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Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


MODULE 2: 3– 4

MODULE 3: 5– 6

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


The development of learning outcomes for the core curriculum in OECS

primary and lower secondary schools is an essential part of the
harmonization of OECS educational systems. The curriculum
harmonization process commenced seven years ago with discussions
between the OECS Education Reform Unit (OERU) and educational
personnel in all member countries (See Eastern Caribbean Education
Reform Project: Initiative on curriculum and remediation – Design
Mission report , February 1998).

The initiative in Primary Secondary Science and Technology

commenced in 2001, with a meeting of science and technology
educators in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Time was spent initially
on defining science and technology, mainly because the primary
curriculum concentrated on science only. A working definition has
been developed and has been used consistently throughout the
development of the programme.

Draft learning outcomes were developed and circulated for comments

throughout the curriculum units in the OECS. Subsequent meetings of
the working group were held in St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and
Antigua and Barbuda. At each of these meetings teacher educators,
teachers and principals formed part of the discussion groups. After the
learning outcomes were adopted by the curriculum officers,
instructional modules to serve as teachers’ guides were planned and
developed by members of the working groups. The learning outcomes
and modules were all reviewed and edited by the two consultants who
worked through all phases of the project.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Time did not permit a formal piloting of the learning outcomes and
modules. Since in most cases the same curriculum officer worked on
the lower secondary curriculum, also, there is the possibility of the
primary curriculum benefiting from the experience gained in the
piloting of the lower secondary programme.

The purpose of developing the learning outcomes and teachers’ guide

is to ensure that all children in OECS primary schools attain an
acceptable level of knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with
science and technology. Each member country retains the right and
responsibility for integrating these outcomes into the national primary
science and technology curriculum. As usual teachers will continue to
use their initiative and resourcefulness in the implementation of the
programme through the use of indigenous resources creating

The OERU is extremely grateful for the contribution made by all

persons and institutions that have been involved in this developmental
exercise. First, OERU expresses thanks to the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA) for the high level of interest shown and
the funding provided for the Eastern Caribbean Education Reform
Project (ECERP). The Ministries and Departments of Education have
contributed resource personnel, accommodation, refreshment, ground
transportation, and some materials for workshops. Most important,
however, have been the high level of cooperation and commitment to
the reform effort displayed by both the administrative and professional
sections of Ministries of Education.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

The following science education professionals have made significant

contribution over the four-year period.

Country Participant Designation

Anguilla Mr. Worrell Brooks Webster Education Officer,

Antigua Mr. Earl Skerritt Science
and Barbuda Coordinator
Ms. Kendra Thomas Primary school
Ms.Celia Frederick Secondary school
Ms. Gracelyn Ireland Primary school
British Virgin Ms. Beverlie Brathwaite Education Officer,
Islands Science
Dominica Mr. Frank Newton Education Officer
Mr. Gerald Corbette Lecturer,
Dominica State
Grenada Mr. Jervis Viechweg Curriculum
Officer, Science
Ms. Janis Henry Lecturer, T. A.
Com. College
Montserrat Mr. Gregory Julius Primary school
St. Kitts Mr. Hilton Clarke Curriculum

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

And Nevis Officer, Science

Dr. Lincoln Carty Former
Officer, Science
St. Lucia Mr. Winston Blanchard Curriculum
Officer, Science
Ms. Imelda Polius Former Primary
St. Vincent Mrs. Arlette Keane-Browne Former
and the Curriculum
Grenadines Officer, Science
Mrs. Amaala Muhammad Curriculum
Officer, Science
Mr. Kenroy Johnson Principal,
Secondary School

The OERU also expresses gratitude to the dozens of teachers,

principals and students who have participated in discussions and

The actual planning and subsequent developmental process for the

learning outcomes and Teachers’ Guide became the responsibility of
Dr. Cheryl Remy, former Senior Lecturer at Sir Arthur Lewis
Community College, St. Lucia and Professor Winston King, Senior
Lecturer, School of Education, UWI, to whom the OERU is very
grateful. As a team, Dr. Remy and Professor King have encouraged
workshop participants and module writers to think and to create ideas
as the work progressed.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

The staff at OERU together contributed in no small measure to these

modules. Ms. Deborah Alphonse, Accounts/Administrative Assistant,
Ms. Natasha Deterville, now Secretary to the Director of Economic
Affairs in the OECS, and Ms. Cleotha Randolph, Documentation Officer,
worked tirelessly arranging workshops and reproducing materials. Ms.
Natalie Compton of Nagio Creations competently designed the layout
of the guides and learning outcomes for printing and electronic

Dr. Henry Hinds, then Curriculum Specialist at OERU, was responsible

for the curriculum project. Mrs. Lorna Callender and Ms. Candia
Alleyne, both former Heads of OERU, have supported the project
organizationally and morally. Mr. Johnson Cenac, ECERP Officer, made
significant contributions in various ways and at various times
throughout the development of this work.

The Primary Science and Technology modules provide an excellent

example of the fusion of talent, creativity, rigorous science and
technology and cooperation to develop a valuable resource for

The OERU hopes that principals and teachers will continue to play their
roles in making the outcomes and modules come to life in classrooms
throughout the OECS. The commitment and effort surely will
contribute to the enhancement of knowledge, and skills and the
development of positive attitudes towards science and technology.

Henry Hinds, Head, OERU

August, 2006

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Matter and Materials






MODULE 1: Grades K -2

General Objectives 13

Specific Objectives 13

Levels of Skills, Attitudes and Technology 14

Units: Grade K 17
Grade 1 19
Grade 2 21


General Objectives 31

Specific Objectives 31

Levels of Skills, Attitudes and Technology 32

Units: Grade 3 36
Grade 4 44


General Objectives 52

Specific Objectives 52

Levels of Skills, Attitudes and Technology 53

Units: Grade 5 57
Grade 6 66

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


It is sometimes said that we live in a world of “plastics”, suggesting that a

large majority of the objects with which we interact in our everyday life is
made from plastics. “Plastics” is but one group of the many materials that
humans develop and use for a wide variety of technological purposes. Hence
the study of materials and their properties provides an avenue for children to
better understand the world in which they live and to discover how humans
adapt what is in their environment to meet their needs.

The students will also understand why certain materials are more often used
than others in the making of the commonly used household items. Students,
particularly at the primary level, are very curious and eager to learn. This
module which deals with materials and their properties does allow for
numerous activities with low cost material since the cost factor in preparing
activity based science lessons can be problematic and does affect the nature
of the instruction.

It is hoped that teachers will find this module very interesting and packed
with hands-on activities, which is the way forward for Science and
Technology teaching and learning.


Children at all ages are exposed to materials which exist in the various states
of matter. However, we do not always appreciate the importance that these
materials play in our daily lives.

These modules aim to raise the awareness of children of the importance of

these materials to their daily lives. In the early grades students will be
introduced to the sorting of materials based on properties such as size,

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

shape, hardness or softness, and relate these properties to the everyday

usage of these materials.

In the later grades students will be exposed to other properties of materials

such as ability to conduct electricity, heat and the magnetic properties of
some metals, e.g. iron They will also investigate ways in which materials may
be changed.

Processes such as freezing, cooling, heating, melting, condensation and

evaporation which are involved in the inter-conversion of the states of matter
will also be introduced.

