by Education Secretary elimination of a rule re- rekindling a debate that
Civil liberties groups entry Yuma
Betsy DeVos, Trump un- quiring religious groups reached a crescendo in
say the firewall protects
veiled the federal govern- to refer clients to alterna- the 1980s and ‘90s but has
religious minorities and
ment’s first updated guid- tive organizations upon fallen to the periphery of
ensures equal treatment
ance on school prayer request. national politics. Trump of all faiths. But many on
since 2003. It details sce- The proposals follow argued that it needs new the Christian right say
narios in which school of- through on an executive attention as schools in- courts and schools have
ficials must permit prayer order Trump signed in creasingly go too far in swung too far against
and clarifies the conse- 2018 aiming to put reli- restricting prayer. prayer and now interfere
quences if they don’t, but gious groups on equal “You have things hap- with the right to free reli-
overall it makes few major footing when they com- pening today that 10 or gious expression.
changes to the guidance it pete for federal grants, 15 years ago would have Michael Farris, CEO
replaces. contracts and other types been unthinkable,” he and general counsel of
“We will not let anyone of funding. said in response to a ques- the legal advocacy group
push God from the public Trump’s announce- tion about his views on Alliance Defending Free-
square,” Trump said as he ments amount to a signif- culture war. “Taking the dom, called Trump’s new
introduced the new rules. icant show of support for word God down, taking school prayer guidance a
“We will uphold religious an evangelical constitu- the word Christmas out. “welcome step to remedy
liberty for all.” ency that has long been a I think we’ve turned that these attacks on people of
Hours before the event, vital part of his base. He one around very good. I faith.”

Send in your church event!

Email [email protected] Subject: Religious brief
MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in

the following sequence: 903

Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,

Alabama Street, Columbus,
MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum-
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69

The Starkville Dispatch and Online

South, Columbus, MS. All auc-
tions are with reserve and
therefore all units can be with-
drawn from the sale at any
time by the auctioneer/ man-
ager. To place ads starting at only $12,
Title to the personal property to call 662-328-2424 or visit
be sold is believed to be good,
but at such sale, FRIENDLY
convey only such title as is ves-
ted in it pursuant to its lease
with the following and its al-
lowed under Mississippi Code
Legal Notices Legal Notices Annotated
Legal NoticesSection 85-7-121 et Apts For Rent: West Mobile Homes for Rent
seq (Supp 1988).

LEGALS Garage Sales

Hope school dist. $500/

AJ Budgins - 155 & 212 mo & $500 dep. No pets,
Call us: 662-328-2424 NOTICE OF SALE SIPPI
no drugs, no partying. Call Two free signs
WHEREAS, the following ten- COLUMBUS REDEVELOPMENT Kitty Davis - 64 & 65 b/w 10a−7p. 662−386−
Legal Notices ants entered into leases with AUTHORITY PLAINTIFF
Patty Jean Henderson - 127 Apartments & Houses 4292. NO TEXT MGS.
Estate Sales
HOUSES for storage space in
which to store personal prop-
Deanna Carter - 226 1 Bedrooms 2212 NEW HOPE RD.

ANTS WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on 2 Bedroooms New Hope Mobile Home
Park 2 prime lots open
Indoor Garage Sale, All day
Sat & Sun. Lots of clothes,
WHEREAS, the following ten-
WHEREAS, default has been
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this the 9th day of January,
A.D. 2020. 3 Bedrooms − BRING YOUR HOME!
Andrews Mobile Home
tables, dishes, jewelry, etc.
ants entered into leases with
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HOUSES for storage space in Leases is authorized to sell the TION

