Gravity Inversion and Integration - Theory and Applications in Geodesy and Geophysics PDF
Gravity Inversion and Integration - Theory and Applications in Geodesy and Geophysics PDF
Gravity Inversion and Integration - Theory and Applications in Geodesy and Geophysics PDF
Mohammad Bagherbandi
Inversion and
Theory and Applications in Geodesy
and Geophysics
Gravity Inversion and Integration
Lars E. Sjöberg Mohammad Bagherbandi
Gravity Inversion
and Integration
Theory and Applications in Geodesy
and Geophysics
Lars E. Sjöberg Mohammad Bagherbandi
Division of Geodesy and Satellite Division of Geodesy and Satellite
Positioning Positioning
Royal Institute of Technology Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm Stockholm
Sweden Sweden
Cover figure: The cover figure shows a global map of the geoid undulation based on the EGM2008
gravity model and the GRS80 reference ellipsoid (resolution 1 1 arc-degree). The figure was created by
the authors. For more details see Fig. 1.5.
vi Preface
Another motivation behind this book is, to honour the centennial anniversary of,
and, to some extent, announce and revive some research ideas originating with the
deceased A. Bjerhammar (1917–2011) at the Royal Institute of Technology
(KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. Bjerhammar is well-known for his research in
physical geodesy and geodetic studies on the Fennoscandia land-uplift phenomenon
and its relation to the regional gravity field and upper mantle viscosity in the region,
as well as for being a pioneer in developing a theory for linear adjustment of
erroneous observations using generalized matrix algebra. Unfortunately, much of
his research can only be found in disparate papers presented in various journals, at
conferences and as internal reports from KTH. As the first author of this book has
been a M.Sc and Ph.D. student of Bjerhammart from 1969 to 1975, his co-worker
until 1980, and his successor since 1984, this book to some extent sought to reflect
and further continue his research ideas, as well as on other ideas developed and
partly published in papers, etc.
The second author was a Ph.D. student at KTH during 2007–2011 and a postdoc
2011–2014, with the prime author as his supervisor on the determination of the
crustal depth and density contrast from Earth gravitational models using an isostatic
model as a specialty in his research. He currently performs multidisciplinary
research and is active in several directions, such as in geophysics, geodesy and land
surveying (applied geodesy). His main research interest is to develop and study
relations between geodesy and geophysics especially study on temporal changes
of the Earth’s gravity field and glacial isostatic adjustment.
We acknowledge that Professor Artu Ellmann and Associate Professor Jonas Ågren
spent part of their summer vacation in 2016 to read a draft version of this book.
Their valuable comments significantly improved the final manuscript.
We thank the following publishers and journals for granting permissions to reuse
some previously published material of our own: Springer for articles in Acta
Geodaetica et Geophysics Hungary, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Surveys in
Geophysics, Encyclopedia of Geodesy and Journal of Geodesy, Studia Geodaetica
et Geophysica, Surveys in Geophysics and also de Gruyter for articles in Journal of
Geodetic Science and Journal of Applied Geodesy, and, finally, Elsevier for articles
in Earth Science Review and Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.
Thanks also go to Petra van Steenbergen, Executive Editor in Earth Sciences,
Geography and Environment, and Hermine Vloemans, project coordinator, at
Springer for their help to prepare the book.
Finally we acknowledge the Division of Geodesy and Satellite Positioning at
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) for providing a good working environment
and the opportunity to complete this book.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1
1.1 Contents of the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1
1.2 The Subject Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 2
1.3 The Development of the Subject Field Before the Last
Millennium Shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Recent Developments in Gravimetric Theory and Data . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4.1 Development of Gravimetric Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4.2 Development of Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.5 Reference System, Reference Frame and Datum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5.1 More on Reference Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5.2 Different Types of Reference Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.5.3 Major Geodynamical Effects on Reference Frames . . . . . . . 17
1.5.4 Geodetic Reference System 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2 Basic Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.1 Least Squares Adjustment Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.1.1 Adjustment by Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2 Least Squares Collocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2.1 Discrete Collocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2.2 Continuous Collocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.3 Coordinate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.4 Legendre’s Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.5 Spherical Harmonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.5.1 Spectral Filtering and Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.6 Ellipsoidal Harmonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.7 Fundamentals of Potential Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.7.1 Basic Concepts and Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.7.2 Laplace’s and Poisson’s Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.7.3 Laplace’s Equation and Its Solution in Spherical
Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 61
x Contents
Abstract The task of this book is to convey some basic and in-depth knowledge on
the traditional and recent theory of gravity inversion and integration for applications
in geodesy and geophysics. The subject fields, physical geodesy and geophysics
including geodynamics with emphasis on gravity information, are briefly intro-
duced. Also the recent history of physical geodesy and gravimetric geophysics is
reviewed. It follows that satellite techniques are indispensable for global to regional
studies. The basic but important concepts of a geodetic reference system, frame and
datum are also defined with examples. The Geodetic Reference System 1980, a
versatile tool in most applications of gravity data, is presented in some detail.
Chapter 2 provides the basic mathematics for this book. Here least squares theory,
coordinate systems, spherical and ellipsoidal harmonics, fundamental potential the-
ory and regularization of improperly posed problems and/or numerically singular
systems of equations are introduced. Chapter 3 reviews classic physical geodesy,
including its integral formulas, height systems and their determinations. Chapter 4
presents modern physical geodesy starting with the original concepts of M.S.
Molodensky. A major part of this chapter is a variety of modifying Stokes’ formula for
geoid computation by combing terrestrial gravity data and an Earth Gravitational
Model (EGM). Chapter 5 deals with the topographic, atmospheric and ellipsoidal
corrections needed in Stokes’ formula. Chapter 6 expresses and compares today’s
commonly used methods for modifying Stokes’ formulas for geoid and quasigeoid
determination: the Remove-Compute-Restore (RCR) and Least Squares Modification
of Stokes’ formula with Additive corrections (LSMSA) techniques. A number of
applied geoid projects with these techniques are also reported. In Chap. 7
the descriptions of several modern tools in physical geodesy are gathered. These
include quasigeoid determination, corrections from quasigeoid to geoid, combined
geoid determination from gravimetric and geometric data, the determination of the
potential of the geoid, geoid determination by spectral combination of satellite, air-
borne and terrestrial gravity data, and, finally, it introduces a relativistic approach to
determine geopotential and height differences originating with Bjerhammar (1975).
Chapter 8 comprises methods for gravity inversion as well as analyses for temporal
changes of the gravity field.
constantly changing under the influence of external and internal forces (such as
mantle convection, plate tectonics, sea level rise, etc.), the gravity field and its
changes with time are of great significance for studying various geodynamic and
geophysical processes.
The Earth’s temporal deformations can be divided into secular, periodic and
episodic (suddenly accelerating or decelerating) phenomena. Our knowledge about
the causes and effects of these deformations vary, and, as one example, frequently a
long periodic deformation is interpreted as a secular one. Some phenomena such as
Earth tide and post-glacial rebound have been observed systematically for long time
and are relatively well understood. Figure 1.1 illustrates major time variable gravity
field sources in terms of spatial resolution, and almost all of these sources can be
significantly sensed by the GRACE data. One can see the time and spatial extensions
and resolutions of each phenomenon, but it should be emphasized that, because of
limitations in the resolution of observations, not all but the majority of them can be
studied by the present GRACE data. As stated above, the temporal changes of gravity
are caused by secular, periodic and episodic phenomena, but frequently the causative
sources belong to two or all three types of phenomena. For example, mantle con-
vection, plate tectonics and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) are typically secular
causes, while Earth and ocean tides appear both as static gravitational effects and as
Fig. 1.1 Time variable gravity field sources in terms of spatial resolution (Moritz 1980a)
1.2 The Subject Field 5
periodic signals at periods from decades to seconds, and earthquakes (usually fol-
lowed by regional tectonic deformations and tsunamis) are episodic. Therefore, the
geodetic measuring techniques relevant to studying such changes will differ. For
instance, to understand mantle convection and plate tectonics, the global gravity field
is a suitable observable, while for studying problems related to GIA gravity, also
vertical crustal motions and sea level changes are suggested sets of data.
Generally the Earth responds to deforming forces as a visco-elastic medium,
implying that the response is dependent on the temporal scale and spatial extension of
the deformation. See Fig. 1.1. For short periodic deformations, the Earth behaves as an
elastic medium, while for secular changes its responses are visco-elastic to viscous.
Turcotte and Schubert (2002) introduced the reader to the basics of geophysics
and geodynamics, such as plate tectonics, stress and strain in solids, elasticity and
flexure, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, rock rheology faultings, etc. The chapter on
gravity is of special interest, as it introduces some methods for gravity integration
and inversion with many numerical examples. For treatments of a variety of the-
ories and geophysical applications of gravimetry, the following volumes could be
mentioned. Lambeck (1988) deals with various applications of geodetic tools for
geophysics/geodynamics with in-depth descriptions, while Moritz (1990) provides
a theoretical/mathematical treatment of the Earth’s interior, equilibrium figures, the
equipotential ellipsoid and its density distribution and isostasy. Vaníček and
Christou Nikolaos (1994) present several areas of application of gravity for geo-
physics. Watts (2001) provides an in-depth presentation of isostasy and flexure of
the lithosphere, both from theoretical points of view and from geological and
geophysical findings.
Although terrestrial gravity data have been gradually measured for covering and
densifying land areas, the event of satellite altimetry in the late 1970s was the most
important advance in terrestrial data coverage, as it enables gravity mapping of the
oceans, which was lacking before. Today, satellite altimetry covers all oceans with
detailed gravity related information, which are invaluable data sets as gravity was
very poorly known at sea in the past. Also, repeated, time tagged altimetry tracks
provide valuable information on temporal changes of sea level. In addition, during
the last decade, large regions on land and at sea have been covered by airborne
gravity data. All these new measurements are complemented with much more
accurate positioning by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). In particular,
the vertical position, in the past frequently poorly measured, is now accurately
determined by GNSS.
In parallel, the long-wavelength gravity field has been explored to unprecedented
resolution and accuracy, first by dynamic satellite geodesy methods using and
combining all kinds of geodetic-satellite measurements, and finally by the break
through that came between 2000 and 2015 with dedicated satellite gravity missions.
Already during the 1980s and 90s, there were competing technologies for such
missions, such as NASA’s Gravity Research Mission, based on satellite-to-satellite
tracking technique (e.g. Wolff 1969; Sjöberg 1982; Jekeli and Upadhyay 1990) and
ESA’s ARISTOTELES mission using satellite gradiometry, but it was not until the
millennium shift that such gravity measurement tools were realized (through
CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE satellite missions). In this way, the long-wavelength
gravity field has been covered to a resolution of, say, 100 100 km2, providing
gravity and geoid accuracies of the orders of 1 mGal and 1 cm, respectively.
8 1 Introduction
In the meantime, satellite data were also combined with terrestrial gravity data to
create high resolution EGMs. For example, EGM2008 (Pavlis et al. 2012), com-
plete to degree and order 2160, corresponds to a resolution of the order of
5 5 km2. In parallel, also high resolution Digital Elevation Models have been
developed based on recently acquired terrestrial data, as well as space data.
Examples of such data bases are DTM2006 (Pavlis et al. 2007) and ETOPO1
(Amante and Eakins 2009) to resolutions of 5 5 and 1 1 km2, respectively.
Since the introduction of GPS for civilian uses in 1983, the world has seen a
formidable development of GNSS technology and methods, which, on one hand,
provides an independent geometric technique for validating gravimetric geoid
models, and, on the other hand, calls for more accurate geoid models as the ref-
erence level for GNSS and for directly providing geoid height estimates by the
so-called GNSS-levelling technique. Thirdly, GNSS is an essential tool in dedicated
satellite gravity missions.
Advances in scientific results cannot only rely on improved data sets, but theory
must also improve. As discussed in the previous section, up until the 1980s, the
goal for the accuracy in geoid determination was of the order of several decimetres,
and the emphases in available literature (like Moritz 1980a; Sansó and Sideris
2013) were and are on quasigeoid rather than geoid determination. However, as the
development of the quality and amount of gravimetric data advanced, geodesists
more and more strive for the “1-cm geoid”, and the need for more accurate theory
becomes obvious. This was emphasized by Martinec (1998), who developed sev-
eral improved practical formulas for accurate geoid modelling according to tradi-
tional Stokes-Helmert approach. There are also numerous scientific papers that
develop physical geodetic theory in various ways, while recent textbooks on the
subject matter are missing. In this context should be mentioned that the develop-
ment of the Earth Gravitational Model EGM2008 (Pavlis et al. 2012) is a com-
prehensive achievement that combines theory and data in such a way that Earth
gravitational models are taken to a new level of accuracy and resolution.
Nevertheless, more efforts are needed to reach the 1-cm goal.
During the last decades, there has been a revolution in the Earth sciences. The
study of the Earth’s interior (crust, mantle and core) and attempts to model it in 3-D
is still a major challenge in geophysics, in particular for modelling the physical and
chemical structures. Moreover, mapping and understanding geodynamic processes
like deformations of the Earth’s surface and its interior mass structures, often
related to global change, are developing. In most of these studies, satellite methods
significantly simplify and enhance regional to global compilations and results.
Although the progress in geophysics is rich and manifold, this study is focused on
the following gravity related topics.
1.4 Recent Developments in Gravimetric Theory and Data 9
The last 15–20 years has seen many global and regional compilations of the
Earth’s crustal depth, mainly based on seismic data. As an alternative, this study
will present recent mathematical methods based on isostasy, which utilize
satellite-gravity data and isostatic methods for determining global and regional
crustal depth models, as well as models of the Moho density contrast. Refined
models are obtained by combinations of seismic and gravimetric data.
Already in the 1960s, Runcorn (1967) suggested a mathematical technique to
determine tectonic stress in the mantle from gravity. Until recently, numerical
applications of the method were not very successful. However, based on recent high
quality satellite gravity data, we will demonstrate that this method has its merits.
For a long time, the Fennoscandia land uplift phenomenon as part of the global
GIA has been a rich field for geodynamic studies, mainly because the area is easily
accessed and has the long records of geological data needed for modelling the
historical ice sheet development and sea level progress with time. Through the
years, a number of global GIA models were developed and tested on land uplift
records in Fennoscandia (e.g. Steffen and Wu 2011). Most important parameters in
these tests are the lithosphere thickness and the viscosities in the upper and medium
mantle. Consequently, viscosity profiles in the mantle have lately been a major
research field by means of such models. Major uncertainties in this type of mod-
elling are related to the ice thickness and extension history, sea level rise and
parameters of the Earth’s rheology. In this study, the static gravity field and its
temporal change are employed as an alternative technique to determine the upper–
mantle viscosity.
Textbooks like Fowler (2001) and Turcotte and Schubert (2002) introduce the
reader to the basic concepts in geophysics and, in particular, geodynamics by
describing major Earth processes with many mathematical examples. The dedicated
satellite gravity missions deliver data that open the possibility to determine secular
and periodic variations of the long to medium wavelengths of the gravity field,
which enable the realization of a number of geodynamic studies. In the present
book, we will demonstrate how to apply the information on temporal changes of
gravity to determine the secular and annual variation of the geoid. The change of
the geoid in Fennoscandia, related to GIA, will also be used to estimate the upper to
medium mantle viscosity.
Recently Jacoby and Smilde (2009) provided numerous examples of the geo-
logical and geophysical interpretations of gravity data. They suggest that gravity
interpretation be related to broader subjects such as the shape of the Earth, the
nature of the continental and oceanic crust, isostasy, forces and stresses, geological
structure, climate change, etc. For example, one of the important applications of
observing gravity in geodesy is to use it in combination with other measurements,
e.g. distances and coordinates for defining the Earth’s shape and in combination
with levelling and other surveying methods (GPS levelling). In geophysics and
geology, the purpose is typically for the exploration of the Earth’s interior, and
gravity data has a similarly important bearing on oceanography. In geodynamics,
temporal gravity change has become an interesting matter because its space time
10 1 Introduction
behaviour reflects processes such as loading or unloading and flow inside the Earth,
which depend on viscosity and mantle convection. Temporal gravity variation can
also reveal mechanical properties and even deep processes such as Earth core
oscillations (Jacoby and Smilde 2009).
The dedicated satellite gravity missions play and will play increasing roles in
studying and explaining the Earth’s interior constitution and its on-going geody-
namic processes, and, in the next few years, one can expect to see fairly detailed
3-D maps of the Earth based on the inversion and integration of gravity, seismic and
other geophysical data. Also, temporal changes of sea level and gravity are key
issues in studying changes in ocean circulation, which are closely related with
climate change.
Geospatial data becomes a more and more important tool in society for many kinds
of research of immediate use, but also for future planning and enterprise. For the
latter purpose, geospatial data archives deserve increasing attention. In this respect,
the data archives will form virtual models of the Earth, and the modelled Earth will
be the basis, e.g. for future engineers, researchers and decision makers for their
applications, predictions and decisions. From such a perspective, one needs to
clearly define and distinguish between the basic geodetic concepts of reference
system, frame and datum. It is important to clarify the difference between reference
system and reference frame, as they are two different concepts. The former should
be regarded as a theoretical definition, and the latter is the practical counterpart
realized through observations and a set of coordinates.
A reference system defines models, parameters and constants, which serve as
necessary bases for the mathematical representations of the involved geometric and
physical quantities. A geodetic reference system is the joint concept of a coordinate
system, a time system, gravity model and a number of physical constants and datum
parameters. Reference systems used in satellite geodesy are global, 3-D and geo-
centric, i.e. with origin of the coordinate system at the gravity centre of the Earth
(various terrestrial systems, which could be 3-D, 2-D or 1-D, with various origos).
Two types of systems are needed/relevant in satellite geodesy: Earth-fixed and
space-fixed systems.
A geodetic reference frame is a realization of a reference system, i.e. it is the
resulting practical system based on methods of observation and analyses of the data,
as well as the orientation of the coordinate system. Practically, this is done phys-
ically by a solid materialization of points, and, mathematically, by determining the
parameters, e.g. geometric coordinates (Drewes 2009). Hence, the reference frame
makes possible the determination of station location/position, possibly as a function
of time. This procedure seems simple, but one has to deal with complicated matters
such as theory of relativity, forces acting on the satellites, corrections for the
atmosphere, Earth rotation, solid Earth and ocean tides, tectonic motions, etc.
1.5 Reference System, Reference Frame and Datum 11
The geodetic datum explains clearly the relation between a reference system and
a reference frame by assigning some parameters, e.g. the coordinates of the origin
of the system (X0, Y0, Z0), the directions of coordinate axes and the scale as a unit of
length (e.g. in metre).
The definition of a reference system must not be affected by the realization of a
geodetic datum and reference frame. Also, the errors of measurements in a refer-
ence frame do not affect the datum definition, as the datum parameters are fixed and
independent of the measurements. The roles of the reference system and frame in
the sustainable development of a country have been reaffirmed by the United
Nations General Assembly Resolution on the Global Geodetic Reference Frame,
which states that:
The economic and scientific importance of and the growing demand for an accurate and
stable global geodetic reference frame for the Earth that allows the interrelationship of
measurements taken anywhere on the Earth and in space, combining geometric positioning
and gravity field related observations, as the basis and reference in location and height for
geospatial information, which is used in many Earth science and societal applications,
including sea level and climate change monitoring, natural hazard and disaster management
and a whole series of industrial applications (including mining, agriculture, transport,
navigation and construction) in which precise positioning introduces efficiencies (United
Nations 2015).
Geodetic reference systems and frames can be global, regional or local. It may be
appropriate to use a national reference system when small details over a large area
should be recognized and a more locally adapted reference system for large scale
Examples of Geodetic Reference Systems
A well-defined spatial reference system is needed to create an accurate digital
geospatial data base or map. The reference system defines the coordinate system
and datum in which all landmarks have unique (3-D) coordinates. As an example,
the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) constitutes a set of pre-
scriptions and conventions together with the modelling required to define origin,
scale, orientation and time evolution of a Conventional Terrestrial Reference
System (CTRS). For more details, see, e.g. (retrieved
13 March 2016).
There is a mutual dependence existing between national and international ref-
erence systems. National systems need to have a close connection to the interna-
tional systems, which needs observations from the national reference system.
Therefore, international cooperation has intensified over the past decade, and,
12 1 Introduction
among other things, has led to the reference systems becoming realizations
equivalent to European systems. For example, within Europe, ETRS89 (European
Terrestrial Reference System) has been adopted as the joint reference system.
ETRS89 is compatible with the global ITRS, which is a dynamic system that
includes a velocity model. Coordinates and speeds in ITRS are calculated based on
data from various time intervals, and these solutions are referred to as ITRF
(International Terrestrial Reference Frame). Figure 1.2 shows the relationship
between global systems and SWEREF99 (the national reference system of
Examples of Geodetic Reference Frames
The ITRS is realized by the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) based
upon estimated coordinates and velocities of a set of stations observed by the
geodetic space techniques VLBI, LLR, GPS, SLR and DORIS. A fixed geodetic
reference frame is a necessary tool to better understand time dependent phenomena,
and it is also needed for precise orbit determination of geodetic satellites.
A terrestrial reference frame provides a network of reference points located on the
Earth’s surface with known coordinates. The Earth’s motion in space and the
deformation and motion of points on its surface are measured vs. the International
Celestial Reference Frame fixed by VLBI, LLR, GPS, SLR and DORIS techniques.
Figure 1.3 shows the temporal changes in the ITRF2008 station positions
(Altamimi et al. 2011).
“Geodetic reference frames are the basis for three-dimensional, time dependent
positioning in global, regional and national geodetic networks, for spatial appli-
cations such as the cadastre, engineering construction, precise navigation, geoin-
formation acquisition, geodynamics, sea level and other geoscientific studies.”
The geodetic reference frames are necessary to consistently reference or tag
parameters using geodetic observations, e.g. station coordinates, crustal motion,
Earth orientation information, etc. Ground observations of GNSS and other satel-
lites, or radio telescope observations of distant quasars, enable us to define not only
the reference frame, but also to derive other parameters, for instance, crustal motion
parameters from continuously operating GNSS stations, Earth orientation param-
eters, and geocentric motion (for more, see
1.5 Reference System, Reference Frame and Datum 13
Fig. 1.3 International terrestrial reference frame (ITRF) 2008 realization stations and its
a horizontal (Major plate boundaries are shown according to Bird 2003) and b vertical velocity
field. Positive velocities are shown in red and negative in blue (Altamimi et al. 2011) with formal
error less than 0.2 mm/yr
h ¼ H þ N: ð1:1Þ
[Note that in Fig. 1.4 the geoid is shown above the ellipsoid. However, in some
regions, e.g. the continental United States, the geoid is actually below the ellipsoid,
and therefore the value of the geoid height is negative there.]
The EGM2008 geoid model, shown in Fig. 1.5, ranges between peak values
−106.6 m in the Indian Ocean south of India and 87.6 m north of Australia. The
origins of these extremes are briefly discussed in Sects and 8.2.2. Large
negative geoid undulations are also seen in the Ross Sea in the Antarctic region and
in NE N. America, related to postglacial mass deficiencies, and also in Mongolia, the
Pacific offshore of California and the Atlantic Ocean east of the Caribbean islands.
Fig. 1.5 Global geoid model obtained from EGM2008 model (up to degree 2160, corresponding
grid resolution is 5′ 5′). Unit: metre
along the Earth’s rotational axis. The X- and Y-axes are located in the equatorial
plane with the X-axis passing through the Greenwich meridian, and the Y-axis
points to the east at a right angle to the X-axis. In this way the (X, Y, Z)-system
becomes a right angle system.
The geodetic coordinates latitude and longitude are used to express positions in
angular dimensions. The latitude is the angle in the north-south direction with
latitude zero (0) in the equatorial plane, 90° N in the North and 90° S in the South
Poles. The longitude indicates the angle in the east-west direction and is based on
the prime meridian, being zero along the meridian through Greenwich, counted
positively eastward and westward negatively, (or with E or W for east and west,
Plane Coordinate Systems (2-D)
A 2-D reference system (or a plane coordinate system) has no direct link to the
height component. Grid coordinates in the plane for a point on or above the ref-
erence ellipsoid, calculated by a selected (map) projection, is one example. The map
projection depicts any curved surface or line on Earth on the mapping plane. The
choice of projection is controlled by the application and projection characteristics
such that the purpose of the map is met. Most geodetic maps are made in Transverse
Mercator (Gauss-Krüger) projection.
Height Systems (1-D)
Height above the sea is defined in a selected height system. A height system
consists of a number of fixed points (benchmarks), which are marked on the ground.
In the future, the height system may be defined as a digital database versus a defined
geoid model without fixed points. The height of each fixed point is carefully
measured (usually by levelling). The height system is also linked to a number of
parameters that define the height of the fundamental benchmark at the zero point of
the system and the epoch of the height calculation that the heights are valid for, as
well as a possible temporal rate of change of height of each benchmark. The fixed
points are then used as starting points to measure height differences to and the
heights of other objects in the surroundings. Geoid and land uplift models are
closely associated with the height system. When the term “height” is used, it usually
means the height above sea level, or, more precisely, the height along the plumb
line above the geoid. The geoid surface is always perpendicular to the plumb line.
The altitude/orthometric height (H) of an arbitrary point P is therefore the distance
along the vertical/plumb line reckoned from the geoid to P. See Fig. 1.7.
Over time, height systems are affected by a number of external factors: fixed
points are destroyed or moved because of subsidence or land uplift. As a result, a
fixed point usually has different heights in different height systems. Differences
between systems also occur when they have different fundamental/zero points. For
example, Normaal Amsterdam Peil (NAP) is used as zero point in Sweden, Finland,
Norway and Denmark and also in Poland, Germany and the Netherland, while
many former Soviet Union countries use the Baltic Sea Datum from 1977 with zero
point defined by mean sea level at Kronstadt (in 1933).
1.5 Reference System, Reference Frame and Datum 17
Gravity System
A reference gravity system is realized through a gravity network, which can be
divided into different orders. Careful preparations for establishing a new, accurate
and reliable gravity network are important, and it will help also in defining an
accurate reference system.
The first international gravity network was established in 1971 by the
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), named the International
Gravity Standardization Net (IGSN) 1970. The IGSN is a worldwide gravity net-
work, consisting of 1854 stations with 10 absolute gravity measurements collected
over the 20 years preceding 1971. Today most countries have introduced their own
gravity networks and try to connect them with surrounding countries, and much of
the data in Europe were delivered into the database of the Unified European Gravity
Network 2002 Project (UEGN2002) (see Kenyeres et al. 2001).
Most geodetic measurement techniques are affected in one way or another by the
magnitude and direction of gravity, and such information is needed, for example, in
precise levelling, geoid determination and geological mapping.
In this section, some major geodynamical phenomena that affect the reference
frames will be presented. They are plate motion, glacial isostatic adjustment
(postglacial rebound) and Earth tide.
Plate Motion
Continental drift, the movement of the Earth’s continents relative to each other, was
discovered by the German scientist Alfred Wegner in the 1930s. Nowadays, the
concept of continental drift has been replaced by the concept of plate tectonics. The
processes of seafloor spreading, rift valley formation and subduction are the main
geologic forces underlying plate motion. Seafloor spreading occurs when molten
rock rises from inside the Earth and makes new seafloor. Rift valleys are formed
when a continental landmass is splitting itself apart. For example, Fig. 1.8 illus-
trates that the tectonic movement that all northern parts of the European plate
18 1 Introduction
Fig. 1.9 Global land uplift model obtained based on the GIA model ICE-6G (VM5a). For details,
see Peltier et al. (2015)
of accurate tide gauge) were established to more precisely monitor sea level change.
Today, the relative uplift may also be determined using other types of observations,
such as repeated precise levelling and GNSS observations.
Although GIA is a global phenomenon, it mostly affects the previously (or
presently) glaciated regions in Laurentia, Fennoscandia, the Barents Sea, Iceland
and parts of Antarctica and Greenland (see Fig. 1.9). The land uplift is of the order
of 1–1.5 cm per year or less, and in the peripheral regions land is even sinking some
mm/yr. The rebound also results in horizontal motions, which, in the case of
Fennoscandia, ranges to about 2 mm/yr in the central uplift region in the Bothnia
Bay and decreases away from this region (see Fig. 1.10). This means that geodetic
projects with high accuracy, like precise levelling projects, must be corrected for the
land uplift and the height systems must be time tagged.
There are various geophysical GIA models. Figure 1.9 shows a model of
present-day mass change due to post-glacial rebound and the reloading of the ocean
basins with seawater. The uplift rate (rate of radial displacement) is obtained using
the ICE-6G (VM5a) model. In ICE-6G (VM5a), the most recently available GPS
observations have been employed (Peltier et al. 2015). Red and yellow areas
indicate rising due to the removal of the ice sheets. Blue areas indicate falling as
mantle material moved away from these areas in order to supply the rising areas,
and because of the collapse of the fore bulges around the ice sheets. Minimum and
maximum values are −6.5 and 13.8 mm/yr. Uplift varies and is greatest in Canada.
The next largest is in northern Sweden at the Gulf of Bothnia (about 1 cm/year) and
at least in Skåne (approximately 0 cm/year).
20 1 Introduction
In connection with the final calculation of the height systems in the areas with
land uplift phenomena, a land uplift model should be considered to correct the
height system. For example, the NKG2005LU model has been adopted as the
official Nordic land uplift model of the Nordic Commission of Geodesy (NKG) in
order to correct the heights. It is based on observations from mareographs, mea-
surements from repeated precision balancing and data from fixed GPS-reference
stations. For the area outside the Nordic countries, uplift is estimated from a geo-
physical model, which is based on the theories of the ice thickness and properties of
the mantle and the crust. Ågren and Svensson (2007) presented two types of land
uplift: apparent (with respect to sea level) and absolute (with respect to ellipsoid or,
roughly, geoid). The relationship between apparent and absolute land uplift is given
LUabsolute ¼ LUapparent þ 1:32 1:06 mm=year
Figure 1.10 shows the horizontal components of the global crustal motion.
Tidal Effects
The tidal acceleration at a point on Earth is the difference between the attraction of
the Sun and the Moon (and planets) at the point and that at the centre of the Earth.
This attraction creates both ocean and body tides, which directly affect all geodetic
measurements. Most spectacular is the sea water tide, e.g. in the Bristol channel,
England, and the Bay of Fundy, Canada, where it can reach 16 m. Due to the ocean
tide and body tide, the Earth deforms because it is not a rigid body but behaves
elastically. The tidal forces and deformations are both periodic and permanent.
Most prominent are the diurnal and semi-diurnal periods, but there are also
long-term periods of 8.5 and 18.6 years that can be hard to distinguish from secular
motions due to other causes. The vertical displacement of the Earth surface may
reach about 0.33 m, while the geoid height may change as much as 0.69 m (e.g.
Vaníček et al. 1987, p. 186). There are different tidal systems, which depend on
how the permanent tide is treated:
• The non-tidal system that comprises the permanent tidal effects (attraction and
deformation) is completely isolated from geodetic quantities. The shape and
gravity field of the Earth deviate from reality in this system.
• The mean-tidal system, which contains both the permanent tidal attraction and
the permanent tidal deformation of the Earth, is retained. The shape and gravity
field of the Earth correspond to reality in this system.
• The zero-tidal system where the permanent tidal attraction is eliminated but the
permanent tidal deformation is retained. The gravity field of the Earth deviates
from reality, and the shape of the Earth corresponds to reality in this system.
1.5 Reference System, Reference Frame and Datum 21
Fig. 1.10 North and east components of global crustal motion obtained based on ICE-6G
(VM5a). From Peltier et al. (2015)
22 1 Introduction
The Geodetic Reference System 1980 (Moritz 1980b) was adopted at the XVII
General Assembly of the IUGG in Canberra, Australia, in December 1979. Several
of its constants are given in Table 1.1. GRS80 is (still) recommended to be used as
the primary global geodetic system for various geoscience applications.
Normal Gravity
The normal gravity c0 can be computed at any point on the reference ellipsoid by
the formula:
1 þ k sin2 u
c0 ¼ ce 1=2 ð1:2Þ
1 e2 sin2 u
bcp ace
k¼ : ð1:3Þ
Table 1.1 Parameters of geodetic reference system 1980 (GRS80) (Moritz 1980b)
Conventional constants Symbol Value Unit
Defining constants (exact)
Semi-major axis of ellipsoid a 6 378 137 m
Geocentric gravitational constant GM 3 986 005 108 m3/s2
Dynamic form factor J2 108 263 10−8 –
Spherical-harmonic coefficients J4 −2 370 912 22 10−14 –
Spherical-harmonic coefficients J6 6 083 47 10−14 –
Spherical-harmonic coefficients J8 −1427 10−14 –
Angular velocity x 7 292 115 10−11 rad/s
Derived geometric constants
Semi minor axis b 6 356 752.3141 m
Linear eccentricity E 521854.0097 m
First eccentricity (= e) e2 0.006 694 380 022 90 –
Second eccentricity (= e′) e′2 0.006 739 496 775 48 –
Flattening f 0.003 352 810 681 18 –
Reciprocal flattening f−1 298.257 222 10 –
Derived physical constants
Normal potential at ellipsoid U0 6 263 686.0850 10 m2/s2
Normal gravity at equator ce 9.780 326 7715 m/s2
Normal gravity at pole cp 9.832 186 3685 m/s2
Gravity flattening cp ce ce 5:302440112 103 –
1.5 Reference System, Reference Frame and Datum 23
For determining the normal potential and normal gravity in space above the
ellipsoid, we refer to Sect. 3.2.2.
Tidal System
In 1983, the IAG adopted the zero-tidal corrections to be used in geodetic systems.
tide tide
This implies that the permanent tidal attraction (@W =@r), where W is the
permanent tidal potential, is eliminated, whereas the permanent tidal deformation is
retained in gravity measurements, yielding the gravity correction:
@W tide @W
dgtide ¼ d þ ð1 d Þ ; ð1:4Þ
@r @r
where W tide is the (total) tidal potential and d 1:16 is the gravity Love number.
Similarly, the height above the zero-geoid is obtained by adding the correction
dH tide ¼ c þ ð 1 cÞ : ð1:5Þ
g g
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Chapter 2
Basic Mathematics
Abstract The basic mathematics useful for this book is divided into discrete least
squares theory, collocation, coordinate systems, Legendre’s polynomials, spherical
and ellipsoidal harmonics, the fundamentals of potential theory and regularization.
Most numerical applications are based on linear least squares theory, either in the
spatial domain (mainly for local studies) or by spherical harmonics in regional and
global applications. For example, linear regression analysis, discrete and continuous
least squares collocation are described. As problems in geodesy and geophysics are
frequently non-linear, the linearization of such a problem is also presented. After
introducing Legendre’s polynomials and spherical harmonics, the latter type of
series is used for spectral smoothing and combining sets of data. The gravitational
potential on and outside the ellipsoid is also presented in ellipsoidal harmonics. One
section is devoted to the basics of potential theory, including some basic concepts,
Newton’s integral for the potential, Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations and Gauss’
and Green’s formulas, as a well as basic boundary value problems, as a background
for the rest of the book. Considering that most problems related with gravity
inversion are inverse problems, regularization is needed to reach a practical solu-
tion. Hence, various approaches to regularization of solutions to inverse problems
are shortly described and compared.
Keywords Basic mathematics Collocation Coordinate systems Least squares
theory Legendre’s polynomials
Spherical harmonics
Potential theory
Least squares treatment of large data sets is common in geodesy, surveying and
geophysics. Least squares collocation, widely used in geodesy, is closely related
with kriging, frequently applied in geophysical prospecting. This book will apply
least squares in various ways in physical geodesy and geophysics, and the basics are
provided in this section.
Definition 2.1 Let x be a stochastic estimator for the parameter l: If the stochastic
expectation Efxg ¼ l holds, we say that x is an unbiased estimator of l and its
variance is given by:
n o
r2x ¼ E ðx lÞ2 : ð2:1Þ
Definition 2.2 If E fxg 6¼ l, then x is a biased estimator of l, and its Mean Square
n o
MSE f xg ¼ E ðx lÞ2 ¼ r2x þ bias2x ; ð2:2aÞ
is the sum of its variance given by (2.1) and the bias squared, the bias given by:
biasx ¼ E f xg l: ð2:2bÞ
Equation (2.2a) follows directly from the relation:
n o n o
MSE fxg ¼ E ðx lÞ2 ¼ E ðx E fxg þ E f xg lÞ2 : ð2:3Þ
AX ¼ L e; ð2:4Þ
where A is called the design matrix, assumed to be of full rank, the least squares
solution to (2.4), minimizing the weighted sum of squares of errors, eT Pe, is:
b AT PA 1 AT PL:
X¼ ð2:5aÞ
^e ¼ L A X ð2:5bÞ
2.1 Least Squares Adjustment Theory 29
QX ¼ r20 AT PA : ð2:5cÞ
Here P is a positive definite weight matrix among the observations, ð Þ1 is the
inverse of the matrix in the bracket and r20 is the variance of unit weight. The latter
can be unbiasedly estimated by:
b =ðn mÞ;
s2 ¼ ^eT P^e=ðn mÞ ¼ LT P L A X ð2:5dÞ
a þ bti ¼ li ei ; i ¼ 1; . . .; n; ð2:6aÞ
If one substitutes ti by Dti ¼ ti t0 , where t0 ¼ i¼1 ti =n is the mean of the
observation times, one obtains:
Dti ¼ 0;
implying that the off-diagonal elements of the normal matrix AT A vanish, yielding
a diagonal matrix, and the above solution is simplified to:
n X
n X
^a ¼ li =n and ^b ¼ Dti li = ðDt1 Þ2 ð2:6dÞ
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
30 2 Basic Mathematics
One may also eliminate the constant a in Eq. (2.6a) by substituting each
observation li by li l, where l is the mean of the observations.
The estimated secular trend ^b may be sensitive to periodic signals not included
in the regression analysis, in particular for long-periodic terms. If the periods Tj
are known, their causes can be included in the adjustment by the revised formula
a þ bti þ cj cos xj ti þ dj sin xj ti ¼ li ei ; i ¼ 1; . . .; n; ð2:6gÞ
li ei ¼ fi ðXÞ; i ¼ 1; . . .; n; ð2:7aÞ
ADX ¼ DL e; ð2:7bÞ
and assuming also that the observations X and L are uncorrelated, the
improved least squares solution becomes (e.g. Sjöberg 2013, Sect. 12.1):
b ¼ N1 Q1 X þ AT Q1 L
X ð2:8bÞ
b ¼ X þ KðL AX Þ;
X ð2:8cÞ
N ¼ Q1 T 1
X þA Q A and K ¼ QX AT AQX AT þ Q ; ð2:8dÞ
It is obvious that this solution is both more stable and precise than the
original solution (2.5a).
As an example, the solution of Eqs. (2.8c) and (2.8e) is useful in gravity
inversion when a preliminary model of Earth parameters ðX Þ are at hand
from a previous analysis, and new data ðLÞ are available to improve the
model. In the case that the new observation equation is non-linear, it can be
linearized as described above. Several other ways of adjusting the non-linear
equations in combination with the preliminary model are discussed at length
in Tarantola (1987).
32 2 Basic Mathematics
~y ¼ aT X; ð2:10aÞ
where a is an arbitrary vector and the error of X is e with expectation zero. Then the
prediction error becomes:
2.2 Least Squares Collocation 33
e~y ¼ ~y y ¼ aT X y; ð2:10bÞ
and by assuming that e and y are uncorrelated, the prediction variance becomes:
n o
where C ¼ EfxxT g, D ¼ EfeeT g and c ¼ E fxyg. This shows that the optimum
predictor is provided for a ¼ ðC þ DÞ1 c, and the predictor and its variance follow
from (2.9a, b).
If the expectation of x does not vanish, collocation can still be applied as above
after first removing the bias, trend or systematic error by a least squares adjustment
by elements as above. The whole procedure, including trend removal, is the general
form of least squares collocation (Moritz 1980, Parts B and C).
When collocation is applied to the gravity field of the Earth, it is unrealistic to
assume that the signal (but, on the contrary, the error) is stochastic, and this can
only be assumed as an approximate model. As a result, also the signal covariance
functions needed are in doubt. In the application of collocation the statistical
expectation operator is replaced by a space average operator, which is not trivial.
Lauritzen (1973) even proved that a Gaussian stochastic process of gravity is not
ergodic, implying that “even if we knew gravity all over the Earth, we would not be
able to find the true covariance function”. If there is only one realization available
of the stochastic process, we cannot determine the true covariance function.
Nevertheless, discrete collocation is an important method for inter- and extrap-
olation that also provides an approximate estimate of the prediction variance. Even if
this method is not the most precise technique, it is frequently also used for deter-
mining various quantities from gravity data. However, one should also bear in mind
that collocation leads to large matrix systems when many observations are at hand.
In geology and geophysics, a similar concept named kriging has been developed
for applications in geostatistics (see, e.g. Matheron 1963). The essential difference
to collocation is the variogram that replaces the covariance function used in col-
location. See, e.g. Dermanis (1984) for further details.
Let x be a continuous stochastic process on the sphere with expectation zero and
auto-covariance function cxx ðP; QÞ. Its observation x is contaminated by the error e,
which is assumed to be uncorrelated with the true signal x, has expectation 0 and
auto-covariance function dðP; QÞ:
34 2 Basic Mathematics
Problem It is requested to determine the least squares solution to the linear con-
tinuous estimator on the sphere:
~yP ¼ hxdr; ð2:11Þ
is obtained by:
cyx ðP; QÞ ¼ ^hðP; Q0 Þfcuu ðQ; Q0 Þ þ d ðQ; Q0 ÞgdrQ0 : ð2:15Þ
which is the so-called Wiener-Hopf integral equation for the kernel function h. The
least squares solution is thus given by Eq. (2.11) with h given by Eq. (2.15).
If there are two different sets of stochastic processes, x1 and x2 on the sphere,
observed with random errors e1 and e2 , and all covariance functions are known
(with obvious notations similar to the above example), a related stochastic process
y can be optimally estimated from the general combined estimator
~yP ¼ ðh1 ðP; QÞx1 ðQÞ þ h2 ðP; QÞx2 ðQÞÞdr: ð2:16Þ
2.2 Least Squares Collocation 35
The least squares solution for functions h1 and h2 are the solutions to the integral
cyx1 ðP; QÞ ¼ ^h1 ðP; Q0 Þc11 ðQ0 ; QÞ þ ^h2 ðP; Q0 Þc12 ðQ0 ; QÞ dr0 ð2:17aÞ
cyx2 ðP; QÞ ¼ ^h2 ðP; Q0 Þc22 ðQ0 ; QÞ þ ^h1 ðP; Q0 Þc21 ðQ0 ; QÞ dr0 ; ð2:17bÞ
c11 ¼ c11 þ d11 and c22 ¼ c22 þ d22 ; dii are the respective noise covariance
The expected least squares prediction variance becomes:
2 3
r^2y ðPÞ ¼ r2y ðPÞ 4^h1 ðP; QÞ 0 ^ 0 ^
c11 ðQ; Q Þh1 ðP; QÞ þ 2c12 ðQ; Q Þh2 ðP; Q Þ dr 5dr
r r
2 3
4^h2 ðP; QÞ 0 ^
c22 ðQ; Q Þh2 ðP; Q Þ dr 5dr:
r r
Consider the point P in an Earth-fixed Cartesian coordinate system ðx; y; zÞ, with
origin at the Earth’s centre of gravity, the z-axis along the Earth’s axis of rotation
and the ðx; yÞ-plane in the equatorial plane with the x-axis in Greenwich meridian
and y-axis at right angle to the east.
Then the Cartesian coordinates can also be expressed in spherical coordinates
(see Fig. 2.1)
x ¼ r cos w cos k
y ¼ r cos w sin k ð2:19Þ
z ¼ r sin w;
36 2 Basic Mathematics
where r and w are the geocentric radius and latitude, respectively, and k is the
The geodetic coordinates ðu; k; hÞ = (latitude, longitude, height) are related to
the Cartesian coordinates by the formulas (see Fig. 2.2)
x ¼ ðN þ hÞ cos u cos k
y ¼ ðN þ hÞ cos u sin k ð2:20Þ
z ¼ Nð1 e2 Þ þ h sin u;
N ¼ a= 1 e2 sin2 u ð2:21Þ
is the radius of curvature in the prime vertical of the reference ellipsoid with
semi-major and semi-minor axes a and b, and e2 ¼ ða2 b2 Þ=a2 is the eccentricity
of the ellipsoid squared.
2.3 Coordinate Systems 37
Next we present the relationship between the Cartesian and ellipsoidal coordi-
nates ðu; b; kÞ (see Fig. 2.3)
x ¼ u2 þ E 2 cos b cos k
y ¼ u2 þ E 2 cos b sin k ð2:22Þ
z ¼ u sin b;
E ¼ ae ¼ a2 b2
Fig. 2.3 Relations between Cartesian coordinates and geocentric, geodetic and reduced latitudes
38 2 Basic Mathematics
Equation (2.19) can be inverted to provide the spherical coordinates ðr; wÞ from
the Cartesian ones by:
z pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
tan w ¼ and r¼ p2 þ z 2 ; ð2:25aÞ
p¼ x2 þ y2 : ð2:25bÞ
From Eq. (2.22) one obtains the inverse transformation from Cartesian coordi-
nates to ellipsoidal coordinates by:
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffi
u¼ w2 þ w4 þ 4E 2 z2 = 2 ð2:26aÞ
tan b ¼ 1 þ ðE=uÞ2 ; ð2:26bÞ
w 2 ¼ p2 þ z 2 E 2 : ð2:26cÞ
There are numerous solutions in the literature to the geodetic latitude u and height
h; some solutions are iterative (e.g. Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, p. 183; Fukushima
2006; others are approximate, (e.g. Hoffmann-Wellenhof et al. 2008, p. 280):
z þ ðe0 Þ2 b sin3 o
u ¼ arctan ; ð2:27aÞ
p e2 cos3 o
p ¼ ðN þ hÞ cos u; ð2:28Þ
2.3 Coordinate Systems 39
and from this equation, and the last equation of (2.20) h can be eliminated, resulting
in an equation in u alone:
sin u
f ðuÞ ¼ p tan u z e2 a pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 0; ð2:29aÞ
1 e2 sin2 u
FðTÞ ¼ PT Z e2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 0; ð2:29bÞ
1 þ T2
FðTn Þ
Tn þ 1 ¼ Tn ; ð2:30aÞ
F 0 ðTn Þ F ðTn ÞFðTn Þ=ð2F 0 ðTn ÞÞ
where n is the iteration step and the first- and second-order derivatives are:
3=2 5=2
F 0 ðTn Þ ¼ P e2 = 1 þ Tn2 and F 00 ðTn Þ ¼ 3e2 Tn = 1 þ Tn2 : ð2:30bÞ
FðTn Þ
Tn þ 1 ¼ Tn : ð2:31Þ
F 0 ðTn Þ
Q ¼ z2 1 e2 =a2 ¼ k e2 sin2 b; ð2:32bÞ
and by combining these two equations such that b is eliminated, one arrives at a
fourth-order equation in k:
þ ¼ 1: ð2:32cÞ
k 2 ðk e2 Þ
followed by
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
t ¼ 1 þ s þ 2s þ s2 ; u ¼ r 1 þ t þ t1 ; v ¼ u2 þ e4 P
vþu P
and w ¼ e2 ;
Inserting (2.21) into the definition of k above (2.32a) the geodetic height can
now be determined by
h¼ ðk 1Þ: ð2:35Þ
R rP
1 1
P0 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ð2:37aÞ
rP þ R 2rP Rt rP 1 þ s2 2st
2 2
where s ¼ R=rP and t ¼ cos w; w being the centric angle between the radius vectors
for P0 ðR; u0 ; k0 Þ and PðrP ; u; kÞ (see Fig. 2.4). The angle is related to the latitudes
and longitudes of the points by the cosine formula from spherical trigonometry:
1X 1
P0 ¼ sn Pn ðtÞ; s\1: ð2:38aÞ
rP n¼0
1X 1
P0 ¼ sn Pn ðtÞ; s [ 1: ð2:38bÞ
R n¼0
1X 1
P0 ¼ Pn ðtÞ: ð2:38cÞ
R n¼0
42 2 Basic Mathematics
Differentiate each side of Eq. (2.38a) w.r.t. rP , multiply by 2rP and subtract the
inverse distance. Then, after a few manipulations, one obtains Poisson’s kernel
rP rP2 R2 X1
ð2n þ 1ÞRn
¼ Pn ðtÞ; rP [ R: ð2:39Þ
l3P0 n¼0
2n 1 n1
Pn ðtÞ ¼ tPn1 ðtÞ Pn2 ðtÞ; n 2: ð2:41Þ
n n
By the recursive formula Eq. (2.41) the Legendre’s polynomial can be deter-
mined numerically to any degree.
Legendre’s polynomials are orthogonal in the interval −1 to 1, i.e.:
Z1 Z1
P2n ðtÞdt ¼ and Pn ðtÞPm ðtÞdt ¼ 0; if n 6¼ m: ð2:42Þ
2n þ 1
1 1
but this formula is less practical on a computer than the recursive formula.
From the ordinary Legendre’s polynomials, the (associated) Legendre functions
can be defined:
m=2 d m Pn ðtÞ
Pnm ðtÞ ¼ 1 t2 ; m n; ð2:44Þ
( qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2ð2n þ 1Þ ððnn jmjÞ!
if m 6¼ 0
Nnm ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ jmjÞ! ð2:45bÞ
2n þ 1 m¼0
is a normalizing factor that makes the harmonics orthonormal, i.e., they obey:
1 2
Ynm dr ¼ 1; ð2:46Þ
where ðh; kÞ are the co-latitude and longitude, and they are orthogonal to each other
when averaged over the unit sphere ðrÞ:
Ynm Ykl dr ¼ 0; if n 6¼ k and=or m 6¼ l: ð2:47Þ
Note that we use the notations Ynm ðh; kÞ; Ynm ; Ynm ðPÞ interchangeably when
there could be no misunderstanding.
Let a distance between two points in space be given by lP ¼ rP2 þ r 2 2rP rt,
where t ¼ cos w and rP ; r are the geocentric radii of the two points, separated by the
geocentric angle w. Then Eqs. (2.38a, b) can be generalized to:
1=lP ¼ P ðtÞ;
nþ1 n
rP [ r ðexternal type seriesÞ ð2:48aÞ
n¼0 rP
1=lP ¼ Pn ðtÞ; if rP \r ðinternal type seriesÞ ð2:48bÞ
rn þ 1
ð2n þ 1ÞPn ðcos wÞ ¼ Ynm ðPÞYnm ðQÞ; ð2:49Þ
where P and Q are the endpoints of an arc on the unit sphere of geocentric angle w.
44 2 Basic Mathematics
1 X
f ¼ f ðh; kÞ ¼ fnm Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð2:50aÞ
n¼0 m¼n
fnm ¼ fYnm dr: ð2:50bÞ
f ¼ f ðh; kÞ ¼ fn ðh; kÞ; ð2:51aÞ
2n þ 1
fn ðh; kÞ ¼ fPn ðcos wÞdr; ð2:51bÞ
fn ðh; kÞ ¼ fnm Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð2:51cÞ
nmax X
^f ðh; kÞ ¼ fnm Ynm ðh; kÞ ð2:52aÞ
n¼0 m¼n
=nmax : ð2:52bÞ
For nmax = 2159 (which is the case for EGM2008; see below) there are
4.665.600 terms and a resolution of about 5′.
• The Newton integral of the Earth’s potential with l = gravitational constant
times density is:
2.5 Spherical Harmonics 45
ZZ Zrs
lr 2
VðPÞ ¼ drdr: ð2:53Þ
r 0
X ZZ Zrs n þ 2
Ynm ðPÞ r
Vn ðPÞ ¼ l n þ 1 drYnm dr: ð2:54bÞ
2n þ 1 R
r 0
Here R is a selected radius (e.g. mean sea-level radius), and rs ¼ rs ðh; kÞ is the
radius of the Earth’s topography.
• If rP \ðrs Þmax , the potential can be expanded in a combination of external and
internal type series
1 n þ 1
X 1 n
R rP
VðPÞ ¼ Vne ðPÞ þ Vni ðPÞ; ð2:55aÞ
rP n¼0
X ZZ Zrs
Ynm ðPÞ rn þ 2
Vne ðPÞ ¼ l n þ 1drYnm dr; ð2:55bÞ
2n þ 1 R
r rP
X ZZ Zrs
Ynm ðPÞ Rn
Vni ðPÞ ¼ l n1drYnm dr: ð2:55cÞ
2n þ 1 r
r rP
Note that the coefficients in (2.55b, 2.55c) change for each radius rP .
Disregarding the atmosphere, the external type series in Eq. (2.55a) definitely
converges outside the bounding sphere, the Brillouin sphere, which touches the
peak of Mt. Chimborazo in Ecuador at elevation 6267 m with an Earth centre radius
of 6384 km. Although, in the strict sense, the series is likely to diverge inside this
sphere but be asymptotically divergent (Moritz 1980, Chaps. 6 and 7), it can be
applied to very high degrees without notable commission errors also inside the
sphere. However, when applied (analytically continued) inside topographic masses,
46 2 Basic Mathematics
the series is biased and should be corrected for this error (see Sect. 5.2.6). This is in
agreement with the approximation theorems of Runge-Krarup (Krarup 1969) and
Keldysh-Laurentiev (Bjerhammar 1975), which states that there exist harmonic
series that approximate the external type harmonic series arbitrarily well above the
surface and down onto the surface of the Earth, respectively, and converge all the
way down to the internal (Bjerhammar) sphere.
Integral formulas and equations on the sphere can frequently be derived and
solved, respectively, in the spectral domain by spherical harmonics. For examples,
see Sects. 3.3, and 8.2. Introduction
Here we derive the local least squares spectral filter for a stochastic function on the
sphere based on the spectral representation of the observable and its error covari-
ance matrix. Second, the local least squares spectral combination of two erroneous
harmonic series is derived based on their full covariance matrices. In both problems,
the transition from spectral representation of an estimator to an integral represen-
tation is demonstrated. Practical examples are given for the spectral filter and for the
combination of a series and an integral formula.
Taking advantage of the full covariance matrices in the spectral combination
implies a huge computational burden in determining the least squares filters and
combinations for high degree spherical harmonic series. A reasonable compromise
could be to consider only one weight parameter/degree, yielding the optimum
filtering and combination of Laplace series as outlined in Sect. 7.5.
Spectral combination of harmonic functions has proved to be a practical tool to
match various observables in physical geodesy (see Sects. 2.8.4, 4.4.4–4.4.6 and
Chap. 6). Early models along this line were presented by Sjöberg (1979, 1980,
1981) as well as by Wenzel (1981). In Sjöberg (1979) and partly in Sjöberg (1980),
integral formulas were presented for least squares combination of stochastic, ran-
dom heterogeneous data, while otherwise, more realistically, only the errors of the
data were considered stochastic. All these models have in common that the cor-
relations between different spectral degrees of errors are disregarded, and frequently
the models are based on minimizing the global variance or mean square error. See
also Sjöberg (1984a, b, 1986), which provide the basics of least squares modifi-
cation of Stokes’ formula. Also, Sjöberg (2005) presents a local modification of
Stokes’ formula using weighting by degrees. Considering that Earth gravitational
models (EGMs) are usually provided together with their full covariance matrices, at
least up to some specific degrees, and that the qualities of the models vary over the
surface of the Earth, all the information contained in the covariance matrices should
be utilized in the combined solutions. This article derives such solutions for filtering
and combination of EGMs, as well as in the combination of an EGM with an
2.5 Spherical Harmonics 47
integral formula. See also Sjöberg (2011a). Most of the following subsection is a
reprint of Sjöberg (2011b).
Let the gravity field related function v be developed into a finite series of spherical
harmonics Ynm ðh; kÞ on the sphere
nmax X
X n
v ¼ vðh; kÞ ¼ vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð2:56Þ
n¼0 m¼n
where vnm are the harmonic coefficients, nmax is the maximum degree of expansion
of the series and ðh; kÞ is the (co-latitude, longitude) of the function. Consider the
unbiased and biased estimators of v:
nmax X
X n
~v0 ¼ ~vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ ¼ eT D~
v; ð2:57aÞ
n¼0 m¼n
nmax X
X n
~v ¼ pnm~vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ ¼ pT D~
v ð2:57bÞ
n¼0 m¼n
and D is a diagonal matrix with ðnmax þ 1Þ2 elements ðY00 ; Y11 ; . . .; Ynmax nmax Þ.
Furthermore p and ~v are vectors with obvious elements, and eT ¼ ð1; 1; . . .; 1Þ.
The error of the unbiased and biased estimators can be written:
nmax X
X n
d~v0 ¼ dvnm Ynm ðh; kÞ ¼ eT Ddv ð2:58aÞ
n¼0 m¼n
nmax X
X n
d~v ¼ ½pnm dvnm þ vnm ðpnm 1ÞYnm ðh; kÞ ¼ pT Ddv þ pT eT Dv:
n¼0 m¼n
48 2 Basic Mathematics
Assuming that the covariance matrix of the error vector dv is Q, one obtains the
following variance and Mean Square Error (MSE) of ~v0 and ~v, respectively:
MSEð~vÞ ¼ pT DQDp þ pT eT DvvT Dðp eÞ: ð2:59bÞ
The spectral filter solutions are provided by Eq. (2.2b), and the optimum filter is
the one where the filter parameters pnm are chosen such that the MSE is a minimum.
