Nosp Checklist

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cae CF One soft copy containing all below documents shall be handed over to Condition Monitoring Unit 2 weeks in advance for review. > One hard copy and one soft copy of below NOSP documents shall be kept in respective Substation. List of NOSP documents: 1. O&M Manuals of TMS As-built drawings of TMS ‘TMS Configuration Settings of various parameters including tested alarms as per approved alarms list. FAT Reports for TMS SAT Reports for TMS Software copy of TMS, Gas sensors etc. Recommended list for Spare parts / Tools of TMS. GIS PD Sensor data Gas Schematic and SLD indicating location of PD Sensor 10. O&M Manuals of PDM 11. As-built drawings for POM 12. PDM Configuration Settings of various parameters including tested alarms as per approved alarms list. 13. FAT Reports for PDM 14. SAT Reports for PDM 15. Software copy of PDM and copy of supportive software if any 16. _ Recommended list for Spare parts / Tools of PDM System 17. The User ID and Password of TMS and PDM Systems shall be set as per KM Standard confirmed. So Pnoasn EVPRUFA [sueré | 20.082016] Page $010 vanes Piranesi bilontlt gill =t—2 === Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation Flectricity Transmission Department NOSP Checklist 18. Oil Test reports of Power Transformers & Shunt Reactors and Certificate of additives for the oil used shall be submitted as per below guideline. 18.1 LIST OF KM APPROVED LABORATORIES FOR TRANSFORMER OIL TESTING: The oil shall be tested from KM approved laboratories, 18.2 OIL TESTS TO BE PERFORMED: 1) The oil tests shall be performed in accordance to latest relevant IEC standards. If IEC standard is not available or not applicable for any specific test, then the same shall be performed in accordance to latest relevant ASTM standards, 2) Conclusion of tests results shall be provided in the report as per relevant IEC standards and other international guidelines. 3) Maximum permissible limit values shall be provided against each test. 4) Based on test results, the report should indicate clear assessment about health condition of transformer and should recommend remedial measures in each case. 5) Il_The validity of oil test report (except for BDV & Water Content) will be for Six months at the time of NOSP-B received by Condition Monitoring. The Six months validity will be idered from the sampling. The testing and analysis of the oil samples in the laboratory shall_be carried ximum_within jonth from the date of sample collection. Else the oil sampling shall be repeated and new test reports shall be submitted. 6) The oil of Power Transformers & Shunt Reactors shall be tested for the following: Sr. W Auxiliary? | Pot Main Tank oLte Cable Box Earthing 7 _|_Iransformer_| T | Dissotved Gas | Dissolved Gas | Breakdown voltage — | Breakdown Analysis of all key | Analysis of all key|IEC 60156 & IEC| voltage - IEC gases (Hz, CO, O2, Na, | gases (H2, CO, Or, | 60422 60156 & IEC COz, CHs, Cate, CzHs, | Nz, CO2, CH, CaHe, 60422 ‘CaHs, TDCG) as per| CzHs, CzHs, TOCG) IEC 60567 & IEC| as per IEC 60567 & 60599 IEC IEC 60599 2 | Colour and | Breakdown voltage — | Water Content — IEC | Water Content - appearance == IEC | IEC_ 60156 & IEC | 60814 & IEC 60422 |IEC 60814 & 60422 60422 IEC 60422 3 [Breakdown voltage —| Water Content — IEC IEC 60156 & IEC | 60814 & IEC 60422 60422 4 | Water Content — TEC ee 60814 & IEC 60422 fe) age toro an | Key Seo wane Drann “Ula, Dy bilan gl! =t—2 === Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation Electricity Transmission Department NOSP Checklist 5 | Acidity (Neutralization Value) — IEC 62021 & IEC 60422 6 | Interfacial Tension — ASTM D971 & IEC 60422 7 | Dielectric Dissipation Factor IEC 60247 & IEC 60422 z 8 | Particle Count — IEC 60970 & IEC 60422 9 | Oxidation Stability — IEC 61125 & IEC 60422 10 | Density ~ ISO 3675 & IEC 60422 sity — ISO 3104 & IEC 60422 12 | Sediment & Sludge — IEC 61125 & IEC 17 60422 13 | PCBs — IEC 61619 & IEC 60422 Al 74 | Corrosive Sulphur & Potentially corrosive sulphur IEC 62535 & IEC 60422 15 | DBDS — IEC 62697-1 & IEC 60422 76 | Furfural Content = IEC 61198 (Based on Furfural_ content test, an estimated DP through *DePablo equation’, "Chendong equation” and "Stebbin equation” shall be furnished.) 