English Test For Esl Students

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I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

1. They seemed to be _______ to the criticism and just carried on as before.
A. disinterested B. indifferent C. sensitive D. uncaring
2. The operation was doomed to failure from the word _____. A. go B. start C. begin D. now
3. All the researchers were happy because the finally made ________.
A. a breakthrough B. an outburst C. a viewpoint D. an outcome
4. A: Jane’s daughter is very rude. B: You’re right; she has no manners _____.
A. however B. whatsoever C. whenever D. evermore
5. Because of her recent poor form, she is only expected to come forth ______.
A. at least B. at best C. at worst D. at will
6. I’m in no __ this evening to listen to his silly jokes. A. feeling B. tendency C. mood D. opinion
7. There was an accident on the A this morning and _____ there has been a severe congestion of traffic.
A. until then B. since then C. for which D. after that
8. The plumber came yesterday to ____ the burst pipes. A. look to B. look into C. see into D. see to
9. The government is to bring ___ the necessary legislation to deal with the problems.
A. down B. about C. up D. in
10. Have you got a car _______? A. of you B. on your own C. of your own D. on yourself
11. On the ______ air because the ’s gravitational field is too weak.
A. there is no B. where there is no C. which it is no D. being not any
12. They say that there are many space movies that should not _____.
A. be missing B. miss C. be missed D. have missed
13. Looking back at my college life, I enjoy it ____. A. thoroughly B. utterly C. mostly D. obviously
14. Economic reform is an important measure to be ______ to promote the development of the country.
A. made B. achieved C. taken D. caught
15. Tom: Betty didn’t win the Miss Singapore pageant. Mary: She would have _____ some talent.
A. had she have B. have she had C. had she had D. have she have
16. Tom: I saw you studying at the library last night. B: You _______; I wasn’t there.
A. wouldn’t have B. can’t have C. might have D. have
17. Tom: Which is more important: luck or effort? Mary: Luck is ______efforts.
A. on the same importance B. the same importance as
C. of the same importance as D. as the same importance as
18. There was no alternative _____ wait until the rescue came. A. but B. but to C. than to D. than
19. ________ his invaluable work, the project would never have succeeded.
A. For all B. In view of C. But for D. Provided with
20. The house was _________.
A. enlarge and made bigger as the family grew B. made bigger enlargement for the family to grow
C. such a big enlargement that the family grew D. enlarged because the family grew.
21. _______ half of the world’s tropical forests have vanished since the 1940s.
A. WWW statistics show that B. WWW statistics put how
B. The expression of WWW statistic is D. What WWW statistics show
22. Tourists admire _____. A. that great long tunnels in Cu Chi B.those great long tunnels in Cu Chi
C. how great the tunnels in Cu Chi are long D.why Cu Chi has the great long tunnels
23. Doctors agree _________.
A. that patients need reduction in office visits for minor color
B. with patients need reduction in office visits for minor color.
C. on the reduction in patients visiting office for minor color.
D. patients should try to reduce needless office visits for minor color.
24. Tom: Who did you invite to dinner? Mary: No one _______ than Frank and his family.
A. rather B. except C. besides D. other
25. Tom: A lot of money goes for AIDS research.
Mary: Yes, because it’s _____ the government is spending a lot to find a cure.
A. a so serious disease B. so serious a disease C. so a serious disease D. such serious that
26. This is the latest news from Timbuktu. Two-thirds of the city _______ in a fire.
A. was destroyed B. have been destroyed C. has been destroyed D. were destroyed
27. This is the only party ______ in my life.
A. I never enjoy B. I ever enjoy C. I’ve never enjoyed D. I’ve ever really enjoyed
28. “So long!” is another way of saying _______.