This choice for filter parameters is thus obtained by differentiating the MSE w.r.t.
p and equating it to zero. The result is the matrix equation
DQD þ DvvT D p DvvT De ¼ 0 ð2:60Þ
Hence, by inserting Eq. (2.61) into Eq. (2.2b), the Local Least Squares Spectral
Filter becomes:
h 1 i
^v ¼ pT D~v ¼ eT I DQD DQD þ DvvT D D~
v ð2:62aÞ
MSEf^vg ¼ eT DQDe eT DQ Q þ vvT QDe: ð2:63bÞ
Equations (2.59a) and (2.63b) show that the MSE of ^v is smaller than the
variance of v0 . As vvT is not known, there is a practical problem in applying
Eqs. (2.63a, b). However, Q þ vvT is unbiasedly estimated by ~ v~
vT , and, by this
substitution, the filter and its covariance matrix can be realized.
2.5 Spherical Harmonics 49
Here we assume that a function wðh; kÞ is related to function vðh; kÞ by the har-
monic series
nmax X
w ¼ wðh; kÞ ¼ knm vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð2:64Þ
n¼0 m¼n
where knm are known coefficients (possibly functions of radial position). In analogy
with above, the general estimator
nmax X
X n
w qnm~vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ ¼ qT D~
v ð2:65Þ
n¼0 m¼n
Comparing Eqs. (2.64) and (2.67a), we notice that ^ qnm ¼ ^pnm , which we will
take advantage of in the integral representations that follow below.
Assuming that the spherical harmonics Ynm ðh; kÞ are fully normalized, it means that
they are mutually orthonormal, i.e.:
4p; if ðn; mÞ ¼ ðk; lÞ
Ynm Ykl dr ¼ ð2:68Þ
0 otherwise:
nmax n þ 1 Xn
1 R
SðP; QÞ ¼ ^pnm Ynm ðPÞYnm ðQÞ: ð2:70bÞ
n 1 rP m¼n
Let ~u and ~v be two unbiased estimators of the finite harmonic series v, given by
Eq. (2.56). Let the estimators be expressed by the series
nmax X
~u ¼ ~unm Ynm ðh; kÞ ¼ eT D~
u ð2:71aÞ
n¼0 m¼n
nmax X
X n
~v ¼ ~vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ ¼ eT D~
v; ð2:71bÞ
n¼0 m¼n
where both sets of coefficients ~unm and ~vnm are unbiased estimates of vnm with
random errors dunm and dvnm , respectively, and the last parts of the equations are
obvious matrix representations. We will assume also that the errors of the coeffi-
cients have expectations zero, and their covariance matrices will be denoted:
2.5 Spherical Harmonics 51
The general unbiased spectral combination of the two series of Eqs. (2.71a, b)
can be written:
~ ¼ pT D~
w v;
u þ eT pT D~ ð2:73Þ
where, again, p is a weight vector. The error and variance of this estimator become:
dw ¼ pT Ddu þ eT pT Ddv ð2:74Þ
r2w ¼ E dw2 ¼ pT DRDp þ eT pT DQDðe pÞ
þ pT DXDðe pÞ þ eT pT DXT Dp:
The least squares choice of p minimizes the variance, and this minimum is
attained by differentiating Eq. (2.75) w.r.t. p and equating to zero. The result is:
M ¼ R þ Q X XT ; ð2:76bÞ Generalization
nmax n þ 1 X
X n
w ¼ wðr; h; kÞ ¼ wnm Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð2:78Þ
r m¼n
nmax n þ 1 X
X n
~2 ¼
w gnm~vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ ¼ gT D~
v; ð2:79bÞ
r m¼n
where the given coefficients fnm and gnm bring the harmonics of u and v to those of
w, i.e. wnm ¼ fnm unm ¼ gnm vnm . Also, vectors f and g have the elements
ðR=r Þn þ 1 fnm and ðR=r Þn þ 1 gnm , with 0 n nmax and n m n.
A general unbiased combined estimator for w can be written:
nmax X
X n nmax X
X n
w pnm fnm ~unm Ynm ðh; kÞ þ ð1 pnm Þgnm~vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð2:80aÞ
n¼0 m¼n n¼0 m¼n
where pnm are arbitrary degree/order weights. With matrix notations the estimator
w ~ þ g T D hT ~
~ ¼ dT u v; ð2:80bÞ
where d ¼ Fp, h ¼ Gp and p is the vector with elements pnm. Here F and G are
diagonal matrices with elements from vectors Df and Dg, respectively.
~ becomes:
The variance of w
r2w~ ¼ dT Rd þ gT D hT QðDg hÞ þ dT XðDg hÞ þ gT D hT XT dT ;
and its minimum is obtained by differentiating Eq. (2.81) w.r.t. p and equating it to
zero. The result is:
nmax n þ 1 X
X n
0 0 R
M ðr; h; k; h ; k Þ ¼ ð1 ^pnm Þgnm Ynm ðh; kÞYnm ðh0 ; k0 Þ: ð2:86bÞ
r m¼n
54 2 Basic Mathematics
Example 3.1 Geoid height estimation from an EGM and an integral formula with
estimated gravity anomaly D~g.
The least squares estimator for the geoidal height is given by Eqs. (2.86a, b) for
fnm ¼ R=c, ~unm ¼ T~nm , ~m ¼ D~g, gnm ¼ R=ðn 1Þ, r ¼ R, and the degree summation
in Eq. (2.86b) starts at nmin ¼ 2. The result is:
b ¼ R RXnmax Xn
enm Ynm ðh; kÞ;
N Sðh; k; h0 ; k0 ÞD~gdr þ ^
pnm T ð2:87aÞ
4pc c n¼2 m¼n
1 X n
Sðh; k; h0 ; k0 Þ ¼ ð1 ^pnm ÞYnm ðh; kÞYnm ðh0 ; k0 Þ: ð2:87bÞ
n 1 m¼n
The least squares weights are given by Eq. (2.83) when considering the above
choices of fnm and gnm .
xn ¼ xn ðh; kÞ ¼ vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð2:88Þ
which yields:
v¼ xn : ð2:89Þ
Similarly, the estimator of Eq. (2.57b) and its error can be expressed as:
~v ¼ pn~xn ¼ pT ~x ð2:90aÞ
2.5 Spherical Harmonics 55
d~v ¼ ½pn d~xn þ ðpn 1Þxn ¼ pT dx þ pT eT x: ð2:90bÞ
Similarly the generalized filter of Eq. (2.64) can be obtained for the restriction of
the number of weights to one/degree, and the integral representation of the filter
^P ¼
w KðP; QÞ~xdr; ð2:94aÞ
KðP; QÞ ¼ ð2n þ 1Þkn ^pn Pn ðcos wÞ: ð2:94bÞ
Here Pn ðcos wÞ is the n-th Legendre’s polynomial, and w is the geocentric angle
between the computation and integration points.
Finally the least square spectral combination for degree weighting corresponding
to Eqs. (2.77a, b) can be written:
^ ¼ eT Q XT M1 u
w ~ þ eT ðR XÞM1 ~
v ð2:95aÞ
r2w^ ¼ eT Qe eT QXT M1 ðQXÞe; ð2:95bÞ
where u~ and ~v now means vectors of Laplace harmonics, and Q; R; X are the
corresponding covariance matrices, and M is again defined by Eq. (2.76b). Conclusions
The above solutions are the locally optimum spectral filters and combinations of
functions on the sphere in the sense of minimum MSE. They utilize the full
covariance matrices of the stochastic errors of the parameters representing the
functions. In the most advanced cases, this implies that the total covariance matrix
of a given EGM is employed, implying a considerable computational burden. This
workload can be relaxed by considering only spectral weighting by degree, yielding
the filter and spectral combination of Laplace series (see e.g. Sects. 2.8.4 and 7.6).
The above study includes the theoretical derivations of general filters and
spectral combinations of harmonic series or a harmonic series and an integral
formula, and the solutions should be suitable for solving both direct and inverse
problems on the sphere.
As the Earth is rather a two-axis ellipsoid than a sphere, ellipsoidal harmonics are
better suited than spherical ones for global modelling. The relation between
Cartesian and ellipsoidal coordinates was presented in Eq. (2.22). The Laplace
equation in ellipsoidal coordinates and its solution for the exterior case were derived
in Heiskanen and Moritz (1967, Sects. 1–19 and 1–20). The solutions are:
2 @2V @V @2V
u þ E 2 cos2 h DV ¼ u2 þ E 2 þ 2u þ
@u 2 @u @h2
@V u2 þ E2 cos2 h @ 2 V
þ cot h þ 2 ¼0
@h ðu þ E 2 Þ sin2 h @k2
X1 X n
Qnm ðiu=E Þ e
Ve ðu; h; kÞ ¼ A nm Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð2:96bÞ
Q ðib=E Þ
n¼0 m¼n nm
where Qnm ð Þ are associate Legendre’s polynomials of the 2nd kind, and A ~ nm are
normalized harmonic coefficients on the ellipsoid, while Ynm are the surface har-
monics. This implies that the potential on the ellipsoid can be expressed:
2.6 Ellipsoidal Harmonics 57
1 X
X n
Ve ðb; h; kÞ ¼ e nm Ynm ðh; kÞ;
A ð2:97Þ
n¼0 m¼n
where X ¼ 4pab is the area of the ellipsoid with a and b being the semi-axes of the
ellipsoid. Starting from Eq. (2.96b), the disturbing potential, the gravity anomaly
and other gravity related quantities can be represented in ellipsoidal harmonics.
Equation (2.97) indicates that a series of surface spherical harmonics can represent
a function (not necessarily a potential) on a rather arbitrary surface.
One important application of ellipsoidal harmonics was utilized in the devel-
opment of the Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (Pavlis et al. 2012). In this tech-
nique, which was already tested in earlier OSU EGMs, a preliminary EGM is first
determined from a global set of 5′ equal-area mean gravity anomalies analytically
downward extended to the reference ellipsoid. From this set of data, “terrestrial”
ellipsoidal potential coefficients were solved from an overdetermined linear system
of equations of coefficients A ~ nm from harmonic degree 2 complete to degree and
order 2159, and these coefficients were transformed to spherical harmonics by the
method of Gleason (1988, Eq. 2.10). In a second least squares adjustment, the
satellite only spherical harmonic model ITG-GRACE03S, complete to degree 180,
and the “terrestrial” harmonics were merged into a final solution.
where G (6:67 1011 Nm2/kg2) is the gravitational constant. From now on, we
set the attracted mass m1 to 1 (unit mass) at point P (x, y, z) and the attracting mass
m2 ¼ m at point Q ðn; g; fÞ. Then the 3-D attraction force at P can be expressed:
F ¼ G r; ð2:99Þ
Fig. 2.5 Components of the attraction force F ¼ Fx2 þ Fy2 þ Fz2
0 1 0 1
Fx xn
@ Fy A ¼ G @ y g A: ð2:100Þ
Fz zf
The potential energy V that the unit mass experiences at point P is called the
gravitational potential at P:
V ¼G ; ð2:101Þ
and the potential is thus related to the vector of attraction (gravitation) by the
F ¼ gradðVÞ ¼ @V @x
@y ð2:102Þ
The potential is a scalar quantity, and it is additive. The latter property implies
that the potential at a point Pj can be determined as the sum of the potentials
generated by all surrounding point masses mi:
Vj ¼ G ; ð2:104aÞ
where lji is the distance between points Pj and Pi . This equation can be generalized
to a closed body with volume t and density q:
2.7 Fundamentals of Potential Theory 59
dm qdt
Vj ¼ G ¼G ; ð2:104bÞ
l l
t t
This potential is continuous on and outside the surface, but its derivatives are
discontinuous at the surface. Hence, the normal derivative on the surface
@V @ 1
¼G j dS 2pGj; ð2:106bÞ
@n @n l
where the minus/plus sign applies to the exterior/internal side of the surface.
ZZ Zrs
lr 2
VðPÞ ¼ drdr; ð2:107Þ
r 0
where r is the unit sphere and rs is the radius of the Earth’s surface.
X ZZ Zrs n þ 2
Ynm ðPÞ r
Vn ðPÞ ¼ l n þ 1 drYnm dr: ð2:108bÞ
2n þ 1 R
r 0
60 2 Basic Mathematics
Here R is a selected radius (e.g. mean sea level radius), and rs ¼ rs ðh; kÞ.
X ZZ Zrs n þ 2
Ynm ðPÞ r
Vne ðPÞ ¼ l n þ 1drYnm dr; ð2:109bÞ
2n þ 1 R
r rP
X ZZ Zrs
Ynm ðPÞ Rn
Vni ðPÞ ¼ l n1drYnm dr: ð2:109cÞ
2n þ 1 r
r rP
Note that the coefficients in (2.109b, 2.109c) change for each radius rP .
@2 @2 @2
DV ¼ 0; where D ¼ grad grad ¼ þ þ : ð2:110Þ
@x2 @y2 @z2
This is because as P is located outside the masses, Dð1=lP Þ ¼ 0 for all inte-
gration points in the body.
Corollary 2.1 (Poisson’s differential equation)
If P is located inside the attracting masses, then DVP ¼ 4pGqP :
Proof The proof will be presented as an application of Gauss’ theorem below.
2.7 Fundamentals of Potential Theory 61
where D is the Beltrami operator (“the Laplace operator on the sphere”) defined
@2 @ 1 @2
D ¼ þ cot h þ 2 : ð2:112bÞ
@h 2 @h sin h @k2
V ¼ V e þ Vi ; ð2:116aÞ
1 X
Ve ¼ r ðn þ 1Þ Anm Ynm ðh; kÞ ð2:116bÞ
n¼0 m¼n
1 X
Vi ¼ rn Bnm Ynm ðh; kÞ ð2:116cÞ
n¼0 m¼n
are the external and internal solutions to Laplace’s equation, respectively. Here the
constants Anm and Bnm are arbitrary, to be fixed for each specific problem with
gravitational masses at hand. On or outside the Brillouin sphere (surrounding all
masses), all Bnm are zero, while for the topographic potential representation at or
below the geoid (approximated by a sphere), all Anm vanish.
Note that Eq. (2.115b) implies that:
Gauss’ and Green’s formulas are basic formulas for potential theory. Here we
present some of their varieties.
Gauss’ (divergence) theorem for a closed volume t with surface S applied to the
vector F reads:
divFdt ¼ F ndS; ð2:118Þ
t S
divFdt ¼ DVdt ¼ dS: ð2:120Þ
t t S
Green’s integral formulas are derived from Gauss’ formula by specifying the
components of F as:
FX ¼ U ; ð2:121Þ
F n ¼ Fn ¼ U ; ð2:122Þ
@U @V @U @V @U @V
divF ¼ UDV þ þ þ ; ð2:123Þ
@x @x @y @y @z @z
If U and V are interchanged in Eq. (2.124), one obtains another equation, which,
subtracted from Eq. (2.124), yields Green’s formula II
@V @U
ðUDV VDU Þdt ¼ U V dS: ð2:125Þ
@n @n
t S
In the above equations, it is assumed that U and V and their first- and
second-order derivatives are finite and continuous in the region t.
Finally, specifying U ¼ 1=l in Green II yields Green’s formula III
1 1 @V @ 1
DVdt pV ¼ V dS: ð2:126Þ
l l @n @n l
t S
< 4p; if P inside S
p ¼ 2p; if P on S ð2:127Þ
0; if P outside S:
Green III also holds if t is the exterior space to the surface S and n is the interior
normal to S, where:
< 4p; if P outside S
p ¼ 2p; if P on S ð2:128Þ
0; if P inside S:
Here #e and re are the volume and surface of an infinitesimal sphere of radius e
centred at point P.
Meissl (1971, p. 12), with reference to Hotine (1969), presented the following
integral relations derived from a Green’s formula on the sphere
ðr f ÞT r gdr ¼ f D gdr ¼ gD fdr; ð2:129aÞ
r r r
1 h@ @
r¼ r ¼ @x @y ; ð2:129cÞ
ðr Ynm Þ r Ypq dr ¼ Ynm D Ypq dr
r r ð2:130Þ
4pnðn þ 1Þ; if ðn; mÞ ¼ ðp; qÞ
0 otherwise:
i.e. also the gradients of the surface spherical harmonics are orthogonal on the
Stokes’ theorem states that, for a given potential V = VS on a surface S, there is only
one harmonic potential V in its exterior (if it exists).
Proof The proof follows from the following form of Green I
ZZZ 2 2 2 ! ZZ
@U @U @U @U
UDU þ þ þ dt ¼ U dS: ð2:131Þ
@x @y @z @n
t S
Let us now assume that there are two potentials V1 and V2 in the exterior of S
that take on the same values on S. Then the difference potential U ¼ V1 V2 on S
and its Laplaceian DU in t vanish, so that the integral reduces to:
ZZZ 2 2 2 !
@U @U @U
þ þ dt ¼ 0; ð2:132Þ
@x @y @z
gravity anomalies, the 3rd bvp applies for determining the disturbing potential. If
S is a sphere the solution is Stokes’ formula, which is the basic formula for geoid
determination from gravity anomalies. As we will see in Sect. 3.3, all three bvps are
useful in physical geodesy.
2.8 Regularization
wn ðh; kÞ ¼ wnm Ynm ðh; kÞ: ð2:133bÞ
Consider next that the gravity anomaly is known on an outer sphere of radius rP ,
and the task is to solve the inverse problem of finding the anomaly on the lower
sphere of radius R. Then we may develop Dg into spherical harmonics on the
exterior sphere, yielding the coefficients Dgnm , and, by comparing the spectral
components with those in Eqs. (2.133a, b), one obtains the spectral equation and
n þ 2 r n þ 2
Dgnm ¼ wnm ) wnm ¼ Dgnm ; ð2:134aÞ
rP R
In this case, as there are no masses between the spheres, the solution exists for
erroneous observations, but in practice it will be severely ill-conditioned (more so
in higher-degree harmonics), due to inevitable erroneous observations.
A discrete ill-posed problem occurs from the discretization of an ill-posed
problem. A typical linear-inverse problem is that of estimating the density distri-
bution or density structure inside the Earth from gravity or related data observed on
or above the Earth’s surface. Such a problem can frequently be expressed as a linear
Fredholm integral equation of the 1st kind (e.g. Chambers 1976):
wg ¼ ~gðPÞ;
M fK ðP; QÞ~ ð2:135aÞ
where Mfg is the integral over the surface of the Earth, or it is the mean value
operator over the unit sphere ðrÞ:
Mfg ¼ fgdr; ð2:135bÞ
K ðP; QÞ ¼ ð2n þ 1Þkn Pn ðcos wÞ; ð2:136Þ
where w is the geocentric angle between the points P and Q. Inserting Eq. (2.136)
into Eq. (2.135a) and interchanging summation and integration one obtains:
1 X
~ n ðPÞ ¼ ~gðPÞ ¼
kn w ~
gn ðPÞ; ð2:137aÞ
n¼0 n¼0
w~ n ðPÞ 2n þ 1 ~ ðQ Þ
¼ M P ðcos wÞ ð2:137bÞ
~gn ðPÞ 4p ~gðQÞ n
68 2 Basic Mathematics
are the Laplace harmonics of w ~ and g~. Although these harmonics are functions of
position, below we will usually not specify this unless necessary for understanding.
From Eq. (2.137a), we may identify a relation between the unknown w ~ n and the
known ~gn as:
~ n ¼ ~gn
kn w or ~n ¼
w if and only if kn 6¼ 0; ð2:138Þ
and these relations hold also for the error free harmonics wn and gn .
In this study, we will always assume that kn 6¼ 0 for all degrees. Then, at least
tentatively, one may come up with a solution for the unknown as:
1 X
gn ðPÞ
~ ðPÞ ¼
w ~ n ðP Þ ¼
w : ð2:139Þ
n¼0 n¼0
However, this series does not necessarily converge, but in order to do so, g ~n
~ exists
must be smoother than kn . More precisely, a square integrable solution for w
if only if the Picard condition is satisfied, i.e.
1 2
X ~gn
\1: ð2:140Þ
~ ¼ ~g e ¼ g;
Kw ð2:141Þ
where K, w,~ ~g and e are the design matrix, vectors of unknowns, observations and
residuals, respectively. Assuming that the residuals are random with expectation
zero, and that there are no correlations among the individual residuals, the related
Tikhonov problem is to minimize the target function
E eT e þ wT CT Cw ð2:142Þ
for some choice of the Tikhonov matrix C. According to Ditmar et al. (2003), the
problem of regularization includes two aspects: (a) the optimal choice of the reg-
ularization technique (i.e. of the regularizing functional or the regularization matrix)
and (b) the optimal choice of the regularization parameter. The regularization
matrix C ¼ aQ can be divided into three categories: zero-order Tikhonov regu-
larization with Q ¼ I and first- and second-order regularizations, where Q is either
first- or second-order derivative operators (see Eqs. 2.143c, 2.143d). For C ¼ aI,
where a is a small positive constant and I is the unit matrix, the solution to the
minimization is given by the modified normal matrix equation
K T K þ a2 I w^ ¼ KT ~
g ð2:143aÞ
where the matrix a2 I stabilizes the original least squares solution obtained for
a ¼ 0. As the stabilization has the less desired effect of making the solution biased,
the size of a should be a compromise between the bias and the expected observation
error propagation, and it must be sufficiently large to match the computer capacity
to solve Eq. (2.143a). Higher-order Tikhonov regularization operators are given by
(Hansen 1998, Chap. 8):
70 2 Basic Mathematics
2 3
1 1 0 0 0
6 0 1 1 0 07
6 . .. .. .. .. .. 7
Qðn1Þn ¼6
6 .
. . . . . .77 ð2:143cÞ
4 0 0 1 1 05
0 0 0 1 1
2 3
1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
60 1 2 1 0 0 0 07
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 7
Qðn2Þn ¼6
. . . . . . . . .77; ð2:143dÞ
40 0 0 0 1 2 1 05
0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1
K ¼ UDVT ; ð2:144Þ
where U and V are matrices containing all the eigen-vectors Ui and Vi of K, and
D is a diagonal matrix constructed by the singular values (i.e., squares of the
eigen-values ki of K) As the eigen-vectors are orthonormal, it follows that
Eq. (2.143a) has the solution
1 Xq
k2i UTi ~g Xq
UT ~gVi
^ ¼ V D2 þ a2 I DUT ~g ¼
w V i ¼ fi i ; ð2:145Þ
i¼1 ki þ a
2 2
where the filter factor fi ¼ k2i = k2i þ a2 smooths the solution for w. By taking the
statistical expectation of Eq. (2.145) and inserting the expected value for ~ g from
Eqs. (2.134a, b), it follows that each component w^ i of the computed vector is biased
by a2 wi = k2i þ a2 .
Note. Here we discuss only the simple Tikhonov regularization by Eq. (2.145).
Other important methods can be found, e.g. in Hansen (1998, Sect. 5.1). In sta-
tistical literature Tikhonov’s method is known as ridge regression, e.g. Marquardt
(1970). Xu and Rummel (1994) presented such a technique, by introducing more
than one regularization parameter, based on the criterion of minimizing the trace of
the mean square error of the solution, to determine gravity potential harmonic
coefficients from satellite gravimetric data.
Let us finally mention that one simple way of smoothing the Tikhonov type of
solution is to limit the number of unknowns in Eq. (2.141), which corresponds to
limiting the number of discrete surface elements in the integral of Eq. (2.135a), see
for example the numerical study performed by Martinec (1998, Sect. 8.6).
2.8 Regularization 71
There are some numerical methods for computing the regularization parameter a
given in Eq. (2.145). Most important are the L-curve and generalized
cross-validation methods (see Hansen 1998, Sect. 2). The L-curve displays the
trade-off between minimizing the residual norm (kek2 ¼ kKW ~ gk2 ) and the
solution norm (kw ~ k2 ) in the regularization problem of Eq. (2.143a). For discrete
ill-posed problems, it turns out that the L-curve, when plotted in logarithmic scale,
almost always has a characteristic L-shaped appearance. Using this technique, we
search for the point with maximum curvature as illustrated in Fig. 2.6. L-curve is
the most suitable graphical tool to compute the regularization parameter, which is a
plot for all regularization parameters of the norm of the regularized solution versus
the corresponding residual norm. This method plays a major role in connection with
regularization methods for discrete ill-posed problems.
Generalized cross-validation (GCV) is based on the assumption that, if the i-th
arbitrary element of w is left out, then the corresponding regularized solution should
predict this observation well, and the choice of regularization parameter should be
independent of an orthogonal transformation of w. Then the regularization
parameter, given in Eq. (2.145), is chosen such that the following function is a
kKw^ ~gk22
GCV ¼ ð2:146Þ
traceðIm KK1 Þ
In the Wiener filter (Wiener 1949), one assumes that the signals g with w and the
observation noise e are all stationary stochastic processes with expectations zero
with known spectral characteristics, i.e. their covariance and cross-covariance
functions are known. The solution is practically the same as that for least squares
collocation (Moritz 1980) and kriging (Matheron 1963) in geodesy and geostatis-
tics, respectively.
Introducing a general estimator for w from a surface integral on sphere by the
where h is an arbitrary linear kernel function, the expected mean square error
(MSE) the estimator becomes:
n o
where cgw and c~g~g are the cross- and auto-covariance functions between the signals
marked by the subscripts, and r2w ðPÞ is the variance of w. The minimum of the MSE
is obtained for h satisfying the Wiener-Hopf equation (see also Sect. 2.2.2):
Assuming that the covariance functions are homogeneous and isotropic, they can
be written in the spectral forms
c~gg ðX; QÞ ¼ cgg ðX; QÞ þ cee ðX; QÞ ¼ c2n þ r2n Pn ðcos wÞ; ð2:150aÞ
cwg ðP; QÞ ¼ dn Pn ðcos wÞ: ð2:150bÞ
~, while dn ¼ dn ðPÞ
Here c2n and r2n are the signal and error degree variances of g
are the signal degree variances of the cross-covariance function. Notice that the
2.8 Regularization 73
hðP; QÞ ¼ hn Pn ðcos wÞ ð2:151Þ
into Eq. (2.148), the least squares solution for h follows as:
^hðP; QÞ ¼ ð2n þ 1Þ Pn ðcos wÞ: ð2:152Þ
c2n þ r2n
Hence, by considering Eqs. (2.147a) and (2.149), the least squares solution for
w and its mean square error become:
^ ðPÞ ¼
w ~gn ð2:153aÞ
n¼0 n
þ r2n
^ 2 ¼ r2w
m : ð2:153bÞ
c2 þ r2n
n¼0 n
From Eq. (2.138), we also have the relation wn ¼ gn =kn , which yields:
^ ðPÞ ¼
w fn kn1 ~gn ; where fn ¼ ð2:154aÞ
c2n þ r2n
1 X
1 X
c4n 2 cn rn
2 2
^2 ¼
m kn2 c2n kn2 ¼ k : ð2:154bÞ
n¼0 n¼0
c2n þ r2n n¼0 n
c2n þ r2n
HðP; QÞ ¼ ð2n þ 1Þkn1 fn Pn ðcos wÞ: ð2:155bÞ
~ ðPÞ ¼
w fn kn1 ~gn ; ð2:156Þ
where fn are now arbitrary filter parameters to be estimated such that the mean
~ is minimized. As the error of w
square error of w ~ is given by its random error and
bias, i.e.
ew~ ¼ fn kn1 en þ ðfn 1Þkn1 gn ; ð2:157Þ
X 1 h i
~ 2 ¼ E M e2w~ ¼
m kn2 fn2 r2n þ ðfn 1Þ2 c2n ; ð2:158Þ
where r2n and c2n are the error and signal-degree variances of ~
g. The minimum MSE
is achieved by differentiating the MSE w.r.t. each of the smoothing factors and
equating to zero. The result is:
^fn ¼ c2n
; ð2:159Þ
c2n þ r2n
and the least squares estimator w^ and its MSE are the same as in Eqs. (2.154a, b).
Some of the theory and applications were presented in Sjöberg (1980, 1986, 2011a, b).
The practical formulation in the space domain again becomes Eqs. (2.154a, b).
We now assume that, in addition to the information given in above, there is an Earth
Gravitational Model (EGM) available to degree nmax that yields the unbiased
estimate w1 (unbiased through degree nmax )
2.8 Regularization 75
w1 ¼ n ;
wGM ð2:160Þ
dw1 ¼ wGM
n ð2:161Þ
r2w1 ¼ rGM
n : ð2:162Þ
A general estimator for w, unbiased through degree nmax , can be formulated as:
1 X
w kn1 pn ~gn þ ð1 pn ÞwGM
n ; ð2:163Þ
n¼0 n¼0
rGM if n nmax
dcGM ¼ n ð2:164bÞ
n kn2 c2n otherwise:
Here pn are arbitrary degree weights, which are optimized in a least squares
~ 2 w.r.t. each of them and equating to zero. The result is:
sense by differentiating m
< rGM
if n nmax
kn2 r2n þ rGM
^pn ¼ n
: 2 cn 2
c n þ rn otherwise;
kn2 r2n rGM X
kn2 c2n
^2 ¼
m n
þ : ð2:166Þ
n¼0 n
r2 þ k 2 rGM
n n r2
n¼nmax þ 1 n
þ kn2 c2n
Finally, the spectral combination can be formulated also as the sum of a surface
integral and a spectral series:
76 2 Basic Mathematics
^ ðP Þ ¼
w KðP; QÞ~gðQÞdrQ þ pn Þ2 wGM
ð1 ^ n ; ð2:167aÞ
4p n¼0
KðP; QÞ ¼ ð2n þ 1ÞÞkn1 ^pn Pn ðcos wÞ: ð2:167bÞ
For applications of spectral smoothing and combination, see Sects. 4.4.4 and 7.5.
See also Sjöberg (1981, 1986, 2011a, b).
Based on the above experiences, one may ask whether Tikhonov regularization can
be modified to share the properties of the Wiener filter and/or spectral smoothing,
namely to be optimum in the sense of minimizing the MSE. There are numerous
publications solving Tikhonov’s regularization problem by minimizing the MSE of
the solution. However, each such solution is optimal only w.r.t. the specified target
function, Eq. (2.142), i.e. for a specified Tikhonov matrix C. Hence, the major
problem is thus to find the correct Tikhonov matrix for the optimum solution. For
this purpose, we rewrite Eq. (2.135a) as:
wg ¼ ~
M f½K ðwÞ þ QðwÞ~ gðPÞ; ð2:168aÞ
QðwÞ ¼ ð2n þ 1Þqn Pn ðcos wÞ: ð2:168bÞ
Here qn are arbitrary parameters to be determined such that the target function,
the expected global MSE m2w of w ~ , is minimized. As the spectral form of
Eq. (2.168a) can be written:
~n ¼
w ; ð2:169Þ
k n þ qn
and, by differentiating the MSE w.r.t. qn , one obtains the least squares choice of the
Inserting this choice for qn in Eq. (2.169) and summing up, one obtains the
c2n ~gn
w ; ð2:172Þ
n¼0 n
þ r2n kn
which is the same as the solution by spectral filtering, Eqs. (2.156), with filter
factors given by Eq. (2.159).
However, the kernel function Q with parameters ^ qn is a divergent series, as
rn =cn [ 1 for large n, which implies that the optimum regularization cannot be
2 2
realized in the limiting integral equation, Eq. (2.168a). However, in the numerical
approximation of the integral equation, we may approximate it by the matrix
K þ Q w ¼ ~g ðconsistentÞ ð2:173Þ
c2n ~gn
w : ð2:175Þ
n¼0 n
þ a2 k n
78 2 Basic Mathematics
nmax X
ð k n þ qn Þ wnm Ynm ðPÞ ¼ ~
gðPÞ: ð2:177Þ
n¼0 m¼n
Then, by multiplying each member of this equation by Ynm ðPÞ and averaging
over the unit sphere, one finally arrives at the solution for the harmonic coefficients
wnm ¼ M f~gðPÞYnm ðPÞg: ð2:178Þ
k n þ qn
If qn is chosen as kn r2n =c2n , this solution for the harmonic coefficients will be
optimal in the sense of minimizing the MSE. Finally, by applying these coefficients
in Eq. (2.176a), the optimum, truncated estimate of w is obtained.
The solution by spherical harmonic analysis has the merits of being stable and
not prone to spectral leakage as previous methods (see the different approach of
Trampert and Snieder (1996) and Spetzler and Trampert (2003), which suffers from
the problem of leakage). Its major drawback is the requirement of a global,
homogeneous coverage of data on the sphere. Finally, we mention that if an
independent set of harmonics of w is available, it can be combined with the above
harmonics in an optimum sense.
This method was applied [with qn set to 0 in Eq. (2.178)] in computing some of
the OSU Earth Gravitational Models in the 1970s and 1980s; see e.g. Rapp (1981)
and Rapp and Cruz (1986).
2.8 Regularization 79
2.8.7 Comparison
Exercise 2.2 The left member of Eq. (2.42) yields for n = 0, 1 and 2:
Z1 Z1 Z1 2 2
3t 1
1dt ¼ 2; t dt ¼ 2=3
and dt
1 1 1
Z1 4 1
9t 6t2 þ 1 1 9t5 6t3 2
¼ dt ¼ þt ¼ ;
4 4 5 3 1 5
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Chapter 3
Classical Physical Geodesy
Abstract This chapter presents the basics of classical physical geodesy, starting
from the definitions of the gravity potential and gravity. The normal gravity potential
is derived as the potential of a level ellipsoid plus the rotational potential of the
ellipsoid. Normal gravity, defined as the gradient of the normal gravity potential, is
presented on and above the level ellipsoid. The basic concepts of the geoid, reference
ellipsoid, disturbing potential and geoid height are defined, as well as the classical
definitions of gravity anomaly and disturbing potential. After derivation of the
fundamental equation of physical geodesy, the gravity field components of the
disturbing potential, gravity anomaly and its radial derivative are presented in
spherical harmonics, followed by Kaula’s power rule of the geopotential harmonics.
The classical integral formulas of Poisson, Stokes, Hotine, Vening Meinesz and the
vertical gradient of gravity anomaly are derived by spherical harmonics. Other
spherical integral formulas are derived for determining the gravity anomaly and/or
disturbing potential from deflections of the vertical (inverse Vening Meinesz for-
mula) and gravity gradient components. The classical procedures in geoid deter-
mination, including direct and secondary indirect topographic effects and downward
continuation of gravity and primary indirect topographic effect on the disturbing
potential, are described. Finally, the chapter deals with common height systems,
such as geopotential numbers, dynamic, orthometric and normal heights, as well as
normal-orthometric heights. Some approximate formulas to correct
normal-orthometric heights to orthometric or normal heights are also presented.
3.1 Introduction
Most geodetic observations depend in one way or another on the Earth’s gravity
field, and both geodesists and geophysicists make use of geodetic data. Hence, a
basic understanding of physical geodesy is a natural part of a geodesist’s education
and broadens the knowledge of the geophysicist.
Classical physical geodesy deals with handling and converting gravity data into
gravity anomalies and disturbances and applying them to estimate the geoid,
deflections of the vertical and gravity gradients. Also, geodetic height systems and
their determination belong to physical geodesy. Classical literature on the subject
are Heiskanen and Moritz (1967) and, to some extent, Heiskanen and Vening
Meinesz (1958).
The Earth’s gravity potential (or geopotential) W is the sum of its gravitational
potential V and rotational potential X:
W ¼ V þ X: ð3:1Þ
The gravitational potential is generated by the attraction of all the masses of the
Earth and its atmosphere, and
x2 2 x2 2 2
X¼ x þ y2 ¼ r sin h ð3:2Þ
2 2
depends on the Earth’s angular velocity ðxÞ and the position of the observer in the
(x, y)-plane of the global geodetic reference system. Here r is the radius from the
geocentre and h is the co-latitude (see Fig. 3.1.) The centrifugal force is the gradient
of the rotational potential.
Exercise 3.0 Show that the geopotential is not harmonic even in the exterior of
the Earth.
i.e. it is the sum of the gravitational and centrifugal force vectors but with opposite
sign. (The sign is due to convention such that the gradient is directed towards the
attracting masses.) The magnitude of gravity
g¼ g2x þ g2y þ g2z ð3:4Þ
varies between 978 Gal at the poles and 983 Gal at the Equator. This difference is
due to the flattening of the Earth towards the poles. This yields a gravity flattening
of (983 − 978)/983 = 1/197, while the Earth’s geometric flattening is 1/298
(see Sect. 1.5). The gravitational force unit Gal, named after the Italian astronomer
G. Galileo, is defined as 1 Gal = 1 cm/s2. In practical physical geodesy, but also in
gravimetry and geophysics, the unit mGal is more practical.
Exercise 3.1 Assume that the magnitude of the gravitational vector is 983 Gal at
the surface of a spherical Earth model with radius 6371 km. Where on the model
are the maximum and minimum gravity and what is the difference?
Exercise 3.2 Consider a point at 60° latitude on the Earth model above. How much
would the direction of the plumb-line change and in what direction if the Earth’s
rotation stops?
Solutions to Exercises are given in Appendix 2.
A level ellipsoid is an ellipsoid with constant surface potential. The gravity field of
the level ellipsoid is practically important, as it is used as the normal gravity field.
By subtracting the normal potential and normal gravity from the Earth’s potential
and gravity (both at the same point in the space), one obtains the much smaller
quantities called the disturbing potential and gravity disturbance, respectively.
• The Normal Potential
The normal gravity field is that generated by a level ellipsoid ðU0 ¼ constantÞ, and
it is defined as the sum of the rotation potential X (being the same as for the actual
geopotential) and the gravitational potential (denoted X below). As the level
ellipsoid is symmetric around the rotation axis, its gravitational potential can be
expressed as a series in ellipsoidal harmonics of Legendre’s polynomials in terms of
only even degrees, yielding the normal potential:
86 3 Classical Physical Geodesy
Q2n ðiu=EÞ x 2 ð u2 þ E 2 Þ 2
U ðu; bÞ ¼ X þ X ¼ X2n P2n ðsin bÞ þ cos b; ð3:5Þ
Q2n ðib=EÞ 2
a2 x2
U ðb; bÞ ¼ U0 ¼ X2n P2n ðsin bÞ þ cos2 b: ð3:6Þ
i u2 E u
Q2 ðiu=E Þ ¼ 1 þ 3 2 arctan 3 ¼ iqðuÞ: ð3:7cÞ
2 E u E
which yields:
x2 a2 E 1 GM
X U0 ¼ :
3 arctanðE=bÞ r r
GM x 2 a2
U0 ¼ arctanðE=bÞ þ ;
E 3
3.2 Basic Concepts in Physical Geodesy 87
GM x2 a2 qðuÞ x 2 ð u2 þ E 2 Þ 2
Uðu; bÞ ¼ arctanðE=uÞ þ P2 ðsin bÞ þ cos b: ð3:8Þ
E 3 qð bÞ 2
This formula shows that the normal potential is given by the four parameters M,
x, a and E, or M, x, a and b, that is the mass and angular velocity around the
symmetry axis and semi axes of the reference ellipsoid.
The first two terms in Eq. (3.8) yield the gravitational potential of the level
ellipsoid. It can be expressed in a series of spherical harmonics (see Heiskanen and
Moritz 1967, Sects. 2–9):
" #
GM X1 a
X ðr; hÞ ¼ 1 X2n P2n ðsin hÞ ; ð3:9aÞ
r n¼1
nþ1 3e2n CA
X2n ¼ ð1Þ 1 n þ 5n : ð3:9bÞ
ð2n þ 1Þð2n þ 3Þ ME 2
Here C is the moment of inertia w.r.t. the axis of rotation, and A is the moment of
inertia w.r.t. any axis in the equatorial plane. As X2n is of the same order as the first
eccentricity ðe ¼ E=aÞ squared, it reduces quickly with the degree.
All the constants GM, a, e2, x and J2 are specified in each geodetic reference
system, such as GRS1980 (Sect. 1.5), which means that the normal potential can be
conveniently determined everywhere on and outside the ellipsoid, either in a closed
form by Eq. (3.8) or as a harmonic series for the normal gravitational potential by
Eqs. (3.9a) and (3.9b).
• Normal Gravity
Normal gravity ðcÞ is given by:
@U 1 @U
c ¼ grad U ¼ ¼ ; ð3:10aÞ
@h su @u
u2 þ E2 sin2 b
su ¼ ð3:10bÞ
u2 þ E 2
is the line element for u, i.e. the change du yields the distance change su du, and h is the
geodetic height, which is along the normal to the reference ellipsoid. Normal gravity
on the ellipsoid ðc0 Þ can thus be obtained from Eqs. (3.10a) and (3.10b) by setting
u ¼ b. It can be written in a closed form as (Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, Eq. 2.69)
88 3 Classical Physical Geodesy
GM 0 q ðbÞ sin b 1
c0 ¼ 1 þ me m cos2
b ð3:11aÞ
a2 W qðbÞ 2 6
where W ¼ 1 e2 cos2 b, e0 ¼ E=b, m ¼ x2 a2 b=ðGM Þ and, with qðuÞ defined as
in Eq. (3.7c),
u2 þ E 2 dq u2 u E
q0 ð uÞ ¼ ¼ 3 1þ 2 1 arctan 1:
E du E E u
ca cb GM
2 þ ¼ 3 2 2x2 : ð3:11cÞ
a b a b
The rigorous form of Clairaut’s theorem from 1738 relates the geometric and
gravity flattening by the equation
a b cb ca x2 b e 0 q0 ð bÞ
þ ¼ 1þ ; ð3:12Þ
a ca ca 2qðbÞ
which can be verified by inserting b ¼ a 1 e2 and (3.11b) into the left member
of (3.12) and noting the definition of m above. Then one obtains:
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi cb ca cb ca 1 e2
Left member ¼ 1 1 e þ 2 ¼ ¼ Right member:
ca ca
Somagliana (1929) derived the following elegant closed formula for the normal
gravity on the ellipsoid:
1 þ k sin2 u bcb
c0 ¼ ca pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; k¼ 1: ð3:13bÞ
1 e2 sin2 u aca
It is obvious that normal gravity on the ellipsoid depends only on the four
parameters a; b; ca and cb .
3.2 Basic Concepts in Physical Geodesy 89
One may also show that c changes approximately with elevation h by:
2h 5 3c
c c0 ¼ ca 1 þ f þ m þ m 3f sin2 u þ 2a h2 ; ð3:14aÞ
a 2 a
c ;
which yields:
@c @c c @2c @2c c
2 and 6 2: ð3:15Þ
@h @r r @h2 @r 2 r
Definition 2 The reference ellipsoid is an ellipsoid whose centre coincides with the
gravity centre of the Earth (geo centre) and its dimensions semi-major and
semi-minor axes are those that most closely agree with the geoid in a global sense.
Moreover, the potential of the reference ellipsoid (the normal potential) on the
ellipsoid equals the potential of the Earth (the geopotential) at the geoid.
In Sect. 7.4, we briefly discuss how to determine the potential of the geoid.
As both the geopotential (W) and the normal potential (U) are numerically large
quantities, it is convenient to introduce the disturbing potential, T = W − U, for
numerical computations. As both the geopotential and the reference ellipsoid (but
not T) include the rotational potential X, it is obvious that (only) the disturbing
potential is harmonic outside the Earth’s mass (when neglecting the atmosphere).
As stated above, gravity is the gradient of the geopotential along the plumb line
(with opposite sign), and normal gravity is the gradient of the normal potential along
the normal to the reference ellipsoid (with opposite sign), which can be formulated:
@W @W @W
g¼ ðgravityÞ ð3:16Þ
@n 0 @h @r
@U @U @U
c¼ ¼ ðnormal gravityÞ: ð3:17Þ
@n @h @r
Here n0 is the tangent of the plumb line, n is the normal to the reference ellipsoid
through the observation point, r is the radius from the geocentre and h is the height
along the normal to the ellipsoid. From these quantities, one obtains the residual
dg ¼ g c ¼ gravity disturbance ð3:18Þ
where gg and c0 denote gravity at the geoid and normal gravity on the reference
ellipsoid, respectively. Traditionally, only the gravity anomaly could be
well-determined as the gravity disturbance requires that the geodetic/ellipsoidal
height of the gravity observation is known (which was not the case prior to the
advent of GNSS in the positioning of the gravity observation points).
Definition 3 The geoid height (N) is the normal distance from the reference
ellipsoid to the geoid (see Fig. 1.4.)
By making a Taylor expansion of the normal potential at the reference ellipsoid
along the ellipsoidal normal, one obtains for the disturbing potential on the geoid
(denoted by subscript g):
3.2 Basic Concepts in Physical Geodesy 91
Tg ¼ Wg Ug ¼ U0 ðU0 þ N þ Þ ¼ Nc0 þ ; ð3:20Þ
where U0 is the normal potential on the reference ellipsoid. Hence, one obtains the
approximate Bruns’ formula (Bruns 1878)
N¼ ; ð3:21Þ
@T @c
g þ c g þ c0 þ N ; ð3:22Þ
@h @h
@T @c T
Dg ¼ þ : ð3:23aÞ
@h @h c
This relation holds on the geoid. Its spherical approximation, derived next, is
most important in physical geodesy. Starting from the approximations @h @r and
c GM=r 2 , where GM = gravitational constant times mass of the Earth, one
obtains @c
@r 2c=r, which expression inserted into Eq. (3.23a) yields the spherical
approximation of the boundary condition:
@T T
Dg ¼ 2 ð3:23bÞ
@r r
Spherical harmonics were introduced in Sect. 2.5. The disturbing potential can be
expressed as a series in spherical harmonics on and outside a sphere of radius R (=
the mean sea-level radius) by:
X 1 n þ 1 X n
T ¼ T ðr; XÞ ¼ Tnm Ynm ðXÞ; ð3:24aÞ
r m¼n
1 n þ 1
T¼ Tn ðXÞ; ð3:24bÞ
where ðr; XÞ is the 3D-position with r being the geocentric radius, X ¼ ðh; kÞ and
Tn ðXÞ are Laplace harmonics. Inserting (3.24a) into the boundary condition (3.23b),
one obtains a harmonic series for the gravity anomaly:
n 1 R nþ2 X
Dg ¼ Dgðr; XÞ ¼ Tnm Ynm ðXÞ
R r
1 n þ 2n¼0 m¼n
X R Xn
¼ Dgnm Ynm ðXÞ ð3:25aÞ
r m¼n
1 n þ 2
Dg ¼ DgnðXÞ: ð3:25bÞ
The harmonics for T and Dg on the sphere are thus related by:
n1 n1
Dgnm ¼ Tnm , Dgn ¼ Tn ; ð3:26aÞ
Tnm 1 T
¼ Y dr ð3:26bÞ
Dgnm 4p Dg nm
Tn Tn ðXÞ 2n þ 1 T
¼ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞdr: ð3:26cÞ
Dgn Dgn ðXÞ 4p Dg
3.2 Basic Concepts in Physical Geodesy 93
It can be shown that Eqs. (3.24a), (3.24b), (3.25a) and (3.25b) are the solutions
to Laplace’s equations in the exterior of the sphere for T and rDg, respectively. See,
e.g. Heiskanen and Moritz (1967, Sects. 1.8 and 1.9).
From Eq. (3.25a), one can also derive the radial derivative of the gravity
anomaly as:
@Dg 1
ð n 1Þ ð n þ 2Þ R n þ 3
¼ Tn ðXÞ: ð3:27Þ
@r n¼0
R2 r
Comparing the series for T, Dg and @Dg=@r, one can see that the relative
sensitivity (the power) within each parameter is pushed from 1 to (n − 1) and
finally to (n − 1)(n + 2). This is also seen in the power spectra (degree variances):
2 3 8 9 2 3
c2n ðT Þ ZZ < Tn2 = 1 Xn
4 c2 ðDgÞ 5 ¼ 1 4 5
Dg 2
dr ¼ ð n 1 Þ 2
=R2 2
4p : n
2; 2 2
cn ð@Dg=@rÞ
r ð@Dg=@r Þn ðn 1Þ ðn þ 1Þ =R 4 m¼n
Hence, by observing gravity anomalies, and, in particular, its gradient, one can
determine more details of the gravity field then from the geopotential.
Already in 1963 (a few years after the launch of the first artificial satellite), W.
Kaula predicted that the geopotential harmonics attenuate by (“Kaula’s rule”; Kaula
a formula that later has proved to be fairly accurate, and, even today, it is used for
comparison with the power spectra of Earth gravitational models and their error
estimates (see Chap. 4). In the determination of pure satellite-based EGMs, Eq.
(3.29) is commonly used to stabilize the solution to higher degrees than otherwise
would be possible, implying that many (old) EGMs are biased towards Kaula’s rule.
where Tn ðXÞ are the Laplace harmonics of T on the sphere of radius R given by
Eq. (3.26c), which inserted into (3.30) and, after inter-changing the order of integral
and summation, yields Poisson’s formula in the exterior case ðrP
TP ¼ TPðrP ; wÞdr; ð3:31aÞ
1 n þ 1
PðrP ; wÞ ¼ ð2n þ 1Þ Pn ðcos wÞ; ð3:31bÞ
is Poisson’s kernel function in the external case of the sphere. (Frequently the
harmonics of degrees zero and one are excluded from the kernel.)
As rDg is harmonic (under spherical approximation), it can also be determined
by Eq. (3.31a) in the exterior space from surface values on the sphere.
and, by considering (3.26c), one obtains Stokes’ extended formula and kernel
function after some rearrangements of terms (Pizzetti 1911):
3.3 Integral Formulas in Physical Geodesy 95
TP ¼ SðrP ; wÞDgdr; rP
R ð3:33aÞ
2n þ 1 R n þ 1
SðrP ; wÞ ¼ Pn ðcoswÞ; ð3:33bÞ
n1 rP
Note that Eqs. (3.32)–(3.33c) lack terms of degrees zero and one. For rP ¼ R,
Eqs. (3.33a) and (3.33b) become the traditional Stokes’ formula and function. The
latter can be expressed:
2n þ 1
SðwÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ: ð3:34aÞ
If Eq. (3.33a) with rP ¼ R is inserted into Bruns’ formula Eq. (3.21), one finally
obtains Stokes’ original formula for the geoid height:
N¼ SðwÞDgdr: ð3:35Þ
Note: The solution (3.35) holds only if (a) Eq. (3.23b) holds strictly [ ) physical
part of the direct ellipsoidal effect], (b) the integration takes place on a sphere ½)
the dwc effect and the geometric part of the direct ellipsoidal effect] and c) there are
no masses outside the sphere [ ) the direct topographic and atmospheric effects].
(See Sects. 3.4 and 5.4).
Stokes’ formula is the solution of a free boundary value problem in the sense
that the boundary, the geoid, is not known.
Differentiating Eq. (3.24b) w.r.t. r and changing sign, one obtains a harmonic series
for the gravity disturbance in Laplace harmonics Tn ðXÞ:
@T X 1
n þ 1 R nþ2
dg ¼ ¼ Tn ðXÞ; ð3:36Þ
@r n¼0
R r
which yields the following relation between Laplace harmonics of the gravity
disturbance and the disturbing potential:
dgn ¼ Tn : ð3:37Þ
2n þ 1
H ðrP ; wÞ ¼ sn þ 2 Pn ðtÞ; where s ¼ R=rP and t ¼ cosðwÞ ð3:39aÞ
2 s tþL pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
H ðrP ; wÞ ¼ ln ; where L ¼ 1 2st þ s2 : ð3:39bÞ
L 1t
Hotine’s formula solves the Neumann problem or the fixed bvp for the disturbing
potential on and outside the sphere that approximates the geoid. (A fixed bvp means
that the boundary is known/fixed.) Note that, in contrast to Stokes’ function,
Hotine’s function includes terms of degrees zero and one. Inserting (3.38) with
rP ¼ R into Bruns’ formula, the geoid height is obtained.
3.3 Integral Formulas in Physical Geodesy 97
The plumb line deviates from the normal to the reference ellipsoid, and this angle H
is called the deflection of the seen in Fig. 3.2, the deflection in an arbitrary direction
is related to the infinitesimal change of the geoid height ðdNÞ vs. an infinitesimal
distance ds, i.e.
H¼ ; ð3:40Þ
where the minus is a sign convention. Traditionally, Eq. (3.40) was used as a finite
approximation in geodetic triangulation networks to determine geoid height dif-
ferences by astronomic deflections and trigonometric height differences (so-called
astrogeodetic determination of the geoid; see, e.g. Heiskanen and Moritz 1967,
Sects. 5–7). In particular, in the north-south and east-west directions, the deflection
components become:
@N @N
n¼ ¼ ð3:41aÞ
@x R@u
@N @N
g¼ ¼ ; ð3:41bÞ
@y R cos u @k
@N @w @N @w
n¼ and g ¼ ; ð3:42Þ
@w @x @w @y
and, by inserting Stokes’ formula (3.35) into (3.42) and considering the spherical
trigonometric relations:
@w cos a @w sin a
¼ and ¼ ; ð3:43Þ
@x R @y R
Here a is the azimuth from the computation point to the integration point.
The vertical gradient of gravity is sometimes of interest, for example, for a precise
downward continuation of the gravity observation on the Earth’s surface to the
geoid. The forward problem (to determine the gradient outside a sphere from
gravity anomalies on the sphere) can be obtained in the space domain from
Poisson’s integral (3.31a) for the harmonic function rDg as:
@ ðrDgÞ R
¼ M ðrP ; wÞDgdr; rP [ R ð3:45aÞ
@r P 4p
@ ðDgÞ DgP R
¼ þ M ðrP ; wÞDgdr: ð3:45cÞ
@r P rP 4p
3.3 Integral Formulas in Physical Geodesy 99
In the spectral domain, one obtains from the harmonic series (3.25b):
@Dg 1
n þ 2 R nþ3
¼ Dgn ðXÞ; rP
R: ð3:46Þ
@r P n¼0
R rP
On the sphere with rP ¼ R, Eq. (3.45b) becomes (Heiskanen and Moritz 1967,
Sects. 1–18)
2R2 w
MðwÞ ¼ ; l0 ¼ 2R sin ; ð3:47Þ
l30 2
where the last form is convenient for numerical integration. The function M ðwÞ is
very local and attenuates quickly towards zero for increasing w, which implies that
it is usually sufficient to integrate in a small area/cap around the computation point.
The following solution for the inverse Vening Meinesz formula is inspired by a
solution by Hwang (1998), but it is slightly different.
According to Eqs. (3.41a), (3.41b) and the notation introduced in Eq. (2.129b),
the deflection components of the vertical are related with the geoid height by the
compact formula
n 1
¼ rNQ ¼ r NQ : ð3:49Þ
g R
A tentative solution for the inverse Vening Meinez formula can therefore be
DgP ¼
r F1 wPQ
rNQ drQ ; ð3:50aÞ
F1 ðwÞ ¼ F1;n Pn ðcos wÞ; ð3:50bÞ
and its coefficients remain to be determined. To do so, we express the geoid height
as a harmonic series with coefficients Nnm , i.e.
1 X
X n
NQ ¼ Nnm Ynm ðQÞ; ð3:51Þ
n¼2 m¼n
we use the addition theorem for spherical harmonics, Eq. (2.49), in Eq. (3.50b):
X 1
F1;n X n
F1 wPQ ¼ Ynm ðPÞYnm ðQÞ; ð3:52Þ
2n þ 1 m¼n
and we consider the inner product between the surface gradients of spherical har-
monics from Eq. (2.130). Then Eq. (3.50a) becomes:
c0 X
nðn þ 1Þ Xn
DgP ¼ F1;n Nnm Ynm ðPÞ: ð3:53Þ
R n¼2 2n þ 1 m¼n
However, the gravity anomaly on the sphere can also be expressed [cf. (3.25a)
with r ¼ R]
n1 X
DgP ¼ c0 Nnm Ynm ðPÞ; ð3:54Þ
R m¼n
ð2n þ 1Þðn 1Þ
F1;n ¼ ; ð3:55Þ
nðn þ 1Þ
and therefore:
1 1
ð2n þ 1Þðn 1Þ 1 1
F 1 ðw Þ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ ¼ 2 Pn ðcos wÞ: ð3:56Þ
nð n þ 1Þ n¼2
n 1n
As shown by Hwang (1998), the closed form of this kernel is (see also Appendix 1
for s = 1)
1 t
F1 ðwÞ ¼ þ ln ð3:57Þ
t 1þt
3.3 Integral Formulas in Physical Geodesy 101
where t ¼ sinðw=2Þ.
Hence, as
r F1 wPQ ¼ F1 0 wPQ ðcos a0 ; sin a0 Þ
is the deflection at the running point Q with azimuth a0 towards the computation
point P.
By considering the Laplace spectral relation between the geoid height and gravity
anomaly (Eq. 3.32)
R Dgn
Nn ¼ ; ð3:61Þ
n 1 c0
1 1
ð2n þ 1Þ 1 1
F2 ðwÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ ¼ þ Pn ðcos wÞ: ð3:63aÞ
nðn þ 1Þ n¼2
n nþ1
102 3 Classical Physical Geodesy
Hwang (1998) derived the following closed forms of the kernel (see also
Appendix 1 for s = 1):
F2 ðwÞ ¼ 1 cos w 2 ln½sinðw=2Þ ð3:63bÞ
w 3
F20 ðwÞ ¼ cot þ sin w: ð3:64Þ
2 2
where Txy ¼ Tyx , Txz ¼ Tzx , and Tyz ¼ Tzy . Also, by applying the Laplace equation
in space, it holds that:
and, therefore, there are only five out of nine independent observables in G.
