Raymon Grace June18newsletter

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The author has been working for over 30 years to clean up water supplies and teach others how to do it through classes, DVDs, and books. He also suggests using energy work and dowsing to help protect schools.

Over 30 years ago, the author set a goal to clean up water on earth and provide good drinking water to everyone because water is important but getting polluted. His goal is to teach people how to clean their own water supplies.

The author suggests playing the DVD 'Change Energy ~~Change Your Life’ once a week and directing it at the school to clean it up. He also recommends dowsing to check the danger level and removing any negative entities.

June 2018

Howdy Folks!

Seems like it is time to talk about water again. Over 30 years ago, I set a goal to clean up the
water on earth, because it is one of the most important things we have and it was getting
polluted. Every day there was less good drinking water and more people using it. Didn’t know
how to do this but figured I could learn.

Have written about this and make talks in every class, showing people how to do it. Problem is,
most people don’t use the information to do it for themselves.

Considering the success we have had, there is reason to believe that all you people can have
good drinking water running out of your kitchen faucet.

As part of the weekly energy clearing I do for some of you, I work on cleaning up your drinking
water and some of you have told me you can taste the improvement.

One lady, whose water came from the public water supply, placed a bottle of water from her
faucet beside a bottle of pure spring water. Then when her husband came home, she asked him
to taste water from both bottles. He could not tell any difference.

If you want to learn how to do this and are not able to attend a class with me, just get the
‘Energize Water’ DVD from www.raymongrace.us Some folks have made this as simple as
playing the DVD and with ‘intent’ directing the energy of the DVD to their water supply. Follow
along with the DVD and it teaches you how to do this yourself.

On another subject, people are concerned about the shootings and violence in schools. Well, we
have something that might help. The DVD 'Change Energy ~~Change Your Life’ was made for
cleaning up people and places. If you have kids or grandkids in school, you might want to play
the DVD and direct it at the school, at least once a week and watch it and work along with it
and learn to do this yourself.

You can also dowse to check the level of danger of the kids for the day. Just ask, ‘What is
the probability of danger for any kids in the school today?’

On my chart, the idea reading would be a MINUS 100%. On your scale it might be zero,
depending on how you read the chart.

If you get a high reading, ask these questions.

What is the probability someone is planning violence at the school today? In the future?

How many people? Students or someone else?

Next - Remove negative entities and demons if any. Take away their ‘killer archetypes’ and any
abusive archetypes by any name.

Mentally put a red light on their head to make them visible to the police before any violence

The same thing can be done for human traffickers that might be watching the school.

The world is not the same as it was 20 years ago. If you want to protect your kids, learn how to
do something - and then do it. This is why I offer classes, webinars, DVDs and books.

If you want to discuss dowsing and energy work with someone unfamiliar with it, send them
to www.raymongraceprojects.us and tell them to click on “what is dowsing” on the left. This
opens a page to explain just what dowsing is and what you can do with it. You can also
visit www.raymongrace.us , click on dowsing and you will find other videos and audios.

Faye will be attending the West Coast Dowsing Conference the end of June and will take my
DVDs with her if you want to save on postage and will be attending. I think you can still register
at www.dowserswestcoast.org until the 13th. IF you miss that deadline and want to watch the
best speakers…..they will be available in your living room via a live stream. Yes, you can watch
it as it happens, and review for the next 30 days. Faye will put the information below. Call or
email THEM about them…all I can tell you is it is available. If something does not work I cannot
help you. Do not contact me about the livestream!

A few years ago I was invited to be filmed for a video with various healers, scientists and those
working with energy. If you are interested, here is the link to get information about it. E-motion
with Raymon.

Enjoy Summer!


And now from Faye:

Hello everyone, it is time for the call to action. Please visit here for details and join us on June
21st. You are powerful and you do make a difference. I will be at the West Coast Dowsing
conference presenting The Art of Being with Gongs on Sunday afternoon and will have a table in
the vendor area. Please stop by and visit and introduce yourself if we have not met! I will have
some of Raymons DVDs there for sale as well. I will also be shooting video that will be part of
the live stream...so if you cannot come to the conference...check out the opportunity below and
if you have any questions about it...send an email to [email protected]

I am getting more and more comments about pain being gone after gongs sessions. Am loving
it! www.tsvibrations.com

I am posting a new webinar for Raymon - October 12 - 15. Details on his site at
We have all been hearing so much about CBD oil...I have found one that is even more powerful
and has the same effects on the body...without the THC content at all and it is therapeutic
grade...to read about it or order go here http://bit.ly/2JtBnr8 or email me for more details! It is
fantastic and does not make you high, but it just may make you feel younger and healthier!

Have a great summer!

With joy and love,


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© 2018 Raymon Grace

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