Machine Tool Pocket Guide 190215 PDF

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Machine tool

pocket reference

Date: September 2014

Issue: 1:0

M-codes ........................................ 3
G-code addresses for lathes ........................................ 5
G-code addresses for mills ........................................ 7
Calibration methods ........................................ 10
Spindle probe calibration ........................................ 11
Inspection Plus software ........................................ 12
Tool setting calibration ........................................ 20
Rotating tool setting software ........................................ 21
Inspection Plus legend ........................................ 23
Tool settings legend ........................................ 25
Standard drill sizes ........................................ 26
Tapping data ........................................ 33
British Standard ........................................ 39
Conversion factors ........................................ 41
Holes in jig boring ........................................ 43
Notes ........................................ 48

Note: Programming examples are for Renishaw macros for Fanuc

like CNCs

Typical NC M-codes for milling machines

M00 Program stop

M01 Optional stop
M02 Program end
M03 Spindle CW rotation
M04 Spindle CCW
M05 Spindle stop
M06 Automatic tool
M07 Through tool coolant
M08 Coolant on
M09 Coolant off
M13 Spindle CW &
coolant on
M14 Spindle CCW &
coolant on
M19 Main-spindle
M30 Program end &
M54 Parts count
M98 Sub-program call
M99 End of sub-program

* M-codes may vary from machine to machine


Typical NC M-codes for lathes

M00 Program stop M30 Program end &

M01 Optional stop
M31 Interlock by-pass
M02 Program end
(SPDL & T/S)
M03 Main-spindle forward
M40 Gear change neutral
M04 Main-spindle reverse
M41 Gear change low
M05 Main-spindle stop
M42 Gear change middle
M07 Through tool coolant
M43 Gear change high
M08 Coolant on
M50 Bar feeder command
M09 Coolant off
M54 Parts count
M10 Parts catcher
M65 Main-SPDL &
coolant off
M11 Parts catcher retract
M68 Main-chuck clamp
M13 Spindle CW &
M69 Main-chuck unclamp
coolant on
M14 Spindle CCW &
coolant off
M17 Machine lock act
M18 Machine lock cancel
M19 Main-spindle

Typical G-code addresses for lathes

G00 Rapid linear G31 Skip cutting

G33 Thread cutting
G01 Linear feed
G34 Variable lead thread
G02 CW circular
G36 Automatic tool
compensation X
G03 CCW circular
G37 Automatic tool
compensation Z
G04 Dwell
G40 Tool nose radius
G07 Hypothetical axis compensation cancel
interpolation, sine
G41 Tool nose radius
compensation left
G09 Exact stop
G42 Tool nose radius
G10 Offset value setting compensation right
G20 Input inches G50 Maximum spindle
speed set
G21 Input in millimeters
G65 User macro simple
G22 Stored stroke limit on
G23 Stored stroke limit off
G66 User macro modal
G27 Reference point call
return check
G67 User macro modal
G28 Return to reference call cancel
G68 Mirror image for
G29 Return from double turrets on
reference point
G69 Mirror image for
G30 Return to 2nd, 3rd & double turrets off
4th reference point
G70 Finishing cycle

Typical G-code addresses for lathes

G71 Stock removal,

G72 Stock removal,
G73 Repeat pattern
G74 Peck drilling, Z axis
G75 Grooving, X axis
G76 Thread cutting cycle
G90 Cutting cycle stock
G92 Thread cutting cycle
G94 Cutting cycle face
G96 Constant surface
speed control
G97 Constant surface
speed control cancel
G98 Feed per minute
G99 Feed per revolution

Typical G-code addresses for mills

G01 Linear interpolation G17 XpYp plane selection

Xp : X axis or its
G02 Circular
parallel axis
helical interpolation G18 ZpXp plane selection
G19 YpZp plane selection
G03 Circular
G20 Input inch
helical interpolation G21 Input in mm
G22 Stored stroke check
G04 Dwell, Exact stop function on
G05 High speed cycle G23 Stored stroke check
machining function off
G07.1 (G107) Cylindrical G27 Reference position
interpolation return check
G09 Exact stop G28 Return to reference
G10 Data setting
G29 Return from
G11 Data setting mode
reference position
G30 2nd, 3rd and 4th
G12.1 (G112) Polar
reference position
interpolation mode
G30. 1 Floating reference
G13.1 (G113) Polar
point return
interpolation cancel G31 Skip function
G33 01 Thread cutting
G15 Polar coordinate
G37 Automatic tool length
command cancel
G16 Polar coordinates
G39 Corner offset circular
Typical G-code addresses for mills

