Word Lesson Plan 3
Word Lesson Plan 3
Word Lesson Plan 3
Learning Objectives
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to do the following:
Use the Home Ribbon to format text
Apply character effects to text
Align text
Cut and paste text
Use the Paste Special command
Drag and drop to edit text
Collect and paste multiple items
Apply styles
Create a border
Add shading to a paragraph
Preview a document
Print a document
Lesson Notes
To effectively teach students how to use Microsoft Office Word 2010, show
examples of the following documents that incorporate the tasks discussed in
the lesson.
Lesson Introduction
Give examples of the need to be flexible in the workplace and provide
documents vary in format based upon the context of the work. Discuss how the
use of document formatting may be used to highlight specific information or
enhance the overall appearance of the document. Examples of completed word
Lesson 3: Formatting Text 2
Demonstrate how to use the Home tab to gain access to the Home
Point out the location of the Formatting Groups on the Home Ribbon.
Demonstrate how to use the Launcher button to expand the Command
Explain to students the purpose of the buttons and other controls
located on the Home Ribbon.
Demonstrate ToolTips, which indicate the name of each formatting
Define text attributes.
Explain that the buttons on the Home Ribbon toggle between on and off
modes for selected text.
Illustrate the value of and how to use the Show/Hide Button in the
Paragraph Group on the Home Ribbon.
Demonstrate to students how to turn the Show/Hide button on and off.
Explain the term font to students and define point size. Remind students
that one point is equal to 1/72 of an inch.
Demonstrate to students how to adjust the font type and font size by
using Font Group buttons on the Home Ribbon.
Explain to students that the most commonly used font types will appear
at the top of the list and the remainder will appear in alphabetical order.
Students should also know that this depends upon the document theme.
Explain and illustrate to students that the font names appear in their
respective styles.
Explain and point out to students that the font size appears on the
toolbar as a whole number. Students can key in alternative font sizes of
their choice.
Demonstrate to students how to apply and remove the text attributes of
bold, italics, and underlining on selected text.
3 Microsoft Word 2010
Alternative Methods:
Explain to students that all of the options found on the Home Ribbon can also
be found on the Font and Paragraph Dialog Boxes after the Launcher is
Apply Bold Attribute to selected text — CTRL+B
Apply Italic Attribute to selected text — CTRL+I
Apply Underline Attribute to selected text — CTRL+U
Change Font Face Attribute of selected text — CTRL + Shift +F
Change Font Size Attribute of selected text — CTRL + Shift +P
Grow Font Size Attribute of selected text — CTRL + >
Shrink Font Size Attribute of selected text — CTRL + >
Discussion Question:
Alternative Methods:
Demonstrate to students how to set up a font effect prior to keying in any text.
Font effects can be applied at any time during document creation. Font effects
can be removed by launching the Font dialog box and removing the check from
the effect box.
Point out the location of the alignment buttons in the Paragraph Group
on the Home Ribbon.
Explain to students that the default alignment for the blank document
template is left aligned.
Describe and illustrate all alignment options.
Lesson 3: Formatting Text 4
Remind students that alignment affects all text from the point at which
the alignment is altered or all selected text.
Alternative Methods:
All alignment options can be found by launching the Paragraph Group on the
Home Ribbon.
When using templates, alignment will be predefined. To remove a specific alignment,
the text to be affected must be selected.
Discussion Question:
Cut a selected item — CTRL+ X
Copy a selected item — CTRL+ C
Paste an item — CTRL+ V
Remind students that if they cut the wrong item, they should click the Undo button on
the Quick Access Toolbar. If students copy an incorrect item, ask them to select the
correct item and choose to copy it again. The item in error that appears on the Office
Clipboard can be deleted from the task pane by right-clicking on the item and then
choosing Delete from the Office Clipboard shortcut menu.
Discussion Question:
Ask students to recall all possible methods of using the Cut, Copy, and Paste
commands in Word 2010.
Alternative Methods:
The Paste Special Option may also be located on the Home Ribbon in the Office
Clipboard Group under the Paste dropdown option.
Lesson 3: Formatting Text 6
Remind students that if the Paste Special option to keep text only is selected that any
content other that text will be discarded. This includes pictures, tables, and formatting
such as bullets or numbered list items.
Explain that the option allow drag and drop text editing may be selected
in the Word Options Advanced dialog box.
Demonstrate how to enable or disable this option.
Demonstration how to use drag and drop text editing.
Explain to students that when enabled, drag and drop text editing can cause text to be
moved in error when slowly dragging the mouse over selected text. Remind student to
use the undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar to undo any dragging errors.
Explain the benefits of collecting and pasting multiple items from the
Office Clipboard.
Explain that multiple items may be copied and stored on the Office
Clipboard, up to a maximum of 24 items.
Explain that items will remain on the Office Clipboard until you exit all
Office 2010 programs that are running on your computer.
Demonstrate how to paste all items from the Office Clipboard by
selecting the Paste All button in the Clipboard task pane.
