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1. What are security mechanisms? Explain (MAY 2019)

2. What is steganography? (MAY 2019)
3. Differentiate between Active attacks and Passive Attacks. (OCT/NOV 2018)
4. What are security mechanisms? Explain.(MAY 2019)
5. What is steganography?(MAY2019)
6. What is meant by cryptography?(OCT/NOV 2018)
7. Discuss about encryption.(OCT/NOV 2018)


1. List and briefly define categories of Security Services and attacks.(MAY 2019)

2. How would you test a piece of cipher text to determine quickly if it was likely the result of a simple
substation? Explain. (MAY 2019)

3. Consider a desktop publishing system used to produce documents for various organizations. a) Give
an example of a type of publication for which confidentiality of the stored data is the most important
requirement. b) Give an example of a type of publication in which data integrity is the most important
requirement. c) Give an example in which system availability is the most important requirement. (MAY

4. Explain the operations, requirements, components of Network security model.(FEB 2019)

5. Discuss any four Substitution Technique and list their merits and demerits(OCT/NOV018)

6. Discuss the various principles involved in private and public key cryptography.(OCT/NOV 2018)

7. Explain the various active attacks? What security mechanisms are suggested to counter attack active
attacks?(oct/nov 2017)



1.Do you agree with the statement that an increase in key size of 1 bit doubles the security of DES?
Justify your answer. (MAY 2019)
2. How keys are exchanged in Diffie-Hellman algorithm?(MAY 2019)

3. Explain Cipher Block Chaining Mode.(FEB 2019)

4. Write about the application of DES in CBC mode.(OCT/NOV 2017)

5. Compare stream cipher with block cipher with an example.(OCT/NOV 2018)

6. Discuss the design principles of block cipher technique?(MAR 2017)


1.Explain Data Encryption standard (DES) in detail(MAR 2017)

2. Briefly explain the Diffie Hellman Key Exchange algorithm?(MAR 2017)

3. Write a note on Block Cipher Design Principles.(OCT/NOV 2018)

4. Which four tasks are performed in each round of AES Cipher? Explain.(FEB/MAR 2018)

5. Explain the Key Expansion process in AES.(FEB/MAR 2018)

6. Give a detailed description of key generation and encryption of IDEA algorithm(FEB 2019)

7. AES consists of four functions in three layers. Which of the functions are primarily for confusion and
which are primarily for diffusion? Which of the layers are for confusion and which are for diffusion?
Justify your answers.(MAY 2019)

8.Draw the general structure of DES. Explain the encryption and decryption process. [8] b) Discuss in
detail block cipher modes of operation(OCT/NOV 2018)



1. Give a note on public key infrastructure.(MAY 2019)

2. What are the requirements of the cryptographic hash functions?(OCT/NOV 2018)
3. What are the properties of hashing functions?(MAR 2017)
4. What is the role of Key Distribution centre?(OCT/NOV 2017)
5. Write short notes on Digital Signature Algorithm(OCT/NOV 2018)
6. What are the properties that a digital signature should have?(OCT/NOV 2018)
7. What is Kerberos? What are the uses?(OCT/NOV 2018)

1. Briefly explain the different message authentication functions with neat diagrams? (MAR 2017)
2. Write and explain the digital signature algorithm(OCT/NOV 2018)
3. Illustrate in detail about the message authentication code and its requirements.(OCT/NOV 2018)
4. Illustrate Secure Hash algorithm in brief(FEB/MAR 2018)
5. Explain Message Authentication Requirements and what are the attacks related to message
communication?(MAY 2019)
6. What characteristics are needed in secure hash function? Write about the security of hash
functions and MACs. (OCT/NOV 2018)
7. Differentiate digital signature from digital certificate.
8. What are the different servers used in Kerberos? Explain the role of each one.(oct/nov2017)
9. What are the differences between Kerberos 4 and Kerberos (oct/nov2017)



1. In SSL and TLS, why is there a separate change cipher spec protocol, rather than including
change cipher spec message in the handshake protocol?(MAY 2019)
2. Explain the IEEE 802.11Wireless LAN(MAY 2019)


1. Is it possible in SSL for the receiver to recorder SSL record blocks that arrive out of order? If so,
explain how it can be done. If not, why not? (MAY 2019)
2. Discuss the IEEE 802.11i Wireless LAN Security.(MAY 2019)
3. What protocols comprise SSL? What is the difference between an SSL connection and an SSL
session?(OCT/NOV 2017)
4. Explain about SSL Handshake protocol.(OCT/NOV 2017)
5. Explain Secure socket layer in details?(MAR 2017)


1. Differentiate between tunnel mode and transport mode of IPSec(MAR 2017)
2. Illustrate the services provided by IPSec.(OCT/NOV 2018)
3. What are the services provided by PGP services?(OCT/NOV 2018)
4. What is transport mode and tunnel mode in IP sec?(MAY 2019)
5. Give a brief note on Virtual Elections.(MAY 2019)
6. What is Internet key management in IPSec?(OCT/NOV 2018)

1. Briefly explain the scenario of IP security and its Policy.(MAY 2019)
2. Explain IP security architecture and also explain basic combinations of security associations
with a neat diagram. (MAY 2019)
3. List and explain the PGP services and explain how PGP message generation is done with a
neat diagram.(MAY 2019)
4. How are security associations combined?(FEB/MAR 2018)
5. How does PGP provide confidentiality and authentication service for e-mail and file storage
applications? Draw the block diagram and explain its components.(OCT/NOV 2018)
6. Explain Secure Electronic transaction with neat diagram.(OCT/NOV 2018)
7. Draw and explain PGP Cryptographic function for Authentication(OCT/NOV 2018)
8. What is transport mode and tunnel mode authentication in IP? Describe how ESP is applied
to both these modes.(OCT/NOV 2018)
9. Explain about IPSec architecture and Security associations(oct/nov 2017)

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