G40 Cutter G51.1 Programmable mirror

compensation image
G52 Local coordinate
G41 Cutter system setting
compensation left
G53 Machine coordinate
G42 Cutter system selection
compensation right
G54 Workpiece
G43 Tool length coordinate system 1
compensation + selection
G54.1 Additional workpiece
G44 Tool length coordinate system
compensation - selection
G55 Workpiece
G45 Tool offset increase coordinate system 2
G46 Tool offset
decrease G56 Workpiece
coordinate system 3
G47 Tool offset double
G57 Workpiece
G48 Tool offset double
coordinate system 4
G49 Tool length
G58 Workpiece
coordinate system 5
G50 Scaling cancel
G59 Workpiece
G51 Scaling coordinate system 6
G50.1 Programmable
mirror image G60 00 Single direction
cancel positioning
G61 Exact stop mode
Typical G-code addresses for mills

G62 Automatic corner G85 Boring cycle

G86 Boring cycle
G63 Tapping mode
G87 Back boring cycle
G64 Cutting mode
G88 Boring cycle
G65 Macro call
G89 Boring cycle
G66 Macro modal call
G90 Absolute command
G67 Macro modal call
G91 Increment command
G92 Setting for work
G68 Coordinate rotation
coordinate system or
G69 Coordinate rotation clamp at maximum
cancel spindle
G73 Peck drilling cycle G94 Feed per minute
G74 Counter tapping G95 Feed per rotation
G96 Constant surface
G76 Fine boring cycle speed control
G80 Canned cycle G97 Constant surface
cancel/external speed control cancel
operation function
G98 Return to initial point
in canned cycle
G81 Drilling cycle, spot
G99 Return to R point in
boring cycle or
canned cycle
external operation
G82 Drilling cycle or
counter boring
G83 Peck drilling cycle
G84 Tapping cycle
Calibration methods

Although a variety of probe calibration methods are

available, the routines remain similar for each; it is
actually the reference features that are chosen and set up
The most widely applicable method is explained here: in
the case of machines with rotary axes (5-axis machines)
it is essential that this method is followed. There are
alternative methods for 3-axis machines.


Repeat Adjust
when probe

required on-centre

Run calibration Install probing

cycle software

Load test bar and

Establish Z enter known length
height into tool offset

Establish XY Mount ring

centre gauge

Reference feature set-up

Spindle probe calibration

This example describes how to carry out full calibration of the

probe of an internal feature using macros O9801, O9802 and
O9804, using a 50.001 mm (1.9685 in) diameter ring gauge,
with a known centre position and top face height value.
The approximate probe length must be stored in the tool offset
register before running this program. Set the exact X, Y and Z
feature positons in a work offset (example using G54).

12 2
Full calibration in an internal feature 11 3
10 6 4
7 5

8 and 9
G90G80G40G0 Prepatory codes for the machine.
1. G54X35.Y0 Move off centre of feature for height setting.
2. G43H1Z100. Activate offset 1, go to 100 mm (3.94 in)
3. G65P9832 Spin the probe on (includes M19), or M19 for
spindle orientation.
4. G65P98010Z30.F3000 Protected positioning move above
reference surface.
5. G65P9801Z20.006T1 Calibrate the probe length. Surface
at 20.006 mm (7.876 in)
6. G65P9810X0Y0 Protected positioning move to centre.
7. G65P9810Z5. Protected positioning move into hole.
8. G65P9802D50. Calibrate in a 50 mm (1.97 in) diameter
bored hole to establish the X, Y stylus offset.
9. G65P9804D50.001 Calibrate in a 50.001 mm (1.9685 in)
diameter ring gauge to establish the ball radius values,
including the vector directions.
10. G65P9810Z100.F3000 Protected positioning move retract
to 100 mm (3.94 in).
11. G65P9833 Spin the probe off (when applicable).
12. G28Z100. Reference return. H00 Cancel offset (when
applicable) M30 End of program.
Inspection Plus software

Bore / Boss

G65 P9814 D50. Z-10. R-5. S4 G65 P9814 D50. Z-10. S4

G65 P9814 D50. S4

Web / Pocket

G65 P9812 X50. Z-10. R-5. S4

G65 P9812 X50. Z-10. S4 12 G65 P9812 X50. S4

Inspection Plus software

3 Point Bore / Boss

G65 P9823 A0. B120. C-120. D50. Z-10. S4

G65 P9823 A0. B120. C-120. D50.

