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The Positive Benefits of Extremely

Low,, Pulsating, Electromagnetic

Fields for All Life on Earth

an abstract on the
positive effects of published clinical
studies on health, illnesses and ailments
B. Kuzma
novic´:: Techni
cal College Zagreb,
Zagreb, Univer
sity of Zagreb
SUMMARY: This paper explains terms connected
SUMMARY: connected to the electric, magnetic and electromagnetic
electromagnetic field as well as the field effects
effects on living organisms. The
importance of the filed wave form is pointed out.
 The effect of electromagnetic field on organisms has become very important among scientists. The results of numerous researches deal with the sensitivity 
of organisms to the electromagnetic fieldfield effect. The effects may be useful and harmful
harmful depending on the intensity and frequency of the field, the period of expo-
sure and the organism itself.
itself. Both effect seem to be very important for the human life and activity.
activity. There are different
different natural sources of electric,
electric, magnetic and
electromagne tic fields on the earth which act on organisms. Besides, the man has created other sources of electromagnetic
electromagnetic fields in his environment which dif-
fer in their frequency and intensity.
 A good knowledge of electromagnetic field
field effects on organisms is of considerable practical
practical importance. A complete understanding
understanding of electromagnetic field
effects on organisms helps in curing numerous illnesses as well as protecting from dangerous effects of electromagne
tic fields.
Different interdisciplinary
interdisciplinary studies are required
required for this purpose today. It is quite certain that ecology is one of them because every day man creates electro-
magnetic fields of different
different intensity and frequencies whose concentrations
concentrations may be vary significant. In order to understand the phenomenon it is necessary to
know what is an electric, magnetic and electromagnetic
electromagnetic field and what is their influence.
1. Electric, magnetic and electromagnetic field
 Too understand the fields
 T fields it is necessary to begin with the electric
electric charge. An atom consists of a nucleus
nucleus and electrons that are
are in its orbit. Each electron pos-
sesses, a so-called negative charge and the nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons.
neutrons. Protons are positively charged
charged whereas neutrons have no net net charge.
Each atom contains an equal number of electrons and protons, but their polarity is different and in nature they appear as multiples of equal elementary charge.
Only the electrons in the outer orbit way be dislodged
dislodged when an external
external force acts on them. These electrons,
electrons, when conductors are
are concerned,
concerned, are loosely bound,
so we may say that conductors have so-called free electrons,
electrons, while insulators require
require a strong force which would make the electrons leave
leave its atom. In electrolytes,
atoms are piled in molecules where there are so-called free ions (positive and negative).
Since like electric charges repel and unlike attract, this repelling and attracting between two stationary charge is called Coulomb force. Around each electric
charge there is a specific
specific state which may
may be explained by the existence
existence of the electric field.
field. So, the electric charge (Q)
(Q) is the source of electric field
field (E), and the
fundamentall characteristic of the electric field is that it acts on the electric charge with the force (F = QE). The direction of the force depends on the direction
of the field
field and the sign of the charge.
charge. Electric field strength is measured in V/m. If the two charges are are in motion,
motion, however
however,, then there is, beside Coulomb
force, another force,
force, the electric as well as a magnetic
magnetic field round it. Since an electric current
current may be defined
defined as a continuous movement
movement of the charge, the fol-
lowing holds: when the current
current flows, a magnetic field of induction
induction B is created.
created. Magnetic induction
induction is measured
measured in Tesla
Tesla (T). Magnetic field
field of induction B
 Acts only on the Charge in motion, the speed of the charge being v.
 This force may be explained as follows: F = Q (v x B)
 The direction of the force is perpendicular to the plane (vector direction of magnetic induction B and vector speed direction v). The force is the strongest
 when vectors v and B are perpendicular and
and it is the weakest when vector directions overlap,
overlap, it equals zero. In the first case the charge
charge changes its direction
direction and
orbits around the magnetic induction
induction vector B, while there is no change in the second case.
Considering the preceding explanation it is possible to represent the amounts of the charge and the forces between them in a simplified way by means of 
electric and magnetic field.
field. If the observed electric or magnetic field does not change with time, then it is considered to be an electrostatic and a magnetostat-
ic field, respectively
respectively.. A permanent magnet possesses
possesses a typical magnetostatic field. Both fields possess the energy whose space density
density is proportional to the square
intensity of the electric field.
field. Hence, there is a corresponding
corresponding energy in the above fields.
 We have already noticed that charges in motion produce both electrical
 We electrical and magnetic field. This action is transmitted through the space with a finite speed
like electromagnetic
electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic field
field in motion is called electromagnetic wave.
wave. By introducing the electromagnetic
electromagnetic field the unique explanation
explanation of 
the force transmission is given.
Being influenced by the field,
field, the space is under tension, and this tension influences
influences the objects which the object meets. Tension is transmitted through space
 with the finite speed which depends
depends on the time changes in the fields. The basic characteristic
characteristic of the electromagnetic field
field is that the time dependent magnet-
ic field induces an electric field,
field, and the electric field induces a magnetic field
field and that’s why they are closely connected. When an electromagnetic wave hits
the border between
between two different media (e.g.(e.g. air and organism), then the wave induces
induces polarization of the other medium, dipoles are created
created and current
current is
induced. In this way that other medium opposes electromagnetic field field by its polarization and induced currents.
Dipoles and induced currents
currents polarized in this way have got their magnetic field which is superimposed
superimposed to the outer one. The sum of both poles in the first
medium gives a reflected wave,
wave, and in the other tube is a refracted one (wave reflection and refraction).
refraction). As a consequence a tension is created
created in the other medi-
um as well on the very border between the two media. Compared to the electromagnetic
electromagnetic field, magnetostatic field passes
passes through living organisms without dif-
ficulty.. In so doing it produces magnetic polarization in the organism whose effects may be neglected
ficulty neglected and acts with a force only on ions which are in motion.
 When electrostatic field reaches
reaches the human organism, it induces the separation of positive and negative charge, so that at the spot where it has entered, the
surface is negatively charged and
and on the spot where it leaves, there is positive charge. Since the organism is not a perfect conductor it is difficult to say that there
is no electrostatic field even after that short separation of charge. As the electrostatic field is a potential field it may disturb the electric
electric potential and the nor-
mal functioning of the organism.
Electromagnetic field
field acts on free ions in liquids in the h. organism and in this way it also acts on reaction kinetics and other chemical
chemical processes as well as
on molecule orientation
orientation and concentration.
concentration. In tissue and bones,
bones, however
however,, polarization occurs, so that additional tension is
is created whose oscillations
oscillations depend on
the electromagnetic field frequency
frequency and the amplitudes of these oscillations depend in the field amplitude. It is necessary to point out here that when natural
oscillation frequency in the human organism equals the field frequency,
frequency, so called resonance is created and very weak fields are required to maintain oscillations.

It is quite certain that in this way best effect are achieved. Increased field intensity results with greater tension in the organism which may lead to undesired
consequences. With the electromagnetic field penetration into the organism a certain amount of energy is brought into it and it equals the sum of electric and
magnetic field energy. A portion of this energy performs some work and this energy is converted into heat. This heat depends on field intensity square and fre-
quency. Having all this in mind it is evident that the choice of field intensity and the form of electromagnetic wave is of great importance.
2. Field wave form
Electrostatic and magnetic field does not depend on time, while electromagnetic field changes with time. This time field change determines the so-called
field wave form. These forms may be accidental and determined. Determined wave forms are mostly periodical and are repeated regularly after the time, T. In
practice periodical wave forms are mostly used and sine wave form is the simplest form (Fig. 1). Fundamental characteristics of periodic wave forms is the time
of their repetition, period T. The reciprocal value of period T is called frequency, f - 1/T, which relates to the number of impulses per second and is measured
in Hz.

Fig. 1. Sine wave forms magnetic induction B

Electromagnetic wave diffusion depends on electromagnetic characteristics of the medium. The length of the wave also depends on electromagnetic charac-
teristics of the medium and the wave frequency. In conducting medium, electromagnetic wave is choked, it is weakened, and its non - sine form is even dis-
torted. That’s why an electromagnetic wave in a conducting medium is said to have a certain depth of penetration which depends on medium conductivity and
 wave frequency. The greater the medium conductivity and wave frequency, the smaller wave penetration. This property is very important when electromagnet-
ic wave is used in therapy and it requires a detailed research. Electromagnetic wave in living organism, not only stimulates cell functions but warms them as well.
It is obvious that one should be very careful when electromagnetic wave is applied in therapy. As distinguished from electromagnetic wave, magnetic field pen-
etrates into living organisms without any difficulties. It acts with a force only on electric charge which is in motion (equation 1), this being the basis of mag-
netic field influence on living organisms. Modern therapeutical devices are based on impulse magnetic field principle (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2: a) magnetic induction impulse form, B b) magnetic induction impulse derivation

 The ideal rectangular form of magnetic induction impulse cannot be achieved. Each impulse has got its time increase, t, and its time decrease, t3 whose
amount is app. 10 µs, while the impulse duration, t2 is about 60 µs. In t2, magnetic induction B is constant and there is no electric field (Fig. 2 a). Only during
its setting up and decreasing, magnetic induction changes according with the time and only then the electric field is created and electromagnetic field exists.
 The speed of magnetic induction change (derivation) determines the form and the amount of electric field (Fig. 2 b). It is possible to state that such impulses
are a combination of electromagnetic and magnetic effects. Maximal value of magnetic induction of an apparatus is app. Bm = 150 µT and it decreases with the
distance of the apparatus. Impulses may be repeated after the time T, and it determines the frequency at the same time. For example, for f = 2 Hz, T is 0,5 s.
For high frequencies this time is shorter, and for the given impulse it is possible to reduce the period T = 100 µs, frequency being 10 kHz. What is obtained
regarding therapeutical sense? It is quite certain that due to electromagnetic waves, living organisms will be warmed up, so it is necessary to reduce electromag-
netic field amplitudes. At lower frequencies it is possible.

 An extract taken from a lecture delivered on 28th January, 1995
By Dr. D. C. Laycock Ph.D. (Med. Eng.); MBES; MIPEM*; B.Ed. (Hons) (Phys. Sciences); CGLI (Ind. Electronics); Consultant Clinical Engineer, Westville 
 Associates and Consultants (UK).
 All living cells within the body possess potentials between the inner and outer membrane of the cell, which, under normal healthy circumstances, are fixed.
Different cells, e.g. Muscle cells and Nerve cells, have different potentials of about - 70 milli - Volts respectively. When cells are damaged, these potentials change
such that the balance across the membrane changes, causing the attraction of negative sodium ions into the cell and positive trace elements and proteins out of 
the cell. The net result is that liquid is attracted into the interstitial area and swelling or oedema ensues. The application of pulsed magnetic fields has, through
research findings, been shown to help the body to restore normal potentials at an accelerated rate, thus aiding the healing of most wounds and reducing swelling
faster. The most effective frequencies found by researchers so far, are very low frequency pulses of a 50Hz base. These, if gradually increased to 25 pulses per
second for time periods of 600 seconds (10 minutes), condition the damaged tissue to aid the natural healing process.
Pain reduction is another area in which pulsed electromagnetic therapy has been shown to be very effective. Pain signals are transmitted along nerve cells to
pre-synaptic terminals. At these terminals, channels in the cell alter due to a movement of ions.The membrane potential changes, causing the release of a chem-
ical transmitter from a synaptic vesicle contained within the membrane. The pain signal is chemically transferred across the synaptic gap to chemical receptors
on the post synaptic nerve cell. This all happens in about one 2000th of a second, as the synaptic gap is only 20 to 50 nanometers wide (1 nanometer =
1/1000,000,000 of a meter). As the pain signal, in chemical form, approaches the post synaptic cell, the membrane changes and the signal is transferred. If we
look at the voltages across the synaptic membrane then, under no pain conditions, the level is about -70 milli-Volts. When the pain signal approaches, the mem-
brane potential increases to approximately +30 milli-Volts, allowing a sodium flow. This in turn triggers the synaptic vesicle to release the chemical transmitter
and so transfer the pain signal across the synaptic gap or cleft. After the transmission, the voltage reduces back to its normal quiescent level until the next pain
signal arrives.
 The application of pulsed magnetism to painful sites causes the membrane to be lowered to a hyper-polarisation level of about -90 milli-Volts. When a pain
signal is detected, the voltage must now be raised to a relatively higher level in order to fire the synaptic vesicles.
Since the average change of potential required to reach the trigger voltage of nearly +30 milli-Volts is +100 milli-Volts, the required change is too great and
only +10 milli-Volts is attained., This voltage is generally too low to cause the synaptic vesicle to release the chemical transmitter and hence the pain signal is
blocked. The most effective frequencies that have been observed from research in order to cause the above changes to membrane potentials, are a base frequen-
cy of 200Hz and pulse rate settings of between 5 and 25Hz.
*Member of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.

