Robert Gascoigne - The Church and Secularity - Two Stories of Liberal Society (Moral Traditions) (2009)
Robert Gascoigne - The Church and Secularity - Two Stories of Liberal Society (Moral Traditions) (2009)
Robert Gascoigne - The Church and Secularity - Two Stories of Liberal Society (Moral Traditions) (2009)
Aquinas, Feminism, and the The Christian Case for Virtue Ethics
Common Good Joseph J. Kotva Jr.
Susanne M. DeCrane
The Critical Calling: Reflections on
The Banality of Good and Evil: Moral Dilemmas since Vatican II
Moral Lessons from the Shoah Richard A. McCormick, SJ
and Jewish Tradition
David R. Blumenthal Defending Probabilism: The Moral
Theology of Juan Caramuel
A Call to Fidelity: On the Moral Julia Fleming
Theology of Charles E. Curran
James J. Walter, Democracy on Purpose: Justice and
Thomas A. Shannon, and the Reality of God
Timothy E. O’Connell, Editors Franklin I. Gamwell
Robert Gascoigne
Gascoigne, Robert.
â•… The church and secularity : two stories of liberal society / Robert
p. cm. — (Moral traditions series)
â•… Includes bibliographical references and index.
â•… isbn 978-1-58901-490-9 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Liberty—Religious aspects—Christianity. 2. Liberalism—Religious
aspects—Christianity. 3. Church and the world. 4. Vatican Council (2nd :
1962–1965). Constitutio pastoralis de ecclesia in mundo huius temporis.
5. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. De civitate Dei. I. Title.
â•… bt810.3.g37 2009
â•… 261.7—dc22â•…â•…â•…â•…â•…â•… 2008054428
15â•… 14â•… 13â•… 12â•… 11â•… 10â•… 09â•…â•…â•… 9â•… 8â•… 7â•… 6â•… 5â•… 4â•… 3â•… 2
First printing
Acknowledgments╇╇ ix
Introduction╇ ╇ 1
o n e Two Stories of Liberal Society╇ ╇ 7
t w o Church, Kingdom, and Secularity╇ ╇ 37
three The Virtues of Noninstrumental
Relationships╇╇ 76
f o u r Christian Hope and the Eucharist:
Witness and Service╇ ╇ 112
f i v e Two Stories of Liberal Society and
Contemporary Catholic Identity╇ ╇ 143
x╇╇ Acknowledgments
family and parish life. The parish of St. Brigid, Marrickville (Sydney),
together with the Passionist community that ministers to it, has been
for us a true community of word and sacrament. Our particular thanks
go to Tom McDonough CP, who now shares his special gifts with the
parish of St. Joseph, Boroko, Port Moresby.
2╇╇ Introduction
8╇╇ Chapter One
the profound commonality of the sense that “our being in the image of
God is also our standing among others in the stream of love, which is
that facet of God’s life we try to grasp, very inadequately, in speaking
of the Trinity.”32
For Taylor, then, the challenge facing liberal society is to be open to
the Gospel of the love of God as a sustaining source of moral concern.
This can provide an inspiration for a culture of universal human rights.
Although he shares with O’Donovan an interpretation of modernity
as the conjunction of high ideals and totalitarian atrocity, corruptio
optimi pessima, Taylor does not direct his criticism at the notion of
human rights itself, but rather at the attempt to sunder them from a
vision of humanity created in the image of God. For O’Donovan, who
focuses on the question of authority as the political act “which can
give moral form to a community by defining its commitment to the
good,” the notion of subjective rights threatens to fragment the ethi-
cal substance of natural law, the greatest heritage of Christendom.33
Subjective rights as “a primitive endowment of power” jeopardize the
objective justice made possible for all nations by Christ’s reign.
How, then, can a Christian be faithful to Christ’s reign in this time
that is irrevocably post-Christendom? In my judgment, the greatest
strength of The Desire of the Nations is its insistence on the ways in
which Christ’s triumph, as the anticipation of the Kingdom, must be
understood not only as the legitimation of Christendom but also as the
ultimate legitimation of political authority in liberal society. Daniel’s
prophecy of the one “like a Son of Man” (Daniel 7:13) who would
triumph over bestial empires has an uncanny contemporary relevance,
calling to mind the United Nations’s recognition of human dignity as
the wellspring for international peace and justice after the catastrophe
of World War II and the yearning of oppressed peoples for rule “with
a human face.”34 Yet I do not share O’Donovan’s view of the opposi-
tion between subjective rights and natural law. If it is one “like a Son
of Man” who is the source of divine justice, cannot the true meaning
of “natural law” be found in the dignity of the human person, under-
stood as a unique subject? If Christ’s rule is the rule of what is humane
and the abolition of what is bestial, should we not find its touchstone
in the dignity of the human person? If it is the human face of the one
18╇╇ Chapter One
crucial sense, the subjective dignity of the human person is prior to the
objective right of the state. This subjective dignity is indeed a “primi-
tive endowment of power” in the sense that it is a dignity that the in-
dividual has prior to and independent of any political authority. Yet its
“primitive” character can be understood in the ultimate sense of being
in the “image of God,” prior to any and all human civilization.
The dignity of the human subject gives the objective order of po-
litical institutions the character of intersubjectivity: Their laws and
procedures are justified in terms of their ability to respect the freedom
and equality of all. Human dignity gives such societies their moral
foundation. At the same time, I share O’Donovan’s insistence that a
social order faithful to Christ’s reign is not based on “subjective will”
in the sense that the arbitrary will of the majority could abolish the
human dignity of others. Rather, the inalienable dignity of the person
must be enshrined—at least implicitly—as the basis of constitutional
order, so that its abolition would mean the self-destruction of a free
society. This is explicitly the case in the Universal Declaration of Hu-
man Rights, and in the American and German constitutions.35
If this is the case, a Christian can see a liberal society as faithful to
Christ’s reign in so far as it respects the dignity of the human person
as expressed in human rights. The extent to which such a society is
compatible with an attenuated form of Christendom is interesting and
complex, and the world provides many examples of varying constitu-
tional roles for religion and churches in liberal societies, notably the
contemporary British monarchy and its prerogatives and responsibili-
ties in relation to the Church of England.
The profound moral ambivalence of liberal modernity that
O’Donovan and Taylor eloquently describe is, in one sense, no more
and no less than the ambivalence of human freedom itself, whose po-
tential for good and ill has become dramatically clear in societies that
give maximum scope to that freedom against a backdrop of accelerat-
ing technological power. Yet, as O’Donovan points out, it is not sim-
ply a matter of the moral ambiguity of human freedom at any stage of
human history, but rather the ambiguity of a freedom elevated by the
passion, resurrection, and exaltation of Christ. If, as Taylor empha-
sizes, the universal meaning of this freedom of the Gospel has become
20╇╇ Chapter One
clear and effective with the end of Christendom, then the moral ambi-
guity of modernity has a particularly intense and challenging charac-
ter—something exemplified in the “culture wars” and moral anxiety
that are familiar aspects of our cultural condition.
the “two cities” are not cities at all in the ordinary sense, but moral
categories: cosmic communities united by what their members love.
The two cities “are the two all-embracing categories into which God’s
rational creation is divided throughout history. . . . The City of God is
the society of grace: the entire community, past and present, of those
who unfeignedly love God. It is the Church, but it is the Church in the
broadest sense of the term.”38 Nor can the state be identified with the
reprobate “earthly City.” It is true that, for Augustine, the state exists
because of sin; yet it also has the positive task of rectifying the damage
caused by sin, and it is understood as a means of discipline.39
In Christianity and the Secular, Robert Markus argues that the City
of God is not a rejection of the legitimacy of the secular, but on the
contrary a powerful argument for the acknowledgment of the secular
as the earthly context for the Church’s existence as it awaits the es-
chaton.40 The secular, for Augustine, is the “present age” (saeculum),
in which the members of the heavenly and earthly cities live in an
“inextricably intertwined state” in this temporal life.41
Markus notes that there have been two types of modern political
thought that claim support in Augustine. One is secular liberalism,
severing the direct relation between religion and the public realm; the
other is “the tradition which would see the public sphere as founded
or tied in one way or another to Christianity.”42 At the heart of this
second perspective is the “radical equation of the secular with sin.”43
Markus rightly takes John Milbank as a leading exponent of this view.
For Milbank, the civitas terrena is not regarded by Augustine “as a
‘state’ in the modern sense of a sphere of sovereignty, preoccupied with
the business of government. Instead, this civitas, as Augustine finds it
in the present, is the vestigial remains of an entire pagan mode of
practice, stretching back to Babylon.” The ends sought by this earthly
city “are not merely limited, finite goods, they are those finite goods
regarded without ‘referral’ to the infinite good, and, in consequence,
they are unconditionally bad ends. The realm of the merely practical
cut off from the ecclesial, is quite simply a realm of sin.”44
Markus sums up Milbank’s interpretation of Augustine as the claim
that there is “no neutral public sphere in which people can act po-
litically without reference to ultimate ends.”45 Markus acknowledges
22╇╇ Chapter One
that Augustine would have rejected any notion that individuals can
perform morally indifferent actions, since all actions must be carried
out with some reference to our ultimate ends, whether for salvation
or damnation. But he denies that this rejection of “morally indiffer-
ent” or “neutral” action implies that Augustine rejected the possibility
and legitimacy of a neutral public sphere, that is, practices, customs,
and institutions that could constitute a shared context for action for
members of both cities.46 Within these shared institutions, members of
the heavenly city could act in ways that referred “limited finite goods”
to the infinite good: “it is absolutely clear that Augustine envisaged a
possibility of acting morally, with God’s grace, within the framework
of earthly political order.”47 A striking example of this is Augustine’s
praise for the Christian Roman emperor Theodosius I.48
What is crucial, Markus argues, is to distinguish the two different
senses of the “earthly City,” the civitas terrena, as this term is used
in the City of God: first, the broader sense of the term, denoting the
society on earth that comprises both virtuous and wicked members;
and second, the narrower sense—which it usually has when Augus-
tine defines it explicitly—of the mass of the reprobates. According to
Markus, “a great deal of the confusion and the controversy over the
‘secular’ realm in Augustine’s thought arises from failure to distin-
guish the two senses that the ‘earthly City’ can bear in Augustine’s
language.”49 Those, like Milbank, who argue that Augustine rejected
the legitimacy of the secular fail to make this distinction. For Markus,
Augustine recognized that the Church lived within a “secular frame-
work” that “demanded acknowledgement of its function and value,
while at the same time it needed to be critically distanced and assessed
within a Christian perspective.”50
Dyson’s and Markus’s studies provide good grounds for rejecting
any interpretation of the City of God as a denial of the legitimacy of
the secular, as a shared space in which Christians can cooperate with
others for the common good. Augustine’s polarity of the “heavenly”
and “earthly” cities cannot be used to set up a dichotomy between a
peaceful Church and an intrinsically sinful secular realm. How, then,
can the City of God shed light on the contemporary situation of Chris-
tians in liberal societies? I want to argue that the great value of the
Two Stories of Liberal Society╇╇ 23
We see then that the two cities were created by two kinds of love:
the earthly city was created by self-love reaching the point of con-
tempt for God, the Heavenly City by the love of God carried as far
as contempt of self. In fact, the earthly city glories in itself, the
24╇╇ Chapter One
Heavenly City glories in the Lord. The former looks for glory from
men, the latter finds its highest glory in God, the witness of a good
conscience. The earthly lifts up its head in its own glory, the Heav-
enly City says to its God: “My glory, you lift up my head.” (Ps 3, 3)
In the former, the lust for domination lords it over its princes as over
the nations it subjugates; in the other both those put in authority
and those subject to them serve one another in love, the rulers by
their counsel, the subjects by obedience. The one city loves its own
strength shown in its powerful leaders; the other says to its God, “I
will love you, my Lord, my strength” (Psalm 18,1).55
himself a light if he would set his heart on it.”60 Freedom should not
trust its own will, but should “hope to call upon the name of the Lord
Although we are created free, subjection to sin enslaves our free-
dom, and only openness to the grace of God can restore it.62 The exer-
cise of human freedom is not once for all, but rather it is characterized
by constant struggle.63 Augustine emphasizes that we cannot achieve
the elimination of the desires of the flesh in this life, cannot think we
have achieved victory. The virtues, “which are certainly the best and
most useful of man’s endowments here below,” are of inestimable as-
sistance in this struggle.64 The “membership” of either city is not ir-
revocable but depends on freedom’s response to the gift of grace.
For Augustine, a society or “people” is a group that is bound to-
gether by shared values—by its “common objects of love”—and the
character of any society can be discovered from these shared values.65
The citizens of the heavenly city are oriented towards community: they
resist the spell of the libido dominandi and “form a community where
there is no love of a will that is personal and, as we may say, private,
but a love that rejoices in a good that is at once shared by all and
unchanging—a love that makes ‘one heart’ out of many, a love that is
the whole-hearted and harmonious obedience of mutual affection.”66
The highest value for the life of a community is peace, “than which
nothing better can be found.” This is the supreme desire and includes
a “mutual fellowship in God.”67 Peace is well-ordered concord, char-
acterized by mutual service. In the peaceful household, “even those
who give orders are the servants of those whom they appear to com-
mand. For they do not give orders because of a lust for domination
but from a dutiful concern for the interests of others, not with pride
in taking precedence over others, but with compassion in taking care
of others.”68
In the heavenly city, all good acts are directed towards peace, both “in
relation to God, and in relation to a neighbor, since the life of a city is
inevitably a social life.”69 In the earthly city, by contrast, peace is only the
temporary absence of war, the result of conquest that reverts once again
to war once the resentment of the vanquished bursts out in revenge:
26╇╇ Chapter One
If any section of that city has risen up in war against another part,
it seeks to be victorious over other nations, though it itself is the
slave of base passions; and if, when victorious, it is exalted in its
arrogance, that victory brings death in its train. Whereas if it con-
sider the human condition and the changes and chances common to
mankind, and is more tormented by possible misfortunes than
puffed up by its present success, then its victory is only doomed to
death. For it will not be able to lord it permanently over those whom
it has been able to subdue victoriously.70
1. For example, De Valera’s Irish Republic and the early twentieth-century
French Third Republic at the time of the expulsion of Catholic religious
orders were both democratic but hardly liberal.
28╇╇ Chapter One
2 Ibid., 32.
27. Ibid.
28. Ibid., 33.
29. Ibid.
Ibid., 37.
Ibid., 35.
O’Donovan, The Desire of the Nations, 249.
