WRO CWP 100 Service & Operator S Manual
WRO CWP 100 Service & Operator S Manual
WRO CWP 100 Service & Operator S Manual
General description
2. Operating instructions
3. Alarms and
5. Technical information -
Service and maintenance
6. Function diagrams
Electrical diagrams
8. Technical data
9. Appendices
This manual provides the information needed to install the WRO Chem,
operate the WRO Chem, to carry out maintenance on it and to identify and
remedy faults that may occur.
Gambro Lundia AB, Monitor Division,
Box 10101, SE-220 10 LUND, Sweden.
Phone +46 46 16 90 00.
Symbol Description
∼ Alternating current
This way up
Keep dry
Input / Output
Year of manufacturing
Symbol Description
CSA-listed Manufacturer
Introduction ........................................................................... 2
Intended use
The Gambro water treatment system CWP 100, In addition, the WRO Chem has been designed
model WRO Chem, produces water of high to reduce water consumption by automatically
quality, chemically and microbiologically and adjusting the reject flow to the actual
with adequate flow, provided that the feed water consumption of pure water.
complies with existing standards for drinking
water and has been properly pre-treated by Caution: WRO Chem utilizes chemical
softening, charcoal filtration and particle filt- disinfectants for the disinfection of the WRO
ration to minimum 10 µm. and the distribution system in the clinic. A test
for residual chemicals must therefore be perfor-
med before initiation of a dialysis treatment.
Introduction WRO Chem comes in four different sizes:
The water used in the dialysis setting is a very WRO111, WRO112, WRO113 and WRO114.
important factor in achieving and maintaining
an adequate quality of the dialysis fluid. The
chemical and microbiological quality of the water
depends not only on technical parameters of
membranes (such as retention rate, rejection
rate, chemical composition, and pore size), but
also to a large extent on the condition of, and
proper maintenance of, equipment and distribu-
tion system.
• Built-in automized disinfection and cleaning Fig. 1. CWP 100, model WRO Chem.
programs that enable integrated chemical
disinfection of the WRO and all parts of the
piping system downstream the WRO.
The microbiological quality of the dialysis fluid The conductivity, i. e. the ability of the water to
is a function of a number of factors. Neglecting conduct a current, is a measure of the amount of
only one of these could result in a poor quality. dissolved salts in water. It is therefore used to
These factors are: indicate the quality of the water and the perfor-
mance of different water treatment processes,
• Acceptable quality of the inlet water to the such as reverse osmosis.
water treatment system, i.e. in accordance
with standards for drinking water. The conductivity in water is normally expressed
in microsiemens per cm (µS/cm).
• High capacity of reduction of microorganisms
and endotoxins in the water treatment The amount of dissolved salts in tap water
system. This requires both the necessary varies significantly from place to place and may
purification steps (e.g. RO) as well as also change over time due to seasonal varia-
hygienic design and correct maintenance tions. As reverse osmosis removes a percentage
including regular cleaning and disinfection. of the salts (appr. 95%) it is obvious that the
pure water conductivity also will vary
• Hygienic design of the distribution system of depending on the quality of the inlet water.
treated water to the dialysis clinic with
smooth surfaces and with a minimum of The conductivity of the water is not always a
joints and stagnant zones. good indicator of the suitability of the water for
dialysis. Aluminium, for example, may be pre-
• Frequent disinfection of the distribution sent in concentrations well exeeding recommen-
system. ded standards without affecting the conductivity.
• Hygienic design and regular cleaning and The quality of dialysis water should therefore
disinfection of the dialysis machines. always be verified by regular water analyses.
• High quality and proper handling of bicarbo- The conductivity should mainly be used as an
nate concentrates. indicator of the performance of the reverse
osmosis system.
• Correct arrangement of the drain connections
from the dialysis machines i.e. air gap to The regulations and guidelines on the quality
avoid microbial contamination from the requirements for dialysis water varies in diffe-
drainage system. rent countries.
membrane pure water
water inlet
reject recirculation
reject to
Refer to fig 3, 4 and 5! The conductivity on the inlet water and pure
water are continously monitored by two
(The components in the system are marked with conductivity cells (32 and 35). The pure water
the numbers within parenthesis below.) conductivity is continously displayed on the
operator´s panel during operation. The inlet
After pretreatment (preferably in carbon filter, water conductivity is displayed on request by
softener and 5 µm particle filters) the water pressing MAIN MENU. Refer to page 1:14
enters an inlet water tank (4) with an air gap
via a solenoid valve (1). A booster pump (33) Conductivity cell (144) in the return line from
then creates the pressure that is required for the clinic is used to monitor the loop disinfection
the reverse osmosis process (12 - 18 bar). procedure by indicating when disinfectant has
reached that part of the system.
The pure water from the WRO-unit is distribu-
ted directly to the clinics distribution system via Flow monitoring
solenoid valves (48) and (136). Excess pure
water that has not been used in the clinic is The flow rates are measured at the following
recirculated back to the inlet water tank via places (fig. 3):
solenoid valve 106.
Flow pos
The reject flow leaving the reverse osmosis
module is split into two streams. One part is
• Reject flow from RO-unit (F2) 42
recirculated back to the inlet side of the main
• Pure water flow from RO-unit (F6) 121
pump via valve (71) (preset from factory) in
• Return flow from the loop (F4) 51
order to maintain a high flow velocity over the
membrane surface. The other part is the reject
These flow rates are used to calculate:
flow rate which is set with needle valve (41).
• Actual water consumption F5 = F6 - F4
To save water, a three way motor valve is
• Inlet water flow F1 = F2 + (F6 - F4)
installed in the reject line downstream reject
valve (41). This valve directs part of the reject
All flow rates are presented on the operator´s
water back to the inlet tank during periods of
panel on request by pressing MAIN MENU.
low water consumption.
Refer to page 1:14.
The pure water line in the WRO has a solenoid
valve (36) for automatic flushing to drain at
start up, in conductivity alarm situations, at
Chemical disinfection
regular intervals when the system is in stand
by mode and at rinse during disinfection WRO Chem offers the possibility to perform
different chemical desinfection programs.
The outlet pure water line has two solenoid For this purpose the WRO has one (models 111,
valves in series. Valve 48 is a normal shut off 112) or two (models 113, 114) proportioning
valve. Valve 136 has a special design and pump(s) (45) for the addition of Dialox to the
functions as a restrictor when it is in closed system. The WRO has enough internal space to
position. It is used to reduce the outlet flow rate hold Dialox containers up to 30 liters of volume.
during intake of Dialox during loop disinfection, The proportioning pump(s) and the Dialox
thereby increasing the concentration of Dialox. container is completely disconnected from the
Valve operates parallel to valve 48 in all other fluid path of the WRO during normal operation.
modes of operation. Refer to page 1:16 for more information about
chemical disinfection.
The WRO-unit has an overflow valve on the pure
water side (64) to control pressure and to relieve
pressure peaks. This overflow valve is set at
approx. 7 bar at delivery.
132 35
6 53
33 µS 48 136
110 P1 P2 121 ( 130
34 (
122 132
WRO Chem - flow diagram
47 42
Fig. 3
43 injection valve 130 dosing connector sensor, pos. for disinf. loop
44 dosing connector sensor, operating position 131 dosing connector, pos. for disinf. loop
45 proportioning pump disinfectant 132 dosing connector, female part
46 container for Dialox 134 funnel
47 pick-up tube+level switch for disinfectant 136 solenoid valve with drilled hole
48 solenoid valve outlet pure water 138 motor valve
51 flow meter probe, pure water return 144 conductivity cell, pure water return
52 overflow valve pure water return Presure measuring points 1/4" female thread:
P1 RO pump pressure
P2 outlet pressure RO
WRO Chem -
front view
43, 132
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.
- Operation
2 µS/cm
WRO 7 8 9
LIST MENU 1 2 3 i
- 0 . ENTER
Fig. 6.
The operator´s panel on the front of the RO-unit is used for the operation of the system. It is also
used for alarm information and for setting purposes.