 New medical knowledge confirms that a combination of drugs and certain pulsed magnetic fields can result in sensational successes.
By Christian Wurstbauer.
 Almost exactly 8 years ago, “DIE APOTHEKE” (“The Pharmacy”) reported on an - at that time - completely new type of physical therapy that used mag-
netic fields. Back then, the Viennese general practitioner, Dr. Andreas Kyriakoulis mainly treated patients afflicted with pain and achieved almost unbelievable
“DIE APOTHEKE” wanted to find out from Dr. Kyriakoulis what has become of this therapy and what experiences the physician has been able to accu-
mulate during the intervening years.
Dr. Kyriakoulis in our original interview: “It has been clearly demonstrated during my practice of medicine and the treatment of innumerable patients that
a physical therapy with pulsating magnetic fields of extremely low frequency can achieve very good results, especially in patients suffering from pain that is asso-
ciated with a rheumatic disease. We often combine magnetic therapy with the requisite drugs. This potentiates their effectiveness and the time required for heal-
ing is significantly reduced.”
Magnetism Already Known in Ancient Times
 The archetype of magnetism is already found in the ancient Eg yptian mysteries in which religious cult activity was closely associated with healing. Since
then, the healing power of magnetism, in one form or another, has appeared in almost every cultural epoch. It attained its zenith at the end of the 18th centu-
ry through Franz Anton Mesmer who claimed that is was his discovery. This is why magnetism is also often called Mesmerism. Despite spectacular successes,
this form of physical therapy is still associated with the occult, the secretive and even charlatanism. However, one must still reject the type of magnetism as pro-
posed by Mesmer, which cannot be examined scientifically, even today. The situation is completely different with the form of magnetic therapy that applies mag-
netic fields of varying intensity to the organism. This should, therefore, also more appropriately be called magnetic field therapy.
It has a long tradition. Already the famous physicians of ancient times, Hippocrates and Galen, used magnetic fields for healing purposes. Beginning at the
end of the 18th century, an entire series of famous physicians used this form of therapy. Most notably, this included Christian Hufeland who, in addition to
Goethe and Schiller, treated almost all the famous people of his day.
New Research Findings Justify the use of Magnetic Field Therapy
 Today nearly 200 years later, science has become aware of the fact that relationships exist between magnetic fields and receptors found in the human body.
 Therefore, it was natural for medical research to focus on magnetic field therapy. Today, it is possible to precisely dose the strength of a magnetic field. Using
the most modern examination methods, it is possible to follow the effect of these forces to the level of individual cells, even cellular components, in an organ-
ism. When reading the research results, the statement of the famous physicist and Nobel Prize laureate, Werner Heisenberg, spontaneously comes to mind:
“Magnetic energy is that elemental energy upon which all life in an organism depends.”
Dr. Kyriakoulis was the first Austrian physician to scientifically and practically investigate the type of especially short wave length, pulsating magnetic fields
and their effects on the human organism. The physician discovered that the best results could be achieved with slowly pulsating electromagnetic waves whose
strength was only slightly greater than that of the earth’s own magnetic field. This magnetic field has no side effects and is a congenial partner for use in drug
 According to Dr. Kyriakoulis: “Our magnetic field therapy is especially well-suited for the treatment of chronic pain associated with degenerative, rheumat-
ic diseases. It facilitates regeneration processes which have a positive effect on the cartilage and the synovial fluid. Circulation is stimulated, as are certain groups
of cells. The effect on the human immune system is especially important.”
 The areas of application are numerous. Pain treatment (e.g., also including migraine headaches) has already been mentioned. It has been newly discovered
that magnetic field therapy can also attain nearly sensational successes in the treatment of psoriasis. In bone fractures and other injuries, the healing process can
be significantly accelerated.
 Then Dr. Kyriakoulis mentions something that is very important: “The highest principle of this type of therapy recognizes that special indications exist for
its use. However, every treatment also involves the entire organism in the therapeutic process. Therefore, we are essentially dealing with a form of total body 
treatment with a specific focus on a certain disease. This is important, because the effect of the pulsating magnetic fields significantly enhances the vitality of 
the organism as a whole.
In light of this, an application in the field of geriatric medicine would also prove advantageous. The physician is convinced that all possible areas of applica-
tion for this form of physical therapy will not be known for a long time. He states: “Although the elimination of pain plays a central role in magnetic field ther-
apy, it would not be proper to attribute all positive treatment results solely to this phenomenon. By means of the diverse interactions that have been scientifi-
cally documented so far and especially through the direct effect exerted on the individual cells, magnetic field therapy affects all biological processes in an organ-
ism and stimulates its natural resistance. The many therapeutic possibilities that are made available to the physician with such a system can be seen in its regen-
erative, anti-inflammatory, circulation-promoting and spasmolytic effects.
I am convinced that several important effects are still unknown. Perhaps, it will be possible to prove that this therapy can also be used in the treatment of 
cancer. However, this is certainly something that is still a long way off ”
 Asked about his most important discovery during the past several years, Dr. Kyriakoulis states: “In light of the suffering that chronic pain patients have had
to endure, often for many years, it is certainly a great personal satisfaction for the treating physicians to possess a means, in the form of this therapy, with which
ne can both pleasantly and comfortably reduce the symptoms of his afflicted patients.”
Three Important Observations
Based on experiences collected over many years and the results obtained with a great number of treated patients, three striking observations can be formulated:
1. Especially long-lasting successes were achieved in the treatment of women with osteoporosis. This is possible due to the induction effect of magnetic field
therapy on the bone-forming cells (osteoblasts). The simultaneous use of certain drugs increases the success of therapy.
2. The possibilities for success are also similar in joint arthroses (spondylarthritis, gonarthrosis and omarthritis). Here too, therapy has a direct effect: on the
cartilage-forming cells and the cells of the joint capsule which produce the synovial fluid.
3. It is noticeable that patients are more at ease and calm after therapy. As previously mentioned, this may be attributed to the whole body therapy which
exerts a harmonizing effect on all body functions. In summation, it is clear that this type of modern physical therapy will have a bright future, not only in the
treatment of pain.
For those individuals who are interested, we can make available reports of test results and double-blind studies at the University of Graz.


by Joze Gajsek, Institute of Quality Testing and Metrology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
In the paper first the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation to human beings are pointed out. The sources of electromagnetic energy encountered in
occupational and general public environment are revealed and the thermal and nonthermal influences of their electromagnetic fields are briefly discussed. A sur-
 vey of exposure limits adopted in different national and international standards and recommendations is given. A beneficial application of pulsating magnetic
fields of extremely low frequencies is presented at the end.
Facing a vast amount of devices that radiate electromagnetic waves in our environment, we are often wondering whether they have harmful effects to our
health. The public awareness over this issue has been increasing in recent decades, while for a long time there had been little concern shown in this area even in
the professional community. The interest has grown along with the multitude of man made electromagnetic fields.
 The overflow of electromagnetic fields and radio- and microwave beams that nowadays surround the earth can be clearly illustrated by the following analo-
gy: “If the electromagnetic radiation would be visible, today an observer from space would see the earth shining while at the beginning of the century the globe
 would be completely dark.” Quite often the allegation of electromagnetic pollution of the environment is encountered.
It is therefore not surprising that the questions have arisen concerning the potential health hazard from inevitable radiation produced by a number of devices
in occupational and general public use beginning with HF-generators, through HV lines and radar transmitters, as well as radio-receivers, TV-sets and domes-
tic appliances.

On the other hand, however, appropriately controlled application of electromagnetic radiation may have beneficial effects on certain physiological processes
and can thus be used for therapeutic purposes.
Harmful biological effects of nonionising electromagnetic radiation
 The mechanism of interaction of electromagnetic fields with organic matter can in general produce thermal and nonthermal effects. The thermal effects
results into temperature rise of the exposed tissue which may cause hazardous damage in certain parts of the human body. According to the “ion theory”
(Lazarev) the changes in the cells of the irradiated tissue occur due to periodic movement of ions. Their collision develops the heat which causes the coagula-
tion of the albumin. Another theory on cellular changes was set by Deboj and his colleagues (“dipole moment theory”). Both theories are equally recognized yet
neither explains in detail the various biological effects. According to Sebant, under the influence of radiowaves the molecular and cellular structure is being
changed. A quantum-biological effect has been observed that affects the response to stimulation of cells as well as the permeability and dimensions in the cell
structure (1,2).
 The nonthermal effects include the effects that have been observed at low levels of electromagnetic energy below the intensities that produce significant heat-
ing. More frequent indispositions have been noticed amongst the workers exposed to radar beams, such as feebleness, chest pains, cardiovascular disturbances
and disturbances in sense organs. Changes in the electroencephalograms have also been reported as the effect of electromagnetic waves on brain ganglia, as well
as reduced sexual activity and spermatogenesis. Based on these observations and further investigations the nonthermal effects of electromagnetic radiation on
human body have been explained and confirmed scientifically. A Theory has been set and confirmed by the experts that in the tissue exposed to electromag-
netic field the electrical currents are induced causing the transfer of ions through the cell membranes, which can be hazardous at certain field intensities.
Nonthermal effects have been observed also in the hypothalamus in the form of stimuli in cell structure causing non-specific reactions in the organism.
 The results of experiments on animals and the analysis of health state of persons occupationally exposed to electromagnetic radiation have proven that the
nonthermal effects of electromagnetic fields are hazardous to living organism.
Functional changes occur in nervous and cardiovascular system as well as in bone marrow and other parts of the human body (3, 4, 5). Long term exposure
of nervous system to low-level electromagnetic fields causes changes in the brain core. Amongst workers in television transmission stations and persons work-
ing near HF power generators a reduction of physiological reactions (difficulties in perception) has been observed at variations of field intensities between 10
to 20 V/m. The effects of this phenomenon were depression, decrease in attentiveness, and sleepiness. At the same time changes have been stated in reaction of 
sense organs of smelling and seeing - increased adaptation time to darkness and higher perception of smelling, respectively.
Several reports of research being conducted for several years claim that the exposure may provoke the vegetative dystonia.
Changes in conditional reflexes have been registered as well. The disturbances in the activity of the cholinesterase in the blood enables early detection of 
increased exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
In the central nervous system of a person working in ultra-shortwave electromagnetic field functional disturbances are likely to occur within a year.
Consequently, even a short time exposure to electromagnetic radiation can be considered dangerous (2).
Harmful influence of electromagnetic radiation on living tissue depends primarily on the frequency (wavelength) and density of the field, on the operating
condition of the radiation source, and the exposure time. The effects are intensified on higher frequencies and field densities. Further important factors are the
functional state and the sensibility of the exposed organism. The vascularization of the irradiated parts and the distance from the radiation source have to be
considered, too. The harmful effects are higher among female population.
 The investigations have shown that the low-frequency (50 Hz) electromagnetic fields may cause harmful effects to human body, too. The results of the inves-
tigations revealed the hazards to the status and function of the central nervous system and to the cardiovascular system (changes in blood test specifications as
 well as blood pressure and pulse changes). Table 1 presents the changes of blood pressure and pulse vs. nominal voltage of the HV devices (10).
Indication in cardiovascular system Indication value Deviation from normal state vs. voltage (50 Hz)
220 kV 330 kV 500 kV
Max. arterial pressure >100 3.1% 6.8% 16.9%
< 100 4.7% 7.5% 8.88%
Min. arterial pressure > 60 6.3% 8.3% 20.1%
< 60 4.7% 6.0% 9.6%
Pulse > 60 7.9% 7.5% 23.3%
< 60 7.9% 7.5% 15.3%

Sources of harmful electromagnetic radiation

 The sources of electromagnetic radiation can be found in different areas, e.g.:
 As sources of potential harmful electromagnetic radiation are considered the devices which intentionally or unintentionally generate electromagnetic fields.
 The energy they produce being either controlled or not controlled is emitted into their environment, thereby causing the “electromagnetic pollution”. The power
density of the electromagnetic radiation is expressed in W/m2 and is related to field intensity, expressed in V/m or in A/m. The frequency range to be consid-
ered extends from 3 Hz to 300 Ghz.
• transmission equipment for speech, telegraph, and picture information • HF generators for industrial applications (working of wood, metal and plastic)
• radiobroadcast transmitters • domestic appliances
• computer systems • Devices operating at lower technical frequencies sound and ultrasound
• TV transmission equipment frequencies. According to some reports especially the electromagnetic fields
• radio-location devices - radars  within power supply plants, e.g. power lines and high voltage transformers,
• TV-receivers are hazardous.
• HF-generators for diatherm
Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields
 To provide protection against excessive nonionising electromagnetic fields of occupational and general public population the exposure standards have been
adopted in most countries. In case national standards do not exist the international standard should be considered, e.g. IRPA standards, to assure that certain
safety limits are met. The exposure limits adopted in this standard are quoted in Table 2 together with some national standards for illustration and comparison.
Standard Frequency Range Exposure Limit Permitted Exposure Duration
IRPA - 1984 0.1 - 1 MHz 194 V/m; 0.51 A/m 8 hr
International 1 MHz 194/ f* V/m; 0.51/f A/m 8 hr
Radiation 10 - 40 MHz 61 V/m; 0.16 A/m; 10 W/m2 8 hr
Protection 0.4 - 2 GHz 3f V/m; 0.008 f A/m 8 hr
Association 2 - 300 GHz 137 V/m; 0.36 A/m; 50 W/m2 8 hr.
ANSI - 1983 0.3 - 3 MHz 632 V/m; 1.58 A/m unlimited
USA 30 - 300 MHz 63 V/m; 0.16 A/m unlimited
1.5 - 100 GHz 141 V/m; 0.35 A/m; 10 W/m unlimited
U.S.S.R.-1976 0.06 - 3 MHz 50 V/m; 5 A/m 8 hr
12/1/006-76 3 - 300 MHz 20 V/m 8 hr
30-50 MHz 10 V/m; 0.3 A/m 8 hr
50 - 300 MHz 5 V/m; 0.35 A/m; 50 w/m 8 hr
Germany - 1986 0 - 10 Hz 40 kV/m unlimited
VDE 0848/2 0.01 - 30 kHz 40 kV/m lin -> 1.5 kV/m unlimited
0.03 - 2 MHz 1500 V/m; 7.5/f A/m unlimited
0.03 - 3 GHz 3000/f V/m; 7.5/f A/m unlimited
100 V/m; 0.25 A/m; 25 W/m2 unlimited
100.(f/300) V/m unlimited
0.25 (f/300) A/m unlimited
25. f/300 W/m2 unlimited
12 - 3000 GHz 200 V/m; 0.5 A/m; 100 W/m2 unlimited
Germany - 1984 50 Hz - 10 kHz 0.4 - 5 mT short durations
DIN (inductive heating)
IRPA - 1988 27.12 MHz 61 V/m; 0.16 A/m; 10 W/m2 short durations
(diathermal therapy)
Eastern Europe Standards 50 Hz 5kV/m unlimited
HV lines 10 kV/m 180 min
15 kV/m 90 min
20 kV/m 10 min
25 kV/m 5 min
·f in MHz

Beneficial nonionising electromagnetic radiation

 As already mentioned, adequately controlled electromagnetic radiation can be used for therapeutic purposes, e.g. for diathermal shortwave and microwave
therapy. New possibilities have been discovered lately in pulsating magnetic fields of extremely low frequencies from 2 to 24 Hz. This radiation has proven to
be successful in curing various diseases. The mechanism that forms the basis of the curing method is the increased dynamics of ions due to changes of the
electrical potential in cell membranes caused by varying electromagnetic field. The effect is a better supply of cells with oxygen.
Beside large generators of pulsating electromagnetic fields, with big coils, intended for radiation therapy in hospitals, miniature pocket size generators are
now available. They produce low-level radiation in near vicinity and can be used as handy and efficient aid in diminishing or eliminating different health and
feeling troubles. The device can be applied to prevent bad disposition due to weather effects, to ease the pain in scars, to cure rheumatic diseases, headaches, and
migraines, in case of sleeplessness, travel disease, nervousness, and problems with vascular system, it can also stimulate the growth of the tissue in case of bone
 A small magnetiser ELMAG MK 75 MINI is available on the market, which has been tested by medical experts in several occasions. The frequency of 
pulsating fields can be adjusted between 2 to 24 Hz, as specific ranges have to be utilized for particular applications: e.g. 5 to 6 Hz for quieting and preventing
of spasms, 8 to 9 Hz to ease pains, 15 to 20 Hz in case of fatigue.
Considering that electromagnetic radiation may cause harmful effects as discussed in the first part of the paper, the upper limits of the radiation of the
magnetiser were determined to assure safety of the user. According to the exposure standards presented in Table 2 the effective continuos radiation of the
sinowave generator at lowest frequencies should be 400 µT.The magnetiser on the contrary, generates a pulsating field, with the peak magnetic flux density not
exceeding 300 µT. In the experts circles world-wide the pulsating fields are considered to be 1000 times less dangerous than the continuing fields of equal mean
magnetic flux density (11). The radiation characteristics and performance of the magnetiser should nevertheless be inspected severely, to comply with the
international exposure standards on the one side, and to assure beneficial effects on the other side.

