The Three Musketeers

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The story introduces the main characters D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. D'Artagnan travels to Paris to join the Musketeers but gets into duels and fights upon arrival.

The story follows the young man D'Artagnan from Gascony who travels to Paris to join the Musketeers. He gets into duels and fights with Rochefort and later teams up with Athos, Porthos, and Aramis.

Constance, who D'Artagnan falls in love with, is poisoned by Milady. She dies in D'Artagnan's arms despite his attempts to save her.

The Three Musketeers

Narrator: There was a young man from Gascony who yearned to be a musketeer. Riding from his
hometown to Paris, D’artagnan sat astride a noble steed with gifts in hand; fifteen golden crowns
and a letter of introduction to Monsieur de Treville, both from his father, who was once a noble
country squire. And the most precious gift, Corsaire. Ah, yes! That horse, poor, comic old dobbin’! A
laughable sight I might say! Sway backed, splay footed, hardly a mane or a tail, looking as though it
was painted the color of mustard.

Rochefort: Can that be a horse? (laughing) Impossible! It is -I think -a cheese with legs!

D‘artagnan: (annoyed) Are you trying to make a fool of me, sir?

Rochefort: None may need to try; your horse does that very well.

D'artagnan: (angered) When you insult my horse, you insult my family as well! I will not have anyone
dare insult me in such a manner. Do not dare turn your back on me, sir. En garde!

(Rochefort nods and D'artagnan is clubbed from behind and falls to the ground)

Rochefort: (sighing) And all for the color of a buttercup horse. Enough of this nonsense. Innkeeper,
do tell Milady to hurry, the Cardinal is impatient. (Innkeeper exits) I apologize for insulting your
family. Now, leave.

D’artagnan: Not until I have killed you!

Rochefort: You are incorrigible, young lunatic! As expected of a man from Gascony.

(D’artagnan gets hit again and falls unconscious) (Innkeeper enters)

Innkeeper: I have called Milady, sire. (notices the letter) My Lord, he carries a letter addressed to
Monsieur Treville!

Rocheford: Treville! This certainly proves interesting. Keep the letter, do not let this spy get his filthy
hands on it.

Innkeeper: As you wish, sire.

(D’Artagnan stirs a bit and whispers: What a beautiful lady)

Milady: Comte de Rocheford, do pardon me for my tardiness. Yet, the news I bring shall make your
waiting worthwhile.

Rocheford: Well, you have already tested my patience. Be quick and start talking.
Milady: The fine English Nobleman, Lord Buckingham, is here is Paris. The Queen has an affair with
him, something you could call, dare I say, a Forbidden Love?

(Milady and Rocheford exits)

D'Artagnan: Where is that rogue who insulted me? I will have to settle his hash. (Rushes but crashes
into the musketeers) Move! I seek revenge on the person who has dared laugh at me.

Porthos: Slow down, young lad.

Aramis: What is troubling your, friend?

Athos: Why do you seem upset?

D'Artagnan: Move out of my way, you foolhardy clowns! Fight me!

(Three of them raise swords)

Aramis: Three against one isn't fair, Athos.

D’Artagnan: Do not back down and turn your backs on me! I am deeply disappointed; Paris is but a
town full of cowardly men!

Aramis/ Athos/ Porthos: We shall prove you wrong. All for one, one for all!

Narrator: As D'Artagnan and Athos begin, Cardinal Richelieu's guards appear and attempt to arrest
D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers for illegal dueling. Although they are outnumbered four to
five, the four men win the battle. D'Artagnan seriously wounds Jussac, one of the Cardinal's officers
and a renowned fighter. After learning of this, King Louis XIII appoints d'Artagnan to Des Essart's
company of the King's Guards and gives him forty pistoles.

The Cardinal, King Louis, followed by Monsieur Treville wandered off, dealing in their weighty
business. Constance Bonacieux, the queen’s lady-in-waiting, entered the room, having received a
news that would have sent the Queen’s heart ablaze. Passing through the musketeers, each of the
male had different reactions, Aramis bowed down, Athos simply moved out of the way, but Porthos
attempted to goose her. And D’Artagnan? Let’s just say that his heart was pierced by Constance’s

Constance: I have a message from Lord Buckingham.

Anne: He has sent a message from England?

Constance: No - he's here in Paris. He begs to see you.


De Treville: If I am not mistaken, you are the young Gascon, who particularly irritated the Cardinal's

D'Artagnan: Yes, that is I. (GOES TO POCKET FO LETTER) This is the letter of introduction from my
father. (shocked) What?! It's gone! Some blackguard has stolen it!
De Treville: To be a Musketeer, D'Artagnan, you must prove yourself - being prey to pickpockets is
not a good start! I shall enlist you in the Academy, and there you will train for 2 years, before
becoming a musketeer.

Athos: You've made an impression, D'Artagnan.

