Advance Subscription Agreement

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The key takeaways are that the agreement outlines the terms for an investor to provide advance subscription funds to a company and the conditions for converting those funds into equity shares of the company.

The purpose of the advance subscription agreement is for the subscriber to make advance subscription funds available to the company for its general working capital purposes, raising additional financing, and other purposes agreed upon in writing between the company and subscriber.

Some of the main terms defined in the agreement include advance subscription funds, aggregate advance subscriptions, conversion price, conversion shares, financing round, and insolvency.


This Agreement is made and entered into on ____[Date] ___by and between:

[Name of Corporation], a corporation duly organized and

existing under the laws of the Philippines, with principal
office address at [Address], represented herein by its
[Designation/Position of the Authorized Representative],
[Name of the Authorized Representative], hereinafter
referred to as the “SUBSCRIBER”,


[Name of Corporation], a corporation duly organized and

existing under the laws of the Philippines, with principal
office address at [Address], represented herein by its
[Designation/Position of the Authorized Representative],
[Name of the Authorized Representative], hereinafter
referred to as the “COMPANY”;

WHEREAS, The Subscriber has agreed to make advance subscription

funds available to the Company for the purpose and on the terms more
particularly described in this Agreement;

NOW THEREFORE, the parties have agreed as follows:

1. Definitions

1.1. Unless the context requires otherwise, terms defined in the articles
of association adopted by the Company as at the date of this
agreement shall have the same meaning in this agreement.

1.2. The following terms shall have the meaning assigned to it as


(a) "Advance Subscription Funds" has the meaning given in clause


(b) “Aggregate Advance Subscriptions” has the meaning given in

clause 2.1;

(c) “Conversion Price” means:

i. where conversion takes place pursuant to clause 3(a)
below, a price per Conversion Share equal to the lower of (i)
a discount of (_______) per cent. (___%) of the Subscription
Price or (ii) a price per share based on a pre-money
valuation of (Php or USD_________) rounded down to the
nearest whole share; and
ii. where conversion takes place pursuant to clause 3(b),
(c) or (d) below, a price per Conversion Share equal to the
lower (i) of (Php or USD_________) [Last round price] or (ii) a
price per share based on a pre-money valuation of (Php or
USD_________), rounded down to the nearest whole share;

(d) “Conversion Shares” means either:

i. in the case of shares issued pursuant to clause 3.1(a),

the Next Round Shares; or
ii. in the case of shares issued pursuant to clause 3.1[(b)], (c)
or (d), [Ordinary Shares]; or
iii. in the case of shares issued pursuant to clause 3.1(b), two
times the Advance Subscription Funds.

(e) "Financing Round" means a subscription for equity in the

Company by one or more persons raising an aggregate of up to
(Php or USD_________) (excluding the Aggregate Advance
Subscriptions), which amount can be raised in one or in a series
of fundraisings on or before the Longstop Date1;

(f) “Insolvency” means a situation in which:

i. an order is made for the Company’s compulsory

liquidation; or
ii. the Company is placed into voluntary liquidation
(otherwise than for the purpose of reconstruction or
amalgamation); or
iii. the Company has an administrator or receiver appointed
over the whole or any part of its assets or undertaking;

(g) “Longstop Date” means [12 months] from the date of this

(h) “Next Round Shares” means, in respect of a Financing Round, the

highest class of share issued in such Financing Round;

1 last date by which something must be done

(i) “Subscription Price” means, in respect of a Financing Round, the
lowest price paid per Next Round Share issued pursuant to such
Financing Round.

1.3. In this agreement, references to a party include its successors in

title, transferees and assignees

2. Advance Subscription

2.1. Advance Subscription

Subject to the terms of this agreement, the Subscriber agrees on

the date of this agreement to make available to the Company funds
in an aggregate amount of (Php or USD_________) (the “Advance
Subscription Funds”).