The display shows information about the operational status of the system. More detailed informa-
tion on the display can be obtained by keeping the STATUS-button pressed until the display
changes (approx. 5 seconds). Revert to normal display by again pressing STATUS for 5 seconds.
The curser in the upper left corner of the display is used when searching for information. It is
moved by pushing the four arrow buttons.
" >" in the upper right corner of the display indicates that the fast stepping function has been
selected. Refer to 2. on page 5:3 for more information.
" * " in the upper right corner indicates that the alarm list includes an active alarm in the WRO
that has been reset. Refer to section 3, Alarms and trouble shooting for more information.
Below please find the basic information about the panel which is required for the daily operation.
The detailed information is contained in section 5, Technical information.
Text on display
Button to start the WRO. When START is pressed, a
flush to drain first takes place for a few minutes, -
followed by a conductivity check which lasts for 30 START UP .... MIN
seconds. If the conductivity is approved, the system goes .....µS/cm
into normal operation. If a restart is done within 10 minutes after a
stop, the system will skip the start-up flush and directly enter the -
conductivity check. OPERATION ... µS/cm
The flush to drain can be speeded up by keeping START depressed
during the flush. "rapid" will then appear on the display and the
minutes count down to 0 in seconds. This function should not be - rapid
used in the routine operation of the WRO. START UP .... MIN
The START button can also be used to initiate forced rinse during .....µS/cm
disinfection. To do this, first press STOP and then keep START
depressed for minimum 5 seconds, until rinse starts.
Pressing this button stops the system and puts it into STAND BY
STOP Stand by.
During stand by the WRO will perform a flush at regular
intervals, either to drain or including the distribution -
system (selectable, refer to section 5). Rinse is shown on the display STAND BY
during this flush. Rinse
These buttons are used for handling of alarms in alarm situations. Refer to
section 4, Alarms and trouble shooting.
Pressing this button will bring up CWP INFO where present information
MAIN about the status of the WRO can be obtained, see below. It is also the
entrance to the technical information levels of the system. Refer to section 5.
The numbered buttons are used to dial the different codes and when
' programming the time channels. Refer to Programming of TIME
The arrow buttons are used to move the curser to desired position on the
Clear The Clear - button is used during programming to clear unwanted digits or
Enter The Enter - button is used as confirmation when entering information into
the system.
Use the arrow buttons to move through the list. 7. Cond.in < .... µS/cm
The conductivity of the inlet water to the
1. Day, date, time WRO. Alternatively, the conductivity in the
loop return line can be checked.To do this,
2. Inlet water ...l/min put the cursor on < and press ENTER. The
3. Pure water ...l/min display changes to Cond. ret.
4. RO reject ...l/min The display reverts to inlet conductivity after
5. Return flow ...l/min 30 seconds.
6. Consumption ...l/min
7. Cond.in < µS/cm 8. Cond.out .... µS/cm
8. Cond. out µS/cm Conductivity of the pure water.
9. Recovery rate ...%
10. Rejection rate ...% 9. Recovery rate ... %
Actual recovery rate of water, i.e. the portion
11. Mode LOCAL if the inlet water that is converted to pure
12. Start/Stop MAN water.
13. =>Technician info
14. Test operat.WRO no/yes 10. Rejection rate ...%
15. Test/Circ. LOOP no/yes Actual rejection of dissolved salts in %. The
16. WS-control: value is calculated with the formula:
17. 0 AUT (aut)
(1 - cond out) x 100
Fig. 7. MAIN MENU cond in
16.WS -control
Indication of the status of the water saving
control system:
Phase 1. 53 33 48
Disinfectant intake
The dosing connector is put in
DISINF WRO (110) and
DISINF WRO is initiated.
Dialox is pumped into the
WRO and circulated within
the unit.
Fig. 8.
Phase 2. Contact period
53 33 48
To allow for sufficient contact
time of the Dialox. 36
Fig. 9.
Phase 3. Rinse
53 33 48
The Dialox is rinsed out of
the WRO. 36
Fig. 10.
33 48 136
Fig. 11.
33 48 136
Fig. 12.
33 48 136
Fig. 13.
The WRO and the loop is rinsed out. The pure water- and return flow
are monitored during this phase. If they differ to much, an alarm is
issued. Also, a conductivity test is performed during the last period of
the rinse phase to check that the main part of the disinfectant has been
rinsed out.
33 48 136
Fig. 14.
33 48 136
Fig. 15.
The outlet valve to the loop is closed and the WRO is rinsed out.
33 48 136
Fig. 16.
Alternative 1: Rinse of the dialysis The WRO is then programmed to start some
monitors should follow immediately after minutes prior to this time and run for a preset
final rinse of WRO period to enable rinse of the dialysis monitors.
This mode is called RINSE CIRCULATION,
The WRO program offers the possibility to add a see fig. 16. Refer to TIME CHANNELS in
rinse period immediately after rinse of the WRO section 5 for more information.
and the loop has been completed. This mode is Refer to autorinse mode in the operating
called Rinse monitors and is suitable to use to instructions for AK100.
perform automatic rinse of AK 90, see fig. 16.
Note: The WRO Chem is still in disinfection
Note: The WRO will still be in disinfection mode mode when rinse circulation is activated.
during this rinse period. It then will stop and
cannot be put into operation until the Note: When using the autorinse feature in the
disinfection procedure has been completed by AK 100 you enter the desired ready time. This
entering the operator´s code. must be programmed into the AK 100 before
the central chem program is activated. If
Caution: The dwell time for the dialysis not, a manual rinse will be required.
monitors must be programmed so that the rinse
cycle of the WRO will overlap the rinse cycles of
the dialysis monitors. B. Manual rinse of the monitors
33 48 136 130
Green Normal operation
Red light
Blinking light:
An alarm type A has occurred. Refer to Alarm
Steady light:
The A-alarm has been acknowledged, but the
cause of the alarm still remains.
Morning when no disinfection of the WRO or the loop has been performed .................. 2
If the display does not show TEST WRO after loop disinfection .................................... 4
HCEN9315 Rev.10. 00
Operating instructions - Central chemical disinfection
Evening for central chemical disinfection: Morning after chemical disinfection:
If an alarm is displayed:
HCEN9315 Rev.10. 00
WRO Chem - Operator´s block diagram
At regular intervals
Dial code 1
If dos. connector already has If dos. connector has NOT Programmed circulation of
Flushing of WRO and been moved to OPERATION been moved to OPERATION water in the loop to enable
loop at regular intervals (ALARM issued on display): autorinse of dialysis machines
Flushing Move the Rinse circulation
TEST WRO to OP, Move dos.connector
Test op.=press START reset alarm to OP. - Test water
Test=press START
Wait ..uS Test water ...uS
Accept=dial code
Accept = press STOP
code 1
TEST LOOP Wait ...uS Test water ...uS Test=press START
Test op.=press START Accept=press STOP Accept=dial code
code 1
HCEN9315 Rev.10. 00
3. Alarms and trouble shooting guide
Alarms .................................................................................... 2
Symbols found in the alarm list ........................................ 2
External alarm indication ................................................. 2
Power failure ...................................................................... 2
Water supply interruption ................................................. 2
2. Resetting of alarm: Press ALARM ACK to If a power failure occurs, the WRO will stop and
reset the alarm that the cursor points at. the display on the operator´s panel goes blank.
Then press STATUS for normal reading. An alarm will, however, be issued on the exter-
nal alarm contact.
List of alarms
During operation: The WRO will restart
The Alarm list on next page shows all alarms
automatically and return to operation after 45
that can occur in the system. Alarms that are
seconds (cond. check) when the power returns.
easy to correct are listed in "Alarms that can
be handled by the operator". Other alarms
During stand by or disinfection: The system
normally requires technical assistance and can
will restart from where it was before the power
be found in the Trouble shooting guide below.
failure occurred as soon as the power returns.
Alarm no 28, Disinf time, will be issued in case
Symbols found in the alarm list of a longer power failure.
All relevant data will be retained in the
memory during the power failure.
Symbol in Meaning
front of alarm Alarm that have been reset will be deleted
from the alarm list in case of a power failure.