A number of hands-on activities is also designed to enhance some of the

process skills, while at the same time give a clear understanding of materials
and their properties.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6




• Matter exists in different forms such as solids, liquids and
• Matter can undergo changes both in its form and composition.
• Matter has properties (such as volume, weight and mass) that
can be measured.
• Matter can also be grouped as materials from which objects are
made, such as metals, plastics, and glass.
• These materials have different propert ies which determine their
• The properties of materials can be changed and this extends
their use.

• Technological methods involves the use of problem solving,
technological processes and resources to find solutions to people’s
wants and needs.
• Technology is a human activity.
• Individuals can take part in Technological activity.
• Technology involves the uses of materials, energy, tools/machines
and information.
• Technology processes include Biotechnology, Production
Technology and Transportation .
• Technology changes over time.
• Technology is neither good nor bad, but the way we use it can have
positive or negative effects on our lives.
• The use of technology has side effects.


• Science and Technology affect human life, the society and the
• The impact of Science and Technology can be positive and negative,
unplanned or planned, immediate or delayed.
• There should be sustainable use of resources and efforts should be
made to minimize ecological disturbances.
• People’s values, beliefs and attitudes influence scientific and
technological activity and use.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


Matter and materials

Grades k - 2

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

The students should be able to:

1. Become aware of materials in their environment and their properties.

2. Become aware that people choose materials to make objects according
to their properties.

The students should be able to:

1. Identify and describe objects according to properties such as colour,

size, shape and texture.
2. Classify objects according to properties above.
3. Distinguish between objects and the materials from which they are
4. Identify different materials such as wood, glass, clay, plastic, rubber,
5. List objects made from the materials in 4. above.
6. Investigate the properties of materials (e.g. transparency, hardness,
7. Match the properties of materials to their use.
8. Choose materials suitable for making kites, windmills, water wheels,
pot holders.
9. Construct a simple object (as in 8) using chosen materials.
10. Recognize that water can be solid or liquid.
11. Describe the properties of solids and liquids using their senses.
12. Give examples of solids and liquids.
13. Compare the properties of liquids used in the home.
14. State that water can change from solid to liquid and from liquid to
15. Identify the conditions that cause changes from solid to liquid and
back (e.g. water turns to ice in a freezer and ice turns to water when

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6




Students should be encouraged to:

Curiosity: ü Ask questions about objects and events.

ü Find out more about events and objects on their

Inventiveness: ü Suggest new ways of doing things.

Respect For ü Explain their results and conclusions.

Evidence ü Listen to other students’ results and explanations.

Persistence ü Complete activities.

ü Persist at tasks.

Respect For ü Show sensitivity to living things.

Living Things
Cooperation ü Share with others.
ü Work together with others.

Concern For ü Observe safety instructions.


Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

In developing their skills of inquiry, problem solving and
design, the students are expected to:
Observing ü Use as many senses as are appropriate and safe to
gather information.
ü Identify differences and similarities between objects
and events.
ü Identify sequence in events.
Measuring ü Use simple measuring instruments or models of
measuring instruments. At first use comparative
terms such as bigger, smaller and later use actual
Manipulating ü Set up simple experiments to compare results.
ü Manipulate simple equipment.

Recording ü Use pictures and charts to report results.

ü Fill out simple tables to report results.

Classifying ü Group objects according to one or two criteria.

Communicating ü Talk freely about their activities and the ideas they
have, with or without making a written record.
ü Use appropriate vocabulary to describe their
ü Listen to others’ ideas and look at their results.
ü Report events by using demonstrations, role play,
simple drawings, paintings and simple sentences.

Inferring ü Notice patterns in simple measurements and events.

Interpreting ü Discuss what they find out in response to questions.

Experimenting ü Freely ask a variety of questions and suggest how
they might be answered.
ü Suggest how they could investigate to find out
answers to questions.

Predicting ü Attempt to make predictions (even if not based on

Problem ü Suggest solutions to simple problems.
Designing ü Construct models either by following instructions or
by using their own designs.
ü Select appropriate material to make models and

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Technological ü Given problems, the student will be

Methods able to discuss and make simple

Nature Of Technology
ü Realize that some things are natural
and people for their use make others.
ü Realize that people use natural things
and also make other things from them.
ü Realize that they can design and make
things which may be different from
what others make.
ü Share information with others.
ü Realize that safety is important in using
tools and making things.

ü Appreciate the use of devices, tools and

Use Of Technology structures made by humans in the
home and community.
ü Appreciate the advantages of using
these products.
ü Realize that human-made things can
pollute the environment.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


DURATION: 6 Lessons (30 minutes each)

Students should be able to:

1. Identify and describe objects according to properties such as colour,

size, shape and texture.
2. Distinguish between objects and the materials from which they are
3. Choose materials to make an object of their choice.
4. Make an object using the materials they chose.

Observing, Classifying

Bottles, jars, cans, toys, shoes, bags, materials in the environment (home,
school, business), materials to make objects like paper fans, etc.

Ø There are many objects and materials found in the home, school,
supermarkets and the environment which are made from plastics,
glass, metals, wood, paper.
Ø Objects may have different colours (red, blue, green etc.), shapes
(square, triangular, round, rectangular etc), sizes (big, small, etc.) and
textures (smooth or rough, soft or hard).
Ø Certain materials are better than others for making a specific object.

Colo ur: blue, green, etc.
Shape: round, square, triangular
Size: large than, smaller than, small, smaller, smallest
Texture: rough, smooth

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Ø Let students collect empty containers such as bottles, jars, tins, cans,
and toys etc. Provide/collect sheets of paper, manila, newspapers, and
Ø Students are asked to name the objects and say what each is made
from (e.g. object book – made from paper).
Ø Students classify collection of objects according to the material they
are made of (plastics, metals, paper, etc.).
Ø Sort plastic bottles according to shapes, colour, size, and texture.
N.B. (sorting is done for various types of materials collected). Help
students to develop the appropriate vocabulary to describe the
Ø Present students with containers/bottles with wide/narrow mouth and
let them suggest reasons for the different shape/size.
Ø Activity can be repeated with balls of different sizes.
Ø Let students suggest reasons why balls are round and not triangular or
Ø Let students suggest something they would like to make (a fan, a
pencil holder, an animal etc.). Ask them which of the materials on
display they would choose.
Ø Let students talk about what they would make, choose their materials
and construct their object. (Some students may need help to decide
on their choice. In this case the teacher can have a more structured
activity in which the children are given instructions to make a
particular object, such as a kite, a windmill, pot holders, etc.).

1. Riddles: Teacher gives students clues: students should state what the
object is. For example: I am round, I bounce high, I am made of rubber.
What am I?

2. Teacher assesses students’ efforts when they make their objects. Let
students show and tell about their object and how it is to be used.

3. Teacher provides students with worksheet containing pictures of items o f

different colo urs, size and shape and ask students to classify the items.


Art- colour
Literacy-spelling, vocabulary

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


DURATION: 3 lessons

Students should be able to:

Ø Classify objects as being made of plastics, metals, glass, paper and

wood (properties)
Ø List some properties of plastics, metals, glass, paper and wood
Ø List some uses of plastics, metals, glass, paper and wood.
Ø Suggest reasons for the choice of material from which objects are

Manipulating, Observ ing, C lassifying, Inferring and Communicatin g.

A variety of objects in each category of materials: e.g. several different
objects made of metals, several objects made of wood, several objects made
of plastic etc.

Ø Objects are made from different materials, wood, plastic, clay, metals,
glass, rubber, etc.
Ø Each of these materials has particular properties, e.g. plastic is
smooth, comes in many colours, some types break and some types do
not: some plastics bend and others do not; metals are usually shiny,
hard, make a clanging sound, etc.
Ø The use to which the object is to be put determines the materials from
which it is made. (e.g. Pots are made from metals because they have
to withstand heat. Some balls are made from rubber because we need
them to bounce).

