RRL (Final)

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Review of Related Literature

Technological advancement makes life easier. It helps globalization to transform the world

easily. With the use of technology in the whole globe we can reach other people that are apart from

us by just an evolve communication with the use of gadgets. Nowadays, everything is advance and

updated. Behind the improvements and developments in the world are the potential, intelligent,

and imaginative people who can make these things. These advancements and developments

created by this type of people maybe or might aware that the current happenings have also many

disadvantage to them and with other people as well as to the environment.

Another disadvantage of both technology and media is the flow of inappropriate content to

certain age groups. With easy access to television and the internet, young children and teenagers

are exposed to inappropriate content such as pornography, drug use, violence and criminal


In this generation even a child know how to use gadgets, interact in the different social

media, and play games. It can affect their psychological thinking because of what are their

experience and see in the internet and also may affect their personality and attitudes. We all know

that aside from its big impact in our social life it also create many cybercrimes which mostly

involve youths. But the pressure and responsibility are in their parents and guardians.

We are living in an age where almost every aspect of our lives has been penetrated by the

permeating reach of technology. Technology is defined as the set of knowledge and skills which,
when applied logically and orderly, enable humans to modify their environment. It is the use of

scientific knowledge for practical purposes or applications, whether in industry or in our everyday

lives. It is the application of knowledge to the world that allows people to affect their environment

by controlling or changing it.

The internet is very useful and helpful for all people. It help us a lot in our studies, works,

gathering information, etc. in short it makes our life easier. But it has also disadvantages as what

I have already enumerated above, specifically in media and internet because there is a widespread

of threats in the internet like malware viruses which can destroy your software and get some private

information about you.

In an essay, it was stated that technology affects people all over the world either positively

or negatively. Advances in technology have brought online banking, smart cars, smart TVs,

computers, and such. However, it also brought cyber warfare, hackers, identity theft, cyber

stalking, and many other things. According to Mishra (n.d.) in one of his essays, science and

technology have played a prolific role in transforming the way people would have imagined the

world would be. The advent of technology has brought many advancements in all field, including

medicine, business, communication, education, and others which greatly improved how humans


“What Would Life be Without Technology” (2016) stated that the lives of people have

changed a great deal due to the advent of technology. They have become easier, faster, more

comfortable, and dynamic. At the same time though, our lives have become lethargic and
preposterous as we delved deeper into the use of it. Technology has enriched our lives and

enlightened our minds, but in pursuit of its cozy comforts, people tend to be over-reliant on it, so

much that they can’t even imagine living without its presence. It has affected our lives deeply and

improved our quality of living, and though it has setbacks, we cannot deny that without it, our lives

would have been simpler, harder, poorer, and disconnected.

The mobile phone is an essential part for human life all over the world. . In every single

minute we are using mobile phone for our various purposes. Even when there is no purpose we are

also just using mobile phone. This scenario is almost same all over the world. The mobile phone

has been affected the human behaviour and changed the nature of behaviour in developing

countries (Rahaman, 2017).

According to Francisco De Guzman (n.d.) the effects of electronic gadgets on students or

even to everyone, gadgets can affect us physically, mentally and in many ways we never had

thought about it. Over-use of technology, though, especially such gadgets as cell phones, iPods

and video games, presents a whole range of problems which may interfere with a student’s ability

to learn and attend to lessons. It is easy to become addicted to gaming, texting, talking on the phone

or socializing online. Some students may attempt to use their gadgets, which disrupts their

learning, and at home it detracts from study time. Children who spend long hours staring on screens

usually complain less concentration on studies. The excess use of electronics and gadgets should

be and can be controlled by their parents, and parents should adopt good strategies on handling

their children.
In the study of Karen Swabey’s Adolescent use of mobile phones: A Developmental

paradigm he stated that during adolescence (e.g. ages 13-15) communication and connectedness

with peers is an essential part of adolescents’ self-identity; mobiles phones are a conduit that

maintains both communication and connectedness among adolescents whereby social interactions

and connectedness are not limited by place, context or time. The results of the study suggest that

young people use their mobile phones as a way of expressing their sense of self and as a means of

communicating quickly between peers.

