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ISSN 0043-2326
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 85-647116

Welding Research Council

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Design Criteria for Dissimilar Metal Welds

by R . H. RYDER and C . F. DAHMS

CONTENTS able to meet economically the requirements of in-

Foreword creased creep strength and oxidation resistance in the
1. Introduction final stages of these components . The two materials,
DMW Projects, History and Current having different coefficients of expansion, produce a
Objectives 1 DMW when joined together . In fossil-fired applica-
Technical Approach 3 tions, failures have occurred in plants where condi-
2. Description of PODIS 4 tions were severe.
Failure Modes 4 In primary-pressure boundary applications in nu-
Mode I Damage Assessment 4 clear components, use of the ASME Code design anal-
Mode II Damage Assessment 5 ysis requirements yields unsatisfactory design lives .l
3. Design Criteria 6 Accurate prediction of service, or test life (of laborato-
A nticipated Uncertainty 7 ry specimens), using detailed finite element analyses,
4. Proposed Changes to Code Case N-47 7 has been found to be extremely difficult .2
-3000 Class I Dissimilar Weld Design 7 DMW Projects, History and Current Objectives
5. References 11 A major program (Task 300 in Fig. 1-1) for fossil-
fired plants aimed at identifying failure modes, causes
of failure and suitable remedies for short service life
has been carried out over the past eight years . This
Foreword program, sponsored by Electric Power Research Insti-
tute (EPRI) and managed by the Materials Properties
The design criteria described in this bulletin are based on Council (MPC), is nearing completion . The final
a life prediction method developed by Electric Power Re-
search Institute (EPRI) as part of a program to investigate, stages of the testing of an improved filler metal are in
and quantify, the causes of failure of dissimilar metal welds progress . In addition to identifying the causes and
(DMW) . The program included extensive research into the remedies of DMW failures, the data gathered in the
metallography of such welds, compilation of a data base course of the project has been integrated into a DMW
relating failures to service loads, and evaluation of improved life prediction technique known as PODIS (Prediction
filler metals and weld configurations . Considerable technical
input to the program was provided by an ad hoc task group Qf Damage In Service). The technique is now pro-
of the Materials Properties Council. grammed for use on personal computers and is avail-
At the time of publication of this Bulletin, work is con- able from EPRI . The main conclusion of the research
tinuing on the final stages of the testing of the improved project is that DMWs will exhibit a satisfactory service
filler metal . The results of the program to date have been life if loads and temperatures are held to reasonable
published in CS-4252 "Dissimilar—Weld Failures Analysis
and Development," volumes 1 through 8, available from levels . The details of the findings are somewhat con-
EPRI. This report includes guidelines on how to carry out a trary to what would be predicted using state-of-the-
full condition assessment of dissimilar metal welds . Numer- art finite element stress analyses and failure criteria
ous companion papers are also available in the open litera- applicable to nuclear components.
ture describing specific areas of the work performed and
EPRI is conducting seminars at member utilities on the use With regard to nuclear applications, two major pro-
of the DMW life prediction computer program PODIS. grams were under way, but have now been terminated.
The first (Task 100 of Fig . 1-1) was related to the
1 . Introduction DMW in the piping of the proposed Liquid Metal Fast
Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) which contained a joint
Dissimilar metal weldments (DMWs) are widely between stainless steel and ferritic steel piping . This
used to join low alloy ferritic steel to austenitic stain- joint also included a spool-piece of Alloy 800H insert-
less steel in tubes of superheaters and reheaters of ed between the two base metals.
central power station boilers. Austenitic material is The second program (Task 200 in Fig . 1-1) related to
the DMWs in the super-heater tubing of the steam
generators for the High Temperature Gas Cooled Re-
R . H . Ryder and C. F. Dahms are with General Atomics in San Diego, CA. actor (HTGR) . Although the design work is continu-
Publication of this report was sponsored by the Subcommittee on Elevat-
ed Temperature Design of the Pressure Vessel Research Committee of ing for this reactor, no special design rules are deemed
the Welding Research Council . necessary for the DMW, since it is now to be located in
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Dissimilar Metal Welds 1