Ø Present students with a group of objects made from one of the
materials and have them examine the properties of the group
(appearance, texture, ability to bend easily, transparency, etc.)

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Ø Let students continue to investigate the different materials and record

the properties by ticking in the appropriate column of a table (hard,
soft, breakable, difficult to break, easy to bend, etc.).
Ø Let students compare the same object made from different materials,
for example a plastic cup and a glass cup. Let them tick in the
properties on a table such as:

Can break Cannot break Can see through Cannot see

Plastic cup v v
Glass v v
(Drawing) etc
Plastic lunch
Pot made of

Ø Let students say what each object is used for and under which
circumstances it is better to use one or the other
Ø Let students make up stories: A lunch kit was made of paper. A lunch
kit was made of glass, Mum’s wooden pot , etc. They read/relate their
stories to the class.

1. Teacher sets up stations with objects made of different materials.
Students go to the stations and identify the object and the material from
which it is made.
2. Teacher asks students to name objects with different properties. For
example: Name an object that is transparent and can break; what
material is it made of?
3. Students can prepare their Materials scrap book with pictures of objects
made from each type of material (metal, plastic, clay, paper, glass etc).
4. The guessing game. Let students guess what an object is from
information given about that object, such as: I can have any colour,
I can be worn, I am made of fabric, I can have pockets, and I have
two legs. What am I?

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


DURATION: 4 Lessons

Students should be able to:

Ø Identify different materials such as wood, glass, clay, plastic, rubber

and metal.
Ø List the properties of these materials.
Ø Investigate and compare the hardness, and strength (wood, plastic,
metal, clay, paper etc.).
Ø Match properties of materials to their use.

Observing, Classifying, Inferring

Plastics, metals, glass, rubber, wood, and clay

Ø Different materials have different properties that determine the uses to
which they are put.
Ø Hardness refers to how easy it is to dent or scratch a material. We
can compare hardness by testing if one material can cause a dent to
another or if one material can be scratched by another. A harder
material will scratch a softer one.
Ø Strength refers to how easy it is to tear or break a material or how
much load the material can support before it breaks.

Wood Plastic

(1) Hard (1) Most melt easily

(2) Can be shaped easily (2) Can be shaped easily
(3) Can burn easily (3) Some types are harder than others
(4) Is relatively light (4) Is relatively light

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Clay Glass

(1) Soft when wet (1) Transparent

(2) Can be shaped when wet (2) Hard
(2) Maintain shape when dry (3) Smooth
(3) Shatters easily when dry (4) Shatters easily

(1) Light weight (1) Can be easily shaped
(2) Can be shaped easily (2) Stretches/elastic
(3) Burns easily

(1) Hard
(2) Can withstand heat
(3) Can be shaped easily

Ø Let students make a list of many objects found in the classroom and
school environs and tick the material each is made from– metal,
plastic, glass, rubber, clay, paper etc. (NB students are given a
worksheet to record their observations)
Ø Extend activity to include materials in the home.
Ø Let students list as many properties of the materials as they can.

Ø Comparing hardness of materials:

Let students say what they mean when they describe a material as
hard. Help them to clarify the meaning of “hard” (e.g. hard materials
do not sink in or bend when we press them. Hard materials are not
scratched easily).
Let students identify hard materials in use (e.g. for their desk tops,
table tops, walls, floors, roads, etc.). Let students compare these hard
things with soft things (that sink in when we press them).

Let students hypothesize about which of the following materials is

hardest (modelling clay, a metal nail, a wooden twig or match stick,
a plastic pen.

Then let them compare the hardness of the materials.

Let students use each material to try to scratch the other.
Let them record their results in a table . A harder material will
scratch a softer material (e.g. a metal nail will scratch wood, therefore
the metal is harder than wood.)
Let students arrange the materials in order of hardness.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Ø Comparing the strength of materials

Ask students to point out strong materials and let them explain what
they understand by strong.
Help students to clarify the meaning of strong (i.e. how easily does the
material tear or break, how well does it support heavy loads).
Let students try to tear sheets of paper, plastic bags, aluminum foil,
pieces of string to get the idea of different strengths.

Ask students which of the following will tear easily: paper or metal.
Help them realize that strength will depend on the thickness of the

Ø Let students look around the school or home for evidence of materials
supporting different loads without breaking: for example, a cardboard
box supports the weight of books, wooden beams support houses,
metal/wooden chairs support the weight of people.

Ø Teacher can help students investigate which is stronger – a plastic bag

or a paper bag.

Ø Let students discuss how the choice of material depends on the

purpose for which it will be used.

1. Name or give students pictures of objects.

(a) Let them state the use of the objects.

(b) Let them identify the materials from which the objects are made.
(c) Let them justify the choice of materials for these objects.

Example: A bed with mattress and pillows (some materials are hard,
some strong, some hard, etc.

2. Opportunities for assessment of skills are provided as students fill out

tables, compare materials, investigate the properties of materials.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 6 Lessons

Students should be able to:

Ø Design an object for a particular use.

Ø Choose materials suitable for making an object to be used for a
particular purpose.
Ø Make an object for a particular use


Problem solving, Manipulating, Cooperating

Plastics, glass, paper, metal cans, rubber, clay and popsicle sticks, wood,
cardboard, glue, etc.

People design and make things to suit particular purposes.
We choose materials because they have certain properties.
Review content in previous lessons.

Teacher creates a context , for example: In our classroom we need
something to store all our crayons, or to carry books around in the
classroom. What can we make to solve this problem?

Students are to work in groups.

They plan what they will make: they make a sketch: they choose the
materials they will need.

They make their object.

They test if it is suitable for its purpose.

As students work on their design and make project, the teacher can assess
them using different criteria, such as: planning, choice of materials, final
product, problem solving skills and cooperating.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 2 Lessons

Students should be able to:
(1) Describe the properties of solids and liquids (using the senses).
(2) Give examples of solids and liquids.

Observing, Manipulating, Communicating and Classifying

Transparent plastic cups of different shapes and sizes; an assortment of solid
items: wooden blocks, coins, stones, etc.; a variety of liquids: water, cooking
oil, alcohol, vinegar, etc.

Ø Many of the materials around us are either solids or liquids
Ø Solids - keep their shape
- are usually hard
Ø Liquids - can be poured
- change shape depending on container

1. Set up several stations within classroom placing solid items and liquid
items at separate stations. Divide class into small groups and let them
visit one solid and liquid station and observe/interact with the
materials. (Instruct them not to put anything in their mouths).
Instruct students to pour liquids and place solids into different
containers provided at the stations.
2. Engage students/whole class in a discussion aimed at establishing the
properties of liquids and solids. Use simple questions such as: -
Ø How does the stone feel?
Ø Was it easy to squeeze the piece of wood?
Ø Did the piece of wood change its shape when placed in the cup?
Ø What happened to the shape of the oil when poured into the
narrow container/wide container?
Introduce the concept of solid and liquid to end discussion.
3. Let students give examples of other solids and liquids
4. Take home activity. Challenge students to list all the solid and liquid
items in their homes.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

1. Present students with an assortment of items not previously used and
ask them to group items as solids or liquids.

2. Play a ‘What am I?’ game: students draw a flash card from a prepared
pack. (Each card should have the name of a solid or liquid item
written on it). The student is then required to do three things:
(1) Identify with the item by making a sample statement:
I am ------.
(2) State w hether it is solid or liquid: I am a -------.
(3) State one property of the substance: I am hard etc.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 4 Lessons

Students should be able to:

1. Recognize that water can be solid or liquid.

2. Identify the conditions under which water changes from solid to liquid
and back.

Predicting, Observing

Water, ice, refrigerator, cups, metal containers, heat source, bottle stoppers

Ø Water can exist as a solid (ice) or as a liquid (what we call water).
Ø Solid water (ice) will change to a liquid when exposed to heat.
Ø Liquid water will change to a solid water (ice) w hen placed in a very
cold place.