Recall, for example, the plea of the Prague Spring of 1968 for “socialism
with a human face.”
35. The United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) be-
gins with the words, “Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of
the equal and inalienable rights of all the members of the human family is
the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.” Diane Ravitch
and Abigail Thernstrom, eds., The Democracy Reader (San Francisco:
HarperCollins, 1992), 202. Article I of the Basic Law of the Federal Re-
public of Germany affirms that “The dignity of the human person is in-
violable. To respect and protect it is the duty of all state authority. 2.
Therefore the German people affirms the inviolable and inalienable rights
of the human person as the foundation of all human community, peace
and justice in the world” (author’s translation). See www.datenschutz- Cf. the discussion of this article in
Wolfhart Pannenberg, Systematische Theologie, Vol. 2 (Göttingen: Van-
denhoeck and Ruprecht, 1991), where the sources of contemporary con-
ceptions of human rights in a theological vision of the human person are
emphasized (205). For the Declaration of Independence of the United
States of America, human beings are “endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable rights.” See Vincent Wilson Jr., ed., The Book of Great
American Documents (Brookeville, MD: American History Research As-
sociates, 1987), 15.
6. See, for example, William Cavanaugh, “Discerning: Politics and Recon-
ciliation,” in The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics, ed. Stanley
Hauerwas and Samuel Wells, 196–208 (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004). For
Cavanaugh, “Rather than forcing a choice between acceptance of or with-
drawal from the one public reality, Augustine’s metaphor of the two cities
is a far more fruitful model, for it helps us to see that there are two rival
performances, the City of God and the earthly city, contending for the
status of ‘public.’” In Cavanaugh’s discussion these two “rival perfor-
mances” are identified with the difference between the church and the
Two Stories of Liberal Society╇╇ 31
that. He saw the two cities intertwined throughout human history. We are
all born children of Cain and the earthly city; but the very fact that we can
be reborn into the city of God highlights the potentialities for good that
remain in all human reality.” Although rejecting the notion of a “neutral”
earthly city, Te Selle does, however, affirm its “ambivalence” in a way that
also allows for its legitimacy as a site of moral action for Christians: “it is
precisely the earthly city then, not some tertium quid, that is affirmed
because of its positive achievements and its potentialities for future good.
It remains ambivalent, usable by both cities, both sets of motivations”
47. Ibid., 46.
8. Augustine, City of God V:26. Rowan Williams, in “Politics and the Soul:
A Reading of the City of God,” Milltown Studies 19/20 (1987): 55–72,
notes that Augustine praised Theodosius because he was not subject to the
libido dominandi; he was capable of sharing power and accepting hu-
miliation (65). For Williams, Augustine emphasizes “consulere,” spiritual
nurturing, within the context of both small and large communities, which
are “essentially purposive, existing so as to nurture a particular kind of
human life” (63). So “the member of the City of God is committed ex
professo to exercising power when called upon to do so, and, in respond-
ing to such a call, does not move from a ‘church’ to a ‘state’ sphere of
activity, but continues in a practice of nurturing souls already learned in
more limited settings” (68). For Gerard O’Daly, in Augustine’s City of
God: A Reader’s Guide (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999), the City of God
is “not a discussion of the relations between church and state: rather, it
gives an account of how Christians may, and why they must, be good
citizens of the empire, by defining the limited but significant area where
the aims and interests of the two cities, in their historical form, coincide”
49. Markus, Christianity and the Secular, 47. It is noteworthy that Gaudium
et spes uses the term “earthly city” in its “secular” rather than “repro-
bate” sense; e.g., “the Church has a saving and an eschatological purpose
which can be fully attained only in the future world. But she is already
present in this world, and is composed of men, that is, of members of the
earthly city [civitas terrestris] who have a call to form the family of God’s
children during the present history of the human race, and to keep in-
creasing it until the Lord returns” (40); “Laymen should also know that
it is generally the function of their well-formed Christian conscience to see
that the divine law is inscribed in the life of the earthly city [civitas ter-
Two Stories of Liberal Society╇╇ 33
rena]; from priests they may look for spiritual light and nourishment”
(43). As these extracts demonstrate, in Gaudium et spes, members of the
Church are also members of the “earthly city,” which itself can bear the
impress of divine law. English translation from Vatican Website edition:
50. Markus, Christianity and the Secular, 45. As Christopher Insole argues in
The Politics of Human Frailty: A Theological Defence of Political Liberal-
ism (London: SCM Press, 2004), the weakness of the “radical orthodox”
approach is in its “genealogical reduction” of secular society to an “ontol-
ogy of violence”: it opens up an “assertive transcendental space” by an
erroneous and unnecessarily alarmist description of the secular world,
whereas we are in fact left with a “broken middle,” neither nihilism nor
the City of God, in which “the wheat and the chaff are thoroughly mixed
until the coming of the Son of Man” (141).
1. Robert Kraynak, in Christian Faith and Modern Democracy: God and
Politics in the Fallen World (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame
Press, 2001), understands Augustine’s “earthly city” essentially as the
state, rather than as a moral allegory of self-love. However, in contrast to
Milbank and Cavanaugh, Kraynak does not interpret Augustine as con-
demning the “earthly City” in this sense (as secular order) and rightly
notes that Augustine’s “political teaching is thus a kind of moderate au-
thoritarianism that respects the limited boundaries of the earthly city”
(94). However, Kraynak builds on this to develop an Augustinian theory
of contemporary politics and a critique of the “Kantian Christianity” of
democracy based on human rights (152–54), arguing that the contempo-
rary import of Augustine’s work is that it “gives sanction to all constitu-
tionally limited governments under God, even those that are not based on
human rights or social contract theory” (191). Yet the City of God is not
principally interesting because it can be interpreted to justify constitution-
ally limited government in ways that are critical of democratic human
rights theory—such an approach is both utopian (because it does not
recognize why such undemocratic constitutional governments are intrinsi-
cally unstable) and runs counter to Catholic social teaching, as expressed,
for example, in Joseph Ratzinger’s somewhat Kantian formulation: “Since
all collaborate in the genesis of law, it is common to all. As such, all can
and must respect it. And as a matter of fact, democracy’s guarantee that
all can work together to shape the law and the just distribution of power
is the fundamental reason why democracy is the most appropriate of all
34╇╇ Chapter One
72. For Paul E. Sigmund, in “Law and Politics,” in The Cambridge Compan-
ion to Aquinas, ed. N. Kretzmann and E. Stump (Cambridge University
Press, 1993), in the De regimine principum, Aquinas conceives of the
political community as “a union of free men under the direction of a ruler
who aims at the promotion of the common good. Government then has
positive role and justification” (218). In contrast to Augustine, Aquinas
believed that the state is part of God’s original intention for creation,
rather than the result of the fall: for Aquinas, whereas “servitude” is the
result of sin, “subjection” “could have existed before sin” in a hierarchy
oriented to the common good. See Antony Black, Political Thought in
Europe 1250–1450 (Cambridge University Press, 1992), 23. For Robert
Markus, the trajectory of Augustine’s thought is not simply towards a
“night watchman” state: he would have wanted to maximize social and
cultural consensus, and thus to extend the public realm accordingly; yet
he would not have welcomed the idea of a shared religion being a purpose
of the state, in the sense of a “Christendom,” since this would threaten
the eschatological character of the City of God (Christianity and the Sec-
ular, 64–65).
73. “In pursuing its own salvific purpose not only does the Church commu-
nicate divine life to men but in a certain sense it casts the reflected light of
that divine life over all the earth, notably in the way it heals and elevates
the dignity of the human person, in the way it consolidates society, and
endows the daily activity of men with a deeper sense and meaning. The
Church, then, believes it can contribute much to humanizing the family of
man and its history through each of its members and its community as a
whole.” Vatican II, Gaudium et spes, 40. Flannery, 940.
chapter two
I ended the last chapter by arguing that it is part of the Church’s mis-
sion in the contemporary world to assist liberal secular societies to tell
their “better story.” In this chapter, I would like to consider the im-
plications of this task for the Church itself and its own identity. How
can this task of encouraging liberal society’s better story be at the same
time an expression of the Church’s own identity? To what extent will
the Church find its own concerns within the concerns of the liberal
secular world, so that support for the best ideals of liberal modernity
will also be an expression of its own mission? In this relationship, the
Church runs the risk of identifying its own mission and goals with the
aspirations and best principles of liberal secular civilization; there is
also the equally grave temptation for the Church to conceive its own
distinctiveness in a way that renders it less able to live in solidarity
with all human beings.
The relationship of the Church to secular moral ideals is pro-
foundly contested in contemporary theology and in the contemporary
experience of Christians. Two fundamental concerns loom large: If
the Church is committed to supporting and encouraging the dissemi-
nation of universal ideals of freedom, justice, and dignity, why does
it insist on its own uniqueness and the uniqueness of the Gospel it
proclaims? Does not this very insistence inhibit the development of a
universal moral consciousness based on mutual respect? From a very
different perspective, many point to the malign story of liberal socie-
ties and contend that secular modernity is so fundamentally degraded
by the libido dominandi and its offspring that it is essentially alien
38╇╇ Chapter Two
“the implication that the church itself is somehow not incarnate in the
temporal realm, not a body but rather the soul of society.”28
Maritain had argued for a conception of natural law that was the
basis of human rights. This natural law had its ultimate source and
highest affirmation in the Christian Gospel, but could also be univer-
sally known through human reason. For Maritain the Church seeks
to impregnate society with a Christian spirit, but it respects the in-
dependence of the state, which is concerned with the common good
and rights of the person. A central concern of his philosophy was to
emphasize the influence of the Gospel on democratic values, while
avoiding any form of theocracy or clerical politics, for the sake of the
mutual independence of Church and state at the institutional level,
and of the independence of lay Catholics from clerical control in their
democratic political activities.29
Cavanaugh gives a clear and fair exposition of Maritain’s approach,
but he is strongly critical of it since he contends that it fails to recognize
that the Church is a “contrast society” to the state, a social body in its
own right. Because of this, Maritain’s philosophy does not allow the
Gospel to have its own “politics” and set of social practices “which
are neither purely otherworldly nor reducible to some ‘purely tempo-
ral’ discourse.”30 For Cavanaugh, Maritain’s notion of the influence
of Christianity on an ethos of human rights is “maddeningly vague”
about the specifics of what the impact of the Gospel on culture is sup-
posed to be.31 He argues that to conceive the meaning of the Gospel
for society in terms of human rights would mean that Christianity
would wither, since it would be banished from public discourse.32 The
concept of human rights is, for Cavanaugh, an empty one since it is
predicated on a “thin” conception of the human being, without impli-
cations for specific practices.
For Cavanaugh the Eucharist is the true opposite of torture, since
it is the Body of Christ, both as community and as sacrament. While
the secular state imagines itself to be eternal, the Eucharist is truly
eschatological: “The Christian wanders among the earthly nations on
the way to her eternal patria, the Kingdom of God.”33 The Eucharist
conforms Christians to the Body of Christ, so that they can resist the
state: it is a performance with disciplined practices, “an assimilation to
48╇╇ Chapter Two
Pinochet was the “Old Christendom” rather than the “New Christen-
dom”: a sense of close identity between church and nation that weak-
ened the hierarchy’s response to a dictatorial military regime. When
a more vigorous response did come—for example, in Cardinal Sil-
va’s establishment of the Vicariate of Solidarity—this was on explicit
grounds of support for human rights, as Cardinal Silva emphasized
in his encounter with Pinochet.41 It was Vatican II’s and Paul VI’s de-
velopment of the Church’s role as a defender of human rights, deeply
influenced by Maritain, that provided support for such a stance.42
In subsequent writings, Cavanaugh has made clear that his view
of secularity is influenced by a particular reading of the City of God,
that is, the identification of the liberal secular state with Augustine’s
reprobate “earthly city.”43 This identification means that, since it is
essentially about the libido dominandi, the secular state cannot be a
positive site for Christian action. Further, his conception of the Church
and its evangelizing mission is an exclusively communal and practical
one: There can be no communication of the Gospel as a vision of hu-
man existence, or as implying a group of moral principles, that can
inspire Christians to act in certain virtuous ways within the secular
public forum, or that can be communicated to other fellow citizens of
whatever religious creed or none. For these reasons, there can be no
Christian conception of cooperation in secular space based on values
that are both formed by the Gospel and communicable to fellow citi-
zens of other faiths or worldviews.
This rejection of the secular as a common space in which certain
practices and values of freedom, justice, and tolerance can be lived out
goes together with a portrait of the Church that emphasizes “bodily
practices” that involve as much as possible of our daily lives. In “The
Church as Public Space,” Cavanaugh argues that “the assembly on
Mount Sinai” is a model for the Church, in the sense that the life of
the Church should include a range of bodily performances that is as
inclusive as possible: “What makes these practices ‘public’ is that no
aspect of life is excluded from them.”44 Yet there are many aspects of
life in which the particular form of bodily practice is not prescribed
by Christian tradition but is left open to different cultures and to per-
sonal self-expression. All Christian practices must be informed by love
50╇╇ Chapter Two
I now return to the question that began this chapter, that is, the re-
lationship between Christian identity and the better story of liberal
society—what Shanks commends as the “solidarity of the shaken,”
and Cavanaugh criticizes as human rights thinking. We have seen
that neither of these writers sees any constitutive relationship be-
tween Christian identity and this better story. While Shanks argues
for an understanding of Christian identity as one strand in a coali-
tion of groups dedicated to maintaining the solidarity of the shaken,
Cavanaugh’s conception of the Church is as the only genuine form
52╇╇ Chapter Two
age”—the saeculum, the age of the Church, which extends from Pen-
tecost to Parousia—express the fundamental Christian conviction that
there can be no “age” in human history that in any sense transcends
the time when the Church witnesses to Christ in patient hope for the
coming of the Kingdom. There can be no “age of the Spirit” that can
be distinguished from the “age of Christ”: within this saeculum, this
present age of pilgrimage, the power of the Spirit is to make Christ
present to all people in all times and places. An “age of the Spirit”
cannot, therefore, be one that relativizes the role of Christ in the salva-
tion of the world or the role of the Church in witnessing to him. From
the perspective of Christian orthodoxy, this is the essential flaw in any
religious or philosophical project that envisions a spiritual content in
which Jesus Christ no longer plays a definitive role. This is true of a
pluralist theology of religions. It is also true, in a different way, of
all those philosophical humanist projects since the Enlightenment—
perhaps influenced by Joachim’s vision—that have acknowledged the
contribution of Christian faith to the “education of humanity,” to
use Lessing’s phrase, but consider it now to be transcended by self-
conscious humanity. Any understanding of the secular that sees itself
as “transcending” Christianity in this sense becomes part of a philoso-
phy of secularism, rather than simply the acknowledgment that we
live in a common space characterized by freedom of conscience.