r -
PROJECT FUNDS 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 TASK



Fig. 1-1—Dissimilar weld projects

a position where the materials are expected to be at phasis changed from one of validation of proposed
temperatures below that at which significant creep criteria to one of generation of new criteria.
takes place. This new emphasis was given further impetus by a
The program to evaluate the LMFBR DMW encom- program (Task 400 of Fig . 101), funded by EPRI, to
passed both testing and analysis and was funded by develop Design Criteria Strategies for Dissimilar
the Department of Energy (DOE) . A significant con- Welds in HTGRs . This project was established in 1984
clusion of this work was that the life achieved under as part of the Government-Industry HTGR program
test conditions simulating service transients and tem- and involved transfer of technology from the fossil
peratures was not predictable using state-of-the-art program to the HTGR program.
finite element methods . Although full elastic-plastic- The intention of the project was to define strategies
creep analyses were performed, magnitudes of stress for both near-term and long-term criteria develop-
and strain components calculated were found to de- ment ; and then, to implement the chosen strategies.
pend on the size of the mesh used in the model . This The major conclusion from the first phase of the pro-
conclusion is a direct result of the elastic stress singu- ject was that the best near term strategy for develop-
larity which theoretically exists at the interface for ing suitable criteria would involve the use of the con-
certain geometries of dissimilar weld . The validity of siderable data base available from the fossil program.
the predictions is questionable when the finite ele- A specific task to be carried out in the near term would
ment size approaches the grain size of the material and be to combine this service/laboratory data base with
significant material properties variations can occur the laboratory data base being generated (under DOE
over lengths of 1—100 µm. funding) for the HTGR tubing. The combining of
The HTGR work (Task 200) was initiated as a test these data would be done via PODIS and some refer-
program to validate the preliminary design criteria ence stress/strain parameter to account for the materi-
proposed in 1975 for the steam generator tubing al and geometric differences between the two weld
DMW . This program proceeded in parallel, to a cer- configurations . (See Fig . 1-2).
tain extent, with the fossil plant program and benefit- At this point, the PVRC Elevated Temperature De-
ed from it. As a result of the data generated, the em- sign Subcommittee also requested that a preliminary
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2 WRC Bulletin 350





Fig . 1-2—Design by rule architecture

investigation (Task 500 of Fig . 1-1) be carried out to Technical Approach

develop a similar approach for the LMFBR and other As indicated in the previous paragraphs, the objec-
nuclear applications. tive of this program is to develop from PODIS a set of
Unfortunately, the EPRI-HTGR (Task 400) fund- design rules for dissimilar welds which will follow the
ing was redirected in 1985 to other areas and no fur- general approach of Code Case N-47.
ther work was able to be carried out on developing the In the approach being followed, PODIS is consid-
criteria . Thus, there remained the PVRC funding and ered analogous to the linear-damage rule currently
the DOE-HTGR test program. forming the basis for the creep-fatigue rules of Code
The workscope for the PVRC support was, there- Case N-47 . PODIS relates to the performance of a
fore, modified to produce design criteria for nuclear specific structural item under the action of specific
application directly from the data generated in the loadings . It is, essentially, a damage algorithm in just
fossil program . This, in effect, means that the PVRC the same way that the continuous cycling fatigue
support was used to develop a nuclear-design-applica- curves and time-to-rupture curves of N-47 are damage
ble version of PODIS ; that is, a version which has algorithms. The use of PODIS as a design tool is thus,
design margins incorporated within it equivalent to in reality, a design-by-analysis approach, rather than
those incorporated in the linear damage approach of that of design-by-rule . The only difference between
ASME code-case N47 . 3 PODIS and the current N-47 rules is that PODIS
The DOE-HTGR DMW test program (Task 400) relates to performance of a specific component where-
has now been terminated, leaving the PVRC support as N-47 relates to materials performance in a compo-
as the sole source of DMW design criteria funding. nent.
The intention is to provide the PODIS—based design It should be noted that the design criteria presented
criteria for the two main types of DMW (i .e., those are strictly applicable only to butt-welded tubes of less
made with stainless-steel filler metal, and those made than 3-in. diameter with DMWs between stainless
with nickel-base filler metal). steel and ferritic steel base metals . Criteria for other
The development of a design version of PODIS for configurations may be developed later.
geometries other than a butt-welded tube will be car- The following sections give details of how the neces-
ried out at a later date. sary design margins are to be incorporated in PODIS
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Dissimilar Metal Welds

