Questionnaire For Participation

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Student’s Participation Measures

Dear respondent, I am undergoing a research to find the reasons of least participation of students in
extracurricular events. You are requested to tick the option that best shows your preference and please
pay attention to respond the questions and help it to be of high validity. Your information will be kept

Demographic Variables 2) Age: 3) Class:

1) Gender:  15-25 yrs  Class 8
 Male  26-35 yrs  Class 9 A/B
 Female  36-45 yrs  Class 10 A/B/C/D
 46 & above  Class 11 A/B/C/D

(SA= Strongly Agree, A=Agree, N= Neutral, DA= Disagree, SD= strongly Disagree)

Sno. Bullying SA A N DA SD

1. You think most people will make fun

of you when you’ll perform.
2. Cu Usually your classmates make fun of
you after your performance.
3. Your seniors make fun of your
4. You think bullying is lowering your
confidence level.
5. You think teachers or school staff is
not supportive to stop bullying.
Sno. Introversion

1. You quickly feel drained when in a

large crowd of people
2. You don’t take risks unless You’ve
done some careful research or
evaluation first.
3. Too much exposure to noise or light
leaves you feeling drained or spacey.
4. You get more excited by ideas than by
external activities.
5. You are unable to face anyone in
school after your performances.

Student’s Participation

Sno. Stage Phobia

1. You feel nervous on stage.

2. You try to hide behind your friend or

3. You think you practice enough to fight
your stage freight.
4. You think practicing will not make any
difference to fight stage fright.
5. You are never satisfied with your
Sno. Staff Motivation

1. School management helps you to fight

your phobia
2. School management does counseling
sessions to raise your participation
3. You think school is giving you an
opportunity to unleash your strengths
4. Before every performance, school
management helps you to practice your
5. School management conducts sessions
that raise your motivation in
Sno. Events

1. Extra-curricular events are being

hurdle for your academic progress
2. You think participating in events will
lower your results.
3. You think events are waste of time

4. You think you can get better grades in

academics if not participate in
extracurricular events.
5. You think entertaining events are better
than academic events.

Student’s Participation

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