The Company may issue similar agreements with other investors

for advance subscriptions which, together with the Advance
Subscription Funds, aggregate (Php or USD_________) (the
“Aggregate Advance Subscriptions”).]

2.2. Purpose

The Company will apply the advance Subscription Funds towards

its general working capital purposes, for the raising of additional
financing, and for such other purposes as the Company and
Subscriber may from time to time agree in writing.

2.3. Payment

The Advance Subscription Funds shall be paid to the Company to

the following bank account:
[insert details]

2.4. Waiver

The Company hereby undertakes to procure all consents, waivers

and shareholder resolutions necessary (pursuant to the Company’s
articles of incorporation, by-laws and other material laws and
agreements) so as to enable the issue of shares in the capital of the
Company contemplated by this agreement to proceed free of pre-
emption rights or other restriction.

3. Conversion

The Advance Subscription Funds shall automatically convert into
Conversion Shares at the Conversion Price, and the Company shall
issue and allot to the Subscriber (or as the Subscriber shall direct)
the number of fully paid Conversion Shares to which it is entitled:
(a) in the event of a Financing Round, immediately prior to the
unconditional completion of such Financing Round; or
(b) in the event of a Sale or a Listing, immediately prior to the
unconditional completion of such Sale or Listing; or
(c) on the Longstop Date (if no Financing Round, Sale or Listing
has unconditionally completed on or prior to the Longstop
Date); or
(d) in the event of an Insolvency occurring before any of the
events set out in sub-clauses (a) to (c) above, immediately
prior to the occurrence of such Insolvency event,

and, in each case, Conversion Shares so allotted and issued shall

be in full satisfaction and discharge of all obligations of the
Company under this agreement to the Subscriber and this
agreement shall terminate automatically and immediately on
completion of such conversion

4. Major Investor Rights

4.1. In the event that the Advance Subscription Funds of the Subscriber,
together with its affiliates, amount in the aggregate to at least (Php
or USD_________) (a “Major Investor”), the Company shall provide
the Major Investor with the following rights:

(a) Information Rights:

i. To the extent that the Company prepares financial

statements, the Company shall deliver to the Major
Investor such financial statements upon request, as
soon as practicable, but in any event within [thirty (30)
days after the end of each of the first three (3) quarters
of each financial year of the Company and within
ninety (90) days after the end of each financial year] of
the Company. Such financial statements shall be in
reasonable detail and prepared on a consistent basis.
Additionally, regardless of whether the Company
prepares financial statements, the Company shall
deliver to the Major Investor such information relating
to the financial condition, business or affairs of the
Company as such Major Investor may from time to
time reasonably request.

ii. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
Section 4.1(a), the Company shall not be obligated
under this Section 4.1(a) to provide information that (i)
it deems in good faith to be a trade secret or highly
confidential information or (ii) the disclosure of which
would adversely affect the attorney-client privilege
between the Company and its counsel;
iii. the Major Investor agrees to maintain the
confidentiality of all of the information provided to the
Major Investor under this Section 4.1(a) and agrees
not to use such information other than for a purpose
reasonably related to the Major Investor’s investment
in the Company.

(b) Participation Rights. Each time the Company proposes to

offer a subscription for equity in the Company at any time
prior to and including the closing of a Financing Round (any
such offering referred to as a “Financing”) the Company
shall provide the Major Investor with at least ten (10)
business days prior written notice of such offering, including
the price and terms thereof. The Major Investor shall have a
pro rata right, but not an obligation, to participate in each
such Financing, on the same terms and for the same price as
all other investors in such Financing, by subscribing to
equity in the Company (whether in one offering or across
multiple offerings) valued at up to the participation amount
of the Major Investor (which shall be the equivalent of (Php
or USD________). The Major Investor’s participation right as
set forth in this Section 4(b) shall be subject to compliance
with applicable securities laws.

