ss8h8 Wwi and Georgia

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Georgia Studies Guided Reading/OneSheet 8th Social Studies

Standard WWI Date:

SS8H8 Analyze Georgia’s participation in important events that a. Describe Georgia’s contributions to World
occurred from World War I through the Great Depression. War I.

Scavenger Hunt for Seminar

Vocabulary: draw a line matching each word to its definition. Use the reading.
Word Draw Line Definition
Trench *murder
Assassination *moving from country to cities
Armistice *country, farms
Fort *long period of time without rain
Epidemic *long time of decreasing money
Quarantine *military installment, building used to protect an area
Rural *widespread disease
Drought *truce, stop fighting
Depression *separate diseased people from non-diseased
Urbanization *A long narrow ditch
1. What years did WWI happen? _____________________________________________________________________
2. What were the two sides called during WWI?
a. _______________________: ___________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________: ___________________________________________________________________
3. Where did most of the fighting take place? ___________________________________________________________
4. What was the main cause of the war? _______________________________________________________________
5. Why did America become involved? ________________________________________________________________
6. How did fighting look for most of the war? ___________________________________________________________
7. When and how did the war end? ___________________________________________________________________
8. Georgia helped during the war in 2 ways.
a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Standard WWI
SS8H8 Analyze b. Explain economic factors that resulted in the Great Depression. (e.g., boll weevil and
Georgia’s drought).
participation in c. Describe Eugene Talmadge’s opposition to the New Deal Programs.
important events that d. Discuss President Roosevelt’s ties to Georgia, including his visits to Warm Springs and his
occurred from World impact on the state.
War I through the e. Examine the effects of the New Deal in terms of the impact of the Civilian Conservation
Great Depression. Corps, Agricultural Adjustment Act, Rural Electrification Administration, and Social Security

Scavenger Hunt for Seminar

9. What is a Boll Weevil? ___________________________________________________________________________
10. What affect did the Boll Weevil have on Georgia? _____________________________________________________
11. What else affected agriculture in Georgia? ___________________________________________________________
12. Why did the Stock Market Crash not affect Georgia as bad as the rest of America? ___________________________
13. Why did Roosevelt start visiting Warm Springs, GA? ____________________________________________________
14. Where did Roosevelt live when he visited Warm Springs, GA? ____________________________________________
15. What programs did Roosevelt create to help American people after the Great Depression? ____________________
16. Describe the Civilian Conservation Corps.____________________________________________________________
17. Describe the Rural Electrification Administration. ______________________________________________________
18. Describe the Agricultural Adjustment Act. ____________________________________________________________
19. Describe the Social Security Administration. __________________________________________________________
20. Who is Eugene Talmadge? ________________________________________________________________________
21. How did Talmadge feel about Roosevelt’s New Deal Programs? __________________________________________
Additional notes:

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