personal property to satisfy the By: P.I. for rent in quiet heart of
which to store personal prop-
Lease, Deposit
erty and past due and any other TO: RONALD GRAY, THE UN- New Hope. Roll your
charges owed to it by the fol- KNOWN HEIRS-AT-LAW AND DE- Publish: 1/10, 1/17, & new home right in.
WHEREAS, default has been lowing tenants. VISEES OF THE FOLLOWING 1/24/2020 & Credit Check Availability limited, so
made in the payment of rent DECEASED INDIVIDUALS: VI- act fast and be a part of Ads starting at $12
and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- NOW THEREFORE, notice is OLA SYKES, NOLA SMITH, WAL- our friendly established
HOUSES pursuant to said hereby given that FRIENDLY LACE GRAY, AND ALL PER-
327-8555 community! Application
Leases is authorized to sell the CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- SONS OR ENTITIES HAVING OR Firewood / Fuel
& references required.
personal property to satisfy the fer for sale, and will sell at auc- CLAIMING A LEGAL OR EQUIT- Lot 1 − small lot
past due and any other tion to the highest bidder for ABLE INTEREST IN CERTAIN Apts For Rent: Other FIREWOOD FOR SALE.
cash all personal property in REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN between great
charges owed to it by the fol- Various lengths.
lowing tenants. storage units leased by the fol- BLOCK 22 NORTH OF MAIN Call us: 662-328-2424 1ST MONTH − RENT FREE!
neighbors, ideal for long
−term RV. We will 662−295−2274.
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY STREET, AT 311 4TH AVENUE
NOW THEREFORE, notice is CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 44 NORTH, COLUMBUS, 1−2 BR Apt: $350−395 prepare electric pole.
Beatty Road, Columbus, MS. LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Customer Service 1−2BR TwnHome: $175/month includes General Merchandise
hereby given that FRIENDLY
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- Auctions will begin at 8:30 SIPPI, $625−650 water and sewer. First
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- A.M. on the 7th day of Febru- Seeking energetic Custom- Lease, Dep, Credit Check. month free with 6 WANTED FREON R12.
tion to the highest bidder for ary, A.D. 2020 at 308 Shoney You have been made Defend- er Service Representative Coleman Realty month lease and We pay CA$H.
cash all personal property in Drive, Columbus, MS and will ants in a lawsuit filed in this with the ability to learn new 662−329−2323 deposit. R12 R500 R11.
storage units leased by the fol- continue to all FRIENDLY CITY Court by the Columbus Re- computer skills quickly, be Convenient.
MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in development Authority to con- Lot 6 − oversized lot
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY dependable and work well Certified professionals.
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 903 the following sequence: 903 demn by eminent domain cer- 2BR/1BA w/ central H&A, ideal for 16 x 80 or
Alabama Street, Columbus, tain real property located in with the public. The ideal double wide, $185/
Alabama St. Columbus, MS. fresh paint, tile bath and
Auctions will begin at 8:30 MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- Block 22 North of Main at 311 candidate has excellent more. $435/mth with month includes water 312−291−9169
A.M. on the 7th day of Febru- bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 4th Avenue North, Columbus, phone skills, pays atten- and sewer. We will
approved credit. Sporting Goods
ary, A.D. 2020 at 308 Shoney South, Columbus, MS. All auc- Mississippi. The property is ne- tion to detail and must be prepare site. First
tions are with reserve and cessary to renew and redevel- able to pass drug test. No pets. Call Long & Long
Drive, Columbus, MS and will month free with
continue to all FRIENDLY CITY therefore all units can be with- opment blighted conditions in Email resume to: @ 662−328−0770. ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
minimum 12 month
MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in drawn from the sale at any accordance with the Urban Re- [email protected] OPEN FOR SEASON!
time by the auctioneer/man- newal Plan (Burns Bottom) of lease. Please call Pam,
the following sequence: 903 Mail resume to: 601−310−3528. 9−5: Tues−Fri &
Alabama Street, Columbus, ager. the City of Columbus, Missis-
sippi. The Commercial Dispatch, 9−12: Sat.
MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum-
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 Title to the personal property to PO Box 511, Over 50 years experience!
South, Columbus, MS. All auc- be sold is believed to be good, You are summoned to appear Columbus, MS 39703. Office Spaces For Rent Repairs, cleaning,
tions are with reserve and but at such sale, FRIENDLY and defend against the com- No phone calls accepted. refinishing, scopes
therefore all units can be with- CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will plaint or petition filed against mounted & zeroed,
convey only such title as is ves- you in this action at 9:30
drawn from the sale at any LEASE. 1112 Main St., handmade knives.
time by the auctioneer/man- ted in it pursuant to its lease o’clock a. m. on the 8th day of Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
ager. with the following and its al- April, 2020, in the second floor FRONT DESK RETAIL Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft.
of West Point, turn right on
lowed under Mississippi Code courtroom of the Lowndes RECEPTIONIST NEEDED. Plenty of private parking.
Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
Title to the personal property to Annotated Section 85-7-121 et County Courthouse in Colum- M-F 7:45-5:00 662−327−9559.
left on Darracott Rd, see
be sold is believed to be good, seq (Supp 1988). bus, Mississippi, and in case Every other Sat 7:30-12:00
but at such sale, FRIENDLY of your failure to appear and sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on
Must have valid drivers left. 662−494−6218.
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will Damon Cruse - 41 defend, a judgment will be