A. Hello! B. Cheer up! C. I’m very happy. D. Goodbye!
29. Tom: Take care of yourself. Mary: _______. A. I will B. Yes, I do C. Not bad D. You’re welcome
30. Tom: Can I have your order, please? Mary: _______A. Two chickens, please. B. I’ll do it right away.
C. Yes, sir. D. Just do whatever you want to.
31. Tom: You really disappointed me with your behavior. Mary: I know. I _________ so immaturely yesterday.
A. mustn’t have behaved B. shouldn’t have behaved C. shouldn’t behave D. ought not to behave
32. It was in the countryside _______.
A. where John was brought up B. John was grown up C. that John was brought up D. which John was grown up at
33. I don’t know how you manage to _____ on only £50 a week. A. get by B. take in C. cut down D. look down
32. I’m afraid I haven’t got time to ____ the matter right now. A. go into B. look for C. turn over D. clean out
33. Our school doesn’t break _______ until the end of July. A. out B. in C. off D. up
34. The government is to bring _____ the necessary laws to deal with the problem. A. down B. to C. up D. in
35. Do ____ your shoe laces, or you will tumble over them. A. with B. up C. about D. on
II. Write the correct form of the word.
1. Such a kind man would never __________ hurt his friend’s feelings. (INTEND)
2. The scenery along the coast was __________. (BREATHE)
3. Because of a car __________, she didn’t get to the airport in time for her flights. (BREAK)
4. The ________ need assistance from the whole society. (POVERTY)
5. Her bedroom is __________ decorated with her favorite souvenirs from her trips. (PLEASE)
6. We are offering many special price __________ on printers this month. (REDUCE)
7. Students hate their classmates who get __________ treatment from their teachers. (PREFER)
8. Explosives are __________ weapons. (DIE)
9. Three of the __________ tried to escape through the window. (CAPTURE)
10. We were all surprised at her __________ to help. (REFUSE)
11. Health care was __________ in ancient time. There was no hospital or doctor then. (EXIST)
12. What the teacher does first is to check __________ of the students. (ATTEND)
13. The company went bankrupt on account of inefficient __________. (MANAGE)
14. __________ are built to entertain and educate people about marine life. (AQUATIC)
15. The educational program we are launching is to __________ teenage girls in rural areas. (POWER)
III. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
The development of jazz can be seen as part of the larger continuum of American popular music, especially
dance music. In the twenties, jazz became the hottest new thing in dance music, much as ragtime had at the turn of
the century, and as would rhythm and blues in the fifties, rock in the fifties, and disco in the seventies.
But two characteristics distinguish jazz from other dance music. The first is improvisation, the changing of a
musical phrase according to the player’s inspiration. Like all artists, jazz musicians strive for an individual style, and
the improvise or paraphrase is a jazz musician’s main opportunity to display his or her individuality. In early jazz,
musicians often improvised melodies collectively, thus creating a kind of polyphony. There was little soloing as such,
although some New Orleans players, particularly cornet player Buddy Bolden, achieved local fame for their ability to
improvise a solo. Later the idea of the chorus-long or multichorus solo took hold. Louis Armstrong’s instrumental
brilliance, demonstrated through extended solos, was a major influence in this development. Even in the early
twenties, however, some jazz bands had featured soloists. Similarly, show orchestras and carnival bands often
included one or two such “get-off” musicians. Unimproved, completely structured jazz does exist, but the ability of the
best jazz musicians to create music of great cohesion and beauty during performance has been a hallmark of the
music and its major source of inspiration and change.
The second distinguishing characteristic of jazz is a rhythmic drive that was initially called “hot” and later
“swing”. In playing hot, a musician consciously departs from strict meter to create a relaxed sense of phrasing that
also emphasizes the underlying rhythms. (“Rough” tone and use of moderate vibrato also contributed to a hot
sound.) Not all jazz is hot, however, many early bands played unadorned published arrangements of popular songs.
Still, the proclivity to play hot distinguished the jazz musician from other instrumentalists.