Sharing this common space, the Christian Church respects what-
ever is genuinely humane in these philosophical commitments; most of
all, it respects the varying paths to wisdom and holiness of the other
great faiths. Yet, at the same time, part of its insistence that the “age of
Christ” will never be superseded or relativized is a critical challenge to
any humanist or spiritual vision that ceases to put concrete human suf-
fering at its center. The urgent need constantly to recollect this impera-
tive has always been a challenge for the Church itself. Christian faith
has at its center the suffering of the Word-made-flesh in a concrete in-
dividual, Jesus of Nazareth. It makes the claim that all spiritual visions
are judged and tested by this event, the reconciling presence of God-
with-us and one of us amidst the absurdity of human suffering. The
“age of Christ,” which will encompass all of human history until the
end of time, is the age in which no spiritual vision can claim validity
Church, Kingdom, and Secularity╇╇ 55
unless it keeps before its gaze the suffering of the human person in his
or her concrete individuality. Part of the power and attractiveness of
Shanks’s proposal is to do precisely this, as expressed in the phrase the
“solidarity of the shaken.” Yet, I would contend, an “age of the Spirit”
conceived of as a “third modernity” cannot speak an ultimate word of
hope unless it is grounded in the crucified and risen Christ.
The positive meaning of the “age of the Spirit,” which is also and
at the same time the “age of Christ,” is in its affirmation of the bound-
lessness of the Kingdom, its discernible presence in all human contexts
and cultures.50 In this “age of the Spirit,” understood synchronically,
the Church recognizes that the Kingdom exceeds its own boundar-
ies, and that it waits together with all humanity for the “liberty and
splendor of the children of God” (Romans 8:21).51 It can recognize the
work of the Spirit in all human actions and institutions that seek to
respect and embody values that are in harmony with the Gospel. The
presence of the Spirit in all times and cultures means that the Church
can be challenged to deepen and enrich its own response to Christ
through the stimulus, and even provocation, that it receives from the
most unexpected quarters.
For an understanding of secularity, what is vitally relevant in a the-
ology of the relationship between Christ and the Spirit in history is the
relationship between the experience of moral and spiritual value and
its ultimate ground and meaning. The presence of the Spirit within
all history means that values in harmony with the Gospel can be ex-
perienced in many different contexts, inside or outside the Church.
Because of this, the common space of secularity can share these val-
ues, regardless of their origins. In many cases, they will spring from
the historical influence of the Christian heritage, the positive fruits of
Christendom. In others, they may have a more explicitly philosophical
origin, or be part of the wisdom of other religious traditions. These
values, the fruits of the Spirit, can be experienced through their own
self-evidence, their sheer power to enrich and enlighten, to liberate and
encourage. In this “age of the Spirit,” the values of human dignity and
human solidarity can be a part of the common space of followers of
different creeds, without a shared background of belief. Yet, because
this is at the same time the “age of Christ,” the question of the source
56╇╇ Chapter Two
and ground of these values cannot be avoided. Within our human his-
tory, so marred by sin and suffering, who can give us hope that these
values are not illusory, that they will not succumb to our brokenness,
but rather that they are formed and tempered by the reconciling em-
brace of that brokenness?52
During this saeculum, when the Kingdom is present in sign but not
yet in its fullness, the goods of creation must be protected and culti-
vated despite the constant urge of human sinfulness to distort and de-
grade. Consequently, a theology of Church and Kingdom must have a
constructive role for the state as the guardian of the goods of creation.
It is a hard-won historical experience of the Christian churches that
attempts to assert political power are intrinsically corrupting in the
life of the Church, since they militate against the voluntary character
of membership in the Body of Christ. The state must have ultimate
recourse to the means of force, in order to protect the goods of cre-
ation, but it can also, to a limited but real extent, exemplify and en-
courage varying levels of moral community. In this sense, a just state,
which seeks to enact commonly held principles of justice, can give the
Church the freedom to be the Church, a voluntary community, be-
cause the state accepts the role of enacting and enforcing laws for the
common good. Conversely, the Church, with its explicit witness to the
Kingdom, always reminds the state that it has no ultimate spiritual or
moral sovereignty over its citizens.53
The justice of the modern state, since it is institutionally indepen-
dent of the Church and of clerical power, cannot be enacted through
language and symbols that are specifically Christian, since this would
deprive the state’s laws of their secular legitimacy. As Maritain rightly
argued, Christian faith can be the source and inspiration of universal-
ist moral ideals, but they need to have secular legitimacy in their ap-
peal to general human experience and their expression in philosophical
terms.54 In their solidarity with contemporary universalist moral ide-
als, Christians can both express one aspect of their own identity and
respect the secular character of such moral contexts; this is expressed,
for example, through contemporary expressions of the ancient ideal of
natural law in terms of human rights.55
Church, Kingdom, and Secularity╇╇ 57
whose needs call for the ministry of the Kingdom. It is this response
that is, in fact, our decision about Jesus himself. This is nowhere em-
phasized in scripture more than in Matthew 25:31–46. This passage,
unique to Matthew, is often called “The Parable of the Last Judge-
ment.” However, it is not presented in the form of a parable but rather
as the conclusion of an eschatological discourse, “the unveiling of
the truth that lay behind all the parables in chapters 24–25.”57 It has
the character of a solemn assertion about our ultimate destiny. As it
makes clear, the criterion of our salvation lies in our acts of mercy
towards those we encounter in need within the circumstances of or-
dinary, historical existence. It is those specific acts that will testify to
the genuineness of our response to the love of God. Each of them, in
the descriptive detail of the narrative, concerns service to the need of
our neighbor in conditions of poverty, hunger, and distress. In that
encounter with our neighbor in distress, we encounter Christ: our sal-
vation is realized in these acts because they are a response to Christ in
the person of our neighbor. The incarnation of the Word has its anony-
mous manifestation in the real presence of Christ in those in need of
our service. The text of Matthew 25 affirms the eternal significance of
historical acts of solidarity, through which we acknowledge the love
of the Word-made-flesh.
The key Christological passages of Gaudium et spes argue that this
identification of Christ with every human being is a truth implied by
the incarnation itself. In paragraph 22, which affirms that Christ re-
veals to us the mystery of our own humanity, the union of Christ with
humanity is interpreted in both universal and highly individual terms:
“Human nature, by the very fact that it was assumed, not absorbed,
in him, has been raised in us also to a dignity beyond compare. For, by
his incarnation, he, the son of God, has in a certain way united himself
with each man.” The implications of the paschal mystery are under-
stood in a similar way in the same paragraph: “For, since Christ died
for all, and since all men are in fact called to one and the same destiny,
which is divine, we must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the
possibility of being made partners, in a way known to God, in the pas-
chal mystery.”58 In its final paragraph (93), the Pastoral Constitution
Church, Kingdom, and Secularity╇╇ 61
reaffirms that “the Father wills that in all men we recognize Christ our
brother and love him effectively, in word and in deed.”59
This mystical union of Christ with, and presence in, every human
being is clearly given considerable theological weight in Gaudium et
spes. This presence is both universal and particular, and at the same
time anonymous. As Matthew 25:37 makes clear, those who served
Christ through service to the hungry, thirsty, and imprisoned did not
know that they had done so. The needy and bereft are described in
Matthew 25:35–36 in the same straightforward human terms as the
program of the Kingdom in Luke 4 and 7. Service to them is service
to a fellow human being and can be authentically understood in those
terms. Yet, without doing violence to the humanity and individuality
of each person, service to that person is also service to Christ—and not
merely figuratively, but as a matter of theological truth.
The anonymity of Christ in the person in need gives us a guide for
a Christian attitude to secularity. Service to that person is in itself a
service to Christ, without any need for interpretations that in any way
distance this service from the concrete humanity of the one before us.
Their humanity requires no interpretation in other terms or contexts
of meaning: Matthew emphasizes that those who served Christ had
no idea that they were doing so. Service to that person, in his or her
concrete need, would be rendered less attentive and less respectful if it
was coupled with an insistence on Christian witness.60 It demands re-
spect for the conscience and beliefs of that person: Any imposition of
religious or other meaning that has nothing to do with service threat-
ens to replace service with manipulation or indoctrination. The ethical
task of service must retain its own integrity. Yet, in its own proper
context, Christian witness to Christ’s identification with that person
can be a unique form of service.
What do these Christological themes, linking Church and King-
dom, witness and service, indicate for the contemporary relationship
between the Church and secular society?61 Since the Church affirms
the values of human dignity, freedom, and justice as values that an-
ticipate the Kingdom, then it can affirm much of the project of secular
liberal society, understood as the attempt to form a common life based
62╇╇ Chapter Two
1. Andrew Shanks, God and Modernity: A New and Better Way to Do The-
ology (London: Routledge, 2000). God and Modernity develops the per-
spective on these questions that Shanks presented in his Civil Society, Civil
Religion (Oxford: Blackwell, 1995). I have attempted a response to some
of the key arguments in this latter book in my The Public Forum and
Christian Ethics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001),
2. For an important assessment of the influence of Joachim’s ideas, see Nor-
man Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millenium (London: Paladin, 1970), espe-
cially 108–13.
3. Marjorie Reeves, The Influence of Prophecy in the Later Middle Ages: A
Study in Joachimism (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969), 16–20.
4. Bernard McGinn, The Calabrian Abbott: Joachim of Fiore in the History
of Western Thought (New York: Macmillan, 1985), 164.
5. “Chapter II: The Error of Abbott Joachim” (Fourth Lateran Council),
The Christian Faith in the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Church,
ed. Joseph Neuner and Jacques Dupuis (London: Collins, 1983), paras.
317, 107. However, “the condemnation was carefully phrased so as to
avoid branding Joachim himself as a heretic and to safeguard his reputa-
tion.” In 1220 Pope Honorius III ordered a public declaration throughout
Calabria that Joachim was not a heretic and that “eum virum Catholicum
reputamus.” See Reeves, The Influence of Prophecy, 32. Joachim was to
be praised in Dante’s Paradiso as “Calabria’s abbott . . . Joachim, spirit-
fired and prophet true” (XII, 141). The Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Can-
tica III: Paradise, trans. Dorothy Sayers and Barbara Reynolds (Har-
mondsworth: Penguin, 1962), 161.
6. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Vol. 30: 1a2ae 106–14, ed. Corne-
lius Ernst (Blackfriars, London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, and New York:
Church, Kingdom, and Secularity╇╇ 67
McGraw Hill, 1972), 19. Joachim’s notion of the “age of the Spirit” has
continued to provoke debate in contemporary theology. Jürgen Molt-
mann, in “Christian Hope—Messianic or Transcendent? A Theological
Conversation with Joachim of Fiore and Thomas Aquinas,” in his History
and the Triune God: Contributions to Trinitarian Theology (New York:
Crossroad, 1992), argues that Joachim’s notion of the “age of the Spirit”
does justice both to the Christological and the eschatological dimension
of the Spirit. “Thomas Aquinas failed to recognize that when he ecclesi-
asticized the Spirit in his argument and declared that the Church itself was
part of the time and state of the Holy Spirit” (101–2). I am more inclined
to accept the judgment of Yves Congar and Walter Kasper that talk of the
“age of the Spirit” runs the risk of weakening the bond between Christ
and the Spirit in the time between Pentecost and Parousia. As Kasper ar-
gues in The God of Jesus Christ (London: SCM, 1984), “The new thing
which the Spirit brings is that he constantly makes Jesus Christ present
anew in his eschatological newness. . . . This means that we are continu-
ally linked to the humanity of Jesus and that the tension between letter
and spirit cannot be overcome through historical progress” (209). See also
Yves Congar, I Believe in the Holy Spirit (New York: Seabury Press, and
London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1983), 1:128. A rejection of any distinction
of “ages” in the time between Pentecost and Parousia is implicit in the
affirmation of Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation,
Dei Verbum, para. 4: “The Christian dispensation, therefore, as the new
and definitive covenant, will never pass away and we now await no fur-
ther new public revelation before the glorious manifestation of our Lord
Jesus Christ (cf. 1 Tim. 6:14 and Tit. 2:13).”
7. Shanks, God and Modernity, 13.
8. Ibid., 15.
9. Ibid., 26.
10. Ibid., 31.
11. Ibid., 47.
12. Ibid., 91.
13. Ibid., 107.
14. While retaining an emphasis on the three persons, Leonardo Boff, in Trin-
ity and Society (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1988), and Jürgen Moltmann, in
The Trinity and the Kingdom of God (London: SCM, 1981), share
Shanks’s general approach of a synchronic interpretation of Joachim’s
three ages, representing “trinitarian possibilities” rather than successive
ages. For Boff, each age contains the other in a perichoretic inclusiveness
68╇╇ Chapter Two
(228–29), while for Moltmann the three ages are “continually present
strata and transitions in the kingdom’s history” (209).
1 Shanks, God and Modernity, 128.
16. Ibid., 140.
17. Ibid., 145.
18. Ibid., 153.
19. Ibid., 108–9.
20. William Cavanaugh, Torture and Eucharist: Theology, Politics and the
Body of Christ (Oxford: Blackwell, 1998).
2 Ibid., 45.
22. Ibid., 30–31.
23. Ibid., 66.
24. Ibid., 70–71.
25. Ibid., 77.
26. Ibid., 80.
27. Ibid., 93.
28. Ibid., 79.
29. See, for example, Jacques Maritain’s discussion of these principles in The
Rights of Man (London: Geoffrey Bles: Centenary Press, 1944), chapter
1, “A Society of Human Persons,” especially the section “A Vitally Chris-
tian Society” ( 16–19). For a positive assessment of Maritain’s thought as
a “communal liberalism” that can overcome the conflict between liberals
and communitarians in contemporary political theory, see Brian Stiltner,
Religion and the Common Good: Catholic Contributions to Building
Community in a Liberal Society (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield,
1999), in particular 135–36. Stiltner argues that Maritain’s conception of
the contribution of the Catholic Church to the common good can be
summed up under three headings: “1. Catholicism’s intellectual resources
for a public philosophy include its moral anthropology, its communal
orientation of human rights, and its account of mediating institutions; 2.
The Christian church and its members foster conditions for social har-
mony through their expressions of neighbor-love and actions for justice;
3. Christians give voice to neglected human goods through a prophetic
critique of society in fidelity to Jesus’ option for the poor” (114).