Z-10. R-5. S4

G65 P9823 A0. B120. C-120. D50. S4

X / Y / Z Surface Measure
G65 P9811 X30. S4.

surface X or Y surface

Inspection Plus software

Internal / External Corner

G65 P9815 X0 Y0 120. J20. S6.

G65 P9815 X0 Y0 120. J20. S6.

Inspection Plus software

Angled Surface

Y Aa

G65 P9821 A60. D30.


G65 P9843 Y50. D30. A-30
Inspection Plus software

Angled Web / Pocket


G65 P9822 D50. Z-10. A-45. G65 P9822 D50. A-45.


G65 P9822 D50. A-45. R-5.

4th Axis Measure Cycle

G65 P9817 X100. Z50. S1.
Inspection Plus software

Stock Allowance

G65 P9820 Z0 120. 120 130. J30 140. J40. S6

Bore / Boss on P.C.D. Cycle


G65 P9819 C200. D25. K-10. B4. A45.
Inspection Plus software



Aa Yy


G65 P9810 X0 Y0 F5000.

G65 P9814 D20.

G65 P9834

G65 P9810 X50.

G65 P9814 D20.

G65 P9834 X50.

Inspection Plus software



Example Program X+
G80 G90 G40 G00
1. G65P9810 X-10.0 Y-10. Z-5.0 F1000 (protected move)
2. G65 P9816 X0.0 Y0.0120.J20. S1. (corner measure)
3. G65 P9810Z10.0
4. G65 P9810X50.0 Y40.0
5. G65 P9810Z-5.0
6. G65 P9814 D40.0 T10 M20 H0.2 (bore measure)
7. G65 P9810 Z20.0
8. G65 P9810 Y90.
9. G65 P9811Z5.0 S2. (Z measure)
10. G65 P9810Z50.0
G00 G28 Z100.0

Tool setting calibration

Manually position the reference tool to approximately

10 mm (0.4 in) above the stylus and approximately on the
centre-line of the stylus.
When the program is run, all macro variable data is set
and the probe is fully calibrated.
The reference tool makes the following measurements:
1. Z measure on top of the stylus (four touches).
2. Measure 3 sides of the stylus, depends on setting in
3. Return to 10 mm (0.4 in) above the stylus and
G65 P9855 T1 D12.7 R10

Rotating tool setting software

Tool length / diameter setting

The tool is manually positioned over the stylus within
10 mm of the surface. The following examle program is
then executed.
Tool length setting Rotating length setting

G65 P9856 T1. G65 P9856 T1. D80.

Rotating length and diameter setting

G65 P9856 D80. B3.0.

Rotating tool setting software

Automatic tool measurement

The tool will be positioned over the stylus, then measure

the length and diameter before returning to the home
position and updating the relevant offsets.
1. G65 P9857 B3. T1. D20.
(automatically measures length offset No. 1 and diameter
offset No. 1 for a 20 diameter tool).
Broken tool detection
After machining, the tool is
positioned by the program over the
stylus before running the following
cycle to check the length or
diameter offset.
1. G65 P9858 B1. T1. H0.2
(tool breakage tolerance ± 0.2 mm).
Inspection Plus legend