* Active alarm that has not
been reset in the alarm list Water supply interruption
Active alarm that has been
Refer to page 3:8 for more information!
reset in the alarm list (the
cause of the alarm remains).
During operation: The WRO will stop and
This is also indicated att all
issue alarm no 1. It will then make up to 4
times by a * in the upper
attempts to restart. If a restart attempt is
right corner of the display.
successful, the WRO will return to operation.
The alarm(s) will, however, remain in the alarm
Alarm that is no longer
list and has to be reset manually.
$ active but has not been
If all four restart attempts fail the WRO will
reset in the alarm list (the
stop. It then has to be restarted manually after
cause of the alarm is cleared)
correction of the cause of the alarm.
Old alarms that are no
During Stand by flushing: No alarm is
longer active and that has
no issued. The flushing will be interrupted. A new
been reset. These alarms do
symbol flushing period will be initiated after set time,
not affect the performance of
provided that there is water in the inlet tank.
the WRO anymore
During disinfection: Alarm no 1 will be
issued. The WRO will try to start at prepro-
grammed intervals.
8 Low flow F6 Low pure water flow during rinse (F6) 121
1. On CWP 100: Press . A list of alarms that have occurred will be displayed
with the latest alarm at the top of the list. " * " in front of the alarm indicates an
active alarm that has not been reset. The time when the alarm that the cursor
points at occurred is shown at the bottom of the display.
(If no time is shown, press the I-button .)
2. Acknowledgement of the alarm: Insure that the small arrow on the alarm list
points at the alarm to be acknowledged ( " * " in front of the alarm). If not move
the arrow with the arrow buttons. Then press . " * " will then disappear.
3. If the alarm is included in the enclosed list, follow recommended actions to cor-
rect the fault. If not, call for technical assistance. For complete alarm list and
trouble shooting guide, please refer to the Trouble shooting section of the
5. When the fault has been rectified: Press STATUS to return to normal display
If operation is to be resumed: press ()*+) .
If the alarm has occurred during a disinfection cycle and this is to be contin-
depressed for more than 5 seconds. Rinse will then be initiated. When the rinse is
completed, finish disinfection according to normal routines. Then perform a rinse
of the dialysis machines before testing for residual disinfectants.
Warning: Do not initiate dialysis until all dialysis machines have been tested for
residual disinfectant!
27. "Battery low PLC" This alarm is technical and does not effect the dialysis
The battery in the PLC treatments. Proceed according to normal routines but
is losing its power. immediately call for technical assistance to investigate the
cause of the alarm.
28. "Disinf. time" Follow the normal procedure to finish disinfection of the
The disinfection cycle in CWP and the loop. Then perform an extra rinse of the
the CWP has been de- dialysis machines before performing test for residual
layed more than allowed. chemicals.
Possible causes:
1: Inadequate water supply
2: Plugged prefilters
3: Faulty level switch
WRO action:
During operation: The WRO will stop and issue this alarm. It will then make up to four
restart attempts with one minute intervals (preset under Tec.info level 2).
If a restart attempt is successful the WRO will return to operation. For information pur-
pose the alarm(s) will remain in the alarm list (" $ " in front of the alarm) and must be reset
manually. They will, however, not affect the operation of the WRO .
If all four restart attempts fail the WRO will stop. It then has to be restarted manually
after correction of the cause of the alarm.
During stand by flushing: The flushing will be interrupted but no alarm is issued.
"low level" will appear on the operator´s panel to inform why the WRO has stopped. The WRO
will try to restart at preprogrammed intervals (standard setting 30 minutes, set under Tech-
nician info level 2) if there is sufficient water level in the inlet tank.
Note: Every time the level switch 6 indicates low level in the inlet tank, this will be regis-
tered under Technician info, subtitle "no of low level", for future records (refer to Service
and maintenance).
During disinfection: The WRO will stop and issue Low level inlet alarm. "STOPPED" and
"low level" will appear on the display.
The WRO will try to restart at preprogrammed intervals (standard setting 10 minutes, set
under Technician info level 2) if there is sufficient water level in the inlet tank.
Corrective action:
1. Is the water supply sufficient according to Technical data?
The accumulated number of low level alarms is registered under Nb. low level (4. in Techni-
cian info, page 5:2). Keep record of this number to find out if interruptions in the water
supply occurs on a regular basis.
A temporary drop in pressure may occur if backwashing or regeneration of different pretreat-
ment filters takes place when the WRO is in operation.
2. Check of prefilters: Start the WRO and check the pressure before and after the prefilters.
The pressure drop during operation should be max. 0,5 bar and the pressure after the
prefilters should be min. 3.0 bar.
Exchange prefilter filter cartridges if necessary.
3. Check the function of the level switch (6) (output X13 on PLC). It should be lit when there is
water in the tank and go out when the tank goes empty. Replace if faulty.
This alarm is issued, after a short delay, if the input signal X15 from the sensor is not on when
the output signal Y15 is activated.
Possible causes:
1: Malfunction of motor valve 138
2: Malfunction of the microswitch
WRO action:
The CWP stops and cannot be restarted again until the cause of the alarm is rectified.
Corrective action:
Valve 138 is powered from the output Y15 via solid state relay K32. This output is powered
during the intake and recirculation periods of the disinfection program to divert the solution back
to the inlet tank.
1. Put the motor valve in manual position (refer to Technical info level 2) . Try to open/close the
valve and check that the LED´s on the out put and solid state relays K31 and K32 lights up
2. Check if the valve is closed (the pointer for the valve shall point at 0). If not, try to close it manu-
ally (remove the black rubber cap on the motor valve) by using an Allen (hexagon) key. Turn
counter clockwise to close the valve.
3. Check the function of the microswitch. LED for X15 shall be on when the valve is closed.
Possible causes:
The dosing connector must be positioned as follows:
WRO action:
The WRO will stop and cannot be restarted until the cause of the alarm is rectified.
Warning: If this alarm occurs, an extra loop test and rinse of the dialysis machines must be
performed before initiation of dialysis. To indicate this, LOOP TEST REQUIRED will flash on
the display and the WRO will operate intermittent until the test has been verified by entering the
operator´s code + ENTER
Warning: If this alarm occurs during the intake phase of central chemical disinfection and is not
rectified within 30 minutes, the dialysis machines may not have been properly disinfected. An
extra disinfection of the dialysis machines is therefore mandatory before dialysis is initiated.
If the connector is correctly positioned and the alarm still persists after reset, call for technical
service to check the function of the sensor.
Possible causes:
1. The inlet water conductivity is for some reason elevated. The reason could be:
- insufficiently rinsed softeners in the pretreatment equipment
- increased conductivity in the raw water that is used
2. Incorrect calibration of the pure water conductivity.
3. Internal leakage in the pure water conductivity cell (35).
4. Insufficient rinse times in the disinfection program.
5. Fouled RO-membranes.
6. Internal leakage in the reverse osmosis module(s).
7. Faulty conductivity transmitter CX2.
8. Irreversible damaged RO-membranes because of elevated chlorine levels in the inlet water to
the WRO or excessive temperatures (>25°C) during disinfection with peracetic acid.
WRO action:
During operation: The system will issue this alarm after some delay but continue in operation.
During disinfection and cleaning: No alarm will be issued.
During rinse circulation: No alarm will be issued.
During stand by flush: The pure water will be diverted to drain, independent of WRO setting.
Corrective action:
1. Check that the inlet water conductivity is normal (is displayed under MAIN MENU). If not,
check the function of the softeners and, if necessary, perform an extra rinse.
Also check the inlet conductivity with a conductivity reference meter.
2. Calibrate the inlet conductivity according to section 5.
3. Remove the rubber cap on the conductivity cell (35) and remove humidity that may be present.
4. If the rinse times are too short, the conductivity will continue to decrease during flushing until
the conductivity is below the alarm limit.
5. Perform cleaning according to section 5 in this manual. If the cleaning procedure does not
result in sufficient improvement, continue with 6. and 7.