1. The passage answers which of the following questions?
A. Which early jazz musicians most Influenced rhythm and blues music?
B. What are the differences between jazz and other forms of music?
C. Why is dancing closely related to popular music in the United States?
D. What instruments comprised a typical jazz band of the 1920′s?
2. Which of the following appeared before jazz as a popular music for dancing?
A. Disco B. Rock C. Rhythm and blues D. Ragtime
3. According to the passage, jazz musicians are able to demonstrate their individual artistry mainly by?
A. creating musical variations while performing B. preparing musical arrangements
C. reading music with great skill D. being able to play all types of popular music
4. Which of the following was the function of “get-off” musicians line 12?
A. Assist the other band members in packing up after a performance B. Teach dance routines created for new music
C. Lead the band D. Provide solo performances in a band or orchestra
5. Which two types of music developed around the same time?
A. jazz / rock B. dance / rhythm & blue
C. rock / rhythm & blue D. jazz / dance
6. Louis Armstrong was mentioned as an influential musician of
A. “hot” or “swing” jazz B. chorus-long jazz C. structured jazz D. soloing jazz
7. The word “consciously” in line 16 is closest in meaning to
A. carelessly B. easily C. periodically D. purposely
8. The word “unadorned” in line 18 is closest in meaning to A. lovely B. plain C. disorganized D. inexpensive
9. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage?
A. “improvisation” B. “polyphony” C. “cornet player” D. “multichorus”
10. The topic of the passage is developed primarily by means of
A. dividing the discussion into two major areas B. presenting contrasting points of views
C. providing biographies of famous musician D. describing historical events in sequence
IV. Supply the blank with one suitable word.
Illiteracy is the condition of being (1)________ to read and write. Illiteracy is also (2)________ to describe the
condition of being ignorant or unknowledgeable in a particular subject or field. Computer illiteracy is (3)______ inability to
use a computer programming language.
Most of us (4)______ use computers know how to send emails, or how to create a new folder. But we know
(5)_______ about programming languages, the artificial languages used to write instructions that can be executed by a
computer. Even in technologically (6)_______ countries, a very small percentage of computer users are able to read or
write this kind of computer language. Should we (7)_______ the effort to learn a computer language, especially when
these are so complicated? The answer is (8)_______. Because of computer illiteracy, users are at the (9)_____ of
software manufacturers. Our society becomes more dependent on information (10)______, and in a few years’
(11)______, reading and writing a computer language will be as essential (12)_____ using a human language.
Computer users will not be able to survive (13)_____ they know the code – the set of detailed instructions that tell a
computer what to do. In the (14)_____, survival and professional success will presuppose knowing everything about the
machines we (15)________ with.

V. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning.

1. Thanks to her mother’s encouragement, she entered the beauty contest.
Had it ____________________________________________________________________
2. She’ll probably pass the high school entrance examination. (STANDS)
3. She was just as good as they had thought.
She quite definitely came ____________________________________________________
4. The “environmentally friendly” label on this product is misleading.
Despite what is printed ______________________________________________________
5. She was afraid to scream because she didn’t want to wake up the neighbors. (FEAR)
6. When you arrive, you will be met by the Head of the Sales Department.
On __________________________________________________________________
7. People estimate that the company manufactured more than 5,000 small planes last year.
More than 5,000 small planes _________________________________________________
8. There have been fewer people who consume Chinese products. (DECREASE)
9. They brought me two laptops, but neither worked satisfactorily. (WHICH)
10. Do phone us when you arrive at the airport, even if it’s very late.
However _____________________________________________________________
I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
Question 56: A. stomach B. watch C. change D. church
Question 57: A. attacks B. repeats C. roofs D. trays
Question 58: Some experts believe that the functions of the print media will be replaced by audio or visual media.
A. services B. influences C. roles D. popularity
Question 59: A central issue in probability is foretelling the value of a future observation.
A. recording B. interpreting C. observing D. predicting
Question 60: The expansion of public services has caused concern that the civil service branches are becoming
autonomous powers. A. independent B. advanced C. superior D. powerful
Question 61: All organisms must obtain nutrients from the environment in order to sustain themselves.
A. isolate B. harvest C. acquire D. digest
Question 62: A. prestigious B. literal C. reception D. arrival
Question 63: A. relationship B. evaluate C. democracy D. favourable
Question 64: A. architecture B. recognize C. artificial D. argument
II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
In the folklore of the Navajo people, it was said that frogs and toads fell from the sky when it rained. The phenomenon
that gave rise to this belief involved the spadefoot toad, which remains dormant beneath the Sonoran Desert of Arizona,
avoiding the heat and drought for as long as eight or nine months. With the onset of summer thunderstorms, however,
the roads to respond to the vibrations of drumming raindrops and emerge, as if fallen from the sky with the rain, to begin
their brief and frantic mating season.