(c) “Major Investor” Recognition Rights. The Company shall

ensure that the Major Investor shall be deemed to be a
“Major Investor” (or such similar term) for all purposes,
including, without limitation, rights of first offer and
information rights, in relevant financing documents related
to all subsequent Financings, to the extent such concept

5. Representations and Warranties

5.1. The Company hereby represents and warrants to the Subscriber


(a) The Company is a company duly formed, validly existing and in

good standing under the laws of [the Republic of the Philippines],

with full corporate power and authority to enter into and perform
its obligations under this Agreement;

(b) The Company has full power and authority to consummate the
transactions contemplated hereunder;

(c) No consents, authorizations or approvals of any kind of any

governmental authority or other third party are required in
connection with the execution or performance of this Agreement
by the Company;

(d) The consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder

and the performance of this agreement by the Company do not
violate the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation of the
Company, or any applicable law, and will not result in any breach
of, or constitute a default under, any note or instrument to which
the Company is a party or by which it is bound;

(e) The execution and performance of this agreement by the

Company has been duly authorized by all necessary actions, and
this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the

(f) The Company owns or possesses or believes it can acquire on

commercially reasonable terms sufficient legal rights to all
patents, patent applications, trademarks, trademark applications,
service marks, tradenames, copyrights, trade secrets, licenses,
domain names, mask works, information and proprietary rights
and processes as are necessary to the conduct of its business as
now conducted and as presently proposed to be conducted
without any known conflict with, or infringement of, the rights of

(g) The Company has not received any communications alleging that
the Company has violated or, by conducting its business, would
violate any of the patents, trademarks, service marks, trade
names, copyrights, trade secrets, mask works or other proprietary
rights or processes of any other person;

(h) There is no private or governmental action, suit, proceeding,

claim, arbitration or investigation pending before any agency,
court or tribunal, foreign or domestic, or threatened against the
Company or any of its properties or any of its officers or managers
(in their capacities as such);

(i) There is no judgment or order against the Company, or, to the
knowledge of the Company, any of its directors or managers (in
their capacities as such), that could prevent, enjoin, or materially
alter or delay any of the transactions contemplated by this
agreement, or that could reasonably be expected to have a
material adverse effect on the Company;

(j) This Agreement is valid and binding upon the Company and
enforceable in accordance with its terms

5.2. The Subscriber represents, warrants and undertakes to the

Company and each of its directors that:

(a) Subscriber is entering into this Agreement to acquire Conversion

Shares for its own account for investment and not for the account
of another nor with a view to, or for resale in connection with, any
distribution or public offering thereof within the meaning of the
[Securities Regulation Code] or the rules and regulations
promulgated thereunder or the securities laws of any applicable

(b) Subscriber is able financially to bear the risk of losing the entire
investment, has adequate means of providing for [its] current
needs and has no need for liquidity of this, investment;

(c) Subscriber has, or is relying on, a professional representative who

has, sufficient knowledge and expertise in business, tax and
financial matters to be able to evaluate the risks and merits
inherent in investments of this type;

(d) Subscriber has received information from the Company with

respect to all matters he considers material to his investment
decision, has had the opportunity to ask questions of the officers
of the Company on any matter material to [its] investment
decision, and all such questions have been answered to [its]

(e) Subscriber understands that [it] must bear the economic risk of
the investment for an indefinite period of time because the
Conversion Shares will not be registered under the [Securities
Regulation Code], and therefore, must be held unless they are
subsequently registered under the [Securities Regulation Code] or
an exemption from such registration is available;

6. Most Favored Subscriber Treatment

In the event the Company proposes to offer either an advance
subscription for equity in the Company or a convertible note at any
time prior to a Financing Round, the Company shall provide the
Subscriber with written notice of such subscription or convertible
note no later than five (5) days after the closing date thereof,
including the price and terms of such subscription or note (the
“Subsequent Convertible Subscription”). In the event the
Subscriber determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, that any
Subsequent Convertible Subscription contains terms more
favorable to the subscribers thereof than the terms set forth in this
agreement, the Subscriber may elect to either exchange this
agreement for an agreement issued pursuant to the Subsequent
Convertible Subscription or to require the Company to amend the
terms of this agreement to reflect any such more favorable terms.