6. Disassemble the membrane modules and change the internal o-rings. Refer to spare parts.
7. Replace the conductivity transmitter CX2, spare part no 25-11029.
8. Contact Gambro if the problem cannot be resolved.
Possible causes:
1. The inlet water conductivity is for some reason elevated. The reason could be:
- insufficiently rinsed softeners in the pretreatment equipment
- increased conductivity in the raw water that is used
2. Incorrect calibration of the pure water conductivity.
3. Internal leakage in the pure water conductivity cell (35).
4. Insufficient rinse times in the disinfection program.
5. Fouled RO-membranes.
6. Internal leakage in the reverse osmosis module(s).
7. Faulty conductivity transmitter CX2.
8. Irreversible damaged RO-membranes because of elevated chlorine levels in the inlet water to
the WRO or excessive temperatures (>25°C) during disinfection with peracetic acid.
WRO action:
During operation: The system will issue this alarm and switch to flush to drain.
If the high cond.alarm is activated during start up the WRO will continue to flush to drain until
the quality goes below the limit or until the flushing is manually interrupted.
During disinfection and cleaning: Alarm will be issued after termination of the rinse cycle.
During rinse circulation: No alarm will be issued.
During stand by flush: The pure water will be diverted to drain, independent of WRO setting.
Corrective action:
1. Check that the inlet water conductivity is normal (is displayed under MAIN MENU). If not,
check the function of the softeners and, if necessary, perform an extra rinse.
Also check the inlet conductivity with a conductivity reference meter.
2. Calibrate the inlet conductivity according to section 5.
3. Remove the rubber cap on the conductivity cell (35) and remove humidity that may be present.
4. If the rinse times are too short, the conductivity will continue to decrease during flushing until
the conductivity is below the alarm limit.
5. Perform cleaning according to section 5 in this manual. If the cleaning procedure does not
result in sufficient improvement, continue with 6. and 7.
6. Disassemble the membrane modules and change the internal o-rings. Refer to spare parts.
7. Replace the conductivity transmitter CX2, spare part no 25-11029.
8. Contact Gambro if the problem cannot be resolved.
1: You have tried to use the fast stepping function without first selecting it under Technician
info level 2.
2: The motor protector F1 for the main pump 33 has released.
Possible causes:
2a: Incorrect setting of the motor protector
2b:The main pump is consuming too much current on any of the phases
2c: The pump operates with only two of the three phases connected
CWP action:
Input X7 on the PLC lights up and the unit stops.
Corrective action:
1: Reset the alarm and then select fast stepping. When selected, an arrow appears in the top
right corner of the display. Deactivate after use (resets itself after 30 minutes).
2a. The motor protector (thermal relay F1 in the electrical diagrams) is placed in the electrical
control cabinet of the CWP. Check that the setting of the motor protector correspond to the motor
sign of the main pump (attached to the outside of the pump).
Reset the motor protector before restarting the unit.
Note: The fast stepping function and motor protector alarm is connected to the same PLC input
(X7), fast stepping will automatically occur in case of a motor protector alarm if fast stepping has
been selected. A loop test will therefore be required in these situations.
Possible causes:
1. Flow control 122 on the pure water flush line is blocked by foreign material.
2. Any of the solenoid valves 36, 48, 54, 106 or 136 does not open properly.
3. The flow meter probe 121 is not functioning properly.
4. The flow transmitter FX1 in the electrical control box is not functioning properly.
WRO action:
The WRO will stop and issue this alarm. The WRO can be restarted after reset of the alarm.
It will stop again after two minutes if the flow rate still is below the alarm limit.
Corrective action:
Reset the alarm and restart the system in rinse mode. The function diagrams in section 6 gives
information about the function of the different components in the different rinse modes.
1. Check the Pure water flow rate on the display (MAIN MENU) and compare with the set
alarm limit. Also make a visual check in the flush funnel at the right hand side of the WRO.
2. Check the flow control (122) on the drain line for any obstructions.
3. Check input LED X0 on the PLC (should be flashing).
4. If the display shows 0 l/min and there is no pure water rinse flow to drain in the funnel, check
solenoid valves 36, 48, 54, 106 or 136 and their respective LED output on the PLC.
5. Check the function of the flow transmitter FX2 by measuring there is:
- 12 V DC between terminals 5 and 6
- 24 V DC between terminals 3 and 4
- a pulse signal between terminals 6 and 7
- a pulse signal between terminals 2 and 3
6. If there is no pulse signal between 6 and 7, check the flow meter probe 121.
7. If input X0 is flashing and the display shows 0 l/min, the PLC is probably faulty.
8. Both the flow transmitters (FX1, FX2 and FX3) and the flow meter probes (42, 121 and 51) are
identical and may be switched to check the function.
9. Contact Gambro if the fault cannot be rectified.
Possible causes:
- The level in the container is below the level switch.
- Faulty level switch.
WRO action:
At initiation of any disinfection programme:
Disinfection cannot be initiated until the empty container has been replaced with a new container
with sufficient amount of disinfectant.
During loop disinfection:
1. The dosing pump(s) and main pump will stop. As a consequence, all dialysis machines that
have not finished their intake phase will issue alarm for insufficient water supply.
2. WRO time counting will freeze .
3. If the STOP button is pressed (within 30 minutes) the disinfection programme will be put
on hold until further action is taken.
4. If no action is taken, the disinfection programme will start after 30 minutes from where it
was before the alarm occurred. All pumps will, however, remain switched off during the
remaining time of the intake period.
During disinfection of WRO:
Alarm will be issued but the disinfection programme will continue. The dosing pump(s) will,
however, remain switched off.
After disinfection: The alarm can be reset after disinfection. It will, however, reoccur if a disin-
fection cycle is to be initiated without exchanging the empty container with a filled one.
Corrective action:
1. If the container is empty: Immediately replace the empty Dialox container with a filled
one. The alarm is rectified and the programme is manually restarted by pressing DISINF LOOP.
2. If this alarm is issued and the container still contains Dialox: Check the level switch.
Replace it if faulty.
Caution: Always make sure that there is sufficient amount of Dialox when initiating disinfection.
Possible causes:
- Internal leakage in the WRO which has caused the water level on the tray to rise above the
level switch.
- Faulty level switch.
WRO action:
The CWP stops and the inlet solenoid valve 1 closes to avoid flooding.
Corrective action:
Check for leaks. If the leak is small the level sensor 62 can be temporarily lifted so that the alarm
goes out. The water that leaks out will be diverted to drain via the overflow drain connection from
the tray. The fault can then be corrected when no dialysis takes place.
For larger leaks that can not be corrected within reasonable time, discontinue operation. If
dialysis has to be continued, bypass the system.
Possible causes:
1. The needle valve 41 on the reject line is incorrectly adjusted or blocked by some debris.
2. The motor valve MV138 is not functioning properly.
3. The inlet flow measuring circuit is not functioning properly.
CWP action:
The WRO can be restarted after reset of the alarm. It will stop again after two minutes if the flow
rate still is below the alarm limit.
The flow alarm function may be deactivated to enable operation and to simplify trouble shooting,
refer to 8. on page 5:4. Do not, however, forget to activate the alarm after correction of the fault.
Caution: Operation with insufficient reject flow for longer periods will damage the reverse
osmosis membranes!
Corrective action:
Reset the alarm and restart the unit.
1. Select CWP INFO. Check that the RO reject flow rate is correctly set (refer to page 4:12).
Adjust with valve 41.
2. If the display shows 0 l/min in reject flow rate, visually check in the drainage receptacle
during operation that there is a flow. If not, check the function of motor valve 138 by opening it
and closing it, refer to WS- control under Technical info level 2 for more information.
The motor valve can also be manually operated with an Allen (hexagon) key by removing the
black cylindrical cover on the motor valve. If required exchanged the motor valve.
3. Checking the reject flow measuring circuit:
Input X14 on the PLC should flash when the CWP is running.
If input X14 is not flashing:
Check the function of the flow transmitter FX2 by measuring that there is:
- 12 V DC between terminals 5 and 6
- minimum 20 V DC between terminals 3 and 4
- a pulse signal between terminals 6 and 7 (from flow sensor)
- a pulse signal between terminals 2 and 3 (to PLC)
If there is no pulse signal between 6 and 7, check the flow meter sensor 42 including electrical
If input X0 is flashing and the display shows 0 l/min:
- Check that there is minimum 20 Volt on the 24 V terminal on the PLC. If the voltage is lower
investigate the reason.