 The pulse of the magnetic flux produced by ELMAG MK75 is precisely controlled in order to meet the requirements set by medical experts on the basis of 
experiments (9). The characteristic parameters of the pulse shape are kept within the following values (measured in the vicinity of the device):
• peak magnetic flux density Bt = 250 +/- 50 µT
• rise time tn = 10 +/- 1 µs
• pulse duration t = 55 +/- 5 µs
• frequency 2 to 24 Hz
 As evident from figure 1 the magnetic flux density B reaches the maximum value of 250 µT
after 10 µs, stays at this value for 50 µs, then drops quickly to minimum value. This pulse shape
produces the required value of magnetic flux density per second (1 T/s) at a distance of 10 cm.
 The frequency of the pulses can be adjusted in 16 steps. The curing effect of pulsating magnetic
field depends on the rise time of the pulse; this should be short for greater effect. In the case of 
ELMAG magnetiser the rise time must not exceed 10 µs to achieve suitable effects.
 The surveillance of nonionising electromagnetic radiation encountered in every-day life should
be established to protect humanbeings and other living organisms. Therefore relevant exposure
standards are being prepared for the nonionising electromagnetic radiation to complement the
existing regulations concerning the ionising radiation. systematic monitoring of radiation must be
Fig. 1) Pulse shape of the magnetic flux density generated conducted regularly on exposed places to assure safe and health environment. The potential harm-
by ELMAG MK75 mini magnetiser ful fields must be prevented, whereas the beneficial effects of controlled radiation should be
utilised under medical surveillance.
By Joze Gajsek
 Institute of Quality Testing and Metrology
Ljubljana, 1990
1. M.I. Jakovljeva, “Fiziologickle mehanizmi deistvija electromagnetnih polji”, Lenjingrad 1973
 2. S Milicevic, “Dejstvo radio talasa na organizam coveka i mere zastite”, Ergonomija 5/1978
3. J.A. Holodov, “Vlijanie elektromagnetnovo i magnetnovo polei na centralnuju nervnuju sistemu”, Moskow 1966
4. D.B. Karpova, V. E. Kovsilo,“Spravocnik po gigiene trude”, Medicina, Lenjingrad 1976
5. S. Modic, M. Slajmer “Analiza i pocena radnjh mesta eksponiranih zracenjima”, 1980
6. C. Polk, Eliot Postow, “Handbook of biological effects of electromagnetic fields” CRC Press BOCA RATON, Florida 1986
7. J. Gajsek, “Neionizirna skodljiva elektromagnetna sevanja”, Elektrotehniski vestnik No. 4, 1983
8. N. Krause, “Grenzwerte fur Exposition von Personen durch elektromagnetische Felder, Frequenzbereich 0 - 3000 GHz”, X. Scientific Conference on
 Electropathology, Freiburg, 1986
9. J. Gajsek, “Tehniske karakteristike in meritve NEMS aparata ELMAG MK 75” , Seminar elektrobioloska indukeija osteogeneze, Novi Sad 1989
10. J. Velickovic, “Fizicke stelnosti elektromagnetskog zracenja”, Institut za dokumentaciju zastite na radu, Nis 1978
11. J.H. Bernhardt, “Hochfrequenzfelder”, Tagungsband - Nichtionisierende Strahlung, Koln 1988


By Dr. D.C. Laycock Ph.D. (Med. Eng.); MIPEM*, B.Ed. (Hons) (Phys. Sciences); MBES; CGLI (Ind. Electronics); Consultant Clinical Engineer, Westville 
 Associates and Consultants (UK)
 The therapeutic effect of the application of pulsed magnetic field therapy (PMFT) has at last received world-wide recognition, although for a long time many 
practitioners saw it only as an aid to fracture union. Research has now shown that it has the potential to improve a wide range of conditions, although few under-
stood just how it achieved its effectiveness. Extensive research has since been carried out to determine the mechanism by which this occurs. For physiothera-
pist, presented with a wide range of clinical problems, PMFT is an invaluable aid to the clinic.
Resolution of Soft Tissue Injuries
Over the past few years, research has shown that its effectiveness is not through heat production - as is the case with some modern treatments - but is at the
cellular level. One significant outcome of this is the effect it has on soft tissue injuries. As early as 1940 it was suggested that magnetic fields can influence ATP
(Adenosine Triphosphate) production; increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients via the vascular system; improve the removal of waste via the lymphatic sys-
tem; and help to rebalance the distribution of ions across the cell membrane. This causes a steady flow of ions through its pores. In a damaged cell the poten-
tial is raised, and an increased sodium inflow occurs. As a result, interstitial fluid is attracted to the area, resulting in swelling and oedema.
 The application of PMFT to damaged cells accelerates the re-establishment of normal potentials (Sansaverino 1980 1) increasing the rate of healing and
reducing swelling. This can help to disperse bruising also. A magnetic field pulsed at 5Hz with a base frequency of 50Hz can have the same effect as an ice pack 
in that in that it causes vaso-constriction.
Effects on Fracture Repair
 Acceptance of magnetic fields in medicine came about foremost in the field of orthopaedics. Low frequency and low intensity fields have been used exten-
sively for the treatment of non-union fractures. By 1979 this method was approved in the USA as a safe and effective treatment for non-union fractures; for
failed arthroses; and for congenital pseudoarthroses.
 According to Basset 2 (1983) the mothod has been used by more than 6,000 surgeons. The success rate was over 80% for tibial lesions. No patient suffered
complications and biological side-effects included improved healing and increased neural function.
In-depth research carried out to investigate this shows that magnetic fields influence the process of bone formation in the intercellular medium. Madronero
3 (1990) showed that bone healing was promoted by means of the influence of the magnetic field on the cry stal formation of calcium salts.
Pain Reduction
Pulsed magnetic field therapy has been shown to bring about a reduction of pain, which again is due to action at the cellular level.
Chemical Synapse Action Potential in a Neuron
IMPULSE +30........................................................................
Pre-Synaptic Depolarisation
Neuron Synaptic Na4, Ca2, inflow Repolarisation
Vesicle 0.............................................K 4 outflow...................

 Transmitter - 55......................................................................

Synaptic Cleft

Post Synaptic -90....................................................................

Receptor Neuron Membrane
Sites Potential m V Hyperpolarisation

(2a) (2b)

Nerve Synapses Cell Potentials

Fig. 2
Pain is transmitted as an electric signal which encounters gaps at intervals along its path (see Fig. 2a). The signal is transferred in the form of a chemical sig-
nal across the synaptic gap and this is detected by receptors on the post-synaptic membrane. A charge of about -70mV exists across the inner and outer mem-
branes, but when a pain signal arrives it raises this to +30mV (see Fig 2b). This action causes channels to open in the membrane, triggering the release of a
chemical transmitter and allowing ions to flow into the synaptic gap. The cell then re-polarises to its previous resting level.
Research by Warnke 4(1983) suggests that PMFT affects the quiescent potential of the membrane, lowing it to a hyper-polarised level of -90mV.
 Transmission is effectively blocked since the pain signal is unable to raise the potential to the level required to trigger the release of chemical transmitter. Again,
the frequency of the applied magnetic field is important, as the most effective frequency to produce this effect was found to be a base frequency of 200 Hz pulsed
at between 5 and 25 pulses per second.
Clinical applications
 The value of pulsed magnetic field therapy has been shown to cover a wide range of conditions, with well documented trials carried out by hospitals, rheuma-
tologists and physiotherapists. For example, the department of rheumatology at Addenbrookes Hospital 5(1984), carried out investigations into the use of 
PMFT for the treatment of persistent rotator cuff tendinitis. The treatment was applied to patients who had symptoms refractory to steroid injections and other
conventional treatments. At the end of the trial, 65% of these were symptom free, with 18% of the remainder being greatly improved.
Lau6 (School of Medicine, Loma University, USA) reported on the application of PMFT to the problems of diabetic retinopathy. Patients were treated over
a 6 week period 76% of patients had a reduction in the level of numbness and tingling. All patients had a reduction of pain, with 66% reporting that they were
totally pain-free.
Many research studies, including Lau7, reported on the application of PMFT for conditions such as sports injuries and for patients with joint and spinal
problems. Although these are too numerous to mention individually, in almost every instance there was a reduction, if not complete resolution of symptoms.
Soft tissue injuries and joint pains tended to be resolved within 5 days of treatment. Patients with cervical problems and low back pain were also successfully 
treated, whereas previous treatment with ice, traction and other therapies had been unsuccessful. In yet another trial the effect of applying PMFT to sufferers
of Multiple Sclerosis was investigated (Geseo A. 8 1987) 70% of sufferers had a reduction of weakness, pain and spasticity, with 50% reporting improvement of 
their bladder incontinence.
 Through the evaluation of hundreds of research papers, a number of points have been established regarding PMFT:
a) The field must be pulsed, with low frequency and low intensity to achieve the best effect.
b) Different conditions require different frequencies. For example 5Hz causes vaso-constriction whilst 10Hz and above causes vaso-dilation.
c) Biological effectiveness is achieved in just 10 minutes for most injuries, so that long treatment sessions are not required.
d) When used at the correct level there are no recorded side effects. Although PMFT is not yet recommended for use during pregnancy or in the presence
of tumours, there are papers to suggest that magnetic fields can inhibit the growth of tumours.
 July 1997 - Member of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
1. Sansaverino Dr. E. Riva, Lecture at the 2nd International Congress for Magneto Medicine, November 1990, Rome, Italy.
 2. Bassett C. A., Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Columbia University, New York. “Biomedical Implications of Pulsing Electromagnetic Fields” 
3. Madronero A. “Influence of Magnetic Fields on Calcium Salts Crystal Formation: An explanation of the pulsed magnetic field technique for bone healing”. BES 
 Journal 1990.
4. Warnke U. “The Possible Role of Pulsating Magnetic Fields in the Reduction of Pain”, Elsevier Biomedical Press, Pain Therapy 1983.
5. Binder A., Parr G., Hasleman B., Department of Rheumatology, Addenbrookes Hospital. “Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy of Persistent Rotator Cuff   
Tendinitis”, Lancet, March 1984.
6,7. Lau B., School of Medicine, Lomo Linda, USA. “Effect of Low Intensity Electromagnetic Fields on Diabetic Retinopathy”.
8. Guseo A., Department of Neurology, Szekesfeheruar, Hungary. “Pulsing Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy of Multiple Sclerosis”, Journal of Bioelectricity 6 (1),


Part 1 Literature Review
L. Vodovnik R. Karba
Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Ljubljana,
Trzaska 25, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
 Abstract-The healing of a cutaneous wound is accompanied by endogenous electrical phenomena. Not knowing whether
they represent merely a side-effect of the physiological processes which take course during healing or whether they play a
much more important role as mediators of healing, externally applied electricity was examined as a therapeutic tool for the
enhancement of natural regenerative processes. In the present review a historical literature survey dealing with human appli-
cations of electric current for wound healing acceleration is given. It presents a complete palette of heterogeneous studies,
differing in the parameters of applied electric current, in delivery modes as well as in the types of wounds being stimulated.
Because of all these differences, comparing the afficacy of the described methods is difficult and could hardly be objective.
 Therefore greater stress was laid upon the discussion concerning the problems in designing clinical studies (size of the sam-
ple observed, control group, ethics of the procedures), rationales for the employment and possible underlying mechanisms
of particular methods, and problems of evaluating their efficacy. In spite of the extensive work performed in the field of elec-
trical wound healing we remain only part way towards explaining the mechanisms by which electricity reinforces the regen-
erative capabilities of injured tissue as well as only part way towards the selection of the optimal stimulation method from
among the published reports.
Keywords: Electric Stimulation, Electric Therapy, Skin Ulcer, Wound Healing
 Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput., 1992, 30, 257-266
Rehabilitation of hand after severe acute injuries
Turk Z., Sparas K., Flis I., Bicanin M., Barovic J.
General Hospital Maribor
Department for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Department for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Bitte Dlese Grenze weder beruhren noch uberschreiten

In the year 1990 490 cases or patients with acute hand injuries have been treated in our Departments. There were 170 cases with flexor lesions, 132 cases with exten-
sor lesions and 84 cases with damage in dorsal hand aponeurosis.
All of these lesions are complex, what means that were musculoskeletal - vascular - nerve system compound damages. Because of this we were made primary wound
closure in 81 cases, in 81 cases we covered the wound with free skin transplants, in 56 cases local skin grafts and in 16 cases we covered the wound with distant skin
In the maintenance of these severe injuries we sewed digital nerve in 72 cases (neuroraphia), in 9 cases we sewed medial nerve, in 9 cases neuroraphia of ulnar nerve,
in 5 cases we made neuroraphiam of radial nerve.
In 68 cases of bone fracture lesion we fixed them with Kirschner’s wire or with screws, 23 fractures were fixed with periostal sutures or with spongio-plastics.
In pooperative treatment all of patients have complex rehabilitation program. They were treated with kynesitMerapeutic exercises, magnetotherapy (small pocket gen-
erator Elmag), electrotherapy and application of dynamic hand supports.
 The achievements of this complex physical therapy was better range of motion, returnity of lost function and less phenomens of Sudeck’s dystrophy.

