Part E-1 CIR vs. Liquigaz Philippines Corporation

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CORPORATION, Respondent. G.R. No. 215534, April 18, 2016


Liquigaz Philippine Corp received a copy of Letter of Authority (LOA) issued by the CIR authorizing
investigation of all internal revenue taxes for 2005. It also received a copy of the PAN on May 20, 2008,
and was assessed 23,931,708.72 PHP as deficiency tax.

On June 25, 2008, it received a Formal Assessment Notice (FAN) together with its attached details of
discrepancies for December 31, 2005. Liquigaz filed a protest on July 25, 2008, and submitted
documents on September 23, 2008. It received the copy of FDDA on July 1, 2010 and still liable for
22,380,025.19 PHP Liquigaz filed a petition for review to the CTA division CTA division—partially
granted Liquigaz’s petition to cancel EWT and FBT assessments.

CTA en banc-affirmed the CTA division. It is a requirement that the taxpayer should be informed in
writing of the law and the facts on which the assessment was made applied to the FDDA—otherwise,
the assessment shall be void.


W/N the assessment made by the CIR is valid


Under Section 228 of the NIRC, a taxpayer shall be informed in writing of the law and the facts on which
the assessment is made, otherwise, it shall be void. Again, Section 3.1.4 of RR No. 12-99 requires that
the FLD must state the facts and law on which is it is based.

Section 228 of the NIRC should not be read restrictively to limit the written notice only to the assessment
itself. The written notice requirement for both the FLD and the FAN is in observance of due process—
to afford the taxpayer adequate opportunity to file a protest on the assessment and file an appeal in
case of an adverse decision.

However, a void FDDA does not ipso facto render the assessment void. A decision differs from an
assessment. An assessment becomes a disputed assessment after a taxpayer has filed its protest to
the assessment. The CIR either issues a decision on the disputed assessment or fails to act on it and
is considered denied. The taxpayer may then appeal the decision on the disputed assessment or the
inaction of the CIR. As such, the FDDA is not the only means that the final tax liability of a taxpayer is
fixed, which may then be appealed by the taxpayer.

A decision of the CIR on a disputed assessment differs from the assessment itself. The invalidity of one
does not necessarily result in the invalidity of the other. However the FFDA issued reveals that it merely
contained a table of Liquigaz’s supposed tax liabilities, without providing any details. The FDDA must
state the facts and law on which it is based to provide the taxpayer with the opportunity to file an
intelligent appeal.

As established, an FDDA that does not inform the taxpayer in writing of the facts and law on which it is
based renders the decision void. Therefore, it is as if there was no decision rendered by the CIR. It is
tantamount to a denial by inaction by the CIR, which may still be appealed before the CTA and the
assessment evaluated on the basis of the available evidence and documents. The merits of the EWT
and FBT assessment should have been discussed and not merely brushed aside on account of the
void FDDA.

The Court agrees that the FDDA substantially informed Liquigaz of its tax liabilities with regard to its
WTC assessment. Substantial compliance with the requirement under Section 228 of the NIRC is
permissible provided that the tax payer would be eventually apprised in writing of the factual and legal
bases of the assessment to allow him to file an effective protest against.
It is imperative that the FDDA contain details of the discrepancy. Failure to do so would deprive LIquigaz
adequate opportunity to prepare an intelligent appeal. It would have no way of determining what was
considered by the CIR in the defenses it had raised in the protest to the FLD.

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