1. Engage and involve students in the planning of an
activity/experiment/investigation aimed at finding out conditions
necessary for freezing. Investigation could involve many water bottles
in the freezing and cooling compartments of the refrigerator. Set up
experiment and then let students make predictions (experiment to be
done overnight).
2. Remove item from refrigerator and engage students in discussions,
paying attention to the predictions made earlier.
3. Select three blocks of ice similar in size and inform students of the
intent to let them race to see which one melts the fastest: one block
should be left sitting on a table at room temperature, one should be
placed over a heating source and one in the cooling compartment of
refrigerator. Let students make predictions as to which one will melt
first, second, etc. At the completion of the activity engage students in
a discussion aimed at establishing the concept that exposure to heat
caused the solid water (ice) to change to liquid water (water); and that
the more heat there is the faster the ice will melt.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Let a few students pretend to be water/ice then question the rest of the class
as to what will happen to them if they were:

- placed in the cooler? (for water and ice)

- placed in the freezer? (for water and ice)
- placed in the sun? (for ice)
- placed on the fire? (for ice)

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 2 Lessons

Students should be able to:

(1) Name examples of liquids found in the home.

(2) Compare the properties of liquids used in the home.

An assortment of liquids commonly used in the home, such as vinegar, baby
oil, ketchup, drinks, glue, honey.

Ø Many materials we use in our home are liquids.
Ø Liquids can be poured, and takes the shape of their containers
Ø Some liquids pour more easily than others.

1. Teacher assembles liquids commonly used in the home.
Students give the use of the liquids.
2. Teacher asks students to list the characteristics of the liquids shown.
3. Teacher asks students which liquid will flow most easily? If we had a race,
which liquid would drip out of the container the fastest?
4. Students make hypotheses. Teacher asks students to suggest how they
might test their hypotheses.
5. Teacher helps students design an experiment to compare how quickly the
liquids flow.
6. Students set up their experiments and record their results.
7. Students arrange the liquids in order of how quickly they pour.

1. Teacher should assess students as they do their experiments for
communication skills, inferring, observing, etc.

2. Let students complete a worksheet on the liquids shown to show

simple characteristics of these liquids, such as colour, smell, etc.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


Matter and materials

Grades 3 - 4

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


The students should be able to:

1. Understand that the amount of matter and the space it occupies can
be measured
2. appreciate that materials may interact differently with other materials
and objects.


The students should be able to:

1. List some physical properties of matter.

2. Determine the physical properties (e.g. length) of matter by using
instruments thermometers, rulers, etc).
3. Measure defin ite volume and mass of materials.
4. Give examples of physical change.
5. Use a variety of ways and measurements to compare and contrast
the physical properties of materials (soluble, insoluble, conductors,
non-conductors of heat and electricity).
6. Describe the effect of magnets on materials.
7. Describe the use of magnets in the home and community.
8. Suggest novel ways of using magnets in the home or school.
9. Demonstrate that certain materials reflect, transmit or absorb light.
10. Describe and give examples of transparent, translucent and opaque
11. Identify properties of materials that make them suitable for specific
12. Compare objects used for the same purpose but made of different
materials and list the advantages and disadvantages of using each
type of material.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


GRADES 3 - 4


Students should be encouraged to:

Curiosity: ü Ask questions about objects and events.

ü Find out more about events and objects on their

Inventiveness: ü Suggest new ways of doing things.

ü Use equipment in novel ways.
Respect For ü Explain their results and conclusions using some
Evidence evidence.
ü Listen to other students’ results and explanations.
ü Begin to recognize when conclusions do not fit the

Persistence ü Complete activities.

ü Persist at tasks.

Respect For ü Show sensitivity to living things.

Living Things
Cooperation ü Share with others.
ü Work together with others.
ü Accept responsibilities.

Concern For ü Observe safety instructions.


Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

SKILLS: In developing their skills of inquiry, problem

solving and design, the students are expected

Observing ü Use as many senses as are appropriate and

safe to gather information.
ü Identify differences and similarities between
objects and events.
ü Identify sequence in events.
Measuring ü Use simple measuring instruments or
models of measuring instruments. At first
use comparative terms such as bigger,
smaller, and later use actual figures.
Manipulating ü Set up simple experiments to compare
ü Manipulate simple equipment.

Recording ü Use pictures and charts to report results.

ü Fill out simple tables to report results.

Classifying ü Group objects according to several criteria.

Communicating ü Talk freely about their activities and the

ideas they have, with or without making a
written record.
ü Use appropriate vocabulary to describe their
ü Listen to others’ ideas and look at their
ü Report events by using demonstrations, role
play, simple drawings, paintings and
ü Use bar graphs, pictures, tables and charts
to report results.
ü Use books and other sources to find

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


Inferring ü Notice patterns and relationships in simple

measurements and events.

Interpreting ü Discuss what they find out in response to

data questions.
ü Compare their findings with their predictions.
ü Notice changes when one variable is changed.

Experimenting ü Freely ask a variety of questions and suggest

how they might be answered.
ü Suggest how they could investigate to find out
answers to questions.
ü Have some idea of the variable that has to be
changed or what different things are to be
compared in an investigation.
ü Suggest equipment, materials and procedure
for conducting investigations.

Predicting ü Attempt to use evidence in making predictions.

Hypothesizing ü Attempt to explain things that are consistent

with evidence.
ü Suggest how something may have happened.
Problem Solving ü Suggest solutions to simple problems.

Designing ü Construct models either by following

instructions or by using their own designs.
ü Select appropriate material to make models and
ü Formulate problems, do appropriate research,
and devise solutions.
ü Select appropriate material to make models and
ü Evaluate their own designs using simple

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


Technological ü Students will be able to formulate problems, do

Methods appropriate research and devise solutions (e.g.
construct gadgets).

Nature Of
Technology ü Look at past inventions in their historical context.
ü Understand that products are replicable.
ü Understand that others may be working on the same
ü Realise that they can use scientific knowledge in doing
technology and that technology helps to develop
reliable scientific information.
ü Understand the importance of precision and safety in
developing new products.
ü Understand that technology is novel and creative.
ü Understand that if the people in a country are creative
and innovative, their country can progress.
ü Understand that people use processes involving living
things (Biotechnology) and materials (Production
Technology) to satisfy their needs.

Use Of ü Appreciate the use of devices, tools and structures

Technology made by humans in the home and community.
ü Appreciate the advantages of using these products.
ü Realize that human-made things can pollute the
ü Look at advantages and disadvantages to help them
make decisions of what is the best technology that can
be used in a particular situation.
ü Realize that people may abuse and misuse technology.
ü Understand that technology may have unintended

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Unit: matter and materials (grade 3)

DURATION: 2 Lessons

Students should be able to:

1. Identify properties of materials that make them suitable for specific

2. Compare objects used for the same purpose but made of different
materials and list the advantages and disadvantages of using each
type of material.