Bb Angle tolerance of the surface, e.g. 30 degrees ± 1 degree

inputs A30. B1.
Ee Experience value. Specify the number of a spare tool offset
where an adjustment value to the measured size is stored.
Ff Percent feedback when updating a tool offset. Enter a value
between O and 1 (0% and 100%). Default = 100%.
Also: Feedrate in the protected positioning macro (O9810).
Example: F15 sets a feedrate of 15 mm/min. (F.6 sets a
feedrate of 0.6 in/min.)
Hh Tolerance value of a feature dimension being measured.
Example: for dimension 50.0 mm + 0.4 mm -0 mm, the nomi-
nal tolerance is 50.2 mm with H.2.
Ii See the relevant measuring cycles and specific macro calls.
Jj See the relevant measuring cycles and specific macro calls.
Kk See the relevant measuring cycles and specific macro calls.
Mm True position tolerance of a feature. A cylindrical zone about
the theoretical positon. Example: M.1 sets a true position
tolerance of 0.1 mm.
Qq Probe overtravel distance for use when the default values are
unsuitable. The probe will then travel beyond expected position
when it searches for a surface. Default = 4 mm in the Z-axis,
and 10 mm in the X and Y axes.
Rr An incremental dimension that is used in external features,
e.g. bosses and webs, to give a radial clearance from the
nominal target surface prior to a Z-axis move. Default = 5 mm.
Example: R10. sets a radial clearance of 10 mm.
R-r Similar to Rr, except that the clearance is applied in the
opposite direction to force an internal boss or web cycle.
Default = 5 mm. Example: R-10. sets a radial clearance of
-10 mm.
Ss Work offset number which will be set. The work offset number
will be updated. S1 to S6 (G54 to G59) AS0 (external work
offset). S101 to S148 (G54.1 P1 to G54.1 P48) additional
offsets option.
Inspection Plus legend (cont.)

Tt Tool offset number to be updated.

Uu Upper tolerance limit. If this value is exceeded there is no tool
offset or work offset updated and the cycle is stopped with an
alarm. This tolerance is applied to both size and position where
applicable. Example: U2. to set the upper tolerance limit to 2
Vv Null band. This is the tolerance zone where no tool offset
adjustment occurs. Default = 0. Example: V.5. for a tolerance
zone of ± 0.5 mm.
Ww Print data 1. = increment the featuer number only.
2. = Increment the component number, and reset the feature
number. Example: W1.

Tool settings legend

Bb Cycle type. 1 length. 2 Diameter only. 3 = Length + Diameter.

Dd Cutter diameter or reference tool diameter (omit for non-
rotating operation).
D+d Right handed cutting tools.
D-d “Left-handed cutting tools. e.g. S80. = 80 mm right-handed
cutting tool.”
Kk Experience value for length.
Ee Tool radius offset number to be updated. A type offsets only.
Rr Overtravel distance, and radial clearance when moving down
the side of the stylus (4.0 mm default).
Tt Tool offset number.
Qq Probe overtravel distance (4.0 mm default).
Zz Position for diameter measurement.
Mm Broken too flag.
Hh Tolerance is set to the ±h value programmed.
Ii Size adjustments to compensate for cutting conditions. A
positive value sets the tool radius small by the stated amount,
e.g. I = .01 sets the cutter radius small by 0.01.

Standard drill sizes

Inches Decimal Metric Inches Decimal Metric

0.437 11.1 0.5118 13
7/16 0.4375 11.1125 33/64 0.5156 13.0969
0.4409 11.2 0.5157 13.1
0.4449 11.3 0.5197 13.2
0.4488 11.4 0.5236 13.3
0.4528 11.5 0.5276 13.4
29/64 0.4531 11.5094 17/32 0.5313 13.4938
0.4567 11.6 0.5315 13.5
0.4606 11.7 0.5315 13.6
0.4646 11.8 0.5394 13.7
0.4685 11.9 0.5433 13.8
15/32 0.4688 11.9063 35/64 0.5469 13.8906
0.4724 12 0.5472 13.9
0.4764 12.1 0.5512 14
0.4803 12.2 0.561 14.25
0.4843 12.3 9/16 0.5625 14.2875
31/64 0.4844 12.3031 0.5709 14.5
0.4882 12.4 37/64 0.5781 14.6844
0.4921 12.5 0.5807 14.75
0.4961 12.6 0.5906 15
1/2 0.5 12.7 19/32 0.5938 15.0813
0.5039 12.8 0.6004 15.25
0.5079 12.9 39/64 0.6094 15.4781
Standard drill sizes