Recalling the external type harmonic series for the disturbing potential
1 n þ 1
T¼ Tn ; r
R; ð3:67Þ
and remembering that the local z-axis is along the radius vector with magnitude r, it
follows that:
3.3 Integral Formulas in Physical Geodesy 103
1 n þ 2
X R nþ1
Tz ¼ dg ¼ Tn ; ð3:68aÞ
r R
ðn þ 1Þðn þ 2Þ R n þ 3
Tzz ¼ dgz ¼ Tn ; ð3:68bÞ
R2 r
1 n þ 2
X 1 n þ 2
R n þ 1 @Tn c0 X R
Tzx ¼ dgx ¼ ¼ ðn þ 1Þnn ; ð3:68cÞ
r R @x R n¼0 r
1 n þ 2
X 1 n þ 2
R n þ 1 @Tn c0 X R
Tzy ¼ dgy ¼ ¼ ðn þ 1Þgn ; ð3:68dÞ
r R @y R n¼0 r
where the last steps in (3.68c), (3.68d) follow from Eqs. (3.41a), (3.41b). All
Laplace harmonics refer to the sphere of radius R. By setting r ¼ R in Eqs. (3.68c)
and (3.68d), and equating each spectral harmonic, these equations can be inverted to:
n RX 1
1 Tzx
¼ ; ð3:69Þ
g c0 n¼0 n þ 1 Tzy n
n R T
¼ H ðwÞ zx dr; ð3:70Þ
g 4pc0 Tzy
which is Hotine’s integral formula applied to the mixed zx- and zy-gradiometry
components. As a result, we see that these components of the gradiometry matrix
are closely related to the deflections of the vertical.
From Eqs. (3.69) and (3.70), one can derive the following relationships between
Laplace harmonics on the sphere:
and, by inverting each of these equations and summing up the harmonics, one
obtains the harmonic series
ðTzz Þ
dg ¼ R n
; ð3:72aÞ
104 3 Classical Physical Geodesy
Dg ¼ R ðTzz Þn ; ð3:72bÞ
ðn þ 2Þðn þ 1Þ
ðTzz Þn
T ¼ R2 ; ð3:72cÞ
ðn þ 2Þðn þ 1Þ
which can also be expressed in the space domain by the spherical integrals
dg ¼ F1z ðwÞTzz dr; ð3:73aÞ
Dg ¼ F2z ðwÞTzz dr; ð3:73bÞ
T¼ F3z ðwÞTzz dr; ð3:73cÞ
2n þ 1
F1z ðwÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ ¼ 1 þ t1 2t t ln 1 þ t1 ð3:74aÞ
ð2n þ 1Þðn 1Þ
F2z ðwÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ ¼ F1z ðwÞ 2F3z ðwÞ ð3:74bÞ
ðn þ 2Þðn þ 1Þ
2n þ 1 1þt
F3z ðwÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ ¼ 6t 3 þ ð3t 1Þ ln :
ð n þ 2Þ ð n þ 1Þ 2
dgP ¼
½r K ðwÞ T
r Tz dr ¼
K 0 ðwÞGQP dr; ð3:75aÞ
GQP ¼ ðTzx ÞQ cos a0 þ Tzy Q sin a0 ; ð3:75bÞ
and the problem is to solve for the coefficients of the kernel function
KðwÞ ¼ Kn Pn ðcos wÞ: ð3:75cÞ
Considering Eqs. (3.50a) and (3.53), one can see that the first equation in for-
mula (3.75a) can be expressed by the Laplace series
nðn þ 1Þ
dgP ¼ Kn ðTz Þn : ð3:76aÞ
2n þ 1
However, as there is also the simple relation among the Laplace harmonics for
dg and Tz ;
2n þ 1
Kn ¼ for n
1: ð3:76cÞ
nðn þ 1Þ
If the summation starts from n = 2, K ðwÞ equals the previously derived kernel
F2 ðwÞ of Eqs. (3.63a) and (3.63b) with opposite sign, and F20 ðwÞ was given by
Eq. (3.64). Hence, the integral formula for the gravity disturbance becomes:
dgP ¼ F20 wPQ GQP drQ : ð3:77Þ
n1 R dgn
Dgn ¼ dgn and Nn ¼ ;
nþ1 n þ 1 c0
DgP ¼ H20 wPQ GQP drQ ; ð3:78aÞ
where, H20 wPQ is the derivative of H2 wPQ :
X ð2n þ 1Þðn 1Þ
H 2 ðw Þ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ ð3:78bÞ
n¼2 nðn þ 1Þ2
w.r.t w, and
NP ¼ H30 wPQ GPQ drQ ; ð3:78cÞ
2n þ 1
H3 ðwÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ: ð3:78dÞ
n¼2 nð n þ 1Þ 2
Closed-form solutions are tricky to derive for Eqs. (3.78b) and (3.78d), but for
numerical applications the series can be tabulated. However, applying Eq. (8.121),
closed forms of H20 and H30 can be obtained. (see the derivation of Eq. 8.122b.)
Equation (3.19) shows that the traditional gravity anomaly is located on the geoid,
which implies that the observed gravity value at the Earth’s surface must be con-
tinued downward to the geoid level. This is handled by adding the free-air
3.4 Practical Considerations (DITE, DWC, SITE, PITE) 107
F¼ H 0:3086H ½mGal for H in m; ð3:79Þ
which is approximated as the vertical gradient of gravity, and the radial derivative
of the normal gravity stems from the approximation
@c 2c
c GM=r 2 ) ¼ ; ð3:80Þ
@r r
Dg ¼ g þ F c0 : ð3:81Þ
The free-air gravity anomaly cannot be directly used in the integral formulas above,
because they are not valid if there are masses external to the sphere of integration.
Hence, the attraction of the topographic masses ðAT Þ should be removed. The
resulting gravity anomaly is the simple or refined Bouguer gravity anomaly:
DgB ¼ g þ F c0 B; ð3:82Þ
where G is the gravitational constant. As a result the simple Bouguer anomaly can
be written
However, the Bouguer gravity anomaly is not a suitable gravity anomaly to apply in
the integral formulas, because this anomaly is usually systematically large and has
several disadvantages for applications in physical geodesy (see following sections).
Instead one first compensates for the topographic attraction, implying that a model
compensation attraction Ac is added, yielding the topography compensated gravity
There are numerous compensation models, having in common that they com-
pensate for the topographic attraction on or below sea level, such that (theoretically)
there are no remaining masses above this level. Among a variety of models, we here
just mention the two most commonly used ones: Helmert condensation-layering
compensation and isostatic compensation. Helmert’s second method of condensa-
tion method means that the topography is condensed as a surface layer at sea level
with surface density qH being the density times the height of the topography.
A more advanced compensation model is provided by a topographic/isostatic model
(see Sect. 8.4), and it usually provides the best compensation for the topographic
attraction. However, while Helmert’s compensation is easy to apply, the numerical
effort to provide the isostatic compensation attraction is numerically more
The application of the topographic and compensation corrections ðAT þ Ac Þ is
called the Direct Topographic Effect (DITE) on gravity. It implies that the condition
for applying the integral formulas with no masses permitted external to the sphere
(if the atmosphere is neglected) is satisfied.
Traditionally, the application of the DITE has been called regularization.
As the DITE implies a reduction for the attraction of the topography, the reduced
gravity anomaly Dgc on the geoid (approximated by the sphere) also needs a
correction called the Secondary Indirect Topographic Effect (SITE) before Stokes’
integration, and, after Stokes’ integration, the resulting co-geoid height needs a
correction by the Primary Indirect Topographic Effect (PITE), which is the effect
corresponding to the restoration of the topographic masses. Hence, the geoid height
is finally given by:
N¼ SðwÞðDgc þ SITE Þdr þ PITE; ð3:86aÞ
3.4 Practical Considerations (DITE, DWC, SITE, PITE) 109
@c c
SITE ¼ dN c 2 0 dN c ð3:86bÞ
@r R
VgT Vgc
PITE ¼ dN c ¼ : ð3:86cÞ
The SITE is motivated to augment Dgc from the geoid to the co-geoid for the
Stokes integration. In Eq. (3.86c), V T and V c are the topographic and compensation
potentials, respectively. Similarly, PITEs can be applied also in the other integral
In principal, all compensation models result in the same geoid heights. However,
in practice there are differences due to interpolation and numerical integration of the
discrete gravity observations.
If no compensation model is applied, the (Bouguer) gravity anomaly under
Stokes’ integral is large, and the PITE is enormous, even infinite for a flat Earth
approximation. Although there are many gravity reduction models in the literature,
the most common ones are Helmert’s method of condensation, where the topog-
raphy is modelled by a surface density, e.g. in Helmert’s 2nd compensation model
by qH, where q and H are topographic density and height, respectively, yielding the
compensation potential on the geoid:
Vgc ¼ GR dr: ð3:87Þ
Geometric heights (such as GNSS- derived heights and levelled heights) differ from
physical heights related with the equipotential level surfaces of the Earth. National
height systems are defined by some kind of physical height, while local systems
used for surveying, construction and mapping sometimes are geometric. Physical
heights, in contrast to geometric ones, are holonomic, implying that the difference
between such heights at two points is independent on the path one takes between
the two points. Here we are concerned with geopotential numbers as well as
dynamic, orthometric and normal heights, which all belong to the category of
physical heights. In many countries, one uses so-called normal-orthometric heights,
also to be considered subsequently.
C P ¼ Wg WP ¼ gdh; ð3:88Þ
where HP is the orthometric height (see Sect. 3.5.2), i.e. the height above the geoid
along the plumb line to P. CP is measured in geopotential units (g.p.u.), where 1 g.
p.u. = 1 kGal m. As the geopotential number is not in units of metres, it is con-
venient to scale it. In this way the, dynamic height (adopted by the IAG in 1955) is
obtained by:
HPdyn ¼ ; ð3:89Þ
where c45 is normal gravity at latitude 45 . The dynamic correction, needed to
correct the levelled height difference DhBA between points A and B to become the
dynamic height difference, is then given by:
CB CA 1 1 X B
DCAB ¼ DhBA ¼ ðg c45 Þdh ðgi c45 Þdhi ; ð3:90Þ
c45 c45 c45 i¼A
where dhi are individual height-difference measurements between the end points A
and B. However, as normal gravity changes by as much as 2.6 Gal from the Equator
3.5 Height Systems 111
to mid-latitudes, also the dynamic correction is usually large. This drawback can be
reduced by selecting a local reference c instead of c45 for a region, but then the
regional type of dynamic heights must not be mixed with the IAG-adopted ones.
The dynamic height is used in certain engineering projects, as it, in contrast to the
levelled height, indicates in which direction a fluid flows.
Many countries have adopted orthometric heights as their national height systems.
Such a height is closely related to the geoid height, as their sum is the geodetic
height, i.e. the height of the topographic surface above the reference ellipsoid (see
Fig. 3.3). [In this context one disregards that the orthometric height actually is (very
slightly) curved along the plumb line.] Applying the mean-value theorem of integral
calculus to Eq. (3.88), one obtains the orthometric height HP :
CP ¼ gHP ) HP ¼ ; ð3:91aÞ
where g is the mean value of gravity along the plumb line in the interval between
the geoid and the surface point P:
g ¼ gdh: ð3:91bÞ
As the sum of the geoid and orthometric heights (approximately) equals the
geodetic height hP (see Fig. 3.3), the orthometric height can also be determined
geometrically by modern GNSS levelling:
HP ¼ hp NP : ð3:93Þ
This technique requires that both the geoid height and the geometric height are
known, the latter, e.g. from GNSS observations.
In ocean areas, H is usually denoted sea-surface topography, which is of basic
interest in oceanography. It typically differs from the geoid height by 2 m due to
salinity, currency, tides etc. The geodetic height ðhÞ at sea is most successfully
determined by satellite altimetry.
The normal height belongs to the modern concepts of surface gravity anomaly,
quasigeoid and height anomaly, introduced by M.S. Molodensky (Molodensky
et al. 1962); see Chap. 4.
The normal height HPN at a point P is the distance from the reference ellipsoid
along the normal through P to the point Q on the telluroid. (Point Q is defined such
that its normal potential UQ equals WP.) Then it holds that:
3.5 Height Systems 113
HPN ¼ ð3:94aÞ
1 U0 UQ
c ¼ N cdh ¼
1 @U 1 @ 2 U 2 2
¼ N U0 U0 þ ð Þ0 HPN þ H þ . . . ð3:94bÞ
HP @h 2 @h2 0 P
which lends itself to iteration with Eq. (3.94a). Notice, that the normal height can
be determined exactly for precise data with no assumption about the density of
topography (in contrast to the orthometric height).
As the sum of the normal height and the height anomaly ðfP Þ is the geometric
height ðhP Þ of the topography (see Fig. 3.3), i.e.
h ¼ H þ N ¼ H N þ f; ð3:95Þ
it follows that the normal height can also be determined by GNSS levelling as:
HPN ¼ hP fP : ð3:96Þ
H ¼ H N GQC: ð3:97Þ
~P ¼
C cdh ¼ UP0 UP ; ð3:98Þ
where P is the surface point, and the height of the reference point P0 is usually
unknown, but can be assumed to be located close to the reference ellipsoid. The
normal orthometric height is defined by:
HPNO ¼ ; ð3:99Þ
where c is the same mean normal gravity as used in the normal height. It is obvious
that the normal-orthometric height is not based on gravity observations, but those
data are replaced by normal gravity.
It is interesting to find out whether the normal-orthometric height can be cor-
rected to the normal and/or orthometric heights. However, as the geopotential
number here uses normal gravity instead of actual gravity observations, it appears
rather impossible to add simple corrections for such improvements. Anyhow, some
knowledge about such corrections can be achieved as follows.
– The Corrections to Normal and Orthometric Heights
By taking the difference between Eqs. (3.94a) and (3.99), one obtains the correction
from normal-orthometric to normal height:
CC ~
dH NNO ¼ ; ð3:100Þ
Wg WP UP0 þ UP
dH NNO ¼ : ð3:101Þ
where U0 and dU ¼ UP0 U0 are the normal potential at the reference ellipsoid
and its (unknown) correction to reach the reference potential used in the
normal-orthometric height, respectively, and considering that Wg ¼ U0 and WP
UP ¼ TP ¼ cQ fP (Bruns’ formula), one obtains:
TP þ dU cQ dU dU
dH NNO ¼ ¼ f f : ð3:103Þ
c c c c
3.5 Height Systems 115
C C~ CC ~ c g
dH ONO ¼ ¼ þH ; ð3:104Þ
g c c c
dH ONO dH NNO N þ f N : ð3:105Þ
Here dU is constant, while c changes with latitude (in c0 ) and elevation (see
3.94a, 3.94b and 3.94c). One way to fix dU would be to use a geoid or quasigeoid
model as well as GNSS determined geodetic heights of one or (better) several points
in the region to determine the orthometric or normal height(s) by GNSS levelling
(Eqs. 3.93 and 3.95) with consideration of the corrective surface difference between
the two types of heights. Then dU can be solved from either Eqs. (3.103) or (3.105).
Referring to Bois (1961), the following formulas can be derived for 0 s 1 when
using the notations LðxÞ ¼ ð1 2xt þ x2 Þ and LðsÞ ¼ L:
S1 ¼ sn Pn ðtÞ ¼ 1=L ð3:106Þ
1 n Zs X
1 Zs
s 1 1
S2 ¼ P n ðt Þ ¼ x n1
Pn ðtÞds ¼ dx
n n¼1
xLðxÞ x ð3:107Þ
0 0
¼ ½ln 2ð1 xt þ LÞsx¼0 ¼ lnð1 st þ LÞ þ ln 2
1 nþ1 Zs X
1 Zs
s dx
S3 ¼ Pn ðtÞ ¼ x Pn ðtÞdx ¼
nþ1 Lð xÞ
0 ð3:108Þ
s tþL
¼ ½ln 2ðx t þ Lð xÞÞss¼0 ¼ ln
1 nþ2 Zs X
1 Zs
s nþ1 x
S4 ¼ Pn ðtÞ ¼ x Pn ðtÞdx ¼ ds
nþ2 LðxÞ
0 ð3:109Þ
s tþL
¼ ½LðxÞ þ t ln 2ðx t þ Lð xÞÞsx¼0 ¼ L 1 þ t ln
116 3 Classical Physical Geodesy
gmin ¼ a gX ðh ¼ p=2Þ
As gX ðhÞ ¼ @X
@r ¼ Rx sin h, it follows with R = 6371 km and x according to
2 2
Hence, gravity at the Equator is 339 mGal less than at the pole for a spherical,
homogeneous Earth model. (For this model the difference is only due to the rotation
of the model.)
Solution to Exercise 3.2: The gravity, gravitation and centrifugal force vectors
(with notations adopting those in the previous exercise) are illustrated in Fig. 3.4a.
If the Earth stops rotating, vector g will move to and be equal to vector a. From
Fig. 3.4b, the sine theorem can be applied, yielding the equation
In this case, gX ¼ Rx2 =4 ¼ 0:085 [Gal], so that the numerical solution for the
change of the plumb line is about ða Þ 15″ towards the north.
Appendix 2: Solutions to Exercises 117
(a) (b)
a g
R a
g ϕ δ
Fig. 3.4 The gravitation, centrifugal force and gravity a vectors and b their magnitudes in a
rDg ¼ H 2T
@T @T @T @T
H¼r ¼ r gradðTÞ ¼ x þy þz ¼ ðÞT:
@r @x @y @z
@ @ @
ðÞ ¼ x þy þz :
@x @y @z
@H @T @T
¼ þ ðÞ
@u @u @u
where u ¼ x; y; z:
DH ¼ 2DT þ ðÞDT;
and therefore:
DðrDgÞ ¼ DH 2DT ¼ 0:
118 3 Classical Physical Geodesy
Solution to Exercise 3.4 Insert (3.24b) into (3.23b) and apply it for rp = R:
) Dg ¼ T n:
Hence, by applying “the hint” and (3.23b) once more and changing the order of
summation and integration one obtains:
X 1 ZZ X1
Dgn R 2n þ 1
T ¼R ¼ SðwÞDgdr; where SðwÞ ¼ Pn ðcoswÞ:
n 1 4p n¼2
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Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 73. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
Molodensky MS, Eremeev VF, Yurkina MI (1962) Methods for study of the external gravitational
field and figure of the Earth. Trans from Russian by Israel Programme for Scientific
Translations, Jerusalem
Moritz H (2000) Geodetic reference system 1980. J Geod 74:128–133
Pizzetti P (1911) Sopra il calcolo teorico delle deviazioni del geoide dall’ ellipsoide. Atti Accad
Sci Torino 46:331
Sjöberg LE (2000) Topographic effects by the Stokes-Helmert method of geoid and quasigeoid
determinations. J Geod 74(2):255–268
Sjöberg LE (2014) On the topographic effects by Stokes formula. J Geod Sci 4:130–135
Somagliana C (1929) Teoria generale del campo gravitazionale dell’ ellisoide di rotazione. Mem
Soc Astron Ital, vol IV
Stokes GG (1849) On the variation of gravity on the surface of the earth. Trans Cambridge Phil
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Vening Meinesz FA (1928) A formula expressing the deflection of the plumb-line in the gravity
anomalies and some formulae for the gravity field and the gravity potential outside the geoid.
Proc Koninkl Ned Akad Wetenschap 31(3):315–331
Chapter 4
Modern Physical Geodesy
Abstract Modern physical geodesy and geophysics employ the surface gravity
anomaly or gravity disturbance rather than the classical gravity anomaly defined at
sea level. In this way topographic corrections are treated more rigorously. Here the
geoid is determined by an Earth gravitational model (EGM) as spherical harmonics,
as well as by the modified Stokes’ and Hotine’s formulas, the latter methods being
combinations of surface integrals and an EGM expressed in a series of spherical
harmonics. Various types of modifying Stokes’ formula are derived, such as
methods that reduce the truncation error (alone), remove-restore techniques with or
without a higher order reference field, as well as the least squares modification
technique. The last method minimizes the errors of truncating the integration area to
a spherical cap, as well as the errors stemming from gravity anomalies and the EGM
by spectral weighting of the observables. As a result, each of these error contrib-
utors as part of the total geoid-error estimate can easily be visualized.
4.1 Introduction
In 1957 the first artificial satellite was launched to orbit the Earth, enabling for the
first time accurate determination of the low-degree harmonics of the Earth’s gravity
field from dynamic satellite-geodesy observations. This technique started with
optical observations, but was gradually improved by refined observation tech-
niques, such as satellite Doppler, laser ranging and GPS, which enabled the
determination of higher and higher degree harmonics to increased levels of accu-
racy. Of particular importance, also was the advent of satellite-radar altimetry,
which, for the first time, made possible a detailed mapping of the gravity field over
the world’s oceans.
~ nmax n þ 1 X
DW R n
Dh ¼ ¼r Cnm Ynm ðXÞ; ð4:1Þ
c n¼0
r m¼n
where R is the mean Earth radius. Considering Kaula’s rule (Eq. 3.29), this
observation has the following power spectrum (degree variance) at satellite level:
2n þ 2
R 2n þ 1 10
c2n ðDhÞ r 2 10 : ð4:2Þ
r n4
Only those harmonics resulting in signal-to-noise ratios bigger than one are useful.
Assuming that the observation accuracy is 1 m (0.1 m), in the case of ground-based
methods, Fig. 4.1 shows that nmax is not larger than, say, 10 (20). However, of
Fig. 4.1 Degree variances c2n using Eqs. (4.2) with r = R + 1000 km, Eqs. (4.3), (4.8) with
Ds = 250 km and (4.10) with r = R + 250 km. R = 6371 km. Note that the units are m2 except
for Eq. (4.10), where the unit is Eötvös2
4.1 Introduction 121
particular importance are long-term satellite laser-ranging data, which are useful for
accurate determination of low-degree harmonics and their temporal variations.
(2) The radar in satellite altimetry operates at satellite level, but the technique
directly measures (when disregarding some systematic errors; see below) the
geoid height at sea, with the power spectrum of:
2n þ 1 10
c2n ðNÞ ¼ c2n ðT=c0 Þ R2 10 ; ð4:3Þ
v22 v21
W2 W1 ¼ vDv; ð4:4Þ
where Wi are the geopotentials at the two satellites, and v GM=r is their
mean velocity. As the geopotential is the sum of normal potential and
disturbing potential, the potential difference can be approximated by:
W2 W1 ¼ U2 U1 þ T2 T1 Ds ¼ c
hDs; ð4:5Þ
where Ds is the separation between the satellites along the orbit arc ðsÞ, and
is the deflection of the vertical along the orbit. (In Eq. (4.5), we assume that
@U=@ s ¼ 0, implying that the two satellites are located on a level surface in
the normal field for the arc of length Ds.) The satellite-orbit analysis makes
possible the following determination of the satellite level variations:
Dh ¼ hDs; ð4:6Þ
and the degree variances for the deflection component are given by
(Heiskanan and Moritz 1967, Eq. 7.38) as:
ðn 1Þ2 ðn þ 1Þn 2
c2n h ¼ cn ðT Þ; ð4:7Þ
c2 r 2
1 ðn 1Þ2 ðn þ 1Þn 2 Ds
c2n ðDhÞ c2n hn ðDsÞ2 2 c n ð T Þ
c r2 r
2n þ 2 2 ð4:8Þ
R nðn 1Þðn 1Þð2n þ 1Þ 10
ðDsÞ2 10
r n4
In Fig. 4.1, the above ideal power spectra are compared, showing that the spectrum
of the classical dynamic satellite techniques (Eq. 4.1) drops very quickly towards
zero for increasing degrees, while the satellite altimetry spectrum, represented by
Eq. (4.3), performs exceptionally well, maintaining the power over the range of the
spectrum. In case of satellite-to-satellite tracking (Eq. 4.8) and satellite gradiometry
(Eq. 4.10), the spectra decrease relatively slowly, revealing there feasibilities to
detect much higher harmonics than the classical technique. In fact, as of 2015, the
dedicated satellite gravity missions GRACE and GOCE have recovered the low- to
medium-wavelength gravity field (say for n < 300) to an unprecedented accuracy.
The uncertainty in recovered geopotential coefficients are also dependent on the
accuracy and limitations of the observation system. The actual development is
illustrated in Fig. 4.2, which shows the accuracies by wavelength of some well-known
EGMs. For comparison, the actual signal degree variances of the geopotential (rep-
resented by EGM2008) is also plotted. Since the millennium’s beginning, three
dedicated satellite-gravity missions (CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE) have very sig-
nificantly improved our knowledge about the low and medium wavelengths of the
gravity field. However, to attain the on-going challenge of “the 1-cm geoid”, a
combination of satellite-derived gravity data with terrestrial information is needed.
Progress in geoid determination cannot rely solely on data improvement, but
theory must also be improved. In 1962, the Russian geodesist M.S. Molodensky
and his colleagues (Molodensky et al. 1962) published in the West their remarkable
new theory on determining the shape of the Earth from levelling and gravity data
without any requirement for knowing the density distribution of the topography,
4.1 Introduction 123
Fig. 4.2 Square root of geopotential power and error-degree variances ðcn and dcn Þ using
CHAMP (aiub-champ03 s model up to degree 100; Prange 2011), GOCE (go_cons_gcf_2_tim_r3
model up to degree 250; Pail et al. 2011), GRACE (ggm05 s model up to degree 180; Tapley et al.
2013) and EGM08 (Pavlis et al. 2008) EGM models
which is compulsory in the traditional techniques for determining the geoid and
orthometric height. In the new theory, the concepts of orthometric height and geoid
height were replaced by the normal height and the quasigeoid height or height
anomaly. In addition, the classical gravity anomaly, located on the geoid, was
replaced by the surface gravity anomaly.
The above concepts are most important for accurate geoid and quasigeoid
determinations. Since the 1960s, most research in physical geodesy follow
Molodensky’s pioneer work with a focus on quasigeoid estimation (e.g.
Bjerhammar 1962, 1963 and Moritz 1980). Even today, textbooks, such as Sansó
and Sideris (2013), are primarily concerned with the quasigeoid, despite the fact
that many countries around the world (e.g. on the North and South American,
African and Australian continents) adopt the geoid for their national reference
Already Molodensky et al. (1962, Chap. 7) presented a method to determine the
height anomaly by combining satellite-derived, long-wavelength information with
detailed gravity data around the computation point, and a variety of such techniques
are successfully used today.
In this chapter, we will first deal with modern geoid determination by taking
advantage of some of Molodensky’s ideas, but only later (in Sect. 7.1) will we present
methods for quasigeoid determination. Hence, this chapter is organized as follows:
Sect. 4.2 presents the surface and Bouguer gravity anomalies and disturbances. We
also define the no-topography disturbing potential and gravity anomaly. Sections 4.3
and 4.4 are devoted to precise geoid determination from spherical harmonics alone
124 4 Modern Physical Geodesy
and in combination with Stokes’ formula (Stokes 1849). Section 4.5 summarizes the
modified Stokes’ formulas, while Sect. 4.6 uses the modified Hotine formula with
gravity disturbances and an EGM for geoid determination.
Definition 4.1 (the telluroid and quasigeoid): Along each normal to the reference
ellipsoid, there is a point Q whose normal potential UQ equals the Earth’s potential
WP at the topographic surface (see Fig. 4.3). The surface that connects all points
Q is called the telluroid. The distance along the normal between points Q and P is
called the height anomaly or quasigeoid height ðfÞ, and the distance from the
reference ellipsoid to Q is called the normal height ðH N Þ.The quasigeoid is the
mapping of the f on the reference ellipsoid (see Fig. 4.3).
As can be seen in the figure, the geodetic height h is both the (approximate) sum
of the geoid and orthometric heights, as well as the sum of the height anomaly and
normal height. The difference between the geoid and quasigeoid heights ranges up
to a few metres in high mountains and vanishes on the ocean.
Definition 4.2 (gravity anomaly and disturbance): The surface gravity anomaly
and gravity disturbance are given by DgP ¼ gP cQ and dgP ¼ gP cP ,
We notice that the anomaly and disturbance look the same as those in the
classical definitions, but here point P and Q are located at the Earth’s surface and
telluroid, while in the classical definition P is on the geoid and Q is at the reference
ellipsoid. In fact, P can be located anywhere in space, and Q is the corresponding
point along the ellipsoidal normal through P that obeys UQ ¼ WP .
Proposition 4.1 The quasigeoid height (or height anomaly) is given by Bruns’
fP ¼ : ð4:11Þ
Proof TP ¼ WP UP ¼ WP UQ þ UQ fP þ . . . ¼ ðWP ¼ UQ Þ ¼ cQ fP þ . . .
and the proposition follows as a first-order Taylor approximation.
Note that Eq. (4.11) is an approximation, but its relative error is only of the order
of jf=r j 0:02%.
Proposition 4.2 The fundamental equation of physical geodesy
@T @c TP
DgP ¼ þ ð4:12aÞ
@h P @h Q cQ
where the magnitude of the next term in the Taylor series, 3cQ f2P =rQ2 , does not
exceed 1 l Gal. Also, ð@c=@hÞQ in Eq. (4.12a) can be substituted by ð@c=@hÞP to a
relative error within 0.003%.
One may also define the Bouguer gravity disturbance and anomaly in space as:
where AT is the topographic attraction (as in Chap. 3). In the Bouguer gravity
disturbance all the topographic signal is removed. However, surprisingly, this is not
the case with the Bouguer gravity anomaly. To see this, we decompose the gravity
anomaly into the no-topography (NT) and topographic anomalies (DgNT and DgT )
by considering the fundamental Eq. (4.12a):
126 4 Modern Physical Geodesy
@T @c T
DgNT ¼ þ ð4:15bÞ
@h @h cQ
@c V T VT
Dg ¼ A þ
AT 2 : ð4:15cÞ
@h cQ rQ
Here the last term of Eq. (4.15c) is the spherical approximation, point Q is the same
as in Definition 4.2, V T is the topographic potential and
T NT ¼ T V T ð4:16Þ
is the no-topography disturbing potential. We notice that the NT-anomaly needs not
only a correction by the direct topographic effect ðAT Þ but also by the SITE [i.e. the
last term of Eq. (4.15c) with opposite sign]. Hence, the SITE is not a correction
needed to change the reference surface in Stokes’ integration as assumed in classical
physical geodesy (see Sect. 3.4.4), but it is a necessary correction to remove all
topographic signal from the gravity anomaly (Sjöberg 2014). It follows that the
Bouguer attraction is the total topographic correction for the gravity disturbance, but
it is only part of the total topographic effect for the gravity anomaly, and this is
because the gravity disturbance in itself (but not the anomaly) is an attraction.
Tg Wg Ug
N¼ ¼ : ð4:17Þ
c0 c0
In the practical application of Eq. (4.17), the radius of the geoid is usually
approximated by the Mean Earth sphere of radius R = 6371 km. However, if the
correct radius at the computational point is r ¼ R þ dr, this approximation implies
an error of:
dN ¼ dr; ð4:18Þ
4.3 Geoid Determination by Spherical Harmonics 127
which could be significant. Hence, one should use the best available radius in the
computational area.
As both Wg and Ug include the known rotation potential of the Earth, the
disturbing potential is harmonic outside the topography (upon neglecting the
atmosphere). Therefore, the geoid height can be estimated by a series of spherical
harmonics (complete to degree M):
XM n þ 1
~¼ 1
Tn ðh; kÞ; ð4:19aÞ
c0 n¼0 re
Tn ðh; kÞ ¼ Tnm Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð4:19bÞ
Tnm being the potential harmonic coefficients determined as the difference between
those of the gravitational potential (represented by an EGM and the normal
potential. Here R0 is the reference radius for the harmonic series (frequently the
same as the semi-major axis of the reference ellipsoid) and re is the radius of the
reference ellipsoid at the computation point. Equation (4.19a) holds only when the
geoid is located outside the topography, but, inside the topography, it suffers from
the analytical continuation error (see Sect. 5.2.5 for details).
The series in Eq. (4.19a) is not likely to converge within the Brillouin sphere,
the bounding sphere including all Earth’s topography, at least not inside the
topography. However, as expressed by Moritz (2003), the series is probably only
asymptotically divergent, implying that it is practical to very high degrees after
which it starts to diverge. Some general properties of spherical harmonic series were
presented in Sect. 2.5.
The dominant part in the error of analytical continuation (at least for low- to
medium-degree EGMs) is the topographic bias, which can be expressed for a
constant topographic density q [see Eq. (5.21)]:
2pGq 2 HM
dN ¼
HM þ
; ð4:20Þ
c0 3 R
where HM are the Laplace series of H 2 and H 3 to degree M. Possibly it is even more
advantageous to use H 2 and H 3 in this formula, which may reach several metres in
mountainous regions. Here it is assumed that the density of the topography ðqÞ is
constant, and the height of the topography is H. Nevertheless, for higher-degree
EGMs, the basically diverging series will more and more add an additional sig-
nificant bias term to Eq. (4.20) (see Sect. 5.2.6).
128 4 Modern Physical Geodesy
Today, gravity data cover only part of the Earth’s surface, while, in principle,
Stokes’ formula requires complete coverage. In 1960, M.S. Molodensky (see
Molodensky et al. 1962) proposed to truncate Stokes’ integral to a cap around the
computation point and to compensate for the truncation bias by adding a
low-degree spherical harmonic series from an EGM. To further reduce the trun-
cation error, Stokes’ function is modified in a suitable way. The resulting method is
generally named the modified Stokes formula. Since Molodensky’s pioneer work,
various types of modifications to Stokes’ formula have evolved, and some of them
are described below.
Let us first return to Stokes’ original formula in Sect. 3.3.2:
N¼ SðwÞDgdr; ð4:21aÞ
where we have introduced the constant c ¼ R=ð2c0 Þ, and Stokes’ function can be
expressed as the series
2n þ 1
SðwÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ: ð4:21bÞ
Note that Stokes’ function starts the summation at n = 2, implying that Stokes’
integral is blind to any zero- and first-degree harmonics of the gravity anomaly.
where Dgn are the so-called Laplace harmonics of Dg defined by (Heiskanen and
Moritz 1967, p. 97):
2n þ 1
Dgn ¼ DgPn ðcos wÞdr; ð4:22bÞ
4.4 The Modified Stokes’ Formula 129
2n þ 1
SL ðwÞ ¼ SðwÞ sn Pn ðcos wÞ ð4:22cÞ
is the modified Stokes’ function, where L is the selected maximum degree of the
arbitrary modification parameters sn. Hence, the modified Stokes’ formula yields
exactly the same result as the original Stokes’ formula, Eq. (4.21a), and nothing is
therefore gained so far by the modification.
Let us now introduce a spherical cap r0 limited by the spherical angle w0 and
centred at the computation point for Stokes’ integration. Then it can be shown that
Stokes’ integration in the exterior area to the cap, r r0 , i.e. the truncation error
when omitting the contribution from outside the cap, can be replaced by a Laplace
series in Dg, i.e.
SL ðwÞDgdr ¼ c QLn ðw0 ÞDgn ; ð4:23aÞ
2p n¼2
Zp X
QLn ¼ QLn ðw0 Þ ¼ SL ðwÞPn ðcos wÞ sin wdw ¼Qn ðw0 Þ Enk sk ð4:23bÞ
Qn ðw0 Þ ¼ SðwÞPn ðcos wÞ sin wdw ð4:23cÞ
Z w0
2k þ 1
Enk ¼ Enk ðw0 Þ ¼ Pn ðtÞPk ðtÞdt: ð4:23dÞ
sn if 2nL
sn ¼ : ð4:24bÞ
0 otherwise
will be subject to (a) a truncation error (bias) due to the limited cap-size and/or the
limited degree of expansion of the EGM (see Eqs. 4.24a and 4.24b) observation
errors eT and eEGM
n , stemming from the errors of the input data of gravity anomaly
DgT and EGM derived Laplace gravity anomaly DgEGM n , respectively. The degree of
modification L of Stokes’ function is arbitrary. Thanks to the last term of Eq. (4.25),
the geoid estimator N1L;M is unbiased for all degrees 2-M, while the inevitable bias
for all higher degrees stems from the truncation. (An estimator of a quantity q is
biased if its expected value differs from q. That means that the unbiased estimator
approaches its true value as observation errors decrease.) Usually, unbiased esti-
mators are preferred to biased ones. As will be discussed below, by varying the
modification parameters sn, the weights of the input data (and their resulting errors)
will vary, leading to different geoid estimators.
Before discussing various special cases of modifications, we will present an even
more general geoid estimator, usually biased for all degrees. (It is more general in
the sense that the previous estimator N1L;M is a special case.) The new estimator is
given by the formula
N2L;M ¼ SL ðwÞDgT dr þ c bn DgEGM ; ð4:26aÞ
2p n¼2
4.4 The Modified Stokes’ Formula 131
N2L;M ¼ c QLn sn DgTn þ c bn DgEGM : ð4:26bÞ
n 1 n¼2
Note that the arbitrary parameters bn provide further degrees of freedom to this
estimator compared to the previous one. It is therefore likely that this model
includes an estimator with a smaller error than is available in the geoid model N1L;M .
In practice, Eqs. (4.26a, 4.26b) include all published geoid estimators related with
the modified Stokes’ formula (Sjöberg 2003a, b) (see also Table 4.1). Hence, we
are now ready to discuss some of the more common modifications appearing in the
geodetic literature.
n ð4:27bÞ
is the residual gravity anomaly. The rationale behind these estimators is to filter out
the low-degree spectrum from Stokes’ integral by the high-frequency
residual-gravity anomaly data DgM , and to represent this part of the spectrum by
the long-wavelength harmonics DgEGM n . The most typical example is the RCR
technique, taught by the International Geoid School (e.g. Forsberg 1993; Sansó
1997; Sansó and Sideris 2013 (see Sect. 8.4.5), where L is sometimes set to zero.
Another example is the Vanicek–Kleusberg’s geoid estimator, Eq. (4.37a), where
L > M.
As there is only a high-frequency residual-gravity anomaly under this form of
Stokes’ integral, it is expected that the truncation error for the far-zone is much
smaller than by the corresponding geoid estimator Eq. (4.25). However, as shown
by Sjöberg (2005a), this way of arguing is not correct, as the truncation of Stokes’
132 4 Modern Physical Geodesy
where the first term includes contributions to terrestrial gravity anomaly at all
wavelengths from degree 2 and up. Moreover, it follows from Eqs. (4.24a) and
(4.28) that N1L;M and N ~ 1L;M are equal, at least from a theoretical point of view. Hence,
the latter geoid estimator is as sensitive to truncation error as the former, and
therefore there is no such advantage in using the more complicated geoid estimators
with a higher-order reference field. On the other hand, looking from the practical
point of view, one may argue that, in the latter technique, the residual gravity
anomalies are better suited for interpolating the original data into a grid, to be used
in the numerical Stokes’ integration. (However, this interpolation can certainly be
performed separately without steering the modification of Stokes’ formula.)
Nevertheless, it should be admitted that the RCR technique, operating with a
residual gravity anomaly, could be advantageous from a numerical point of view
also in the computation of the downward continuation effect of the gravity anomaly
and in the Stokes’ integration.
The RCR technique is frequently used also with a removal and restoration of a
topographic model, which may reduce also the high-frequency contents of the
residual-gravity anomaly, thus making this anomaly even more attractive for
interpolation, integration, downward continuation and, in this case, also for the
truncation of Stokes’ integral. However, as pointed out by Sjöberg (2005a), this
possible advantage is easily spoilt if the RCR technique is not performed in a
consistent way for the removal and restoration of the effects of the topography.
If L > M and there are potential coefficients available to the higher degree L, one
can augment N ~ 1M;M to:
NVK ~ 1M;M þ c
¼N n Dgn
n¼M þ 1
This estimator will be further discussed in the next section [see Eqs. (4.37a)–
When limiting the area of integration of the original Stokes’ formula to a cap r0
with geocentric angle w0, the truncation error becomes:
4.4 The Modified Stokes’ Formula 133
dN10;0 ¼ N10;0 N ¼ SðwÞDgdr ¼ c Qn Dgn ð4:30Þ
2p n¼2
which leads to a very significant truncation bias unless the integration area is very
large. For instance, for a cap size of 20°, the bias is of the order of 17 m. By
selecting the simply modified Stokes’ formula
N10;M ¼ SðwÞDgdr þ c Qn DgEGM
n ð4:31Þ
2p n¼2
dN10;M ¼ c Qn Dgn ð4:32Þ
n¼M þ 1
is much reduced compared to the result of Eq. (4.32). However, for M = 360, a cap
size of 20° is still needed to reduce the truncation error to below 1 cm. As argued
above, N10;M is used in practice in the original RCR technique. (In the RTM method
of Forsberg (1984), the truncation error is somewhat reduced by the removal and
restoration of the gravity signal of a topographic model.) A suitable modification of
Stokes’ function can reduce this bias considerably.
A well-known method of modifying Stokes’ formula is named after Wong and
Gore (1969). It uses the general estimator in Eq. (4.24a) with L = M and parameters
sn set to 2/(n−1), which has the effect that Stokes’ function is truncated at degree
M to a so-called spheroidal kernel. The rationale behind this modification is similar
to that adopted in the RCR technique, namely to filter out the long-wavelength
contribution from the terrestrial data and to fully compensate for that spectrum by
the EGM. However, as already stated, the filtering out of the long-wavelengths is
not perfect for a truncated integration. Nevertheless, the Wong-Gore modification is
a more efficient high-pass filter than the spherical Stokes’ kernel (Vaníček and
Featherstone 1998). In this case, the truncation error can be written as:
dNWG ¼ c n Dgn
QM ð4:33Þ
n¼M þ 1
which yields a smaller bias than Eq. (4.32) thanks to the fact that the spheroidal
Stokes’ kernel implies that the long wavelengths are excluded, which is therefore
accompanied by smaller-valued truncation coefficients QM n than Qn, provided by the
original Stokes’ kernel (see the figures in Vaníček and Featherstone 1998). Another
idea of Wong and Gore (1969) was to reduce the truncation bias by choosing the
cap size w0 at the point where the residual Stokes’ function SM ðw0 Þ is zero. Heck
and Grüninger (1987) extended this approach by introducing Meissl’s (1971) idea
134 4 Modern Physical Geodesy
into the Wong-Gore function, namely to use the [further] modified Stokes’ kernel
SM ðwÞ SM ðw0 Þ for any cap size. Alternatively, the degree M of Wong–Gore
modification can be chosen such that the zero crossing points of the modified kernel
coincide with the desired cap radius. Whatever variant of this approach is taken, it
ultimately results in an accelerated rate of convergence of the truncation bias (Evans
and Featherstone 2000). Finally, it should also be mentioned that the NKG geoid
models from 2004 to 2016, based on a Danish RCR method, used a Wong–Gore
type modification of Stokes function. (In 2016, the official NKG geoid model was
determined by the Least Squares Modification of Stokes’ formula; see Chap. 6).
The method of M.S. Molodensky (Molodensky et al. 1962, pp. 150–152) is
probably the original method of modifying Stokes’ formula. Moreover, in contrast
to all methods presented so far (with an exception for the method of Vanicek and
Kleusberg 1987, which is a generalization of Molodensky’s method, see below), it
is the only method that is based on a criterion to minimize the truncation error. The
derivation of the modification starts from the general formula Eq. (4.24a) for
L = M written in the form:
c c
N¼ SM ðwÞDgdr þ SM ðwÞDgdr þ c sn Dgn ð4:34Þ
2p 2p n¼2
r0 rr0
where the intermediate term on the right hand-side is the minus of the truncation
bias. By implying Schwartz inequality, it can be shown (Sjöberg 1984a, b) that the
upper limit of this bias is a minimum, if rr0 ðSM Þ2 dr ¼ min: with respect to the
modification parameters sn. This leads to the system of equations
Enk sk ¼ Qn for n ¼ 0; 1; . . .; M ð4:35aÞ
n ¼ 0 for n ¼ 0; 1; . . .; M;
QM ð4:35bÞ
and the resulting geoid estimator becomes a special case of both N1M;M and N2M;M :
NMol: ¼ N1M;M ¼ N2M;M ¼ SM ðwÞDgdr þ c sn DgEGM ð4:36Þ
2p n¼2
where the parameters bn of N2M;M are equal to sn, as given in Eq. (4.35a).
Another geoid estimator is the adaptation of Molodensky’s technique for a
higher-order reference field, as opposed to the above solution (Vaníček and
Kleusberg 1987; Vaníček and Sjöberg 1991):
4.4 The Modified Stokes’ Formula 135
L;M c 2
NVK ¼ SM ðwÞDgM dr þ c DgEGM þc n Dgn
2p n¼2
n 1 n
n¼M þ 1
2n þ 1 2
S ðwÞ ¼ SðwÞ
þ tn Pn ðcos wÞ; ð4:37bÞ
2 n1
and the parameters tn , which are functions of w0 , are determined from the system of
Enk tk ¼ Qn Enk ¼ QM
n ; n ¼ 2; 3; . . .; M: ð4:37cÞ
k¼2 k¼2
k 1
It is well known that the errors of the methods discussed in Sect. 4.4.2 are rather
strongly dependent on the choice of cap size, and frequently the optimum cap size
of a specific method is sought with the goal of yielding least error. The fact that
there exists an optimum cap size suggests that the method of modification does not
account for all significant sources of errors. In particular, errors stemming from the
potential coefficients and the gravity anomalies, so far neglected, should also be
considered in the optimization process. The treatment of all these error sources in a
least squares sense is the intention of this section. To do so, one has to assume that
the error-variance spectra of both the terrestrial data and the EGM are known. The
derivations are given next.
First, we assume that the spectral errors eTn and eEGM
n of the respective observ-
ables DgT and DgEGMn are random with expectation zero, i.e. DgTn ¼ Dgn þ eTn and
n ¼ Dgn þ eEGM
n , where Dgn is the true Laplace harmonic of the gravity
136 4 Modern Physical Geodesy
anomaly, and we rewrite the general geoid estimator N2L;M of Eq. (4.26a) in the
spectral form
N2L;M ¼c Qn sn Dgn þ eTn þ c
bn Dgn þ eEGM ð4:38Þ
n 1 n¼2
N¼c ; ð4:39Þ
1 X1 XM
dN2L;M ¼c ðbn sn QLn ÞDgn þc
sn Q n en þ c
bn eEGM ;
n¼2 n¼2
n1 n¼2
bn; if 2nM
bn ¼ : ð4:40bÞ
0 otherwise
8 9
< 1 ZZ =
dc2n ¼ E ðeEGM Þ2 dr ; ð4:41bÞ
:4p n
where E{} is the statistical expectation operator, and also introducing the notation
c2n for the gravity anomaly degree-variance, i.e.
c2n ¼ Dg2n dr; ð4:42Þ
and, assuming that all observation errors are random with expectation zero and
mutually uncorrelated, one arrives at the following spectral form of the expected
global mean square error of the geoidal undulation estimator of Eq. (4.26a):
4.4 The Modified Stokes’ Formula 137
8 9
< 1 ZZ =
L;M 2
dN ¼E ðdN2L;M Þ2 dr
:4p ;
" 2 #
1 2 2 X
¼c 2
bn sn QLn c2n þ sn QLn r2n þ c2 b2n dc2n :
n1 n¼2
The expected mean square error is thus the sum of the variances and the bias
squared, where the sum of variances stems from observation errors and the bias
from the truncation of the integration area to a cap and the EGM to degree and order
M. By selecting the parameters sn and bn in a suitable way, it is possible to minimize
the mean square error. Mathematically, by differentiating Eq. (4.43) with respect to
each of the parameters bn and equating to zero, the following least squares solution
for bn (as a function of parameters sn) is obtained:
^bn ¼ QL þ s for 2 n M: ð4:44Þ
n n
c2n þ dc2n
Then, by differentiating Eq. (4.43) by each parameter sn, equating to zero and
taking advantage of Eq. (4.44), one arrives at the following system of equations for
s n:
L;M 2 1
@ dN X @QLn L
c ¼2 dnk þ ðQn þ sn ÞCn pn ¼ 0 ð4:45aÞ
@sk n¼2
@s k
pk ¼ ð4:45bÞ
1; if k¼r
dkr ¼ ð4:45cÞ
0 otherwise
c2k dc2k =ðc2k þ dc2k Þ; if 2kM
Ck ¼ r2k þ ð4:45dÞ
c2k ; if k[M
QLn ¼ Qn Enk sk ð4:46aÞ
138 4 Modern Physical Geodesy
¼ Enk ; ð4:46bÞ
akr sr ¼ hk ; k ¼ 2; 3; . . .; L ð4:47aÞ
akr ¼ Enk Enr Cn þ dkr Cr Ekr Ck Erk Cr ð4:47bÞ
hk ¼ pk Qk Ck þ ðQn Cn pn ÞEnk : ð4:47cÞ
and matrix A and vector h having the elements aij and hi, respectively. Then,
substituting vector s by ^s þ Ds, where, according to Eq. (4.47a)
^s ¼ A1 h ð4:49Þ
and Ds is an arbitrary (but compatible with s) vector, it follows that Eq. (4.48a) can
be written as:
2L;M 2 ¼ f c2^sT h þ c2 DsT ADs
dN ð4:50aÞ
and, as A is positive definite, this equation proves that the mean square error attains
it minimum for Ds ¼ 0, and the minimum mean square error becomes:
4.4 The Modified Stokes’ Formula 139
^ 2L;M 2 ¼ f c2
dN ^sk hk : ð4:50bÞ
The least squares solution derived here, N^ L;M , we denote the optimum modification
of Stokes’ formula. As other modifications are special cases of its generating model
^ 2L;M .
N2L;M , their expected global mean square errors cannot be less than that of N
Similarly, the least squares solution for model N1L;M of Eq. (3.6) becomes:
^ 1L;M ¼ c
N SL ðwÞDgT dr þ c QLn þ sn DgEGM
n ; ð4:51aÞ
2p n¼2
where the modification parameters are again given by the system of Eqs. (4.47a),
but now with:
akr ¼ dkr dk Ekr dk Erk dr þ Enk Enr dn ð4:51bÞ
hk ¼ pk Qk dk þ ðQn dn pn ÞEnk ; ð4:51cÞ
dc2n if nM
dq2n ¼ ð4:51eÞ
c2n otherwise
The mean square error of this estimator is formally the same as in Eq. (4.43), but
now with bn fixed to QLn þ sn . It can also be formulated by Eq. (4.50b) with:
" 2 #
f ¼c 2
Qn rn þ Qn dqn :
2 2 2
Although theoretically inferior, from a numerical point of view, the least squares
solution for N1L;M does not deviate much from that for N2L;M for small cap sizes.
However, both least squares solutions minimize their global mean square errors. In
areas with small errors in the EGM, N ^ 2 and vice versa
^ 1 may be advantageous to N
in areas with large EGM errors. Also, as the global mean square error may vary
considerably from a local mean square error, Sjöberg (2005a, b) derived a least
140 4 Modern Physical Geodesy
squares solution that accounts for such local variations. See also Sjöberg (2011). As
the local solutions consider the full covariance matrix of the EGM, it becomes a
huge computational task for a high-degree EGM.
Exercise: Let r0 ! r in (4.51a) and determine the limiting estimator N ^ 1M;M
[“spectral combination”; see Sjöberg (1981, 1986) and Wenzel (1981, 1982)].
Note. In spectral combination, the modification parameters ðsn Þ are given
directly without solving a system of equations (see Table 4.1).
From recent and future dedicated satellite gravity and gradiometry missions, it is
expected that homogeneous low- and medium-degree EGMs, e.g. to degree and
order 300, will be produced to unprecedented accuracies. One can expect that these
models will be much less biased and tilt-prone than previous EGMs. Taking such
information into consideration, it might be reasonable to design the modification of
Stokes’ formula in such a way, that the EGM totally determines the corresponding
low-degree geoid wavelengths. Starting from the general geoid model N2L;M written
in its spectral form
N2L;M ¼c Qn sn DgTn þ c
bn DgEGM ; ð4:53Þ
n 1 n¼2
the low-degree satellite-only modifications result from the first bracket set to zero,
yielding the following equations to solve for sn:
sn Enr sr ¼ Qn ; n ¼ 2; 3; . . .; M ð4:54Þ
If L > M, the solution is not unique, because there are only M−1 equations to
determine L−1 parameters sn. The general solution for L M can thus be written:
M X1
N3L;M ¼c bn DgEGM þc Qn sn DgTn
n¼M þ 1
n 1
L;M 2 M
2 2 2
dN 3 ¼c 2
b2n dc2n þ ðbn Þ c
n1 n
" 2 # ð4:56Þ
X1 L 2
2 2
þc 2
Q n þ s n cn þ Qn sn r2n
n¼M þ 1
n 1
4.4 The Modified Stokes’ Formula 141
^bn ¼ 2 c2n
; n ¼ 2; 3; . . .; M; ð4:57Þ
n 1 cn þ dc2n
akr sr ¼ hk k ¼ 2; 3; . . .; L; ð4:58aÞ
< dkr Ekr if 2kM
akr ¼ P
: dkr dk Ekr dk þ Enk Enr dn if M\k L
n¼M þ 1
8 2
< k1 Qk if 2kM
hk ¼ P
: pk Q k dk þ Enk ðQn dn pn Þ if M\k L
n¼M þ 1
^ 3L;M Þ2 ¼ f c2
ðdN ^sn hn ð4:59aÞ
n¼M þ 1
" #
XM 2 2 2 X1 2
L 2 2
2 cn dcn 2
f ¼c 2
þc 2
Qn rn þ Qn cn :
L 2
n 1 c2n þ dc2n n¼M þ 1
The practical form of the optimum solution can thus be written as:
^^ L;M ¼ c 2 c2n
N SL ðwÞDgdr þ c DgEGM ð4:60Þ
2p n¼2
n 1 c2n þ dc2n n
with the mean square error provided by Eqs. (4.59a and 4.59b). This solution is
biased for all degrees. A corresponding unbiased least squares estimator (unbiased
through degree M) is given by the slight modification to Eq. (4.60) by substituting
142 4 Modern Physical Geodesy
the factors c2n =ðc2n þ dc2n Þ by ^sn . The removal of the bias is then gained at the price of
a slightly increased mean square error.
Numerical tests by Ågren and Sjöberg (2004) have revealed that the above types
of satellite-only modifications are prone to rather large truncation errors. In other
words, the restriction of the low-degree parameters sn of these models to be con-
tributed to only from the EGM leaves too few degrees of freedom to sufficiently
reduce the truncation bias.
Already today, there are some ultra-high EGMs for geoid determination, and the
question we raise here is how to combine such a model with regional, detailed
gravity data. It is obvious that Stokes’ modified formula could be used also here in
one way or another. However, so far we have assumed that the EGM is included
only to a moderate degree of M, being less or equal to the degree (L) of modification
of Stokes’ function. Theoretically, there is no problem to extend this assumption to
high degrees, but the determination of the modification parameters, and the
application of the modified Stokes’ formula will be formidable and impractical.
Hence a more practical solution would be to keep L at a rather low degree and let
M go to a very high degree. It is obvious that the previous general unbiased and
biased estimators N ~ 1L;M and N
~ 2L;M hold also in this case, and they can be optimized
by the least squares choice of modification parameters as before.
One should also remember that the truncation error in the modified Stokes’
formula decreases with the cap size, as well as the maximum degree (M) of the
harmonic series. Consequently, if M is very high, the truncation error should be
small, and, if it is neglected, the least squares modified Stokes’ formula becomes the
least squares spectral combination (see Table 4.1), which does not need a special
computational module for determining the modification parameters ðsn Þ; see also
Sjöberg (1981, 1986).
However, there is another aspect that one should consider when using an
ultra-high degree EGM, namely that it is rather likely that some or much of the
regional terrestrial data to be used in Stokes’ integral is already included in the
EGM, and this leads to correlation between the terrestrial and EGM data. This
problem was already considered by Sjöberg (1984b).
4.5 Summary of Modified Stokes’ Formula Techniques 143
The general geoid estimator of Eq. (4.26a) has been shown to include most
methods applied today for modifying Stokes’ formula. This is illustrated in
Table 4.1, where the parameters are specified for several special cases. The solution
of Eq. (4.26a, 4.26b), with the optimum choice of modification parameters
according to Eqs. (4.44) and (4.47a–4.47c), should therefore be competitive to any
of these alternative methods, including the least squares solutions by Sjöberg
(1984a, b, 1991). These optimizations were primarily based on the assumption of
no systematic errors among the data, and it is therefore expected that the data are
cleansed of such errors prior to Stokes’ integration. However, one can assume that
terrestrial gravity data are biased at least in the long-wavelength spectrum, which
speaks in favour of adopting either of the EGM-only low-degree modifications
developed in Sect. 4.4.5. On the other hand, the latter type of geoid models are
prone to large truncation biases from the neglected remote zone, and a better choice
might be a least squares estimator with a proper down weighting for all errors of the
terrestrial gravity data.
The least squares modifications already presented were all based on minimizing
the global mean square error. As an alternative, Sjöberg (2005b) presented a
technique for local least squares optimization. Unfortunately, the formulas then
Table 4.1 A comparison of the parameters of some methods of modifying Stokes’ formula
Method L M bn anr sn hn
Molodensky M Arbitrary sn Enr Qn
Meissl (1971) 0 0 Sðwc Þ
Wong and Gore (1969) M Arbitrary QMn þ sn 2=ðn 1Þ
RCR-method 0 Arbitrary Qn
Spectral combination M Arbitrary sn 2 r2n
n1 r2n þ dc2n
Sjöberg (1986) 1 Arbitrary 2
n1 un
n1 vn
Vanicek and LM Arbitrary sn Enr Qn
Kleusberg (1987) 2nL
Vanicek and Kleusberg QLn
(1987) L\n M
~ 1 ðunbiasedÞ
N Arbitrary Arbitrary QLn þ sn Arbitrary
~ 2 ðbiasedÞ
N Arbitrary Arbitrary Arbitrary Arbitrary
The notations refer to the general model of Eq. (4.26a). For the least squares methods, the
parameters a and h are presented for determining modification parameters sn from Eq. (4.47a).