Observing, Manipulating, Inferring.

A wide variety of objects including cooking pots, vario us boxes, bottles, cans,
pot holders, thermometers, coins, sunglasses, etc.
Pictures of large pieces of equipment e.g. aero-planes, cars, furniture etc.

Ø The properties of a material determine its use.
Ø The most suitable material is chosen for a particular purpose.

Ø Introduce a piece of equipment to the children (e.g. cooking pot) and
ask them to list the materials that the item is made of.
Ask students why they think the particular materials were chosen to
make the item.
Ensure that students are connecting the material with its properties
and use by asking questions such as:

i. Why has wood been chosen to make the handle of the

ii. Why hasn’t the same material been chosen to make the
iii. What might happen if plastic had been used for the pan
and metal for the handle?

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Ø Let students examine other items themselves discussing their ideas

within groups and recording their findings.
Ø Students examine pictures of larger items e.g. cars.
Ø Students list as many materials as they can that the item may be
made of and say what property of the materials make them suitable
for their use.

For example a car:

Glass (windshield windows), transparent

Rubber (tyres), flexibility
Metal (frame etc), strength
Glass (mirror), reflective.

Ø Teacher displays objects (or pictures) made for the same purpose, but
made of different materials (e.g. furniture, floors, school bags etc).
Teacher has students list the properties they would want in the
particular object. Students use these to draw up a list of criteria.
Students draw up a table with the criteria.
They evaluate the objects (made from the different materials) using
these criteria.

Complete the table

Item Materials Reason

An envelope Rubber, Glass
Metal, Paper
A waterproof coat Paper, Plastic
Wood, Cloth
A fireguard Plastic, Metal
Wood, Rubber
A kite Stone, Metal
Wood, Paper

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 3 Lessons

Students should be able to:
1. Give examples of soluble and insoluble materials.
2. Compare and contrast the ability of materials to dissolve in water.

Observing, Manipulating, Experimenting, Recording.


Sugar, salt, flour, sand, coffee, talcum powder, kool Aid, plastic spoons,
transparent containers, water, hand lens.

Ø Some materials can dissolve in liquids. They are said to be soluble. A
dissolved material and the liquid in which it is dissolved make a
mixture called a solution.
Ø Some materials do not dissolve in water. They are insoluble.


Ø Explain to students that they are going to investigate which materials

dissolve in water.
Discuss the concept of dissolving.
Put students into groups and distribute the materials. Students
examine the materials using a hand lens.
Students put a spoonful of each material into separate jars of water
and stir. Record observations on a recording sheet provided.

Record sheet
Name of material What happened when Was it soluble or
the material was mixed insoluble?
with water?

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

When testing is finished, students group jars according to whether the

mixture they contain is a solution or not.
Students compare their results with those of other groups.

Ø Students name solutions in the classroom and at home. They discuss

their use.

Ø Students do the following: Plan and carry out experiments to compare
how well certain materials dissolve in water.
Ø Classify a list of given substances as soluble or insoluble.
Ø Make a list of instances where dissolving is useful in everyday life. e.g.
Ø Teachers will assess students’ record sheet.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 4 Lessons

Students should be able to:

1. Give examples of materials that conduct heat and those that do not
2. Compare and contrast the ability of materials to conduct heat.
3. Design and make a device to keep a liquid warm or cold.

Observing, Manipulating, Experimenting, Planning, Designing

Similar items made from different materials (wood, plastic, glass, metal,
rubber) hot water.

Ø If heat travels easily through a material the material is a good
conductor of heat.
Ø If heat does not travel easily through a material, that material is an
Ø Examples of conductors of heat are metals.
Ø Examples of non-conductors of heat are wood and plastic.
Ø Teacher asks students to consider what happens when they put pans
on the stove. Parts of the pan that are not directly heated also get
hot. Why do we need pot holders? What do we use for potholders?

Simple discussion on the idea that heat travels through some materials
but not others. Teacher introduces the terms ‘conductor’ and

Ø Students are shown similar objects (of the same size, thickness,
shape) e.g. plastic, wooden and metal rulers or plastic, wooden and
metal spoons, etc.
Discuss with students how they could find out which materials conduct
heat best. Teacher asks students to make hypotheses as to which
material would conduct heat best.
In groups, students are given a container of hot water and the similar
materials. Each material is placed into the container of hot water for a
set amount of time. (Remind students to be careful) After the time

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

elapses, students feel the dry end of the materials to determine which
one feels warmest. Students record observations. Students rate the
materials as conductors or insulators.

Ø Students provide examples of other conductors and insulators.

They discuss how these materials are useful in different situations.

Ø (Optional) To demonstrate how heat is conducted through materials

tell the students that all things are made up of very small particles.
Each of them is going to pretend to be a particle and you, the teacher,
are the heat source.

The students should sit fairly close together. As the heat source
approaches the first student (particle), the student begins to vibrate
(jiggle) but remains in the same spot. The student in contact with the
first student begins to jiggle. The pattern continues until all the
students are moving.

Explain to students that the molecules of an insulator would be

affected by heat slowly so there will be less vibrating and so very
little heat will be passed on. Demonstrate this as in the activity above.
NB - Most of the students should remain still.

Ø Challenge: Students in groups, design and make an object which can

be used to keep liquids hot/cold. They have a competition to see
whose design will keep the liquid hot or cold longest.

Ø Given a list of materials students classify them as insulators or

Ø Given specific situations students decide whether a conductor or

insulator would be appropriate. For example, what type of material is
best suited to make pot handles?

Ø Make a list of instances of conductors/insulators in the home.

Ø Assess certain skills and attitudes as students make the Technology


Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 3 Lessons

Students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate that certain materials reflect, transmit or absorb light.

2. Describe and give examples of transparent, translucent and opaque
3. Identify uses of transparent, translucent and opaque materials.
4. Compare objects used for the same purpose but made of transparent,
translucent or opaque materials.

Observing, Classifying, Analyzing, Manipulating


Clear plastic, wood, coin, cup, glass, light bulb, white paper, and flashlight.

Ø Different materials react differently to light.

Ø Some materials transmit light while others do not.

Transmit – the material allows light to pass through it.
Materials that allow most of the light to pass through them are
transparent e.g. clear glass and clear plastic.
Materials that allow some light to pass through them are translucent
e.g. wax paper, some types of plastic and glass.
Ø Materials that do not allow light to pass through them are opaque e.g.
wood, clay, rubber, some plastics.

Opaque materials may reflect or absorb light.

Reflect – the material ‘sends the light back or in another direction,

e.g. smooth, shiny surfaces which act like mirrors reflect light.

Absorb – the material takes the light in e.g. dark, dull clay

Put students into groups and distribute clear plastic, wood, coin, cup, glass,
light bulb, alumin ium foil, a mirror, white paper and flashlight.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Activity 1:
Students set up the activity by placing each object between the flashlight and
the white paper, and turning on the flashlight. For each item students’

a. If the light shines through the object.

b. If the light is stopped by the object.
c. If some light goes through the object.

Students also hold the white paper on the same side as the light and see if
they can see the light on the paper.
Discuss students observations and introduce and discuss the concepts of
transmit, reflect, transparent, translucent and opaque.

Ask questions such as:

1. Which objects formed shadows? Why?
2. Can transparent objects form shadows? Why?

Activity 2
Provide students with a variety of other objects. Students make predictions
as to which ones they think will allow light to pass through them and which
will stop light from passing through them. Students test their predictions by
repeating Activity 1.
Students record their observation and write a description of transparent,
translucent and opaque materials.

