DLL En6 Q1 W7

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DAILY Teacher Learning Area English
Teaching Dates and July 17-21,2017 Quarter First

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


The learner demonstrates understanding…

A. Content Standards ● of texts elements to comprehend various texts
● that English language is stressed time to support comprehension
● of the forms and conventions of print, non print, and digital materials to understand various viewing texts
● of non – verbal communication to communicate with others
● Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
The learner …
B. Performance ● Uses knowledge of texts types to correctly distinguish literary from informational texts. ● Reads with
Standards sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
● Uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions
in various discourse.
● Evaluate effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing texts.
● Applies knowledge of non-verbal skills to respectfully give the speaker undivided attention and
acknowledge the message.
C. Learning EN6RC-Ig-2.24.1 EN6G-Ig-4.4.1 EN6G-Ig-4.4.1 EN6VC-Ig-5.1.7 EN6VC-Ig-5.1.7
Competencies/Objectiv EN6RC-Ig-2.24.2 EN6G-Ig-4.4.3 EN6G-Ig-4.4.3 Describe different Describe different forms
es Evaluate narratives EN6G-Ig-4.4.2 EN6G-Ig-4.4.2 forms and and conventions of films
Write the LC code for based on how the Compose clear and Compose clear and conventions of and moving pictures. (
each author developed coherent coherent films and moving setting )
the elements: sentences using sentences using pictures. ( setting EN6A-Ig-16
-setting appropriate appropriate ) Observe politeness at all
-characters grammatical grammatical times
EN6A-Ig-16 structures: structures: EN6A-Ig-17
Observe politeness Pronoun- Pronoun-
at all times EN6A- Reference Reference Show tactfulness when
Ig-17 agreement agreement communicating with others
Show tactfulness (number, case, (number, case, EN6A-Ig-18
when gender ) gender )

communicating with EN6F-Ig-1.8.1 Show openness to criticism.

others Read with auto
EN6A-Ig-18 automaticity
Show openness to grade level
criticism frequently
occurring content
area words.
Elements of the Pronoun Pronoun Antecedent Different Forms Different Forms and
II. CONTENT Story Antecedent and Convention of Films ( Setting )
Convention of
( Setting )

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Activity Sheet in English 6
Materials from (Quarter 1: Week 7, pp 1-10)
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning www.sjsu.edu/writing Actor Varun Pruthi.
Resources “Honesty of orphan little girl
trying to sell pens on street will
leave you
Speechless” June12,2015.
Accessed April


A. Reviewing Answer “Let’s Answer “Let’s Answer “Let’s Recall” Answer “Let’s Try Answer “Let’s Try This”
previous lesson Recall” Recall” Activity Sheet in This” Activity Sheet in English 6
or presenting Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in (Quarter 1: Week 7-Day5, p.1)
the new lesson English English 6 (Quarter 1: Week English 6
6 (Quarter 1: Week 7Day3, p.1) (Quarter 1: Week
(Quarter 1: Week 7Day2, p.1) 7Day4, p.1)
7Day1, p.1)
B. Establishing a Do “Let’s Try This“ Read “Let’s Read” Read “To The Read “To the Read “ To The Learner”
purpose for the Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in Learner” Learner” Activity Sheet in English 6
lesson English English 6 Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in (Quarter 1: Week 7-Day5,
6 (Quarter 1: Week English 6 English 6 p.1)
(Quarter 1: Week 7Day2, p.2) (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week
7Day1, 7Day3, p.1) 7Day4, p.1)
C. Presenting Read “Let’s Read“ Read “Let’s Read” Do “Let’s Do This” Answer “Let’s Do This”
examples/instances Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in English 6
of the new lesson English English 6 English 6 (Quarter 1: Week 7-Day5,
6 (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week p.2)
(Quarter 1: Week 7Day3, p.1) 7Day4, p.1)
7Day1, p.2)
D. Discussing new concepts Do “Let’s Do This“ Read “Let’s Study” Answer “Let’s Study Answer “Let’s Study Answer “Let’s Study This”
and practicing new skills #1 Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in This” This” Activity Sheet in English 6
English English 6 Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in (Quarter 1: Week 7-Day5,
6 (Quarter 1: Week English 6 English 6 p.2)
(Quarter 1: Week 7Day2, p.2-3) (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week
7Day1, p.2) 7Day3, p.2-3) 7Day4, p.2)

