PadamChakraPredictions 1546886626718

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Padham Chakra is a technique for making predictions based on using each house as an age and considering the planetary ruler of that age period. It provides more detailed insights than only looking at the birth chart.

They would likely achieve success in sports and education but also face competition and injury, such as cuts or bleeding to the knee. Digestive issues may also occur.

Foreign travel, pleasures, and gains from abroad. Relationships and pleasures in bed.

108 year scheme of Padham Chakara

Making Predictions without dashas

Special Thanks to
Dr. Arjun Pai
Snathip Kanholy

Padham Chakra is about using each house as an age and making a

prediction, but every 12 years the same house and situation comes up;
this is where we are going go deeper into Padhma Chakara.

In the birth chart you can make such planets the ascendant for the
years and read the chart from there, this will give you even stronger
and better results as life is not always the same every 12 years. As you
know after 12th house the 1st house begins again, as in 1, 25, 37, 49, 61,
73, 85, 97 etc..

1-12 Ruled by Moon

13-24 ruled by Mercury
25-36 ruled by Venus
37-48 ruled by Sun
49-60 ruled by Mars
61-72 ruled by Jupiter
73-84 ruled by Saturn
85-96- ruled by Rahu
97-108 ruled by Ketu

The way to study this is to look at both charts, the normal ascendant
chart and the age you are studying, then look at the same house from
the planetary rulership per the age group.

Chart 1
North Indian South Indian
Let’s Study the age 10 for this person. The 10th year would be the 10th
house, and 10th lord Jupiter is in 6th house in Scorpio, receiving the
aspect of Sun, Mercury Saturn and Mars

 Jupiter and Mars aspect the 10th house. Mars is in 3rd house, Sun
is the 3rd lord, Mercury is the ascendant lord.
 10th house is the house of fame, career, achievements from
 6th house is the house of Prabdha Karma, competition, health,
enemies, disputes.
 3rd house is skills, sports, communication, travel and younger
sibling, this is because the dispositor of Jupiter which is Mars is in
3rd house, the co-ruler of Scorpio Ketu is in 11th house.

1st 12 Years
We also must study the 10th house from the Moon because 1st 12 year
is ruled by Moon. 10th lord Saturn is in 11th house of its own sign
receiving the aspect of 1st lord Mars from 5th house of education, sports
and creativity.

 Rahu aspects the 11th house as the co-ruler of 11th house

What is the conclusion here?

The native at the age of 10 would have a great achievement in sports

and education but will also face injury, cuts and bleeding to knee and
have digestive issues.

13-24th year
If we are studying the 12th house from ascendant for age 24 in chart 1
which has Mercury and Sun in Taurus and 12th lord is in 11th house
Venus, you will also look at the 12th house from Mercury because 13-24
age is ruled by Mercury; in such case Venus Moon go into the 12th
house for the native.
Saturn aspects the 12th house as well from 10th house.

What this shows that for such native at the age of 24 foreign travels
occur, bed pleasure and sexual relationships happen and gain through
foreign sources happen.

25-37th year
Let’s study the age of 34 for this person which is the exact same
placement as the 10th year of the native. Knowing what occurred at 10,
which is athletic and educational achievements and facing major
competition with some injury, we can see that 34 a person is an adult,
perhaps a family man, and will have more of professional achievements
and promotion, but can he or she face injury as well? Yes, they can, but
to really understand what is and what isn’t, will be the knee again, or
some other body part you will look at “Transits” of planets from Venus
and ascendant over the 10th house or 10th lord, since I haven’t
discussed transits yet, I won’t dive into it at this moment, but we will
use this work sheet again when transits are studied, does this mean
even at 12 we need to look at transits, yes, that really helps, but
astrology is a “NOW” science. Meaning if you didn’t look at transits and
you said something, if you know your basic techniques, you will get the
right answer. Astrology works in mysterious ways, but the more tools
we have the easier it is to see inside a chart. The biggest tool is the
intuition power an astrologer develops by sadhna on particular iold,
yantra, graha..

This is my Sadhna corner:

Chart 2

Let’s Study the age of 39 for the native. The age of 39 is the 3 rd house,
3rd lord is in 6th house with Ketu, Jupiter is sitting in the third house
without any aspects.
39th year would be ruled by Sun.

North Indian South Indian

37-48th year is ruled by Sun, so we make Sun the ascendant. This means
what this person faced at the age of 15, may be similar to the age of 39,
but we must understand the dynamics of the age and what a person
does at a particular age.

From Sun 3rd lord is in 7th house which is Mars, 3rd house is ruled by
karmic sign Scorpio, Mars also becomes the 8th lord, and 3rd lord
receives the aspect of 12th, 1sth and 10th lord. Co-ruler of 3rd lord Ketu
is with Venus in 12th house.
What can we accept from this chart at age 39?
There is going to be issues in marriage where spouse will leave for
foreign lands due to dispute and secretive affair.
Why secretive affair? This is where Nakshatra techniques comes into
play, the 7th lord from Sun is in 9th house in Rohini nakshatra while 8th
lord of scandals and secret affairs is in 7th house.

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