Real Estate
entered against you for the license. Good customer
convey only such title as is ves-
ted in it pursuant to its lease Lenward Colvin - 18 & 19 money or other things deman- service skills a must.
Email resume to
with the following and its al- ded in the complaint or peti-
lowed under Mississippi Code WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on tion. [email protected]
Annotated Section 85-7-121 et this the 9th day of January, Ads starting at $25
seq (Supp 1988). A.D. 2020. You are hereby further given
notice that not less than ten
Courtney Harrison - 477 FRIENDLY CITY (10) days prior to the date of LOCAL COMPANY looking Houses For Sale: North Ads starting at $12
MINI-WAREHOUSES the trial on April 8, 2020, you for receptionist/secretary.
Mandy Brackin - 485 By: P.I. are required to file the State- Previous experience FSBO: 3BR/2BA, 3304 5th Good Things To Eat
ment of Values pursuant to helpful but not necessary. St N. Fenced back yard w/
Coty Grant - 202 Publish: 1/10, 1/17, & Miss. Code Ann. §11-27-7, Computer skills a must. sm shop. Great neighbor− THE TOMATO HOUSE
Kristi Dimuske - 209
1/24/2020 which shall be treated as
pleadings in this action. The
date of the filing of the Com-
Email resume to:
[email protected] OR
COLEMAN hood. $110,000. 662−356 Vine−ripened hydroponic
−4764 or 901−848−0051. tomatoes & more! Available
plaint herein is the 10th day of mail to: Blind Box 673, c/o RENTALS now! 16132 Hwy 45 N,
October, 2019, and the name The Commercial Dispatch, Houses For Sale: East Macon, next to Noxubee Co
Victoria Ferrell - 466 and address of the attorney for PO Box 511, High School. 662−352−
the Plaintiff is Martha Bost Columbus, MS 39703. 1 BEDROOM 1270 or 662−425−9116.
Aisha Jones - 370 WHEREAS, the following ten- Stegall, P. O. Box 7120, Tu-
pelo, Mississippi 38802. Oth-
ants entered into leases with Instruction & School
Delvin Gardner - 463 FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- er than the Statement of Val- General Help Wanted 3 BEDROOMS
HOUSES for storage space in ues you are not required to file
Sylvester Craddieth Jr. - 474 an Answer or other pleading LEASE,
© The Dispatch