3 Cavanaugh, Torture and Eucharist, 181.
31. Ibid., 186.
32. Ibid., 187.
33. Ibid., 224.
34. Ibid., 234.
Church, Kingdom, and Secularity╇╇ 69
human groups of various sizes and strengths, and so it would leave the less
powerful within and among communities especially vulnerable and without
legal rights or defense” (392). As Doak rightly argues, the need of contem-
porary Christian political thought is not for a condemnation of the liberal
secular state, but rather a “religious critique of society such as that envi-
sioned by Gaudium et spes, a social criticism informed by faith as well as
by a thorough and adequate grasp of the relation-in-difference between
reason and revelation, between church and state.” (393).
4 Cavanaugh, Theopolitical Imagination, 63.
47. His commendation of school-based citizenship programs in Minnesota is
tempered by his sense that they are vulnerable to being coopted by the
“democratic capitalist order,” and that their use in Catholic schools im-
plies a “self-discipline of Christian speech at the bar of public reason.”
Cavanaugh, Theopolitical Imagination, 79–80.
48. See Cavanaugh, “Killing for the Telephone Company,” 268, and
Cavanaugh, Theopolitical Imagination, 94. In the latter work, he argues
that the best way to dialogue with those outside the Church is “through
concrete practices that do not need translation . . . creating spaces in
which alternative stories about material goods are told.”
49. As James Mackey argues in Power and Christian Ethics (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1994), it is important not to exaggerate the
difference between the exercise of power by the secular state and by the
Church. He emphasizes the great power for good that churches can have
in secular societies, but also that their attempts to enforce morals can have
very negative effects and show them to be very similar to secular groups:
“Certainly, nothing shows better than their occasional moral ineptitude
when they seek to act as powers in society, the extent to which churches
are also on all fours with the more admittedly secular powers which en-
gage in the perennial task of seeking to create, according to their lights,
the moral values by which human life can be enhanced, and occasionally
also of seeking to define or influence the formal legislation by which a
necessary minimum of value must be imposed” (141). For a recent study
of a number of official church interventions in political campaigns and
legal debates in the United States and Australia, and of the issues they
raise for the meaning of acting according to an informed conscience in
Catholic life, see Frank Brennan, Acting on Conscience: How Can We
Responsibly Mix Law, Religion and Politics? (Brisbane: University of
Queensland Press, 2007).
Church, Kingdom, and Secularity╇╇ 71
50. This universal presence of the Kingdom and the need to relate it to the
kingdom of Christ are both emphasized in John Paul II’s Redemptoris
missio: “It is true that the inchoate reality of the kingdom can also be
found beyond the confines of the Church among peoples everywhere, to
the extent that they live ‘gospel values’ and are open to the working of the
Spirit who breathes when and where he wills (cf. Jn 3:8). But it must im-
mediately be added that this temporal dimension of the kingdom remains
incomplete unless it is related to the kingdom of Christ present in the
Church and straining towards eschatological fullness” (20). www.vatican
51. In Church: Community for the Kingdom (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis 2002),
John Fuellenbach notes that Vatican II’s Lumen gentium clearly empha-
sized the distinction between the Kingdom of God in human history and
the coming Kingdom in its eschatological fullness (e.g. Lumen gentium 5:
The Church “receives the mission of proclaiming and establishing among
all peoples the kingdom of Christ and of God, and she is, on earth, the
seed and the beginning of that kingdom. While she slowly grows to ma-
turity, the Church longs for the completed kingdom and, with all her
strength, hopes and desires to be united in glory with her king”). Yet, in
Fuellenbach’s judgment, it is arguable whether Vatican II really made the
distinction between the Kingdom in history and the pilgrim Church itself,
and that this distinction was only clearly made in later documents, in
particular Redemptoris missio, as noted above. Those who argue that
Vatican II did distinguish between the pilgrim Church and the Kingdom
in history emphasize Lumen gentium’s characterization of the Church as
a sign or sacrament of the Kingdom: “Hence that messianic people, al-
though it does not actually include all men [sic], and at times may appear
as a small flock, is, however, a most sure seed of unity, hope and salvation
for the whole human race. . . . All those, who in faith look towards Jesus,
the author of salvation and the principle of unity and peace, God has
gathered together and established as the Church, that it may be for each
and everyone the visible sacrament of this saving unity” (Lumen gentium,
9). For Fuellenbach, a “theological fruit of non-identity” of Church and
Kingdom in history is that “it shows how the work for justice and libera-
tion inside and outside the church is intrinsically linked with the kingdom
present now, since the ultimate goal of the kingdom of God is the trans-
formation of all reality” (82).
72╇╇ Chapter Two
52. For David Hollenbach, in “Social Ethics under the Sign of the Cross,” in
The Global Face of Public Faith: Politics, Human Rights, and Christian
Ethics (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2003), an ethics
that goes beyond mere self-defensive survival must seek the ultimate real-
ity; thus, the ultimate question, vital for all who seek a social ethic, is as
follows: is ultimate reality God as Enemy or as Friend? Drawing on Aqui-
nas’s theology of the cross as a sign of God’s compassionate friendship
with humanity, Hollenbach interprets the sign of the cross as “an invita-
tion to interpret the ultimate mystery surrounding the fragments and
pieces of human history as the reality of compassionate friendship” (64).
53. In “Church and Political Order in the Horizon of the Kingdom of God,”
in Systematische Theologie, Vol. 3 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ru-
precht, 1993), Wolfhart Pannenberg argues that all forms of the state
stand in some relationship to the Kingdom of God, since they have the
task of bringing about justice and peace in the human community (62),
while the Church in its celebration of the Eucharist anticipates the perfect
shape of human community, denying the claims to ultimacy of any politi-
cal order (65).
54. See, for example, Jacques Maritain’s Man and the State (Chicago: Univer-
sity of Chicago Press, 1951), chapter V, “The Democratic Charter,” espe-
cially section I: “The Democratic Secular Faith” (108–14).
55. As Jean Porter argues, in Nature as Reason: A Thomistic Theory of the
Natural Law (Grand Rapids, MI: William Eerdmans, 2005), the concept
of human rights did emerge from Christian theology but “the general idea
of human rights has indeed proven to be persuasive to men and women
within a wide range of social contexts” (370) and has “become part of the
shared patrimony of the race” (371). For Porter, to the extent that con-
cepts of human rights have become part of the life of secular societies,
Christianity has a stake in supporting them, since they owe so much to
Christian theological commitments.
56. For Francois Bovon, in Luke 1: A Commentary on the Gospel of Luke
1:1– 9:50 (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2002), Jesus’s words in these
Lucan passages emphasize the present palpability of the Kingdom: they
“should not be understood purely metaphorically for spiritual benefits,
after death or the parousia. Jesus’ speeches and miracles will show that
salvation reaches the entire person even now” (154). At the same time, his
healing of others is also a sign of his own Messianic role: in both of these
passages Jesus’s interpretation of his works of healing is as an “actualiza-
tion of prophecy through the schema of prophecy and fulfillment” (282),
Church, Kingdom, and Secularity╇╇ 73
7. Ibid., 60.
68. John Rawls, The Law of Peoples with “The Idea of Public Reason Revis-
ited” (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001), 137–38. By the
term “public political life,” Rawls refers specifically to the realm of law
and political institutions.
69. I share the view of Patrick Riordan in “Permission to Speak: Religious
Arguments in Public Reason,” Heythrop Journal XLV (2004):178–96,
when he argues that Rawls’s conception of public reason is in harmony
with Vatican II’s Dignitatis Humanae (Declaration on Religious Freedom),
insofar as basing public political life on the religious beliefs of a particular
group would amount to a violation of the freedom of conscience of citi-
zens who do not share those beliefs.
70. Rawls, “The Idea of Public Reason Revisited,” 152.
71. Ibid., 153.
72. As Christopher Insole argues in The Politics of Human Frailty: A Theo-
logical Defence of Political Liberalism (London: SCM Press, 2004),
Rawls’s proviso expresses a pragmatic approach that does not stipulate
rules in advance (46). For Insole, the only claim that cannot be accom-
modated by the later Rawls is “the claim that a religious believer should
not, in any circumstances—even in a pluralistic culture when discussing
the use of public power in the case of a stand-off—be required to intro-
duce nonreligious reasons when communicating with citizens who do not
share those reasons” (62). While I accept Rawls’s general argument in
“The Idea of Public Reason,” it is crucial that references to the back-
ground culture are not construed as limiting the public relevance of reli-
gion in a broader sense than the formal exercise of political power and
legal judgment. As David Hollenbach notes, “to be sure, reciprocal rea-
sonableness constrains what can be done in the name of religion. But it is
also the case that serious religious discourse in civil society and the back-
ground culture can have significant impact on what citizens at large judge
that they can reasonably affirm.” David Hollenbach, The Common Good
and Christian Ethics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002),
chapter three
The Virtues of Noninstrumental Relationships╇╇ 77
that his life expressed, the Church hopes to be able to serve all mem-
bers of society in their attempts to live their lives in ways that recog-
nize the intrinsic worth of their community with others, rather than to
see others purely as means to achieve their own goals.
For Augustine, the fundamental difference between the two cities re-
sides in the sources of motivation and action: the earthly city is built on
self-love, the heavenly city on love of God and neighbor. In this light,
we can understand instrumental relationships as those that literally
use other persons in order to achieve the self’s goals, refusing any shar-
ing or mediating of those goals with the goals of others. The “self,”
in this case, could also be a particular group of people who act like a
selfish individual in relation to other groups—their “common objects
of love” consist of the gains that can be made by the exploitation of
other groups. The self conceives itself as self-sufficient: it neither seeks
the meaning and source of its own life beyond itself, having no love
of God, nor seeks its own fulfillment in constitutive relationships with
others, spurning the love of neighbor. As self-sufficient, it can only
enlarge itself by reducing other persons to objects of use, seeking to
satisfy desires that cannot, in fact, be satisfied and that become addic-
tive and self-destructive.
Noninstrumental relationships, in contrast, are grounded in the
love of God, whether explicitly or implicitly, since they express the
self’s humility, the recognition that our lives are not of our own do-
ing and making, that the meaning of our lives lies beyond ourselves.
Further, they seek the love of neighbor, since it is only this love that
can fulfill the self and rescue it from the downward spiral of addictive
and self-destructive forms of desire. Noninstrumental relationships
are relationships that are entered into not exclusively for the sake of
the self’s individual goals, extrinsic to the relationship itself, but rather
for the sake of the shared life that commitment to the relationship
makes possible, forming, in Augustine’s words, “a community where
there is no love of a will that is personal and, as we may say, private,
but a love that rejoices in a good that is at once shared by all and
78╇╇ Chapter Three
unchanging—a love that makes ‘one heart’ out of many, a love that is
the whole-hearted and harmonious obedience of mutual affection.”1
Noninstrumental relationships are therefore the essential basis for any
community, although because of the great range of noninstrumental
relationships (from international political relations to the most inti-
mate personal relationships) the degree and kind of community in-
volved can vary enormously.
I give priority to the term noninstrumental rather than communal
relationships because it has a more inclusive scope: not all noninstru-
mental relationships are necessarily close or mutual enough to have a
communal character. Noninstrumental relationships are those that, at
the least, manifest respect for others and consideration of their needs.
This respect can be displayed in many contexts that are “social” rather
than “communal,” that is, contexts that have a primarily economic
or exchange character or that involve administrative systems rather
than relationships of friendship. It is clear that a very large proportion
of our everyday relationships are to some degree instrumental in the
sense that we engage in many transactions of an economic, technical,
or administrative character in which we relate to another member of
society without seeking with them any personal relationship, in the
fuller sense of that word. Yet these everyday transactions do depend
on a subtext of courtesy, trust, and recognition in order to give them
a character that is not simply the reduction of one party in the ex-
change to the instrument of the other; rather, they depend on a mutu-
ally respectful exchange marked by some mode of acknowledgment
of the service provided. The fact that the development of a communal
relationship is not the purpose of these transactions does not mean
that they lack an essential noninstrumental dimension: this dimension
must be manifest in the appropriate markers of respect for another
human being who performs a task for monetary exchange or as part
of a social system of roles and duties.2 Dominative or reductive rela-
tionships dispense with this subtext of recognition (or use it purely in
manipulatively strategic ways) in order to assert the goals of the self.
The difference between society and community is not, therefore,
in the contrast between instrumental and noninstrumental relation-
ships, since all human relationships should manifest respect for others
The Virtues of Noninstrumental Relationships╇╇ 79
of democracy are used to advance the interests of those who can use
them to best advantage. Democratic safeguards are erected essentially
because of fear of others—specifically, in order to prevent the accu-
mulation of power. The work of the political representative is not a
vocation to seek the common good through a deliberative process, but
rather the advancement of particular interests to the maximum degree
compatible with the law.
In economic life the self pursues its goals with the single-minded
exclusion of “externalities” such as the common good or the envi-
ronment. Since liberal society, even in its negative story, demands a
much higher burden of justification for going to war than did the po-
tentates Augustine wrote of, the libido dominandi has acquired more
of an economic than a military form in our time. The economic self
brushes aside all other values in order to expand its control of mar-
kets and resources to the greatest extent possible, in terms memorably
described by Marx: “all fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train
of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all
new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is
solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned.”4
Further, the libido dominandi becomes—to adapt Augustine’s
phrase—a libido consumendi, the self as consumer, provoked by
ceaseless and compulsive desire that seeks to fill the vacuum of inter-
personal meaning by the accumulation of objects.5 This libido consu-
mendi is impatient with any limits to what can be bought and sold, so
more and more elements of communal, personal, erotic, and aesthetic
life are commodified in order to satisfy what is pathologically insa-
tiable.6 As many commentators have remarked, the economic system
favors the bifurcation of the individual into expressivist and utilitarian
personae.7 The utilitarian engages in means-ends rationality in the in-
creasingly long working day, while the expressivist satisfies individual
life-goals in private time. What the system actively discourages is any
attempt to unify the two in a communal project of meaning, a project
that might threaten to affirm a rationality of the common good during
working hours and seek to transcend a private expressivism of indi-
vidual materialist gratification through the attraction of a path of spir-
itual wisdom nourished by the well-springs of communal tradition.