7) In addition to above, a compliance certificate shall be obtained from the laboratory indicating that the transformer oil is free of all additives including but not limited to the following (for uninhibited oil: Antioxidant free (Tested as per IEC 60666:2009) ¥ PCB free (Tested as per IEC 61619:1997) ¥ DBDS free (Detection method using GC-AED) ¥ Passivator free (Tested as per IEC 60686:2009) Y Metal deactivator free (detection Method using HPLC/GC-MS) (Eras [esas [reese Page 7 of 10 war Drann le i bilo! Electricity Trans Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation ‘ion Department NOSP Checklist 8) [|The validity of BDV & Water Content report will be for three months. In event of oll test result ind Water content are more than months older, new oil sample shall be collected for following tests and test report shall be submi energization, ‘Auxiliary 7 Main Tank oLTc Cable Box Earthing ‘Transformer 1 | Breakdown voltage - | Breakdown voltage — | Breakdown voltage — | Breakdown IEC 60156 & IEC/IEC 60156 & IEC|IEC 60156 & IEC| voltage - IEC 60422 60422 60422 60156 & IEC 60422 2” | Water Content - IEC | Water Content — IEC | Water Content — IEC | Water Content — 60814 &IEC 60422 | 60814 & IEC 60422 | 60814 &IEC 60422 | IEC 60814 & IEC | 60422 9) TLin event of expiry of oil test results due to Six months validity as mentioned in clause 18.2 5) all the oil test all be repeated and new test reports shall be submitted. 18.3 INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED IN EACH OIL TEST REPORT Following minimum information shall be provided on the first page of each transformer oil test report or in the covering sheet. 1) Substatio n Name 2) Transformer Power Rating (MVA) 3) Transformer No, : Tx-1/Tx-2 ete. 4) Voltage Rating (kV) 5) Transformer Sr. No. 6) Transformer Make 7) Manufact turing Year 8) Cooling Type: ONAN / ONAF etc. 9) Conservator Type : Sealed (with rubber bag) or Open type (without rubber bag) 10) Oil Manufacturer 11) Type of Fluid (Oil) 12) Fluid Weight (kg) 13) OLTC Make 14) OLTC Type 15) No. of OLTC operations 16) Oil Sampling Date 17) Oil Sampling point 18) State of Transformer : ON / OFF 19) Transformer Load in MVA 20) Oil temperature 21) Ambient temperature 22) Reason for takit SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR: oil sample canna ran aye an alg! =. === Oatar General Electricity & Water Corporation Electricity Transmission Department NOSP Checklist E. PROTECTION SECTION proved Check list form ET — P18/F1 to ET ~ P18/F30 attached with NOSP Part-B. heck list form ET ~ P18/F31 for all equipment (or typical with Bay/Equipment with numbers) attached with NOSP Part-B. [Soft Copy of Following to be submitted to PDSA and Protection Maintenance separately with NOSP Form (with proper index in separate folder as below listed) 1. SAT Reports 7 Signed Test Reports all relay Bay wise <<” Signed Primary Injection Test Reports Bay Wise ¥~ Signed End-to End Test Reports Bay Wise 2. As BuiltDrawings C Real moxenp ) tation Key SLD with all feeder names, cable/OHL size and length Protection SLD of Each Bay with CT details like Ratio, Rct, Class, VK/ALF, ote. << Protection Schematics of Each Bay C Typical Gays ) Relay Panel GA diagram \+-DC Interconnection Diagram for Relay Panel and LCC/Switchgear =~ AC Interconnection Diagram for Relay Panel and LCC/Switchgear \= Station