- If the voltage is ok, the PLC is probably faulty.
All flow transmitters FX and the flow meter probes 42 and 51 are identical. They may
therefore be switched to check the function.
Possible causes:
1. A leak has occured in the distribution system.
2. Flow meter (51) in the return line and/or flow meter (121) on the pure water side is malfunc-
3. Too narrow setting of the leakage alarm limit.
4. Consumption in the clinic.
WRO action:
The WRO will stop when this alarm is issued, can be restarted when the cause of the alarm has
been rectified.
Corrective action:
1. Check for leaks in the distribution system
2. Check functionality of flow meter 51 and 121, replace if faulty.
3. Check alarm limit setting (Leak, Tech.info.level 2).
4. Check if there is any consumption on the loop, e.g dialysis machine in rinse mode.
Possible causes:
- Incomplete rinse-out of disinfectant from the loop.
- Error in the conductivity measurement system.
- Incorrect calibration of the conductivity reading.
- Malfunctioning relay K28
WRO action:
The WRO will continue until started program is completed. The alarm will remain to inform the
Corrective action:
1. Acknowledge the alarm and follow normal routines for test after loop disinfection.
2. Check the function of conductivity cell 144, using an external reference instrument, refer to
Alarm no 22.
3. Check that the LED on relay K28 lights up when alternating between cond. in and cond. ret.
on the display.
Possible causes:
- The pure water conductivity in the return line is for some reason elevated.
- Malfunctioning conductivity transmitter CX1
- Malfunctioning conductivity cell 144
- Too narrow setting of alarm limit
- Faulty relay K28
WRO action:
The WRO will continue in operation, but the alarm will remain to inform the operator.
Corrective action:
1. Measure the conductivity from the last tap on the loop with an external reference instrument.
2. Check the conductivity transmitter CX1 by measuring there is:
- minimum 20 V between terminals 3 and 4
- connect a restistance of 1kΩ between terminals 7 and 8. The display should then read about
400 µS/cm (provided that the calibration factor is set at 100%, refer to Conductivity calibra-
tion in Service and maintenance.
3. Check the functionality of conductivity cell 144 in the return line.
4. Check the function of relay K28 by alternating between cond. in and cond. ret on the display.
When alternating, check that the LED on the relay lights up when cond. ret. is selected.
Possible causes:
- Malfunctioning conductivity cell 35.
- Malfunctioning transmitter CX2.
- Malfunctioning dosing pump.
WRO action:
The WRO will continue until disinfection is completed, but the alarm will remain to inform the
Corrective action:
1. Check the functionality of the conductivity cell 35, using an external reference conductivity
2. Check if there is fluid present inside the conductivity cell (leakage along the pins).
3. Check the functionality of the conductivity transmitter CX2.
4. Check that the dosing pump is working properly.
Possible causes:
- Malfunctioning conductivity cell 144.
- Malfunctioning transmitter CX1.
- Malfunctioning dosing pump.
- Faulty relay K28.
WRO action:
The WRO will continue until disinfection is completed, but the alarm will remain to inform the
Corrective action:
1. Check the functionality of the conductivity cell 144, using an external reference conductivity
2. Check if there is fluid present inside the conductivity cell (leakage along the pins).
3. Check the functionality of the conductivity transmitter CX1. Refer to Electrical diagrams.
4. Check that the dosing pump is working properly.
5. Check the function of relay K28 by alternating between cond. in and cond. ret on the display.
When alternating, check that the LED on the relay lights up when cond. ret. is selected.
Possible causes:
- Relay K21 is not functioning properly
- Poor connection between the PLC and relay K21
- Input X10 or output Y11 on the PLC is not functioning properly
WRO action:
The WRO will stop and cannot be operated until the problem has been rectified.
Corrective action:
1. Check relay K21.
2. Check the connections between relay K21 and the PLC.
3. Check the function of the PLC.
Possible causes:
The PLC registers no signal or signal on more than one input connected to the remote key
switch. Remote key is in incorrect position. When the WRO is in Local mode, i.e. operated from
the operator´s panel, the remote key must be positioned at 0.
WRO action:
The WRO will stop and the remote control option cannot be used.
Corrective action:
1. Turn the remote key to position 0.
2. Acknowledge the alarm. If this cannot be done, check the electrical connections.
3. Go to Technician info level 2 and deactivate the remote control option if possible (see section 5).
Possible causes:
The battery voltage in the PLC battery has dropped below 3,0 Volt.
WRO action:
The WRO will issue this alarm at start up. The alarm can be reset but will occur again at the next
start up of the WRO.
If the battery is not changed within approx. one month, the operation of the WRO will be blocked.
Corrective action:
Exchange the battery according to the procedure on page 5:18.
Possible causes:
A: The loop disinfection procedure has been initiated so late that the time channel "Rinse circu-
lation" is entered before the rinse phase "final rinse WRO" has gone to completion.
B. The set maximum delay time (see below) of the disinfection program has been exceeded.
The max. delay time is set under Tec. info level 2 (Max. time delay). Preset: 15 minutes.
WRO action:
A: The WRO will issue the alarm when the preset Rinse circulation period should have been
entered. The disinfection procedure will, however, be finished according to the program.
The WRO will then enter the remaining part of the preset Rinse circulation period.
B: The alarm will be issued but the disinfection procedure will continue according to the program
Corrective action:
1. Reset the alarm.
2. Perform the normal tests after disinfection of the WRO and the loop.
3. Perform an extra rinse procedure of the dialysis machines.
4. After rinse: Perform a test for residual disinfectants on all dialysis machines according to
normal routines.
Possible causes:
1. Incorrect setting of the needle valve 41 on the reject line.
2. Error in the reject flow measuring system.
3. Malfunction of motor valve 138.
4. Incorrect parameter setting for the motor valve 138.
5. Error in the PLC or control relay.
WRO action:
If the reject flow has been below set minimum limit for more than 4 minutes, the motor valve will
get a signal to open fully to drain. Then the following can happen:
A: If the flow despite this does not exceed the warning limit within 2 minutes, flow alarm 17 will
be issued and the CWP will stop.
B: If the flow still is ok after 10 minutes the regulation system of the motor valve is activated
again. If scenario B is repeated 4 times, alarm 30 is issued.
Corrective action:
Go to MAIN MENU and switch off the water saving system by selecting MAN. The motor valve
will then open fully to drain, provided that the PLC and the control relay is functioning properly.
If the valve does not open when MAN is selected, it can be opened manually with an Allen (hexa-
gon) key. The screw is positioned behind the black rubber cap on side of the motor valve.
Then check if the drain flow is correct and adjust if necessary with needle valve 41.
Contact Gambro.
Possible causes:
1. Incorrect setting of alarm limit. (Test, Technician info level 2)
1. Malfunctioning conductivity cell 35.
2. Malfunctioning conductivity transmitter.
3. Faulty relay K28
WRO action:
The WRO will continue in operation, but the alarm will remain to inform the operator.
Corrective action:
1. Check Test setting under Technician info level 2.
1. Check the functionality of conductivity cell 35 in pure water outlet, using an external conduc-
tivity reference meter, replace if faulty.
2. Check the function of the transmitter, refer to electrical diagrams.
3. Check the function of relay K28 by alternating between cond. in and cond. ret on the dis-
play. When alternating, check that the LED on the relay lights up when cond. ret. is selected.
Comm Error
The communication with the PLC has failed.
Possible causes
1. Interruption in the cable between the MAC and the PLC.
2. Malfunction in the PLC.
3. Error in the communication port in the MAC or PLC.
CWP action
If the problem is in the MAC, in the cable or in the communication ports, the CWP will continue in
operation. All safety functions are controlled by the PLC. You can, however, probably not get any
information about the operation or operate the CWP from the MAC terminal.