 27th General Meeting of the Austrian Urological Society and the Bavarian Association of Urologists Graz May 10-12, 2001
Prof. P.U. Petritsch, M.D.
Landeskrankenhaus Graz
Universitatsklinik fur Urologie
 Auenbruggerplatz 7
 A-8036 GRAZ, Austria
Call for Papers Deadline: 1-15-2001
Topic Open Topic Paper Poster
Presenter: I. Bizjak
Coauthors: J. Barovic, · G. Fischer, ·· W. Kobinger ··
 Institution: Celje Hosp., Maribor Hosp., · Institut fur Hygiene, KFU Graz··
 Address: AKH Celje, St 3000 Celje, Slovenia
Tel.: 0316/380/4365 Fax: 0316/380/9650 E-mail:
 The aim of the multicenter study presented here was to test how far the positive results from the application of electromagnetic fields that have been found
by several other medical specialties can be documented in urology also. 27 patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy exclusively were treated during bedtime
(about 8 hours) with a battery-operated, miniaturized (1. x w. x h. = 5 x 3 x 1 cm) magnetic field generator - the Prostameg from the Poznick Co., Celje.
Exposure Conditions: B/device = 7.9 µT, impulse frequency; 19.5 Hz, square wave signal.
Device Placement: in the underwear, as close as possible to the prostate.
Study population with mean age of 63.6 years (range: 48.7 - 79.6) was randomized for the single-blind trial to a treatment group (n1 = 17) or placebo group
n2 = 10). At baseline and upon completion of the study the mean and maximum urine flow, PSA values, and prostate size were measured on ultrasound. In addi-
tion, as a survey of subjective experiences, the patients filled out the internationally known IPSS (*International prostate symptom Score) questionnaire designed
to assess the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy. No participant reported any worsening, or the occurrence of any other problems during or after treat-
 The statistically most significant result for the treatment group consists of a highly significant (P=0.0005) improvement in subjective symptom evaluation.
By the end of the trial, prostate size in the field-treated group had decreased on the statistical curve by 12% (P=0.09) from 30.4 to 26.9 cm3. No other meas-
urable medical events within the treatment group were noted. However, on the current analysis no statistically relevant differences could be determined between
the treatment and placebo data by reason of the small population size (strictness of the exclusion criteria).
Because of the promise of these findings, plans were made for development of a wider follow-up study. Meanwhile, this kind of magnetic field therapy should
be regarded by a greater number of doctors as a form of adjuvant treatment at least.
IPSS - International Prostate Score, which is similar to the American Urological Association (AUA) Symptom Index.


Flis V., Flis I., Turk Z.
Critical ischaemia of lower extremities is still a challenging problem in clinical treatment of patients with such symptoms (Dormandy 1989). Clinical treat-
ment is especially difficult in patients with distal intragenicular arterial disease (Bell 1985, Boobis and Bell 1982). Pharmacotherapy and surgery in patients with
critical ischaemia of lower extremities (Dormandy 1989) and distal intagenicular arterial disease are not giving encouraging results (Bell 1985, Boobis and Bell
1982, Killon and Ambrous 1987).
It seems that no adequate clinical therapy exist for patients with severe disabling rest pain in the presence of obliterated bellow knee vessels. Patients with no
gangrene are usually not willing to undergo amputation. So the main problem remains: severe disabling rest pain.
It has been reported (Adey 1974) that pulsating magnetic fields of low intensity could influence the central nervous system. So the aim of this study was to
find out whether stimulation with pulsating magnetic fields of low intensity could decrease the defined daily dosis (DDD) of analgetics.
Patients and methods
 The study included only patients with critical ischaemia of lower extremities in the presence of bellow knee vessels disease (Dormandy 1989). All patients
had a complete medical and vascular studies (segmental Doppler studies) to establish a baseline of extremity perfusion. Standard arteriography was performed
 via the contralateral femoral artery to document the site and nature of arterial occlusion.
In this research the magnetic field was generated by a pocket generator. The device was made available by courtesy of (a firm) Elmag Co. in Slovenia (YU)
and in the research frequency of 19,5 Hz was applied.
 The fields from the described device spread in a spherical-symmetrical manner. The size of the device is 55 x 36 x 15 mm, its intensity between 0-10 cm dis-
tance is 40-1 microT.
In the sekvential doubled trial made by Bross (Bross 1952) got the half of all patients - after the randomisation - a normal satimulation (VERUM), the other
half got a machine (a pocket generator), which didn’t operate (PLACEBO). The first part of the experiment has lasted for 4 weeks.
 After that 4 weeks the order was exchanged: patients with the former PLACEBO - pocket generators got a normal stimulation (VERUM), the others (they 
had a normal stimulation before) got the PLACEBO. This part of the experiment has lasted for 4 weeks, too.
 The Bross’ test enables immediate statistical comparisons for the first part and the other part of our experiment was evaluated by the Wilcoxon’s test (Johnson
and Johnson 1977).
 The parameters measured out in a vascular laboratory (angio-sonographically determinated segmental pressures i.e. segmen tal Doppler studies) in the begin-
ning and at the end of the research were the same - they didn’t change after the use of PMFLI.
 Wilcoxon’s test indicated that there aren’t any statistically important differences on the pain reduction: p<=0,05! between both groups of patients (1. testing
group: PLACEBO versus VERUM and the 2. testing group VERUM versus PLACEBO).
 The Bross’ test showed, that among 44 patients there were 13 of that kind, where the use of analgetics after the stimulation with PMFLI was highly reduced.
 This difference is statistically important. That patients got a name: VERUM - reactors (29%).
 The results also showed, that among 44 patients there were 5 of them, where the use of analgetics reduced, but they had PLACEBO-pocket generators, We
nominated them PLACEBO - reactors (11%).
Only the planning of this research was in touch with many metodical problems. Patients with a critical ischaemia of lower extremities (Dormandy 1989) were
chosen because of two reasons: they have a very strong resting-pain, so that at such group of testing patients may subjective criterions fall away. At such group
there is also possible to control defined daily doses (DDD) of analgetics and so to estimate every improvement or aggravation. Every change is visible in the
intensity of the pain.
Because of the reasons:
- that no adequate clinical therapy exist for patients with severe and disabling pain,
- that the doctors doesn’t dispose any suitable and effective medical treatment (Boobis and Bell 1985),
- that surgical therapy doesn’t effective enough for the patients with peripheral obliterative arteriopatic disease (Bell 1985), all medicine-powers are directed
to the alleviation of the state.
So we tried to find out if the use of PMFLI can reduce the consumption of analgetics.
 The research showed that in the segmental arterial pressures (compared before and after using PMFLI) there weren’t any changes and in this case we didn’t
expect them also.
 Wilcoxon’s test showed, that between both groups of patients there weren’t statistical important differences in the reduction of defined daily doses (DDD)
of analgetics, but there is interested that DDD of analgetics is lower for about 20% in both groups.
 We counted for important just a reduction which was bigger or the same as 50%.
Bross’ test showed the extra insight: the “undergroup” of 13 patients had statistically important reduction of DDD of analgetics. For this “undergroup” we
can with a sure probability say that this reduction was the result of the PMFLI stimulation.
 All results of our research we could carefully interpret with the fact that it exist a group of people who are more susceptible for PMFLI and where we can
objectively observe the influence of PMFLI.
 This agree with the opinion of some other “magnetic fields-explorers” (Becker and Marino 1982). They suppose that there are just 30% of living people sus-
ceptible for the pulsating magnetic fields of low intensity (PMFLI).
Certainly in this place immediately appears the question “why like this?” Maybe there is an interference with other magnetic fields from our environment?
Is it maybe an inherential characteristic of all living creatures?
 Anyway, it’s important to answer that questions more exactly, because the results of this research are very positive. They also show some new possibilities: to
affect and rise the life quality with using of pulsating magnetic fields of low intensity - even on such sick people like they was included in this pilot-research.
 Adey WR. Introduction-effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on the Nervous System.Ann NY Ac Scien. 1975; 47:15-20.
Becker RO, Marino AA. Electromagnetism and life. Albany 1982.
Bell PRF. et al. The definition of critical ischaemia of a limb. Br J Surg. 1982; 69 (S2).
Bell PRF. Are distal vascular procedures worthwhile? Br J Surg 1985; 72:335.
Boobis LH, Bell PRF. Can drugs help patients with lower limb ischaemia? Br J Surg 1982; 69 (S2): 17-32.
 Johnson M, Johnson A. Clinical trials. Addison-Wesley 1977.
Dormandy J. ed. European Consensus Document on Critical Limb Ischaemia. Springer Verlag 1989.


Cosevski T. 1 Vuletic’ D.1 Dzubur A.2
1. New hospital Zagreb - Department of Neurology
 2. New hospital Zagreb - Department of Psychiatry

 We have been treating several hundreds of patients with peripheral facial palsy with ELMAG-S in our hospital. ELMAG-S is a high frequency electro-
magnetic stimulator (high frequency pulsating electromagnetic field). We have performed a complete EMNG analysis at 15 adult patients (age 18-50, both male
and female) with peripheral facial nerve palsy. They have all been treated without success with other methods and showed no significant improvement after 1-
2 months. (Other methods include: lidocaine injections, corticoids, polyvitamins etc.) We have performed detection EMG analysis at all examined patients,
measuring motor conduction velocity on both sides, and R1 response latencies. We have measured the amplitude, duration, and distal latency of M response,
and determined latency of R1 response. M Response was registered in zygomatic muscle using Disa’s concentric needle electrode. We have been using superfi-
cial electrodes for registration of R1 response in m. orbicularis oculi while stimulating m. supraorbitalis. EMNG recording has been analyzed before the begin-
ning of treatment with ELMAG-S and fourteen and twenty eight days after the treatment has commenced. It was repeated at some patients after 45 and 60
days. Comparation of amplitudes of M response on healthy and affected side has shown no prognostic value. We have also performed audiometry, tympanom-
etry and X-ray of mastoids by Stenvers at all patients. Each patient has been photographed and a video recording of some patients has been performed.
 The patients have been using ELMAG-S for a period of three week to one month, depending on the clinical finding and EMNG recording. The device has
been applied twice a day for one hour using frequency of 40 cycles. We have recorded improvement at each consecutive EMNG recording an all patients. Motor
conduction velocity showed significant improvement within the average period of 28 days. It is also important to stress out that the clinical improvement has
not directly been followed by the improvement in EMNG recording.
KEYWORDS: n. facialis, ELMAG-S, EMNG


z.Turk, J. Barovic
 Medical Rehabilitation Department, Maribor Teaching Hospital
Ljubljanska 5, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia
For the patient with progressed secondary hip arthrosis or osteoporotic fracture, insertion of an
artificial hip joint is the ideal solution. The characteristic pain of coxarthrosis is relieved postopera-
tively and the mobility of the joint itself improves. Sometimes the insertion of an artificial hip joint is
connected with certain short-term (hematoma, seroma, pulmonary embolism, paresis of the sciatic
nerve) and long-term complications (aseptic loosening of the artificial hip joint, osteolysis along the
 Ten years after artificial hip joint insertion, in 10% a revision operation is required due to aseptic
loosening of one or both parts of the artificial joint. In the professional literature Harris was the first to describe localized bone dissolution in connection with
loosened cement endoprostheses. Osteolysis in cement hip joints gave rise to the development and application of cementless artificial hip joints. When the
occurrence of osteolytic lesions was established also in cementless prostheses, it became evident that numerous factors play a significant role in loosening of the
prosthesis. Natural bone and materials from which implants are made all have a different elasticity. For this reason at a certain load microshifts always occur at
the junction between bone and implant (a loosening occurs when the shifts are larger than those expected due to differences in material elasticity). The pres-
ence of connective tissue at the junction of different materials also increases the extent of the microshifts. A layer of connective tissue between cement and bone
allows the intrusion of tiny particles, triggering chronic inflammation and the occurrence of osteolysis, in time also followed by a loosening of the artificial hip
 joint. The loosening is manifested clinically by hip pain during loading, particularly intorsion movements.
Our Results:
In 1998, 8 patients were treated for loosening of the hip prosthesis (6 women, 2 men, average age 68 years, a span of 60 -75 years). In all cases, apart from
load relief by using a walking crutch, a low frequency magnetic field of 3 mT intensity and a frequency of 25 Hz/ 20 x half-hour session was applied. In 5 patients
a remission of subjective symptoms and improvement of mobility in the affected hip joint was attained in a period of 6 months.


By Dr. D. C. Laycock Ph. D. (Med. Eng.); MIPEM*; B. Ed. (Hons)(Phys. Sciences), MBES; CGLI (Ind. Electronics); Consultant Clinical Engineer, Westville 
 Associates and Consultants (UK) and M. Laycock; B.A. (Sciences); P.G.C.E.; Research Co-ordinator
Research into Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy
 Although the therapeutic use of pulsed magnetic fields has long been in existence, understanding of its mode of action has been poorly understood. As early 
as 1940, Nagelshmidt proposed that its action was at the cellular level and this has now been supported by research. It has been shown that damaged cells have
a reduced negative charge, with subsequent effect on the flow of ions. This causes a build-up of fluid and prevents the normal cellular metabolism from taking
place. Research by Bauer and more recently by Sansaverino (1980), confirmed that pulsed electromagnetic fields can restore the ionic balance and return the cell
to its normal functions.
Initially, pulsed magnetic fields were applied mainly to fractures, where it was shown that they could bring about a reduction in the time needed for resolu-
tion of the fractures. It has been shown that under the influence of a pulsed magnetic field, osteoblasts are attracted to treatment sites, where small eddy cur-
rents are then induced into trace elements of ferro-magnetic material within the bone. Also, work by Madronero has shown that calcium salts are purified, hence
bone crystals become stronger. More recently, research by Bassett has been investigating the wider applications of pulsed magnetic fields in the area of 
Bassett also foresaw the extension of pulsed magnetic field therapy to other areas of medicine. This has now taken place, with an increase in scientific research
and clinical trials in the UK, and throughout Europe, Russia and the USA.

 The range of applications has covered:
 Treatment of vascular disorders (Steinberg 1964) Reduction of inflammation and oedema (Golden et al 1980)
Enhancement of the rate of healing in skin grafts (Golden et al 1981) Reduction of pain (Warnke 1983)
 Treatment of neuropathy (Lau) Nerve regeneration (Hayne)
Reduction in symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (Guseo 1987)
Research into these and other areas have shown good rates of success, with no detrimental side effects. For optimum results, low-frequency sustained pulsed
magnetic fields should be applied, with specific problems responding best to specific frequencies. For example, pain can be blocked using a base frequency of 
200 Hz as this brings about hyperpolarisation of nerve cells and inhibits transmission of pain signals. For wound healing, a base frequency of 50Hz is most effec-
tive, with a pulse rate of 17.5Hz.


