068 CDT Construction of Duct Bank MS
068 CDT Construction of Duct Bank MS
068 CDT Construction of Duct Bank MS
JUPC-456495092.doc / Page 1 of 5
General Construction Offsites
The purpose of this procedure is to provide written guidelines for the
construction of the reinforced concrete duct banks.
IFC drawing nos. 82-ED-0451 SHT. 07 REV.02, 82-ED-0450 SHT.01 REV. 2, 82-
ED-0450 SHT.02 REV. 1F, 82-ED-0450 SHT.03 REV. 1F, 82-ED-0450 SHT.04
REV. 1F, 00-ED-0018 SHT.03 REV. 04, 00-ED-0018 SHT.01 REV. 05;
specifications and standards together with approved Inspection and Test Plans.
Setting out survey for the location of the duct banks shall be carried out
upon receipt of clearance from FAL/United.
JUPC-456495092.doc / Page 2 of 5
General Construction Offsites
JUPC-456495092.doc / Page 3 of 5
General Construction Offsites
Backfill duct bank using approved fill materials and observe the minimum
fill requirement of 610 mm from top of the road to the top of the duct bank
as shown on IFC drawings. Backfilling and compaction shall be carried
out by allowable layers including the required necessary testing.
Restore the cut section of the road to its original condition and install
cable marker.
Remove safety barricades and re-open road for traffic.
After backfilling and compaction of the first section, start construction of
the second section same procedure as detailed in the first section.
Note: Although it was proposed to construct the duct banks under the road in two
sections, if allowed by FAL/United it would be better to do it in one pour to minimize
construction time.
6.1 The following equipment shall be utilized during the installation of the
duct banks.
Surveying instruments
Asphalt Cutter
Dump Truck
Fuel Truck
Plate Compactor
Water Truck
Concrete mixers
Concrete pumps
Concrete vibrators
Dewatering Pumps (if required)
Diesel Portable Generators
Execution of all the works shall meet with the relevant codes and practice
for Site Health and Safety as detailed in the approved safety plan.
JUPC-456495092.doc / Page 5 of 5