The male spadefoot sits in a muddy pool and fills the night with his calls, attempting to attract a female of the same
species. Once a female joins him, she may lay as many as 1,000 eggs in the small pool of life-sustaining rainwater. From
that point it's a race against the elements for the young, who must hatch and mature with remarkable speed before the
pool evaporates beneath the searing desert sun. As the pool grows smaller and smaller, it became thick with tadpoles
fighting for survival in the mud, threatened not only by the loss of their watery nest but also by devouring insects and
animals. In as few as nine days after fertilization of the eggs, those lucky enough to survive develop through each
tadpole stage and finally emerge as fully formed toads. After gorging themselves on insects, the young toads, like their
parents, burrow underground, where they will lie dormant awaiting the next summer's storms.
Question 6: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Navajo folklore B. Weather in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona
C. The habits of the spadefoot toad D. The mating rituals of the male spadefoot
Question 7: According to the passage, the spadefoot toad ________.
A. is dormant for as long as nine months B. reproduces during winter rains
C. eats leaves and grasses D. develops very slowly
Question 8: Which of the following is NOT true of the spadefoot?
A. They are active only three to four months a year. B. The female lays their eggs in pools of water.
C. The searing desert sun is their only enemy.
D. Many tadpoles die before they reach maturity.
Question 9: It can be concluded from the passage that ________.
A. spadefoot toads could exist for years without rain.
B. the Navajo legends are based on acute observation.
C. spadefoot toads are well adapted to their environment.
D. the chances of a tadpole's becoming an adult are very great.
Question 10: The author is most likely a _____. A. botanist B. biologist C. chemist D. geographer
Question 11: This passage is most likely followed by a passage on ________.
A. weather patterns in the Sonoran Desert B. methods of reproduction among insects
C. dwellings of the Navajo people D. other desert animals
Question 12: The word 'elements' could be best replaced by ________.
A. weather B. time C. environment D. thunderstorm
III. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D
Knowing what to expect form your destination will make all aspects of planning an adventure trip easier, as well as
helping you to get the most out of the experience. Research will help you pick the best places to go but you'll also learn
what you need to pack. what health and safety ___(13)____ to take, and what cultural (and sometimes political) issues you
should be aware of.
Climate and seasonal pricing are important ____(14)____ in your decision about when to go. Especially for adventure
travel, bad weather or weather you're not ____(15)____ for can ruin the trip. While you can't predict the ____(16)____
weather in advance, you can learn about climate ____(17)___ ahead of time when doing your destination research.
Seasonal popularity and pricing should also be considered if you intend to keep away from peak-season crowd and prices.
While some research is absolutely ____(18)____, don't plan every moment of your trip in advance. Over-planning tends to
make us less ____(19)____ to take part in the predictable and spontaneous ____(20)____ that are part of any sort of
adventure travel. It's really important to keep a big reserve of excitement and energy ready for the unexpected.
Question 13: A. insurance B. precautions C. warnings D. information
Question 14: A. points B. reasons C. factors D. details
Question 15: A. anticipated B. prepared C. expected D. planned
Question 16: A. accurate B. correct C. true D. exact
Question 17: A. trends B. probabilities C. assessments D. estimations
Question 18: A. essential B. needed C. ideal D. useful
Question 19: A. curious B. interested C. appreciative D. willing
Question 20: A. circumstances B. performances C. events D. chances
IV. Mark the letter to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 21: The company did not want to hire a man that his experiment was so limited.
Question 22: He knows to repair the carburetor without taking the whole car apart.
Question 23: Dresses, skirts, and children's clothing are advertised at great reduced prices this week.
Question 24: Each of the students in the accounting class has to type their own paper this semester.
Question 25: Everyday in summer, but especially at the weekends, all kinds of vehicles bring
crowds of people to enjoy the various attraction.
Question 26: Although they reflect a strong social conscience, Arthur Miller’s stage works are
typical more concerned with individuals than with systems.