Activity 3
Teacher presents students with three drinking containers or bags, one
transparent, one translucent and one opaque. Students discuss the
disadvantages and advantages o f using one or the other.

Activity 4
Students carry out an inventory at home to identify transparent, translucent
and opaque materials and to state how it is important for them to have the
particular property e.g. frosted glass-privacy.

Ø Given a list of materials students classify them as transparent,
translucent, or opaque`.

Ø Teacher can assess students’ performance on Activities 2, 3 and 4.

Ø Students design and make a sundial and explain how it works.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Unit: matter and materials (grade 4)

DURATION: 4 Lessons

Students should be able to:

1. Measure volume and mass of materials.

Manipulating, Recording, Observing

Rulers, assorted cuboids, measuring cylinders, balances/scales, assorted

- All objects occupy space.
- The amount of space that an object takes up is called its volume.
- The volume of a regular solid, like a box, can be found by measuring
the length, width and height (with a ruler) and then multiplying the
length by the width by the height.
- The volume of a liquid can be found using a measuring cylinder
marked in cm3 .
- The mass of an object is the amount of matter in the object. Mass is
measured with a balance and the unit of mass is grams or kilograms.


Activity 1

Ø Let students examine measuring cylinders and discuss how to use

them correctly
Get 3 cups of different sizes. Fill each cup with water and label the
cups 1, 2, 3.
Let students estimate the volume of water in each cup.
Pour the water from 1 into the measuring cylinder and record the
Repeat the process and record the volume of water in cups 2 and 3
Compare the volume of water that each cup can hold.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Ø Create some problem situations for students:- For example:

What happens to the volume of each liquid as we pour them from
one cup to another of a different shape etc?
Let students predict and test their predictions.

Activity 2

Ø Give students an assortment of cubes and cuboids. Pupils identify the

length, width and height. (N.B. ensure that the dimensions are
Discuss the formula for calculating volume. (Link with Mathematics)

Using rulers, students measure and record the length, width and
height of the boxes/books.
Students record their measurement on a recording sheet.

Object Length Width Height Volume

Activity 3

Ø Explain the concept of mass.

Present balances/kitchen scales and discuss their use and how they
Students are given an assortment of objects and use the
balances/scales to Record the mass of each unit.

Activity 4

Ø Create problem situations for students: For example -

Would the same volume of different materials have the same volume?

Let students predict and test their predictions.

Ø Assessment of record sheets.
Ø Students write instructions on how to find the volume/mass of an
Ø Students estimate the mass/volume of an object and measure and
record the actual mass/volume of the object.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 3 Lessons


Students should be able to:

(i) List the physical properties of matter.

(ii) Determine the physical properties of matter by using instruments.
(iii) Construct an instrument to measure mass or volume.


Manipulating, Recording, Observing


Rulers, thermometers, balances, measuring cylinders

An assortment of objects (hot, cold, warm, water)

Ø An object or material has various characteristics which include length,
temperature, mass, volume.
Ø Some of these characteristics depend on the amount of material we
have (mass, volume, length) while others do not (temperature).
Ø We use a variety of instruments to record the properties of matter:

Length –ruler
Temperature – thermometer
Mass – balance
Volume – measuring cylinder

Ø When making things it is im portant to measure accurately.

Activity I

Ø Students are given an assortment of objects and asked to compare

them using terms such as:

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Heavy – light,
Long – short
Wide – narrow
Warm – cool

Discuss the physical properties of the object using terms such as

length, temperature, mass.
Relate the terms used to compare the objects to the properties e.g.
warm/cool – temperature.

Activity II

Ø Students are given rulers. Teacher explains how to use the rulers
Students are given assortment o f objects and rulers. Students use
their rulers to record the length of the objects (N.B. students may also
record the length of objects in the classroom).

Activity III

Ø Present students with thermometer. Discuss the use of thermometers.

Put students in groups and present students with an assortment of
liquids at varying temperatures. Students use the thermometers to
record the temperature of the liquids. Compare
Students also record room temperature and their body temperature.

Ø (Safety precaution – Use underarm thermometers and observe

proper hygiene when going from one student to another)

Activity IV
Ø Present students with balances/scales. Explain their use.
Students use the balance/scales to record the mass of various objects.
Group members compare their results.

Activity V
Ø Present students with graduated measuring cylinders. Discuss the use
of measuring cylinders.
Students are given a variety of containers filled with water and asked
to use the measuring cylinder to determine the volume of water in
each container.

Students pour specified, volume of water into their measuring cylinder.

Activity VI
Ø In groups students construct an instrument using everyday material
and demonstrate its use. e.g. A balance

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


Ø Given pictures of instruments, pupils identify them and the property

they are used to measure.





Ø Assessment of students records from the activities

Ø Individual students make a book of measurement which should include
(i) Diagrams/pictures/model of each instrument
(ii) The length of their body, toes, feet, fingers, etc
(iii) Their body temperature, temperature of the classroom
(iv) Their mass

Students collect and display various containers that have varying

Rating scale to assess students skills in using measuring instruments.
Ø Let students follow a recipe or write their own recipes where precise
volumes and masses and temperatures are important. By observing
the product, teacher can determine how accurate the students were in
their measurements of volume, mass, temperature

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 3 Lessons

Students should be able to:

1. Give examples of physical change.

Observing, Manipulating, Analyzing

Hot water, wax, butter, chocolate, chalk, salt water, candle, matches,
containers, plastic cups, stones

Ø Materials can change.
Ø We can change their shape, colour, physical state, etc.
Ø If they only change in appearance e.g. (colour, shape, size, state) the
change is known as a physical change. Physical changes include
change of state, such as from liquid to gas, liquid to solid and the
Ø Physical changes can often be reversed easily.

Activity I:

Ø Put students in groups and give each group chocolate, candle wax,
butter, styrofoam cups, hot water, metal bottle stoppers.
Students place a small amount of each substance into the bottle
stoppers. Float the bottle stoppers on the surface of the hot water,
observe what happens to each substance. Record the observation.
Remove the stoppers and allow the substances to cool. Observe and
record what happens in the table provided.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Items Appearance before Appearance after

Activity II

Ø Put students into groups. Provide each group with chalk. Students
wrap the chalk with paper and use the stone to pound the chalk into a
powder. Students observe the powder and discuss whether the change
is physical.

Activity III

Ø Students are given salt and some water to make a salt solution.
Discuss with students whether the salt has gone through a physical
Students (with teacher’s supervision) use a heat source to evaporate
the water from the salt solution. Discuss the observations.

Ø Assessment of students’ record sheets.
Ø Given a description of changes students determine whether they are
physical or not.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


Matter and materials

Grades 5 - 6

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


The students should be able to:

1. Investigate changes in materials and matter.

2. Classify changes as reversible or irreversible.
3. Appreciate that people bring about changes in materials to satisfy their
4. Appreciate the changes taking place in at least one production process
used in the home and one in industry.


The students should be able to:

1. Identify and describe differentmethods by which materials can be

2. Identify melting, freezing, condensation and evaporation as changes of
state that can be reversed.
3. Infer that the mass of water remains the same when water changes
from solid to liquid.
4. Identify burning, rusting and decaying as changes that are non-
5. Identify a production process taking place in the home.
6. Draw a diagram to show the stages in the process.
7. Identify and describe changes taking place in the process.
8. Appreciate that humans use production processes to make goods .

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


GRADES 5 - 6


Students should be encouraged to:

Curiosity: ü Ask questions about objects and events.

