The average of the squares of the deviations or error, that is, the gap between the estimator and
estimated is called mean squared error (MSE). It is associated with the expected value of the square
of error loss and also called risk function. The difference between actual and expected is because of
the randomness or the absence of information that could give a precise estimate.
The MSE is a measure to determine the quality of an estimator with a non-negative value. If the value
of the MSE is close to zero, then it implies that the quality of the estimator is better. Since the MSE is
the second moment which is about the origin, that is why it includes the bias and variance. Similar to
variance, the MSE is also measured in the units as the quantity is measured.
The value of MSE is used to compare the two or more than two models of statistics and provide the
result of how well the observations are explained by such models. For instance, if the variance of an
unbiased estimator is least among all the unbiased estimator then it will consider as a best-unbiased
estimator. In the regression analysis, the MSE is measured to analyses variance and to determine the
significance of the predictor or estimator. Since the MSE evaluates the quality of a predictor or an
estimator, so the definition of MSE differs. The definition of the predictor is explained below:
If a vector has predictions and the vector of observed values is , the mean squared error of
On the other hand, the Mean squared error of which is an estimator with an unknown
The mean square error is the average of the square of the difference
between the observed and predicted values of a variable.
Mean Square Error (MSE) is similar to Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) except
that it accounts for distortion and interference in addition to noise power.
CableFree Microwave ODU
Distortion may come from several sources such as bad Ethernet cables (poor
shield, damaged, or low quality), path degradations such as multipath, or
Fresnel zone encroachment.
Interference can come from other transmitters on the tower, as well as from
sources inside an indoor shelter. High power transmitters inside a shelter can
cause interference when near the PoE device or when located very close to
the cabling.
There are maximum acceptable MSE values for each modulation which are
useful in determining the quality of the link. The MSE value reported is only
relevant to one tx-rx path, so the MSE of each tx-rx path must be evaluated to
verify the link is operating as expected. The lower the number the better, so a
-35dB is better than a -30dB.
These include