and a preliminary mark up of the appropriate sections pressure-induced hoop stress but in the ab-
of N-47. sence of any other external loading. (Note:
pressure-induced axial stress is included in
2 . Description of PODIS Dp (below), not in D I .)
• Dp = Damage caused by the primary (load-con-
The metallurgical characteristics of the damage ob-
trolled) components of the "system" loads
served in both service and laboratory test samples4
on the weld . "System" loads in this context
indicate that creep rupture is the dominant DMW
are those arising at the weld location within
failure mode . However, it was also observed that tem-
the tube assembly (platen) including the ax-
perature cycling contributes significantly to damage
ial effect of pressure. Loads in this category
and can cause failure even when primary stress levels
are deadweight and axial pressure load.
are relatively low. Therefore, a creep-fatigue concept
• Ds = Damage caused by the secondary (strain-
was used as the basis for the development of PODIS . A
controlled) components of the "system"
simple linear summation philosophy was incorporated
loads on the weld . Loads in this category are
which recognizes damage caused by self loads, sus-
those due to restrained thermal expansion
tained primary stresses and cyclic secondary loads.
of the tube assembly.
Failure Modes
The total damage is then given by the summation of
The failure modes of concern were studied in the
the values of all three damage components.
fossil-fueled plant program 4 and all involved the de-
velopment of creep damage in the heat-affected zone DToT = DI+DP+Ds
(HAZ) on the ferritic steel side of the DMW . Damage
The value of D T o T is a direct prediction of the amount
in this region is expected to occur first because the
of interface material damage to be expected . Material
creep resistance of the material, at the temperatures of
damage is specifically defined as the portion of the
interest, is much lower than that of the austenitic
weld interface unable to transmit load by virtue of
parent metal or the commonly used filler metals . The
voiding or cracking resulting from time-dependent
general macroscopic appearance of many failures sug-
processes . For an unfailed weld, it is computed by
gests that failure occurs by a relatively low ductility
subtracting from the original area of the interface (in a
process and the final fracture surface may show evi-
longitudinal cross section of the weld) the area of the
dence of the weld bead contours. However, detailed
interface remaining intact and dividing the result by
examination has shown that failure can occur by one of
the original interface area . Intact material is any mate-
two submodes of damage and crack propagation. Spe-
rial through which the interface is connected to the
cifically, failures can occur by:
base tube material . DTOT at failure is obtained by
Mode I. Integranular cracking which occurs along
subtracting from the original area of the interface the
prior austenite grain boundaries within the ferritic
area deemed to have failed by tearing (rapid tensile
HAZ adjacent (1 to 2 grains) to the weld metal inter-
failure) and dividing the result by the original inter-
face. This mode occurs for DMWs made with austenit-
face area.
ic stainless weld metal and sometimes for DMWs
The damage from the self-generated loads, DI , is
made with nickel weld metal . The initial intergranular
due to temperature cycling as a result of power
voiding or cracking does not normally start out at
changes and due to self-stresses induced during hold
either the inside or outside surfaces but develops with-
periods . These self-stresses are strain-controlled in
in the wall of the tube . Failure occurs by crack link-up
nature . As a result, the stresses will relax with time in a
and propagation to the surfaces.
manner dictated by the creep properties of the materi-
Mode II. Interfacial voiding in which voiding and
al and the multiaxial stress state in the region . For the
cracking occur along a planar array of coarse globular
sake of simplicity, a factored elastically calculated ini-
carbides that form along the ferritic HAZ to weld met-
tial stress is assumed to regenerate as a result of the
al interface . This mode occurs only for nickel weld
startup-shutdown cycle, and this value is used as the
metals but may be accompanied by some Mode I
nominal stress to evaluate the creep damage . Hence, in
cracking . The initial interfacial voiding again starts
the evaluation of the creep damage component, only
from within the tube wall. Final failure occurs by void
the duration at nominal operating temperature is re-
link-up and crack propagation to the surfaces.
quired . In the fatigue damage evaluation, the strain
Mode I Damage Assessment range is based on the mean wall temperature change
For the purpose of estimating Mode I damage aris- AT (°F) occurring during operation.
ing in stainless-steel filler metal welds, the loading to The load damage relationship for DI is:
which the DMW is subjected was divided into three
categories. The corresponding three damage compo- DI = k l n(EI )'' + k 2 th 4l0f(T° ) ,
nents are defined as follows:
• DI = Intrinsic- (or self-) damage, caused when where
temperature changes are applied to the dis- m = number of loading conditions,
similar weld in the presence of the normal a l = factored self-stress based on To,
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4 WRC Bulletin 350