ü Find out more about events and objects on their

Inventiveness: ü Suggest new ways of doing things.

ü Use equipment in novel ways.
Respect For ü Use evidence to justify their conclusions.
Evidence ü Listen to other students’ results and explanations.
ü Recognize when conclusions do not fit the
ü Change their ideas in response to evidence.
ü Point out contradictions in reports by their
ü Show a willingness to review procedures and
evaluate their work.

Persistence ü Complete activities.

ü Persist at tasks.
ü Repeat experiments when previous attempts have

Respect For ü Show sensitivity to living things.

Living Things
Cooperation ü Share with others.
ü Work together with others.
ü Accept responsibilities.

Concern For ü Observe safety instructions.


Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

In developing their skills of inquiry, problem
solving and design the students are expected to:

Observing ü Use as many senses as are appropriate and

safe to gather information.
ü Identify differences and similarities between
objects and events.
ü Identify sequence in events.
ü Distinguish from many observations those
that are relevant to an investigation.
Measuring ü Use simple measuring instruments or
models of measuring instruments.
ü Use units in measurement.
Manipulating ü Set up simple experiments to compare
ü Manipulate simple equipment.

Recording ü Use pictures and charts to report results.

ü Fill out simple tables to report results.

Classifying ü Group objects according to several criteria.

Communicating ü Talk freely about their activities and the

ideas they have, with or without making a
written record.
ü Use appropriate vocabulary to describe their
ü Listen to others’ ideas and look at their
ü Write reports on their investigations.
ü Use bar graphs, pictures, tables and charts
to report results.
ü Regularly and spontaneously use books and
other sources to check or supplement
ü Select appropriate methods to report
events. Include drawings, reports and multi

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


Inferring ü Notice patterns in data.

ü Draw reasonable conclusions from data.

Interpreting ü Discuss what they find out in response to

data questions.
ü Compare their findings with their predictions.
ü Make associations with change in variables and
Experimenting ü Freely ask a variety of questions and suggest
how they might be answered.
ü Formulate problems to be investigated.
ü Suggest how they could investigate to find out
answers to questions.
ü Plan to conduct investigations. Select
equipment, materials and procedures for
conducting investigations.
ü Understand what is a fair test.
ü Keep appropriate variables constant and vary
the independent variable in experiments.

Predicting ü Use evidence in making predictions.

ü Show how they have used evidence in making

Hypothesizing ü Attempt to explain things that are consistent

with evidence.
ü Suggest how something may have happened.
Problem Solving ü Suggest solutions to simple problems.
ü Identify needs, formulate questions, conduct
research and design solut ions to problems.
Designing ü Construct models either by following
instructions or by using their own designs
ü Select appropriate material to make models and
ü Formulate problems, do appropriate research,
and devise solutions.
ü Select appropriate material to make models and
ü Evaluate their own designs and the designs of
others using simple criteria.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Technological ü Students will be able to formulate problems, do

Methods appropriate research and devise solutions (e.g.
construct gadgets).

Nature Of
Technology ü Look at past inventions in their historical context.
ü Understand that products are replicable.
ü Understand that others may be working on the same
ü Realise that they can use scientific knowledge in doing
technology and that technology helps to develop
reliable scientific information.
ü Understand the importance of precision and safety in
developing new products.
ü Understand that technology is novel and creative.
ü Understand that if the people in a country are creative
and innovative, their country can progress.
ü Understand that people use processes involving living
things (Biotechnology) and materials (Production
Technology) to satisfy their needs.

Use Of ü Appreciate the use of devices, tools and structures

Technology made by humans in the home and community.
ü Appreciate the advantages of using these products.
ü Realize that human-made things can pollute the
ü Look at advantages and disadvantages to help them
make decisions of what is the best technology that can
be used in a particular situation.
ü Realize that people may abuse and misuse technology.
ü Understand that technology may have unintended

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Unit: matter and materials (grade 5)

DURATION: 2 Lessons


Students should be able to:

1. Identify and describe different ways in which materials can be


Observing, Communicating, C lassifying

Sheet of paper
Pair of scissors
Water, ice,
Plastic cups
Baking soda
Kool Aid

Ø In everyday life, materials undergo changes.
Ø Some ways in which materials can be changed include: change of
state(melting, boiling, freezing, etc.); change of size or shape; by
mixing (e.g. making solutions and suspensions) ; by reacting (e.g.
baking soda and lime juice); by cooking (boiling eggs)

Ø Let students cut a sheet of paper into small bits and compare with the
Ø Break sticks and compare with the original.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Ø Let students make mixtures with water and salt or sand and other
Ø Teacher will place a few drops of bleach on a piece of fabric and then
ask students to observe any changes taking place
Ø Let students place a few drops of limejuice on baking soda and then
observe the changes.
Ø Teacher presents students with cooked and uncooked eggs
and ask students to compare them.
Ø Teacher lets students melt ice and boil and freeze water and describe
the changes.
Ø Students are to record all changes observed. Students conclude that
some ways we can change materials are: by changing their state
(solid, liquid or gas); change of shape or size or physical appearance;
by mixing, by reacting, by cooking.

In the space provided, classify each of the following changes as change of
state, change of shape etc; change by mixing, change by reacting

1. Melting butter 5. Chopping wood

2. Mixing salt and water 6. Mixing flour and water

3. Waxing a floor 7. Breaking glass

4. Boiling water 8. Painting wood

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 2 Lessons

Students should be able to:

1. Identify melting and freezing as changes of state.

2. Infer that change of state can be reversed
3. Infer that the mass of water remains the same when water changes from
solid to liquid.

Observing, Inferring.

Ø When we change the same substance from liquid to solid to gas we
refer to this as a change of state.
Ø Changes of state are reversible; this means that the change can go in
both directions. For example, we can melt butter (solid) to form a
liquid (liquid butter) and we can freeze the liquid to get back the solid.
Ø When a substance changes its state, its mass remains the same.

Large Ziploc bag/2-lb can with plastic lid
Small jar/small Ziploc bag
Crushed ice, about ½ kg per student
Metal spoon/wooden spoon
Chocolate milk or other milk mixture to fill each jar/small Ziploc bag 2/3 full
Newspapers to protect work surfaces
Sponge to clean the jar
Ice cubes/pieces of ice
Gloves or old towels to hold pan with
Candle wax
Spirit burners/hot plates/spirit lamps
Test tubes/metal bottle caps
Worksheet for students

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


Activity 1
Ø Students find the mass of a quantity of butter provided by the teacher,
students record its mass. The teacher then heats the butter in a test
tube or metal bottle cap until it just melts. The mass of the melted
butter is then found before it solidifies. The activity is again repeated
using candle wax. Students record all results on their work sheet.

Ø From results, students infer that (a) the change of state from solid to
liquid is reversible (b) the mass of butter and candle remain the same
when they change from solid to liquid.

Ø From observations previously made, students infer that the mass of

water will remain the same when water changes from solid to liquid.

Activity 2
Ø Let students find the mass of a piece of ice/ice cube, and record
observation. Ask students to then leave ice undisturbed until it melts,
at which time the mass is again found. Students record results on their
work sheet.

Ø Let students fill each jar/small Ziploc bag with milk mixture and close
lid/zipper tightly. Pack salt and ice in the bottom of the milk can/large
Ziploc bag. Put jar/small Ziploc bag into tin/large Ziploc bag. Pack salt
and ice around and above jar/small Ziploc bag containing milk
mixture. Cover can with lid/close zipper of large Ziploc bag. Using
towel /gloves, shake can/Ziploc bag until the mixture freezes.

