9c. Bank - of - The - Philippine - Islands - v. - Court - Of20180918-5466-7w7g0a

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[G.R. No. 168313. October 6, 2010.]


APPEALS, HON. ROMEO BARZA, in his capacity as the Presiding
Judge of the Regional Trial Court of Makati City, Br. 61, FIRST


BRION , J : p

Through the present petition for review on certiorari, 1 petitioner Bank of the
Philippine Islands (BPI) seeks the reversal of: (1) the Court of Appeals (CA) decision of
November 2, 2004, 2 in "Bank of the Philippine Islands v. Hon. Romeo Barza, et al."
docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 75350 and (2) the CA resolution of May 25, 2005 3 denying
BPI's Motion for Reconsideration. The assailed CA ruling a rmed the Order of the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Makati City, Branch 61 dated August 26, 2002, 4 granting
First Union Group Enterprises (First Union) and Linda Wu Hu's (Linda) Motion to
Dismiss dated March 26, 2002. A subsequent Motion for Reconsideration was likewise
denied. 5
First Union borrowed from BPI the sums of Five Million Pesos (PhP5,000,000.00)
and One Hundred Twenty Thousand U.S. Dollars and 32 cents (USD123,218.32),
evidenced by separate promissory notes. 6
As partial security for the loan obligations of First Union, defendant Linda and her
spouse (Eddy Tien) executed a Real Estate Mortgage Agreement dated August 29,
1997, 7 covering two (2) condominium units. Linda executed a Comprehensive Surety
Agreement dated April 14, 1997 8 where she agreed to be solidarily liable with First
Union for its obligations to BPI.
Despite repeated demands to satisfy the loan obligations upon maturity, First
Union failed to pay BPI the amounts due.
On October 16, 2000, BPI initiated with the O ce of the Sheriff of the RTC of
Pasig extra-judicial foreclosure proceedings against the two (2) mortgaged
condominium units to satisfy First Union and Linda's solidary obligations.
After due notice and publication, the properties were sold at public auction on
June 29, 2001. 9 BPI was the highest bidder, having submitted a bid of Five Million
Seven Hundred Ninety Eight Thousand Four Hundred Pesos (PhP5,798,400.00). The
proceeds of the auction sale were applied to the costs and expenses of foreclosure,
and thereafter, to First Union's obligation of Five Million Pesos (PhP5,000,000.00). After
so applying the proceeds, First Union still owed BPI a balance of Four Million Seven
Hundred Forty Two Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Nine & 32/100 Pesos
(PhP4,742,949.32), inclusive of interests and penalty charges, as of December 21,
2001. 1 0 Additionally, First Union's foreign currency loan obligation remained unpaid
and, as of December 21, 2001, amounted to One Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Three
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Hundred Twenty Four Thousand & 35/100 US Dollars (USD175,324.35), inclusive of
interest and penalty charges. SITCcE

The Complaint for Collection

of Sum of Money
First Union's and Linda's continued failure to settle their outstanding obligations
prompted BPI to le, on January 3, 2002, a complaint for collection of sum of money
with the RTC of Makati City, Branch 61. 1 1 The complaint's veri cation and certi cate of
non-forum shopping were signed by Ma. Cristina F. Asis (Asis) and Kristine L. Ong
(Ong). However, no Secretary's Certi cate or Board Resolution was attached
to evidence Asis' and Ong's authority to file the complaint .
On April 1, 2002, First Union and Linda led a motion to dismiss 1 2 on the ground
that BPI violated Rule 7, Section 5 of the Rules of Civil Procedure (Rules); BPI failed to
attach to the complaint the necessary board resolution authorizing Asis and Ong to
institute the collection action against First Union and Linda. 1 3
On August 7, 2002, BPI led an "Opposition to the Motion to Dismiss," 1 4 arguing
that the veri cation and certi cate of non-forum shopping su ciently established Asis'
and Ong's authority to le the complaint and proof of their authority could be presented
during the trial. Further, BPI alleged that a complaint "can only be dismissed under
Section 5, Rule 7 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure if there was no certi cation
against forum shopping." The provision, according to BPI, "does not even require that
the person certifying should show proof of his authority to do so." 1 5
Instead of submitting a board resolution, BPI attached a "Special Power of
Attorney" (SPA) dated December 20, 2001 executed by Zosimo A. Kabigting (Zosimo),
Vice-President of BPI. 1 6 The SPA authorized Asis and Ong or any lawyer from the
Benedicto Versoza Gealogo and Burkley Law O ces to initiate any legal action against
First Union and Linda.
In their Comment 1 7 to BPI's Opposition, First Union and Linda challenged BPI's
reading of the law, charging that it lacked jurisprudential support. 1 8 First Union and
Linda argued, invoking Public Estates Authority v. Elpidio Uy, 1 9 that "an initiatory
pleading which does not contain a board resolution authorizing the person to show
proof of his authority is equally guilty (sic) of not satisfying the requirements in the
Certi cation against Non-Forum Shopping. It is as if though (sic) no certi cation has
been led." 2 0 Thus, according to First Union and Linda, BPI's failure to attach a board
resolution "shall not be curable by mere amendment of the complaint or other initiatory
pleading but shall be cause for dismissal of the case without prejudice . . . ." 2 1 First
Union and Linda likewise questioned the belated submission of the SPA, which in any
case, "is not the board resolution envisioned by the rules since the plaintiff herein is a
juridical person." 2 2 cDEICH