el = strain range based on AT, To = average operating temperature at steady-

n = number of cycles of el strain, state loading condition, m,
To = average operating temperature at steady- t h = total hold time at To,
state loading condition, m, f (To) = function of To,
th = total hold time at To k 4 , and k 5 are constants.
f(To) = function of To,
The algorithm in PODIS for Mode I failure in nickel
y, $, k l and k2 are constants.
base DMWs contains terms for Dp and Ds only . Be-
The Dp damage term due to the primary loads dur- cause of the small difference in the coefficients of
ing steady-state operation (pressure and deadweight) thermal expansion between the nickel-base weld met-
is assumed to have the characteristics of creep rupture al and the ferritic parent metal, the intrinsic damage
damage . There is no significant cycling damage effect, term D/ was assumed to be zero. Additionally, most of
since these loads are generally applied continuously the Mode I failures for nickel-base welds were ob-
during service. The elastically calculated initial axial tained in laboratory tests where secondary loads are
stress is used as the nominal steady-state value . The typically absent. Thus, the nickel-base PODIS for
load-damage relationship for Dp is: Mode I, failure is characterized by data supporting the
Dp term alone. In the absence of specific data to quan-
Dp = k 3t h aplOf(T°) , tify Ds, the constants for stainless-steel DMWs are
conservatively used.
where The definitions of damage terms Dp and Ds are the
same as for stainless-steel welds, only the constants in
m = number of loading conditions, the Dp term are different. The total damage is given by
op = axial primary stress, the summation of the values of the two components:
To = average operating temperature at steady-
state loading conditions, m, DTOT = Dp + Ds.
t h = total hold time at To, Mode II Damage Assessment
f(To) = function of To, For the purpose of estimating Mode 2 damage in a
a and k 3 are constants. nickel-base DMW, the loading is divided into two cat-
The Ds damage term due to secondary bending egories. The first is associated with the primary pres-
loads arises from load cycling due to power changes sure plus deadweight loads, and the second is associat-
and from creep-rupture damage induced during hold ed with the secondary thermal expansion loads arising
periods . The loads are assumed to be strain-controlled from the outside structural system (tube bundle and
and relax at elevated temperature . They are also as- supports) . As for Mode I in nickel-base welds, the
sumed to regenerate due to temperature cycling. For intrinsic damage term DI is assumed to be zero. It is
the sake of simplicity, an elastically calculated initial assumed that a theoretical estimate of damage can be
stress is assumed to regenerate as a result of the start- obtained by the linear summation of damage from the
up-shutdown cycle, and this value is used as the nomi- two loading components . The two damage compo-
nal stress to evaluate creep damage . The system axial nents are defined in the same way as for stainless-steel
bending stress is obtained from an overall elastic load filler weld Mode I damage.
analysis (similar to a piping analysis) of the tube as- The Dp damage term due to the primary loads dur-
semblies . In the work done to develop the methodolo- ing steady-state operation (pressure and deadweight)
gy, SAP-IV (MODSAP) computer program 5 was used is assumed to have the characteristics of creep rupture
for the load analysis. The analysis considers such fac- damage . There is no significant cycling damage effect,
tors as temperature distribution, local support config- since these loads are generally applied continuously.
uration, local support condition and different material The elastically calculated initial axial stress is used as
properties. the nominal starting stress value. A stress modifier is
For the creep damage evaluation, the elastically cal- introduced to account for a loss of net section load-
culated axial bending stress at nominal operating tem- carrying area due to the growth of interfacial carbides.
perature is used . In the fatigue damage evaluation, the This is based on the observation that long-term service
strain range for startup and shutdown is obtained failures are strongly associated with the growth of a
from the elastically calculated axial bending stress at planar array of carbides at the weld interface . It is
full power and the mean wall temperature change AT. further observed that in laboratory tests, where these
The load-damage relationship for Ds is: carbides are present above a certain size, the rupture
m life of nickel-base DMWs is reduced to a value compa-
Ds = k 4ne + k 5 t h ol0f(T°) , rable with that for stainless-steel filler DMWs . When
the interfacial carbides are absent or small, the rup-
ture life of a nickel-base DMW is three to four times
that of a stainless-steel DMW under similar condi-
m = number of loading conditions, tions . The algorithm used to account for the progres-
s = axial secondary stress, sive loss of load-carrying capability is based on experi-
es = strain range based on AT, mentally determined kinetics of carbide growth . The
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Dissimilar Metal Welds 5