However, we should reflect on this subject and draw the right conclusions. It is not that we

should immediately throw them away, but to take note of some of the measures to prevent the

development of diseases and symptoms developing due to phone radiation. It is important to

protect your children and future mothers so that everyone knows how to properly use the phone in

order to avoid unpleasant consequences. And once again the impact of mobile phone on a person is

not yet fully explored. In sum, it is hard to say what mobile telephony brought us. Remoteness and

lack of desire for live communication, all together constitute obvious harm of a cell phone.

Expanding the boundaries, until their complete disappearance, and the belief that at the critical

moment, we can get help compose positive aspects of cellular communication. In the end, it all

depends on us, and on how well we organize our using of a mobile phone.

As stated in an essay in 2015, nowadays, we can easily found children as young as two

years old are playing with an electronic devices and gadgets anywhere. That is not only the video

games that make the children stay, it is also includes television, mobile phones and smart phones
application, computers, tablet computers, PSP games, etc. Children tend to be active consumers,

many electronic products and gadgets’ commercial have been targeted to young children market.

Parents may find it easier to make their children stay in one place by giving them a gadgets to play


According to the sources from a survey of Kaiser Family Foundation, children are spending

an average of more than 7 hours per day on the electronic device which includes television,

electronic games, internet and some mobile devices. These data show that, kids today are easily

used up more than 50 hours weekly, which means the time consume is more than working hours

of an adult, if we take an average of 8 hours per days for 6 working days.

Surveys showed that these young kids know how to play with the smart-phone, make a

mobile phone calls and even open internet browsers on their own without any aid. However, on

the same survey found that there are lesser kids on the same age range know how to tie a shoelace

without help or swim unaided. A concern on children may be fluent in technical driven skillset

rather than real-life practical skills. The devices and games tend to keep the children out of touch

of reality.

In the year where electronic gadgets are not yet invented like computers, students are not yet

engage in activities using technologies. Students rely on books and visit library facilities to study,

read their notes and review their school lessons. During those years, despite the lack of computers

and hi-tech gadgets students still achieve high and good grades and the students are still focused on

their studies. They strive hard just for them to pass in every subjects they have. For as todays’
generation we may find it hassle because we need to give enough efforts to gather information from

the books in the library, newspapers, magazines, and any other means.

According to the Journal of Depression and Anxiety (2018) one of the impact of using

gadgets on children is by improving their cognitive skills which they possess an ability to process

information, reasoning, remembering and relating objects with other objects. Nowadays technology

helps faster and better development of cognitive skills in kids. The games which they use to play

before whether it’s a puzzle or scribbling on drawing books everything now can be done on

electronic devices.

The study revealed that students who spent over two hours every day both studying and

using messaging apps, especially the popular line, scored worse on a math exam than those who

spent less than 30 minutes a day but didn’t use a smartphone at all Junichi Sato (n. d.).

“When people talk about children using smartphones in a negative sense, their main

concern seems to be about their criminal use, but this study calls the attention of parents and

students to the risk that excessive use of smartphones can compromise students’ effort to study,”

Sato said. Sato advises the use of smartphones and other mobile devices be limited to just an hour

a day.
Positive impact of gadgets to our lives

According to Thatte (2018) gadgets with internet made changes on our lives in several

ways and brought our dependence on technology to perform certain tasks on our daily routine.

Now, we often ask online if we are doing the right thing when we have tasks to do especially now

that communication is much easier. According to Atkinson (2016), we now have more control

over how we communicate than ever before and have more options. The great thing about this is

that today we can choose the best way to communicate with others whatever that might be,

personal or professional depending on our needs without being left with just one method. A

message won’t wait up to weeks, months or even years for it to be received. It is now available to

talk with someone through video chatting, text messaging, group chat, voice call and in just one

click your message will be sent so fast like a lightning.

Over recent years, technology has resulted in huge changes in the world of home

entertainment. People can now enjoy all sorts of activities at home without the need to splash out

loads of money as they might when they go out (Ismail, 2017). There is no longer any need to go

to arcades or casinos to enjoy gaming. Thanks to fast internet connection and a range of online

gaming sites as well as excellent gaming apps, all sorts of games can now be enjoyed at home.

You no longer need to spend money to buy sports equipment to play sports, you can now just

download the game online for free and play it on your gadget while staying at home. When we go

to the cinema, we spend a lot of money just to be able to watch the latest movies especially if there
is a group of you going. Technology has changed through time so now you can just sit at home

and enjoy access to all movies and even television shows. People can now find all the movie

entertainment they want online and free of charge. Many people also satisfy themselves with good

books, magazine, or newspaper. But you no longer have to go out and waste money to buy them

because you can access them all online. From eBooks and online magazines to online news reports,

you can get everything you need online. As you can see, modern technology has had a huge impact

on the way in which we enjoy entertainment at home.