DC Supply Distribution \7 Station AC Supply Distribution Name Plate details of All Transformers, Reactors, etc. XQ. Final Relay settings and Configuration downloaded from Relay in relay software format and in pdf format in Bay Wise C 27% hosp -# ) 4. Final O/C & E/F Setting Table & curves Cesit mosp- 2) 5 Approved Relay Setting Calculation ~ Approved CT Sizing Calculation <% Technical Parameters Data ( Technical Schedule) for all relays as offered and requested, FAT Test Reports, comments and compliance «Typical Relay Type Test Reports with test details and results |. Technical Manual for each Typical Relays ‘Application Manual for each Typical Relays \¥Z.0&M Manual for each Typical Relays. 48: List of Recommended Spare parts with tentative date of supply. one Hard Copy of above entire NOSP documents are kept in respective Substation. Cp nosp- mepproveal) EVPRUEA [vera [29.05 2016] Pege 9 0f10 xan inn villas 4 Dn Mastin gl ot. === = Aatar General Electricity & Water Corporation Electricity Transmission Department 1. 2 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR: NOSP Checklist Cone Hard Copy above NOSP documents items: 2, 3, 4 & 5 are handed over to Protection Section SAT Reports (Soft Copy) As Built Drawings available at Relay Final Settings & Configuration Final O/C & E/F Setting Table & curves Approved Relay Settings Approved CT Sizing Relay Technical data Relay Manuals (Soft Copy) EVPROFA[Tesverd [9.037016] Substation CRead masiup ) fave sesh aoittes Nose [Yes | No Yes | No” Yes [Now Yes [Ni No ¥eS [No Yes | No No. Page 10 of 10 care Cann rilles ig bela-tol_o! at—oe === Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation Electricity Transmission Department ‘Telecom Notification of Safety Precaution (NOSP) Checklist 132/33kV RAS ABU FONTAS METRO SUBSTATION Documents required to be attached with the Notification of Safety Precaution (NOSP) by the Contractor. A. Telecontrol GY Factory Acceptance Test Reports (Sof Copy) along with Part-A NOSP indicating the completion of Factory Acceptance Test comments. Telecontrol / Substation Control System Operation & Maintenance Manuals containing Periodic Maintenance Instructions & Common Problems & Solutions (Softcopies) to be submitted along with PartB NOSP. [Red Mark up Drawings for Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) / Substation Control System along with Part-A&B NOSP. (Soft copy). Single Line Diagram Attached along with Part-A NOSP Document has to be Duly Signed by Consultants to ensure the Feeder Numberings & CCt Identities (Soft copy & Hard copy). & All SAT Reports of RTU / Substation Control System (Including the Functionality test Reports), Erection Completion Certificate NCCIENCC/DGCC & DCC EZE test reports to be Submitted Along with the Part-A&B NOSP Documents.(Soft Copy). [4 Defects list (Minor) jointly prepared by Contractor/Consultant / Technical Affairs /Telecom/ Substation Control System at the time of site inspection prior to submission of NOSP-B & time Frame for clearing the Defects mentioned to be provided. 1 Warranty declaration certificate indicating the period of warranty and a commitment that all defects including failures that may arise during warranty will be rectified to the complete ‘satisfaction and within the time frame as stipulated by Transmission Department. [2 Confirmation for avaibilty and List of warranty spares along with PartsA NOSP. Copy of specified spare parts list to be supplied with supplier details and catalogue nos, to be provided along with NOSP-B Documents. 