BPI's Reply 2 3 to the Comment argued that the cited Public Estates Authority
case is not authoritative since "what is proscribed is the absence of authority from the
board of directors, not the failure to attach the board resolution to the initiatory
pleading." 2 4 BPI contended that the "primary consideration is whether Asis and Ong
were authorized by BPI, not the failure to attach the proof of authority to the complaint."
2 5 BPI also begged the "kind indulgence of the Honorable Court as it inadvertently failed
to submit with the Special Power of Attorney the Corporate Secretary's Certi cate
which authorized Mr. Zosimo Kabigting to appoint his substitutes." 2 6
On August 22, 2002, the RTC issued its assailed Order 27 granting First Union's
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and Linda's Motion to Dismiss. 2 8 The trial court denied BPI's Motion for
Reconsideration 2 9 on November 13, 2002. 3 0
Proceedings before the CA
BPI, on February 5, 2003, led a petition for certiorari 3 1 under Rule 65 of the
Rules of Court before the CA. It alleged that that lower court acted with grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in dismissing the complaint
despite the submission of the SPA and the Corporate Secretary's Certificate. 3 2
In their Comment to the petition, 3 3 First Union and Linda submitted that the
petition is an improper remedy since an order granting a motion to dismiss is not
interlocutory. They contended that the dismissal is nal in nature; hence, an appeal, not
a petition for certiorari under Rule 65, is the proper recourse.
The CA disagreed with First Union and Linda's contention. The assailed order,
according to the CA, categorically stated that the dismissal of the complaint was
without prejudice. 3 4 As a dismissal without prejudice, the order is interlocutory in
nature and is not a final order. 3 5
The CA, however, found that BPI failed to comply with the procedural
requirements on non-forum shopping. 3 6 Citing Sec. 5, Rule 7 of the Rules of Court, the
CA ruled that the requirement that a petition should sign the certi cate of non-forum
shopping applies even to corporations since the Rules of Court do not distinguish
between natural and civil persons. 3 7 Digital Microwave Corp. v. Court of Appeals, et al .
3 8 holds that "where a petitioner is corporation, the certi cation against forum
shopping should be signed by its duly authorized director or representative."
While the CA did not question the authority of Asis and Ong as bank
representatives, the Bank however failed to show — through an appropriate board
resolution — proof of their authority as representatives. To the CA, this failure
warranted the dismissal of the complaint. 3 9
The CA lastly refused to accord merit to BPI's argument that it substantially
complied with the requirements of veri cation and certi cation; BPI only submitted the
SPA and the Board Resolution after it had filed the complaint. 4 0cAEaSC