Inches Decimal Metric Inches Decimal Metric

0.6102 15.5 3/4 0.75 19.05
0.6201 15.75 0.7579 19.25
5/8 0.625 15.875 49/64 0.7656 19.4469
0.6299 16 0.7677 19.5
0.6398 16.25 0.7776 19.75
41/64 0.6406 16.2719 25/32 0.7813 19.8438
0.6496 16.5 0.7874 20
21/32 0.6563 16.6688 51/64 0.7969 20.2406
0.6594 16.75 0.7972 20.25
0.6693 17 0.8071 20.5
43/64 0.6719 17.0656 13/16 0.8125 20.6375
0.6791 17.25 0.8169 20.75
11/16 0.6875 17.4625 0.8268 21
0.689 17.5 53/64 0.8281 21.0344
0.6988 17.75 0.8366 21.25
45/64 0.7031 17.8594 27/32 0.8438 21.4313
0.7087 18 0.8465 21.5
0.7185 18.25 0.8563 21.75
23/32 0.7188 18.2563 55/64 0.8594 21.8281
0.7283 18.5 0.8661 22
47/64 0.7344 18.6531 7/8 0.875 22.225
0.7832 18.75 0.8858 22.5
0.748 19 57/64 0.89063 22.6219
Standard drill sizes

Inches Decimal Metric Inches Decimal Metric

0.9055 22.75 1.1417 29
0.9055 23 1.1614 29.5
29/32 0.90625 23.0188 1.1811 30
0.9154 23.25 1.2205 31
59/64 0.92188 23.4156 1 1/4 1.25 31.75
0.9252 23.5 1.2598 32
0.935 23.75 1.2992 33
15/16 0.9375 23.8125 1.3386 34
0.9449 24 1.378 35
61/64 0.95313 24.2094 1.4173 36
0.9547 24.25 1.4567 37
0.9646 24.5 1.4961 38
31/32 0.96875 24.6063 1 1/2 1.5 38.1
0.9843 25 1.5354 39
63/64 0.98438 25.0031 1.5748 40
1 1 25.4 1.6142 41
1.0039 25.5 1.6535 42
1.0236 26 1.6929 43
1.0433 26.5 1.7323 44
1.063 27 1 3/4 1.75 44.45
1.0827 27.5 1.7717 45
1.1024 28 1.811 46
1.122 28.5 1.8504 47
Standard drill sizes

Inches Decimal Metric Inches Decimal Metric

1.8898 48 0.0276 0.7
1.9291 49 0.0295 0.75
1.9685 50 1/32 0.0313 0.7938
2 2 50.8 0.0315 0.8
2 1/4 2.25 57.15 0.0335 0.85
2 1/2 2.5 63.5 0.0354 0.9
2 3/4 2.75 69.85 0.0374 0.95
3 3 76.2 0.0394 1
3 1/2 3.5 88.9 0.0413 1.05
4 4 101.6 0.0433 1.1
4 1/2 4.5 114.3 0.0453 1.15
5 5 127 3/64 0.0469 1.1906
6 6 152.4 0.0472 1.2
0.0039 0.1 0.0492 1.25
0.0079 0.2 0.0512 1.3
0.0118 0.3 0.0532 1.35
1/64 0.0156 0.3969 0.0551 1.4
0.0157 0.4 0.0571 1.45
0.0177 0.45 0.0591 1.5
0.0197 0.5 0.061 1.55
0.0217 0.55 1/16 0.0625 1.5875
0.0236 0.6 0.063 1.6
0.0256 0.65 0.065 1.65
Standard drill sizes

Inches Decimal Metric Inches Decimal Metric

0.0669 1.7 0.1083 2.75
0.0689 1.75 7/64 0.1094 2.7781
0.0709 1.8 0.1102 2.8
0.0728 1.85 0.1122 2.85
0.0748 1.9 0.1142 2.9
0.0768 1.95 0.1161 2.95
5/64 0.0781 1.9844 0.1181 3
0.0787 2 0.122 3.1
0.0807 2.05 1/8 0.125 3.175
0.0827 2.1 0.126 3.2
0.0846 2.15 0.1299 3.3
0.0866 2.2 0.1339 3.4
0.0886 2.25 0.1378 3.5
0.0906 2.3 9/64 0.1406 3.5719
0.0925 2.35 0.1417 3.6
3/32 0.0938 2.3813 0.1457 3.7
0.0945 2.4 0.1496 3.8
0.0965 2.45 0.1535 3.9
0.0984 2.5 5/32 0.1563 3.9688
0.1004 2.55 0.1575 4
0.1024 2.6 0.1614 4.1
0.1043 2.65 0.1654 4.2
0.1063 2.7 0.1693 4.3
Standard drill sizes