equation for carbide growth is6 stores the weld strength. The redissolution behavior
d = kt 1i3 10gm , has been approximated in PODIS by use of a time-
temperature algorithm based on the Larson-Miller pa-
where rameter. The algorithm ensures that redissolution
d = carbide length in the direction parallel to the starts to occur at an LMP of 38,500 . Subsequent redis-
weld interface, solution behavior is assumed to be a mirror image of
t = time, the growth behavior.
g(T) = function of operating temperature, T, The Ds damage term due to secondary bending
k = a constant. loads arises from loading cycling due to power changes
and from creep-rupture damage induced during hold
It is observed that little or no additional carbide periods . This load is strain-controlled and relaxes at
nucleation occurs with time, and that carbide growth elevated temperature . However, the stress modifier
depends on time and temperature . Hence, the pitch "w" is again introduced (as for Dp) in the creep damage
(sum of ligament width and major carbide diameter) term to account for the effective loss of load-carrying
remains constant. The average pitch value was deter- area due to the growth of interfacial carbides.
mined6 to be 1.723 µm. The loss of the load-carrying The fatigue damage evaluation for Ds is the same as
section is then given by: that described for stainless-steel welds . The stress
k modifier "w" is not used in this fatigue damage evalua-
.723 X (diameter of carbide), tion. The load-damage relationship for Ds is:
w 1
_ kd Ds = k4n(Es) ' + k5t m10f(T°) [as/(1 — k710g(To) tn13 )] ,
1 .723
= k6t o 10g( To) ,
m = number of loading conditions,
where as = axial secondary stress,
Es = strain range based on AR,
w= effective fraction of interface lost due to car-
t,,, = incremental time for a constant as,
bide growth, t o = cumulative time from t = 0 to the end of time
k6 = a constant.
interval tm, adjusted for segments with differ-
The effective net section stress than takes the form, ent temperatures,
f(To) and g(To) are functions of operating tempera-
ture, To,
y, ,B, k4, k5 and k6 are constants.

The load-damage relationship for Dp is: 3. Design Criteria

As discussed in Section 1, PODIS is considered anal-
Dp = kgtm 10f(T°) [O p/(1 — k61Og(T°)t/3 )] 0 , ogous to the linear damage summation approach for
creep-fatigue currently in Code Case N-47.3 There are,
however, certain specific differences which must be
where considered to gain a complete understanding of the
m = number of loading conditions, philosophy of the approach being followed.
PODIS is formulated on the assumption that dam-
Qp = axial primary stress,
tm = incremental time for a constant a p, age (and eventually failure) in the DMW is a result of
to = cumulative time from t = 0 up to the end of the application of three types of loading . The damage
time interval tm, adjusted for segments with components (DI, Dp and Ds) caused by these loadings
may be considered separately and added together to
different temperatures,
To = average operating temperature at steady-state give total damage . When total damage reaches 1.0,
loading conditions, m, failure is predicted to occur . Sufficient data exist to be
f (To) and g(To) are functions of To,
able to quantify the behavior of the DMW separately
for each of the loading quantities.
y, ,B, k3, and k6 are constants.
In N-47, the creep-fatigue rules are constructed us-
The accuracy of the calculation will depend on the ing two damage components, De and Df. Failure of the
length of time interval used in the Dp evaluation . Since "material" is deemed to occur when De + Df = 1 or
effective stress Qe varies with time due to carbide some lesser value dependent upon the ratio of De to Df.
growth, several time intervals must be used in the Again De and Dfrepresent "damage" done to the mate-
computation to attain an acceptable accuracy for the rial. Sufficient data exist to be able to quantify the
damage estimates. behavior of the material separately for each of the
It should be noted that the carbides which initially loading quantities.
nucleate and grow in size will, under certain condi- Thus, the "DMW" in the PODIS algorithm is equiv-
tions, eventually redissolve. This phenomenon re- alent to the "material" in N-47, since the behavior of
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6 WRC Bulletin 350