Demonstrate how to delete unwanted items from the Office Clipboard by
choosing the arrow next to the item and clicking the delete option.
Explain that if a 25th item is copied to the Office Clipboard, the first item on the
clipboard will be deleted.
7 Microsoft Word 2010
Apply Styles
Instructors should do the following:
Alternative Methods:
Point out that the styles option may also be located on the Shortcut Menu by
Right-Clicking the mouse.
Open the Apply Styles Task Pane — CTRL + SHIFT + S
Explain that unwanted styles may be removed immediately using the undo button on
the Quick Access Toolbar or the normal style type, found in the Quick Styles gallery can
be applied to the text area.
Discussion Question:
Discuss how styles can be used to re-create formats that must be the same
throughout several documents.
Create a border
Define borders.
Explain to students that paragraph borders make text stand out in a
Lesson 3: Formatting Text 8
Alternative Methods:
Point out how borders other than an outline border may be used in a
Demonstrate how to easily remove borders using the Border Button in the
Paragraph Group on the Home Ribbon.
Warn students that the last outline border style that was applied will appear on future
selections. To apply a different border style, students must use the Borders and
Shading Dialog Box.
In cases of extreme difficulty in removing a border, select the text area and then
choose Clear Formatting button found in the Font Group on the Home Ribbon. This
command will remove all formatting that is applied to the selected text.
Explain that the Shading Color button will change to the last color used.
This color will be used for the next shading that is applied unless the
color is changed by selecting a new color from the drop-down list.
Demonstrate how to remove shading from selected text by using the
Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar or by changing the shade color
using the drop-down on the Shading button in the Paragraph Group.
Alternative Methods:
Demonstrate how to add shading using the Borders and Shading Dialog box
that may be accessed in the Paragraph Group on the Home Ribbon.
Demonstrate how to remove shading using the Borders and Shading Dialog box.
Explain to students that Word will automatically adjust the color of the text to white if
a dark color shade is applied. This adjustment is made for better readability.
Previewing a Document
Instructors should do the following:
Warn students that the zoom controls at the bottom of the print preview area control
the ability to zoom the document image.
Discussion Questions:
Discuss the importance of conserving materials and how the Print Preview area
can assist in accomplishing this goal.
Discuss the importance of using the Print Preview area to proofread a document
before sending the document electronically.
Lesson 3: Formatting Text 10
Printing a Document
Instructors should do the following:
Open the Print Information Window — CTRL + P
Students should be cautioned that the only way to change the default printer is to use
the Printers Option box in Windows Control Panel, which is opened from the Start
menu. Students might need administrative privileges to make this change.
Lesson Quiz
1. The default printer that is selected for your computer system affects
Word wrap.
2. A point size is equivalent to approximately 1/72 of an inch.
3. The default typing mode for Word 2010 is insert mode.
4. The Office Clipboard stores the last 25 items copied.
5. Print preview is a suggested method for proofing a document prior to
Multiple Choice
4. With each click, the _____ button increases the font size of selected text.
a. Font size
b. Enlarge
c. Grow font
d. Increase font
5. Which button would you choose to change a selected text color back to
a. Default
b. Font color
c. Standard
d. Automatic
Quiz Answers:
Multiple Choice
1. D (Character)
2. B (Font)
3. A (Drag and Drop)
4. C (Grow Font)
5. D (Automatic)
Lesson 3: Formatting Text 12
Class Projects
The class projects provide the student with the opportunity to practice skills
that were taught in the lesson. The projects may be utilized as class,
individual, or assessment activities. Completion of projects helps provide
lesson reinforcement and verification of skill mastery.
Data files to accompany the project are found in the student data files. Each
project may be verified for accuracy using the annotated project answer keys
found in the instructor’s resource files.
Hands-On Projects
Lesson 3—Exercise 1
Lesson 3—Project 1
You are a writer for the Sonoma Community College campus newspaper. Each
month you feature a new job description discussing positions that are of critical
need in your community. Revise the draft job description that you have
prepared for next month’s edition of the campus newspaper.
2. Center the document title, the author name, and the date.
3. The last sentence of the first paragraph should be included with
paragraph two.
4. Change the word host in the first paragraph to multitude.
5. Change the last sentence in paragraph two so that it is the first sentence
in paragraph three.
6. Place a paragraph border of your choice around the title of the
document. Apply light yellow shading to the border area.
7. Save the file as Lesson1project1a_complete.docx in the Lesson 3 Word
8. Apply the Heading I style to the title of the document.
9. Apply the Subtitle Emphasis style to the author’s name and date.
10. Place your name anywhere below the last paragraph of the document.
11. Apply any two character effects to your name.
12. Save the document as lesson3project1b_complete in the Lesson 3 Word
13. Close the document.
Microsoft Office Online provides access to help using the latest information
available from Microsoft. Each Microsoft Office program has its own help
resource list and step-by-step instructions that can be accessed by searching
for a specific subject or command.