(Sjöberg 2003b.) Further explanations: sn was defined in Eq. (4.24b), un ¼ c2n r2n =pn and vn ¼
2 2
cn dcn =pn if 2 n L
with pn ¼ c2n dc2n þ c2n r2n þ dc2n r2n
c2n =ðc2n þ r2n Þ if n[L
144 4 Modern Physical Geodesy
become much more cumbersome, but this method can probably be further devel-
oped and applied with modern computer technology.
The least squares geoid estimators rely on the gravity anomaly signal and
observation error spectra. Frequently, it is argued that these spectra are too poorly
known to warrant the application of stochastic geoid estimators. Nevertheless, it is
usually better to use a coarse error model, than to assume that the data are without
errors, as is implicitly the case in most deterministic models. (Admittedly simple
Stokes’ kernel modification, e.g. according to Wong and Gore’s technique, have
some of the properties of the least squares modification, but without being based on
an optimization criterion.) Also, the computational burden for the optimum mod-
ification is not significantly different from other methods of modifying Stokes’
formula, because when the cap size, as well as the signal and error spectra are
designed, the modification parameters must only be determined once from a set of
equations with a positive definite design matrix.
We conclude this section by summarizing some well-known methods of mod-
ifying Stokes’ formula in Table 4.1. They are all special cases of the general
estimator given by Eq. (4.26a) (see Sjöberg 2003b).
2n þ 1
H L ðwÞ ¼ HðwÞ hn Pn ðcos wÞ: ð4:61bÞ
4.6 The Modified Hotine Formula 145
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Chapter 5
Corrections in Geoid Determination
Abstract The original, as well as any type of modified Stokes’ formula, requires a
number of corrections as Stokes’ integral allows no masses outside the sphere of
integration. The corrections include direct topographic, atmospheric and ellipsoidal
effects and a downward continuation (DWC) effect on the surface gravity anomaly
to be applied prior to Stokes’ integration. After integration, indirect effects are
applied to the potential for restoration of masses as well as for corrections to the
potential on the reference ellipsoid (rather than the sphere of integration). These are
the classical corrections that are used more or less also in the modern
remove-restore technique. The KTH method for geoid determination uses “additive
corrections” to the preliminary geoid heights computed directly from the surface
gravity anomalies. These corrections are therefore combinations of direct and
indirect effects on potential/geoid height, implying several advantages. For exam-
ple, the numerical solution to the DWC effect on the potential is much more stable
than the corresponding effect on the gravity anomaly.
Keywords Atmospheric effects Direct effects Ellipsoidal effects Indirect
effects Topographic effects Topographic bias
5.1 Introduction
Stokes’ formula (the original as well as the extended) is the solution to the boundary
value problem of Eq. (3.23b) under the following conditions:
(a) There must be no masses outside the sphere of computation.
(b) The gravity anomalies are located on the sphere.
This implies that a number of corrections must be added to the gravity obser-
vations, and each type of correction is divided into a direct effect (e.g. the DITE) and
an indirect effect (e.g. the PITE) (Sect. 3.4.4), where each effect means a correction.
In contrast to the classical approach there is no secondary indirect topographic effect
(SITE) on the gravity anomaly in the modern approach as (see Sjöberg 2014, 2015a):
so that the SITE is already accounted for in the DITE (see Eq. (4.15a) and ensuing
content, as well as Sect. 8.1).
The condition (a) above calls for the topographic and atmospheric corrections.
Condition (b) requires that the surface gravity anomaly be downward continued to
the sphere (downward continuation) prior to Stokes’ integration, and the preliminary
geoid height needs corrections by the indirect topographic and atmospheric effects
after the integration. Usually the topographic effects are the largest corrections to be
applied. The corrections are of the same order for geoid and quasigeoid determi-
nations, except that the combined topographic effect in quasigeoid determination
DITEðfÞ þ PITEðfÞ vanishes, implying that the combined effect cancels. As a result,
formulas for quasigeoid determination (see Sect. 7.1.3) include no direct and indi-
rect topographic corrections. [Nevertheless, they could still be practical in the
computational steps for smoothing the data, a technique that is frequently applied in
the RCR technique.] In addition, ellipsoidal effects will be considered.
Below we use the terminology correction and effect interchangeably. The cor-
rections are generally of four kinds: topographic, downward continuation (dwc),
atmospheric and ellipsoidal corrections.
The corrections in Sects. 5.2–5.5 mainly concern geoid determination, and, in
Sect. 5.6, we briefly discuss the corrections for quasigeoid determination.
As Stokes’ formula does not allow external masses to the sphere of integration, the
effect of these topographic masses are usually removed from the gravity anomaly
(=Direct Topographic Effect, DITE, on the gravity anomaly) prior to Stokes’
integration, and by integrating this effect in Stokes’ formula, the DITE on the geoid
height is obtained. Furthermore, after Stokes’ integration, the co-geoid is corrected
by the so-called Primary Indirect Topographic Effect (PITE) on the geoid height
(corresponding to the restoration of topographic masses). Traditionally, in order to
keep the effects small, the direct and indirect effects are reduced by some reduction
method (e.g. Helmert’s second method of condensation), but that will not be used
here. In particular, as the KTH technique for geoid determination (or the Least
Squares Modification of Stokes’ Formula with Additive Corrections, LSMSA; see
Chap. 6) adds the direct and indirect effects on the geoid heights to a combined
topographic effect, the reduction for compensation potential cancels, and it is
therefore not included in the presentation that follows.
We will assume that the topographic density (q) is constant, and we use the
symbol l for gravitational constant times q. (For more detailed derivations, see
Sjöberg (2000, 2001.) In Sect. 5.2.8, we consider the effects of lateral
topographic-density variations.
5.2 Topographic Corrections 151
ZZ Zrs
V ðPÞ ¼ l
drdr; ð5:1aÞ
r R
where R and rS are the radii of sea-level and topographic height and
lP ¼ rP2 þ r 2 2rrP t with t ¼ cos w: ð5:1bÞ
By expanding 1=lP in an external type series (cf. Eqs. 2.54a and b), V T ðPÞ becomes
1 ZZ Z S n þ 2 1 n þ 1
X r X R
V ðPÞ ¼ l
drP n ðtÞdr ¼ lR2
an ðPÞ; ð5:2aÞ
n¼0 r P n¼0
r P
r R
ZZ h i
an ðPÞ ¼ ð1 þ H=RÞn þ 3 1 Pn ðtÞdr: ð5:2bÞ
X1 n þ 2
@V T ðPÞ V T ðPÞ R
DgT ðPÞ ¼ 2 ¼ lR ðn 1Þan ðPÞ: ð5:4Þ
@rP rP n¼0
r P
dDgdir ¼ DgT ðQÞ rQ ¼R ¼ dDgdir n : ð5:5Þ
152 5 Corrections in Geoid Determination
By inserting it into Stokes’ formula, one obtains the direct topographic effect on
the geoid height:
ðPÞ ¼ SðwÞdDgdir dr: ð5:6Þ
By considering the spectral form of Stokes’ function and the orthogonality for it
and the Laplace series (5.5), one finally obtains:
RX 1
ðdDgdir Þn R2 l X
ðPÞ ¼ ¼ an ðPÞ: ð5:7Þ
c n¼2 n 1 c n¼2
Note. Equations (5.7) and (5.3) show that the direct effect on the geoid contains
all orders of H=R. If the direct effect were applied with Helmert’s method of
condensation, the difference would have been that the term of order H=R would
By expanding 1=lP as an internal type series (see Sect. 2.4) with rP ¼ R, one
obtains the topographic potential at the geoid as the Laplace series (with exclusion
of terms of degrees 0 and 1; see the next section):
VgT ðPÞ ¼ lR2 bn ðPÞ; ð5:8aÞ
ZZ h i
bn ðPÞ ¼ 1 ð1 þ H=RÞn þ 2 Pn ðtÞdr: ð5:8bÞ
The combined topographic effect on the geoid height is the sum of the direct and
indirect effects:
lR2 X
ðPÞ ¼ dNdir
ðPÞ þ dNIT ðPÞ ¼ ½bn ðPÞ an ðPÞ: ð5:10aÞ
c n¼2
where H e m is the mth power of the topographic height with first- and second-degree
terms excluded.
Finally, we mention that, if one computes the combined effect directly from the
direct and indirect effects without the above Taylor series for topographic height,
one obtains the Newton integral (Sjöberg 2000)
ZZ Zrs " n þ 1
n #
l X 1
R r
ðPÞ ¼ r 2 drPn ðtÞdr: ð5:11Þ
Rc n¼2 r R
r R
In the above derivation of the combined topographic effect, terms of orders 0 and 1
were not included. This was the case, as Stokes’ formula cancels these effects in the
direct topographic effect. Nevertheless, a correct geoid determination with Stokes’
formula needs also contributions from these terms (despite that, the external gravity
field is defined in such a way that such terms vanish in the potential) and gravity
anomaly. More precisely: the definition that the external gravity field contains no
such harmonics does not warrant that they vanish at the geoid, inside the topog-
raphy. This will now be investigated.
From Eq. (5.2a), we obtain (Sjöberg 2001):
T lR2
dNdir 0;1 ¼ ½a0 ðPÞ þ a1 ðPÞ; ð5:12Þ
154 5 Corrections in Geoid Determination
which, after inserting (5.2b) and expanding the powers and considering the addition
theorem of spherical harmonics, Eq. (2.49), leads to:
4pl 2 H03 H13 H14
¼ H0 þ þ H1 þ
þ : ð5:13Þ
0;1 c 3R 3R 12R2
Similarly, the indirect geoid effects of degrees 0 and 1 is given by Eqs. (5.8a, b):
and, by adding direct and indirect effects, the combined effect becomes:
2pl 2 2H12 H14
¼ H0 þ þ 2 : ð5:15Þ
0;1 c 3R 6R
At this point, it should be emphasized that the series with harmonics an ðPÞ in the
strict formula (5.10a) and the first term under the integral in (5.11) are not likely to
converge [in contrast to the approximation (5.16)]. As discussed in Sjöberg (2007,
2009a, b, c; see also next section), Eq. (5.16) corresponds (exactly) to the negative
of the so-called topographic potential bias, and, in this view, this equation is the
strict combined effect on the geoid height. It is interesting that this deviation of the
spherical harmonic series from correct downward continuation to the geoid within
the masses shows up already in the first-degree term (the last term of Eq. 5.15,
which is not present in 5.16). Moreover, Eq. (5.16) proves also, in contrast to
common belief, that the geoid contains zero- and first-degree harmonics.
Importantly, the combined topographic effect does not include any terrain effect
in opposition to the direct and indirect topographic effects. This fact very signifi-
cantly simplifies the computation of the total topographic effect.
The combined topographic effect of Eq. (5.16) is very substantial, reaching
9.8 m for Mt. Everest. However, much of this effect is counteracted by the
downward continuation effect, discussed in Sect. 5.3.
5.2 Topographic Corrections 155
so that the geoid height determined by Bruns’ formula gets the bias
ðV T Þ VgT
dNbias ¼ : ð5:18Þ
The question is whether this bias can be determined to correct the solution. The
answer is in the affirmative, as shown in various ways by Sjöberg (2007, 2009a, b, c).
Here we mainly follow Sjöberg (2007) to demonstrate the idea.
Let us decompose the topographic potential V T into those of a Bouguer shell
ðV Þ and the terrain ðV t Þ:
V T ¼ V B þ V t: ð5:19Þ
The terrain is all topographic mass outside the Bouguer shell (excess masses), as
well as the negative (deficient) masses located inside the Bouguer shell (see
Fig. 5.1).
Fig. 5.1 Schematic diagram of the terrain (shaded) with excess and deficient masses outside and
inside the Bouguer shell, respectively
156 5 Corrections in Geoid Determination
For simplicity, we assume that the topographic density ðqÞ is constant, implying
that the Bouguer shell and terrain potentials can be written by the Newton integrals
ZZ Z< ( 2
3rP ð< R Þ; if rP <
3 3
r 2 dr
VPB ¼l dr ¼ 2pl 3 rP2 ð5:20aÞ
lP <2 2R
3rP 3 ; if rP <
r R
ZZ Zrs
r 2 dr
V ¼l
dr; ð5:20bÞ
r <
where l is the gravitational constant times the topographic density, rP and < are the
geocentric radii of the computation point P and the topographic surface along the
radius through P, respectively. Hence, < ¼ rS ðPÞ, where rS is the surface radius at
the integration point.
Then ðV B Þ is given by the exterior type of solution ðrP <Þ in Eq. (5.20a)
whence rP is forced to R (analytical continuation of the exterior solution). By
introducing the orthometric height of the topography H, it follows with < ¼ R þ H
that the contribution from the Bouguer shell to the topographic bias of the potential
at the geoid becomes:
B 2H 3
Vbias ¼ V VgB ¼ 2pl H þ
: ð5:21Þ
DV T ¼ DV B þ DV t ; ð5:22Þ
DV T ¼ DV B ¼ 4pq; ð5:23Þ
so that (5.22) yields DV t ¼ 0, which means that the terrain potential is harmonic
and therefore does not contribute to the potential bias, and the total potential bias is
therefore given by Eq. (5.21).
5.2 Topographic Corrections 157
For any radius r inside the topography the topographic potential bias can be
written as:
2pl 2<3
bðrÞ ¼ 3< þ r ;
2 2
R r\<; ð5:24Þ
3 r
@2 2@
DbðrÞ ¼ þ bðrÞ ¼ 4pl; R r\< ð5:25Þ
@r 2 r @r
and the bias and its radial derivative vanish at the topographic surface.
As T is harmonic all the way down to sea level, the corrected analytically
continued disturbing potential obeys Poisson’s differential equation:
where l ¼ Gq, G being the gravitational constant and R the inner radius of the
shell. The topographic bias of the shell is obtained by taking the difference between
the exterior potential downward continued to sea level with rP ¼ R and the internal
potential at the same radius:
2H 3
biasshell ¼ V shell Vrshell
P ¼R
¼ 2pl H 2
þ : ð5:28Þ
Similarly, the potential along the symmetry axis of a spherical cap of geocentric
angle m and height H on top of a sphere of radius R becomes (Sjöberg 2007):
Zrs Z m Zrs
r 2 dr sin wdw 2pl
VPcap ¼ 2pl ¼ ðlP jrP r jÞrdr ð5:29aÞ
lP rP
R 0 R
2pl 2RH þ H 2 rs3 R3
VPcap ¼ IðrP Þ rP þ ; if rP rs ð5:29bÞ
rP 2 3
2pl RH 2 H 3
Vgcap ¼ IðRÞ ; if rP ¼ R; ð5:29cÞ
R 2 3
IðrP Þ ¼ lP rdr: ð5:29dÞ
5.2 Topographic Corrections 159
Hence, the potential bias along the axis of the cap becomes:
cap 2RH þ H 2 rs3 R3 H 2 H 3
bias ¼ VrP
cap cap
VrP ¼R ¼ 2pl þ þ þ
2 3R 2 3R
¼ 2pl H 2 þ ð5:30Þ
In this section, we will see that the problem studied by Sjöberg (1977) and Vermeer
(2008), which we name the EGM analytical continuation error (EACE), is different
from the topographic bias in Stokes’ formula. Here we closely follow the presen-
tation of Sjöberg (2015b).
– Application of the EGM at Surface Level
Equation (5.21) holds only if the analytical continuation exists, which is not
necessarily the case for an external type series of an EGM. On one hand, in some
cases the series could converge also inside topographic masses. One such example
is the external series of the potential of a homogeneous oblate ellipsoid, which
converges all the way down to the radius r [ ae ¼ the radius of the focal points.
On the other hand, for the irregular mass distribution of the Earth, it is doubtful
whether the external type series converges in the strict sense inside the Brillouin
sphere bounding all mass of the Earth. In particular, we should not expect that such
a series (see Eq. (5.35) below) converges inside the topographic masses. However,
in any case, we may assume that the series is asymptotically convergent (see Moritz
1980, pp. 413–414; Moritz 2003) outside the topographic masses, and, as the series
representation by an EGM is always finite, we do not have to worry about the
divergence, but the series is “practically” convergent. Alternatively, one may rep-
resent the dwc by a Taylor series:
ðHP Þk @ k VPT
VPT ¼ ; ð5:32Þ
k! @rPk
160 5 Corrections in Geoid Determination
where point P is located on or outside the Earth’s surface and the derivatives are
determined from the external type harmonic series. The Taylor series is not likely to
converge inside the topographic masses, but, as in practice such a series s always
limited to a finite degree of expansion, it will be “practically convergent”.
Below we consider the problem of applying the EGM directly at sea level, which
is not the same as in Eq. (5.32).
Application of the EGM at Sea Level.
Disregarding the mass of the atmosphere, the Earth’s total potential V can be
decomposed into the no-topography potential V NT and the topographic
potential V T :
V ¼ V NT þ V T : ð5:33Þ
ZZ Zrs
r 2 dr
VT ¼ l dr; ð5:34Þ
r R
where l is the distance between the computation and integration points. The above
potentials can be expanded into external types of spherical harmonic series at any
point with geocentric radius r [ rb , where rb is the bounding radius of the Earth’s
n þ 1 X
X n
V ðr; h; kÞ ¼ e
Vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ
r m¼n
n þ 1 Xn
¼ NT
Vnm þ Vnm
Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð5:35Þ
r m¼n
NT T;e
where Vnm and Vnm are the harmonic coefficients for the series of potentials of
Eq. (5.33). The series for the no-topography potential is actually convergent all the
way down to sea level, while the series of the topographic potential is likely to be
divergent for r\rb , or at least so for any point located inside the topography.
In practice, the gravitational potential can be represented by such a series limited
to some maximum degree M:
n þ 1 X
X n
_ rb
V ðr; h; kÞ ¼ e
Vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ
r m¼n
n þ 1 Xn
¼ NT
Vnm þ Vnm
Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð5:36Þ
r m¼n
5.2 Topographic Corrections 161
and the correct series for the topographic potential at sea level is an internal type
X1 X n X1 X n
n þ 1
V ðR; h; kÞ ¼ i
Vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ ¼ NT
Vnm þ VnmT;i
Ynm ðh; kÞ;
n¼0 m¼n n¼0 m¼n
T;e T;i
The harmonic coefficients Vnm and Vnm are given explicitly by Eqs. (2.55b and
2.55c) for rP ¼ R. This means that the error for the external type harmonic series
V ðR; h; kÞ, complete to degree M, applied at sea level with radius R, consists of the
sum of the EGM analytically continuation error (EACE) (or commission error) and
the truncation error (ome; omission error):
eV ðh; kÞ ¼ V ðR; h; kÞ V ðR; h; kÞ ¼ EACEM ðh; kÞ þ omeðh; kÞ; ð5:38aÞ
X n
EACEM ðh; kÞ ¼ T;e
Vnm Vnm
Ynm ðh; kÞ ð5:38bÞ
n¼0 m¼n
1 X
omeðh; kÞ ¼ T;i
Vnm Ynm ðh; kÞ ð5:38cÞ
n¼M þ 1 m¼n
are the commission and omission bias, respectively. [Ågren (2004a) denoted the
dwc error the analytical continuation bias.] Assuming that the topographic density
changes only laterally, it can be denoted lðh; kÞ and the EACE can be written
(Sjöberg 1977, p. 16) and Ågren (2004a):
X n
EACEM ðh; kÞ ¼ Anm Ynm ðh; kÞ ð5:39aÞ
n¼0 m¼n
Anm ¼ lðh; kÞIn ðR; rs ÞYnm ðh; kÞdr; ð5:39bÞ
2n þ 1
ðrs =RÞn þ 3 1 ðn2Þ
X k
ðn2Þ ðn2Þ ðn 2Þ H
ðrs =RÞ ¼ ð1 þ H=RÞ ¼
k R
1 k¼0 k
1 n þ 1 H
¼ 1 ð n 2Þ ; ð5:40bÞ
k k1 R
1 k
4pR2 l X 1 nþ2 n þ 1 H n
Cn ¼ Cn ðh; kÞ ¼ ð5:42bÞ
2n þ 1 k¼4 k k 1 k1 Rk
HM ¼ Hi n; i ¼ 2; 3: ð5:42cÞ
5.2 Topographic Corrections 163
and the potential along the axis of the spherical cap represented as a harmonic series
becomes (see Sjöberg 2015b):
n0 n þ 3
r Rn þ 3
I e ðrP Þ ¼ 2pl s
Jn ðmÞ if rP rs ð5:44aÞ
n¼0 ðn þ 3ÞrPn þ 1
X n
rP rPn Jn ðmÞ rs
I ðrP Þ ¼ 2pl
þ 2plrP2 ln ; ð5:44bÞ
Rn2 rsn2 n 2 R
n 6¼ ‘2
Jn ðmÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ sin wdw
1 cos w n¼0
¼ : ð5:44cÞ
½Pn1 ðcos mÞ Pn þ 1 ðcos mÞ=ð2n þ 1Þ otherwise
Hence, for rP ! R the topographic bias becomes:
Þn þ 3 1
Vbias ¼ I e ðRÞ I i ðRÞ ¼ 2plR2 4 Jn ðmÞ ð1 þ H=R
1 ð1 þ H=RÞn þ 2 þ J2 ðmÞ lnð1 þ H=RÞ
2k þ 1
SL ðwÞ ¼ SðwÞ sk Pk ðcos wÞ ð5:46bÞ
¼ dNcorr;1
þ dNcorr;2
; ð5:47Þ
where dNcorr;1
is the correction for topographic bias in the Stokes’ integral, and
dNcorr;2 is the correction for the EACE in the harmonic series. The integral can be
2 ð n 1Þ T
¼ QLn sn dNbias n ð5:49aÞ
n1 n 2
sn if nL
sn ¼ : ð5:49bÞ
0 otherwise
M n 1
¼ QLn þ sn EACEn ; ð5:50Þ
where Cn was given in Eq. (5.42b), and the bias term is the same as for the original
Stokes’ formula. We notice that for M = 0 the corrections is that for Stokes’
modified integral truncated to a cap r0 , and for r0 ¼ 0 it follows that
QLn ¼ 2=ðn 1Þ sn .
– Modification with Reduced-Gravity Anomaly
As shown by Sjöberg (2005), Eq. (5.46a) can be re-written for a reduced gravity
anomaly (“higher order reference field”) as:
e ¼ R
N SL ðwÞ DgM dr þ NnEGM ; ð5:52aÞ
4pc n¼0
DgM ¼ Dg DgEGM
n ¼ Dgn : ð5:52bÞ
n¼2 n¼M þ 1
In Eq. (5.52a), ðDgM Þ and Nn are in error in continental areas (as they are
determined by harmonic downward continuation), requesting a correction, which in
this case can be expressed as:
¼ dNcorr;1
þ dNcorr;2
; ð5:53Þ
where dNcorr;1
is the correction for topographic bias in the Stokes’ integral, and
dNcorr;2 is the correction for the ACE in the harmonic series. The integral can be
X 1
2 ð n 1Þ T
¼ Qn sn
dNbias n
n¼M þ 1
n 1 n 2
n1 L T
¼ 1 þ ðQn þ sn Þ dNbias n
: ð5:55Þ
n¼M þ 1
¼ ; ð5:56Þ
1X M X1
n1 L T
¼ dNbias
Cn þ ðQn þ sn Þ dNbias : ð5:57Þ
c n¼0 n¼M þ 1
2 n
where Cn was given in Eq. (5.42b). The bias term is the same as for the original
Stokes’ formula. We notice that for M = 0 the correction is that for a Stokes’
modified integral truncated to a cap r0 , and for r0 ¼ 0 it follows that
QLn ¼ 2=ðn 1Þ sn and Eq. (5.57) equals ðEACE ÞM =c, i.e. the correction for
the spherical harmonic representation of Eq. (5.42a).
If the actual topographic density differs laterally from normal density by Dl, it
follows directly from Eq. (5.21) that the combined effect on the geoid height differs
from its normal effect by (Sjöberg 2004a):
5.2 Topographic Corrections 167
2pDl 2 2 H 3
¼ H þ : ð5:58Þ
c 3 R
It is obvious that this topographic correction is purely local, and there is no need
to consider terrain effects. As a matter of fact, the terrain effect cancel when adding
the direct and indirect geoid effect, and the remainder is the Bouguer shell effect
(see, e.g. Sjöberg 2009a).
Note. If H\0 (Earth’s surface below sea level), all the topographic effects on the
geoid estimate cancel.
The downward continuation (dwc) effect is the correction to the geoid height due to
the fact that gravity data, located at the surface of the Earth, must be reduced to sea
level (approximated by a sphere) to be consistent with Stokes’ formula.
The dwc effect (or correction) for the geoid height, as determined approximately by
the original Stokes’ formula with surface gravity data, is given by:
dNdwc ¼ SðwÞðDg DgÞdr; ð5:59Þ
where the symbols are the same as above. As discussed in Sjöberg (2003b), the first
part of Eq. (5.59) is nothing but the downward continued disturbing potential T
divided by normal gravity, and the latter part is the negative of an approximation to
the disturbing potential given at the surface ðTÞ, again divided by normal gravity,
dNdwc ¼ : ð5:60Þ
e e ðTÞ ZZ
dNdwc ¼ þ ¼ SðwÞf½Dg DgðrP ; QÞ
c0 c0 4pc0 ð5:62Þ
þ ½DgðrP ; QÞ Dggdr ¼ B
dNdwc þ dNdwc
The first part we call “the spherical shell effect”; the second part we name “the
terrain effect”. dNdwc can be evaluated by first decomposing it into two new parts:
T T TT e
dNdwc ¼ þ ¼ dNdwc
þ dNdwc
: ð5:63Þ
c0 c0
In order to simplify dNdwc , we make a Taylor expansion of T* around the point
P at the Earth’s surface along the vertical through the location of T*. The result is
(now limited to the second power of HP ):
@T HP2 @ 2 T
T TP HP þ ; ð5:64Þ
@H P 2 @H 2 P
Inserting Eqs. (5.65 and 5.66) into dNdwc of (5.22), one obtains:
T TP DgP HP HP ~ HP2 @Dg H ~ H 2 DgP
dNdwc ¼ þ2 fP P þ 3 fP P
c0 c0 rP 2c0 @H r P r P c0
where we have introduced the symbol ~f ¼ cf=c0 , with f being the height anomaly
defined as the disturbing potential at the surface divided by normal gravity at
normal height c.
5.3 The Downward Continuation Correction 169
it follows that the Bouguer shell contribution to the dwc effect (limited to terms
within second power of height, and omitting terms not contributing to the “1 cm
geoid”) becomes:
dNdwc þ3 f : ð5:69Þ
c0 rP P 2c0 @HP
We now consider the last part of Eq. (5.62), “the terrain effect”. As the argument
includes a gravity-anomaly difference, which to first approximation can be written
DgðrP ; QÞ Dg ðHP HÞ ; ð5:70Þ
@H Q
and Stokes’ kernel is decreasing with the geocentric angle w, we may approximate
the integration area to a cap around the computation point. The result is:
R @Dg
dNdwc SðwÞðHP H Þ drQ : ð5:71Þ
4pc0 @H Q
Equation (5.71) suffers from two approximations, namely that the Taylor series
in derivatives of the surface gravity anomaly is limited to first degree, and that the
integration area has been limited to a cap. The second problem is easily solved by
extending the area of integration, while the first problem can be more difficult to
In summary, the dwc effect for the original Stokes’ formula becomes:
dNdwc dNdwc
þ dNdwc
; ð5:72Þ
where the two components were given in Eqs. (5.69 and 5.71). The first two terms
of dNdwc are usually the most significant ones. For instance, the first term reaches
1 m, if the gravity anomaly is 200 mGal on top of a 5 km high mountain. For the
height of Mt. Everest, it reaches 1.8 m. In practice, the height anomaly in Eq. (5.69)
can be set to the geoid height determined from some approximate geoid model [The
second term of Eq. (5.69) differs from Sjöberg (2003b; Eq. 12), which has a
printing error. See also Ågren (2004b).].
The above correction holds also in the cases that the geoid is located (a) at the
Earth’s surface and (b) above the surface. In case a, the term dNdwc vanishes so that
170 5 Corrections in Geoid Determination
only dNdwc remains. (In addition the topographic bias vanishes.) In case (b), one
notices that HP (the orthometric height at P) is negative, leading to the fact that
dNdwc corresponds to an upward continuation).
In the modified Stokes’ formula, we may assume that Stokes’ kernel is modified to
some selected degree L, yielding the modified kernel function
2n þ 1
SL ðwÞ ¼ SðwÞ sn Pn ðcos wÞ; ð5:73Þ
where sn are the modification parameters to be selected. Also, the integration area is
usually limited, say, to a spherical cap r0 with geocentric angle w0 around the
computation point. As a result, the dwc effect becomes:
dNdwc ¼ SL ðwÞ½Dg Dgdr: ð5:74Þ
Similarly to above, we may decompose (5.74) into a Bouguer shell effect and a
terrain effect:
dNdwc ¼ SL ðwÞf½Dg DgðrP ; QÞ þ ½DgðrP ; QÞ Dggdr
B;L te;L
¼ dNdwc þ dNdwc ð5:75Þ
where dNdwc is the same as in Eq. (5.63), and
sn if 2nL
sn ¼ : ð5:77Þ
0 otherwise
QLn are the Molodensky truncation coefficients of the modified Stokes’ formula
(see, e.g. Sjöberg 2003a). In practice, Dgn of the above sum is taken from an Earth
gravitational model, which requires the upper limit of the sum be set equal to, or
below, its maximum order.
The second term of (5.75) can be approximated by:
5.3 The Downward Continuation Correction 171
te;L R
dNdwc ¼ SL ðwÞ½DgðrP ; QÞ Dgdr
R @Dg
SL ðwÞðHP HQ Þ drQ ð5:78Þ
4pc0 @H Q
As topographic masses, the atmospheric masses are “forbidden masses” that violate
Stokes’ formula, and their attraction on the gravity field must therefore be
corrected for.
GM ðr Þ GMa Gmðr Þ
dga ¼ ¼ : ð5:79Þ
r2 r2
dg ¼ ca ; ð5:80Þ
where ca 0:86 mGal is the atmospheric gravity at sea level. Inserting (5.80) into
Stokes’ formula, one obtains the direct atmospheric effect on the geoid height. As ca
is a constant, it will not be harmful, as Stokes’ (global) integral is blind to a constant
gravity anomaly. However, this changes drastically if Stokes’ formula is truncated,
172 5 Corrections in Geoid Determination
Table 5.1 The atmospheric bias based on Eqs. (5.81a, 5.81b) for c0 ¼ 981 Gal, ca ¼ 0:86 mGal
and R ¼ 6378 km. Unit: metre
w 0 0 3 10 25 39 50 75 100 125 150 180
dNa 0 0.324 1.156 2.638 3.138 2.839 0.612 −1.667 −2.120 −0.994 0
say, to a cap r0 . Disregarding the small contribution from the last term of (5.80), the
direct effect on the geoid becomes:
R ca R ca
SðwÞdr ¼ Q0 ðw0 Þ; ð5:81aÞ
4p c 2 c
Q0 ðw0 Þ ¼ 4t1 þ 5t12 þ 6t13 7t14 þ 6t12 1 t12 ln t1 þ t12 ð5:81bÞ
Newton’s volume integral for the atmospheric potential at point P can be written as:
q ðrÞr 2 dr
V ðPÞ ¼
dr ð5:82aÞ
r rs
Here, q0 is atmospheric density at sea level times the gravitational constant, and
m [ 2 is a constant. As the atmosphere is located in the exterior of a surface point,
the inverse distance can be extended by an internal type series
n þ 1
1 1X rP
¼ Pn ðtÞ; rP \r: ð5:83Þ
lP rP n¼0 r
5.4 Atmospheric Corrections 173
After inserting Eqs. (5.82b and 5.83) into Eq. (5.82a), one obtains:
n þ 1
q Rm X
V ðPÞ ¼ 0
r 2m drPn ðtÞdr; ð5:84Þ
rP n¼0 r
r rs
or, after integration w.r.t. r and expanding ðR=rÞm 1 mðH=RÞ and considering
the addition theorem of spherical harmonics, then:
" #
1 X
1 r
n H
V a ðPÞ 4pq0 R2
P n
; ð5:85Þ
m 2 n¼2 2n þ 1 R R
Hn ¼ HYnm dr: ð5:86Þ
Applying the boundary condition of physical geodesy, we obtain also the direct
gravity anomaly effect:
" #
@ 2 2R X
n þ 2
Dgadir ðPÞ ¼ þ V a ðPÞ 4pq0 Hn ; ð5:87Þ
@rP rP m 2 n¼2 2n þ 1
and, by inserting this into Stokes’ formula with Stokes function in spectral form,
1 X 1
SðwÞ ¼ Ynm ðPÞYnm ðQÞ; ð5:88Þ
n 1 m¼n
and considering the orthogonality of the harmonics, the direct effect on the geoid
height becomes:
4pq0 R X
Ndir ðPÞ Hn : ð5:89Þ
c n¼2 ð2n þ 1Þðn 1Þ
Considering also that the indirect effect with rP ¼ R and omitting the
zero-degree effect, i.e.
4pq0 R X
dNIa ; ð5:90Þ
c n¼2 2n þ 1
174 5 Corrections in Geoid Determination
Here, the contribution from the zero- and first-degree terms (Sjöberg 2001),
4pq0 R2
¼ ; ð5:92Þ
0;1 cðm 2Þðm 3Þ
a;L 4pq0 R X
M n1
dNtotal ¼ dNdir
þ QLn þ sn Hn ; ð5:93Þ
c n¼2 2n þ 1
where dNtotal
was given in Eq. (5.91).
The well-known Stokes’ formula determines the geoidal height from surface
gravity anomalies on a sphere. As the Earth’s shape is rather ellipsoidal with a
flattening of the order of 1/300, it can be expected that the error in Stokes’ formula
also amounts to this order, corresponding to an error within several decimetres of
the geoidal height.
Through the years, many authors have studied the ellipsoidal correction to
Stokes’ formula [see, e.g. the reference list of Sjöberg (2003c)], and each investi-
gator seems to come up with her/his own, more or less unique, solution. For
example, Huang et al. (2003) carried out a numerical comparison between the
solutions of Molodensky et al. (1962), Moritz (1980), Martinec and Grafarend
(1997) and Fei and Sideris (2000), and they found that all compared solutions
disagree. Another solution to the ellipsoidal effect to Stokes’ formula was presented
by Martinec (1998a, Chap. 11, 1998b), but this solution is incomplete, as it solves
the problem for the sphere with the gravity anomaly given on a sphere instead of the
geodetic problem with gravity anomaly given on the Earth ellipsoid and the
potential requested on the ellipsoid.
5.5 Ellipsoidal Corrections 175
where the gravity anomaly ðDgÞ, here assumed to be downward continued to the
sphere of radius R, is only approximately consistent with the spherical approxi-
mation of the “boundary condition”, whose solution is Stokes’ integral, and it must
therefore be corrected to such a gravity anomaly ðDg0 Þ by the formula (limited to
order e2 ; Jekeli 1981; Cruz 1986)
Dg0 ¼ Dg e2 sin h cos h e2 3 cos2 h 2 : ð5:95Þ
We will assume that Dg (and therefore also Dg0 ) are reduced to sea level, i.e. to
the reference ellipsoid of radius re ¼ a 1 e2 cos2 h, while for the Stokes’ inte-
gration, performed on the sphere of radius a, we need to upward continue Dg0 by
the approximate gravity anomaly
DG0 ¼ Dg0 þ ða re Þ ¼ Dg þ dG; ð5:96aÞ
@r r¼a
176 5 Corrections in Geoid Determination
dG ¼ DG0 Dg
2 a @Dg @T Ta
¼e cos h
sin h cos h þ ð2 3cos hÞ
2 @r r¼a a@h r¼a a
Next we derive the ellipsoidal correction both as a harmonic series and as a Stokes’
integral, convenient for applications.
Let us start with the following harmonic series expansion of the disturbing
n þ 1 X
GM X a n
T¼ Cnm Ynm ðh; kÞ: ð5:98Þ
a n¼2 r m¼n
Substituting Eq. (5.98) into the gravity anomaly correction dG of Eq. (5.96b)
and considering the following relations (Moritz 1980; Martinec 1998a):
5.5 Ellipsoidal Corrections 177
sin h cos h Ynm ¼ Anm Yn þ 2;m þ Bnm Ynm þ Dnm Yn2;m ; ð5:99bÞ
nðn þ 1Þ 3m2
Anm ¼ nEnm ; Bnm ¼
ð2n 1Þð2n þ 3Þ
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
uh i
u ðn 1Þ2 m2 ðn2 m2 Þ
nþ1 t
Dnm ¼
2n 1 ð2n 3Þð2n þ 1Þ
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð5:99cÞ
uh ih i
u 2 2
1 t ðn þ 1Þ m ðn þ 2Þ m
2 2
Enm ¼
2n þ 3 ð2n þ 1Þð2n þ 5Þ
2 1
Fnm ¼ Bnm þ ;
3 3
dG ¼ dGn ; ð5:100aÞ
GM X n
dGn ¼ e2 Ynm 3 ðn2 þ n þ 1ÞFnm Cnm
2a m¼n ð5:100bÞ
ðn n 2ÞGnm Cn2;m ðn þ 3n þ 4ÞEnm Cn þ 2;m
2 2
Moreover, taking the radial derivative of the series of T of Eq. (5.98) and
considering Eq. (5.99a), the last term of Eq. (5.97) can be expressed as:
1X 1
e2 GM X
1 X n
dN d ¼ dTnd Ynm ½ðn þ 1ÞFnm Cnm
c n¼2 2ac n¼2 n 1 m¼n ð5:101Þ
þ ðn 1ÞGnm Cn2;m þ ðn þ 3ÞEnm Cn þ 2;m
178 5 Corrections in Geoid Determination
By summing up, one arrives at the following spectral solution for Eq. (5.97):
1X adGn aX 1
¼ kN þ
þ dTn ¼ kN 0 þ
; ð5:102aÞ
c n¼2 n 1 c n¼2 n 1
dgen ¼ dGn þ ðn 1Þ ð5:102bÞ
Here, dgen are the Laplace harmonics of the ellipsoidal correction to the gravity
anomaly, which can be explicitly decomposed into the series (Sjöberg 2003c,
1 1 X
X n
dge ðh; kÞ ¼ dgen ðh; kÞ ¼ dgenm Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð5:103aÞ
n¼2 n¼2 m¼n
dgenm ¼ e2 ½3 ðn þ 2ÞFnm Cnm ðn þ 1ÞGnm Cn2;m ðn þ 7ÞEnm Cn þ 2;m :
R a
¼ SðwÞ kDg þ dge dr: ð5:104Þ
4pc R
In case of the modified Stokes formula (e.g. LSMSA), we may assume that the
contribution with a harmonic series is directly targeted at radius rp ¼ re , so that the
total ellipsoidal correction follows in accord with (5.106) as:
e;L R a
dNtotal ¼ SL ðwÞ kDg þ dge dr; ð5:105Þ
4pc R
If the cap size is chosen as a few degrees only, the ellipsoidal correction to
Stokes’ modified formula is usually within a few millimetres.
5.6 Corrections in Quasigeoid Determination 179
As stated in the introduction to this chapter, the above corrections mainly concern
geoid determination. In particular, there is no topographic correction in quasigeoid
determination. (However, a dwc correction is still needed.) Nevertheless, some-
times (e.g. in the RCR technique), a direct topographic effect (DITE) is introduced
to smooth the gravity anomaly under Stokes’ integral, and, importantly, a corre-
sponding PITE must then be added to the final result.
The atmospheric and ellipsoidal corrections in quasigeoid determination are
practically the same as for geoid determination.
If the quasigeoid is estimated by the extended Stokes’ formula, Eq. (7.13a) in a
RCR approach, the correction for downward continuation of the gravity anomaly to
the sphere of computation selected at sea level (e.g. by solving Poisson’s integral
equation) is the same as for geoid determination. Ågren et al. (2009) applied the
dwc correction for f as a Stokes’ integral on the sphere at sea level radius in the
LSMSA approach. On the other hand, if Stokes’ integration is applied on a sphere
at point level, the correction for analytical continuation (upward and/or downward)
refers to the sphere through the computation point.
The additive corrections in the LSMSA method are shortly given in Sect. 6.3.2.
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continuation in physical geodesy”. J Geod 81:345–350
Chapter 6
Applications and Comparisons of LSMSA
and RCR
Keywords Additive corrections Least squares modification Remove-Compute-
6.1 Introduction
Below we only describe the determination of the geoid and quasigeoid by the
methods of remove-compute-restore (RCR) and Least Squares Modification of
Stokes’ formula with Additive corrections (LSMSA), which we believe are the
most successful techniques for geoid determination to date. We compare these
methods, both theoretically and practically in various applications taken from the
literature. In all formulas below it is assumed that L (the degree of modification) is
larger than or equal to M (the selected upper limit of degree of the EGM). If L\M,
the formulas hold with some minor changes. (In this way the method can be used
with ultra-high degree EGMs. See Sect. 4.4.6.)
In the RCR method, the topographic, atmospheric and ellipsoidal corrections are
applied to the surface-gravity anomaly, and the corrected anomaly is downward
continued to sea level (approximated by the sphere of mean sea-level radius R) to
make it ready for the modified Stokes’ integration by the estimator:
where all symbols were defined above and in Chaps. 4 and 5. Note that the esti-
mator is here augmented by the zero- and first-degree disturbing potential har-
monics to provide the absolute geoid height. The direct effects dDgn dir are needed
to enable applying the EGM below the topography. The analytical continuation
(e.g. by solving Poisson’s integral) brings the bracket []* down to the mean Earth
sphere. Many of the methods in the literature for geoid determination based on the
modification of Stokes’ formula use Eq. (6.1) in one way or another, and they
mainly differ in the way they modify Stokes’ formula, i.e. in the way of selecting
integration area and modification parameters sn , as well in formulas chosen for the
direct and indirect effects. They also differ in being more or less rigorous in
6.2 Geoid Determination 183
applying the direct and indirect corrections. All these methods can be called
Remove-Compute-Restore (RCR) techniques: All forbidden effects on the gravity
anomaly should be removed prior to Stokes’ integration, and they should be
restored on the geoid height after integration.
Frequently one goes one step further along the remove-restore line by using a
residual gravity anomaly by a higher-order reference field. (For a review of the
UNB technique, see Ellmann and Vanicek 2007). Then, starting from Eq. (4.27a),
one obtains the estimator
~ L;M ¼ R SL ðwÞ DgM þ dDgT;M e
dir þ dDgdir þ dDgdir dr
þ T;M
NnEGM þ dNdir þ dNIT þ dNIa þ dNIe ;
where the direct effects under the integral are given as corrections to the residual
surface gravity anomaly. For instance, in this case the direct topographic effect
X1 n þ 2
dDgdir ¼ lR ðn 1Þan ðQÞ ð6:2bÞ
n¼M þ 1
with an given by Eq. (5.2b), and Q is on the surface at the integration point. The
direct topographic effect for the sum of harmonics NnEGM is given by dNdir .
The main advantage of the RCR method is that Stokes’ formula operates with a
residual gravity anomaly (reduced both for topographic effects and for the
long-wavelength gravity field). The DITE and PITE can be further reduced by a
topographic compensation model (e.g. by an isostatic model). Note that, similar to
the LSMSA method, this method is also suitable for a least squares choice of the
modification parameters. However, this is seldom or never performed in practice,
but the modification parameters, if used at all, are mostly taken from some deter-
ministic technique such as Wong and Gore (1969).
ðT0 þ T1 Þg R M
~ L;M ¼
N þ SL ðwÞDgdr þ c QLn þ sn DgEGM
c0 4pc0 n¼0
þ dNcomb
þ dNdwc
þ dNtot
þ dNtot
; ð6:3aÞ
where dNcomb ¼ dNcorr
is the combined topographic effect as given approximately
a e
by Eq. (5.16) and precisely by (5.51). dNtot and dNtot are the total atmospheric and
ellipsoidal effects given by Eqs. (5.93) and (5.104) or (5.105), respectively. Finally,
the dwc correction is given as in Sect. 5.3.2 by:
Hp Dgp Hp Hp2 @Dg
dNdwc þ 3 fp
c0 rp 2c @Hp
" 0 #
X 1 R nþ1
þc Qn þ sn
1 Dgn
þc SL ðwÞ Hp HQ drQ : ð6:3bÞ
@h Q
Hence, the first row of Eq. (6.3a) is the modified Stokes’ formula, which uses the
original EGM and gravity anomaly data. The second row of the equation consists of the
additive corrections. These combined and total corrections were derived in Chap. 5.
The determination of the quasigeoid height is very similar to that of determining the
geoid height, except that the topographic corrections DITE and PITE in the
remove-restore technique or combined topographic effect in the LSMSA method
are not necessary, but still used in one way or another in the RCR technique to
smooth the residual gravity anomaly. Also, Stokes’ original function is often
replaced by the extended Stokes’ function, but not necessarily (see below).
Similar to Eq. (6.2a), which uses the original Stokes function for geoid determi-
nation, the quasigeoid can be determined by the extended Stokes’ function:
6.3 Quasigeoid Determination 185
ðT0 Þp þ ðdT1 Þp R
fL;M ¼ þ SL ðrp ; wÞ DgM þ dDgTdir þ dDgadir þ dDgedir dr
c 4pc
þ fEGM
n þ dfT;M
dir þ dfI þ dfI þ dfI ;
T a e
where ~c ¼ R=ð2cÞ ¼ cc0 =c;, and the DITE dDgTdir and PITE ðdfTI Þ are not needed
but (as mentioned previously) is usually applied in one way or another to reduce the
argument under Stokes’ integral. If the gravity anomaly (both under the integral and
in the EGM) is smoothed with some topographic model, it is important that a
consistent PITE is introduced to avoid introducing a bias in the result. The
downward continued residual gravity anomaly ½ implies that the atmospheric and
ellipsoidal effects are the same as for geoid height determination (except that Bruns’
formula is now applied with normal gravity c at normal height instead of c0 at the
reference ellipsoid).
Conveniently, the Stokes’ integration can also be applied at point level (see
Sect. 7.1.3), yielding the formula
fL;M ¼ ðfL;M Þ þ þ dfT;M L;M
fEGM dir þ dfdwc þ dfI þ dfI þ dfI ; ð6:5aÞ
T a e
rP M
f L;M
¼ SL ðwÞ½ dr þ fEGM
n ð6:5bÞ
4pc n¼0
rP @½
dwc SL ðwÞðHP HQ Þ drQ ; ð6:5cÞ
4pc @h Q
~fL;M ¼ ðTp Þ0 þ ðTp Þ1 rp rp XM R n þ 1 EGM
þ SL ðwÞDgdr þ QLn þ sn Dgn
c 4pc 2c n¼2 rp
þ dfdwc þ dfatot þ dfetot ; ð6:6aÞ
where dfatot and dfetot are the same as the total atmospheric and ellipsoidal correc-
tions for the geoid height (except that they are now applied at point level and not at
geoid level, and the scaling is for c instead of c0 ), and
rp @Dg
dfL;M S ðwÞðHP HQ Þ
drQ : ð6:6bÞ
4pc @h Q
Both the RCR and LSMSA techniques can be applied more or less rigorously with
all direct and indirect effects included, and the same modification parameters can be
chosen (e.g. according to least squares based on stochastic observational errors with
known error-degree variances). Theoretically, both approaches should lead to the
same results for identical selection of modification parameters. In practice, this is
not likely to be the case for a number of reasons to be specified subsequently.
Some advantages of the LSMSA method versus the RCR strategy:
• LSMSA has the advantage to the RCR method that it uses least squares to
minimize the effects of errors in the data and truncation. (This advantage goes
away if RCR is based on the same principle.)
• Most additive corrections used in LSMSA are easier, some much easier, to
compute than the corresponding direct and indirect effects in the RCR method.
Examples include:
– As direct and indirect effects are added directly on the geoid height, there are
computational advantages.
– The topographic bias used in the LSMSA method is most simple to compute.
On the contrary, the rigorous determination of direct topographic effect on
the gravity anomaly in the RCR technique becomes unstable for high
topography and high-resolution demands on the solution.
– The LSMSA technique needs no terrain correction in contrast to RCR
techniques (Sjöberg 2009).
• LSMSA avoids the global integration needed in the strict formula in determining
the DITE in the RCR technique.
• The dwc effect is much more stable in the LSMSA technique (Sect. 5.3).
6.4 A Theoretical Comparison of the RCR and LSMSA Methods 187
• The bias in the atmospheric effect of RCR is avoided in the LSMSA method.
• The LSMSA method is more flexible, as the additive corrections can be
added/changed whenever the data for them becomes available/improved. (It
means that the repetition of the main computational steps can be avoided.)
• If the RCR method is not applied with the same rigour in the direct and indirect
effects, a bias will occur. This problem is avoided in the LSMSA method.
• RCR is frequently applied without a modification of Stokes’ kernel function,
which requires a large area of integration not to introduce a truncation error.
A disadvantage of LSMSA:
• As the LSMSA technique works on the full gravity anomaly (without any
reduction), the interpolation and integration of the anomaly is more challenging
than in the RCR method applied with a residual gravity anomaly. This problem
needs special attention. (For example, a simple solution is to use RCR technique
for the interpolation, but in this case no special care is needed to make global
integrations, which is practically advantageous.)
For more details, see, e.g. Sjöberg (2003).
Further considerations:
• Note the correction term dNdir;M
, a most significant term, which is usually
omitted in applications of the RCR technique. It is the topographic correction of
the EGM.
• Until now (2016), the IAG Geoid School only practiced this technique without
(i.e. with L = 0), or with simple modification of Stokes’ kernel, and some
correction terms are simplified or omitted.
• In practicing the RCR method (in contrast to LSMSA), there is usually no
specific limitation of the area of integration, but all available gravity data are
used in Stokes’ integral. For a large integration area, the solution will suffer
from the systematic errors in the gravity anomaly data (which problem may be
reduced by an appropriate modification of Stokes’ function).
• The modification by Vanicek-Kleusberg (1987) uses L = M and Molodensky
type of modification parameters (i.e. the minimum error limit of truncation
One may say that the LSMSA method uses the rigorous RCR-technique from
Eqs. (6.1) and (6.4), but direct and indirect effects are added to become the com-
bined or total effects.
Summary of the comparison:
• The LSMSA uses optimal (least squares) matching of various error sources. No
such criterion is standard in applications of the RCR-technique.
• The LSMSA is numerically efficient. (Note: RCR requires both direct and
indirect effects.) In particular, the combined topographic effect is simple in
LSMSA (see Sect. 5.1).
188 6 Applications and Comparisons of LSMSA and RCR
• The dwc effect on the geoid height (used in LSMSA) is numerically stable
(Sect. 5.2), while the dwc effect on gravity anomaly (used in RCR technique) is
much more ill-conditioned.
• There is no bias in the atmospheric effect (LSMSA; Sect. 5.3). This may be a
problem in the RCR technique.
• The RCR technique works with residual gravity anomalies, while LSMSA uses
the full gravity anomaly. This calls for special technique in the LSMSA to
achieve this advantage of the RCR method.
• The RCR technique should not be used without modifying the kernel function.
In this respect, most important are the demands on filtering out the
long-wavelength errors from the gravity data and reducing the truncation error.
Here we discuss some of the practical experiences gained in using the KTH method.
The error-degree variances of the data as well as the signal degree variances are
used to tune the weighting of the data in order to minimize the influence of data
errors, as well as the inevitable error caused by truncation of integration area and/or
the series of the EGM. This (least squares) weighting takes place in the spectrum of
the data, and it is ruled by the error and signal power spectra. As with standard least
squares adjustment, the estimated unknowns (in our case the geoid heights) are only
secondarily influenced by the choice of errors, while the estimated accuracies of
unknowns are directly affected by this choice.
The error-degree variances of the EGM are frequently provided directly along
with the EGM coefficients. However, there qualities may be doubtful, in particular
at higher degrees. The major problem is, nevertheless, the error spectrum of the
gravity anomaly data. This spectrum is not directly available, but must be estimated
in one way or another. The LSMSA method assumes that all errors are random with
expectation zero, but gravity data usually include systematic errors, which show up
as correlations of the data. Ideally, such systematic effects should be removed prior
to adjustment, and much care should be spent on cleaning the data from gross and
systematic errors. However, remaining data will still include such undetected errors.
In practice, one usually assumes that the covariance function of the data, CðwÞ is
(globally) homogeneous and isotropic, and using the simple representation
6.5 Practical Experiences of LSMSA 189
CðwÞ ¼ r2n Pn ðcos wÞ; ð6:7aÞ
it implies that, once the degree variances r2n have been fixed, it is merely a function
of geocentric angle between the data points. To assume that this global covariance
function is representative for the true covariance function is, of course, question-
able, but, from a practical point of view, we only have to regard it as a model with
parameters chosen for a specific geographic area of application. The most important
parameters of this covariance function are the variance Cð0Þ and its correlation
length wc . The latter parameter is defined as that geocentric angle where the
covariance has decreased to half of the magnitude of the variance, i.e.
Having got this information we usually can model the covariance function and
the degree variances.
Sjöberg (1986) gave a simple example, which we present here. By assuming that
the covariance function is of the closed form (“the reciprocal distance type”)
" #
CðwÞ ¼ Cð0Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð1 kÞð1 kÞk cos w ; ð6:8Þ
1 2k cos w þ k2
where k\1 is a parameter to be determined, the last equation can be expanded as:
CðwÞ ¼ Cð0Þð1 kÞ kn Pn ðcos wÞ; ð6:9Þ
and by comparing Eqs. (6.7a) and (6.9) one may identify the degree variances as:
1 Cðwc Þ 1 k
¼ ¼ ð1 kÞ ð1 kÞk cos wc ; ð6:11aÞ
2 Cð0Þ X
X¼ 1 2k cos wc þ k2 : ð6:11bÞ
1k 1
f ðkÞ ¼ ð1 kÞð1 þ ktÞ ; ð6:12bÞ
X 2
ð1 tÞð1 þ kÞ
f 0 ðkÞ ¼ þ 1 t þ 2kt; ð6:12cÞ
until convergence.
After that k has been determined, and Cð0Þ has been specified, r2n follows from
Eq. (6.10).
Ågren (2004) pointed out that the reciprocal distance covariance model yields
too little power to higher degree terms of the covariance model to be realistic. For
that reason, this covariance model was combined with the so-called white noise
covariance model to provide more realistic results for the gravity anomaly-degree
variances. The method is further refined and explained in Ågren et al. (2006,
2009a), and we summarize the results next.
It is reasonable to assume that the EGM error-degree variances (dc2n ), at least in
general, increase with degree (n). On the contrary, we should expect that the
error-degree variances of the gravity anomalies ðr2n Þ generally decrease with n up to
some medium degree, and, for higher degrees, this decay becomes less pronounced.
To achieve this result, the error-covariance model for Dg is constructed as a
combination of the reciprocal distance model above and a white noise model. The
latter model, with variance r2 , has the degree variances
r2n ¼ ð2n þ 1Þ ; n ¼ 2; 3; . . . MN ; ð6:13Þ
ðMN þ 1Þ2 4
where the integer number MN ¼ Int 180 v , v being the block size of the terrestrial
gravity data, and, for higher degrees, r2n ¼ 0. The combined covariance model is
therefore defined such that half of the given r2 is delivered from each of the
reciprocal and white-noise functions. Assuming that the Nyquist degree MN ¼ p/
block size of data and Mrd is the assumed upper degree of the reciprocal distance
function, this leads to the degree variance model
0 if n\2
< cln ð1 lÞ if 2 n Mrd
r2n ¼ 2 ð2n þ 1Þ ; ð6:14Þ
if Mrd \n MN
:2 ðMN þ 1Þ2 4
0 if n [ MN
6.5 Practical Experiences of LSMSA 191
where the parameters c and l of the reciprocal function are now fixed by the
" #
r2 ð2n þ 1Þ r2
cl ð1 lÞ
¼ ð6:15Þ
2 ðMN þ 1Þ 4 2
r2 ð2Mrd þ 1Þ
clMrd ð1 lÞ ¼ : ð6:16Þ
2 ðMN þ 1Þ2 4
Here Mrd is the maximum degree used in the series for the reciprocal
distance-covariance function.
A modified, and to some extent simpler but still efficient, technique for com-
bining the error-degree variances given by Eqs. (6.10) and (6.13), was presented by
Ågren et al. (2009a). In the combination of the two covariance models, our
experiences have been that the choices of individual covariance function parameters
like variance Cð0Þ and correlation length is not so important, but most important is
the degree K at which the plots of the spectra of the EGM and the gravity anomaly
cross each other. Different parameter choices with the same crossing point K tend to
provide very similar modifications (but not the same propagated mean-square
error). Hence, the choice of K is that of specifying the upper degree to which the
EGM is believed to be better, or at least as good as, the gravity anomalies, and this
choice finally specifies the error degree variance model of the terrestrial data by a
proper combination of those given by the reciprocal distance and white-noise
models. In practice, this means that one tentatively adds the weighted sum of error
degree variances of the two models and compares for the resulting K and
geoid-height standard errors in the LSMSA technique, as well as RMS differences,
to available GNSS-levelling geoid heights, etc.
There is a variety of EGMs available for combination with terrestrial gravity data.
The question is how to select the best one for the region to be studied. A simple
procedure would be to compare the EGM-derived geoid heights with those from
GNSS/levelling of the region. However, in this context, one should also consider
the maximum degree (M) of the EGM to be used in the combination. In general, the
larger M, the better is the agreement. The most important criterion for this com-
parison is the RMS difference between the two types of geoid heights.