2 Detailed specifications of the specialized tools/equipment supplied / to be supplied Irecommended to be required for maintenance of RTU/Substation Control System under the contract. LB List of Pending issues (Major) if any that has been granted special approval by KM to Proceed with Energisation (Attach supporting documents) (ERPROR IO [Tesue 2 [aa-142072 Page 1 of en ee ae ol. ===== Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation Electricity Transmission Department ‘Telecom Notification of Safety Precaution (NOSP) Checklist Remote-Ferminal- Unit (RTU) / Substation Control System Project & System Backup Files & necessary Print Screens of the Configured HMI Prior to Energization to be submitted along with Part-B NOSP Document. EY AllTCPIP Addressing List Including Gateway Communication Setting details, Standardized Password List (Shall be Supplied as soft only to concerned KM/Dept), Firmware Details & All Software & Licenses Including OS Patch details duly signed by Consultants to be submitted along with Part-A&B NOSP Document. Name & Signature of Consultant & Date: aoe iE Name & Signature of Contractor & Date: S:SSASWANA...LM,.. S90 Substation / Cireuit Name: ..|32/33KV.. RAS. ABW. FONITAS...AOGTRO SvestAtrov B. Telecom — yet appurasce 1 Factory Acceptance Test Reports (softcopies) along with Part-A NOSP C1 Site Inspection Report (softcopies) jigned by Consultant & KM along with Part-A NOSP C1 Site Acceptance Test (SAT) to be attached and duly signed by Consultant and KAHRAMAA (softcopies) TELECOM Manuals (Softcopies) along with Part-A NOSP. Tools & Spare Parts List (Softcopies) Along with Part-A NOSP. ooo All Defects List (Major & Minor) noted during Site Acceptance Test (SAT) in Softcopies signed wultant & KM (if licable) O an Major Defects should be cleared. (e.g. Link Test & SCADA Alarm Test) on Part-B NOSP (Pasta if Temporary Link) O Red-mark up / As-built drawings in Softcopies on Part-B NOSP (Part-A if Temporary Link) C1 Exemption List if any in hardcopies Name & Signature of Consultant & Date: Name & Signature of Contractor & Date: SOA TDAWONON... PAL, Substation / Cireuit Name: ..)22/. 33y.,.299... 88... SOSTAS.... 98 AacTATOH [EV-P207F10 [ tssue: 2] 18-14-2012) Page 2 of 4 rilles L__ Gig oMantnlt_—_o!! Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation Department ‘Telecom Notification of Safety Precaution (NOSP) Checklist E_ Power System Analysis Data's from Technical data sheet and test report of all substation devices such as transformer, reactor, power cable, power-OHL, etc. AS Per Annexure (Soft copy) along with Part-A NOSP. Power System Analysis Data's shall be populated in NCC and DCC and verified di NCC and DCC End to End test. NCCIENCC/DGCC & DCC E2E test reports to be ‘Submitted Along with the Par-B NOSP Documents. [system Cyber Security measures with Approved documentation shall be configured and commissioned accordingly & signed reports shall be produced along with Part-A NOSP Documents. [Post Mortem Report / Disturbance File Test Reports shall be produced along with Part-B NOSP Documents (Soft Copy). & atcpap Addressing List Including Gateway Communication Setting details, Standardized Password List (Shall be Supplied as soft only to concerned KI t.), Firmware Details & All Software Including Antivirus & OS Patch details duly signed by Consultants to be ‘submitted along with Part-A NOSP Document. Not Applicable Signal Confirmation for Subject Substation/Circuit shall be provided to NCC Contractor & Soft copy of the Same to be attached along with Part-B NOSP. ~ Oya" ‘Name & Signature of Consultant & Date: ...| uw’ Name & Signature of Contractor & Date: .