Assignment 1

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School; of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

VI Semester B.Tech
Course (Subject): Digital Signal Processing
SET1(From R15EE013 To R15EE133)

1. Find the DFT of a sequence x(n)=1 for 0≤n≤2

=0 otherwise.

For (i) N=4 (ii) N=8. Plot |X(k)| and angle of X(k).

2. State and prove the following properties. (i) Liniarity (ii) Circular time shift (iii) Time
reversal (iv) complex conjugate.
3. Consider the length-8 sequence defined for 0≤n≤7. X(n)={1,2,-3,0,1,-1,4,2} with a 8-
point DFT. Evaluate the following functions of X(k) with out computing DFT.
(a) X(0) (b) X(4) (c) ∑7𝑘=0 𝑋(𝑘) (d) ∑7𝑘=0 𝑒 −𝑗 4 𝑋(𝑘) (e) ∑7𝑘=0 |𝑋(𝑘)|2
4. Consider a FIR filter with impulse response, h(n)={3,2,1,1}.
If the input is x(n)={1,2,3,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,5,6,-1,2,0,2,1}, find the output. Usinf overlap
save method assuming the length of the block is 9.

5. Compute the circular convolution of the following.

(i) X1(n)=δ(n)+ δ(n-1)-δ(n-2)- δ(n-3), N=5
(ii) X2(n)= δ(n)- δ(n-2)+ δ(n-4)

6. What are the differences and similarities between DIF-FFT and DIT-FFT algorithm.
7. Develop DIT-FFT algorithm for N=8.
8. Find the DFT of a sequence x(n)={1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1} using DIF-FFT algorithm.
9. Find the IDFT of the sequence X(k)={4,1-j2,414,0,1-j0.414,0,1+j0.414,0,1+j2.414} using
DIF –FFT algorithm

10. Find the actual sample value of the circular convolution of two sequences.
and x2(n)={0,0,1,0} using DIT-FFT algorithm.
School of Electrical & Electronics Engg.
VI Semester B.Tech
Course (Subject): Digital Signal Processing

SET2(From R15EE139 To R16EE857)

1. Find the IDFT of the sequence X(k)={5,0,11-j,0,1,0,1+j,0}.

2. State and prove the following properties. (i) Liniarity (ii) Circular time shift (iii) Time
reversal (iv) complex conjugate.
3. Using linear convolution find y(n)=x(n)*h(n) for the sequences x(n)={1,2,-1,2,3,-2,-3,-
1,1,1,2,-1} and h(n)={1,2}. Compare the result by solving the problem using overlap
add method.
4. Compute the circular convolution of the sequences X1(n)={1,2,0,1} and
X2(n)={2,2,1,1} Using DFT approach.
5. Bring out the comparison between linear convolution and circular convolution.
6. Develop DIT FFT algorithm for N=9.
7. Find the DFT of a sequence x(n)={1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1} using DIT-FFT algorithm.
8. Compute IDFT of the sequence
X(k)={7,-0.707-j0.707, -j, 0.707-j0.707,1,0.707+j0.707, j, -0.707+j0.707} using DIT
9. Find the actual sample value of the circular convolution of two sequences.
and x2(n)={0,0,1,0} using DIT-FFT algorithm.
10. Find the actual sample value of the circular convolution of two sequences.
and x2(n)={0,0,1,0} using DIF-FFT algorithm.

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