A better result is obtained by putting different EGMs into the LSMSA procedure
for comparison against GNSS-levelling, and the more complete the computational
procedure is, the more conclusive will be the outcome of the comparison.
192 6 Applications and Comparisons of LSMSA and RCR
However, in many developing countries, there are no or, at least, not a sufficient
number of GNSS/levelling heights available for this type of pre-study. In such
cases, the comparison of the EGM with available terrestrial gravity anomalies could
be useful. However, in such a comparison, one must bear in mind that the EGM
does not contain the fine spectrum available in the point gravity data. Ulotu (2009)
conducted such an analysis for Tanzania by smoothing the terrestrial gravity data by
space-shuttle-derived topographic data.
In the ideal situation with only random errors with expectation zero, there is no
optimum cap size for the numerical integration by the LSMSA method, but the cap
size should only be governed by the area of gravity data available. This is because
the least squares method automatically includes all data in an optimum way. In
practice, due to systematic errors, this is not the case, but a limited cap size should
be chosen to reduce the influence of systematic/gross errors in the gravity data. On
the other hand, a too small cap size should not be chosen, which would impair the
solution due to the rejected data outside the cap.
A standard way of choosing cap size is to make some preliminary LSMSA
estimates and compare them with GNSS/levelling geoid heights. In this way, the
cap size can easily be tuned towards the best agreement of the two independent
geoid estimators. However, one should keep in mind that this technique forces the
gravimetric LSMSA solution towards the GNSS/levelling solution, which could be,
and of course also is, in error. If the LSMSA geoid model will be used together with
GNSS data as a corrective surface for height determination, this technique should
be used in full, but if the goal is to determine a geoid model, the systematic impact
from the errors of the GNSS/levelling data should be considered.
The linear system of equations for solving the least squares modification parameters
sn is ill-conditioned (Ellmann 2005a). Although the system is badly conditioned,
this feature is harmless to the result. Ågren (2004) explained the bad conditioning
of the system as caused by the behaviour of the modified Stokes’ formula in the
remote-zone (where it is not used in the modified Stokes’ formula): Many sets of
modification parameters agree well in the near-zone and disagree in the
remote-zone (where they are harmless). In practice, the system of Eq. (3.28a) can
be solved by some stabilization method like Tikhonov regularization or Singular
Value Decomposition. The latter technique is used in the KTH software. See also
publications by Ellmann (2005a, b, 2012) and related software.
6.5 Practical Experiences of LSMSA 193
In the LSMSA technique, the downward continuation of the gravity anomaly to sea
level is directly applied to the effect on the geoid height as an additive constant. In
this way, this computational step becomes more stable compared with the technique
used in RCR, where the gravity anomaly is directly continued downward by
inversely solving Poisson’s integral formula. Another, but approximate, method is to
make the dwc by limiting it to the first term in a Taylor series of the gravity anomaly.
Here, the gradient can be computed by an integral formula with gravity anomalies.
Practical experiments in solving Poisson’s integral (Martinec 1998, Chap. 8)
revealed that gravity anomalies at cap sizes down to 5ʹ (but not for more detailed
data) in the Canadian Rocky Mountains could be handled with stable solutions.
Ågren (2004, Sects. 5.3–4), based on synthetic gravity-field models, numerically
compared the techniques for downward continuation used in the LSMSA method
and RCR-technique, as well as the gradient method. He came to the conclusions
that “Sjöberg’s method is superior to using the gradient method”, and “this method
is considerably more accurate than the inversion by Poisson’s equation”.
Some of the papers listed in Table 6.1 include comparison of the LSMSA/KTH
technique with other methods, primarily with the RCR method. A few of these
comparisons will be summarized here. For other comparisons the reader is referred
to the references.
Ellmann (2004, 2005a, b) compared several deterministic and three stochastic
modifications of Stokes’ formula in the Baltic countries, and it was concluded that
the KTH approach was the preferred method.
On behalf of the International Geoid Service, the Auvergne test area was
established in France, consisting of about 240,000 gravity data points covering an
area of 6° 8°; a digital elevation model based on three Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission height data, covering an area of 8° 10°, and 75 GPS-levelling data
points, all at 1st order levelling data points or with connections to such points. The
accuracy of the GPS-levelling data is estimated to 2 cm or slightly better (Duquenne
194 6 Applications and Comparisons of LSMSA and RCR
Table 6.1 Summary of regional studies and/or applications of the LSMSA/KTH method
Author Country/region Geoid/Q-geoid Remarks
Fan (1989) Theory – theoretical study
Nsombo (1996) Zambia geoid spectr. comb.; RMS = 70
Nahavandchi Sweden Q-geoid RMS = 5.5
Hunegnaw Ethiopia geoid Tests for dwc. RMS = 46
Ellmann (2004) Baltic region Geoid RMS fits of 2.8, 5.6 and 4.2 cm for
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
Ågren (2004) Theory Geoid/Q-geoid error degree variances, dwc, etc.
Kiamehr (2006) Iran Geoid RMS = 29
Daras (2008) Greece – –
Ågren et al. Sweden Q-geoid r = 20, 32 for KTH and RCR
Ågren et al. Auvergne, Q-geoid Comparison of seven methods
(2009b) France
Abdallah (2009) Sudan Geoid –
Ulotu (2009) Tanzania Geoid r = 28
Abbak et al. Konya, Turkey Geoid Comparison KTH and RCR
Yildiz et al. Auvergne, – Comparison KTH, RCR, LSC
(2012) France
Danila (2012) Molodova Q-geoid –
Isik and Erol Turkey Geoid r = 14.8, 16.6, 29.2 for KTH,
(2015a) RCR, EGM
Isik and Erol NW Turkey Geoid r = 9.5/6.9 for KTH/RCR after
(2015b) corrector surface fit
Abdalla and S. Arabia Geoid
Mogren (2015)
Ssengendo Uganda Geoid and r = 8.4 and 7.3
(2015) Q-geoid
Ågren et al. Fennoscandia Quasigeoid r = 3 for whole area = 1–2 in
(2015) and flatter countries
Some studies compare with the RCR method. RMS = fit with GNSS or Doppler in cm;
r = estimated standard error after fitting (cm)
Table 6.2 Results from the KTH PoliMi IFE NBI DGS IGN
international software
comparison of quasigeoid RMS 29 36 35 67 35 37
estimation at Auvergne test rf 22.7 31.2 30 64.5 30 32.3
area (Ågren et al. 2009b) RMS = RMS fit with GPS/levelling after 3-parameter reduction
and rf = RMS gravimetric Q-geoid accuracy at the 75
GPS-levelling points with an estimated accuracy of 32 mm.
Unit: mm
6.6 Case Studies 195
Fig. 6.1 196 GPS-levelling residuals for the KTH and NKG models after 1-parameter fits. (The
scales are given by the 5 cm arrows to the south-east; KTH08 is based on LSMSA, and NKG2004
uses RCR-method) (Ågren et al. 2009a)
– As the residuals of the LSMSA versus GPS-levelling are small, the larger
residuals for NKG are likely to be caused by (systematic) errors in the NKG
technique rather than in GPS levelling.
– There are obvious long-wavelength errors in NKG residuals.
– With estimated accuracies of 15 and 7.5 mm of the GPS and levelling
observations, respectively, the 1- and 4-parameter RMS fits correspond to
standard-error estimates of 16 and 11 mm, respectively, in the LSMSA
Abbak et al. (2012) conducted another comparison of the KTH and RCR
methods versus GPS-levelling. The test area was located in the mountainous area
around Konya in central Turkey, limited by latitudes 37–39N and longitudes 31.5–
35E, an area with a very limited amount of terrestrial gravity data. For the evalu-
ation, 20 GPS-levelling data points were used with an estimated accuracy of
3.6 cm. The resulting RMS fits, using a 7-parameter model to absorb systematic
deviations between models, were 6.7 and 9.8 cm for the KTH and RCR methods,
respectively, corresponding to gravimetric geoid model accuracies of 5.7 and
6.6 Case Studies 197
9.1 cm, respectively. The two models disagree by more than 1 m in the SW corner
of the test area, and the reason for that has not been clarified.
Next, we present some details and results on the NKG 2015 quasigeoid model
determination and results [courtesy J. Ågren, Lantmäteriet; Ågren et al. (2015 and
2016)]. The model was computed by J. Ågren as a result of the efforts of the NKG
working group on geoid and height determination.
• Method:
– Least Squares Modification of Stokes’ formula (stochastic kernel modifica-
tion) with Additive corrections (LSMSA- or KTH-method).
– Implementation written by J. Ågren LM/KTH (most key programs the same
as in KTH Geolab software package)
– Stokes’ integration: 2° spherical cap using the 1-D-FFT method (100% zero
– EGM: GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R5 with M = 300
– Modification: Unbiased Least Squares Modification with gravity anomaly
error degree variances (DV) chosen as a combination of band-limited white
noise and the reciprocal distance model (1 mGal white noise, 0.5 mGal
correlated noise with correlation length 0.25°), formal EGM error DV and
re-scaled Tscherning and Rapp signal DV.
• Gravity anomaly gridding:
– Remove-interpolate-restore using Least Squares Collocation (GEOGRID)
on the gravity anomaly reduced for:
• EGM effect by GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R5 with M = 240.
• RTM effect computed by terrain corrections only with 3″ 6″ to 25 km
(in flat areas 0.0025 0.0050°) and 0.01 0.02° to 167 km. Restore
0.01 0.02°.
• Ice model effect (i.e. effect due to the density difference between rock and
ice) computed by rectangular prisms (close to the point) and spherical
integration (further away) using the Airy-Heiskanen isostatic compen-
sation method.
• Other comments:
– EIGEN-6C4 with M = 2190 was used in areas without gravity observations
to generate pseudo-observations.
– Cross validation on the reduced gravity anomaly with 20 mGal rejection
198 6 Applications and Comparisons of LSMSA and RCR
Fig. 6.2 Differences GNSS-levelling minus NKG2015 quasigeoid model after a common
1-parameter bias fit using the national EVRS realizations
Table 6.4 Statistics for the GNSS/levelling minus NKG2015 quasigeoid models after a common
1-parameter fit for the whole area using the national EVRS realizations. Unit: metre
(metre) No. of points Before fit After common 1-parameter fit
# Mean Mean Std RMS
All 2538 −0.4876 0.0000 0.0299 0.0298
Denmark 675 −0.0166 0.0169 0.0237
Estonia 114 0.0071 0.0147 0.0163
Finland 50 0.0052 0.0214 0.0307
Latvia 54 −0.0186 0.0247 0.0307
Lithuania 546 0.0021 0.0332 0.0333
Norway 902 0.0070 0.0333 0.0340
Sweden 197 0.0180 0.0185 0.0258
6.6 Case Studies 199
Table 6.5 Approximate GNSS/levelling accuracy (from J. Ågren; private communication) and
derived accuracy of the NKG2015 geoid model. Unit: mm
Country Denmark Estonia Finland Latvia Lithuania Norway Sweden
GNSS/ 15 15 15 20 20 15 15
NKG2015 8 – 15 15 27 30 11
In theory, the RCR and LSMSA methods should provide the same geoid and
quasigeoid estimates, but, in numerical practice, they usually differ. To some extent,
the differences are due to numerical interpolations and integrations, but there are
also differences related to the specific methods as described above in Sect. 6.4.
200 6 Applications and Comparisons of LSMSA and RCR
Abbak RA, Erol B, Ustun A (2012) Comparison of the KTH and remove-compute-restore
techniques to geoid modelling in a mountainous area. Comput Geo Geosci 48:31–40
Abdalla A (2009) Determination of a gravimetric geoid model of Sudan using the KTH method.
(pdf 3,1 MB). Masters of Science Thesis in Geodesy No. 3109, TRITA-GIT EX 09-001.
Supervisor: Huaan Fan. Jan 2009
Abdalla A, Mogren S (2015) Implementation of a rigorous least-squares modification of Stokes
formula to compute a precise geoid model over Saudi Arabia (SAGEO13). Can J Earth Sci.
Ågren J (2004) Regional geoid determination methods for the era of satellite gradiometry. Ph.D.
thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Ågren J (2016) NKG2015 geoid model project—Compilation and validation of the computation
centre solutions. Internal LM project report, Gävle, Sweden
Ågren J, Kiamehr R, Sjöberg LE (2006) The Swedish geoid as evaluated by the method of
least-squares modification with additive corrections. Paper presented to the 1st symposium of
the International gravity field service, Istanbul, 28 Aug–1 Sept
Ågren J, Sjöberg LE (2014) Investigations of the requirements for a future 5 mm quasigeoid model
over Sweden. In Marti U (ed) Gravity, geoid and height systems, international association of
geodesy symposia 141. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10837-7_18
Ågren J, Sjöberg LE, Kiamehr R (2009a) The new gravimetric quasigeoid model KTH08 over
Sweden. J. Appl Geod 3(3):143–153
References 201
Keywords Atomic clocks Bjerhammar’s method Molodensky’s method
Potential at the geoid Quasigeoid
dE ¼ r 2 : ð7:1bÞ
cos b
Here r is the radius vector of the integration point and b is the inclination angle of
the terrain. By inserting (7.1a) into the boundary condition in spherical approxi-
mation, (3.23b), one obtains an observation equation for the surface gravity
3 r 2 rP2 r 2 dr
2pjP þ j ¼ DgP : ð7:2Þ
2l 2l3 rP cos b
This is a linear Fredholm integral equation of the second kind that numerically can
be written as the matrix equation
j þ Kj ¼ Dg; ð7:3aÞ
By inserting the solution for the density anomaly into (7.1a) and applying Bruns’
formula, the height anomaly is obtained:
ðkÞ 1 jðkÞ
fP ¼ dE: ð7:4Þ
cQ l
f ¼ f 0 þ f1 þ . . . ¼ SðwÞG0 dr þ SðwÞG1 dr þ . . . ; ð7:5aÞ
4pcQ 4pcQ
r r
where: G0 ¼ Dg and
R2 h hP 3c0
G1 ¼ G0 þ f dr: ð7:5bÞ
2p l30 2R 0
Krarup (1969) emphasized that traditional geodesists derived the geoid estimates
from the perspective of solving a boundary value problem. This view is also at hand
in Molodensky’s approach to determine the quasigeoid. As a contrast, Bjerhammar
(1962) and (1963) developed a method based on solving a linear system of discrete
observation equations. The method includes analytical continuation of the gravity
anomaly. Using Poisson’s integral formula for the observed surface-gravity
R2 rP2 R2 Dg
DgP ¼ dr; ð7:6Þ
4prP l3P
an integral equation is formed for the fictitious gravity anomalies Dg on the
internal sphere (the Bjerhammar sphere) of radius R (see Fig. 7.1). Once Dg has
been solved, the classical forward solutions of Eq. (7.6)
TP ¼ SðrP ; wÞDg dr ð7:7Þ
and similar expressions for the external Vening Meinesz’ formulas (Eq. 3.44), etc.,
can be utilized for solving the gravity anomaly, disturbing potential and deflections
206 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
of the vertical at any point on or outside the Earth’s surface. Equation (7.7) inserted
into Bruns’ formula yields the height anomaly.
This is the simple formulation of Bjerhammar’s method. However, its practical
implementation is not easy. First of all, it is not likely that the fictitious gravity
anomaly exists in the continuous case. [It is said that also Molodensky, at an early
stage, was considering a similar technique, but gave it up.] However, Bjerhammar
argued that the practical case will always deal with a finite number of observations,
which always has a solution. Then Eq. (7.6) leads to the matrix equation
that minimizes the sum of squares of residuals eT Pe, where P is a weight matrix.
If the system is under-determined, there is a unique least squares solution that
minimizes the norm ðDg ÞT Q1 Dg :
D^g ¼ QK KQKT Dg: ð7:9bÞ
Inserting the solution of Eq. (7.9b) into (7.8), one gets back to the surface obser-
vations (which are not fictitious). This procedure can be generalized to the pre-
diction that other gravity anomaly related parameters justby changing the matrix
K to a suitable discretized integral (see Eq. 7.10 below). This means that this
technique yields fictitious (biased) predictions inside the masses and unbiased
predictions on the surface and outside the masses.
7.1 Quasigeoid Determination 207
As shown by Sjöberg (1975) and (1978), this solution leads to the solution by
collocation when choosing the norm matrix Q as a diagonal matrix with diagonal
ii ¼ DSi =S; where DSi ¼ S ¼ 4pR2 ; ð7:9cÞ
and DSi is a surface element on the sphere of radius R. To see this, let a quantity
u be linearly related with the gravity anomaly by the coefficient vector k. Then its
prediction becomes:
^u ¼ kT Dg ¼ kT QKT KQKT Dg; ð7:10Þ
and when the number of surface elements (N) on the Bjerhammar sphere (as well as
observations) goes to infinity, it follows that:
ii ! and ^u ! cT C1 Dg; ð7:11Þ
where (in the concept of collocation) c is the cross-covariance matrix between u and
Dg and C is the auto-covariance matrix of the gravity anomaly with elements
cji ¼ lim kT QKT ji and Cij ¼ lim KQKT ij as N ! 1 and ðDSi Þmax ! 0: ð7:12Þ
However, while studying the problem, he became fascinated, and he developed the
method further to least-squares collocation (Krarup 1969). This method is also a
generalization of the statistical least-squares prediction presented by Heiskanen and
Moritz (1967, Chap. 7). While the prediction technique is restricted to interpolation
and extrapolation, collocation can be used, e.g. in estimating the disturbing
potential, the height anomaly and deflections of the vertical from surface-gravity
anomalies. (Section 2.2.1.) Importantly, Krarup’s report also included a theoretical
proof of convergence of the approximation by this method (the Runge-Krarup
theorem). In this way, both Bjerhammar’s method and collocation have a foun-
dation in modern approximation theory.
Collocation, as presented by Krarup (1969), is based on a statistical concept with
covariance functions developed by Moritz (1972 and 1980). However, the con-
version from Bjerhammar’s deterministic approach to the statistical concept is not
at all evident and must be regarded with scepticism. Lauritzen (1973) proved that
the empirical covariance function on the sphere is not ergodic for a normally
distributed gravity field, implying that it is not possible to determine the degree
variances of the isotropic covariance function even if the gravity field were known
all over the sphere. As a result, collocation should first of all be regarded as an
approximation technique that works best for interpolation tasks and to some extent
for preliminary generalized interpolation, which can hardly reach the highest
accuracy. Nevertheless, collocation is much applied also today in physical geodesy
(e.g. Tscherning 2013).
The quasigeoid can also be determined by Stokes’ formula similar to the geoid
height by applying Bruns’ formula to Eq. (7.7) as in Bjerhammar (1962):
fP ¼ SðrP ; wÞDg dr; ð7:13aÞ
where c is normal gravity at normal height, and SðrP ; wÞ is the extended Stokes’
formula (Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, p. 233):
2n þ 1 R n þ 1
SðrP ; wÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ; ð7:13bÞ
n1 rP
fP ¼ SðwÞDgðrP ; QÞdr: ð7:13cÞ
From the previous formula, one can derive the following convenient form for
computing the height anomaly:
ðfP Þ ¼ SðwÞDgdr; ð7:14bÞ
L;M rP rP XM
R nþ1
fP ¼ S ðwÞDgdr þ
s þ Qn
Dgn ; ð7:15bÞ
4pc 2c n¼2 n rP
dfLdwc ¼ SL ðwÞ½DgðrP ; QÞ DgdrQ
ZZ ð7:15cÞ
rP @Dg
SL ðwÞ ½HP HQ drQ :
4pc @h Q
The additive effects dfaP and dfe;P for atmospheric and ellipsoidal effects are
practically the same as for the geoid estimator. (A slightly different estimator ^fP was
derived by Ågren 2004, Sect. 9.5.1).
210 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
g c DgB
GQC ¼ N f ¼ HP HP ; ð7:16Þ
c c
where N is the geoid height, f is the height anomaly, DgB is the simple Bouguer
gravity anomaly, g and c are the means of gravity along the plumb-line from the
geoid to surface-point and normal gravity between the reference ellipsoid and
normal height, respectively, and HP is the orthometric height at the computation
point P. This formula can be considerably improved in mountainous regions by
adding a term with the topographic potential differences at the geoid and surface
(Flury and Rummel 2009):
7.2 Comparison of Geoid and Quasigeoid Models 211
GQC HP þ ; ð7:17Þ
c c
where Dg is the refined Bouguer gravity anomaly.
Sjöberg (2010) and (2012) developed the formula further to a strict expression
for a surface-gravity anomaly DgcP reduced for the topographic signal with an
arbitrary compensation, yielding:
Dgc Dgc
res ¼ dh P HP ð7:18bÞ
c c
As the no-topography disturbing potential at the geoid, TgNT does not include the
topographic signal, it can be expressed as a Taylor series at the surface point P:
1 X
ðHP Þk @ k T NT ðHP Þk @ k1 dgB
TgNT ¼ ¼ TPNT ; ð7:20Þ
k! @H k P k¼1
k! @H k1 P
dgB ¼ : ð7:21Þ
ðHP Þk @ k1 dgB
DT ¼ þ VgT VPT ð7:22Þ
k! @H k1 P
Tg TP cQ c0 DT
GQC ¼ N f ¼ ¼f þ ; ð7:23Þ
c0 cQ c0 c0
one finally arrives at the following strict formula for the difference:
dgBP cQ c0 VgT VPT 1 X 1
ðHP Þk @ k1 dgB
GQC ¼ HP þ f þ ; ð7:24aÞ
c0 c0 c0 c0 k¼2 k! @hk1 P
dgB ¼ dg AT ð7:24bÞ
is the Bouguer gravity disturbance. The first two terms on the right hand-side of
Eq. (7.24a) can be approximated by:
dgBP cQ c0 dgP f HP
HP þ f 2 HP ¼ DgBP ; ð7:25Þ
c0 c0 c0 rP c0
The approximation used in Eq. (7.25) is less than 1 mm for any place on Earth, so
that Eq. (7.26) can practically be regarded as a strict representation of the GQC.
Similar to Eq. (7.18a), the GQC in (7.26) can also be expressed with an arbitrary
topographic compensation. The result is:
dgcP cQ c0 dVgc dVPc 1 X 1
ðHP Þk @ k1 dgc
GQC ¼ HP þ f þ ð7:27Þ
c0 c0 c0 c0 k¼2 k! @hk1 P
HP dVgc dVPc 1 X 1
ðHP Þk @ k1 dgc
GQC DgcP þ : ð7:28Þ
c0 c0 c0 k¼2 k! @hk1 P
As can be seen, the above solutions for the GQC require that the topographic
attraction and its radial derivatives be determined. To simplify this burden, we
7.2 Comparison of Geoid and Quasigeoid Models 213
present below a method that includes the topographic bias. We start from the
disturbing potential difference at the geoid and surface point P:
where TP is the analytically continued disturbing potential at the geoid. Here the
difference TP Tg is the topographic bias, which for a constant topographic density
distribution, was given by Eq. (5.21). Moreover,
ðHP Þk @ k1 dg
TP TP ¼ ; ð7:30Þ
k! @hk1 P
so that the difference between the geoid and quasigeoid heights becomes:
c Q c0 2HP3 1X 1
ðHP Þk @ k1 dg
GQC ¼ f 2pGq HP2 þ ; ð7:31aÞ
c0 3R c0 k¼1 k! @hk1 P
or, approximately:
DgP 2HP3 1X 1
ðHP Þk @ k1 dg
GQC HP 2pGq HP2 þ : ð7:31bÞ
c0 3R c0 k¼2 k! @hk1 P
As we can see, the only topographic information needed in this formula is the
orthometric height and topographic density at the computation point. In practice,
these equations can be used with only a few (if any) vertical gradients of the
disturbing potential. Note that no terrain correction is needed.
As we can see from above, the computational burden to determine the geoid and
quasigeoid are pretty much the same when using Stokes’ original and extended
formulas, respectively. It would be more cumbersome to determine the quasigeoid
by Molodensky’s method, in which successive approximation is inclined to diverge
for rough terrain. However, the estimation of the quasigeoid needs no topographic
correction, although from a practical viewpoint, it can be attractive to smooth the
observed gravity field by a remove-restore technique for the topography (but here
the topographic model must not be as accurate as for geoid determination).
As a conclusion, the quasigeoid can be more precisely determined, while the
geoid model always suffers from the uncertainty in the topographic model (see also
Sjöberg 2013b).
On the other hand, the geoid is a geopotential surface, but the quasigeoid is
not. Hence, the geoid is more suitable for interpolation between discrete
214 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
computational points, a practical fact that might be relevant for a very high
resolution of the model.
It was argued in Chap. 3 that normal heights, in contrast to orthometric heights, can
be determined without topographic mass information. See Eqs. (3.94a–c). Also,
from Eq. (3.95) it is obvious that the orthometric height can be determined as a
correction to the normal height by subtracting the GQC:
In this way, precise orthometric heights can be determined from normal heights.
So far we have only considered gravimetric geoid solutions. However, very sig-
nificant geoid information is also provided by geometric methods. In the next
section, we will first present the representation and combination of geometric geoid
data, and in Sect. 7.3.2 the geometric and gravimetric types of data are combined.
Geometric geoid solutions are provided, e.g. from satellite positioning, satellite
altimetry and astro-geodetic levelling. Common to these methods are the derived
geoidal heights that are obtained in discrete points and not directly covering a
surface. Hence, there remains a mapping problem to solve the interpolation of the
geoid from the point values to the surface representation. This problem can be
solved in various ways, and below we will present three solutions: polynomial
representation, least-squares interpolation (collocation) and Bjerhammar‘s inter-
polation technique.
(a) Polynomial Representation:
The planar positions in a local area are defined by the coordinates (x,y), where:
x ¼ Rðu u0 Þ and y ¼ ðk k0 ÞR cos u0 . Here R is the mean Earth radius for
the region, and ðu0 ; k0 Þ is the latitude and longitude of a central point of the region.
7.3 Combinations of Gravimetric … 215
Let the geoid height N at the point (x,y) be represented by the polynomial
nx X
X ny
Nðx; yÞ ¼ C0 þ Cij xi y j ð7:33Þ
i¼1 j¼1
where C0 and Cij are constants to be estimated, and nx and ny are selected upper
summation indices. If the number of geometric geoid heights available are more
than nxny + 1, the constants and their covariance matrix of Eq. (7.33) can be
determined by least-squares adjustment, as explained in the following. Let us write
Eq. (7.33) in the vector form
Nðx; yÞ ¼ hT c ð7:34Þ
where the vector h contains the known terms of combinations xi y j , and the vector
c includes the unknown coefficients C0 and Cij. If there are more such equations
than the number of terms in c, the system of equations
Hc ¼ N e ð7:35Þ
where e is the residual vector of the matrix equation, assumed to be random with
expectation zero, can be solved by adjustment by elements. The solution becomes:
^c ¼ HT H HT N ð7:36aÞ
where r2 is the variance of unit weight. Now, the solution ^c can be used for surface
mapping at any point P according to the formula
e ðxP ; yP Þ ¼ hTP^c
N ð7:37Þ
where hP is the vector h applied to point P. The prediction variance is then given by:
In this method various types of geometric geoid heights can be included, and if the
quality of the data varies, the least squares procedure should be weighted.
The weakness of the polynomial method is that only very limited upper degrees
nx and ny of the polynomials are possible, unless there is a dense and homogeneous
surface coverage of data. If this is not the case, the surface representation is likely to
oscillate unrealistically in areas not covered by observations. Consequently, the
practical solution usually becomes too smooth to represent a detailed geoid
216 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
mapping. However, this method could be a starting point to represent the geoid
trends in the area in combination with details estimated by the least-squares
interpolation method presented next.
(b) Least-Squares Interpolation.
Let us assume that the possible geoid trends of the region have been determined by the
polynomial method in a). For each geometric geoid observation Ni, the residual dNi is
computed by removing the trend. Then one may assume that dNi is random with
expectation zero. Now, introduce the general residual estimator or predictor at a point P:
e P ¼ aT dN
dN ð7:39Þ
where aTP is an arbitrary vector and dN is the vector of residuals dNi. Let us denote
the true residual represented by d Ne as nP . Then the prediction error is:
e e ¼ aTP dN nP ð7:40Þ
d NP
Differentiating Eq. (7.42) with respect to a and equating it to zero, the least-squares
choice for a is obtained as:
^ P ¼ ^aTP dN ¼ qT Q1 dN
dN ð7:45Þ
with the above prediction variance. This method can thus be used together with the
previous polynomial trend-estimation technique. One weakness of the method is the
representation of the covariance function for q and Q. However, this is not a major
problem for the interpolation.
7.3 Combinations of Gravimetric … 217
^P ¼ 1
2 þ jÞm
D n¼1 ðdPi
D¼ ðdPi
þ jÞm ð7:46bÞ
Here dPi is the distance between the points P and i, and j is an arbitrary, small,
positive smoothing constant. The constant m is a selected power of the weighting.
For j = 0, the method implies pure interpolation. This method, that for m = 3
resembles Poisson‘s integral formula, is very simple, but it does not provide an
estimate of the prediction v.
Before the gravimetric and geometric geoid estimates can be merged, it is essential
to know whether there are significant biases, tilts or any other type of systematic
differences between the two data sets. This question can be answered by the fol-
lowing test.
Let us introduce the difference di ¼ xi yi between a gravimetric geoid height xi
and a geometric geoid height yi. We assume that both data sets are normally
distributed, and that the n number of available differences is uncorrelated with the
mean value d and standard error sd given by the equations
1 X
1 X n
d ¼ di and s2d ¼ 2:
ðdi dÞ ð7:47Þ
n i¼1
nðn 1Þ i¼1
We form the test variable T ¼ d=sd , which is Student (t-) distributed with n−1
degrees of freedom. Hence, if T\ta2 ðn 1Þ, where t is obtained from a statistical t-
table at the chosen risk level a (e.g. 5%), then it is concluded that the null
hypothesis (H0: there is no bias between the data sets xi and yi) is accepted,
otherwise H0 is rejected.
If H0 is rejected, one may possibly estimate the long-wavelength discrepancy
between the two data sets by linear regression. For example, geoid heights deter-
mined by satellite positioning and levelling may be contaminated by systematic
218 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
errors of both the satellite system and the levelling system, but also the gravimetric
geoid heights may be biased and tilted. A standard four-parameter model to account
for bias and tilts between two such systems (or, more precisely for different zero-
and first-degree harmonic terms) is:
where DNi is the gravimetric geoid height minus the geometric geoid height at point
number i, and the coefficients a, b, c and d are the transformation parameters which can
be determined together with their standard errors in a least squares adjustment from
the data set DNi ; i = 1, 2, …, n. Only a transformation model with all parameters being
significantly different from zero should be used in the final transformation model
derived from Eq. (7.48a). For a local region the simple three-parameter model
may be more suitable. Here, ðu0 ; k0 Þ is the pair of latitude and longitude of a
selected central point of the region, and R is the mean Earth radius of the region.
More generally, we can write the linear transformation as:
DNi ei ¼ aT x; ð7:48cÞ
where the vector a contains the known transformation functions and x consists of
the transformation parameters. For instance, in the case of five- and
seven-parameter transformations, frequently:
aT x ¼ x1 þ ðcos u cos kÞx2 þ ðcos u sin kÞx3 þ ðsin uÞx4 þ ðsin2 uÞx5 ð7:48dÞ
sin u cos u sin k
aT x ¼ ðcos u cos kÞx1 þ ðcos u sin kÞx2 þ ðsin uÞx3 þ x4
2 ;
sin u cos u cos k 1 f 2 sin2 u sin u
þ x5 þ x6 þ x7
respectively, where W ¼ 1 e2 sin2 u and f is the flattening of the reference
ellipsoid. In general, the error component ei can vary from point to point, which effect
can beconsidered by using appropriate weights in the least-squares adjustment.
The choice of transformation model can be judged from various tests, where the
significance test of the parameters is one, and “the coefficient of determination” is
another. The first test compares each set of normed least-squares estimated
parameters ð^xi =s^xi Þ against the Student’s t- (or tao-) distribution table to test whether
the estimated xi is significant. The second test uses the coefficient of determination
7.3 Combinations of Gravimetric … 219
respectively, where yi and Y are an individual observation (in the present case equal
to DNi ) and its mean value for the set of observations, respectively, and ^yi is the
adjusted observation. A general expression for R-squared is:
R2 ¼ 1 ; ð7:49bÞ
Equations (7.49b) and (7.49c) relate to the unexplained and explained fractions of
the total variance, respectively. Another definition of R2 is “the adjusted coefficient
of determination”, given by:
k 1
R2r ¼ 1 1 R2 ; ð7:49dÞ
^ P ¼ px xP þ py yP where pk ¼ s2
N k with k ¼ x; y: ð7:50Þ
px þ py
geodetic height h to the orthometric or normal height. This problem (GNSS lev-
elling) is treated in the next section.
7.4.1 Introduction
The level surface of the Earth’s gravity field defined by the undisturbed sea level is
the Gauss—Listing definition of the geoid (Gauss 1828; Listing 1873). Choosing
the geoid as the global vertical datum (GVD) implies that the datum is defined by
the potential (W0 ) of this particular level surface of the Earth’s gravity field.
Frequently, the normal potential U1 at the selected reference ellipsoid, e.g.
Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80), is defined to be equal to that of the
geoid, which is not well known. Then the problem is that U1 will not be precise
enough for today’s need for defining W0 , as the data has considerably improved and
mean sea level has been increasing by the order of 1.7 mm/year on average during
the 1900s and accelerating to more than 3 mm/year today (e.g. Nicholls and
Cazenave 2010). That is, although U1 may be kept fixed to that of the GRS80
reference system, the geopotential at the geoid (W0 ) frequently needs a realization
that better agrees with the Gauss–Listing definition.
The advent of satellite altimetry in the 1970s provided a tool for the realization
of a GVD as being the equipotential surface of the Earth’s gravity field that
7.4 The Determination of W0 221
minimizes the sea-surface topography (SST) over all the oceans in a least-squares
sense (Mather 1978). This leads to Approach I as treated in the next section, which
implies a direct integration of satellite altimetry derived from sea-surface topog-
raphy (SST; frequently also denoted Dynamic Ocean Topography) combined with
the potential of an Earth gravitational model (EGM) over all the oceans. In contrast,
Approach II consists of using the same data to first determine the size of the axes of
the globally best-fitting ellipsoid to the geoid surface (called the Mean Earth
Ellipsoid; MEE; Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, p. 214), followed by determining W0
from the result. A major problem with Approach II is that satellite altimetry is only
successful over the oceans, while the method requires global data. Sanchez (2012)
reviews the development in the field with many references. Next we follow the
presentation of Sjöberg (2013a).
In Sect. 7.4.2, Approach I is reviewed and a short discussion is provided on
some of the problems; and in Sect. 7.4.3, Approach II is presented under the
consideration that the zero-degree harmonic for the EGM derived geoid model is
either known or unknown. This implies also that, while the above approaches
assume that both the geocentric gravitational constant and the Earth’s mean daily
angular velocity are known (fixed), we will assume at the end that the former
constant is only approximately known.
By satellite positioning, the geodetic height h of the Earth surface above the ref-
erence ellipsoid can be determined. Assuming also that the orthometric height (H) is
known, the geometric determination of the geoid height becomes:
N h ¼ h H: ð7:51Þ
For land areas, this technique for geoid-height determination is usually called
GNSS/levelling, where h is determined by GNSS technology and H is the ortho-
metric height determined by levelling and gravity. At sea, h is the geodetic height of
mean sea level determined from satellite altimetry, while H is the SST, which
practically is either ignored, derived by some oceanographic method or estimated
from satellite altimetry and a preliminary geoid model. Importantly, for land
applications, Eq. (7.51) suffers from inherited systematic errors, primarily biases, in
the levelling networks, which make the formula less useful (or even useless) for
solving the GVD problem (but useful for transformations from the GVD to local
height systems; e.g. Sjöberg 2011). For ocean areas, Eq. (7.51) is most important
222 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
despite the fact that the SST is frequently unknown and simply neglected. This is
because, except for the long-wavelength gravity-field features as determined by
satellite data, there is very sparse gravity-related data available from other sources
at sea.
As an alternative, the geoid height can also be estimated gravimetrically from an
EGM, such as EGM2008 (Pavlis et al. 2012). Neglecting the atmosphere, the
Earth’s gravity potential outside the topographic masses can be represented as an
external type series of spherical harmonics:
" n þ 1 #
nmax Xn
e ðr; h; kÞ ¼
1þ Anm Ynm ðh; kÞ þ Uðr; h; kÞ; ð7:52Þ
r n¼2 m¼n
where ðr; h; kÞ are the geocentric radius, co-latitude and longitude of the compu-
tational point, GM1 is an adopted value for the geocentric gravitational constant, U
is Earth’s rotational potential, each spectral potential component Anm is determined
from a global set of gravity related data by harmonic analysis up to the chosen
degree and order nmax at the reference radius R and Ynm ðh; kÞ is the surface spherical
harmonic of degree n and order m. One notices that there are no first-degree terms
in Eq. (7.52), which implies that the origin of the coordinate system is selected at
the Earth’s gravity centre. In a similar way, a normal gravity-field potential can also
be expressed as a harmonic series of a gravitational potential plus the rotation
" #
nmax n X
X n
Uðr; h; kÞ ¼ 1þ Bnm Ynm ðh; kÞ þ Uðr; h; kÞ; ð7:53Þ
r n¼2
r m¼n
whose potential is constant (say, U1) on a chosen (level) reference ellipsoid with
mass M1. Then one obtains the following series for the disturbing potential:
1 n X
X 1
e ðr; h; kÞ Uðr; h; kÞ ¼ GM1
Tðr; h; kÞ ¼ W
Cnm Ynm ðh; kÞ; ð7:54Þ
r n¼2
r m¼n
where Cnm ¼ Anm Bnm . In practice, one tries to choose the constant GM1 as the
best available estimate of the geocentric gravitational constant. From now on, the
disturbing potential estimate from the EGM in Eq. (7.54), limited to some maxi-
mum degree, will be denoted by T EGM .
A direct way to estimate the geoid potential ðW0 Þ is to apply Eq. (7.52) at the
radius vector rg of the geoid (e.g. Dayoub et al. 2012):
^g ¼ W
W ^0 ¼ W
^ rg ; h; k ; ð7:55Þ
7.4 The Determination of W0 223
Here, r1 ðhÞ is the geocentric radius vector of the defined reference ellipsoid, and
Nðh; kÞ is the related geoid height (which we frequently will abbreviate with N),
which can be estimated geometrically from satellite altimetry in ocean areas
according to Eq. (7.51).
Alternatively, one may start by applying Bruns’ formula for the normal potential
at the geoid (Ug ; Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, p. 84):
W0 ¼ U1 c1 N þ Tg ; ð7:58Þ
where U1 (= constant) and c1 are the normal potential and gravity on the reference
ellipsoid, respectively. [Actually, c1 ¼ c1 ðhÞ, but we will frequently just use the
short notation. In practice, T EGM ¼ T EGM ðr1 ðhÞ; h; kÞ can be used for representing
the potential Tg , i.e. the approximation error of using r1 ðhÞ for rg is usually neg-
ligible.] From Eq. (7.58), it thus follows that the geoid height above the reference
ellipsoid is given by:
N¼ ; ð7:59Þ
c1 c1
where DW0 ¼ W0 U1 . Equation (7.59) shows that in general the geoid height
N EGM ¼ ; ð7:60Þ
determined by the EGM, lacks the unknown correction DW0 =c1 , which must be
determined from geometric data (e.g. by satellite altimetry at sea; see Sect. 2.2). For
a detailed discussion of the determination of the absolute geoid height from an
EGM, see Smith (1998).
It is important to remember that, on the continents, Tg is the disturbing potential
inside the topographic masses, and its computation therefore needs a correction for
the topography. That is, the harmonic series for the geoid height in Eq. (7.60) needs
a correction for the analytical downward continuation error or topographic bias of
TgEGM (Sjöberg 1977 and 2007; Martinec 1998, Sects. 7.3–7.4; Ågren 2004), which
is −5 cm for the zero-degree harmonic (Sjöberg 2001).
224 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
Equations (7.55) and (7.58) are the bases for the direct determination of the geoid
potential. One estimator of W0 is obtained by averaging W ^ g of Eq. (7.55) over the
oceans. In two other estimates, one may take advantage of the geodetic height
determined by satellite altimetry by Eq. (7.51) and the disturbing potential (deter-
mined by an EGM) at the surface point on the undisturbed sea level (assumed to be
the geoid surface), possibly corrected for SST, yielding the following result for a
first order Taylor expansion (e.g. Sacerdote and Sansό 2004):
(2) Minimized SST (Sacerdote and Sansό 2004)
RR hTPEGM chg i
^ 0 ¼ U1 þ
RR h 1 i ; ð7:63Þ
where subscript P refers to surface point P, and cP is the mean normal gravity
along the normal height at P.
In a similar way, the estimator of Eq. (7.55) can be averaged over the oceans. Discussion
If the integration area in Eq. (7.62) were the whole sphere, the disturbing potential
determined by the EGM would vanish, and the estimator would be U1 minus the
global average of the geometric geoid height (times c). In all other cases, the
solution depends on the EGM, which includes both commission and omission
errors. For instance, when r1 is the area of the oceans, one can expect that the
RMS-geoid error of EGM2008 complete to degree 2159 is about 5–6 cm (Pavlis
et al. 2012), corresponding to an uncertainty in W0 of about 0.5–0.6 (m/s)2, and this
value is in agreement with current accuracy in determining W0 (Sanchez 2012).
7.4 The Determination of W0 225 Introduction
GM x 2 a2
U0 ¼ arcsinðeÞ þ ; ð7:65Þ
ae 3
and this potential is also the best choice for W0 . As will be shown, the geocentric
gravitational constant GM is not part of the adjustment, (but it could be indirectly
estimated from the adjustment results). The general computational procedure is
outlined below.
Similar to Sect. 7.4.2, the first the normal potential U1 of a preliminary reference
ellipsoid with geometric parameters a1 and b1 ¼ a1 1 e21 and geocentric grav-
itational constant GM1 is given:
GM x2 a21
U1 ¼ arcsinðe1 Þ þ ; ð7:66Þ
a1 e 1 3
Where all parameters are chosen. The radius vector of the surface of this ref-
erence ellipsoid is given by:
r1 ðbÞ ¼ a1 1 e21 sin2 b; ð7:67Þ
Earth’s mass), and the axes are such that the global mean square of the geoid height
ðNÞ is a minimum:
N 2 dr ¼ min:ða; eÞ; ð7:68Þ
where r is the unit sphere. The best-known value for GM has a standard error on the
order of 0.8 m3 s2 (Groten 2004), which corresponds to uncertainties in W0 and
the geoid height of 0.1 m2 s2 and 1 cm, respectively. As the present uncertainty in
W0 is about 0.5 m2 s2 (e.g. Sanchez 2012), the fixing of GM to the best-known
value may improve W0 by adjusting just for the ellipsoidal geometry parameters by
the following geometric approach. This implies that, once a and e have been fixed,
U0 (and yielding W0 ¼ U0 ) follows from Eq. (7.65).
However, to be more precise in the approach to follow, it is not the integral in
Eq. (7.68) that is to be minimized, but it is the mean square discrepancy between
the radius vector of the geoid surface estimated by r1 ðbÞ þ N, where r1 ðbÞ is the
radius vector of the reference ellipsoid related to the geoid estimate N, and the
radius vector rE ða; e; bÞ of a general reference ellipsoid that should be optimized.
Hence, mathematically the problem could be expressed as:
J¼ ½r1 ðbÞ þ N rE ða; e; bÞ2 dr ¼ min:ða; eÞ; ð7:69aÞ
rE ðbÞ ¼ a 1 e2 sin2 b: ð7:69bÞ
Once the ellipsoidal parameters a and e of the MEE have been fixed by solving
Eq. (7.69a), the normal potential at the MEE, i.e. U0 of Eq. (7.65), can be com-
puted, provided that GM is (sufficiently well) known, and this value should also be
the estimate for the geopotential value at the geoid, i.e.
W0 ¼ U 0 : ð7:70Þ
However, one problem with this approach is that the present-day uncertainty in
GM contributes to about 20% of the uncertainty in W0 (see Groten 2004). In
addition, the main problem to optimize the target function J is that the absolute
geoid height is not well-known globally, but there are only relative geoid models,
such as those expressed by an EGM. However, as stated above, satellite altimetry
can provide a geometric estimate of the absolute geoid height over the oceans under
the assumption that the SST is known with sufficient accuracy, but such an
incomplete integration area for J in Eq. (7.69a) would only lead to the best-fitting
reference ellipsoid and W0 estimated for the ocean areas. Dayoub et al. (2012)
applied the above technique, and they compared the preliminary geoid surfaces
7.4 The Determination of W0 227
given by EGM2008 and a satellite altimetry model in coastal areas and concluded
that the two surfaces agree well (without specifying the magnitude of the agree-
ment), and they directly filled-in the geoid heights for the land areas by EGM2008
geoid heights. However, the EGM-derived geoid height needs the correction
DW0 =c1 of Eq. (7.59), which must be estimated. If the correction is fixed to a
preliminary value (which apparently was the case in Dayoub 2012), it means that
also W0 ¼ U1 þ DW0 has been (more or less) fixed. However, to avoid fixing W0 to
an a priori value, the problem can be solved by augmenting the target function of
Eq. (7.69a) by the unknown parameter DW0 . This implies that a, e and DW0 are
determined in a combined adjustment.
In the previous section, the target function J was based on the assumptions that the
geocentric gravitational constant is known and agrees with that of the normal
potential U1 , and the estimated geoid surface is continuous and known all over the
Earth. In reality, we have seen that neither of these assumptions is correct. From
satellite altimetry, the geoid height is known only over the oceans, and the EGM-
geoid height lacks the term DW0 =c1 as presented in Eq. (7.59). In the approach that
follows, we are not primarily concerned with the unknown GM, but it is sufficient to
consider the extra unknown x ¼ DW0 ¼ U1 W0 . We will assume that the ref-
erence ellipsoids for N h and N EGM are the same (with geometric parameters a1 and
e1 ), and the radius vector is given by Eq. (7.67). Then the augmented target
function reads:
I1 ða; eÞ ¼ N þ r1 ðbÞ rE ða; e; bÞ dr ð7:71bÞ
I2 ðx; a; eÞ ¼ x=c1 þ N EGM þ r1 ðbÞ rE ða; e; bÞ dr ð7:71cÞ
I3 ðx; a; eÞ ¼ x=c1 þ N EGM þ r1 ðbÞ rE ða; e; bÞ dr: ð7:71dÞ
Here r1 and r2 are those parts of the unit sphere that are covered by ocean and
land, respectively, x ¼ DW0 ¼ U1 W0 (see Eq. (7.59)) and rE ða; e; bÞ, given by
Eq. (7.69b), is the radius vector of the MEE, whose parameters a and e are
228 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
unknowns, and p is a fixed number in the range 0 p 1 that weights the con-
tributions from N h and N EGM over the ocean areas.
If p is set to 0, implying that only EGM data are used, the solution is singular.
This is obvious, as in this case one tries to solve the problem with only relative
geoid heights given by the EGM. Alternatively, if p = 1 (i.e. only the
satellite-altimetry -derived geoid height is employed over the oceans, while the
EGM is utilized only over land), the solution discards the information from the
EGM over the oceans. On the contrary, below we suggest that in the application of
Eqs. (7.71a–7.71d), the choice of p should be based on the a priori variances j21
and j22 of the satellite altimetry and EGM-derived geoid heights, respectively,
yielding p ¼ j22 =ðj21 þ j22 Þ.
The least-squares condition for the unknowns x, a and e, as specified by
Eq. (7.71a), is satisfied by the three equations
@I @I @I
¼ 0; ¼ 0 and 2 ¼ 0; ð7:72Þ
@x @a @e
from which the unknowns can be determined, provided that the equations are
independent.If ^x is the solution for x, and U1 is the a priori value for the ellipsoidal
normal potential, the geoid potential estimate finally follows from:
^ 0 ¼ U1 ^x;
W ð7:73Þ
And, by re-inserting the estimates for W0 ¼ U0 , a and e, into Eq. (7.65), a new
estimate for GM becomes:
^ ¼ ðW
^ 0 ^a2 x2 =3Þ ^a^e ^0 ^ ^e2
GM ðW a2 x2 =3Þ^
a 1 ; ð7:74Þ
arcsinð^eÞ 6
formulation of the problem is given by the target function described in Eqs. (7.71a–
Solution: The solution follows from Eqs. (7.72).
Details and hints on the practical solution to the latter approach are given in
Sjöberg (2013a, b).
7.5.1 Introduction
In this section, our first goal is to downward continue satellite derived gravity
gradients (SGG data) or airborne-gravity disturbances to sea level by spectral
smoothing, and, second, to combine such data, e.g. with terrestrial gravity data and
or with an EGM. The goal is also to estimate the geoid height from such data. The
estimates are determined in an optimum way. The tool to do so is the spectral
combination technique, which method has the following advantages to previous
methods for incorporating SGG or air-gravimetry data in gravity and geoid
230 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
Here the problem of recovering/estimating the gravity disturbance and geoid height
from the second-order radial derivative of the disturbing potential by spectral
smoothing is investigated. The estimators that continue the SGG data down from
space to sea level, called spectral smoothing, are presented both in the spectral
domain as infinite series and, more practically, as integral formulas.
Let us assume that the vertical component of the SGG data, Trr , is available on a
sphere of radius r [ R ¼ sea level radius. (In practice these data are not primarily
homogeneously distributed on a sphere, but some method, like least- squares
prediction/LSC; Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, pp. 268–270, should be used to
arrange the data in this form.) Also assumed known are the signal-degree variances
at sea level of the gravity disturbance (cdg;n ), where index n denotes the spectral
degree. The task is to determine the gravity disturbance at sea level from these data
in an optimum way (e.g. the application of LSC; e.g. Migliaccio et al. 2010; Pail
et al. 2010; Schuh et al. 2010; Bruinsma et al. 2010; Metzler and Pail 2005). Using
the notations Trr;n , dgn and err;n for the (Laplace harmonic) spectra of the observed
second-order radial derivative of the disturbing potential (at level r), the error-free
gravity disturbance (at sea level) and the observation error, respectively, a general
gravity-disturbance estimator at sea level can be expressed in the spectral form by
the series:
d~g ¼ An kn Trr;n ; ð7:75aÞ
7.5 Spectral Smoothing and Combination 231
edg ¼ An kn err;n ð7:75bÞ
and bias
b ¼ Efd~gg dg ¼ ðkn jn 1Þdgn : ð7:75cÞ
where An ¼ R=ðn þ 2Þ and kn are spectral weights, to be selected such that the
expected mean square error of Eq. (7.76) is a minimum. In the last equation, we have
applied the equivalence An E Trr;n ¼ jn dgn , where jn ¼ ðR=rÞn þ 3 , Ef g is the
statistical expectation operator, and we assume that err;n has the expectation zero and
degree variance r2rr;n . Then it follows that the expected global mean-square error of
d~g (being the sum of global averages of variance and bias squared) becomes:
8 9
< 1 ZZ = X 1 h i
m2dg ¼ E e2dg dr ¼ A2n kn2 r2rr;n þ ðkn jn 1Þ2 c2dg;n ð7:76Þ
:4p ; n¼0
where c2dg;n is the single degree variance of the gravity disturbance and the first and
second terms on the right hand-side are the averaged variance and bias squared,
respectively. (Note that all possible degree-correlations are averaged out when
taking the global mean; see Appendix.) By differentiating the mean-square error
with respect to kn and equating it to zero, one obtains the least-squares solution for
the weights:
jn c2dg;n
^kn ¼ ; where Dn ¼ j2n c2dg;n þ A2n r2rr;n ; ð7:77Þ
1 c2dg;n jn
d^g ¼ An Trr;n ; ð7:78aÞ
Trr;n h i1
d^g ¼ fn A n ; fn ¼ 1 þ A2n r2rr;n =ðj2n c2dg;n Þ ; ð7:78bÞ
1 r2rr;n c2dg;n j2n
m2d^g ¼ A2n : ð7:78cÞ
1 j2n c2dg;n X
m2d^g ¼ j2n c2dg;n 1 \ j2n c2dg;n : ð7:78dÞ
Dn n¼0
Equations (7.78c and 7.78d) show that the MSE is always finite and approaches
zero with the gradiometry data error. As the observed satellite gradiometry data are
given in the spatial domain, a more practical form of the estimator is given by the
integral formula:
d^g Hðj; wÞTrr dr; ð7:79aÞ
where the approximation stems from the truncation of the kernel function to a finite
degree n0 when expressing it in a series of Legendre polynomials, Pn ðcos wÞ:
1 2
2n þ 1 cdg;n jn
H ðj; wÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ: ð7:79bÞ
nþ2 Dn
[Readers may convince themselves that Eq. (7.78a) is the spectral form of
Eq. (7.79a) by expressing Trr as a harmonic series, inserting Eq. (7.79b) for
Hðj; wÞ and considering the orthogonality of the harmonics when integrated over
the sphere.]
Alternatively, by substituting the kernel function Hðj; wÞ by:
1 2
ð2n þ 1Þ ðn 1Þ cdg;n jn
K ðj; wÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ; ð7:80Þ
ðn þ 2Þ ðn þ 1Þ Dn
The presented theory can be developed further so that the SGG data are used to
directly estimate the geoid. For this purpose we introduce the geoid height in the
spectral domain ðNn Þ, which is related to the gravity-disturbance spectrum by the
formula (Heiskanen and Moritz 1967; Eqs. 2.153 and 2.144)
1 R
Nn ¼ dgn ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; ð7:83Þ
c0 n þ 1
An ^kn
N Trr;n ; ð7:84aÞ
c0 n¼0 n þ 1
where the spectral weights ^kn were given in Eq. (7.77), and
2n þ 1 c2dg; jn
E ðj; wÞ ¼ n
Pn ðcos wÞ: ð7:84cÞ
ðn þ 1Þðn þ 2Þ D n
^ becomes:
The expected MSE of N
2 X
1 A2 r2 c2 j2
R n rr;n dg; n n
m2N^ ¼ : ð7:85Þ
c0 n¼0 ðn þ 1Þ2 Dn
The spectral combination of SGG data with an EGM will be treated as solutions
with (Sect. and partly without (Sect. the extra information given
by the signal degree variances (cn).
234 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
Consider the general geoid height estimator estimated by the SGG observable Trr;n ,
on the sphere of radius r [ R = sea level radius, and the corresponding observable
provided by an EGM, Tn , applied at sea level:
1X M
~¼ 1
N Bn kn Trr;n þ an Tn ; ð7:86Þ
c0 n¼2 c0 n¼2
where Bn ¼ R=½ðn þ 1Þðn þ 2Þ, kn and an are arbitrary spectral weights, and M is
the maximum degree of the EGM. The first sum in the estimator is the contribution
from the SGG data, and the second sum is the contribution from the EGM.
Introducing the random errors err;n and en for Trr;n and Tn , respectively, the error of
~ follows from Eqs. (7.86) and (7.83):
~ N ¼
eN~ ¼ N
1X M 1 X 1 h i
Bn kn err;n þ an en þ ðjn kn þ an 1ÞTn þ Bn kn Trr;n þ Bn kn err;n Tn
c0 n¼2 c0 n¼M þ 1
Again, as in the Sect., the factor jn stems from converting the observation
signal and error spectra from the observation radius r to computation radius
R. Assuming that err;n and en are uncorrelated with expectations zero and expected
degree variances r2rr;n and dsn , respectively, one obtains the following expected
global MSE of N: ~
M h i 1 X h i
1X 1
m2N~ ¼ 2
B2n kn2 r2rr;n þ a2n ds2n þ ðjn kn þ an 1Þ2 s2n þ 2 B2n kn2 r2rr;n þ ðjn kn 1Þ2 s2n ;
c0 n¼2 c0 n¼M þ 1
where s2n is the signal-degree variance of Tn . Equation (7.87) shows that the general
estimator N~ is biased for all degrees (i.e. for each degree there is a finite contri-
bution to the geoid error even for perfect data). Differentiating Eq. (7.88) with
respect to kn and an , and equating each of these equations to zero, one obtains two
equations for each degree n M:
kn B2n r2rr;n þ j2n s2n þ an jn s2n ¼ jn s2n ð7:89aÞ
kn jn s2n þ an s2n þ ds2n ¼ s2n ; ð7:89bÞ
Fn ¼ j2n s2n ds2n þ B2n r2rr;n s2n þ ds2n : ð7:90bÞ
Hence, Eqs. (7.86), (7.90a), (7.90b) and (7.91) lead to the following least
squares solution for the geoid height:
1X M
^¼ 1
N Bn ^kn Trr;n þ ^
an Tn ; ð7:92Þ
c0 n¼2 c0 n¼2
where j^an j\1, implying a damping of the EGM signal. The MSE becomes:
1X M B2 r2 s2 ds2
n rr;n n n 1 X n0
B2n r2rr;n s2n
m2N^ ¼ þ : ð7:93Þ
c20 n¼2 Fn c20 n¼M þ 1 Fn
For a regional application, Eq. (7.92) can be re-written as the sum of an integral
formula for the SGG data and a harmonic series of the EGM:
2 ZZ X
M B r2 s2
^¼ R
N Fðj; wÞTrr dr þ
n rr;n n
Tn ; ð7:94aÞ
4pc n¼2
2n þ 1
Fðj; wÞ ¼ ^kn Pn ðcos wÞ: ð7:94bÞ
ðn þ 1Þðn þ 2Þ
In practice, we should not expect the degree variances s2n to be known, but they
must be estimated. However, they can be eliminated from the estimator, at least to
236 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
degree M. Also in this case, we start from the general estimator of Eq. (7.86) with
the global mean square error given by Eq. (7.88). By setting
kn jn þ an 1 ¼ 0 for 2 n M; ð7:95Þ
the dependence on s2n will be eliminated for these degrees. The general geoid
estimator and its mean square error thus reads:
1 X 1
~ ¼1
N Bn kn Trr;n þ ð1 kn jn ÞTn þ Bn kn Trr;n ð7:96aÞ
c n¼2 c n¼M þ 1
M h i 1 X h i
1X 2 2
2 2
m2N~ ¼ B 2 2 2
n k n rrr;n þ ð 1 k n jn Þ ds n þ ð k n j n 1 Þ s n þ B2 2 2
n k n r rr;n :
c2 n¼2 c2 n¼M þ 1
Differentiating Eq. (7.96b) with respect to kn and equating to zero leads to the
least squares solution
^kn ¼ jn ds2n
for 2 n M ð7:97aÞ
B2n r2rr;n þ j2n ds2n
^kn ¼ jn s2n
for n [ M: ð7:97bÞ
Bn rrr;n þ j2n s2n
2 2
1X 1
^¼ 1
N Bn ^kn Trr;n þ Bn ð1 jn kn ÞTn ð7:98aÞ
c0 n¼2 c0 n¼0
1X M
B2n r2rr;n ds2n 1 X 1
B2n r2rr;n s2n
m2N^ ¼ þ : ð7:98bÞ
c20 n¼2 B2n r2rr;n þ j2n ds2n c20 n¼M þ 1 B2n r2rr;n þ j2n s2n
Also this geoid height estimator can be written as an integral formula of the SGG
data combined with the harmonic series of the EGM:
7.5 Spectral Smoothing and Combination 237
^¼ R
1X M Bn r2rr;n
N Fðj; wÞTrr dr þ Tn ; ð7:99Þ
4pc c0 n¼2 Bn r2rr;n þ j2n s2n
and the kernel function Fðj; wÞ is formally given by Eq. (7.94b), but now with
parameters ^kn given by Eqs. (7.97a and 7.97b).