E. Discussing new concepts Read “Let’s Study Answer “Let’s Try Answer “Let’s Try Answer “Let’s Try Answer “Let’s Try This”
and practicing new skills #2 This“ This” This” This” Activity Sheet in English 6
Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in (Quarter 1: Week 7-Day5,
English English 6 English 6 English 6 p.3)
6 (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week
(Quarter 1: 7Day2, p.3) 7Day3, p.3) 7Day4, p.3)
Week 7Day1,
F. Developing mastery Answer “Let’s Enrich Do “Let’s Do More” Answer “Let’s Do Answer “Let’s Do
(leads to Formative Ourselves“ Activity Sheet in More” This”
Assessment 3) Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in
English (Quarter 1: Week English 6 English 6
6 7Day2, p.4) (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week
(Quarter 1: 7Day3, p.3) 7Day4, p.4)
Week 7Day1,
G. Finding practical Do “Let’s Do This“ Answer “Let’s Do Answer “Let’s Do Answer “Let’s Do Answer “Let’s Do More”
applications of Activity Sheet in This” This” More” Activity Sheet in English 6
concepts and skills English Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in (Quarter 1: Week 7-Day5,
in daily living 6 English 6 English 6 English 6 p.3)
(Quarter 1: (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week
Week 7Day1, 7Day2, p.4) 7Day3, p.4) 7Day4, p.4)

H. Making Read “Let’s Read “Let’s Read “Let’s Read “Let’s Read “Let’s Remember”
generalizations Remember” Remember” Remember” Remember” Activity Sheet in English 6
and abstractions Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in (Quarter 1: Week 7-Day5,
about the lesson English English 6 English 6 English 6 p.4)
6 (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week
(Quarter 1: 7Day2, p.4-5) 7Day3, p.4) 7Day4, p.5)
Week 7Day1,
I. Evaluating learning Do “Let’s Do This“ Do “Let’s Test Do “Let’s Test Answer “Let’s Do Answer “Let’s Do This”
Activity Sheet in Ourselves” Ourselves” This” Activity Sheet in English 6
English Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in Activity Sheet in (Quarter 1: Week 7-Day5,
6 English 6 English 6 English 6 p.4)
(Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week (Quarter 1: Week
7Day1,p5) 7Day2, p.5) 7Day3, p.4) 7Day4, p.5)
J. Additional activities Do “Let’s Enrich
for application Ourselves”
or remediation Activity Sheet in
English 6
(Quarter 1: Week
7Day3, p.5)



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
Film Conventions PowerPoint
1. 1. settingSetting can be used for a number of purposes It might be used for: •Realism (Time and place of setting is made known) •Atmosphere ( Reinforce
desired mood) E.g. Horror movies •Symbolism •(Can be conveyed through setting) E.g. a storm can represent inner turmoil
2. 2. characterizationA narrative might use:• Sympathetic characters- With whom the audience strongly identifies with. They may sharequalities and
values.•Unsympathetic Characters- Audiencedislikes. May increase sympathy to maincharacter.•Stereotypes- Can reinforce existing waysof thinking about
certain groups- appeal tothe prejudices of the audience. Howeversometimes stereotypes are deliberatelybroken. Mean Girls (2004)
3. 3. plot A narrative might to use: •A linear Plot (Events would occur in the same order they would occur in real life) •Manipulation of time (E.g.. Flashbacks- X-
MEN Wolverine) •Suspense •(It is hinted something dramatic is going to happen) A Climax and Resolution (Main problem occurs, comes to a head and is
sorted out) A sting in the tail (Ending is a complete surprise and unexpected) An open ending(Loose ends left- audience may be left wondering- as story
seems not over) www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx9HudJ4sQI
4. 4. CASTING The appearance of actors is often associated with personality. Prior knowledge of the actor can influence our response. Not HER!!Hannah
MontanaBut lets think about it-Why would they cast Miley Cyrus?What image does she represent?What image are they trying to portray?What is the show
about?Who is the target audience?
5. 5. PERFORMANCE This will also effect the way an audience responds. Elements of performance include facial expressions, body language and delivery of
lines. Joker’s Performance- •Crazy look in eyes •Eccentric style •Crazy and unsettled mannerisms (Many actors do a lot of research and preparation before a
role)Heath ledger locked himself away for 6 weeks -making him within the realm of a psychopath withzero empathy Heath Ledger- Joker (2008)
6. 6. Costuming is also integral to portray the period of time that the film is set in (Classical, War, Future etc.)The Young Victoria (2009) COSTUMING This can
affect our interpretations of the characters. For example it may make a character glamorous and attractive or conservative or rugged etc.
7. 7. PROPS, SETS LOCATIONSProps, Sets and Locations can influence our interpretation of character as as contribute to the atmosphere of the film. Hurt
Locker (2008)- Shot in Jordan just a few miles from the Iraq border.
8. 8. CAMERA WORK Frequent use of close-ups can encourage the audience to identify with a character.•Wide shots can emphasize the beauty of a scene or
give a sense of emptiness. •Different angles can make characters appearpowerful and threatening or weak and frightened. Batman- The Dark Knight (2008)
9. 9. LIGHTING Soft and harsh lighting Soft and harsh lighting can manipulate a viewers attitude towards a setting or a character.The way light is used can
make objects, people and enviro Backlighting. A romantic heroine is often backlit to create a halo effect on her hair. 300 (2007) Princess Gorgo who
addresses the Spartan council. nments look beautiful orugly, soft or harsh, artificial or real. Light may be used expressively or realistically.
10. 10. SOUND Sound builds up the atmosphere•Scary scene- creepy music in background, creaking door, footsteps coming etc •Sad scene- slow and emotive
music •Happy scene- laughter, joy, and upbeat music •Serious Scene- May use silence to enhance the atmosphere Watch:
11. 11. EDITINGEditing can convey a sense of excitement or pace (E.g. opening scenes of Romeo and Juliet)