Corrective action
1. Check the communication cable between the MAC and the PLC, including the connections.
2. Check that the PLC is functioning. Normal indication of the LED´s on the PLC is:
Batt.V OFF
3. Try to switch off the power supply to the CWP and then switch it on again. If the communication
error message remains, you probably have to replace either the MAC or the PLC.
Note: If you need to stop the CWP and the STOP button does not work you have to switch off the
switch for the power supply on the wall.
Possible cause
Read the additional information that is shown under the text SYSTEM ERROR on the display.
CWP action
If the problem is in the MAC terminal, the cable or in the communication ports, the CWP will
continue in operation. All safety functions are controlled by the PLC. You can, however, probably
not get any information about the operation or operate the CWP from the MAC terminal.
Corrective action
1. Note down the additional text on the display.
2. Check the communication cable between the MAC and the PLC, including the connections.
3. Check that the PLC is functioning. Normal indication of the LED´s on the PLC is:
Batt.V OFF
4. Press ENTER
5. Try to switch off the power supply to the CWP and then switch it on again. If the system error
message remains, you probably have to replace either the MAC or the PLC.
Note: If you need to stop the CWP and the STOP button does not work you have to switch off
the switch for the power supply on the wall.
Batt. Low
Low battery voltage in the MAC terminal.
Possible cause
The battery has not been changed within the specified time range. Life expectancy is 5 years.
CWP action
1. In the beginning the alarm does not effect the function of the CWP.
2. If the battery is not changed within approximately one month you may lose the memory content
next time the power to the CWP is interrupted. The CWP can not be restarted again until you
reload the program in the MAC terminal.
Corrective action
Exchange the battery according to the procedure in the Service and Maintenance section of this
Installation ................................................................................2
1.1 General ..........................................................................2
1.2 Piping connections ........................................................2
1.3 Electrical installation .................................................... 3
1.4 Electrical connections ...................................................3
1.4.1 Separate control voltage .............................................3
1.5 Connection of external signals ......................................4
1.5.1 Start of booster pump ................................................. 4
1.5.2 Extrenal alarm ...........................................................4
1.5.3 Extrenal blocking of operation ...................................4
1.5.4 External lamp indication unit and buzzer .................4
1.5.5 Connection of remote control unit ............................ 4
1.1. General
1.2. Piping connections
The hydraulic installation must be made in
accordance with Technical data, fig 1 , 2 and The piping connections on the right side of the
the valid process flow sheet. Pipe and valve CWP 100 is shown in fig. 2:
material shall always be stainless steel or plastic Inlet: PVC female, fits to pipe OD 25 mm
and resist a pressure of 10 bar. Drain: PVC female union, fits to pipe OD 32 mm
Drain from tray: 1/2" female thread
When placing the CWP 100, allow 500 mm on Pure water outlet & return: PVC female
the right hand side and 400 mm behind the union, fits to pipe OD 25mm
system to simplify service work in the future.
isolation switch
RO unit
pure water
pure water
,-./!0" 1"
/!0" *+&
drain from #$
drain from tray
RO -unit ((&
Caution: The loop must be designed as a direct At delivery, the control voltage is taken from the
feed system with no intermediate pure water main supply according to fig. 4:
tank. Also, special emphasis must be put on
Main Power supply
avoiding dead ends and stagnant zones that
would prolong the required rinse time. X1 L1 L2 L3 N
1.3 Electrical installation
X1.2 Control
The electrical supply must be installed three
phase and fused according to Technical data
and local regulations.
Refer to fig. 3 and Electrical diagrams in Fig 4. Control voltage - delivery connection
section 6 for more information.
The CWP can, however, also be connected to a
Isolation separate control voltage. To do this, remove the
switch links, shown in fig. 4, between:
X1.L1 and X1.1
X1.N and X1.2
L1 L1
L2 L2 Power Then connect the external control voltage supply
L3 L3 supply according to fig. 5 and fig. 6, i.e:.
L to X1.1, and
N to X1.2
1 2
1 5 2 7
4 3 5 6
K12 Fig.9. 2 pol. interface relay
K14 4 3 5
K15 2 1
5 1
K22 4
2 External contact
K24 X4.1
Fig. 10. External blocking of operation.
Caution: At delivery the system is filled with a Note: If the electrical phases are not correctly
combined preservation and anti-freeze solution, mounted, the pump will rotate in the reverse
containing 1% formaldehyde and 20% glycerine. direction, resulting in low pressure and insuffi-
This solution must be thoroughly rinsed out cient product water flow.
before the system is put into normal operation.
Check that no residual formaldehyde can be 4. To check the electrical phase sequence, check
detected before connecting patients. that the reject flow rate during rinse
corresponds to what is stated on page 5:14. If
At delivery, the WRO Chem is in pause mode considerably lower, stop the unit, switch off
in the cleaning programme, refer to function the isolation switch and change two of the
diagram for Cleaning of WRO (section 6). phases. Then restart and check again.
Operation settings
*' '$$
Refer to pos. 30 - 34 on page 5:7 and to function
diagram for operation in section 6!
These set values does normally not need to be
changed at installation. *$$
$ * ' ( ) K!
The loop disinfection program must be adapted 1. Select detailed display by keeping STATUS
for the specific dialysis unit. Below you will find pressed for 5 seconds.
a step-by-step instruction to determine the
required total injection time for Dialox. Please 2. Initiate the loop disinfection programme.
also read the example that follows after the (DISINF LOOP).
Refer to the function diagram in section 6 and Note: Record the starting time!
fig. 11 - fig. 14 on pages 1:18 - 1:20!
The display will show DISINF. INTAKE. The
Initial setting of dosing pump dosing pump will first start and 40 seconds
later the main pump will start and feed the
In order to obtain optimum concentration of disinfection solution into the loop. The return
Dialox in the disinfection solution, the outlet flow from the loop will go to drain via the
pure water flow is reduced during the funnel on the right side of the WRO. The
disinfectant intake phase. The outlet pressure injection phase is set to 10 minutes at delivery.
from the WRO then also will drop. The
approximate outlet flow rates for the different 3. Recording fill-up time for the loop:
model sizes during disinf intake are shown in Use peroxide test strips in the funnel to
table 2 below. determine when disinfection solution can be
detected in the return line. This time is the
Table 2 is used as a guideline for the initial required time to fill the loop with disinfection
setting of the dosing pump to obtain a dilution solution. Record this time.
ratio of 1:30 - 1:40, provided that the output of
the WRO during disinfectant intake (Pure water 4. Checking the output from the WRO
under MAIN MENU) is in accordance with the during the intake phase:
table and that the counter pressure in the loop Press MAIN MENU and record the pure
during the intake phase does not exceed 2,5 water output from the display. Compare to the
bar. table below.
Fig. 11 shows the capacity of the dosing pump as
a function of the outlet pressure in the loop. Disinfection of only the loop
Caution: The dosing pump may provide insuffi- 5a. Add 1 - 2 minutes to the time that you
cient capacity if the pressure in the pure water recorded at step 3. above. Then set this time
outlet exceeds 2,5 bar during intake of Dialox. at Return from loop to drain in the
setting menu, refer to Block Diagram for
Technician and Function Diagram for
Loop Disinfection in section 6!
WRO111 2,5 4 1 50 80 - 90
Table 2.
HCEN9315 Rev. 10. 00 4:7
Integration of WRO in the disinfection
6a. Set Return loop to drain to the minimum 7b. Divide the total fill volume you have
value (1 minute). obtained at 7a. with the nominal output of
the WRO during the intake phase (refer to
6b. Add the fill-up time for the loop that you 4.). This will give you the additional time
recorded under 3. above to the fill-up time that is required to fill up the dialysis
for the WRO according to table 3: machines.
Size fill-up time 7c. Add this time to the time that you have set
at step 6c.
WRO111 8 minutes
WRO112 6 minutes 8. Estimation of required time for filling
WRO113 5 minutes up the dialysis machines:
WRO114 4 minutes Summarize the time for each dialysis
machine according to table 4.
Table 3. Required fill time for the WRO
during loop disinfection. Caution: The total time for injection of Dialox
must not be lower than the required time to
6c. Set the sum that you thereby obtain at complete the fill phase on all dialysis machines.