We now assume that the terrestrial gravity anomaly and the SGG data (Dg and Trr ,
respectively) have random observation errors with expectations zero and error
degree variances r2n and r2rr;n , and that they are available together with an EGM
complete to degree M. A general geoid height estimator from these data three sets
can be written:
X1 1X M
~¼ 1
N Cn hn Dgn þ Bn kn Trr;n þ an Tn ; ð7:100Þ
c0 n¼2 c0 n¼2
where Bn , Trr;n and Tn are the same symbols as in the previous sections and
Cn ¼ R=ðn 1Þ. Moreover, hn , kn and an are arbitrary spectral weights. Requiring
an unbiased estimator (with no dependence on the signal degree variances for any
degree) yields the conditions
hn þ kn jn þ an 1 ¼ 0 for n M ð7:101aÞ
hn þ kn jn 1 ¼ 0 for n [ M; ð7:101bÞ
M h i
m2N~ ¼ 2
Cn2 h2n r2n þ B2n ðhn þ an 1Þ2 j2 n rrr;n þ an dsn
2 2 2
c n¼2
h i ð7:102Þ
1 X 1
þ 2 Cn2 h2n r2n þ B2n ðhn 1Þ2 j2
n r2
c0 n¼M þ 1
238 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
Differentiating the last equation with respect to hn and an and equating it to zero,
one obtains the following two sets of equations:
(1) for n M:
hn j2n Cn2 r2n þ B2n r2rr;n þ an B2n r2rr;n ¼ B2n r2rr;n ð7:103aÞ
hn B2n r2rr;n þ an B2n r2rr;n þ j2n ds2n ¼ B2n r2rr;n ; ð7:103bÞ
(2) for n [ M:
hn j2n Cn2 r2n þ B2n r2rr;n ¼ B2n r2rr;n : ð7:104Þ
Gn ¼ B2n r2rr;n Cn2 r2n þ j2n Cn2 r2n ds2n þ B2n r2rr;n ds2n ; ð7:105bÞ
B2n r2rr;n 2 2
for n [ M : ^hn ¼ ; ^kn ¼ Cn rn jn and ^
an ¼ 0; ð7:106aÞ
Gn Gn
Using these spectral weights, we arrive at the least squares solution for the geoid
height either from Eq. (7.100) or, partly in the space domain, as:
^¼ R R 1X M
N Sðj; wÞDgdr þ Kðj; wÞTrr dr þ Bn ^
an Tn ; ð7:107aÞ
4pc0 4pc0 c0 n¼2
r r
7.5 Spectral Smoothing and Combination 239
2n þ 1
Sðj; wÞ ¼ ^hn Pn ðcos wÞ: ð7:107bÞ
2n þ 1
Kðj; wÞ ¼ ^kn Pn ðcos wÞ: ð7:107cÞ
ðn þ 1Þðn þ 2Þ
M C 2 r2 B2 r2 ds2
n n n rr;n n
X1 Cn2 r2n B2n r2rr;n
m2N^ ¼ þ : ð7:108Þ
Gn n¼M þ 1
Airborne gravity data can be applied similar to SGG data as discussed above. It has
the advantage over satellite data that the altitude is lower, which results in a stronger
signal and less smoothing needed for the downward continuation to sea level.
The downward continuation and smoothing of the gravity disturbance is given
by Eqs. (7.78a and 7.78b) with the changes that An ¼ 1 and Trr is replaced by the
observation dg at a flight level of radius r. Then the predicted gravity disturbance at
sea level becomes:
1 c2
d^g ¼
dgn ; ð7:109aÞ
and r2n is the error-degree variance of the gravity disturbance, and the expected
MSE can be expressed as:
1 c2 r2 a2
dg;n n n
m2d^g ¼ : ð7:110Þ
240 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
X1 an c2dg;n
N dgn ð7:111aÞ
c0 n¼0 ðn þ 1ÞFn
1X M
~¼ 1
N Kn kn dgn þ an T n ð7:112aÞ
c0 n¼0 c0 n¼0
1X M
1 X 1
eN~ ¼ Kn kn en þ an eTn þ ðkn jn þ an 1ÞTn þ ½Kn kn en þ ðkn jn 1ÞTn :
c0 n¼0 c0 n¼M þ 1
Requiring that the estimator should be unbiased through degree M leads to the
Comparing Eq. (7.112a) with Eq. (7.86), one notices that the only differences
are that the satellite-gradiometry observation is now replaced by the airborne-
gravity disturbance and the factor Bn is replaced by factor Kn , so that the unbiased
least squares estimator of the geoid height now has its equivalence in Eq. (7.114a)
with the mean square error given by Eq. (7.114b):
1X M
^¼ 1
N Kn ^kn Trr;n þ Kn ð1 jn kn ÞTn ð7:114aÞ
c0 n¼2 c0 n¼2
1X M
Kn2 r2n ds2n 1 X
Kn2 r2n s2n
m2N^ ¼ þ 2 : ð7:114bÞ
c0 n¼2 Kn rn þ jn dsn c0 n¼M þ 1 Kn r2n þ j2n s2n
2 2 2 2 2 2
7.5 Spectral Smoothing and Combination 241
Based on the numerical applications described in Sjöberg and Eshagh (2012), the
following conclusions are drawn:
The least-squares solutions derived by spectral combination enable the optimum
determination of the geoid height without prior time-consuming downward con-
tinuation of the satellite-gravity gradiometry (SGG) data. The ill-posed inverse
problem for the downward continuation, usually formulated by an integral equation,
whose solution needs regularization, is here replaced by an integral formula. The
typical amplification of the propagated observation errors when performing the
downward continuation is efficiently smoothed by the least-squares spectral filter
provided in our technique. The theoretical mean-square error of the estimator is
easily computed for a priori analyses or together with the actual estimates after
computations. The kernel functions derived above cannot be written in closed
forms, implying an essential computational burden for each of them. However, for
their practical evaluations, they may be tabulated, and the actual values of each
kernel, to be used in the numerical integrations, can be interpolated from the table.
Numerical studies on the biased and unbiased types of spectral combination of SGG
data and an Earth gravitational model show insignificant difference between the
filtering kernels and their global root-mean-square errors. The contribution of
far-zone data remains small in the integrals. In the combination of SGG data,
EGM08 and terrestrial data, the kernel related to the gravity anomaly is similar to
Stokes’ original kernel, and it approaches zero at a geocentric angle of 3°, while the
kernel involving the SGG data needs a larger coverage of the data; to a geocentric
angle of about 5°.
Finally, a numerical example in Kern et al. (2003), including satellite data,
provides too optimistic results, which disagree with our results, obviously due to a
computational mistake of placing the satellite at sea level.
There are several effects from both special and general relativity applied in satellite
geodesy. Bjerhammar (1975) and (1985) presented a technique to apply
atomic-clock to determine potential differences. See also Vermeer (1983). It is
well-known from general relativity that the time recorded by a clock depends on the
gravitational potential. This means also that the frequencies fP and fQ measured by
242 7 Further Tools in Physical Geodesy
two clocks at points P and Q are related to the geopotentials at the two points by the
simple formula:
f Df f Df GM
eW ¼ 2WP 2
2 2 ; ð7:116bÞ
fQ f Q rP
f Df Df
WP WQ c2 c2 ; ð7:117Þ
fQ2 f
which can be used to directly determine the geopotential difference between two
points on the Earth’s surface or in space. To determine the potential difference
corresponding to heights of the order of 1 cm, the atomic-clock frequency must be
accurate to 10−18 s−1, and this goal is now (2016) realistic in the very near future.
Consider that the above technique is used in a regional or global network to
determine geopotential numbers of the network. If the geometric heights are also
determined, e.g. by VLBI or GNSS, the normal heights can be fixed by Eq. (3.94a–
3.94c), and the difference between geodetic heights and normal heights are the
quasigeoid heights. Finally, geoid heights and orthometric heights can be estimated
by the formulas given in Sect. 7.2. See also Chap. 9.
Let the n-th degree radial component observation error be represented by the har-
monic series
err;n ¼ enm Ynm ; ð7:118Þ
7.6 Applications of Atomic Clocks … 243
where Ynm ¼ Ynm ðh; kÞ. Here ðh; kÞ are the co-latitude and longitude of the spherical
harmonic Ynm . Taking the global average of two degree errors err;n and err;p with
n 6¼ p, it follows from the orthogonality of the spherical harmonics when integrated
over the sphere that:
qnp ¼ err;n err;p dr ¼ 0: ð7:119Þ
Hence, the degree-correlations, given by E qnp , also vanish.
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Chapter 8
Gravity Inversion
8.1 Introduction
The interior structure of the Earth is roughly layered in spherical shells. These
layers can be defined by either their chemical or their rheological properties.
Scientific understanding of the internal structure of the Earth is based on obser-
vations of topography and bathymetry, observations of rock in outcrop, samples
brought to the surface from greater depths by volcanic activity, analysis of the
seismic waves that pass through the Earth, measurements of the gravitational and
magnetic fields of the Earth using terrestrial and satellite based sensors and
experiments with crystalline solids at pressures and temperatures characteristics of
the Earth’s deep interior.
The structure of Earth can be defined in different ways, e.g. by well-known prop-
erties such as rheology or based on chemical properties. The Earth contains three
main compositional layers (Skinner and Porter 1995):
• The densest of the three layers, which is located in the centre, is the inner core,
largely composed of solid iron.
• Outside the inner core is the liquid outer core.
• The thick shell with rocky material that surrounds the core is called the mantle.
It is less dense than the inner core but denser than the outermost layers.
• Outside the mantle lies the thinnest part of the Earth, the crust, which consists of
solid rocky material that is less dense than the mantle.
The different layers have different thicknesses, volumes and densities, and the
densities vary both laterally and with depth (see Fig. 8.1). The volumes are very
disparate, and especially the volume of the mantle is very large in contrast to those
of the others: crust 2%, mantle 80%, outer core 17%, and inner core 1% of the
Earth’s volume (Bott 1971, p. 10). The Earth’s crust, composed of a variably solid
material, is its hard outer shell which overlies the mantle. Compared to other layers,
it is much thinner and floats upon the softer mantle. The crust can be divided into
two main parts: oceanic and continental crust. The oceanic crust is about 6–12 km
thick, consisting mainly of heavy rocks, like basalt with an average density of
3 g/cm3, which is close to the upper mantle density. The continental crust can be
divided into six big plates: Eurasia (Europe and Asia together), Africa, North
America, South America, Antarctica and Australia. The crust is thicker below the
continents, with an average of about 36 km and with a maximum of 80 km in Tibet.
One question that can be asked here is how we know about the properties and
composition of the various layers. A likely answer can be found in Skinner and
Porter (1995), and it is by the indirect measurements that are used today. One way
to determine the composition is to measure how the density of rock changes with
depth. It can be measured by the speed that earthquake waves pass through the
8.1 Introduction 249
Fig. 8.1 A cross-sectional view of Earth showing Earth’s layers classified by chemical
composition along the left side of the diagram. For comparison, Earth’s layers classified by
physical properties are shown along the right side of the diagram
Earth’s layers. The denser the rock, the faster propagates the waves. Due to sudden
increases in velocity at various depths, one can infer that the solid Earth does not
have a uniform composition, but must instead consists of layers with different
The Earth’s layers can also be divided by their physical properties (such as rock
strength and solid-versus-liquid condition), which roughly change with depth in the
Earth’s interior. It is evident that the changes in physical properties in the Earth’s
layers are controlled rather by temperature and pressure than by composition. The
major layers where physical properties change are (Skinner and Porter 1995):
• between the inner and outer core.
• the mesosphere, which is a solid region of high temperature in the mantle that
extends from the core-mantle boundary (at the depth of *2900 km) to a depth
of about 350 km. The physical properties of this layer are characterized by its
high temperature and pressure. It is important to mention that, when a solid is
250 8 Gravity Inversion
Fig. 8.3 Global map of the surface-density-distribution representation of Earth’s mass distribu-
tion computed by Eq. (8.5b). Unit: kg/m2
global geoid map (see Fig. 1.5) can explain the mass deficiencies and surpluses.
Where a mass deficiency exists, the geoid surface will dip below the ellipsoid.
Conversely, where there is a mass surplus, the geoid surface will rise above the
ellipsoid. These influences cause the geoid surface to deviate from the normal
ellipsoid within approximately ±100 m. The largest presently known undulations
are the minimum in the Indian Ocean centred at 2° N and 80° E of −106.6 m and
the maximum north of Australia of +87.6 m (according to the EGM2008 geoid
model). These undulations are related to density distributions in the lower layers of
the Earth. For example, the minimum geoid undulation (Fig. 1.5) is observed south
of India in the Indian Ocean. Using spectral analysis, one finds large-wavelength
sources at up to 1300 km of depth. This shows that there is a regional gravity
anomaly with a negative density contrast at the level of 1300 km, where a sharp
change in the gradient of the seismic velocities occurs. There is a low-viscosity
zone below the transition zone in mantle discontinuity that may correspond to
low-density rocks containing subducted rocks (Mishra and Ravi 2012). In contrast,
the large negative-mass anomalies in West Antarctica and NE Canada are caused by
mass deficiencies due to former ice sheets.
Consider an EGM applied to the disturbing potential and the gravity anomaly,
respectively (Sect. 3.2.4):
252 8 Gravity Inversion
1 n þ 1 X 1 n þ 1
GM X R n X R
TP ¼ Cnm Ynm ðPÞ ¼ Tn ðPÞ ð8:1Þ
R n¼0 rP m¼n n¼0
r P
1 n þ 2 1 n þ 2
GM X R X n X R
DgP ¼ 2 ð n 1Þ Cnm Ynm ðPÞ ¼ Dgn ðPÞ;
R n¼0 rP m¼n n¼0
r P
4p 3
M¼ R
q ð8:2bÞ
is the mass of the Earth with q being the Earth’s mean density.
To get a general picture of the lateral distribution of mass anomalies in the Earth,
one may also represent the disturbing potential as a surface layer with density j (in
the unit of mass/surface element), yielding the surface integral on the sphere of
radius R for rP ¼ R
TP ¼ GR2 dr ð8:3Þ
1 X n
TP ¼ GR jnm Ynm ðPÞ ð8:4Þ
2n þ 1 m¼n
and, comparing the harmonic coefficients in Eqs. (8.1) for rP ¼ R and (8.4), one
M qR
jnm ¼ ð2n þ 1Þ Cnm ¼ ð2n þ 1ÞCnm ; ð8:5aÞ
R2 3
MX 1 X n
qR X
4p 1 X n
jðPÞ ¼ ð 2n þ 1 Þ C nm Y nm ðPÞ ¼ ð 2n þ 1 Þ Cnm Ynm ðPÞ:
R2 n¼0 m¼n
3 n¼0 m¼n
In practice the series is always limited to a finite degree. This surface layer is a
fictitious representation of the mass variations in the Earth. In reality, the rela-
tionship between the mass density and the EGM is more complicated as the
8.2 Basic Formulas in Inversion of Satellite … 253
surface-mass load causes a deformation of the whole Earth body, which in turn
changes the gravity field. The resulting relationship between the surface-mass
density and the harmonic coefficients can therefore be expressed (e.g. Wahr et al.
1998) as:
MX 1
ð2n þ 1Þ Xn
qR X
4p 1
ð2n þ 1Þ Xn
jðPÞ ¼ C nm Y nm ðPÞ ¼ Cnm Ynm ðPÞ;
R2 n¼0 1 þ kn m¼n 3 n¼0 1 þ kn m¼n
where kn , the so-called load Love numbers, can be modelled based on some Earth
model. (See, e.g. Farrell 1972; Sun and Sjöberg 1999). Equation (8.5c) is important
in estimating a real surface load from an EGM or the temporal change of the former
by a sequence in time of the latter. Also, assuming that the surface density is caused
by a thin mass layer of density qw and thickness hw , its thickness can be estimated
by hw ¼ j=qw , and a similar formula holds also for temporal changes of masses
(Sect. 8.7.1).
Next we assume that a residual part dT of the disturbing potential is generated by
a density contrast Dq between the constant depth D0 and D0 þ dD, where dD may
vary. Assuming that the density contrast may change only laterally, dT will be
given by the Newton integral
r 2 dr
dTP ¼ G Dq dr; ð8:6Þ
r R0dD
where R is mean sea level radius and R0 ¼ R D0 or, in the spectral domain, after
integration with respect to r:
n þ 1 n þ 3 ZZ " n þ 3 #
1 R R 0 Dq dD
dTP ¼ GR2 1 1 Pn ðcos wÞdr;
n þ 3 rP R nþ3 R0
which can be rewritten after using the addition theorem for spherical harmonics of
Eq. (2.49) to:
1 n þ 1 n þ 3 Xn
1 R R0
dTP ¼ GR 2
Ynm ðPÞ
ð2n þ 1Þðn þ 3Þ rP R m¼n
ZZ " #
dD n þ 3
Dq 1 1 Ynm dr: ð8:7bÞ
254 8 Gravity Inversion
Assuming that the deviation of dD is small versus D0 , one may expand the last
bracket by a Taylor series
" #
1 dD n þ 3 dD n þ 2 dD 2 ðn þ 2Þðn þ 1Þ dD 3
1 1 ¼ þ þ
nþ3 R0 R0 2 R0 6 R0
and, by inserting the series into Eq. (8.7b) and carrying out the integration one
n þ 1 n þ 3
4pGR2 X1
1 R R0
dTP ¼
R0 n¼0 2n þ 1 rP R
X n
nþ2 2 ðn þ 2Þðn þ 1Þ 3
ðdDDqÞnm dD Dq nm þ dD Dq nm Ynm ðPÞ;
2R0 6R20
where ðdDDqÞnm are the spherical harmonic coefficient of dD times Dq. Comparing
the spectrum of this series with that of dT represented by Eq. (8.1),
1 n þ 1 X 1 n þ 1
GM X R n X R
dTP ¼ dCnm Ynm ðPÞ ¼ dTn ðPÞ; ð8:9Þ
R n¼0 rP m¼n n¼0
r P
where dTn is the n-th Laplace harmonic of dT, and neglecting higher-order terms in
the right member of Eq. (8.8), one obtains a first-order solution by:
n þ 2
1 X 1
dDDq ¼ ð2n þ 1Þ dTn ðPÞ: ð8:10aÞ
4pGR n¼0 R0
or, upon considering Eq. (8.2b) and the last part of Eq. (8.9):
1 1 X
X n
dDDq ¼ an ðPÞ ¼ anm Ynm ðPÞ
n¼0 m¼n
n þ 2 X
q 1
R n
¼ ð2n þ 1Þ dCnm Ynm ðPÞ: ð8:10bÞ
3 n¼0 R0 m¼n
There is no way to determine both the geometry ðdDÞ and density ðDqÞ of a
geological feature from gravity data alone. However, if Dq is known (not necessarily
laterally constant), the depth variation dD can thus be estimated to first order by:
1 X
dD ¼ an ; ð8:11aÞ
Dq n¼0
Note that in (8.13) the factor 1 D0 =R increases with degree n, which makes the
solution sensitive to errors in the data (dT) for higher degrees. This property is
typical in solving inverse problems, and similar problems occur in all solutions with
downward continuation as above. This negative effect can be diminished by some
kind of smoothing or regularization (see Sect. 2.8) of the solution. Another
smoothing operation is to remove short-wavelength signals and errors in the data.
For example, smoothing is obtained by removing the effects of the atmosphere and
topography prior to dwc (i.e. applying the DITE) and restoring the effects after
downward continuation (PITE).
If the density contrast Dq is known, one may improve the solution of dD by
rewriting the integral in Eq. (8.6) as two integrals:
r 2 dr r 2 dr
dTP ¼ G Dq dr G Dq dr ¼ DTP DT0P ; ð8:14Þ
lP lP
r RD r R0
256 8 Gravity Inversion
where the second integral is a known potential that can be explicitly expressed as:
Rn þ 3 Rn0 þ 3
DT0P ¼ 4pG Dqn ðPÞ ; ð8:15Þ
n¼0 ð2n þ 1Þðn þ 3ÞrPn þ 1
1 n þ 1
1 R
dTP ¼ 4pGR
2n þ 1 r P
X n
nþ2 2 ðn þ 2Þðn þ 1Þ 3
ðDDqÞnm D Dq nm þ D Dq nm
Ynm ðPÞ DT0P :
2R 6R2
Equation (8.17) is valid for any point on the sphere. Hence, by comparing the
spectral terms of Eqs. (8.9) and (8.17), one may identify each harmonic as an
equation, and, by rearranging terms and summing up, one obtains for rP ¼ R:
1 X n þ 2 2 ðn þ 2Þðn þ 1Þ 3
D P ¼ bP þ D Dq n D Dq n þ ; ð8:18aÞ
DqP n¼0 2R 6R2
q X
R 1 X n
bP ¼ ð2n þ 1Þ dCnm Ynm ðPÞ þ ; ð8:18bÞ
3DqP n¼0 m¼n
q X
R 1 X n
D2 D3
bP ¼ ð2n þ 1Þ dCnm Ynm ðPÞ þ D0 0 þ 02 : ð8:19bÞ
3Dq n¼0 m¼n
R 3R
Once the anomalies of mass per unit area on the unit sphere ðdDDqÞ have been
determined, the total mass anomaly ðdM Þ can be estimated by the integral
1 ð1 dD=R0 Þ3
dM ¼ Dq r drdr ¼
R20 Dq dr; ð8:20Þ
r R0 dD r
where the surface integral can be limited to a region bounding the mass anomaly.
For regional studies, spatial solutions can be more attractive than spectral solutions,
and more so the more local the phenomenon is and/or the higher the requested
resolution is. In this case, by assuming that the density contrast is constant,
Eq. (8.14) and its radial derivatives can be written on the compact forms
0 1 0 1
ZZ F ðrP ; w; DÞ dT ðPÞ þ DT0P
RG Dq@ F 0 ðrP ; w; DÞ Adr ¼ @ dT 0 ðPÞ þ DT0P
0 A
00 00 00
r F ðrP ; w; DÞ dT ðPÞ þ DT0P
r2 r þ 3rP t
F ðrP ; w; DÞ ¼ dr ¼ lP þ P2 ðtÞ ln W ð8:22aÞ
lP 2 r¼RD
1 ðrP rtÞ r rt tlP
F 0 ðrP ; w; DÞ ¼ 3tlP þ ðr þ 3rP tÞ þ 2P2 ðtÞr2P þ 2rP P2 ðtÞ ln W ;
2 lP WlP r¼RD
dF 0 ðÞ
F 00 ðrP ; w; DÞ ¼ : ð8:22cÞ
Equations (8.21) are Fredholm integral equations of the first kind, typical in
improperly-posed problems of gravity inversion. If the unknown is the density
contrast, the equations are linear, and, if the depth variation ðdDÞ is sought, the
equations are non-linear integral equations. The equations are somewhat stabilized
by assuming that all atmospheric and topographic effects are removed (which cor-
respond to Bouguer types of data), and the data are preferably downward continued
to mean sea level (implying rP ¼ R). Although the integrals are strictly global, the
258 8 Gravity Inversion
kernel functions taper off with geocentric radius ðwÞ, which justifies truncation of the
integrals at some cap size. This is particularly the case for Eq. (8.22c).
If the density contrast distribution Dq is known, one obtains:
1 n þ 1 " n þ 3 #
Dqn ðPÞ R D0
DT0P ¼ 4pGR 2
1 ð8:23aÞ
ð2n þ 1Þðn þ 3Þ rP R
" n þ 3 #
ðn þ 1ÞDqn ðPÞ R n þ 2 D0
DT0P ¼ 4pGR 1 ð8:23bÞ
ð 2n þ 1 Þð n þ 3 Þ r P R
" n þ 3 #
ðn þ 1Þðn þ 2ÞDqn ðPÞ R n þ 3 D0
DT0P ¼ 4pG 1 : ð8:23cÞ
ð2n þ 1Þðn þ 3Þ rP R
0 1 " 0 1
DT 3 # r 1
1 @ 0P 0 A 4p D 0
@ r 2 A
DT0P ¼ R 1 1
P ð8:25Þ
k 00 3 R
DT0P 2rP3
The structure of the Earth’s interior is rather well-known from seismology. In this
section, some formulas for estimating some simple (spherical) structures in the
Earth are presented. These can be expanded to other forms of structures, e.g. by
formulas presented by Dobrin (1976) for geophysical prospecting.
Assume that a spherical body of mass anomaly dM is located at depth D below
sea level. Also consider that gravity (disturbance, disturbing potential and/or radial
derivative of gravity disturbance) are observed at height H 0 above sea level.
Then it holds that:
and these equations one can estimate the mass anomaly of the spherical structure as:
ðdT Þ2
dM ¼ ð8:27aÞ
dM ¼ ð8:27bÞ
Gðdgr Þ2
D¼ H ð8:28aÞ
D¼ 2dT=dgr H ð8:28bÞ
The above simple formulas for estimating the depths of large mass anomalies
frequently do not provide reasonable results mainly because the highs and lows of
the geoid and gravity do not agree in their positions, and gravity gradients are much
too local to be of interest in this context. For example, extreme gravity anomalies of
the order of ± 400 mGal, occur along island arc and trench combinations in narrow
pairs of bands of local mass surplus and deficiencies caused by volcanism and plate
subduction, while integration of such a rough gravity anomaly field by Stokes’
formula contributes/averages to nearly zero in the geoid undulation. These facts
show that gravity alone cannot solve both the shape, magnitude and location of a
density contrast in the Earth’s interior, but other data, e.g. from seismic tomogra-
phy, is needed to solve the general problem. Nevertheless, the longest wavelengths
of the gravity potential field of spherical harmonic degrees n = 2 and 3 can be
expected to be related with the mass anomalies of the core/mantle boundary at the
depth of 2900 km, while wavelengths of degrees 4 n 10, having much less
power, are likely caused by mantle convection and plate tectonics in the lower and
medium mantle, and for n > 10 the origin is mainly in the upper mantle and the
crust. For more information, see Bowin (1994) and its references.
Table 8.1 shows an overview of the Earth’s mass structures with each layer’s
contribution to the total mass of the Earth (5.97 1024 kg). For example the
mantle extends from the base of the crust to a depth of about 2900 km. Except for
the asthenosphere, the mantle is solid (Fig. 8.1), and its density, increasing with
260 8 Gravity Inversion
Table 8.1 Earth’s layers parameters (depth and mass, Anderson 1989)
Earth’s layer Depth [km] Fraction of total Earth mass
Continental crust 0–80 0.004
Oceanic crust 0–13 0.001
Upper mantle 23–400 0.103
Transition zone 400–650 0.075
Lower Mantle 650–2900 0.492
Outer core 2900–5200 0.308
Fig. 8.4 Major global geoid undulations due to mantle-mass heterogeneities (using harmonic
window 5 n 70). Unit: metre
depth, ranges from 3.3 g/cm3 (in the upper mantle) to about 6 g/cm3 (in the lower
mantle). The total mantle mass is 4 1024 kg, and its volume is 9.199 1020 m3.
Applying Bruns’ formula in Eq. (8.26a), the major global geoid disturbances
due (only) to mantle mass are approximated in Fig. 8.4.
The figure shows that the contribution of the mantle mass is very significant to
the geoid height. Large-scale disturbances are generated in the mantle (and also
very deep and below the mantle for the longest wavelengths not shown in the
figure), and small disturbances are due to mass variations in the Earth’s crust.
Swieczak et al. (2009) studied the geoid undulations and suggested that the cau-
sative sources for geoid anomalies are primarily located in the mantle. In fact,
compensation of lithospheric loads related to large-wavelength anomalies occur in
the mantle. The mantle mass is about 68.4% of the Earth’s mass and 49.5% of the
Earth’s volume. The positions of the global extremes of geoid undulations in the
Indian Ocean and NE of Australia are shown in Fig. 8.4, but here their magnitudes
are less than those shown in the absolute geoid map of Fig. 1.5. This type of map
can be used in studying mass anomalies in the solid Earth, e.g. for prospecting
mineral deposits and determining the structure of the Earth.
8.3 Bouguer, No-Topography and Isostatic Gravity … 261
where point Q is located at normal height along the normal to the reference ellipsoid
through P. (Note that this is the common definition among geodesists, while the
geophysical definition may vary.) For more information, see, e.g. Sjöberg et al.
Traditionally, gravity observations are reduced to free-air and Bouguer gravity
anomalies using standard methods as discussed in Chap. 3. Traditionally, the
Bouguer and isostatic gravity anomalies play the role of being the primary
observables for gravity inversion of the Earth’s interior and below-crust density
structures. This is because the refined Bouguer anomaly is assumed to remove the
gravity signal of the topography and crust, making the remaining gravity signal
transparent to density features below the crust. However, as already emphasized in
Sect. 4.2, the topographic reduction of the Bouguer anomaly is not complete, but it
needs also the secondary indirect topographic effect (SITE) to be totally reduced for
the topographic signal, leading to the so-called no-topography gravity anomaly.
Usually it is assumed that the secondary indirect effect is small compared to the
direct topographic effect. At least, that is the common experience in geoid deter-
mination. However, this effect may contribute most significantly, in particular, to
long-wavelength topographic features in gravity inversion, which is the emphasis
here. In the same way, the isostatic gravity anomaly yields an incomplete reduction
262 8 Gravity Inversion
for the topography as well as for the isostatic compensation, properties that are
achieved only for the refined isostatic gravity anomaly. This implies that the Vening
Meinesz’ isostatic equilibrium condition of a vanishing isostatic gravity anomaly
holds only for the refined isostatic anomaly.
As in Chap. 3, we let V T and its (negative) radial derivative (AT ) define the
topographic potential and attraction, respectively, furthermore let Vc and Ac define
the isostatic compensation potential and attraction, respectively. Then the tradi-
tional Bouguer gravity anomaly and gravity disturbance are given by Heiskanen
and Moritz (1967, Sect. 3.3)
DgB ¼ Dg AT ð8:30aÞ
dgB ¼ dg AT ; ð8:30bÞ
where Dg and dg are the gravity anomaly and gravity disturbance, respectively, and
AT is the direct effect on gravity. Accordingly, the traditional isostatic gravity
anomaly and gravity disturbance follow from:
Here the total topographic signal is removed only for the Bouguer gravity dis-
turbance, and part of it remains in the Bouguer anomaly. Therefore, for different
applications of gravity inversion, there is a need for a new gravity anomaly. As seen
in Eqs. (8.30a, 8.31b), the Bouguer gravity anomaly and disturbance experience the
same topographic effects. Similarly, the traditional isostatic gravity anomaly and
disturbance have the same topographic and compensation effects (see Eqs. 8.31a,
8.31b). However, from the fundamental equation of physical geodesy, Eq. (3.23a),
we learn that:
@c T T
Dg ¼ dg þ dg 2 ð8:32Þ
@h c r
@c V T VT
DgT ¼ AT þ AT þ 2 ; ð8:34Þ
@h c r
i.e. the DITE of the gravity anomaly, which differs from that of the gravity dis-
turbance (AT ) by the term 2V T =r and which is the secondarily indirect topo-
graphic effect (SITE). In other words, the Bouguer gravity anomaly, as defined by
Eq. (8.30a), contains a remaining topographic contribution that is only removed by
applying the SITE, while the no-topography gravity anomaly
is consistent with the Bouguer gravity disturbance, dgB , with no remnant attraction
from the topography.
Similarly, the traditional isostatic gravity anomaly, as just cited, does not fully
compensate for a topographic attraction, but it also needs to be corrected in accord
with Eq. (8.34) to become the refined isostatic gravity anomaly (Sjöberg 2013)
@c VC VC
DgI;refined ¼ Dgnt þ AC þ Dgnt þ AC 2 ; ð8:36Þ
@h c r
where the term 2VC =r is a remnant isostatic compensation. Only by adding this
term does the isostatic gravity anomaly become consistent with the isostatic gravity
The detailed formulas for computing the topographic potentials and attractions
of the spherical cylinder (Sjöberg 2007) and its isostatic compensation by
Airy-Heiskanen’s compensation model (see Sect. 8.4) are presented below.
Figure 8.5 shows a topographic model in the form of a spherical cylinder.
Considering this figure, the topographic potential V T at any point P of radius rP
along its axis is given by:
where l ¼ Gq, lP0 ¼ rP2 þ r 2 2rP r cos w0 . Equation (8.38a) can be integrated
2pl r 2 R2 rs3 R3
V T ðPÞ ¼ IðrP ; R; rS Þ rP s þ if rP rs ; ð8:38bÞ
rP 2 3
264 8 Gravity Inversion
I ðrP ; R; rS Þ ¼ lP0 rdr
3 nr r t ð8:38cÞ
l P 0 r2
¼ P0 þ rP t0 lP0 þ P
3 2 2
1 t0 ln 2ðr rP t0 þ lP0 Þ r¼R
where t0 ¼ cos w0 .
Generally, the topographic gravity anomaly and gravity disturbance effects
(corrections for removal of topographic signal) become (Eq. 5.4):
DgT ¼ dgT þ 2 and dgT ¼ AT ¼ : ð8:39Þ
rP @rP
J1 ðrP ; R; rS Þ ¼ rP dr ¼ lP0 þ rP t0 ln2r 2rP t0 þ 2lp0 r¼RS ð8:41bÞ
J2 ðrP ; R; rS Þ ¼ t0 dr
R r¼rS
r þ 3rP t0 3r 2 t2 rP2
¼ lP0 þ P 0 lnj2rP t0 þ 2r 2lP0 j ð8:41cÞ
2 2 r¼R
Zw0 Z
r 2 dr sin wdw
VC ðPÞ ¼ 2pGDq ð8:42aÞ
0 RðD þ tL Þ
AC ¼
¼ ðIðrP ; R D rS ; R DÞ rP I 0 ðrP ; R D rS ; R DÞ ð8:42cÞ
ðR DÞ3 ðR D tL Þ3
þ :
2V T
Figures 8.6 and 8.7 show how the terms SITE = r and DITE = AT of
Eq. (8.42a) increase with H and w.
266 8 Gravity Inversion
Fig. 8.6 SITE (2V t =r) for a spherical cylinder for different w and H
Although the topographic attraction is much larger than the SITE for a small
angle w, the ratio between SITE and DITE increases with w. Also, the spherical
contribution of At and SITE shows the ratio is:
ratio ¼ ¼ 2 ¼ 2 for n ¼ 0 ð8:43Þ
DITE n n þ 1 0 for n ¼ 1
Traditionally, the gravity anomaly can be determined to higher accuracy than the
gravity disturbance due to the fact that the latter experienced the uncertainty of the
geoid height. This fact is hardly valid nowadays, because: the geoid is rather
well-known all over the world (e.g. by EGM2008) and satellite positioning deter-
mines directly the geodetic heights of recent gravity data points. As discussed by
Sjöberg (2013), the no-topography gravity anomaly is consistent with the Bouguer
8.3 Bouguer, No-Topography and Isostatic Gravity … 267
gravity disturbance in the sense that both remove all topographic effects. From a
practical point of view, it appears that the topographic correction in the Bouguer
gravity disturbance is simpler than that for the no-topography gravity anomaly, and
consequently Vajda et al. (2007) advocated for using the Bouguer gravity distur-
bance in gravity inversion. However, as for regional and global studies, the gravity
field and topographic heights are usually presented by an EGM and a DEM as series
of spherical harmonics, and the workload for determining the disturbance and
anomaly are practically the same. Hence, from a practical point of view, one can
either work with the isostatic gravity disturbance or the new isostatic gravity
anomaly for gravity inversion. In a numerical study of gravity inversion for the
Moho determination by the Vening Meinesz-Moritz (VMM) isostatic model (see
Sect. 8.5 and Sjöberg 2009), Tenzer and Bagherbandi (2012) demonstrated that the
application of the isostatic gravity disturbance improved the RMS fit of the
gravimetric solution with the (seismic) CRUST2.0 Moho model compared to the
result obtained by using the traditional isostatic gravity anomaly. This numerical
result was theoretically explained by Sjöberg (2013) and also Sjöberg et al. (2015).
As it is demonstrated here, the improvement in using the gravity disturbance or the
refined isostatic gravity anomaly is most significant for gravity inversion in areas
with an extended topography, while topographic roughness has less effect, i.e. the
effect is most important in the inversion of the low-frequency gravity signal.
8.4 Isostasy
The Earth is a perfect illustration of nature’s balance systems, and the principle of
isostasy is one example of this. In isostasy, there is a line of equality at which the
mass of land above geoid is compensated by the masses below geoid. Therefore, if
the Earth is in perfect isostatic balance, there is a depth within the Earth where the
total weight of Earth’s masses per unit area is the same all around the Earth. This
imaginary, mathematical surface is called the depth of compensation (D) below the
Earth’s surface. A state of isostatic equilibrium in which segments of Earth’s crust
float at levels determined by their thickness and density is attained by the com-
position and flow of material in the mantle by the simple formula:
qdh ¼ 0 ð8:44Þ
where q is the density of the crust and D is the depth of compensation. This simple
model suggests that the solid-Earth topography, with height H [ 0 on the conti-
nents and H\0 (as ocean depth) on the ocean, is somehow compensated. As we
will see later, the models for compensation varies.
The term isostasy was proposed in 1889 by the American geologist C. Dutton, but
the first idea of mass balancing of the Earth’s upper layer goes back to Leonardo da
268 8 Gravity Inversion
Vinci (1452–1519). The term means that the Earth’s topographic mass is balanced
(mass conservation) in one way or another, so that at a certain depth the pressure is
hydrostatic. Isostasy is an alternative view of Archimedes’ principle of hydrostatic
equilibrium. According to this principle, a floating body displaces its own weight.
A light mountain chain can be compared with an iceberg or a cork floating in water,
or, in proper terms, floating on the denser underlying mantle. When a certain area of
the crust reaches the “state of isostasy”, it is said to be in isostatic equilibrium
(balance), and the depth at which isostatic equilibrium prevails is called the com-
pensation depth (Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz 1958, Chap. 5). Although it is
generally accepted that the Earth is a dynamic system that responds to loads in many
different ways, isostasy still provides an important view of the on-going processes.
The Mohorovičić discontinuity, usually called the Moho, is the boundary
between the Earth’s crust and mantle. This boundary can be determined by isostatic/
gravimetric and seismic methods (which do not necessarily fully agree). The masses
above the Moho we call the Earth’s crust. In 1909, Andrija Mohorovičič, who was
a Croatian seismologist, used seismic waves to discover the crust-mantle boundary
(the Mohorovičič discontinuity). The Moho separates the oceanic as well as the
continental crusts (typically at 10 and 30 km below sea level, respectively) from the
underlying mantle. In accurate definition, the Moho is simply a physical/chemical
boundary between the crust and mantle where both the crust and mantle are defined
by material properties, which can cause large changes in geophysical properties,
such as seismic-wave velocity, density, pressure, temperature, etc. (Mooney et al.
1998; Kaban et al. 2003; Martinec 1994).
Usually, topographic loads of wavelengths below 50 km are supported by the
underlying lithosphere and are therefore not isostatically compensated. For wave-
lengths from 50 to 500 km, the topography is typically compensated by elastic
flexure in the upper lithosphere, and, for longer wavelengths, it is generally in
isostatic balance, except in the very long wavelengths, which are mainly due to
dynamic processes in the interior of the mantle.
In geophysics, isostasy is essential mainly for studying geodynamic processes in
the crust and upper mantle, and, in geology, it helps in explaining various topo-
graphic and geologic features around the world. For example, using isostatic
hypotheses, the geological interpretation for compensation of topography and study
on structure of lithosphere can be inferred (Ebbing et al. 2012; Kolstrup et al. 2012).
Seismic surveys are expensive, and in many areas seismic information feasible for
depth estimation of the crust is therefore sparse or lacking, inferring poor crustal
thickness models. This is especially the case in oceanic regions. Today gravity
surveys are much more cost-effective, allowing crustal thickness to be estimated by
gravity inversion under the assumption of some kind of isostatic model (e.g. the
models of Airy, Pratt, Vening Meinesz or Vening Meinesz–Mortiz), where the
8.4 Isostasy 269
Fig. 8.8 Relations between a station elevation, b Bouguer gravity disturbance and c crustal
thickness for seismic stations in South America (based on both land and ocean data)
Fig. 8.9 Relations between a station elevation, b Bouguer gravity disturbance and c crustal
thickness for seismic stations in South America (based on only continental data)
variations of topography within the stable continental interior are more or less
isostatically compensated. Hence, this result puts into doubt the Airy-Heiskanen’s
hypothesis of a close correlation between topographic height and Moho depth
(Sect. 8.4.2). This result also indicates that using local compensation models, such
as those of Airy and Pratt, which are only related to topographic height, will
frequently not be successful in determining the crustal thickness within continents
(at least not in South America). Alternatively, gravity data and an isostatic model
could be used for crustal thickness modelling.
8.4 Isostasy 271
The original principles of isostasy by Airy (1855) and Pratt (1855) are based on local
compensation mechanisms by assuming that the density of a unit prism of the Earth’s
crust times its volume is constant, i.e. equal-pressure and equal-mass hypotheses at
the compensation depth (that varies between the models) (see Eq. 8.44). These
models assume that the topographic mass compensation is uniformly distributed
vertically and directly compensates the topographic masses along the vertical (local
compensation), i.e. the reciprocal forces from the mantle compensate for the pressure
of the topographic masses. As the Earth’s crust is very complicated, some approx-
imations must be considered for compensating the topographic masses. For example,
using a constant density for different layers of the topographic masses is such an
approximation. Different hypotheses have been presented based on this principle.
The ideal model should be realistic and easy to apply, and it may involve either or
both a variable compensation depth or/and a variable crustal density.
There are different methods that can be used to determine the Moho depth by
using gravity data. Important references and studies are the solutions of Oldenburg
(1974), Shin et al. (2009), Barzaghi and Biagi (2014) at regional scale and the
works of Sünkel (1985), Moritz (1990) and Sjöberg (2009, 2013) at global scale.
Table 8.2 shows various isostatic and non-isostatic Moho depth models, showing
some of their characteristics.
Among the isostatic models, Airy-Heiskanen’s and Pratt-Hayford’s models are
based on classical isostatic assumptions with local compensations (see Figs. 8.15
and 8.16). In contrast, Vening–Meinesz (1931) modified the Airy-Heiskanen theory
by introducing a regional instead of local isostatic compensation (see Fig. 8.17).
Parker-Oldenburg’s method (Parker 1972; Oldenburg 1974) is a gravimetric
method that, similar to the VMM method, assumes a variable Moho depth and a
constant density contrast. In fact, both models use inversion theory (see, e.g.
Dorman and Lewis 1970), implying that the Bouguer gravity anomaly relates to
elevation/depth at a certain position. Parker-Oldenburg’s method is based on a
planar approximation model and uses FFT technique, and it uses an iterative pro-
cedure to estimate the Moho depth. The VMM solutions by Moritz and Sjöberg use
the Vening Meinesz’ idea, but Moritz’ solution is an iterative solution while
Sjöberg presented a direct solution (see Sect. 8.5). The VMM model is a flexible
model, because we can alter the model for estimating either the Moho depth or the
density contrast or even both parameters (see Sjöberg and Bagherbandi 2011).
Seismic models are based on measuring the travel-time of the seismic waves
(e.g. CRUST1.0). The advantages of using artificial explosions rather than earth-
quakes are that the time and position of the shot are accurately known (see
Fig. 8.10). There are some limitations in the seismic surveys to estimate the Moho
depth: (1) The seismic data acquisition is expensive and the amount of data col-
lected in a survey can rapidly become overwhelming; (2) The seismic model suffers
from lack of global coverage of data; and (3) The data reduction and processing is
time-consuming, requiring sophisticated computer hardware, demanding consid-
erable expertise.
272 8 Gravity Inversion
Table 8.2 Comparison of various models for determination of the Moho depth
Model Area of Known parameters References
Isostatic Airy-Heiskanen Local Height Airy (1855)
models Pratt-Hayford Local Height and compensation Pratt (1855)
Vening Meinesz Regional Height Vening
Sünkel Global Modified Airy-Heiskanen Sünkel
Moritz Global Gravity and height Moritz
Vening Global Gravity and height Sjöberg
Meinesz-Moritz (2009)
(KTH method)
Seismic Čadek and Global Seismic data Čadek and
models Martinec Martinec
CRUST5.0 Global Seismic data Mooney et al.
CRUST2.0 Global Seismic data Bassin et al.
CRUST1.0 Global Seismic data Laske et al.
European Moho Europa seismic profiles, 3-D models Grad et al.
depth obtained by body and (2009)
surface waves
EuCRUST-07 Eurasia seismic tomography data Tesauro et al.
Antarctica Antarctica seismic data Baranov and
11 Morelli
Combined KTH-C Global Gravity and seismic data Sjöberg and
models Bagherbandi
One of the first global models of the Moho surface was presented by Čadek and
Martinec (1991) in terms of the spherical harmonics to degree and order 30 based
on different sources of seismic data (see Fig. 8.12).
Because of large data gaps in the seismic models, the isostatic Moho models
(e.g. VMM) are complementary to seismic models, in particular in areas where
seismic data are sparse. Hence, due to the latest developments in satellite tech-
nology and gravimetry, the problem of seismic data gaps can be solved/diminished
by gravimetric-isostatic methods. An early combined global Moho model based on
seismic and gravimetric data was presented by Sjöberg and Bagherbandi (2011).
8.4 Isostasy 273
As mentioned in the introduction to Sect. 8.4, the boundary between the Earth’s
mantle and crust is generally approximated by a sharp surface defined as the dis-
continuity separating rocks having Vp (P-wave) velocities of 6 km/s from those
having velocities of about 8 km/s (Meissner 1973). The compositional differences
between crust and mantle, causing this increase in seismic velocity, is usually
reflected in a corresponding increase of density. Seismic models (e.g. Čadek and
Martinec 1991; CRUST5.0; CRUST2.0; CRUST1.0) are based on measuring the
travel times of the seismic waves.
Fig. 8.10 Seismic waves and their behaviour (seismic refraction vs. reflection)
274 8 Gravity Inversion
Fig. 8.11 Seismic wave velocities in the Earth (Kennett and Engdahl 1991). Variations of P- and
S-wave velocities with depth
A Moho model, compiled from various seismic data sources, is shown in Fig. 8.12.
The source material used for constructing the spherical harmonic expansion of the
crustal thickness was the seismic data produced by Meissner et al. (1987),
Belyaevsky (1981), Belyaevsky and Volkovsky (1980), Allenby and Schnetzler
(1983) and Goslin et al. (1972). In no data regions a mean value of the crustal
thickness was assumed. For example, they assumed a uniform crustal thickness of
7 km in the Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean, Indian Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean
and 35 km in North of Canada (see more details in Čadek and Martinec 1991,
Fig. 1). For oceanic regions with a considerable local topography (i.e. for islands),
an appropriate topographic correction was considered (e.g. in New Zealand). The
model was presented as a global crustal-thickness map in a grid with steps sized 2°.
As the quality of the seismic data is not uniform and the observation error affects
the result, they presented a simple method to find an optimal upper degree nmax.
First they introduced the Root Mean Square difference (D) between the crustal
depth data sets Dðhi ; ki Þ and the model given by the finite spherical harmonic
2 " #2 31=2
1 X
N nmax X
X n
D¼4 Dðhi ; ki Þ dnm Ynm ðhi ; ki Þ 5 ; ð8:45Þ
N i¼1 n¼0 m¼n
where N is the number of observation points and nmax is the maximum degree of the
The data set consists of observations distributed globally. Using trial and error
and changing the degree and order, they varied D. The obtained D should be
compared with a threshold value to estimate nmax . They assumed the average error
DO = 2–3 km on the oceans and DC = 5 km on the continents. Accepting these
error estimates, they found nmax to be about 30. In this case, D minðDC ; DO Þ. The
coefficients dnm are available by following the above mentioned method for
nmax = 30. The numerical results are those illustrated in Fig. 8.12. CRUST5.0
Another global seismic model is CRUST5.0 (Mooney et al. 1998), including 2592
tiles at a resolution of 5° 5°, was created as a first attempt to estimate the global
crustal thickness (see Fig. 8.13). CRUST5.0 is based on seismic refraction data
published in the period 1984–1995. The accuracy of CRUST5.0 is not specified, but
it varies from place to place. For example, the accuracies of this model seems to be
generally better in the United States and Europe because of denser seismic mea-
surements (Mooney et al. 1998, Fig. 1), but much worse in Africa, Greenland and
in some parts of Asia and Antarctica. For the latter regions, the crustal thickness
was only estimated by some interpolation method. CRUST2.0
The global crustal model CRUST2.0 was released by the US Geological Survey and
Institute for Geophysics at the University of California in 2000 (Bassin et al. 2000;
Laske et al. 2000). It is a global crustal model with a grid of 2° 2°, offering a
rather detailed density structure of the crust and uppermost mantle. CRUST2.0 is
obtained by the analysis of the travel times of seismic waves. This model takes
advantage of the compilation of the global sediment thickness, which is defined on
a 1° 1° grid as well as compiled ice thickness on the same scale. This model
includes information on the depth and density of layers: (1) ice, (2) water, (3) soft
8.4 Isostasy 277
Fig. 8.13 CRUST 5.0 data, location of seismic refraction profiles used in Mooney et al. (1998).
Triangles correspond to locations within continents and on margins. Solid circles are locations of
oceanic refraction profiles (after Christensen 1982)
sediments, (4) hard sediments, (5) upper crust, (6) middle crust and (7) lower crust,
whose 7th layer describes the Moho depth. The model does not cover the entire
Earth (Mooney et al. 1998), and it was estimated by interpolation method. CRUST1.0
Hqc tl Dq ¼ 0 ð8:46aÞ
tl ¼ q; ð8:46bÞ
Dq c
dðqc qw Þ þ to Dq ¼ 0 ð8:47aÞ
where d is sea depth and qw is the density of water, thus the anti-root (to ) is given
dðqc qw Þ
to ¼ ; ð8:47bÞ
The Earth’s crustal thickness D will vary by the thicknesses of roots and
anti-roots (Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz 1958, p. 137):
D 0 þ tl þ H continental
D¼ ; ð8:48Þ
D 0 to H 0 ocean
where D0 is the normal Moho depth and H 0 denotes the depth of the ocean. The
roots and anti-roots of the crustal thickness with respect to D0 can also be obtained
in a spherical approximation (Rummel et al. 1988):
2D0 þ ðq þ 1ÞH ð2D0 þ q HÞ½2D0 þ ðq þ 1ÞH
tl ¼ q H 1 þ þ
R R2
D0 ðD0 þ q HÞ ðq2 1ÞH 2
R2 3R2
2D0 ðq0 þ 1ÞH 0 ð2D0 q0 H 0 Þ½2D0 þ ðq0 þ 1ÞH 0
to ¼ q0 H 0 1 þ þ
R R2
D0 ðD0 q0 H 0 Þ ðq02 1ÞH 02
R2 3R2
where q ¼ q=Dq and q0 ¼ ðqc qw Þ=Dq, and R is the Earth’s mean radius. The
planar approximations in Eqs. (8.46b) and (8.47b) are obtained by letting
R approach infinity in these equations.
280 8 Gravity Inversion
ðD þ H Þq ¼ Dq0 ) q ¼ q ð8:50aÞ
DþH 0
ðD H 0 Þq þ H 0 q ¼ Dq0 ) q ¼ q0 þ ðq qw Þ; ð8:50bÞ
D H0 0
In conclusion, the classical isostatic models of Airy and Pratt for the topographic
masses are compensated either by a variable Moho depth or crustal density.
Pratt-Hayford’s model is based on a constant compensation depth and a variable
topographic density (or density contrast), while Airy-Heiskanen’s model assumes a
constant topographic density with a variable compensation depth (mountain root). In
reality, both Moho depth and density contrast vary. The best model is the one that
considers both the Moho depth and density contrast as variables. A disadvantage of
the original Airy-Heiskanen model is the fact that the anti-roots in the ocean areas
can attain unrealistic values that are larger than the thicknesses of the crust
(Makhloof 2007). This means that H′ must not be larger than approximately 8000 m.
This problem primarily occurs in some deep-ocean areas; for example, in the Arctic
Ocean with 5450 m depth, the 7725 m Java trench in the Indian Ocean, the 8648 m
Puerto Rico trench in the Atlantic Ocean and the 11033 m Mariana trench in the
Pacific Ocean. Usually, a combined Airy-Pratt model is applied to overcome such a
problem (Wild and Heck 2004a, b; Makhloof 2007) by implementing the
Airy-Heiskanen model for the continental region and Pratt-Hayford model for the
ocean areas. Also, Airy-Heiskanen’s compensation model usually assumes a con-
stant density contrast at the Moho discontinuity, although a laterally variable density
contrast should be more realistic.
S¼ ð8:51Þ
8ðqm qc ÞL2
where L is the load’s width. The sinking will decrease with distance from the centre.
Figure 8.18 shows the relation between increasing the distance from the centre (x),
where x is function of L, and sinking factor n (where n = 1, 2, …, m).
The difference between the Airy-Heiskanen and the Vening Meinesz models is a
matter of local-versus-regional mechanisms of topographic compensation. Already
some studies have been performed for modifying Airy-Heiskanen’s model. The
most well-known is Sünkel’s (1985) model, which can be also found in Rummel
et al. (1988). Sünkel estimated the Earth crustal thickness by introducing a
smoothing factor in Airy-Heiskanen’s model to obtain a regional compensation
according to Vening Meinesz’ idea. Rummel et al. (ibid) studied global
topographic/isostatic models and defined some criteria (e.g. that the norm of the
3 ðDqðDVM D0 ÞÞnm ðn þ 2Þ DqðD20 D2VM Þ nm
cVM þ
ð2n þ 1Þqe R 2 R2
# ð8:53bÞ
ðn þ 2Þðn þ 1Þ DqðD3VM D30 Þ nm
þ ;
6 R3
c is the crust
where GM ¼ 4GR3 qe p 3 is the geocentric gravitational constant, q
density, qe 5.5 g/cm3 is the mean density of the Earth’s mass and bn is the
degree-dependent smoothing factor. This corresponds to an isotropic smoothing
1 X1
BðtÞ ¼ ð2n þ 1Þbn Pn ðtÞ; ð8:55aÞ
4p n¼0
284 8 Gravity Inversion
with eigenvalues bn :
bn ¼ 2p BðtÞPn ðtÞdt: t ¼ cos w ð8:55bÞ
Here we should notice that the rock/ocean topography remains unchanged, and
only the compensation root/antiroot surface is smoothed. The idea behind the
operator B is to replace the block-averaging operator by a homogenous and iso-
tropic moving-average operator of constant weight. According to the convolution
theorem, the moving-average convolution process in the space domain corresponds
to a simple product between the eigenvalues of the moving-average operator and
the Fourier coefficients of the function to be averaged in the frequency domain
(Sünkel 1985).
For estimating the smoothing factors, we form the following equation based on the
Airy-Heiskanen and the VMM models (Sect. 8.5)
nm cnm ¼ 0;
cVMM ð8:56aÞ
where cVMM
nm and cSAH
nm are the VMM and the smoothed AH harmonic coefficients,
Considering only the two first terms in Eq. (8.54), the smoothed isostatic
coefficients can be written as:
" #
3 qc R D n Hnm n þ 2 qc R D n3 ðH 2 Þnm
csinm AH ¼ b bnm ;
2n þ 1 qe nm R R 2 Dq R R2
where bnm is the smoothing factor for each degree and order which can be can be
uniquely solved from this equation. By inserting Eq. (8.56b) into Eq. (8.56a), the
smoothing factors can be obtained using the least-square adjustment for each degree:
X n
ð2n þ 1Þqe cVMM
^ ¼
b nm
; ð8:57aÞ
m¼n 3qc anm anm
1 2
8.4 Isostasy 285
R D n Hnm
a1nm ¼ ; ð8:57bÞ
n þ 2 qc R D n3 Hnm
a2nm ¼ ; ð8:57cÞ
2 Dq R R2
3 qc ^ 1
cVMM ¼ bn anm a2nm : ð8:57dÞ
2n þ 1 qe
grid cells from north to south, which is determined according to the resolution.