Motion picture, also called film or movie, series of still photographs on film, projected in rapid succession onto a screen by means of light.
Because of the optical phenomenon known as persistence of vision, this gives the illusion of actual, smooth, and continuous movement. The
motion picture is a remarkably effective medium in conveying drama and especially in the evocation of emotion. The art of motion pictures
is exceedingly complex, requiring contributions from nearly all the other arts as well as countless technical skills (for example, in sound
recording, photography, and optics). Emerging at the end of the 19th century, this new art form became one of the most popular and
influential media of the 20th century and beyond.
As a commercial venture, offering fictional narratives to large audiences in theatres, the motion picture was quickly recognized as perhaps the
first truly mass form of entertainment. Without losing its broad appeal, the medium also developed as a means of artistic expression in such
areas as acting, directing, screenwriting, cinematography, costume and set design, and music.

Essential Characteristics Of Motion Pictures

In its short history, the art of motion pictures has frequently undergone changes that seemed fundamental, such as those
resulting from the introduction of sound. It exists today in styles that differ significantly from country to country and in forms as
diverse as the documentary created by one person with a handheld camera and the multimillion-dollar epic involving
hundreds of performers and technicians.
A number of factors immediately come to mind in connection with the motion-picture experience. For one thing, there is
something mildly hypnotic about the illusion of movement that holds the attention and may even lower critical resistance. The
accuracy of the motion-picture image is compelling because it is made by a nonhuman, scientific process. In addition, the motion
picture gives what has been called a strong sense of being present; the film image always appears to be in the present tense.
There is also the concrete nature of film; it appears to show actual people and things.

• naïve art
• verisimilitude
• Native American art
• Visigothic art
• Mesopotamian art and architecture
• World Heritage site
• mimesis
• radio
• Merovingian art
• printmaking
No less important than any of the above are the conditions under which the motion picture ideally is seen, where everything
helps to dominate the spectators. They are taken from their everyday environment, partially isolated from others, and comfortably
seated in a dark auditorium. The darkness concentrates their attention and prevents comparison of the image on the screen with
surrounding objects or people. For a while, spectators live in the world the motion picture unfolds before them.
Still, the escape into the world of the film is not complete. Only rarely does the audience react as if the events on the screen are
real—for instance, by ducking before an onrushing locomotive in a special three-dimensional effect. Moreover, such effects are
considered to be a relatively low form of the art of motion pictures. Much more often, viewers expect a film to be truer to certain
unwritten conventions than to the real world. Although spectators may sometimes expect exact realism in details of dress or
locale, just as often they expect the film to escape from the real world and make them exercise their imagination, a demand
made by great works of art in all forms.

The sense of reality most films strive for results from a set of codes, or rules, that are implicitly accepted by viewers and
confirmed through habitual filmgoing. The use of brownish lighting, filters, and props, for example, has come to signify the past in
films about American life in the early 20th century (as in The Godfather [1972] and Days of Heaven [1978]). The brownish tinge
that is associated with such films is a visual code intended to evoke a viewer’s perceptions of an earlier era, when photographs
were printed in sepia, or brown, tones. Storytelling codes are even more conspicuous in their manipulation of actual reality to
achieve an effect of reality. Audiences are prepared to skip over huge expanses of time in order to reach the dramatic moments
of a story. La battaglia di Algeri (1966; The Battle of Algiers), for example, begins in a torture chamber where a captured Algerian
rebel has just given away the location of his cohorts. In a matter of seconds that location is attacked, and the drive of the
searchand-destroy mission pushes the audience to believe in the fantastic speed and precision of the operation. Furthermore,
the audience readily accepts shots from impossible points of view if other aspects of the film signal the shot as real. For example,
the rebels in The Battle of Algiers are shown inside a walled-up hiding place, yet this unrealistic view seems authentic because
the film’s grainy photography plays on the spectator’s unconscious association of poor black-and-white images with newsreels.

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