Bernard (2017) stated that technology is providing a way for learning models to become

increasingly personalized. Every student learns differently, and technology allows teachers to fit

in with unique learning styles depending on a student’s situation. Now educators classify the

learners according to their grasping level and lets students learn at a pace best suited to their needs.

Gadget is replacing the role of textbooks little by little in the classrooms because of its portability

and students are tackling subjects with the help of learning software that assist their needs. Thus,

with the help of gadgets, it is now possible to makes our lives easier and convenient.

Negative impacts of gadgets to the lives of students

Sherkhane (2018) stated that technology has made our youth the most vulnerable group

among today’s population, because of their accessibility and addiction to newer gadgets, which

are cheap and easily available. Even though gadgets have many positive contributions to the
world, it is still unavoidable for the young ones to get engaged with gadget addiction. ‘Drug

Addiction’ of our youth has always been a problem to our society but ‘Gadget addiction’ is more

of a critical area of concern in this era and now has become a huge threat to the social

infrastructure in the future. Addiction is an overpowering urge which is accompanied by loss of

control that leads to lower emotional intelligence secondarily failing the academic and

professional performance as well as hampering their family life leading to life threatening

problems in future. Youth from 15 to 24 years old is the most vulnerable group among the

population to be addicted to technology. The dependency of these people on the services

provided by these technological gadgets has reached at such a level that, without these, they are

unable to think a step forward in the direction of their growth. The degree of dependency is

leading to addiction of the tech-devices and services. Continuous use of gadget leads to many

reported health problems depending on the amount of time spent on gadget. There are adverse

effects like physiological, psychological, social and emotional.

High levels of engagement with multimedia technology may be physically changing our

brain structure and function (Harrison & Lucassen, 2019). It is estimated that more than 5

billion people have mobile devices, and over half of these are smartphones according to

(Pewresearch, 2019) and while mobile phones were originally designed to facilitate phone calls

on the go, a third of smartphone users don’t actually make traditional voice calls at all.
Instead, phones are used as mobile computers for checking email, shopping online,

accessing news, downloading music and videos, engaging in social media, ordering food, and

looking at maps. We can now easily have our access to the internet anytime we want and

seemingly find out the answer to almost any questions we have in mind at just one tap. But think

about how you feel when you realize you have forgotten to bring your phone with you or left it

behind somewhere. It can be uncomfortable, right? Some people experience significant stress

and anxiety when they are separated from their phones. Aside from that, sometimes we often

check our social media because on the fear of missing with something important whether it’s an

event, a work or social opportunity, a communication, or just something cool you might like to

see or be part of. Social media, by its nature, actively encourages social comparison as it is filled

with information that can easily be used as a basis of obvious social success. It can actually

control our emotional state because if we don’t get enough likes to a comment or picture we have

posted, or if someone has more likes or friends than us, it can possibly make us feel inferior. The

posts we see on social media effectively gives false impression that others have more perfect and

interesting lives than our own. Increasing the likelihood of negative social comparisons can have

serious consequences on our wellbeing.

According to Pietrangelo (2019) technology in the bedroom can interfere with sleep in a

number of ways. In the United States, 90% of people say that they use technology devices in the

hour before going to bed, which can be physiologically and psychologically stimulating enough
to affect sleep. Exposure to the blue light that devices produce can destroy melatonin and

interrupt your day-to-day clock. Both of these effects can make it harder to fall asleep and result

in you being less alert in the morning. Having gadgets in the bedroom places temptation at your

fingertips, and it can make sleeping more difficult. In return, can make it harder to drift off when

you try to sleep. Constant lack of sleep can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness, emotional

difficulties, poor job performance, obesity and a lowered perception of quality of life (Davis,

2018). Sleep loss changes your normal functioning of attention and interrupts the ability to focus

on environmental sensory input. Some groups of people purposely deprive themselves from their

sleep to pursue other things such as entertainment, educational goals, or money-making hunts

that you can acquire from the gadgets. Also, intentional sleep deprivation is most likely to be

seen in teenagers and young adults. Additional causes of sleep deprivation include medical

problems such as depression.

“Gadgets are indeed can be helpful or wasteful of time”.

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