BPI maintains in the present petition that it attached a veri cation and certi cate
of non-forum shopping to its complaint. Contesting the CA's interpretation of Shipside
v. Court of Appeals , 4 1 it argues that the Supreme Court actually excused Shipside's
belated submission of its Secretary's Certi cate and held that it substantially complied
with the rule requiring the submission of a veri cation and certi cate of non-forum
shopping as it did, in fact, make a submission. From this starting point, it now asks the
Court to excuse its belated submission. 4 2
BPI likewise contends that it is in a better position than the petitioner in Shipside
because the latter only submitted a secretary's certi cate while it submitted a special
power attorney signed by Zosimo. On this same point, BPI also cites General Milling
Corporation v. National Labor Relations Commission 4 3 where the Court held that
General Milling's belated submission of a document to prove the authority of the
signatories to the veri cation and certi cate of non-forum shopping was substantial
compliance with Rules of Court.
BPI nally urges the Court to reverse and set aside the Decision of the CA and to
remand the case to the RTC of Makati City for further proceedings under the principle
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that "technicality should not defeat substantial justice." 4 4
In their Memorandum dated September 25, 2009, 4 5 First Union and Linda allege
that BPI's "position on the submission of the Board Resolution has been one of
defiance." 4 6 BPI's failure to submit the required board resolution is not an inadvertence
but a wilful disregard of the Rules and a blatant refusal to heed the order of the RTC.
First Union and Linda point to BPI's opposition to the Motion to Dismiss as proof of
BPI's wilful disregard. BPI argued in this opposition that (1) the Rules do not require the
presentation of a board resolution, and (2) proof of such authority need not be attached
to the initiatory pleading but can be presented during trial. 4 7
Further, instead of submitting a board resolution, BPI submitted a special power
of attorney. 4 8 It was only after First Union and Linda pointed out that the submitted
special power of attorney cannot bind a juridical entity did BPI change its position. Only
then did BPI claim that it merely inadvertently failed to submit the required secretary's
certificate. 4 9
This belated change of position, according to First Union and Linda, does not
entitle BPI to the jurisprudential exception established by the Court in Shipside where
the Court held that the relaxation of the rule requiring veri cation and certi cation of
non-forum shopping is only for "special circumstances or compelling reasons." 5 0 CHcETA


We rule in the respondents' favor .
This Court has repeatedly emphasized the need to abide by the Rules of Court
and the procedural requirements it imposes. The veri cation of a complaint and the
attachment of a certi cate of non-forum shopping are requirements that — as pointed
out by the Court, time and again — are basic, necessary and mandatory for procedural
Thus, we cannot simply and in a general way apply — given the factual
circumstances of this case — the liberal jurisprudential exception in Shipside and its line
of cases to excuse BPI's failure to submit a board resolution. While we may have
excused strict compliance in the past, we did so only on su cient and justi able
grounds that compelled a liberal approach while avoiding the effective negation of the
intent of the rule on non-forum shopping. In other words, the rule for the submission of
a certi cate of non-forum shopping, proper in form and substance, remains to be a
strict and mandatory rule; any liberal application has to be justi ed by ample and
su cient reasons that maintain the integrity of, and do not detract from, the mandatory
character of the rule.
The rule, its relaxation and their rationale were discussed by the Court at length in
Tible & Tible Company, Inc. v. Royal Savings and Loan Association 5 1 where we said:
Much reliance is placed on the rule that "Courts are not slaves or robots of
technical rules, shorn of judicial discretion. In rendering justice, courts have
always been, as they ought to be, conscientiously guided by the norm that on
balance, technicalities take a backseat against substantive rights, and not the
other way around." This rule must always be used in the right context, lest
injustice, rather than justice would be its end result.

It must never be forgotten that, generally, the application of the rules must
be upheld, and the suspension or even mere relaxation of its application, is the
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exception. This Court previously explained:
The Court is not impervious to the frustration that litigants and
lawyers alike would at times encounter in procedural bureaucracy but
imperative justice requires correct observance of indispensable
technicalities precisely designed to ensure its proper
dispensation . It has long been recognized that strict compliance with the
Rules of Court is indispensable for the prevention of needless delays and
for the orderly and expeditious dispatch of judicial business. DTAIaH