1 .2
each can be predicted from the knowledge of the mag-
nitude of the damage components D . The current algo-
rithms in PODIS 4,7 are set to calculate damage under a
given set of loading conditions. It is an average-life
prediction tool—there are no design margins included.
The algorithm for De and D f in N-47, in contrast, 0 .8- 0

contain design margins . These are : factors of 2 to 20 on

stress and cycles, respectively, when calculating fa-
tigue damage from average material behavior and a
factor of 10 (approximately) on life when calculating
creep damage from time-to-rupture data.
Similar design margins are, therefore, required in
order to utilize PODIS in the N-47 context.
The PODIS damage terms DI and Ds contain both
fatigue and creep damage algorithms . But, by the na-
ture of the loadings, data do not exist to evaluate these 0 .0 I• I I ' I'
separately. Therefore, the design margins must be ap- 0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .4 0 .6 0.0 0 .7 0 .8 0 .9 1 .0 1 .1 1 .2

plied to the combined algorithms . At this time, to be OBSERVED DAMAGE

consistent with N-47 philosophy, an overall factor on . BASIC DATA

time of 10 on life seems appropriate. q PLANT DATA
96% CONF
The basic forms of the damage algorithms in PODIS
are : Fig . 3-1—Stainless-steel weld damage correlation
DI = k l n(e l)}' + k 2t h 410f(T)

-3000 Class I Dissimilar Weld Design

m -3010 Acceptability.
Dp = k 3th o,lOfm
(a) To protect against creep-fatigue failures, dis-
similar welds shall be designed to meet the dam-
m age requirements of -3100 and -3200.
Ds =' k4n(e8)' + k 5t h r 10f(T) (b) A dissimilar weld with stainless-steel filler met-
al shall meet the requirements of -3100.
where the k's are constants and the other items relate (c) A dissimilar weld with nickel-base filler metal
shall meet the requirements of -3100 and
to stress, temperature, cycles, etc.
-3200 .
Each of the terms involves a linear dependence on a
k constant. Thus, to introduce the design factor of 10 is
simply a matter of multiplying these constants each by
10 and restricting the resulting summation to a value
of 1 .0. 1 .2-

Anticipated Uncertainty
Figs . 3-1 and 3-24 show comparisons between PO-
DIS—calculated damage—and that observed for 0

many service and laboratory data points . Use of the a

0. e--

factored constants defined above will, in effect, give a

design limit of 0.1 for total damage . As can be seen 0 .B-

from the figures, the scatter in the data is such that for
a predicted damage of 0 .1 actual damage is, for 95% of
data, no greater than 0.5 . Thus use of a design limit of
0.1 results in a high degree of confidence that at the
0 .2-
end of service, a design margin factor of 2 will still exist
in the component. ~-- PROPOSED DESIGN LIMIT

F f I
0 .0 0.1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .4 0 .6 0 .0 0 .7 0 .8 0 .9 1 .0 1 .1 1 .2
4 . Proposed Changes to Code Case N-47

Presented in this section is a suggested methodology . BASIC DATA - LAB

for design of dissimilar welds . It could be included in •
Code Case N-47 as an appendix . The style and format q PLANT DATA
96% CONF
are preliminary but give an idea of what type of re-
quirements would be needed for design . Fig . 3-2—Nickel-base weld damage correlation
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Dissimilar Metal Welds 7

- 3100 Mode I Failure . The design life of the dis- DI - MODE I (FATIGUE)
similar welds may be subdivided into segments each
representing a different level of either applied load or
operating temperature and the associated time dura-
tion . The total damage is calculated using the design
rules in -3110, -3120 and -3130 . The total damage of
the dissimilar welds during the design life is obtained
by cumulative sum of each damage contributor . The
value of the total damage shall not exceed unity.
- 3110 Intrinsic Damage. The damage (DI) created
by the differential thermal expansion between the
weld filler and the base materials is calculated using
the following equation:
DI = k 1 nJ( EJ) + k 2 tL (crL) R 10f1TL)
J=1 L=1