7. Communications

7.1. In writing

Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, all communications

under this Agreement shall be in writing and may be made by
letter or facsimile or email.

7.2. Postal Address

Any communication by letter to be made or delivered by one party

to the other(s) will be made or delivered to that other party at the
address shown next to its name on the first page of this Agreement
or to such other address as may from time to time be notified by
one party to the other(s) in accordance with this clause and any
communication by facsimile or email to be made by one party to
the other(s) will be made to that other party at the facsimile
number or email address as may from time to time be notified by
one party to the other(s) in accordance with this clause.

7.3. Delivery

Any communication made or delivered under this agreement will

be deemed made or delivered:

(a) when received, in the case of a facsimile or an email;

(b) when left at the relevant address, in the case of a personally
delivered letter; or
(c) two Business Days after dispatch, in the case of a letter sent
by prepaid first class post in an envelope addressed to the
relevant address.

8. General Provisions

8.1. Funds

For the avoidance of doubt, no interest is payable on the Advance

Subscription Funds under any circumstance. No amount of the
Advance Subscription Funds is repayable by the Company under
any circumstance but such amount may be converted into shares
in the Company as set out in clause 3.

8.2. Costs

Each of the Parties agree to bear their own legal and other costs
and expenses in connection with the preparation, execution and
completion of this Agreement and of other related documentation.

8.3. Publicity

Except as may be required and/or necessary under the existing

rules imposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
neither party may make press or other announcements or releases
relating to this Agreement and the transactions the subject of this
Agreement without the prior approval of the other party to the form
and manner of the announcement or release. Such approval may
not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by any party

8.4. Termination and/or Variation

This agreement shall automatically terminate in accordance with

clause 3 and otherwise shall only be terminated or varied in a
writing signed by the Subscriber and the Company.

8.5. Entire Agreement.

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties

herein about its subject matter and any previous agreements,
understandings and negotiations on that subject matter cease to
have any effect.

8.6. Separability

It is the intention of the parties that in the event a court of

competent jurisdiction finds that any provision or portion of this
Agreement is unenforceable for any reason, the balance and

remainder of this Agreement shall remain effective and enforceable
to the extent possible under the circumstances then existing.

8.7. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and this has the

same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a
single copy of this Agreement. The exchange of a fully executed
version of this Agreement (in counterparts or otherwise) by
electronic transmission in PDF format or by facsimile shall be
sufficient to bind the parties to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and no exchange of originals is necessary.

8.8. Governing Law, Jurisdiction

This Agreement, and the transactions contemplated by this

Agreement, are governed by Philippine law, and the parties submit
themselves to the [sole and exclusive] jurisdiction of the relevant
Philippine courts in Metro Manila.

8.9. Dispute Resolution and Venue

In the event of a dispute arising out of or by reason of this

Agreement, the Parties shall exert diligent efforts at reaching an
amicable agreement.

In case no amicable resolution is reached, any action or proceeding

arising out of or connection with this Agreement shall be
exclusively brought before the courts of [Place], the Parties hereby
waiving any other venue.

Signed this day of [Date] at [Place].


___________________ ________________


__________________ __________________


____________________________} S.S.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a notary public for and

in the City of __________, Philippines, this [Date] by the above parties,
who personally appeared before me and whose identity I have confirmed
through their respective Government-issued IDs listed below, bearing
their photograph and signature.

Name ID Type/Number Place and Date of Issue

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the

foregoing [Advance Subscription Agreement] consisting of _____ (__)
pages including this page, and they acknowledged to me that the same is
their free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and in the place first above


Doc. No. ___;

Page No. ___;
Book No. ___;
Series of _____.


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