Initially, pulsed magnetic field therapy was used primarily in treating horses for resolution of back and leg injuries. This was followed by widespread use with
greyhounds, since these incur frequent sprains, ligament injuries and fractures, all of which respond well to pulsed magnetic field therapy. It is now used with
other animals for similar injuries and has also been used to improve metabolism. The range of animals treated is wide - from elephants to buzzards! Pulsed
magnetic field therapy has been found to be particularly effective in treating leg and wing fractures of small birds, as they often are difficult to splint and, in
the worst cases, difficult to pin because of splintering of small bones. These injuries show a good response given daily treatment with pulsed magnetic field
 The use of a 200Hz base frequency as a pain block also has been beneficial in facilitating the examination of an injured animal. Practitioners have found
that an initial 10 minute treatment reduces an animal’s distress, so that it will then tolerate further handling in order to apply treatment or to enable the
manipulation of an injury.
German shepherd dogs are noted for suffering symptoms which resemble those of Multiple Sclerosis. In the UK, some success has been achieved by 
treating these symptoms with pulsed magnetic field therapy. There is also evidence from research that nerve regeneration has been achieved under the influence
of pulsed magnetic fields.
Once a diagnosis has been made and the desired therapeutic frequency determined, pulsed magnetic field therapy is simple to apply and can safely be
administered by the owner. This means that treatment can be given more than once a day on a regular basis between visits to the surgery - thus speeding up the
rate of healing and reducing demands on the time of the practitioner. In the UK, trained animal therapists operate under the direction of veterinary surgeons to
provide pulsed magnetic field therapy as part of a physiotherapy programme for animals. Students come from all over the world to a training centre to be taught
the methods and how to use the equipment to optimum effect.
 There is a range of equipment available. The larger units have a blanket applicator on which the animal can lie during treatment. These also are particularly 
useful for treating back injuries in large animals. There are also strap-on applicator pads available. The desired frequency range and treatment time is selected
on the control panel of the unit. Current research shows that long treatment sessions are not essential, as maximum therapeutic effect is generally achieved in a
10 minute session. Naturally the duration over which treatment is required is dependent on the severity of the injury. Fractures require longer treatment.
 The latest equipment now coming onto the market is a smaller, battery operated unit which is particularly useful for small animals or where a small area is
to be targeted for treatment, such as the legs and wings of birds. These units have a dual advantage. Firstly, the operator can easily transport the equipment,
allowing prompt treatment anywhere at any time and removing the need to take the animal to the surgery. Secondly, this type of unit can be left with the owner
on a hire basis to allow regular support treatment to be given between visits.
* Member of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine


 AU: Stiller-MJ; Pak-GH; Shupack-JL; Thaler-S;Kenny-C; Jondreau-L
 AD: Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University Medical Center, New York
SO: Br-J-Dermatol. 1992 Aug; 127(2): 147-54
CP: England
 AB: A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre study assessed the clinical efficacy and safety of pulsed electromagnetic limb
ulcer therapy (PE-LUT) in the healing of recalcitrant, predominantly venous leg ulcers. The portable device was used at home for 3 h daily during this 8-week 
clinical trial as an adjunct to a wound dressing. Wound surface area, ulcer depth and pain intensity were assessed at weeks 0, 4 and 8. At week 8 the active group
had a 47.7% decrease in wound surface area vs. a 42.3% increase for placebo (P<0.0002). Investigators’ global evaluations indicated that 50% of the ulcers in the
active group healed or markedly improved vs. 0% in the placebo group and 0% of the active group worsened vs. 54% of the placebo group (P<0.001). Significant
decreases in wound depth (P<0.04) and pain intensity (P<0.04) favouring the active group were seen. Patients whose ulcers improved significantly after 8 weeks
 were permitted to continue double-blind therapy until week 12, with the active treatment group continuing to show improvement. There were no reports
of adverse events attributable to this devise. We conclude that the PELUT device is a safe and effective adjunct to non-surgical therapy for recalcitrant venous
leg ulcers.

 AU: Farrell-JM; Litovitz-TL; Penafiel-M; Montrose-CJ; Doinov-P; Barber-M; Brown-KM; Litovitz-TA
 AD: Vitreous State Laboratory, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064, USA
SO: Bioelectromagnetics, 1997; 18(6): 431-8
 AB: Several investigators have reported robust, statistically significant results that indicated that weak (approximately 1 microT) magnetic fields (MFs)
increase the rate of morphological abnormalities in chick embryos. However, other investigators have reported that weak MFs do not appear to affect embryo
morphology at all. We present the results of experiments conducted over five years in five distinct campaigns spanning several months each. In four of the cam-
paigns, exposure was to a pulsed magnetic field (PMF); and in the final campaign, exposure was to a 60 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field (MF).
 A total of over 2500 White Leghorn chick embryos were examined. When the results of the campaigns were analyzed separately, a range of responses was
observed. Four campaigns (three PMF campaigns and one 60 Hz campaign) exhibited statistically significant increases (P> or = 0.001) ranging from 2-fold to
7-fold, in the abnormality rate in MF-exposed embryos. In the remaining PMF campaign, there was only a slight (roughly 50%), statistically insignificant (P =
0.2) increase in the abnormality rate due to MF exposre. When the morphological abnormality rate of all of the PMF-exposed embryos was compared to that
of all of the corresponding control embryos, a statistically significant (P> or = 0.001) result was obtained, indicating that PMF exposure approximately doubled
the abnormality rate. Like-wise, when the abnormality rate of the sinusoid-exposed embryos was compared to the corresponding control embryos, the abnor-
mality rate was increased (approximately tripled). This robust result indicates that weak EMFs can induce morphological abnormalities in developing chick 
embryos. We have attempted to analyze some of the confounding factors that may have contributed to the lack of response in one of the campaigns. The genet-
ic composition of the breeding stock was altered by the breeder before the start of the nonresponding campaign. We hypothesize that the genetic composition
of the breeding stock determines the susceptibility of any given flock to EMF-induced abnormalities and therefore could represent a confounding factor in stud-
ies of EMF-induced bioeffects in chick embryos.


 AU: Jorgensen-WA; Frome-BM; Wallach-C
 AD: 11980 San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049, United States
SO: EUR-J-SURG-ACTA-CHIR-SUPPL. -/574 (83-86) 1994
LS: English
 AB: Unusually effective and long-lasting relief of pelvic pain of gynaecological origin has been obtained consistently by short exposures of affected areas to
the application of a magnetic induction device producing short, sharp, magnetic-field pulses of a minimal amplitude to initiate the electrochemical phenome-
non of electroporation within a 25 cm(2) focal area. Treatments are short, fasting-acting, economical and in many instances have obviated surgery. This report
describes typical cases such as dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis, ruptured ovarian cyst, acute lower urinary tract infection, post-operative haematoma, and persist-
ent dyspareunia in which pulsed magnetic field treatment has not in most cases, been supplemented by analgesic medication. Of 17 female patients presenting
 with a total of 20 episodes of pelvic pain, of which 11 episodes were acute, seven chronic and two acute as well as chronic, 16 patients representing 18 episodes
(90%) experienced marked, even dramatic relief, while two patients representing two episodes reported less than complete pain relief.


 AU: Grant-G; Cadossi-R; Steinberg-G
 AD: Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University, California 94305
SO: Bioelectromagnetics, 1994; 15(3): 205-16
 AB: There is evidence that electromagnetic stimulation may accelerate the healing of tissue damage following ischemia. We undertook this study to investi-
gate the effects of low frequency pulsed electromagnetic filed (PEMF) exposure on cerebral injury in a rabbit model to transient focal ischemia (2 h occlusion
followed by 4 h reperfusion). PEMF exposure (280 V, 75Hz, IGEA Stimulator) was initiated 10 min after the onset of ischemia and continued throughout
reperfusion (six exposed, six controls). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histology were used to measure the degree of ischemia edema on MRI at the
most anterior coronal level by 65% (P< 0.001). On histologic examination, PEMF exposure reduced ischemic neuronal damage in this same cortical area by 69%
(P< 0.01) and by 43% (P< 0.05) in the striatum. Preliminary data suggest that exposure to a PEMF of short duration may have implications for the treatment
of acute stroke.


Orlov L.L. et at.
 Journal article ISSN: 0006-3029
 AB: This influence of PEMF, antianginal drugs and their combination on physical load tolerability, hemodynamics and functional state of hormonal system
in patient with stable Angina Pectoris was studied. PEMF produced marked antianginal effect in patient with 1-2 class angina and it was effective in combi-
nation with antianginal drugs in class 3 angina. The reduction of attack frequency and significant physical load tolerability improvement was determined. The
correcting influence of PEMF on hypophysis -thyroid system hormons was revealed, that correlats with physical load tolerability and myocardial contractility 


 AU: Liang-Y; Hannan-CJ Jr; Chang-BK; Schoenlein-PV
 AD: Department of Radiology, Research and Nuclear Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30912, USA
SO: Anticancer-Res. 1997 May-Jun; 17(3C): 2083-8
 AB: Tumor cell resistance to many unrelated anticancer drugs is a major obstacle during cancer chemotherapy. One mechanism of drug resistance is thought
to be due to the efflux of anticancer drugs caused by P-glycoprotein. In recent years, magnetic fields have been found to enhance the potency of anticancer drugs,
 with favorable modulation of cancer therapy. In this study, KB-ChR-8-5-11, a multidrug resistant (MDR) human carcinoma subline, was used as a model to
evaluate the ability of pulsed magnetic fields (PMF) to modulate the potency of daunorubicin (DNR) in vivo and to determine the appropriate order of expo-
sure to drugs and PMF using an in vitro cytotoxicity assay, Solenoid coils with a ramped pulse current source were used at 250 pulses per second for both in
 vivo and in vitro experiments. For the in vivo study, KB-ChR-8-5-11 cells were inoculated into thymic Balbe-nu/nu female mice. Treatment was begun when
the average tumor volume reached 250-450 mm3. Treatment consisted of whole body exposure to PMF for one hour, followed immediately by intravenous (i.v.)
injection of 8 mg/kg DNR designated as day 0, and repeated on days 7 and 14. Among the various groups, significant differences in the tumor volume were
found between PMF + saline and PMF + DNR groups (p = 0.0107) at 39 days and 42 days (p = 0.0101). No mice died in the period. For the in vitro studies,
the sulforhodamine blue (SRB) cytotoxicity assay was used to determine the effect of the sequence which cells are exposed to PMF and/or DNR. Cells were
exposed to PMF either before (pre-PMF) or after (post-PMF) drug was added. Results showed that the IC50 was significantly different between controls and
pre-PMF + DNR groups (P = 0.0096, P = 0.0088). The IC50 of the post-PMF + DNR group was not found to be significantly different from control groups.
 Thus, the data in this report demonstrates that PMF enhanced the potency of DNR against KB-ChR-8-5-11 xenograft in vivo, while the efficacy of DNR was
potentiated in vitro by PMF exposure only when PMF exposure occurred in the presence of drug. The data in vitro suggest that the mechanism by which PMFs
modulate DNR’s potency may be by inhibition of the efflux pump, P-glycoprotein. Further work to determine conditions for maximum modulation of drug
potency by PMF’s warranted.


 AU: Sisken-BF; Jacob-JM; Walker-JL
 AD: Center for Biomedical Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506, USA
SO: J-Neuroosci-Res, 42/5 (692-699) 1995
LS: English
 AB: The mechanism whereby low-frequency electromagnetic fields accelerate axonal regrowth and regeneration of peripheral nerve after crush lesion is not
known. One candidate is an alteration in axonal transport. In this study we exposed unoperated rats for 15 min/day, and rats that had undergone a crush lesion
of the sciatic nerve; for 1 hr/day for 2 days, to 2-Hz pulsed electromagnetic fields.To label fast transported proteins, [(3) H]-proline was microinjected into the
spinal cord, and the sciatic nerves were removed 2, by counting sequential 2-mm segments of nerves. The following transport rats were found; in unoperated
normal sciatic nerve not exposed to PEMF, 373 n 14 mm/day; in unoperated normal nerve exposed to PEMF, 383 n 14 mm/day; in sham crush nerves not
exposed to PEMF, 379 n 19 mm/day; in sham crush nerve exposed to PEMF, 385 n 17 mm/day; in crushed nerves not exposed to PEMF, 393 n 16mm/day;
and in crushed nerves exposed to PEMF, 392 n 15mm/day. The results of these experiments indicate that 1) a crush injury to the sciatic nerve does not alter
the rate of fast axonal transport, and 2) low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields do not alter fast axonal transport rates in operated (crush) or unoperated
sciatic nerves.


 AU: Walker-JL; Evans-JM; Resig-P; Guarnieri-S; Meade-P; Sisken-BS
 AD: Division of orthopaedic Surgery, Center for Biomedical Engineering, Univ. Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY, United States
SO: Exp-Neurol, 125/2 (302-305) 1994
LS: English
 AB: Previous studies showed that exposure to pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) produced a 22% increase in the axonal regeneration rate during the first
6 days after crush injury in the rat sciatic nerve. We used the same injury model to assess the effect on functional recovery. The animals were treated with whole
body exposure to PEMF (0.3 mT, repetition rate 2Hz) for 4 h/day during Days 1-5 while held in plastic restrainers. Functional recovery was serially assed up
to Postinjury Day 43 using recently described video imaging of the 1-5 toe spread and the gait-stance duration. Footprint analysis was also used with calcula-
tion of a sciatic function index. Those animals treated with PEMF had improved functional recovery, as compared to sham controls, using the tests for video 1-
5 toe spread and gait-stance duration (P = 0.001 and P = 0.081, respectively).This effect was found throughout the 43-day recovery period. No effect was found
using the sciatic function index. This study confirms that functional recovery after nerve crush lesion is accelerated by PEMF and has broad implications for
the clinical use of these fields in the management of nerve injuries.
 AU: Sheriff-MKM; Shah-PJR; Fowler-C Mundy-AR; Craggs-MD
 AD: Dr. M.D. Craggs, Institute of Urology and Nephrology, St Peter’s Hospital, 48 Riding House Street, London W1P 7PN
SO: BR-J-UROL. 78/1 (39-46) 1996
LS: English
 AB: Objective: To investigate the acute effects of functional magnetic stimulation (FMS) on detrusor hyper-reflexia using a multi-pulse magnetic stimula-
tor. Patients and methods. Seven male patients with established and intractable detrusor hyper-reflexia. After optimization of magnetic stimulation of S2-S4
sacral anterior roots by recording toe flexor electromyograms, unstable detrusor activity was provoked during cystometry by rapid infusion of fluid into the blad-
der. The provocation test produced consistent and predictable detrusor hyper-reflexia. On some provocations, supramaximal FMS at 20 pulses/s for 5 s was
applied at detrusor pressures which were >15 cmH-20. Results: Following FMS there was an obvious acute suppression of detrusor hyper-reflexia. There was a
profound reduction in detrusor contraction as assessed by the area under the curves of detrusor pressure with time. Conclusions: Functional magnetic stimula-
tion applied over the sacrum can profoundly suppress detrusor hyper-reflexia in man. It may provide a non-invasive method of assessing patients for implantable
electrical neuromodulation devices and as a therapeutic option in its own right.