M = total number of different types of loading
nJ = total number of fatigue cycles for the jth TEMPERATURE DEC F
loading cycle type,
Fig . 4-1—Failure curve for Mode I (fatigue) in stainless-steel filler
Ej = (Da) X (iTJ), differential thermal expansion D,
strains for the Jth loading cycle type,
Act= differential value of coefficient thermal ex-
pansion between the filler and base metal
OTJ = mean wall cyclic temperature range in the N
Jth loading cycle type, Dp = N k 3 tL vL10f(TL) ,
TL = the operating temperature (°F) for the Lth L=1
loading condition,
N = total number of steady-state loadings, where
tL = time duration (hr) of the Lth steady-state
loading condition,
~L = 1/2E(&a)(TL — 70) ( p s i ),
E = Young's modulus (psi),
k 1 , k 2 , y, Q, f(T) are defined in Table 4-1. STAINLESS-STEEL FILLER DMW

Figs. 4-1 and 4-2 show curves that represent D I = 1 .0.

Partial damages can be calculated by dividing the
specified service life and cycles by the corresponding
failure values obtained from these curves.
- 3120 Primary Load Damage . The damage
caused by the primary loads (pressure and dead
weight) is calculated for the design life using the fol-
lowing damage correlation

Table 4-1—Constants for Mode I Damage

Type of Filler Material
Name of Constant Stainless Steel Nickel-Base

ki 6.8 X 10-4 0
k2 2.5 X 10- 10 0
k3 2.4 X 10-' 1 .6 X 10- 7
k4 1 .0 X 10 -2 1.0 X 10 -2
k5 5.5 X 10- 10 5.5 X 10- 10
2 .7 2.7
31032 31032
f(TL ) 13 .26 - 13.26 - Fig. 4-2—Failure curve for D, Mode I (creep) in stainless-steel filler
(T + 460) (T + 460) DMW
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8 WRC Bulletin 350

QL = primary stresses (psi) created by pressure and NICKEL BASE FILLER DMW

the dead weight loads for the Lth steady state

N, TL and tL are defined in -3110,
k 3 , 0, f(t) are defined in Table 4-1.
Figs. 4-3 and 4-4 show curves that represent Mode I,
Dp = 1 .0 . Partial damages can be calculated by divid-
ing the specified service life by the corresponding fail-
ure values obtained from these curves.
- 3130 Secondary Load Damage. The damage cre-
ated by the secondary stresses is calculated using an
empirical equation. The total damage for the design
life can be calculated
Ds = k 4n J( EJ ) ' + 5' k 5 tL Q1, 10f(TL) ,
J=1 L=1


E j = QJ /E cyclic strain for the Jth loading cycle,

0L = secondary stresses (psi) caused by axial ther-
mal expansion,
M, N, TL , a and E are defined in -3110, Fig . 4-4—Failure curves for Dp Mode I (creep) in nickel-base filler
K4 , k 5, y, 0, f(TL ) are defined in Table 4-1. DMW

Fig . 4-5 and 4-6 show curves that represent Mode I, Ds

= 1 .0. Partial damages can be calculated by dividing
the specified service life and cycles by the correspond-
ing failure values obtained from these curves. similar welds as limited by Mode II failure may be
- 3140 Total Damage. The total damage created by subdivided into segments each representing a differ-
primary and secondary loads can be calculated ent level of either applied load or operating tempera-
ture and its associated time duration . The total dam-
D TOT = DI + Dp + Ds. age is calculated using the design rules in -3220 and
- 3200 Mode II Failure. The design life of the dis-




Fig . 4-3—Failure curves for Dp Mode I (creep) in stainless-steel filler Fig . 4-5—Failure curves for Ds Mode I (fatigue) in stainless-steel or
DMW nickel-base filler DMW
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Dissimilar Metal Welds 9

TL = operating temperature (°F) for the Lth
steady-state loading,
tL = time duration (hr) for the Lth steady-state
loading. Smaller time steps may be required
for accuracy depending on the specific case.