Procedural rules are not to be disdained as mere

technicalities that may be ignored at will to suit the convenience
of a party . Adjective law is important in ensuring the effective
enforcement of substantive rights through the orderly and speedy
administration of justice. These rules are not intended to hamper litigants
or complicate litigation but, indeed to provide for a system under which a
suitor may be heard in the correct form and manner and at the prescribed
time in a peaceful confrontation before a judge whose authority they
It cannot be overemphasized that procedural rules have
their own wholesome rationale in the orderly administration of
justice. Justice has to be administered according to the Rules in
order to obviate arbitrariness, caprice, or whimsicality . We have
been cautioned and reminded in Limpot v. Court of Appeals, et al., that:
Rules of procedure are intended to ensure the orderly
administration of justice and the protection of substantive rights in
judicial and extrajudicial proceedings. It is a mistake to propose that
substantive law and adjective law are contradictory to each other or,
as often suggested, that enforcement of procedural rules should
never be permitted if it will result in prejudice to the substantive
rights of the litigants. This is not exactly true; the concept is much
misunderstood. As a matter of fact, the policy of the courts is to
give both kinds of law, as complementing each other, in the just and
speedy resolution of the dispute between the parties. Observance of
both substantive rights is equally guaranteed by due process,
whatever the source of such rights, be it the Constitution itself or
only a statute or a rule of court.
xxx xxx xxx
. . . (T)hey are required to be followed except only when for
the most persuasive of reasons them may be relaxed to relieve a
litigant of an injustice not commensurate with the degree of his
thoughtlessness in not complying with the procedure prescribed. . . .
While it is true that a litigation is not a game of technicalities, this
does not mean that the Rules of Court may be ignored at will and at
random to the prejudice of the orderly presentation and assessment
of the issues and their just resolution. Justice eschews anarchy.

In particular, on the matter of the certi cate of non-forum shopping that was similarly
at issue, Tible 5 2 pointedly said:
. . . the requirement under Administrative Circular No. 04-94 for a certi cate
of non-forum shopping is mandatory. The subsequent compliance with said
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requirement does not excuse a party's failure to comply therewith in the
first instance . In those cases where this Court excused the non-compliance with
the requirement of the submission of a certificate of non-forum shopping, it found
special circumstances or compelling reasons which made the strict
application of said Circular clearly unjusti ed or inequitable. . . . [Emphasis
supplied.] DACaTI

This same rule was echoed in Mediserv v. Court of Appeals 53 where we said in the
course of allowing a liberal justification:
It is settled that liberal construction of the rules may be invoked in
situations where there may be some excusable formal de ciency or error in
a pleading , provided that the same does not subvert the essence of the
proceeding and connotes at least a reasonable attempt at compliance with
the rules . After all, rules of procedure are not to be applied in a very rigid,
technical sense; they are used only to help secure substantial justice. [Emphasis

To be sure, BPI's cited Shipside case also involved the absence of proof —
attached to the petition — that the ling o cer was authorized to sign the veri cation
and non-forum shopping certi cation. In the Motion for Reconsideration that followed
the dismissal of the case, the movant attached a certi cate issued by its board
secretary stating that ten (10) days prior to the ling of the petition, the ling o cer
had been authorized by petitioner's board of directors to le said petition. Thus, proper
authority existed but was simply not attached to the petition. On this submission, the
petitioner sought and the Court positively granted relief.
In the present case, we do not see a situation comparable to the cited Shipside.
BPI did not submit any proof of authority in the rst instance because it did not believe
that a board resolution evidencing such authority was necessary. We note that instead
of immediately submitting an appropriate board resolution — after the First Union and
Linda led their motion to dismiss — BPI argued that it was not required to submit one
and even argued that:
The Complaint can only be dismissed under Section 5, Rule 7 of the 1997
Rules of Civil Procedure if there was no certi cation against forum shopping. The
Complaint has. The provision cited does not even require that the person
certifying show proof of his authority to do so . . . . 5 4

In fact, BPI merely attached to its opposition a special power of attorney issued
by Mr. Kabigting, a bank vice-president, granting Asis and Ong the authority to le the
complaint. Thus, no direct authority to le a complaint was initially ever given by BPI —
the corporate entity in whose name and behalf the complaint was led. Only in its Reply
to the Comment to plaintiff's Opposition to the Motion to Dismiss did BPI "beg the kind
indulgence of the Honorable Court as it inadvertently failed to submit with the Special
Power of Attorney the Corporate Secretary's Certi cate which authorized Mr. Zosimo
Kabigting to appoint his substitutes." 5 5 Even this submission, however, was a
roundabout way of authorizing the filing officers to file the complaint.
BPI, interestingly, never elaborated nor explained its belatedly claimed
inadvertence in failing to submit a corporate secretary's certi cate directly authorizing
its representatives to le the complaint; it particularly failed to specify the
circumstances that led to the claimed inadvertence. Under the given facts, we cannot
but conclude that, rather than an inadvertence, there was an initial unwavering stance
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that the submission of a specific authority from the board was not necessary. In blunter
terms, the omission of the required board resolution in the complaint was neither an
excusable de ciency nor an omission that occurred through inadvertence. In the usual
course in the handling of a case, the failure was a mistake of counsel that BPI never
cared to admit but which nevertheless bound it as a client. From this perspective, BPI's
case is different from Shipside so that the ruling in this cited case cannot apply. CaEATI