Return loop to WRO in the setting menu.
9a. A dialysis unit that is equipped with six Caution: Verify with peroxide test strips during
AK100 and four AK90 dialysis machines. the rinse procedures below that set times are
The WRO is a WRO112. sufficient to obtain complete rinse of the piping
system and WRO.
9b. The required time to fill the loop according
to step 3. above was 3 minutes. "Total time"
Inlet water % *
Ret. water % *
Pure water % *
Start up min 3
Ret. to drain min 10
SB pause min 120
SB operat. min 10
Restart min 10
Max time dev. min 15
Move dos.conn min 10
Restart sec 60
Delay RO-pump sec 10.0
Return from loop to drain min 10
Return from loop to WRO min 5
Total time min 10
Pause min 10
Run min 3
Rinse WRO+loop min 240
Final rinse WRO min 30
Rinse monitors min 30
RINSE min 100
This page is intentionally left blank
Maintenance ........................................................................... 14
Changing container for disinfectant ................................. 14
Checking the proportioning pump .................................... 14
Change of battery in operator´s panel and PLC ............... 14
Checking the reject flow rate ........................................... 14
Setting of recirculation flow rate ...................................... 15
Checking sensor functions ................................................ 15
Cleaning .................................................................................. 16
Preservation ........................................................................... 17
Reject flow in litres per minute during the TECHNICIAN INFO
most recent STARTUP period (motor valve
1. -> Level 2
fully open to drain). This value can therefore
be used for logging purposes and (setting of 2. Rej.START UP l/min
needle valve 41). 3. Running time ...h
4. Inlet water ....m3
3. Running time 5. Disinf. cycles ...
Running time meter for the RO-unit. 6. Low level alarm ...
4. Inlet water 8. ->PLC-info
Approximative accumulated consumption of
9. Progr. version MAC
inlet water in cubic metres (m3).
5. Disinf. cycles 10. Progr. version PLC
Registration of number of disinfection cycles RCXXXXXX
that have been performed. Fig.1. Technician info display
Here you check the presets and make
modifications in the disinfection program.
Place the curser at -> and press ENTER.
Please refer to page 5:11, Disinfection
displays, for more information.
Note: Adjustment for summer/winter time is Caution: To avoid potential damage to the
required. system, this alarm must only be bypassed for
shorter periods of time.
Under this position, certain limit values are set. 18. Test... µS (alarm no 31)
The present set values are shown to the right, An increase of conductivity occurs at each start
while those within paranthesis are the most up when the WRO has been in stand by for some
recently saved values. Alarm will be issued if the time. This fact is used to check that the pure
limits values are triggered. Refer to section 3, water conductivity cell (35) is responding. Alarm
Alarms and trouble shooting. no 31 will be issued if set limit has not been
Conductivity, cond out (C2): Recommended setting: Depends on inlet water
conductivity. Stop the WRO for 10 minutes then
15. Warning ... µS (alarm no 5) start it again a couple of times. Record the peak
If, for some reason, the pure water conductivity conductivity values. Set the alarm limit 3-5µS/cm
should increase during operation and exceed the below lowest achieved peak value.
set warning limit, alarm no 5, "Warning cond." Delivery setting: 10 µS/cm
will be issued and the B-alarm lamp on the lamp To change set value: Move the curser to the
indication unit (optional) will start to blink to limit value, enter new value and press ENTER.
alert the operator. The CWP will, however,
continue in operation.
Recommended setting: 2 x normal Conductivity, cond. return (C4):
conductivity, however, minimum 10µS/cm 19. Intake Low... µS (alarm no 23)
Delivery setting: 50 µS/cm Display of set conductivity limit to confirm
To change set value: Move the curser to the that the loop has been filled with disinfectant
limit value, enter new value and press ENTER. during the intake phase of the loop disinfection
program. Alarm is issued if set limit has not
16. High ... µS (alarm no 6) been exceeded during the last two minutes of the
If a significant increase in the pure water intake phase of the loop disinfection program.
conductivity should occur during operation and Recommended setting: 500 µS/cm
exceed the set high conductivity alarm limit, the Delivery setting: 500 µS/cm
CWP will immediately switch to flush-to-drain To change set value: Move the curser to the
mode and issue alarm no 6, "High cond" (after a limit value, enter new value and press ENTER.
delay time of 30 seconds). The A-alarm lamp on
the external almp indication unit (optional) will
I 1:...................
I 2:...................
I 3:...................
I 4:...................
4. Programming of weekdays:
Tuesday: 2
Wednesday: 3
Thursday: 4
Friday: 5
Saturday: 6
Sunday: 7
To delete a sign:
I 1:Mo-Fr 0640-0645
I 2:Sa 0840-0845
I 3:...................
I 4:...................
Caution: A test of the water in the loop is 1: When a total stop has been performed.
required after a total stop has been performed or 2: After using the fast stepping function.
the fast stepping function has been used. It is
the responsibility of the technican to ensure that An extra test of the water in the loop will
no chemicals remain in the system. therefore always be necessary when these
Refer to loop test below. functions have been used, before the system can
be put into normal operation again.
1. The inlet water conductivity (C1) is measured A) Calibration of inlet water reading
by conductivity cell 32. 1. Collect a sample of the inlet water in a clean
2. The pure water conductivity (C2) is measured container in a sample valve just before the
by conductivity cell 35. WRO.
3. The return water conductivity (C4) is 2. Measure the conductivity of the inlet water,
measured by conductivity cell 144. using an external reference conductivity
Inlet water conductivity (C1)
The inlet water conductivity (C1) is displayed 3. Change the % value at 26. on page 5:6
under MAIN MENU (refer to section 1). The (Calibr. cond., Inlet water) until the new
conductivity values of the inlet and pure water reading (is displayed at the bottom of the
are used to calculate the salt removal effiency of display) corresponds with the reading on the
the reverse osmosis unit, the rejection rate, reference meter.
which is also displayed under MAIN MENU.
B) Calibration of pure water reading.
1. Collect a sample of the pure water in a clean
Pure water conductivity (C2)
container in the drain funnel on the right
The pure water conductivity (C2) is displayed
hand side of the WRO.
under MAIN MENU. It has a number of
functions concerning the operation of the CWP.
2. Measure the conductivity of the pure water
using an external reference conductivity
Return water conductivity (C4) instrument.
The return water conductivity (C4) is dis-
played under MAIN MENU. Move cursor to the 3. Change the % value at 28. on page 5:6
arrow right of cond. in and press ENTER, the (Calibr. cond., Pure water) until the new
display will change to cond. ret. It has a number reading (is displayed at the bottom of the
of functions concerning the operation of the display) corresponds with the reading on the
CWP. reference meter.
Calibration of conductivity reading Procedure C, return water
The conductivity depends on the temperature of Go to MAIN MENU and start test operation
the water and increases with approx. 2% per °C. LOOP. (refer to 15. on page 1:15). Wait until the
The conductivity measuring system is calibrated pure water conductivity has stabilized (approx. 5
at a temperature of 10°C at the factory. minutes).Then go to CALIBRATION COND.
Adjustment may therefore be required if the under Technician info level 2 (page 5:6)
actual water temperature differs significantly.
Conductivity calibration is done under C) Calibration of return water reading
CALIBRATION COND. in Tec. info level 2. 1. Collect a sample of the return water in a
Refer to page 5:6 for more information. clean container from the last tap on the
Required equipment
An external reference instrument, designed for 2. Measure the conductivity of the return water,
measurement of conductivity in water. using an external reference conductivity
Required measuring range: 1 - 2000 µS/cm. instrument.
Procedure A and B, inlet/ pure water 3. Change the % value at 27. on page 5:6
Go to MAIN MENU and start test operation (Calibr. cond., Ret. water) until the new
WRO. (refer to 14. on page 1:15). Wait until the reading (is displayed at the bottom of the
display) corresponds with the reading on the
reference meter.
2. Remove the empty container and replace it Adjusting the reject flow rate:
with a filled one. 1. Disengage the water saving control system.