Inches Decimal Metric Inches Decimal Metric

11/64 0.1719 4.3656 0.2441 6.2
0.1732 4.4 1/4 0.25 6.35
0.1772 4.5 0.252 6.4
0.1811 4.6 0.2559 6.5
0.185 4.7 0.2598 6.6
3/16 0.1875 4.7625 0.2638 6.7
0.189 4.8 17/64 0.2656 6.7469
0.19296 4.9 0.8677 6.8
0.1959 5 0.2717 6.9
0.2008 5.1 0.2756 7
13/64 0.2031 5.1594 0.2795 7.1
0.2047 5.2 9/32 0.2813 7.1438
0.2087 5.3 0.2874 7.2
0.2126 5.4 0.2874 7.3
0.2165 5.5 0.2913 7.4
7/32 0.2188 5.5563 0.2953 7.5
0.2205 5.6 19/64 0.2969 7.5406
0.2244 5.7 0.2992 7.6
0.2283 5.8 0.3032 7.7
0.2323 5.9 0.3071 7.8
15/64 0.2344 5.9531 0.311 7.9
0.2362 6 5/16 0.3125 7.9375
0.2402 6.1 0.315 8
Standard drill sizes

Inches Decimal Metric Inches Decimal Metric

0.3189 8.1 25/64 0.3906 9.9219
0.3228 8.2 0.3937 10
0.3268 8.3 0.3976 10.1
21/64 0.3281 8.3344 0.4016 10.2
0.3307 8.4 0.4055 10.3
0.3346 8.5 13/32 0.4063 10.3188
0.3386 8.6 0.4095 10.4
0.3425 8.7 0.4134 10.5
11/32 0.3438 8.7313 0.4173 10.6
0.3465 8.8 0.4213 10.7
0.3504 8.9 27/64 0.4219 10.7156
0.3543 9 0.4252 10.8
0.3583 9.1 0.4291 10.9
23/64 0.3594 9.1281 0.4331 11
0.3622 9.2
0.3661 9.3
0.3701 9.4
0.374 9.5
3/8 0.375 9.525
0.378 9.6
0.3819 9.7
0.3858 9.8
0.3898 9.9
Tapping data

Metric fine screw thread data

Clearance Cutting Forming
drill tap drill tap drill
Thread size
diameter diameter diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm)
M3 x 0.35 3.10 2.65 -
M4 x 0.50 4.10 3.50 -
M5 x 0.50 5.10 4.50 -
M6 x 0.75 6.10 5.20 -
M7 x 0.75 7.20 6.20 -
M8 x 1.00 8.20 7.00 -
M10 x 1.25 10.20 8.80 -
M12 x 1.25 12.20 10.80 -
M14 x 1.50 14.25 12.50 -
M16 x 1.50 16.25 14.50 -
M18 x 1.50 18.25 16.50 -
M20 x 1.50 20.25 18.50 -
M22 x 1.50 22.25 20.50 -
M24 x 2.00 24.25 22.00 -
M27 x 2.00 27.25 25.00 -
M30 x 2.00 30.50 28.00 -

Tapping data

Metric coarse screw thread data

Clearance Cutting Forming
drill tap drill tap drill
Thread size
diameter diameter diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm)
M1 x 0.25 1.05 0.75 -
M1.1 x 0.25 1.15 0.85 -
M1.2 x 0.25 1.25 0.95 -
M1.4 x 0.30 1.45 1.10 -
M1.6 x 0.35 1.65 1.25 1.45
M1.8 0.35 1.85 1.45 1.65
M2 x 0.40 2.05 1.60 1.80
M2.2 x 0.45 2.25 1.75 2.00
M2.5 x 0.45 2.60 2.05 2.30
M3 x 0.50 3.10 2.50 2.80
M3.5 x 0.60 3.60 2.90 3.20
M4 x 0.70 4.10 3.30 3.70
M4.5 x 0.75 4.60 3.70 4.10
M5 x 0.80 5.10 4.20 4.60
M6 x 1.00 6.10 5.00 5.60
M7 x 1.00 7.20 6.00 6.50
M8 x 1.25 8.20 6.80 7.40
M9 x 1.25 9.20 7.80 8.36
M10 x 1.50 10.20 8.50 9.30
M11 x 1.50 11.20 9.50 -
Tapping data