Similarly, the harmonic-coefficient standard error of DDnm is estimated by using the
law of error propagation:
r2DDnm ¼ bYnm QDDnm bYnm ; ð8:60Þ
potential is minimized. Then, by the following formula, the best bn for estimating
the SAH model is sought:
V V SAH 2 ¼ min; ð8:61Þ
where V SAH and V are the SAH and Earth’s gravitational potentials, respectively.
According to Sünkel the low-order harmonics of the anomalous gravitational
potential are, to a large degree, due to density disturbance in the upper mantle, and
probably due to even deeper sources. Therefore, it makes no sense to include only
the long-wavelength part in Eq. (8.61) and requiring that cn cSAH
n and yielding bn
as (based on correlation consideration between the two degree variances):
R D n q c2
bn ¼ 1 e ð2n þ 1Þ n ; ð8:62Þ
R 3q0 Hn
where c2n and cSAH
n are the degree variances of Earth’s gravitational potential and the
SAH model. Alternatively, one can model bn by a Gaussian filter (Sünkel 1985, p. 23)
bn ¼ eb n ;
2 2
assumption of the global compensation mechanism described for the Earth’s ho-
mogenous crust. The main idea is simple, but the theoretical modelling is somewhat
difficult, because the mass distribution of the Earth’s crust is complicated, and also
many geophysical phenomena should be considered. Sjöberg (2009) formulated
this problem as that of solving a non-linear Fredholm integral, also an equation of
the first kind, and he presented some solutions for the crustal thickness and then a
solution for the Moho density contrast (MDC) that were published by Sjöberg and
Bagherbandi (2011). Tenzer and Bagherbandi (2012) and Sjöberg (2013) suggested
Bouguer gravity disturbance rather than Bouguer gravity anomaly as the primary
observable in the solutions (see Sect. 8.3), and this idea will be followed here.
The VMM problem and its solution are described next.
The VMM problem (Moritz 1990) is to determine the Moho depth D such that the
compensating attraction AC totally compensates the Bouguer gravity disturbance dgB
on the Earth’s surface (approximated by a sphere of radius R), implying that the
isostatic gravity disturbance ðdgI Þ vanishes for each point on the Earth’s surface, i.e.
Actually, this equation can be generalized to any point ðPÞ in space with radius
equal to or larger than sea-level radius for the isostatic gravity disturbance, gravity
anomaly or disturbing potential:
T I ðPÞ ¼ 0; rP R ð8:64dÞ
These equations are only theoretically exact, but not in reality. First, it is
assumed that the dgB can been reduced for all topographical attraction (AT ). Second,
local deviations from isostatic equilibrium may occur.
The isostatic inverse problem according to the VMM hypothesis is primarily based
on a constant density contrast (Dq ¼ qm qc ¼ const) at the Moho boundary, and
288 8 Gravity Inversion
hðPÞ ¼ dgB ðPÞ þ AC0 ðPÞ =ðGDqÞ ð8:65bÞ
nþ1h i
K ðw; sÞ ¼ F ðR; w; DÞ ¼ 1 ð1 sÞn þ 3 Pn ðcos wÞ;
s ¼ 1 s; s ¼ D=R; ð8:65cÞ
ð1 2t2 Þð1 sÞ þ t ð1 2t2 Þ þ t
J2 ðt; sÞ ¼ R
þ R ln W; ð8:66aÞ
ð1 t2 ÞlPx1 ð1 t2 ÞlP0
o 1 x¼R
R2 t n 2
2 x
J3 ðt; sÞ ¼ ðx=RÞ 1 t 5 6t
t þ 2 3t 2
þ 3Rt2 ln W;
1 t2 R lPx x¼x1
1 t þ lP0 =R
W¼ : ð8:66cÞ
1 t s þ lPx1 =R
In a similar way, Eqs. (8.21) and (8.24) can be used to formulate integral
equations for the Moho depth with Bouguer disturbing potential and radial dis-
turbing anomaly and its gravity gradient as observables.
8.5 Moho Determination by Vening Meinesz-Moritz Theory 289
If the gravity field is represented by an EGM, the solution for the VMM problem of
the Moho depth is conveniently performed in the spectral domain according to the
basic derivation in Sect. 8.2 with the solution given, e.g. by Eqs. (8.11b) and
(8.12), which we will use to second order (see also Sjöberg 2009, 2013). Here we
assume that the Bouguer gravity disturbances in Eq. (8.65b) are available as a series
in spherical harmonics, so:
1 X
hðPÞ ¼ hnm Ynm ðPÞ: ð8:67Þ
n¼0 m¼n
Then a second-order solution for the Moho depth can be written (Sjöberg 2009,
2013) as:
1X 1
nþ2 Xn
DP ¼ ðD1 ÞP þ D2 Ynm ðPÞ; ð8:68aÞ
R n¼0 2 m¼n 1 nm
ZZ " #
ðD1 Þ2P 1 ðD1 Þ2 ðD1 Þ2P
D P ¼ ðD 1 ÞP þ dr; ð8:68bÞ
R 32pR sin3 ðw=2Þ
1 X1
2n þ 1 Xn
D1 ¼ hnm Ynm ðPÞ ð8:69Þ
4p n¼0 n þ 1 m¼n
As the first/linear term in Eq. (8.69), D1 is much larger than the remaining
second-order terms, the second-order solution is directly obtained (without
Finally, we present also Eq. (8.69) in the space domain (for n2 ! 1) as:
hðPÞ 1
D1 ¼ H ðwÞhðQÞdr; ð8:71Þ
2p ð4pÞ2
where the second term is a Hotine type integral (Sect. 3.3.3; Hotine 1969, p. 392).
In Eq. (8.68b), the integral should be significant only in a small region around
the computation point. As Eq. (8.68b) includes all terms of second order and
D 100 km, the achievable accuracy due to this approximation is of the order of
1003/63712 km 25 m, which should be sufficient for most practical applications.
The third term Eq. (8.68b) needs some special care to compute, as it has a strong
singularity at the computation point. Hence, for the near-zone (within the cap size
w0 ), we may use a plane approximation to the integral (I), i.e.
D ¼ DP þ E Dx cos a þ Dy sin a þ Dxx cos2 a þ Dxy sin 2a þ Dyy sin2 a ;
where all Di and Dij are horizontal derivatives in the x- and y-directions of D, it
follows from Eq. (8.72) that:
E0 h i
I DP ðDxx þ Dyy Þ þ 2ðD2x þ D2y Þ : ð8:74Þ
8.5 Moho Determination by Vening Meinesz-Moritz Theory 291
To solve the gravimetric problems of isostasy for finding the Moho parameters, the
gravitational contributions of all known mass-density contrasts within the Earth’s
crust should be modelled and subsequently removed from observed gravity data.
Moreover, inhomogeneous density structures within the mantle lithosphere and
sub-lithosphere mantle (including the core-mantle geometry) will be taken into
consideration, provided that reliable data of the global mantle-density structure are
available. The global correlation of various gravity-field quantities with the Moho
geometry can be investigated to find proper corrections to the gravity data.
A maximum correlation is attained when using the gravity disturbances corrected
for the gravitational contributions of topography and mass-density contrasts of
ocean, ice and sediments (Tenzer et al. 2009; Bagherbandi et al. 2013).
The refined Bouguer gravity disturbances dgR are firstly calculated from the
surface gravity disturbances dg according to the following scheme (Tenzer et al.
2012; Bagherbandi et al. 2013):
dgR ¼ dg dgt þ dgb þ dgi þ dgs ; ð8:75Þ
where dgt is the topographic gravity correction, and dgb , dgi and dgs are, respec-
tively, the stripping gravity corrections for the ocean (bathymetry), ice and
By applying uniform mathematical formalism the gravity corrections of density
contrast within the Earth’s crust, dgt , dgb , dgi and dgs can be computed. It utilizes
the expression for the gravitational attraction g (defined as a negative radial
derivative of the respective potential V; i.e. g ¼ @V=@r) generated by an arbitrary
volumetric mass layer with a variable depth and thickness while having laterally
distributed vertical mass-density variations. The topographic, bathymetric, ice,
sediment and consolidated crust coefficients can be generated with a spherical
resolution complete to degree n of spherical harmonics and up to the third-order
terms of a binomial expansion according to Tenzer et al. (2012, 2014). Simply, the
292 8 Gravity Inversion
1 q
qq Lqj ¼ ðdensityÞq thickness j Ynm ðQÞ dr; j ¼ 1 and 2 ð8:76bÞ
nm 4p
where qq and Lq are density and thickness of the layers. Here q denotes either the
topography, bathymetry, ice or sediment. Onm is the effect of higher-order terms that
can be neglected. Finally, the gravity disturbance corrections are given by:
nmax Xn
dgq ¼ ð n þ 1 Þ cqnm Ynm ðPÞ: ð8:77Þ
R2 n¼0 m¼0
where dgR is the refined Bouguer gravity disturbance (i.e. the topography-corrected
and bathymetry-stripped gravity disturbance), and AC is the isostatic compensation
The global maps of the topographic and crust components (stripping) gravity
corrections and step-wise-corrected gravity disturbances are shown in Fig. 8.20.
The statistics of the corrected gravity disturbances are summarized in Table 8.3.
The GOCO-03S coefficients (Mayer-Guerr et al. 2012) and the parameters of the
GRS-80 normal gravity field (Moritz 2000) were used to compute the gravity
Fig. 8.20 Global maps of the gravity corrections and the step-wise corrected gravity disturbances
computed globally on a 1 1 arc-deg grid of surface points with a spectral resolution complete to
degree and order 180 of spherical harmonics. Unit: mGal
isostatic-gravimetric model. For this purpose, the degree variances and cumulative
degree variances of the (step-wise) corrected gravity disturbances are compared.
The degree-correlation coefficients are calculated to assess a spectral harmonic
correlation, for example, between the corrected gravity disturbances and the crustal
294 8 Gravity Inversion
Table 8.3 Statistics of the step-wise corrected gravity disturbances computed globally on a 1 1
arc-deg grid of surface points with a spectral resolution complete to degree and order 180 of
spherical harmonics: the GOCE03S gravity disturbances dg; the topography-corrected gravity
disturbances dgt (=dg dgt ); the topography-corrected and bathymetry-stripped gravity distur-
bances dgtb (=dg dgt dgb ); the topography-corrected and bathymetry- and ice-stripped gravity
disturbances dgtbi (=dg dgt dgb dgi ); the topography-corrected and bathymetry- and
ice- and sediment-stripped gravity disturbances dgtbis(=dg dgt dgb dgi dgs ) (including
intermediate values of dgtbi uS—after applying the upper-sediment stripping correction to
dgtbi anddgtbi uSmS—after applying the upper- and middle-sediment stripping corrections to dgtbi)
Gravity disturbance Min [mGal] Max [mGal] Mean [mGal] STD [mGal]
dg −229 257 −1 30
dgt −648 167 −72 107
dgtb −511 634 260 233
dgtbi −508 638 285 202
dgtbi uS −494 664 319 203
dgtbi uSmS −487 669 330 200
dgtbis −486 669 331 200
geometry. For a correlation between the gravity disturbances dg and the Moho
depths D, we have:
m ðTnm ÞðDnm Þ
rn ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
P ffi qP
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ð8:79Þ
2 2
m ðT nm Þ m ðD nm Þ
where Tnm and Dnm are the harmonic coefficients of the disturbing disturbances and
Moho depths.
The spectral correlation of the (step-wise) corrected gravity disturbance with the
Moho geometry (up to degree and order 180) is shown in Fig. 8.21. CRUST1.0 is
used for the correlation analysis. The figure shows that all investigated types of the
gravity disturbances comprise the largest gravity correlation at long wavelengths,
while, at higher-frequencies, the correlations almost monotonously attenuate. Except
for the ice-gravity correction, the application of the gravity corrections increases the
correlation at almost the entire investigated gravity spectrum (up to degree and order
180). This spectral behaviour corresponds to the spatial characteristics of the
corrected-gravity disturbances, which ranges of values mostly increase after a sub-
sequent application of each individual gravity correction. The use of the ice-gravity
correction, on the other hand, substantially reduces (in the absolute sense) large
negative values of the gravity disturbances in polar areas of Greenland and
Antarctica. The largest changes in degree variances were caused by applying the
topographic and bathymetric gravity corrections. The application of the topographic
gravity corrections changed the gravity spectrum especially at the long-to-medium
wavelengths up to degree of 60, while changes due to applying the bathymetric
gravity correction are seen up to degree 100 (Tenzer et al. 2014). The maximum
correlation is at the long wavelengths (more than 0.9 below degree 20), while the
8.5 Moho Determination by Vening Meinesz-Moritz Theory 295
Fig. 8.21 Spectral correlation of the step-wise corrected gravity disturbances with the Moho
geometry (complete to degree and order 180 of spherical harmonics)
nm ¼ cnm
nm ; ð8:80Þ
8.5 Moho Determination by Vening Meinesz-Moritz Theory 297
where spherical harmonic coefficients cnm (j = VMM, Seismic) are given by:
Dq Dj D0 nm ðn þ 2Þ DqðD0 Dj Þ nm ðn þ 2Þðn þ 1Þ DqðD3 D30 Þ nm
2 2
3 4 5;
cjnm þ þ
ð2n þ 1Þqe R 2R2 6 R3
n þ 2 X
R n
dg NIE
¼ 2 ð n þ 1Þ nm Ynm ðPÞ:
cNIE ð8:82Þ
R n¼0 rp m¼n
Figure 8.22 shows the NIE globally due to the long-wavelength features of the
gravity field. The maximum deviations from isostasy occur at currently active plate
boundaries. Positive NIEs in the upper mantle under the continents are found in
Iceland and East Africa, and in the vicinity of the axes of the mid-ocean ridges,
indicating a compensation mechanism due to thermal and compositional density
(Kaban et al. 2004). The most pronounced negative NIEs in the upper mantle are
found in areas with post-glacial rebound (Fennoscandia and Eastern Canada) and
along the south-west coast line of South America and in West Antarctica. In the
presence of the NIEs, the obtained isostatic gravity anomaly, e.g. from Eq. (8.64a),
is not suitable for determining crustal thickness, and it needs a correction. The pure
isostatic-gravity anomaly should be an isostatic- gravity anomaly due to the
attraction of the crust and its isostatic compensation only, which is our desire in the
ideal VMM model. Comparing the results presented by Kaban et al. (2010) and the
NIEs (in this study) shows that both techniques for determining mantle gravity field
are consistent.
298 8 Gravity Inversion
where q0 (typically set to 3.3 g/cm3) is the lithospheric mantle density at normal
temperature T0 (typically set to 273 K) and normal pressure P0 (typically set to
101 kPa, the standard atmospheric pressure), a is the thermal expansion coefficient
(we set its value constantly to 3:28 105 K 1 according to former studies by Bai
et al. (2014) and Chappell and Kusznir (2008)), bTz is the pressure-driven com-
pressibility coefficient relevant to the temperature, Tz and Pz are the temperature and
pressure at depth z, respectively.
According to the pure shear model (McKenzie 1978), the temperature at depth
z could be estimated by:
2 !
ða zÞ 2 X 1
ð1Þn þ 1 c np n t npða zÞ
Tz ¼ T1 1 þ sin exp sin ;
a p n¼1 n np c s a
Bai et al. 2014) is the lithosphere cooling thermal-decay constant, t is crustal age, c is
lithosphere stretching factor (McKenzie et al. 2005). The oceanic crustal age could be
estimated based on magnetic lineation and the continental crustal age is set constantly
to 300 Ma in this study (see Sect. The lithospheric-stretching factor could be
approximated by the crustal-stretching factor, which is infinite for the oceanic
lithosphere (Chappell and Kusznir 2008). The initial values of continental
crustal-stretching factors, which are needed for thermal modelling, are based on
crustal thickness mapped by gravity inversion. The initial crustal thickness is con-
sidered without thermal-expansion and pressure-compression effects, and these
effects can be calculated iteratively.
Pz ¼ qðz0 Þdz0 : ð8:87Þ
In the space domain, the gravity disturbance at point P on the sphere of the Earth
due to thermal and pressure effects could be calculated by:
ðqz q0 Þr
dg ðPÞ ¼ G
drdr: ð8:88Þ
r Rz
where qz is given by Eq. (8.83). This implies that both corrections dgNIE and dgTE
should be added as corrections to the isostatic gravity- disturbance (dgi ), yielding
300 8 Gravity Inversion
the (theoretically) pure isostatic gravity disturbance equation for Moho determi-
nation (see the application of dgNIE and dgTE in Fig. 8.23):
dgI ðPÞ ¼ dgR ðPÞ þ dgNIE ðPÞ þ dgTE ðPÞ þ AC ðPÞ ¼ 0: ð8:89Þ
Figure 8.23 shows the global crustal thicknesses estimated from the VMM model
after correction for the NIE and thermal effects. In most areas, one observes a
significant improvement by adding the corrections. For example, considerable
improvements can be seen in the areas with post-glacial rebound (such as
Fennoscandia and Hudson Bay in Canada). In areas with existing huge ice masses,
e.g. Antarctica and Greenland, the estimates of crustal thickness are also improved.
The details in Fennoscandia and South America can be seen in the sub-figures.
These areas are selected because (a) in Fennoscandia, the seismic Moho strongly
Fig. 8.23 Crustal thickness based on VMM model after stripping gravity corrections due to the
topographic, ocean (bathymetry), ice and sediments and non-isostatic and thermal effects with a
resolution of 1 1 arc-degree. Unit: km
8.5 Moho Determination by Vening Meinesz-Moritz Theory 301
deviates from the gravimetric one, and the area contains a significant non-isostatic
effect by GIA, which complicates the estimation of the crustal thickness by the
isostatic modelling technique, and (b) in South America, there are huge topographic
masses in Peru and Chile that abruptly change to a deep ocean trench to the west.
For this purpose, the following parameters and models are considered. The
thermal-pressure correction is calculated using the oceanic crustal-age grid (Müller
et al. 2008; Seton et al. 2012), solid-earth topographic heights from ETOPO1 data,
total sediment thickness of the world’s oceans and marginal seas by Divins (2003)
and the global sediment-thickness grid onshore by Dziewonski and Anderson
(1981); the bathymetry- and sediment-thickness grids are used for Moho surface
estimation. The parameter z is assumed to be the depth between Moho to 125 km
(bottom of the lithosphere) in Eqs. (8.83) and (8.84). This also means that the
temperature and density are determined for a part of the mantle (deeper than Moho,
but shallower than 125 km). Here Moho depth should be calculated iteratively. The
initial value for Moho is based on gravity inversion without considering thermal
and pressure effects. Therefore, based on this value, the mantle temperature and
density could be modelled, and then a new Moho depth can be obtained by taking
thermal and pressure effects into consideration. This process should be performed
interactively to determine the final Moho geometry.
The Moho map in Fennoscandia shows that the deepest Moho boundaries are in
Finland and in the Baltic Sea, which can be revealed in a geological map. The
maximum Moho depressions beneath the Gulf of Bothnia (55.3 km) and Southern
Finland (55.1 km) are clearly observed in the gravimetric-isostatic model and reach
to the depths of 4.8 km deeper and 3 km more shallow than seen in the CRUST1.0.
The eastward deepening from the Norwegian coast to Sweden and then into the
Baltic Sea and Finland is also observed.
According to the geological map in Fennoscandia, shown in Fig. 8.24a, various
types of geological provinces (units) can be observed. A zone of high-density
values can be seen along the boundary between Sweden and Norway, where the
bulk part of the Scandinavian Mountain Chain (the Scandes) is located. This zone is
believed to be a lithospheric transition zone discussed in previous studies (e.g.
Medhus et al. 2012; Gradmann et al. 2013). The zone is located between the lower
and upper mantle. A major unit located both within and to the east of Fennoscandia
is the Trans-Scandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB), which is an outstanding feature that
has an important influence on the gravity field due to its generally low density in the
shallow crust (Henkel and Eriksson 1987; Maupin et al. 2013). By dividing the
mass of each block into the crustal root times Dq (qH=ðDqtl Þ), the compensation-
ratio will be achieved. The ratio is probably introduced by the transition zone in
Fennoscandia. We believe that the compensation-ratio reflects the density variation
in the upper mantle, and the masses above sea level can probably be a good
indicator of such transition zones and should be tested in some other study areas.
302 8 Gravity Inversion
Fig. 8.24 a Simplified geological map of Fennoscandia after Gorbatchev (2004) and Maupin
et al. (2013). TIB is a commonly used acronym for “Transscandinavian Igneous Belt”, and b main
geological provinces of South America (after Chulick et al. 2013; Gurbanov and Mooney 2012)
A correlation between the compensation ratio and geological province can be seen
at the boundary between Norway and Sweden (especially in the Caledonides zone).
The compensation-ratios denote the strengths of the various crustal units as the
lower ratio corresponding to the stronger geological unit. According to Prasanna
et al. (2014), the strength of every geological unit is a function of its lithology (that
is, density) and thermal state, which correspond to the lithological properties of the
various crustal plates. The compensation-ratio is close to zero in the oldest parts of
the Baltic Shield, where the lowest heat-flow rates are observed (Bungum et al.
An alternative comparison can be performed between the VMM model and the
point-wise seismic Moho depth data compiled by Luosto (1991) in Fennoscandia
(see Fig. 8.25). Luosto’s data was compiled in 308 points in the Fennoscandian
shield. A comprehensive review of the seismic data collected in Fennoscandia has
been presented by Luosto (1997). He presented the main models of seismic profiles
covering Fennoscandia from the south to the north (Eken et al. 2008). The results of
those studies indicate that the Moho deepens towards the centre of Fennoscandia,
although there is no apparent corresponding topographical signature. Other inter-
pretations of the Moho depth in Fennoscandia, such as tectonic implications, were
discussed by Korja (1995), Korja et al. (1993) and Luosto (1997). The differences
between the results of Luosto (1997) and VMM vary from −12.5 to 10.4 km with a
mean value of 0.5 km and RMS of 4.7 km. The differences are less than 3 km in
67% of points (also 83% less than 5 km). The thickest crust can be observed in the
8.5 Moho Determination by Vening Meinesz-Moritz Theory 303
Fig. 8.25 Difference between crustal thicknesses obtained from seismic data compiled by Luosto
(1997) and the VMM model after stripping gravity corrections. Red/blue arrows show
positive/negative differences (see the scale in the upper left corner). Unit: km
Gulf of Bothnia and south of Finland, where the maximum differences between the
two models occurs along a line between Söderhamn (in Sweden), Pori, Tampare
and Mikkeli (in Finland). Northern Fennoscandia shows a rather uniform crustal
thickness of around 40–45 km, which agrees well with the average profiling results
in Fennoscandia. These results are comparable with the results presented by
Bungum et al. (1980). There is complete compensation in the mountainous area
located in the south-western part of Norway (based on both Airy and Pratt models).
A similar situation can be observed in the areas with no topography (or less
topography), where deep Moho exist, e.g. in the Gulf of Bothnia and south of
Finland (meaning that variable-density contrast plays more of a role).
Figure 8.23 (top-right) depicts the crustal thickness of South America estimated by
the VMM method. The figure shows thicker crust (more than 50 km) along the
Andes and thinner crust west of the Andes’ thick craton. The average crustal
thickness of the South American continent is 43.5 km, which is comparable with
the 45.7 km presented by Chulick et al. (2013). The corresponding Moho depths of
the CRUST1.0 for this area varies between 9 and 69 km, with an average and
standard deviation of 22 and 13 km, respectively. The RMS of these differences
between the VMM and CRUST1.0 Moho depths and point-wise seismic refraction
data (in the Andes) are of the order of 4.7/4.5 km and of 2.8/4.2 km before and after
304 8 Gravity Inversion
applying the thermal correction, respectively. The result shows that the VMM
model works well and can be complementary data for seismic models.
Figure 8.24b depicts the main geological provinces of South America, illus-
trating the large sediment basins in the Argentine Basin and East Venezuela Basin
(Shelf). The minimum sediment layers are located in old cratons such as the
Guyana, Brazilian Shields and Luis Alves cratons (2.5–3.8 Ga age) and belong to
Archaean time. They are the old and stable part of the continental lithosphere that
are generally found in the interiors of tectonic plates, characteristically composed of
ancient crystalline basement rock, which may be covered by younger sedimentary
rock. Also, these regions are different from the cratons, being more geologically
active and unstable. Two other significant sediment basins are observed: Famatinian
Orogen and Amazonas Basin. Generally, Precambrian South America is predom-
inantly Proterozoic in age (Cordani and Sato 1999), and has suffered from several
phases of continental collision and subsequent breakup (Lloyd et al. 2010). The
contribution of the NIEs (the effect of mantle and lower-mass layers) on the gravity
data are large, varying between −488 and 290 mGal and with a standard deviation
of 107 mGal. Understanding the non-isostatic processes defining the mantle activity
and the current state of cratons are key issues for unravelling the Earth’s interior.
The gravity field of the mantle and lower-located masses offers a starting point for
numerical modelling of deep-Earth structures and the main tool to investigate the
structure of the mantle (Tesauro et al. 2008). In order to investigate the reasons for
significant NIE values, Fig. 8.24 can be considered as a reference model for
comparison with the estimated NIEs in Fig. 8.26.
The comparison shows that the significant NIE values are observed in mid-ocean
ridges and transform faults in the north-east and south-west of the study region (in
the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans). In the mid-oceans, the magma is rising from a
chamber below, forming new ocean ridges, which spread away from the ridge.
Therefore, the density of the crust is higher than the other parts, indicating that the
gravity field of the mantle dominates. The second largest NIE in South America can
be found in Andean Province, where there is Paleozoic structures of the age of
250–400 Ma. Franz et al. (2006) studied the evolution of the continental crust at the
central Andes. Their studies show that the growth of the continental crust is closely
linked to the phenomenon of subduction (still an ongoing process), and active
continental margins (Franz et al. 2006). Therefore, the NIEs can also be used to study
this phenomenon in geodynamics and in the behaviour of entire geological systems.
Generally, the positive NIE values are in the oceans and the negative ones in con-
tinental areas. Hence, without considering the NIEs, there is over-compensation in
the Andes region, but these effects help in reaching the isostatic balance.
In most of isostatic hypotheses, one of the Moho parameters, Moho depth or Moho
density contrast (MDC), is constant. However, assuming constant MDC or Moho
depth is not correct. One of the solutions that can be used in both gravimetric-
isostatic and seismic crustal-thickness models is a combined least-squares adjust-
ment of the two parameters (Sjöberg and Bagherbandi 2011). If we assume that the
density contrast is variable, Eq. (8.65a) becomes:
bðPÞ ¼ R DqKðw; sÞdr; ð8:90Þ
The left hand-side can be expanded as a Taylor series (limited to second order of
s ¼ D=R; Sjöberg 2009):
1 ZZ
nþ2 2
R DqK ðw; sÞdr ¼ R ðn þ 1Þ Dqðs s ÞPn ðcos wÞdr
r r
X1 X
nþ1 nþ2
¼ 4p ðDqDÞnm DqD2 nm Ynm ðPÞ;
n¼0 m¼n
2n þ 1 2R
and, in view of Eq. (8.90) and the spherical harmonic series of b, one thus obtains
the spectral equation:
4pðn þ 1Þ 2n þ 1
½ ¼ bnm ; or ½ ¼ bnm ; ð8:93Þ
2n þ 1 4pðn þ 1Þ
306 8 Gravity Inversion
where the bracket is the same as in Eq. (8.92). By summing up the spectral solu-
tions DqD, we thus obtain from the last term of Eq. (8.93):
X1 X n
2n þ 1 n þ 2 ðDqD2 Þnm
ðDqDÞP ¼ bnm þ Ynm ðPÞ; ð8:94Þ
n¼0 m¼n
4pðn þ 1Þ 2 R
2n þ 1
HðwÞ ¼ Pn ðcos wÞ ¼ cosecðw=2Þ þ ln½1 þ cosecðw=2Þ : ð8:96Þ
Here, the first two terms of Eq. (8.95) stem from the first term on the right
hand-side of Eq. (8.94). With reference to Heiskanen and Moritz (1967, Sect. 1–
18), the last term of Eq. (8.94) yields the integral plus the term ahead of it in
Eq. (8.95). Equation (8.95) lends itself to iteration of the density contrast for known
Moho depths. Unfortunately, the last integral of the equation has a singularity. To
eliminate its influence, the near-zone integration area can be approximated by a
plane. The last integral of Eq. (8.95) should only be significant in the near-zone of
the computation point. Hence, by introducing the notations u ¼ D2 Dq and uP ¼
ðD2 DqÞP and following the derivations of Heiskanen and Moritz (1967, pp. 121–
122), it can be approximated by the plane integral, truncated to the polar distance E0
from the computation point P similar to Eq. (8.72):
Z2p ZE0
1 u uP
I EdEda; ð8:97aÞ
4p E3
a¼0 E¼0
where (E; a) are the polar distance (truncated at distance E0) and azimuth.
Representing u by the truncated Taylor series
u uP þ Eux cos a þ Euy sin a þ uxx cos2 a þ 2uxy sin a cos a þ uyy sin2 a ;
8.5 Moho Determination by Vening Meinesz-Moritz Theory 307
I uxx þ uyy : ð8:97cÞ
If the left hand-side of Eq. (8.94) is also expanded as a series in spherical har-
monics, we arrive at the spectral equation:
2n þ 1 nþ2
ðDqDÞnm ¼ bnm þ DqD2 nm : ð8:98Þ
ðn þ 1Þ4p 2R
As the last term of this equation is much smaller than the remaining terms, we
may approximate ðDqD2 Þnm by D0 ðDqDÞnm , and we obtain from Eq. (8.98):
n þ 2 D0 2n þ 1
ðDqDÞnm 1 bnm ; ð8:99Þ
2 R 4pðn þ 1Þ
1 Xnmax Xn
2n þ 1 1
DqP bnm Ynm ðPÞ; ð8:100aÞ
4pD n¼0 m¼n n þ 1 1 þ2 2 DR0
1 Xnmax Xn
2n þ 1 D0 1
DqP 1þ bnm Ynm ðPÞ
4pDP n¼0 m¼n n þ 1 R n þ2 2 DR0
bP 1 Xnmax X
1 D0 =R
¼ bnm Ynm ðPÞ:
2pDP 4pDP n¼0 m¼n n þ 1 2=ðn þ 2Þ D0 =R
Hence, if DP is known, the MDC can be estimated from the spectrum of bP.
308 8 Gravity Inversion
To solve for both density contrast Dq and Moho depth D, with independent
(a priori) estimates, d and j of those parameters can be formulated as an adjustment
by elements. Then the system of linearized observation equations becomes:
AX¼Le, ð8:101aÞ
2 3 2 3
l1 dj
j t
60 6 l2 j 7
17 dD 6 7
7; X¼ and L¼6 7: ð8:101bÞ
05 dj 4 l3 d 5
0 1 l4 j
where matrix Q is the covariance matrix of the observations. Using the error
propagation law to estimate the full covariance matrix becomes:
0 1
r21 r21 =d 0 0
B r2 =d r22 0 0 C
@ 0
1 C; ð8:104Þ
0 r23 r34 A
0 0 r34 r24
The variance of unit weight (r20 ) for two degrees of freedom can now be esti-
mated by:
^ ^
s20 ¼ ; ð8:106Þ
Finally the least-squares solution for the Moho depth and the MDC becomes:
^ ¼ D þ d D;
D ^ ð8:107Þ
q ¼ Dq þ dD^
q; ð8:108Þ
where d D^ and dD^ q are the estimated improvements in Eq. (8.102) to D and Dq,
which are a priori values of the Moho depth and Moho density contrast.
The numerical application of the method that follows next is limited to only
three observations, i.e. observation l4 is not included. Here the approximate value
for D (d) is set to 35 (13) km in continental (oceanic) areas, respectively.
The approximate value (j) of the MDC is set to 400 and 250 kg/m3 in continental
and oceanic regions, respectively. The observation vector L is composed of the
observations l1 ¼ DDq as determined by Eq. (8.94), l2 ¼ Dq, given by
Eq. (8.100a), and l3 ¼ D, given by the model CRUST1.0. The covariance matrix
Q in Eq. (8.104) needs a full covariance matrix, as there is a significant correlation
between l1 and l2 . This is because l1 and l2 are estimated from the same data
(namely the estimated Bouguer gravity disturbance). Another important assumption
in our numerical study is related to the standard error of D. As the CRUST1.0
model is not provided with a standard error model, we follow Čadek and Martinec
(1991) who assume 20% (6 km) and 10% (3 km) of the mean Moho depth as the
standard error (r3 ) of the Moho depth in continental and oceanic regions, respec-
tively. The result can be seen in Table 8.5.
Table 8.5 Statistics of global estimates of the MDC and Moho depth estimated by least-squares
adjustment for 1° 1° block data
Unit Quantities Max. Mean Min. STD RMS
kg/m3 Dq 610 329.7 19.9 91.5
dD^q 233.2 8.6 −311.6 58.6
q 636.6 321.1 21 104.7
CD^q 270.8 44.7 0 34.3
km D 74.8 22.8 7.4 12.3
dD 19.1 −0.9 −40.9 4.7
D 85.9 23.8 6.2 14.1
CD^ 15.5 2.9 0.01 2.1
D 40.9 0.9 −19.1 4.7 4.8
310 8 Gravity Inversion
Figures 8.27 and 8.28 map the estimated MDC and combined Moho depth.
Figure 8.27 shows that the maximum value (636 kg m3 ) is in Tibet, and the
minimum (around 21–200 kg m3 ) are located at ocean ridges (Atlantic and Pacific
ridges). The standard error varies (CD^q ) between 0 and 270 kg m3 with a global
average of 44 kg m , with the largest values in ocean ridges. The oceanic ridges are
special areas due to the presence of hot spots and light materials very close to the
solid-Earth topography, as well as the thinning of the oceanic crust, modifying the
normal MDC between the crust and the mantle. Hence, it is natural to obtain large
densitiesfrom the MDC in those areas. Assuming a normal mantle density value of3
3270 kg m , the MDC far from the axis of the ridge would be about 200 kg m
(3200–3000 kg m3 ), and in our study, the estimated MDCs in ocean areas are close
to this value. As one moves towards the axis of the ridge, the oceanic crust is
increasingly replaced by low-density mantle (partially
melted material), with the
density values ranging from about 3050–3200 kg m3 . This case is just over the
ridge, where the oceanic crust disappears, and thus the crust-mantle boundary is
cropping out (appearing or being exposed at the solid surface of the Earth) at the
ocean bottom. Thus, in such an area, it is not meaningful to determine the
crust-mantle density contrast, because the oceanic crust has disappeared.
For evaluating the estimated MDC, the mean values derived by CRUST1.0,
CRUST2.0 (Laske et al. 2000) and PREM (Dziewonski and Andersson 1981)
models are used. According to these comparisons, one can see that the global
average of 321 kg m3 estimated by the least-squares adjustment is 3% smaller than
the 330 kg m3 derived by the CRUST1.0 model, 20% smaller than the 400 kg m3
derived by the CRUST2.0 model, and it is 34% smaller than the 480 kg m derived
by the PREM model. One reason for the large discrepancy between the estimates
for Dq and those by the PREM and CRUST2.0 models could be due to the
improvements in the sediments layers in the CRUST1.0 model with respect to the
CRUST2.0 and the PREM models.
Over the years, various methods for estimating the Moho depth have been pro-
posed, which have been discussed in this chapter. In this section, the purpose is to
use gravitational gradient data for estimating the Moho depth instead of the gravity
anomaly/disturbance. The major benefit of the gravitational gradient data to surface
gravity is its ability to provide precise and uniform global-data coverage. The
gravity-gradient data from GOCE mission were used for the regional and global
Moho recovery, for instance, by Sampietro (2009), Bagherbandi (2011), Reguzzoni
and Sampietro (2012), Reguzzoni et al. (2013) and Sampietro et al. (2013).
Sampietro (2009) studied the problem of recovering the Moho depth from the
GOCE data in a simulation study. He considered a local inversion of the satellite
gravity-gradiometry (SGG) data by simulating a Moho surface and generating the
SGG data based on that. Planar approximations were used in the formulation, and
the problems of spatial truncation error of the integral formulas and the behaviour of
their kernels were not considered. Sampietro’s (ibid) idea is similar to the inves-
tigation of Prutkin and Saleh (2009), where they used gravity and magnetic data to
invert the Moho discontinuity. Bagherbandi (2011) studied a Moho model obtained
from the Vening Meinesz-Moritz (VMM) model and the simulated gravitational
gradient data by EGM2008 (Pavlis et al. 2008) in the presence of a white noise of
10 mE (1 mE = 0.0001 mGal/km). The overall goal of this section is to study and
evaluate the possibility of using gravitational-gradient data directly for estimating
the Moho depth. As follows from the overview of isostatic schemes in this chapter,
the VMM isostatic model better approximates the reality by assuming a
regional/global isostatic mechanism. In this way, the VMM isostatic gravity data
provide more realistic representation of the Earth’s inner structure than those based
on classical isostatic schemes. Following this principle, the VMM isostatic problem
is formulated to find the Moho depth from vertical gravitational gradients. To treat
the satellite gradiometry data means first to convert the gravitational gradients to
gravity disturbances close to the Earth surface, and then correcting the data by using
additive gravity corrections (see Sect. 8.5.4).
312 8 Gravity Inversion
From Eq. (8.69), it holds that the Moho depth to first-order approximation is:
X 2n þ 1
D1 ¼ K dgBn ; ð8:109Þ
2n þ 1 X n
D1 ¼ KR TrrB nm Ynm ; ð8:111Þ
ðn þ 1Þðn þ 2Þ m¼n
1 X1
ð2n þ 1Þ2 1 9
M ðwÞ ¼ P n ðt Þ ¼ 4þ Pn ðtÞ; ð8:113Þ
ð n þ 1Þ ð n þ 2Þ n¼0
nþ1 nþ2
M ðwÞ ¼ 9ð1 2tÞ þ 2t1 þ ð1 9tÞ ln 1 þ t1 ; ð8:115Þ
where t ¼ sinðw=2Þ.
8.5 Moho Determination by Vening Meinesz-Moritz Theory 313
S1 ¼ sn Pn ðtÞ ¼ 1=L ð8:116aÞ
1 n Zs X
1 Zs
s 1 1
S2 ¼ P n ðt Þ ¼ x n1
Pn ðtÞds ¼ dx
n n¼1
xLðxÞ x ð8:116bÞ
0 0
¼ ½ln 2ð1 xt þ LÞ sx¼0 ¼ lnð1 st þ LÞ=2
1 nþ1 Zs X
1 Zs
s dx
S3 ¼ P n ðt Þ ¼ x Pn ðtÞdx ¼
¼ ½ln 2ðx t þ Lð xÞÞ ss¼0
nþ1 n¼0
Lð xÞ
0 0
s tþL
¼ ln
1 nþ2 Zs X
1 Zs
s nþ1 x
S4 ¼ Pn ðtÞ ¼ x Pn ðtÞdx ¼ ds
nþ2 LðxÞ
0 ð8:116dÞ
s tþL
¼ ½LðxÞ þ t ln 2ðx t þ Lð xÞÞ sx¼0 ¼ L 1 þ t ln :
Setting s=1 these formulas are applied in deriving Eqs. (8.114), (8.115) and
1 ZZ
dgP ¼ dgn ðPÞ ¼ F20 ðwÞGQP drQ ; ð8:117aÞ
314 8 Gravity Inversion
2n þ 1
F2 ðwÞ ¼ Pn ðtÞ: ð8:117bÞ
n ð n þ 1Þ
Here the prime means the derivative w.r.t. w, and, as t ¼ cos w, it follows that
dt=dw ¼ sin w. Furthermore:
GPQ ¼ ðTzx ÞQ cos a0 þ Tzy Q sin a0 ; ð8:119Þ
a0 being the azimuth from Q to P. Using Eq. (8.117a) for the Bouguer gravity
disturbance and inserting it into Eq. (8.109) lead to the first-order solution to Moho
depth of:
R 0
D1 ¼ F ðwÞGBQP drQ ; ð8:120aÞ
ð2n þ 1Þ2
F ðwÞ ¼ Pn ðtÞ: ð8:120bÞ
n¼2 nð n þ 1Þ 2
From Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, p. 334) and Sjöberg (1975, p. 23) it
follows that:
d 1 nðn þ 1Þ
Pn ðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ½Pn þ 1 ðtÞ Pn1 ðtÞ ; ð8:121Þ
dw 1 t 2n þ 1
so that, after a few manipulations, the kernel function in Eq. (8.120a) can be written as:
" X #
0 1 3 1 1
F ðwÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi t þ P2 ðtÞ þ Pn ðtÞ ; ð8:122aÞ
1 t2 2 n¼1
nþ2 n
where t ¼ sinðw=2Þ:
In order to see the ability of gravitational gradients to recover Moho geometry,
the following global numerical study is presented. The values of the vertical
gravitational gradient were generated using the GOCO-03S coefficients
8.5 Moho Determination by Vening Meinesz-Moritz Theory 315
According to Fig. (8.29a), the disturbing gravitational gradient Trr , see also
Eq. (3.68b), corresponds: (a) to all external masses above the reference ellipsoid
GRS80 and (b) to all mass density anomalies within the reference ellipsoid taken
relatively to the adopted constant (mean) mass density (so-called mass-density
contrasts). Gravitational gradients generated by the homogenous topographic
masses are shown in Fig. (8.29b) and by the continental ice masses as presented in
Fig. (8.29d). Gravitational gradients generated the mass-density contrasts within
bathymetry as plotted in Fig. (8.29c), and, within the sediment layers and the NIEs,
8.5 Moho Determination by Vening Meinesz-Moritz Theory 317
Table 8.6 Statistics of gravitational gradient Trr , the topography-corrected gravitational gradient
Trrt , the topography-corrected and bathymetry-stripped gravitational gradient Trrtb , the topography-
corrected and bathymetry- and ice-stripped gravitational gradient Trrtbi , the topography-corrected and
bathymetry- and ice- and sediments-stripped gravitational gradient Trrtbis , the topography-corrected
and bathymetry- and ice- sediments and non-isostatic effect (NIE) stripped gravitational gradient
Trrtbisn . STD = standard devaition
Gravitational gradients Max. Mean Min. STD
Trr 1.6 0.0 −1.5 0.24
Trrt 1.1 −0.3 −6.0 0.97
Trrtb 4.6 0.6 −6.1 1.95
Trrtbi 4.6 0.7 −6.1 1.67
Trrtbis 4.7 0.8 −6.2 1.73
Trrtbisn 3.9 0.5 −8.6 1.52
Unit: Eötvös
are shown in Fig. (8.29e–f). Numerical values of all gravitational gradients are
given in Eötvös= 10−9 s−2. For example, the large negative values show subduction
zones and the large positive ones are under orogen areas in Tibet.
318 8 Gravity Inversion
Fig. 8.30 Moho depth obtained from the disturbing gravitational gradient Trr. Unit: km
Table 8.8 Statistics of the VMM–Moho solution (shown in Fig. 8.30) computed using
gravitational gradients
Quantities Max. Mean Min. STD RMS
Moho depth using gravity gradients (D1) 66.5 23.9 2.0 11.87
CRUST1.0 74.8 22.9 7.4 12.4
D1 CRUST1:0 20.7 −1.0 −16.9 3.7 3.8
Unit: km
The vertical gradient of the crust and non-isostatic stripped disturbing gravita-
tional gradients (Trrtbisn ) varies globally between −8.6 E and 3.9 E (Table 8.6) at the
altitude of 250 km above Earth’s surface (satellite elevation). These data were used
to compute the global Moho solutions based on solving the VMM problem by
Eq. (8.111). The global Moho map is shown in Fig. 8.30, and statistics of the results
are summarized in Table 8.8. The maximum Moho deepening is under the orogens
of the Himalaya, the Andes and Tibet, while the minimum Moho depths are beneath
mostly the oceanic areas. When checking the computed results, it is clear that the
largest spatial variations of these refined gradient data (Fig. 8.29g) closely agree
with the largest Moho variations (Fig. 8.30) along continental margins and geo-
logical boundaries between large orogens and continental basins. Over oceans, the
locations of hotspots and mid oceanic ridges can also be recognized on the map of
gravity gradient. To validate gravimetric results we compare with CRUST1.0
seismic model (Laske et al. 2013). The comparison reveals that the obtained Moho
depth is systematically biased with respect to the CRUST1.0 model, implying that
the mean Moho depth difference (D1 CRUST1:0) is −1 km, and the RMS dif-
ference is 3.8 km.
8.6 Tectonic Stress in the Mantle 319
The link between tectonics and mantle convection is one of the oldest and most
challenging problems in the history of geodynamics. According to Runcorn (1967),
flow in the Earth’s mantle is inferred from continental drift. The original theories of
mantle convection were put forward by Holmes (1931). He defined a hypothesis,
which shows the existence of mantle convection. The physics behind the hypothesis
of continental drift as articulated by Wegener (1912, 1924) was explained in the
1960s under the new name plate tectonics as driven by mantle convection, that
gives rise to phenomena like sea-floor spreading at mid-ocean ridges, deep-sea
trenches and transform faults (e.g. McKenzie and Parker 1967; Le Pichon 1968).
The role of plate rheology is important to understand lithospheric stress caused by
mantle convection. Tectonics is related to the processes that control the structure
and properties of the Earth’s crust. Mantle convection is the fundamental engine in
Earth’s dynamics. The relationship between tectonics and convection in the mantle
is still debated, but new information from seismic tomography and modelling
capacities promises to provide more insight in the near future.
When hot material from the Earth’s interior rises, cold material sinks and the
induced flow governs plate tectonics and volcanic activity. Earth and other planets,
such as Venus and Mars, retain some heat at depth from their formation, so that
their surfaces are cold relative to their hotter interiors (Bercovici 2010). The theory
of continental drift has been developed and completed to plate tectonics in the
1960s, e.g. by Runcorn (1962a, b). Convection is also a fundamentally important
process that controls much of the dynamics of the Earth’s atmospheric, oceanic,
mantle and outer-core systems. The study of the theory of mantle convection is
important for many applications, e.g. plate velocities, sea-floor subsidence, vol-
canism, gravity change, stress in the mantle, glacial isostatic adjustment, etc.
Figure 8.31 shows the Earth’s structure (crust, mantle and outer core) and mantle
convection. Upwelling melted- mantle material reaching the Earth’s surface
undergoes and this melt reaches the surface in various types of volcanic settings: at
mid-ocean ridges, where tectonic plates spread apart and draw mantle up into the
opening gap, at plate boundaries and ocean-islands or hotspots, which are
anomalously productive and localized volcanic features and stresses, not neces-
sarily associated with tectonic activity (Hawaii, Iceland and the East-African Rift
being the most conspicuous examples of such a feature).
In order to gain a better understanding of crustal and lithospheric deformation
and seismicity, stress modelling in the lithosphere caused by mantle convection is
necessary (Becker and O’Connell 2001). The property of Earth’s rheology called
viscosity, i.e. resistance to flow, is the most crucial parameter to model tectonics
and stresses in the mantle (see Sect. 8.8). There are various types of viscosity
defined in slightly different ways (Davies 1999). The mantle-flow distribution may
be obtained from the pattern of zones of compression and tension in the Earth’s
crust and also from the low harmonics of the geopotential (Runcorn 1967).
8.6.1 Stress
When tectonic plates move toward each other, they exert a force on the body mass,
which is called stress. Tectonic stress is defined as the amount of force per unit area
that acts on a mass as the Earth’s lithosphere moves. The force, or stress, across a
plate depends on the direction of motion of the plate. Mathematically, Cauchy’s
stress tensor on a surface element of the mass is defined by the stress vector
t ¼ lim ; ð8:123Þ
dP!0 dP
where n denotes the normal to the surface element force dF acting on a surface
element dP (see Fig. 8.32).
Cauchy’s law explains that there is a stress tensor S, which maps n to a surface
P to the traction vector acting on that surface:
t ¼ Sn ð8:124aÞ
2 3
r11 r12 r13
S ¼ 4 r21 r22 r23 5; ð8:124cÞ
r31 r32 r33
8.6 Tectonic Stress in the Mantle 321
δ Fn
nT ¼ ½ n1 n2 n3 : ð8:124dÞ
The stress vector and its components are expressed in units of Pascal
(Pa) = N/m2.
The acting force on a surface could be uniform, implying that the force acts equally
in all directions, or differential, implying stress that acts with different magnitudes
in different directions. In geoscience, there are usually three types of stress: com-
pression, tension and shear stress (Fig. 8.33):
• Compression is the type of stress that squeezes and compacts a body of rock. It
commonly reduces the amount of space that rock occupies, and pushes rocks
higher up or deeper down into the crust. Compressive stress happens at
322 8 Gravity Inversion
convergent plate boundaries, and it can make a mountain (e.g. Rocky Mountains
in Canada) (Fig. 8.33 left). Thrust faults appear where large blocks of land can
be forced over the top of another block of land at a low angle.
• Tension is stress that stretches and pulls a body of rock apart. When rocks are
pulled apart by tension, the rocks tend to become thinner. Tension occurs at or
near divergent plate boundaries, and within a continent they can form conti-
nental rifts and ocean ridge in oceanic crust. (Fig. 8.33 middle). In non-oceanic
regions, the fault created by tension stress is called a normal fault.
• Shear stress is the stress component parallel to a given surface, such as a fault
plane, that results from forces applied parallel to the surface or from remote
forces transmitted through the surrounding rock. Shear stress is experienced at
transform boundaries and lithosphere neither is created nor destroyed. In this
case, no major topographic effect and volcanic activity appear (Fig. 8.33 right).
Shear stress produces the strike-slip phenomenon, simply a strike-slip fault,
which can occur while two objects are sliding over each other.
• Principal stresses: The actual values of the six stress components in the stress
matrix, S, for a given body subjected to loading, will depend on the orientation
of the body in the body itself. If the body rotates, it should be possible to find the
directions in which the normal stress components take on maximum and min-
imum values. It is found that, in these directions, the shear components on all
faces of the body become zero, and the stress tensor becomes:
2 3
rx 0 0
S¼4 0 ry 0 5: ð8:126aÞ
0 0 rz
8.6 Tectonic Stress in the Mantle 323
If one of the eigenvalues of the stress tensor is zero, the stress tensor will be a
plane stress. That is, there is a Cartesian coordinate system in which the stress
tensor has the form
2 3
rx 0 0
S¼4 0 ry 0 5: ð8:126bÞ
0 0 0
• Like the normal stress, the shear stress will also have a maximum in a certain
direction. This direction can be determined by taking a derivative of the
shear-stress rotation equation with respect to the angle and equate it to zero. The
maximum and minimum shear stress can be calculated by:
r x ry
smax ¼ þ r2xy ; ð8:127Þ
Fig. 8.36 Hot spots in the Hawaiian island chain (background map shows the solid-Earth
topography using DTM2006)
Hawaiian island chain located above a hot plume in the Pacific Plate (see Fig. 8.36)
is one of important areas to study stress and earthquakes. There is a famous triple
junction of three diverging plates in East Africa (see Fig. 8.34).
Repetition of geodetic surveys over time offers a great tool to define the pattern of
present day relative plate tectonic motions in terms of direction, as well as amount
of displacement. Traditionally, these surveys were performed with trilateration
methods using electronic distance measurements and angle observations using
theodolites (Ortlieb et al. 1989), but more recently GNSS (Scherneck et al. 2010;
Riguzzi et al. 2013), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) (Hass et al. 2002),
Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) (Noomen et al. 1996; Nieuwland 2003, p. 101) and
InSar data (Bürgmann et al. 2000; Hanssen 2001) are commonly utilized.
The recent development of GNSS networks makes it possible to study (by spatial
and temporal resolution) ongoing crustal deformation. GNSS geodetic measure-
ments devoted to active tectonics studies and deformation have been extensively
carried out since the early 2000s. For example, the BIFROST (Baseline Inferences
326 8 Gravity Inversion
for Fennoscandian Rebound Observations Sea Level and Tectonics) project started
in 1993. The purpose was to establish a new 3-D measurement of the movements in
the Earth crust using GNSS observations and able to constrain models of the GIA
(Glacial Isostatic Adjustment) process in Fennoscandia. Updated station velocities
can be found in Lidberg et al. (2007), based on data from the period 1996 to
mid-2004. Scherneck et al. (2010) investigated and developed a method for the
analysis of crustal strain, determined by station networks that are continuously
measured by GNSS. The data they analysed are eight-years’ worth of daily results
from continuous BIFROST GPS measurements in the permanent networks of the
Nordic countries and their neighbours. Reducing the observations with best-fitting
predictions for the effects of GIA, they found maximum strain rates predominately
in the interior of the rebound area. Riguzzi et al. (2013) also used GPS data to study
strain rates in active faults in Italy. They found that geodetic strain rates, integrated
with the knowledge of active faults, indicates that the most hazardous seismic areas
are those with lower strain rates, where active faults are possibly approaching the
end of the seismic cycle (see also Devoti et al. 2014).
SLR is a technique that measures the round-trip time of flight of ultra-short pulses
of light to satellites equipped with retroreflectors. This provides instantaneous range
measurements at millimetre-level precision, which can be accumulated to provide
accurate measurement of orbits and a host of important scientific data for tectonic
stress in the Earth’s crust (Nieuwland 2003, p. 101). Its capability to study the
8.6 Tectonic Stress in the Mantle 327
variations over time in the Earth’s gravity field and to monitor changes with respect
to the reference frame (e.g. The International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF)),
together with the capability to monitor vertical motion, makes it unique for mod-
eling and evaluating long-term deformations and changes. The ability of the SLR
system is not only in the determination of plate tectonics, but it is also applicable to
provide a reference system for post-glacial rebound, sea level and ice volume
changes, determining the temporal mass redistribution of the solid Earth, ocean, and
atmosphere system and in monitoring the response of the atmosphere to seasonal
variations in solar heating.
InSar is a radar technique used in geodesy and remote sensing. This geodetic
method uses two or more synthetic-aperture-radar (SAR) images to generate maps
of surface deformation or digital elevation, using differences in the phase of the
waves returning to the satellite (Massonnet and Feigl 1998; Hanssen 2001) or
aircraft. The technique can potentially measure millimetre-scale changes in defor-
mation over spans of days to years. It has applications for geophysical monitoring
of natural hazards, for example, earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides, and in
structural engineering, in particular, monitoring of subsidence and structural sta-
bility (Bürgmann et al. 2000). Whereas terrestrial observations, like GNSS, provide
sparse point-wise data, the InSar technique can deliver very dense data, but only
1-D observations in the direction of satellite to ground. Many studies that have been
published in recent years demonstrate the contributions of InSAR in the Earth
sciences, e.g. studies of topography, surface deformation, in the fields of crustal
deformation research including surface displacements related to tectonic
In order to study and analyse deformation phenomena in active zones, it’s important
to determine the following two parameters: (a) displacement vectors from geodetic
data and (b) the principal components of the strain tensor from the displacement
vector. Generally, the deformation is, in terms of strain (E), defined by:
DL r
e¼ ¼ ; ð8:129Þ
L0 E
where the strain (which is unitless) is the deformation (DL elongation) per unit of
the original length L. The last part of Eq. (8.129) yields the relation between strain
and normal stress (r). DL is the change of length, L0 denotes the initial length (L0 )
and E is Young’s modulus (the modulus of elasticity).
328 8 Gravity Inversion
d ¼ r0 r ¼ ð x0 x y0 y z0 z ÞT ¼ ð u v w ÞT ; ð8:130Þ
where r denotes the gradient operator yielding the Jacobian matrix (rr0T ) of the
transformation from position r to r0 :
2 @x0 @x0 @x0
@x @y @z
6 @y0 @y0 @y0 7
rr0T ¼ 4 @x @y @z 5 ¼ F; ð8:132Þ
@z0 @z0 @z0
@x @y @z
8.6 Tectonic Stress in the Mantle 329
2 @u @u @u
3 2 3
@x @y @z exx exy exz
6 @v @v 7
E¼FI¼ 4 @x @v
@y @z 5 ¼ 4 eyx eyy eyz 5: ð8:134Þ
@w @w @w ezx ezy ezz
@x @y @z
1 1
E¼ E þ ET þ E ET : ð8:135Þ
2 2
The first term (related to the strain tensor) is a symmetric matrix, and second
term (related to rotation of the deformed body) is a skew symmetric matrix. E can
also be written in the form of tensor notation as:
Large mass distributions and irregularities in the Earth’s layers can be studied in
components of the Earth’s gravity field such as geoid and long-wavelength com-
ponents of the gravity field. Runcorn (1967) presented the stress between two
different Earth layers using the Navier-Stokes equation. He further assumed that the
upper part of the Earth consists of two layers, the outer layer, the rigid crust, and the
inner viscous layer, the mantle, which satisfy the following conditions:
1. The size of the upper part is large enough so that the gravitational effect of the
lower boundary can be neglected.