-SORTHNANAN., cy Substation / Cireuit Name: ..2.2/32KY... ROS. DRY..FOMTAS. bi SUBSTATLOV CELPROr IO [sue 2 ——[7e-r3072] Pago 30f4 eek + a ae at—e === Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation Electricity Transmission Department ‘Telecom Notification of Safety Precaution (NOSP) Checklist Soft Copy to include © NOSP Form ET-P20/F2 * Appendix A — Site Acceptance Test Reports (Complete Reports) ‘+ Appendix 8 — Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) / Substation Control System / Telecom Red Mark Up— Drawings. + Appendix C — Terminal Bay Status & Circuit (cct) Identities with Single Line Diagram signed by Consultant + Appendix D - Factory Acceptance Test Reports & Type test reports (Complete Reports) ‘+ Appendix — Remate Terminal Unit (RTU) / Substation Control System /Telecom Erection Completion Certificate ‘+ Appendix F ~ Operation & Maintenance Manuals. ‘+ Appendix G - List of specified spare parts to be supplied / supplied complete with supplier details and catalogue nos. * Appendix H - Confirmation for Availabilty and List of warranty spares. + Appendix | - Detailed specifications of the specialized tools/equipment supplied / to be supplied /recommended to be required for maintenance under the contract. ‘+ Appendix J — Remote Terminal-Unit (RTU) / Substation Control System Project & System Backups. ‘+ Appendix K — Power System Analysis Data's as per Technical data sheet and test report of, all substation devices such as transformer, reactor, power cable, power OHE, etc. * Appendix L — All TCP/IP, Firmware, Password (Shall be Supplied as ly to concer KIM/Dept,), Software including Antivirus & OS Patch Details. * Appendix M — System Cyber Security measures Configured in Substation Control System. ETA [or ? TEATS) Page dota 132/33KV RAS ABU FONTAS METRO SUBSTATION Check list for releasing NOSP-A SiNo. Descristion Status Remarks 1 [NOSP FormeT-PRO/FP Rave 3 Yes. [Telecom (Telecontrol/Telecom/Scada) NOSP Check List ET-P20/F10 Issue 2 2 |(4 pages) attached (handover this check list in a CD to Telecontrol Dept. Yes Jone week in advance of submitting Part-A NOSP) 3 [OHLNOSP Check List ET-P2O/F4 Issue 4 (1 page) attached we ‘4 [Cable NOSP Check List ET-P20/FA Issue 4 (3 pages) attached ES 5 _ubton NOS Cha Ut E-P2O/F ie 4 (2 pages aad as ndltion Monitoring Check lst ET PZO/F Tssue 4 (3 pages lone week in advance of submitting Part-A NOSP) 7 [Protection NOSP Check ist €T-P20/F4 issue 4(2 pages] attached eS [Terminal bay status signed by both consultant/contractor Ves ‘9 _ |Signed copy of ECC attached (TE-P4/FS Issue 0) with Part-5 NOSP YES. 710 [Oil test report within 3 months attached Ye 11 [oil analysis done in an approved lab attached 12 [Oi ADV Test report tobe attached 3 [al testing done Raj Yeas Ua 14 |All major test witnessed & signed by Consultant e 15 [Alltest caports signed by both consultent/eontractor yes 16 [Allred marked/ as built drgs signed by both consultant/contractor es weed we wy | 17 |PDSA (Protection) check list submitted & approved es ie ona? a 18 [Substation lay out with coordinates to be submitted fo KMI No | hg tf wast | 19 _|Third Party survey report for cable/OHL route attached Ne [cabie/OHL route drawing with coordinates in AutoCAD Format to be 20 |submitted in separate CD for updating the GIS before submitting Part-A we Nose. 21 [Working CO containing allrelevent document attached Es 22__|The content of the NOSP shall be checkes by Consultant Ss 23 Availability of all related NOSPs (substation/cable/OHL/telecom/ remote yes lend) shall be checked by Consultant before releasing the NOSP 24_[As built document submission to KM GIS department. as _[feyStee te Bowen abe stashed wih ConrcarendCeraant | ya Signed copy of Par-A NOSP to be attached while submission of Parc 26 [nose nr 27___[tias/POM tests witnessed by KM NE 28__ |DC/UPS system tests witnessed by KM ES 29 [SERGI System (if applicable) tests witnessed by KM, ne cA eA AGRE OMG eH Te Colo Fr iiaa Emre ais ea te YaASWNN ONIMOTIOS SHL LOVLNOD SSW37d Sud YO AONADNSWS 40 SSVONI a MSR eR SC a Ce meee tat M €€/CEL NOILVLSENS OULAIN SVLNOJ NEV SvY SYIVASV MYOMLAN ALIOINLOAIS ax SUS Bo ole) Nes: eal iSon OU Ae eo DAL Lele OPE E MnP IVD) BEDE BIEN ERE LAN e ial ale ales am ge eee a Koi A,

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