which to store personal prop- GARDEN CENTER

erty and but you may do so if you de-
Lofaette Kenrell Robinson- 475 sire. EMPLOYMENT: DEPOSIT
Sales experience, basic
Carrilla Stallings - 32
WHEREAS, default has been
made in the payment of rent Issued under my hand and the knowledge of plants & AND
and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- seal of said Court, this 13th
day of January, 2020.
landscape maintenance. CREDIT CHECK 2 Bedroom, 2 full bath
Ruby Sunivelle - 218 HOUSES pursuant to said Submit work experience/ brick house for sale. Large
Oscar Taylor Jr. - 95
Leases is authorized to sell the
personal property to satisfy the
past due and any other
history & 3 references to:
Blind Box 672 c/o 662-329-2323 lot. House has living room,
2 bedrooms, kitchen/
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on DOMAIN, The Commercial Dispatch dining and step down den.
this the 9th day of February,
charges owed to it by the fol-
lowing tenants. LOWNDES COUNTY, MS PO Box 511 2411 HWY 45 N Great starter home or Christian Women’s Job
Columbus, MS 39703
A.D. 2020.
NOW THEREFORE, notice is BY: /s/Ann Marie Langford, COLUMBUS, MS rental property. $12,000. Corps Class Spring
FRIENDLY CITY hereby given that FRIENDLY Evening classes in
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- Computer Training,
By: P.I. fer for sale, and will sell at auc- Publish: 1/17, 1/24, & is opening a new location Houses For Sale: New Hope
1/31/2020 in Columbus. Resume Writing &
tion to the highest bidder for RESTAURANT SPACE Interview Skills for Job
Publish: 1/10, 1/17, & cash all personal property in Licensed Cosmetologists AVAILABLE. 1200 sq. ft. 16 WIDNER IN NEW HOPE
1/24/2020 are needed. Seeking Women.
storage units leased by the fol- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI $1100/mo. Serious Newly remodeled. 3BR/ Enrolling now for Tues &
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY COUNTY OF LOWNDES No booth rent. inquiries only. 662−328− 2BA home. Approx. 1,500 Thurs starting February
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 4504 No clientele needed. sq. ft. Has 25’x30’ wired
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Highway 69 South, Columbus, NOTICE OF SALE 8655 or 662−574−7879. 4th at Christian
For more info, call or text metal shop w/ roll−up front Women’s Job Corps.
SIPPI MS. Auctions will begin at 8:30
A.M. on the 7th day of Febru- WHEREAS, the following ten- 662-312-8727 or email Houses For Rent: North & side door. $164,900. Min H.S. Diploma or
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- ary, A.D. 2020 at 308 Shoney ants entered into leases with [email protected] 662−549−9298. Equivalent required. Call
TATE OF VICKIE REED, DE- Drive, Columbus, MS and will FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. 662−722−3016 or visit
CEASED continue to all FRIENDLY CITY HOUSES for storage space in 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3 Houses For Sale: Caledonia
MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in which to store personal prop- bath townhouses. $625 to
NO. 2019-0159-F the following sequence: 903 erty and
Alabama Street, Columbus, $675. 662−549−9555. FSBO: 3BR/2BA ON 2.5
Ask for Glenn or text. ACRES. 1600 sqft. Pets
NOTICE TO CREDITORS MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- WHEREAS, default has been
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 made in the payment of rent Completely remodeled.
Letters testamentary having South, Columbus, MS. All auc- and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- Ads starting at $25 Houses For Rent: East $178,000. 662−386− AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD
PUPPIES. Exc. ped. Blk/
been granted on the 20th day tions are with reserve and HOUSES pursuant to said 7113.
of September, 2019, by the therefore all units can be with- Leases is authorized to sell the 2BR/1BA. Gas heat & red. Vet checked, w/s,
Chancery Court of Lowndes drawn from the sale at any personal property to satisfy the Apts For Rent: North stove. Convenient to wormed. Ready to go! 662
County, Mississippi, to the un- time by the auctioneer/man- past due and any other Lots & Acreage
shopping. 133 King St. −213−4609.
dersigned upon the estate of ager. charges owed to it by the fol- Large 1 Bedroom, upstairs
Vickie Reed, deceased, notice lowing tenants. $525/mo. Call 662−352− 1 ACRE OF LAND on Sand
apartment for rent. $450/ 4776. Pet Supplies / Accessories
is hereby given to all persons Title to the personal property to month and $450 deposit. Rd. Has a mobile home w/
having claims against the es- be sold is believed to be good, NOW THEREFORE, notice is water, lights, septic tank &
but at such sale, FRIENDLY hereby given that FRIENDLY Water, Sewer, and Trash Happy Jack® LiquiVict 2x:
tate to present the same to the 3 OR 4BR/1.5BA @ 804 elevated. 662−241−7384.
Clerk of said Court for probate CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- included. No Pets. No recognized safe & effective
convey only such title as is ves- fer for sale, and will sell at auc- Smoking. Located between Cypress St. Newly by U.S. CVM against hook
and registration according to
law within ninety (90) days ted in it pursuant to its lease tion to the highest bidder for Columbus and CAFB. renovated, w/d hookup, all & round worms in dogs.
with the following and its al- cash all personal property in $450.00. 205−243−3653. stainless steel appliances LAND FOR SALE.
from the date of the first pub- At Tractor Supply.
lication of this notice, or they lowed under Mississippi Code storage units leased by the fol- included, fenced backyard. Caledonia School District.
Cleared Acreage ready to (
will be forever barred. Annotated Section 85-7-121 et lowing tenants at FRIENDLY Call 662−425−6954.
seq (Supp 1988). CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 308 build. Approx 6.5 acres @
THIS the 20th day of Septem-
ber, 2019. Billy Ferguson - 42
Shoney Drive Columbus, MS,
at 8:30 am on the 7th day of
1015 11th Ave. N. $300/ 4BR/2.5BA BRICK HOME
corner of Dale & Cal−
Kolola roads. For more
Five Questions:
February, A.D. 2020 and will mo. Water furnished. Call located on large lot w/ 2 info, call 662−549−8507.
RAYMOND REED, AS ADMINIS- Tyrone Crowell - 4 continue to all FRIENDLY CITY car garage. Fresh paint &
1 Amy Poehler
Doris, 662−630−0208,
TRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in tile floors in kitchen &
VICKIE REED, DECEASED Eddie Harris - 92 the following sequence: 903 bathrooms. Located at WINTER SPECIAL. 1.75
Alabama Street, Columbus, 495 Emerald Dr. $1,200/
Bessie Montgomery - 27 MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- acre lots. Good/bad credit.
2 OK Go
mo + dep. Available 2/1. 10% down, as low as
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on South, Columbus, MS. All auc-
770−658−7726. $299/mo. Eaton Land.
David Owen (MSB#3963) $595−$645 monthly.
Attorney at Law this the 9th day of January, tions are with reserve and 662−361−7711.
124 5th Street North A.D. 2020. therefore all units can be with- Military discount, pet area, Houses For Rent: Other
3 Map of England
Columbus, MS 39701 drawn from the sale at any pet friendly, and furnished
Telephone: (662) 328-2651 FRIENDLY CITY time by the auctioneer/ man- corporate apts. RENOVATED 3BR/1BA
Facsimile: (662) 328-8937 MINI-WAREHOUSES ager. 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL BRICK HOME w/central
[email protected] By: P.I. GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. heat & air, new appliances
PUBLISH: 1/3, 1/10, & Publish: 1/10, 1/17, &
Title to the personal property to ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
be sold is believed to be good, ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
and floor covering. No HUD 4 Australia
1/24/2020 but at such sale, FRIENDLY or pets. LEASE/PURCHASE
1/17/2020 24−HOUR CAMERA possible. $600/mth. with
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will Looking for a new home?
convey only such title as is ves- SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
ted in it pursuant to its lease Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
approved credit. Call Long
& Long @ 662−328−0770. Let us help, shop here. 5 Thirty-mile zone
Classified ads are a great form of with the following and its al-