2. The shape of the upper boundary is such that hydrostatic equilibrium is
3. The coefficient of mantle viscosity is constant.
Assuming that the disturbing potential of the Earth’s gravity field is T, the stress
components exerted by the mantle convection on the crust in the north-south and
east-west directions are given by (Runcorn1967) as:
330 8 Gravity Inversion
X n þ 1
Mg R 2n þ 1 @Sn
rx ¼ ð8:137aÞ
4pðR D0 Þ2 n¼2
R D0 n þ 1 @h
X n þ 1
Mg R 2n þ 1 @Sn
ry ¼ ð8:137bÞ
4pðR D0 Þ 2
R D0 n þ 1 sin h@k
X n þ 1 njmj ðhÞ
Mg R 2n þ 1 X n
ry ¼ m Cnm Qm ðkÞ ;
4pðR D0 Þ2 n¼2
R D0 n þ 1 m¼n sin h
cos mk m 0
Q m ð kÞ ¼ ; ð8:139Þ
sin mk m [ 0
njmj 1
a ¼ arctan : ð8:141bÞ
8.6 Tectonic Stress in the Mantle 331
The low-degree components of the deflection of the vertical in the north-south and
east-west directions are given by Eq. (8.1) inserted into Eqs. (3.41a) and (b):
1 @N 1 @N GM Xnmax Xn
@Ynm ðPÞ
n¼ ¼ ¼ 2 Cnm
R @u R @h R c0 n¼2 m¼n @h
nmax X
n X
¼ nnm Ynm ðPÞ ¼ nn ðPÞ;
n¼2 m¼n n¼2
GM X nmax Xn
@Ynm ðPÞ Xnmax Xn X
g¼ Cnm ¼ g Y
nm nm ðPÞ ¼ gn ðPÞ: ð8:142bÞ
R2 c0 n¼2 m¼n sin h@k n¼2 m¼n n¼2
Hence, the stress components of Eq. (8.138a, b) can be expressed in terms of the
deflection components as:
nmax n þ 3
gc0 X R 2n þ 1
rx ¼ n ðPÞ; ð8:143aÞ
4pG n¼2 R D0 nþ1 n
nmax n þ 3
gc0 X R 2n þ 1
ry ¼ g ðPÞ: ð8:143bÞ
4pG n¼2 R D0 nþ1 n
Figure 8.38a shows the stress-field map under the eastern part of the Eurasian plate.
The corresponding numerical investigations described next use Eqs. (8.138a, b) and
are based on the Earth gravitational model EGM08, and the spherical harmonic terms
of the normal gravity field were computed by the parameters of GRS-80 (Moritz
2000). The EGM was limited to the harmonic window between degrees 13 and 25,
according to Liu (1977), to filter the Earth’s interior and higher degree of topographic
gravity signals. [The low-degree harmonics reflect large scale core-mantle contribu-
tions, while higher degrees may stem from short-wavelength mantle convection
(Richter and Parsons 1975).]
As shown in Fig. 8.34, the tectonic plates are converging in the Eurasian region,
implying compressive stress. This can be clearly seen in Fig. 8.38a. Also, the
collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates not only raises the Tibetan plateau but
also causes deformation. As mentioned, heat flow in the mantle is the driving force
for plate tectonics, which causes the stress. This type of study is one way to explain
the reasons for the Earth’s crust’s deformation and other geodynamical phenomena
like earthquakes, plate tectonic, etc., and gravity inversion is an inexpensive tool in
understanding such phenomena.
332 8 Gravity Inversion
Fig. 8.38 a Map of stress patterns (S) beneath Eurasian plate obtained from Eq. (8.116a), b Stress
exerted by mantle convection under the Eurasian plate using Runcorn (1967) formula on a 1 1
arc-deg grid. Unit: MPa. c Stress maps of Tibet (right) and Iran (left) obtained from the WSM 2008
(Heidbach et al. 2008)
8.6 Tectonic Stress in the Mantle 333
Comparisons between stress fields obtained from seismic and gravity data show
high correlation. Also, studying the stress fields and lithosphere depths are inter-
esting because of their relationship and high correlation (Pick 1994). The gravi-
metric results can be compared with the World Stress Map (WSM), presented by
the National German Research Centre for Geosciences (GeoForschungsZentrum,
GFZ). This map is a global compilation of information on the present-day stress
field of the Earth’s crust with 21,750 stress data records in its current WSM
database release 2008. It is a collaborative project between academia, industry and
government that aims at characterizing the stress patterns and to understand the
stress sources (see Heidbach et al. 2008 for more information). Different types of
stress indicators were used to determine the tectonic stress orientations. They are
grouped into four categories: earthquake focal mechanisms, in situ stress mea-
surements, geologic data from fault-slip analysis and volcanic alignments. The
comparison of Fig. 8.38a and c shows that the obtained results from gravity
inversion are well-matched with the WSM results.
Figure 8.38a shows two active zones in the Eurasian plate. The first one is the
Tibetan Plateau that is surrounded by massive mountain ranges and active faults.
The second zone is located between the Arabian plate and the Eurasian plate in Iran,
i.e. the Zagros Mountain. The major fault zones around the Tibetan Plateau are
Altyn Tagh, Kunlun, Haiyuan and Xianshuihe faults. The Altyn Tagh Fault
(ATF) is more than 1200 km long and it is a strike-slip fault that forms the
northwestern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau. The slip rates have been reported
along the majority of the length of the fault and include measurements from
geodetic techniques (e.g. GNSS surveys and InSAR). Slip rates determined from
GPS campaigns at 90°E are 9 ± 5 mm/year (Bendick et al. 2000), 9 ± 4 mm/year
(Wallace et al. 2004) and 11 ± 3 mm/year (Zhang et al. 2007).
The Zagros fold and thrust belt (Zagros FTB) is an approximately 1800 km long
zone of deformed crustal rocks, formed in the foreland of the collision between the
Arabian and the Eurasian plates. It is the host to one of the world’s largest petro-
leum provinces, containing about 49% of the established hydrocarbon reserves in
334 8 Gravity Inversion
fold and thrust belts and about 7% of all reserves globally (Cooper 2007). The
Zagros FTB is formed along a section of the plate boundary that is subject to
oblique convergence with the Arabian plate moving northwards with respect to the
Eurasian plate at a speed of about 30 mm/year. The degree of obliqueness reduces
southwards along the Zagros, with the collision becoming nearly orthogonal within
the Fars domain. The relative movement between the plates is only partly taken up
within the Zagros; the remainder is taken up by deformation in the Alborz
mountains and the Lesser Caucasus mountains to the north of the Iranian plateau
and along the zone formed by the Greater Caucasus mountains, the
Apsheron-Balkan Sill and the Kopet Dag mountains, further north again (Talebian
and Jackson 2004).
So far, it is an open question whether Runcorn’s gravimetric technique can also
be used for more detailed regional studies of stress in the mantle.
The Earth’s gravity field changes with time due to various geodynamical processes.
The motions are secular and periodic. The largest secular changes are caused by
mantle convection and glacial isostatic adjustment, as well as plate and intraplate
motions. Notable periodic variations are due to Earth’s rotation (e.g. the pole tide of
period 14 months), seasonal variations caused by variations in atmospheric and
hydrologic conditions and tidal variations of various different periods.
Today, most successful data for studying the temporal changes of the gravity
field stems from the very long record of Satellite Laser Ranging (Moore et al. 2005)
and lately from the accurate, dedicated satellite-gravity mission GRACE (Lemoine
et al. 2007). GRACE data greatly complement the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
(GIA) studies because of their long-wavelength characteristic. Therefore, the
GRACE sensors are appropriate tools to measure secular gravity changes in the
mantle layers. There are different solutions for GRACE monthly, weekly and
ten-day solutions provided by several analysis centres. The three main analysis
centres are Centre for Space Research (CSR) at the University of Texas at Austin,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam,
GFZ. In addition, there are solutions from the University of Bonn (ITG), the Centre
National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) in Toulouse and the Technical University Delft
(DEOS Mass Transport model).
changes of the potential coefficients (C_ nm ), such that the changes of the external
disturbing potential and the gravity anomaly can be determined up to some limited
degree M. From Eqs. (8.1) and (8.2a), one obtains the truncated series:
M n þ 1 X
X n
T_ ¼ C_ nm Ynm ðh; kÞ: ð8:144Þ
R n¼0
r m¼n
M n þ 2
GM X R X n
Dg_ ¼ 2
ð n 1Þ C_ nm Ynm ðh; kÞ: ð8:145Þ
R n¼0 r m¼n
For studying near Earth surface mass changes, it is expedient to use the time
derivative of the surface mass density of Eq. (8.5c):
qR X
4p M
ð2n þ 1Þ Xn
j_ ðPÞ C_ nm Ynm ðPÞ: ð8:146Þ
3 n¼0 1 þ kn m¼n
Assuming that the reference radius R is the mean sea level radius, Bruns’ formula
applied to Eq. (8.144) for r ¼ R yields the temporal change of the geoid height
(with GM=ðRc0 Þ R)
N_ ¼ R C_ nm Ynm ðh; kÞ: ð8:147Þ
n¼0 m¼n
Although the geoid partly runs inside the Earth’s surface, the topographic effect
in Eq. (8.147) is negligible (as long as M is not too large).
From Stokes’ formula one obtains also:
N_ ¼ _
SðwÞDgdr; ð8:148Þ
and, in the classical approach, Dg_ is the time derivative of the free-air gravity
anomaly (Sjöberg 1983):
Dg_ ¼ g_ þ F_ ¼ g_ þ 0:31H;
_ ð8:149Þ
336 8 Gravity Inversion
where the gravity change is in unit of lGal for H_ in mm/year. In the modern
approach, using the temporal change of the surface gravity anomaly, Eq. (8.149) is
approximate. However, in both cases, the topographic corrections are negligible.
Finally, we consider also the geoid change in the modified Stokes’ formula of
Eq. (6.3a), augmented by the temporal changes of the zero- and first-degree har-
monics and neglecting additive corrections:
T_ 0 þ T_ 1 R M
N_ 1L;M ¼ þ _ þc
SL ðwÞDgdr QLn þ sn Dg_ EGM
n ; ð8:150aÞ
c0 4pc0 n¼2
GM X n
n ¼ ðn 1 Þ C_ nm Ynm ðPÞ: ð8:150bÞ
R2 m¼n
Alternatively, Eq. (6.2a) is used (with negligible direct and indirect effects),
resulting in the following formula for the change of the geoid height:
~_ L;M ¼ R
N SL ðwÞDg_ M dr þ N_ nEGM ; ð8:151aÞ
4pc0 n¼0
N_ nEGM ¼ R C_ nm Ynm ðPÞ; ð8:151bÞ
Dg_ M _Q
Q ¼ Dg ðn 1ÞC_ nm Ynm ðQÞ: ð8:151cÞ
R2 n¼2
Equation (8.147) is suitable for global studies of the change of the geoid, while
detailed studies are better determined by Eqs. (8.150a) and (8.151a).
Long-term monitoring of temporal geoid change is important for updating the static
geoid model. The change of the geoid with time is caused by the redistribution of
masses within the Earth. Generally it can be observed by repeated geodetic
observations such as gravimetric observations, including space gravity and gra-
diometry, and from geodetic height observed by precise levelling and/or GNSS
8.7 Temporal Changes of the Gravity Field 337
observations [see Eq. (8.178) and Fig. 8.51]. Major causes are glacial isostatic
adjustment and discharge of ice sheets and caps (which can also be modelled by
estimating ice history), continental hydrology and climate variability (with addi-
tional information from metrological data), groundwater withdrawal (using also
hydrological and metrological measurements), earthquakes (considering also seis-
mic and geodetic networks), volcanic activities (with additional information from
seismic networks, geodetic networks) (Jacob et al. 2012). The epoch-wise GRACE
gravity field models can be used to assess geoid changes. It is important to mention
that the gravity data collected by GRACE require smoothing to reduce the effects of
errors present in short-wavelength components. Various methods have been pro-
posed to filter the data (Swenson and Wahr 2006; Kusche 2007; Wouters and
Schrama 2007; Klees et al. 2008). For example, isotropic Gaussian (Wahr et al.
1998) and non-isotropic (Han et al. 2005) filters are the most used methods.
However, none of these methods satisfactorily remove the correlated errors in the
data. The correlated noise in the GRACE data deteriorates the signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR), but the regularization methods used in the gravity field solutions from the
inter-satellite ranging and orbit determination can be manipulated to increase the
SNR and affect other metrics of the signal performance. The effect of the noise is
particularly on the higher harmonic degrees of the gravity change solutions. The
common stripe pattern in the monthly gravity field is the effect of the noise of the
higher degrees. Due to the in-orbit configuration of the GRACE mission (Swenson
and Wahr 2006), the sectorial and near-sectorial coefficients are more sensitive to
the noise than the tesseral coefficients for the same degree. It means that the noise is
not white and makes the resulting regularization weighting matrix to shape as a
block-diagonal matrix for instance, the other tesseral coefficients are not needed to
be regularized within a reasonable approximation (see also Kusche et al. 2009
supplementary documents of the electronic version, Table 1).
According to Kusche et al. (2009), the major problem that users of monthly
GRACE gravity field solutions are faced with is that the data has coloured noise
that show up in the provided spherical harmonic coefficients. Basically, by trun-
cating the spherical harmonic series at long wavelengths, where the noise is not yet
significant, causes the loss of an unacceptably large portion of the signal. The noise
can usually be described as stripping patterns (Fig. 8.39). The reason for this
problem is the mission geometry, as GRACE twin-satellites fly in the same near
polar orbital plane, and the inter-satellite ranging observable used in gravity
modelling transforms into distinct along-track sensitivity. Deficiencies in
de-aliasing models yield an anisotropic error that cannot be removed by, e.g. the
Gaussian isotropic filter. Instead a decorrelation method should be used in the
post-processing of the GRACE data, such as those discussed in Kusche (2007),
Klees et al. (2008) and Kusche et al. (2009). Kusche’s technique uses an a priori
synthetic model of the observation geometry for the decorrelation.
The numerical examples that follow are based on CSR data and use an ensemble
of anisotropic filters with the smoothing factor a ¼ 1 1013 (Kusche et al. 2009).
In Kusche’s technique the noises are filtered using a priori information on correlated
338 8 Gravity Inversion
noise, for which the information of the calibrated error covariance is needed at least
for one epoch. Then the filter itself as well as its measures of the performance
change with the geographical location consequently, and cannot be represented like
in the case of Gaussian filter simply with a half-wavelength radius.
Figures 8.39 and 8.40 show the geoid change for two consecutive months
obtained from GRACE mission before and after the non-isostropic filtering of the
data according to Kusche (2007), respectively. In the first figure the north-south
strips, stemming from the coloured noise, blur the signal, while in Fig. 8.40 the
geoid change is visible.
Fig. 8.39 Geoid change using the solution available from CSR (The University of Texas at
Austin, Centre for Space Research) processing centre before filtering, Release 05. Time period of
data: between April and May 2002. Unit: mm
Fig. 8.40 Geoid change using the solution available from CSR using the same data as in Fig. 8.39
but after filtering
8.7 Temporal Changes of the Gravity Field 339
Fig. 8.41 The secular rate of the geoid change (^b, using Eq. 2.6f) by correcting GRACE data
using Kusche’s anisotropic filter: a globally, and b regionally in Fennoscandia for the time period
of data between April 2002 and October 2014 (about 12.5 years) obtained from linear regression
for each point. Unit: mm/year
In order to obtain the secular trend of the geoid change by Eq. (2.6f), a long
observation period should be considered. The plot in Fig. 8.41 uses all monthly
GRACE data sets between April 2002 and October 2014, computed by DDK4 filter
(Kusche et al. 2009). The computations in Fig. 8.41 did not consider any possible
long-term periodic variations in the data, and to check for that a special study was
performed using Eq. (2.6g) at the location of the maximum uplift rate in
Fennoscandia as shown in Table 8.9. The periodical terms considered in this study
are the tidal phases observed by the GRACE satellite orbit. According to Ray et al.
(2003), the orbit plane of any high-inclination spacecraft like GRACE processes
very slowly with respect to the Sun, as the tides generated by the Sun will be aliased
into long periods, e.g. semi-annual, annual and longer. These periods are important
in climate studies, as they can make an aliased error over long periods. Therefore,
the solar tides will affect the GRACE orbit and will be aliased to the long periods.
These periods are P1 (171 days), S1 (322 days), S2 (161 days), K1 (7.48 years)
and K2 (3.74 years). The results show that among these periods only K1, K2 and
S2 are significant. The results show that only the coefficients a, b and c are sig-
nificant at the risk level of a ¼ 5%, as all other jT j\ta=2;n1 ¼ 1:96, where t is the
Student’s t-distribution statistic. Importantly, the table also shows that the estimated
rates of secular change of the geoid height do not differ significantly in the cases of
including or not including periodic terms in the analyses.
The secular geoid changes in Fig. 8.41a range between −4.8 and +1.2 mm/year,
being primarily due to ice sheet melting and GIA, although these are not the only
causes. The largest negative changes of the geoid, caused by ongoing melting and
discharging of ice sheets, can be seen in Greenland and W. Antarctica with peaks of
−4.2 and −4.8 mm/year, respectively (cf. Sasgen et al. 2005). There are also
notable subductions of the geoid in SE Alaska, possibly related with the melting of
permafrost, and in the Middle East, in particular at the region of the Caspian Sea,
likely due to ground water sinking, as well as in southern S. America, possibly
related with glacier retreats.
Table 8.9 Result of regression analysis at the location of the maximum land uplift rate in Fennoscandia with and without periodical terms by Eq. (2.6g) and
GRACE data for the time period between April 2002 and October 2014 (about 12.5 years)
Periodic terms Quantities Coefficients
^ ^
b ^c d^ ^e ^f ^g ^
(mm) (mm/year) (mm/year) (mm/year) (mm/year) (mm/year) (mm/year) (mm/year)
No periodic terms Estimated −21.09 0.52 – – – – – –
STD 4.04 0.05 – – – – – –
T −5.22 10.26 – – – – – –
K2 = 3.74 years Estimated −20.46 0.51 −6.25 −3.22 – – – –
STD 4.25 0.05 2.90 3.03 – – – –
T −4.81 9.54 −2.15 −1.06 – – – –
K2 = 3.74 years and K1 = 7.48 years Estimated −19.22 0.51 −7.05 −2.17 −4.20 −4.13 – –
STD 4.39 0.05 2.99 3.19 3.08 3.18 – –
T −4.37 9.20 −2.35 −0.68 −1.36 −1.30 – –
K2 = 3.74 years and K1 = 7.48 years Estimated −19.22 0.51 −7.04 −2.16 −4.20 −4.14 0.96 0.11
and S2 = 161 days values
STD 4.43 0.05 3.02 3.21 3.10 3.20 2.99 2.99
T −4.34 9.13 −2.33 −0.67 −1.35 −1.29 0.32 0.04
T ¼ ^x=s^x , where ^x is the estimated coefficient and s^x its standard deviation (STD)
8 Gravity Inversion
8.7 Temporal Changes of the Gravity Field 341
As discussed in Sect. 8.8, since the last glacial period the deloading of ice sheets
reduces the land masses and increases the GIA induced deformation of the solid
Earth in much of northern Europe, Asia, North America, Greenland and Antarctica,
which areas were covered by large ice sheets during the last glacial period, and
Greenland and Antarctica are still covered by huge ice caps (Figs. 1.4 and 1.5). For
example, the ice was as thick as 3 km in Fennoscandia during the last glacial
maximum about 20,000 years ago. The deloading of an ice sheet is accompanied by
an inflow of subcrustal mass, and this process (GIA) starts directly during the
deloading, leading to a mass increase and thereby a geoid uplift. The largest pos-
itive geoid changes are seen in NE Canada, centred over Hudson Bay, with a peak
of 1.2 mm/year, in Fennoscandia, centred over the Bothnian Bay, with a peak of 0.
5 mm/year, and in East Antarctica with 1.1 mm/year, and they are all caused by
postglacial rebound (or GIA). The result for Fennoscandia agrees fairly well with
previous estimates of Sjöberg (1983) and also with Fig. 8.51, both studies derived
from observed land uplift rate data. Sjöberg (1983) estimated that the rebound
induced rates of change of surface gravity and geoid height in Fennoscandia have
peaks of −1.9 lGal/year and 0.65 mm/year, respectively, the former being con-
sistent with absolute gravity observations, the latter agreeing with the result in Fig.
8.41b. See also Sjöberg and Bagherbandi (2013), where also the eustatic effect is
considered. The presented results in North America also agree well with Jacob et al.
(2012) based on 97 monthly GRACE solutions from the University of Texas Centre
for Space Research Release 04 (spanning September 2002 to October 2010).
There are also regions with relatively large geoid uplifts in SW Africa and in the
Amazonas in S. America of unknown origins. The mean global rate of change of
the geoid is estimated to −0.06
0.002 mm/year, while over the oceans the mean
value is −0.08
0.002 mm/year, the latter being far from the present mean sea
level rise of more than +3 mm/year (Nicolls and Casenave 2010). The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPGC) reported that the geoid
change in Antarctica (cf. Fig. 8.41a) causes a 1.4 mm/year world-wide sea level
rise (Bentley and Wahr 1998). A likely reason for this disagreement is that GRACE
data badly determines the zero- and first-degree harmonics as well as the
second-order (J20 ) zonal term. Monthly J20 coefficients can be taken from long-term
satellite laser ranging records (Cheng and Tapley 2004), and the first-degree
coefficients, caused by the motion of the geocenter, can be determined by the
method of Swenson et al. (2008). These data were not considered in the above
Figure 8.42 shows the Earth’s surface-mass changes using GRACE monthly
data. Although mass-transport processes and mass anomalies are very complicated
in the Earth system, the reasons for the mass changes can be divided into different
sources such as ice-mass change and its effect on the sea-level rise, Earth interior
motion (mantle dynamics and GIA), ocean dynamics, continental hydrology (e.g.
large-scale variation of the continental water-storage changes) and atmospheric
effect. Generally, for regions where the geoid goes up, mass increases, and it
probably also reflects the changes caused by lower layers of the Earth.
342 8 Gravity Inversion
Fig. 8.42 Near Earth surface mass changes (j)_ obtained from Eq. (8.146) using GRACE data,
computed globally on a 1 1 arc-deg grid of surface points. Time period of data between April
2002 and October 2014. Unit: kg/m2/year
It can also be of interest to study geoid and mass changes regionally. We know that
degrees up to 4–5 tell about mass changes in the Earth deep interior, while har-
monics from 5–10 to 10–25 provide information on changes in the lower and upper
mantle, respectively (Liu 1977; Bjerhammar et al. 1980). The lower and upper
mantle contain about 50 and 10% of the Earth’s mass, therefore studying those
mass changes and effects on the geoid are important. The lower mantle extends
from 650 to 2900 km below Earth’s surface and the upper mantle from the Moho
boundary to a depth of about 400 km (Table 8.1). Higher degree harmonics mainly
tell about mass changes in the crust.
Figures 8.43 and 8.44 show the geoid (using 2.6f) and mass changes (j) _ in
Fennoscandia, Antarctica and North America, where the spherical harmonic win-
dows 5–10 and 10–25 have been applied, respectively. The contributions of the
lower and upper mantle mass anomalies are different, mostly because of the ice-cap
size, as the GIA signals in North America and Antarctica are much larger than in
Fennoscandia. Generally, the same pattern can be seen for the geoid and mass
changes in both lower and upper mantle, namely, when the geoid goes up, the mass
change increases. The mass and geoid changes can be clearly observed in West
Antarctica and Greenland, implied by on-going ice-mass loss. The signature of land
uplift in the lower and upper mantle can be seen in Fennoscandia (Baltic Sea) and
North America (Hudson Bay). The ice sheet in North America was much bigger in
size, especially in its horizontal extent, than the one in Fennoscandia. It was, in some
parts, also thicker than in Fennoscandia, although the difference in thickness would
not explain all of the difference in the signal that can be seen today. Nevertheless, the
whole load of the North-American ice cap (due its extent) was much bigger than the
Fennoscandian, thus the lithosphere was pressed further down into the mantle. Also
8.7 Temporal Changes of the Gravity Field 343
Fig. 8.43 Geoid (unit: mm/year) and mass changes (unit: kg/m2/year) in Fennoscandia,
Antarctica and North America for the spectral window 5 n 10 (showing mostly changes
in the lower mantle) using GRACE data for the time period of data between April 2002 and
October 2014 (about 12.5 years)
Fig. 8.44 Geoid (unit: mm/year) and mass changes (unit: kg/m2/year) in Fennoscandia,
Antarctica and North America for the spectral window 10 n 25 (showing mostly changes
in the upper mantle) using GRACE data for the time period of data between April 2002 and
October 2014 (about 12.5 years)
note that the last remnants of the ice vanished later in North America than in
Fennoscandia. Therefore, the mass changes and rebound were at a slightly different
time stage in North America than in Fennoscandia (Steffen et al. 2010).
344 8 Gravity Inversion
The ice masses have a significant contribution to the gravity field in Antarctica,
where it is estimated that the land is pushed down about 500 m by the ice.
Figure 8.45 shows the names of major parts of Antarctica. The area is around 58
times the size of the UK, or 1.4 times the size of the USA. About 98% of Antarctica
is covered by ice, which averages at least 2 km in thickness, and ice-free areas are
only 0.32%. The maximum thickness of the ice is 4776 m in position 69°56’S, 135°
12’E. The three largest mountain ranges on the Antarctic continent are the
Transantarctic Mountains, the West Antarctica Ranges and the East Antarctica
Ranges. The Transantarctic Mountains compose a mountain range in Antarctica,
which extends, with some interruptions, across the continent from Cape Adare in
northern Victoria Land to Coats Land. These mountains serve as the divider
between East and West Antarctica. They include a number of separately named
mountain groups, which are often subdivided into smaller ranges. The geoid change
exhibits a strong negative value of −4.5 mm/year, using about 12.5 years data,
along the coast of West Antarctica (see Fig. 8.41a). This is a result of the fact that
the glaciers in this region are losing significant mass (Sasgen et al. 2005), and the
mass change is larger than in Fennoscandia and North America. However, the geoid
changes in the lower and upper mantle are different than −4.5 mm/year (Figs. 8.43
and 8.44). The figures show that the geoid changes reach to −1.7 and
−0.85 mm/year in the upper and lower mantle in West Antarctica (in 12.5 years),
respectively. The findings from GOCE and GRACE and the data from ESA’s
8.7 Temporal Changes of the Gravity Field 345
CryoSat satellite, which carries a radar altimeter, and also ICESat missions show a
large negative ice-mass change in West Antarctica, a loss that has increased
threefold since 2009.
In this chapter, the harmonic window technique was used to show the crustal,
upper and lower mantle structures and mass changes beneath the above mentioned
regions. Convective materials circulate in the mantle because of the temperature
difference between the Earth’s surface and outer core. Hot material rises from below,
while cooler (and heavier) material descends. The latter is often in the form of
large-scale lithospheric material moving downward at plate boundaries (subduction
zones at about 410 km of depth). In the sense of fluid dynamics, mantle convection is
a disordered process, which is supposed to be an integral part of plate motion.
and all need an ice model and data for determining a realistic Earth model. Some
benchmark projects for GIA modelling have been performed by Zhong et al. (2008)
and Spada et al. (2011) to test different ice model effects on the GIA modelling
GIA modelling using geophysical approaches needs to assume a model for the
Earth’s rheology. Rheology is mainly related to continuum mechanics to charac-
terize the flow of materials that exhibits a combination of elastic, viscous and plastic
behaviour by appropriately combining elasticity and (Newtonian) fluid mechanics.
It is evident that any displacement and geoid height changes depend on the way the
Earth responds (e.g. by a rheology with either linear or non-linear models) to the
surface load. Much of theoretical rheology is concerned with associating external
forces and torques with internal stresses and internal strain gradients and flow
velocities (Schowalter 1978). Assuming different rheologies for Earth gives us
different results. Next we list various assumptions for the rheology of the Earth. By
assuming a constant stress:
• If the material strain increases linearly with increasing applied stress, then the
material is purely elastic.
• If the deformation rate increases linearly with increasing applied stress, then the
material is purely viscous.
• If the material is both elastic and viscous, then a viscoelastic deformation
The relationship between stress and strain is expressed by the equations in
Table 8.10 as the responses of the Earth to loads for various rheology models.
Finally, which rheology fits best for the Earth’s mantle can be identified.
Practically, there is a combination of elasticity and viscosity models called the
Maxwell model that fits well for the Earth’s mantle: for a short period of time (e.g.
for studying seismic waves), an elastic mechanism; while, for a long time span, e.g.
in studying mantle convection, it is rather a viscous mechanism. Simply considering
a Newton body for the Earth and also assuming that the deformation is directly
related to viscosity (King 1995), the viscosity can be defined as:
g ¼ r=_e; ð8:152Þ
where r is the stress and e_ is the strain rate. The mantle viscosity can be determined
by the shape of the uplift curve, and it allows one to obtain the decay time (or
relaxation time, i.e. the time it takes for the uplift to adjust to 1=e of the original
depression). This gives the order of magnitude of (for a Newtonian body) the
mantle viscosity (Haskell 1935):
8.8 Viscosity in the Mantle 347
g 1021 Pa s: ð8:153Þ
King (1995) presented different models for mantle viscosity using different
constraints such as the geoid change, plate tectonics, etc.
According to Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz (1958, p. 358), mantle viscosity can
be determined by the following approach by assuming that the crust sinks elasti-
cally under the ice load. After the ice is melted, the elastic stress in the mantle
disappears by the slow relaxation and viscous property of the mantle. Then, the
following differential equation expresses the balancing of the elastic and buoyancy
forces versus the load (Lowrie 2007):
@4n @4n @4n
Fr þ 2 2 2 þ 4 þ ðqm qÞgn ¼ Lðx; yÞ; ð8:154aÞ
@x4 @x @y @y
Fr ¼ D3 : ð8:154bÞ
12ð1 m2 Þ
width, g is gravity, q is the density of the material that fills in the depression caused
by the crustal deflection n, and qm is density of the viscous mantle. If we assume
that the load affects the plate only in x direction, the above differential equation
Fr þ ðqm qc Þgn ¼ Lð xÞ: ð8:155Þ
Assuming that the crustal deflection vanishes in the x direction, the solution
becomes (Heiskanen and Veining Meinesz 1958, p. 358):
n ¼ n0 sin p ; ð8:156Þ
which is a sinusoidal function, where n0 is the maximum deflection along the ice
axis. Figure 8.46 shows the geometry of bending of the elastic crust due to the ice
load. The surface load L causes a deflection n0 in the centre of the load.
When the ice disappears, the upward pressure becomes:
p ¼ qm gn: ð8:157Þ
The moment (M) can be obtained from the magnitude of the force multiplied by
the distance. The force due to the load would cause the moment:
M ¼ qm g n; ð8:158Þ
in the crust.
Taking advantage of the isostatic adjustment and assuming a viscous flow in the
mantle, the relation between pressure due to load and the velocity components
8.8 Viscosity in the Mantle 349
ðu; v; wÞ in the (x, y, z) directions due to the crust’s load is given by the following
Navier-Stokes equations (Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz 1958. pp. 358–361):
@u @p
qm ¼ þ gD2 u
@t @x
@v @p
qm ¼ þ gD2 v ð8:159Þ
@t @y
@w @p
qm ¼ þ gD2 w þ qg;
@t @z
@u @v @w
þ þ ¼ 0; ð8:160Þ
@x @y @z
and using Eq. (8.159), the relation between stress and velocity components will be
given by:
rx ¼ p þ 2g
ry ¼ p þ 2g normal stress ð8:161aÞ
rz ¼ p þ 2g
@w @v
sx ¼ g þ
@y @z
@u @w
sy ¼ g þ shear stress ð8:161bÞ
@z @x
@v @u
sz ¼ g þ
@x @y
where t is decay parameter, which is the inverse of the decay time (see Sect. 8.8.6)
and K is a harmonic function of x and y, which satisfies the harmonic equation
r2 K þ f 2 K ¼ 0 with f 2 ¼ l2 þ m2 : ð8:163Þ
Using these assumptions, the solution of velocity and stress components that
satisfies Eq. (8.160) will be obtained as (Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz 1958,
pp. 358–362):
@K fzst
u ¼ Az e
@K fzst ð8:164Þ
v ¼ Az e
w ¼ Aðfz þ 1ÞKefzst
@ 2 K fzst
rx ¼ qgz þ 2gA fK þ z 2 e
@ 2 K fzst ð8:165Þ
ry ¼ qgz þ 2gA fK þ z 2 e
rz ¼ qgz þ 2gAð1 þ fzÞfKefzst ;
lim rz ¼ n; ð8:166Þ
n¼ AKest : ð8:167Þ
Also, the differential n of with respect to time is equal to w (i.e. the uplift rate)
when z ¼ 0:
sAKest ¼ AKest ; ð8:168Þ
8.8 Viscosity in the Mantle 351
n_ qg
s¼ : ð8:169bÞ
n 2gf
Here, the decay parameter s is obtained by dividing the land-uplift rate by the
postglacial depression. Figure 8.47 shows the relationship between the depression
and the parameter s in Fennoscandia. The earliest value of depression (556 m) is
derived by Nansen (1928) for 8000 years B.C., and we can assume 137 m in year
2000 on the west coast of the Gulf of Bothnia.
Fig. 8.47 Postglacial depression and decay parameter s in Fennoscandia on the west coast of the
Gulf of Bothnia (Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz 1958)
352 8 Gravity Inversion
Assuming f ¼ p=L ¼ p ð1:4 108 Þ, which corresponds to the ice dimension
1400 km in plane direction and 2300 km in vertical direction, qm = 3.27 g/cm3 and
s ¼ 6 1012 s1 , the viscosity will be obtained as:
More recent methods for determining the viscosity can be found in Spada et al.
(2011) using Maxwell rheology and the load-deformation technique.
Following Sjöberg and Bagherbandi (2013) and assuming that the elastic defor-
mation of the crust of thickness D and density qc is negligible in the vertical
direction, the contribution to the disturbing potential at sea level, due to the glacial
depression of the crust, can be expressed as:
r 2 dr r 2 dr
DT ¼ Gqc dr GDq dr; ð8:171Þ
l l
r Rd r RDd
where G is the gravitational constant, Dq is the difference between the mantle and
crust densities, r is the unit sphere, R is the sea level radius, l is the distance
between the computational point and integration point and d is the depression of the
crust, or, it can be regarded as the remaining uplift (if it will be completely restored
to sea level). The first integral is the effect on the Earth’s potential due to the mass
deficit between sea level and the depressed crust. The second term is the gravita-
tional effect due to the mass deficit caused by the depressed bottom of the crust into
the mantle. We assume that the upper and lower surfaces of the crust are equally
deformed and depressed by the glaciation. Expanding the inverse distance in an
exterior type of Legendre series, one obtains (to first-order Taylor series
1 ZZ
DT lR dPn ðcos wÞdr ¼ 4plR
n¼0 n¼0
2n þ 1
1 X n
¼ 4plR dnm Ynm ; ð8:172Þ
2n þ 1 m¼n
where l ¼ Gqm , and in the last step we have utilized the addition theorem
Eq. (2.49).
8.8 Viscosity in the Mantle 353
Note that qm is the density of the upper mantle. From Eq. (8.172), we thus obtain
the following spectral relation between the disturbing potential and the remaining
dnm dn
DTnm 4plR or DTn 4plR : ð8:173Þ
2n þ 1 2n þ 1
Applying Bruns’ formula for the relationship between the fraction of the disturbing
potential DT and the geoid height DN related with GIA:
DN ¼ ; ð8:174Þ
where c0 is normal gravity on the reference ellipsoid, it follows from Eq. (8.173)
d c ð2n þ 1ÞNn ; with c¼ 0:5567: ð8:175Þ
Following Bjerhammar et al. (1980), we will use the spectral window nmin ¼ 10
and nmax ¼ 23, which is the spectral window with optimum correlation between the
land uplift rate and gravity potential in the region (see Sect. 8.8.6 for further
The disturbing potential is computed as the difference between the Earth’s
gravitational potential and normal potential given by GOCO02S (Goiginger et al.
2011) and the GRS-80 reference field (Moritz 2000), respectively. The computa-
tions are realized on a 1 1 arc-degree geographical grid of surface points. The
normal gravity at the reference ellipsoid (c0 ) is approximated to 981 Gal.
Figure 8.48 shows the corresponding geoid height depression in Fennoscandia,
which varies between −8.9 and 0.19 m, with a mean value of −5.5 ± 2.1 m.
The numerical result for the remaining uplift from the present time up to
completeness is shown in Fig. 8.49. The maximum remaining uplift of 134 m is
estimated on the Bothnian Bay and the mean value is 76 m in Fennoscandia. Some
previous studies estimated the remaining uplift to 90 m (Sjöberg et al. 1994),
50–90 m (Ekman 1991), 90 m (Ekman and Mäkinen 1996), 55–90 m (Kaufmann
et al. 2000), while Fjeldskaar and Cathles (1991) suggested a remaining maximum
uplift of only 40 m.
354 8 Gravity Inversion
The absolute land uplift rate h_ (with respect to the gravity centre of the Earth) is the
sum of the observed/apparent uplift rate (with respect to mean sea level; H), _ the
eustatic change of sea level (caused by melting of ice caps; changes of sea bottom
topography and temperature related expansion of seawater; H_ e ) and the rate of
change of the geoid height (N): _
h_ ¼ H_ þ H_ e þ N_ ð8:176Þ
8.8 Viscosity in the Mantle 355
h_ n
N_ q ; ð8:177aÞ
2n þ 1
q¼ ¼ 1=c 1:796: ð8:177bÞ
Considering also Eq. (8.176), and that the eustatic effect is only a zero-degree
effect, one arrives at the following spectral relations for the geoid height and
absolute uplift rates:
N_ n ¼ H_ n ; n1 ð8:178Þ
ð2n þ 1Þ q
2n þ 1 _
h_ ¼ H_ e þ Hn : ð8:179Þ
2n þ 1 q
The smoothed absolute land-uplift rate, as depicted in Fig. 8.50, varies from 1.4
to 10.9 mm/year with a mean value of 4 mm/year and a standard deviation of
2.7 mm/year.
The estimated uplift rate of the geoid, shown in Fig. 8.51, has a peak value of
0.70 mm/year, which agrees well with 0.7 mm/year estimated by Sjöberg (1983)
who also used land-uplift data, and also with the geoid change estimated from
GRACE data, shown in Fig. 8.41.
356 8 Gravity Inversion
Fig. 8.50 Absolute land uplift rate model based on NKG2005LU (Ågren and Svensson 2007).
Unit: mm/year
Assuming a spherical Earth with a solid crust floating on a viscous upper mantle,
the remaining uplift at time t is related to the total depression h0 at time t ¼ 0 by the
spectral relation (e.g. de Geer 1888; Niskanen 1949; Walcott 1980) so:
8.8 Viscosity in the Mantle 357
where sn is the spectral decay or relaxation time (i.e. the inverse of the decay
parameter), which is the time it takes for the uplift to adjust to 1=e of the original
depression, where e 2:67 is the base of the natural logarithm. By differentiating
this equation with respect to time and introducing uplift rate h_ n one easily obtains:
And, by inserting dn from the spectrum of Eq. (8.175), the decay time can be
expressed as:
sn ð2n þ 1Þc : ð8:182Þ
h_ n
Figure 8.52a, b show the geoid height and uplift rate, respectively, degree by
degree. Comparing the figures, we observe that there is a negative correlation
between the two plots above degree 10 (which we assume is the lower limit of the
glacially isostatically induced geoid depression). The total correlation between the
geoid height and land-uplift rate for the considered spectral window is
−0.99 ± 0.006. The decay time as given by Eq. (8.182) and shown in Fig. 8.52c is
generally increasing (almost linearly) by degree. (Also, notice the unexplained
disturbances of the linear trend with local high and low peaks at degrees 45, 52 and
67 corresponding to wavelengths of about 220, 190 and 148 km, respectively,
which are outside the optimum GIA related spectral window 10 n 23).
Comparing with previous results, based on shoreline data, we obtain considerably
longer relaxation times. For example, Watts (2001, p. 115), based on a study by
Sauramo (1958), presented an estimate of the decay time of 8 kyr for (the domi-
nating) degree 16, while Fig. 8.52c suggests 6 kyr for this degree. [To understand
this discrepancy, one should bear in mind that we determine the gravity spectrum
from a precise Earth gravitational model based on satellite gravity, while Sauramo
(1958) only had access to much poorer terrestrial gravity data.]
Traditionally there are two simple models for the GIA mantle flow in
Fennoscandia. According to Model I (thin-channel flow) the decay time should
increase by spatial wavelength, while the opposite holds for Model II
(whole-mantle flow). This method to distinguish between the two general models
was first studied by McConnell (1965) and (1968) by using Fennoscandian uplift
data, but the data were not sufficiently precise to come to a firm conclusion. Other
similar attempts have been conducted with Laurentide uplift data and also by
comparing the integrated relaxation times vs. size of the areas of the Laurentide and
Fennoscandian post-glacial rebounds, but again, the result were not conclusive,
probably due to imprecise historical shoreline data. On the other hand, our com-
putations based on recent uplift data from Fennoscandia, illustrated by Fig. 8.52c,
clearly show that the decay time decreases (almost linearly) with wavenumber (n),
358 8 Gravity Inversion
which supports Model II (see also Eq. (8.183) in the next subsection). This result
also agrees with Fig. 8.53, which shows that the viscosity increases by wavelength
(except for some minor disturbances).
According to Walcott (1980), the shapes of the uplift curves are significantly dif-
ferent for Models I and II due to the differences in viscous mantle flow. This
difference can be explained because the uplift rate is linearly and cubically
8.8 Viscosity in the Mantle 359
For the deformation of a viscous sphere, the decay time sn and viscosity g are
related by the expression (e.g. Cathles 1971, 1975; Peltier 1974):
gn 3
sn ¼ 2n þ 4 þ ; ð8:183Þ
cqm R n
360 8 Gravity Inversion
and by inserting Eq. (8.182) one arrives at the following estimate for the viscosity
(Sjöberg and Bagherbandi 2013):
c2 2n þ 1 Nn
gn : ð8:184aÞ
4pG 2n þ 4 þ 3=n h_ n
c2 Nn
gn : ð8:184bÞ
4pG h_ n
In Fig. 8.53, we present the regional averages values for the upper mantle vis-
cosity by degree using Eq. (8.184b), which shows an almost constant viscosity by
degree [in the range of (4–7) 1021 Pa s] for the studied spectral window.
If we further assume that the ratio Nn =h_ n is independent of the wavelength, it
follows that:
c2 N
g : ð8:184cÞ
4pG h_
Hence, viscosity of the upper mantle utilizing the absolute land uplift rate and a
geoid model can be determined using Eq. (8.184c). (Note that the absolute land
uplift rate must be converted from mm/year to mm/s by the factor 12 months
30 days 24 h 3600 s.) The estimated viscosity derived from the land uplift
rate varies from 1.1 1021 to 1.6 1022 Pa s over Fennoscandia, with a mean
value in the central uplift region (within a radius of 3 arc-degree from the centre) of
4.3 1021 Pa s. The most rapid lateral change of the viscosity occurs at shallow
depths of the crust, increasing from 1021 to 1022 Pa s in the Norwegian Sea and
Finland. For comparison, as shown in Table 8.11, most recent studies estimate the
upper-mantle viscosity in the range of (0.5–5) 1021 Pa s, and our results are also
in that range. However, in contrast to many of the methods in the comparison, from
our limited areal extension of data and approximate method, we cannot expect to
also obtain an estimate of viscosity at depth.
We can summarize this numerical experiment as follows:
Repeated absolute gravity measurements in Fennoscandia have revealed that the
on-going post-glacial rebound can be regarded as a pure viscous flow of mantle
mass of density 3390 kg/m3 towards the central part of the region caused by a
gravity/uplift rate of -0.167 lGal/mm. Our model estimates the rebound induced
rates of changes of surface gravity and geoid height to have peaks of −1.9
lGal/year and 1.6 mm/year, respectively. The rates of change of gravity agree well
with recent absolute gravity data. The results, based on a recent land uplift rate
model in Fennoscandia and an up-to-date Earth gravitational model, confirms the
8.8 Viscosity in the Mantle 361
Table 8.11 Comparison of some estimates of [upper] mantle viscosity in Fennoscandia in units of
1021 Pa s
Reference Model Data Viscosity
Niskanen (1949) Elastic crust and Historical shorelines 5
viscous flow in the
Bjerhammar Viscous flow in the EGM and h_ 40
et al. (1980) mantle
Fjeldskaar and Viscoelastic h_ 1.2
Cathles (1991) asthenosphere and
Sjöberg et al. Simple viscous flow EGM, h_ and T 2
Sjöberg et al. Regression analysis EGM, h_ and T 2.2 ± 0.2
Kaufmann and Forward and inverse EGM, sea-level 0.2–0.5 upper
Lambeck (2000) modelling change, seismic 10–30 lower
Milne et al. Glacial-isostatic adjust GPS and tide gauge 0.5–1 upper
(2001) in Fennoscandia data 10 lower
Bergstrand et al. Ice model RSES GPS 30
Steffen et al. Ice model RSES GRACE 0.2–0.4
Lidberg et al. Ice model RSES GPS 0.5 upper
(2010) 5 lower
Zhao et al. Inverse modelling Ice sheet models and h_ 0.3–0.5 upper
(2012) from GPS 7–13 lower
Sjöberg and Simple viscous flow EGM, h_ 4 for spectral
Bagherbandi window
(2013) 10 n 70
This study Simple viscous flow EGM, h_ 4 for spectral
10 n 23
This study Simple viscous flow EGM, N_ 6.5 for spectral
10 n 23
T = Moho depth data. h_ = present day uplift rate data (repeated levelling, GPS and tide gauge
viscous flow model in the mantle (in contrast to the thin-channel flow model in the
upper mantle). The result is supported both by the decreasing relaxation time with
spatial wavelength of uplift rate and by the type of correlation between remaining
uplift (or present geoid depression) and uplift rate. The upper mantle viscosity is
estimated to 6 1021 Pa s, with a small increase in the range of (1–16) 1021
Pa s by degree in the spectral window studied. One may speculate that the physics
362 8 Gravity Inversion
behind the decreasing relaxation time by wavelength, as well as the shape of the
viscosity curve in Fig. 8.53, support rheology models with increasing mantle vis-
cosity with depth, but, considering the limited area of data and the approximate
methodology, such a conclusion is out of the scope in this study. Here, GRACE
data could help (see the next section).
The most successful data for the temporal changes of the gravity field stems from
the accurate dedicated satellite gravity mission GRACE. The GRACE monthly
solutions have been used in many studies to infer mantle rheology and ice history in
areas with GIA phenomena (e.g. Steffen et al. 2010).
In this section, viscosity determination is presented using the temporal change of
the geoid change obtained from GRACE data. The inverse of Eq. (8.177a)
h_ c ð2n þ 1ÞN_ n ; c 0:5567; ð8:185Þ
c2 N N
g P ¼ cqm R P1 ; l ¼ Gqm and
4pGc 1 _
n¼0 ð2n þ 1ÞNn
n¼0 ð2n þ 1ÞNn
¼ 1=c:
Fig. 8.54 Viscosity profiles from predictions of postglacial signatures (Kaufmann and Lambeck
variations can be smooth in the mantle (profile b and c) or a very large viscosity
jump across the 660 km discontinuity (profile a).
The above mentioned studies modelled the time dependent glacial isostatic
adjustment of the Earth related to past and present changes in the ice ocean mass
imbalance based on mantle viscosity profiles. Also they deduced mantle-viscosity
profiles, which simultaneously fit the long-wavelength geoid constraint and
glacially induced changes of the Earth’s shape.
Finally, in Fig. 8.55, we show the land uplift rate in Fennoscandia estimated by
GRACE data and Eq. (8.185). Comparing with Fig. (8.50), the maximum change is
about 35% larger and located further to the NE.
As previously discussed, the Earth’s gravity field changes with time are due to
various geodynamical processes. The motions can be classified as secular and
periodic, and our focus has been on studying secular trends. The largest secular
Fig. 8.55 Land uplift rate (h)
obtained from GRACE data
using the CSR processing
data centre (The University of
Texas at Austin, Centre for
Space Research) for the time
period between April 2002
and October 2014 (about
12.5 years) after applying
DDK4 filter (Kusche et al.
2009). Unit: mm/year
364 8 Gravity Inversion
changes are caused by mantle convection, and plate and intraplate tectonics, as well
as GIA. Today, the most successful data for studying the temporal changes of the
gravity field stem from the long record of the accurate dedicated GRACE satellite
gravity mission. These data greatly complement traditional GIA studies by geologic
records and geodetic repeated levellings and GNSS records because of the
long-wavelength characteristic of the phenomenon. One result of this section shows
that some of the periodic terms are not significant in the estimation of the trend, and
they can therefore be ignored (see Table 8.9). The obtained land uplift rates in
Fennoscandia, based on the inversion of gravity data, are also comparable with the
uplift rates calculated with GPS station records (Lidberg et al. 2010; Kierulf et al.
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Chapter 9
Concluding Remarks and Outlook
higher accuracy. In due time, one can also foresee a follow-up of the successful
GOCE satellite gradiometry mission.
In the future, vertical control points, established, e.g. by steel bench marks in
hard rock, may possibly be abandoned in favour of vertical control systems based
on high-quality (digital) geoid models, suitable for height determination by GNSS-
levelling. Today, most European and former Soviet countries define their vertical
systems in terms of normal height and quasigeoid, while most other countries use
the orthometric height and the geoid in their height systems. [Some comparisons are
given in Vanicek et al. (2012) and in Sjöberg (2013)]. The primary advantage of the
quasigeoid-based system is that the partly unknown mass distribution of the
topography does not affect the computed (quasigeoid and normal) heights and their
accuracies. On the other hand, the geoid is a natural zero level as it approximates
mean sea level (and its prolongation through the continents), while the quasigeoid
has no such natural interpretation. In addition, the geoid, in contrast to the quasi-
geoid, is an equipotential surface in the Earth’s gravity field. Therefore, the geoid,
but not the quasigeoid (which is a projection of the telluroid that closely follows the
mostly irregular topographic surface), can be successfully digitized and interpolated
to very high resolution, and this fact could possibly be a practical problem in future
quasigeoid-based systems.
While geoid computation is successfully achieved by combining the long- to
medium-wavelength data of an EGM with a Stokes’ type integral, which provides
the detailed information, an EGM alone limited to, say, 180° is sufficient to cover
all significant wavelengths in some geophysical applications, such as gravity
inversion for Moho depth and (possibly) density contrast, as well as for tectonic
stress in the mantle. For such studies, an improved low- to medium-wavelength
EGM will be beneficial.
Among the remaining problems to be solved is the bias in gravity field data over
the oceans caused by the Sea Surface Topography in the process of inverting
satellite-altimetry data to gravity data. This issue is important, as the detailed
gravity field on the ocean mainly relies on this technique, and there is by now no
successful independent way to remove the bias, of the order of ±1–2 m, and a
considerable part of it therefore remains in the gravity.
Today, the GRACE mission is, and its successor(s) will be, the most essential
techniques for determining the global to regional temporal changes of gravity and
geoid with several important practical and scientific applications for science and
society. Examples of such applications are monitoring of geoid and sea level
changes and land uplift rates, as well as mass changes of glaciers, ice sheets and
hydrography. A notable application in oceanography is to use the estimated tem-
poral change of slope of the geoid, which, combined with the rate of change of sea
level slope, provides the change of steric ocean current, closely related with climate
Today the common way to estimate the quality of a gravimetric geoid deter-
mination is to compare it with a GNSS-levelling based geometric geoid model. As
this comparison includes independent systems for gravity, GNSS and levelling,
much of the systematic errors of each system are lumped together and determined in
9 Concluding Remarks and Outlook 377
a least squares fitting procedure and removed, but there is no reliable way to
distribute the estimated bias and tilts to gravimetric and GNSS-levelling geoid
results. Interestingly, the emerging research towards a relativistic technique by
atomic clocks will offer another independent means for height and geoid determi-
nations and control, e.g. in a global network of control points as complementary to
satellite gravimetry, as well as to the global geometric reference of the ITRF. In the
future, chronometric levelling may, for the first time, even become a practical tool
for direct measuring of geopotential differences for various applications in geodesy
and geophysics (see, e.g. Kopeikin et al. 2015; Flury 2016).
Hotine’s formula, 96 221, 228, 230, 231, 235, 236, 238, 240,
241, 291, 305, 307–309, 334, 379, 381
I Least squares combination, 217
Ice sheet, 9, 247, 341, 342 Least-squares interpolation, 216
Ill-conditioned, 32, 67, 68, 80, 188, 192 Least squares modification of stokes formula
Ill-posed, 32, 66, 67, 69, 71, 80, 241 with additive corrections (LSMSA), 1, 150,
InSar, 327 174, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183, 188,
Integration, v, 1–3, 7, 10, 50, 55, 60, 67, 77, 191–194, 196, 197, 199, 203, 209, 379
80, 96, 98, 99, 107–109, 119, 126, 129, Least square spectral combination, 55
130, 132, 133, 137, 143, 149, 150, 156, Legendre functions, 42
160, 169, 170, 172, 173, 175, 176, 179, Legendre’s polynomials, 27, 41, 42, 43, 67, 85,
181–183, 185–188, 192, 195, 197, 200, 330
204, 205, 210, 221, 224, 226, 229, 230, Levelling, v, 8, 9, 16, 17, 19, 112, 113, 115,
253, 290, 306, 350, 352, 379 122, 181, 191–196, 198–200, 214, 217,
Internal forces, 4 220, 221, 355, 361, 380
International terrestrial reference frame (ITRF), Linear regression, 27, 29, 217, 219, 339
12, 13, 18, 327 Lithosphere, 7, 9, 247, 250, 268, 274, 291, 298,
International terrestrial reference system 301, 304, 320, 322, 333, 342, 345
(ITRS), 11, 12 LLR, 12
Inverse problem, 3, 65, 66, 67, 241, 281, 287, Local compensation, 281
296 Local spectral filtering, 47
Inverse Vening Meinesz formula, 83 Long wavelength, 3, 286
Isostasy, 5, 7, 9, 267, 268, 270, 281, 291,
296–298 M
Isostatic compensation, 108, 197, 247, 261, Mantle convection, 2, 4, 10, 319, 320, 323,
263, 271, 280, 281, 283, 292, 297 329, 331, 332, 334, 346, 364
Isostatic gravity anomaly, 263 Mantle discontinuity, 251
Marussi tensor, 102
K Mass transport, 2
Kaula, 5, 6, 83, 93, 120 Mean sea level, 182
Kernel function, 34, 42, 50, 53, 67, 72, 73, 76, Mesosphere, 249
77, 94, 98, 99, 105, 170, 187, 188, 232, Modification parameters, 129
237, 314 Modified Stokes formula, 128
Krarup, 6, 46, 205, 207, 208 Moho, 9, 266, 268, 269, 271–274, 276, 277,
KTH method, v, 149, 157, 183, 188, 193–195, 279–281, 285–289, 291, 292, 294–296,
210, 272 300–303, 305, 306, 308–314, 318, 330, 361
Moho density contrast, 308
L Mohorovičić discontinuity, 268
Land uplift, v, 9, 16, 19, 20, 199, 247, 342, Molodenskii’s truncation coefficients, 130
351, 353–355, 356, 357, 358, 360, 363, Molodensky, 1, 6, 112, 122, 123, 128, 131,
364, 380 134, 135, 143, 164, 170, 172, 174, 187,
Laplace, 27, 44, 46, 54, 56, 60, 61, 62, 68, 203, 204, 205, 206, 210, 213
92–94, 96, 101–103, 105, 127–130, 135,
152, 156, 163, 164, 177, 178, 230, 240, N
254, 349 Neumann, 65, 96
Lateral density contrast, 255 Newton, 5, 27, 39, 44, 57, 59, 151, 153, 156,
Lateral density variation, 166 160, 172, 189, 207, 253, 346, 347
L-curve, 71 NIEs, 296
Least squares, 1, 6, 27, 28, 29, 31–35, 46, 49, Non-isostatic effects, 296
51, 54, 55, 57, 69, 72–75, 77, 119, 131, Non-isostropically filtering, 338
135, 137, 139, 141–144, 181, 183, Normal gravity, 22, 83, 87
186–188, 192, 195, 206, 208, 215, 218, Normal gravity field, 85, 89
382 Index
Tectonic plates, 324 UNB technique, 183
Tectonic stress, 319 United Nations, 11, 379
Telluroid, 112, 124, 203, 210, 380 Upper mantle, v, vi, 9, 247, 248, 259, 268, 286,
Temporal changes, v, vi, 2–4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 253, 297, 301, 344, 353, 356, 360–362
334–336, 362, 364, 380
Tension, 322 V
Terrestrial gravity data, 1, 2, 7, 8, 121, 130, Variance component, 220
143, 190–192, 196, 229, 241, 357 Variance of unit weight, 29, 30, 215, 312
Thermal expansion, 298 Vening Meinesz, 282
Thermal gravity anomaly, 298 Vening Meinesz formula, 97
Tidal attraction, 20, 23, 89 Vening Meinesz-Moritz (VMM), 286
Tide, 2, 4, 17, 19, 20, 23, 334, 355, 361 Vertical gradient of gravity, 98
Tikhonov, 68, 69, 70, 76, 77, 79, 80, 192 Viscosity, v, vi, 5, 6, 9, 10, 247, 251, 278, 281,
Topographic attraction, 107, 108, 125, 212, 320, 329, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350–352,
263, 266 356, 358, 359, 360–363
Topographic bias, 127, 154 VLBI, 12, 242, 325, 326
Topographic-isostatic, 283
Topographic mass, 155, 214, 267, 270, 281 W
Topographic potential bias, 154 Weight matrix, 29
Transition zone, 251, 301 White noise covariance model, 190
Wiener filter, 35, 68, 72, 76, 77, 79, 80