Metric coarse screw thread data

Clearance Cutting Forming
drill tap drill tap drill
Thread size
diameter diameter diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm)
M12 x 1.75 12.20 10.20 11.20
M14 x 2.00 14.25 12.00 13.00
M16 x 2.00 16.25 14.00 15.00
M18 x 2.50 18.25 15.50 16.80
M20 x 2.50 20.25 17.50 18.80
M22 x 2.50 22.25 19.50 -
M24 x 3.00 24.25 21.00 -
M27 x 3.00 27.25 24.00 -

UNC screw thread data

Clearance Cutting Forming
drill tap drill tap drill
Thread size
diameter diameter diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm)
No 1 UNC 64 1.95 1.55 1.65
No 2 UNC 56 2.30 1.85 1.95
No 3 UNC 48 2.65 2.10 2.25
No 4 UNC 40 2.95 2.35 2.55
No 5 UNC 40 3.30 2.65 2.85
No 6 UNC 32 3.60 2.85 3.10
No 8 UNC 32 4.30 3.50 3.80

Tapping data

UNC screw thread data (cont.)

Clearance Cutting Forming
drill tap drill tap drill
Thread size
diameter diameter diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm)
No 10 UNC 24 4.90 3.90 4.30
No 12 UNC 24 5.60 4.50 5.00
1/4 UNC 20 6.50 5.10 5.80
5/16 UNC 18 8.10 6.60 7.30
3/8 UNC 16 9.70 8.00 8.80
7/16 UNC 14 11.30 9.40 10.46
1/2 UNC 13 13.00 10.80 11.90
9/16 UNC 12 14.50 12.20 -
5/8 UNC 11 16.25 13.50 -
3/4 UNC 10 19.25 16.50 -
7/8 UNC 9 22.50 19.50 -
1 UNC 8 25.75 22.25 -
1 1/8 UNC 7 29.00 25.00 -
1 1/4 UNC 7 32.00 28.00 -

Tapping data

UNF screw thread data

Clearance Cutting Forming
drill tap drill tap drill
Thread size
diameter diameter diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm)
No 0 UNF 80 1.60 1.25 1.40
No 1 UNF 72 1.95 1.55 1.70
No 2 UNF 64 2.30 1.90 2.00
No 3 UNF 56 2.65 2.15 2.30
No 4 UNF 48 2.95 2.40 2.60
No 5 UNF 44 3.30 2.70 2.90
No 6 UNF 40 3.60 2.95 3.20
No 8 UNF 36 4.30 3.50 3.80
No 10 UNF 32 4.90 4.10 4.50
No 12 UNF 28 5.60 4.70 5.10
1/4 UNF 28 6.50 5.50 5.90
5/16 UNF 24 8.10 6.90 7.50
3/8 UNF 24 9.70 8.50 9.00
7/16 UNF 20 11.30 9.90 10.50
1/2 UNF 20 13.00 11.50 12.20
9/16 UNF 18 14.50 12.90 -
5/8 UNF 18 16.25 14.50 -
3/4 UNF 16 19.25 17.50 -
7/8 UNF 14 22.50 20.40 -
1 UNF 12 25.75 23.25 -
Tapping data

UNF screw thread data (cont.)

Clearance Cutting Forming
drill tap drill tap drill
Thread size
diameter diameter diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm)
1 1/8 UNF 12 29.00 26.50 -
1 1/4 UNF 12 32.00 29.50 -
1 3/8 UNF 12 35.50 32.75 -
1 1/2 UNF 12 38.50 36.00 -

British Standard

British Standard Fine British Standard Whitworth

(B.S.F.) (B.S.W.)
Nominal Pitch Tapping Nominal Pitch Tapping
dia. of (T.P.I.) drill dia. dia. of (T.P.I.) drill dia.
threads mm threads mm
3/16” 32 4 1/8” 40 2.55
7/32” 28 4.6 3/16” 24 3.7
1/4” 26 5.3 1/4” 20 5.1
9/32” 26 6.1 5/16” 18 6.5
5.16” 22 6.8 3/8” 16 7.9
3/8” 20 8.3 7/16” 14 9.3
7/16” 18 9.7 1/2” 12 10.5
1/2” 16 11.1 9/16” 12 12.1
9/16” 16 12.7 5/8” 11 13.5
5/8” 14 14 11/16” 11 15
11/16” 14 15.5 3/4” 10 16.25
3/4” 12 16.75 7/8” 9 19.25
7/8” 11 19.75 1” 8 22
1” 10 22.75 1.1/8” 7 24.75
1.1/8” 9 25.5 1.1/4” 7 28
1.1/4” 9 28.5 1.1/2” 6 33.5
1.3/8” 8 31.5 1.3/4” 5 39
1.1/2” 8 34.5 2” 4.5 44.5