Service Directory
lowed under Mississippi Code
person-to-person advertising. Annotated Section 85-7-121 et
seq (Supp 1988).

Sharon Little - 276

AJ Budgins - 155 & 212

Kitty Davis - 64 & 65

Promote your small business starting at only $25
Patty Jean Henderson - 127
Automotive Services Building & Remodeling General Services Painting & Papering
Deanna Carter - 226
for MYgoods SIGNATURE on CARL HOGAN TOYOTA M&M Garage Door Service
Servicing and repairing
Licensed & Bonded.
SERVICE. Special Prices.
or services?
this the 9th day of January,
A.D. 2020. Robert W. residential and commercial
garage doors. We also offer
Carpentry, minor electrical,
minor plumbing, insulation,
Interior and Exterior
Painting. 662−435−6528
FRIENDLY CITY Jamerson competitive pricing on new painting, demolition,
Did you
MINI-WAREHOUSES Sales/Leasing residential door gutters cleaned, pressure

By: P.I. installation. Serving the washing, landscaping,
Publish: 1/10, 1/17, &
1/24/2020 $200 for Every
golden triangle for 20 plus
years, with honesty and
cleanup work, moving help.
662−242−3608. know
integrity. Call today for
Buying Referral! prices on new installs and Lawn Care / Landscaping
3907 Hwy. 45 N. • Columbus, MS garage door services.

Find it in the
© The Dispatch

Office: 662-241-6000 LAWN SERVICE

Cell: 708-955-3085 General Services
Mowing, cleanup, In 2014, The Dispatch started
[email protected] landscaping, sodding,
& tree cutting. Lowndes County Imagination

classifieds! GRAVEL
$360 per load.
662−356−6525 Library, a non-profit that
Local delivery, 14 yd truck. Read local. promotes early childhood Backhoe & Dozer work. literacy.

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