The Virtues of Noninstrumental Relationships╇╇ 81
of others, rather than to the immediate benefit of the self or of any spe-
cific community. In addition to this, their orientation to the welfare of
others can enable a very high degree of cooperation and shared com-
mitment among their members. In contrast to most economic activity,
such organizations are noninstrumental both in their goal—which is
the welfare of others rather than the self—and in the character of the
relationships that commitment to these goals can engender. Among
these voluntary social organizations, religious organizations deserve
special mention because of their size, scope, and contribution to soci-
ety. As Alexis de Tocqueville was one of the first to observe, voluntary
religious organizations can thrive in liberal societies, free of the con-
straints and counterforces engendered by religious establishment.9
While marriage and family are threatened by the negative story of
gratification and provisionality, it is also true that they have become
steadily more independent of social and economic imperatives during
the course of modern history, and in this sense more and more non-
instrumental. While earlier forms of marriage and family were heav-
ily dependent on questions of property and social alliance, and were
often oriented to small-scale economic production, both marital and
family relationships are increasingly valued for the sake of the quality
of the relationship itself. Relations between parents and children are
understood much more in terms of mentoring and friendship than in
economic or sociostructural terms. Similarly, the ideal of marriage is
much more than formerly an intense and lifelong form of erotic friend-
ship and companionship than a commitment to fulfill certain socially
prescribed expectations.10
In all these ways, liberal societies are capable of enabling and foster-
ing noninstrumental relationships. In contrast to dominative or grat-
ificatory relationships, these noninstrumental relationships enable the
development of an ontology of the human, that is, an understanding
of the human person as fulfilled in relationships based on free commit-
ment. This has an ontological character in the sense that the true mean-
ing and purpose of personal being is fulfilled in these relationships. In
contrast to dominative or gratificatory relationships, which isolate in-
dividual selves from each other, noninstrumental relationships enable
84╇╇ Chapter Three
Augustine argues that the virtues “are certainly the best and most use-
ful of man’s endowments here below,” and that they are of inestimable
assistance in the struggle to live by the love of God and neighbor,
rather than for self-love.11 In liberal societies, this struggle takes the
form of constantly resisting the reduction of personal liberty to an in-
dividualism of self-gratification. Of their nature, the market and com-
mercial media agencies of liberal society are oriented to stimulating
86╇╇ Chapter Three
anxiety about our own worth, and of the behavior that stems from
that anxiety. We are free to be open to the value of others, since we
know that our own value is given to us, rather than something we
must achieve. Reverence for others is at the root of statements of hu-
man dignity and human rights, which draw on the experience that
all human beings have an ontological uniqueness and value that calls
forth from us a response of reverence. We cannot dominate or con-
sume what we revere: the virtue of reverence responds to human dig-
nity in ways that mark its preciousness, fragility, and uniqueness.
Reverence is powerfully evoked by the poignancy of loss and de-
struction of the human: the experience of desecration brings home to
us most powerfully the irreplaceable worth of human beings.16 It is
expressed in care for others, which has a normative form in statements
of human rights that articulate and safeguard the worth of the human
person. Reverence is also expressed in protest against the commodifi-
cation and degradation of human values in liberal societies, including
the constant pressure from the market/media economy to reduce the
human body to a marketing tool and to reinforce self-congratulatory
and stereotypical self-images of society.
Humility leads the self to look beyond itself, enabling it to give due
reverence to the human dignity of others. The experience of the value
of others illuminates the potential of community, the fulfillment of the
self through living in relationships of mutual recognition, friendship,
or intimacy. Yet commitment to noninstrumental relationships inevi-
tably involves some risk of self-diminution or even of self-loss. This is,
of course, a matter of degree, depending on the particular character
of the relationships I am entering into. Participation in some forms of
relationship, workplaces for example, usually involves a combination
of instrumental and noninstrumental goals to varying degrees depend-
ing on the nature of the workplace. In these kinds of context, my
willingness to suffer self-diminution (such as lack of promotion or a
low salary) will depend on the degree to which the overall goals of
the workplace coincide with my own most cherished values. In other
forms of relationship, such as friendship, the relationship has no goal
extrinsic to itself: it is essentially inimical to friendship to imply that
I enter into it in order to achieve personal goals that are distinct from
90╇╇ Chapter Three
assured of the Father’s love and therefore able to reach out to and heal
the anxieties and vulnerabilities of others.
Since Jesus lacks all self-preoccupation, he can give his full atten-
tion to others in their concrete individuality and need. This attention is
reverence, the gaze that loves and heals, the speech that calls forth the
image of God in those he encounters, whether this be a wretched man
in anguish or a woman terrified of going out in public (Mark 5:9, 34).
This reverence knows no bounds—it is extended beyond the people
of Israel to a Canaanite woman and a Roman centurion (Matthew
15:21–28; Luke 7:1–10), and to the limits of Jesus’s strength as the
crowds press in upon him (Mark 3:7–9). Like the prophets before him,
Jesus’s reverence is also expressed as a protest against those who lack
concern for the needy and afflicted, a “daughter of Abraham” kept
prisoner “by the bonds of Satan” (Luke 13:15–17), and as a castiga-
tion of those who make the house of God a “den of thieves” (Matthew
21:13). His reverence for the sacred traditions of the Law and the
Temple motivates stern rebuke for those who exploit them to oppress
the weak or preserve their own power.
In his humility—his self-emptiness before the love of the Father—
Jesus is completely identified with the proclamation of the Kingdom;
therefore, he cannot abandon this proclamation, whatever the cost.
He has no self other than a self-in-relationship to the Father whose
Kingdom he proclaims. Because this proclamation threatened some
elements in his people’s religious leadership as well as Roman power
itself, his identification with the Kingdom led to Jesus’s death. He did
not seek this death as a means of ushering in the Kingdom: it was im-
posed on him by the cruelty of the libido dominandi. Nor did he avoid
it by abandoning or modifying his proclamation of the Kingdom, or
by avoiding confrontation with the powerful. Jesus made it clear to his
disciples that fidelity to the Kingdom, in the conditions of this world,
would mean taking up the cross in discipleship (Mark 8:34), but this
was not because suffering is an essential part of the Kingdom itself.
It was simply and solely because fidelity to the Kingdom would bring
violence and rejection down upon those who proclaimed it.19
What of sacrifice? Did Jesus understand his own death as a sacri-
fice, and if so, how was that sacrifice different from those ritual acts
The Virtues of Noninstrumental Relationships╇╇ 95
that, as he and the teachers of Israel had agreed, were inferior to the
love of God and neighbor (Mark 12:32–33)? Ethically speaking, how
should a Christian understand self-sacrifice in imitation of Christ in a
way that rejects the group’s unholy demand for the self-immolation
of the individual? Let us turn to Louis-Marie Chauvet’s reflection on
Jesus’s sacrifice in his Symbol and Sacrament: A Sacramental Reinter-
pretation of Christian Existence.20 For Chauvet, “the sacrifice of his
life consisted in his refusal to use God to his own advantage.”21 In
doing so, he reversed the fundamental sin of Israel, which is also the
paradigmatic sin of humankind: “to live its relation to God accord-
ing to a pattern of force and competition.” Jesus’s life is essentially
about “de-mastery.” “We do not come to ourselves if we do not re-
nounce ourselves and thus abandon the attempt to found ourselves
on ourselves. This ‘sacrificial’ letting-be seems to us to open a way to
express theologically the significance of the life and death of Jesus ‘for
all humankind’, a way at least as fruitful as that of ritual sacrifice or of
feudal justice exacting compensation.”22
For Chauvet this allows us to read the sacrificial interpretation of
Jesus’s death in a nonritualist manner. Responding to René Girard’s
critique of any use of the term “sacrifice” as implying scapegoating
and the abandonment of responsibility, Chauvet argues that we can-
not have the perfect reciprocity of “non-sacrifice” in this in-between-
time of mortal existence.23 Instead, he favors the term “anti-sacrifice”:
“The anti-sacrificial regimen to which the gospel calls us rests upon
the sacrificial, but it does so to turn it around and thereby to redirect
ritual practice, the symbolic point of passage that structures Chris-
tian identity, back toward ethical practice, the place where the ritual
practice is verified.”24 The Eucharist is an “anti-sacrifice” because it
is contrary to all scapegoating: it calls for ethical commitment and
responsibility, and it finds its premier place in the “ethical practice of
reconciliation between human beings.”25
These Christological reflections can help shed light on the meaning
of self-giving. For Christian faith, the uniqueness of Jesus of Naza-
reth, his union with the Father, which has been classically interpreted
through the dogmas of Nicea and Chalcedon, can be expressed in terms
of his complete self-emptying and identification with the proclamation
96╇╇ Chapter Three
of the Kingdom. This identification with the Kingdom implied the risk
of self-loss in confrontation with the powerful. Yet this form of self-
loss, in the sense of religious disgrace as a blasphemer and a cruel
death at the hands of an oppressor, was, for Jesus, a cost of fidelity to
the Kingdom, which he could not abandon without self-loss in the tru-
est sense of loss of identity, the loss of his openness to the Father.
What relevance does this have for the challenge of self-giving at the
risk of self-loss in liberal societies? In the first place, it emphasizes that
all self-giving that might resonate with the image of Christ must be
oriented to the joy and peace of community, motivated by reverence
for the uniqueness of others. The risk that this self-giving does incur
is not taken because suffering is itself a good thing, but because the
formation and preservation of community depend on a willingness to
risk hurt and betrayal from those we seek to support, and the violence
of those whose own grip on power over others is thereby threatened.
Should we use the term “sacrifice” to describe this self-giving?
Chauvet and Girard agree that sacrifice understood as the scapegoat-
ing of victims to propitiate divine forces, or any bearers of power, is
utterly foreign to the true meaning of the Gospels, and that Jesus’s
death abolished the stranglehold of this form of sacrifice once and for
all. Where they disagree is on the legitimacy of using the term “sacri-
fice” to describe the ethical gift of freely risking self-loss for the sake of
relationships of love and fidelity. For Girard this is a confusion of two
quite different things, while for Chauvet this term must be used with
care in pastoral contexts but is ineradicable: from an ethical point of
view, it allows believers to make a liturgical reading of their practice
of justice and mercy.26
One danger of using this term is that, given the continuing seduc-
tive power of the notion of propitiatory sacrifice, the gift of self-loss
in fidelity made by a community’s moral heroes will be exploited by
others to absolve themselves of active responsibility—rather than re-
sponded to as a source of moral inspiration. Another danger inherent
in the term is the tendency, particularly in connection with a nation’s
military history, to use the deaths of its citizens as a means of giv-
ing ethically dubious or reprehensible events a sacral character and
thereby rendering them immune from criticism. Nevertheless, I agree
The Virtues of Noninstrumental Relationships╇╇ 97
with Chauvet that the word sacrifice can be a fruitful means of de-
scribing the gift of self for the sake of relationships of love and fidelity.
Although it bears such a heavy burden of negative meaning in terms
of victimhood and propitiation, it can also convey a positive sense of
self-offering. Since such self-offering for the sake of others is so crucial
to the life of communities, we cannot dispense with this ancient term,
so fraught with meaning though it is.
In addition, a Christological perspective invites us to consider the
kind and degree of identification with the cause of community that a
particular individual can make. Jesus’s union with the Father, a union
that the Church professes through the proclamation of his Lordship,
meant that his own self was completely given to the cause of the King-
dom. Yet an aspect of his own reverence for each person that he en-
countered was to offer them a calling suited to their own gifts and
capacities—sometimes challenging to a discipleship that would accom-
pany him in poverty and loneliness (Matthew 19:16–22), sometimes
gently resisting those who wanted to become his faithful attendants
by restoring them to their own place and people (Mark 5:18–19). The
uniquely personal character of vocation—and of the ways in which
the cross is taken up—is illustrated through the range of these encoun-
ters. The call to commit oneself to the cause of community is not an
abstract and general imperative, but an invitation for each person to
reflect on what they are able to give. The capacity to give, in turn, is
affected by the deepest sense of one’s own identity, and of what would
lead to loss of that identity. For Christian faith, self-fulfillment is only
possible at the risk of self-loss, but the character and context of that
risk is different for every individual.
Our sense of identity depends on our personal formation, including
the influences to which we willingly expose ourselves. The Gospels
make clear how much Jesus’s own freedom from self-preoccupation
stems from an openness to the Father in the Spirit through prayer and
immersion in sacred scripture. This freedom from self-preoccupation
is also a self-confidence that enabled him to resist those who sought to
stifle his message by threats and accusations of blasphemy. This brings
home to us how much the ability to give oneself to community—and
to resist the claims of exploitative communities—depends on each
98╇╇ Chapter Three
Zero,” we cannot but draw on the New Testament’s image of the An-
tichrist. What sums this up is a perverted messianism that destroys
freedom and justice in the name of freedom and justice, that focuses
all its adulation on one who claims to bring salvation but who in fact
deals in mass death, and that even seeks to redefine and capture time
by projecting itself into a limitless future or by bringing the era back to
zero, thereby usurping the place of the one born in Bethlehem.33
I have argued in this chapter that the key difference between the
two stories of liberal society lies in the virtues that inspire and inform
noninstrumental relationships, enabling persons to live in different
forms of community rather than in the emptiness of self-assertion. Of
their nature, virtues require embodiment in a way of life, and they are
most effectively communicated and handed on by sustaining commu-
nities of virtue. This is particularly true in liberal societies, which are
so deeply marked by sophisticated and virtually ubiquitous marketing
that appeals to and encourages acquisitive and gratificatory desire.
There are many such communities of virtue, with both secular and
religious origins and character. However, in Western societies the most
important and influential is the Christian church in its various denom-
inations and expressions. I have argued that the virtues of humility,
reverence, and self-giving are vital to forming freedom in liberal socie-
ties, and that these virtues are definitively embodied in Jesus Christ.
In this sense, it is the mission of the church, the Christian com-
munity, to communicate these virtues for the sake of all members of
liberal, secular societies. Yet this thesis raises some important criti-
cal questions to do with the character of communities as bearers and
communicators of virtue. If Christians are formed in these virtues
through the Christian way of life and Christian narrative, how can
they be communicated to other members of secular society who are
not formed by this way of life or narrative?34
In the first place, it is very important to note that the Christian pres-
ence in secular society is far from being only a matter of Christians
communicating something to other “secular” fellow citizens. Chris-
tians themselves have a secular identity as well as their identity as
members of the church: that is, they are citizens of secular societies
and seek to contribute to those societies on the basis of their formation
The Virtues of Noninstrumental Relationships╇╇ 101
members of liberal societies who are not churchgoers, but who are
nevertheless influenced by Christian beliefs and Christian formation in
virtue. The influence of the Christian community is a good deal wider
than the group of active churchgoers. However, Gill also emphasizes
that these beliefs and virtues cannot be indefinitely sustained without
renewal through new groups or generations actively participating in
church communities.
