Coco Cost of Production1

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Production Cost & Income Estimates Per Hectare

Production Costing Production Income
Commodity Cost/Unit Total Price/ Gross Pest and Disease Intervention
Particular Qty. Particular Kg. (₱)
(₱) Cost(₱) Income(₱)
Coconut Seedling 123 pcs. 30 3,690
Organic Fertilizer 5 bags 600 3,000
Pesticide: Fungicide 1kg. 600 600
Insecticide 1L 1,200 1,200
Knapsack sprayer 1 unit 2,500 2,500
Sub-total 10,990

Land preparation
Plowing (tractor) 2 times 500 1,000
Fuel 40 L 31 1,240
Lay-out & staking 3MD 200 600
Holing, basal
application & 123 holes 15 1,845
Sub-total 4,685

Care & maintenance Insect pest Insecticide & fungicide

Fertilizer application (Brontispa,Coco application;bio-control
(Salt) 123 hills 5 615 lisap,Rhinoceros (black earwig,green
beetle, Leaf mascardine
Pesticide application
24MD 200 4,800 eater) & fungi fungus);light traps; salt
(1 year)
(bud rot,leaf spot) subsidy
Weeding (5 years) 120MD 200 24,000
Sub-total 29,415
Harvest &
postharvest (Annual)
Harvesting & 0.5₡
5,289 nuts 2,644.5
Hauling (cents)
Copra processing:
dehusking, splitting,
5,289 nuts 1.5 7,933.5 1,322.25 34 44,956.5
drying, deshelling &
Sub-total 10,578 44,956.5
Charcoal making
4MD 200 800 16 6,768
423 kgs
8 Drums rented 50 400
Sub-total 1,200 6,768
Total 56,868 51,724.5

Cost and Return Analysis (Depending on price fluctuation)

For Copra & Charcoal
Year after planting
5 6
Gross Income(₱) 51,724.5 51,724.5
Production Cost(₱) 56,868.0 16,578.0
Net Income(₱) -5,143.5 35,146.5

6 years & onwards (towards stable production):

Return of Investment ( ROI) = Net Income x 100 =35,146.5 x 100 = 2.12 x 100 = 212%
Production Cost 16,578
For Copra only
Year after planting
5 6
Gross Income(₱) 44,956.5 44,956.5
Production Cost(₱) 55,668.0 15,378.0
Net Income(₱) -10,711.5 29,578.5

6 years & onwards (towards stable production):

Return of Investment ( ROI) = Net Income x 100 =29,578.5 x 100 = 1.92 x 100 = 192%
Production Cost 15,378

 Production starts at 5 years after planting.
 123 hills at 9m x 9m of planting distance
 Average number of nuts/tree/year - 43 (Ranges 15 - 70 nuts per tree)
Annual average:
a. Number of nuts - 5, 289
b. Copra - 1,322.25 kgs
c. Charcoal – 423 kgs.

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