British Standard

British Standard Brass (BSB)

Nominal Pitch Tapping Nominal Pitch Tapping

dia. of (T.P.I.) drill dia. dia. of (T.P.I.) drill dia.
threads mm threads mm
1/4” 26 5.4 9/16” 26 13
5/16” 26 6.9 5/8” 26 14.7
3/8” 26 8.4 3/4” 26 17.8
7/16” 26 10 7/8” 26 21
1/2” 26 11.5 1” 26 24.2

Conversion factors

To calculate spindle speed Legend

318 x m/min ÷ Ø = RPM 318 = Constant (1000 ÷ n)
e.g.: 318 x 150 ÷ 25 = 1908 RPM m/min = Surface speed
Ø = dia. of cutter/work piece
To calculate table feed Fz = Feed per tooth
Fz x Z x RPM = Vf Z = Number of teeth
e.g.: 0.22 x 2 x 1908 = 839.5 Vf = Table feed in mm/min


1 cm = 0.3937 in 1 inch = 25.4 mm

1m = 3.2808 ft 1 foot = 0.3048 m
1 km = 0.6214 mile 1 mile = 1.6093 km


1 gram = 0.0353 oz 1 oz = 28.35 g

1 kg = 2.20460 lb 1 lb = 0.4536 kg
1 tonne = 0.9842 ton 1 ton = 1.016 tonne


1m = 1.196 yard 1 in = 645.2 mm

1 = 2.471 acre 1 yard = 0.8361 m
1 acre = 0.4047
1 sq = 259 hectare

Conversion factors


1 cm = 0.061 in 1 in = 16.387 cm
1m = 1.308 yard 1 yard = 0.7646 m
1 litre = 1.761 pints 1 pint = 0.57 litre
1 liter = 0.22 gallons 1 = 4.5461 litre


1 km/h = 0.6215 1 = 1.609 km/h

mile/h mile/h
1 m/s = 3.2808 ft/s 1 ft/s = 0.3048 m/s

Holes in jig boring

Co-ordinates for locating equally spaced

holes in jig boring
Multiply values shown by diameter of pitch circle

3 Hole
A = 0.25000
B = 0.43301
C = 0.86603


5 Hole
A = 0.18164
B = 0.55902
C = 0.40451
B D = 0.29389

Holes in jig boring

Multiply values shown by diameter of pitch circle

6 Hole
A = 0.43301
B = 0.25000
C C = 0.50000

7 Hole
A = 0.27052
B = 0.33922
C = 0.45049
D = 0.21694
C B E = 0.31175
F = 0.39092

Holes in jig boring

Multiply values shown by diameter of pitch circle

8 Hole
A = 0.35355
B = 0.14645

8 Hole
A = 0.27059
B = 0.27059
C = 0.46194
D = 0.19134

Holes in jig boring

Multiply values shown by diameter of pitch circle


9 Hole
H A = 0.46985
B = 0.17101
C = 0.26201
D = 0.21985
E = 0.38302
A F = 0.32139
D G = 0.17101
H = 0.29620


10 Hole
A = 0.29389
B = 0.09549
C = 0.18165
D = 0.25000
D E = 0.15451


Holes in jig boring

Multiply values shown by diameter of pitch circle


L 11 Hole
G A = 0.47975
B = 0.14087
C = 0.23700
D = 0.15231
E = 0.11704
F = 0.25627
G = 0.42063
D H = 0.27032
K = 0.18449
C B E L = 0.21291

12 Hole
A = 0.22415
B = 0.12941
C = 0.48296
C A D = 0.12941
E = 0.25882



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F +44 (0) 1453 524901
New Mills, Wotton-under-Edge,
E [email protected]
Gloucestershire  GL12 8JR
United Kingdom

Issued: 1214 Part no. H-4445-0002-01-A

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