Question 27: Georgia has too many types of soil that virtually any plants can be grown there.
Question 28: Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made primarily by individuals.
Question 29: On the way back home from the library, we saw two of our classmates to cycle side by side.
Question 30: Some insects bear a remarkable resemblance to dead twigs, being long, slenderness,
wingless, and brownish in color.
V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D
Are you interested in seeing the beautiful fall foliage of New England but tired of traffic jams and overbooked hotels?
Then this year forget the crowds in New England and see the beautiful colors of autumn in the Catskills. These rugged
mountains in New York State, just 90 miles northwest of New York City, are famous for the legendary tales of Rip Van
Winkle, and more recently for the summer hotels that sprang up in the region during the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s.
Families trying to escape the heat of New York City found the Catskills to be the perfect place to stay for a month or so
each summer. By the late 1950s there were over 500 resorts and hotels offering nighttime entertainment as well as all
kinds of outdoor activities. Famous comedians like Jackie Gleason, Joan Rivers, and Sid Caesar all got their start touring
the hotel clubs here. Since the introduction of air-conditioning and cheaper air travel, however, families have stopped
coming to the Catskills in such large numbers, choosing instead more distant locations at different times of the year. Many
of the Catskill hotels closed in the 1970s, but some remain and have expanded and changed their facilities to meet the
needs of today's visitors. Currently, there are many activities available to the traveler besides witnessing the changing
colors of the leaves. There is an all-organic sheep farm where visitors can see how a traditional sheep farm operates. There
are also hundreds of miles of scenic drives in the area. Route 42, for instance, is an excellent site for spotting bald eagles.
For more information on vacations in the Catskills, call the Office of Public Information.
Question 46: What is the author's main purpose in this passage?
A. to promote the Catskills as a vacation destination. B. to introduce visitors to famous Catskills entertainers.
C. to describe the history of the Catskills region. D. to compare the Catskills to New England.
Question 47: The word "rugged" in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. barren B. rough C. tall D. lush
Question 48: According to the passage, which of the following caused the decline in the number of resorts in the 1970s?
A. television B. shorter vacations C. affordable air travel D. more traffic
Question 49: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "legendary" in paragraph 2?
A. foolish B. perplexing C. mythical D. humorous
Question 50: The phrase "sprang up" in paragraph 2 most probably refers to something that has ______.
A. burst forth B. spread out C. operated vigorously D. joined together
Question 51: In what season would a tourist most likely have visited the Catskills in the 1950s?
A. fall B. winter C. spring D. summer
Question 52: Which of the following most reflects the author's tone in this passage?
A. light and encouraging B. informative and scientific
C. humorous and skeptical D. regretful and reminiscent
Question 53: What does the passage imply that a visitor might be lucky enough to do?
A. see fall leaves in color B . see a kind of bird C. work on a sheep farm D. drive on scenic roads
Question 54: As used in paragraph 3, which of the following could best replace the word "spotting"?
A. photographing B. seeing C. painting D. shooting
Question 55: The author implies that in the Catskills, there are few _______ .
A. leaves B. eagles C. people D. sheep
VI. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning.
1. Her success went beyond her expectation.
2. Tony is very charming, but I wouldn'nt trust him.
3. I left without dsaying goodbye as I didn't want to disturb the meeting.
Rather than.....................
4. The thieft must have come in through the window.
The thieft almost.....................
5. Driving at that spees is dangerous although you are an experienced driver or not.
6. Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperanto to a unique language.
7. You won't find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs. Jones.
8. The play is so popular that the theatre is likely to be full every night.
Such is.....................
9. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves.
All dogs.....................
10. Our picnic was cancelled because it rained heavily last Sunday.
11. They couldn't deceive customers although they used attractive advertidement.
12. Because the chemicals were properly combined, the prescription has brought about the expected result.
Because of.....................
14. Newspapers report that hundreds of people died in the eartquake last week.
Hundreds of people.....................
15. I dislike it when people criticise me unfairly. I object.....................
16. Years ago women were too busy to take part in social activities.
Years ago women didn't.....................
17. " The Times" was first printed 200 years ago. It is.....................
18. John outran the others in the race. John was.....................

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