Under the circumstances, what applies to the present case is the second
paragraph of Section 5, Rule 7 of the Rules of Court which states:
Failure to comply with the foregoing requirements shall not be curable by
mere amendment of the complaint or other initiatory pleading but shall be cause
for the dismissal of the case without prejudice , unless otherwise provided, upon
motion and after hearing.

We thus hold that the dismissal of the case is the appropriate ruling from this Court,
without prejudice to its refiling as the Rules allow.
We end this Decision by quoting our parting words in Melo v. Court of Appeals: 5 6
We are not unmindful of the adverse consequence to private respondent of
a dismissal of her complaint, nor of the time, effort, and money spent litigating up
to this Court solely on a so-called technical ground. Nonetheless, we hold that
compliance with the certi cation requirement on non-forum shopping should not
be made subject to a party's afterthought, lest the policy of the law be

WHEREFORE , we DENY the petitioner's petition for review on certiorari, and

AFFIRM the decision dated November 2, 2004 of the Court of Appeals, in Bank of the
Philippine Islands v. Hon. Romeo Barza, et al. (CA-G.R. SP No. 75350), and the
subsequent resolution dated May 25, 2005 5 7 denying BPI's Motion for
Reconsideration. The complaint led against the respondents is DISMISSED without
prejudice. Costs against the petitioner.
Carpio Morales, Del Castillo, * Villarama, Jr. and Sereno, JJ., concur.

*Designated Additional Member per Ra e dated October 4, 2010 vice Associate Justice Lucas
P. Bersamin who concurred in the assailed CA decision.

1.Filed under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, rollo, p. 9.

2.Id. at 40; penned by Associate Justice Jose na Guevara-Salonga; concurred in by Associate
Justices Roberto A. Barrios and Lucas P. Bersamin, now a member of the Court.
3.Id. at 48.
4.Id. at 131.
5.The RTC denied the subsequent Motion for Reconsideration on November 13, 2002, id. at
6.Id. at 78-91.
7.Id. at 186.
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8.Id. at 182.
9.Id. at 192-194.

10.According to the Complaint, id. at 74.

11.Id. at 72-77.
12.Id. at 108-110.
14.Id. at 113-116.

15.Id. at 113-114.
16.Id. at 117.
17.Dated August 14, 2002, id. at 208.
18.Id. at 119.

19.G.R. Nos. 147933-34, December 12, 2001, 372 SCRA 180.

20.Rollo, p. 120.
21.Id. at 121.
23.Dated August 20, 2002, id. at 124.

26.Id. at 125.
27.Id. at 131-133.
28.Id. at 133.

29.Dated September 23, 2002, id. at 134-137.

30.Id. at 141.
31.Id. at 142-154.
32.Id. at 147-152.

33.Id. at 233-241.
34.Id. at 42.
35.Id. at 42-43, citing Sec. 1, Rule 41, RULES OF COURT and Casupanan v. Laroya n , G.R. No.
145391, August 26, 2002, 388 SCRA 28.
36.Id. at 43.
37.Id. at 44, citing Zulueta v. Asia Brewery, G.R. No. 138137, March 8, 2001, 354 SCRA 100.
38.G.R. No. 128550, March 16, 2000, 328 SCRA 286.

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39.Rollo, p. 45.
41.February 20, 2001, G.R. No. 143377, 352 SCRA 334.

42.Rollo, p. 22.
43.G.R. No. 153199, December 17, 2002, 394 SCRA 207.
44.Rollo, pp. 28-29.
45.Id. at 401-409.
46.Id. at 403.

47.Id. at 404.
49.Id. at 405.

51.G.R. No. 155806, April 08, 2008, 550 SCRA 562, 580-581.
52.Id. at 579.
53.G.R. No. 161368, April 5, 2010.
54.Rollo, pp. 203-204.
55.Id. at 214.

56.G.R. No. 123686, November 16, 1999, 318 SCRA 94, 105.
57.Rollo, p. 48.
n Note from the Publisher: Written as "Casapunan v. Laroya" in the original document.

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