3. Insert the cap with level switch/pick-up tube The motor valve then opens fully to drain.
into the new container and close the door. 2. Check the reject flow rate on the display.
3. If adjustment is necessary, first close the
Checking the proportioning pump valve to a lower value than the recommended
Accuracy: setting, then slowly adjust until the correct
The volume of Dialox that has been used during setting is obtained.
the disinfection cycle should be recorded by
making a mark on the container and compare it Note: After adjustment of needle valve (41),
with the normal consumption. This is an easy make sure that the locking nut is firmly
way to check the proportioning pump. attached.
Preservation solution
Preservation procedure
The left hand side of the base unit contains 2. Remove the cable connection on the front of the
LED's indicating the following conditions: PLC (going to the MAC operator´s panel)
POWER indicator 3. Remove the panel cover on the front of the PLC.
Lit LED indicates that power is on.
4. Remove the old battery from the holder.
RUN indicator
LED is lit during operation of the PLC. 5. Exchange the old battery for a new one within
30 seconds (spare part no 25 - 10048).
BATT.V voltage indicator (A capacitor in the unit will retain the memory
LED illuminates when battery voltage is low. during this period).
This will also be indicated on the MAC operator´s
panel (BATT. VOLT. LOW on the display). The 6. Reassemble the unit.
battery should then be changed as soon as
possible (see below).
If the battery is not changed within approx. one
The input connection block
month, the system will shut itself down and can be removed by loosening LED´s for
display BLOCKED. LOW BATT. VOLT PLC the two holding screws the inputs
LED´s will blink or show steady light if any of the
following conditions occur:
• programming error LED´s:
• battery voltage drop POWER
• check-sum error caused by noise RUN
interference BATT.V
• too high ambient temperature PROG.E
• CPU-error CPU.E
The inputs are denominated X0-X17 and X20 -
X23. The numbers are marked on the PLC-unit
and indicated by LED´s. The LED is lit when The output connection block LED´s for
can be removed by removing the outputs
corresponding input circuit is closed.
the two holding screws
The outputs are denominated Y0-Y17and Y20 - Fig. 3. The front of the PLC
Y23. The numbers are marked on the PLC-unit
and indicated by LED´s. The LED is lit when the
corresponding output is activated by the PLC-
Note: The reject flow rate at fully open motor valve must be checked on a
regular basis! Refer to Maintenance in this chapter.
1. Flow indication
In order to simplify setting and control of the water saving function, the actual flow rates are
continuously shown on the display:
F1 = Inlet water
F2 = Reject flow rate from the RO - unit
F4 = Return flow rate from the clinic.
F5 = Actual consumption of pure water in the clinic.
b: Manual control:
1. Place the cursor at AUT .
2. Press ENTER. The text changes to MAN.
3. To open the valve: Put the cursor at open and press ENTER (open changes to OPEN).
The black square after OPEN confirms that a signal is issued from the PLC to the valve.
To deactivate the OPEN signal, put the cursor at OPEN and press ENTER. OPEN then
reverts to open and the valve remains in the present position.
4. To close the valve: Put the cursor at close and press ENTER (close changes to CLOSE).
The black square after CLOSE confirms that a signal is issued from the PLC to the valve.
To deactivate the CLOSE signal, put the cursor at CLOSE and press ENTER. CLOSE then
reverts to close and the valve remains in the present position.
3. WCF value
WCF is short for Water Conversion Factor. Actual WCF value is displayed here.
Caution: Too high WCF will increase the risk for fouling of the membranes in the CWP.
5. Controller set: Entrance to the advanced setting level for the water saving function.
To enter this level, put the curser at -> and press ENTER, enter Technician code 3 and press
ENTER again.
Please refer to next page for more information.
6. Ret.techn.lev.2: To return to Technician info level 2, place curser at -> and press ENTER. Enter
Technician code 2 and press ENTER again.
Caution: The information on this page is intended for Gambro techicians. The set values should
not be changed before consulting Gambro.
1. Min flow V138 During periods of low pure water consumption, the min. flow regulation
reset system will maintain the reject flow to drain between the flow rates set at
this position.
2. Hysteresis WCF Variation of the actual value (±) from the WCF set value inside which no
adjustments of the position of the value is made.
Recommended set value: 1%
3. P-factor The pulse from the regulation system to open or close the motor valve is
proportional to the deviation from the WCF set value. This proportional-
ity factor determines the size of the pulse increase when the deviation
Recommended set value: 1
4. Pulse length The minimum duration of a pulse (with no compensation for deviation and
5. Pulse cycle The time between pulses when the system is in regulating mode.
Recommended set value: 10 seconds
6. Start pulse The motor valve closes when the CWP is stopped. At start of operation, an
extended pulse is issued to open the valve into operating range. The dura-
tion of this pulse is set here.
Recommended set value: 5 seconds
7. ->Ret. to WS-lev.2 To return to Water Saving Control level 2, place cursor at -> and press
Function diagrams
Operation ....................................................... 4
Disinfection of the loop .................................. 5
Disinfection of the WRO ................................ 6
Cleaning of the WRO ..................................... 7
Data sheets:
Flow transmitter FX1000 .............................. 9
Conductivity transmitter CX200 ................. 10
Conductivity transmitter CX2000 ............... 11
270 270 Residual 271 Test op.=press START
Wait ...uS Test water ...uS Test=press START
Accept = press STOP Accept=dial code....
Dial code 1
270 270 test 271
8 loop 11 WRO 14 tors 15 pause run circ. WRO
7 RC9701X (MAC)
Inlet water valve 1 Y6 18
-----DISINF. LOOP----
Disinfection of WRO Valid for prom versions RC9701VX(PLC) and RC9701X (MAC)
no output intake period WRO loop by
Inlet water valve 1 Y6 3 5
1 4 8
Object Pos. PLC Adding Contact / Wait Rinse Test Test Stand delivery
no output cleaner Circulation WRO loop by
Ext.operat.indication Y11
1 3 4 5
1. Time for adding cleaning solution to inlet tank. Setting range: 1 - 30 minutes.
2. Start of main pump is delayed at every start, preset at 10 seconds (delay time set under Tec. info 2 ).
3. Contact period. Setting range: 1 - 240 minutes.
4. The unit stops when contact period is completed. To continue, press DISINF WRO.
5. Rinse period. Setting range: 30 - 240 minutes.
6. Stops 10 seconds every 5 minutes.
7. Opening of valve 36 is delayed 5 minutes.
8. Closes 5 seconds every minute.
9. The alarm signal is activated by normal conditions, i.e. when no A-alarm is issued. 2000 10 01 / TW
10. This valve will stay open 2 minutes after stop.
11. Motor valve 138 is closed to drain for 10 seconds after each pump start.
PLC in - and outputs
(The numbers within parenthesis refer to the flow diagram in the Operator´s and Service manual)
Input Function
Output Function
WRO Chem, view from right ................................... 2
WRO Chem, front view ............................................ 3
Spare parts list ......................................................... 4
Proportioning pump ................................................. 5
RO-module ............................................................... 6
8 25
14 23,24,25
13 7
10 5
1 14
3 28
16 32
3 4 5 4 3
6 7
Inlet water: 100 - 1000 µS/cm (±15%)
Potable water should be used. Additional
Pure water: 2 – 200 µS/cm (±15% or
pretreatment is normally necessary. Membrane and
±1,5 µS/cm if < 10 µS/cm)
machine life expectancy depends on inlet water
quality. It is recommended not to operate the CWP
outside the following limits:
Drain Requirements
The information herein imay be subject to change without
Required capacity in l/min:
further notice
Model D x W x H (mm)
111 - 113 : 670** x 700 x 2010
114 : 670** x 890 x 2010
500 mm space is required on both sides of the unit
Model 111 112 113 114
Unit (kg): 210 220 230 270
Unit + packing (kg): 340 350 360 420
Operation (kg): 225 240 255 300
Logging Interface
RS 232, 9 pin male
According to EIA 232 C
Max input Voltage: ± 15 VDC
High Level min output: + 5 VDC
Low level min output: - 5 VDC
Max Current: ± 5 mA