TWL = tL when t L < MTL

TWL = 2MTL — tL when MTL < tL < 2MTL
TWL = 0 when tL > 2MTL

tL _ 25665[1/(TL+460)-1/(T K +460)]
MTL = 10 [385001(T1+460)-20]

Fig . 4-7 shows curves that represent Mode II, Dp = 1 .0

for a single steady-state loading condition . Partial
damages can be calculated by material constant deter-
mined for the Lth steady-state loading dividing the
TIME HRS specified service life by the corresponding failure val-
ues obtained from these curves . It does not take into
Fig . 4-6—Failure curves for Ds Mode I (creep) in stainless-steel or
nickel-base filler DMW account any prior operating condition that would re-
sult in carbide growth . Therefore, it can only be used
where only one loading segment is required in the
design. For cases involving multiple segments, a step-
wise calculation must be performed for each segment.
-3230 . The total damage of the dissimilar welds dur-
-3230 Secondary Load Damage. The damages
ing the design life is obtained by cumulative sum of
caused by secondary stresses during the design life can
each damage contributor . The value of the total dam-
be calculated as follows
age shall not exceed unity.
-3220 Primary Load Damage. Total damage cre-
ated by the primary loads (pressure and dead weight)
is calculated for the design life from:
DP =
L=1 - k 6 10g(TL) (TWL + 0.5 tL)1/3 L

k 3 , k 6 , 13, AT') and g(TL ) are defined in Table 4-2,
oL = primary stresses (psi) for the Lth steady-state
N = total number of different types of steady-state

Table 4-2—Constants for Mode Ii Damage for Nickel-Base

Filler Materials
Name of Constant Value
k3 6 .8 X 10- 8
k4 1 .6 X 10 -3
k5 8 .9 x 10- 9
k6 0 .65
0 0 .2
2 .7
f(TL ) 13 .26 (*Not Valid below 1500 psi)
- (T + 460)
g(TL) 4- Fig . 4-7—Failure curves for D,. Mode II (creep) in nickel-base filler
(T + 460) DMW
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10 WRC Bulletin 350


Ds = k 4nJ( t

aL ( TL )
lof tL,
+ L= 1 — k 6 10g(TL) (TWL + 0.5 TL)1/3

where k 4 , k 5 , k 6 , 'y, a, f(TL ) and g(TL ) are defined in

Table 4-2 . M, nJ and ej are defined in -3130 . All other
variables are defined in -3220.
Figs. 4-8 and 4-9 show curves that represent Mode
II, Ds = 1 .0 for a single steady-state loading condition.
Partial damages can be calculated by dividing the
specified service life and cycles by the corresponding
failure values obtained from these curves. The creep
damage does not take into account any prior operating
condition that would result in carbide growth.
-3240 Total Damage. The total damage created by
primary and secondary loads can be calculated from

DTOT = Dp + Ds

(*Not valid below 4000 psi)

Fig. 4-9—Failure curves for Ds Mode II (creep) in nickel-base filler


5 . References
1. Ryder, R. H ., "Design Criteria Strategies for Dissimilar Welds in High
Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors," EPRI-HTGR-85-02, Electric Power Re-
search Institute, Dec. 1985.
2. Sartory, W. K., "Revised Analysis of the Transition Joint Life Test,"
ORNL/TM-9211, July 1984.
3. Case N-47 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Version N-47-
21, Dec. 11, 1981.
4. "Dissimilar Metal Weld Failure Analysis and Development Program,"
EPRI CS-4252, Nov . 1985.
DS - MODE II (FATIGUE) 5. Johnson, J . J ., "MODSAP—A Modified Version of the Structural Analy-
NICKEL BASE FILLER DMW sis Program SAPIV for the Static and Dynamic Response of Linear and
Localized Nonlinear Structures," GA-A14004, GA Technologies Inc ., June
1978 .
6. Foulds, J. R ., "Kinetics of Interfacial Carbide Growth at Ni-Based
2 1/4 Cr-lMo Transition Joints," GA-C18533, GA Technologies Inc ., June 1986.
7. "Transition Joint Development Program—Final Report," GEFR-00645,
General Electric, Advanced Reactor Systems Department, Dec . 1982.



Fig. 4-8—Failure curves for Ds Mode II (fatigue) in nickel-base filler

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Dissimilar Metal Welds 11

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