 AU: Nakamura-H; Kitagawa-H, Kawaguchi-Y;Tsuji-H
 AD: H. Nakamura, Department of Othopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical Pharmaceutical Univ., 2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-01
SO: J-Physiol. 498/3 (817-823) 1997
LS: English
 AB: 1. Changes in excitability of the motor cortex induced by a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) were examined by simultaneous recording of the
evoked corticospinal volley and the compound surface electromyographic (EMG) response in the biceps brachii following paired-pulse. TMS in five conscious
subjects. The effects of a varying interstimulus interval (ISI) and a conditioning stimulus intensity were also investigated. 2. A submotor threshold condition-
ing stimulus inhibited the test responses at ISIs of 2-5 ms. A supramotor threshold conditioning stimulus inhibited the test responses at ISIs of 100-200 ms.
Both of these inhibitions were prominent in late I waves. 3. There was a facilitation of the test responses at an ISI of 25 ms that was prominent in late I waves.
 The facilitation evoked by the supramotor threshold conditioning stimulus was more prominent than that evoked by the submotor threshold conditioning stim-
ulus. 4. It is concluded that single TMS induced the triphasic changes of the motor cortex, excitability in conscious humans that resulted in changes in EMG
responses following paired TMS.


 Mary Ellen O’Conner, Faust Bianco and David Morris
 The University of Tulsa, OK, USA
International Symposium Nov. 1997; Magnetic Fields: Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy 74104
 After reviewing 180 CES studies reported between 1964 and 1987 in a meta-analysis in order to evaluate the studies using so many different methodologies
and statistical analysis. There was a revealed significant group difference, with evidence for reduction of anxiety in both self report and observer ratings in the
CES group. Depression was reduced in the stimulated group, and showed clinical effect in the alleviation of anxiety during withdrawal from polysubstance
chemical dependence.


Klaus Peter Ossenkopp
 Neuroscience Program, and Departments of Psychology and Pharmacology and Toxikology, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
Given the observed sensitivity of human brain to ELF-fields, it was clearly of importance to examine the possible influence of both static and ELF fields on
abnormal brain electrical activity, such as occurs during epilepsy. The initial concern was that ELF fields might possibly trigger epileptifform activity in epilep-
sy patient. Geomagnetic field alterations during geomagnetic storms have been correlated with altered seizure frequency and intensity. ELF field exposure has
been found to produce a reduced sensitivity to epileptiform activity and genesis and such fields have been suggested as possible therapeutic agents in control of 
brain epileptiform activity in patients.

Department of psychology, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Percept Mot Skills 1996 Oct, Vol 83 (2), P: 491-8, ISSN: 0031-5125 
 AB: Many patient who display psychological depression following a traumatic brain injury do not respond completely to antidepressant drugs. There was a
significant improvement of depression and reduction of phobias while physical symptoms and other complaints were not changed.


1990; Oftalmol-Zh (2), p: 89-92, ISSN: 0030-0675
 AB: PEMF in the open angle glaucoma. Over 150 patients (283 eyes) with latent initial and advanced glaucoma have shown that the usage PEMF exerts
influence on hydrodynamics of the eye in open glaucoma; stimulates the rise of aqueos outflow and production, the reduction of Becker’s coefficient. At the
latent stage of desease, normalization of outflow was recorded in 25% of cases, at the initial and advanced stages in 17,8% and 16% of cases respectively. The
investigation carried out allow to recommend the mentioned method for a complex treatment of open angle glaucoma


Zobina L., et al.
 J-Vestn-oftalm 1990 Sept-Oct. Vol: 106 (5), P: 54-7, ISSN: 0042-465%
 AB: PEMF effects in visual functions (vision acuity and field), on retinal bioelectric activity, on conductive vision system and on intraocular circulation in 88
patients. Vision acuity of patients with ists low (below 0.04 dp) values improved in 50% of cases. The number of patients with vision acuity of 0.2 dp has
increased from 46 to 75. PEMF improved ocular hemodynamics in patients with optic nerve atrophy, it reduced the time of stimulation conduction along the
 vision routes and stimulated the retinal ganglia cells.


Bassett L., Adrew C.
Bioelectric research center, colombia University, riverdale, New York, USA
 Journal of cellular Biochemistry 51: 387-393
 AB: PEFM’s were basic in the treatment of a quarter million patients with chronically ununited fractures worldwide. Many of the athermal bioresponses at
the cellular and sub-cellular levels, have been identified and found appropriate to correct or modify the pathologic processes of which PEMF’s have been used.
Not only is efficiancy supported by these basic studies but by a number of double blind trials. As understanding of mechanisms expands, specific requirements
for field energetics are being defined and range of treatable ills broadened. These include nerve regeneration, wound healing, graft behavior diabetes, and
myocardial and cerebral ischemia, among other conditions. Preliminary data even suggest possible benefits in controlling malignancy.


 AU: Yonemori-K; Matsunaga-S; Ishidou-Y; Maeda-S; Yoshida-H
 AD: Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890, Japan
SO: Bone. 19/2 (173-180) 1996
LS: English
 AB: The mechanism by which electrical stimulation causes osteogenesis is unknown. Bone marrow of the rabbit was stimulated by direct electrical current
or electromagnetic fields to clarify the mechanism of osteogenesis by electrical stimulation. A total of 105 rabbits were separated into five groups; a pulsed elec-
tromagnetic fields stimulation (PEMF) group; a PEMF with Kirshner wire insertion group; a Kirshner wire insertion group; and an intramedullary drilling con-
trol group. Measurement of intramedullary new bone formation and determination of alkaline phosphatase activity within the bone marrow were performed.
 Argylophilic nuclear organizer region (AgNOR) staining was done to evaluate the change in proliferative activity of the osteoblasts during electrical stimula-
tion. In the direct current stimulation group and the PEMF accompanied by the insertion of the Kirshner wire group, alkaline phosphatase activity in the bone
marrow and AgNOR staining increased at 7 days after surgery. At 14 days after surgery, alkaline phosphatase activity and proliferative activity of osteoblast were
significantly higher in these two groups than in the other groups (PEMF group, Kirshner wire insertion alone group, intramedullary drilling group).
Intramedullary new bone formation was most active in the direct current stimulation group. Electromagnetic stimulation of the inserted Kirshner wire also pro-
moted bone formation significantly. The Kirshner wire insertion alone group and the intramedullary drilling group showed bone formation, but it was signifi-
cantly less. Electromagnetic stimulation without the insertion of the Kirshner wire showed little bone formation. These findings revealed that the degree of 
osteogenesis induced by electrical stimulation is influenced by the tissue environment, and that osteogenesis is promoted markedly when electrical stimulation
is provided in the environment of inflammation and reactive cells.

 AU: Eyres-KS; Saleh-M; Kanis-JA
 AD: WHO Collaborating Ctr Metab Bone Dis, University of Sheffield, Beech Hill Road, Sheffield S10 2RX, United Kingdom
SO: Bone, 18/6 (505-509) 1996
CP: United-States
LA: English
 AB: We examined the effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) on bone formation and disuse osteoporosis sustained during limb lengthening in a
double-blind study. Seven males (mean age 13 years, range 11-19 years) and six females (mean age 12 years, range 9-19 years) were randomly allocated to receive
either an active or an inactive PEMF coil. Limb lengthening was performed by the Villarubbias technique using either a unilateral or circular frame system.
Sequential bone density measurements were made using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and compared to traditional radiographs. Ten segments (eight tibial
and two femoral) in seven patients were lengthened under the influence of active coils and eight segments (six tibial and two femoral) in six patients using inac-
tive coils. There was no difference in the rate nor the amount of new bone formed at the site of distraction between the two groups. Bone loss in the segments
of bone distal to the lengthening sites was observed in both groups but was significantly more marked using inactive coils (BMD reduced by 23% n SEM 3%
and 33% n 4% control values after one and two months respectively; p < 0.0001) than using active coils (BMD reduced by 10% n 2% at 2 months). These dif-
ferences were greater at 12 months after surgery (reduced by 54% n 5% and 13% n 4% respectively; p < 0.0001). Stimulation with pulsed electromagnetic fields
has no effect on the regenerated bone, but does prevent bone loss adjacent to the distraction gap.


 AU: Konrad-K; Sevcic-K; Foldes-K; Piroska-E; Molnar-E
 AD: Orszagos Reumatol./Fizioter. Intezet, Pf.54, 1525 Budapest 114, Hungary
SO: Clin-Rheumatol. 15/4 (325-328) 1996
LA: English
 AB: Aseptic loosening is the most common problem of hip arthroplasties,limiting its long term success. We report a study of pulsed electromagnetic field
(PEMF) treatment in 24 patients with this complication. At the end of treatment, six months and one year later, pain and hip movements improved signifi-
cantly with the exception of flexion and extension. There was significant improvement in both isotope scans and ultrasonography, but not in plain X-ray. The
decreased pain and improved function suggest that PEMF is effective in improving symptoms of patients with loose hip replacement. No improvement, how-
ever, can be expected in patients with sever pain due to gross loosening.


 AU: Liu-H; Abbott-J; Bee-JA
 AD: Department Veterinary Basic Sciences, Veterinary College, Royal College Street, London NW1 0TU, United Kingdom
SO: Osteoarthritis-Cartilage. 4/1 (63-76) 1996
LA: English
 AB: Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) influence the extracellular matrix metabolism of a diverse range of skeletal tissues. This study focuses upon the
effect of PEMF on the composition and molecular structure of cartilage proteoglycans. Sixteen-day-old embryonicchick sterna were explanted to culture and
exposed to a PEMF for 3h/day for 48h. PEMF treatment did not affect the DNA content of explants but stimulated elevation of glycosaminoglycan content
in the explant and conserved the tissue’s histological integrity. The glycosaminoglycans in sterna exposed to PEMF were indistinguishable from those in con-
trols in their composition of chondroitin sulfate resulting from chondroitinase ABC digestion. Specific examination with [(35)S]-sulfate labels showed that
PEMF treatment significantly suppressed both the degradation of pre-existing glycosaminoglycans biosynthetically labeled in ovo and the synthesis of new 
[(35)S]-sulfated glycosaminoglycans. The average size and aggregating ability of pre-existing and new synthesized [(35)S}-sulfated proteoglycans proteoglycans
extracted with 4 M guanidinium chloride from PEMF-treated cartilage explants were identical to controls. The chain length and degree of sulfation of [(35)S]-
sulfated glycosaminoglycans also were identical in control and PEMF-treated cultures. PEMF treatment also reduced the amount of both unlabeled gly-
cosaminoglycans and labeled pre-existing and newly synthesized [(35)S]-sulfated glycosaminoglycans recovered from nutrient media. [(35)S]-Sulfated proteo-
glycans released to the media of both control and PEMF-treated cultures were mostly degradation products although their glycosaminoglycan chain size was
unchanged.These results demonstrate that exposure of embryonic chick cartilage explants to PEMF for 3h/day maintains a balanced proteoglycan composition
by down-regulating its turnover without affecting either molecular structure or function.

 AU: Holmes-GB Jr
 AD: University Orthopaedics, 800 South Wells Street, Chicago, IL 60607, United States
SO: Foot-Angle-Int. 15/10 (552-556) 1994
LS: English
 AB: Nine delayed unions and nonunion of the proximal fifth metatarsal were treated with pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF). All fractures healed in a
mean time of 4 months (range 2-8 months). Those fractures treated with both pulsed electromagnetic fields and a nonweightbearing cast healed in a mean time
of 3 months (range 2-4 months). The average duration of follow-up was 39 months (range 24-60 months). There were no refractures. When compared with
reported healing times and morbidity for conventional casting, medullary curettage with inlay bone, and closed axial intramedullary screw fixation, pulsed elec-
tromagnetic fields provided an effective alternative for the treatment of delayed unions and nonunion of the proximal fifth metatarsal.


 AU: Cane-V; Botti-P; Muglia-MA; Remaggi-F; Soana-S
TO: Effetti Della Stimolazione Eletromagnetica Sulla Micro-Durezza Dell’osso Neodeposto in Fori Transcorticali Dia-fisari: Studio Preliminare
 AD: Instituto di Anatomia Umana Normale, Policlinico, Via Del Pozzo, 71, 41100 Modena, Italy
SO: Ital-J-Miner-Electrolyte-Metab. 8/1 (23-30) 1994
LA: Italian
 AB: The microhardness testing technique was applied to investigate on possible effects of low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) on the
degree of the primary mineralization of bone formed during the repair process of transcortical holes. At the mid-diaphyseal level of the left and right metacarpal
bones of 2 adult horses, 1 trans-cortical jole (4.5 mm diameter) was drilled. The hole in the left side was exposed for 30 days to PEMFs characterized by 28
Gauss peak amplitude, 1.3 msec rise time, 75 Hz repetition rate. The right contralateral untreated hole was taken as control. The results indicate that both the
amount of bone formed during 30 days and its microharness are significantly greater (P<0.01 and p<0.001 respectively) in PEMF-treated holes than in con-
tralateral untreated ones. In both PEMF-treated and untreated holes the values of microhardness (a) decrease from endosteum towards periosteum; (b) is high-
er (p<0.001) in woven non lamellar bone that in lamellar bone. On the basis of these preliminary findings, the increase in the physical resistance of the primary 
reparative PEMF-treated bone seem to be related to the improvement of reparative process promoted by PEMFs. Nevertheless we cannot exclude that PEMFs
interfere with mineral fraction and/or matrix components of bone.


 AU: Cane-V; Botti-P; Soana-S
 AD: Instituto di Anatomia Umana Normale, Policlinico, Via Del Pozzo 71, 41100 Modena (MO), Italy
SO: J-Orthop-Res. 11/5 (664-670) 1993
LS: English
 AB: The influence of pulsed low-frequency electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) on bone formation was investigated in studies of the healing process of transcor-
tical holes, bored at the diaphyseal region of metacarpal bones of six adult horses, exposed for 30 days to PEMFs (28 G peak amplitude, 1.3 ms rise time, and
75 Hz repetition rate). A pair of Helmholtz coils, continuously powered by a pulse generator, was applied for 30 days to the left metacarpal bone, through which
two holes, of equal diameter and depth, had been bored at the diaphyseal region. Two equal holes, bored at the same level in the right metacarpal and surrounded
by an inactive pair of Helmholtz coils, were used as controls. All horses were given an intravenous injection of 25-30 mg/kg of tetracycline chloride on the 15th
and again on the 25th day after the operation and were killed 5 days later. The histomorphometric analysis indicated that both the amount of bone formed dur-
ing 30 days and the mineral apposition rate during 10 days (deduced from the interval between the two tetracycline labels) were significantly greater (p<0.01
and p<0.0001, respectively) in the PEMF-treated holes than in the controls. As did a previous investigation, these preliminary findings indicate that PEMFs at
low frequency not only stimulate bone repair but also seem to improve the osteogenic phase of the healing process, at least in our experimental conditions.