Gill’s research gives some empirical credibility to a conception of
the Christian church as a community of virtue that is essential to sus-
taining the positive ethical life of a liberal society, but that can also
have an influence beyond its own membership. At the end of the previ-
ous chapter, I spoke of the experience of human dignity in secular so-
ciety as an ethical “givenness” that seeks a transcendental foundation
that the public institutions of liberal society cannot provide. This indi-
cates a particular role and service for the Church: to be a community
of interpretation that is able to draw attention to and sustain these
experiences of human dignity, to give them reverence, and to show
how they inform what is truly valuable in liberal societies, especially
those virtues and relationships through which the human ontology of
interpersonal life is manifest. Whether, and to what degree, this task
of interpretation will have a religious dimension, or invoke Christian
narrative, will depend on particular contexts and circumstances. What
is certain is that the Church will only be capable of this service if, in
its own life, it is gathered around the table of the Lord and hears the
word that tells of the divine person who became human to share in
our condition.
these attitudes and interpersonal love. For Williams, love is the recogni-
tion that “I can be the cause of joy to another in virtue of something more
or other than the capacity to meet their needs . . . to be other, to be distinc-
tive, is more than being someone else’s other, being what fits into another’s
stipulated lack” (159). This capacity to love another, rather than to see
them essentially as answering my needs, depends on a particular sense of
self: “For any self to be free to enable another’s freedom means that it
must be in some way aware of the actuality, not only the possibility, of a
regard beyond desire—and so of its own being as a proper cause of joy,
as a gift” (161). For Jews, Christians, and Muslims, this sense of self is
grounded in the worship of God, whose “creative activity is pure gratu-
ity” (162).
9. “On my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was
the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the
more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new
state of things. In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion
and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America
I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over
the same country. My desire to discover the causes of this phenomenon
increased from day to day. In order to satisfy it I questioned the members
of all the different sects; I sought especially the society of the clergy, who
are the depositaries of the different creeds and are especially interested in
their duration. . . . I found that they differed upon matters of detail alone,
and that they all attributed the peaceful dominion of religion in their
country mainly to the separation of church and state.” Alexis de
Tocqueville, Democracy in America (New York: Vintage, 1981), 1:319.
10. In her Sex, Gender and Christian Ethics (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press, 1996), Lisa Cahill emphasizes how contemporary marriage can
“nourish the human capacity for compassion and solidarity . . . which was
once much more easily embodied in a renunciation of kin ties” by a vow
of celibacy. She cautions, however, that the distancing of marriage and
family from economic and political factors does not mean that they
“should or even can be ‘freed’ from their complex lines of connection to
all levels of communal life. Individualism in the family is as unbalanced
and pernicious as tyrannical social control” (182).
1 Augustine, City of God, XIX:4, 857.
12. In some cases, these festivals or public displays of religious or communal
identity are socially divisive or even prone to provoke violence. Their
decline is therefore not always a social loss. The challenge for pluralist
106╇╇ Chapter Three
societies is to develop festivities that can give public space something more
than a commercial or exchange character while enhancing rather than
weakening the bonds of social respect and solidarity.
13. Timothy O’Connell’s Making Disciples: A Handbook of Christian Moral
Formation (New York: Crossroad, 1998) draws on the insights of the
social sciences to link Christian moral formation with the general dynam-
ics of group experience (see especially 76–85). On this basis, O’Connell
concludes that, since groups are so important to the formation of personal
values, then making disciples is fundamentally about making communities
of discipleship (85). In his Go and Do Likewise: Jesus and Ethics (New
York: Continuum, 1999), William Spohn emphasizes a threefold approach
in moral formation in the Christian community, drawing together the
New Testament story of Jesus, the ethics of virtue and character, and
practices of Christian spirituality (12). For Spohn, “spiritual practices are
the core of authentic spirituality and provide the link between the New
Testament and virtue ethics” (37): “Baptism and Eucharist, intercessory
prayer, Biblical meditation and discernment, forgiveness and solidarity are
the ordinary paths by which Christians connect with the person of Jesus
Christ” (186). Spohn emphasizes that the Christian identity formed
through these spiritual practices is oriented to solidarity, since “over
against all parochial enclaves stands the reconciled totality that Jesus
called ‘the reign of God’, that is, the world according to God” (180).
1 Augustine, City of God, XIV:28, 593.
15. A very important example of this form of humility is the Twelve Steps of
Alcoholics Anonymous and related organizations, a practical form of con-
temporary spirituality that is communicable in secular contexts. See, for
example, the discussion of the Twelve Steps in Michael H. Crosby’s article
“Addiction,” in The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, ed. Michael
Downey (Collegeville, MN: Michael Glazier/Liturgical Press, 1993), 5–10.
Crosby’s article argues that “the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous
found in the Twelve Steps a pattern of spirituality for recovering addicts,”
and that “the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions offer a contemporary
spirituality for North Americans” that “contain[s] the best of principles
in ascetical spirituality” (5).
16. A truth manifest in the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights: “Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted
in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and
the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of
speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed
The Virtues of Noninstrumental Relationships╇╇ 107
18. For Charles Taylor, in his A Secular Age (Cambridge, MA: Belknap, Har-
vard University Press, 2007), the 1960s were a “hinge moment, at least
symbolically,” of a “cultural revolution” in North Atlantic civilization.
Taylor argues that democratic societies were characterized by an “Age of
Mobilization” from 1800 to 1950, in which new political and religious
forms were developed after the overthrow of the ancien régime. In the Age
of Mobilization, political and religious identities were formed by recruit-
ing the allegiance of broad sections of the population to the nation and
the institutional churches. The Catholic Church, in various national con-
texts, felt itself to be beleaguered, and felt that it “offered the only pos-
sible bulwark of civilizational order” (470). This in turn meant that the
church “became the focus of often intense loyalty, a sentiment akin to
nationalism” (471–72). This Age of Mobilization wove four strands to-
gether—“spirituality, discipline, political identity, and an image of civili-
zational order”—in a mass phenomenon that became a mutually strength-
ening whole (472). Taylor argues, however, that from the 1960s there has
been the steady spread of a culture of “authenticity,” an understanding of
life “that each one of us has his/her own way of realizing our humanity,
and that it is important to find and live out one’s own, as against surren-
dering to conformity with a model imposed on us from outside, by society,
or the previous generation, or religious or political authority.” Taylor
notes that this culture had its origin in the “Romantic expressivism of the
late-eighteenth century . . . but it is only in the era after the Second World
War that this ethic of authenticity begins to shape the outlook of society
in general” (475).
19. As James Alison argues in Raising Abel: The Recovery of the Eschato-
logical Imagination (New York: Crossroad, 1996), a truly Christian un-
derstanding of sacrifice is not of God demanding a sacrifice from human
beings, but rather of a God who so loved the world that he offered a
sacrifice to us: “it is God’s handing over of Jesus to us which defines what
‘the wrath’ is: the wrath is the type of world in which Jesus was borne to
death by sinful humans who could not receive the truth” (47). Jesus gave
up his life for his friends not to perpetuate the belief that it is only one’s
death that can show one’s love, but rather to “make possible a model of
creative practice which is not governed by death,” opening up new pos-
sibilities that should not be “subverted by myths of sacred renunciation”
20. Louis-Marie Chauvet, Symbol and Sacrament: A Sacramental Reinterpre-
tation of Christian Existence (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1995).
The Virtues of Noninstrumental Relationships╇╇ 109
1. Ibid., 299.
22. Ibid., 301.
23. For Girard, the death of Christ is nonsacrificial and abolishes this mytho-
logical form of group violence directed against a victim. In his judgment,
a mistaken sacrificial reading of the Gospels has made it possible “for
what we call Christendom to exist for fifteen or twenty centuries; that is
to say, a culture has existed that is based, like all cultures (at least up to a
certain point) on the mythological forms engendered by the founding
mechanism. Paradoxically, in the sacrificial reading the Christian text it-
self provides the basis.” The Girard Reader, ed. James G. Williams (New
York: Crossroad, 1996), 179. For Girard, Christ’s abolition of sacrifice is
a sign of his divinity: “To say that Jesus dies, not as a sacrifice, but in
order that there may be no more sacrifices, is to recognize in him the Word
of God” (184). (This discussion is in chapter 11 of The Girard Reader,
“The Nonsacrificial Death of Christ,” which is itself drawn from the
chapter “A Non-Sacrificial Reading of the Gospel Text” in René Girard,
Things Hidden since the Foundation of the World [Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press, 1987].)
24. Chauvet, Symbol and Sacrament, 307.
25. Ibid., 311. As William Crockett writes in Eucharist: Symbol of Transforma-
tion (New York: Pueblo, 1989): “When a relationship is broken, it requires
an act of costly love in order to reestablish communication and commu-
nion. There is no language more adequate than sacrifice to express this. The
gift that creates the profoundest communion also involves the profoundest
cost” (259).
26. Chauvet, Symbol and Sacrament, 316.
27. Augustine, City of God, XIV:13, 572–73.
28. O’Donovan, The Desire of the Nations (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press, 1996), 214.
29. Ibid., 274.
30. Ibid., 276–82.
31. This is perhaps most notably present in the last free parliamentary act of
the Weimar Republic, the speech in rejection of Hitler’s Enabling Act by
Otto Wels, the leader of the German Social Democratic Party, on March
23, 1933: “The Weimar constitution is not a socialist constitution. But we
stand firm with the principles of a state based on laws, of equality, of so-
cial justice that are established in it. We German Social Democrats for-
mally commit ourselves, in this historical moment, to the foundations of
humanity and justice, of freedom and socialism. No Enabling Act gives
110╇╇ Chapter Three
you the power to annihilate ideas that are eternal and indestructible.” mente/wels/index.html, accessed July 3,
2008 (author’s translation).
32. For his part, O’Donovan sees a drift towards totalitarianism in any nar-
rative that aims at “the progressive realization of ‘truths of evangelical
origin’ about the dignity of the human person”; he finds this, for example,
in the writings of Jacques Maritain in and after the Second World War.
For O’Donovan, the special task of government is “defending against
wrong.” The Ways of Judgment, 171–72: “political judgments do not
limit freedom in order to realize it, but in order to defend it. Public free-
dom is not a project, like private action, that requires realizing; it is an
ensemble which gives coherence to private undertakings. And so political
authority has no special mandate to pursue a public goal, ‘the common
good’ conceived of as a giant millennium dome.” (57) This view of the
role of government flows from O’Donovan’s premise that the rule of
Christ means that the powers of government have been limited to just
judgment, whereas the Christological perspective I have been advocat-
ing—in a way akin to Maritain—is that the pursuit of the common good
through democratic government can be an institutional expression of re-
spect for the dignity of the human person, which has its theological foun-
dations in Christ.
3. This note of false messianism in modern totalitarianism was noted by Pius
XI in his encyclical Divini redemptoris, written in condemnation of Com-
munism in 1937: “The Communism of today, more emphatically than
similar movements in the past, conceals in itself a false messianic idea. A
pseudo-ideal of justice, of equality and fraternity in labor impregnates all
its doctrine and activity with a deceptive mysticism, which communicates
a zealous and contagious enthusiasm to the multitudes entrapped by de-
lusive promises. This is especially true in an age like ours, when unusual
misery has resulted from the unequal distribution of the goods of this
world. This pseudo-ideal is even boastfully advanced as if it were respon-
sible for a certain economic progress. As a matter of fact, when such
progress is at all real, its true causes are quite different, as for instance the
intensification of industrialism in countries which were formerly almost
without it, the exploitation of immense natural resources, and the use of
the most brutal methods to ensure the achievement of gigantic projects
with a minimum of expense” (8). English translation, Vatican website, at cals/documents/hf_p-xi
The Virtues of Noninstrumental Relationships╇╇ 111
Christian Hope and the Eucharist╇╇ 113
humanity will, through the gratuitous love of God, reach its destiny
in the Kingdom of God. For Christian hope, the story of humanity is
ultimately one story that has Jesus Christ at its center. The story of
liberal societies is a different matter: It is not part of Christian faith to
affirm that societies that respect human rights will ultimately embrace
all humanity and have a sustained and stable future in the continu-
ing history of the human race. The development of modernity may
be quite different—after all, the twentieth century was dominated by
appalling conflict and geopolitical tensions in which the global influ-
ence, if not the survival, of liberal society was in grave doubt. Yet this
does not mean that the Church is indifferent to the future of liberal
societies, to the circumstances of human life within this saeculum. As
John Paul II emphasized in his Redemptor hominis (1979), even as
the Church lives by faith in the life of the resurrection, “by the truth
about the human person, which enables us to go beyond the bounds
of temporariness,” it thinks at the same time “with particular love
and solicitude of everything within the bounds of this temporariness
that affects man’s life and the life of the human spirit.”2 Expressing
the spirit of Gaudium et spes, John Paul constantly emphasized that
what most fittingly respects the image of God in the human person
in this earthly pilgrimage is a society based on human rights. Inso-
far as liberal society is an ethical project that embodies respect for
human rights, the Church seeks to support it, since it does thereby
bear witness to the Kingdom, in however partial and imperfect
a way.
The most powerful expression of Christian hope is the celebration
of the Eucharist. The Eucharist recalls Jesus’s commitment to pro-
claiming and enacting the Kingdom of God within human history, and
the rejection of that proclamation, the apparent failure of his ministry,
in his execution. It celebrates his resurrection as the “first fruits of
the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:20), which promises hope beyond the
failure of the fruits of our striving. It affirms that Jesus’s commitment
to humanity in its history was not in vain: that all acts of love will
be enshrined in the Kingdom that God will bring to fulfillment. It
empowers Christians to live in the hope of the Spirit of Jesus—a hope
that gives itself for human need in history, in the confidence that even
114╇╇ Chapter Four
the most shattering defeats can be borne through the power of Christ’s
cross and resurrection.
This chapter will focus on the relevance of Christian hope and the
celebration of the Eucharist to the ethical project of a liberal society. It
will consider them especially from the perspective of service and wit-
ness. The principal concern of chapter two was how Christian service
to liberal society could be inspired by Christian identity and manifest
itself through Christian witness. It concluded with a consideration of
the significance of Rawls’s “The Idea of Public Reason Revisited,” es-
pecially its “proviso.” This chapter will explore how Christian hope
can be communicated as a service to liberal societies and as a witness
to the Kingdom of God. It will engage with Rawls’s argument in order
to examine in some detail how hope can be communicated in the pub-
lic political forum and in the “background culture” of liberal societies
in ways that respect public reason.