D'Artagnan: He thinks I'm an idiot! That behatted braggart must have stolen my letter!

Narrator: While the meeting with Monsieur Treville took place, another had occurred. T’was the
affair of the Duke of Buckingham, and the wife of King Louis XIII, Queen Anne. Unbeknownst to the
lovers, it was not only Constance who hid and watched, behind a mountain of crates, a spy stood,
waiting for secrets to be revealed.

Rochefort: So, Milady's information was correct. It is George Villiers - Lord Buckingham himself -
skulking like a mongrel on the scent.

Anne: My Lord, you know you are in grave danger.

Buckingham: Why should I care? Any threat is nothing against a moment in your presence.

Anne: You will if we are caught - we both will. I shall give you this brooch, a token from my husband.

Buckingham: Twelve diamond tags... Perfect. (slight pause) What if the King asks where it is?

Anne: I would tell him I had given it to the man I love.

Buckingham: He would have you killed.

Anne: My love for you is worth more than life itself.

(Buckingham and Anne exits)

Rochefort: Take her away. We shall soon find out what other little secrets the Queen holds. And
those twelve diamond tags might have been intended as a token of love- but they will serve as a
death warrant as well.

Narrator: Rochefort- the ever sneaky rat- had spoken to the Cardinal of what he had witnessed.
Cardinal Richelieu, who wants war between France and England, plans to expose the tryst and
persuades the King to demand the Queen wear the diamonds to a soirée that the Cardinal is
sponsoring. Constance tries to send her husband to London to fetch the diamonds from Buckingham,
but the man is instead manipulated by Richelieu, prompting. D'Artagnan and his friends intercede.
En route to England, the Cardinal's henchmen repeatedly attack them and only D'Artagnan and
Planchet reach London. Before arriving, D'Artagnan is compelled to assault, and nearly to kill, the
Comte de Wardes, a friend of the Cardinal, cousin of Rochefort and Milady's lover. Although Milady
stole two of the diamond studs, the Duke of Buckingham provides replacements while delaying the
thief's return to Paris. D'Artagnan is thus able to return a complete set of jewels to Queen Anne just
in time to save her honour. In gratitude, she gives him a beautiful ring.
Shortly afterwards, D'Artagnan begins an affair with Madame Bonacieux. Arriving for an assignation,
he sees signs of a struggle and discovers that Rochefort and M. Bonacieux, acting under the orders
of the Cardinal, have assaulted and imprisoned her. D'Artagnan and his friends, now recovered from
their injuries, return to Paris. D'Artagnan meets Milady de Winter officially, and recognizes her as
one of the Cardinal's agents, but becomes infatuated with her until her maid reveals that Milady is
indifferent toward him. Entering her quarters in the dark, he pretends to be the Comte de Wardes
and trysts with her. He finds a fleur-de-lis branded on Milady's shoulder, marking her as a felon.
Discovering his identity, Milady attempts to kill him but d'Artagnan eludes her. D’Artagnan is then
ordered to the Siege of La Rochelle.

He is informed that the Queen has rescued Constance from prison. In an inn, the musketeers
overhear the Cardinal asking Milady to murder the Duke of Buckingham, a supporter of the
Protestant rebels at La Rochelle who has sent troops to assist them. Richelieu gives her a letter that
excuses her actions as under orders from the Cardinal himself, but Athos takes it.

MILADY: Out of my way - I'm on a mission of vital importance.

ATHOS: Is that any way to speak to your husband?


ATHOS: What is this mission of vital importance that has brought you back from the dead? I thought
I'd crushed you - either I was wrong or Hell's spat you out. And the Devil's made you rich.

MILADY: Please, no. Can't you find it in your heart to forgive me?

ATHOS: My heart feels nothing - thanks to you.

MILADY: I was young.

ATHOS: You've hardly improved with age.

MILADY: Why should I? Yes, I was born poor, and was branded for trying to improve my station. Yes,
I was born beautiful, but my beauty belonged to any man. Now I have possession of it - it obeys me,
it works for me. Yes, I loved you, but my past wounded your pride. Yes, I escaped the hanging tree -
kill me now, if you have to.

ATHOS: (BEAT) No... You can't harm me now. But you can harm my friend - give me the Death

(Milady gives the death warrant)

ATHOS: (BITTER, TO HIMSELF) You can't hurt me any more... (HE BREAKS DOWN) Nothing can.
Regret, guilt, compassion. I feel none, and so I'm a perfect soldier. All I do is fight. That is why I must
go to La Rochelle.