 AU: Currier-DP; Ray-JM; Nyland-J; Rooney-JG; Noteboom-JT; Kellogg-R
 AD: Division of Physical Therapy, Univ of Kentucky Medical Center, Annex I, Lexington, KY 40536-0079, United States
SO: J-Orthop-Sport-Phys-Ther. 17/4 (177-184) 1993
LS: English
 AB: A need exists to develop new methods of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) that are both effective and relatively pain-free. The purpose of 
this pilot study was to determine the effects of both NMES and a new method of electromagnetic (NMES/PEMF) stimulation for reducing girth loss and for

reducing pain and muscle weakness of the knee extensor muscles in patients during the first 6 weeks after reconstructive surgery of the anterior cruciate liga-
ment (ACL). Seventeen patients receiving ACL reconstructive surgery participated as a control group (N=3), as an NMES group (N=7), and with combined
NMES and magnetic field stimulation (NMES/PEMF) (N=7). Patients receiving NMES/PEMF rated each type of stimulation for perceived pain and were
measured for their torque. Torque results revealed a mean decrease of 13.1% for NMES/PEMF patients. The mean percent of thigh girth decreased 8.3% for
controls, 0.5% for NMES and 2.3% for NMES/PEMF patients. The NMES/PEMF patients rated NMES as causing about twice the pain intensity as
NMES/PEMF during treatment. As a result of this data, the authors concluded that both NMES and NMES/PEMF are effective in reducing girth loss and
that NMES/PEMF is less painful than NMES alone in treating patients after ACL reconstruction.


 AU: Trock-DH; Bollet-AJ; Dyer-RH Jr; Fielding-LP; Miner-WK; Markoll-R
 AD: Section of Rheumatology, Danbury Hospital, Danbury, CT 06810, United States
SO: J-Rheumatol. 20/3 (456-460) 1993
LS: English
 AB: Objective. Further evaluation of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF), which have been observed to produce numerous biological effects, and have been
used to treat delayed union fractures for over a decade. Methods. In a pilot, double-blind randomized trial, 27 patients with osteoarthritis (OA), primarily of 
the knee, were treated with PEMF. Treatment consisted of 18 half-hour periods of exposure over about 1 month in a specially designed noncontact, air-coil
device. Observations were made on 6 clinical variables at baseline, midpoint of therapy, end of treatment and one month later; 25 patients completed treatment.
Results. An average improvement of 23-61% occurred in the clinical variables observed with active treatment, while 2 to 18% improvement was observed in
these variables in placebo treated control patients. No toxicity was observed. Conclusion. The decreased pain and improved functional performance of treated
patients suggests that this configuration of PEMF has potential as an effective method of improving symptoms in patients with OA. This method warrants fur-
ther clinical investigation.


 AU: Nyland-JA; Currier-DP; Ray-JM; Duby-MJ
 AD: Division of Physical Therapy, UKMC, Annex 2, Lexington, KY 40536-0079, United States
SO: J-Sport-Rehabil. 2/1 (53-62) 1993
LS: English
 AB: This paper discusses function changes during an accelerated rehabilitation program at 6, 10, and 52 weeks postsurgery for a college athlete following
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction/meniscectomy of the left knee. The effects of combined pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) and neuromuscular elec-
trical stimulation (NMES) on knee extensor torque, thigh girth, and pain level are presented. PEMF-NMES decreased stimulation pain by 76%. Knee exten-
sor isometric torque increased by 23%, and thigh girth decreased less than 5% at 6 weeks. Knee extensor isokinetic torque was 13% and 3% deficient at 90 degree
/s and 240 degree /s, and standing single-leg broad jump distance was 19% deficient at 10 weeks. Knee extensor isokinetic torque was 1% and 1.5% greater at
90 degree /s and 240 degree /s, and standing single-leg broad jump distance was 11% deficient at 52 weeks. Knee anterior laxity was 2mm at 10 weeks and 3mm
at 52 weeks. PEMF-NMES appears to comfortably enhance knee extensor torque gains and diminish thigh girth loss. Despite early return to practice, func-
tional deficit remained and anterior laxity was increased at 52 weeks.


 AU: Cane-V; Zaffe-D; Cavani-F; Botti-P; Soana-S
RP: Cane, V; Dipartimento Sci Morfol and Med Legali, Sez Anat Umana, Via Del Pozzo 71; I-41100 Modena; Mo; Italy
 IN: Dept Morphol Sci and Forens Med, Sect Human Anat, Modena, Italy; Dept Anim Pathol, Turin, Italy; Inst Expt Vet Radiol, Parma, Italy
SO: Electro—and-Magnetobiology. 1997; 16 (2): 143-152
 AB: The goal of this study was to investigate whether PEMFs influence enzymatic activities during the early stages of bone repair. Two transcortical holes
(4.5 mm diameter) were drilled at the same diaphyseal level in the lateral margin of the right and left metacarpal bone (McIII) of six adult male horses. The
left McIII were exposed to PEMFs (75 Hz; 2.8 mT, 1.3 ms impulse width) 24h/day; the right untreated McIII were used as controls. Horses were sacrificed 8
and 15 days after the operation. The bone segments containing the holes were fixed, dehydrated in ethanol solutions, and, undecalcified, embedded in methyl-
methacrylate. The midlongitudinal sections of the holes were either stained with soluidine blue or processed for evaluation of the total alkaline phosphatase
(TRAP) and the tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). In PEMF-treated holes we found; (1) TALP is strongly positive with respect to the controls; (b)
the newly formed bony trabeculae are more abundant than in the controls: (c) in both treated and control holes, no TRAP-positive osteoclasts were observed
on the hole surface, whereas several osteoclasts were located on the newly formed bone tracebulae. On the basis of these data, it may be concluded that PEMFs
accelerate the healing process of transcortical holes and enhance the enzymatic activity of repair tissue.
 AU: Wai-Chi-Lee-E; Maffulli-N; Chi-Kei-Li; Kai-Ming-Chan
 AF: Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Clinical Sciences Building, Shatin, New Territories,
Hong Kong; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Aberdeen Medical School, Polwanh Building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
SO: Archives-of-physical-medical-and-rehabilitation. 1997; 78 (4) : 399-404
 AB: Objective: To investigate the effects of pulsed magnetic fields (PMF) and pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on healing in experimental Achilles
tendon inflammation in the rat. Design: Prospective randomized trial. Setting: University medical school. Methods: Exposure of the Achilles tendon and injury 
by a weight of 98.24 gm falling from the height of 35cm in 180 male Sprague-Dawley rats. Intervention: A daily 15-minute session with PMF of 17 Hz or 50
Hz or PEMF of 15 Hz or 46 Hz, or a sham session. Outcome Measures: Random sacrifice 2 hours after the operation, and at 1, 3, 7, 14, or 28 days. Assessment
of water content, weight, and histological appearance of the tendons. Results: The time from injury and the various treatment modalities exerted a significant
influence on the water content of the tendon after the injury (two-way ANOVA, p = .02). At day 3, the water content of the PEMF 46 Hz group was signifi-
cantly higher than in the other groups, decreasing sharply by day 7 and being similar to the other groups thereafter. By the end of the experiment, the PEMF 
15 Hz group was not significantly different from the control group. At day 7, the PMF 50 Hz group showed significantly lower water content that the control
group (p=.03), but at 14 days the PMF 50 Hz group was not significantly different from the control group. PMF 50 Hz suppressed the extravascular edema
during early inflammation. PMF 17 Hz showed a similar initial trend, producing a consistent lower water content throughout the experiment, reaching statis-
tical significance by the end of treatment. By the end of the experiment, the collagen fibers had nearly regained their normal alignment in all groups, with a
more physiological alignment seen in the
PEMF 17 Hz group. Conclusions: The tendon returned to histological normality in all groups, but the PMF 17 Hz group showed better collagen alignment
by the end of the study. PMF 17 Hz resulted in a greater reduction of inflammation, with a better return of the tendon to histological normality. Different PMF 
and PEMF could be applied according to when treatment is started after the injury. If there is no delay between injury and beginning of pulsed magnetic treat-
ment, PMF 17 should be used.


 AU: Harrison-M-H-M; Bassett-C-A-L
 AF: Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom
SO: Journal-of-pediatric-orthopedics. 1997, 17 (2) : 264-265
LA: English
 AB: A double-blind trial of the use of pulsed electro-magnetic frequency (PEMF) in the treatment of Perthes’ disease was constructed by using this thera-
py to supplement a long practised non-weight-bearing orthotic treatment, the Birmingham Containment Splint. Twenty-one boys with Perthes’ disease were
treated with this combined regimen; they were divided into two groups. All wore the orthosis but the treatment coil was inactive in one group; the state of the
coil activity was unknown to clinic staff or patients. The duration of non-weight-bearing orthotic treatment needed to achieve a stated degree of femoral head
reconstitution was recorded; there was no discernible difference between the two group, treatment time being 12 months in one group and 12.5 months in the
other. It was concluded that PEMF cannot be offered for the therapy of Perthes’ disease.


 AU: Yonemori-K; Matsunaga-s; Ishidou-Y; Maeda-S; Yoshida-H
 AF: Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan; First Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine,
Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan
SO: Bone-New-York. 1996; 19 (2) : 173-180
 AB: The mechanism by which electrical stimulation causes osteogenesis is unknown. Bone marrow of the rabbit was stimulated by direct electrical current
or electromagnetic fields to clarify the mechanism of osteogenesis by electrical stimulation. A total of 105 rabbits were separated into five groups: a direct cur-
rent stimulation by Kirshner wire insertion group; a pulsed electromagnetic fields stimulation (PEMF) group; a PEMF with Kirshner wire insertion group; a
Kirshner wire insertion group; and an intramedullary drilling control group. Measurement of intramedullary new bone formation and determination of alkaline
phosphatase activity within the bone marrow were performed. Argylophilic nuclear organizer region (AgNOR) staining was done to evaluate the change in pro-
liferative activity of the osteoblasts during electrical stimulation. In the direct current stimulation group and the PEMF accompanied by the insertion of the
Kirshner wire group alkaline phosphatase activity in the bone marrow and AgNOR staining increased at 7 days after surgery. At 14 days after surgery, alkaline
phosphatase activity and proliferative activity of osteoblast were significantly higher in these two groups than in the other groups (PEMF group, Kirshner wire
insertion alone group, intramedullary drilling group). Intramedullary new bone formation was most active in the direct current stimulation group.
Electromagnetic stimulation of the inserted Kirshner wire also promoted bone formation significantly. The Kirshner wire insertion alone group and the
intramedullary drilling group showed bone formation, but it was significantly less. Electromagnetic stimulation without the insertion of the Kirshner wire
showed little bone formation. These findings revealed that the degree of osteogenesis induced by electrical stimulation is influenced by the tissue environment,
and that osteogenesis is promoted markedly when electrical stimulation is provided in the environment of inflammation and reactive cells.

 AU: Sarker-AB; Nashimuddin-AN; Islam-KM; Rabbani-KS; Rahman-M; Mushin-AU; Hussain-M
 AD: Department of Pathology, Okayama University Medical School, Japan
SO: Bangladesh-Med-Res-Counc-Bull. 1993 Dec; 19 (3) : 103-12
 AB: The present experiment was designed to find out whether PEMF can act as a healing agent on induced fracture of rat tibia. Eighty rats were taken for
this experiment. Under general anaesthesia mid-shaft of tibia and fibula of all rats were osteotomied, Intramedullary nailing was done for proper alignment of 
the fractured fragments. The animals were then divided into two groups: group-1 and group-11. Each group contained forty animals. Out of these forty ani-
mals twenty were treated as experimental and twenty as control. From the third day of osteotomy, PEMF was applied to experimental rats around the osteoto-
my sites for a period of nine hours a day. PEMF was not applied to the control rats. The animals of group-1 and group-11 were sacrificed after applied one
 week and three weeks of PEMF, respectively. Radiological and microscopical examination of the callus were performed. Gross and microscopic measurements
of the callus were statistically analysed. The growth of callus was taken as a criterion of fracture healing. The results of the present experiment revealed signifi-
cant enhancement of fracture healing. The results of the present experiment revealed significant enhancement of fracture healing in group-1. The results of the
radiological evaluation of group-11 experimental animals were also consistent with the morphological analysis. It was concluded that healing of fractured rat
tibia was enhanced by the application of PEMF and this effect of PEMF was more pronounced at the end of third week.


 AU: Rubin-CT; Donahue-HJ; Rubin-JE; McLeod-KJ
 AD: Department of Orthopaedics, State University of New York, Stony Brook.
SO: J-Bone-Miner-Res. 1993 Dec; 8 Suppl 2: S573-81
 AB: The discovery of piezoelectric potentials in loaded bone was instrumental in developing a plausible mechanism by which functional activity could intrin-
sically influence the tissue’s cellular environment and thus affect skeletal mass and morphology. Using an in vivo model of osteopenia, we have demonstrated
that the bone resorption that normally parallels disuse can be prevented or even reversed by the exogenous induction of electric fields. Importantly, the manner
of the response (i.e., formation, turnover, resorption) is exceedingly sensitive to subtle changes in electric field parameters. Fields below 10 micro V/cm, when
induced at frequencies between 50 and 150 Hz for 1h/day, were sufficient to maintain bone mass even in the absence of function. Reducing the frequency to 15
Hz made the field extremely osteogenic. Indeed, this frequency-specified sinusoidal field initiated more new bone formation than a more complex pulsed elec-
tromagnetic field (PEMF), through inducing only 0.1% of the electrical energy of the PEMF. The frequencies and field intensities most effective in the exoge-
nous stimulation of bone formation are similar to those produced by normal functional activity. This lends strong support to the hypothesis that endogenous
electric fields serve as a critical regulatory factor in both bone modeling and remodeling processes. Delineation of the field parameters most effective in retain-
ing or promoting bone mass will accelerate the development of electricity as a unique and site-specific prophylaxis for osteopenia. Because fields of these fre-
quencies and intensities are indigenous to bone tissue, it further suggests that such exogenous treatment can promote bone quantity and quality with minimal
risk or consequence.