The previous chapter spoke of Jesus Christ as the definitive em-
bodiment of the self-giving that is at the heart of noninstrumental
relationships. For Christians, it is primordially the Eucharist that com-
memorates and makes present Christ’s self-giving. Yet, for many mem-
bers of liberal societies, all religious rituals, including the Christian
Eucharist, are irrelevant to the ethical task and challenges of a liberal
society that is conceived of as a purely secular and self-sufficient com-
mitment to human dignity. This tension between the ethical and the
ritual is in fact deep within biblical tradition itself. The second part
of this chapter will focus on the tension between the ethical and the
ritual, and it will argue that Christian celebration of the Eucharist can
bear witness to hope in the midst of ethical failure.
In what ways can Christian hope serve the citizens, laws, and public
political institutions of a liberal society? How can it be communicated
in ways that express the civility of public reason and at the same time
faithfully maintain its own transcendent witness? This chapter will
firstly argue that Christian hope is characterized by a tension between
an inspiration to solidarity within history and an independence from
Christian Hope and the Eucharist╇╇ 115
the course and outcomes of history, and that living in and with this
tension can be a great gift to liberal societies. Secondly, it will reflect
on the meaning of hope for the public life of those societies, arguing
that a public, political hope expresses itself in three key ways: a dis-
cernment of human capacities that evokes moral virtue, a conviction
of the openness of the future to human striving, and a certain detach-
ment from the fruits of that striving. Finally, it will consider the ways
in which Christians can communicate their own hope to others in lib-
eral societies, in ways that both respect the canons of public reason
and are faithful to Christian religious identity.
The source and ground of Christian hope is the gift of God, and its
symbolic summation is the Kingdom of God, a realm in which human
beings live in the inheritance of eternal life. The hopes of Christians
go beyond history and cannot be satisfied by anything in human his-
tory. Whatever the outcome of human history or the fate of particular
historical communities, Christian hope in the Kingdom cannot be de-
stroyed. Human history cannot fulfill that hope, nor can it abolish it.
Yet at the same time, Christians are called to solidarity in history, to a
bond with their fellow human beings that is forged and strengthened
within history. It is within history, through their ethical commitment,
their love of neighbor, that Christians respond to the gift of the King-
dom and help to make it present. If they ignore the historical plight of
their fellow human beings, then they ignore the image of God in their
midst. It is in the historical circumstances of their lives that they come
to know God through his image in their neighbor and use their free-
dom to help make God’s Kingdom visible in sign and anticipation.
The tension between a hope that goes beyond history and a love
that is realized within it is a crucial characteristic of Christian life.
The products, or “outcomes,” of history are not the focus of Christian
hope—they can neither fulfill nor destroy it. History may end in nu-
clear or ecological disaster, or in some other conclusion that destroys
all the works of human civilization. Much of the labor of past genera-
tions was denied fruition by conflict and unforeseen contingency, and
history gave no solace to those whose lives were cut short by war and
famine. Yet it is within history, through our attempt to respond in
freedom and love to God and neighbor, that we are saved. Through
116╇╇ Chapter Four
historical record shows that this tension has often been interpreted as
a severe dichotomy, leading to a Christian withdrawal from engage-
ment with history and to the charge that Christians were unconcerned
about the historical plight of their fellow human beings. Christian
withdrawal of this sort has sometimes taken the form of simply ignor-
ing the importance of human society as a field within which freedom
and love could find an expression that might shape our response to
salvation. Sometimes, perhaps even more destructively, it has been ex-
pressed in the conviction that the injustices of history are permanent
and unchangeable, that they can not be abolished or even ameliorated
by human action, and therefore that they are merely to be suffered
by those who are their victims for the sake of eternal salvation. Thus,
Christian eschatology has illegitimately become a source of ideological
indifference to human suffering, and the devastation of the Church—
either through mass atheism or acts of violent revenge—has been the
harrowing result.
This dichotomy can only be abolished by an emphasis on history
as a field of salvation through solidarity: that it is in and through
our acts of service in history that we respond to God’s gift of salva-
tion. It is in history that God has saved us by becoming human, by
becoming part of our history. It is in history that our own salvation
is realized by our response to God’s gift of love in our love for our
neighbor. There is no dichotomy between our hope for salvation and
our historical existence. Yet there is a real tension, a tension between
our hopes for human well-being in history and our knowledge that
such hopes have been dashed over and over again, that our true and
lasting hope lies in God alone and the Kingdom that is his free gift.
How much of our hopes should we invest in historical action, without
risking despair? What kind of detachment should we practice, so that,
while being committed to historical action and striving for justice, we
remain grounded only in hope in God and for a future beyond all hu-
man conflict and failure? What is the constitution of a historical hope
that genuinely offers our “blood, toil, tears and sweat” for our fellow
human beings and yet is able to come to terms with the destruction of
all the visible fruits of that passionate striving, putting its desolation
and emptiness before the infinite healing power of God?
118╇╇ Chapter Four
the direct efforts of the churches and its long-term influence on a great
range of cultural expressions.
The communication of this vision is, in general, the task of mem-
bers of the Church in the background culture. Can it also be employed
by elected officials or those seeking political office? Here it seems that
Rawls’s proviso is relatively easy to meet. This conception of the hu-
man person informed by Christian theology has a particular power
and resonance in and through its distinctive language and symbols,
but it is open to alternative forms of expression and appeals to com-
mon experience. This will clearly deprive it of its unique resonances,
but the need for the proviso stems from the fact that such resonances
can alienate some as much as they inspire others. Thus a Christian
politician may use such theological language and the loci classici of
scripture to illustrate the weakness and potential of human beings;
that same politician must also be ready to illustrate this weakness and
potential in more secular language and in terms of our common hu-
man experience, addressing both the human capacity for cooperation
and solidarity and our proneness to exclude and exploit others un-
less appropriate structures and sanctions are enshrined in law and in
public institutions.5 In moving from theological language to a secular
description of our human condition, the Christian politician will al-
ways be aware of the tension between fidelity to the Word of God and
the desire to communicate its meaning in ways that can be shared with
followers of other creeds. The Christian Gospel can evoke and inspire
insights into our common condition that can be communicated, to
some degree, in ways that do not require assent to Christian faith, yet
it can never be reduced to any other form of discourse.
Those dispositions of political hope that convey assurance about
the character of the future pose a much more difficult and interesting
set of questions. An appeal to the best human capacities would be
fruitless unless hope was also marked by a conviction of the openness
of the future. This is the conviction that, whatever happens, there is
always a point to human action, that the future is always open to the
efforts of human beings to make a better world. What can ground
such a conviction? Of its nature, it cannot be firmly grounded in expe-
rience, since the future may be very different from the past, and—for
Christian Hope and the Eucharist╇╇ 123
virtue that informed our effort to undertake them, virtue that is itself
a response to gifts received. In Christian terms the sense of the open-
ness of the future has its ultimate source and meaning in the Kingdom
of God, and the independence of our personal worth from historical
vicissitude is given an eternal foundation in the proclamation of the
resurrection of Christ from the dead. Human effort has a point, since
all that is good in it prepares in some way for the Kingdom of God, yet
our own destiny is never determined by the success or failure of our
efforts to build the earthly city.9
Christian “comprehensive doctrine” has played, and continues to
play, a crucial role in communicating and sustaining such a vision in
Western culture. For Rawls, this has its legitimate place both in the
debates of the background culture and among citizens’ sources of
motivation for allegiance to democratic ideals. In what ways could it
also be expressed by elected officials or those seeking office, subject to
the proviso? This tension between creative aspiration and detachment
can, of course, be maintained by those without any religious convic-
tions, since it is, in and of itself, a confident and yet realistic attitude
to life and a means of preserving self-worth in the face of failure. Yet,
as I have already argued, these dimensions of political hope have an
intrinsically metaphysical reference since they affirm something about
the character of futurity as such. Although an atheist can have politi-
cal hope, as a positive and fruitful disposition, this hope—as a radi-
cal conviction about the character of the future—cannot be justified
within an atheistic worldview. As a result, these dimensions of hope
are much more profoundly and inextricably linked to religious com-
prehensive doctrines and to the language and symbols of such doc-
trines, and meeting the proviso is a much more complex and diverse
challenge in a pluralist society. To what extent can the language and
symbols of religious hope have a place in public political discourse?
The degree of pluralism that characterizes a society is one evident
factor in assessing this question. Abraham Lincoln’s profound and ex-
plicitly theistic reflections on hope and divine justice were made in a
society whose enfranchised members were overwhelmingly Protestant
Christians in religious and cultural background. On the basis of this
shared scriptural heritage, he was able to develop an interpretation of
126╇╇ Chapter Four
traumatic political events that linked divine justice with the fateful his-
torical consequences of slavery in civil war—a scriptural hermeneutic
of common experience that was part of a tradition of public reason.10
In more pluralist contemporary societies, images of hope are often
much more reduced in symbolic richness and religious associations.
In Australian political history a noteworthy example is the reference
to “the light on the hill” by the leader of the Australian Labor Party
and Prime Minister, Joseph Benedict Chifley, in a speech to a party
conference in 1949.11 Significantly, although this image may possibly
owe some of its resonances to Matthew 5:14–16, its expression is very
simple and free of any explicitly Christian references: its intention is
also immediately spelled out in highly practical language. In a politi-
cal party that included both militant atheists and daily-communicant
Catholics, this image was remembered and evoked by later party lead-
ers in ways that indicated that it had met Rawls’s proviso and was
accepted as a shareable symbol of practical political hopes.
Perhaps the difficulty in conveying political hope while avoiding
any divisive use of the language of a particular religious tradition is
demonstrated by the relatively frequent use of the image of dream ap-
plied to any bold political project or aspiration. This image, although
used in both testaments of the Bible as a means of receiving private
revelations, is not associated with Jesus himself and has only rare as-
sociations with a biblical vision of hope.12 Due to its lack of any strong
association with particular traditions, the language of dream can be
communicative in more pluralist societies, and has been put to inspir-
ing rhetorical use in some political contexts.13 Yet, perhaps since it can
suggest a passive and inchoate state of experience, with hints of day-
dream, rather than dynamic symbolic expression, it is prone to lapsing
into political cliché. This is one indication that the language of hope,
stripped of all traditional religious imagery, is confined to a somewhat
scant and austere vocabulary in the public political forum.
The challenge of the proviso for any Christian politician is to be
able to use Christian religious language in ways that can evoke share-
able human experience as a hermeneutical stimulus to exploring the
signs of hope in a particular political context, so that the use of such
language will not exclude but rather invite the citizens of a pluralist
Christian Hope and the Eucharist╇╇ 127
It is well known that the tension between ritual and ethics, so force-
fully addressed by the prophets, has been resolved to the detriment of
religious practice in influential currents of modern thought. Whereas,
for ancient Judaism, authentic ritual had to be verified in ethical ac-
tion, many thinkers in the Enlightenment tradition have argued that
ethics does not need religious ritual—or, indeed, religious faith at all.
From this perspective, ethics is free-standing: its insights do not require
a logical connection with faith in God, nor do its commitments require
the sustaining context of religious ritual, which is, at best, a harmless
irrelevancy. This modern interpretation of the priority of ethics over
ritual has a well-worn popular rendition. Few assertions are more fa-
miliar to those seeking to hand on traditions of religious practice than
this one: “I don’t need to go to church to be a good person!”
For this perspective the ethical arises from the apprehension of
value, from insight into ethical need, which is self-sufficient and self-
justifying: anyone willing to adopt the “ethical point of view” should
respond to ethical imperatives through their own force and truth. Their
universality precludes any link to specific traditions and the forms of
celebration and ritual associated with those traditions. Commitment
to human rights, for example, proceeds from an insight into the value
of the human person that is accessible to us all. There is no need for
religious traditions to sensitize us to such values, nor for religious rit-
ual to enable us to be ethical: Whether in terms of the content of our
ethical obligations, or of the motivation to behave ethically, ethics is
perceived as quite independent of religion and religious ritual. There is
no need to draw on the resources of religious tradition, since the ethi-
cal commitment of liberal societies is self-sufficient.
In one sense, this is as it should be. There is a very important strand
in Catholic thought that emphasizes the independence of the ethical
from religious beliefs and ritual: the “natural law” tradition. It is part
of the Catholic tradition’s emphasis on the openness of the human
mind and heart to the goodness and purposefulness of creation that
ethical principles have their own universality and intelligibility. This
does not mean that these principles developed independently of the
great religious traditions of the human race, but it does mean that they
132╇╇ Chapter Four
can enable both the sacrifices necessary to think and act ethically and
the patience and hope that can come to terms with ethical failure?
The extent of this sacrifice and the need for hope become clear when
we reflect on the degree of ethical commitment required to found,
maintain, and restore human communities of whatever scope and
character. The greatest sacrifices are called for from those who seek
to reconcile, to overcome barriers between people, to dissolve deeply
entrenched enmities. We need only to call to mind our current world
situation to remind ourselves sufficiently of the salient facts: We live in
a world marked by a high level of universalist ethical awareness, and
at the same time a world deeply scarred by fierce and intractable in-
terethnic and intercommunal enmities. In Western societies, we enjoy
many valuable forms of respect for individual autonomy, and at the
same time experience a sense of crisis in all those forms of life that re-
quire sustained fidelity and willingness to sacrifice individual interests
for the sake of communal forms of life.
A marked feature of many of these forms of commitment to ethical
community is their projective character: that is, they are commitments
to sustained fidelity to a future life, whose character can be portrayed
in hope but never guaranteed by limiting conditions. Those who take
vows of marriage or of religious and priestly life, or who dedicate
their lives to ministering to communities of faith, cannot predict what
sacrifices their lives will demand, yet they know that the community
of life they are committed to depends on the projective and faithful
character of their commitment. Many forms of ethical community de-
pend on the sacrifices involved in commitment to vocations that often
bear no evident fruits for those whose commitment is at stake. Doc-
tors, teachers, and members of many caring professions often do not
see the fruits of their labors, or receive the recognition due to them,
and must find other sustaining sources for their personal commitment.
Many politicians and public servants dedicate their careers to projects
sustaining the common good while knowing that the results of their
labors may be stillborn or overwhelmed by more powerful political
forces. Parents bear children in the hope, rather than the knowledge,
that the child they bring to adulthood will honor them and recognize
their sacrifices.