Ø Students then classify the changes noted as reversible or non-


Ø Ask students to state whether the ice cream contains the same
materials they started with and to describe what has happened to it.

Teacher can discuss with students the reasons for:
i) adding salt to the ice
ii) for shaking ice cream.

Let students write a poem about their favourite ice cream

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

1. State what will happen if ice cream is left on counter.
2. Discuss storage of ice cream after it is produced
3. Provide other examples of freezing and melting to show that these
changes are reversible.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 2 Lessons

Students should be able to:
1. Identify condensation and evaporation as changes of state.
2. Infer that condensation and evaporation are changes that can be

Inferring, Observing, Communicating

Wide plastic cups
Tall plastic cups
Boiling water
Ice cubes/pieces of ice
Magnifying glasses


Ø When liquid water is heated, water on the surface turns into water
vapour and disappears into the atmosphere. This process is called
Ø When water exists as a gas (water vapour) the particles are very far
apart. However, when water vapo ur is cooled, the particles slow down
and move closer together forming the liquid again. This process is
called condensation.
Ø The changes from water to water vapour and vice versa are reversible
Ø These changes occur in nature in the water cycle (cross reference –
Ø People use these processes also such as when we put our clothes to
dry (evaporation).

Activity 1
Ø Boil some water, in a beaker, tin or pot. Let students observe what is
happening. Put a glass with cold water on the desk, again ask students
to observe and record what is happening.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Activity 2
Ø Pour hot water into a clear plastic cup up to two-thirds full.
Quickly place a clear plastic cup over the cup.
Place a piece of ice on the top of cup and wait 2 minutes.
After this time, remove the ice and use a paper towel to dry off the
water from the melted ice.
Look closely at the top of the cup. Use a magnifier if one is available.
Ask students what they notice.

Ø Ask students if they notice what happens when they remove a pot
cover from a pot with boiling water. Some students will have observed
water droplets. Ask students to explain what they think is happening in
each activity.

Ø After students identify the processes taking place in the experiment

they then infer if these processes are reversible or non-reversible.

Ask students to define condensation and evaporation.
Let them identify other situations where condensation and evaporation are
involved. State the importance of these processes in everyday life.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 4 Lessons

Students should be able to:
1. Identify burning, rusting and decay as changes that are irreversible.
2. Identify examples of reversible and irreversible changes in everyday
3. Realise that people change materials all the time for different

Observing, Communicating, C lassifying, Inferring

Ø Burning is a process in which a substance reacts with oxygen and
produces heat and light. The substance is changed to new materials.
Everyday examples of burning – the burning of fuels, paper, garbage,

Ø Rusting is a process in which oxygen from the air reacts with iron, in
the presence of water to form reddish-brown iron oxide, or rust.
Rusting is the commonest form of corrosion. Objects made of iron such
as nails, wrought iron furniture, car bodies rust when exposed to the

Ø Decay is a process whereby wood or other plant and animal material is

disintegrated through the action of micro-organisms which breakdown
the organic matter into simpler compounds. Plants, dead animals, and
fruits decay.

Ø Burning, rusting and decay are examples of changes that cannot be


Ø People change materials all the time in daily life.

Activity 1
Ø Students weigh a sheet of paper; place the paper in a pie plate. Burn
the paper. Note observations. Weigh the remains. Students then note
the colour, odour, texture, thickness and mass of the remains and

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

compare with the original sheet of paper. (Note: New substances have
been formed some of which have escaped into the air).

Activity 2
Ø Students place a painted nail and an unpainted nail in a clear container
with water. Ask them to leave the nail undisturbed. Observe nail each
day for a period of four days.

Activity 3
Ø Place a ball of wet steel wool in a test tube. Invert the test tube in a
tray of water. The water should only be a few cm deep. Leave tube
undisturbed for a few days; observe the tube each day for a period of
one week. Record observations.

Activity 4
Ø Let students place a slice of bread, a piece of ripe fruit, a piece of
cheese, a few spoons of cooked rice on individual paper plates. Cover
each plate with clear plastic. Plates should be left undisturbed for
about one week. Students should note changes each day.

Ø Let students identify the processes taking place in each experiment

and then decide whether the processes investigated are reversible or

Activity 5
Ø Let students compile a booklet “Changes in matter”. Students collect
pictures, write descriptions, make drawings of changes they observe
happening in their daily lives. Ask them to concentrate on changes
that happen naturally and those that people make happen.

Ø Each group can report the results of their experiments, giving reasons
why each process investigated is reversible or irreversible.

Ø Students define: burning, rusting and decay.

Ø Students’ booklets can be assessed using selected criteria.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


DURATION: 3 Lessons

Students should be able to:

1. Identify a production process, taking place in the home or industry.

2. Draw a diagram to show stages in the process.
3. Identify some of the changes taking place in the production process.
4. Appreciate that people use production processes to change materials
to satisfy their needs.

Observing, Communicating

Video/pictures showing production processes in the home
Materials to demonstrate a production process, such as jam making.

Ø In a production process, people use technology to make goods and

Ø Stages in the production process

o Identify and select raw materials and equipment needed

o Determine pre-processing preparation, e.g. washing
o Prepare materials for processing e.g. chop, grind, sand, cut
o Processing stage – heat, assembly, etc.
o Sort, package, label, i.e. prepare for distribution
o Determine storage conditions before and after distribution
o Determine mode of transportation
o Calculate cost of production

Ø Some processes in the production process, such as chopping and

sanding, involve change of shape and size. Other changes are brought
about by mixing, cooking, baking, reacting with chemicals.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

Activity 1
Ø Teacher discusses with students what a production process is. He/she
then asks students to list some of the activities taking place in the
home. Students then identify one or more production processes in the

Ø He/she then shows a video/pictures to students of bread/jelly

production. Let students identify and describe what is happening at
each stage of the production process.

Ø Students draw a flow chart of the stages they have identified

Ø Students then identify changes at each stage of the production

process, and say how these changes were brought about.

Activity 2
Ø Teacher demonstrates an actual production process e.g. jam-making,
bread making. Students identify and list processes at each stage of

Ø Students discuss how people use production processes to change

materials to get the products they want.

1. Give students a project on a production process. Students list the
ingredients they would need to make a simple production process, and
then draw a flow chart of the stages they have identified.

2. From the flow chart drawn students then identify changes at each
stage of the production process and explain how these changes have
been brought about.

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6

DURATION: 3 Lessons

Students should be able to:

1. Appreciate that humans use production processes to change materials

Observing, Communicating, Inferring

Ø Humans use a variety of production processes to change materials so
that they can make more effective use of these materials.
Ø Production processes include:

• Flour production:

• Oil production:

• Sugar production

Activity 1
Students are shown pictures/videos of a wide variety of production processes
used by man; students identify the stages and processes

Demonstration of jam making

Demonstration of bread making

Activity 2
Field trip to an industry.

Students write down the stages in the production process seen at each

Activity 3
Students prepare a scrapbook of drawings/pictures showing the various
stages for project work

Primary Science & Technology Teacher Manual – Matter & Materials – K - 6


1. Students are divided into groups; Groups makes an oral presentations

on a production processes they have selected.

2. Rubric is prepared by teacher and used to grade students on their

attitude toward the group activity.

3. As their class project, students set up a mini-ice cream factory, using

the apparatus from a previous science lesson. They then write down
the stages in the ice cream production and calculate how much it
would cost to produce the ice cream.


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