 AU: Wilmot-JJ; Chiego-DJ Jr; Carlson-DS; Hanks-CT; Moskwa-JJ
 AD: Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, University of Michigan, School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor 48109.
SO: Arch-Oral-Biol. 1993 Jan; 38 (1): 67-74
 AB: Application of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) has been used in growth and repair of non-union bone fractures. The similarities between the
fibrocartilage callus in non-union bone fractures and the secondary cartilage in the mandibular condyle, both histologically and functionally, lead naturally to
study the effects of PEMFs on growth in the condyle. The purposes of this study were: (1) to describe the effects of PEMFs on the growth of the condyle using
autoradiography, [3H]-proline and [3H]-thymidine, and (2) to differentiate between the effects of the magnetic and electrical components of the field. Male
pre-adolescent Sprague-Dawley rats (28 days old) were divided into three experimental groups of five animals each: (1) PEMF-magnetic (M), (2) PEMF-elec-
trical (E) and (3) control, and were examined at three different times-3, 7 and 14 days of exposure. Each animal was exposed to the field for 8 h per day.
Histological coronal sections were processed for quantitative autoradiography to determine the mitotic activity of the condylar cartilage and the amount of bone
deposition. The PEMF (magnetic or electrical) had statistically significant effects only on the thickness of the articular zone, with the thickness in the PEMF-
M group being the most reduced. Length of treatment was associated with predictable significant changes in the thickness of the condylar cartilage zones and
the amount of bone deposition. (Abstract Truncated at 250 words)

 AU: Takano-Yamamoto-T; Kawakami-M; Skuda-M
 AD: Department of Orthodontics, Osaka University, Faculty of Dentistry, Japan
SO: J-Dent-Res. 1992 Dec; 71(12): 1920-5
 AB: A 2-mm non-healing bony defect was prepared in the premaxilla of male Wistar rats weighing about 180 g as a simulation of an alveolar cleft, for deter-
mination of whether a pulsing electromagnetic field (PEMF) could promote regeneration of bone induced by demineralized bone matrix (DBM). The defect
 was either treated with 7 mg DBM or was left as a non-grafted control. The rats were exposed to a PEMF with a frequency of 100 Hz, a 10-ms-wide burst
 with 100 microseconds-wide quasi-rectangular pulses, repeating at 15 Hz, and magnetic field strength of 1.5-1.8 G. Alkaline Phosphatase activity increased sig-
nificantly from day 7 in the DBM-graft-plus-PEMF group and from day 10 in the DBM-graft group, reaching a maximum on day 14. A greater-than-two-
fold rise in alkaline phosphatase activity and a three-fold rise in the amount of 45Ca incorporation in the DBM-graft-plus-PEMF group were attained com-
pared with those of the DBM-graft group. The DBM-graft-plus-PEMF group produced more bone with almost complete osseous bridging in the defect sites
than did the group treated with DBM only on day 35. The findings indicate that PEMF had an enhancing effect on the bone-inductive properties of the DBM
through the stimulation of osteoblast differentiation induced by DBM.


 AU: Adams-BD; Frykman-GK; Taleisnik-J
 AD: Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, University of Vermont, Burlington 05405.
SO: J-Hand-Surg-Am. 1992 Sept; 17(5): 910-4
 AB: This article presents a continuation of a study of the treatment of scaphoid nonunion with pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) and cast immobiliza-
tion. Fifty-four patients were reviewed. The overall success rate for healing has decreased since the previous review from 80% to 69%. Proximal pole fractures
healed in 50%. Success in nonunions with associated radiographic evidence of avascular necroises decreased from 89% to 73%. Although we believe that the
indications for use of PEMF have not changed significantly, this study suggests that a successful outcome with PEMF and casting is less likely than previous-
ly reported. We believe that until additional clinical studies have further defined the indications, treatment protocol, and efficacy of this method PEMF treat-
ment should be a secondary alternative to bone-grafting procedures.


 AU: Gossling-HR; Bernstein-RA; Abbott-J
 AD: Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington 06032
SO: Orthopedics. 1992 Jun; 15(6): 711-9
 AB: The use of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) is gaining acceptance for the treatment of ununited fractures. The results of 44 articles published in the
English language literature have been compiled to assess the effectiveness of PEMF vs surgical therapy. For ununited tibial fractures, 81% of reported cases
healed with PEMF vs 82% with surgery. After multiple failed surgeries, the success rate of PEMF is reported to be greater than with surgery; this discrepancy 
increases with additional numbers of prior surgeries. In infected nonunions, the results of surgical treatment decreased by 21% and were less than the results uti-
lizing PEMF (69% vs 81%). In open fractures, surgical healing exceeded PEMF (89% vs 79%). In general, PEMF treatment of ununited fractures has proved
to be more successful than noninvasive traditional management and at least as effective as surgical therapies. Given the costs and potential dangers of surgery,
PEMF should be considered an effective alternative. Experience supports its role as a successful method of treatment for ununited fractures of the tibia.


 AU: Sollazzo-V; Traina-GC; DeMattei-M; Pellati-A; Pezzetti-F; Caruso-A
RP: Sollazzo, V; Dipartimento Sci Biomed and Therapie Avanzate, Sez Clin Ortoped, Corso Giovecca 203; I-44100 Ferrara; Italy
 IN: Univ Ferrara, Ist Istol and Embriol Gen, I-44100 Ferrara, Italy
SO: Bioelectromagnetics. 1997; 18 (8) : 541-547
LA: English
 AB: We have studies the effects of low-energy, low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on cell proliferation, in both human osteoblast-like cells
obtained from bone specimens and in human MG-63 osteosarcoma cell line. Assessment of osteoblastic phenotype was performed both by immunolabeling
 with antiosteonectin antibody and by verifying the presence of parathyroid hormone receptors. The cells were placed in multiwell plates and set in a tissue cul-
ture incubator between a pair of Helmholtz coils powered by a pulsed generator (1.3 ms, 75 Hz) for different periods of time. [H-3]-thymidine incorporation
 was used to evaluate cell proliferation. Since it had previously been observed that the osteoblast proliferative response to PEMF exposure may also be condi-
tioned by the presence of serum in the medium, experiments were carried out at different serum concentrations. [H-3]thymidine incorporation increases in
osteoblast-like cells, when they are exposed to PEMF in the presence of 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). The greatest effect is observed after 24 hours of PEMF 
exposure. No effects on cell proliferation are observed when osteoblast-like cells are exposed to PEMF in the presence of 0.5% FCS or in a serum-free medi-
um. On the other hand, PEMF-exposed MG-63 cells show increased cell proliferation wither at 10% FCS, 0.5% FCS and in serum-free medium. Nevertheless,
the maximum effect of PEMF exposure on MG-63 cell proliferation depends on the percentage of FCS in the medium. The higher the FCS concentration,
the faster the proliferative response to PEMF exposure. Our results show that, although MG-63 cells display some similarity with human bone cells, their
responses to PEMF’s exposure are quite different from that observed in normal human bone cells, (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


 AU: Pasquinelli-P; Petrini-M; Mattii-L; Galimberti-S; Saviozzi-M; Malvaldi-G;
 AD: U.O. Ematologia, Clinica Medica I, University of Pisa, Via Roma 67, Pisa, Italy
SO: J-Environ-Pathol-Toxicol-Oncol. 12/4(1193-197) 1993
LS: English
 AB: Pulsing Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) effects lead to a modification of the multidrug resistance (MDR) of cells in vitro and in vivo. The murine
leukemic doxorubicin-resistant cell line, P388/Dx, subject to PEMF irradiation in vitro, showed a significant difference in thymidine incorporation when the
concentration of doxorubicin reached a level of 1 mu g/mL, which corresponds to the inhibition dose 50 (ID-50). The human lymphoblastic leukemia vinblas-
tine-resistant cell line, CEM/VLB-100, also showed a significant modification under the same experimental conditions at the in vitro ID-50 corresponding to
a vinblastine concentration of 100 ng/mL. BDF1 mice transplanted with P388/Dx cells also had an increase in their life span when doxorubicin was injected
intraperitoneally in fractionated doses, while being subjected to PEMF irradiation.


W. Wagner*, W. Kobinger** G. Fischer**
Despite (a) periodically published reports concerning the developments of cancer in children and adults who have been exposed to magnetic fields associated with power 
line frequencies (high-voltage overhead lines, house wiring) (W.R. Hondee and J.C. Boteler, 1994 and the annonymous litature cited there 1994; M. Nagakaws, 1994),
there are still physicians who support and use “magnetic field therapy” as they have also done in the past. Currently under discussion in this context is mainly the effective-
ness of this stationary magnetic field therapy equipment with its greatly variable field parameters and certainly high field strengths for use in adjuvant therapy or even
exclusive treatment of disorders in the healing of bone fractures and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system (K. Ammer et al., 1990; I.H. Pages et al., 1985; G. Pscheider,
1987; Z. Turk et al., 1990).
From a biomedical and technical perspective, the critical to negatively tainted debate over results obtained with battery-operated small apparatuses that pro-
duce significant weaker field strengths than do stationary magnetic field therapy facilities (typically a factor of 100) is even more contradictory. According to
one of the not thoroughly consistent classification systems of the field strengths, they are more likely to be classified as “weak” (Fischer et al., 1990).
Materials and Methods
 Within the scope of scientific cooperation with the manufacturer of a magnetic field generator having the dimensions of a matchbox (“Elmag MK 75”,
Medicinska Oprema Co., Celje/SLO), several of these battery-operated apparatuses were made available to an internist with a general practice for testing pur-
poses. This individual was well-versed in the subject matter and had been successfully active in this field for many years.
 The report of collected experiences that is presented here exclusively used functioning equipment. Therefore, the results are not as valid as those obtained in
a single-blind or double-blind experiment. After the completion of conventional drug therapy, patients who had been supplied with the “Elmag MK 75” appa-
ratus were selected on the basis of a physician’s diagnosis to be exclusively treated with the low-frequency, pulsed, magnetic fields produced by the equipment.
Figure 1 describes the medical findings of 16 patients (8 men, 8 women) who were affected by 17 different acute and chronic conditions involving the mus-
culoskeletal system, as well as the therapeutic successes achieved in each case. The women ranged in age between 19-74; the men were between 36-63 years old.
 The mean age for the overall patient collective was 53.1 years. The duration of the individually designed applications ranged between 11 and 120 days in the
 women and between 26 to 132 days in the men. The overall patient collective was treated with magnetic fields for 72.8 days on average. There was a variety of 
15 possible pulse repetition frequencies “frep” and the associated effective field strengths “B” at the surface of an apparatus, Frep/B (Hz/µT); 2/2.52; 3/3.08;
5/3.98; 6.5/4.54; 8.5/5.19; 10/5.63; 12/6.17; 13/6.42; 15/6.89; 16/7.12; 18/7.55; 19.5/7.86; 21.5/8.25; 22.5/8.44; 24/8.72. Based on empirically determined val-
ues (P. Kokoschinegg and G. Fischer, 1992; W. Wagner, personal correspondence, 1993), the physician preferably used the higher frequencies during the day 
 whie the lowest equipment frequency, namely 2 Hz, was generally selected during the night in order to promote sleep. The sole exceptions were 2 patients tak-
ing psychopharmacological drugs for whom magnetic field therapy ceased at night. The duration of the magnetic field application at the location of the pain
 was also individually adjusted; it ranged between 2 times for 4 hours each wee to constant application. However, application at night should mainly occur near
the head, e.g., beneath the pillow.
 The physician evaluated the success of therapy according to the “Dole” scale which uses range of numbers from 0-10. For purposes of statistical evaluation,
the differences arising between the beginning of treatment and its end were classified analogous to a school grading system into the catagories: “very good, good,
satisfactory, sufficient and unsuccessful.” This became neccessary due to the small size of the patient collective. The subjective classifications of success by the

Patient No. Symptom No. Physician’s Final Diagnosis Sex Age (years) Success Dole Scale (Beg. minus End)
1 1 omarthritis f 73 v. g. 8
2 2 lupus crythematosus f 29 v. g. 7
3 3 fracture of lower leg, delayed m 36 g. 7
callus formation
4 4 omarthritis + injury of rotator cuff m 50 0 1
5 5 chronic cervical syndrome with a m 50 v. g. 9
protruding intervertebral disc C 4-6
6 6 omarthritis m 59 v. g. 8
7 7 post-inflammatory Sudeck’s f 33 sat. 5
syndrome (left midfoot)
8 8 chronic cervical syndrome m 62 v. g. (obj.) 8
(after several intervertebral disc g. (subj.)
9 9 omarthritis f 74 v. g. 9
10 10 epicondylitis (right humeroulnar f 52 v. g. 9
11 11 epicondylitis radialis (tennis elbow) m 52 v. g. 10
12 12 primary chronic polyarthritis f 44 0 0
(fingers, hand and knee joints)
13 13 femoropatellar chondropathy on the f 66 v. g. 8
right (damaged cartilage: patella and
head of the femur)
14 14 degenerative omarthritis f 58 v.g.(obj) g.(subj) 8
15 15 gonarthrosis, left side m 57 g. 9
16 16 postraumatic gonarthrosis m 51 g. 8
16 17 epicondylitis radialis (tennis elbow) m 51 v. g. 9
Fig. 1: Summarized results according to the diagnosis of the treating physician (v. g. = very good; g. = good; sta. = satisfactory; 0 = unsuccessful)

patient and the improvements as noted after the physician’s examination failed to agree in only two cases, more refined differences within the individual diag-
noses could not be separately evaluated on a statistical basis. In the applicable biometric methods, the classification once again had to be reduced to the two cat-
egories: “improved” or “not improved.”
a. Very good therapeutic success: omarthritis (3 cases), lupus erythematosus, chronic cervical syndrome, epicondylitis rad.
b. Good therapeutic success: gonarthrosis (2 cases), frature of the lower leg
c. Satisfactory therapeutic success: Sudeck’s syndrome
“Not Improved”
d. Unsuccessful therapy: omarthritis, primary chronic polyarthritis (PCP) with relapses
Figure 2: Summarized original classifications of therapeutic success according to the physician.
Evaluated according to the rpeviously mentioned guidelines, the following results (See Figure 2) were obtained for the application of pulsating magnetic
fields to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Figure 3 shows the statistical evaluations of magnetic field therapy.
Discussion and Conclusions
On the basis of this report which used relatively small collective of patients afflicted with diseases of the musculoskel system, it was documented, consistent
 with internationally available litature, that “magnetic field therapy” (with its parameters of curve form, pulse repetition frequency, field strength, daily or total
duration of application) can at least play a role as a form adjuvant treatment. Furthermore, as confirmed in individual cases, it can even be successfully used as
the sole methodof pain therapy. Because of its lack of any side effects, this latter property currently is of increased importance, especially with respect to any 
form of drug intolerance that may be present.
Naturally, the compliance of the participants could not be checked by the physician in each individual case. Despite this limitation, the results are incourag-
ing and permit one to draw the conclusion that further research in the field of magnetic field treatment with “weak” fields of already evaluated frequencies or
other possibly therapeutic frequencies for the benefit of all is welcome and should be supported. However, the unsupervised, self-administration of this type of 
treatment is to be discouraged. Optimal therapeutic successes can only be expected while under the care of appropriately experienced physicians.
In the future, physicians plan on making additional patient questionnaires available so the analyses can be conducted separated according to sex, identical fre-
quencies or individual specific diseases.


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