134╇╇ Chapter Four
as God’s gift of new life in Christ amid the betrayal of ethical ideals
can give Christians both the confidence to stand for those ideals in
the public forum and the sobriety to recognize the reality of historical
evil and the intensity of human suffering. The search to communicate
with infinite being that is at the root of religious ritual is transformed
through the Eucharist into the recognition that the eternal God is to
be found in the image of the suffering Christ, who hopes for the new
wine of the Kingdom. Because of this, all those who suffer can know
that they are not thereby alienated from the divine source of life but
drawn towards it by the God who became a suffering human being.
At the same time, the vision of the Kingdom reminds us that suffering,
and most of all the imposition of suffering on others, is contrary to the
destiny of creation. Nourished by the Eucharist, Christian discipleship
commits itself to the ethical task of helping to make a foretaste of that
Kingdom possible, together with all those who recognize that the true
God is to be found in acts of love.
Finally, the Eucharist can give ethics a true sense of the meaning of
self-sacrifice. David Power emphasizes that Christian use of the lan-
guage of sacrifice “reverses the quest to restore order by preparing vic-
tims and appeasing a threatening anger, whether that of God or that
of spirits that abide in the universe. Instead it points to a communion
of solidarity in love in God’s spirit that withstands human judgment
and prevails in the midst of suffering.”18 Likewise, ethical self-sacrifice
should not be thought of as appeasing the force of unreasonable de-
mands, or of expiating guilt by acts of self-immolation. The abuse of
the call to self-sacrifice, by both religious and political powers, is a long
enough litany of suffering. It is not the discarding of individual life in
favor of a future state conjured up by various ideologies. If Christ’s
self-sacrifice was the highest expression of his fidelity to the vision of
the Kingdom, then a Christian conception of ethical self-sacrifice will
focus on fidelity to community, on forms of life that can enable indi-
viduals to flourish through the quality of their sustained commitment
to each other. It is part of a Christian response to the Eucharist to seek
and support such forms of life, so that the bonds of love can be made
more visible in the world.
138╇╇ Chapter Four
friendship.” The Law of Peoples with “The Idea of Public Reason Revis-
ited” (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001), 155.
6. In his Common Objects of Love (Grand Rapids, MI: William Eerdmans,
2002), Oliver O’Donovan argues that the source of a Christian concep-
tion of secularity lay in Judaism’s sense of unfulfilled promise, as a society
that knew itself to be a “contradiction to be endured in hope.” Secularity
is truly meaningful only in an eschatological perspective, since it is a ten-
sion between what is “not yet” and what will be fulfilled: “the virtue that
undergirds all secular politics is an expectant patience. What follows from
the rejection of belief is an intolerable tension between the need for mean-
ing in society and the only partial capacity of society to satisfy the need.
An unbelieving society has forgotten how to be secular” (42).
7. In this sense, as Jürgen Moltmann points out, our powers of self-destruc-
tion mean that we live in “the eternal present of what has traditionally
been called the ‘Last Judgment.’” The Coming of God: Christian Escha-
tology (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996), 208.
8. In his illuminating analysis in The Politics of Hope (New York and Lon-
don: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986), Bernard P. Dauenhauer empha-
sizes that “My account of hope does not preclude reference to God, but
neither does it necessarily imply such a reference. Rather, on my account,
hope can be directed either to divine or human others or both. Further,
the kind of hope pertinent to the domain of politics is explicitly, though
not necessarily exclusively, directed towards other human beings” (109).
Yet, although hope is a gift of the Spirit that is independent of explicit
religious beliefs, the conviction of a future always open to human striving
is inconsistent with an atheistic belief in the meaninglessness of the uni-
verse. For Zygmunt Bauman, in his The Individualized Society (Cam-
bridge/Oxford: Polity Press/Blackwell, 2001), part of the contemporary
process of individualization is the lack of cultural means to interpret such
dispositions as hope, contending that what we experience is “the denial
of collective public vehicles of transcendence and the abandonment of the
individual to the lonely struggle with a task which most individuals lack
the resources to perform alone” (5). Bauman’s Liquid Modernity (Cam-
bridge/Oxford: Polity Press/Blackwell, 2000) emphasizes the negative ef-
fects that this process of individualization is having on citizenship (36–
9. Whether the Kingdom of God is a “rupture” with human history, or the
fulfillment of what is “immanent” in history is a matter of fundamental
140╇╇ Chapter Four
continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and
fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood
drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as
was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said ‘the judgments
of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.’” The Book of Great Amer-
ican Documents, ed. Vincent Wilson, Jr. (Brookeville, MD: American His-
tory Research Associates, 1987), 78–79.
11. “I try to think of the Labor movement, not as putting an extra sixpence
into somebody’s pocket, or making somebody Prime Minister or Premier,
but as a movement bringing something better to the people, better stan-
dards of living, greater happiness to the mass of the people. We have a
great objective—the light on the hill—which we aim to reach by working
for the betterment of mankind not only here but anywhere we may give a
helping hand. If it were not for that, the Labor movement would not be
worth fighting for.” For background and interpretation of this speech by
Joseph Benedict Chifley, see Sean Scalmer “The Light on the Hill,” at (accessed
July 3rd, 2008), and David Day, Chifley (Sydney: HarperCollins, 2001),
2. The key passage, especially through its role in Peter’s discourse in Acts 2,
is Joel 3:1: “Then afterward I will pour out my spirit upon all mankind.
Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams,
your young men shall see visions.” In the Old Testament, “it is clear . . .
that in broad circles in Israel, even those which are incontestably theo-
cratic, the dream was regarded as a regular means by which Yahweh re-
vealed himself.” Albrecht Oepke, “’οναρ,” Theological Dictionary of the
New Testament, vol. 5, ed. Gerhard Friedrich (Grand Rapids, MI: Wil-
liam Eerdmans, 1967), 230. Yet there is also strong prophetic criticism of
any reliance on dreams as a source of revelation, particularly in the strug-
gle between Jeremiah and false prophecy, cf. Jeremiah 23:25, 28: “I have
heard the prophets who prophesy lies in my name say, ‘I had a dream! I
had a dream!’ . . . Let the prophet who has a dream recount his dream; let
him who has my word speak my word truthfully!” In the New Testament,
apart from some references in Acts, the key references to dreams as pri-
vate revelation are in Matthew 1 and 2 (1:20, 2:13, 2:19). Jesus himself
never refers to dreams, and “no New Testament witness ever thought of
basing the central message, the Gospel, or an essential part of it, on
dreams” (Oepke, “’οναρ,” 235).
142╇╇ Chapter Four
13. Probably the most memorable use of this image in modern political ora-
tory is Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech of 1963. As part
of the background culture, King’s speech derives much of its power from
its explicit use of biblical imagery and the language of Negro spirituals, in
ways that are also communicated through shareable ethical ideals. It is
significant that he links his use of “dream” with the preexisting notion of
“the American dream,” developing this to a vision of future equality and
freedom: “Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. I say to you today
my friends—so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomor-
row, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American
_at_march_on_washington.pdf (accessed July 3, 2008).
14. Walter Dietrich, Jesaja und die Politik (Munich: Christian Kaiser, 1976),
216. Dietrich argues that for Isaiah the priestly torah or teaching, associ-
ated with the temple cult, had become irrelevant and worthless, since it
served only to distract from the true torah of justice between human
15. In the previous chapter, I attempted to illustrate the character of Christian
ethics as both drawing from tradition but communicable beyond those
participating in tradition-bearing communities by reflecting on noninstru-
mental relationships as definitively embodied in Jesus Christ, and at the
same time as inherently attractive and fulfilling ways of life that can be
communicated and realized in the pluralist context of liberal societies.
16. William Crockett, Eucharist: Symbol of Transformation (New York:
Pueblo, 1989), 5–14.
17. David Power, The Eucharistic Mystery (New York: Crossroads, 1992),
18. Ibid., 322.
chapter five
The previous chapters of this book have emphasized how much the
Church has to contribute to liberal societies in order to assist them to
tell their better story: in chapter two, through a theology of Church,
Kingdom, and secularity; in chapter three, through a Christian theol-
ogy of the virtues of noninstrumental relationships; and in chapter
four, through the theology of hope and the Eucharist. In this final
chapter I will be considering the effect of the Church’s relationship
to the two stories of liberal society on its own life. How does its rela-
tionship to liberal society affect the Church’s own process of identity-
formation in the contemporary world? Since the Second Vatican
Council, the Catholic Church has been involved in a profound and
often painful process of reforming its identity in relation to the world,
and much of that process has to do with its relationship to liberal
Contemporary concern about the meaning and shape of Catholic
identity reveals both an anxiety about the possible loss of identity,
but also, more positively, a recognition that the Catholic tradition can
be embodied in and through different sociocultural delineations, aspi-
rations, and achievements in response to changing historical circum-
stances and challenges. These changes in historical identity are not,
for Catholic faith, changes in the theological identity of the Church,
which springs from the once-and-for-all character of revelation and
the fidelity of the Spirit; but they are, nevertheless, changes in the ways
in which the Church addresses itself to the world and thereby in the
ways in which it expresses or crystallizes dimensions of Christian life
that are implicit in the tradition. In different historical periods, the
╇ 143
144╇╇ Chapter Five
What are the challenges for the Church in forming its contempo-
rary social identity in solidarity with the global struggle for human
rights? First of all, positively and uncontroversially, we can affirm that
the promotion of human rights is central to the contemporary self-
understanding of the Church, and that it has been so at least since
the promulgation of Pacem in terris. Consider, for example, Paul VI’s
address to the General Assembly of the United Nations in October
1965;24 the affirmation by the 1971 Synod of Bishops that the pro-
motion of justice is a “constitutive dimension of the preaching of the
Gospel”;25 and—among many possible statements—John Paul II’s No-
vember 2000 address marking the fiftieth anniversary of the European
convention on human rights:26 in all these statements, there can be
no doubt that the papacy has given the promotion of human rights a
key role in the Church’s relationship to the contemporary world and
thereby in the process of shaping a renewed Catholic identity that has
been underway since Vatican II and before.
The positive potential of conceiving Catholic identity with hu-
man rights as a fundamental concern and criterion is manifold. In the
first place, this form of identity does not have demarcation from an-
tagonistic ideological forces or estranged Christian communities as a
154╇╇ Chapter Five
However, it is also true that the point and the social context for being
Catholic—for maintaining an identity—were clear and palpable, since
confessional and ideological differences loomed so large in the imme-
diate social environment. This form of Catholic identity, although it
bore fruit in many extraordinary forms of practical compassion, was
less concerned with changing the world or the condition of humanity
as a whole than with maintaining Catholic institutions against their
opponents, with the imperatives of mobilization and demarcation.
A great challenge to a sense of identity based on the promotion of
human rights is that it is no longer concerned with maintenance or
with social demarcation, but with the affirmation of a global cause
with many potential allies. It is not something exclusively Catholic,
although it is something truly Catholic. A Catholic commitment to
human rights is not intensified by a sense of demarcation from other
readily identifiable ideological communities, since its struggle is with
the universal “structures of sin.” Its motivation must come from a
sense of human solidarity experienced in light of the Gospel as a part
of Christian formation. Of course, in the struggle for human rights,
Catholics will be opposed to all those who advocate unfettered exploi-
tation or domination, but this is a much less well-defined and socially
identifiable “other” than the confessional or ideological demarcations
that gave preconciliar Catholicism much of its social identity. (This
is generally true in the context of developed economies, although in
developing countries the face of the economic or social oppressor may
well be much more painfully visible.) Much of the energy of the Cath-
olic promotion of human rights is about forming alliances and inform-
ing conscience for the sake of the common good, so that, although it is
certainly shaped by the character of Catholic social teaching, Catho-
lic identity is focused much more on the needs of those whose rights
are oppressed than on the need to preserve appropriate markers of
An aspect of this is the complexity and wide-ranging character of
the questions involved: there is no single issue in the socioeconomic
debate, for example, that has anything like the same resonance as the
question of abortion or its role in marking Catholic identity. This com-
plexity is addressed by papal and conciliar social teaching, and by
Two Stories of Liberal Society and Contemporary Catholic Identity╇╇ 157
14. Taylor, A Secular Age, 531. This point reflects the key concern of Taylor’s
project in A Secular Age: “the change I want to define and trace is one
which takes us from a society in which it was virtually impossible not to
believe in God, to one in which faith, even for the staunchest believer, is
one human possibility among others” (3).
15. Ibid., 516. In “Europe in Crisis: A Question of Belief or Unbelief? Perspec-
tives from the Vatican,” Modern Theology 23:2 (April 2007), Lieven
Boeve emphasizes the Church’s need to engage with the meaning of con-
temporary individualization: “While it is true that Europe is no longer
understood in its totality from the perspective of the Christian conceptual
horizon, the ‘process of secularization’ did not simply lead to a primarily
secular society with which Christianity is thus obliged to interact. Europe,
rather, is undergoing a process of ‘detraditionalisation,’ whereby no single
given tradition (including—but not only—the religious) is capable of con-
tinuing unquestioned (including secular atheism). At the level of descrip-
tion, it is important to insist in this regard that there is a distinction to be
made between individualization (a necessary dimension of identity con-
struction on account of detraditionalisation) and individualism (absolute
self-determination). The rejection of the latter does not discharge the
Christian faith of its duty to come to terms with the former” (222).
16. Taylor, A Secular Age, 510.
17. Ibid., 513.
18. Ibid., 512.
19. John Thornhill, Sign and Promise: A Theology of the Church for a Chang-
ing World (London: Collins, 1988), 4. See also Thornhill’s more recent
articles interpreting the reception of Vatican II: “Creative Fidelity in a
Time of Transition,” Australasian Catholic Record, 79:1 (2002): 3–17;
and “Historians Bringing to Light the Achievement of Vatican II,” Aus-
tralasian Catholic Record, 82:3 (2005): 259–80.
20. Thornhill, Sign and Promise, 3.
21. There has been some Australian research in this vein. For example, in The
Catholic Community in Australia (Adelaide: Open Book Publishers,
2005), Robert Dixon reports that only “six to seven per cent of Catholics
in their twenties” attend Mass on a typical Sunday. “The graph strongly
suggests that the steady fall in attendances will continue for some time to
come, as the higher rates of attendance associated with older attenders are
unlikely to be reached by younger Catholics as they get older” (96).
22. In his Theologischer Kommentar zur Pastoralkonstitution über die Kirche
in der Welt von Heute Gaudium et Spes, vol. 4 (Herders Theologischer
Two Stories of Liberal Society and Contemporary Catholic Identity╇╇ 165
170╇╇ Index