Narrator: The next morning, Athos bets that he, d'Artagnan, Porthos, and Aramis, and their servants
can hold the recaptured St. Gervais bastion against the rebels for an hour, for the purpose of
discussing their next course of action. They resist for an hour and a half before retreating, killing 22
Rochellese in total; d'Artagnan is made a Musketeer as a result of this feat.
Milady is imprisoned on arrival in England, but she seduces her guard, Felton, and persuades him to
allow her escape and to kill Buckingham himself. On her return to France, Milady hides in a convent
where Constance is also staying. The naïve Constance clings to Milady, who sees a chance for
revenge on D'Artagnan…

MILADY: Your suffering will soon be at an end.

CONSTANCE: You are too kind.

MILADY: Please excuse me.

ROCHEFORT: I have arranged for you to take the ferry across the border.

MILADY: Leave France?

ROCHEFORT: You do have a knack of displeasing people. And even the Cardinal might feel you know
too much – that is why he has sent you here; to keep you out of the way. Make yourself ready to
leave. Now – it is the Cardinal's orders!

MILADY: But this is her - d'Artagnan's lover, the Queen's protector. She caused me to lose favour
with the Cardinal!

ROCHEFORT: There is no time for petty revenge - now prepare to leave.

MILADY: (A MOMENT) Wait outside then.

(ROCHEFORT exits; Milady joins Constance)

MILADY: You are quite safe now - let us drink to our new friendship. (gives cup to Constance)

CONSTANCE: There is no wine - only water.

MILADY: Who needs wine - what can be sweeter than a new found friendship? Here we are, water
sweet and pure. Friends as long as we live.

Constance: (gags, coughs, choking sounds) What? Clarice, I. D’Artgnan…

D'ARTAGNAN: At last - you, sir.

ROCHEFORT: The Gascon - you should have turned about on your nag, boy, and returned to the
country. You would have made a fine ploughman. Alas - you have interfered in the business of great
men - you must pay the price for your presumptions.

D'ARTAGNAN: Is that so! Then you must pay the price for your insults, your theivery, your threats to
my beloved.

CONSTANCE: (HEARS THIS) d'Artagnan... It's d'Artagnan. (CALLS) d'Artagnan!

D'ARTAGNAN: (CALLS) Constance. (TO ATHOS) She's alive.

MILADY: (TO CONSTANCE) Oh, to watch his face when he lays eyes on you.
(Constance moves towards D'artagnan, but Milady blocks her way. Rochefort & the guards block the
musketeers way. Constance suddenly doubles up in agony)

CONSTANCE: (in pain) Help me, d'Artagnan.

ATHOS: Go to her, d'Artagnan - we will see off this lot.


D'ARTAGNAN: (crying) No... No... She is dead.

ATHOS: Is this your doing, Rochefort?

ROCHEFORT: What do you take me for - I left her with Milady.

ROCHEFORT: She's heading for the ferry.


ARAMIS: (LEANS OVER CONSTANCE) She has been poisoned.

D'ARTAGNAN: (crying) I love her...

(Back to Milady in the ferry, Athos is hiding)

FERRYMAN: You wish to cross the border, Milady?

MILADY: Yes, and do pick up from your sluggish pace.

(Athos steps out, sword drawn.)

MILADY: You! (Athos pulls paper from his pocket) What do you have there?

ATHOS: The death warrant that you have kindly handed over to me- now completed with a name.

MILADY: (cackles) Do you believe that my comrades would watch idly until the trial I will face has

ATHOS: What ever do you mean, Milady? You have already been tried. I have witnessed the crimes
you have committed. I declare you a guilty verdict, with only death as your repentance for the evil
you have done. If you refuse to believe me, take a closer look at the ferryman.

MILADY: (horrified) The executioner’s mask! What? No! Have mercy! (shouts) I beg of you!

(D’Artangnan, and the 3 musketeers walk away)

ATHOS: We have been avenged, D’Artagnan.

NARRATOR: Alas, despite the triumph over the evil web of death woven by Milady, a hole was
marked in the heart of D’Artagnan, for his beloved Constance had perished. With only cruel
possibilities left, we knew what it was going to be. For both Constance and D’Artagnan knew a love
that life can never tarnish. For a cruel moment, it was theirs, that mere instant- their love. His name
was the last she spoke, his words the last she heard.

After the execution of Milady, the comrades had returned to the Siege of La Rochelle. The Comte de
Rochefort arrested d'Artagnan and takes him to the Cardinal. When questioned about Milady's
execution, d'Artagnan presents her letter of pardon as his own. Impressed with d'Artagnan's
willfulness and secretly glad to be rid of Milady, the Cardinal destroys the letter and writes a new
order, giving the bearer a promotion to lieutenant in the Tréville company of Musketeers, leaving
the name blank. D'Artagnan offers the letter to Athos, Porthos, and Aramis in turn but each refuses
it; Athos because it is below him, Porthos because he is retiring to marry his wealthy mistress, and
Aramis because he is joining the priesthood. D'Artagnan, though heartbroken and full of regrets,
finally receives the promotion he had coveted.

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